Astra Planeta Team

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Astra Planeta Team ––––– Final Report International Space University Masters of Space Studies 2015 March 20, 2015 International Space University, MSS 2015 i The Astra Planeta worldship is depicted on the front cover with the team logo that is pointing the way to the interstellar beyond. Front Cover Credit: Fergus Russell-Conway and Abigail Sherriff Logo Credit: Abigail Sherriff The MSS 2015 Program of the International Space University was held at the ISU Central Campus in Illkirch-Graffenstaden, France. While all care has been taken in the preparation of this report, the International Space University (ISU) does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of its content. Electronic copies of the Final Report and Executive Summary can be downloaded from the ISU web site at Printed copies of the Executive Summary may be requested, while supplies last, from: International Space University Strasbourg Central Campus Attention: Publications/Library Parc d’Innovation 1 rue Jean-Dominique Cassini 67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden France Tel. +33 (0)3 88 65 54 32 Fax. +33 (0)3 88 65 54 47 e-mail. [email protected] ii International Space University, MSS 2015 Astra Planeta Acknowledgements ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This team project was made possible through the generous support of the following organizations: The Astra Planeta team would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following members of the International Space University faculty and staff for their guidance and support: Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch Philippe Achilleas Jean-Jaques Favier Jim Dator Hugh Hill Junjiro Nakahara Joshua Nelson Barnaby Osborne Walter Peeters Muriel Riester Danijela Stupar Nikolai Tolyarenko Vasilis Zervos This project would not have been possible without the generous support of time and effort from many members of the I4IS team. Rachel Armstrong, I4IS, UK Andreas Hein, I4IS, UK Kelvin Long, I4IS, Germany Rob Swinney, I4IS, UK Astra Planeta would also like to thank the following people: Steve Brody, ISU-VP, USA Michel Lamontagne, Icarus Interstellar, USA Les Johnson, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA Gary Martin, NASA Ames Research Center, USA Mark Hopkins, National Space Society, USA Robert Kennedy, The Tennessee Valley Interstellar Workshop, USA Cassidy Cobbs, The Tennessee Valley Interstellar Workshop, USA Robert Thirsk, CIHR, formerly CSA, Canada Lawrence Winkler, MD, Canada Jacques Arnould, CNES, France Guy Pignolet, Reunion Island Space Initiative, France International Space University, MSS 2015 iii Astra Planeta Authors AUTHORS Kyle Acierno Olivier Leblanc James Bevington Yang Liu Shambo Bhattacharjee Hameed Manoharan Chaitra Hamza Ragala Guang Chen Brian Ramos Daphne De Jong Jean-François Rococo Lei Geng Fergus Russell-Conway Avishek Ghosh Mansoor Shar Karan Gujarati Abigail Sherriff Micah Klettke Anderson Wilder Florin-Cristian Lazar Peng Zuo iv International Space University, MSS 2015 Astra Planeta Abstract ABSTRACT If human beings are to expand their existence beyond the Solar System, a spacecraft must be built to navigate through interstellar space. In order to address the complex array of issues involved in such a feat, an interdisciplinary, intercultural, and international (3i) approach is necessary. A team of graduate students at the International Space University came together throughout 2014-2015 to tackle this issue. The resulting report outlines the framework and provides a roadmap to achieve interstellar travel in the near future with an approach that is technologically feasible, financially astute, and culturally desirable. This paper addresses interstellar travel using a slower-than-light, self-sustaining worldship to carry humans over many generations to other star systems and, in particular, the preparations needed to launch such a ship in a nominal 100 year timeframe. Current or near-current technologies are leveraged in new and creative ways and where technologies do not exist, a critical path to development has been identified. Drawing on information from past studies of interstellar missions, a preferred concept for a worldship is identified. This allows key technologies to be selected and considers the feasibility of their advancement in time for a launch in the next century. Strategies are outlined for the necessary development and follow a logical progression of enabling missions and projects. The interdisciplinary, intercultural, and international approach taken considers both the technological and societal challenges leading up to the launch of a worldship, as well as the challenges associated with operating a worldship over hundreds to thousands of years. Preliminary mission plans take into account the conditions for enabling the construction of a worldship including political considerations, cultural changes, financing, and international collaboration in the form of an Interstellar City. Other major topics include on board infrastructure such as living spaces, biomes, transportation systems, a life support system, and the required medical and scientific facilities. Operational concepts are also examined, such as shielding from radiation and collisions, on board manufacturing and recycling, redundancy in systems, and research and development. The paper also considers necessary ship subsystems including power, propulsion, communication, and navigation systems. Finally, issues concerning the society and ethics on board are examined, with topics relating to life on the worldship, governance and education models, and worldship economy and culture. The methods and timeline required to complete this research are then incorporated into a roadmap. This roadmap addresses issues leading up to the launch of the worldship. Future research needs are identified for both technical and non-technical challenges. The end result is an interdisciplinary roadmap for the launch of a slower-than light, multi-generational worldship for interstellar travel. International Space University, MSS 2015 v Astra Planeta Faculty Preface FACULTY PREFACE Between September 2014 and the end of August 2015, the International Space University (ISU) MSc in Space Studies brought together graduate students and space professionals from all over the world to form the ISU MSS15 class. This class was immersed in an intensive year-long program featuring an interdisciplinary, intercultural, and international (3i) space curriculum. As well as lectures, workshops, professional visits, an individual project and an internship, the MSS15 students also had to undertake a team project. Lasting six months, the team project is a key component of the ISU MSS program and aims: To provide students with experience in interdisciplinary, intercultural and international (3i) teamwork. To develop in students the relevant skills (e.g., research, problem-solving, design, communication, organizational and project management) required to perform a significant 3i project in a 3i team environment. To allow students to engage with and apply principles learned elsewhere in the course and apply them in a 3i context. During MSS15, two different team projects were carried out. This report contains the findings of one of them, which was focused on the possibility of human interstellar travel by a multigenerational slower-than-light worldship and the development of an interdisciplinary roadmap to enable the launch of such a craft within a nominal one hundred year timeframe. Executed by a team of twenty-two students from eleven countries, Astra Planeta evaluated the current level of understanding of interstellar flight with specific reference to worldships, identified disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge gaps in the field and defined potential technical and non-technical solutions for closing them. These were then integrated into the overall roadmap leading to a future worldship launch. Throughout the project, the Astra Planeta team demonstrated high-levels of professionalism, discipline, and maturity. On behalf of the whole ISU faculty and staff, we would like to thank the team members for their dedication and hard work and are pleased to commend both them and the Astra Planeta report to you. Professor Chris Welch vi International Space University, MSS 2015 Astra Planeta Team Preface TEAM PREFACE "We will not find anywhere as nice as Earth unless we go to another star system, Life on Earth is at the ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster, such as sudden global nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers we have not yet thought of." - Stephen Hawking, 2006 Four decades have passed since humans have ventured past low Earth orbit and landed on the Moon. Although we were able to go from a non-space faring species to landing a person on the Moon in under 15 years, space project momentum and funding have not reflected the dreams inspired by the Apollo era. Despite this fact, there are many experts and organizations around the world devoted to making human spaceflight outside of our Solar System possible. Interstellar space travel inspires individuals to reimagine their world, become space industry advocates, and encourages sustainable, long-term ways of thinking very much needed in current society. Making interstellar travel a reality will completely reshape our species and its place and presence in the universe. Team Astra Planeta is a group who believes in interstellar travel. Consisting of graduate students varying in age, experience, professional backgrounds, and nationalities, Astra Planeta has come together to expand knowledge and contribute
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