APRIL, 1936 95 In more than one of his Annual Reports, sir George Ne\vman,when Chief Medical Officer to fie Ministry of APPOINTMENTS. Health, stressed the danger duck eggs an article of of as MATRON. food. Recently at an inquest at Dr. James Infants’ , Vincent Square, , S.W.-Miss Austin, bacteriologist Of St. George’s Square, w., told Gertrude Hilder, S.R.N., has been aDDointed Matron. She the ~OrOnerthat: a duck’s egg under discussion contained was trained at the Victoria Hospital fo; thildren, Chelsea, and a germ called bacillus aercryck. at Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, where she has since certain Organs in the man’s body showed the same been Night Sister, Ward Sister, Children’s Ward Sister, and disease. The type of germ was known to occur very Second Assistant Matron. Royal Liverpool Babies’ Hospital, Liverpool, -Miss E. W. but duck’s eggs were more frequently infected Littlejohn, S.R.N., R.S.C.N., S.C.M., F.B.C.N., has been than hen’s eggs. appointed Matron. She was trained at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh, where she was later Ward Sister, EYE HEALTH TAUGHT BY FILM. and at King’s College Hospital, London. Miss Littlejohn has Instruction in the care of the eyes is to be given through- also been Night Sister at the Queen’s Hospital for Children, E. ; at out the country by means of a film, ‘‘ Do YOUSee ? ” which Hacltney Road, Housekeeping Sister King’s College Hospital : Assistant Matron at the National Temperance has just been completed by the National Ophthalmic Hospital, Hampstead Road ; and Matron at the Infants’Hospital, Treatment Board. Vincent Square, London. The film depicts in story form the need of watchfulness Borough Isolation Hospital, Hulton Lane, Bolton.-Miss A. M. against eye-strain under the high-pressure conditions of Howitt, S.R.N., has been appointed Matron. She was trained modern civilisation. at the Royal Infirmary, Wigan, and at the Heathfield Hospital, It also emphasises the danger of receiving eye treatment Ayr; and has been Ward Sister at the Lightburn Isolation from anyone but a qualified eye specialist. The eyes are Hospital, Lanarkshire ; Night Sister at the Maternity and living organs of the body, it is explained in the commentary, Child Welfare Hospital, Paisley; and Deputy Matron and Sister Tutor at the City Hospital, Coventry. not detached optical appliances; and eye aiIments can Lads Hard!nge Medical College Ho3pita1, New Delhi, In1ia.- QnlY be Properly remedied by an eye doctor. Miss M. D. Winter, S.R.N. has been appomted Matron. She was One sequence of the film deals with the history of trained at the Sassoon Hospital, Poona, India, and at IGng’s spectacles, from the first crude examples of the College for Women, London, and has been Nursing Sister at the down to the scientific frames and lenses of to-day. Another MacRobert Hospital, Cawnpore ; Staff Nurse, Massage Student, shows the activities of the NationaI Eye Service centres Rdief Sister, Holiday Sister and Night Sister at the National which the Board has established in co-operation with the Hospital, London ; Sister-in-Charge at the Cuniberland Infirm- British Medical Association. ary, Carlisle; Sister Tutor at the Lewisham Hospital, London ; and Nursing Superintendent at the Lady Reading Hospital, These centres, which are now distributed all over the Simla, India. kingdom, provide for examination of the eyes of persons ASSISTANT MATRON. Of limited means by medical eye specialists at a nominal fee. Bethlem Royal Hospital, Monk’s Orchard, .-Mhs M. I. H. Skene, R.G.N., has been appointed Assistant Matron. HEALTH TALKS FROM THE B.B.C. She was trained at the Royal Iniirmary, Edinburgh, the The new series of health tallrs on Friday morningwill Simpson Memorial Hospital, Edinburgh, and the Maudsley be given under the title ‘‘ Health at Your Service.” They Hospital, London, and has been Sister at Wantage House, St. begin on April 17th, and in the series an account of a day’s Andrew’s Hospital, Northampton. work will be given by a Medical Officer of Health ;a School HOME SISTER AND THIRD ASSISTANT MATRON. Dentist : a Health Visitor ; a Doctor at a Maternity and City Mental Hospital, Humberstone, Leicester.-Miss 0. R. Williams, S.R.N., R.M.N., S.C.M., has been appointed Home Child Welfare Clinic ; a District Nurse working in a large Sister and Third Assistant Matron. She was trained at the city ; a County Superintendent of Nursing Associations City General Hospital, Leicester, and the , affiliated to the Queen’s Institute of District Nursing : London; and has been Night Sister at the Bethlem Royal the Medical Superintendent of a Sanatorium, a Children’s Hospital, Beckenham, Kent ; and Assistant Matron and Sister Hospital, and an Orthopadic Hospital respectively ; and Tutor at the Mid Wales Counties Mental Hospital, Talgarth, a, Bacteriologist in the Public Health Service. Brecon. SISTER-TUTOR INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PHYSICAL Greys Hospital, Pietermaritzburg, S. Africa.-Miss E. M. Foulkes Pritchard, S.R.N., F.B.C.N., has been appointed Sister Tutor. She was trained at the Poplar Hospital, London, E. Twenty-five foreign countries have been officially and at the Plaistow Fever Hospital, and has been Sister Tutor invited by the Foreign Office, through their Embassies under the Cape Hospital Board, Cape Town, and at the Memorial iin London, to send medical representatives to the sixth Hospital, Bulawayo, S. Africa. Miss Pritchard was formerly International Congress of Physical Medicine which will be a member of the Registered Nurses’ Association, London. held in London, May 12th-16th. ’ NIGHT 818TER. . Belgium, Holland, France, Huvgary, RUssia and the Bethlem Royal Hospital, Monk’s Orchara, Beckenham, Kent. United States have formed Orgamsation Committees and Miss Elizabeth Murray, R.G.N., has been appointed Night will be strongly represented. Sister. She was trained at the Royal Infirmary, Perth; the Important papers will be read by British and For:@ Royal Mental Hospital, Montrose; and in Midwifery at the delegates upon scientific and clinical aspects of PhYSlCal Royal Infirmary, Dundee. Miss Murray has been Senior Nurse Medicine in Seven sections :-Kinesitherapy, Hydrotherapy and Relief Sister at the Eltham Hospital. and Climatology, Electrotherapy, ActionotheraPY, Radio- THE CONGRESS ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE, logy, and the teaching and Orgadsation of physical I.C.N. Medicine in Medical Schools and Universities. Lord Harder will be Honorary President of the Congress* The following ladies have accepted seats on the Congress Sir Robed Stanton Woods, President and Chai?tn Of Arrangements Committee to represent Scottish Nurses asso- the Executive Committee, of which Dr. Eldmow, ciated in the National Council of Nurses of Great Britain : 4, Upper Wimpole Street, London, w.1, is I~LSecretaw* Miss M. M. Craig, President, The Scottish Matrons’ Asso- On April 8th Lord Horder will take the Chair at a ciation ; Miss E. Brodie, President, Scottish Nurses’ Asso- Luncheon at the Langham Hotel, w.1, and address the ciation ; and Miss M. Husband, President, The Glasgow guests on the subject of “The progress of Royal Infirmary Nurses’ League (the Premier League of Medicine with special reference to this Congress. Nurses in Scotland. previous page next page