SHSAA EXECUTIVE 2018 - 2019 Contents

Executive Director's Report ...... PRESIDENT: 2 Val Gordon, Executive and District Presidents’ Meetings ...... 3 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: Al Wandler, Assiniboia Sport Advisory Groups ...... 4 Ryan Fowler, Nathan Noble, Meath Park CIAAA National Conference ...... 4 Darren Nordell, Edam Kirby Frey, Reminders ...... 4 Kelly Adams, Regina Shannon Stephenson, Outlook SHSAA Coaches Card (2017 - 2019) ...... 6 Graham Comfort, Donna Banks, Saskatoon Shelley Sargent, SE Cornerstone 2019 REGIONAL & PROVINCIAL CURLING ...... 8


HOOPLA 2019 ...... 16 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: Jessica Blair Stefanie Lewis 2019 REGIONAL AND PROVINCIAL BADMINTON ...... 17

SHSAA OFFICE 2019 PROVINCIAL TRACK & FIELD ...... 18 #1 - 575 Park Street REGINA SK S4N 5B2 2019 SUMMER COACHES SYMPOSIUM ...... 19 Tel: (306) 721-2151 Fax: (306) 721-2659 2018 FALL ACTIVITY RESULTS ...... 21 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.shsaa.ca

SHSAA MISSION STATEMENT “To promote the positive development of the individual by providing competitive interscholastic athletic activities consistent with the goals of education.”

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Executive Director's Report Best wishes to all of you for a healthy and happy New Year. I hope that each of you has had an opportunity to enjoy well-deserved rest while celebrating Christmas by spending time with family and friends. The SHSAA office staff has recharged and is looking forward to the next adventures of school sport that await us in 2019. As always there will be much to plan, celebrate, and enjoy through the winter and spring activities. Educational athletics will continue to be the most affordable and accessible means to develop citizenship skills in our students.

Once again, our fall activities provided some outstanding displays of athleticism, teamwork, and sportsmanship. The championships allowed student athletes to celebrate their accomplishments in addition to allowing SHSAA the opportunity to share school sport with the entire province. Our championships are like the tip of the iceberg; the part that everyone sees and focuses on, but we need to ensure that everyone knows that there is much more to educational athletics and that base provides the true value and benefits of school sport. The base is that part that takes place day after day, weekend after weekend, during a school sport season where volunteers dedicate time to student athletes providing extended educational opportunities by engaging them in healthy athletic activities in a safe environment.

• In 2011, we worried about making sure the student athletes at provincial golf were being provided with proper hydration when temperatures soared into the 30’s in late September. This year, we spent time considering how to ensure the championship could go ahead despite the expected weather (snow) that was likely to occur and, occur it did. Not ideal conditions but memories that will not soon be forgotten.

• Delisle was host to the provincial Cross Country championship for the second time in three years. The 2018 version was a very efficient meet with 565 dedicated athletes crossing the finish line. During the bitterly cold day, Delisle Composite High School opened their doors to the province. Principal Schlosser and his staff were highly impressed with the conduct and respect shown by the hundreds of athletes and fans that accessed the school throughout the day to seek shelter from the elements.

• SaskTel Max was on hand at the 3A Girls Soccer championship in Prince Albert to provide coverage of the gold medal game. In addition, provincial soccer, hosted the last weekend of October, coincided with the start of the National Poppy Campaign. The Royal Canadian Legion, Saskatchewan Command provided upwards of 8,000 poppy stickers to student athletes participating at these and other SHSAA playoffs that were contested through the November 11 weekend. Legion members were provided with free admission to SHSAA events during the November 11 weekend.

• Once again weather was not our friend during the football playoffs, but as usual communities did everything in their power to get facilities ready for the contest. One report of particular interest was from the officiating crew that was present for the Charlebois Islanders (Cumberland House) playing host to the Hague Panthers. Here is an excerpt of the email…”Saturday morning Brent and his team woke to find about 4 inches of wet, heavy snow covering everything. They worked all morning clearing the field while it continued to snow. After they'd cleared it once they had to go over it again at noon. The field was lined again and by game time at 2:30pm we had a field to play on, muddy in spots. It continued to snow during the game. The conditions were very tough for both teams… the coaches and players of both teams played a game which would be a perfect example of what the SHSAA strives for in each of their competitions. Throughout a wet, muddy game they played a solid, hard-hitting brand of Saskatchewan football. The only penalties were offsides and the odd hold. Players from each team would hit each other hard and when the whistle blew would help the other person up, congratulate each other and head back to their huddles.” Congratulations to Coach Tunstall and Coach Kirby on having their programs and student athletes recognized in this fashion by the game officials.

• The SHSAA Volleyball championships demonstrated some tremendous parity across the classifications and I was fortunate enough to be able to visit the championships hosted by Carrot River (3A Girls) and Melville (4A Boys). These two championships provided outstanding competition, and both were wonderful examples of host sites providing an excellent championship experience. I heard many similar

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reports from others attending championships and playoffs around the province. Hats off to all our playoff host sites. We look forward to our winter and spring activities. The provincial curling championships, presented by Sask Milk, will be hosted in Humboldt (boys) and Nipawin (Girls and Mixed). Sask Milk has continued to provide generous sponsorship to SHSAA and in return they are being recognized as the presenting sponsor of the SHSAA curling playoff season. Wrestling returns to Regina where RHSAA will be using Campbell Collegiate as the host site. SSSAD is anxiously awaiting mid-March when they host HOOPLA 2019 at St. Joseph, Centennial, Evan Hardy, and Walter Murray. For the spring activities we head south as we go to for Badminton on May 11 before concluding the championship calendar with Track & Field on June 7-8 at Gutheridge Field in . Check the SHSAA Website for the most up to date information.

The final activity in the calendar will be the SHSAA AGM in North from June 19-21, 2019. The host committee from the North West District and the SHSAA Executive Council are busily preparing for the meetings and activities associated with the event. More information will be made available to each district in April.

Executive and District Presidents’ Meetings The annual gathering of District Presidents, Officials’ Commissioners, and Athletic Commissioners occurred at the beginning of December. District Presidents and Athletic Commissioners discussed a number of topics and dealt with business arising from the Executive Meeting. Host sites for 2019-20 that were not named at the AGM were finalized for a number of championships as follows: • Regional Badminton – Series A – West Central – TBA • Regional Badminton – Series B – Qu’ Appelle Valley – NOTRE DAME • Regional Badminton – Series C – Horizon Central – TBA • Regional Curling – Series A – West Central – TBA • Regional Curling – Series B – Qu’ Appelle Valley – TBA • Regional Curling – Series C – Horizon Central – TBA • Regional Curling – Series D – Battle West – TBA • 2A Boys Soccer – MOOSE JAW • 1A Girls Volleyball – MUENSTER • 2A Girls Volleyball – • 3A Girls Volleyball – ASSINIBOIA • 4A Girls Volleyball – FORT QU’ APPELLE • 5A Girls Volleyball – WEYBURN • 1A Boys Volleyball – GLASLYN • 3A Boys Volleyball – TISDALE

The District Officials’ Commissioners did their annual review of fall activities and preparation for the upcoming winter and spring activities. Included in the discussion was the partnership developed between SHSAA and SABO introducing a new ‘referee coach’ program being unveiled by Canadian Association of Basketball Officials. Each district is being asked to sponsor potential candidates for this mentoring program in order to increase the capacity and competency of basketball officials in Saskatchewan.

The final activity for the meeting delegates was to review the work done by the Executive Council concerning strategic planning and review of guiding principles for provincial championships. The Executive have begun the process of defining the vision and mission for SHSAA and establishing the values that will guide the decision- making process of the current and future Executive Councils. The review of the guiding principles revealed that four of the existing statements in the guiding principles for provincial championships are, in reality, values of the Association. Look for more from the Executive over the coming months and a presentation at the June 2019 AGM in .

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Sport Advisory Groups Earlier in the fall, the Executive Council finalized their committee members for the 2018-19 Sport Advisory Groups. Executive members will report at each Executive meeting on the work being done by the Sport Advisory Group that they chair. The Sport Advisory Groups are yet another lens for the Association activities to be studied. Discussions amongst the groups will provide insight for the Executive Council to consider in their planning for SHSAA. Thank you to those individuals who have volunteered their time to be part of the groups. Applications for the 2019-20 Sport Advisory Groups will be advertised in late May. If you are interested, please check out the quick link for the application form on the SHSAA homepage (www.shsaa.ca)

CIAAA National Conference Based on the momentum of hosting the CIAAA National Athletic Directors Conference in Regina in April 2018, the Executive Council established an ad-hoc committee to assist the SHSAA office in overseeing and promoting the SIAAA. Thank you to Roger Morgan (Kincaid), Margie Gibson (Moosomin), Ryan Trumbley (St. Brieux), Sandra Surkan (Regina), Troy Snider (), and Nathan Noble (Meath Park) for volunteering to be part of this committee.

CIAAA Executive Director, Drew Hanson, will work closely with the group to coordinate professional development opportunities for athletic directors in Saskatchewan. One athletic director from each high school in Saskatchewan is provided with a membership in CIAAA. You should be receiving emails from Drew keeping you up to date on upcoming course offerings and conferences. Later in this school year the launch of the Athletic Directors’ Resource Bank will take place. The resource bank will provide a variety of tools and useful information for athletic directors. It is hoped that the resource bank will continue to grow as new ideas and tools are added from the grassroot members of the organization.

Upcoming course offerings include: • January 28-29, 2019 (Webinar Series: 4:00pm – 6:00pm each day) o 504 C: Legal Issues I – The Basics of Negligence, Liability, & Risk Management • February 1-2, 2019 (Saskatoon Hilton Garden Inn) o 2019 Leadership Training Institute • April 25-27, 2019 (Canmore, Alberta) o 4th Annual National Athletic Directors Conference

For more information on each offering check out www.ciaaa.ca

Reminders Upcoming events and reminders in addition to those discussed earlier or listed on the SHSAA calendar: • Sportsmanship Awards o The SHSAA would like to thank the Saskatchewan Milk Marketing Board for their continued support of these presentations. o In addition to the 24 sportsmanship awards that will be presented from the provincial championship tournaments, there are an additional four sportsmanship awards available to be presented to schools / teams that have displayed characteristics throughout the entire season that are worthy of a sportsmanship award. Nominations for these awards can be forwarded to the SHSAA office. The nomination form is available on the SHSAA website (http://www.shsaa.ca/page/show/1031436-nomination-forms). • SHSAA Message Board o Individuals are encouraged to create an account by contacting the SHSAA office and post information about their tournaments and seasonal results

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• SHSAA Awards o Nominations for SHSAA Awards (Coach, Official, Service, and Merit) should be submitted to the District by the end of April. • Women in Sport Conference o Shannon Stephenson will lead the organizing committee in preparing for the conference to be held at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon from May 31-June 1, 2019. Registration for the conference will be $50 per delegate and limited to the first 100 registrations received. Once the conference agenda is finalized, a complete information package and registration form will be available on the SHSAA website as well as being distributed to all schools. A reminder that registration includes all meals, accommodations, and miscellaneous conference fees. As this is a SHSAA activity, teacher-coach supervision is required by each school registering delegates for the conference. • Executive Council Elections – SHSAA AGM – June 19-21, 2019 o Positions up for election include: President, Section 2, Section 4, Saskatoon and Women’s Representative. o Val Gordon is finishing her last term as Association President while there are incumbents in the other three positions that may enter the elections to seek another term. • Sport Advisory Groups o Application forms can be found at https://shsaa.sportngin.com/register/form/348760507 o The Executive would like to receive applications by June 20 and finalize groupings at their September meetings. • Coaches Symposium – August 20-21, 2019 – Regina Campbell Collegiate o more information later in the newsletter • Please remember to quote “SHSAA School” when looking to access the preferred rates offered by various hotel groups (See accommodations at http://www.shsaa.ca/page/show/968446-provincial- championship-accommodations)

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SHSAA Coaches Card (2017 - 2019)

ABOUT THE CARD The purpose of the SHSAA Coaches Card is to show appreciation to those who volunteer their time for the students of Saskatchewan schools. The card is intended for personal or family use, but some sponsors may extend their discounts to teams. The principal/athletic director will designate those eligible in the school, but we suggest that the following be considered. ❖ SCHOOL ATHLETIC COACHES ❖ RETIRED COACHES ❖ SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS ❖ OTHER TEACHERS ACTIVE IN THE ❖ DIRECTORS / SUPERINTENDENTS OF INTERSCHOOL PROGRAM EDUCATION

CARD EXPIRY The Coaches Card is valid for a period of TWO years. The 2015-2017 version (Maroon Card) has expired, as of August 31, 2017 and will not be accepted by the card sponsors. The latest version (2017-2019) is now available from the SHSAA office. Fill out the application form available on-line at http://assets.ngin.com/attachments/document/0061/3336/Coaches_Card_Flyer_and_Order_Form_1719_3.pdf or contact our office to place your order. Over 2000 volunteer teacher coaches and others involved in educational athletics held the last edition of the card.

COST Cards are available at a cost of $12.00 each and are valid for TWO years (September 1, 2017 - August 31, 2019). Check out the list of sponsors below.

SPONSORS The following COACHES CARD SPONSORS have agreed to offer discounts and values to Coaches Card holders: SHSAA Westmont Hospitality Group FREE Admission to SHSAA Playoffs & *Rates include complimentary hot breakfast. Championships. For Reservations & Group Bookings Call: 1-866-285-7936 or SHSAA BOUTIQUE - SPORT LOGO Email: [email protected] 10% discount on SHSAA Boutique merchandise *Prince Albert Comfort Inn for personal use. Discount only available from $104.00 Single / $109.00 Double Sport Logo office staff directly. *Regina Comfort Inn ROYAL HOTEL GROUP $105.00 Single / $109.00 Double Rates include breakfast. Call hotel directly to make Regina Quality Hotel reservation and quote “SHSAA Coaches Card”. $94.00 Single / $99.00 Double Rates not valid for Group Bookings. Regina Delta by Marriott Saskatoon: $139.00 Hotel Contact: 306.565.1666 Quality Inn & Suites - $115.00 *Saskatoon Comfort Inn 1715 Idylwyld Drive North 1-888-244-5552 $105.00 Single / $109.00 Double Best Western Blairmore $125.00 *Swift Current Comfort Inn 306 Shillington Crescent 1-877-999-1004 $99.00 Single / $104.00 Double Best Western Plus East Side $132.00 PIZZA HUT 3331 – 8th Street East 1-844-882-3331 15% discount on all regular menu prices for Regina: personal & team purchases, excluding alcohol. Executive Royal Hotel $115.00 Valid for Dine In, Pick Up and Delivery. Tax & 4025 Albert Street South 1-800-853-1181 delivery charge extra. : Royal Hotel $99.00 CHILIS 5620 – 44th Street 1-800-661-7221 15% discount on regular priced menu items Best Western Plus Meridian $129.00 excluding alcohol. Offer valid for personal and team 1402 – 50th Avenue 1-888-505-8884 use (dine in only) at Regina and Saskatoon locations.

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Please forward a COACHES CARD for the following list of individuals: SEND TO: (School Name / Address) AUTHORIZED BY:

Card #1 Card #7 Name: Name: Address: Address: Town/City: Town/City:

Card #2 Card #8 Name: Name: Address: Address: Town/City: Town/City:

Card #3 Card #9 Name: Name: Address: Address: Town/City: Town/City:

Card #4 Card #10 Name: Name: Address: Address: Town/City: Town/City:

Card #5 Card #11 Name: Name: Address: Address: Town/City: Town/City:

Card #6 Card #12 Name: Name: Address: Address: Town/City: Town/City:

Please send ______COACHES CARDS @ $12 Each Total = ______

Submit to Email: [email protected] or Fax: 306-721-2659 or Mail: #1 - 575 Park Street, Regina SK, S4N 5B2

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Each provincial championship will consist of eight teams scheduled as two pools of four teams in round-robin play format. The top two teams from each pool shall advance to the championship bracket. The eight teams participating at the provincial championships will include the host school and seven other teams that have qualified through the regional championships.

The tie-breaking criteria to determine placement in pool play and placement into tie-breaker games shall utilize the Skill Based Team Ranking System (SBTRS). For more information on the tie-breaker and the Saturday schedule of games please refer to the curling activity page of the SHSAA website http://www.shsaa.ca/page/show/992559-curling

Regional championships will be held March 1 - 2, 2019. The Regional championships will consist of a six or eight team double knock-out format leading to an ‘A’ event and ‘B’ event qualifier to the provincial championship. The only region that may require an A-B playoff to complete the double knock-out competition is the provincial host region. The A-B playoff will only be contested if the provincial host has not won either the ‘A’ or ‘B’ event. In the regions without an A-B playoff the ‘A’ event winner will be considered the Regional champion.

Districts should declare their representatives to the Regional Championships and contact the regional commissioners and SHSAA office by Tuesday, February 26, 2019.

Regional commissioners are asked to contact both the SHSAA office and provincial commissioner by Sunday, March 3, 2019 with the names of the schools and team members which have advanced to the provincial championship.


REGION A BOYS GIRLS MIXED (REGINA) Location: Callie Curling Club Callie Curling Club Callie Curling Club Contact: Aaron Anderson Aaron Anderson Aaron Anderson Phone: 306-522-5572 306-522-5572 306-522-5572 Fax: No Fax No Fax No Fax Format: 8 team double knock-out leading to an ‘A’ event and ‘B’ event qualifier to provincials First Round Game #1: SW #1 vs. WC #2 Game #3: WC #1 vs. SW #2 Games: Game #2: RG #1 vs. SC #2 Game 4: SC #1 vs. RG #2 Participating South West South Central West Central Regina Districts Val Gordon Leigh Pethick Lance Morrison Aaron Anderson and Contacts: 306-295-3601 306-694-1200 ext 4049 306-846-2188 306-522-5572

REGION B BOYS GIRLS MIXED (EAST CENTRAL) Location: Curling Club Yorkton Curling Club Yorkton Curling Club Contact: Lana Stanek-Sebastian Lana Stanek-Sebastian Lana Stanek-Sebastian Phone: 306-786-5560 306-786-5560 306-786-5560 Fax: 306-786-5599 306-786-5599 306-786-5599 Format: 6 team double knock-out leading to an ‘A’ event and ‘B’ event qualifier to provincials First Round Bye #1: QV #1 Game #2: QV #2 vs. SE #2 Games: Game #1: SE #1 vs. EC #2 Bye #2: EC #1 Participating South East East Central Qu' Appelle Valley Districts Fred Jerred Lana Stanek-Sebastian Trevor Viergutz and Contacts: 306-532-4274 306-786-5560 306-695-3929

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REGION C BOYS GIRLS MIXED (NORTH EAST) Location: Nipawin Curling Club Nipawin Curling Club Nipawin Curling Club Contact: Cindy Miller Cindy Miller Cindy Miller Phone: 306-862-4671 306-862-4671 306-862-4671 Fax: No Fax No Fax No Fax Format: 6 team double knock-out leading to an ‘A’ event and ‘B’ event qualifier to provincials First Round Bye #1: NE #1 Game #2: NE #2 vs. NC #2 Games: Game #1: NC #1 vs. HC #2 Bye #2: HC #1 Participating North East North Central Horizon Central Districts Cory Schmaltz Nathan Noble Brian Grest and Contacts: 306-768-2433 306-929-2133 306-682-1860

REGION D BOYS GIRLS MIXED (NORTH WEST) Location: Meadow Lake Curling Club Meadow Lake Curling Club Meadow Lake Curling Club Contact: Kendra Paramchuk Kendra Paramchuk Kendra Paramchuk Phone: 306-236-5236 306-236-5236 306-236-5236 Fax: 306-236-4294 306-236-4294 306-236-4294 Format: 8 team double knock-out leading to an ‘A’ event and ‘B’ event qualifier to provincials First Round Game #1: NW #1 vs. CV #2 Game #3: CV #1 vs. NW #2 Games: Game #2: ST #1 vs. BW #2 Game #4: BW #1 vs. ST #2 Participating North West Battle West Central Valley Saskatoon Districts Kendra Paramchuk Brad Nemish Grant Elke Brian Thorstad and Contacts: 306-236-5236 306-883-2282 306-260-5712 306-683-8249


BOYS GIRLS MIXED Nipawin Curling Club Location: Humboldt Curling Club Nipawin Curling Club (hosted by Carrot River) Contact: Stacy Jackson Cindy Miller Cory Schmaltz Phone: 306-682-1010 306-862-4671 306-768-2433 Fax: 306-682-5785 No Fax No Fax Format: Two pools of four leading to a four team championship bracket Host School, additional Host School, additional Host School, additional representative from Region C; representative from Region C; representative from Region C; Participants: Two representatives from Two representatives from Two representatives from each of Regions A, B, and D each of Regions A, B, and D each of Regions A, B, and D Pool A - Region A and B champion, Region C and D runner-up Pool Make-up: Pool B - Region C and D champion, Region A and B runner-up Coaches/Athletes meeting: Coaches/Athletes meeting: Friday March 8, 9:45am Thursday March 7, 8:00pm Schedule of Events: Opening Ceremonies: Opening Ceremonies: Friday March 8 at 2:00pm Friday, March 8 at 10:30am

Please see the following link for Provincial Accommodation: (http://www.shsaa.ca/page/show/968446-provincial-championship-accommodations)

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DATE Saturday, March 2, 2019 LOCATION Weyburn Comprehensive (Cugnet Center) COMMISSIONER Jody Kerr / Travis Franklin PHONE 306-842-7494 / 306-891-6970 FAX 306-842-5594

ENTRY: 1. All wrestlers from registered schools outside Regina and Saskatoon MUST attend this meet in order to qualify for the Provincial Tournament.

2. Registered schools may enter more than one wrestler per division.

3. Every participating school MUST contact the commissioner and SHSAA Office, with their intent to enter, and indicate the number of competitors by the Sunday preceding the regional tournament. Competitors who have not been pre-registered by their coaches will not be allowed to participate in the tournament.

4. This will be a one-day meet. Weigh-in will be done by email. Skin-check will start at 9:00 a.m. and wrestling will begin at 10:00 a.m.

5. The Saskatchewan District team that advances to the Provincial Tournament will consist of up to four qualifiers from this meet per weight division.

6. The coaches present will select the “District” coaching staff (Head and Assistant Coach).

7. The District Coaches in consultation with the commissioner will select the final district team.

WEIGH-IN: A weigh-in will not be held at the Regional tournament. Each wrestler must weigh in at their home school. A school administrator or their designate must certify the weight. Certified weights must be submitted to the host commissioner and SHSAA office by 12:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the meet (February 28, 2019). Note this procedure is used for the regional meet only.

SKIN INSPECTIONS: Skin inspections will begin at 9:00 am. All participants must pass the on-site skin inspection before wrestling.

START TIME: The tournament begins at 10:00 am. Three wrestling mats are available for matches.

RULES FOR HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING: Please refer to the SHSAA Handbook (pages 131 - 137), the CAWA rule book, and the Wrestling Activity page on the SHSAA website (http://www.shsaa.ca/page/show/992567-wrestling) for more information on High School wrestling rules.

SCHOOL TEAM COMPETITION: As approved at the June 2015 and June 2016 AGMs there is now a 2A, 3A, and 4A championship for both male and female school teams.

ACCOMMODATIONS: For a listing of Weyburn Hotels please check the Tourism Weyburn website: https://weyburntourism.com/business_type/where_to_stay/ or the SHSAA website Regional Accommodation.

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DATE March 8 – 9, 2019 LOCATION Regina Campbell COMMISSIONER Aaron Anderson PHONE 306-522-5572 FAX No Fax

ENTRY: Regina, Saskatoon, and District Teams must be declared, and entries received by the commissioner and SHSAA office on or before, Sunday, March 3rd. Changes to original entries must be made by 12:00pm (noon) Thursday, March 7th.

SKIN CHECKS: On-site skin examinations will begin Friday, March 8th at 11:30am. All wrestlers must clear skin inspection prior to reporting for weigh-in.

WEIGH-IN: Weigh-ins will take place on-site from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm Friday, March 8th. Wrestlers must weigh in at this time and make the weight class that they qualified in for the Provincial Championship.

WEIGH-IN PROCEDURE: Check scales for the weigh-ins will be available for wrestlers between 11:00am and 11:30am.

COMPETITION: Wrestling will begin at 4:00pm Friday and continue until approximately 9:00pm. Wrestling will resume Saturday at 9:00am. Information will be provided at the championship as to when the break for the coaches meeting will occur on Saturday and when wrestling will commence following the coaches meeting. Medal presentations for all weight classifications will occur after the final championship bouts have finished.

ACCOMMODATION: For a listing of SHSAA Room Blocks visit the SHSAA website Provincial Accommodation. For a complete listing of Regina Hotels please check the Tourism Regina website https://tourismregina.com/directory/stay.

RULES FOR HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING: Please refer to the SHSAA Handbook (pages 131 - 137), the CAWA rule book, and the Wrestling Activity page on the SHSAA website for more information on High School wrestling rules.

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Team Registration and Participation: • 1A - 3A classifications o All registered basketball teams have been placed in a conference. If necessary, "play-in" games will be scheduled by the SHSAA office to complete the field of 8 teams for the Conference Tournament. • 4A classification o There will be no conference tournaments. If necessary, "play-in" games will be scheduled by the SHSAA office to complete the field of 16 teams for Regional tournaments. • 5A classification o There will be no conference tournaments. o Regina and Saskatoon will each advance three teams to the 5A provincial tournament. o Teams outside of Regina and Saskatoon will be placed into a regional tournament that will advance two teams to the 5A provincial tournament. If necessary, "play-in" games will be scheduled by the SHSAA office to complete the field of 8 teams for the Rural Regional Tournament.

NOTE: If your school is not listed and your school plans on having a team, you must contact the SHSAA office. If your school is listed and your school will not be forming a team, or you do not wish to enter the provincial playoff, you must contact the SHSAA office by February 6, 2019.

• The teams designated to each particular conference are available on the basketball activity page of the SHSAA website. • The SHSAA office will seed each conference tournament. • Draws for the conference tournaments will be available on the SHSAA website on March 4, 2019. • Each coach is to fill out and submit a seeding form (E–16) including their opinion on the seeding of their conference and the province. Seeding forms are due on or before February 27, 2019. Any additional results following the February 27 deadline can be submitted to the SHSAA Office. • Districts are to notify the SHSAA office of host sites for the conference tournaments they have been assigned. Please check the website periodically to see updates to conferences, including host sites.

Conference Tournaments: • All conference tournaments will be played the weekend of March 8 – 9, 2019 and will advance two teams to regional weekend except where indicated on the document listing the conference groupings. • As per the resolution passed at the 2008 AGM there will not be a consolation side included in the tournaments. In conferences of four, five, six, seven, or eight teams that are designated to advance more than two teams there will be a qualifier bracket to advance the extra teams to regional play. • The draw templates for the conference tournaments are available on the basketball activity page on the left side of the SHSAA website.

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1A – 4A Classifications: • Teams will advance from conference play to regional play. The 16 teams that advance to regional play will be seeded 1 to 16 and will be placed in one of four regional tournaments in their classification. • Each regional tournament will include a championship and consolation side with the winner of the championship side advancing to HOOPLA. Regional game times are: Friday games at 6:00pm and 8:00pm; Saturday games at 10:00am and 12:00pm. • Regional tournament hosts will be named on March 11, 2019. • Regional tournaments will be played the weekend of March 15 – 16, 2019. • Each District Officials’ Commissioner should prepare to host a minimum of 2 and possibly more Regional Tournaments in their district. • Schools interested in hosting a regional basketball playoff are invited to submit a bid to host on or before January 31st. Send bids to the SHSAA office.

5A Classification: • In 5A, Regina and Saskatoon will use city playoffs to advance 3 teams to the provincial tournament. 5A rural teams will advance two teams from a regional tournament in 2019. The draw templates for the rural regional tournament are available on the basketball activity page on the left side of the SHSAA website. • Regional tournaments will be played the weekend of March 15 – 16, 2019.


• HOOPLA will be hosted in Saskatoon on March 21 – 23, 2019. • 1A – 4A classifications: The four regional champions will play a straight elimination, four-team tournament with a consolation side to determine third place. • 5A classification: There will be an eight-team tournament composed of three teams from Saskatoon, three teams from Regina, and two teams from the Rural regional tournament in 2019. The tournament will have a championship and consolation side.

SEEDING OF TEAMS FOR CONFERENCE AND REGIONAL PLAYOFFS • Seeding forms (E-16) are due to the SHSAA office on or before February 27, 2019. • Any additional results following the February 27 deadline can be submitted to the SHSAA Office. • The SHSAA office requires written confirmation of season results from ALL BASKETBALL TEAMS. Include results of all games played (tournament, league, and exhibition) including who your opponents were and the result (win or loss). • Please include your opinion regarding the seeding of the teams in your conference as well as your opinion regarding the top 8 teams in the province in your classification.

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BASKETBALL CONFERENCES - BOYS (as of December 21, 2018) • Conferences listed below are tentative. The groupings may be revised following the February 6th withdrawal deadline for basketball. • All conferences will advance the bracketed number of teams to the regional tournament. • Host sites will be indicated as Districts name their hosts. • Conference: March 8-9; Regional: March 15-16; HOOPLA: March 21-23 1A BOYS HOST CONFERENCE 1 HOST CONFERENCE 2 HOST CONFERENCE 3 HOST CONFERENCE 4 (1-30) SE Cowessess - QV HC Almightyvoice - HC NW Beauval - NW ST Kerrobert - BW (2) Kahkewistahaw - QV (2) Bellevue - HC (2) Buffalo Narrows - NW (2) Maymont - BW Montmartre - QV Middle Lake - HC Canoe Lake - NW Wilkie - BW Whitewood - QV - NC Island Lake - NW Allan - CV Fillmore - SE Little Red River - NC Paradise Hill - NW Asquith - CV - SE Meath Park - NC Patuanak - NW Leask - CV Stoughton - SE Carrot River - NE Pinehouse Lake - NW Mistawasis - CV Whitebear - SE Charlebois - NE Waweyekisik - NW Ecole Canadienne - ST HOST CONFERENCE 5 HOST CONFERENCE 6 HOST CONFERENCE 7 HOST CONFERENCE 8 RG Coronach - SC HC - EC BW Cut Knife - BW WC - SC (2) - SC (2) Annaheim - HC (2) - BW (2) Frontier - SW Chief Paskwa - QV Foam Lake - HC Poundmaker - BW Herbert - SW Nakoda Oyade - QV Imperial - HC Edam - NW Leader - SW Payepot - QV - HC Maidstone - NW Davidson - WC Laval - RG Kawacatoose - HC Neilburg - NW - WC Gladmar - SE Kelvington - HC Thunderchild - NW Kenaston - WC Ogema - SE Lake Lenore - HC - NW Marengo - WC Leroy - HC 2A BOYS HOST CONFERENCE 1 HOST CONFERENCE 2 HOST CONFERENCE 3 HOST CONFERENCE 4 (31-50) ST Aberdeen - CV QV Raymore - HC CV Hague - CV NC St. Brieux - HC (2) Hanley - CV (2) Strasbourg - HC (2) - CV (2) Wakaw - HC Viscount - HC Wynyard - HC Rosthern JC - CV - NC Watson - HC Southey - QV Stobart - CV Stanley Mission - NC ST Christian - ST Ile-a-la-Crosse - NW Sen. Myles Venne - NC HOST CONFERENCE 5 HOST CONFERENCE 6 HOST CONFERENCE 7 HOST CONFERENCE 8 SW Gull Lake - SW RG Balcarres - QV BW Macklin - BW EC - EC (2) Shaunavon - SW (2) Grenfell - QV (2) Hepburn - CV (2) Norquay - EC Biggar - WC Kipling - QV Langham - CV Creighton - NE Eston - WC RG Harvest City - RG Waldheim - CV Hudson Bay - NE LCBI - WC - NW - NE 3A BOYS HOST CONFERENCE 1 HOST CONFERENCE 2 HOST CONFERENCE 3 HOST CONFERENCE 4 (51-120) EC Canora - EC QV Lanigan - HC BW Sakewew - BW SW Maple Creek - SW (2) Churchbridge - EC (2) Watrous - HC (2) - BW (2) - WC Esterhazy - EC Fort Qu'Appelle - QV Unity - BW Outlook - WC Melville - EC Lumsden - QV Eagleview - NW Rosetown - WC HOST CONFERENCE 5 HOST CONFERENCE 6 HOST CONFERENCE 7 HOST CONFERENCE 8 SE Indian Head - QV RG RG Christian - RG NC PACI - NC ST Clavet - CV (2) Carlyle - SE (2) Scott - RG (2) Sandy Bay - NC (2) Dalmeny - CV Moosomin - SE Assiniboia - SC Se Se Wa Hum - NC Delisle - CV Oxbow - SE Caronport - SC Tisdale - NE Osler VCA - CV MJ Riverview - SC Legacy Christian - ST 4A BOYS Play-in games will be made to create a field of 16 for Regional Tournaments March 15 - 16, 2019. Hosts TBA by SHSAA office. (121-250) NB John Paul II - BW Churchill - NC La Loche - NW Johnson - RG MJ Central - SC - CV Melfort - NE Meadow Lake - NW Bedford Road - ST MJ Peacock - SC Yorkton Sacred Heart - EC Nipawin - NE Notre Dame - QV E.D. Feehan - ST MJ Vanier - SC Humboldt - HC Weyburn - SE 5A BOYS HOST RURAL HOST REGINA HOST SASKATOON

January 2019 Page 14



(>250) TBD NB Comprehensive - BW RG Balfour ST Aden Bowman (2) Warman - CV (3) Campbell (3) Bethlehem Yorkton Regional - EC LeBoldus Bishop Mahoney PA Carlton - NC Luther Centennial PA St. Mary - NC Martin Evan Hardy Lloydminster Comp - NW Miller Holy Cross Greenall - QV O'Neill Marion Graham - SE Riffel St. Joseph Swift Current - SW Sheldon Williams Walter Murray Winston Knoll

BASKETBALL CONFERENCES – GIRLS (as of December 21, 2018) • Conferences listed are tentative. The groupings may be revised following the February 6th withdrawal deadline. • All conferences will advance the bracketed number of teams to the regional tournament. • Host sites will be indicated as districts name their hosts • Conference: March 8-9; Regional: March 15-16; HOOPLA: March 21-23 1A GIRLS HOST CONFERENCE 1 HOST CONFERENCE 2 HOST CONFERENCE 3 HOST CONFERENCE 4 (1-30) HC Imperial - HC HC Hague - CV NW Canwood - NC WC Hanley - CV (2) Nakoda Oyade - QV (2) Hepburn - CV (2) Buffalo Narrows - NW (2) Leader - SW Southey - QV Lake Lenore - HC St. Walburg - NW Eatonia - WC Laval - RG Middle Lake - HC Thunderchild - NW Kenaston - WC St. Brieux - HC LCBI - WC HOST CONFERENCE 5 HOST CONFERENCE 6 HOST CONFERENCE 7 HOST CONFERENCE 8 QV Cowessess - QV NC Birch Hills - NC BW - BW SC Central Butte - SC (2) Kahkewistahaw - QV (2) Kinistino - NC (2) Kerrobert - BW (2) Coronach - SC Montmartre - QV Meath Park - NC Luseland - BW Gladmar - SE Fillmore - SE Charlebois - NE Wilkie - BW Herbert - SW Rocanville - SE Star City - NE Langham - CV 2A GIRLS HOST CONFERENCE 1 HOST CONFERENCE 2 HOST CONFERENCE 3 HOST CONFERENCE 4 (31-50) SC MJ Cornerstone - SC NC Leask - CV NW Beauval - NW NE Norquay - EC (2) Shaunavon - SW (2) Mistawasis - CV (2) Ile-a-la-Crosse - NW (2) Carrot River - NE Davidson - WC Rosthern - CV Paradise Hill - NW Creighton - NE Outlook - WC Rosthern JC - CV Pinehouse - NW Hudson Bay - NE Sen Myles Venne - NC Turtleford - NW HOST CONFERENCE 5 HOST CONFERENCE 6 HOST CONFERENCE 7 HOST CONFERENCE 8 SE Langenburg - EC CV Dalmeny - CV WC Asquith - CV HC Canora - EC (2) Cupar - QV (2) Delisle - CV (2) Lashburn - NW (2) Kamsack - EC Harvest City - RG Osler VCA - CV Maidstone - NW Foam Lake - HC Redvers - SE ST Christian - ST Biggar - WC Wynyard - HC 3A GIRLS HOST CONFERENCE 1 HOST CONFERENCE 2 HOST CONFERENCE 3 HOST CONFERENCE 4 (51-120) SE Esterhazy - EC NE Melville - EC CV Unity - BW SC Lumsden - QV (4) Fort Qu' Appelle - QV (4) Sacred Heart - EC (4) Clavet - CV (4) Assiniboia - SC Indian Head - QV Churchill - NC Waldheim - CV Caronport - SC Regina Christian - RG PACI - NC Se Se Wa Hum - NC Maple Creek - SW Moosomin - SE Sandy Bay - NC Eagleview - NW Kindersley - WC Oxbow - SE Tisdale - NE Rosetown - WC 4A GIRLS Play-in games will be made to create a field of 16 for Regional Tournaments March 15 - 16, 2019. Hosts TBA by SHSAA office. (121-250) NB Comprehensive - BW Melfort - NE Greenall - QV MJ Central - SC NB John Paul II - BW Nipawin - NE Notre Dame - QV MJ Peacock - SC Martensville - CV La Loche - NW Martin - RG MJ Vanier - SC Warman - CV Meadow Lake - NW Sheldon Williams - RG Estevan - SE Humboldt - HC Marion Graham - ST 5A GIRLS HOST RURAL HOST REGINA HOST SASKATOON (>250) TBA Yorkton Regional - EC RG Balfour ST Aden Bowman (2) PA Carlton - NC (3) Campbell (3) Bethlehem PA St. Mary - NC LeBoldus Bishop Mahoney Lloydminster - NW Luther Centennial Weyburn - SE Miller Evan Hardy Swift Current - SW O'Neill Holy Cross Yorkton Regional - EC Riffel St. Joseph Winston Knoll Tommy Douglas January 2019 Page 15




Hoopla 2019 will be held in Saskatoon from March 21 - 23, 2019. The 5A boys and 5A girls preliminary games will be held on Thursday evening. All other classifications will begin play on Friday.

All finals will be played on Saturday.

The Saskatoon host committee will host the Provincial Basketball Championships at the following venues:

❖ Centennial Collegiate - 160 Nelson Rd, Saskatoon, SK, S7S 1P5 ❖ St. Joseph High School - 115 Nelson Rd, Saskatoon, SK, S7S 1H1 ❖ Evan Hardy Collegiate - 605 Acadia Dr, Saskatoon, SK, S7H 3V8 ❖ Walter Murray Collegiate - 1905 Preston Ave S, Saskatoon, SK, S7J 2E7

The SHSAA has adopted a policy that does not allow for teams to practice at the host venue(s) prior to or during the competition. Please do not contact these host sites in attempts to book practice times for the championship.

The schedule of games will be released Monday, March 18th. It will be posted on the SHSAA web site; direct your inquiries to the SHSAA office. Each school team attending HOOPLA is responsible for arranging their accommodations. Schools are encouraged to book rooms early.

ACCOMMODATION: For a listing of SHSAA Room Blocks visit the SHSAA website Provincial Accommodation. For a complete listing of Saskatoon Hotels please check the Tourism Saskatoon website https://www.tourismsaskatoon.com/hotels/.


January 2019 Page 16



2019 REGIONAL AND PROVINCIAL BADMINTON Provincial Date May 11, 2019 Location Swift Current Commissioner Janna Walker Phone 306-773-2801 Fax 306-773-9285

Rules and Procedures: Refer to the SHSAA Handbook Badminton Pages 89-92 or the SHSAA Badminton Activity page

Official Shuttlecock: The SHSAA has a sponsorship contract with Yonex . The Yonex Mavis 300, Blue Band Shuttle will be supplied by the SHSAA & Yonex for each District, Regional, and Provincial Tournament.

Accommodation: For SHSAA Room Blocks visit the SHSAA website Provincial Accommodation. For information regarding Swift Current, please see the Tourism Swift Current website: https://tourismswiftcurrent.ca/.

Inquiries: Please contact the respective commissioners or the SHSAA Office at 306-721-2151

REGIONAL PLAYOFFS MAY 4, 2019 Reminder to all District Commissioners: You must have your entries for Regional Badminton into the Regional host and SHSAA office by Sunday, April 28. LOCATION SERIES A SERIES B SERIES C SERIES D Regina Luther Melville Comp L.P. Miller (Nipawin) Lloydminster Comp CONTACT Aaron Anderson Doug Severson Graham Comfort Jeremy Thompson PHONE 306-522-5572 306-728-4181 306-862-5434 780-875-5513 FAX No Fax 306-728-4742 No Fax 780-875-5548 FORMAT 8 - TEAM 8 - TEAM 6 - TEAM 6 - TEAM PARTICIPATING REGINA EAST CENTRAL NORTH EAST NORTH WEST DISTRICTS Aaron Anderson Dan Alspach Cory Schmaltz Jay Elder 306-522-5572 306-548-2103 306-768-2433 306-285-3505 SOUTH WEST SOUTH EAST NORTH CENTRAL BATTLE WEST Val Gordon Fred Jerred Rylan Michalchuk Lane Buswell 306-295-3601 306-532-4274 306-929-2133 306-883-2282 SOUTH CENTRAL QU' APPELLE VALLEY SASKATOON CENTRAL VALLEY Leigh Pethick Trevor Viergutz Brian Thorstad Grant Elke 306-694-1200 ext.4049 306-695-3929 306-683-8249 306-260-5712 WEST CENTRAL HORIZON CENTRAL Lance Morrison Brian Grest 306-846-2188 306-682-1860

January 2019 Page 17



2019 PROVINCIAL TRACK & FIELD DATE June 7 – 8, 2019 LOCATION Gutheridge Field - Moose Jaw COMMISSIONER Leigh Pethick PHONE 306-694-1200 ext.4049 FAX No Fax

Participating Districts and schools are responsible to book their own accommodation. For a listing of Moose Jaw Hotels please check the Tourism Moose Jaw website https://www.tourismmoosejaw.com/#/sleep/ or the SHSAA website Provincial Accommodation for room blocks secured by the SHSAA or Host.

Please refer to the SHSAA handbook pages 116 - 123 or the SHSAA Track & Field Activity page for regulations concerning the event.

Wheelchair Events: The 100m and 400m wheelchair events have been approved as events for this meet. Please contact the SHSAA office with entries for the wheel chair events.

Quadathlon: There will be a Junior and Senior category for Boys Quadathlon and Girls Quadathlon competitions. • Four events (100m, 800m, Long Jump, and Shot Put) are scored on the best performance by the individual in each of the events. The Quadathlon winner will be the competitor who has accumulated the most points through the four events. • Athletes participating in the Quadathlon will not be allowed to compete in other individual events at the SHSAA Championships but may compete in any age appropriate relays. • All athletes competing in the Quadathlon at the SHSAA Track and Field Championships are expected to have competed in a similar event at their District Track Meet. o Shot Put implement: Boys – 12 lb; Girls – 4 kg

HY-TEK: The district team advancer information will be provided to each district. Entries are due to the SHSAA office on or before June 2, 2019. Substitutions for original entries may be made until 4:00pm on June 5, 2019.

OFFICIALS’ ASSIGNMENTS: Each District supplies TWO OFFICIALS per session. These officials assist the head official of the events. Please forward names of your District officials to the SHSAA Office. A fine of $100.00 will be assessed to any District that does not comply with these criteria. Athletes must not be assigned as officials. TASK DISTRICT ASSIGNED CENTRAL VALLEY, HORIZON CENTRAL, NORTH Track Judges & Officials: EAST, QU’APPELLE VALLEY, SOUTH WEST SHOT: BATTLE WEST JAVELIN: SOUTH EAST DISCUS: NORTH WEST LONG JUMP: REGINA TRIPLE JUMP: NORTH CENTRAL HIGH JUMP: WEST CENTRAL POLE VAULT: SASKATOON AWARDS: EAST CENTRAL 2ND QUAD EVENT (SP AND LJ): EAST CENTRAL HEAD OFFICIAL FOR EACH EVENT: SOUTH CENTRAL / SASK ATHLETICS January 2019 Page 18



TRACK & FIELD SCHEDULE: The schedule will be posted on the SHSAA Website when it has been finalized: http://www.shsaa.ca/page/show/992565-track%20&%20field

2019 SUMMER COACHES SYMPOSIUM The SHSAA annual Coaches Symposium will be held Tuesday, August 20 & Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at Campbell Collegiate in Regina. The Symposium is an excellent opportunity for coaches of different activities to gather in one location to participate in a professional development opportunity that will enhance the extra- curricular experience of the student-athletes around the province. Each of the fourteen SHSAA districts is offering incentives to support coaches who want to attend, please contact your District Executive. This opportunity is available to all coaches including non-faculty / community coaches.

This is the nineteenth consecutive year of the Symposium. This year’s symposium will provide entry-level sessions as well as advanced sessions in a variety of activities that are a part of the SHSAA programming. The registration fee will be $150.00 if registered prior to June 30th and $175.00 for those who register after this date. Pamphlets and registration forms will be distributed to schools in the spring as well as being available on the SHSAA website.

The symposium will offer pre-conference sessions on Tuesday. These optional offerings occasionally have additional costs attached and some may be taken separate from the regular symposium registration. Please contact the SHSAA office if you are interested in these sessions.

The Symposium Committee is actively planning the sessions and inviting presenters to participate. If you have someone in mind that you would like to hear give a presentation, take the time to forward the name to the SHSAA office or an executive member. If you are approached to present, please give serious consideration to the opportunity. It is our own ‘made in Saskatchewan’ coaches who each year receive such positive feedback from those in attendance at the symposium.

TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF OFFERINGS: Watch for final details in Symposium Brochures and Information coming to your school this Spring.

Tuesday: Morning Registration: 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Pre-Conference Sessions: 8:00 – 4:30 p.m. ➢ NCCP: Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, Aboriginal Coaching Modules ➢ Sport Taping Afternoon Registration & Pizza Social: 4:30 – 5:15 p.m. Keynote Speaker and Welcome: 5:15 - 6:00 p.m. Tuesday Sport Specific (Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, etc.) 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. - sessions will be offered at the introductory and advanced levels Tuesday Sport Specific (Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, etc.) 7:30 – 8:45 p.m. - sessions will be offered at the introductory and advanced levels Wednesday: Wednesday General Sessions 9:00 – 10:15 a.m. - dealing with topics such as coaching female athletes, nutrition, resistance training, officiating Wednesday General Sessions 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. - dealing with topics such as coaching female athletes, nutrition, resistance training, officiating Luncheon: 11:45 – 12:30 p.m. Wednesday Sport Specific (Track & Field, Soccer, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, etc.) 12:30 – 1:45 p.m. - sessions will be offered at the introductory and advanced levels Wednesday Sport Specific (Track & Field, Soccer, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, etc.) January 2019 Page 19



2:00 – 3:15 p.m. - sessions will be offered at the introductory and advanced levels

January 2019 Page 20






Boys (best three scores per hole) Girls (best two scores per hole)

SCHOOL DAY 1 DAY 2 TOTAL SCHOOL DAY 1 DAY 2 TOTAL 1 Carlton 229 234 463 1 Assiniboia 209 213 422 2 Estevan 233 232 465 2 Esterhazy 233 227 460 3 Lumsden 242 252 494 3 240 242 482 4 North Battleford 250 258 508 4 Wynyard 251 234 485 5 Swift Current 253 260 513 5 LP Miller 239 249 488 5 Carpenter 265 248 513 7 Kindersley 262 256 518 8 Stobart 275 250 525 9 Unity 275 300 575 10 Avonlea 295 284 579 11 Wynyard 289 296 585 12 Melfort 305 290 595 Yorkton Regional 268 WD WD INDIVIDUAL RESULTS

Boys Girls

NAME SCHOOL DAY DAY TOTAL NAME SCHOOL DAY 1 DAY 2 TOTAL 1 Jace Carlisle Estevan 791 752 154 1 Lauren Fox Creighton 85 86 171 2 Chase Gedak Estevan 74 81 155 2 Carey McLean Lumsden 87 90 177 3 Cole Jenkins PA Carlton 78 79 157 3 Ray-Lyn Schmidt MJ Central 94 92 186 4 Gaige Calkins Swift Current 80 79 159 4 Devrie Bloom Turtleford 95 96 191 5 TJ Baker PA Carlton 82 78 160 5 Maycee Gardypie Cst. R. Cameron 99 97 196 6 Noah Parent PA St. Mary's 85 76 161 6 Carlie Moore Esterhazy 103 96 199 7 Ben Zultok SchoolPA Carlton (P.A.) 78 84 162 7 Jensen Kelly Imperial 114 94 208 8 Cort Tunall Kindersley 79 84 163 8 Veronika Duchsherer Nipawin 107 102 209 9 Brayden Nestman Avonlea 79 86 165 9 Lindsey Hawkins Assiniboia 108 106 214 10 Parker Mymryk Lumsden 83 83 166 10 Kaitlyn Yockey NB JP II 106 109 215 10 Theoren West Wawota 80 86 166 11 Mady Barry Moosomin 116 106 222 12 Mason Gorski Meadow Lake 83 84 167 12 Sadie McGriskin Kamsack 106 123 229 13 Austin Krupski Whitewood 80 88 168 13 Madison Genaille Biggar 114 116 230 13 Issac Wills Lumsden 84 84 168 14 Anna Van Winkoop Wawota 114 120 234 13 Kyler Cote Kindersley 81 87 168 15 Jordan Matheson Davidson 135 105 240 13 Ryley Lahey Eston 84 84 168 16 Raylynn Laursen Pierceland 124 117 241 17 Jackson Long Yorkton Regional 81 88 169 17 Jaslyn Sokul Wynyard 117 125 242 18 Ethan Fizel Swift Current 84 87 171 18 Jesse Froehlich Wynyard 117 126 243 19 Devdan Chegus Watson 81 92 173 19 Hunter Durell Assiniboia 116 129 245 20 Grant Gardiner Meadow Lake 83 91 174 20 Jordan Dorrance Wawota 128 120 248

For complete individual results check the results listed at http://www.shsaa.ca/page/show/992539-golf

January 2019 Page 21





1A 2A 3A 4A

SCHOOL POINTS SCHOOL POINTS SCHOOL POINTS SCHOOL POINTS 1 Three Lakes 62 1 Clavet 63 1 MJ Peacock 58 1 ST Walter Murray 8 2 Lake Lenore 86 2 Canora 87 2 MJ Central 67 2 ST Holy Cross 27 3 Muenster 105 3 McNaughton 144 3 RG Sheldon 69 3 ST Centennial 28 4 RG Laval 143 4 Gordon F. Kells 151 4 ST Graham 76 4 RG Campbell 32 5 Osler 175 5 LCBI 159 5 L.P. Miller 101 5 Yorkton Regional 39 6 William Derby 185 6 Hudson Bay 183 6 John Paul II 128 6 RG Miller 52 7 St. Walburg 204 7 Wynyard 187 7 MJ Vanier 132 7 ST Aden Bowman 64 8 Kenaston 220 8 Oxbow 198 8 Sacred Heart 135 8 ST St. Joseph 77 9 North Valley 221 9 Tisdale 200 8 Humboldt 135 9 Swift Current Comp 78 10 Sturgis 225 10 ES Laird 209 10 RG Luther 148 10 Warman High 101


MIDGET BOYS POINTS JUNIOR BOYS POINTS SENIOR BOYS POINTS 1 Saskatoon 27 1 Saskatoon 27 1 Saskatoon 18 2 East Central 43 2 Regina 42 2 Regina 23 3 Regina 48 3 South Central 78 3 Horizon Central 79 4 Central Valley 74 4 Horizon Central 99 4 5 North East 119 Central Valley 89 5 South East 112 6 Horizon Central 125 5 North West 115 6 Battle West 131 7 South East 128 6 North East 141 7 Central Valley 191 8 Qu’Appelle Valley 178 7 East Central 148 8 East Central 199 9 North West 209 8 South Central 167 9 Qu’Appelle Valley 217 10 West Central 216 9 North Central 172 10 North West 248 10 Battle West 216 10 South East 212 11 West Central 275 12 South Central 226 11 West Central 231 12 Qu’ Appelle Valley 270

MIDGET GIRLS POINTS JUNIOR GIRLS POINTS SENIOR GIRLS POINTS 1 Regina 32 1 Saskatoon 29 1 Saskatoon 22 2 Central Valley 50 2 Horizon Central 58 2 Regina 58 3 North West 51 3 North West 64 3 South Central 61 4 Saskatoon 64 4 South Central 93 4 East Central 84 5 Horizon Central 78 5 Regina 99 5 Horizon Central 86 6 South Central 81 6 East Central 107 6 Qu’Appelle Valley 110 7 Battle West 136 7 Central Valley 127 7 South East 176 8 South East 188 7 Qu’Appelle Valley 127 8 Central Valley 181

9 East Central 199 9 West Central 182

10 North East 226 10 North Central 193

11 Qu’Appelle Valley 264 11 North West 260

12 North Central 338


January 2019 Page 22






Place Time Name School Place Time Name School 1 10:35 Matthew Finley Walter Murray 1 11:25 Eryn Kielo Delisle 2 10:36 Dawson Lennea Martensville 2 11:30 Alexis Lewans Holy Cross 3 10:44 Brendan Banks Hudson Bay 3 11:43 Molly Lakustiak RG Martin 4 11:01 Abraham Makaby Holy Cross 4 11:46 Abby Kirsch E.S. Laird 5 11:07 Jacob Telus Campbell 5 12:15 Carlie Mosimann H. Hardcastle Edam 6 11:09 Clay Sleeva Canora 6 12:22 Hillary Lacelle Swift Current 7 11:13 Reid Anderson Lashburn 7 12:28 Elizabeth Wright Clavet Composite 8 11:17 Justin Adam Yorkton Regional 8 12:29 Stella McLeod RG LeBoldus 9 11:18 Fergus English Walter Murray 9 12:33 Ella Perras RG Martin 10 11:18 Hudson Bailey Canora 10 12:39 Cara Dobrohoczki Middle Lake


Place Time Name School Place Time Name School 1 14:02 Adam Mytopher Strasbourg 1 15:08 Jenna McFadyen Maidstone 2 14:09 Alexander Webster ST Walter Murray 2 15:29 Avery Pearson Meadow Lake Carpenter 3 14:26 Kaiden Deck ST St. Joseph 3 16:04 Allison Novecosky ST Walter Murray 4 14:34 Dawson Smith Lashburn 4 16:49 Brenna Paquin Warman High 5 14:41 Ty Willness 5 16:54 Alyssa Regie LeRoy 6 14:44 Reece Gilbert Unity Comprehensive 6 16:57 Emma Riendeau ST Holy Cross 7 14:52 Lucca Siemens ST Marion Graham 7 17:05 Jolynn Amyotte PA Carlton 8 14:58 Eric Dorey RG Balfour 8 17:12 Lauren Matai ST Walter Murray 9 15:07 Daniel Eiswerth Regina Christian 9 17:16 Kira Comfort Nipawin 10 15:10 Jesse Horsman Yorkton Regional 10 17:17 Julianna Engele-Lueke Humboldt


Place Time Name School Place Time Name School 1 16:25 Ron MacLean RG Sheldon 1 15:25 Allison Grajczyk-Jelinski MJ Vanier 2 17:11 Moktar Abdou Said ST Walter Murray 2 15:49 Kaitlyn Harrison Lumsden 3 17:15 Kaelen Kolb RG Sheldon 3 16:17 Jaira Crosschild ST Bishop Mahoney 4 17:31 Benjamin Seshadri ST Centennial 4 16:52 Penelope Mulenga ST St. Joseph 5 17:43 Quincy Fast ST Walter Murray 5 16:57 Alyssa Roney MJ Peacock 6 17:49 Joseph Smith RG Campbell 6 17:02 Elissa Gigun ST Centennial 7 17:53 Mathias Yuzdepski ST Walter Murray 7 17:03 Sarah Novokowski Yorkton Regional 8 18:00 Dylan Bauman ST Centennial 8 17:08 Monique Diemert RG Laval 9 18:02 Kal McGillis MJ Central 9 17:20 Mette Siemens ST Aden Bowman 10 18:04 Matthew Hrycuik ST Centennial 10 17:24 Madelyn Kaban RG Campbell

For complete individual results check the results listed at http://www.shsaa.ca/page/show/992536-cross-country


3A BOYS PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIP Date Competition Location Home Score Away Score January 2019 Page 23



October 19 Region A Warman Warman 4 PA St. Mary 0 October 20 Region A Warman PA Carlton 5 Warman 4 October 11 Region B Regina Regina Campbell 3 Regina LeBoldus 0 October 11 Region B Regina Regina O’Neill 0 Regina Miller 1 October 17 Region B Regina Regina Campbell 2 Regina Miller 3 October 20 Region C Saskatoon Saskatoon Bowman 1 Saskatoon Holy Cross 0 October 20 Region C Saskatoon Saskatoon Centennial 4 Saskatoon Murray 1 October 22 Region C Saskatoon Saskatoon Centennial 4 Saskatoon Bowman 1 October 20 Region D Regina Swift Current 5 Weyburn 0 October 20 Region D Regina Yorkton Regional 8 Balgonie 0 October 20 Region D Regina Swift Current 3 Yorkton Regional 0 October 26 Quarter-Final Saskatoon Saskatoon Centennial 4 Yorkton Regional 1 October 26 Quarter-Final Saskatoon Prince Albert Carlton 4 Regina Campbell 1 October 26 Quarter-Final Saskatoon Swift Current 3 Saskatoon Bowman 2 October 26 Quarter-Final Saskatoon Regina Miller 2 Warman 4 October 26 Championship Semi Saskatoon Saskatoon Centennial 4 Prince Albert Carlton 0 October 26 Championship Semi Saskatoon Swift Current 0 Warman 1 October 26 Consolation Semi Saskatoon Yorkton Regional 2 Regina Campbell 1 October 26 Consolation Semi Saskatoon Saskatoon Bowman 1 Regina Miller 0 October 27 Consolation Final Saskatoon Yorkton Regional 0 Saskatoon Bowman 2 October 27 Bronze Medal Saskatoon Prince Albert Carlton 4 Swift Current 2 October 27 Gold Medal Saskatoon Saskatoon Centennial 9 Warman 0

2A BOYS PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIP Date Competition Location Home Score Away Score October 20 Region A North Battleford Se Se Wa Hum 2 Martensville 0 October 20 Region A North Battleford Poundmaker/Little Pine 2 NB John Paul ll 0 October 20 Region A North Battleford Se Se Wa Hum 4 Poundmaker/Little Pine 3 October 11 Region B Regina Regina Riffel 5 Regina Christian 2 October 15 Region B Regina Regina Luther 2 Regina Riffle 4 October 19 Region C Moose Jaw MJ Peacock 4 LCBI/Outlook 0 October 19 Region C Moose Jaw MJ Central 7 MJ Vanier 1 October 20 Region C Moose Jaw MJ Central 8 MJ Peacock 1 October 20 Region D Kipling Notre Dame 5 Kipling 0 October 20 Region D Kipling Yorkton Sacred Heart 12 Notre Dame 2 October 26 Quarter - Final North Battleford Yorkton Sacred Heart 5 MJ Peacock 1 October 26 Quarter - Final North Battleford Regina Luther 4 Poundmaker/Little Pine 3 October 26 Quarter - Final North Battleford Regina Riffel 3 Notre Dame 0 October 26 Quarter - Final North Battleford Se Se Wa Hum 2 MJ Central 6 October 26 Championship Semi North Battleford Yorkton Sacred Heart 9 Regina Luther 3 October 26 Championship Semi North Battleford Regina Riffel 2 MJ Central 3 October 26 Consolation Semi North Battleford MJ Peacock 3 Poundmaker/Little Pine 5 October 26 Consolation Semi North Battleford Notre Dame 1 Se Se Wa Hum 2 October 27 Consolation Final North Battleford Poundmaker/Little Pine 1 Se Se Wa Hum 2 October 27 Bronze Medal North Battleford Regina Luther 3 Regina Riffel 4 October 27 Gold Medal North Battleford Yorkton Sacred Heart 3 MJ Central 2


January 2019 Page 24



1A BOYS PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIP Date Competition Location Home Score Away Score October 20 Region A Herbert Herbert 6 Delisle 1 October 20 Region A Herbert Maymont 0 Herbert 1 October 19 Region B Osler VCA Cst Robin Cameron 1 Ahtahkakoop 11 October 20 Region B Osler VCA Osler VCA 8 Ahtahkakoop 1 October 20 Region B Osler VCA Stobart 1 Rosthern JC 0 October 20 Region B Osler VCA Osler VCA 2 Stobart 5 October 19 Region C Lake Lenore Lake Lenore 5 St. Brieux 0 October 19 Region C Lake Lenore Middle Lake 0 Lake Lenore 2 October 20 Region D Muenster Lanigan 6 Fort Qu’Appelle 5 October 20 Region D Muenster Muenster 1 Stoughton 7 October 20 Region D Muenster Lanigan 0 Stoughton 11 October 26 Quarter-Final Lake Lenore Lake Lenore 8 Lanigan 0 October 26 Quarter-Final Lake Lenore Osler VCA 3 Herbert 2 October 26 Quarter-Final Lake Lenore Middle Lake 6 Maymont 1 October 26 Quarter-Final Lake Lenore Stobart 1 Stoughton 2 October 26 Championship Semi Lake Lenore Lake Lenore 4 Osler VCA 3 October 26 Championship Semi Lake Lenore Middle Lake 9 Stoughton 3 October 26 Consolation Semi Lake Lenore Lanigan 4 Herbert 6 October 26 Consolation Semi Lake Lenore Maymont 3 Stobart 2 October 27 Consolation Final Lake Lenore Herbert 4 Maymont 2 October 27 Bronze Medal Lake Lenore Stoughton 3 Osler VCA 2 October 27 Gold Medal Lake Lenore Lake Lenore 2 Middle Lake 1

SHSAA PROVINCIAL SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS October 11 – 27, 2018 January 2019 Page 25



1A GIRLS PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIP Date Competition Location Home Score Away Score October 19 Region A North Battleford Rosthern JC 13 Cst. Robin Cameron 0 October 19 Region A North Battleford Chief Little Pine 1 Maymont 0 October 20 Region A North Battleford Waldheim 10 Rosthern JC 1 October 20 Region A North Battleford Stobart 3 Chief Little Pine 2 October 20 Region A North Battleford Waldheim 7 Stobart 0 October 19 Region B Dalmeny Herbert 1 Moosomin 0 October 20 Region B Dalmeny Middle Lake 6 Herbert 0 October 20 Region B Dalmeny Dalmeny 6 LCBI 0 October 20 Region B Dalmeny Middle Lake 3 Dalmeny 1 October 26 Championship Semi Middle Lake Waldheim 3 Dalmeny 2 October 26 Championship Semi Middle Lake Middle Lake 2 Stobart 0 October 27 Bronze Medal Middle Lake Dalmeny 1 Stobart 0 October 27 Gold Medal Middle Lake Waldheim 1 Middle Lake 0

2A GIRLS PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIP Date Competition Location Home Score Away Score October 20 Region A Humboldt Humboldt 9 Meadow Lake 0 October 20 Region A Humboldt Warman 3 Martensville 2 October 20 Region A Humboldt Humboldt 0 Warman 5 October 20 Region B Notre Dame Notre Dame 6 Regina Martin 0 October 20 Region B Notre Dame Regina Luther 3 Regina Sheldon 1 October 20 Region B Notre Dame Notre Dame 1 Regina Luther 2 October 20 Region C Sacred Heart ST Marion Graham 8 Yorkton Sacred Heart 1 October 20 Region C Sacred Heart Saskatoon BJM 5 Balgonie 0 October 20 Region C Sacred Heart ST Marion Graham 1 Saskatoon BJM 0 October 19 Region D Moose Jaw MJ Central 1 MJ Peacock 0 October 19 Region D Moose Jaw MJ Vanier 10 Estevan 0 October 20 Region D Moose Jaw MJ Vanier 2 MJ Central 0 October 26 Quarter-Final Regina ST Marion Graham 9 Balgonie 0 October 26 Quarter-Final Regina Warman 4 Notre Dame 0 October 26 Quarter-Final Regina MJ Vanier 6 Humboldt 0 October 26 Quarter-Final Regina Regina Luther 1 MJ Central 2 October 26 Championship Semi Regina ST Marion Graham 7 Warman 2 October 26 Championship Semi Regina MJ Vanier 0 MJ Central 1 October 26 Consolation Semi Regina Balgonie 0 Notre Dame 1 October 26 Consolation Semi Regina Humboldt 0 Regina Luther 2 October 27 Consolation Final Regina Notre Dame 1 Regina Luther 4 October 27 Bronze Medal Regina Warman 2 MJ Vanier 0 October 27 Gold Medal Regina ST Marion Graham 6 MJ Central 0

SHSAA PROVINCIAL SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS October 11 – 27, 2018 January 2019 Page 26



3A GIRLS PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIP Date Competition Location Home Score Away Score October 19 Region A Lloydminster PA St. Mary 4 Lloydminster Rosary 0 October 20 Region A Lloydminster PA Carlton 3 PA St. Mary 2 October 12 Region B Regina Regina LeBoldus 4 Regina Campbell 7 October 12 Region B Regina Regina O’Neill 4 Regina Riffel 1 October 17 Region B Regina Regina Campbell 1 Regina O’Neill 0 October 20 Region C Saskatoon Saskatoon St. Joseph 2 Saskatoon Bowman 0 October 20 Region C Saskatoon Saskatoon Centennial 1 Saskatoon Hardy 0 October 22 Region C Saskatoon Saskatoon St. Joseph 3 Saskatoon Centennial 1 October 19 Region D Swift Current Swift Current 4 Yorkton Regional 0 October 20 Region D Swift Current Weyburn 4 Swift Current 1 October 26 Quarter-Final Prince Albert Saskatoon St. Joseph 9 Swift Current 0 October 26 Quarter-Final Prince Albert PA Carlton 0 Regina O’Neill 3 October 26 Quarter-Final Prince Albert Regina Campbell 3 PA St. Mary 4 October 26 Quarter-Final Prince Albert Weyburn 0 Saskatoon Centennial 7 October 26 Championship Semi Prince Albert Saskatoon St. Joseph 6 Regina O’Neill 1 October 26 Championship Semi Prince Albert PA St. Mary 2 Saskatoon Centennial 3 October 26 Consolation Semi Prince Albert Swift Current 4 PA Carlton 1 October 26 Consolation Semi Prince Albert Regina Campbell 3 Weyburn 1 October 27 Consolation Final Prince Albert Swift Current 3 Regina Campbell 6 October 27 Bronze Medal Prince Albert Regina O’Neill 3 PA St. Mary 0 October 27 Gold Medal Prince Albert Saskatoon St. Joseph 1 Saskatoon Centennial 0

For complete results and game comments check the results listed at http://www.shsaa.ca/page/show/992540-soccer

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October 27 November 3 November 10

Carrot River 64 Carrot River 20

Cupar 12 Hanley 8

Hanley 25

Hanley 27 Kerrobert 24 Hafford Provincial Hafford 79 Champion Hafford 98


Hafford 64 Southey 77

Southey 32 Porcupine Plain 53


October 27 November 3 November 10

Wakaw 53 Wakaw 57

Sandy Bay 12 Wakaw 34

Viscount 16

Macklin 56 Macklin 33 Clavet Provincial Clavet 64 Champion Clavet 74

Lanigan 23

Clavet 56 Charlebois 8

Hague 42 Hague 32

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October 27 November 3 November 10

Delisle 83 Delisle 58

Melville 14 Delisle 43

Nipawin 38

Nipawin 8 Maple Creek 15 Delisle Provincial Indian Head 83 Champion Indian Head 66

Tisdale 0

Indian Head 20 Foam Lake 48

Foam Lake 34 Rosetown 14


October 27 November 3 November 10

North Battleford JP ll 77 North Battleford JP ll 15

Broadview 6 Humboldt 16

Humboldt 56

Humboldt 23 Notre Dame 22 Lumsden Provincial Lumsden 50 Champion Lumsden 65

Melfort 8

Lumsden 55 Esterhazy 26

Martensville 6 Martensville 47

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Nov 3 November 10

Regina Sheldon 44 Regina Sheldon 24

Regina Martin 8 Regina Sheldon 14

Balgonie Greenall 28

Balgonie Greenall 3 Regina Balfour 7 Saskatoon Bishop Mahoney Provincial Yorkton Regional 46 Champion Yorkton Regional 15

Moose Jaw Central 17

Saskatoon BJM 43 Saskatoon BJM 21

Saskatoon BJM 22 Saskatoon Evan Hardy 6


November 10

Holy Cross 26 Holy Cross 14

Aden Bowman 4 Centennial 0

Centennial 13

Centennial 16 St. Joseph 3 Regina Miller Provincial LeBoldus 55 Champion LeBoldus 3

Campbell 19

Miller 45 Riffel 16

Miller 23 Miller 29

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Pool Results: POOL A POOL B Englefeld 4 0 Rose Valley 4 0 Fox Valley 2 2 Vonda 3 1 Chief Paskwa 2 2 Ecole Mathieu 1 3 Borden 2 2 Lemberg 1 3 Arcola 0 4 Luseland 1 3

Championship Bracket:

Englefeld 2 Englefeld 2 (25-22, 25-22)

Lemberg 0 Englefeld 0 (29-27, 25-15)

Vonda 2

(25-17, 25-18) Vonda 0 Chief Paskwa 0 Rose Valley (25-12, 25-19) Provincial Rose Valley 2 Champion Rose Valley 2 (15-25, 26-24, 15-7)

Borden 1 Rose Valley 2 (25-11, 25-17)

Fox Valley 2

(12-25, 25-18, 15-11) Fox Valley 0 Ecole Mathieu 1 Fox Valley 2 Fox Valley (26-24, 25-23) Bronze Vonda 0 Medal

Award School Team Coach Gold Rose Valley Roadrunners Matt Yobb Silver Englefeld Eagles Trevor Kowalski Bronze Fox Valley Legends Kendra Lehmann Fourth Vonda Panthres Francis Denis

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Pool Results: POOL A POOL B Rocanville 4 0 Wilkie 4 0 Langham 3 1 Kelvington 3 1 Medstead 2 2 Raymore 2 2 Ituna 1 3 Kerrobert 1 3 Birch Hills 0 4 St. Walburg 0 4 Championship Bracket:

Rocanville 2 Rocanville 2 (17-25, 25-11, 15-9)

Kerrobert 1 Rocanville 2 (25-18, 25-19)

Kelvington 0

(25-11, 26-24) Medstead 0 Medstead 2 Rocanville (25-14, 25-22) Provincial Wilkie 2 Champion Wilkie 2 (25-13, 25-20)

Ituna 0 Wilkie 0 (25-13, 25-17)

Langham 2

(25-18, 12-25, 15-6) Langham 0 Raymore 1 Medstead 0 Langham (25-23, 25-19) Bronze Langham 2 Medal

Award School Team Coach Gold Rocanville Rara Avis Cathy Johnston Silver Wilkie Broncs Lesley Sittler Bronze Langham Vikings Shawn Huber Fourth Medstead Mustangs Kelly Schneider

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Pool Results: POOL A POOL B Wakaw 4 0 Wynyard 3 1 LCBI 3 1 Pierceland 3 1 1 3 Macklin 3 1 Ile-a-la-Crosse 1 3 Kipling 1 3 Preeceville 1 3 Carrot River 0 4 Championship Bracket:

Wakaw 2 Wakaw 2 (25-19, 25-16)

Kipling 0 Wakaw 2 (25-11, 25-10)

Pierceland 2

(25-10, 25-18) Pierceland 0 Ile-a-la-Crosse 0 Wakaw (16-25, 25-10, 17-15) Provincial Wynyard 2 Champion Wynyard 2 (25-8, 25-9)

Lampman 0 Wynyard 1 (25-22, 25-13)


(22-25, 26-24, 16-14) LCBI 0 Macklin 1 Pierceland 2 Pierceland (18-25, 25-21, 15-11) Bronze LCBI 1 Medal

Award School Team Coach Gold Wakaw Warriors Luke Strueby Silver Wynyard Bears Tessa Jordan Bronze Pierceland Panthers Vicki Nault Fourth LCBI Lady Bisons Leah Adelman


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November 16 – 17, 2018


Pool Results: POOL A POOL B Oxbow 4 0 Nipawin 3 1 Melfort 3 1 Lumsden 3 1 2 2 Outlook 2 2 Unity 1 3 Maidstone 1 3 Clavet 0 4 Waldheim 1 3 Championship Bracket:

Oxbow 2 Oxbow 1 (26-24, 25-17)

Maidstone 0 Lumsden 2 (13-25, 26-24, 15-13)

Lumsden 2

(16-25, 25-8, 15-10) Lumsden 2 Carnduff 1 Lumsden (25-21, 25-20) Provincial Nipawin 2 Champion Nipawin 1 (25-19, 26-24)

Unity 0 Melfort 0 (18-25, 25-18, 15-9)

Melfort 2

(25-20, 21-25, 15-5) Melfort 2 Outlook 1 Oxbow 2 Oxbow (25-15, 25-22) Bronze Nipawin 0 Medal

Award School Team Coach Gold Lumsden Angels Don Morrison Silver Melfort Comets Jen South Bronze Oxbow Black Knights Riley Singleton Fourth Nipawin Bears Kevin Stene

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Pool Results: POOL A POOL B Saskatoon BJM 4 0 Regina Campbell 3 1 Weyburn 3 1 PA Carlton 3 1 Swift Current 2 2 North Battleford 2 2 PA St. Mary 1 3 ST Holy Cross 1 3 RG Winston Knoll 0 4 Balgonie Greenall 1 3 Championship Bracket:

Saskatoon BJM 0 ST Holy Cross 2 (25-23, 26-24)

ST Holy Cross 2 ST Holy Cross 0 (25-17, 25-12)

PA Carlton 2

(25-18, 25-13) PA Carlton 0 Swift Current 0 Regina Campbell (25-20, 25-19) Provincial Regina Campbell 2 Champion Regina Campbell 2 (25-18, 25-17)

PA St. Mary 0 Regina Campbell 2 (25-20, 25-19)

Weyburn 2

(26-24, 25-21) Weyburn 0 North Battleford Comp 0 PA Carlton 0 Weyburn (25-16, 25-20) Bronze Weyburn 2 Medal

Award School Team Coach Gold Regina Campbell Tartans Tania Harrison Silver Saskatoon Holy Cross Crusaders J.P. Barker Bronze Weyburn Eagles Renee Cuthbert Fourth PA Carlton Crusaders Brooke Dallyn

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Pool Results: POOL A POOL B Balgonie Greenall 3 1 Swift Current 4 0 ST Holy Cross 3 1 RG LeBoldus 3 1 PA St. Mary 3 1 Meadow Lake 2 2 Yorkton Regional 1 3 ST Centennial 1 3 RG Riffel 0 4 Lloydminster 0 4 Championship Bracket:

Balgonie Greenall 2 Balgonie Greenall 2 (25-13, 25-15)

ST Centennial 0 Balgonie Greenall 2 (25-20, 25-23)

RG LeBoldus 2

(20-25, 25-20, 15-8) Regina LeBoldus 0 PA St. Mary 1 Balgonie Greenall (25-18, 25-23) Provincial Swift Current 2 Champion Swift Current 2 (25-10, 25-18)

Yorkton Regional 0 Swift Current 0 (15-25, 25-20, 15-12)

ST Holy Cross 0

(25-21, 25-22) Meadow Lake 1 Meadow Lake 2 RG LeBoldus 0 Meadow Lake (25-18, 27-25) Bronze Meadow Lake 2 Medal

Award School Team Coach Gold Balgonie Greenall Griffins Brant Bylsma Silver Swift Current Colts Dan Andrie Bronze Meadow Lake Spartans Cheyne Dallyn Fourth Regina LeBoldus Golden Suns Ryan DeCosse

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Pool Results: POOL A POOL B Saskatoon Christian 4 0 Osler VCA 3 1 Melville 2 2 Moose Jaw Vanier 3 1 Lumsden 2 2 Humboldt 2 2 Wadena 1 3 La Loche 2 2 Melfort 1 3 Fort Qu’Appelle 0 4 Championship Bracket:

Saskatoon Christian 1 LaLoche 0 (17-25, 25-21, 15-12)

La Loche 2 Moose Jaw Vanier 2 (25-13, 25-19)

Moose Jaw Vanier 2

(25-20, 25-22) Moose Jaw Vanier 2 Lumsden 0 Moose Jaw Vanier (25-16, 16-25, 15-13) Provincial Osler VCA 2 Champion Osler VCA 2 (23-25, 25-11, 15-7)

Wadena 1 Osler VCA 1 (25-18, 25-20)

Melville 2

(17-15, 25-15, 21-19) Melville 0 Humboldt 1 La Loche 0 Melville (25-21, 25-23) Bronze Melville 2 Medal

Award School Team Coach Gold Moose Jaw Vanier Vikings Levi Broda Silver Osler VCA Lions Tyler Golding Bronze Melville Cobras Nolan Matthews Fourth La Loche Lakers Alfie Piche

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Pool Results: POOL A POOL B Birch Hills 4 0 Carnduff 4 0 Kipling 3 1 MJ Cornerstone 2 2 Oxbow 2 2 Island Lake 2 2 Waldheim 1 3 Hepburn 2 2 Langenburg 0 4 Ile-a-la-Crosse 0 4 Championship Bracket:

Birch Hills 2 Birch Hills 2 (25-14, 25-14)

Hepburn 0 Birch Hills 2 (25-19, 25-17)

MJ Cornerstone 2

(25-16, 21-25,15-8) MJ Cornerstone 0 Oxbow 1 Birch Hills (25-21, 16-25, 16-14) Provincial Carnduff 1 Champion Waldheim 0 (25-12, 17-25, 15-13)

Waldheim 2 Kipling 1 (25-16, 25-13)

Kipling 2

(25-21, 25-7) Kipling 2 Island Lake 0 MJ Cornerstone 1 Waldheim (25-18, 20-25, 15-9) Bronze Waldheim 2 Medal

Award School Team Coach Gold Birch Hills Marauders Shannon Vey Silver Kipling Magyars Mel Gesell Bronze Waldheim Raiders Chris Loewen Fourth Moose Jaw Cornerstone Falcons Tami Elliot

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Pool Results: POOL A POOL B Wawota 4 0 Medstead 3 1 Wilkie 3 1 Leader 3 1 Pinehouse Lake 2 2 Kinistino 2 2 Meath Park 1 3 Montmartre 2 2 Carrot River 0 4 Ecole Canadienne 0 4 Championship Bracket:

Wawota 2 Wawota 2 (25-19, 25-15)

Montmartre 0 Wawota 2 (25-16, 25-13)

Leader 2

(25-19, 25-16) Leader 0 Pinehouse Lake 0 Wawota (25-23, 25-17) Provincial Medstead 2 Champion Medstead 2 (23-25, 25-15, 15-7)

Meath Park 1 Medstead 0 (25-21, 25-16)

Wilkie 2

(25-13, 25-20) Wilkie 0 Kinistino 0 Leader 2 Leader (28-26, 28-30, 18-16) Bronze Wilkie 1 Medal

Award School Team Coach Gold Wawota Wildcats Riley Riddell Silver Medstead Mustangs Greg Knot Bronze Leader Saints Lana Marshall Fourth Wilkie Broncs Greg Mamer

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Pool Results: POOL A POOL B Thunderchild 4 0 Fox Valley 4 0 Annaheim 2 2 Bellevue 3 1 Rouleau 2 2 Cut Knife 1 3 Edam 1 3 Middle Lake 1 3 Frontier 1 3 Arcola 1 3 Championship Bracket:

Thunderchild 2 Thunderchild 2 (26-24, 25-11)

Middle Lake 0 Thunderchild 2 (25-19, 25-18)

Bellevue 2

(25-21, 25-22) Bellevue 0 Rouleau 0 Thunderchild (25-23, 25-16) Provincial Fox Valley 2 Champion Fox Valley 2 (25-20, 25-19)

Edam 0 Fox Valley 0 (25-27, 21-25, 15-13)

Annaheim 2

(25-19, 23-25, 15-13) Annaheim 1 Cut Knife 1 Bellevue 2 Bellevue (25-19, 18-25, 17-15) Bronze Annaheim 1 Medal

Award School Team Coach Gold Thunderchild Thunder Skylar Walkingbear Silver Fox Valley Legends Darren Lehmann Bronze Bellevue Predateurs Terry Gaudet Fourth Annaheim Rebels Blair Wourms

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