The together with Sri Lanka is treated as one o f the 34 Biodiversity Hotspots occurring in the world (Synge, 2005). The Western Ghats, also called as the Sahyadri Hills, is well known for its rich and unique assemblage o f flora and fauna. The high levels o f topographic and climatic heterogeneity in the Western Ghats are responsible for diverse vegetation types and distinct fauna in the region. Western Ghats runs from Tapti River in towards north and extends up to Kanyakumari in South. It exhibits incredible habitat diversity, which is the reason o f tremendous species diversity in the region. Geographically Western Ghats can be divided in two broad regions viz. Northern Western Ghats and Southern Western Ghats. A stretch o f about 700 km, between Tapti in north running through and up to River Kali in towards south, is generally treated as Northern Western Ghats. , i.e. a strip neighboring , is many times treated under Northern Western Ghats province. As far as Western Ghats o f Maharashtra is concerned, it runs through districts like , Nashik, Alimednagar, Pune, Satara, Sangli, Kolhapur o f Ghat section and , Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg of Kokan region. This region includes several unique ecosystems and harbors a large number o f tlireatened and endemic species. There are many protected area like National Parks and Sanctuaries spread across the entire length o f Northern Western Ghats. The area also includes rich cultural heritage sites like Sacred Groves. The northern sector of Western Ghats is lower in average altitude as compared to southern section. The dry period is more in northern part which is responsible for extreme environmental conditions, resulting in more herb and shrub diversity and endemism as compared to southern region’s arboreal dominance. In , the studies on threatened plants actually started in 1980 when BSI published a small booklet entitled Threatened plants o f India. A state- o f - the art report. The afterwards in 1980-85 there was an introduction o f a programme called project on study, survey and conservation o f endangered species o f flora (POSSCEF) in BSI. In this programme data on about 1000 threatened plants were gathered thus studies on endemic and threatened plants were started. Subsequently a book The Indian Red data book - I

39 (ed. Jain and Sastry 1984) was published by BSI with 125 data sheets o f flowering plants. Further study was increased by involving more institutes and researchers and a comprehensive publication o f 3 volumes o f Red Data Book o f Indian Plants (ed. Nayar and Sastry, 1987- 90) was published. Link wise endemic plants o f the Indian Region (by Ahmedullah and Nayar 1987) was published by BSI Further, lUCN (in 1994) changed the criteria on categorizing threatened plants. Dr. N.P. Singh took a project on studies on endemic and threatened flowering plants o f Maharashtra and published the account on it (Mishra and Singh, 2001). It inspired other workers and researchers and carried out further study and published their work time to time (Tetali, S.R. Yadav, Punekar, etc.)

Threatened plants of Pune District U \ l S L k ^ Botanical Name Family Status: After Mishra & Singh (2001) !. Delphinium malabariciim (Huth) RANUNCULACEAE Vulnerable Munz \ ar. malahariciim Delphinium malabaiiciim (Huth) RANUNCULACEAE Critically Munz var. ghaticiim Billore Endangered 2 Ahutilon mnadei Woodrow et MALVACEAE Critically Stapf Endangered 3. Ventiiago madraspatana Gaertn. RHAMNACEAE Critically var, fructjfida.Sant. Endangered 4. Alysicarpii.s narimanii S. M. & M. FABACEAE - R. Almeida 5. Alysiccirpus tetragonalobus Edgew FABACEAE war.pashanensis S. M. & M. R. Almeida 6. Indigqfera santapaid Sanj, FABACEAE Critically Endangered 7. Indigofera tritci L.f. var. FABACEAE Critically purmdharensis Sanj. Endangered 8. Miiciina sanjappii Aitawade & FABACEAE - Yadav 9. Smithia agharkarii Hem. FABACEAE Vulnerable 10. Sphenostylis bracteata (Baker) FABACEAE Vulnerable Gillet 11. Pimpinella tomentosa Dalz. ex Cl. APIACEAE Low Risk 12. Pinda concanense (Dalz.) P. K. APIACEAE Low Risk

40 Mukh.

13. Bhtmea venkatanimanii Rolla Rao ASTERACEAE Endangered & Hem.

14. Cythoclinepurpurea (Buch.-Ham. ASTERACEAE Vulnerable ex D. Don.) 0 . Ktze. var. alba Sant.

Cythocline purpurea (Buch.-Ham. ASTERACEAE Critically ex D. Don.) 0 . Ktze. var. bicolor Endangered Sant.

15. Phyllocephahim hookeri (C. B. Cl.) ASTERACEAE - Uniyal

16. Bidaria khandalense (Sant.) Jagtap ASCLEPIADACEAE Critically & N. P. Singh Endangered

17. Ceropegia evansii McC. ASCLEPIADACEAE Critically Endangered

18. Ceropegia huberi Ansari ASCLEPIADACEAE Endangered

19. Ceropegia lawii Hook.f. ASCLEPIADACEAE Endangered

20. Ceropegia maccannii Ansari ASCLEPIADACEAE Endangered

21. Ceropegia mahabalei Hem. & ASCLEPIADACEAE Critically Ansari Endangered

22. Ceropegia media (Huber) Ansari ASCLEPIADACEAE Vulnerable

23. Ceropegia panchganiensis Blatt. & ASCLEPIADACEAE Critically McC. Endangered

24. Ceropegia rollae Hem. ASCLEPIADACEAE Critically Endangered

25. Ceropegia sahyadrica Ansari & ASCLEPIADACEAE Vulnerable Kulkami

26. Ceropegia vincaefolia Hook.f. ASCLEPIADACEAE Endangered

27. Frerea indica Dalz. ASCLEPIADACEAE Critically Endangered

28. Ipomoea clarkei Hook.f. CONVOLVULACEAE Endangered

29. Bonnayoides limnophilodes Blatt. & SCROPHULARIACEAE Critically Hallb. Endangered

30. Lindernia quinqueloba (Blatt. & SCROPHULARIACEAE Critically Hallb.) Mukh. Endangered

31. Barleria gibsonioides Blatt. ACANTHACEAE Possibly Extinct

32. Dicliptera ghatica Sant. ACANTHACEAE Critically Endangered

33. Hypoestes lanata Dalz. ACANTHACEAE Possibly Extinct

34. Strobilanthes reticulatus Stapf ACANTHACEAE Low Risk

35. Synnema anomalum (Blatt.) Sant. ACANTHACEAE Possibly Extinct

36. Leucas deodikarii Billore & Hem. LAMIACEAE Endangered

37. Achyranthes coynei Sant. AMARANTHACEAE Endangered

41 38. Euphorbia katrajemis Boiss. EUPHORBIACEAE Vulnerable 39. Euphorbia fiisiformis Buch.- EUPHORBIACEAE Endangered Ham. ex D. Don var. khandalensis (Blatter & Hallburg) Binojk. & N.P. Balakr. 40. Jatropha nana Dalz. EUPHORBIACEAE Endangered 41. Curcuma purpurea Blatt. ZINGIBERACEAE - 42. Hitchenia caulina Baker ^ ZINGIBERACEAE Vulnerable 43. Pancratium sanctae-mariae Blatt. AM^YLLIDACEAE Endangered 44. Chlorophytum glaucoides Blatt. LjmCEAE Low Risk 45. Dipcadi ursulae Blatt. LILIACEAE Endangered 46. Drimia razii Ansari LILIACEAE Critically Endangered 47. Iphigenia stellata Blatt. LILIACEAE Vulnerable 48. Scilla viridis Blatt. LILIACEAE Possibly Extinct 49. Arisaema caudatum Engl. ARACEAE Endangered 50. Arisaema sahyadricum S.R. Yadav, ARACEAE Endangered Patil and Bachulkar var. ghaticum Sardesai, SP Gaikwad & SR Yadav 51. Eriocauhn santapaui Moldenke ERIOCAULACEAE Critically Endangered 52. Eriocaulon baramaticum Shimpale, ERIOCAULACEAE Bhagat, R. B. Deshmukh et S. R. Yadav 53. Cyperus pentabractiatus Govind & CYPERACEAE Critically Hetnadri Endangered 54. Fimbristylis ambavanensis Prasad CYPERACEAE - & N. P. Singh 55. Fimbristylis unispicularis Govind & CYPERACEAE Critically Hemadri Endangered 56. Marifcus konkanensis Sedgw. CYPERACEAE Low Risk 57. Dic^miium armatum Blatt. & McC. POACEAE Vulnerable 58. Bothriochloa compressa (Hook. POACEAE Endangered / ) Henr. 59. Bothriochloa jainii Deshpande. POACEAE Endangered c&Hemadri 60. Dicanthium panchganiensis Blatt. POACEAE Endangered & McC. 61. Bothriochloa woodromi (Hook. POACEAE Endangered /) A. Camus 62. Dimeria blatteri Bor POACEAE Vulnerable 63. Isachne borii Hemadri POACEAE Endangered 64. Isachne swaminathanii Ved Prakash POACEAE Vulnerable

42 & Jain 65. Ischaemum bombaiense Bor. POACEAE Critically Endangered 66. Pogonachne racemosa Bor POACEAE Vulnerable

CHAPTER- 9 ABBREVATIONS USED c = cir ca, round about et al. = et alii, and others op. cit. - opere citato, work cited above sp. = species (singular) spp. = species (plural) p.p. = pro parte, partly s. n. = without number ca = cir ca, round about, Cult. = cultivated ex = without valid publication Ulus. = illustrations Distrib. = distribution et = and f. = figure auct. non = auctorum non, not of original author