Article Five Mitochondrial Genomes of the Genus Hahn, 1834 with Phylogenetic Implications for the (: )

Rongrong Li 1, Min Li 1, Jiang Yan 1, Ming Bai 2,* and Hufang Zhang 3,*

1 Laboratory of Evolution, Taiyuan Normal University, Jinzhong 030619, China; [email protected] (R.L.); [email protected] (M.L.); [email protected] (J.Y.) 2 Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China 3 Xinzhou Teachers University, Xinzhou 034000, China * Correspondence: [email protected] (M.B.); [email protected] (H.Z.)

Simple Summary: Pentatominae is the largest subfamily in the Pentatomidae, and most of its species are considered important agricultural pests. The phylogenetic relationships of tribes within Pen- tatominae remain controversial despite the fact that many studies have been performed using various molecular markers. In this study, five mitogenomes of the genus Eysarcoris were sequenced and analyzed, and the phylogenetic relationships of tribes within Pentatominae were reconstructed. The gene arrangement of the five mitochondrial genomes were found to be conserved and identical to other heteropteran mitogenomes. Differences in start codon usage and tandem repeats within control  regions were found between E. gibbosus and the other four Eysarcoris species. In addition, the phylo-  genetic analyses showed that E. gibbosus is the first diverging clade within Eysarcorini. The results Citation: Li, R.; Li, M.; Yan, J.; Bai, support the proposal to transfer E. gibbosus to the , another genus of Eysarcorini. Our M.; Zhang, H. Five Mitochondrial results clarified the phylogenetic relationships among tribes of Pentatominae and laid a foundation Genomes of the Genus Eysarcoris for the further studies of Pentatominae. Hahn, 1834 with Phylogenetic Implications for the Pentatominae Abstract: Four complete mitogenomes of Eysarcoris rosaceus, E. montivagus, E. gibbosus, E. annamita (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Insects and one near-complete mitochondrial genome of E. ventralis were sequenced and used to explore 2021, 12, 597. the phylogenetic relationships of tribes within the subfamily Pentatominae. The mitogenomes range 10.3390/insects12070597 from 15,422 to 16,043 base pairs (bp) in length and encode 37 genes, including 13 protein-coding genes

Academic Editor: Steven Trewick (PCGs), two rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes (21 in E. ventralis), and a control region. Similar to other heteropteran species, the AT contents of the sequenced species were higher than their GC contents. Received: 4 June 2021 The most frequently used start/stop codon was ATN/TAA. GTG was only found in atp6 and atp8 Accepted: 28 June 2021 of E. gibbosus. All transfer RNA genes (tRNAs) exhibit the typical cloverleaf secondary structure, Published: 30 June 2021 except for the trnS1 and trnV, which lacks the stem of the DHU arm. The length and copy number of repeat units were conserved within Eysarcoris, with the exception of E. gibbosus. Phylogenetic Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral analyses based on mitogenomes using both maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) with regard to jurisdictional claims in methods strongly supported the relationship among tribes within Pentatominae and confirmed that published maps and institutional affil- Graphosoma should be an intermediate lineage of Pentatominae. The relationship between Eysarcoris iations. and Carbula was strongly supported and combined with our previous geometric morphometrics and chromosomal studies, suggest the Eysarcoris should belong to the tribe Eyasrcorini. This work will help to enhance our understanding of mitochondrial genomic evolution and phylogenetic relationships in Pentatominae. Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Keywords: mitogenome; Eysarcoris; Pentatominae; phylogenetic relationship This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// 4.0/).

Insects 2021, 12, 597. Insects 2021, 12, 597 2 of 14

1. Introduction Pentatominae is the most diverse subfamily in Pentatomidae, and its members are found worldwide. It consists of at least 3484 species belong to 660 genera, in 43 tribes [1]. The lack of unique diagnostic characteristics hampers the identification of this subfamily, making it difficult to construct criteria for practical and reliable classification. As a result, the system used for classification of species in Pentatominae has varied across studies [1]. For example, Eysarcoris Hahn, 1834 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae) has been successively placed into four different tribes (Eusarcocoriaria, , Graphosomini and Eysarcorini) [1–5]. The scutellum of Carbula Stål 1864, a member of Eysarcorini, is not as large as in most eysarcorine genera, and Linnavuori [6] proposed a group including Carbula and six other genera. Graphosoma Laporte de Castelnau, 1833 was treated as a member of Graphosomini of Pentatominae in Yang’s nine-tribes classification system based on the scutellum shape [4], while another study placed it in , another subfamily of Pentatomidae [1,5]. Most of the previous studies have focused on the high- level relationships within , while the phylogenetic relationships of tribes within Pentatominae remain controversial. Eysarcoris is a genus of small, mottled brown shield bugs that are widely distributed in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia [7]. It is known as an important pest of upland rice, wheat, cotton, and soybean, among others, and injures crops by sucking fluid sap from the stem and grain, damaging plant health to such an extent that it can cause crop failure [8,9]. Members of Eysarcoris are usually small in size and tend to be robust in shape. The two small and smooth yellow or pale spots on the basal angle of the scutellum easily differentiate it from other genera of Pentatominae. However, members of Eysarcoris show inconspicuous inter- and intraspecific morphological differences [2,4]. Previously, geo- metric morphometric methods were employed to investigate the morphological variation within or among Eysarcoris species [10–13]. However, molecular studies using gene frag- ments (cox1, 16s rRNA) have only been used to study the taxonomic status of E. aeneus (Scopoli, 1763) and E. gibbosus (Jakovlev, 1904) [14,15]. An insect mitochondrial genome is typically a double-stranded, circular DNA molecule ranging from 15 to 18 kb in size [16–19]. It is generally composed of 37 genes: 13 protein- coding genes (PCGs), two ribosomal RNA genes (rRNA), 22 transfer RNA genes (tRNA), and a control region (also known as the AT-rich region) of variable length that is thought to be essential in transcription and replication [16]. Due to its relatively small size, hap- loid nature, high rate of evolution, relatively conserved gene content, and organization, mitogenomes of insects have been widely used in species classification, population genetic structure, evolutionary biology, phylogenetic, and biogeographic studies [20–26]. So far, only 25 complete or near-complete mitogenomes of Pentatominae have been reported, which is a relatively small number considering its species richness. Furthermore, the phylogeny of the Pentatominae based on mitogenomes data is still limited. In this study, we sequenced and compared the mitogenomes of E. rosaceus Distant, 1901, E. montivagus (Distant, 1902), E. gibbosus, E. annamita Breddin, 1909, and E. ventralis (Westwood, 1837) and reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships of tribes within Pen- tatominae using Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) methods. The mitogenomes from closely related species will improve the accuracy of the delimitation of mitochondrial gene and provide useful information on the molecular evolution and phylogenetic relationships in Pentatominae at a genomic level.

2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Taxon Sampling and Mitogenome Sequencing The specimens used in this study were collected from fields in China either manually or using sweeping nets (Table S1). The samples were impregnated in 100% ethanol and stored at −20 ◦C. The genomic DNA for each of the species was extracted from thoracic muscles of a single specimen using a Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (BS88504, Sangon, Shanghai, China). The mitochondrial genome was then sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq platform using the Insects 2021, 12, 597 3 of 14

whole-genome shotgun method (Personalbio, Shanghai, China). FastaQC was used to ensure the quality of data (; accessed on 12 December 2020). Trimmomatic v0.36 was used to remove adapter sequences and low-quality bases (Q value < 20 and sequence length < 50 bp) [27]. A5-miseq v20150522 and SPAdes v3.9.0 were used for mitochondrial genome assembly [28,29].

2.2. Genome Annotation and Sequence Analysis The Geneious v9.1.4 software (Biomatters Ltd., San Diego, CA, USA) was used to annotate the five newly sequenced mitogenomes [30]. The 13 PCG boundaries were identified by ORF finder on the NCBI website applying the invertebrate mitochondrial code (; accessed on 25 December 2020). tRNA genes were identified using the MITOS web server [31]. rRNAs were aligned with the previously sequenced mitochondrial sequences to confirm the accuracy of gene boundaries. The exact location of the control region was determined by confirming the boundary of neighboring genes. Nucleotide composition and codon usage were analyzed using MEGA-X [32]. The strand asymmetry was calculated as follows: AT skew = (A − T)/(A + T); GC skew = (G − C)/(G + C). The number of non-synonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site (Ka) and synonymous substitutions per synonymous site (Ks) for each PCG was calculated using DnaSP 6, with exclusion of stop codons and codons with alignment gaps [33]. Tandem repeats in control regions were predicted using the Tandem Repeats Finder web server [34].

2.3. Phylogenetic Analyses The phylogenetic analyses were conducted using the five newly sequenced mito- chondrial genomes as well as those of 25 Pentatominae taxa, Graphosoma rubrolineatum (Westwood, 1837), and two Asopinae species (used as the outgroup) (Table S2). Plugins in Phylosuite v1.2.2 were used to prepare the datasets (13 PCGs and 2 rRNAs) for the phylogenetic analyses, which were conducted using BI and ML methods [35]. The align- ment of PCGs/rRNAs was conducted using MAFFT according to a codon-based/normal alignment model, and gaps and ambiguous sites were then removed by Gblocks [36,37]. All alignments were then concatenated into a single data matrix using the concatenate sequence function in Phylosuite v1.2.2. The best-fit partitioning strategy and models of the concatenated sequences for BI and ML tree were selected by ModelFinder installed in Phylosuite v1.2.2 and model selection in the IQ-TREE web server [38]. The results were used to reconstruct the phylogenetic tree by Mrbayes installed in Phylosuite v1.2.2 and the IQ-TREE web server using Bayesian and ML methods, respectively [39,40]. For the Bayesian method, GTR + F + I + G4 was chosen as the best-fit model. Four indepen- dent Markov chains (three heated and one cold) were run for 10,000,000 generations and trees were sampled every 1000 generations. The first 25% of samples were discarded as a burn-in when the average standard deviation of split frequencies > 0.01. For the ML method, GTR + R5 + F was the best-fit model, and the analysis was assessed under ultrafast replications (1000).

3. Results 3.1. Mitochondrial Genomic Structure The mitochondrial genomes of E. rosaceus, E. montivagus, E. gibbosus, and E. annamita are circular double-stranded molecules ranging from 15,558 to 16,043 bp in length (Figure1 ). The mitogenome of E. ventralis lacks the trnV gene and is 15,422 bp long (Figure S1). The complete mitogenome sequences encode a complete set of 37 genes, which is also the case for most other heteropteran mitogenomes, and includes 13 PCG, 2 rRNAs, 22 tRNAs, and a noncoding control region (putative control region) (Table S3). Gene arrangement of the mitochondrial genomes is conserved, with 23 genes locate on the J-strand and 14 genes (13 in E. ventralis) on the N-strand (Table S3). Insects 2021, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 14

case for most other heteropteran mitogenomes, and includes 13 PCG, 2 rRNAs, 22 tRNAs, and a noncoding control region (putative control region) (Table S3). Gene arrangement of Insects 2021, 12, 597 the mitochondrial genomes is conserved, with 23 genes locate on the J-strand and 14 genes4 of 14 (13 in E. ventralis) on the N-strand (Table S3).

FigureFigure 1. Gene 1. Gene arrangements arrangements of ofthe the four four complete complete mitochondrial mitochondrial genomes. genomes.

A conservedA conserved 2 bp 2 bp gene gene spacer spacer was was observed observed between between nad4Lnad4L andand trnTtrnT. The. The gene gene spacer spacer waswas 1 bp 1 bp long long between between trnVtrnV andand 12s12s rRNA rRNA in inthe the four four complete complete mitochondrial mitochondrial genomes. genomes. TheThe total total length length of ofintergenic intergenic spacers spacers ranged ranged from from 8888 to to167 167 bp, bp, and and the the longest longest single single spacerspacer was was 31 31bp bp long, long, observed observed in inE. E.montivagus montivagus betweenbetween trnMtrnM andand trnQtrnQ. There. There were were also also trnW trnC cox1 trnL2 conservedconserved gene gene overlaps overlaps in in the the five five mitogenomes, mitogenomes, including including trnW/trnC/ (8(8 bp), bp), cox1/trnL2/ (5 bp), atp8/atp6 (7 bp) and trnN/trnS (1 bp) (Table S3). (5 bp), atp8/atp6 (7 bp) and trnN/trnS (1 bp) (Table S3). For the examined species, the nucleotide composition of the whole mitogenome, PCGs, For the examined species, the nucleotide composition of the whole mitogenome, tRNAs, and rRNAs all showed high AT nucleotide content and low variability (Table S4). PCGs, tRNAs, and rRNAs all showed high AT nucleotide content and low variability (Ta- The AT-skew values of PCGs−, tRNAs−, and rRNAs were negative, while that of the ble S4). The AT-skew values of PCGs−, tRNAs−, and rRNAs were negative, while that of whole mitogenome, PCGs+, and tRNAs+ were positive (Table S4). For GC skew, negative the whole mitogenome, PCGs+, and tRNAs+ were positive (Table S4). For GC skew, neg- values were only found in the whole mitogenome and PCGs+ (Table S4). ative values were only found in the whole mitogenome and PCGs+ (Table S4). 3.2. Protein-Coding Genes 3.2. Protein-Coding Genes For all of the five studied species, nine PCGs (nad2, cox1, cox2, atp8, atp6, cox3, nad3, nad6For, andall ofcytb the) werefive studied found to species, be coded nine on PCGs the majority (nad2, cox1 strand, cox2 (J-strand), atp8, atp6 and, cox3 four, nad3 PCGs, nad6(nad5, and, nad4 cytb, )nad4L were, andfoundnad1 to ),be on coded the minority on the majori strandty (N-strand). strand (J-strand) The longest and four PCG PCGs is nad5 (nad5(1705–1710, nad4, nad4L bp),, while and nad1 the), shortest on the minority is atp8 (150–162 strand bp).(N-strand). The AT-skew The longest values PCG of cytb is nad5, nad1 , (1705–1710nad4, nad4L bp),and whilenad5 theare shortest negative, is atp8 while (150–162 GC-skew bp). of Thenad1 AT-skew, nad4, nad4L valuesand of cytbnad5, nad1are, all nad4positive, nad4L for and the nad5 five are mitogenomes. negative, while Two GC-skew PCGs—nad4 of nad1and, nad4Lnad4, —didnad4L notand varynad5 inare length all positiveamong for the the five five species mitogenomes. (Table S3). Two Most PCGs— of the PCGsnad4 and use nad4L an ATN—did (ATT/ATA/ATG/ATC) not vary in length amonginitiation the five codon. species TTG (Table was the S3). second Most mostof the used PCGs initiation use an ATN codon, (ATT/ATA/ATG/ATC) and was found in cox1 , initiationatp8 (except codon. in TTGE. gibbosus was the), andsecondnad6 most. In particular,used initiation only codon,atp8 and andatp6 wasin foundE. gibbosus in cox1use, atp8GTG (except as the in initiationE. gibbosus codon.), and Thenad6 coding. In particular, region ofonly most atp8 PCGs and atp6 ends in with E. gibbosus the complete use GTGtermination as the initiation codon TAA,codon. except The forcodingcox2 region(in E. rosaceusof most, E.PCGs montivagus ends with, E. annamitathe complete, and E. terminationventralis), atp6codon(in TAA,E. annamita except), forcox3 cox2(in (inE. ventralisE. rosaceus), nad3, E. montivagus(in E. montivagus, E. annamita), and nad5, and(in E. E. gibbosus), which ended with the incomplete stop codon T. The 13 PCGs of the five mitogenomes were found to consist of 3668 codons on average and showed very strong biases in amino acid composition and codon usage. Leu, Ile, Ser, Phe, and Met were the most abundant amino acids, while TTA (Leu), ATT (Ile), UCU (Ser) TTT (Phe), and ATA(Met) are the most frequently utilized codons (Figure2). The most frequently utilized codons were composed of A and T, except UCU (Ser). As shown in Insects 2021, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 14

ventralis), atp6 (in E. annamita), cox3 (in E. ventralis), nad3 (in E. montivagus), and nad5 (in E. gibbosus), which ended with the incomplete stop codon T. The 13 PCGs of the five mitogenomes were found to consist of 3668 codons on aver- age and showed very strong biases in amino acid composition and codon usage. Leu, Ile, Insects 2021, 12, 597 Ser, Phe, and Met were the most abundant amino acids, while TTA (Leu), ATT (Ile),5 UCU of 14 (Ser) TTT (Phe), and ATA(Met) are the most frequently utilized codons (Figure 2). The most frequently utilized codons were composed of A and T, except UCU (Ser). As shown Figurein Figure2, there 2, there was was a preference a preference for for use use of of A orA or T inT in the the third third position position of of codons, codons, rather rather thanthan GG oror C.C.

FigureFigure 2.2. TheThe frequenciesfrequencies ofof utilizedutilized codonscodons byby aminoamino acidacid ((aa)) andand thethe frequencyfrequency ofof aminoamino acidacid occurrenceoccurrence ((bb)) inin thethe fivefive newlynewly sequencedsequenced mitochondrial mitochondrial genomes. genomes. TheThestop stop codon codon is is not not given. given.

TheThe values of Ka, Ka, Ks Ks and and Ka/Ks Ka/Ks were were calcul calculatedated for foreach each PCG PCG to investigate to investigate the evo- the evolutionarylutionary patterns patterns among among mitochondrial mitochondrial PCGs PCGs in inPentatominae Pentatominae (Figure (Figure 3).3 ).The The Ka/Ks Ka/Ks ra- ratiotio for for all all 13 13 PCGs PCGs were were below below 0.73, 0.73, indicating indicating evolution under purifyingpurifying selection.selection. TheThe Ka/KsKa/Ks ratio of nad2 was the highest, while that ofof cox1cox1 waswas thethe lowest.lowest. WeWe alsoalso observedobserved lowerlower Ka/KsKa/Ks ratios ratios in in the the genes genes that that ar aree usually usually used used as asa barcode, a barcode, such such as cox2 as cox2, cox3, cox3, and, andcytb.cytb .

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FigureFigure 3. 3.The The Ka (theKa number(the number of non-synonymous of non-synonymous substitutions persubs nonsynonymoustitutions per site), nonsynonym Ks (the ous site), Ks (the number of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site) and Ka/Ks values of protein-coding number of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site) and Ka/Ks values of protein-coding genes within Pentatominae. genes within Pentatominae. 3.3. Transfer and Ribosomal RNAs 3.3. TransferAll 22 of the and typical Ribosomal tRNA genes RNAs for the five mitogenome ranged from 62 to 74 bp in length. Fourteen tRNA genes (trnI, trnM, trnW, trnL2, trnK, trnD, trnG, trnA, trnR, trnN, trnS1,AlltrnE 22, trnT of, trnS2the typical) are coded tRNA on the genes majority for strand the and five eight mitogenome (trnQ, trnC, trnY ranged, trnF, from 62 to 74 bp in length.trnH, trnP Fourteen, trnL1, trnV )tRNA on the minority genes strand.(trnI, ThetrnM arrangement, trnW, trnL2 of tRNA, trnK genes, fortrnD the, fivetrnG, trnA, trnR, trnN, mitogenomes was similar. Among all tRNAs, twenty had the typical cloverleaf structure, trnS1and two—, trnEtrnS1, trnTand, trnVtrnS2—lacked) are coded the dihydrouridine on the majority (DHU) arm strand and form and a eight loop. All(trnQ, trnC, trnY, trnF, trnHtRNAs, trnP in the, fivetrnL1 mitogenomes, trnV) on use the the standardminority anticodon. strand. The The sequences arrangement and structures of tRNA genes for the fiveof anticodon mitogenomes arms and aminoacyl was similar. acceptor Among stems were all well tRNA conserveds, twenty within had Pentatominae, the typical cloverleaf struc- whereas most of the variations (nucleotide substitutions and indels) were found in the ture,DHU loops,and two— pseudouridinetrnS1 (TandΨC) trnV arms,—lacked and variable the loops dihydrouridine (Figure4). (DHU) arm and form a loop. All tRNAsTwo rRNA in genes— the five16s rRNAmitogenomesand 12s rRNA use—were the found standard on the minorityanticodon. strand The in the sequences and struc- turesfive mitogenomes. of anticodon The 16sarms rRNA andgene, aminoacyl ranging from acceptor 1246–1277 stems bp in size, were is located well atconserved a within Pen- conserved position between trnL1 and trnV. The 12s rRNA (785–795 bp) was found between tatominae,trnV and the controlwhereas region. most The secondaryof the variations structures of (nucleotide16s rRNA and 12ssubstitutions rRNA were and indels) were foundalso predicted in the and DHU are shownloops, in pseudouridine Figures5 and6, respectively. (TΨC) arms, In the sixand domains variable of 16s loops (Figure 4). rRNA, domain IV and the 30-end of domain V were more conserved within Pentatominae than domains I, II, and VI (Figure5). The secondary structure of 12s rRNA comprised three structural domains, and the stem region of domain III was structurally more conserved than domains I and II (Figure6).

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Figure 4. Potential secondary structure of tRNA in Eysarcoris rosaceus. The sites conserved within FigureEysarcoris 4.are Potential labeled in secondary green, and those structure of Pentatominae of tRNA are in marked Eysarcoris in orange. rosaceus. The sites conserved within Eysarcoris are labeled in green, and those of Pentatominae are marked in orange.

Two rRNA genes—16s rRNA and 12s rRNA—were found on the minority strand in the five mitogenomes. The 16s rRNA gene, ranging from 1246–1277 bp in size, is located at a conserved position between trnL1 and trnV. The 12s rRNA (785–795 bp) was found between trnV and the control region. The secondary structures of 16s rRNA and 12s rRNA were also predicted and are shown in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. In the six domains of 16s rRNA, domain IV and the 3′-end of domain V were more conserved within Pentatom- inae than domains I, II, and VI (Figure 5). The secondary structure of 12s rRNA comprised three structural domains, and the stem region of domain III was structurally more con- served than domains I and II (Figure 6).

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FigureFigureFigure 5.5. Potential Potential secondary secondarysecondary structure structurestructure of of 16Sof 16S16S rRNA rRNArRNA in Eysarcoris inin EysarcorisEysarcoris rosaceus rosaceusrosaceus. The. sites. TheThe conserved sitessites conservedconserved within withinEysarcoriswithin Eysarcoris Eysarcorisare labeled are are labeled labeled in green, in in andgreen, green, those and and of those those Pentatominae of of Pentatominae Pentatominae are marked are are marked marked in orange. in in orange. orange.

FigureFigureFigure 6.6. Potential Potential secondary secondarysecondary structure structurestructure of of 12Sof 12S12S rRNA rRNArRNA in Eysarcoris inin EysarcorisEysarcoris rosaceus rosaceusrosaceus. The. sites. TheThe conserved sitessites conservedconserved within withinEysarcoriswithin Eysarcoris Eysarcorisare labeled are are labeled labeled in green, in in andgreen, green, those and and of those those Pentatominae of of Pe Pentatominaentatominae are marked are are marked marked in orange. in in orange. orange. 3.4. Control Region Control Control Region Region The control regions are located between 12s rRNA and trnI, and vary in length from TheThe control control regions regions are are located located between between 12s 12s rRNA rRNA and and trnI trnI, ,and and vary vary in in length length from from 870 to 1396 bp. A comparison of tandem repeats in the control region of the five species is 870870 to to 1396 1396 bp. bp. A A comparison comparison of of tandem tandem repeats repeats in in the the control control region region of of the the five five species species is is shown in Figure7. The length and copies of repeat units differed among the five species. shownshown in in Figure Figure 7. 7. The The length length and and copies copies of of repeat repeat units units differed differed among among the the five five species. species. Only one type of tandem repeat was observed in E. rosaceus, E. montivagus, E. annamita, and OnlyOnly one one type type of of tandem tandem repeat repeat was was observed observed in in E. E. rosaceus rosaceus, ,E. E. montivagus montivagus, ,E. E. annamita annamita, , E. ventralis. The tandem repeats in the control region of the four mitochondrial genomes andand E.E. ventralisventralis. . TheThe tandemtandem repeatsrepeats inin thethe controlcontrol regionregion ofof thethe fourfour mitochondrialmitochondrial

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genomesare approximately are approximately 124 bp long. 124 bp Two long. types Two of types tandem of repeatstandem wererepeats found were in foundE. gibbosus in E. , gibbosuswith a 66, with bp non-repeat a 66 bp non-r regionepeat between region between them. them.

FigureFigure 7. 7. OrganizationOrganization of of the the control control region region in in the the five five mitochondrial mitochondrial genomes. genomes. The The tandem tandem repeats repeats areare shown shown by by the the blue blue or or gray gray oval oval with with repeat length inside. Non-repeat Non-repeat regions regions are are shown shown by by orangeorange box box with with sequence sequence length length inside. inside. 3.5. Phylogenetic Relationships 3.5. Phylogenetic Relationships Phylogenetic analyses were performed using BI and ML methods. The phylogenetic Phylogenetic analyses were performed using BI and ML methods. The phylogenetic relationships among tribes within Pentatominae were reconstructed based on the sequences relationships among tribes within Pentatominae were reconstructed based on the se- of the 13 PCGs and 2 rRNA genes. The results show that applying the two methods using quences of the 13 PCGs and 2 rRNA genes. The results show that applying the two meth- the same dataset resulted in highly congruent tree topologies (Figure8). The phylogenetic ods using the same dataset resulted in highly congruent tree topologies (Figure 8). The relationships of the Pentatominae were reconstructed, and the topology was as follows: phylogenetic relationships of the Pentatominae were reconstructed, and the topology was (Menidini + (Hoplistoderini + ((Catacanthini + semiannulata (Motschulsky, 1859)) as+ (Strachiinifollows: (Menidini + (((Sephelini + (Hoplistoderini + ) + (Caystrini + ((Catacanthini + (Cappaeini + +PentatomaPlacosternum semiannulata urus Stål, (Motschulsky,1876))) + (Graphosomatini 1859)) + ( + ((Eysarcorini + (((Sephelini + ) + Halyini) + (Antestiini + (Caystrini + )))))))). + (Cappaeini In+ PlacosternumPentatominae, urus species Stål, 1876))) of Carpocorini + (Graphosomatini and Eysarcorini + ((Eysarcorini constituted + oneCarpocorini) clade with + (Antesti- high sup- iniport + Nezarini)))))))). values. Graphosoma In Pentatominae, rubrolineatum wasspecie sisters of toCarpocorini the clade ((Eysarcorini and Eysarcorini + Carpocorini) constituted + one(Antestiini clade with + Nezarini)). high support The species values. of Graphosoma Pentatomini rubrolineatum were divided intowas twosister clades, to the where cladeP. ((Eysarcorinisemiannulata +was Carpocorini) a sister of Catacanthini,+ (Antestiini + and Nezarini)).P. urus was The a species sister of of Cappaeini. Pentatomini For were both dividedof the BI into and two ML clades, methods, whereE. gibbosusP. semiannulatawas found was to a besister the of first Catacanthini, diverging cladeand P. within urus wasEysarcorini, a sister of whereas Cappaeini.Carbula For both sinica ofHsiao the BI &and Cheng, ML methods, 1977 was E. clustered gibbosus was to other found species to be theof Eysarcorisfirst diverging, which clade were within divided Eysarcorini, into two clades:whereasE. Carbula annamita sinica, E. aeneusHsiao, & and Cheng,E. guttiger 1977 wasformed clustered one clade to other and E.species ventralis of ,EysarcorisE. rosaceus, ,which and E. were montivagus dividedformed into two the other.clades: E. an- namita, E. aeneus, and E. guttiger formed one clade and E. ventralis, E. rosaceus, and E. mon- tivagus formed the other.

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FigureFigure 8.8. TheThe phylogeneticphylogenetic relationshipsrelationships ofof tribestribes withinwithin PentatominaePentatominae reconstructedreconstructed fromfrom DNADNA sequencessequences ofof 1313 proteinprotein codingcoding andand 22 rRNArRNA mitochondrialmitochondrial genesgenes usingusing BIBI andand MLML methods. methods.

4.4. DiscussionDiscussion InIn thisthis paper,paper, wewe describedescribe thethe mitochondrialmitochondrial genomesgenomes ofof E.E. rosaceusrosaceus,, E.E. montivagusmontivagus,, E.E. gibbosusgibbosus,,E. E. annamita annamita, and, andE. E. ventralis ventralis. Similar. Similar to thatto that of otherof other hemipteran hemipteran mitogenomes, mitogenomes, the genethe gene arrangements arrangements of the of fivethe five mitochondrial mitochondrial genomes genomes are are conserved conserved [41 –[41–47].47]. The The size size of theof the complete complete mitogenome mitogenome sequences sequences varied varied widely widely among among the the examined examined species, species, ranging rang- E. gibbosus E. rosaceus froming from 15,558 15,558 bp in bp in E. gibbosusto 16,043 to 16,043 bp in bp in E. rosaceus(Table S3).(Table This S3). variation This variation in length in has also been observed in other hemipteran mitogenomes and is primarily due to the length has also been observed in other hemipteran mitogenomes and is primarily due to significant size variation of the control region [41,42]. The comparison of tandem repeats in the significant size variation of the control region [41,42]. The comparison of tandem re- the control region seems to be conserved within Eysarcoris, with the exception of E. gibbosus, peats in the control region seems to be conserved within Eysarcoris, with the exception of which had two types of tandem repeat. Previous studies have reported varying sizes and E. gibbosus, which had two types of tandem repeat. Previous studies have reported vary- differentiated tandem repetitions in other Pentatomidae species [41,44]. Compared to the ing sizes and differentiated tandem repetitions in other Pentatomidae species [41,44]. varied size of complete mitogenomes, relatively little variation was observed in the length Compared to the varied size of complete mitogenomes, relatively little variation was ob- of PCGs, tRNAs, and rRNAs. This is consistent with previous Pentatomidae mitochondrial served in the length of PCGs, tRNAs, and rRNAs. This is consistent with previous Penta- genomic studies [41,43]. Similarly, the AT content of Pentatomidae species was significantly tomidae mitochondrial genomic studies [41,43]. Similarly, the AT content of Pentatomidae higher the GC content [26,41–47]. species was significantly higher the GC content [26,41–47]. The most frequently occurring start codon of the five mitogenomes was found to be ATN,The which most is similar frequently to most occurring Pentatomidae start codon mitogenomes of the five [41 mitogenomes–44]. Another was frequently found usedto be startATN, codon, which TTG, is similar usually to appeared most Pentatomidae in the cox1, atp8mitogenomes, nad1, and [41–44].nad6 genes Another of Pentatomidae frequently speciesused start [43 codon,]. We found TTG, usually that the appeared use of TTG in the was cox1 conserved, atp8, nad1 within, and the nad6 genus genesEysarcoris of Penta-, excepttomidae for speciesE. gibbosus [43].(Table We found S1). Anotherthat the us starte of codon, TTG was GTG, conserved is rarely usedwithin as the a start genus codon Eysar- in Pentatominae,coris, except for and E. hasgibbosus only (Table been reported S1). Another in E. gibbosus start codon,in this GTG, study is andrarely in P.used semiannulata as a start incodon a previous in Pentatominae, study [44]. and Regarding has only the been stop reported codon, most in E. PCGs gibbosus ended in this with study TAA and or TAG. in P. semiannulata in a previous study [44]. Regarding the stop codon, most PCGs ended with

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The use of the truncated stop codon T in cox2 is conserved in Pentatominae (except E. gibbosus), while in atp6, cox1, cox3, nad3, nad4, nad5, and nad6, the choice of stop codon seems more diverse [43]. In the five mitogenomes we sequenced, the majority of tRNAs were found to have a canonical cloverleaf secondary structure. However, trnS1 and trnV lack the stem of the DHU arm, and the loss of the DHU arm in trnS1 (AGN) has been considered a typical feature of insect mitogenomes [48]. We found that the anticodon arm and the amino acid acceptor stem are highly conserved in Pentatominae. In this study, the phylogenetic analysis based on PCGRNA matrix strongly supported the relationship between Carbula and Eysarcoris, and they formed an independent clade with high support values. This result was consistent with previous geometric morphometrics and chromosomal studies [12,49]. We also found that E. gibbosus was the first diverging clade within Eysarcorini. This is in accordance with a previous study based on 16s rRNA and cox1 genes [15]. Combined with the control region structure and start codon usage, we support the proposal to transfer E. gibbosus to the genus Stagonomus [15]. The phylogenetic analysis indicates that Eysarcoris and Carbula belong to Eysarcorini. There is little to separate Eysarcorini from Carpocorini, except for the genera with an enlarged scutellum [1]. Some genera of Carpocorini, such as Dohrn, 1860, were once transferred to Eysarcorini [50]. Our study shows that R. intermedia is a sister of baccarum (Linnaeus, 1758), another member of Carpocorini, and this is in accordance with the latest morphological classification and mitochondrial analysis [1,26]. The taxonomic status of Graphosoma was also ambiguous [1,4,5]. Our phylogenetic analysis revealed that G. rubrolineatum represents an intermediate lineage of Pentatominae, which corresponds with the findings in previous studies [26,44] and may indicate that Graphosoma is a genus within Pentatominae. Pentatomini is one of the more poorly defined tribes within Pentatominae. Genera with an armed abdominal venter and showing no characteristics of other tribes have been placed in Pentatomini, and Placosternum Amyot & Serville, 1843 is one of these genera [1]. The sternal structure is similar to that found in the Pentatomini, but the ostiolar rugae are much shorter or auriculate [1]. The difference in morphology and the phylogenetic results in this study may indicate that Placosternum should not belong to Pentatomini. Another two stable clades were observed in the phylogenetic analysis with high support values. Clade I comprised Nezarini and Antestini. The possible relationship between Nezarini and Antestiini was discussed by Gross and Linnavuori based on their morphological resemblance, and this was confirmed by our mitochondrial phylogenetic analysis and that of a previous study [6,51]. Sephelini, Halyini, Caystrini, Cappaeini, and P. urus formed clade II. Laporte, 1833 was supported to be sister to Pentatomini in previous study [43]. However, Pentatomini was clustered to Catacanthini with height support value in this study. The support values between the genus Eurydema and its sister clades were lower than others, possibly because of the limited number of mitogenomes used in this study, and further studies should be carried out to resolve this. In previous studies, high-level relationships within the Heteroptera have received much attention, whereas there has been comparatively limited research conducted on the phylogenetic relationships of tribes within subfamilies. In the present study, five mitogenomes from the Pentatominae were sequenced and added to the pool of existing data. Our findings reveal the relationships among tribes within Pentatominae, and more mitogenomes should be sequenced to comprehensively understand the mitogenomic evolution and phylogenetic relationships of Pentatominae.

Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at .3390/insects12070597/s1. Figure S1: Mitochondrial genome map of E. ventralis. Table S1: Information of the specimens used in this study. Table S2: List of sequences used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships within Pentatominae. Table S3: Annotation and organization of the five Eysarcoris mitochondrial genomes. Table S4: AT skew and GC skew of the all the mitogenomes sequenced in the present study. Insects 2021, 12, 597 12 of 14

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.B. and H.Z.; Specimen collection and identification, R.L., M.L. and J.Y.; Experiments, R.L., M.L.; Data analysis, R.L. and M.L.; Writing—Original Draft Preparation, R.L.; Writing—Review & Editing, M.B., H.Z. and M.L.; Funding Acquisition, M.L. and R.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This research was funded by the National Science Foundation Project of China, grant number 31501840; the Scientific and Technological Innovation Programs of Higher Education Institu- tions in Shanxi, grant number 2019L0803; and the Doctoral scientific research foundation of Taiyuan Normal University. Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable. Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable. Data Availability Statement: The data supporting the findings of this study are openly available in National Center for Biotechnology Information ( accessed on 27 June 2021), accession numbers were MT165687, MW846867, MW846868, MW852483, and MT165688. Acknowledgments: We are grateful to the reserve staff for the collection of samples. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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