Tafseer of Surah Qaf-5

Alhamdulillah! How much we need to appreciate the blessing sand bounty of subahanawatha'la because not everyone has the opportunity to seek knowledge and attend lectures and all! So !

In the ayat 26

Allah subahanawatha'la is telling us of the sin that will keep us in the hellfire forever! This is a big sin!

Alladhee ja’aala- the one who set up

Ma’allahi ilaahan aakhira- set up others with Allah subahanawatha'la!!!!!

Subahanallah! When you look at the word- Maa’ this means a partner!

This means the person is a mushriks because he is committing shirk by associating others with Allah!!!!! The mushriks they left the One who is Perfect (Allah) and went to another who is nothing and associated partners with Allah subahanawatha'la!

Now the word ilah is from the word- ali’haa.

Ali’haa means something you attach to out of magnification! And then the word walaa- means to attach with excessive love!

So when you put the word together to give you ‘Ilah’ it means you attach to the person with magnification and love and your actions and deeds are for that person alone!

So what did the ulamah’ say? Ilaa is someone you attach to out of love and magnification!

So Allah is the one who is worthy to be magnified and loved and the attachment comes from here! And when you have this you will truly worship him in the way He wants you to!!!! Subahanallah!

Now when we look at other religions! How they worship other and idols etc…..how did it start? It started with love for those things and then they start to elevate it and then give attributes (fake ones) to make them seem perfect and then they start worshipping the idols!

So the Ulamah said: anyone who worships someone rather than Allah is considered a mushriks! So who is a mushriks?

ONE WHO MAGNIFIES AND ATTACHES TO SOMEONE OUT OF LOVE AND MAGNIFICATION THEN IT HE IS A MUSHRIK! Because the person who is like this he will be busy thinking of this person all the time right!

The prophet sallallahuala’ihiwasallam said:

Tha’eesa abdur dhirham (the loser is the one who is a slave of dirham!). The person whose life revolves around money and is always thinking of money! Because the one who is busy too much with something it will make you forget being a slave to Allah subahanawatha'la! It will also take you away from Allah!

Because Subahanallah when the economic crisis came how many people had heart attacks and were sick due to this!

Tha’eesa abdur khameesa- the loser is the one who is a slave of clothes

Tha’eesa abdur khameela- the loser is the one who is a slave of furniture!

So all of this is SHIRK and if you don’t make tawbah then you will be in hellfire!

So Subahanallah we need to really appreciate and attribute everything to Allah subahanawatha'la alone!!!!!!!

So we need to really feel the shirk and we need to really mean it when we ask Allah subahanawatha'la to protect us from the shirk!

Prophet sallallahuala’ihiwasallam said – allahumma inee aoothubika an ushrika bika wa ana a’lam wa asthaghfiruka limaa a’laam!

Than back to ayat 26- where see that Allah subahanawatha'la is telling the two angels to take him and cast him into the severe torment!

Adhaabil shadeedh! Where there is no severe torment like the adhaab of Allah!!!!!!!!!! Because any punishment we get in this world is NOTHING in comparison to the adhaabil naar!!!!!!

So these are all in the stages of the final judgement! Now imagine one the person knows he is going to be thrown into hellfire then what does he try to do?

He tries to blame someone else!!

Now he can see the angels right (the transgressor person/the one who is now being sent to hell). Then he can see the shaitan (his kareen) and he will go to him and say- you are the one who brought this on me and you are the one who tried to misguide me!!!

Ayat 27 What did Allah subahanawatha'la say!!!!!!

Wa qaala kareenuh-

Now in the life you can hear the kareen but you cannot see right but in the day f judgement you can see and hear both! So Subahanallah! We have to thank Allah subahanawatha'la so much because He made us to know what will happen in the future for our own protection right for our own benefit! Subahanallah! Alhamdulillah!!!!!!

Now notice between ayat 23 and ayat 27!

Allah subahanawatha'la is talking of angels in ayat 23 and shaitan in ayat 27! Then another difference is the Waaw!

With regards to the angels there is a waaw but for the shaitan in ayat 27 there is NO waaw!!!

So who has more etiquette and behaviour when they talk? The angel’s right! So the waaw is a form of respect and it’s like you are given a command to speak! The waaw is like as if there is a certain time when you should speak or do something and Allah subahanawatha'la is referring to the angels in the ayat 23! But in ayat 27 the kareen just speak without any permission or command or anything!

So in ayat 27 shaitan is saying:

Rabbanaa! Meaning he is accepting that Allah is His Lord! Like he is really sure that he has no lord except Allah subahanawatha'la!

And the kareen is saying: maa ath’gh’aithuhu (I did not push him to transgression)

Tha’ghaa- means to transgress (on your own) but ath’ghaa means to push someone to transgress!!!

So the kareen is saying that he didn’t make the person to transgress or push him to do it because he doesn’t have control over the human right! Because Allah subahanawatha'la said in the - the plot of shaitan is very weak and he has no power over the believers! Dhaleel- surah Israah ayat 65

Fee dhalaalin ba’eedh- he is the one in misguidance and he himself brought it on himself!

So this is what the Kareen refers to the human as being a dhalaalin ba’eedh! That the person I the one who prefers to be in misguidance and he is the one who is drowning in misguidance! This thing about misguidance is seen in the word ‘Fee’! So this word means like the person whose heart is blocked with a barrier and he cannot move ahead or away!

Because Allah subahanawatha'la has told us that the one who has guidance is up! Hence he gets the light and Noor and is able to accept the guidance because he is near to it! But the one doesn’t have guidance is down and far away from it and he is not at all receptive to the guidance! He is like he is drowning in the misguidance!

So this drowning in misguidance is by itself a punishment!! Because these people when the ayat of Allah subahanawatha'la comes he pushes away and rejects and denies then what will happen to him? He won’t be able to surface right! He will sink and drown in the end!!!!!

Because when they turn away ALLAH TURNS AWAY FROM THEM!!!!!!!!!

The person is alive but his heart is DEAD!!!!!!!! Aoothubillah!!!! Allahumma inaa nas’alukal aafiyaa!!!

We need to ask Allah subahanawatha'la with sincerity for him to keep nurturing us and keep us afloat and don’t make us of those who are drowning! To give us a clean pure heart!

That’s why we are saying in surah Naas- min sharree Waswaas alkhanaas! Where shaitan he is the whisperer and he whispers and disappears and reappears! He simply puts the whisper in the heart! And then you use that whisper and do the sin! So you are the one who listened to the whisper right!

Because Allah subahanawatha'la is saying in the Quran- the plot of shaitan is VERY WEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO IF Allah SUBAHANAWATHA'LA SAID IT THEN IT IS TRUE!

Surah Ibrahim ayat 22

Where Allah subahanawatha'la I saying when the matter is decided (as to whether you go to hell or heaven) then Allah subahanawatha'la will fulfil his promise! Then shaitan will say that he also promised us that he will help us but he deceived us! That he has no power over us (the wrongdoer) and do not blame him and that we need to blame ourselves!!!!

Ayat 28

Allah subahanawatha'la is saying:

Laa tha’qhthasimoon ladhayyah- do not dispute in front of me!

Why? Because each of the two- shaitan and the human they both know their mistakes and both are in the wrong! The shaitan is in the hellfire and he knows it and the human being though Allah subahanawatha'la gave him chances to repent he didn’t do so! So no point in the dispute! That’s why Allah subahanawatha'la is saying this! And:

Wa qadh qadhhamthu ilaykum bil wa’eedh!

Indeed what I gave you (qadhhamthu) the warning was already given before! In our life Allah subahanawatha'la sent us the warning right!

That the threat came to the human before and already Allah subahanawatha'la has judged this person that he will be in hellfire now so no point in the dispute!

Ayat 29

Maa yubadhhalul qawluh ladayyah- that means Allah’s statement and words will NOT change!!! And that Allah subahanawatha'la he promised and he will fulfil his promise!

Promise- the one who does good and obeys Allah will go to heaven and the one who doesn’t will go to hell!

So Subahanallah! Allah az'awajal is the ALL MIGHTY! HE HAS THE PERFECT IZZAH! And when we read these ayat we really see Allah subahanawatha'la’s might and his attributes and actions! Even in our daily life we will see some of it! But day of judgement we see EVERY ATTRIBUTE OF Allah AZ’AWAJAL!!! Subahanallah!

Then in that same ayat Allah subahanawatha'la is saying:

Wamaa anaa yadhallaamil adheem! That Allah az'awajal is not unjust to his slaves!

Subahanallah! Because we know that every action that happens in life is from Allah’s nurturing right! Any decree of Allah is nurturing from Allah subahanawatha'la because he wants to bring us back! He is so gentle and kind Subahanallah! So if you don’t heed this and come back to Allah subahanawatha'la then on the Day of Judgment don’t expect to be rewarded from disobeying Allah! And we see that Allah subahanawatha'la is just right! He is SO JUST! His decree in the aakhira is also based on Just with regards to the disbelievers!

So in this ayat Allah subahanawatha'la negates the Zulm on himself!

Even when the people who are going to hell they will go to hellfire with praises in their hearts and tongues because they will say alhamdulillah Allah subahanawatha'la didn’t deal with us without Just and that they will be grateful for His decree for them even though they are going to hell fire!!!

So Allah subahanawatha'la is negating the zulm on himself! Zulm means someone who puts something in the wrong place right! So zulm is to punish a good doer for doing good and to reward a bad doer for doing bad! Aoothubillah! This is what zulm means! Because the person who works hard for Jannah and the one who doesn’t cant both go to Jannah right! That is a zulm if that happens!

So the adhl (just) is to punish the wrong doer and reward the good doer right!


Yawma naqoolu lijahannaam- on that day Allah subahanawatha'la will talk to the Jahannam!

So we see two attribute of Allah here: that he can Talk and that He will make the Inanimate Object (hell) to speak!

So Allah subahanawatha'la will ask – are you filled and hell will say NO! Is there more?

Hadeeth in Sahih Bukhari 6/4848 Op371! Where the people will be thrown into hellfire and Allah subahanawatha'la will ask if she is filled and every time he puts people in the hellfire will say- to give her more people…..

Then until all the people will be in hellfire and then what will happen when the hellfire keeps asking for more and more? Allah subahanawatha'la with all his majesty He will put His Foot in the hellfire and then the hellfire will say- enough! enough im filled now!

So Subahanallah we see that Allah subahanawatha'la he had so much of mercy not to put any more people into the hellfire! He is never unjust and whatever he does is done with PERFECT HIQMAH!

Because for paradise and hell Allah subahanawatha'la promised them that he will fill them both! But in hell there is space and Allah subahanawatha'la will fill it! And then Jannah when it is empty Allah subahanawatha'la will create creation for it! But hellfire Allah subahanawatha'la will put the people in it only based on justice and won’t create creation to go to hellfire! No! Allah subahanawatha'la is so JUST!


Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen!!!!!!

So what are the actions of the heart when we read this ayat?

* We see Allah's Rahma!

* We see that Allah is able to speak to the hellfire! We see Allah's POWER! HIS MIGHT!!

* We also seek refuge in Allah subahanawatha'la from the hellfire because we don’t want to be of them at any point!!! * And we try to find the characteristics of the people of the naar so we can stay away from having those characteristics!

So Subahanallah our heart really shakes with fear and hope!

So when we are really reading this we really feel it then we will have the action from what we read! This is real Tadabbur!

Another Hadeeth:

Sahih Bukhari 4850

Paradise and Hell also speak to themselves! The Naar will say- why are the dwellers the people of hellfire are all arrogant and proud? And then the Jannah what will she say? Why are the weak and miskeen people in Jannah?

Then Allah subahanawatha'la will talk to the Jannah and say: you are My mercy and I will admit whoever I will from my slaves!!!!!

Ya rabbee be merciful with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then Allah subahanawatha'la will say to the Naar- you are My torment and punishment and I will punish Him from whosoever I will!