•••••••••••••••• • CRACKING••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••THE••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••BRAIN’S•••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••CODE•• •••••••••••••••• OUR FUTURE ON THE NEURO-FRONTIER •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• We, the leaders of the brain research community in , are proud to share our passion and ambition with Australians. Every day, we are reminded of the privilege of doing science in an era of such astounding possibility. We work closely with patients and their families. We share their stories. We understand the stakes. We collaborate with colleagues across the world tackling fundamental questions in bold and ingenious ways. We welcome young researchers into our field, the best and brightest of this generation, all of them seeing in brain research their best opportunity to do great things. All of these experiences inform our vision of Australia as a nation on the neuro-frontier: conquering disease, building jobs, and helping to shape the science that shapes the world. We invite you to join us on the neuro-frontier, in our mission to Crack the Brain’s Code.

Professor Linda Richards FAA FAHMS Cracking The Brain's Code – Our Future on the Neuro-frontier THE GREAT MISSION OF OUR TIME

The science of the brain will define the twenty-first century. The human brain is a complex system: the most sophisticated machine that science has yet encountered. For thousands of years, its workings have been locked in obscurity. Today, we are discovering just how much we have still to learn. In the meantime, we live with the costs of conditions we struggle to treat. Survival rates for brain cancer have not improved in the last three decades. Dementia can be detected, not prevented or cured. Progress against mental illness remains frustratingly slow. And we still don’t understand the basic principles of how the brain encodes, stores and retrieves information. It is a measure of the scale of the challenge – not the need or commitment in the community.


Decades of patient investment in basic science and breakthrough technologies have pulled the answers to fundamental questions within reach. People across the globe – governments, industry and communities – are assembling the critical mass to transform the way that we research. Brain science is becoming Big Science: pursuing ambitious missions with the focus and commitment that sent humans to the Moon.




000, in a matter of days. We have more than more have 000, in a matter of days. We 000 genetic tests for human conditions. Tumours human conditions. Tumours 000 genetic tests for The Human Genome Project showed us what might be us what might showed Project The Human Genome were sciences challenges in the life possible if fundamental Scientists set out in 1990 with tackled as global missions. it impossible: a goal so ambitious that many considered in the human genetic to map all 3.3 billion base pairs was achieved. assembly kit. By 2003, the impossible behind. surged and innovation of discovery A wave than human genome sequence cost more The first it can be done for $US2.7 billion to complete. Today, $US1 2 treatments. can be sequenced to identify the best entering the are gene therapies commercial The first learning to match our medicines to our are We market. time. every time, genes – right drug, right dose, first United the Genome Project, by the Human Inspired Union began to define the States and the European the brain’s agenda: blockbuster missions to crack new similarly code. Other nations, notably China, announced and Corporations research. bold commitments to brain and providers with healthcare joined philanthropists the returns. the ambition and spread patients to raise

Until now. without those tools, we couldn’t crack the code. couldn’t crack without those tools, we the brain as a living, changing, complex machine. And as a living, changing, complex machine. the brain But we still lacked the tools to join the pieces: to study still lacked But we its outcome – human cognition and behaviour. connections, and some looking at the system through system through connections, and some looking at the of the cells, some looking at the way we form form we of the cells, some looking at the way different levels: some looking at the structures some looking at the structures levels: different developed technologies to examine the brain at technologies to examine the brain developed Brilliant scientists, amongst them 40 Nobel Laureates, Nobel Laureates, Brilliant scientists, amongst them 40 responsible for Epilepsy and Huntington’s disease. Epilepsy and Huntington’s for responsible Cochlear implant and the identification of the genes Cochlear implant and the identification including the first psychiatric drugs, the ground-breaking drugs, the ground-breaking psychiatric including the first In our lifetimes, we have seen significant advances, have we In our lifetimes, challenge simply wasn’t possible before. uncovered in recent decades. Tackling the decades. Tackling in recent uncovered Much of what we know about the brain was about the brain know Much of what we genes, our experiences and our environment. formed. Every brain is unique: a product of our is unique: a product brain Every formed. thousand trillion synapses – or connections – are – or connections – are thousand trillion synapses 100 billion neurons. By the age of three, some By the age of three, 100 billion neurons. At birth, the human brain contains approximately approximately contains human brain birth, the At

BRAINSTORM THE GLOBAL GLOBAL THE 2 -frontier the Neuro uture on – Our F 's Code he Brain king T Crac 3 GROWTH RATE GROWTH 4% ANNUAL PUBLICATION CANADA CAD $240m six years over 1.79 MILLION PUBLICATIONS 1.79 million articles published in 2009–2013 were considered to fall to fall considered 1.79 million articles published in 2009–2013 were an representing research, and neuroscience of brain within the area the world’s of 4%, totalling 16% of rate annual growth approximate period. output during this research KOREA Research: Brain Korea USD $130m per year RESEARCH & PUBLICATIONS EUROPEAN UNION Project: Human Brain EUR €1.2 Billion 2013–2022 PER YEAR FOR 10 YEARS €120M

-frontier the Neuro uture on – Our F 's Code he Brain king T Crac

WITH A NATIONAL COMMITMENT, AUSTRALIA CAN COMMITMENT, WITH A NATIONAL THE FRONTIER OF BRAIN SCIENCE. THRIVE AT We showed we have the know-how and the skills with the Cochlear implant, and we’ve and we’ve and the skills with the Cochlear implant, the know-how have we showed We collaboration. got the right people for AUSTRALIA China Brain Project: China Brain 15 years CNY ¥1tn over CHINA Facebook revealed it has a team of revealed Facebook on a working 60 engineers that will interface brain-computer mind, type with just your let you implants. without invasive

TECHNOLOGY FORWARD. TECHNOLOGY BRAIN RESEARCH IS DRIVING DRIVING RESEARCH IS BRAIN INVESTMENTS GLOBAL BRAIN BRAIN GLOBAL Neuralink founded by Elon Musk in founded Neuralink an implantable 2016 is developing and will interface brain-computer sell up to 100 million USD in to fund it. shares

JAPAN Brain/MINDS: JPY ¥3bn in 2014 JPY ¥4bn in 2015

$375M PER YEAR FOR 12 YEARS GLOBAL BRAIN INVESTMENTS UNITED STATES Initiative: Brain USD $4.5 Billion 2014–2023 PRIVATE INVESTMENTS PRIVATE Countries across the globe are realising the potential of brain of brain the potential realising the globe are Countries across and advanced technologies that new to generate research of disease. the treatment beyond well applications have

IMAGE CREDIT: GREG DUNN Cracking The Brain's Code – Our Future on the Neuro-frontier THE QUEST TO CURE

The race to crack the code MENTAL ILLNESSES ARE ABOUT 1.2 MILLION PEOPLE is fired by the urgency THE THIRD LEADING IN AUSTRALIA ARE INVOLVED of families in pain. CAUSE OF DISABILITY IN THE CARE OF SOMEONE BURDEN IN AUSTRALIA. WITH DEMENTIA. In all nations, the toll of brain disease, disorders and injury is high. Conditions intimately linked to the brain are prevalent, and many remain intractable. 60 55 5 32 PEOPLE ARE IN AUSTRALIA 50 10 They are also particularly cruel. DIAGNOSED WITH SOMEONE SUFFERS 45 15 PARKINSON’S DISEASE FROM A STROKE From the jarring impact of stroke, to the EVERY DAY. 40 20 EVERY NINE MINUTES.

35 25 “longest goodbye” of dementia, every 30 Australian family carries the scars.

Australians have rallied in recent years HUNTINGTON’S DISEASE to support the many members of our community affected by deadly and AROUND 1 IN 100 CAUSES SWELLING OF THE disabling conditions, moved by their PEOPLE ARE AFFECTED VENTRICLES AND ATROPHY conviction that science will find a way. BY SCHIZOPHRENIA. OF CEREBRAL NERVE TISSUE.

Brain research is answering the call.


4 THE QUEST TO CURE Cracking The Brain's Code – Our Future on the Neuro-frontier THE QUEST TO CREATE

Brain research is a powerhouse Some technologies developed for A STENTRODE IS A DEVICE of twenty-first century science. research are translated into devices used SMALLER THAN A MATCHSTICK, for treating and diagnosing patients. THAT COULD ALLOW Like the Space Race before it, the The Australian Cochlear implant is the PARAPLEGICS TO WALK. modern Brain Race brings together most famous example of a commercial teams of scientists and technologists neuro-technology, or brain-linked with expertise in many fields. device – and having manufactured 767,781 implants to date, it remains Leading scholars in the life sciences work amongst the most successful. 767,781 COCHLEAR hand-in-hand with pioneers in high- IMPLANTS HAVE BEEN performance computing, data and analytics, But brain technologies have MANUFACTURED TO DATE. advanced chemistry, nanotechnology, applications well beyond photonics and precision medicine. the treatment of disease.

This concentration of talent The next frontier in high performance computing and artificial intelligence is Neurosynaptic IBM TRUENORTH CHIP and capital generates a System neuromorphic: learning from the human COMBINES MILLIONS OF stream of technologies with 4 14 brain, and reverse engineering the complex DIGITAL TRANSISTORS TO commercial potential. structures that allow us to process, CREATE ARTIFICIAL ‘NEURONS’. store, reason, and recall information.


$US 15.1B $US 504B $15.1 BILLION $504 BILLION

US$ 12.6bn US $419bn

US$ 10.4bn US $346bn

US$ 8.5bn US $283bn

US$ 6.8bn US $228bn

US$ 5.6bn US $188bn US $4.8bn US $159bn


1 Projections and economic modelling undertaken by the Australian Academy of Science, based on information and projections in NeuroInsights (2016) “The Neurotechnology Industry 2016-17 Report”, NeuroInsights, San Francisco, United States of America.

THE QUEST TO CREATE 5 Cracking The Brain's Code – Our Future on the Neuro-frontier HEADS UP DOWN UNDER

The Australian Brain Alliance was formed in 2016 with a defining mission:


It builds on a long record of excellence • Our universities and medical research institutes can in research and innovation. cluster research expertise with industry partners, in close proximity to patients, through “brain Iconic achievements such as the Cochlear implant hubs” such as Melbourne’s Parkville Precinct. demonstrate what our community can achieve, with public support and strategic investment. • Robust regulatory frameworks ensure that patients can have confidence in Australian- • Our diverse population, coupled with our gold- made discoveries and devices. standard hospital infrastructure, makes Australia an attractive destination for clinical trials. • Australian institutions are highly regarded as innovation partners, with a project network linking Australians • Australia’s advanced research infrastructure includes into global knowledge and industry supply chains. assets of the calibre of the National Imaging Facility: one Current collaborations include relationships with global of only a handful of research platforms able to integrate pharmaceutical companies, the US defence technology insights from research-grade magnetic resonance and research agency DARPA; and prominent research imaging (MRI) tools with data from the tens of thousands institutes in the US, EU, China, Korea and Japan. of clinical MRIs performed as part of mainstream care.

6 HEADS UP DOWN UNDER Cracking The Brain's Code – Our Future on the Neuro-frontier BRINGING IT HOME


The coming decade will see significant advances More than any other organ, our brains define our concept in the diagnosis and treatment of brain disease of ourselves as individuals with the ability to reason, to and disability. With a national commitment, we can feel, to dream and to decide. Brain research will open transform the lives of many thousands of Australians. possibilities that will challenge us, as individuals and as a community, to reflect on what it means to be a human, An Australian Brain Initiative will: living well. How should we incorporate brain science responsibly into education and law? How can patients • Maximise Australia’s contribution to global progress and their families be guided to well-informed choices? by strategic investment in areas where our What rights and responsibilities do we have as consumers research strengths and capabilities are unique. of brain-linked devices? With a national commitment, we can model responsible progress to the world. • Open access to promising breakthrough therapies for Australians, in Australia, by boosting our reputation An Australian Brain Initiative will: as destination of choice for clinical trials. • Promote informed and respectful discussion • Develop the technology expertise to support the of new therapies and technologies. roll-out of new therapies into mainstream care. • Help Australians to access credible and up-to-date information.

• Represent Australian values and perspectives in the global forums promoting ethical research and technology development.


The economic opportunities of the future will be powered Brain research is the epicentre of modern science. by the study of the brain – from brain-linked devices Its methods and discoveries are transforming the like the Bionic Eye, to brain-inspired technologies like way that all science is practised, and its projects are artificial intelligence. With a national commitment, we highly attractive to the researchers Australia needs: can maximise the opportunities for Australian firms. talented, ambitious, and driven. With a national commitment, we can thrive at the frontier of science. An Australian Brain Initiative will: An Australian Brain Initiative will: • Put Australian researchers and companies in the opportunity zone for first-to-market technologies, • Foster the next generation of brain research leaders. through access to global projects and platforms. • Attract early-career researchers to Australia • Develop strong relationships between researchers, to progress and commercialise their work. industry, healthcare providers and consumers in Australia. • Position Australia at the forefront of high- • Provide pathways for researchers seeking to growth, high-competition fields, including artificial commercialise their discoveries and tools. intelligence and high-performance computing.

BRINGING IT HOME 7 Cracking The Brain's Code – Our Future on the Neuro-frontier CASE STUDIES IN SUCCESS


The adult human brain weighs Every 9 minutes, someone in Imagine a device no bigger less than a laptop and runs on Australia suffers a stroke. than a matchstick that allows less energy than a light bulb. a paralysed person to walk – In the majority of cases, strokes are caused just by thinking about it. Supercomputers take up hundreds of by blood clots that block the supply of square metres of floor space and require oxygen and nutrients to the brain. The That’s the promise of the bionic spinal cord, enough energy to power small towns. impacts can be contained if clot-busting or Stentrode, a technology developed by The human brain is still capable of feats drugs are given to the patient within a 4.5 Australian researchers in collaboration with of cognition, memory and learning that hour window. But not all strokes are caused clinicians at major Australian hospitals. supercomputers struggle to match. by clots: some result from ruptured arteries, requiring a very different response. Rapid The tiny device is implanted into a blood Brains are massively parallel: they process identification of the blockage can be the vessel next to the motor cortex, the region and store many pieces of information difference between death or permanent of the brain that generates the neural simultaneously. Artificial intelligence disability, and recovery. In rural and impulses for voluntary movement. From developers already draw on neuromorphic remote Australia, stroke patients are 20 there, it picks up the signals from the or brain-inspired programs called per cent more likely to die due to delayed brain and codes them into a computer, simulated neural networks, for tasks such diagnosis than patients in the cities.4 which prompts an exoskeleton attached as image classification and language to the patient’s arms or legs to move. learning. Now hardware developers are Australian researchers are developing drawing on what we know about the portable and cost-effective new tools for The same technology could be developed behaviour of biological neurons to make fast and reliable diagnosis. StrokeFinder, in the future to benefit people with the next-generation computer chips. developed by the Hunter Medical Research other neurological conditions, including Institute in partnership with Medfield strategies to detect and modulate epileptic IBM’s “TrueNorth” chip, for example, Diagnosis Sweden, uses advanced seizures, and suppress the tremors combines millions of digital transistors microwave technology to pinpoint the associated with Parkinson’s Disease. to create 1 million artificial “neurons”, interrupted blood flow – in the ambulance which communicate through 256 million or the emergency department. The Australian bionic spine was developed 1 artificial synapses. It’s the size of a through the support of the National postage stamp, with the brain power of And Australian researchers are supporting Health and Medical Research Council, a bumble bee, and is now being built into stroke patients in recovery, using with additional funding provided by consumer devices – such as television a combination of brain stimulation sets that users can control by gestures. and drug treatments to target the the technology development wing abnormal activity in a specific type of of the US Armed Forces, DARPA. Intel has demonstrated another cell (known as astrocytes) that can neuromorphic chip, the Loihi, able to learn occur after a brain trauma event. to recognise objects in webcam pictures for about a thousandth of the power a conventional processor would require.2

The next horizon is medical sensors, autonomous vehicle systems, satellites – and, combined with brain-machine interfaces, thought- controlled prosthetic limbs.3 IMAGE CREDIT: GREG DUNN 1 https://news.yale.edu/2017/11/28/new-research-creates-computer-chip-emulates-human-cognition 2 https://www.technologyreview.com/s/609909/intels-new-chips-are-more-brain-like-than-ever/ 3 http://medicalphysicsweb.org/cws/article/opinion/66499 4 https://www.uq.edu.au/news/article/2018/01/portable-3d-brain-scanner-set-save-lives

8 CASE STUDIES IN SUCCESS Cracking The Brain's Code – Our Future on the Neuro-frontier


Brain surgery is complex and delicate. Today one in five Australians lives with chronic pain, and one in three Procedures are meticulously planned Australians over the age of 65. to minimise the damage to regions of the brain that allow us to see, The drugs available to treat it – speak and walk. In some instances, aspirin, ibuprofen and opioids – vary patients will remain awake during an in efficacy from patient to patient, operation to so they can talk and move often with negative side effects. their limbs to indicate function. Australian brain imaging research is helping These procedures cannot be scientists to map the pain centre regions of performed on children, and can the brain – knowledge now being combined be highly traumatic for adults. with cognitive therapy approaches to help patients manage their pain. Australia is recognised as a global leader in tractography, a technique that gives Other Australian advances include brain surgeons an accurate and detailed map stimulation devices. The Evoke Spinal for safe and effective operations. It Cord Stimulator, developed by Saluda combines magnetic resonance imaging Medical, is a precision medical device (MRI) with sophisticated computer that records and monitors nerve activity, technology to identify the brain nerve and automatically provides a therapeutic fibre tracts that need to be protected to dose of brain stimulation in real time. preserve vision, speech and movement. It is the world’s first closed-loop spinal cord “pacemaker”, housed within the Today, Australian open-source software patient’s body and not reliant on input is helping to improve surgical outcomes from an external computer. Early clinical for children with epilepsy and brain trials suggest it could offer a drug-free tumours at the Royal Children’s Hospital in solution to millions of people worldwide Melbourne. The neurosurgery of the future living with debilitating chronic pain. will be even safer and more effective. IMAGE CREDIT: GREG DUNN

CASE STUDIES IN SUCCESS 9 Cracking The Brain's Code – Our Future on the Neuro-frontier MEET THE BRAINS BEHIND AUSTRALIA

Australian Academy of Science Deakin University The Academy works with its 520 Fellows and with Deakin University offers a personalised experience, partners in government, industry, media and the enhanced by innovative digital engagement. Deakin community sector to provide independent and leads by creating opportunities to live and work in a authoritative scientific advice, to build awareness and connected, evolving world. The university is ranked 5 an understanding of science, to promote international stars for world-class facilities, research and teaching, scientific engagement, and to champion, celebrate as well as employability, innovation and inclusiveness. and support excellence in Australian science.

The University of Australian Psychological Society UWA is one of Australia’s leading universities and Representing over 23,000 members, the APS is the has an international reputation for excellence peak body for psychologists in Australia. The APS in teaching, learning and research. advocates for the profession of psychology, supporting high standards, promoting community wellbeing, and providing benefits to support members. Western University The Western Sydney University is building on its reputation for resilience and flexibility to cement a Australasian Neuroscience Society The Australasian Neuroscience Society is the academic student-centred and research-led culture at its core. society for scientists and physicians who study the brain and nervous system, and are actively involved in RMIT University research and teaching. RMIT University enjoys an international reputation for excellence in professional and vocational Brain Institute, education, applied research, and engagement The University of Queensland with the needs of industry and the community. Home to more than 450 scientists and 42 laboratory leaders, QBI researchers have a world leading reputation for making important Macquarie University advances in fundamental neuroscience Macquarie University aims to be distinctive, and in diseases such as ageing dementia, progressive, and transformational in its research into schizophrenia and motor neurone disease. infant and child development, social and emotional functioning in old age, and understanding how human beings feel, learn, think and behave. University of UNSW Brain Sciences is comprised of researchers from the basic neurosciences, psychiatry, psychology, Swinburne University drug and alcohol, neurology, neurosurgery, Swinburne’s desire to innovate and bring about biomedical engineering and mathematics. UNSW positive change motivates its belief that the ability Brain Sciences aims to facilitate cross-disciplinary to understand, predict and explain human behaviour research to enhance understanding of normal is integral to improving lives in today’s society. and abnormal brain functioning, as manifest in mental illness and neurological disorders. Flinders University For over 50 years, Flinders has been a centre of The John Curtin School of Medical Research, inspiring achievement, boasting pioneer multidisciplinary Australian National University research into understanding the brain, spinal cord and The John Curtin School of Medical Research excels peripheral nervous system in health and disease. in ground-breaking, multidisciplinary translational medical research in fields including neuroscience, immunology, genomics, mental health, infectious James Cook University diseases, obesity and metabolic disorders. James Cook University aims to bring together researchers in biology and medicine, as well as The University of Newcastle clinicians and health workers from across the northern Built on the principles of equity, excellence region, whose research has implications for the and engagement, the University of Newcastle prevention, detection or treatment of diseases. has a reputation as a world-class institution making an impact within its own region,

throughout Australia and across the globe. Centre for Integrative Brain Function CIBF seeks to better understand how the brain interacts with the world by focusing on the brain’s University of Technology Sydney intricate structure and functions that underlie attention, UTS has a bold vision to be a world-leading university prediction and decision-making. To achieve this goal, of technology. UTS is known for its industry focus, CIBF facilitates collaborations amongst Australia’s practice-based teaching and learning and real leading brain researchers in the fields of brain anatomy world research. UTS prepares its students to and physiology, neuronal networks, neural circuits, brain become global thinkers, leaders and innovators. systems, human behaviour and neurotechnologies.

10 MEET THE BRAINS BEHIND AUSTRALIA Cracking The Brain's Code – Our Future on the Neuro-frontier

Melbourne Neuroscience Institute, The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health The University of Melbourne The Florey is the largest brain research group in the The MNI draws on the astounding breadth of Southern Hemisphere, working on a range of serious neuroscience research activity at the University diseases including stroke, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s of Melbourne and is the principal body for the disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, promotion of cross-disciplinary research in the Huntington’s disease, motor neurone disease, neurosciences at the University of Melbourne. traumatic brain and spinal cord injury, depression, schizophrenia, mental illness and addiction. The Florey is a world leader in imaging technology, Monash Institute of Clinical and Cognitive stroke rehabilitation and epidemiological studies. Neurosciences, Monash University Built on specialist expertise in characterising human behaviour, genetics and neurobiology, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research MICCN makes use of Monash University’s state- One of Australia’s leading adult medical research of-the-art research platforms in imaging science, centres, Harry Perkins Institute researchers computational biology, genetics and clinical collaborate to defeat major neurogenetic diseases delivery to develop integrated models of human impacting Australia, such as Huntington’s and MS. disease that cover traumatic brain injury, post- traumatic stress disorder, neurodegeneration, mental health and neurodevelopmental disorders. Hunter Medical Research Institute A world-class institute with 1500 medical researchers spanning basic neuroscience, psychology, clinical Murdoch Children’s Research Institute mental health, neurology and allied health, Hunter MCRI is the largest child health research institute in researchers work to understand the intricate Australia and one of the top five worldwide, dedicated mechanisms underpinning human cognition, brain and to making discoveries that prevent and treat childhood nervous system disorders, mental health and wellbeing. conditions. Many MCRI researchers are also clinicians at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne allowing for the quick transformation of research discovery Perron Institute into practical treatments for children in hospital. The Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science, Western Australia’s longest established medical research institute, undertakes cutting edge research on stroke, Parkinson’s, muscular dystrophy NeuRA and multiple sclerosis. This multidisciplinary approach A leader in brain and nervous system research, enables Perron to translate research outcomes into NeuRA’s goal is to prevent, treat and cure brain and treatments aimed at providing a better quality of life nervous system diseases, including degenerative brain for millions with devastating neurological conditions. diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, neurological disorders including obstructive sleep apnoea, nerve damage and chronic pain, and The Psychology Foundation of Australia rehabilitation after stroke and spinal cord injury. The Psychology Foundation of Australia is a grouping of research-oriented schools of Psychology formed to defend rigorous academic and scientific standards in the teaching, research QIMR Berghofer Medical Research institute and training in the discipline of Psychology and QIMR Berghofer is focused on improving its professional practice within Australia. health by developing new diagnostics, better treatments and prevention strategies, specifically in the areas of cancer, infectious diseases, Saluda Medical mental health and complex disorders. Established in 2013 with the goal of commercialising four years of research from NICTA, Australia’s information communications technology centre Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society of excellence, Saluda’s world-class engineers, An academic society focused on the scientific clinicians and seasoned professionals bring study of the biological or brain foundations of breakthrough medical technologies to life. mental processes and behaviour, ACNS represents members in psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, psychiatry, neurology, linguistics, computer Bionic Vision Technologies science, and philosophy, all with an interest in the Bionic Vision Technologies is a national consortium relationships between the brain, mind, and behaviour. of researchers working together to develop bionic eye devices. The aim of this technology is to restore the sense of vision to people with Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute, vision impairment due to retinitis pigmentosa Monash University and age-related macular degeneration. One of the largest regenerative medicine and stem cell research hubs in the world, the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute is dedicated to EMOTIV unlocking the regenerative capabilities of the EMOTIV is a bioinformatics company advancing human body and exploring the development and understanding of the human brain using maturation of the visual brain, determining which electroencephalography (EEG). EMOTIV’s mission brain areas enable residual vision following significant is to empower individuals to understand their own brain injury, and understanding the cellular and brain and accelerate brain research globally. systemic effects that occur following stroke.

IBM Research Australia Brain and Mind Centre, One of IBM’s 12 global research labs, IBM Research Australia combines both research and The University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre development, working closely with clients and takes a patient-centred approach to understanding pursuing research that focuses on conceiving, and treating conditions of the brain and mind, designing and building next-generation systems that bringing people together to integrate clinical practice will transform health and life sciences, analytics, and research to pioneer new systems of care. resource management, and financial services.

MEET THE BRAINS BEHIND AUSTRALIA 11 Cracking The Brain's Code – Our Future on the Neuro-frontier FROM OUR BRAIN CHAMPIONS

INGRID SCHEFFER AO FAHMS FAA SAM BERKOVIC AC FAHMS FAA DEBRA LANE Paediatric Neurologist, Austin Health Director, Epilepsy Research Centre Patient Advocate, Western Australia Prime Minister’s Prize for Clinical Neurologist Science Award recipient Prime Minister’s Prize for In November 2015 I was Science Award recipient diagnosed with a brain tumour. It’s my patients that need an Australian Brain Initiative. Australian science punches My son has schizophrenia, my dad above its weight, particularly has Inclusion-Body Myositis (IBM), To solve the holy grail of brain disease in the area of brain science. and my father-in-law (now deceased) – how can we stop severe diseases had Motor Neurone Disease (MND). of the brain before they even start? Australia has the greatest potential – we have the technology, we have These are all neurological To answer that question, the ideas – we have a demonstrable conditions of the brain. we need science. track record in the cochlear implant; we have the right people and the Research into better understanding Basic science and basic research right tools for collaboration. the brain will help create treatments into better understanding the for people like me, my son, dad and brain - that is the way forward. An Australian Brain Initiative father-in-law, who are living with would co-ordinate our efforts devastating diseases like this. The only way we’re going to make a even further, and supercharge difference in treating terrible diseases them. It would take Australian It’s why I signed up as of the brain – from Epilepsy to brain science to the next level. a brain champion. Parkinson’s, Stroke to Motor Neurone Disease is through more basic scientific With a national commitment, Australia It’s why we need to crack research into cracking the brain’s code. can thrive at the neuro-frontier. the brain’s code.

12 FROM OUR BRAIN CHAMPIONS Cracking The Brain's Code – Our Future on the Neuro-frontier



FROM OUR BRAIN CHAMPIONS 13 •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••