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IN the MEXICAN PROBLEM Nef Leiai M K IN THE MEXICAN PROBLEM NEf leiai m K. OF c. lOlULTHIllili’ IIIOatiUl m IS MEPiNG sfleniwEsr Colkgte Building o f Centuries of Work byCathdic Church Built at Tacouia in Danger St.. Louis,— Archbishop Gleunon ‘ Tacoma, WssL—BeBarmlne eoL (K. of C/ Supreme Council price by loss of their Catholic faith. pseoehed the hacealaureate sermon leee, the Jesuit Fathers’ sew CtA- The .ffu M i* # ChihaUe W elfam iuppliM Ths Deovar Catholie lUgirtar and Tha Service) “ We cannot combat this work with­ to the students of St’'Louis nd- <)lic school for boys, h ^ , will he Aaroaantb News Sartioa That Comaa to Colorado. The following communication has out outside assistance. Will the versity, laiuiehinit ^he annual com< f. XW News b CsiilUl to tb hy under active construction within the been received from Giiberto Espin­ Catholics of the United States, will aeni^ent exercises, and the fol- month, accordh^ to the David the Knights of Columbus help us? knsng day 404 students of the uni- osa, advocate of Albuquerque conn- P. McAstodcer, S.J., pastor o f St. VOL.IXX1I. No. 43. COLO.. THl _ JUNE 16, 1927. $2.00 PER YEAR dl. No. 641: t. We offer no means; we have thon­ ve^Esity received their degrees. Mon- Leo’s dmrch of-this city. , sands of children who can be saved <|j^ ht noon the cornerstone of tbs In the course of the recent visit to ' 1 i ‘New Mexico, last to enter the Sisterhood o f States, stands the last to the faith. Does the^ CathoUc new medical school building of St Tscoma of the Vyty Bev. Joseph Chnrch in America 'want them? Lonia U. was laid: Piet, SJ., provinCisl of the order, •outpost on the frontier o f Catholic­ ism in the United States. It has a “ Should the Knights of Columbus Tbe report of the Bev. Charles H. final appro^ was dbtained of ibe assist? Twenty-five years ago, population o f some 376,000 souls, 70 Cloud, SJ., president of the uni- site selected and of,the pUm^^wMifii IMIONGi Brother 0. N. Marron, former state Try to H U e Tins Pktnre i per cenb of whom are Catholic csity, showed that in the last year Father McAstoeker said hir assi^ deputy of New Mexico, carried this due to the Catholicism of the great t ,7l0,000 had been received in ants had prepared. OSfcial sanction A sum aamed Loois Parker, de­ appeal to the supreme council Last benefactions. Of this |1,000,000 wasof the Bt. Bev. Edward J.ohn O’Dea, scribed as editor of the eow dofeact majority of the native Spanish pop­ ulation. Today we appeal to. the year State Deputy Driscoll of Texas given by the late Martin Shaughnes^ Bi^op of' Seattle, already had been Protostaat Horeld, Klan eowspapor, carried the same appeal. 'The same and $700,000 by the late John F. given to the project Use of Yoor tried to drown himself at Fort Col- Knights' d| Columbus and to the [Catholics America for assistance situation exists in all these border Lee. The Shanghnessy gift wais The first unit of the new college Um a faw days ago, according I to save the children o f these'to tiie states. Last year the Knights of mgide to the School of Commerce and will consist of the administration and to newspaper dispotchos, end was ® 11 I t I f I f 11-1 r f r I r I f I y ( t I I I t I T. I faith. Golumbns appropriated one million Finance, and the Lee gift to Ibe gen­ high school bTlildiag; It will be two I seat to jail in Doavor Tnasday for dollars to combat propaganda from eral funds of the university. Ten “ We have here a Catholicism which stories hioh, of brick trimmed in t thirty days bocanso of having passed Mexico!' Right here in New Mexico tbeusand. dollars, to ha known as the stone, and will cost approximately a wertUass check for $20. WUle dates back centuries; it is contem­ Catholic natives are being tamed Daniel Blanche .Boidley fund, was $10u,0d0. Immediately after t « I- in jail, he will be snbjected to a poraneous almost with the discovery into Protestant ministers and sent to I so iBz Tzar szsr i n os ao«t t r z m r o f America. Outside the city of given by Mrs. JS^q^y after her hus­ completion of this unit. Father Mc- T I e u ; m l KEiS N EBP OOIIO SO sanity test, it is anaonneed. Mexico to create these very condi- . band’ s death, to'^iiui^e provision for Astocker expects to have plana pre­ B O . xr m a n s a is o s a cm u x b ig h t , wbut With no spirit of gloating ovar his Santa Fe stands the cross o f the tions. IS SBIS lOkOm ZZ S D l't . AIBOIT TO BBTTHIBO. needy students. pared for the next unit a gynuuuanra » misfortnaas, wa call attention to the martyrs, commemorating the mem­ “Archbishop Daeger of Santa Fe IT TES BB a n cs ME cm IBOIC, TSS U G X U ory of twenty-one Franciscaq mar­ It was,, announced that the new building. A wide~ gulch will afford T SSSMtlSG I n s BUST SOULS HUE SO Dim B aw i news only to bring forably to mind endorses onr movement. He writes: $6001,000 medical school building will opportunity for the future building that it nevM’ pays to preecb hatred. tyrs to the faith, in the Pneblo lur ‘Yes, we need schools, plenty of them be pushed to completion and prob­ of a splendid natural amphitheater • While people might stand for hatred dian rebellion of 1680. in. the whole Southwraj: Only ably occupied next fall. and stadium. T a littla whiia, the American pnblie “ Aid is sought from the very yesterday I saw a large procession source from whence we are attacked. O I T iTlTlTiTlTlTltlTlTlTlTlTlrMlTl?.' is fnndamaatally decent and he who of our own people, boys and girls, tries to make it ont etharwise is Half a decade ago, Protestant na­ lassi^ tee house, all children of , « bonnd to meet a disutrons end. tives, . i.e., Americans o f Spanish ipanim blood and therefore Cath­ origin, were unknown here. Today olics who are attending the -mission Giant Hospital Three Pairs of T T Whether Parker was tha aditor o f we have thousands. Protestant sects, school right here in Santa Fe . .’ I I the Klan papar, wa are not sore. A with rich endowments from the East, This is the story all over the South­ Convention Four man named Cess was, we under­ by means of mission schools, whi(ffi west Brotkers Raised T T stand, its chiaf editorial writer. But cater to the poorer children,/offering “We are (^ing to the supreme t I everybody who was financially inter- them free schools and free board, council and we are asking tee finan­ have labored lon^ and faithfully and Days Next Week to Priesthood T ' T estod in that enterprise discovered cial assistance and the endorsement that the life o f a paper bnHt on are reaping a nch harvest. These of the Knights of Columbus so that I children are benefited materially a Milwaukee.— The interest of the Grand Rapids, Mich.— Two broth­ scurrility aad defamation is short. we may go before the American thousandfold: they are pa^ng the Catholics.'’ entire hospital and medical worid is ers, Raymond and Donald Miller, T T la g to ts centered in the Hospital Clinical sons of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wenzl Miller 1 t Congress of North America, to be of this city, were ordained Be- State Senator Bogdon, national Klan conducted in Milwankee Jane 20 to demptorist priests Sunday in the Im­ T T loader, who was shot by an irate hna- New Register Buildiog Will 24 htclmdve, under the auspices of maculate Conception seminary chapel, I I band when ha was in an apartment the College of Hospital Administra Oconomowoc, Wis. Archbishop Mess- with the •layer’s wife, one of the tion o f Marquette university. mer o f Milwankee officiated. -T T paper* commented on tha fact that Bogdon did not draw the religions Stand in Bannock Near Ninth Representatives o f hospitals— sup­ Raymond, the older, will celebrate I I his first Solemn High Mass this Sun­ line in his love nffairs, iaasmneh as erintendents, nurses, staff mem­ T T day, and Donald his on the following Ike woman with whotai he was caoght bers, dieticians, physicians, surgeons The contract for the new Register Sunday, both in St Alphonsns’ I » is a Catholic. She may have once structure will be one-lot wide, with —from all pa:^ of North America building will be let within ten chnrch here. A third brother, been a Catholic, bat aa a raasanied ground purchased on both sides to have sent in registrations for the T T days. The stractore will stand in Emes^ who is in his eighth year of divorcee she eat herself off from aware light and ventilation. There event and sever^ thousand people Bannock street near Ninth. ' It was ecclesiastical study, will assist Don­ 1 ♦ Communion. Heaco sho can hardly will be about 7,000 square feet of are expected to be in attendance. bo described as a Catholic today. not desired to have the building in ald as subdeacon, and Baymond will T T floor space in tee 'stractore, which It is an unnsoal event.
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