Засновано у жовтні 1998 року Series founded in October, 1998

За наук. редакцією академіка НАН України, д.е.н., проф. Буркинського Б.В.

Том 20, Випуск 4(69) Volume 20, Issue 4(69)

Одеса 2018 УДК 338.47(656.6:504)332.14

Засновник і видавець: Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України

Рекомендовано до друку та публікації у мережі Інтернет Вченою Радою Інституту проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України (протокол № 8 від 15.06.2018 р.)

Редакційна колегія: Головний редактор: Буркинський Б.В., акад. НАН України, д-р екон. наук, проф. Заступник головного редактора: Лайко О.І., д-р екон. наук, с.н.с.; Відповідальний секретар редколегії: Хумарова Н.І., д-р екон. наук, с.н.с.

Члени редакційної колегії: Амоша О.І., акад. НАН України, д-р екон. наук, проф.; Андрєєва Н.М., д-р екон. наук, с.н.с.; Бутенко А.І., д-р екон. наук, проф.; Вєжбєнєць В., проф. надзв., докт. габіліт. (м. Ярослав, Польща); Горіап П. (В.Британія); Жихарєва В.В., д-р екон. наук, проф.; Зверяков М.І., чл.-кор. НАН України, д-р екон. наук, проф.; Ковальов А.І., д-р екон. наук, проф.; Котлубай О.М., д-р екон. наук, проф.; Криштальов В.К., д-р екон. наук, проф. (м. Москва, Росія); Купінець Л.Є., д-р екон. наук, проф.; Лисюк В.М., д-р екон. наук, проф.; Макаренко М.В., д-р екон. наук, проф.; Манцуров І.Г., чл.-кор. НАН України, д-р екон. наук, проф.; Осипов В.М., д-р екон. наук, проф.; Пирожков С.І., акад. НАН України, д-р екон. наук, проф.; Прокопюк А., докт. габіліт. (м. Бєлосток, Польща); Рейман К., проф. надзв., докт. габіліт. (м. Ярослав, Польща); Сатанова А., проф. надзв., к.е.н. (м. Пряшів, Словаччина); Симоненко В.К., чл.-кор. НАН України, д-р екон. наук, проф.; Степанов В.М., д-р екон. наук, проф.; Туниця Ю.Ю., акад. НАН України, д-р екон. наук, проф.; Уманець Т.В., д-р екон. наук, проф.; Філиппова С.В., д-р екон. наук, проф.; Черчик Л.М., д-р екон. наук, проф.; Шапар А.Г., чл.-кор. НАН України, д-р тех. наук, проф.;

Харічков С. К., д-р екон. наук, проф.

Журнал індексується та реферується: Національна бібліотека України ім. В.І. Вернадського, Google Scholar, ROAD (Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources), URAN, Crossref, Ulrichsweb, Index Copernicus, Наукова електронна бібліотека періодичних видань НАН України, WorldCat, SciLit. Свідоцтво про державну реєстрацію друкованого засобу масової інформації: серія КВ № 15485-4057 ПР від 13.07.2009 р. Відповідно до наказу МОН України від 09.03.2016 р. № 241 «Економічні інновації» внесено у перелік наукових фахових видань України, у яких можуть публікуватися результати дисертаційних робіт на здобуття наукових ступенів доктора і кандидата економічних наук.

© Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, Одеса, 2018 UDC 338.47(656.6:504)332.14

Publishers and founders: Institute of Market Problems and Economic&Ecological Research of NAS of Ukraine

Approved for publishing and Internet publications by the Scientific Council of the Institute of Market Problems and Economic&Ecological Research, NAS of Ukraine (June 15, 2018, protocol №8)

Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief: Burkynskyi B.V., Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof. Deputy Editor: Laiko O.I., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Senior researcher; Assistant editor: Khumarova N.I., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Senior researcher

Editorial Board Members: Amosha A.I., Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Andryeyeva N.M., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Senior researcher; Butenko A.I., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Wierzbieniec W., Prof.nadzw. dr. hab, (Yaroslav, Poland); Goriup P., (Great Britain); Zhikhareva V.V., Dr. Sci. (Econ.) Prof.; Zveryakov M.I., Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Kovalev A.I. Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Kotlubay A.M., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Krishtalyov V.K., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof. (Moscow, Russia); Kupynetc L.E., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Lysyuk V.M., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Makarenko M.V., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Mantsurov I.G., Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Osipov V.M., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Pirozhkov S.I., Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Prokopiuk A., Prof. nadzw. dr. hab., (Biaіystok Poland); Rejman K., Prof. nadzw. dr. hab., (Yaroslav, Poland); Satanova A., Prof. nadzw. dr. (Presov, Slovakia); Simonenko V.K., Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Stepanov V.M., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Tunytsya Yu.Yu., Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Umanets T.V., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Filippova S.V., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Cherchyk L.M., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.; Shapar A.G., Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Dr. Sci. (Techn.), Prof. Harichkov S.K. , Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.

The journal is indexed and referenced: Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Google Scholar, ROAD (Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources), URAN, Crossref, Ulrichsweb, Index Copernicus, Scientific electronic library of periodicals of NAS of Ukraine, WorldCat, SciLit.

Registration Certificate: KB № 15485-4057 PR of July 07, 2009. «Economic Innovations» is updated to the new list of scientific professional editions, which can publish the results of PhD theses in Economics by Order Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 241 of 09.03.2016

© Institute of Market Problems and Economic&Ecological Research of NAS of Ukraine, 2018












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6 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

УДК [330/366+001.895]:338.45(477) JEL О10, L50, О31

BURKINSKYI B.V. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dr. Econ. Sciences, Professor, Director Institute of market problems and economic&ecological research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Frantsuzkyi boulevard, 29, Odesa, Ukraine, 65044 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9303-0898

LAIKO O.I. Dr. Econ. Sciences, senior researcher vice-director for scientific work of the Institute Institute of market problems and economic&ecological research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Frantsuzkyi boulevard, 29, Odesa, Ukraine, 65044 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7082-0862

LOSYEV M.I., Engineer of the Ist Cat. of the Department of Interregional Economic Development of the Ukrainian Black Sea Region Institute of market problems and economic&ecological research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Frantsuzkyi boulevard, 29, Odesa, Ukraine, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2227-7302


Topicality. Creating of sustainable infrastructure and promoting of inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovations is one of the aims of sustainable development of the state, approved by the United Nations, that implemented by the Government of Ukraine as a basis for future economic development policy. In the process of studying of the state's sustainable development, setting aims and finding ways of realization important place takes the research of industrial development and innovations, that takes into account the national specificity of the state's institutional development and the existing socio-economic situation on the principles of glocalization. This will take into account the interests of local communities, involve them in cross-border and international economic relations and will enable them to take part in globalized markets on the basis of local preferences and features. Aim and tasks. The aim of the article is to formulate the conceptual foundations and work out scientifically grounded application tools that are used as a methodological approach to study the existing level of industry and innovation development and to find ways to improve it using billateral joint of local resources and abbilities with preferences and conditions of global markets. Research results. The authors developed a complex of indicators for assessing the level of compliance of national industry, innovations and infrastructure with modern requirements for improving of the economic efficiency and "ecologization" of the economy through resource conservation and reuse of resources on the basis of glocalization. Data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, data from international rating agencies were the basis for the information provision of monitoring of the state of industry, innovations and infrastructure. According to the revealed tendencies, measures are proposed to regulate the development of industrial production, innovations and infrastructure on the principles of glocalization, the introduction of the postulates of the "green" and circular economics, in particular - economic and organizational stimulation of non-waste production through the application of tax holidays, priority in the competition for funding from the State Fund for Regional Development such projects that include non-waste treatment of garbage, complex industrial recycling of secondary or non- raw material without waste generation, as well as on the basis of the introduction of innovative domestic technologies. Conclusion. The revealed patterns of ecologization of domestic industrial production in Ukraine on the basis of glocalization point to the low capacity of industrial non-waste recycling of garbage and the insignificant level of use of circular technologies in the production process, that confirms the fact of uncertainty of terms and prospects of the realization of the idea of decoupling and the introduction of industrial activities on the basis of environmental and the

2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 7 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

achievement of zero waste level. The implementation of innovations using low-waste, resource-saving technological processes remains at an average-low level and in a year does not exceed 30-35% from the total number of implemented innovative technological processes, while the share of innovation activity and expenses for scientific developments in the total GDP volume is constantly shrinking. The level of penetration of a comfortable and well-developed infrastructure in the areas of infocommunications, in addition to Internet services, and road networks remains rather low and determines the prospects for further growth. Keywords: solid household waste management, sustainable development, glocalization, infrastructure, "green economics".

БУРКИНСЬКИЙ Б.В. академік НАН України, д-р екон. наук, професор, директор Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail:[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9303-0898

ЛАЙКО О.І. д-р екон. наук, с.н.с. заст. директора з наукової роботи Інститут проблем ринку та економіко- екологічних досліджень НАН України Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7082-0862

ЛОСЄВ М.І. інженер I кат. відділу міжрегіонального економічного розвитку Українського Причорномор’я Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2227-7302


Актуальність. Створення стійкої інфраструктури та сприяння всеохоплюючій і сталій індустріалізації та інноваціям є однією з цілей сталого розвитку країни, затверджених Організацією Об’єднаних Націй, яка є впровадженою Урядом України в якості базису. В процесі дослідження сталого розвитку країни, постановки цілей та пошуку шляхів його реалізації важливе місце займає дослідження розвитку промисловості та інновацій з урахуванням національної специфіки інституціонального розвитку країни та існуючої соціально-економічної ситуації на засадах глокалізації. Це дозволить врахувати інтереси місцевих територіальних громад, залучити їх у транскордонні та міжнародні економічні відносини та відкриє для них можливість взяти участь в глобалізованих ринках на засадах використання локальних переваг і особливостей. Мета та завдання. Метою статті є формулювання концептуальних засад та напрацювання науково обґрунтованого прикладного інструментарію, що використаний у якості методичного підходу для дослідження існуючого рівня розвитку промисловості та інновацій, та пошуку шляхів його поліпшення, використовуючи місцеві переваги в умовах глобальних ринків. Результати. Авторами розроблено комплекс індикаторів з оцінки ступеню відповідності національної промисловості, інновацій та інфраструктури сучасним вимогам щодо підвищення економічної ефективності та «екологізації» економіки за рахунок ресурсозбереження та вторинного використання ресурсів на засадах глокалізації. Основою для інформаційного забезпечення моніторингу стану промисловості, інновацій та інфраструктури стали дані Державної служби статистики України, Міністерства економічного розвитку і торгівлі України, дані міжнародних рейтингових агенцій. Відповідно до виявлених тенденцій запропоновані заходи регулювання розвитку промислового виробництва, інновацій та інфраструктури на засадах глокалізації, впровадження постулатів «зеленої» та циркулярної економіки, зокрема - економічне та організаційне стимулювання безвідходного виробництва шляхом застосування податкових канікул, пріоритетності в конкурсі на фінансування з Державного фонду регіонального розвитку таких проектів, які передбачають безвідходне

8 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

поводження зі сміттям, комплексну промислову переробку вторинної або первинної сировини без утворення відходів, а також на засадах впровадження інноваційних вітчизняних технологій. Висновки. Виявлені закономірності екологізації вітчизняного промислового виробництва в Україні на засадах глокалізації свідчать про низьку спроможність промислової безвідходної переробки сміття та про незначний ступінь використання циркулярних технологій у виробничому процесі, що підтверджує факт невизначеності термінів і перспектив щодо реалізації ідеї декаплінгу та впровадження промислової діяльності на засадах екологічності та досягнення нульового рівня відходів. Впровадження інновацій із застосуванням маловідходних, ресурсозберігаючих технологічних процесів залишається на середньо-низькому рівні і в рік не перевищує 30-35% від загальної кількості в загальній кількості впроваджених інноваційних технологічних процесів, при тому, що частка інноваційної діяльності і витрат на наукові розробки в загальному обсязі ВВП постійно скорочується. Рівень проникнення комфортної та стало розвиненої інфраструктури в сферах інфокомунікацій, окрім послуг мережі Інтернет, та дорожніх мереж залишається достатньо низьким і визначає перспективи для подальшого зростання. Ключові слова: поводження з твердими побутовими відходами, сталий розвиток. глокалізація, інфраструктура, “зелена економіка”.

Problem statement and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. The need of development of a methodological approach to assess the level of development of industry, innovation and infrastructure of the national economy is substantiated by the necessity to investigate the relevance of existing trends to the aims and priorities of sustainable development and to develop recommendations for ways to improve the existing situation. Analysis of recent publications on the problem. Among the scientists problems of sustainable development of industry and innovations was researched by G. Deily [1], E. Libanova [2], K. Skonberh, A. Viikman and others. The problems of ecologization and low-waste economics problem was reasearched by N. Andreeva [3], B. Burkinskyi [4], A. Bularha, L. Musina [5], T. Kvasha and others. The postulates of the "green" and circular economics was developed in European Parliament Committees and European Commission documents, such as Implementation of the Circular Economy Action Plan and Circular Economy Package Four Legislative Proposals on Waste. Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. Insufficient attention in the study of trends in the development of industry and innovations in Ukraine was devoted to the realization of the conception of the development of the "green economy" and the ecologization of the components of the economic system. Also possible benefits of glocalization principle implementation is not taken into account. Formulation of research objectives (problem statement). The aim of the study is to find ways to optimally regulate the development of the industrial, innovative and infrastructural sectors of economics in order to ensure the ecologization of the national economic system along with increased economic efficiency and improvement of social standards, that is consistent with the postulates of sustainable development, based on the application of assessment tools and economic-organizational, institutional regulation of the economic system, based on the principles of glocalization, which are developed and adapted in accordance with the plan of the EU states on the implementation of the model of the circular economics. An outline of the main results and their justification. One of the main directions of introducing the postulates of the "green" and circular economics is more environmentally friendly production, stimulating a thriving attitude towards raw materials, using secondary resources as raw materials, and efficient waste management. Increasing environmental pressures associated with the intensive development of industrial production requires a change in the paradigm of resource use and the transition to effective waste management practices. According to the target values of non-waste production indicators proclaimed in EU countries, the desirable value of garbage recycling by industrial environmentally friendly methods is 70% -100%, however, this level will be reached, even in the most developed states, as predicted in 2050 [6]. The Action Plan on the introduction of the circular economy in the European Union [7, 8] provides for the achievement of maximum full reuse of waste in the production process. For national realities, given the insufficiently developed statistical base provided in the open access, we propose to use as indicators of approximation to the state of maximum full use of waste in the production process "The share of useful industrial waste disposal in the total amount of waste management" and the "Ratio of positive industrial and negative methods of waste utilization". An analysis of the state of domestic and similar waste management in Ukraine shows a significant increase the volume of household waste generation, despite a decrease in population. An increase in waste 2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 9 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

generation by 52,07% is accompanied by an increase, but with a significant backlog, industrial utilization (including burning for energy, composting and other methods) – an increase of only 14,2%. Despite the absolute and relative reduction in the use of such inefficient methods of industrial waste processing as burning without energy (a 98,8% reduction) and a harmful phenomenon such as disposal on unequipped waste landfills (a decrease of 24,3%), as well as the volume of waste removal to specially equipped waste landfills (increase by 2,2%) has increased insignificantly, yet the share of waste recycled and utilized (industrial processing, including burning for the purpose of energy recovery, composting) remained almost unchanged: growth from 2,2% to 23%. Moreover, in different years during the time series studied there was a drop and drop to 1,5-1,1% (in 2013) (Fig. 1)

2,5 2,3 2,3 2,2 2,2 2,2 2 1,9

1,5 1,5 1,4 % 1,1 1


0 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Years

Fig. 1 The share of useful industrial waste disposal in the total amount of waste management*, % Notes:* calculated by the authors on the basis of data [9, 10, 11] ** excluding the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and part of the area of the anti-terrorist operation The ratio of positive industrial and negative methods of waste utilization in 2017 compared with 2005 improved – from 5,3% to 12,7-14%. This growth was stimulated by the process of creating united territorial communities in Ukraine, which began to solve the problem of waste utilization at the regional level. The principle of regionality has been the basis for the National Waste Management Strategy in Ukraine until 2030 [12], which places local governments in place to set up waste collection facilities and objects for their processing. However, a steady trend in the fight against unorganized waste landfills with real results in Ukraine has not yet been formed (Fig. 2).

16 14 14 12 12,7 12,7 10 % 8 8,1 7 6 6,1 5,3 4,9 4 3,6 2 0 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Years

Fig. 2 The ratio of positive industrial and negative methods of waste utilization*, % Notes:* calculated by the authors on the basis of data [9, 10, 11] ** excluding the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and part of the area of the anti-terrorist operation 10 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

Glocalization processes can play a catalytic role for development of non-waste manufacturing, because united territorial communities nowadays demonstrate the use of modern and tailored internal approaches, policies and technologies for garbage sorting and processing. Such approaches may be new even in global dimension and create basis for transboundary and international specialization of Ukrainian territorial economical systems. If we focus on the EU's desire to achieve 65% of the non-waste utilization rate of municipal waste in industry in 2030, then in Ukraine, unfortunately, the preconditions for pursuing this trend were not formed, as can be seen from the dynamics of the selected indicators. To preserve resources for future generations in Ukraine, a transition to the so-called decoupling – waste reduction, consumption of new resources and pressure on the environment, along with the growth of industrial production, should take place [13]. It can be assumed that the practical realization of the idea of decoupling is possible if the volume of waste generation in industrial production will grow at a lower pace than the increase in production volumes. The ideal option is to approach the complete recycling of waste and garbage in the production process, that is, the transition to non-waste production technologies, when the waste is not actually formed, but is converted to other types of useful products and services. To estimate the dynamics of the transition to non-waste technologies in industrial production, in particular in the extractive and processing industries, we propose the application of the ratio of the Coefficient of correlation of growth of industrial production rates to formation of wastes (Table 1). To calculate this coefficient, we use official statistics, according to which the growth rates of industrial production were expressed by the indicator of the volumes of industrial products sold (general in industry, as well as by the breakdown by mining and processing industry). Since the volumes of sales of industrial products are given in current prices, for the purpose of leveling the influence of inflationary phenomena and for statistical correctness, when comparing the growth rates of this indicator with the growth rate of generation of waste in a natural mesures, we have been transferred to the volumes of industrial products sales at comparable prices of 2005. As can be seen from the data provided, the Correlation of growth of industrial production rates to formation of wastes in the processing industry of Ukraine in 2017 amounted to 1,7, and the overall growth of this coefficient in 2017 compared to 2005 was almost 1,5 times, which positively characterizes the trends of formation of non-waste production in Ukraine. However, the growth rates of non-waste in the industrial sector of the national economy are still not enough to talk about the prospects for implementing the idea of decoupling.

Table 1 Correlation of growth of industrial production rates to formation of wastes*

Correlation of growth of 2017 industrial production rates 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 to to formation of wastes, 2005 points general in industry, 1,01 0,71 0,91 1,25 1,05 0,97 0,86 1,17 0,86 0,85 including: 1,21 0,85 0,93 1,36 0,97 1,18 0,82 1,18 0,77 0,63 - mining 1,14 1,05 0,93 1,22 1,22 0,47 0,88 1,18 1,70 1,49 - processing Notes:* calculated by the authors on the basis of data [14, 15, 16, 17] ** 2014-2017 without taking into account the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and parts of the zone of anti-terrorist operation

Also, to realize the idea of decoupling, an important factor is reducing the cost of materials in the production of products by increasing the efficiency of their use in the national economy, through the introduction of innovative technologies. To study the current state and to identify trends, it is expedient to use such indicator as the material productivity of GDP, calculated as the ratio of GDP and the total volume of

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material resources used in the territory of the country. For greater objectivity, we use both the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [18] and the United Nations [19] in 2010 concurrent prices (Fig. 3).

1,7 1,689 1,7 1,6

1,5 1,5 Material productivity of GDP 1,4 (UN data) USD/kg. 1,311 1,3 1,3

1,2 Material 1,2 productivity of GDP 1,09 (State Statistics 1,1 1,027 1,034 1,033 Service of Ukraine 0,998 1,01 data) UAH/kg. 1 1,014 1 0,9 0,95 0,96 0,98 0,93

0,8 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Years

Fig. 3 Material productivity of GDP of Ukraine* Notes:* calculated by the authors on the basis of data [20, 21] **2014-2017 without taking into account the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and parts of the zone of anti-terrorist operation The results of the calculations obtained through different methodological approaches to the collection of statistical information are significantly different when comparing the approaches of the United Nations statistical unit and the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, but the tendencies towards changes in the material productivity of GDP are approximately the same and indicate a lack of significant changes towards improving the use of material resources and nature conservation. This is due to the impact of macroeconomic cyclical fluctuations and the lack of targeted state policy to reduce resource-demanding in GDP in Ukraine. According to the National Report "Report on the Green Transformation in Ukraine" [5], material productivity of GDP in Ukraine amounted to 3,1 UAH /kg in 2013, against 3,17 UAH / kg in 1990 (GDP in 2010 prices) and decreased only by 2% in 13 years. The data obtained in our study are somewhat different from the values of the indicators obtained in the National Report "Report on the Green Transformation in Ukraine", due to different approaches to the grouping of data obtained from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Thus, in our calculation, we used data on consumed material resources for a greater number of categories of products produced by the mining industry in the spheres of agriculture, forestry, fish, hunting and fishing, which, we believe, more characterizes the existing significant impact on the environment. Accordingly, the data we obtained on the material productivity of GDP are significantly lower than in the National Report on Green Transformation in Ukraine, and the values of this indicator fluctuate throughout the period under investigation from USD 0,93 to USD 1,5. per kg of consumed resources (according to the UN method) or from 1,03 to 1,7 UAH / kg. (according to the methodology of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine).

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If we use the methodological approach to calculating the GDP growth rate with the growth rates of material use, then the material productivity of GDP, calculated as the coefficient of correlation of growth rates, it will be 1,311 UAH / kg in 2017. In 2011, material productivity, calculated on the basis of GDP in US dollars for PPPs and at constant prices in 2010, amounted to 0,97 USD / kg This is at least 3 times lower than the OECD average and is worse than any of the EU countries. There is necessary to make deep analysis of the reasons for such a large lagging behind other countries, based on the assessment of the efficiency of the use of resources by enterprises of various types of economic activity. Resource-saving should be included in the priority directions of the government's work. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to set the aim - to reduce the GDP's material resources in the country and increase the material productivity of GDP. The target value of such indicators may be the average level of material productivity and capacity of GDP in OECD countries (average for member countries). An important factor in realizing the aims of sustainanble development of industry and innovations on the basis of glocalization is also the developed infrastructure of the state. Let's consider the problem that stands especially sharply in rural areas – the availability of roads with hard cover, which greatly affects the country's ability to develop due to the complication of movement of population and goods at destination. Although the situation has improved somewhat in recent years, much of the permanent rural population still lives at distances of over 3 km. from roads with hard cover (Table 2). Table 2 The share of a permanent population in a rural areas that lives at more than 3 km. from roads with hard cover* Years Indicator 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 The share of a permanent population in a rural areas that lives at more 11,2 10,74 10,74 10,28 10,74 7,58 6,9 6,9 6,9 than 3 km. from roads with hard cover, % Rate of growth, points Х Х 1,00 0,96 1,04 0,71 0,91 1,00 1,00 Notes:* calculated by the authors according to the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [7, p. 12; 8, p. 9, 22], as well as according to [22, p.6-7] ** target indicators by source [23].

The ability of transportation achievement for glocalization idea realization is very important because the process of including of local economical systems in international capital-changing activities requiers the precsence of roads and other elements of transport-techological systems. The reduction of the share of the rural population, that lives at more than 3 km from roads with hard cover, in 2017 compared to 2005 was 5,3 percentage points. This is insufficient and proves the need to take stimulating measures to intensify the construction of roads in rural areas. The implementation of these measures should take place with the coordinated participation of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services, which is currently active in supporting the reform of decentralization and improvement of the territories of newly formed united territorial communities and with the participation of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, which in the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine on period until 2030 [24] set the task to achieve such a state coverage of the country with high-quality roads, in which the share of rural population living at a distance of more than 3 km from roads with hard cover in 2030 should not exceed 0,5% [24, p.40]. The success of promoting the accelerated development of high-tech and medium-tech sectors of the processing industry, which is formed on the basis of the use of the "education – science – production" chains and the cluster approach, can be assessed by indicators "Share of value added at cost of production of enterprises belonging to the high-tech sector of the processing industry (in particular, for the production of pharmaceutical products and preparations, computers, electronic and optical products, and other transport according to CTEA) in total value added for the cost of production of industrial enterprises" and "Share of value added at cost of production of enterprises belonging to the medium-high-tech sector of the processing industry (in particular, the production of chemical products, electrical equipment, machinery and equipment, motor

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vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, according to CTEA), in total value added for the cost of production of industrial enterprises" The results of the calculation of these indicators are shown in Table 3. Table 3 Assessment of the value added at cost of production of enterprises belonging to the high-tech and medium-high-tech sectors of the processing industry* Years Indicators 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Share of value added at cost of production of enterprises belonging to the high-tech sector of the processing industry (in particular, for the production of pharmaceutical products 8,5 7,8 8,5 9,1 8,1 6,0 6,0 5,6 5,2 and preparations, computers, electronic and optical products, and other transport according to CTEA) in total value added for the cost of production of industrial enterprises, % Rate of growth, points X X 1,08 1,07 0,89 0,74 1,00 0,93 0,93 Share of value added at cost of production of enterprises belonging to the medium-high-tech sector of the processing industry (in particular, the production of chemical products, 9,5 10,1 8,1 9,0 11,4 10,3 11,7 7,9 9,9 electrical equipment, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, according to CTEA), in total value added for the cost of production of industrial enterprises, % Rate of growth, points X Х 0,8 1,1 1,3 0,9 1,1 0,7 1,3 Notes:*calculated according to the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [25, 26, 27] and according to sources [2, 5] The results of the analysis of the state of value added at the cost of production of enterprises belonging to the medium-high-tech sector of the processing industry show relatively high values of the share of medium-high technology enterprises in creating the total industrial value added in Ukraine. In 2017, the value of this indicator was 9,9%. However, in the dynamics, the share of medium-high-tech industries in the Ukrainian industry is observed to fluctuate from 7,9% to 11,4% that indicates a lack of targeted regulatory policy to increase the share of medium-high technology enterprises in industrial production in Ukraine. To assess the state of involvement of workers at domestic enterprises in the medium-high technology sectors of the processing industry in Ukraine, we calculated the indicator "The share of workers employed in enterprises belonging to the high and medium-high technology sectors of the processing industry" (Table 4). The results of the analysis of the state of involvment of workers in high and medium-high technology sectors of the processing industry in Ukraine show relatively high values of the share in the total number of employed workers in the Ukrainian industry. The indicator has slight fluctuations, although recent years tend to decrease. So in 2014, this indicator amounted to 20,2%, and in 2017 18,7%. In the case of an increase of the number of high-tech innovative enterprises in the Ukrainian industry, natural growth of the share of those employed at such enterprises is expected. This should be promoted by the relevant regulatory policy of the state authorities. In order to ensure the implementation and development of low-waste resource-saving technologies, the introduction of innovations, in particular low-waste, resource-saving technological processes, is important. Investments in scientific research and innovation, which are important for the "green" growth, in particular, low-waste, resource-saving technological processes are carried out mainly by the economic entities. The share of expenses for the implementation of scientific and scientific- technical works in GDP is steadily declining and in 2017 reached a value of 0,45%, which is very negative and shows a backwardness from the

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trends of developed countries of the world, in which the similar indicator is 2,5-3%, concerning stimulation of the development of fundamental and applied scientific research as the basis for further economic growth.

Table 4 Involvement of workers in high and medium-high technology sectors of the processing industry in Ukraine*

Years Indicator 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 The share of workers employed in enterprises belonging to the high and medium-high technology sectors of the processing industry (in particular, for the production of pharmaceutical 20,0 19,3 20,2 21,4 20,1 20,2 19,5 19,2 18,7 products and preparations; chemical products, machine building, other transport, according to CTEA), in the total number of employed workers in industry, % Rate of growth, points Х Х 1,05 1,06 0,94 1,00 0,97 0,98 0,97 Notes:*calculated according to the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [26, p.73-74, 27, 28, 29] and according to sources [2, 5]

Assessment of the dynamics of the introduction of low-waste, resource-saving technological processes in the total number of implemented innovative technological processes is presented in Table 5.

Table 5 The state of implementation of resource-saving technologies in the innovation process of Ukrainian enterprises* Years Indicators 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 The share of expenses for the implementation of 0,75 0,65 0,67 0,7 0,6 0,55 0,48 0,45 1,09 scientific and scientific- technical works in GDP, % The share of realized 6,5 3,8 3,8 3,3 3,3 2,5 1,4 0,9 0,7 innovative products in the volume of industrial, % Share of enterprises that 8,2 11,5 12,8 13,6 13,6 12,1 15,2 16,6 14,3 introduced innovations, % Introduced new technological processes, 690 479 517 554 502 447 458 748 611 which are low-waste, resource-saving, units Share of the introduction of low-waste, resource-saving technological processes in the total number of 38,2 23,4 20,6 25,3 31,9 25,6 37,6 21,4 33,4 implemented innovative technological processes, % Notes:*calculated by the authors according to the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [30]

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In accordance with the reduction of financing for the development of its own scientific base there is a reduction of the share of realized innovative products in the total volume of industrial production. The number of implemented technological processes that are low-waste, resource-saving and the share of the introduction of low-waste, resource-saving technological processes in the total number of implemented innovative technological processes have changed during the investigated period somewhat chaotically, which indicates the absence of a targeted state regulatory policy in this area. The volume of public expenses for the implementation of innovation activities, for the implementation of SRWs in the field of green innovation development, are also characterized by the absence of stable positive tendencies (Fig. 4) 1000 900 39,7 Agro-industrial complex 800 203,46 10,27 19,5 700 149,96 20,1 17,93 125,8 138,7 600 111,37 New substances and materials 270,46 500 245,49 257,8 255,8 400 245,49 Mln.UAH 300 Life sciences, technology of quality 379,34 medical service 200 326,53 253,71 268,7 259,8 100 0 38,72 33,71 40,34 52,3 67,8 Rational nature use and apply of the 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 technology of more environment- Years saving production

Fig. 4 Volume of public expenses for research and innovations in green areas in Ukraine in 2013-2017* Notes:*calculated according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [31] The dynamics of the share of financing "green" directions of innovation activity in Ukraine due public expenses is given in Fig. 5 19 5322 5500 5069,9 18 18,53 Share of financing 4896,4 17 5000 "green" directions of 16,75 innovation activity

16 due public expenses, 4500 % 15 % 15,1 15,15 14 3992,2 14,2 3910,8 4000 Mill.UAH 13 Volume of public 12 3500 expenses for scientific research 11 and innovations, 10 3000 mill. UAH 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Years Fig. 5 Dynamics of public expenses for scientific research and innovations with the allocation of innovations share for "green" areas in Ukraine in 2013-2017 Source: [31] Data on public expenses for innovations and implementation of SRWs also characterize the absence of stable positive tendencies. The total public expenses for carrying out researches in 2017, although rising compared to 2015 and 2016, however, are significantly behind the public expenses for scientific developments in 2013 and 2014. The share of public expenses on the "green" areas of research is unstable and in 2017 it was 15,15%. Taking into account the fact that in recent years inflationary phenomena have taken place, in 16 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

comparable prices, the volume of public expenses for scientific researches and innovations in the "green" areas in Ukraine tended to decrease. For glocalization idea realization in Ukrainian regions it is necessary to take into account the development of such important sectors as technological components development, Internet's distribution and involment of scientists, especially young researchers, into real sector of economy. Indicators of sustainable innovation development of the national economic system can serve components of the integral index of ease of doing business, which is calculated by the World Bank, namely those that characterize the innovative development and technological readiness of the country's economic system. The analysis of these two components is presented in Table 6.

Table 6 Innovative and technological components of ease of doing business in Ukraine* 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Innovations 3,29 3,18 3,2 3,16 3,03 3,18 3,41 3,44 3,37 Rating changes, points Х -0,11 0,02 -0,04 -0,13 0,15 0,23 0,03 -0,07 Technological readiness 3,9 3,7 3,8 3,6 3,28 3,5 3,45 3,58 3,83 Rating changes, points Х -0,2 0,1 -0,2 -0,32 0,22 -0,05 0,13 0,25 Notes:*calculated according to the rating of ease of doing business in Ukraine [32]

As we can see, the data show that there are no significant changes in the dynamics of innovation- technological components of ease of doing business in Ukraine according to the World Bank rating. The dynamics are unstable and indicate the need for regulatory targeted state policy to be implemented. Sustainable development of infrastructure and innovations based on green growth should be accompanied by the availability of info-communication services for different segments of the population, especially the provision of Internet services in different types of settlements, including in rural areas (Table 7). Table 7 State of Internet services accessibility* 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 The share of household subscribers of the Internet in the number of 4,5 6 6,9 9,7 11,6 12,7 12,9 34,2 48,6 present population, % Rate of growth, points Х 1,5 0,9 2,8 1,9 1,1 0,2 21,3 14,4 Internet penetration among the 38 50 52 54 57 65 68 69 71 urban population, % Rate of growth, points Х 12 2 2 3 8 3 1 2 Internet penetration among the 9 12 14 22 28 32 36 45 51 rural population, % Rate of growth, points Х 3 2 8 6 4 4 9 6 The share of Internet users among 15 29 40 43 49 54 57 62 63 the adult population, % Rate of growth, points Х 14 11 3 6 5 3 5 1 Notes:*calculated by the authors according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [30] and according to the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology [33]

The data indicate a positive dynamics in the coverage of the population of Ukraine by the available Internet service. The degree of Internet penetration in the cities remains bigger in comparison with the countryside, but Ukraine's involvement in world technological changes and innovations makes it possible to obtain sufficiently high-quality access to the global network, mainly using smartphones and mobile intranet services in the countryside. This explains the significant increase of indicator in 2016 and 2017. Analysts of the Kiev International Institute of Sociology argued that in recent years, disparities in the penetration of the Internet in populated areas of different sizes significantly smoothed out. At present, rural areas are far behind in the Internet's distribution, residents of which more often refer to the restrictions in technical ability to connect sparsely populated places. The most commonly used devices to connect Internet are mobile phones (39%), home laptops (31%) and personal computers (30%). Today, 41,6% of the adult

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population in Ukraine at least once a month uses the Internet on mobile devices - mobile phones or tablets, while online access via home-based personal computer or laptop is 54,4% and still retains its advantage [33]. Another important element in the development of innovations is the involvement of young people in scientific research (Table 8). Table 8 Assessment of youth involvement in scientific research in Ukraine* 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 The share of persons under 40 years of age who are part of 20,8 21,1 21,5 22,2 23,4 23,9 25,2 27,0 25,9 researchers with degree, % Rate of growth, points Х 0,3 0,4 0,7 1,2 0,5 1,3 1,8 -1,1 Notes:*calculated by the authors according to the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine [18, 30, 31]

The obtained data testify to the presence of positive dynamics in attracting young people to scientific research throughout the investigated period, except for the last 2017. Given the fact that more detailed information about level of involvement of youth scientists in research work is not available in open access, and also given the significant trends in the growth of labor migration among young people, further in-depth studies of this issue will be appropriate, subject to necessary statistical information will be available. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The results of the analysis show that there is a lack of technological readiness of the domestic industrial and innovation sectors for the transition to the principles of green growth, for the formation of a circular economy model and the implementation of decoupling ideas on the basis of glocalization. The correlation of growth of industrial production rates to formation of wastes in the industry of Ukraine is not sustainable and indicates the absence of an effective industrial policy aimed to the non-waste production process. The material productivity of GDP, although it grows in the industrial sector of Ukraine, however, does not have clear trends and amount on average about 1 USD per 1 kg. of used resources. It is at least 3 times lower than the OECD average and is worse than any of the EU countries. A thorough analysis of the reasons for such a large lagging behind other countries is needed to be based on the assessment of the efficiency of the use of resources by enterprises of various types of economic activities. Resource-saving should be included in the priority directions of the governmental policy and of work of state authorities. To accomplish such a task, it is necessary to set the aim - to reduce the GDP's material capacity in the country and increase the material productivity of GDP. Industrial waste recycling in Ukraine is also not characterized by clear positive trends, and this issue needs to be addressed through the introduction of a centralized regulatory policy aimed to the recycling of all possible waste in the industrial sector of the country through their use as secondary resources. To support and stimulate industrial waste recycling in Ukraine on the basis of the introduction of innovative technologies the implementation of the National waste management strategy in Ukraine up to 2030 is necessary [12]. In particular, it is advisable to introduce preferential tax rates for the reinvestment of the profits of domestic industrial enterprises that are directed towards financing projects to create a network of centers for the introduction of cleaner production (technologies) to minimize waste generation, the amount of which, as planned in the Strategy, should reach 20 units in Ukraine by 2030. It is stated that glocalization processes can play a catalytic role for development of non-waste manufacturing. United territorial communities in Ukraine are highly involved in projects of waste processing and they may be used as basical institutions for non-waste manufacturing policy realization. Local territorial communities deal with internal garbage resourses and try to use modern globaly approved technologies for their sorting and processing in tailored manner according to their internal features. Thus Ukrainian territorial economic systems aply glocalization principles and create basis for transboundary, international specialization and cooperation. Positive changes characterize development in the infrastructure sector, which are related to the coverage of roads and the Internet in rural areas. If the level of provision of Internet services has positive trends due to the relative ease of implementation of the latest technological solutions and the wide distribution of smartphones among the population, then the issue of coverage of rural areas by the system of roads with hard cover requires appropriate state program measures. Also controversial is the situation in the field of youth involvement in science, research and development area, despite relatively positive trends during the period under study. To increase the involvement of youth scientists to research work, it is necessary to intensify the state youth

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scientists policy, which would be aimed to organizational and financial encouragement of young researchers for scientific work in Ukraine.

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22 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

УДК 338.2 JEL М21. О32

AVANESOVA N.E. Doctor of Economics Science., Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering st. Sumska, 40, m.Harkiv, Ukraine Email: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3636-9769

VALKOVSKA G.І. master's degree of the Department of Finance and Credit Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering st. Sumska, 40, m.Harkiv, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] ORCID:0000-0001-5384-3923

BEKETSKY R.M. scientific applicant Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering st. Sumska, 40, m.Harkiv, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] ORCID:0000-0003-0771-1385


Topicality. Today, in order to overcome financial problems, business entities are forced to mobilize the entire economic potential. But it is precisely in the manufacturing sector that business processes are often unable to resolve the crisis effectively, so the management department should find an alternative way to overcome it. Before modern domestic enterprises, the increasing problem of increasing the efficiency of management is becoming more and more actual. One of the key issues is the dominance of functional management in organizations, which causes a lot of complexity. The process of reengineering business processes at the enterprise comes at the aid, which today needs additional study and coverage. Applying the principles of reengineering, an enterprise can prevent bankruptcy or decline in production and continue development in the chosen direction, or take on the basis of analysis of the results of the decision on the change of products, technological or market orientation. Purpose and tasks. Consider the methods of building a business on the principles of reengineering business processes at the enterprise. Analyze the major mistakes during reengineering, and specify the main advantages. Research results In the article during the study of the topic found methods of building a business on the principles of reengineering business processes in the enterprise, the main advantages of reengineering. It also found that due to the reengineering of business processes at the enterprise it is possible to accelerate the growth of investment attractiveness, the introduction of new information technologies, that is, the enterprise is moving to a new stage in its development, and accordingly, there is growth, because without it it is difficult to imagine a modern enterprise, which seeks to match the international quality standards to maximize the needs of the population, support the national economy and domestic production. Conclusions Thanks to the reengineering of business processes at the enterprise it is possible to accelerate the growth of investment attractiveness, the introduction of new information technologies, that is, the company is moving to a new stage in its development. Business process reengineering can provide a radical transformation of the management and production system of enterprises and allows to significantly improve the competitiveness and efficiency of their activities, help them to win new markets, move to a qualitatively new level in a competitive market environment. Keywords. Reengineering, enterprise, business processes, enterprise management, management methods, approach

2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 23 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

АВАНЕСОВА Н.Е. д.е.н., професор кафедри фінансів та кредиту Харківського національного університету будівництва та архітектури вул. Сумська, 40, м.Харків, Україна E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3636-9769

ВАЛКОВСЬКА Г.І. магістр кафедри фінансів та кредиту Харківського національного університету будівництва та архітектури вул. Сумська, 40, м.Харків, Україна E-mail: [email protected] ORCID:0000-0001-5384-3923

БЕКЕЦЬКИЙ Р.М. здобувач Харківського національного університету будівництва та архітектури вул. Сумська, 40, м.Харків, Україна E-mail: [email protected] ORCID:0000-0003-0771-1385


Актуальність. На сьогодні для подолання фінансових проблем суб’єкти господарювання змушені мобілізувати весь економічний потенціал. Але ж саме у виробничій сфері бізнес-процеси часто не в змозі ефективно вирішити кризу, тому відділ менеджменту повинен знайти альтернативний шлях для її подолання. Перед сучасними вітчизняними підприємствами все актуальнішою постає проблема зростання ефективності управління. Однією з ключових проблем є домінування функціонального управління в організаціях, що викликає багато складнощів. На допомогу приходить такий процес як реінжиніринг бізнес-процесів на підприємстві, який на сьогодні потребує додаткового вивчення та висвітлення. Застосовуючи принципи реінжинірингу, підприємство може запобігти банкрутства чи спаду виробництва і продовжити розвиток в обраному напрямку, або прийняти на основі аналізу отриманих результатів рішення про зміну продукції, технологічної або ринкової орієнтації. Мета та завдання. Розглянути методи побудови бізнесу на принципах реінжинірингу бізнес-процесів на підприємстві. Проаналізувати основні помилки при проведення реінжинірингу, а також вказати головні переваги реінжинірингу та усвідомлення і уникнення помилок при його проведенні. Результати. У статті в ході вивчення теми виявлені методи побудови бізнесу на принципах реінжинірингу бізнес-процесів на підприємстві, основні переваги реінжинірингу. А також встановлено, що завдяки реінжинірингу бізнес-процесів на підприємстві вдається прискорити зростання інвестиційної привабливості, впроваджуються нові інформаційні технології, тобто підприємство виходить на новий етап свого розвитку, а відповідно відбувається і зростання, адже без цього важко уявити сучасне підприємство, яке прагне відповідати міжнародним стандартам якості для максимального задоволення потреб населення, підтримки національної економіки та вітчизняного виробництва. Висновки. Завдяки реінжинірингу бізнес-процесів на підприємстві вдається прискорити зростання інвестиційної привабливості, впроваджуються нові інформаційні технології, тобто підприємство виходить на новий етап свого розвитку. Реінжиніринг бізнес-процесів здатний забезпечити докорінну трансформацію управлінсько-виробничої системи підприємств і дозволяє суттєво підвищити конкурентоспроможність та ефективність їх діяльності, допомогти їм завоювати нові ринки збуту, перейти на якісно новий рівень у конкурентному ринковому середовищі. Ключові слова. Реінжиніринг, підприємство, ініціація, бізнес-процеси, управління підприємством, методи управління, підхід.

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Problem statement and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. Today, business entities are faced with questions concerning the mobilization of domestic economic potential for effective overcoming of financial problems. Therefore, business processes in the field of production are often ineffective, and enterprise management is forced to look for alternative ways to overcome the crisis. Analysis of recent publications on the problem. In the domestic literature, the methodological and applied aspects of reengineering business processes are not given due attention. Modern approaches to theoretical substantiation of scientific aspects and methodical approaches to the practical implementation of business process reengineering have been studied and developed by well-known foreign scholars [5, 7, 6, 9, 10]: M. Hammer, J. Champoy, T. Davenport, M. Robson, F. Ullah, E. Frese, F. Hilo. Recently, the greatest attention to developing the problems of the formation and implementation of reengineering processes is given to scientists from CIS countries: O. Arieffyev, L. Blyhman, M. Borodatov, P. Zabelin, S. Kozmenko, V. Medinsky, E. Ojchman, E. Popov , V. Tarasov, M. Shapot. A significant contribution to the study of the issue of reengineering was made by the following domestic scientists: N. Abdikeyev, T. Danko, B. Zhelezko, S. Ildemenov, V. Ilyin, A. Kiselev, V. Medinsky, Y. Telnov, O. Cheremnyh, S. Teremny . Among the foreign ones it is worthwhile to identify: E. Sinder, N. Obolenski, M. Hammer, M. Robson, D. Cumpi, E. Feze, F. Ulaha and others. Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. Despite a large number of scientific publications regarding the reengineering of business processes, it is not enough to highlight its necessity and main advantages. Formulation of research objectives (problem statement) is to outline the main benefits of reengineering and awareness and avoidance errors during its conduct. Outline of the main results and their justification. Modern approaches to substantiating the effectiveness of implementing reengineering and the practical implementation of business process reengineering have been researched and developed by renowned foreign and domestic scholars. In modern scientific literature, a large number of definitions of the concept of reengineering business processes are proposed. But first, it is necessary to disassemble the separate components of this concept for a more accurate understanding of it. In the broad sense, the business process is understood as a structured sequence of actions for the implementation of an appropriate type of activity at all stages of the life cycle of an object of activity [2]. If earlier the best indicator of business success was the surplus of funds, today one of the leading indicators of business is its transparency and the ability to manage it. To date, there are a number of effective methods of reorganization and improvement of the enterprise. Some of them have flowed into the whole direction of theoretical and practical management. Among the most well-known are Global Quality Management, Business Process Reengineering, Horizontal Organizations. Applying them, an enterprise can prevent bankruptcy or decline in production and continue development in the chosen direction, or take on the basis of the analysis of the results of the decision on the change of products, technological or market orientation. To achieve the goal of this study we will define the concept of RBP. The ideologues of reengineering business processes were American scientists M. Hammer and J. Champa. [9, p. 59], which determine reengineering as a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes in order to achieve fundamental changes in key actual performance indicators: cost, quality, services and pace. M. Robson and F. Ullach note that business process reengineering is a combination of methods and tools designed to fundamentally improve key performance indicators by analyzing and redesigning existing business processes [8, p. 57]. Business process – a set of different types of activities, within which "on the move" is used one or more resources, and as a result of this activity "output" creates a product that is of value to the consumer [3]. Some authors consider the business process as a set of internal steps (activities) to create the products required by the customer, cost, durability, service and quality which satisfies the consumer. Business processes in the organization are heterogeneous. In essence, organizational activities - a set of interrelated business processes, which reflect the implementation of individual functions of the organization [4]. In order for business processes to be able to fully meet the needs of consumers, to keep up with the times and to meet higher quality standards, the company uses a process like reengineering. Reengineering is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve significant improvements in key performance indicators. Using this approach allows you to look at the purpose of the business process in a new way, completely ignoring the existing business process and the structure of the enterprise [1]. The main

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objective of business process reengineering is to improve performance, simplify management, significantly accelerate the company's response to changes in customer requirements (or the prognosis of such changes) with multiple reductions in all types of costs. The main tasks of reengineering business processes are a significant reduction in time costs, the number of employees and other expenses for the performance of production functions, as well as the globalization of business: working with clients and partners in every corner of the world. The concept of business process reengineering is based on a process-oriented approach to enterprise management. Below are the key methods of building a business on the principles of reengineering business processes of the enterprise (Table 1) [5, p. 6].

Table 1 Methods of building a business on the principles of business process reengineering in an enterprise [1-3] № Methods of reengineering Features of the method Automation of business processes of the Automation leads only to accelerating existing enterprise business processes. Using information technology, Automation of business processes of an enterprise 1 automates the existing process with all its drawbacks and does not set itself the task of designing a new process for a radical increase in efficiency. Software rebuilding On the basis of modern technologies the rewriting of 2 obsolete information systems is carried out without changing the automated processes themselves Reduce enterprise size Reduced opportunities for the company due to lower 3 market requirements. Reengineering, by contrast, increases the company's capabilities Reorganization of the enterprise This concept deals only with organizational 4 structures, and not with processes Improvement of quality, total quality Although quality management takes the central role 5 management of business processes, this method takes on existing processes and tries to improve them without changing them to new ones. 6 Continuous improvement of business processes Provides a gradual improvement of business processes. Source: author's development

For effective implementation of reengineering it is necessary to abstract from the existing functional organization of business, doubting the accepted methods of management of the company. Naturally, managers of enterprises need to have the resolve to change and try to perceive the situation in the company as if "side" [5, p. 5-9]. The risk of reengineering is quite large, but the prerequisites of failure are not in the mystery of reengineering, but in violation of the rules of its conduct. American researchers M. Hummer and J.Champi point out that the magnitude of the result is unrealistic. The main strategy in managing reengineering is to avoid global mistakes. When conducting reengineering, the following common mistakes are often encountered (Fig. 1) [5]: 1. The company tries to improve the existing process, instead of re-designing it. This is the most flagrant error, though quite widespread. Without achieving the desired results, the craftsmen begin to use various techniques aimed at improving the company's performance, but, as a rule, their results are not satisfactory. But, after failing with other improvements, companies traditionally avoid radical restructuring. 2. Non-system approach to recovery. Companies focus on redevelopment, ignoring everything else. Reengineering causes significant configurations in areas such as design work, organizational structures, management systems, and evaluations. Traditionally, even managers who are interested in radical redesign of the actions, avoid making all the necessary configurations.

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3. Incorrect assessment of the company's corporate culture. In order for the staff to successfully perform redesigned processes, it must have a prerequisite, and it is not enough simply to find a new process; it is necessary that managers form and bring to life the newest systems of values and beliefs. 4. Inconsistency in the development of innovation. It is in the early completion of the reengineering and the limited formulation of the task. Significant results are achieved only with the huge ambitions of company management. Experience has shown that quite often companies refuse to reengineering with the appearance of the first problems. Reengineering will be ineffective if the limited area of its action or task is set very narrowly. 5. Inappropriate allocation of tasks for the development of innovation. Attempts to perform reengineering are not top-down, but from the bottom up are ineffective for two reasons. The first reason is that managers of these levels do not have the same breadth of views on the company's activities, which is needed for reengineering. Their experience is mainly limited to knowing the functions that they perform in their own unit. The second reason is that business processes cross organizational boundaries, that is, the boundaries of divisions, which means that managers of the lower and middle level do not have sufficient authority to insist on the transformation of actions. 6. Lack of resource support for innovation. Significant increase in the efficiency of the company, which is a consequence of reengineering, is unrealistic without significant investment in its program. 7. Planning the moment of the beginning of the motivation. The chances of a successful reengineering drop markedly, if it's clear that the company's CEO is retiring in a year or two. And the point here is not that he will not take care of the future of the company or will become insufficiently diligent, but that the reengineering will necessarily entail configurations within the structure of the company, its management systems, and the executive director may not want to take over obligations that will shrink his heir. 8. Personal recurrence difficulties. Attempting to reengineering, without trampling on any rights, can not lead to a positive result. Because it's unrealistic to please everyone, there is either a delay in reengineering, or consistently only make partial configurations. The company retreats when it encounters resistance from employees who are not satisfied with the consequences of reengineering.

Typical errors during reengineering

Inappropriate The company is trying to Non-system Incorrect assessment Inconsistency in Lack of resource Planning the moment Personal improve the existing distribution of tasks of the company's of the beginning of process instead of approach to the development for the development support for recuperation corporate culture the motivation redesigning recovery of innovation of innovation innovation difficulties

Fig. 1. Characteristic mistakes in the course of reengineering business processes in an enterprise Source: [3]

Business process reengineering is the most radical of all four approaches to improving business processes. It is also often referred to as process innovation, since its success is largely based on the innovation and creativity of the team to improve the process. This approach provides a new perspective on the goals of the process and completely ignores the existing process and structure of the organization. It all starts with a clean sheet of paper, just as if you were just starting to develop this process. BP reengineering, if done correctly, reduces costs and cycle times by 60-90% and error rates by 40-70%. This approach is used in cases where the process at the moment is so out of date that it is not even worth trying to maintain or improve it. The team to improve the process seems to go back and examine the process with a fresh eye, posing the question of how would plan this process, if there were no restrictions. The approach utilizes the opportunities provided by available process tools, including the latest achievements in the field of mechanization, automation and information technology, and at the same time improves those tools. Often, this process encourages the team to improve the process to develop a fundamentally new project process, which becomes a real breakthrough. [4] Before modern domestic enterprises, the increasing problem of increasing the efficiency of management is becoming more and more actual. One of the key issues is the dominance of functional management in organizations, which causes a lot of complexity. Functional subdivisions and departments are not directly interested in overall results, as systems for evaluating their activities (which are generally characteristic of domestic enterprises) are separated from the overall performance of the company. There is constant competition between divisions and divisions, which is the result of the desire of each of them to be dominant. From practice we see constant conflicts between accounting, planning and economic and financial departments, sales and

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production, etc. In functionally-oriented structures, the exchange of information is extremely complicated, it is considered a norm to pass information up to the functional manager so that he passes it to another functional manager, and he is already directly involved with the executor. Why complicate this process instead of directly transferring it to an executor? And all this is the dominant factor of the former Soviet way of managing the process: "No information should pass without me and my participation, but I am the leader and must all myself be in charge." As a result, the time is lost, which is so priceless in market conditions, when you do not have time – there will be competitors, and time is lost. As a result, managers "cook" in their functions, forgetting about the goals and objectives of the company. At present, the devastating effects of such a management are particularly felt in today's crisis. At the same time, real work does not depend on the transfer of information from one manager to another, and through him in turn to the performer. The whole process is completely unchanged in the direct forwarding of information to the recipient, as much time is spent and opportunities for the enterprise are lost. All this is a process that has been brought to automatism, but its mechanics are simply not understood. In most cases, a particular work represents a certain process, which is a set of certain actions that nobody manages and for which nobody answers. All this is a business process - a flow of work that goes from one specialist to another, or from one unit to another. As a rule, there is no standard list of business processes; each business must develop its own list of key business processes that will help to better understand its situation when it is described in terms of business processes. The initiation of reengineering, as a business process, is carried out at the stage of analysis of the existing model and its reengineering. The object of the analysis and the object of measurement are the business processes of the enterprise, that is, the dynamic sequential actions focused on the consumer, ending with the production of production. At this stage, cost and simulation modeling is carried out to analyze the efficiency of the existing model and find a way to improve it. With the help of functional-cost analysis, such tasks as determination of the actual cost of production of products or services are solved; determine the cost of customer support, work with suppliers; identification of the most time-consuming work to be optimized in the first place; providing managers and management with information on changes in the financial aspect; realization of the forecast of the future activity of the company. Imitation models are built to find the optimal solution in terms of resource constraints, optimal use of equipment, minimization of executed operations. The simulation model provides additional information for system analysis. To optimize business processes, you need to complete the most complete and detailed description of them, which will simulate the existing and foreseeable process-oriented organizational structure of the enterprise. Further development of existing methodical approaches to describing business processes has been further developed, taking into account the purpose of the description and the stage of reengineering, on which the description is carried out. When describing business processes, it is expedient to apply a comprehensive approach that includes: interviewing managers and employees of the structural units responsible for specific tasks; verbal and formal description of information flows and job responsibilities; construction of the matrix of responsibility for the appointment of the executor responsible for the process and the owner of the process; graphic representation of the organizational structure, goals, participants and possible options for the implementation of business processes of the enterprise. The business process management system of enterprises has become popular due to its flexibility and orientation, above all, to meet the needs of customers. The main task in the transition to process-oriented management for enterprises is a complete and exhaustive description and regulation of business processes, as well as their optimal status and interaction. In this case, in many cases enterprises need reengineering, that is, a complete redesign of existing, or the development of entirely new business processes. The experience of reengineering business processes has such giants in the world of industry as Ford, General Motors, Duke Power, Deere&Company, and others. In order to ensure effective reengineering, the organizational and economic mechanism for its implementation includes a block of planning and regulation of the economic activity of the enterprise. At the same time, planning reengineering is divided into current, operational and perspective. The author devised methods for the progressive planning of reengineering business processes by developing medium-term targeted programs, which should include: steps for the phased implementation of redesigned business processes; definition of funding sources, timing of implementation, responsible executors, incentive methods. Regarding current planning, it should be implemented in the form of annual and quarterly plans for the implementation of reengineering. Research of scientific peculiarities of the business processes of industrial

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enterprises has revealed that each business process consists of functional flows that are material and informational in nature. For industrial organizations, these flows are equally important. However, if the above errors can be avoided or minimized, then, of course, the reengineering of business processes at the enterprise makes it possible to feel its main advantages (Fig. 2).

cost reduction, duration and error rate

the formation of integration with enterprise the company's employees and strategy and key managers of performance interest in the indicators; development of the enterprise

Advantages of Possibility of reengineering preparation for increase in successful, controllability of introduction of the enterprise information technologies

growth of Approaching ISO investment certification attractiveness of according to ISO the enterprise standards: 9000

Fig. 2. Benefits of reengineering business processes at the enterprise Source: designed by the authors on the basis of [6, p. 9]

In order to provide more productivity and re-evaluate the processes of the enterprise, to improve the performance of the enterprise and reduce costs, it is necessary to reengineering business processes at the enterprise. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. Consequently, reengineering is a continuous process of constant changes and improvements in the production system of the enterprise and radical views and actions aimed at the best analogs for the production activity of the enterprise. Thanks to the reengineering of business processes at the enterprise it is possible to accelerate the growth of investment attractiveness, the introduction of new information technologies, that is, the enterprise goes to a new stage of its development, and accordingly, there is growth, because without it is difficult to imagine a modern enterprise, which seeks to meet international quality standards for maximum satisfaction, needs of the population, support of the national economy and domestic production. Business process reengineering can provide a radical transformation of the management and production system of enterprises and allows to significantly improve the competitiveness and efficiency of their activities, help them to win new markets, move to a qualitatively new level in a competitive market environment. World practice shows that the best client is the business consultant who provides services in the complex of business process reengineering, provides the implementation of new processes by means of information technologies and provides further support to the established information system. Such "partner-consultant" is increasingly becoming system integrators who traditionally deal with the supply of integrated information solutions.

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To this end, the enterprise should have such a level of corporate culture when employees, and especially managers, could accurately formulate new goals, priorities, tasks for reengineering, need a radical reorganization of existing systems to improve efficiency, and not just improve past performance. The coherent actions of all enterprise systems will enable transforming and mobilizing resources for efficient and productive functioning of domestic enterprises.

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2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 31 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

УДК 502.17:620.91-049.5(477)(045) JEL Q42, Q48

HETMAN O.L. PhD in Economics Senior Scientific Researcher, Department of economic and environmental problems of seaside regions Institute of market problems and economic&ecological researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Frantsuzkyi boulevard, 29, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7404-3738

PROPOSALS REGARDING FORMATION OF RISKS PREVENTING MECHANISMS TO ENVIRONMENTAL SOUND DEVELOPMENT IN THE FUEL AND ENERGY SECTOR Topicality. Given the energy dependence of the country, existing energy, environmental and social threats to sound development due to increased tariffs for heat and electricity and rise in prices for products and services of all economic sectors, it is necessary to determine the strategic directions of risk management in the fuel and energy sector. The choice of a management option, based on the features of preventing and reduction of risk to a possibly low level in the fuel and energy sector, becomes particularly relevant. Aim and tasks. The goal of the article is to substantiate the mechanisms for managing the environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector, to identify areas of the settlement and ways to minimize currently existing risks and measures aimed at preventing threats and risks in the fuel and energy sector of the economy. Research results. The article substantiates and proposes mechanisms for managing the environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector. There are considered areas of the settlement and ways to minimize currently existing risks and measures aimed at preventing threats and risks in the fuel and energy sector of the economy. There are represented systematic understanding of the logical connection between existing risks and their consequences depending on the source of threats and are defined monitoring phases of threats which should be the basis for making management decisions. Analyzing the research of foreign and our scientists, we came to the conclusion that the use of alternative energy in the fuel and energy sector strengthens energetic and environmental safety and defied a number of necessary modern steps that will contribute to environmentally sound development of Ukraine. Based on an analysis of the current state of usage of the energy resources and energy development in Ukraine, the need to increase the share of primary energy production from alternative energy sources, which can solve critical problems in the regions of Ukraine, was proved. The study of international investment practice in the environmentally sound development of the country, the means and trends of stimulation allowed to propose organizational and managerial measures to ensure the efficiency of the mechanisms. It was proved that in order to obtain the most positive economic-environmental effect within the national energy it is necessary to give preference to projects with the highest investment efficiency to get positive economic, environmental, social and resource effects. The necessity of applying an integrated approach to the formation of a system of mechanisms for providing an effective environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector, which synthesizes systemic, managerial, integrated, innovative approaches and allows to comprehensively explore the processes of management and use of alternative energy sources is substantiated. There is proposed the complex of mechanisms of national, regional, municipal ecologically oriented regulation of environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector. Conclusions. It was established that the management of environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector is a complex of processes that ensure the transformation of existing problems into a new state through the application of certain controlled actions. The theoretical, methodological and conceptual basis for the establishment of a system for managing the environmentally-oriented development of the fuel and energy sector, the implementation of strategy and strategic management mechanisms that ensure long-term development on the basis of ecologization constitute the subject and prospects for further scientific research in this direction. Key words: environmental safety, energy security, management of environmentally sound development, preventive measures.

32 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

ГЕТЬМАН О. Л. канд. екон. наук, с.н.с. відділу економіко-екологічних проблем приморських регіонів Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАНУ Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7404-3738

ПРОПОЗИЦІЇ ЩОДО ФОРМУВАННЯ МЕХАНІЗМІВ ПОПЕРЕДЖЕННЯ ВИНИКНЕННЯ РИЗИКІВ ЕКОЛОГОБЕЗПЕЧНОМУ РОЗВИТКУ В ПАЛИВНО-ЕНЕРГЕТИЧНОМУ СЕКТОРІ Актуальність. З урахуванням енергозалежності країни, існуючих енергетичних, екологічних та соціальних загроз безпечному розвитку внаслідок підвищення тарифів на тепло і електроенергію та зростання цін на продукцію і послуги всіх секторів економіки виникає необхідність визначення стратегічних напрямків менеджменту ризику у паливно-енергетичному секторі. Вибір варіанту управління, в основу якого покладено особливості попередження та зниження ризику до можливо низького рівня у паливно-енергетичному секторі набуває особливої актуальності. Мета та завдання. Метою статті є обґрунтування механізмів управління екологобезпечним розвитком паливно-енергетичного сектору, виявлення напрямків регулювання і способів мінімізації нині існуючих ризиків та превентивних умов щодо попередження виникнення загроз та ризиків у паливно-енергетичному секторі економіки. Результати. У статті обґрунтовано та запропоновано механізми управління екологобезпечним розвитком паливно-енергетичного сектору. Розглянуто напрямки регулювання, способи мінімізації нині існуючих ризиків та превентивні умови щодо попередження виникнення загроз та ризиків в паливно- енергетичному секторі економіки. Представлено системне уявлення про закономірний зв'язок між існуючими ризиками та їх наслідками залежно від джерела загроз та визначено етапи моніторингу загроз, які мають бути підґрунтям для прийняття управлінських рішень. Аналізуючи дослідження зарубіжних та вітчизняних вчених, дійшли висновку, що використання альтернативної енергетики в паливно-енергетичному сектору зміцнює енергетичну та екологічну безпеку та виділено ряд необхідних сучасних кроків, які будуть сприяти екологобезпечному розвитку України. Спираючись на аналіз сучасного стану використання енергоресурсів та розвитку енергетики в Україні, доведено наявність потреби збільшення частики виробництва первинної енергії з альтернативних джерел енергії, які можуть вирішувати критичні проблеми у регіонах України. Дослідження міжнародної практики інвестування в екологобезпечний розвиток держави, засобів та тенденцій стимулювання, дозволили запропонувати організаційно-управлінські заходи забезпечення дієвості механізмів. Доведено, що для отримання максимально позитивного економіко-екологічного ефекту у рамках національної енергетики необхідно віддавати перевагу проектам з найвищою інвестиційною ефективністю для отримання позитивного економічного, екологічного, соціального та ресурсного ефектів. Обґрунтовано необхідність застосування комплексного підходу до формування системи механізмів забезпечення ефективного екологобезпечного розвитку паливно-енергетичного сектору, який синтезує системний, менеджментний, інтегрований, інноваційний підходи та дозволяє всебічно дослідити процеси управління та використання альтернативних джерел енергії. Запропоновано комплекс механізмів державного, регіонального, місцевого екологоорієнтованого регулювання екологобезпечного розвитку паливно- енергетичного сектору. Висновки. Встановлено, що управління екологобезпечним розвитком паливно-енергетичного сектору є сукупністю процесів, що забезпечують перетворення існуючих проблем в новий стан шляхом застосування певних керованих дій. Теоретико-методологічні та концептуальні засади створення системи управління екологоорієнтованим розвитком паливно-енергетичного сектору, запровадження стратегії та механізмів стратегічного управління, що забезпечують довгостроковий розвиток на засадах екологізації становлять предмет і перспективи для подальших наукових досліджень в даному напрямку. Ключові слова: екологічна безпека, енергетична безпека, управління екологобезпечним розвитком, превентивні умови попередження виникнення ризиків. Problem statement and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. The importance of the environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector is primarily due to the huge costs of energy and natural resources in agriculture, industry, urban-industrial agglomerations, taking into account global climate change, rising energy prices, and environmental pollution. A compliance with the principle of safety is crucial in forming and institutionalizing organizational and economic management mechanisms at the global, national or regional levels. Analyzing the research of our and foreign scientists

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who considered the energy sector, we came to the conclusion that the use of unconventional energy sources in the energy sector strengthens both the energy and environmental safety of the country. To ensure the environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector, there are some objective and subjective reasons which are necessary for development and implementation alternative energy presented in Fig. 1.

For ecologically safe development, it is necessary to reduce the negative impact of energy

producing objects

R Complex geological conditions for the extraction of minerals (fuel) located on the territory

of the country, and as a consequence, an increase in the number of disturbed lands that have MENTAL lost their economic and environmental value due to the destruction of soil cover Exhaustion of internal energy resources, which satisfy half of the needs of the population of the country, with increased consumption Processes of formation of significant amount of production and consumption wastes, insufficiently effective level of their secondary usage, processing and utilization

ENVIRONMENTAL SAFTY ENVIRONMENTAL Significant increase of capital intensity of energy UEL ANDUEL ENERGY SECTO

NECESSITY OF ENVIRON The use of alternative energy sources in general is more expensive than hydrocarbons, but with the inclusion in the cost of expenses for fighting climate change, the price difference is reduced The use of alternative energy sources requires significant investment at the beginning of the implementation of production energy from them, but in mass production the cost of alternative energy sources can be reduced Alternative energy contributes to increasing energy security, in particular through:

increasing the share of domestic energy production; stimulating the diversification of fuel ENERGY SAFTY ENERGY DEVELOPMENT OF THE F balance; creates jobs KEY KEY ELEMENTSOF THE Theoretical foundations of formation of management of environmentally sound development Alternative energy almost doesn’t produce carbon emissions Fig. 1. Objective and subjective reasons which are necessary for development and implementation alternative energy Source: author's development Analyzing the vectors of the development of environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector in different countries, the following steps that will facilitate the implementation of environmentally sound development in Ukraine should be mentioned: increasing the share of use of alternative energy sources (wind, solar power plants, etc.); implementation of new types of energy sources; improvement of the regulating the energy sector legislation; the necessary level of public investment in promoting the development of ecology; providing the necessary national level of investment promotion in environmentally oriented development; formation of market conditions for the development of the energy industry; transition from energy saving to energy efficiency; promotion of environmental protection and energy efficiency in the manufacturing and consumer sectors (granting of benefits, loans with lower interest rates, incentive measures); use of technical means of achievement energy efficiency; a structural analysis of all energy-consuming sectors of the economy and the development of practical recommendations for energy conservation. The development of alternative energy is a key element of sustainable environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector, provides a significant reduction in the negative impact on the environment, a more even distribution of energy resources, decentralization of energy production, and an increasing in the level of economic freedom of the country, which is one of the conditions for ensuring environmental and energy security of Ukraine. Analysis of recent publications on the problem. For a long time a number of our scientists and researchers are engaged in researches of many problems in the development of the fuel and energy sector, including in the field of alternative energy and energy saving, energy and economic security such as: A.

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Galchinsky, J. Zhalilo, G. Zabarny, S. Kudrya, A. Shevtsov, A. Shidlovsky, V. Lipkan, N. Nyzhnik, G. Sitnik, M. Zemlyany, L. M. Gorbach and others. Among the foreign experts, in these studies are engaged: V. Weiss, A. Erdman, B. Zanner, W. Nordhaus, W. Rowe, W. Streicher, R. Young and others. On the basis of the literature analysis we reveled that scientists are considering issues of environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector from the point of view of the implementation of alternative energy, which strengthens energy security. Existing research is the basis for improving the mechanisms of management of environmentally sound development. Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. Problems in forming preventive measures to ensure effective and environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector remain unresolved. The issues of management and use of alternative energy sources for elimination of socio- ecological and economic threats and risks are insufficiently substantiated. Formulation of research objectives (problem statement). The goal of the article is to substantiate the mechanisms for managing the environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector, to identify areas of the settlement and ways to minimize currently existing risks and measures aimed at preventing threats and risks in the fuel and energy sector of the economy. A integrated approach to the formation of a system of mechanisms for providing the environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector in this study will be considered from the point of view of synthesis of systemic, managerial, integrated and innovative approaches that will comprehensively explore the processes of management and use of alternative energy sources and will facilitate the enhance the implementation of modern energy policy and elimination of existing socio-ecological and economic threats and risks. Outline of the main results and their justification. Considering that the basis of energy today is energy resources, the main peculiarity of which is the limited inventory and exhaustiveness, as a result of which they can’t be a guarantee of sustainable development of the world energy in the long-term perspective and taking into account the aspect, that their use is one of the main causes of the crisis in the environment, there is a need for the development of alternative energy as a key element of the impact on energy security and sustainable environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector. The importance of the environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector is primarily due to the huge costs of energy and natural resources in agriculture, industry, urban-industrial agglomerations, taking into account global climate change, rising energy prices, and environmental pollution.Table 1 represents systematic understanding of the logical connection between problem situations and their consequences depending on the source of threats. Table 1 The connection between problem situations and their consequences depending on the source of threats Source of threats Factors of risk Consequences High energy – excessive dependence of Ukraine on external dependence of monopoly suppliers of natural gas, oil and nuclear fuel (due Ukraine to increased demand for energy resources and limited inventories of their traditional types in the world, as well as

high and volatile prices for them); – excessive energy intensity of the branches of the economy of the country, including the fuel and energy complex, as well as the social sphere; – structural and price imbalances of the energy balance of the country The presence of non- – administrative regulation of prices; – cross-subsidies market and non- between individual categories of consumers and industries of transparent relations the FAES; in the FAES – non-transparent privatization, monopolization of energy system (FAES) system energy regional energy markets; – absence of state strategic reserves of fuel and energy resources; – destruction of scientific and technological potential Inefficiency of management of fuel and and fuel of management of Inefficiency and low innovative activity of the FAES

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Continuation of table 1

Source of threats Factors of risk Consequences The depletion and Decrease or termination of production activity of natural resources reduction of natural enterprises, loss of workplaces, decrease of economic growth rates,

resources etc. population and The deterioration of the Increase in diseases of population due to environmental factors, quality of the increases of costs for medical programs, changes in living

the environment environment and, as a conditions, etc. result, human health


High levelsof harmfulimpact of FAES on the Increase in technogenic The deterioration of the quality of the environment, decrease of the pressure due to the assimilation capacity of the territory, deterioration of living development of conditions of the population, economic losses from the reduction of additional GDP, economic losses from environmental pollution and

infrastructure deterioration of the health of the population, etc.

Increase in technogenic The same, and also the reduction of budget incomes from the loss made disasters frommade the

- pressure due to the of market value of the territory, restrictions on access to biological growth of production resources, violations of inter-sectoral cooperation and territorial of resource-intensive connections, energy intensity of GDP, etc. and low-tech

operationof (FAES) the The growth in the The deterioration of the quality of the environment and living number and magnitude conditions, economic losses from environmental pollution and the of man-made disasters deterioration of the health of the population, reduction of production efficiency through increased costs for compensation payments and costs for the elimination of consequences, Increasing of threat man reconstruction, etc. Source: [1,2,3,4] A compliance with the principle of safety is crucial in forming and institutionalizing organizational and economic management mechanisms at the global, national or regional levels. Analyzing the research of our and foreign scientists who considered the issues of the energy sector, we came to the conclusion that the use of alternative energy sources in the energy sector strengthens the energy and environmental safety of country. Ukraine has a significant technically feasible potential for the development of alternative energy, and in order to increase the share of primary energy production from its sources and strengthen its place in the energy balance, it is necessary to form economic, informational and regulatory provision for the mass implementation of such technologies. Such energy sources can solve critical problems in the regions of Ukraine and promote environmentally sound development of the country. Key weaknesses in the use of alternative energy sources in the context of providing environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector and preventive measures for responding to risks are presented in Table 2. The use of alternative energy sources provides a significant reduction in the negative impact on the environment, a more even distribution of energy resources, decentralization of energy production, and an increase in the level of economic freedom of the country, which is one of the conditions for ensuring the environmental and energy security of Ukraine. The necessity of conducting systematic, comprehensive research of the mechanisms of national management and the application of new fundamental approaches to the formation of a management mechanism through energy saving and environmentally sound technologies in the context of ecologization of the fuel and energy sector of the country becomes of particular relevance in the modern country.

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Table 2 Risks and preventive measures of response to the use of alternative energy in the context of environmentally sound development Hydroelectric power plants Solar power plants Wind power plants Risks ­ the risk of land flooding; The risks due to ­ the use for construction of in ­ the risk due to the absence of a stationary technological process wind power plants large in usage hydrometric post; associated with the area of land; ­ the risk of changing ecological chains in the production of new the threat of the death of certain rivers, water temperature; materials for solar power birds. ­ the risk of increasing greenhouse gas emissions plants. as a result of the intensification of the processes of decomposition of organic compounds, etc; ­ the absence of regulatory documents regarding the design, construction and operation of small hydroelectric power plants (the regulatory framework for large hydroelectric power plants is used) Preve ­ development of a national program for the ­ development of power ­ most of the used land can ntive development of small hydropower; generating capacities. be used for the production of meas ­ reconstruction of the system of hydrometric Construction of agricultural products (WPP ures points of measuring water consumption on small photovoltaic stations; occupy 1% of the total for rivers; ­ development of required territory, 99% can respo ­ high-quality and multi-vector energy, regulatory and legal be used); nding ecological and water management at all stages of support for the ­ as the mortality of birds to the life cycle of a small hydroelectric power development of solar from the traffic of cars is risks station HPS; energy; 300 times higher, and from - to predict a ban on the construction of the SHPS ­ scientific and technical power lines is 50 times not only in the territories of the nature reserve support for the higher than the WPP of 1000 fund, but also upstream on the rivers that flow development of solar MW, it is necessary to use through the nature protection and recreation areas; energy. more powerful wind turbines ­ implementation of normative documentation on and reduce the frequency of the design, construction and operation of small their rotation; hydropower plants, which would formulate ­ scientific and technical environmental requirements support for the development of wind energy. Geothermal installation All types of heat pumps Bioenergy Risks ­ a sufficiently high temperature of geothermal ­ high cost of equipment The threat of realization of in water is required; compared to traditional implementation due to the usage ­ there is a need for a renewable cycle of the boilers obstruction of the issuance flow (injection) of water (usually spent) into the ­ limiting climatic and of technical terms for the underground aquifer, which takes additional geographical order; connection. energy consumption; ­ the need for a thorough ­ there is possible local lowering of the earth's technical-economic and surface, which leads to a destabilization of operational terrestrial structures and changes in the landscape; substantiation for making ­ with significant usage of geothermal waters, a decision on the there is possible an increase in seismic areas. implementation of a heat pump. Preve The implementation of new effective technologies Creation of a mechanism Change of the law "On heat ntive will significantly reduce the negative impact on for management of supply", which would give meas the environment, as well as get an additional energy use by heat priority access to the objects ures economic effect by extracting valuable pumps for autonomous of alternative heat for components. heat supply and generation to the heating respo modernization of networks. nding existing heat supply to facilities risks

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The results of our research indicate that it is expedient to identify 8 main approaches that create the basis for the formation of risk preventing mechanisms for environmentally safe development in the fuel and energy sector: systemic, complex, legal, managerial, process, integrated, innovative, economic and environmental. Among the most appropriate methods for conducting research on the energy saving potential of all aspects of life in Ukraine is a systematic analysis that can be applied to solving problems in any aspect of life of a society. Besides the systemic approach, there is also a managerial. The choice of a particular approach is reflected in the difference in the procedures of regulation of governing the management activities. Thus, the "systemic" approach requires the systemic representation of the object of management and energy saving policy of the country that needs to be diversified and conform to modern organizational, technical and technological conditions should be based on it. And "managerial" - requires a systemic representation of management, which is reflected in various requirements for the special methods, means and tools of analysis and development of the mechanisms of management. Therefore, it is expedient to use an integrated approach that takes into account technical, environmental, economic, organizational, social and psychological aspects when solving the risks prevention issues in the fuel and energy sector. That’s why from our point of view a integrated approach is based on the synthesis of systemic and managerial approaches, which provides the formation of an effective risks preventing mechanism to the environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector of the country. Let's consider a complex of mechanisms of ecologically oriented management at the national level. According to the results of theoretical study of represented scientific developments in this field, the conceptual provisions for a model construction for managing the environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector in the form of a flow chart for the selection of managerial decisions are presented in Fig. 2.

Principles of realization of management of Informational Capacity assessment environmentally sound development of FAES provision on CONCEPT environmentally Conceptual provisions for the interaction of key Priorities sound factors and management functions environmentally development in sound Theoretical foundations of formation of management FAES Objectives of environmentally sound development development of Alternative energy almost doesn’t produce carbon There are deviations FAES emissions

Estimation of Conceptually-oriented block (vision, deviations of DIAGNOSTICS factual data from mission, goals) normative SRATEGY indicators Problem-oriented block (priority problems) Application is environmentally Monitoring of impossible sound indicators of development of development of Project-oriented block (action plan, environmentally Application is FAES operational plans) sound technologies possible

development sound environmentally Administrative-legal

Checking the efficiency of the of the efficiency the Checking Strategy The task of Technical and Functions of Subjects of national national technological national of FAES regulation of regulation and economical development of regulation of

development of environmentally Financial support sound environmentally Objects of

environmentally technologies sound technologies sound technologies development Financial

Scientific and economic agreement

Forms of impact incentives

substantiation of

Methods, levers and instruments of

state state regulation of ecologically safe expediency, mutual Fig. 2. Conceptual provisions for constructing a model for managing the environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector (SES) in an innovation-oriented economy Source: [4, 5] According to [4, 5], the stages of selection of managerial decisions are:

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1. Analysis of the information on the potential of environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector, considering modernization of operating power units, optimization of the production load on the TPP, implementation of alternative technologies. 2. Development of the concept of national regulation with an orientation towards the environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector and the strategy of alternative energy development, verification of its use on its basis. 3. Development of levers of organizational-economic, financial-economic and techno-technological influence, financial support, implementation of system-forming regulators to achieve a new state. The organizational-economic foundations of the mechanism of environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector are presented in Fig. 3.

Organizational -economic foundations of mechanism of environmentally sound development of fuel and energy sector

I. Regulatory and institutional III. Technical-technological regulation methods and forms

Development of principles, model of Improvement (regulations, rules, standards) with construction of management mechanisms for the focus on the use of progressive technologies the use of alternative energy sources in and technical means Ukraine State order for scientific and technical Development of institutional and legal developments foundations for the definition of ownership rights to reduce “greenhouse gas” emissions IV. Financial-economic impact

Development of a methodology for assessing Formation of national support mechanisms: the effectiveness of using energy efficient alternative equipment in heat supply projects implementation of a fund for the development of alternative energy taking into account the interests of all levels of management and all objects that implement Regulatory method of forming the cost of heat, them. depreciation policy, environmental loans etc.

II. Economic-environmental methods V. Resource methods

Enhanced control and accounting of Improvement of state licensing of the usage of anthropogenic emissions and reductions in air organic fuels, taxes on organic fuels Review of theoretical-methodological and methodological basis of the system of charges VI. Institutional-organizational methods for pollution

Improvement of organizational principles of Formation of market mechanisms for managing the national regulation mechanisms use of environmentally sound technologies based on

Kyoto mechanisms

Fig. 3. Organizational-economic foundations of mechanism of environmentally sound development of fuel and energy sector Source: author's development 4. Monitoring of indicators for environmentally sound development of fuel and energy sector and estimation of deviations of actual data from normative indicators.

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As mechanisms of techno-technological regulation, the following are applied: 1) a system of standards, norms, regulations, oriented towards the use of progressive technical means and technologies of energy supply; 2) norms (limits) for the emission of pollutants into the air and discharges into water objects corresponding to advanced techno-technological means. To economic regulatory mechanisms should be included: 1) price mechanisms and methods for calculating production costs and the cost of heat. Regarding the policy of pricing energy products, especially heat energy, it should be aim at inner reforming of all aspects of the industry and especially strengthening of all factors of the strategic development of alternative energy considering its high potential. Thus, we propose a transition to a normative method of forming the cost of heat with an orientation towards the use of progressive energy equipment, including an alternative to the reduction in the cost of organic fuels and emissions into the atmosphere, which will lead to a reduction in the cost of heat in central heating. Besides the item of material costs in forming the cost of a unit of thermal energy, another, equally important item of operating expenses, depreciation of fixed assets needs to be revised. According to the National Statistics Service of Ukraine, the level of general wear of fixed assets of the heat and power complex is more than 60%, for individual heat supply facilities this indicator reaches 97,5%. Such indicators are incompatible with the European standards, which indicates a long way to reduction the tariffs for heat. From the economic point of view, depreciation of fixed assets of the enterprise is one of the sources of self-financing of economic activity. However, the high level of the wear of fixed assets explains the low level of financing availability due to depreciation. According to the fact that in different regions of our country the price of heat is different, the reduction of the cost price of 1 Gcal depends on the approval of the investment component in the regions, such as: updating; recovery of networks; reconstruction; the implementation of alternative energy sources. 2) Depreciation of policy and depreciation norms for progressive environmentally sound technical-technological means. The reduction of the share of material costs in the structure of the cost price is possible by replacing the share of traditional fuel and energy resources with alternative energy (low and medium potential energy, VER, solar energy, soil, water, etc.), which is currently for free. The article "depreciation of fixed assets" can be reduced through technical-technological changes, that is, the replacement of fixed capital with energy-saving environmentally sound technologies, which will increase the coefficient of suitability of fixed assets, which is about 3% at some objects of generating sources. This causes high expenses for heat energy now at the stage of heat production, but there is still a heat network, the technological state of which is poor. The amount of depreciation deductions mostly depends on the method of depreciation of fixed assets adopted and approved by the order on the accounting policy of the enterprise, and the period of their useful use, defined according to with the Tax Code of Ukraine. According to the last, there are 5 methods of depreciation provided for, which are also defined by the Standard (accounting standard) №7 «Fixed assets». From our point view, it is appropriate to define not only the minimum period of use of fixed assets, but also the maximum, or the degree of maximum wear of equipment. Then enterprises will have to keep a clear record of the depreciation of their core funds, to make optimal investment decisions and to increase level of energy efficiency. It should be noted that to the projects of innovation and technological development, the method of accelerated depreciation corresponds most, which allows expanding opportunities for innovations. The advantage of this method is that during the first years of using the equipment, the necessary amount of money for its restoration is accumulated. This method makes it possible to reimburse up to 60-70% of the cost of equipment during the first half of the useful period of its usage. The mechanisms of financial and economic incentives include: 1) the system of taxes on both the use of organic fuel and the pollution of the natural environment (taxes on CO2, coverage of losses for environmental pollution); 2) market mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol; 3) specialized national financial funds; 4) benefit taxation. As financial and economic incentive mechanisms in the practice of developed countries in order to stimulate alternative energy development and restrict the use of organic fuels, there are mainly used two types of tax mechanisms: 1) the tax on organic fuels (its size amounts to up to 20% of the already high cost of organic types of fuel – natural gas, oil, coal, etc.); 2) CO2 emission tax on the combustion of organic fuels. It should be noted that the systems of technical-technological and financial-economic regulation are very closely interrelated, because the CO2 taxation system is oriented on the norms of CO2 emissions, which are much lower when using progressive environmentally sound technologies. It should be emphasized that the high prices and taxes on organic fuels encourage entrepreneurs and heat producers to implement investment projects in the field of energy saving and alternative energy supply,

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including at the level of development of technical-technological “know-how”. At the same time, the policy of developed countries makes it easier for entrepreneurs and producers to realize these tasks, because: 1) major programs are being implemented at the national level for the development of new technical means and technologies in the field of increasing energy supply; 2) programs of environmental protection (including atmospheric protection means), in their serial production are implemented are implemented at the national level. In order for financial and economic mechanisms to work in the country and to fulfill the international obligations of Ukraine, it is necessary today: to adopt the Law on Monitoring, Verification and Reporting (MRV), the Law on the scheme of greenhouse gas emission trading; to agree on the principles for distribution quotas for greenhouse gas emissions; to deal with the issue of size and distribution of carbon taxes. The validity of managerial decisions at the regional, municipal level and business entities depends on compliance with the main principles of the national policy of ensuring the development of alternative energy. The proposed principles are based on the general principles of the adoption and realization of management mechanisms through the implementation of progressive environmentally sound technologies (Table 3). Table 3 Conceptual principles of construction of management mechanisms of the environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector Principles Characteristic The main purpose of the functioning of the management mechanism is to The principle of provide energy and environmental safety on the basis of optimization of purposefulness energy resources costs and minimization of the negative impact on the environment in accordance with international requirements. The principle of The system of mechanisms should take into account the interests (economic, interrelation and social and environmental) of all participants in the process of development interdependence, of alternative energy. stimulation and support The management mechanisms should be aimed at the realization of the The principle of National Energy Strategy and combine management functions (planning, functionality organization, motivation, control, regulation). The ability to improve management mechanisms based on the The principle of harmonization of energy, economic, technical and environmental factors in development the management process. The management mechanisms should be built on objective and reliable The principle of information, which allows making informed decisions. In order to improve objectivity, specification the accuracy and reliability of analytical calculations, the process of and accuracy collecting, processing, analyzing and recording information should be constantly improved. The management mechanisms should be aimed at guaranteed, The principle of consumer environmentally sound heat supply taking into account the consumer's orientation solvency. The principle of economic Ensuring the adoption of the most effective heat supply option from the and environmental point of view of the economic and environmental interests of the efficiency participants in the process of implementation alternative technologies. The management mechanism should include a monitoring, institutional- The principle of legal, institutional-organizational and informational component that ensures continuity high responsiveness to changes and threats in the management system. Principle of responsibility Lies in is necessity to report to the supreme governing body and and hierarchical co- responsibility for the coherence and validity of the decisions taken. subordination Lies in the possibility of obtaining relevant information and bringing the The principle of decisions taken to the attention of all interested stakeholders (individuals transparency and legal entities) in the implementation of alternative energy projects. Source: author's development

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These conceptual principles provide the basis for the mechanism of effective management in making managerial decisions at the subject-object level of various sectors of the national economy and preventing the emergence of risks to environmentally sound development in the fuel and energy sector. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The use of alternative energy in the fuel and energy sector strengthens energy and environmental security. An analysis of the current state of energy usage and energy development in Ukraine proves the need to increase the share of primary energy from alternative energy sources that can solve critical problems in the regions of Ukraine. The application of an integrated approach to the formation of a system of mechanisms for ensuring an effective environmentally sound development of the fuel and energy sector allows us to comprehensively explore the management processes and usage of alternative energy sources. The proposed complex of mechanisms of state, regional, municipal, environmentally-oriented management of the development of the fuel and energy sector will ensure the transformation of existing problems into a new state through the application of certain controlled actions. The prospects for further scientific research in this area will be theoretical and methodological and conceptual foundations for the establishment of a system for managing the environmentally-oriented development of the fuel and energy sector, the implementation of strategies and strategic management mechanisms that ensure long-term development on the basis of ecologization.

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УДК 339.138 JEL M31

HRINCHENKO Y.L. PhD. Econ. Sciences, associate professor Chair of marketing and business administration Odesa National Mechnikov University, Frantsuzkyi boulevard, 24/26, Odesa, Ukraine, 65044 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9439-5933

ROBUL I.V., PhD. Phys. Sciences, associate professor Chair of marketing and business administration Odesa National Mechnikov University, Frantsuzkyi boulevard, 24/26, Odesa, Ukraine, 65044 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7299-9648

ZALUBINSKA L.M., PhD. Phys. Sciences, associate professor Chair of marketing and business administration Odesa National Mechnikov University, Frantsuzkyi boulevard, 24/26, Odesa, Ukraine, 65044 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1866-0125


Topicality. Marketing policies become more sophisticated and more focused nowadays. On many consumer markets there is a trend for differentiating and branding products as a response to defragmentation of the market. Brand is no more just a promotion tool; it shapes the company-customer relations for a long period. Brand is a concept completely based on understanding customer needs and evaluating related values. Meanwhile pricing policy remains a conservative part of marketing, which relies mostly on internal factors. Brand requires a careful positioning and price has to follow. Transforming the pricing into a powerful strategic instrument for gaining a desired marketing segment implies price positioning. The problem of it relates to the dilemma of meeting customer expectations concerning their willingness to pay and financial objectives based on profitability. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to identify the conceptual framework for development a pricing strategy, which follows brand positioning and ensure targeted profit requirements. To develop an appropriate pricing policy a comprehensive process of positioning shall be structured a step-by-step process. Positioning may relay on different factors ranging from quality and consumer value to competitors’ prices and benefits. A coordinated policy decisions shall follow. The next task is to ensure financial effectiveness of price policy. That requires a profound analysis of both external and internal factors. Strategic vision will reflect the positioning target. The several options of pricing strategies appear and the task of the company to choose the most appropriate one. Research results. Pricing itself shall not be rigid, but its main goal - to support the brand development strategy. There are three general options for such strategies. The first one focuses on increasing sales profits among loyal customers. Therefore, the brand is becoming more focused, its promotion is more aggressive, and the positioning is more consolidated. Usually, the price increases gradually, first on new product modifications, special series, in conjunction with additional services, and so on. But the price increases as long as consumer loyalty is not compromised. The second strategy is aimed at increasing the segment of loyal consumers by "catching" consumers, loyal to other brands or disloyal to any brand in general. One of the options for such a delusion involves aggressive pricing. In most cases, a product with extremely competitive "price-quality" and powerful marketing support is being created, aimed at forming a new group of loyal consumers. As a result, the price will not change in the long run while sales are increasing. The key to succeeding in this policy is to prevent loyal customers from being "lured" to new consumers. The third version of the strategy of brand

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development implies its expansion into new segments of the market. The focus of the brand becomes more vague, it is more focused on the properties of the product, but not on consumer preferences. Price becomes less emotional, but more rational factor of consumer choice. Pricing becomes similar to that of the non-branded market. Conclusions. Thus, to achieve sustainable financial objectives shall consider mostly irrational pricing factors, among which the willingness or desire of consumers to pay a price for the product is the most prominent. Branded markets are determined by the predominance of irrational aspects of pricing. Therefore, the pricing strategy is aimed at the intensive use of communication tools. However, rational factors such as the volume of the target market segment, consumer value and competitive price also play an important role in shaping the financial success of pricing on markets of branded products. Key words: positioning, pricing, brand, pricing strategy, marketing strategy.

УДК 339.138 JEL M31

ГРІНЧЕНКО Ю.Л. к-т екон. наук, доцент. кафедра маркетингу та бізнес-адміністрування. Одеський національний університет ім. І.І. Мечникова Французький бульвар, 24/26, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9439-5933

РОБУЛ Ю.В. к-т ф-м. наук, доцент. кафедра маркетингу та бізнес-адміністрування. Одеський національний університет ім. І.І. Мечникова Французький бульвар, 24/26, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7299-9648

ЗАЛЮБІНСЬКА Л.М. к-т ф-м. наук, доцент. кафедра маркетингу та бізнес-адміністрування. Одеський національний університет ім. І.І. Мечникова Французький бульвар, 24/26, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1866-0125


Актуальність. Маркетингова політика на сьогоднішній день стає більш комплексною і більш орієнтованою. На багатьох споживчих ринках існує тенденція до диференціації та брендінгу продукції як відповідь на дефрагментацію ринку. Бренд - це не просто інструмент просування; він на довгий час формує відносини між компанією та клієнтами. Бренд - це концепція, яка повністю ґрунтується на розумінні потреб клієнтів та оцінці відповідних цінностей. Тим часом цінова політика залишається консервативною частиною маркетингу, яка в основному спирається на внутрішні чинники. Бренд вимагає ретельного позиціонування та дотримання ціни. Перетворення ціноутворення на потужний стратегічний інструмент для отримання бажаного сегмента маркетингу передбачає цінове позиціонування. Проблема пов'язана з дилемою задоволення очікувань клієнтів щодо їх готовності платити певну ціну та фінансових цілей на основі прибутковості. Мета та завдання. Метою статті є визначення концептуальної основи розробки стратегії ціноутворення, яка відповідає позиціонуванню бренду та забезпечує цільові вимоги до прибутку. Для розробки відповідної політики ціноутворення структурований комплексний процес позиціонування має бути розроблений та впроваджений по кроках. Позиціонування може стосуватися різних факторів, починаючи від якості та споживчої цінності, до цін і переваг конкурентів. Наступним завданням є забезпечення фінансової ефективності цінової політики. Це вимагає глибокого аналізу як зовнішніх, так і внутрішніх факторів фірми. Стратегічне

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бачення відображатиме ціль позиціонування. З'являються кілька варіантів цінової стратегії, а завдання компанії - вибрати найбільш відповідний. Результати досліджень. Сама цінова політика не повинна бути жорсткою, але її головна мета - підтримати стратегію розвитку бренду. Існують три загальні варіанти таких стратегій. Перший з них зосереджується на збільшенні прибутку від продажів до лояльних клієнтів. Тому бренд стає більш цілеспрямованим, його просування більш агресивним, а позиціонування більш консолідованим. Як правило, ціна поступово зростає, спочатку на модифікаціях нового продукту, спеціальних серіях, у поєднанні з додатковими послугами і так далі. Але ціна зростає до тих пір, поки лояльність споживачів зберігається. Друга стратегія спрямована на збільшення сегмента лояльних споживачів шляхом "захоплення" споживачів, лояльних до інших брендів або нелояльних до будь-якого бренду взагалі. Одним з варіантів такої політики є агресивне ціноутворення. У більшості випадків створюється продукт з надзвичайно конкурентоспроможним співвідношенням "ціна- якістю" і потужною маркетинговою підтримкою, спрямованої на формування нової групи лояльних споживачів. В результаті ціна не зміниться в довгостроковій перспективі, у той час як продажі зростають. Ключем до успіху в цій політиці є запобігання "заманюванню" лояльних клієнтів на противагу до нових споживачів. Третя версія стратегії розвитку бренду передбачає її розширення на нові сегменти ринку. Акцент бренда стає більш розпливчастим, він більше орієнтований на властивості продукту, а не на споживчі уподобання. Ціна стає менш емоційною, але більш раціональним фактором вибору споживача. Ціноутворення стає подібним до цін на небрендованому ринку. Висновки. Таким чином, для досягнення стійких фінансових цілей необхідно враховувати в основному ірраціональні фактори ціноутворення, серед яких найбільш важливим є бажання споживачів платити за продукт певну ціну. Брендовані ринки визначаються переважанням ірраціональних аспектів ціноутворення. Тому цінова стратегія спрямована на інтенсивне використання засобів комунікації. Раціональні фактори, такі як обсяг сегмента цільового ринку, споживча вартість та конкурентоспроможна ціна, також відіграють важливу роль у формуванні фінансового успіху ціноутворення на ринках брендованої продукції. Ключові слова: позиціонування, ціноутворення, бренд, цінова стратегія, маркетингова стратегія.

Problem statement and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. Marketing policy as a management tool develops into a complex issue involving many issues within a firm of both external and internal origins. Still marketing is about knowing the customers and focusing on their needs. The key factor for overall success of marketing policy is right positioning on the market. Positioning along with technology and production issues defines the product features, it sets the frontiers for selling volumes and it clarifies perspectives for future profits. Knowing which product to offer in which market (product-market combination) is of crucial importance for keeping a business profitable. Positioning your product or service is even more important, as it delivers long-lasting effects. Positioning refers to the image you want to print in your customers’ heads or, in other words, the impression you want to leave on your target group of customers. In a world where we are constantly inundated with advertising, your product or service must stand out from the rest of the pack. A "positioning statement" is therefore often based on competitive advantages. What do you do better or what do you offer different from others? What features or properties make your product or service so unique? This task is far from obvious exercise, as most products / services are just not unique or superior. So the positioning has two-way effect, it shows a company’s view of its target customers but also it shapes the customer expectations toward its product/service offer. Nevertheless, by giving you a clear positioning, you will be able to communicate the added value of your product / service in a consistent and attractive way to the address of your target audience. In short, this is the essence of a good marketing strategy. Analysis of recent publications on the problem. As Simon, Bilstein and Luby stated in their research the pricing is one of the most flexible policy of the marketing mix, which affects directly over the profitability and cost effectiveness of a company. Despite the importance a price has on the performance of businesses, it seems that pricing has not received the proper attention by many academics and marketing professionals, as Avlonitis & Indounas observed. In the mainstream of policy research in marketing, policy-makers focus on the development of new products, distribution channels and communication strategies, and according to Lancioni this could lead to precipitated pricing decisions without properly evaluating market and cost factors. As a research of Nagel and Holden revealed, only few managers strategically thought about pricing. Altough they while constantly administrating their prices in order to create favorable conditions for profit earning. Considering this, Liozu and Hinterhuber highlighted the need for more research regarding the pricing preferences and practices because, according to the authors, less than 2% of all published articles in marketing journals are focused on pricing. Strategic pricing requires a stronger relationship between marketing and the other functions of a company. In order to ameliorate companies’ economic and financial performance, the pricing policies should 46 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

encompass internal capacities and needs and wishes of their customers, in addition to market conditions such as, economic conditions and degree of competition. Some researches as one by Besanko, Dranove, Shanley&Schaefer and one by De Toni&Mazzon studied relations of pricing and a better performance of the company. In a study about pricing and expenditure strategies developed by Milan, De Toni, Larentis, and Gava, the conclusion stated that the factor that mostly influenced an organization’s performance was related to the achievement of objectives by the development of new products. In other words, businesses that achieved their sales, market participation and profit margins objectives exhibited a better organizational performance. Liozu, Boland, Hinterhuber, and Perelli conducted a research mapping the pricing processes of companies which based their prices on competitors. The research resulted in the findings that managers used their knowledge and experiences to define prices, as well as models of costs, contribution margin goals, and well- structured profit goals. In addition, these companies were strongly considering the prices of their main competitors. Adding a price reward was mostly a decision based on the manager’s intuition, which is not a scientific method to define prices. Similarly, a study of 84 companies performed by Milan et al. showed that in these companies there was a greater focus on price setting based on costs. Thus, this strategy encourages companies to use better expenditure techniques. Liozu conducted a study by interviewing forty-four of their managers of fifteen small and medium-size American companies. In the study, he addressed the three main pricing strategies: customer value-based pricing (in four companies), cost-based pricing (in six companies) and competition-based pricing (in five companies). The study identified that the majority of the companies basing their prices on costs developed advanced cost models, all of which used contribution and profit margin goals in order to set their prices. According to Hinterhuber, the impact of price levels on profitability is high, which means that even the impact of small increases of price on profits and corporate profitability by far exceeds the impact of other leverages in managing best results. In his study, it was possible to detected that a 5% increase in average sales prices may increase the earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) by 22%, on average, compared to a 12% increase on the sales volume and a 10% cost reduction of sold goods, respectively. In other words, of all the elements available to managers, the price is what has the larger impact on corporate results, reflecting on representative gains, as Kohlia&Surib found on their study. Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. Most of the attention concerning positioning under marketing policy relates to the fit of product’s features to customers’ needs. Not so many studies address the price dimension of positioning. For most companies pricing is mostly about tactics not about strategy, parts of which positioning is. Price positioning requires a specific vision of market segments. Options of targeted price policies based on positioning shall be elaborated for further consideration. Formulation of research objectives (problem statement). Internal factors, such as costs and production schedules, have great impacts on pricing. Consumer value remains vague and hard to measure. To launch a pro- active marketing policy a company needs to develop pricing policies, which support its market goals but simultaneously meet financial objectives. Price positioning along with brand development is one of possible solutions. Outline of the main results and their justification. Marketing practice exploits a five-step positioning process. This process is regarded as a value-communicating one. The value of your product or service is expressed by the benefits it offers to its recipient. These can come in different forms:  Functional: solves problems, offers benefits such as speed, etc.  Psychology: feeling of security or belonging, better self-image, etc.  Experimental: better "touch", better service delivery, better interaction, etc. In its classical presentation the process of positioning consists of following steps: Step 1. List the benefits of your product. Step 2. Gather information about the perception of your customers. Step 3. Identify competing products and analyze how they position themselves: the fastest, the best, the cheapest, and so on. Step 4. Compare your positioning to that of your competitors (matrix) and try to establish distinctive features or look for points of differentiation. Step 5. Determine your own position, based on the values and distinction made above. This process tends to repeat continuously as new product attributes appeal to customers or new market space appears. Companies need to search for new product features to distinguish themselves from competitors in a more clear way. Any shifts of marketing strategy will require some changes or total makeover positioning. There are a few points to describe a good positioning statement:

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 the product / service you offer;  the target group you are addressing  the problem inherent in your target group;  how you want to solve it with your product / service  how you stand out from your competitors  the main features or properties of your product / service. In other words a good positioning statement declares: “We provide ... (your service or product) to .... (target group) who regularly faces ... (problem). Unlike ... (cite competing products or services), our product / service can / is ...... (name the main features of your product or service that make it stand out from the competition)”. In that perspective, positioning serves for differentiating your company from your competitors and it heavily relates on product attributes. It is easy to notice that pricing does not appear in that classical view of positioning as a marketing tool. As branding practice spread across industries its pricing dimension gained importance. Contrary to product specifications, pricing boundaries between customer segments are more vague and hard to detect. Despite the fact that the price of a product is a major factor of a purchase decision, marketing strategies adopted approach of a value-containing product. Every attribute of a product needs to contribute a customer value. The price balances the customer value, but it is not though a customer segment factor. The price just follows the product attributes. The evidence of marketing strategy implementation shows that mistakes about pricing occur more often and cost much more than the product ones. There are several options for positioning within a marketing strategy. Option 1. Positioning based on quality. The quality of a product is one of the core component of a company brand. Even more important that positioning based on quality can be easily combined with other positioning strategies. Since every company is targeting to emphasize its commitment to quality, the product attributes is right factor to distinguish the company from competitors. The best way is to narrow consumers’ focus to one area of expertise, thereby branding the company as a high-quality and trusted specialist. Pricing policy sticks to quality perception of consumers. The price indicates the quality of the product to the customer, depends on product performance, and attributes. Positioning supports the existent price boundaries among segments and pricing is more rigid. Option 2. Positioning based on value. There are two approaches to value or price positioning, both of which are heavily dependent on quality. One approach is to use a high-end positioning, which supports the belief that high quality is a reasonable excuse for high price. Eventually the high-end price becomes a mark for high-end quality. A company can also cement its brand as the provider of high quality, value-priced products or services. A good example of this strategy is Southwest Airlines. In a tough economy, its policy of offering affordable flights as well as promising free checked luggage has allowed it to flourish while other airlines struggle. Pricing loses direct connection to quality. It perfectly adjusts to current market conditions and consumers’ willingness to pay. So positioning only communicates to a certain segment, but price decisions are flexible. Option 3. Positioning based on benefits. This strategy implies communicating the unique benefits of a product or service to the target segment of the market. With this strategy, the goal is to highlight the company's most powerful attributes — the ones that no competitor can claim and that are valuable to the consumer. Highly priced home appliance of German brands like Bosch or Miele built their strength on the benefits of repair. These appliances were considered as ones that almost never require any repair for long time. Positioning mostly rely not on price levels, but goes deep into consideration of economic benefits of the product. Pricing follows such benefits, so is very exposed to external factors. Option 4. Positioning based on problem and solution correspondence. Positioning a brand as the solution to a consumer's problem is a powerful strategy. The central point is to show that your company has the ability to relieve customers of whatever problem they may be facing, both quickly and efficiently. For example, prepackaged frozen dishes solve the consumer's problem of time- consuming food preparation. Price positioning is a crucial factor for the marketing strategy. Solution value can be very individualistic and subtle to measure. The price anchors perceptions of economic value of proposed solutions. Option 5. Positioning based on competitor. Competitiveness is the key factor for survival for every business. A company needs to demonstrate its superiority over another competitor or competitors, which offer the same type of product or service. Banking

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institutions often employ this strategy to establish a powerful brand by comparing their rates or service to those of other companies. The message is that consumers should obtain their banking services of the same quality but for lesser fee. Price positioning directly targets competitors’ price levels. Option 6. Positioning based on celebrity image. Hiring celebrities as spokespeople or to endorse a company's product or service is a popular way to position a brand. The celebrities can quickly increase brand awareness among customers and build strong associations to some features linked to prosperity. This positioning may be expensive. The consumer tends to trust celebrities implicitly they look familiar. This familiarity inspires buyers to follow the celebrity's lead or to emulate him, making this strategy ideal for selling luxury goods or specific goods as sports equipment. Price positioning usually targets uncovered segments and aims to fix brand within its limits. High-end option is also popular. In a context of non-growing or lowering consumer demand and simultaneously increasing the number of alternative suppliers in the vast majority of industries, one of the most important tasks of modern marketing is to build sustainable competitive advantages. Marketing has become a strategic business management tool. However, the strong competitive advantage is not the sole reason for the successful operation of the business. Large volumes of sales in absolute terms should be accompanied by a high level of profitability; otherwise, the long-term prospects of any business will quickly vanish. Currently, most managers focus on the financial result of marketing activity in general, or the effectiveness of individual marketing activities. The result of most studies on similar topics is the conclusion about the need to create a powerful brand as a guarantee of sustainable profitability if you talk about the consumer market. The brand is not the only option for fixing profitability rates for a certain period, but by far one of the popular as it targets several problems with customer expectations, supply-chain pressure and competition dynamics. When it comes to the brand, managers often understand the latter as a certain set of product attributes that determine the level of perception of the quality of the product by the consumer. Accordingly, a powerful brand is, first of all, compliance with consumer requirements of a large portion of consumers of a particular market. Traditionally, brand positioning is one of the tasks of branding. Eventually branding, and positioning, which it incorporates, become a key strategic issue of competition. The chosen positioning dictates directions of development of product, distribution and, most interestingly, pricing policy. That provokes some conficts as the price serves as a marker for positioning but simultaneously shall follow product attributes. Of course, the price is a significant factor of the consumer choice. However, the task of a brand is often to weaken pricing impact. So, in marketing, the question arise whether the brand and the price are antagonists or additive parts of a marketing complex? After all, the price is not a simple promotion action, but a certain barrier to the consumer's purchase of the product. Modern marketing has advanced far behind in understanding the nature of consumer value and in defining the factors that shape it. However, the tools available to the vast majority of companies do not measure it neatly. Many pricing strategies turn to be financially inaccessible and suitable only for certain industries. Consequently, consumer value remains an ephemeral substance in order to serve as a benchmark for price fixing. Thus, in practice, most price decisions are still cost-based, although this contradicts the concept of marketing. Robert Dolan and Hermann Simon, in their famous book "Power Pricing," argued that 84% of managers of large American corporations had all the information they needed about their expenses, and 81% were aware of fixed costs. Level of awareness about price levels of competitors reaches 75%. At that time, managers are less optimistic about their level of consumer awareness. The best of all managers are the level of consumer value of the product – 61% estimated the level of available information as sufficient for decision-making. At the same time, only 34% of managers believe that they have the necessary information about the reaction of consumers to price changes. And only 21% have a clear idea of the level of willingness (willingness) of consumers to pay the set price. Since 1995, when the study was conducted, the situation has changed for the better. This is especially noticeable in the case of a reaction to price changes. Today, companies are much more aware of fluctuations in demand, depending on price changes. Sensitivity analysis is a powerful marketing tool that allows to predict the value of key market indicators, such as sales, depending on price convergences. Still it relates mostly on a retrospective analysis; big data technologies quickly change the situation. The desire of consumers to pay the set price is a less rational phenomenon, so it is harder to take into account when making price decisions. Behavioral and other contextual factors determine the consumer's desire to pay the certain price, but such factors are more difficult to analyze. Five main factors can be named, which help to determine more accurately the price level as a factor of the willingness of consumers to pay the proposed

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price. First, the desire to pay a price directly depends on price incentives. But that is true when to consider relative incentives, that is, the ratio of discount to price, but not absolute. Discounts of UAH 20 more weighty for a product at a price of UAH 100 than 1000 hryvna. Secondly, the consumer always tries to build his relation to the price on the basis of certain reference prices. Therefore, the company controlling the reference prices controls the desire of consumers to pay a certain price for the product. How much does a plane cost from Kiev to Odessa, if the flight to Dnipro is worth, for example, 4500 hryvna? When you look for answers to this question, you take into account the reference prices. Thirdly, consumers' understanding of price components can determine their willingness to pay a price that they would otherwise consider unreasonable. Fitness centers with new equipment shall be more expensive or not? Fourthly, the consumer may consider a justified or unjustified increase in prices depending on the product category and contextual factors. Price increase of hotels in the season is perceived by consumers more readily than the cost of beach towels. Fifthly, the consumer not only assesses the economic viability of the purchase, but also the "fairness" of the price. In the vast majority of cases, errors in pricing negatively affect either the volume of sales, or the volume of profit, or two these figures at a time. So the relevant question is to determine the typical reasons why companies make so many mistakes. One of the reasons for the problems of pricing is the blurring of responsibility among several functional structures of the organization - finance, sales, marketing, production, etc. In each company, the final decision on the price is set on its own algorithm. It is not always obvious that the opinion of the functional department would be under consideration in each particular case. As a result, pricing decisions may not consider all relevant market conditions. In the long run, that means the price evolves into a correction mechanism for market position post factum. If the expected results do not correspond to the plan correction to pricing are a usual measure to undertake to boost sales. As a result, profitability is significantly reduced, even if the sales situation has been improved. There is also a reverse situation. The price is set at the level of the estimated consumer. As noted above, a precise estimate of the level of consumer value in financial terms is based on uncertain methods and many assumptions. Multiple factors affect consumer value for a single customer, let alone the segment of the market. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the real world the price often does not coincide with the corresponding value for consumers, and that situation instantly affects sales. However, we can state the rapid progress of marketing practices in this field. We can observe increasing number of cases, where companies accurately measure consumer value and set the appropriate price. Firstly, this is facilitated by a deeper understanding of the factors affecting the level of consumer value, and secondly, the proper financial assessment of consumer value is the result of tracking the dynamics of a specific market, including price fluctuations. A common practice is to focus on price levels that have already emerged on the market. Modern consumer markets have a branched structure, dynamic, but definite segments, a certain pattern of competitor prices. In this case, the price of the product directly depends on the positioning of the product in relation to the competitors’ products. This method has many advantages. The price corresponds to the competitive positioning of the product, it is understandable for consumers and trading partners. However, among the main drawbacks of this approach is a passive marketing strategy of the company. The company is moving in the direction of market changes, quickly makes adjustments to the marketing strategy, adjusts pricing policy. Altough the company only follows market dynamics with inevitable time lag. But financial results in this case are the result of market dynamics. Many companies have fallen into a market-driven trap. Negative market dynamics reduces company profits, but it can not offer an adequate response, including pricing. In addition, most consumer markets have increasingly become a homogenized products ones over time. It reflects on the average profitability in a negative way. Effectiveness of pricing both from the point of view of marketing and the position of finance - that is, in the categories of competitiveness and profitability, is an important task of strategic management, including strategic marketing. The price will turn from a passive to an active element of managing the market position of the company. This is especially important in the market of branded products, because in these markets positioning is the foundation on which I am building the entire marketing mix. Price positioning takes a leading position in the marketing plans of many companies and this trend is intensifying. However, at the sub-strategic level, the price continues to be more a re-active thab a pro-active

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tool. For many companies pricing policy coordination with other policies under the marketing-mix concept still lacks a firm ground. The passive role of pricing will inevitably leads to a detioration of financial results. The brand is the factor, which simultaneously reduces the influence of the price on consumer choice and increases its impact on the financial result. The task of the brand in terms of impact on gross profits - creating additional consumer value and / or strengthening consumer loyalty. A brand as an additional component of consumer value requires the full compliance of the whole set of attributes of the product with consumer expectations. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully determine the price, which is as an important element of positioning as the physical properties of the product, design, warranty, etc. Most consumers have a clear personal idea of the relationship "price - quality", so changes in one element will definitely affect the perception of others. Business practice shows that it is often more appropriate to create a new brand than to set a new price for the old one. In the most cases, consumers are more conservative in relation to the price than the product. Consumers are enthusiastic about innovations in the product, but they are very cautious about price experiments. This is equally true for both lowering and rising price levels. Of course, companies consider changing the price of their products, primarily within the framework of repositioning programs for brands. But this is usually done very carefully. Individual product lines, sub-brands are issued - and then a strategic decision on price correction is taken on the basis of consumers' reaction. This is equally true for brands that are positioned in the upper and lower price segments. Price correction is based on clear rules - firstly, the preservation of sales among loyal consumers, and secondly, sales should increase in a larger proportion than the corresponding reduction in prices. However, the price on the market determines not only the manufacturer or the owner of the brand. Resellers have no less impact on it. So, for consolidation of the price offer and its rigid fixation for the end user, the issue of management of integrated supply chains becomes an important issue. Consumers may not fully understand when the price of a product is too high or too low compared to competitors. In emerging markets, consumers are also disoriented about "fair" prices with respect to consumer value, so companies, in the context of a successful promotion strategy, can capture price levels that will serve as a benchmark for consumers in the future. An illustration of the phenomenon of gradual formation of consumer value and price perception can serve as a market for organic food. Over the past five or six years, a price surplus has been generated in relation to conventional products, although at first the market demonstrated a large variety of producer approaches to pricing. In the case of a brand policy development as a tool for increasing consumer loyalty, price strategies are not so unambiguous. In the static case, the price decision is by a great degree trivial. The price should be set in the range where demand elasticity is low. However, for any product there is a certain price level beyond which the switching of loyal customers to competitor products or substitutes significantly intensifies. If a company aims to maximize profits in specific market conditions, for a loyal customer segment, it must set the maximum price that they agree to pay for the benefits of a particular brand. The ability to balance on the thin edge of an optimal price requires accurate calculation of the number of loyal consumers and a precise assessment of the consumer value that the brand generates. Tasks are complex, but quite realistic for execution. If the sales volume is inferior to the projected volume of the segment of loyal consumers, then one of the possible reasons may be an overpricing that pushes consumers loyal to the brand to buy competing products. In this case, price decisions can be very effective in terms of reaching the target segment. If the price premium for loyal consumers seems to be low, then this is primarily a problem of brand promotion policy rather than pricing policy. It should be noted that this price premium is eventually subject to erosion in most markets. This can only be prevented by investments in brand development. If sales have reached the limit of the segment of loyal consumers, then a further decline in price offers is ineffective. The inflow of new consumers is stopped, and the margin is shrinking. Consequently, a company's mistake in estimating the volume of the target consumer segment can lead to prices which are too low (in most cases). This situation may refer to case when prices are lower than the consumer value. But the worse thing is that such a price level forms corroded price guidelines for consumers. Thus, the company in advance reduces the space for price maneuvers, setting price limits, which determine the desire of customers to pay a certain price for the product. Rarely, the company is setting a price too high and investing a lot in increasing the consumer value of its product, including the brand. However, lowering prices would be a more rational solution, as sales significantly increase to the limits of the real, rather than the planned, consumer segment. In the worst case, the company opens a «price umbrella» - leaves the uncovered segment of the market where the competitors come.

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Pricing itself shall not be rigid, but its main goal - to support the brand development strategy. There are three general options for such strategies. The first one focuses on increasing sales profits among loyal customers. Therefore, the brand is becoming more focused, its promotion is more aggressive, and the positioning is more consolidated. Usually, the price increases gradually, first on new product modifications, special series, in conjunction with additional services, and so on. But the price increases as long as consumer loyalty is not compromised. The second strategy is aimed at increasing the segment of loyal consumers by "catching" consumers, loyal to other brands or disloyal to any brand in general. One of the options for such a delusion involves aggressive pricing. In most cases, a product with extremely competitive "price-quality" and powerful marketing support is being created, aimed at forming a new group of loyal consumers. As a result, the price will not change in the long run while sales are increasing. The key to succeeding in this policy is to prevent loyal customers from being "lured" to new consumers. The third version of the strategy of brand development implies its expansion into new segments of the market. The focus of the brand becomes more vague, it is more focused on the properties of the product, but not on consumer preferences. Price becomes less emotional, but more rational factor of consumer choice. Pricing becomes similar to that of the non-branded market. The combination of marketing objectives of competitiveness and financial goals is quite possible to achieve even in a markets of branded products. The brand requires a lot of investment, so the question of profitability is not of minor importance. The achievement of the goals of profitability requires two steps: firstl the perfect price positioning, and second, the price setting at the level of maximization of profit within the target segment, and third, the close coordination of price decisions with the promotion policy. It is worth noting that almost always the seller has the possibility of price discrimination, that is, the differentiation of prices across different consumer segments. But such a pricing policy requires special preparation, so leave this issue outside of the article. Thus, the recommendations on effective pricing in branded markets can be reduced to the following rules. The price of the product shall be within price limits of the target consumer segment; otherwise, there will be dissonance between product and price positioning. The price is not the only tool of competition, so a company shall target its price to customers, not competitors. The price has a different effect on loyal and disloyal consumers, so try to divide it into two of these segments. The price should support changes in brand promotion, but price changes are always a loss, so appreciate the benefits of such a solution. Based on these recommendations, it is possible to identify two types of pricing strategies that combine different pricing tools in a single set. The first strategy is to actively manage the price expectations of consumers. This strategy involves four steps: Step 1. To establish clear price guidelines - to cultivate consumers with certain price levels, which will serve as referential ones. Refinancing prices may be prices for certain types of product (for example, parent complete sets of cars) or recommended retail price; Step 2. To manage price trends - that is to set the price at the most important levels or to be able to reduce it depending on the market conditions; Step 3. To form a favorable price comparison - to provide consumers with information about the price benefits of the product, taking into account the hidden costs or based on non-standard attributes if the products. For example, automobile dealers in the United States are actively using data on car maintanance costs and vehicle resale values over a period of time as a promotion message. And aviation companies display the price per kilometer of flight instead of the ticket price. Step 4. Avoid unfavorable price comparisons by product differentiation – sometimes price difference relates only to different brands, not products. A good example is pricing on ultrabooks, which, for the same technical characteristics, are twice as expensive as a laptop. But target consumers do not compare these two products. The second strategy involves the combination of value factors for consumers. This strategy passes three main steps: Step 1. To increase consumer awareness of the full value of the product, such as IT and pharmaceutical companies, in any way, report the amount of their investments in new developments; Step 2. To make product kits for the erosion of the cost of individual components - for example, comprehensive tourist products include accommodation, flight, meals, excursions, etc .;

52 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

Step 3. To focus not on consumer spending, but on its benefits - to communicate to consumers the benefits that they get when they choose a particular product. For example, companies that manufacture household appliances, energy consumption of its products is stressed. That shifts conumers’ attention on possible benefits, which justify the high price. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. Thus, to achieve sustainable financial objectives shall consider mostly irrational pricing factors, among which the willingness or desire of consumers to pay a price for the product is the most prominent. Branded markets are determined by the predominance of irrational aspects of pricing. Therefore, the pricing strategy is aimed at the intensive use of communication tools. However, rational factors such as the volume of the target market segment, consumer value and competitive price also play an important role in shaping the financial success of pricing on markets of branded products. Your company brand is the lifeblood of the business: It is a statement of your company's personality and a declaration of company values. With the right positioning strategy, branding creates an indelible impression that allows consumers to engage with a company on a more personal, emotional level. What's more, strong branding elevates awareness of both the company and the products or services it offers. To create this degree of awareness, you can using one of a number of positioning strategies to which you can anchor your brand.

ЛІТЕРАТУРА 1. Avlonitis, G. Pricing practices of service organizations. / Avlonitis, G., Indounas, K. A. // Journal of Service Marketing, - 2006. - 20(5), 346–356. 2. Besanko, D. A economia da estratégia (5th ed.)./ Dranove, D., Shanley, M., Schaefer, S.// - 2012. - Porto Alegre: Bookman 3. Davcik, N. S. Impact of product differentiation, marketing investments and brand equity on pricing strategies: A brand level investigation./ Dranove, D., Shanley, M., Schaefer, S // European Journal of Marketing, - 2015. - 49(5/6), 760–781. 4. Field, A. Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2013. 5. Füreder, R. Value-based pricing in Austrian médium-sized companies./ Füreder R., Maier Y., Yaramova A. // Strategic Management, 2014. - 19(10), 13–19. 6. Hinterhuber, A. Innovation in pricing: Contemporary theories and best practices./ Hinterhuber A., Liozu. // 2013. - New York: Routledge. 7. Hinterhuber, A. Is innovation in pricing your nest source of competitive advantage?/ Hinterhuber A., Liozu. S. M. // Business Horizons, - 2014.- 57(3), 413–423. 8. Liozu, S. M. Pricing capabilities and firm performance: A socio-technical framework for the adoption of pricing as a transformational innovation. – 2013. - (Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from https://etd.ohiolink.edu/ 9. Liozu S. Industrial pricing orientation: The organizational transformation to value-based pricing. / Liozu S., Boland R., Hinterhuber A., Perelli S. // Paper presented at First International Conference on Engaged Management Scholarship, June 2, 2011. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1839838 10. Liozu S. M., Pricing orientation, pricing capabilities, and firm performance./ Liozu, S. M., Hinterhuber, A. // Management Decision, - 2013. - 51(3), 594–614. 11. Malhotra N. K. Marketing research: Applied approach (4th ed.). / Malhotra N. K., Birks D., Wills P. // New York: Pearson. – 2012. 12. Milan G. S. Relac¸ão entre estratégias de prec¸os e de custeio./ Milan G. S., De Toni D., Larentis F., Gava A. M. // Revista de Ciência da Administra¸cão, -2013. - 15(36), 229–244. 13. Monroe K.B. Princing making profitable decisions (3rd ed.)./ Monroe K.B. // New York: McGraw- Hill/Irwin (international edition). – 2003. 14. Osborne J. W. Best practices in logistic regression./ Osborne J. W. // Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. – 2014. 15. Payne A. Developing superior value propositions:Astrategic marketing imperative./ Payne A., Frow P.// Journal of Service Management, - 2014. - 25(2), 213–227. 16. Simon H. Gerenciar para o lucro, não para a participa¸cão de mercado./ Simon H., Bilstein F. R., Luby Frank. // Porto Alegre: Bookman. - 2008.


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1. Avlonitis G., & Indounas K. A. (2006). Pricing practices of service organizations. Journal of Service Marketing, 20(5), 346–356. [in English] 2. Besanko D., Dranove, D., Shanley M., & Schaefer S. (2012). A economia da estratégia (5th ed.). Porto Alegre: Bookman [in Catalan] 3. Davcik N. S., & Sharma P. (2015). Impact of product differentiation, marketing investments and brand equity on pricing strategies: A brand level investigation. European Journal of Marketing, 49(5/6), 760–781. [in English] 4. Field A. (2013). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. [in English] 5. Füreder R., Maier Y.&Yaramova A. (2014). Value-based pricing in Austrian médium-sized companies. Strategic Management, 19(10), 13–19. [in English] 6. Hinterhuber A., & Liozu. (2013). Innovation in pricing: Contemporary theories and best practices. New York: Routledge. [in English] 7. Hinterhuber A., & Liozu. (2014). Is innovation in pricing your nest source of competitive advantage? Business Horizons, 57(3), 413–423. [in English] 8. Liozu S. M. (2013). Pricing capabilities and firm performance: A socio-technical framework for the adoption of pricing as a transformational innovation. (Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from https://etd.ohiolink.edu/[in English] 9. Liozu S., Boland R., Hinterhuber A., & Perelli S. (2011). Industrial pricing orientation: The organizational transformation to value-based pricing. Paper presented at First International Conference on Engaged Management Scholarship, June 2, 2011. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1839838 [in English] 10. Liozu S. M., & Hinterhuber A. (2013). Pricing orientation, pricing capabilities, and firm performance. Management Decision, 51(3), 594–614. [in English] 11. Malhotra N. K., Birks D., & Wills P. (2012). Marketing research: Applied approach (4th ed.). New York: Pearson. [in English] 12. Milan G. S., De Toni D., Larentis F., & Gava A. M. (2013). Relac¸ão entre estratégias de prec¸os e de custeio. Revista de Ciência da Administra¸cão, 15(36), 229–244. [in Catalan] 13. Monroe K.B. (2003). Princing making profitable decisions (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin (international edition). [in English] 14. Osborne J. W. (2014). Best practices in logistic regression. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. [in English] 15. Payne A.,&Frow P.(2014).Developing superior value propositions:Astrategic marketing imperative. Journal of Service Management, 25(2), 213–227. [in English] 16. Simon H., Bilstein F. R., & Luby Frank. (2008). Gerenciar para o lucro, não para a participa¸cão de mercado. Porto Alegre: Bookman. [in Catalan]

54 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

УДК 658.5:004.91 JEL M21, B41, Y40

DUB B.S. PhD Candidate (Economics) The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy Shevchenko Boulevard, 81, Cherkasy, Ukraine 18031 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8060-1970

CONTENT ANALYSIS OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS ON ENTERPRISE ECONOMIC SECURITY, DEFENDED IN UKRAINE IN 2000-2018 Topicality. The urgency of the problem of ensuring the enterprise economic security in the modern conditions of management is particularly acute due to the growing number of unprofitable and bankrupt entities, lack of resources for effective activity, risks, threats and hazards of internal and uncertainty of external environment, etc. The practical activities of companies to ensure economic security require scientific and methodological support, which would reveal best practices, generalize existing theoretical work, methodical provisions and applied recommendations. Although the primary link of scientific communication is article, dissertation works on enterprise economic security are chosen for analysis as the most unified form of presentation of the scientific research results in this field of knowledge. Purpose and tasks. The purpose of the article is to conduct content analysis of defended theses on enterprise economic security in order to determine the general state of research field, the degree of scientific efforts coordination and main trends of published research. Research results. The dissertation works were selected exclusively on the subject of enterprise economic security; the sample for 2000-2018 made 205 works. Further analysis was carried out according to the criteria of method LATCH while processing data arrays – Location; Alphabet; Time; Category; Hierarchy. A number of scientific specialties, candidate and doctoral theses (PhD and Doctor of Sciences), the main term in the subject of theses, dynamics of oral defenses, leading institutions, geographic centers and economy branches are determined. There are certain regularities of the array; as well as constant dynamics in the studies of enterprise economic security in different specialties is not observed, there are periods of growth and decline, there are five institutions of higher education in Ukraine, where majority of works are defended; seven geographical centers of enterprise economic security research are allocated. Conclusions. There is a certain recurrence of topics and research areas in various specialties in the study of enterprise economic security. When calculating the frequency of concepts in the dissertation themes it is determined the difference of specialties and corresponding research within their framework: 21.04.02 focused on the comprehensive study of system development, international standards of enterprise economic security, the mutual influence of national security and enterprises economic security, etc. We have to coordinate the research directions within the various scientific specialties on the subject of enterprise economic security, harmonize the terminology (including those with foreign correspondents), develop effective theoretical and methodological provisions and applied guidelines for the practical activity of specialists or managers of the economic security sphere of economic entities and their activities. Keywords: enterprise economic security, content analysis, text data analysis, content-analytic research.

ДУБ Б.С. здобувач наукового ступеня доктора філософії Черкаський національний університет ім. Б. Хмельницького бульвар Шевченка, 81, м. Черкаси, Україна, 18031 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8060-1970


Актуальність. Актуальність проблеми забезпечення економічної безпеки підприємства у сучасних умовах господарювання постає особливо гостро через зростаючу кількість збиткових та збанкрутілих суб’єктів, брак ресурсів для ефективної діяльності, ризиками, загрозами та небезпеками внутрішнього та невизначеністю зовнішнього середовища тощо. Практична діяльність компаній із гарантування економічної безпеки потребує науково-методичного забезпечення, яке б розкривало кращі практики, узагальнювало наявні теоретичні напрацювання, методичні положення та прикладні розробки. Хоча первинною ланкою наукової комунікації є

2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 55 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

стаття, для аналізу обрано дисертаційні роботи з економічної безпеки підприємства як найбільш уніфікована форма представлення результатів наукового дослідження у цій галузі знань. Мета та завдання. Метою статті є проведення контент-аналізу захищених дисертацій з економічної безпеки підприємства задля визначення загального стану дослідницької галузі, ступеню координації наукових зусиль та основних тенденцій оприлюднених досліджень. Результати. Обрано дисертаційні роботи виключно з економічної безпеки підприємства, вибірка за 2000- 2018 рр. склала 205 робіт. Подальший аналіз проведено за критеріями методу оброблення масивів даних LATCH - Location (розташування); Alphabet (алфавіт); Time (час); Category (категорія); Hierarchy (ієрархія). Визначено низку наукових спеціальностей, кількість кандидатських та докторських дисертацій, основну категорію в тематиці дисертацій, динаміку захистів, провідні установи, географічні центри та галузі. Виявлено певні закономірності масиву робіт, також що сталої динаміки у дослідженнях економічної безпеки підприємства за різними спеціальностями не спостерігається, є періоди зростання та спаду, є п’ять закладів вищої освіти України, де захищено найбільше робіт; виділяються сім географічних центрів дослідження економічної безпеки підприємства. Висновки. Існує певна повторюваність тем та напрямів досліджень у різних спеціальностях щодо вивчення економічної безпеки підприємства. При підрахунку частотності понять у темах дисертаційних робіт визначається відмінність спеціальностей і відповідно досліджень в їхніх рамках: 21.04.02 орієнтована на комплексне вивчення системотворення, міжнародних стандартів з економічної безпеки, взаємовпливу національної безпеки та економічної безпеки підприємств тощо. Маємо узгодити напрями досліджень в рамках різних наукових спеціальностей з теми економічної безпеки підприємства, гармонізувати термінологію (у т.ч. з іншомовними відповідниками), розробити ефективні теоретико-методичні положення та прикладні рекомендації для практичної діяльності фахівців чи менеджерів сфери економічної безпеки суб’єктів господарської діяльності. Ключові слова: економічна безпека підприємства, контент-аналіз, аналіз текстових даних, контент- аналітичне дослідження. Problem statement and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. The importance of managing the economic security of an enterprise, industry / region and state is indisputable. However, the scientific and methodological support of the enterprise's economic security is insufficient. The study of economic security at the enterprise level at the moment does not have a solid methodological basis. In this sense, the science about the enterprise economic security is at the formation stage, the methodological problems have not yet been solved completely, but the array of publications and dissertations is quite significant. Those issues need further research, it is also necessary to determine in a certain way the main features of the knowledge field and the available work in it. In the given article dissertations on the subject of enterprise economic security are selected for analysis. Analysis of recent publications on the problem. In domestic publications on enterprise economic security, there are certain gaps – in particular, in the studies of different authors, the very essence of the category is being treated differently, the structure of the economic security system and the content of economic security are not coordinated etc. Additionally the techniques for analyzing the system efficiency or assessing economic security at the enterprise level are not defined. In rare works with a certain analysis of theses on economic security, there were present only: a selective list of dissertations, defended in the context of enterprise innovative development [1, p. 40], some remarks about defended dissertations in the near abroad about the banking sector [2, p.76], counting of the total number of dissertations on security defended in Russia and Ukraine [3, p. 104] and counting the number of references used in three doctoral dissertations from one hundred defended in Ukraine and the CIS [4, p.193]. Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. Although in Ukraine there is a large number of dissertations defended on the enterprise economic security subject, there is no comprehensive analysis of existing dissertations. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the theses defended on enterprise economic security is necessary. Formulation of research objectives. The purpose of the theses content analysis was to determine the state of the research field on the enterprise economic security and the degree of scientific efforts coordination. Outline of the main results and their justification. The article presents the results of a complete content analysis of theses on the subject of enterprise economic security, defended in Ukraine for the period of 2000-2018. Content analysis is a sequence of quantitative analysis of text arrays, revealing certain patterns in them with a purpose of further interpretation of their content. The primary unit of analysis was a title; however, later the author adjusted and modified the research technique to expand the information coverage. Further analysis was carried out on all the initial data of the theses with the grouping of their characteristics by seven parameters: specialty, year of defense; the institution where the academic council acted at the time of defense; city, industry of the analyzed enterprise, main term in the work title, 56 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

scientific degree (doctor / candidate of science). Beginning of the creation of a sample of theses on enterprise economic security (EES) was April 2015, based on the “autoreferats” (first-person narrative summaries) database at the Vernadskyi National Library (NLUV) [5], commercial sites, defense announcements in the “Chronicle of summaries” [6] and “Education of Ukraine” [7]. In the summer of 2016 author used an electronic database of research and dissertation works at the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information (UkrISTEI, full access in the reading room [8]) and later, by the end of 2018 the data of the academic councils sites was added [9-15]. In that period councils already were required to present summaries and dissertations on web-sites for public examination in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science in Ukraine (MESU) “On Disclosure of Theses and Comments of Official Opponents” No. 758 dated July 14, 2015. It must be noted that the search is still complicated with the absence of the single source, which would contain pivot information about all vivas. The National Academy of Legal Sciences (NALS) annually creates a list of approved topics and provides an analysis of defended dissertations, which helps law practitioners and academics determine the elaboration degree of individual elements in the work of scientists, to find certain regularities and so on. Regarding the economic sciences in general, and the enterprise economic security in particular, the resources of UkrISTEI and NLUV did not fulfill the role of the only information source, because they did not contain the complete information (both about the dissertations from the beginning of the 2000s, and the new incomes that should have already been put in the database, but were not by no particular reason). Plus scattered searches on the academic councils sites can not be called effective, because for the full analysis it is necessary first to find an up-to-date list of academic councils on the Ministry of Education and Science in Ukraine website, then visit each site, find available summaries and dissertations, filter by subject / specialty, add to a specific interim table for further analysis and continue on from scratch. If for the specialty 21.04.02 at the end of 2018 there are only 4 councils whose sites can be periodically monitored, then for the economic sciences only in specialty 08.00.04 there are already 66 councils [16] and the process is rather time consuming. Not to mention the growing interdisciplinarity of research, and work on economic problems in related sciences will no longer be able to be found, the search should be carried out precisely by the key words. Lack of automation in the primary search may lead to incompleteness or falsity of further research, repeatability of work, incorrect definition of scientific novelty, etc. In addition to the incompleteness of UkrISTEI and NLUV databases and the long search at the sites of academic councils, there is a time factor: the mentioned Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 758 of 07/14/2015 sets the deadline for the publication of theses (from 2015) – 10 days before the defense and 3 months after it the work has be on the council’s w e b site. And often after this period thesis is completely removed from online access. Therefore, a retrospective analysis of theses till 2015 is possible only by abstracts (which are not all available in these bases), and after 2015, complicated by this requirement in 3 months – after this time dissertation may not be present online. What caused such an embargo is incomprehensible. Announcement publications on the dissertation defense in the print media (as it is now in the MESU newspaper “Education of Ukraine”, before that – in the bulletin “Attestation Bulletin”) in general seems inappropriate, since the edition also does not have any system that could be used to streamline the data, sometimes the search in electronic version of newspaper file does not work because of its protection from any actions of the reader, etc. Creation of a single all-Ukrainian repository of dissertations and accompanying materials would help to better define the key categories, disseminate the authors’ work, their recommendations among scientists and all interested persons. (A similar repository on the basis of UkrISTEI was announced in 2015, but its formation is postponed until 2019). In economics, and in every discipline, the study of previous works is a necessary process for determining the relevance and scientific novelty of research. We hope that from 2019 the repository will begin to function. When forming a sample of theses on enterprise economic security, we considered the widest term – without distribution to financial, tax, social, personnel, environmental; corporate ... types of security and at the enterprise level, not state, region, sector, industry or business / entrepreneurial activity. There were also no tangible topics – risk management, sanitation, protection, crisis / crisis management, bankruptcy, restructuring, etc.

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In total, for the further analysis, 205 dissertations were selected on the subject of enterprise economic security. For completeness of the analysis, the criterion is generalized by the universal method “Five Hat Racks” / LATCH [17-19]: Location – information from different places or sources is organized according to location (Table 3, 4, Figure 3 shows the geographical representation of universities and cities); Alphabet – recognized as one of the easiest ways to organize large amounts of data in the form of a list, dictionary, list of references, etc. (Initial data collection was carried out precisely in the alphabetic order – in order to prevent duplication of data it was sorted by the surname, first name, patronymic of the authors); Time – data is grouped as historical processes or data sequence. (Chronology is shown in Figure 2 – Dynamics of defenses); Category – the organization is conducted by the similarity of information, type, color, popularity, grade, etc. (3 categories are chosen: specialty – is reflected in Table 1; Table 2 defines the distribution according to the scientific degree of the doctor / candidate of sciences; Figure 4 shows the industry in the title); Hierarchy – data is grouped by value, amount, subordination, and so on. (Figure 1 shows the use frequency of the main terms in dissertation title; also in order to organize the data on the number of defenses ranking was conducted from the largest to the smallest; in determining the centers of research and consideration only the micro level – the EES, not the economic security of the state or industry or the region). In table 1 there were identified four areas of knowledge, in which the theses were defended with the most relevant topics – technical, economic, pedagogical sciences and the category “National Security”. The largest number of defended theses on this subject was in the field of economic sciences – 115 works, 99 of them in specialty 8.00.04 Economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity), as well as 5 more on the same specialty in 2000-2004, but according to the previous VAK code – 08.06.01. In 2008, the scientific specialty 21.04.02 was created [20, 21], which was singled out precisely for the research on the enterprise economic security with the system approach. Table 1 Distribution of dissertation papers on the ESE for scientific specialties Number Branch of knowledge of defende 05 Technical sciences d 05.13.06 Information Technology theses1 08 Economic Sciences 08.00.04 Economy and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity) 99 08.00.09 Accounting, analysis and audit (by types of economic activity) 2 08.00.11 Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics 2 08.02.04 Economy and management of enterprises (by type of activity) / 08.00.04 1 08.03.02 Economic-mathematical modeling / old code for 08.00.11 2 08.06.01 Economics, organization and management of enterprises / old code for 08.00.04 5 08.06.04 Accounting, analysis and audit / old code for 08.00.09 1 08.07.04 Economy of transport and communication 2 08.07.05 Trade and services economy 1 Total for economics 115 13 Pedagogical sciences 13.00.04 Theory and methodology of professional education 1 21 National security 21.04.02 Economic security of economic entities (economic sciences) 88 In general, from all the sciences on the EES 205 Source: generalized by the author on the basis of data [5-15]

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The quantitative distribution according to the criterion of the thesis for the degree of a doctor or a candidate of sciences is given in the table. 2. In specialty 21.04.02 19 doctoral theses defended from all 88 works, 4 times viva was held in two specialties – to 21.04.02 three times was added 08.00.04 Economics and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity) and once 08.00.09 Accounting, analysis and audit (by type of economic activity). Though the majority of doctoral theses (for Dr.Sc. degree) both in specialty 21.04.02 and the rest of the specialties are defended in one specialty.

Table 2 The number of Ph.D. (candidates of science) and Dr.Sc. dissertations defended in the 2000-2018 on the EES

Specialty 21.04.02 others doctors 19* 11** candidates 69 106*** Notes: * of them, the doctoral dissertation is defended in two specialties: 3 – also at 08.00.04, 1 – 08.00.09 ** all in specialty 08.00.04 *** 1 of them is candidate of technical, 1 – pedagogical sciences Source: summarised by the author on the basis of data [5-15]

Pivot information on the theses titles contains 5 main terms with the highest frequency of use: enterprise economic security, ensuring, mechanism, system, management. As for the main term in the topic formulation, then the diagram on Fig. 1 clearly demonstrates the orientation and the main difference of specialty 21.04.02 from others in the EES study: the main attention in the works of 21.04.02 focuses on the issues of system formation, on the system of enterprise economic security, its creation and functioning (almost half of the theses – 42; or 48% focuses on these aspects), while in other specialties the research is devoted to the enterprise economic security (54 works, 46 % of the total), its quantitative and qualitative characteristics without considering the concept as a complex of functional components, activities, evaluation methods, etc. In the passport of specialty of 08.00.04 it is indicated: “II. Areas of research: 6. Economic security of entrepreneurial activity”, 08.00.03 “Economic security of the national economy”.

Fig. 1. Frequency of concepts (main term) in the subject of dissertations on the EES in 2000-2018 Source: generalized by the author on the basis of data [5-15]

Theses on the EES defended in the period of 1991-2000 were not found by the author. The first defense in specialty 21.04.02 took place in 2009. Since 2000, all vivas have taken place in other economic specialties, 2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 59 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

taking into account the industry specificity of the analyzed enterprises, or the method of research – economic and mathematical modeling, accounting, etc. In 2002 and from 2005 to 2007, there were no defenses on the subject of enterprise economic security at all. In total, for the period of 2000-2018, 205 dissertations were defended on the EES, of which 88 – in specialty 21.04.02 (on average of 8 theses a year, at least 4 in 2009 right after the opening of specialty), 117 in other specialties (on average 6 per year, the least – in 2001 and 2003 – 2 theses a year). Most defenses in 21.04.02 was in 2016 – 13, and in the other specialties – 16 vivas in 2015. In 2011, 2016, 2017 and 2018 in the specialty of 21.04.02 it was defended more dissertations than in other specialties. In 2014, defenses number was even (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Dynamics of the dissertation on the EES defending by years

Source: generalized by the author on the basis of data [5-15]

Tables 3 and 4 provide data on organizations and the number of defended dissertations on the EES in specialty 21.04.02 and others respectively.

Table 3

Establishments-leaders by the number of defense of dissertations on the EES in specialty 21.04.02 Universities Specialty 21.04.02 08.00.04 and others Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 1 1 Kyiv National Economic University of Ukraine named after Vadym Hetman 1 3 National Institute for Strategic Studies 1 x Lviv State University of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 7 x of Ukraine Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy named after A. M. Beketov 9 2 Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnitsky 9 x East Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dahl 21 6 University of Economics and Law “KROK” 39 x Source: generalized by the author on the basis of [5-16] Notes: added specialty 08.00.04, because these universities have defended works on the EES also in this specialty

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Table 4 List of institutions with the defended dissertations on the EES in other specialties Name Numbe State Economics and Technology Transport University oner per Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University each Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after V. Lazarian Donetsk Agrarian University Donetsk State University of Economics and Trade named after M. Tuhan-Baranovskyi Zhytomyr State Technological University Zhytomyr National Agroecological University Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport named after Hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachnyi Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Kremenchuk National University named after Mykhailo Ostrohradsky Lviv National Agrarian University Lviv University of Business and Law, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management Research Institute of Economics National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine National Aerospace University named after M. Ya. Zhukovskyi “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, National Transport University Odesa National University of Economics Taurian National University named after V.I. Vernadskyi Ternopil National Economic University Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna Kharkiv State Academy of Railway Transport Kharkiv: National Automobile and Highway University, Polytechnic Institute Dniprovskyi National University named after O. Honchar two per Zaporizhzhia National University each Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas Institute of market problems and economic-ecological research Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Luhansk National Agrarian University NAAS of Ukraine, NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economics” National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences Podilskyi State Agrarian and Technical University Sumy State University, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (since 2010 – Academy) Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko Kyiv National University of Technology and Design three per National University of Food Technology each Ternopil National Technical University named after Ivan Puluj Lviv Chamber of Commerce, National Aviation University four per Odesa National Polytechnic University each Pryazovskyi State Technical University Kherson National Technical University Kharkiv National University of Economics named after S.Kuznetz Donetsk National University five per European University each Kryvyi Rih National University (until 2011 – Kryvyi Rih Technical University) Khmelnytskyi National University

Source: generalized by the author on the basis of data [5-16]

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The largest number of defenses in 21.04.02 at mentioned institutions is explained by the functioning of specialized academic councils for the defense of doctor's (candidate's) dissertations in the specialty 21.04.02 or their formation in two specialties for the one-time defense of doctoral dissertations. At Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, Illiashenko O.V. defended doctoral dissertation “Methodological principles of formation and functioning of the enterprise economic security system mechanisms” in 2016 in specialties 08.00.04 – economy and management of enterprises (by types of economic activity) and in 21.04.02 – economic security of business entities. At Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University of Ukraine, Hnylytzka L.V. defended the work “Accounting and analytical support for the functioning of the enterprise economic security system” in 21.04.02 and 08.00.09 “Accounting, analysis and audit (by types of economic activity)”. Also in two specialties – 08.00.04 in addition to 21.04.02 – Liashenko O.M. and Ovcharenko Ye.V. defended their doctoral theses at Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University. In other specialties on the subject of enterprise economic security, at universities there are defended from 1 to 5 dissertations (Table 4). The names of the institutions are given at the time of dissertation defense, without taking into account renaming or reorganization, if this did not happen between theses' defenses. Geographically, there could be identified such domestic scientific schools of the EES: Zaporizhzhia (Cherep A.V.), Cherkasy, Luhansk / Severodonetsk (the beginning of research work in this direction of Kozachenko H.V., Liashenko O.M., Rossoshanska O.V., Illiashenko O.V.); Kyiv, Lviv (Zhyvko Z.B., Moiseienko I.P., Franchuk V.I., Khoma I.B.), Kharkiv (Otenko I.P., Kavun S.V., Momot T.V.). The map of Ukraine contains scientific schools with the relevant oblast centers (Fig. 3), in which the largest number of dissertations on the EES are defended in terms of specialties: in Kyiv there are 73 theses in total, in Luhansk / Severodonetsk – 29, Kharkiv – 25, Lviv – 13, Donetsk – 12, Dnipropetrovsk and Cherkasy oblasts – 10. Also, 7 dissertations are defended in Odesa and Khmelnytskyi, 4 in Ternopil and Kherson; in Zhytomyr, Zaporizhzhia, Ivano-Frankivsk and Sumy – per 2 and in Kremenchug, and Simferopol – per 1.

Fig. 3. Geographic research centers for the EES in Ukraine Source: created by the author on the basis of data [5-16]

The classification of theses by economic sectors, that are specified in the title of the topic or are analyzed directly in the work are shown in Fig. 4 for comparison in 21.04.02 and other specialties. “Not specified”

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means that in title sector is not specified, and in the text of the dissertation, the analysis of enterprises is carried out according to other criteria – size, organizational and legal form, innovation or project activity, in the context of several industries, etc. In most works in all specialties, the parameter “not specified” is most often encountered. Without it being taken into account in the specialty of 21.04.02 the main 3 parameters are construction, industry and financial entrepreneurship; in part with other specialties, the most often subjects of research are enterprises of agroindustrial complex, industry and transport. This is due to the significant role of these sectors in the overall complex of the national economy and the corresponding need to study the economic security of these enterprises, the impact of their financial situation on the state of the whole industry, region and country. The agroindustrial complex includes all related sub-sectors (according to the wording of the theses authors), the industry is classified by type of activity (for example, publishing and printing, forestry, defense, oil and gas, food, brewing, baking, engineering, etc.). To financial intermediation a re assigned related services for business, incl. audit, insurance, guards, etc. The sector of HoReCa and Hospitality is taken as a hotel and recreational complex, a representation of the tourist and recreational area (hotels / recreational complexes / sanatoria / recreation facilities); therefore hotel and restaurant categories and the general wording “tourist enterprises” in the dissertation title are included.

Fig. 4. Economic sectors distribution of dissertations on the EES Source: created by the author on the basis of data [5-15]

The division of sectors into sub-sectors according to the theses is decoded in Table 5. It should be noted that in dissertations of other specialties on the EES organizations in the field of education and financial entrepreneurship were not investigated, institutions of these economy sectors drew the attention of scientists only in specialty 21.04.02. Table 5 Details of national economic complex branches, where enterprises are researched in the EES theses Source: generalized by the author on the basis of data [5-15] EES of what enterprise – the number of theses Sector Specialty 21.04.02 08.00.04 and others Agro-industrial poultry enterprises – 1 agricultural – 7 complex grain market players – 1 agro-industrial – 2 agroholdings – 1 agrarian – 4 enterprises of the agro-food sector – 1 enterprises of the agrarian sector – 1 Construction construction companies – 5 construction – 2 enterprises of construction holding – 1 corporate enterprises of the construction industry – 2 Education higher education institutions – 2 x military higher educational institutions – 1 higher education institutions of private ownership - 1 Trade trading enterprises – 1 trade enterprises – 3 2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 63 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

retailers – 1 retail business, corporate networks – 1

HoReCa enterprises in the sphere of restaurant business – tourist enterprises – 3 1 recreational complex – 1 not specified corporations – 3 strategic importance – 1 innovation and project activity – 2 Industry industrial enterprises / industry enterprises – 5 industrial enterprise/s – 11 industrial complex – 1 aviation industry of Ukraine – 4 publishing and printing industry – 3 wine – 1 mining and industrial complex – 1 producers of soft drinks – 1 forest industry – 1 gas transportation – 1 machine building – 3: mining-extraction – 2 - enterprises of mechanical engineering mining and concentrating – 3 - car-building enterprises energy – 1 - transport machine building power generating enterprises – 1 metallurgical enterprise – 1 machine building – 15 the oil and gas industry of Ukraine – 1 metallurgy – 1 defense industry – 1 the oil and gas industry of Ukraine brewing industry – 1 – 1 food - 1: Food – 4: - meat processing - milk processing – 1 chemical and pharmaceutical industry – 1 - baby food – 1 bakery industry – 1 - food industry enterprises – 2; - bakery industry (bakery products) – 1

Transport subjects of logistic activity – 1 motor transport company – 2 of motor transport enterprises – 1 water transport enterprises – 1 transport and forwarding enterprises of Ukraine – railway transport – 2 1 railways – 1 transport enterprises – 1 Financial audit entities – 1 х Entrepreneurship * securities traders – 1 bank 1 / banking institutions 3 / commercial banks 1 / commercial bank 2 joint investment institutions – 1 financial institutions – 1 insurance companies – 1 guarding enterprises – 1 Source: created by the author on the basis of data [5-15]

At the same time, the provision of economic security, the efficient functioning of ERM systems (enterprise-risk management, the closest equivalent in the essence to the Ukrainian research direction on enterprise economic security) at institutions in the field of financial entrepreneurship (in particular, banks) and institutions of higher education in foreign publications are quite deeply studied and are the research subject of many scientific groups. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. Thus, in fact there is a certain repetition of topics and areas of research in various specialties. And although some works clearly distinguish the direction of economic security of business entities within, for example, mathematical methods and models, and this is justified by the content of research, then other dissertations can often be defended in the specialty 08.00.04, and 21.04.02, and in two at the same time, if applied for the degree of Doctor of Science. In total during the existence of specialty 21.04.02 (since 2008) 88 works were defended, and in the specialty 08.00.04 – 115 works, along with economic, technical, pedagogical sciences and the category “National security” – 205 theses. When calculating

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the use frequency of terms in the dissertation work topics, the difference between specialties and corresponding research within their framework is determined: 21.04.02 is focused on the comprehensive study of system development, international standards on economic security, the interaction of national security and economic security of enterprises, etc. There has been no detected dynamics in the studies of the enterprise economic security in different specialties, there are periods of growth and decline. The institutions, in which the largest number of dissertation on economic security were defended, are five domestic universities: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ukraine, Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy named after Beketov, Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky, East Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dahl and the private higher educational institution “University of Economics and Law “KROK”. Accordingly, geographic centers for research on the enterprise economic security were identified: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Cherkasy, Lviv, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Economic security of enterprises in construction, industry and financial entrepreneurship (insurance and auditing companies, banks, etc.) are mostly studied by applicants in the specialty of 21.04.02, and agro-industrial complex, industry and transport, are the most popular branches, investigated in specialty 08.00.04 and others. There is a certain inconsistency of research both among domestic scientists and among foreign scientists. Scientific efforts are not coordinated, communication is not carried out sufficiently and effectively, even the research directions are not aligned and passports of specialties are not actualized. In the future, it is necessary to determine the economic content and essence of the main categories in economic security, to develop the most effective techniques and methods for the provision, evaluation and improvement of the enterprise economic security system. ЛІТЕРАТУРА 1. Россошанська О. В. Особливості стану дослідницької області проблеми забезпечення економічної безпеки інноваційних проектно-орієнтованих підприємств / О. В. Россошанська // Технологічний аудит та резерви виробництва. – 2013. – № 1 (3). – С. 39-43. 2. Вовченко Р. С. Чинники і загрози фінансовій безпеці банківського сектору національної економіки / Р. С. Вовченко // Фінансово-кредитна діяльність: проблеми теорії та практики. – 2013. – Вип. 1. – С. 75-83. 3. Корчевська Л. О. Філософсько-історичний підхід до вивчення економічної безпеки підприємства / Л. О. Корчевська // Вісник Хмельницького національного університету. Економічні науки. – 2014. – № 3 (3). – С. 104-108. 4. Овчаренко Є. І. Праксеологічний контур поняття підприємства та його економічної безпеки / Є. І. Овчаренко // Економіка і організація управління. – 2014. – Вип. 1-2. – С.191-196. 5. Офіційний сайт Національної бібліотеки імені В.І.Вернадського у мережі Інтернет. Система пошуку в електронному каталозі – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://irbis-nbuv.gov.ua 6. Державний бібліографічний покажчик України «Літопис авторефератів дисертацій». – 2014. – № 3. – У двох частинах. Частина 1 (3439—4273) – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: www.ukrbook.net/litopys/avtoreferat/2014/L_ad_3_2014.pdf 7. Офіційне видання Міністерства освіти і науки. Спецвипуск газети «Освіта України» – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: lib.pedpresa.ua/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Spetsvypusk-zhovten_ -_10_2014.pdf 8. УкрІНТЕІ, база даних науково-дослідницьких, дослідно-конструкторських робіт і дисертацій. – Електронний ресурс. – Режим доступу: www.unitei.kiev.ua/viewpage.php?page id=57 9. Оголошення спеціалізованої ради Д 26.130.01 – економічні науки – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.krok.edu.ua/ua/spetsializovani-radi-iz-zakhistu-disertatsij/d-26-130-01- ekonomichni-nauki/ogoloshennya-d-26-130-01 10. Дисертації, автореферати, відгуки / Електронна бібліотека Університету «Крок» – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://library.krok.edu.ua/ua/kategoriji/disertatsiji-avtoreferati- vidguki 11. Оголошення про захист вчена рада К 35.725.04 / ЛьвДУВС – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www2.lvduvs.edu.ua/spetsializovani-vcheni-rady 12. Захист дисертацій / Національний інститут стратегічних досліджень – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.niss.gov.ua/zahyst.html

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13. Інформація про проведені захисти / Офіційний сайт спеціалізованої вченої ради Д 64.089.01 – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: radaecon.kname.edu.ua/index.php/diyalnist/informatsiya-pro- provedeni-zakhisti 14. Економічні науки Д 73.053.05 / Сайт Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://www.cdu.edu.ua/mij-universitet/naukova- j-inovatsijna-diyalnist/spetsializovani-vcheni-rady/ekonomichni-nauky-d-7305305.html 15. Оголошення щодо захистів дисертацій / Міністерство освіти і науки України – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/nauka/nauka/atestaciya-kadriv-vishoyi- kvalifikaciyi/ogoloshennya-shodo-zahistiv-disertacij 16. Мережа спеціалізованих вчених рад / Міністерство освіти і науки України – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/nauka/nauka/atestaciya-kadriv-vishoyi- kvalifikaciyi/merezha-specializovanih-vchenih-rad 17. Wurman, R.S. (1989). Information Anxiety. New York: Random House. 18. Wurman, R.S. (2000). Information Anxiety 2. Indianapolis, IN: QUE. 19. Wurman, R.S. (1996).Information Architects. New York: Graphis. 20. Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України «Про затвердження Переліку наукових спеціальностей» від 14.09.2011 № 1057 зі змінами (Редакція від 15.05.2015) – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z1133-11 21. Паспорт спеціальності 21.04.02 - економічна безпека суб'єктів господарської діяльності (економічні науки) / Постанова президії ВАК України 02.07.2008 N 66-08/6 – [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.uazakon.com/documents/date_3w/pg_gnnlwy.htm

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10. Theses, abstracts, reviews / Electronic library of the University "Krok" – Retrieved from: http://library.krok.edu.ua/ua/kategoriji/disertatsiji-avtoreferati-vidguki[in Ukrainian]. 11. Defense Announcement at Academic Council K 35.725.04 / LvDUVS – Retrieved from: http://www2.lvduvs.edu.ua/spetsializovani-vcheni-rady[in Ukrainian]. 12. Zakhyst dysertatsiy / Natsionalnyy instytut stratehichnykh doslidzhen [Defense of Theses / National Institute for Strategic Studies ]– Retrieved from: http://www.niss.gov.ua/zahyst.html[in Ukrainian]. 13. Informatsiya pro provedeni zakhysty / Ofitsiynyy sayt spetsializovanoyi vchenoyi rady D 64.089.01 [Information about the defenses / Official website of the specialized academic council D 64.089.01 ]– Retrieved from: radaecon.kname.edu.ua/index.php/diyalnist/informatsiya-pro-provedeni-zakhisti[in Ukrainian]. 14. Economic sciences D 73.053.05 / The site of The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy – Retrieved from: https://www.cdu.edu.ua/mij-universitet/naukova-j-inovatsijna- diyalnist/spetsializovani-vcheni-rady/ekonomichni-nauky-d-7305305.html[in Ukrainian]. 15. Announcement on the theses defense / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine – Retrieved from: https://mon.gov.ua/ru/nauka/nauka/atestaciya-kadriv-vishoyi-kvalifikaciyi/ogoloshennya-shodo-zahistiv- disertacij[in Ukrainian]. 16. Network of specialized academic councils / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine – Retrieved from: https://mon.gov.ua/ru/nauka/nauka/atestaciya-kadriv-vishoyi-kvalifikaciyi/merezha- specializovanih-vchenih-rad[in Ukrainian]. 17. Wurman, R.S. (1989). Information Anxiety. New York: Random House. [in English] 18. Wurman, R.S. (2000). Information Anxiety 2. Indianapolis, IN: QUE. [in English] 19. Wurman, R.S. (1996).Information Architects. New York: Graphis. [in English] 20. Nakaz Ministerstva osvity i nauky, molodi ta sportu Ukrayiny «Pro zatverdzhennya Pereliku naukovykh spetsialʹnostey» vid 14.09.2011 № 1057 zi zminamy (Redaktsiya vid 15.05.2015) [Order of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine “On Approval of the Scientific Specialties List” dated September 14, 2011 No. 1057, amended (Revision from May 15, 2015)] – Retrieved from: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z1133-11[in Ukrainian]. 21. Pasport spetsialnosti 21.04.02 - ekonomichna bezpeka sub'yektiv hospodarskoyi diyalnosti (ekonomichni nauky) / Postanova prezydiyi VAK Ukrayiny 02.07.2008 N 66-08/6 [Passport of specialty 21.04.02 - economic security of economic entities (economic sciences) / Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine July 7, 2008 No. 66-08 / 6] - Retrieved from: http://www.uazakon.com/documents/date_3w/pg_gnnlwy.htm[in Ukrainian].

2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 67 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

UDK 338.22.021.1:656.078 JEL Q51 R40

ILCHENKO S.V. Dr. Sc. (Economics), Professor Institute Of Market Problems And Economic&Ecological Research of the National Academy Of Sciences Of Ukraine Frantsuzskiy Boulevard, 29, Odessa, Ukraine Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6924-2225


Topicality. The lack of understanding of the relationship between the state of the environment and the degree of degradation of urban agglomerations leads to an increase in socially necessary costs for the protection, use and restoration of the natural environment and compensation costs in support and quality of the environment, gradual decrease in the quality and quantity of natural assets, the aggravation of developmental problems cities as ecosystems of human life. At the same time, the growth of the economy leads to an increase in environmental pollution. This fact is confirmed by statistical data. Therefore, choosing a sustainable path of development, it is necessary to focus on mechanisms that will contribute to transforming the structure of the economy in such a way that its further development does not endanger the environment and does not diminish the quality of life of the citizens of this country. In this sense, it is advisable to form a new innovation paradigm of the "green economy" in the direction of meeting the objectives set by the goals of sustainable development. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the paper is to identify and substantiate the prerequisites for the formation of an innovation paradigm of the "green economy", the onset of which should ensure the ecologization of urban transport in the system of its sustainable development. Research results. The reasons, which are substantiated in the article, are proposed to be solved only by a holistic, global approach. Since qualitative transformations can not do without significant financial resources, the volumes of which are constantly reduced due to the influence of external factors, which also affects the developed countries of the world, the mechanisms that will enable them to get the desired result with minimal investment resources are the foreground. The article emphasizes the creation of acceptable conditions, or at least a departure from the policy of only administrative prohibitions, global control of everything and non-obstruction of the evolutionary development of events within the line of the framework conditions. Conclusions. The article proposes a substantiated list of basic mechanisms that should be the basis for the operation and development of various urban transport systems. Emphasis is placed on the need for innovative development of transport, which is also expressed in the form of programs and strategies, which are supported by tax, subsidiary, legislative, legal and other preferences. The leading directions of this development are identified, summarized in the form of a list of priority and determinative actions. Keywords: ecologization of transport, urban agglomerations, goals of sustainable development

ІЛЬЧЕНКО С.В. д-р екон. наук, професор, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАНУ Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6924-2225


Актуальність. Відсутність розуміння взаємозв’язку між станом навколишнього середовища та ступенем деградації міських агломерацій веде до зростання суспільно необхідних витрат на охорону, використання та

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відтворення природного середовища та компенсаційних витрат на підтримку і забезпечення якісного стану довкілля, поступового зниження якості та кількості природних активів, загострення проблем розвитку міст як екосистем життя людини. У той же час, зростання економіки призводить до зростання забруднення навколишнього середовища. Цей факт підтверджується статистичними даними. Тому вибираючи стійкий шлях розвитку, необхідно орієнтуватися на механізми, які будуть сприяти перетворенню структури економіки таким чином, щоб її подальший розвиток не загрожував навколишньому середовищу і не знижував якості осередку життя громадян цієї країни. В цьому розумінні доцільно формування нової інноваційної парадигми “зеленої економіки” у напрямі виконання завдань, встановлених Цілями сталого розвитку. Мета та завдання. Мета статті полягає у визначені та обґрунтуванні передумов формування інноваційної парадигми “зеленої економіки”, настання яких має забезпечити екологізацію міського транспорту в системі його сталого розвитку. Результати. Обґрунтовані у статті рішення встановлених завдань пропонується впроваджувати лише шляхом цілісного, глобального підходу. Оскільки якісні трансформації не можуть обійтися без істотних фінансових ресурсів, обсяги яких постійно знижуються завдяки впливу зовнішніх факторів, що також стосується й розвинених країнах світу, то на перший план виступають саме ті механізми, які дадуть можливість при мінімальних інвестиційних ресурсах отримати бажаний результат. У статті робиться наголос на створення прийнятних умов або, як мінімум, відхід від політики лише адміністративних заборон, глобального контролю всього та непершкоджання еволюційному розвитку подій у межах сформованих рамкових умов. Висновки. У статті пропонується обґрунтований перелік базових механізмів, які мають бути покладені в основу функціонування і розвитку різних міських транспортних систем. Наголос зроблено на необхідність інноваційного розвитку транспорту, яке має виражається, також, у вигляді програм і стратегій, які підкріплюються податковими, субсидіарними, законодавчо-правовими та іншими преференціями. Визначені провідні напрями цього розвитку, підсумовані у вигляді переліку першочергових та визначальних дій. Ключові слова: екологізація транспорту, городські агломерації, цілі сталого розвитку

Statement of a problem and its communication with important scientific and practical tasks. The development of urban agglomerations is characterized by two peculiarities: firstly, increasing the efficiency of production and, consequently, increasing the volume of its products, impose an additional burden on transport infrastructure, rolling stock, the natural environment and health of the population, on the other hand, forms the basis for the growth of the purchase the capacity of urban residents, an increase in the number of vehicles, and an increase in the mobility of citizens. Balancing these two effects is an urgent task in any city and country. Moreover, in the first and second cases it is necessary to take into account the level of loading on the natural environment of cities, since the realization of the main goal - the quality of the population life, it is not possible outside of this condition. In turn, looking for and finding an optimal solution is limited by many factors, among which, not least, the national paradigm of the national economy development, the entire state. And it is here that there are some difficulties - how focused and consistent is the approach to this task, how preconditions for the introduction of innovative methods, tools, mechanisms for their implementation. That is, the systematization of knowledge, the experience of implementing certain actions, the construction of the paradigm of innovation development within the idea of forming a "green" economy and "green" agglomerations of cities. The analysis of the resent publications on a problem. Problems related to providing reliable methods for promoting sustainable development of our country are covered by many scholars [1-7]. Proposed United Nations program documents [8-9], which define the goals of such development for the near future, are the leading ones for those states that have set the goal of the population welfare. Ukrainian specialists have repeatedly been the flagships of the inevitable processes of creating a "green framework" in the system of modern programs of the national economy development. In other words, it was substantiated that the approach itself should "take as a basis" innovative ideas, form a complex of actions as a system of advanced, progressive views and implementations. Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. The development of perspective plans for the construction of settlement transport systems, the justification of various approaches to the creation of modern, innovative transport communications, which would increase the level of population mobility, at the same time, functioned on the basis of non-obstruction of cities and towns environment, the health of their inhabitants, is the subject research not only of individual scholars, but also of scientific schools. These issues are complex, multidimensional, and that is the most difficult, interdisciplinary in nature. The step-by-step actions of each of the beneficiaries of these changes must finally be formed as a comprehensive plan for the development of green cities, which must be supported by financial mechanisms for their implementation.

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Formulation of research objectives (problem statement). Taking into account the foregoing, the main purpose of the article is to determine the preconditions for constructing an innovation paradigm of the "green" economy in the system of sustainable development of settlement transport systems of Ukraine. An outline of the main results and their justification. The analysis of statistical data has led to the conclusion about the excess emission of world transport systems of pollutants, which accounts for 25% of the world's total greenhouse gas emissions, in which 75% of the emissions of motor vehicles [10]. Other sources [11, 12] suggest that 50% of the world's population today is inhabited by cities, with 60-80% of energy use and 75% of carbon emissions coming from them. Rapid urbanization creates challenges for the population, first of all, from poor quality environment, lack of resources, limited access to them. However, in cities, thanks to the introduction of innovative transport solutions, it is possible to create conditions for the most comfortable life, which involves a number of conditions, not the last of which is access to the most important services. Available from the point of view of the transport system of the region and the city with a population density of 100-1000 (maximum 3000) per hectare, the areas allow for efficient organization of the public transport network and constitute a starting point for the creation of green cities [13]. The analysis of world trends shows the rapid growth of the population of cities. For example, the urban population of India has increased from 290 million people (2001) to 340 million people (2008) and is projected to reach 590 million people in 2030 [14]. In order to meet the growth in demand associated with such growth, an annual expenditure of 1,2 trillion US dollars is needed for the construction of 350-400 km subway lines and new roads up to 25,000 km. The same situation is taking place in the People's Republic of China, the urban population of China was 636 million people in 2010, and may grow to 905 million in 2030. It is projected that by 2050 this country will need annual investment in urban infrastructure of 800-900 billion Yuan, or about 10% of China's GDP in 2001 [15]. The quality of life of future generations depends on how these funds will be invested, including the presence or absence of problems with high concentrations of carbon emissions within urban agglomerations. However, in relation to transport, there has been a steady trend towards the adoption of transport solutions, which are primarily built on the use of private motor transport, which is one of the main causes of climate change, environmental pollution and the emergence of a threat to human health. In cities, transport consumes more than half of all liquid fossil fuels and generates almost a quarter of world CO2 emissions. According to the results of the study, environmental and social costs (costs of local air pollution, traffic accidents and traffic congestion) amount to 10 per cent or more of the GDP of the region or country and far exceed the amounts necessary to initiate the transition to "Green" economy [16]. The policy of "greening" transport should be built on three interrelated principles: - Exception or reduction of extra trips due to integration of land use programs and transport planning, localization of production and consumption; - Switching to more environmentally-friendly modes of transport such as public transport and non- motorized passenger transport, rail and water transport for freight, quantity of electric transport – passenger and freight transport. - Improvement of technology and fuel used in the process of transportation, in order to reduce their negative impact on the environment, and reduce social costs. The measures to be implemented, in particular, include: land-use planning, provision of compact or built- up urban transport corridors for urban planning, regulation of fuels and vehicles used, providing information for decision-making by users and companies. Economic instruments such as reforming the tax system in terms of granting preferential conditions in terms of taxes, fees and subsidies can be effective, which should also encourage the use of more environmentally friendly private vehicles and the transition to public and non- motorized transport. We offer several examples of creating preferential conditions for supporting innovative "green" solutions in the transport sector. In all, the consolidated government agencies use different tools and strategies to increase the efficiency of transportation systems and the quality of life of the population. London introduced a traffic tax in the central part of the city, which reduced the number of private car trips by 70,000 [17], and CO2 emissions by 20% [18]. The electronic payment system for road charges and car quotas in Singapore has reduced the growth rate of car use and overall car availability [19]. The system of high-speed bus communication in Bogotá has led to a 14% reduction in emissions per passenger [20], and this practice has been successfully introduced in other cities. In Zurich, the tram is chosen as the main mode of transport instead of the metro, which is also becoming an example for many other cities in Europe [21]. The introduction of emission standards and vehicle use schemes has allowed to reduce dependence on private transport [22], and the

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establishment of emission-free zones and the introduction of permits for the delivery of goods with time constraints addresses congestion and environmental pollution [23]. World experience confirms that the economic return on investment in public transport is almost twice as high as cost, along with solving purely transport problems, reducing the amount of sulphur in fuel vehicles would reduce the annual health care and related industry costs by 980 million US dollars [24]. Thanks to economic modelling, the annual investment in the transport sector of 0,34% of the net GDP (approximately $ 195 billion) in the period from 2010 to 2050 would have helped reduce the use of petroleum based fuel by a maximum of 80% compared to the overall development scenario and, at the same time, would increase the employment rate by 10%. But the introduction of actions on the transformation of traditional approaches requires not only institutional transformations, but also changes in the consciousness of the citizens, their economic encouragement to participate in such transformations, the restructuring of industrial cycles and many other very radical actions. It is clear that in this sense, the rules and norms, which are legally established, will form only framework conditions, but the development vectors must be established, clearly defined at the legislative level in order to provide the basis, the basis of further development of society in an extremely innovative new direction. In this sense, the role of science as a generator of grounded ideas, visions, is unclear from the beginning and incomprehensible (often) at the beginning, but weighted, timely, innovative. It is expedient to assess the impact of transport activities on the environment on the basis of two main categories: - atmospheric pollution and impact on climate change; - noise pollution. In this case, all types of transport and existing transport nodes (ports, airports, etc.) should be considered in a consistent manner. The values of indicators of air pollution and noise impact are formed depending on the type of transport, the number of kilometres crossed and, to a greater extent, the characteristics of the vehicle itself. In exhaust gases, engines of automobiles contain more than 170 harmful components, of which about 160 - derivatives of hydrocarbons, which are formed due to incomplete combustion of fuel in the engine. The period of their decay lasts from a few minutes to 4-5 years. The solid emissions from exhaust gases of cars include soot and lead compounds, which have the most harmful effects on the human body. In the exhaust gases of motor vehicles for 1 ton of combustion of fuel contains from 12 to 24 kg of nitrogen oxides, from 0,5 to 5 kg of hydrocarbons and ammonia, to 4-5% of carbon monoxide. Annual emissions from one car-800 kg of carbon monoxide, 40 kg of nitrogen oxides and more than 20 kg of various hydrocarbons. The size of these emissions depends on various factors - such as the fuel used, additives and oils, operating conditions, including speed of the car, the transport cycle, etc. CO2 emissions from vehicles represent one of the main sources of greenhouse gases - measured by the type and type of gases expressed in the equivalent of CO2. In order to take into account all of the above factors, a comprehensive calculation method is required. A common approach is to calculate the amount of emissions per kilometre of the path. The main sources of noise pollution are rail, road and air transport. The following indicators are required to determine the level of noise exposure: - download on the road; - the structure of the traffic flow; - speed of the traffic flow; - distance on the axis "transport - facades of buildings"; - density of construction (number of houses / residents in the side of the road). These data allow you to set the equivalent of a noise level, which is then compared to the standard (for example, a permissible noise threshold of 55 dB day and no more than 50dB at night). Urbanization of the country, which leads to the accumulation of a large number of residents in cities, an increase in the number of personal vehicles from the population, an increase in cargo and passenger traffic in the traditional way of operating the transport system will lead to uncontrolled deterioration of the environment and, as a consequence, quality of population life. Anthropogenic and technogenic loading on the environment in Ukraine is very different from the indicators of developed countries. Life expectancy in Ukraine is on average 66 years (in Sweden – 80, in Poland – 74 years). The State Environmental Policy of Ukraine, approved by the

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Law of Ukraine dated December 21, 2010, identified three priorities as strategic goals and objectives for the next 10 years in relation to the transport and road sector: the establishment of anti-noise screens, the creation of economic conditions for the development of clean transport infrastructure and increasing the share of public transport in the general infrastructure by 25%, as well as ensuring the ecological safety and reliability of the pipeline transport. In March 2010, Ukraine adopted the Energy Efficiency Program for the period from 2010 to 2015, which was intended to reduce Ukraine's energy consumption by 20%, reduced pollutant emissions to the environment by 15%, and decreased heat losses in the housing and communal sector by 50% compared to 2008. To accomplish these tasks was necessary an energy breakthrough, based on the large-scale implementation of low-carbon and energy-efficient technologies. Unfortunately, such a transition did not occur. Today, most states are reviewing their Strategic Development Agreements, committing themselves to reducing all harmful sources of influence. Taking into account the fact that the largest part of the population lives in cities, one of the first roles belongs to the development programs of cities, towns and regions as components of global state strategies. Despite the encouraging attention from the government to introduce the necessary mechanisms aimed at improving the environmental component of the entire transport system, much more effort is needed by: - creation of preferential conditions for stimulating consumers to apply those technologies and make decisions about their lifestyle that would facilitate the transition from energy-intensive transport systems based on the use of organic energy sources to progressive ones - biofuels, hydrogen and electricity, with a gradual abandonment of biofuels; - improvement of coordination and introduction of qualitatively new schemes of delivery of goods and passengers in the transport sector; - development of government support programs to reduce the cost of promising technologies; - increasing financing of innovative development by the state and creating a system of incentives to support Ukrainian researchers; - introduction of flexible tax policy regarding venture companies, investment resources of individuals, aimed at solving the issues of ensuring environmental safety of the transport sector; - the gradual construction of a fundamentally new infrastructure, including energy saving, for technological innovations, assuming and providing the necessary level of training of specialists for its maintenance and technical support; - introduction of standards and incentives for the use of Euro class fuel; - the formation of culture, fashion and the possibility of using non-motorized modes of transport in cities and suburbs, and a number of other major events. It should be noted that transport and technological systems are social&technological systems for the transportation of people and goods. And these systems, consisting of vehicles, energy carriers, infrastructure, organizations, population, etc., can not be considered beyond the economic, social, cultural and geographical contexts. And programs to neutralize the extremely negative impact on people of polluting agents from the work of such systems, should be multi-vector. Below are some of the required directions: - minimizing the needs of daily travel, especially over long distances, primarily due to the concentrated development of industrial, commercial and business life in the so-called "sleeping" areas of the city; - additional measures to ensure the high quality of public transport services and increase the attractiveness of its use by all segments of the population; - development of strategic programs for the formation of public opinion on the culture of hiking and cycling for short distances. Development of appropriate pedestrian and cycling infrastructure (facilitating their use as an alternative to private motor transport); - promotion of the use of energy efficient and environmentally friendly and safe (silent) types of vehicles for the carriage of passengers and for the delivery of goods; - the collection of payments for atmospheric air pollution by road, based on the economic assessment of losses, should be carried out at the regulatory rate (representing the amount of total damage that can be caused by products of combustion of fuel in the absence of medium-sized funds, reduced by 2 times) and a penalty rate (which is based on exceeding the actual loss over the normative); - maximizing the city's potential mainly through improving the quality of life, attracting tourists, business partners and investors. In general, the solution to all transport problems associated with the quality of life in the city, may not be unilateral. At a minimum, these problems should be taken into account in the form of various strategies, which

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will later be formed into a general regional concept, which is part of the General National Concept or Program for the development of the country's transport and road complex. An expert working group was set up in the European Union, which included 20 experts from different levels from 12 EU member states, as well as four members of the European Commission. In the design and planning of urban transport systems in cities with a population of 100 thousand people or more, work should be based on the following basic principles: - redistribution of space for private transport, cyclists, pedestrians; - improving conditions for the movement of cyclists, pedestrians (both functionally and in terms of recreational facilities), safety and security guarantees with the help of specialized infrastructure, good lighting and high-quality social control. - use and technical support of road cover, extinguishing noise, protective shielding of noise in the city zone. - improvement of visual perception quality of the road space. Among the European cities, London experience is interesting, where a five-pound sterling per car per day has been introduced for entry into the central part of the city of individual cars. The mode of paid entry is introduced on weekdays from 7 to 19 hours. In the centre of London, there is a stationary network of 688 television devices that automatically scan for car numbers. The results of implementation of this system, which are received today, have shown its success: - transportation delays decreased in the centre of the city by an average of 17%; - the regularity of buses increased by 33%; - the average speed of the buses has grown in the centre at "rush hour" from 10 to 12 km / h, in the zone adjacent to the centre of London - from 12 to 14 km / h; - the number of car owners paying for entry per day amounted to an average of 100 thousand people. All income from entry fees estimated at £ 130 million per year is directed towards the development of public transport. And yet, today, energy consumption and CO2 emissions tend to increase, in spite of the repeated warnings by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that concluded that to maintain a long-term increase o in average temperature in the range of 2,0°C – 2,4 C, the world's CO2 emissions by 2050 should be reduced by at least 50% compared to 2000. Recent studies show that climate change is even faster than expected, and even the target of "50% by 2050" may not be sufficient to prevent dangerous climate change. The indicator of the size of vehicles in the world (commercial and passenger) is rapidly increasing, and its growth is projected to 1,6 billion units by 2030 (today the value is about 1 billion). The greatest growth is observed in developing countries, where the indicator is close to saturation. For example, according to forecasts [25], between 2010 and 2030 the transport density is expected to increase by 1 000 people, from about 50 to 140 in China (an increase of 5,7% per year) and from 20 to 65% in India (growth 6,7% per year). The result of this trend will be a rapid deterioration of the environment. Already, there is a clear need for technologies that can balance the growing needs of the population in transportation and the need for careful treatment of the surrounding human space. However, many of the most promising low-carbon technologies today cost far more fuel-efficient technologies. Their cost can be reduced only through development - research, development, demonstration and implementation, as a result of which technologies will become cost-effective. In order to avoid decommissioning inefficient high-emission technologies in the next decade, there is an unprecedented intervention by governments that are urged to take urgent steps to implement a number of policy technology strategies in order to bridge the gap between their value and competitiveness, while objectively reflecting the degree of development and competitiveness of individual technologies and markets. In recent years, much attention has been paid to the importance of policy measures that focus on the mechanism of carbon emissions as a way to stimulate the development and dissemination of “clean” technologies needed for the energy revolution. The Copenhagen agreement, which has been signed by many countries, recognizes market approaches as a way of improving economic efficiency, but such measures (for example, the sale of carbon emission quotas) are most likely not necessarily the most effective for short-term investments in more expensive technologies that will benefit from long-term emission reductions. Moreover, a truly low-carbon world market is likely to be created only after many years. And so far, it is advisable to use a wide range of other instruments that will help to create markets for advanced technologies that are in line with national policy goals and which are supported, including by regulatory enactments, tax incentives, private programs, subsidies and information public shares. However, it is necessary to provide for a gradual reduction

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of state support later, until its complete liquidation after the technologies become competitive, or vice versa, if it turns out that they are unlikely to be able to become such. According to IEA estimates for 2010, to achieve 50% CO2 emission reduction, state funding for low-carbon technologies should be in two - five times the current level. The International Energy Agency's scenarios for building environmental strategies for the global community, united in the Blue Card program [26]. The dominant tasks should be to minimize risk, stimulate the spread of technology and reduce costs. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The fulfillment of the listed tasks is possible only in the presence of a holistic, global approach. On the other hand, such qualitative transformations can not do without significant financial resources, the volume of which is rapidly decreasing in parallel with the growth of public debt in many, including the developed countries of the world. At the forefront are those mechanisms that will make it possible for the minimum investment resources to get the desired result. The question is only to create acceptable conditions, or at least a departure from the policy of only administrative prohibitions, global control of everything, and non-obstruction of the evolutionary development of events within the line of the framework conditions. The basis for the functioning and development of various urban transport systems should be the following basic, uniform for all forms, mechanisms: - improvement of the system of transportation, increase its efficiency, ensure reliability and continuity, through high-quality awareness of users of all types of transport within the involved transport systems; - taking into account tendencies of reduction of demand for certain types of transport as a result of reduction of physical movements of passengers and goods in the direction of their "virtualization" (distribution of telecommunication technologies, e-commerce, etc.); - improving the quality of operational management through the conclusion of new interagency agreements - both formal and virtual - is most often in line with the interests of the state and individuals, which enables overcoming legislative, legal and sectoral restrictions; - development of effective and efficient mechanisms for the selection of infrastructure projects, in particular with regard to information infrastructure, which will create additional potential for the transportation of passengers and cargo, with minimal impact on other important economic spheres such as land use, environmental protection, etc .; - rationalization of the design and operating systems of the macro level, by switching traffic flows to intermodal transshipment points (water transport - railways, ground transport - aviation, etc.); - increasing the availability of services by expanding their coverage across larger areas and segments of the population through the development of a distribution network known throughout the world as "hub-and- spoke" at national, regional and individual service levels. Innovative development is particularly important in the form of programs and strategies that are supported by tax, subsidiary, legislative, and other preferences. The main directions of this development can be summarized as follows: - total informatization of transport; - creation of economical, resource-efficient and environmentally-friendly vehicles; - formation of multimodal logistics centers; - the creation of terminal cargo delivery systems; - creation of transport and technological systems based on application of logistic technologies; - development of container and piggyback technologies.

ЛІТЕРАТУРА 1. Рилач Н.М. Формування інноваційної парадигми: ретроспектива і сучасність. Актуальні проблеми міжнародних відносин. 2016. Вип. 127 (ч. I). С. 138-148. 2. Бажал Ю. Інноваційна теорія економічної політики. Економіка Радянської України, 1991. № 3. C. 11-21. 3. Бажал Ю. М. Інноваційна теорія економічного розвитку: М. Туган-Барановський, Й Шумпетер і проблеми перехідної економіки України. Наукові записки. 2000. Т. 18. Економічні науки. C. 3-7. 4. Богашко О. Л. Еволюція теоретичних підходів до інноваційного розвитку в економічній науці. Вісник Бердянського університету менеджменту і бізнесу. 2013. № 2 [22]. С. 23-29.

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5. Рожкова Т.С. Інноваційні складові економічного розвитку країни. Сучасні питання економіки і права. 2012. № 1. С. 41-45. 6. Freeman C. (1982). The economics of industrial innovation. London : Campus Vferiag, 448 p. 7. Могилевська О.Ю., Слободяник А.М., Штанько О.І. Сучасна парадигма розвитку науково- технічного потенціалу підприємств промислового комплексу України. Економіка і суспільство, 2017. Вип. 9. С. 517-522. Retrieved from : http://economyandsociety.in.ua 8. Доповідь про зелену трансформацію в Україні на основі показників зеленого зростання ОЕСР. Міністерство економічного розвитку і торгівлі України, 2016. 60 с. 9. Цілі сталого розвитку : України. Національна доповідь-2017 : Мін. економ. розвитку і торг. України, 2017. 176 с. 10. IPCC, 2007. IPCC Fourth Assessment Report Mitigation of Climate Change. Chapter 5. Transport and Infrastructure, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Retrieved from: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar4/wg3 11. Kamal-Chaoui, L. and Robert, A. Competitive Cities and Climate Change. Робочі документи ОЕСР по регіональному розвитку 2009/2 ОЕСР. Директорат по державному управлінню і територіальному розвитку 12. World Urbanization Prospects : The 2005 Revision. Executive Summary, Fact Sheets, Data Tables. Департамент ООН по економічним та соціальним питанням, відділ народонаселення ООН, 2006 13. Hasan, A., Sadig, A. and Ahmed, S. (2010). Planning for High Density in Low-income Settlements % Four Case Studies from Karachi. Human Settlements Working Paper Series. Urbanization and Emerging Population Issues 3, IIED і ЮНФПА, 53 р. 14. World Urbanization Prospects. The 2009 Revision (2010). Відділ народонаселення ООН, Департамент по економічним та соціальним питанням ООН, 56 p. 15. Chen, H., Jia, B. And Lau, S.S.Y. (2008). Sustainable Urban Form for Chinese Compact Cities: Challenges of a Rapid Urbanized Economy. Habitat International, 32, 1, Pp. 28-40. 16. Creutzig, F. and He. D. (2009). Climate Change Mitigation and Co-benefits of Feasible Transport Demand Policies in Beijing. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 14, Is. 2, Pp. 120-131. 17. Congestion Charging Central London: Impacts Monitoring. Second Annual Report. Transport for London (2004). 227 p. 18. Beevers, S. and Carslaw, D. (2005). The Impact of Congestion Charging on Vehicle Emissions in London. Atmospheric Environment, 39, Pp. 1-5. 19. Goh, M. (2002). Congestion Management and Electronic Road Pricing in Singapore. Journal of Transport Geography, 10: 1. Pp. 29-38. 20. Rogat, jJ., Hinostroza, M. and Ernest, K. Promoting Sustainable Transport in Latin America through Mass Transit Technologies. Colloque international Environment et transports dans des contexts differents, Ghardana, Algerie, 16-18 February 2009. Actes, ENP ed. Algeria, Pp. 83-92. 21. EcoPlan (2002). The Famous Zurich U-Bahn. Retrieved from: http://www.ecoplan.org/politics/general/zurich.htm 22. Nobis, C. (2006). Car Sharing as Key Contribution to Multimodal and Sustainable Mobility Behavior: Carsharing in Germany. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Pp. 89- 97. 23. Geroliminis, N. and Daganzo, C.F. (2005). A Review of Green Logistics Schemes Used in Cities Around the World. UC Berkeley Center for Future Urban Transport: A Volvo Center of Excellence. Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley. 21 p. 24. Sub-Saharan Africa Refinery Project – Final Report. ICF International (2009). Retrieved from: http://www.unep.org/pcfv/PDF/Final_Executive_Summary_6-08-09.pdf 25. The EU in the world 2013. A statistical portrait. European Commission. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the EU, 2012. 147 рр. 26. The Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040. JECD International Energy Agency. France : JECD, 2012. 600 p.

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21. EcoPlan (2002). The Famous Zurich U-Bahn. Retrieved from: http://www.ecoplan.org/politics/general/zurich.htm [in English]. 22. Nobis, C. (2006). Car Sharing as Key Contribution to Multimodal and Sustainavle Mobility Behavior: Carsharing in Germany. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Pp. 89-97 [in English]. 23. Geroliminis N. and Daganzo C.F. (2005). A Review of Green Logistics Schemes Used in Cities Around the World. UC Berkeley Center for Future Urban Transport: A Volvo Center of Excellence. Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley. 21 p. [in English]. 24. Sub-Saharan Africa Refinery Project – Final Report. ICF International (2009). Retrieved from: http://www.unep.org/pcfv/PDF/Final_Executive_Summary_6-08-09.pdf [in English]. 25. The EU in the world 2013. A statistical portrait (2012). European Commission. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the EU, Pp. 147 [in English]. 26. The Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040 (2012). JECD International Energy Agency. France : JECD, 2012. 600 p. [in English].

2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 77 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

УДК 504+ 338.262.7 JEL A14, Е62, F64

KARPENKO O.O. Dr. Econ. Sciences, senior researcher. Department of Economic regulation of Environmental Management Institute of market problems and economic&ecological researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Frantsuzkyi boulevard, 29, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID:0000-0003-3943-4052

TURENKO L. A. Junior Researcher Department of Economic regulation of Environmental Management Institute of market problems and economic&ecological researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Frantsuzkyi boulevard, 29, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5442-216X

KARPENKO H. U. Junior Researcher Department of Economic regulation of Environmental Management Institute of market problems and economic&ecological researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Frantsuzkyi boulevard, 29, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6589-0054


Topicality. The dominance in the national economy of resource-intensive multifield technologies and the lack of a sound public policy governing the formation, accumulation, storage, recycling, disposal and disposal of waste has led to a critical situation characterized by the further development of environmental threats. The slow pace of adoption and implementation of legal norms regarding the introduction of innovative technologies by types of economic activity, the inefficient use of the nature of resource potential and the unpreparedness of the business environment to intensify the introduction of the innovative model of the "green" economy lead to deepening the ecological crisis and aggravation of the socio-economic situation in society. After all, the high level of waste generation and low rates of their use as secondary raw materials have led to the fact that in Ukraine, in the industrial and municipal sector, significant volumes of solid waste accumulate each year, of which only a small part is used as secondary material resources, the rest fall into landfills. This fact determines the need for reform and development, taking into account global experience of the entire legal and economic system that regulates the use of natural resources, since the difference in the situation in Ukraine, as compared with other developed countries, lies in large volumes of waste generation and lack of infrastructure for handling them. . The "green" economy is an inalienable and effective tool for activities in all areas of life, namely in the areas of transport, agriculture, waste management and energy. This is not only an opportunity but a compulsory development path for all countries and states, including the EU member states.. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to determine the instrumental principles of regulation and to ensure the economic development of the process of environmentalization of the national model of the "green" economy. In order to achieve this goal, the study of the genesis of theoretical concepts concerning the ecologization of the development of the national model of the green economy, the determination of normative and legal instruments for enhancing the establishment of the principles of cleaner production and the substantiation of the scientific provisions regarding the development of the organizational and economic scenario for the development of the national green economy model are presented.

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Research results. The institutional principles of ecologization of the development of the national model of the "green" economy are considered. It is determined that further economic growth depends on the formation of an effective innovation policy of the state, based on the latest scientific and technological achievements and the transfer of environmentally sound technologies; ensuring the transfer of scientific research into resource-saving, knowledge- intensive, small and non-waste technologies, competitive goods and services, and activating processes for the formation of an ecologically oriented business environment in accordance with the global challenges of world development. It is substantiated that at the present stage it is important to ensure maximum full realization of the economic potential of regions in the strategy of formation of high-performance ecological-economic system, which is possible only at the expense of the implementation of the course of the "green" economy. The directions and priorities of development of secondary resource use are determined, taking into account both modern real possibilities and long-term economic, social and environmental interests of society; wide introduction of public-private partnership, cooperation and cooperation in central and local executive authorities, local self-government bodies; scientific, technological and methodical provision of waste management on an innovative basis; a significant increase in the role of regions and civil society in the reform of waste management; provision of financing and implementation of certain measures to further improve the management of waste management on a traditional basis. Three groups of tools have been formulated to promote resource-efficient low carbon economic development, as well as to monitor the transition process: imperative, economic and dispositive tools. Conclusions. It is substantiated that the institutional mechanisms of institutionalization of the process of environmentalization of the Ukrainian national green economy model can be considered: the dynamics of institutional and legislative and regulatory reforms in Ukraine regarding the implementation of the green economy model in the state policy mechanism, the development of state and regional governance institutions, the transformation of social relations and modification of administrative management with saturation of its ecological dominant and development of measures for priority determination their segments of environmentalization of national development. It is determined that the concept of the development of the "green" economy should determine the economic component that cements the growth of economic potential in the sectoral section of the state, the social component that serves as the basis for improving the life support system of Ukraine and the ecological component that forms the basis for implementing an environmentally sound policy of the state. The said confirms the urgency and importance of the institutional provision to enhance the process of environmentalization of the Ukrainian national green economy model, which should include the main legislative regulations of the state environmental policy and the international tendencies of ecologization of social development on the basis of the "green" economy. Key words: "green" economy, state policy, transformational shifts, normative-legal regulation, ecologization process, national strategy, institutional building, paradigm of ecologization.

КАРПЕНКО О.О. канд. екон. наук, с.н.с. Відділ економічного регулювання природокористування Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАНУ Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID:0000-0003-3943-4052

ТУРЕНКО Є.А. м.н.с. Відділ економічного регулювання природокористування Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАНУ Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5442-216X

КАРПЕНКО Г.Ю. м.н.с. Відділ економічного регулювання природокористування Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАНУ Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6589-0054

2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 79 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)


Актуальність. Домінування в національній економіці ресурсоємних багатовідхідних технологій та відсутність виваженої державної політики, що регулює утворення, накопичення, зберіганням, перероблення, утилізацію та захоронення відходів призвело до критичної ситуації, що характеризується подальшим розвитком екологічних загроз. Низьки темпи прийняття та реалізації правових норм щодо впровадження інноваційних технологій за видами економічної діяльності, недостатньо ефективне використання природо ресурсного потенціалу та неготовність бізнес-середовища до активізації впровадження інноваційної моделі «зеленої» економіки призводять до поглиблення екологічної кризи і загострення соціально-економічної ситуації в суспільстві. Адже високий рівень утворення відходів та низькі показники їх використання як вторинної сировини призвели до того, що в Україні щороку в промисловості та комунальному секторі нагромаджуються значні обсяги твердих відходів, з яких лише незначна частина застосовується як вторинні матеріальні ресурси, решта потрапляють на звалища. Даний факт обумовлює необхідність реформування і розвитку з урахуванням світового досвіду всієї правової та економічної системи, що регулює використання природних ресурсів, оскільки відмінність ситуації, що склалася в Україні, порівняно з іншими розвинутими країнами полягає у великих обсягах утворення відходів та у відсутності інфраструктури поводження з ними. Саме «зелена» економіка є невід'ємним та ефективним інструментарієм діяльності у всіх сферах життедіяльності, а саме: у сфері транспорту, агро сфері, у сфері поводження з відходами та енергетиці. Це не просто можливість, а обов'язковий шлях розвитку для всіх країн і держав, у тому числі і країн-членів ЄС. Мета та завдання. Метою статті є визначення інструментальних засад регулювання та забезпечення економічного розвитку процесу екологізації національної моделі «зеленої» економіки. Для досягнення цієї мети заданнями постають дослідження генезису теоретичних концепцій щодо забезпечення екологізації розвитку національної моделі «зеленої» економіки, визначення норматвино-правових важелів активізації застовуння принципів більш чистого виробництва та обґрунтування наукових положень щодо розробки організаційно- економічного сценарію розвитку національної моделі «зеленої» економіки. Результати. Розглянуто інституціональні засади забезпечення екологізації розвитку національної моделі “зеленої” економіки. Визначено, що подальше економічне зростання залежить від формування ефективної інноваційної політики держави, яка б базувалась на останніх науково-технічних досягненнях та трансферу екологобезпечних технологій; забезпечення трансферу наукових досліджень в ресурсозберігаючі, наукоємні, мало і безвідходні технології, конкурентоспроможні товари та послуги та активізації процесів формування екологоорієнтованого бізнес-середовища відповідно глобальних викликів світового розвитку. Обґрунтовано, що на сучасному етапі важливо забезпечити максимально повну реалізацію економічного потенціалу регіонів у стратегії формування високопродуктивної еколого-економічної системи, що можливо лише за рахунок реалізації курсу «зеленої» економіки. Визначено напрями та пріоритети розвитку вторинного ресурсокористування з урахуванням як сучасних реальних можливостей, так і довгострокових економічних, соціальних і екологічних інтересів суспільства; широке запровадження державно-приватного партнерства, взаємодії та співробітництва в центральних та місцевих органах виконавчої влади, органах місцевого самоврядування; науково-технологічне та методичне забезпечення управління відходами на інноваційних засадах; значне підвищення ролі регіонів та громадянського суспільства у реформуванні сфери поводження з відходами; забезпечення фінансування та здійснення визначених заходів для подальшого вдосконалення системи управління поводження з відходами на традиційних засадах. Сформульовані три групи інструментарію для просування ресурсоефективного низьковуглецевого економічного розвитку, а також для контролю за процесом переходу: імперативні, економічні та диспозитивні інструменти. Висновки. Обґрунтовано, що важелями інституціонального забезпечення активізації процесу екологізації української національної моделі «зеленої» економіки можна вважати:динаміку інституційних та законодавчо-регуляторних реформ в України стосовно імплементації моделі «зеленої» економіки в механізмі державної політики;розбудову державних та регіональних інститутів управління;трансформацію суспільних відносин та модифікацію адміністративного управління з насиченням її екологічної домінантою та розбудову заходів щодо визначення пріоритетних сегментів екологізації національного розвитку. Визначено, що концепція розвитку «зеленої» економіки повинна визначати економічну складову, яка цементує зростання економічного потенціалу у секторальному розрізі держави;соціальну складову, яка слугує підґрунтям покращення системи життєзабезпечення населення України та екологічну складову, яка формує базис для реалізації екологобезпечної політики держави. Зазначене підтверджує актуальність та важливість інституціонального забезпечення активізації процесу екологізації української національної моделі «зеленої» економіки, яка має включати в себе основні законодавчі регламенти державної екологічної політики та міжнародні тенденції екологізації суспільного розвитку на засадах «зеленої» економіки.. Ключові слова: «зелена» економіка, державна політика, трансформаційні зрушення, нормативно-правове регулювання, процес екологізації, національна стратегія, інституційна розбудова, парадигма екологізації .

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Problem statement and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. Low rates of market transformation and unsatisfactory state of solving of socio-economic and environmental problems of the regions testify to the absence of a well-balanced state policy that negatively affects the economic development of the regions and leads to the destruction of disparities in the national economy. Continued economic development without radical change in the current economic model will increase the environmental threats and make sustainable development impossible. In this regard, economists, sociologists, politicians, representatives of natural sciences and business began to seek new ways of development that would enable the natural environment to be restored and at the same time provide a decent standard of living for the population. One of the results of such a search was the concept of a "green" economy, which, thanks to the support of international organizations and national governments, gained considerable popularity. The spread of "green" ideas led to a "boom" of scientific and applied publications, but in them scientists have not yet formulated a single consistent view of the meaning of the concept of "green" economy, its essential features, criteria and principles of construction. The above determines the need for the development of the scientific foundations for the study of the "green" economy in the context of sustainable development. Analysis of recent publications on the problem. Approaches to interpreting the "green" economy and defining its basic characteristics have been the subject of research in many UN documents, in particular, the Environmental Program (UNEP) and the UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). Essence, history of development, peculiarities of the formation of the green economy model in different countries of the world were studied: David Pearce, Anil Markandi, Edward Barbie, Molly Scott Kato, Michelle Common, Sigrid Stogl, Robin Ahnel, Miram Kenneth, Inge Ropke, Baer Gomboev, Yerzheni Zomonnova, Borys Burkynskyi, Nina Khumarova, Tetyana Galushkina, Anatoliy Yatskov and others. However, there is a need to clarify the basic terminology, to formulate a clear list of goals and principles for building a green economy, since this will serve as the basis for practical actions in the given direction. Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. The issue of ensuring the revitalization of the greening process of the national green economy model is a specific new issue caused by modern institutional transformations and the European integration process in Ukraine. The scientific provisions, including the conceptual and methodological principles for ensuring the greening of the development of the national green economy model, remain undeveloped, despite the careful study of green production in the global dimension. Formulation of research objectives (problem statement). The purpose of the study is to deepen the scientific provisions on ensuring the ecologization of national development in the conditions of transformational and European integration shifts in Ukraine. To achieve this goal, the following theoretical, methodological and practical tasks were set: 1.examine the genesis of theoretical views on the development of tools for ensuring the revitalization of the greening process of the national green economy model; 2.to define the essence of the paradigm of environmentalization of national development in the context of transformational and European integration shifts; 3.implement the EU legal acts and determine the implementation directions for the process of environmentalization of the national green economy model for Ukraine. Outline of the main results and their justification. On the basis of the systematization of theoretical and methodological approaches and concepts of state policy in the context of the implementation of EU legislation, the definition of a clear coordination of state institutions with regard to ensuring the revitalization of the process of environmentalization of the Ukrainian national model of the "green" economy on the socio- ecological and economic parameters is an urgent necessity. It should be emphasized that the implementation of ecologization of the Ukrainian national model of the "green" economy is possible through: - National and regional programs through the inclusion of the "green" component of their development; - Environmental Action Plans indicating the areas of national and regional funding and the volume of necessary investments not only for environmental improvement, but also long-term support for the transfer of innovative clean plants (technologies) and their effective implementation in the national and regional dimension;

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- Budget expenditures for priority measures that ensure the ecologization of national and regional development while strengthening the public-private partnership's levers in the implementation of the strategic objectives of the state policy of Ukraine [10]. The modern management system should be focused on: reorganization and further integration of environmental management functions into a single functional management system; extension of the rights and capacities of the authorities in the system of control over the protection of the environment and the use of natural resources; shifting the emphasis in the implementation of state control over the observance and strengthening of environmental legislation in the direction of gradual reorientation of the economic levers of stimulation of ecologically safe economic activity on the tasks of the green economy; strengthening of social responsibility of the business in compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, implementation of environmental policy. It has been proved today that in assessing the dynamics of modern transformational shifts insufficient attention is paid to the ecologization of national and regional development. In recent years, certain preconditions have emerged for the need to develop a "green economy" in the context of possible socio-economic changes. The factor of the proper state of infrastructure and the readiness of the business sector in cooperation with management structures to eliminate a number of existing socio- economic and environmental problems is of great importance in advancing the green development model [12]. On the basis of considering the possibilities of greening the "green" development, it has been proved that both state and regional policies in this area should be aimed at: 1. Stimulating the growth of the production of environmentally safe products and the volume of eco- innovations by eliminating financial barriers to obtaining investment by enterprises for the introduction of green schemes of production and technologies, the creation of trust funds, and ensuring the further development of modernization of production according to environmental parameters, which include aspects such as quality assurance environment and ecological quality of manufactured products; 2. Growth of employment through the creation of "green" jobs; 3. Gradual acceptance by enterprises of higher energy and environmental standards, their harmonization with the standards of the European Union, promotion of voluntary accession to the standards of ISO 9000,14000; 4. Implementation of the system of social responsibility in the practice of production enterprises and the service sector; 5. Creation of ecotechnologies as a center for cleaner production in order to implement the transfer of resource-saving technologies; implementation of technical and technological expertise and provision of consulting services for optimization of production processes, balances of use of material and natural resources. According to the analysis, it is proved that today the formation of a model of a "green" economy is hampered by: 1. Imperfection of economic policy and informational and statistical support; 2. Low level of introduction of innovative technologies by types of economic activity; 3. Insufficiently effective use of the nature of the resource potential; 4. Lack of relevant institutions that would ensure the efficiency of the transfer of savings technology resources in all segments of the national economy development; 5. Unwillingness of the business environment to activate the implementation of the innovation model of the "green" economy. Today, there are certain institutional and economic opportunities for the transition of the state to the green economy model. First of all, these are highly developed industrial regions, whose industry plays an important role in the structure of the state's economy [11]. At the same time, the level of implementation of innovative, including low-cost, resource-saving and non-waste technologies, is rather low. Thus, promoting the transition of regions to the principles of resource- efficient and cleaner production is a key task of supporting the course of the "green" economy. It should be noted that, to a large extent, further economic growth depends on: 1. Formation of an effective state innovation policy based on the latest scientific and technical achievements and the transfer of environmentally sound technologies;

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2. Ensuring transfer of scientific research into resource-saving, science-intensive, small and non-waste technologies, competitive goods and services; 3. Activation of the processes of formation of an ecologically oriented business environment in accordance with the global challenges of world development. In this context, it should be noted that at the present stage it is important to ensure the fullest possible realization of the economic potential of regions in the strategy of formation of a highly productive ecological-economic system, which is possible only through the implementation of the course of the "green" economy [17]. The "green" economy is an inalienable and effective tool for activities in all areas of life, namely: in transport, agriculture, waste management and energy. This is not just an opportunity but a compulsory development path for all countries and states, including the EU member states. Reliable energy supply in the future includes the following three elements: energy saving, maximum energy efficiency and the fastest transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. The European Union, and especially Germany, are currently in the process of such a transition [13]. There are three types of tools to promote resource-efficient low carbon economic development, as well as to monitor the transition process: -imperative (administrative-command) instruments such as orders and directives, prohibitions, restrictions on volume of emissions into the atmosphere or licensing procedures; - economic instruments (market-oriented laws) such as green taxation and the reform of environmental payments, certificates (trade permits) or liability rules, green subsidies and schemes of promotion, and the abandonment of those subsidies that are harmful to the environment ( ie, subsidizing prices for fossil fuels); - dispositive (voluntary) instruments such as information, management systems, periodic exchanges of experience or voluntary agreements between government agencies and private business associations ("green" agreements or unions). In the EU, three types of tools are used in the process of building the legal basis for the green economy. The most successful examples of the European Union's use of "hard law": 1. Regulation 2007/715 / EU of 20 June 2007 on permits for the use of exhaust emissions of passenger and goods vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information; 2. Directive 2010/30 / EU of 19 May 2010 on labeling and general information on the characteristics of energy consumption and other resources by energy-dependent products; 3. Directive 2010/31 / EU19 of 19 May 2010 on building energy consumption: EU Member States should ensure close to zero energy consumption by buildings put into effect by December 31, 2020 and close to December 31, 2018 zero energy consumption by all new buildings that are owned by government agencies. Regarding waste management, it should be noted that the overall waste management system in Ukraine is characterized by: • accumulation of wastes in the industrial and domestic sectors, which negatively affects the state of the environment and human health; • improper disposal and disposal of hazardous waste; • placement of household waste without taking into account possible hazardous consequences; • improper use of waste as a secondary raw material due to the imperfection of the organizational and economic principles of their involvement in production; • the inefficiency of implemented economic instruments in the field of waste management. Significant volumes of wastes accumulated in Ukraine and lack of effective measures aimed at preventing their formation, utilization, disposal and disposal, progress the ecological crisis and become a brake on the development of the national economy. This situation necessitates the establishment and proper functioning of a nationwide waste prevention, collection, recycling and disposal, disposal and environmentally sound disposal. This should be an urgent task, even in conditions of relatively limited economic opportunities of both the state and the main waste generators. Thus, the only possible way to resolve the situation is to create a comprehensive waste management system with regulatory and effective legal regulation [14].

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First of all, the Constitution of Ukraine, as the Basic Law, which has the highest legal force, defines the obligation of the state to preserve the provision of environmental safety for man and the entire animal world, maintaining the proper quality of the environment and environmental equilibrium [1]. Compliance with the norms and rules of environmental safety is provided by the state through three levers: the creation of a system of modern legislation, effective administrative control, the introduction of an economic mechanism for the use of nature by the formation and development of the legal culture of citizens. The development of a system of economic legislation in Ukraine to a certain extent took place in accordance with the concept, the main ones being the laws on environmental protection, the protection of atmospheric air, the protection and use of wildlife. The next stage in the development of environmental legislation - its codification, taking into account the relevant constitutional provisions, and the Land, Forest, Water Code, Subsoil Code and other acts - is an instrument for regulating natural resources and publicity of the use of natural resources. To date, the following Laws of Ukraine regulating social relations in the field of waste management exist in Ukraine: • "On Pesticides and Agrochemicals" No. 86/95-VR of March 2, 1995 [2]; • "On Waste" No. 187/98-VR of March 5, 1998 [3]; • «About the scrap metal» № 619-XIV | May 5, 1999 [4]; • "On the exclusion from circulation, processing, utilization, destruction or further use of low-quality and dangerous products" No. 1393-XIV of January 14, 2000 [5]; • "On the National Program on the Treatment of Toxic Wastes" No. 1947-III of September 14, 2000 [6]; • "On Chemical Current Sources" No. 3503-IV of February 23, 2006 [7]; • "On ratification of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants" No. 949-V of April 18, 2007 [8]. The norms of the subordinate legal acts, including decrees of the President of Ukraine, the Decrees of the of Ukraine, the Decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, etc. specify the regulation of public relations in relation to the treatment of waste. The norms of the subordinate legal acts, including decrees of the President of Ukraine, the Decrees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, etc. specify the regulation of public relations in relation to the treatment of waste. However, the regulatory system lags behind the progression and scale of the growth of resource- intensive multi-source technologies in the national economy, as the outdated technological base has determined and continues to determine the high rates of generation and accumulation of waste. Such circumstances lead to the deepening of the ecological crisis and the aggravation of the socio-economic situation in society and causes the need for reform and development, taking into account domestic and world experience of the entire legal and economic system that regulates the use of natural resources in general and waste management in particular [18]. Waste generated during the process of extraction, enrichment, chemical and metallurgical processing, transportation and storage of minerals is a secondary raw material reserve of industry, construction and energy. Considerable resource potential is also waste as a secondary raw material, which is the remnants of final consumption products (waste paper, polymers, glass, worn tires, etc.) [15]. The high level of waste generation and low rates of their use as secondary raw materials have led to the fact that in Ukraine, in the industrial and municipal sectors, significant volumes of solid waste accumulate each year, of which only a small part is used as secondary material resources, the rest fall into landfills. The difference in the situation with waste in Ukraine, compared to other developed countries, lies in the large volumes of waste generation and lack of infrastructure for handling them. At the same time, the availability of such infrastructure is an indispensable feature of all economies of developed countries [16]. In general, the waste management system in Ukraine is characterized by the following trends: • accumulation of wastes both in the industrial and domestic sectors, which negatively affects the state of the environment and human health; • improper disposal and disposal of hazardous waste; • placement of household waste without taking into account possible hazardous consequences;

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• improper use of waste as a secondary raw material due to the imperfection of the organizational and economic principles of their involvement in production; • inefficiency of implemented economic instruments in the field of waste management. The solution of this problem is key in solving energy and resource independence of the state, saving natural material and energy resources, and the actual strategic tasks (priority) of state policy. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, by its Order No. 820-r of November 8, 2017, approved the National Strategy for Waste Management in Ukraine until 2030 (hereinafter - the Strategy) [9]. The strategy defines the main directions of state regulation in the field of waste management in the coming decades, taking into account European approaches on waste management, based on the provisions: • Framework Directive 2008/98 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repeal of certain directives; • Council Directive 1999/31 / EC of 26 April 1999 on waste disposal; • Directive 2006/21 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 on waste management in extractive industries, amending Directive 2004/35 / EC; • Directive 94/62 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 1994 "On Packaging and Packaging Wastes"; • Directive 2012/19 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE); • Directive 2006/66 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 September 2006 "On batteries and accumulators and spent batteries and accumulators". The purpose of this Strategy is to create conditions for raising the standard of living of the population by introducing a systemic approach to waste management at the state and regional level, reducing the volume of waste generation and increasing the volume of their processing and reuse. The objectives of the Strategy are: • Identifying and solving key issues of waste management development in Ukraine on an innovative basis; • determination of priority directions of activity of central and local executive authorities, local self- government bodies, organizations, institutions, enterprises, public organizations and society as a whole in relation to the transition of the waste management system to the innovation model; • Identification of ways and means of improving existing waste management infrastructure that does not contradict the innovation model; • ensuring sustainable development of Ukraine through the implementation of tasks aimed at ecological and resource security; • reduction of administrative burden on business entities, improvement of the quality of administrative services provision; • ensuring the legality and predictability of administrative actions. The strategy is based on the following principles: waste hierarchy, which provides for waste management actions in the following order: - prevention of the formation of waste in order to optimize the processes of designing resource extraction, production of goods (ecodesign) and waste generation; - preparation for reuse - creation of the whole industry for testing, purification or determining the suitability of products or their components for re-use without pre-processing; - waste processing - recycling with returning to the production cycle of various materials contained in the waste; - other types of utilization of waste, including energy utilization, - use of waste as secondary energy resources; - disposal of waste - burial of them in specially equipped places / facilities and destruction (disposal) at installations that meet ecological standards, only in case of the impossibility to perform previous stages of the hierarchy; the transition to a closed-loop economy, which assumes that the volume of products, materials and resources is used in the economy for as long as possible and the generation of waste is minimized; proximity, which provides for the reduction of potential risks from waste pollution of their processing as close as possible to the sources of education;

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warning that, in the presence of evidence of environmental risk, appropriate preventive measures should be taken; joint responsibility, participation of state authorities, local self-government bodies, business entities, as well as the public in making decisions on the achievement of the objectives of environmental policy; an extended liability of the manufacturer, which implies the responsibility of producers and importers of products for acceptance of returned products and waste that have remained after its use, as well as further waste management; Self-sufficiency, which involves the creation of an integrated, adequate network of facilities for the disposal and disposal of waste, which will enable the state or region to ensure the self-disposal and disposal of its own waste. In addition, an important economic tool for environmental policy is the polluter pays principle, which provides that those responsible for contamination should bear the costs associated with this contamination. The objectives of the Strategy are to: identify the directions and priorities for the development of secondary resource use, taking into account both current real opportunities and long-term economic, social and environmental interests of society; wide introduction of public-private partnership, cooperation and cooperation in central and local executive authorities, local self-government bodies; scientific, technological and methodical provision of waste management on an innovative basis; a significant increase in the role of regions and civil society in the reform of waste management; provision of financing and implementation of certain measures to further improve the management of waste management on a traditional basis. Implementation of this Strategy is carried out in three stages: the first – 2017-2018 years, the second - 2019-2023 years, the third – 2024-2030 years. Auxiliary tools for qualitative regulation on the basis of the National Strategy should be the following groups of legal acts: 1. National Waste Management Plan; 2. Regional Waste management plans; 3. Framework Directive on waste based on legal provisions Directive 2008/98 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives, Directive 1999/31 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 April 1999 on waste waste disposal 4. Sectoral bills: Law of Ukraine "On Batteries, Batteries and Accumulators" on the basis of Directive 2006/66 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators; The Law of Ukraine "On Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment", Directive 2012/19 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on waste electrical and electronic equipment; Law of Ukraine "On packaging and packaging waste" Directive 94/62 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste; "On waste disposal", "On waste incineration", "On waste petroleum products", "On decommissioned vehicles", "On waste management of extractive industries", based on Directive 2008/98 / EC, 1999 / 31 / EC, 2010/75 / EC, etc. The main tasks of the National Waste Management Plan are the definition of specific socio-political, institutional, organizational, technical, regulatory, technological measures provided for by this Strategy, responsible executors and terms of implementation of measures, sources and amounts of financial support, means of monitoring the state of implementation of measures and monitoring the results of the reform in the field of waste management. Approves the National Waste Management Plan of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Regional waste management plans are developed to facilitate the implementation of this Strategy no later than two years after its approval and agree with the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Regional Development in accordance with their competence. The approved regional waste management plan is the basis for financing from the state and local budgets. Regional waste management plans should cover all activities that fall under the authority of local executive bodies in the field of waste management, and include: • analysis of the current situation in the field of waste management in the region; • defining goals and activities; • analysis to select the optimal waste management system (infrastructure for collection, separate collection, processing, processing and disposal) and the practical measures necessary for its implementation;

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• definition of the geographical boundaries of the interregional territories for which the plan has been developed and which must together use the services of the landfill or processing enterprise; • determine the responsibilities of various institutions and organizations that will be involved in the implementation of measures and actions, costs and possible sources of funding. Another type of tools which activates the eco development of the national model of the “green” economy are projects, which is funded by European Union. Namely “Marine and River Litter Elimination New Approach-MARLENA” (further-MARLENA) which is realized at the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 (further-BSB) is set towards union of the forces against pollution near the Black sea, rivers, protected areas and nature reserves or in the vicinity of the Black sea basin. All 5 target regions are in BSBasin and have rich biological diversity and tourism potential. Project aims at jointly raising public awareness and education regarding river and marine litter problems, the value of biodiversity and environmental protection for target audiences such as youth, tourists, business, local communities and authorities, educational organizations. Particular attention is paid to development of environmentally and responsible-citizenship and ecological behavior among youth. MARLENA aims to strength community action and to involve local population in promotion and implementation of cross-border Black Sea Basin coastal and river clean-up campaigns and share good experiences in this field in reducing and eliminating pollution. Group of activities are as follows: Joint Management activities-meetings, reporting, joint implementation activities: -1st group: better cooperation of organizations in BSB - survey on existing policy and legislation, networks and cooperation initiative to reduce river and marine litter in BSB; development of focus groups: waste management, illegal dumping and landfill sites on riverbanks/protection of the important natural areas from the water pollutions; guide with the good waste management practices of local authorities and environmental organizations, round tables and conferences between the partners, joint platform for signalization for wastes and illegal dumping sites, initiation of cross-border joint actions in 5 languages; -2d group - straightening capacity of local interested organizations: small –scale investment works will be implemented on the territory of 2 partners for solving common environmental issues: promotion of a good European practice for the use of a separate waste collection system in Bulgaria and Elimination and reduction of illegal dumping and landfill sites on riverbank in Demirkoy, Turkey and turning it into a beautiful park. Capacity building trainings of the local authorities, good practice exchanges. - 3rd group: activities for increasing of the public awareness and enhance of public include: wide awareness campaign in Black sea basin countries including: informational meetings, Preparation ‘responsible-citizenship’ guidelines for children and students, tourists, and visitors , River and sea-cost clean up informational campaigns, organization of eco actions and eco camps for enhancing the ecological culture of youth. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. Summarizing the foregoing, one can suppose that the levers of institutional strengthening of the process of environmentalization of the Ukrainian national model of the "green" economy can be considered: 1. Dynamics of institutional and legislative and regulatory reforms in Ukraine regarding the implementation of the green economy model in the state policy mechanism; 2. Development of state and regional institutes of governance; 3. Transformation of public relations and modification of administrative management with saturation of its ecological dominant; 4. Development of measures for identifying priority segments of national development ecologization; Taking into account the aforementioned, the concept of the development of the "green" economy should determine: 1. An economic component that cements the growth of economic potential in a sectoral view of the state; 2. Social component, which serves as a basis for improving the life support system of the Ukrainian population; 3. The ecological component, which forms the basis for implementation of ecologically safe policy of the state. The said confirms the urgency and importance of the institutional provision for activation of the greening process of the Ukrainian national green economy model, which should include the main legislative

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regulations of the state environmental policy and the international tendencies of ecologization of social development on the principles of the "green" economy.

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УДК 658.114.5:658,588,5(045) JEL L23

KOVALEVSKYI S.V. Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Head of the Department of Technological Engineering of Machines Donbaska mashinobudіvna academy_ya. Akademichna street, 72., t. Kramatorsk, Ukraine, 84313 Е-mail:[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4708-4091

KOVALEVSKA O.S. Cand. tech. Sciences, associate professor, doctoral student, National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" (Kyiv Polytechnic Institute of the Institute of Igor Sikorsky). Ave. Victory, 37, m. Kyiv, 03056 ORCID: 0000-0002-5884-0430

OSIPOV V.M. Dr. Econ. Sciences, professor science scholar co-worker Institute of Market Problems and Economic and Environmental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine French Boulevard, 29, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1657-9849


Topicality. . Ensuring reliable functioning of equipment and mechanisms by forming a machine-building cluster, which reduces the idle time as a result of the creation of flexible technological systems based on numerically controlled machine tools. The reliability of the functioning of production facilities created at the machine-building and processing enterprises is achieved not only by high-quality manufacturing, but also by the level of service, which is a continuous support of the working capacity of machines and mechanisms, based on the timely provision of spare parts and repair and maintenance products. Aim and tasks The purpose of the article is to search for innovative model of repair production, based on ensuring its flexibility through adaptive reconfiguration of technological equipment, focused on supporting the life cycle of the main production. Development of high-performance technologies, aimed at achieving advantages in the selected sectors of the economy. Research results. The conceptualization of the maintenance of the machine-repair function in the structure of the reconfigurable multi-cluster cluster, formed on the innovation platform of the machine-assembly shop on the basis of mobile intelligent machines with kinematics of a parallel structure, was realized. The gamma (dimensional series) of elements of the reconfigurable manufacturing system on the basis of mobile machines with parallel kinematics and intelligent control systems, which allows maintenance of a machine-repair cluster on the basis of reconfigurable productions, is developed. The proposed concept can be offered as a market product in the form of a gamut of mobile machines with intelligent control for different productions. The concept of reconfigurable multi-nomenclature production, based on a fundamentally new approach to layout, in particular, a mechanic-assembly shop of competitive production with the use of mobile intelligent machines with kinematics of a parallel structure, has been formed. The method of position identification, kinematic and dynamic parameters of mechanisms with the parallel kinematics structure, of which mobile machines are composed, is developed. Conclusions. The proposed ideology of the formation of the production structure of the cluster will ensure the consolidation of all types of capital: production, labor, financial, social and create conditions for the synergistic effect as a result of constructive interaction in the process of functioning of the BRMK. Key words: machine-repair production, cluster, flexible production-technological systems, CNC machines.

2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 91 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

КОВАЛЕВСЬКИЙ С.В. д-р техн. наук, професор, завідувач кафедри технології машинобудування Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія. Академічна вулиця, 72., м. Краматорськ, Україна, 84313 Е-mail:[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4708-4091

КОВАЛЕВСЬКА О. С. канд. техн. наук, доцент, докторант, Національний технічний університет України «КПІ» (Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського). просп. Перемоги, 37, м. Київ, 03056 ORCID: 0000-0002-5884-0430

ОСИПОВ В.М., д-р екон. наук, професор,ст.наук. співроб. Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail:[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1657-9849


Актуальність. Забезпечення надійного функціонування обладнання і механізмів за рахунок формування машинобудівного кластера, що знижує тривалість простоїв в результаті створення гнучких технологічних систем на базі верстатів з числовим програмним управлінням та реконфігуруємих технологічних систем. Надійність функціонування виробничих потужностей, що створені на машинобудівних і переробних підприємствах досягається не тільки високоякісним виготовленням, а й рівнем обслуговування, а це є безперервною підтримкою працездатності машин і механізмів, що засноване на своєчасному забезпеченні запасними частинами і ремонтно- експлуатаційними виробами. Мета та завдання. Метою статті є пошук інноваційної моделі ремонтного виробництва, заснованого на забезпеченні його гнучкості шляхом адаптивної реконфігурації технологічного обладнання, що орієнтоване на підтримку життєвого циклу основного виробництва. Розробка високопродуктивних технологій, спрямованих на досягнення переваг в виділених секторах економіки. Результати. Здійснено концептуалізацію забезпечення машиноремонтної функції в структурі реконфігуруємого багатономеклатурного кластера, сформованого на інноваційній платформі механоскладального цеху на базі мобільних інтелектуальних верстатів з кінематикою паралельної структури. Розроблена гамма (розмірний ряд) елементів реконфігурованої виробничої системи на базі мобільних верстатів з паралельною кінематикою і інтелектуальних систем управління, що дозволяє підтримувати машиноремонтний кластер на базі реконфігурованих виробництв. Запропонована концепція може бути запропонована як ринковий товар у вигляді гами мобільних верстатів з інтелектуальним управлінням для різних виробництв. Сформована концепція реконфігуруємого багатономенклатурного виробництва, заснованого на принципово новому підході до компонування, зокрема, механоскладального цеху конкурентоспроможного виробництва із застосуванням мобільних інтелектуальних верстатів з кінематикою паралельної структури. Розроблено метод ідентифікації положення, кінематичних і динамічних параметрів механізмів з кінематикою паралельної структурі, з яких складаються мобільні верстати-роботи. Висновки. Запропонована ідеологія формування виробничої структури кластера забезпечить консолідацію всіх видів капіталів: виробничого, трудового, фінансового, соціального і створить умови для отримання синергетичного ефекту в результаті конструктивної взаємодії в процесі функціонування БРМК. Ключові слова: машиноремонтне виробництво, кластер, гнучкі виробничо-технологічні системи, верстати з ЧПУ.

Problem statement and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. The production capacities created at machine-building and processing enterprises vary greatly from universal to highly

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automated equipment and automated systems. The reliability of their operation is achieved not only by high- quality manufacturing but also by the level of service. In particular, it is continuous support of the working capacity of machines and mechanisms involved in continuous processes, based on the timely provision of spare parts and repair and maintenance products [1]. Analysis of recent publications on the problem. Based on the experience of the main mechanics of enterprises and the assessment of the impact of the conditions and modes of operation of the main equipment on the costs associated with the maintenance and repair of this technique, it can be concluded that optimization of the repair base and the maintenance rules of the equipment of the main production allows more than 50% increase the number of operational equipment without removing it from the production cycle [2, 3, 4, 5]. Optimization of spare parts stocks also increases the reliability of machinery of the main production [6, 7]. However, there is no information about the organization of repair production on the basis of modern ideas about flexible manufacturing, based on the concept of reconfigurable production systems. Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. The main energy-consuming equipment of large enterprises, which can include processing and logistics complexes, have a long operating life, which negatively affects reliability and leads to higher costs for maintaining its efficiency. At the same time, there are no promising system solutions aimed at a radical reconstruction of the existing repair production. Also, there are no substantiated decisions related to the necessity of constant updating of the equipment and its adaptation to the nomenclature of spare parts and constantly changing repair and maintenance products. Formulation of research objectives. The purpose of the study is to find an innovative model of repair production, based on providing its flexibility through adaptive reconfiguration of technological equipment, focused on supporting the life cycle of the main production. Outline of the main results and their justification. The most effective form of economic organization and interaction in the implementation of the tasks is a cluster that should be defined as a voluntary association of engineering and operating machine-repair enterprises, consumers of their products and services and service outsourcing companies united in a single innovative investment platform. Consolidating the basis for the cluster to be social capital, ensuring effective exogenous and endogenous production and information links that allow you to get the maximum synergistic result which should be distributed transparently between the founders and members of the cluster. [8] Such comprehensive paradigm lies in the economic experiment, implemented within Adzhalyksky transport and logistics hub for example maintenance of cargo handling equipment that almost all 26 stevedore companies that are part of this contact zone "land-sea". Based on the pilot project (Phase 1 experiment) carried out under the TIS group companies – Trans- invest-service planned to test the organizational and economic mechanism of repair and optimize the operational management of the service handling equipment. Given the strategic perspective of a moulded hub, estimated at $ 3 billion worth of investment. by 2038., the economic efficiency of the developed engineering cluster has significant potential both in the short-term and in the long-term period. At the initial stage of constructing a cluster, the following models may be used: a) Cluster, the creation of which focuses on the creation of a joint management body in which members of the cluster delegate their representatives, giving them the right to take decisions in the area of competence of a policy document cluster (logistics, investment, introducing effective technologies, search for contractors to create innovative technologies, etc.) b) A cluster, in the creation of which the primary value is the accumulation of total funds of cluster members for further implementation of program objectives. c) A cluster, the creation of which begins with the creation of a budget for the implementation of program objectives, with the determination of the stake contributions of cluster members. g) Cluster. the construction of which occurs through the creation of a business enterprise-legal entity, or without such - within the framework of the agreement on joint activities involving the bank as a body controlling the spending of funds. Maintenance of processes associated with downtime and high costs, such as loading and unloading, is of paramount importance because tens of thousands of hryvnias cost an idle time. Such is the servicing of transport and lifting - transport mechanisms on the railroad, or sea freight transport. It is also important for the maintenance of warehouses.

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Repair production of the services of chief mechanic is traditionally equipped with machining equipment, the technological capabilities of which depend on its standard sizes, qualifications of machine-tool workers and the level of automation of production. A variety of spare parts and repair and maintenance products require the maintenance of a large park of technological equipment. This increases the cost of spare parts and repair and maintenance products and the risks increase the duration of idle equipment involved in cargo handling and logistics operations. This is a way to increase losses from the downtime of the main freight transport of seaports and railways. One of the factors behind the increase in the cost of repairs is the formation of a park of technological equipment on the principle: "for all occasions." The need for purchase and its subsequent use is dictated by the features of the range of spare parts and repair and maintenance products - instability in time and a large range of sizes and requirements to them. However, this property of this nomenclature has a close affinity to the requirements of the market, to the variety and variability of products that participate in the market environment. A traditional approach to addressing this issue involves the creation of flexible manufacturing technology systems based on numerical control equipment. The high cost of flexible manufacturing complexes (FMC) is one of the main reasons for the low level of their acceptance or satisfaction. Unlike specialized systems, CNC machines are not designed to meet the technological needs of spare parts production. Rather, CNC machines of general purpose are constructed before the manufacturer selects the machines and before the process of planning is started to adapt the machine and the process to the part. Flexible systems and machines are created with all possible functionality since the machine tool manufacturer does not know in advance the area of the use of the processing centre, which creates the main expense. Thus, providing the general assumption that the VHS is capable of producing: any product (within a given family), in any combination of parts and in any sequence. This approach increases the cost because it requires a parallel system structure for FMC, which uses powerful processing centers of general purpose with a very large tool magazine and multiple tool sets, which is a very costly solution. However, there is a stable low level of performance of such systems at a high-cost level. Assuming that the complexity of manufacturing of products is directly proportional to the complexity of the product and inversely proportional to the technological capabilities of equipment , then the characteristic of the multi-choice production is the set of ∑ , which is related to the speed of release products with the following ratio (1): ∑ ∑ ∫ ( ) (1) where ( ) is the speed of satisfaction with the technological system of the needs for spare parts and repair and maintenance products.

For the function ( ) , where α is an index of its nonlinearity (α> 1), expression (1) takes the form (2):

[ ]

[ ]

∑ = ∑ ∑ ∑ (2)

From this, we can conclude that the range of complexity of spare parts and REI requires the adaptation of technological capabilities equipment machinery repair facilities. In fact, the functional connection ( )

and equation (2) represent the process connection of the nomenclature ∑ and the technological capabilities of the equipment, -any moment of time these opportunities should be flexible to meet the continuity of satisfaction of repair and operational needs. Therefore, the improvement of production and technological systems is the most important component of the development of the production of new products, which can compete in the machine-building market for a long period of time. The problems associated with the use of equipment that has formed these production facilities are shared by us because of the fact that the traditional technological processing systems of materials have approached their technological limit and almost completely exhausted their resources and opportunities for significant improvement of technical and economic indicators [10 , 12, 13, 17]. Among these problems is the provision of technological flexibility of equipment in the conditions of multi-choice production with a wide range of product parameters, and one of the ways of solving this problem is the concept of reconfigured clusters of main equipment [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]. Particular prospects for the rebuilding of the machine-building park of machine-assembly workshops open up mobile machine tools on the basis of mechanisms with the kinematics of a parallel structure [11, 12, 13, 14, 17].

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Reconfigurable production systems is a new production approach that not only combines the high throughput of specialized lines with flexible FMC but also is able to respond to changes quickly and efficiently. This is achieved through the design of the system and its machines, adapting the structures that allow system scalability in response to market demands and system adaptation to new products. The structure can be corrected at the system level and at the machine level (change of machine hardware and software management, for example, adding spindles, or changing tool store) [19,20]. Functional capabilities and cost-determine the difference between reconfigurable production systems, traditional automatic lines and FMC. While automatic lines and FMCs are installed in full functionality, the PBX changes capabilities and functionality over a long period of time, as the system responds to changing circumstances in the market. Thus, the reconfigurable systems differ from their existing systems with their ability to change. The main advantage is the ability to have the given flexibility for manufactured products. It is also very beneficial to manufacturers that the fact that, with its flexibility for flexibility, the PBC is much cheaper than existing flexible systems. This is due to the use of cheaper equipment. The formation of a progressive method of mechanic-assembly shop requires the specification of its features, similar to the scheme of causal relationships, proposed (Fig. 1).

Increasing the flexibility of production on the basis of mobile machine tools

Exclusion of a person - the Increase the level of Increasing the mobility of operator of CNC machine metal-cutting machine tools automation of production tools

Reducing the duration Increased requirements Reducing the value of fixed Exclusion of human of technological for the production assets factor preparation of environment production

Reducing the cost of Application of New functionality metal cutting complex control machines systems

Reduced metal Increasing variability Optimize the working The inclusion of complex capacity and energy equipment space of a mobile flexible automated intensity of equipment configurations machine systems

Updating the Integration in the Management based on monitoring and solution of production neural network models diagnostic system tasks

Fig. 1 Interconnection of features of production on the basis of mobile machines with kinematics of parallel structure Source: author's development As shown in the scheme, the use of mobile machines with the use of mechanisms requires the complex management of their executive units, which are based on fundamentally new methods and methods of control and diagnosis of new equipment, technological processes and products. And the introduction of mobile machines provides:

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- change of the structure of the production environment by changing the layout of equipment, an organization of working space, transportation; - change of properties of components of the environment; - reduction of the information entropy of the environment; - change of energy saturation of the environment; - change of information saturation environment; - change of intellectual properties of the environment. This list is based on the development of operations of technological, energy, information and communication production support. Unlike mobile robots, here under the working environment to understand the environment of the work piece or product to be collected. As you know, for the processes of processing billets of parts and assembling machines requires the accuracy of the movements of the actuator. Standard model also requires high accuracy of implementation (within 1-2 microns). This is the difference between work on the research of mobile adaptive robots and works on research in the field of creation of mobile intelligent robot machines. Of course, this level of autonomy of mobile machines is the highest. In works [15, 16] the reasons for the need to optimize the management of complex mechanisms of technological machines are presented, as well as models of processes for controlling equipment with parallel kinematics, which are effective on the criteria of energy consumption, using their dynamic and static models. It is shown that in an undesired range of speeds of a working body when implementing such control, we can not take into account the masses and inertial parameters of elements of such equipment. However, the main advantages of equipment with parallel kinematics are most pronounced in the conditions of high velocity of movement of actuators with a given accuracy of the trajectory of moving the instrument and its positioning. We have developed a method for identifying the position, kinematic and dynamic parameters of mechanisms with parallel kinematics, of which mobile machines are composed. Excitement of the design of the experimental machine tool by a low-power acoustic signal with the distribution of signals of the same amplitude allows us to determine the dependences F (A, t) ≡x (t), y (t), z (t), where F (A, t) is the excitatory signal x (t), y (t), z (t) - coordinates of the actual point of the object. These data can be used to control the positioning of the executive link of the mechanism with parallel kinematics. In this regard, the purpose of the presented study is to confirm the possibility of a multicomponent analysis of the parameters of objects (processes and equipment). As an informative source of the diagnostic signal, it is necessary to use its amplitude-frequency characteristic of the object's own oscillations in the acoustic range. For research, a fast calculation algorithm for the discrete Fourier transform [11] using the FFT analyzer was used. The estimation of the spectral density is carried out in accordance with the known realization of the XR (t) signal by generating from it a discrete sequence x (n), n → 0,1, ..., N 1 and processing this sequence in accordance with the given quantization. Manage executive mechanisms of a technological machine with mechanisms of parallel structure is a complex problem whose solution can be obtained on the basis of solving the problems of kinematics and dynamics of executive mechanisms. As a result, conditions can be created for the precise positioning of working bodies of executive mechanisms at optimal speeds and accelerations of their movements in a given trajectory. For these purposes, management systems should be equipped with informative object identification systems. To confirm this, we propose the results of experimental studies that provide the basis for the establishment of systems for the diagnosis of kinematics and dynamics of the mechanism, on the basis of which the authors create mobile machines for use in reconfigurable production systems of mechanical processing. Method of experimental research. The purpose of the research is to build a neural network reference model for diagnosing the current characteristics of the object. The choice of diagnosed characteristics of an object is determined by the tasks of object management: - an increase of accuracy of positioning of the mechanism of the object; - ensuring the dynamic adjustment of the executive mechanism; - optimization of the trajectories of displacements of the working body. According to the indicators of the experimental base created, the neural network diagnostic models were constructed by the authors of the work: - a configuration of the mechanism;

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- geometric parameters of the mechanism when working motor-spindle; - dynamics of movement of knots of the mechanism of the experimental stand with variable speed and load on the drive; - changes in the temperature of the object. This allowed to solve the following tasks of object management: - increase the accuracy of the positioning of the object's actuator; - providing dynamic adjustment of the executive mechanism; - optimization of trajectories of displacements of the working body. The adequacy of the models is confirmed by a multiple excesses of the calculated value of Fisher's criterion over its table value for the given probability of error for models of m inputs – frequency ranges of the acoustic spectrum constructed on n lines of the tuple of the output data. To create the intellectual control system, the main components of the reconfigurable production are the method of acoustic diagnostics for the mechanisms of technological machines (machines - robots), which allow to diagnose their different conditions in different conditions. It is shown the possibility of using the proposed approach to the management of complex technological machines, such as machines with mechanisms based on parallel kinematics to improve the accuracy of the positioning of actuators, ensuring their dynamic adjustment and optimizing the trajectories of displacements of work equipment bodies (including cutting tools). All this allows you to expand the range of opportunities to increase the accuracy and performance of their work. The search for complex trajectories with variable coordinates and derivatives of the first and second order of the trajectory of the movement allows you to determine and predict the state of the object at any given time. In this way, conditions are created to control the position of the working body of the mobile machine tool-robot, taking into account the current working conditions of the machine tool (good and weakly formalized) variables. On the basis of the presented developments of the authors the concept of reconfigurable multicomponent production, based on a fundamentally new approach to the layout, in particular, mechanic-assembly shop of competitive production with the use of mobile intelligent machines with the kinematics of a parallel structure, has been formed. Conceptually, this concept implies the presence in the mechanic-assembly shop of units such as: - a plot of land on the basis of a machine of continuous casting of billets in conjunction with a part rolling mill; - a mechanical site, which is a platform for the installation of mobile machines with a system of intellectual control; - a section of assembly and disassembly of mobile machines with the kinematics of parallel kinematics, - assembly area of the main products. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. To implement the proposed concept, the authors developed a gamma (dimensional series) of elements of a reconfigurable production system based on mobile machines with parallel kinematics and intelligent control systems that allow the maintenance of a machine- repair cluster based on reconstructed productions. At the same time, the proposed concept can be offered as a market product in the form of a gamut of mobile machines with intelligent control for various industries.

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UDC 504.054 JEL Q25, Q43

KUPINETS L.E. Dr.Sc. (Economics), Prof. Institute Of Market Problems And Economic&Ecological Research of the National Academy Of Sciences Of Ukraine Frantsuzskiy Boulevard, 29, Odessa, Ukraine Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9251-4014

SHERSHUN O.M. Lead engineer Institute Of Market Problems And Economic&Ecological Research of the National Academy Of Sciences Of Ukraine Frantsuzskiy Boulevard, 29, Odessa, Ukraine Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8595-269X


Topicality. The problem of anthropogenic impact reducing on atmospheric air is especially relevant to date. Ukraine ranks one of the first places in the world of mortality rate from environmental pollution and one of the main sources of pollution is the operation of coal installations. Most of the equipment of the large power plants of Ukraine is in the pre-critical state, it is morally and physically obsolete. Unsatisfactory condition of environmental technologies and non-compliance with international requirements of the cleaning of atmospheric air emissions from the thermal power plants are the urgent issues of the current international economic and environmental policy of the country. Aim and tasks are to determine the prospects of introducing and improving the environmental management system at Large Combustion Plants in Ukraine in the context of the National Plan for Reducing Emissions to reduce the environmental risks posed by pollutant emissions from heat power plants and the entry of Ukraine into the international stage in the field of ecology and energy. Research results. The article examines the main environmental risks caused by the operation of heat energy facilities and international requirements that Ukraine must fulfill in the near future. Also reviewed are the possible risks faced by the objects of heat power in the path of environmentalization. Based on the research, implementation of the ecological management system at Large Combustion Plants of Ukraine in the context of the National Plan for Reducing Emissions is proposed in order to reduce the potential risks of environmentalization and rational use of the resource potential of heat power sector enterprises. The possible ways of introducing the ecological management system and the impact of such modernization of heat power engineering objects on the international status of Ukraine as a country that has joined the international initiatives are determined. An example of a successful introduction of the environmental management system at the heat energy project of Ukraine related to large combustion plants and its compliance with the requirements of the National Plan for Reducing Emissions is given. Conclusions. The introduction of the environmental management system will enable heat energy facilities to rapidly and rationally transition to new technologies, fulfill international requirements and, in turn, reduce to a minimum the risks associated with atmospheric air pollution. Key words: energy, environmental protection, Large Combustion Plants, sustainable development, emission reduction technologies.

КУПІНЕЦЬ Л.Є. д-р екон. наук, проф. Завідуюча відділом Інститут проблем ринку та економіко- екологічних досліджень НАНУ Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9251-4014

2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 101 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

ШЕРШУН О.М. Провідний інженер Інститут проблем ринку та економіко- екологічних досліджень НАНУ Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8595-269X


Актуальність. Проблема зменшення антропогенного впливу на атмосферне повітря на сьогоднішній день є особливо актуальною. Україна займає одне з перших місць у світі по рівню смертності від забруднення навколишнього середовища, а одним із головних джерел забруднення являється функціонування вугільних установок. Більшість устаткування потужних теплоелектростанцій та теплоелектроцентралей України знаходиться в передкритичному стані, є морально і фізично застарілими. Незадовільний стан природоохоронних технологій та невідповідна міжнародним вимогам очистка викидів в атмосферне повітря від об’єктів теплоенергетики є нагальними питаннями сучасної міжнародної економічної та екологічної політики країни. Мета та завдання полягає у визначенні перспектив введення та удосконалення системи екологічного менеджменту на великих спалювальних установках України в контексті Національного плану скорочення викидів задля зменшення екологічних ризиків, які спричинені викидами забруднюючих речовин від об’єктів теплоенергетики та виходу України на міжнародну арену в галузі екології та енергетики. Результати. У статті дослідженні основні екологічні ризики, що спричинені функціонуванням об’єктів теплоенергетики та міжнародні вимоги, які Україна повинна виконати найблищим часом. Також розглянуті можливі ризики з якими імовірно зіштовхнуться об’єкти теплоенергетики на шляху екологізації. На основі проведеного дослідження запропоновано впровадження системи екологічного менеджменту на великих спалювальних установках України в контексті Національного плану скорочення викидів задля зменшення можливих ризиків екологізації та раціонального використання ресурсного потенціалу підприємств теплоенергетичної галузі. Визначені можливі шляхи запровадження системи екологічного менеджменту та вплив подібної модернізації об’єктів теплоенергетики на міжнародний статус України, як країни що приєдналась до міжнародних ініціатив. Наведено приклад успішного введення системи екологічного менеджменту на об’єкті теплоенергетики України, що відноситься до великих спалювальних установок, та відповідність її виконання вимогам Національного плану скорочення викидів. Висновки. Введення системи екологічного менеджменту дозволить об’єктам теплоенергетики здійснити швидкий та раціональний перехід на нові технології, виконати міжнародні вимоги і, в свою чергу, скоротити до мінімуму ризики, пов’язані із забрудненням атмосферного повітря. Ключові слова: енергетика, охорона навколишнього середовища, великі спалювальні установки, сталий розвиток, технології скорочення викидів.

Problem statement and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. Energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable use of nature are priority areas for the development of science and technology [1], therefore, at the present stage of Ukraine's existence, one of the priority issues is to ensure sustainable development of the energy sector of the economy and the implementation of international requirements for the functioning of energy facilities. This is possible if proper management of the environment will be introduced, scientific and technological progress will be used and Ukraine in the framework of modern socio-economic realities. Analysis of recent publications on the problem. Scientists of the Institute of General Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine study the problems of the structural development of the energy sector of the country and the key directions of development of its fuel and energy complex taking into account environmental requirements. Researches in the field of modeling, forecasting and means of reducing the man- caused pollution of the environment by the objects of energy are carried out at the G. E. Pukhov Institute of Modelling Problem in Power Engineering. At the Coal Energy Technology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, methods of diagnostics and reduction of pollutant emissions from energy objects are developed.

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Issues of environmental engineering of energy objects are considered by foreign institutions such as the Institute of Energy Studies (Washington, USA), the Institute of Energy (London, Great Britain), the Aberdeen Institute of Energy (Scotland). Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. Since at present in Ukraine, low number of enterprises have implemented and confirmed the system of environmental management (SEM, hereinafter referred to as the Standard), especially in the field of heat power engineering, and the National Plan for Reducing Emissions from Large Combustion Plants (NPRE, hereinafter referred to as the Plan) has been developed and approved only in 2017, there are currently no data on the effectiveness of the introduction of SEM in the framework of the NPRE. Formulation of research objectives (problem statement). The purpose of the article is to determine the prospects for the introduction and improvement of the environmental management system at Large Combustion Plants of Ukraine in the context of the National Plan for Reducing Emissions to reduce the environmental risks posed by emissions of pollutants from the thermal power plants. An outline of the main results and their justification. The issue of atmospheric air pollution has recently been particularly acute. According to a September 27, 2016 issue, in the newspaper The Guardian, which referred to a study by a group of scientists at the World Health Organization (WHO), Ukraine ranks first in mortality rate by air pollution. In absolute terms, Ukraine ranks 6th behind China, India, Russia, Indonesia and Pakistan [2]. In addition, the study showed that one of the main sources of pollution is the functioning of coal plants. Also, according to the world map of coal-fired power plants developed by the Carbon Brief site (the site highlights recent developments in the field of climate science, climate and energy policy), all Ukrainian thermal power plants, which are presented on the map, are in a subcritical state [3]. For comparison, some European countries are planning to shut down a part of a power plant in a similar technical condition in the near future, and countries such as France, Great Britain, Italy, Australia and Canada have plans to shut down all their TPPs at all. Since Ukraine has chosen a different policy, namely, the reconstruction and environmentalization of energy facilities, its activities should be regulated by international requirements. It is important to note that one of the main goals of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2035 "Security, Energy Efficiency, Competitiveness" is the integration of gas and electricity markets and relevant transport networks as well as Ukraine's oil transportation system into the EU energy space [4]. That is, the problem of emission reductions is not only an issue of Ukraine's environmental security, but also an urgent issue of European integration. Ukraine, which was a member of the Energy Community since February 1, 2011, [5] committed itself to complying with the terms of the Treaty establishing the Energy Community and its annexes. According to Annex II to the Treaty, all Large Combustion Plants were to comply with the requirements of Directive 2001/80 / EC on limitations of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants after 31.12.2017. Similar requirements are put forward in the order of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine dated October 22, 2008 No. 541 "On Approval of Technological Norms for Permitted Emissions of Pollutants from Heat-Power Installations with a Nominal Heat Capacity of which exceeds 50 MW" [6]. Directive 2010/75 / EU on industrial emissions (hereinafter referred to as Directive 2010/75/EU), as amended by Directive 2001/80 / EC, introduced significant changes to existing EU legislation for large combustion plants. One of the most important changes is the more stringent emission limit values for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust emitted by large combustion plants. These requirements came into force in the EU for new combustion plants from January 1, 2016 [7, 8]. According to directive 2010/75/EU, operators who service incinerators should carry out the environmentalization of their own enterprises for their own funds, this factor and significant volumes of work did not allow Ukraine to fulfill the requirements of detectives on time. As the current situation with the operation of large combustion plants does not meet the European requirements, the National Plan for Reducing Emissions from Large Combustion Plants was developed by the Ministry of Energy and the Coal Industry. The final draft of the Plan was developed in March 2015. Finally, the project, with some changes, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on November 8, 2017, and on June 13, 2018, was approved the plan of measures for the current implementation of the National Plan for emission reductions from large combustion plants. The main objective of the Plan is to reduce emissions of pollutants from large combustion plants such as dust, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.

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The impact of such emissions was considered in the report - "Europe's dark cloud. How coal-burning countries are making their neighbors sick". According to the report [9]:  EU’s currently operational coal-fired power plants were responsible for about 22,900 premature deaths in 2013: this can be compared to 26,000 deaths in road traffic accidents in the EU the same year;  The coal plants were responsible for 11,800 new cases of chronic bronchitis and 21,000 hospital admissions in 2013;  The health impacts of EU coal created an overall bill of 32,4 to 62,3 billion Euros. The risks associated with the operation of the heat power facilities are presented in Figure 1. Analyzing Figure 1, we can conclude that most of the risks caused by the operation of heat energy facilities are related to the release of pollutants into the atmosphere. It should also be concluded that the reduction of emissions from Large Combustion Plants is not only a question of compliance with international requirements, but also a socio-economic problem, since increased morbidity, mortality and loss of working days can affect the demographic and economic performance of the country.

The risks are caused by the operation of heat energy facilities

The impact on the Impacts on the Impact on ground The impact on living organisms atmosphere hydrosphere cover

Influence on flora (metabolic disorders, Formation of Thermal pollution leaves and shoots) various types Excessive of smogs accumulation of pollutants received Influence on the fauna (accumulation through of pollutants in the tissues of the Chemical contaminated organism, the extinction of especially Formation of pollution atmospheric sensitive organisms, violation of the (untreated or precipitation trophic chains) acid rain insufficiently treated wastewater, contaminated Depletion of precipitation, dust Pollution and the ozone and ashes coming ashing soil Human impact (short-term (limited layer from surface (through the hours of activity, loss of working days, runoff) atmosphere) etc.), long-term (reduction of life expectancy, increased mortality, etc.), impact on reproductive function (preterm birth, low fetal weight, etc.)

Ashing of soil (ash slag-dumps)

Fig. 1 - Environmental risks caused by the operation of heat energy facilities Source: developed by the author according to [9, 10]

Figure 2 shows the aggregate limits of gross emissions of plants in the Plan from December 31, 2018 to December 31, 2033. As can be seen from the figure, the emission reductions of nitrogen oxides are observed throughout the all period of the Plan, while emissions of dust and sulfur dioxide should be minimized until December 31, 2028. It should also be noted that the highest emission reductions are observed for sulfur dioxide.

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Tons/year 1200000 sulfur dioxide 1000000 800000 nitrogen 600000 oxides 400000 dust 200000 0 Year*

Fig. 2 - Cumulative limits of gross emissions of installations in the national emission reduction plan Source: developed by the author according to [6]. Notes: *data are presented at the end of the year.

Since the main purpose of the Plan is to reduce the negative impact of Large Combustion Plants on the environment (primarily on atmospheric air), as well as to bring the functioning of the Ukrainian large combustion plants to the European requirements, it can serve as a trigger mechanism for the establishment and development of the environmental management system on the above-mentioned installations and introduction ISO 14000 standards that promote: - minimizing the negative impact of the organization's activities on the environment; - functioning of the enterprise in the framework of the current legislation, in compliance with the rules and other environmentally-oriented requirements; - continuous improvement of the existing system of ecological management; - exchange of useful information. All standards of this family have been developed in such a way that they can be used both together and independently of each other. The basic standard in the ISO 14000 series is ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems – Requirements with guidance for use. The purpose of the Standard is to provide organizations with a regulatory framework for environmental protection and answers to changing environmental conditions considering socio-economic interests. A systemic approach to environmental management can provide information to achieve success over the long term and create opportunities for sustainable development through: - protection of the environment by preventing or reducing the negative impact on it; - reduction of the possible negative impact of environmental conditions on the organization; - assistance to the organization in fulfilling the mandatory requirements; - improvement of environmental indicators; - control or influence the ways in which products and services the organization designed, produced, consumed and disposed of using the concept of life cycle that can prevent unintended shifting environmental impact at other stages of the life cycle; - achievement of financial and operational advantages, which can be the result of the implementation of environmentally-friendly initiatives that strengthen the market positions of the organization; - exchange of environmental information with stakeholders. This International Standard is based on the methodology known as Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA). PDCA can be briefly described as follows [11]: — Plan: establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the organization's environmental policy; — Do: implement the processes; — Check: monitor and measure processes against environmental policy, objectives, targets, legal and other requirements, and report the results; — Act: take actions to continually improve performance of the environmental management system.

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In general, the methodology describes a plan of action similar to that described in the National Plan for Reducing Emissions. Figure 3 shows the scheme of interchangeability of the concepts presented in ISO 14001 and the National Plan for Reducing Emissions from Large Combustion Plants. Plan-Do-Check-Act National Plan for Reducing Emissions from Large Combustion Plants Purpose: to reduce emissions of pollutants such as Plan dust, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides Processes: development of a plan of measures for reducing emissions of pollutants

Do Implementation of emission reduction measures

Assessment and monitoring of emissions of combustion plants included in the National Plan for Reducing Emissions; Check Reporting to the Secretariat of the Energy Community.


Fig. 3 Scheme of interchangeability of the concepts presented in ISO 14001 and in the National Plan for Reducing Emissions from Large Combustion Plants Source: author's development The only one missing in the National Plan for Reducing Emissions is possible directions for improving the implementation of emission reduction measures from large combustion plants. The introduction of the ISO 14001 standard will enable the Large Combustion Plants included in the Plan to evolve in this direction, as it will allow for international consultation with organizations and enterprises that have already introduced and refined their environmental management system. According to the Plan, there are currently 223 Large Combustion Plants in Ukraine, of which 90 are included in the Plan, and which are expected to reduce pollutant emissions by implementing appropriate technologies (Table 1). Table 1 Emission reduction technologies The presence of operators of № Name of technology Short name equipment installation in Ukraine 1 Fabric filter FF is not available 2 Wet desulfurization WD is not available 3 Semi-dry desulfurization SDD is not available 4 Selective non-catalytic reduction SNCR is not available 5 Selective catalytic reduction SCR is not available 6 Newest integrated desulphurization NID is not available 7 Electrofilter E available Source: generalized on the basis of [6].

For most of the emission reduction technologies presented in the National Plan for Reducing Emissions, there are no enterprises or organizations that develop, sell or install the necessary equipment within Ukraine. This means that Large Combustion Plants must cooperate with the countries of the near abroad and use experience of the representatives of the heat energy sector, which has already been certified according to ISO 14001. Also, these technologies are quite costly. According to the national emission reduction plan, the total financial resources needs for gas purification will amount to 2,615 million euros, while the total cost of a large- scale modernization of Ukrainian thermal power will exceed 23,5 billion € [6]. Sources of financing of environmental measures in the energy sector are indicated in the Plan [6]: 106 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

- investment state funds; - the return to energy companies of a part of payments (more than 80%) for emissions for the implementation of environmental projects; - own funds of enterprises and funds of investors; - international borrowing; - other sources. In particular, it is necessary to allocate such a source of financing as international borrowing, since the need for funds exceeds the capacity of both operators of Large Combustion Plants and the state as a whole, therefore, without the help of foreign investors, the implementation of the Plan will become impossible. Over the last decade in the world, much attention has been paid to the environmental aspect of the operation of enterprises, and internationally, first of all, attention is drawn to the level of compliance of organizations with international requirements, which necessitates the introduction of the standard ISO 14001. This gives operators of Large Combustion Plants a competitive edge. This, in turn, can have a positive impact on the development of activities and lead to increased loyalty of foreign investors, which will enable to reach international relations and find sources of financing necessary for the environmentalization of energy facilities. At present, from the 90 Large Combustion Plants, only 32 operators provide information on planned measures to reduce emissions (type of measure, implementation period) (Table 2). The operators of these LCPs are: - DTEK Vostokenergo (Zuyevska TPP (power units 1, 2, 3, 4), Luhansk TPP (power units 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15), Kurakhovskaya TPP (power units 3, 4, 8, 9); - DTEK Donetskoblenergo (Mironivska TPP); - DTEK Dneproenergo (Zaporizhzhya TPP (power units 1, 2, 3, 4), Pridneprovskaya TPP (power units 11, 13), Krivoy Rog TPP (power units 1, 3, 4, 6, 10); - DTEK Zakhidenergo (Burshtyn TPP (power units 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), Dobrotvirskaya TPP (blocks, boilers 11, 12), Ladyzhinskaya TPP (power units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); - Tsentrenergo (Vuglegirskaya TPP (power units 1, 2, 3, 4), Zmiyiivska TPP (power units 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10), Trypillya TPP (power units 1, 2, 3, 4); - Donbassenergo (Slovianskaya TPP (power unit 7), Starobeshivska TPP (power units 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13); - EURO-RECONSTRUCTION COMPANY (Darnitsa EPP (boilers 5 - 10); - PJSC Cherkassy Khimvolokno VP Cherkasska EPP (Cherkassy EPP (boilers 5 - 9); - Ltd. TehNova CEP Chernigiv EPP (Chernigiv EPP (boilers 1 - 4). As can be seen from the table, some of the TPPs should start modernizing their power units from 2015 onward, and finding ways to environmentalization these objects for their operators is a top priority.

Table 2 Plan of measures for the reduction of pollutant emissions from coal-fired Large Combustion Plants included in the National Plan for Reducing Emissions

Emission reduction technologies and year of № commissioning № Installation name dust SO2 NOx Unit type year type year type year 1 E 2028 WD 2028 SNCR+SCR 2031 2 E 2028 WD 2028 SNCR+SCR 2030 1. Zuyevska TPP (power units 1,2,3,4) 3 E 2027 WD 2027 SNCR+SCR 2027 4 – – WD 2027 SNCR+SCR 2026 9 FF 2026 SDD 2026 SNCR+SCR 2026 2. Luhansk TPP (power units 9,10,11) 10 FF 2028 SDD 2028 SNCR 2028 11 E 2019 – – SNCR 2024 13 – – – – SNCR 2024 3. Luhansk TPP (power units 13,14,15) 14 FF 2025 SDD 2025 SNCR+SCR 2025 15 E 2022 – – SNCR 2022 3 FF 2027 SDD 2027 SNCR 2027 4. Kurakhovskaya TPP (power units 3,4) 4 FF 2024 SDD 2024 SNCR 2024 2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 107 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

Emission reduction technologies and year of № commissioning № Installation name dust SO2 NOx Unit type year type year type year 8 – – – – SNCR 2022 5. Kurakhovskaya TPP (power units 8,9) 9 E 2016 SDD 2023 SNCR 2022 6. Mironivska TPP FF 2021 SDD 2021 SNCR 2021 1 – – WD 2024 SCR 2027 2 E 2024 WD 2024 SCR 2024 7. Zaporizhzhya TPP (power units 1,2,3,4) 3 E 2015 SDD 2022 SNCR 2028 4 E 2022 SDD 2022 SNCR 2022 8. Pridneprovskaya TPP (power units 11) 11 FF 2026 SDD 2026 SNCR+SCR 2026 9. Pridneprovskaya TPP (power units 13) 13 E 2023 SDD 2023 SNCR 2023 10. Krivoy Rog TPP (power units 1) 1 E 2017 SDD 2027 SNCR+SCR 2027 3 FF 2028 SDD 2028 SNCR+SCR 2029 11. Krivoy Rog TPP (power units 3,4) 4 FF 2024 SDD 2024 SNCR+SCR 2024 12. Krivoy Rog TPP (power unit 6) 6 FF 2025 SDD 2024 SNCR 2025 13. Krivoy Rog TPP (power unit 10) 10 FF 2026 SDD 2026 SNCR+SCR 2026 9 E 2023 WD 2023 SCR 2023 10 E 2018 WD 2023 SCR 2023 14. Burshtyn TPP (power units 9,10,11,12) 11 FF 2027 SDD 2027 SNCR+SCR 2027 12 FF 2028 SDD 2028 SNCR+SCR 2029 15. Burshtyn TPP (power unit 8) 8 E 2026 WD 2026 SCR 2026 7 E 2022 SDD 2022 SNCR 2022 16. Dobrotvirskaya TPP (power units 11,12) 8 E 2015 SDD 2021 SNCR 2021 1 E 2022 WD 2028 SCR 2028 17. Ladyzhinskaya TPP (power units 1,2,3) 2 E 2024 WD 2028 SCR 2023 3 E 2024 WD 2028 SCR 2032 4 E 2020 WD 2024 SCR 2022 18. Ladyzhinskaya TPP (power units 4,5,6) 5 E 2023 WD 2024 SCR 2023 6 E 2025 WD 2024 SCR 2025 1 E 2025 WD 2025 SCR 2031 2 E 2023 WD 2025 SCR 2033 19. Vuglegirskaya TPP (power units 1,2,3,4) 3 E 2024 WD 2025 SCR 2029 4 E 2026 WD 2025 SCR 2026 1 E 2020 SDD 2021 SCR 2031 20. Zmiyiivska TPP (power units 1,2) 2 E 2021 SDD 2026 SCR 2031 7 E 2023 WD 2028 SCR 2028 21. Zmiyiivska TPP (power units 7,8) 8 E 2021 WD 2028 SCR 2033 9 E 2020 WD 2027 SCR 2030 22. Zmiyiivska TPP (power units 9,10) 10 E 2027 WD 2027 SCR 2032 1 E 2028 WD 2028 SCR 2028 2 E 2020 SDD+FF 2020 SCR 2031 23. Trypillya TPP (power units 1,2,3,4) 3 E 2021 WD 2024 SCR 2031 4 E 2024 WD 2024 SCR 2024 24. Slovianskaya TPP (power unit 7) 7 E 2020 NID 2020 SNCR+SCR 2020 25. Starobeshivska TPP (power unit 4) 4 E 2025 – – – – 26. Starobeshivska TPP (power unit 5) 5 E 2025 NID 2025 SNCR+SCR 2025 8 E 2021 NID 2021 SNCR+SCR 2021 27. Starobeshivska TPP (power units 8,9,10) 9 E 2019 NID 2022 SNCR+SCR 2022 10 E 2019 NID 2023 SNCR+SCR 2023

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Emission reduction technologies and year of № commissioning № Installation name dust SO2 NOx Unit type year type year type year 11 E 2024 NID 2024 SNCR+SCR 2024 28. Starobeshivska TPP (power units 11,12,13) 12 E 2015 NID 2020 SNCR+SCR 2020 13 E 2015 NID 2019 SNCR+SCR 2019 29. Darnitsa EPP (boilers5-8) E 2021 WD 2024 SNCR+SCR 2033 30. Darnitsa EPP (boilers9,10) E 2019 WD 2022 SNCR+SCR 2032 31. Cherkassy EPP (boilers5-9) FF 2024 SDD 2024 SNCR+SCR 2033 32. Chernigiv EPP (boilers 1-4) E 2026 SDD 2026 SNCR+SCR 2032 Source: generalized on the basis of [6].

Also, the implementation of the ISO 14001 standard at large combustion plants can raise the status of Ukraine on the international scene. At the moment, according to the ISO Survey of Certificates to Management System Standards in 2017, 223 certified companies were registered, with the total number of enterprises in the same year in the country totaled 338254 units [12, 13]. That is, the share of enterprises certified according to ISO 14001 is about 0,07%. In a European scale, the country is also not competitive. In absolute index of certified enterprises Ukraine in 2017 took 35th place out of 50. From 36th to 50th place, countries such as Luxembourg, Iceland, Albania, Azerbaijan, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Andorra, Montenegro, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Republic of San Marino, Armenia, Gibraltar (Great Britain), Kosovo, that is, countries without a pronounced heavy industry [12]. According to the percentage ratio of certified enterprises in Ukraine to the total number of certified enterprises in Europe, despite the large territory and the significant total number of organizations that have an impact on the environment, at present, the country does not make a significant contribution to the number of objects what certified on ISO 14001 [13]. For the period from 2008 to 2017 this indicator has not risen above 0,4%. Large Combustion Plants that want to demonstrate conformity with this International Standard can do this by:  making a self-determination and self-declaration, or  seeking confirmation of its conformance by parties having an interest in the organization, such as  customers, or  seeking confirmation of its self-declaration by a party external to the organization, or  seeking certification/registration of its environmental management system by an external organization. For example, the external, interested party may be: consumers, communities, suppliers, controlling organizations, non-governmental organizations, investors and employees. As an option, the certification can be carried out by a territorial community because people must be interested in sufficiently clearing the emissions into the air to ensure safe conditions for their own life. It should also be noted that the adoption of this standard does not guarantee the best results in the field of ecology. In Ukraine, some large combustion plants have already introduced a system of environmental management, for example, Zaporizhzhya TPP, which carried out the modernization of the electrofilter at block number 3in 2014. Thanks to the new electrofilter, the output gases are filtered according to European standards. Thus, in Zaporizhzhya TPP was implemented and improved the ecological management system in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001 [14, 15]. Such reconstruction consistent with the requirements of the National Plan for Reducing Emissions, therefore it is safe to assert that the simultaneous introduction of the environmental management system during the implementation of the Plan can serve as a good basis for the proper environmentalization of energy facilities and further reduce the risks from atmospheric pollution. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. This study reviewed the environmental management system and the certification of ISO 14001 «Environmental Management Systems. Requirements and guidelines for application» not only as an annex to the general management system of the organization, but also as a crucial point for the sustainable development of the energy sector of the economy. The introduction of the environmental management system and the ISO 14001 standard will enable heat energy facilities to make a

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rapidly and rationally transition to new technologies, meet international requirements and reduce the risks associated with atmospheric air pollution. Also, it will allow Ukraine to become a worthy representative of ecology in the international stage. In the continuation of this study, it is necessary to consider in detail the mechanism of financial support for the implementation of the National Plan for Reducing Emissions from Large Combustion Plants. It is also necessary, using the experience of developed countries and enterprises that have already implemented ISO 14001, to develop a detailed project of full environmentalization of one type of thermal power engineering, to identify potential operators that are able to establish approved technologies and leverage of influence in Plan, which the state should encourage the implementation and improvement of the ecological system management at large combustion plants in Ukraine in the context of the National Plan for Reducing Emissions.

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2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 111 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

UDC 330.34.014.2(502):338.2 JEL Q01, Q56, Q57

MARTIENKO A.I. Dr.Sc. (Economics), Institute Of Market Problems And Economic&Ecological Research of the National Academy Of Sciences Of Ukraine Frantsuzskiy Boulevard, 29, Odessa, Ukraine Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID:0000-0003-0692-7360

TIUTIUNNYK H.O. Postgraduate, Junior Researcher, Department of Economic Regulation of Nature Management Institute of Market Problems and Economic & Ecological Research of NAS of Ukraine Frantsuzkyi boulevard, 29, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4864-6129

KUZMOVA K. Associate Professor of Botanics and Agrometeorology Agricultural University - Plovdiv, Blvd. Mendeleev number 12 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID:0000-0002-8214-0298


Topicality. "Green economy" is an integral part of sustainable development of society and aims at raising the standards of human life on the basis of preservation of the environment and more effective use and protection of natural resources. One of the economic and ecological priorities of the "green economy" is to ensure the sustainable use of the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund. In order to assess the results of implementation the "green economy"objectives for sustainable development of these territories, it is necessary to develop a system of indicators and determine the extent of their implementation in Ukraine. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to develop a system of indicators for assessing the sustainable use of territories and objects of nature reserve fund and analysis of their achievements in Ukraine. The main tasks of the article are: definining the methodological approaches to the formation of assessment indicators system based on economic&ecological and technical indicators of the protected areas status; assessment the implementation of green economy model in Ukraine on the basis of developed indicators of sustainable development. Research results. The analysis of sustainable development indicators showed positive trends in the growth of the total area of protected areas, in particular in the mountainous regions (Lviv, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi), and the ecological network for more than half during the last decades. The biodiversity of the natural reserve fund of Ukraine is characterized by more than four thousand species of plants in these territories, the economic development of which takes into account the features of natural objects and aimed at their conservation. Conclusions. In Ukraine, there are ongoing measures to achieve the objectives of the "Green Economy", in particular, there is a positive dynamics in increasing the territories and objects of nature reserve fund, including in mountainous regions and the ecological network. The results of solving the problem of preservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems are practically closer to the target landmarks. The institutional environment and the system of public administration and administration of the formation of nature reserve fund should develop in the direction of ensuring the fulfillment of the priority goals of the "green economy". An analysis of allocation the financial resources for conservation, restoration and improvement of the territories and objects state of Ukrainian nature reserve fund showed that there are trends in increasing their volumes and prospects of achieving the "green economy" benchmarks in this area. Key words: Sustainable Development Goals, nature reserve fund, national ecological network, biodiversity, mountainous region, terrestrial ecosystems, inland freshwater ecosystems

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МАРТІЄНКО А.І. д-р екон. наук, ст. наук. співроб. Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАНУ Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID:0000-0003-0692-7360

ТЮТЮННИК Г.О. здобувач, м.н.с. відділу економічного регулювання природокористування Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАНУ Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4864-6129

КУЗМОВА К. доц. д-р кафедри Ботаніки та Агрометеорології Аграрний університет - Пловдів, бул. Менделеєв №12 4000 Пловдів, Болгарія Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID:0000-0002-8214-0298

ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ СТАЛОГО ВИКОРИСТАННЯ ТЕРИТОРІЙ ТА ОБЄКТІВ ПРИРОДНО- ЗАПОВІДНОГО ФОНДУ НА ЗАСАДАХ «ЗЕЛЕНОЇ ЕКОНОМІКИ» Актуальність. «Зелена економіка» є складовою частиною сталого розвитку суспільства і направлена на підвищення стандартів життя людини на основі збереження довкілля та більш ефективного використання і охорони природних ресурсів. Одним з економіко-екологічних пріоритетів «зеленої економіки» є забезпечення сталого використання територій та об’єктів природно-заповідного фонду. Для оцінки результатів впровадження цілей «зеленої економіки» щодо сталого розвитку даних територій необхідно здійснити розробку системи індикаторів та визначити ступінь їх реалізації в Україні. Мета та завдання статті. Метою статті є розробка системи індикаторів оцінки сталого використання територій та об’єктів природно-заповідного фонду і аналіз їх досягнення в Україні. Основними завданнями статті є: визначення методологічних підходів до формування системи індикаторів оцінки, що будується на економічних та еколого-технічних показниках стану природно-заповідних територій; оцінка впровадження моделі «зеленої економіки» в Україні на основі розроблених індикаторів сталого розвитку. Результати. Аналіз індикаторів сталого розвитку показав позитивні тенденції у зростанні загальних площ територій природно-заповідного фонду, зокрема у гірських регіонах(Львівському, Закарпатському, Івано- Франківському та Чернівецькому), та екологічної мережі більш ніж на половину за останні десятиріччя. Біорізноманіття природно-заповідного фонду України характеризується більш ніж чотирма тисячами видів рослин на даних територіях, господарське освоєння яких враховує особливості природних об’єктів та направлене на їх збереження. Висновки. В Україні здійснюються постійні заходи щодо досягнення цілей «Зеленої економіки», зокрема спостерігається позитивна динаміка в збільшенні територій та об’єктів природно-заповідного фонду, в тому числі і в гірських регіонах та екологічної мережі. Результати вирішення завдання збереження, відновлення та сталого використання наземних і внутрішніх прісноводних екосистем практично наближуються до цільових орієнтирів. Інституційне середовище та система державного управління і адміністрування формування природно-заповідного фонду мають розвиватися в напрямку забезпечення виконання пріоритетних цілей «зеленої економіки». Аналіз виділення фінансових ресурсів на збереження, відновлення, покращення стану територій та об’єктів природно- заповідного фонду України показав, що присутні тенденції збільшення їх обсягів та перспективи досягнення орієнтирів «зеленої економіки» в даній області. Ключові слова: цілі сталого розвитку, природно-заповідний фонд, національна екологічна мережа, біорізноманіття, гірські регіони, наземні екосистеми, внутрішні прісноводні екосистеми. Problem statement and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. At the Sustainable Development Summit in 2015, United Nations Member States have adopted a new global sustainable development program with seventeen Goals to be achieved by 2030. These objectives are characterized by a wide range of

2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 113 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

coverage, as they involve the consideration of interconnected elements of sustainable development, one of which is the adapted for Ukraine – protection and restoration of land ecosystems [33, p. 109]. The condition of land ecosystems sustainability is the full compliance of land resources usage with landscape-specific features, preservation of their ecological characteristics and biodiversity. Modern ecosystems of Ukraine are characterized by a negative balance of humus, organic matter, important elements of nutrition, contamination of heavy metals, activation of erosion processes. This leads to the degradation of soils and the deterioration of ecosystem`s potential sustainability, the degradation of biological, agrochemical and agrophysical indicators that determine the quality of soils. One of the most effective rehabilitation of ecosystems and conservation of biodiversity is the formation of an ecological network, territories and objects of the natural reserve fund and protected areas of international importance. Analysis of recent publications on the problem. The conducted statistical and analytical studies indicate that the implementation of the Fifteenth Sustainable Development Goal, adapted for Ukraine, has a close relationship with the National Program for the Establishment of the National Ecological Network, as well as the tasks identified in the Strategic Plan on Biodiversity for 2011-2020. Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. Sustainable development of territories involves balanced integrated land use, sustainable forest management, and reduction of plowed areas. Differences in qualitative properties of land are objectively determined, but in due course anthropogenic load aggravates their primary characteristics. Providing a state-of-the-art ensures the preservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial, inland and mountainous ecosystems. This task has not been fully implemented and remains relevant. Formulation of research objectives (problem statement). The purpose of the article is to provide a vision for the achievement by Ukraine of the fifteenth Sustainable Development Goal – the protection and restoration of land ecosystems, approved by the United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development and adapted for Ukraine. Outline of the main results and their justification. Assessment of implementation of conceptual provisions of the "green economy" in Ukraine in the context of sustainable development of Ukraine on the basis of compliance 15th Sustainable Development Goal were based on the calculation of indicators according to the National Report "Sustainable Development Goals: Ukraine", green growth indicators, author's indicators by other sources (Table 1). Table 1 A system of indicators for assessing the implementation of the fifteenth Sustainable Development Goal (Protection and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems) Task Indicators 15.1. Ensure the 15.1.1. The area of territories and objects of nature reserve fund, ths. ha * conservation, restoration and 15.1.2. The share of the area of territories and objects of nature reserve fund in general sustainable use of territory of the region, %* terrestrial and inland 15.1.3. The share of territory of national ecological network in general territory of the freshwater region, %* ecosystems 15.1.4. Indicator of actual area of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund in the total territory of country in % by 2013, the target indicator 2020. *** 15.1.5. The total area of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund, ths. ha*** 15.1.6. The share of the area of territories and objects of nature reserve fund in the common territory of country %*** 15.1.7. Indicator of the total area of territories and objects of nature reserve fund; in % до 2005. *** 15.1.8. Funding for the conservation of biodiversity and habitat thousand UAH.*** 15.1.9. Biodiversity and Livelihood Financing indicator, in % tо 2010. 15.1.10. Other costs related to the conservation of biodiversity and habitat thousand UAH***

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Сontinuation of the table 1

15.1.11. Indicator of other expenditures related to biodiversity and habitat conservation in% by 2010 *** 15.4. Ensure 15.4.1. The territory of the natural reserve fund in mountainous regions, ths. ha* conservation of 15.4.2. The share of the territory of the nature reserve fund in mountainous regions, %* mountain 15.4.3. Indicator of areas of natural reserve fund in mountain regions,% in 2010, target in ecosystems 2020 *** 15.4.4. Indicator of financing of biodiversity conservation and habitat, in % by 2010***

Notes: * Indicator calculated by source [33, p. 109]; ** Indicator – by other sources; *** Indicator – proposed by the author.

The state authorities of Ukraine and community management bodies regulate the activity of these objects. However, there are negative aspects of the management of the natural reserve fund that reduce the pace of achievement the Sustainable Development Goal: - the financial resources earmarked for the natural reserve fund are insufficient; - the institutional environment and the system of public administration and administration of the formation the nature reserve fund are not aimed at its development and requires improvement; - opportunistic behavior and behavior of the limited rationality of the apparatus of state management of the nature reserve fund constrains its increase in the areas of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund. And there are a number of positive aspects that should include the increase in the areas of the nature reserve fund and the ecological network for more than half during the last decade and the overall positive dynamics in solving the problem of preservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems (Table 2, Table 3, Table 4). Table 2 The area of the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund, ths. ha 2017 in % Years Target Indicators Indicators to to 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 ** 2020 2013 TI 1. Actual area of territories and objects 2149,0 3716,5 3803,1 n.d. 3985,0 6276,9 185,4 63,5 of natural reserve fund, ths. ha* 2. The share of the actual area of territories and objects of nature reserve fund 3,6 6,2 6,3 n.d. n.d. 10,4 n.d. Х in the common territory of the country %* Table 3 The share of territory of the national ecological network in the whole territory of the country Years Deviati Target

on 2017

Indicato Indicators from rs

** the TI

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2005 2020


3. The share of territory of the national

ecological network in the whole territory of 39,0 -0,84



38,17 38,16 38,15 38,15 38,15 38,16 the country %* 38,19 Notes: Indicators 1-3 are calculated according to the data [11, p. 9; 12, p. 8; 13, p. 9; 14, p. 12; 15, p. 13; 16, p. 9-10; 17, p. 9- 10; 32, p. 1].

2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 115 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

40 39 The share of the territory of the 38 national ecological network in 37 the whole territory of the country 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2017 2020 %*

Fig. 1. Dynamics of the Indicator of area of the national ecological network`s territory in the common territory of the country * Notes: Built according to the table 3. Table 4 The total area of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund, ths. ha Years 2017 Indicators in % 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 to


4. The total area of territories and objects of

the nature reserve fund, n.d.


3458,9 3567,1 3650,9 3667,4 3992,5 4082,8 4318,0 ths. ha*** 2807,1 Growth rate, points Х Х 1,031 1,024 1,00 1,09 1,03 n.d. n.d. Х Years 2017 Indicators in % 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 to 2005 5. The share of the area the territories and objects of nature reserve fund in 4,7 5,7 5,9 6,0 6,1 6,6 6,8 n.d. 6,6 Х common territory of the country %***

8 The share of the actual area of the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund in the common 6 territory of the country %* 4 The share of the area the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund in common territory of the 2 country %*** 0 The share of territory of the nature reserve fund in 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 mountain regions in total territory of the country,% * Fig. 2. Dynamics of the indicator of actual and total areas of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund and territories and objects of the mountain regions natural reserve fund in the general territory of country* Notes: Built according to the table 2, 4, 11. Table 5 Financing for the conservation of biodiversity and habitat thousand UAH Years 2016 % Indicators

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 to 2010

6. Financing for the conservation of biodiversity and habitat thousand

UAH.*** 232,2

255900,00 347300,00 400400,00 443530,50 369934,60 400751,80 594100,00 7. Financing of conservation of biodiversity and habitat for 1 ha 73,98 97,36 109,67 120,94 92,66 98,16 n.d. X thousand UAH***

116 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

Financing of conservation of biodiversity 200 and habitat for 1 ha thousand UAH***

0 Other costs related to the conservation of biodiversity and habitat for 1 ha thousand 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 UAH.*** Fig. 3. Dynamics of the financing indicator for biodiversity conservation and habitat and other expenses per 1 ha *** Notes: Built according to the table 5, 6. Table 6 Other costs related to the conservation of biodiversity and habitat thousand UAH Years 2016 in Indicators % to

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2010

8. Other costs related to the conservation of biodiversity and

habitat thousand UAH.*** 35,7

33606,40 85700,00

240000,00 261600,00 272400,00 253234,60 203728,90 9. Other costs related to the conservation of biodiversity and 69,39 73,34 74,61 69,05 51,03 8,23 n.d. X habitat for 1 ha thousand UAH.*** Notes: Actual area - provided without the area of the territories and objects of the natural reserve fund, which are part of other territories and objects of the NRF; Indicators 3-9 are calculated according to the data [4, p. 164, 187; 5, p. 198; 6, p. 198, 210; 7, p. 188, 200; 8, p. 194; 9, p. 185, 205, 221; 101]; Target indicators are calculated by source [33, p. 109].

In 2017 the actual area of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund in Ukraine, has reached 3985,0 ths. ha, having increased by 85,4% from 2013 (see Table 2-6). Target indicator of 6276,9 ths. ha for the years 2013-2017, the highest growth rate (72,9%) was observed in 2014. The share of the actual area of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund in the total territory of the country in 2015, according to the latest data, was 6,3%, the target the indicator is 10,4%, the share of the area of territories and objects of the natural reserve fund in the total territory of the country in 2017 was 6,8%. The share of the area of territory of the national ecological network in the total territory of the country in 2017 – 38,16%, having increased by 0,06% as compared to 2005, the target value is 39. For the analyzed period of 2005-2017, the total area of the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund increased by 53,8%. The highest growth rate (8,9%) was also observed in 2014. Financing for the conservation of biodiversity and habitats for the period from 2010 to 2016 years has increased more than 2,3 times, and the same indicator per hectare of territory has increased by 1,5 times. Information data on the financing of the conservation of natural and landscape objects, the creation, promotion and preservation of the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund are insufficient, but analyzing the available, you can indicate the positive dynamics. Other costs related to the conservation of biodiversity and habitats of the country's total territory and 1 hectare for the period under study are characterized by a gradual decrease. Table 7 The territory of the natural reserve fund in mountainous regions, ths. ha Deviation Years 2016 (+,–) Indicators To To 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Target Value 2010 TV* 1. The territory of the natural reserve fund in 639,5 642,8 646,7 646,7 657,6 657,4 657,2 905,3 +17,7 -248,1 mountainous regions, ths. ha* Growth rate, points Х 1,005 1,006 0,999 1,017 0,999 0,999 Х Х Х 2. The share of territory of the nature reserve fund in mountain 1,06 1,06 1,07 1,07 1,09 1,09 1,09 1,5 +0,03 -0,41 regions in total territory of the country,% *

2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 117 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

Table 8 Financing the conservation of biodiversity and habitats of mountain regions Years 2015 Indicators in % tо 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 3. Financing for the conservation of biodiversity and habitats of mountain 12423,00 14531,90 35466,80 27727,50 n.d. 36089,20 290,50 regions, thousand UAH.*** Notes:Calculated according to the data [1, p. 19-20; 2, p. 827, 833, 845, 874; 19; 28, p. 3; 21, p. 91; 22, p. 74; 23, p. 102; 24, p. 98; 25, p. 150; 26, p. 153-154; 27, p. 172; 28, p. 40; 29, p. 120; 30, p. 94; 4, p. 164, 187; 5, p. 177, 198; 6, p. 198, 210; 7, p. 188, 200; 8, p. 185, 205, 221]

In 2016, according to the statistics, the area of the nature reserve fund in the mountainous regions of Ukraine reached 657,2 ths. ha, having increased by 18,52% in comparison with 2005 (see Table 7), which was 72,6%, from the securities. In 2006-2017, the highest growth rate of protected areas in mountain regions (1,7%) was observed in 2014, however, over the past years, it gradually began to decline. The share of the territory of nature reserve fund in mountain regions in the total territory of country in 2016 amounted to only 1,09%, having increased by 0,03% compared to 2010, and the CPU-0.41. The natural reserve fund of mountain regions was considered in the context of four regions – Lviv, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi. Their biodiversity numbers more than 4 thousand species of higher plants – the fourth part of flora of the European continent. Economic development of these territories exists not so long ago, but the territory of natural reserve fund expands every year. In these regions, close to the natural group of forests, subalpine ceilings, alpine meadows have been preserved, which contributes to the positive development of environmentally valuable areas and the possibility of their conservation through the implementation of financial measures [19, p. 246-254]. The dynamics of funding for the conservation of biodiversity and habitat is characterized by an increase of 2,9, indicating positive opportunities for the development of a nature reserve fund in mountain regions. Finansing for the conservation of natural and landscaped sites and other costs associated with biodiversity conservation and habitat increase at a slow pace, which requires close attention in the process of achieving the Sustainable Development Goal. The assessment of the indicators of mountain ecosystems` conservation of in Ukraine indicates positive dynamics, an increasing trend, characterized by an increase in the areas of protected areas in mountainous regions, as well as an increase in financing for their development. However, given the importance of mountain regions for ecological, economic, social, cultural and agricultural sectors, their development needs more attention. Today, mountain areas are characterized by a high level of living space development, which does not correspond to the criterial values of the indicators of load on mountain areas. Estimation of the dynamics of indicators for the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems for the implementation of the fifteenth Sustainable Development Goal shows that costs related to the conservation of biodiversity and habitat and other expenditures related to biodiversity and habitat conservation have negative dynamics evaluation. The share of the area of territories and objects of nature reserve fund in the general territory of the region needs additional researches. Target indicator of the actual area of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund in the total territory of country and indicator of areas of natural reserve fund in mountain regions are not reached. But in general, the dynamics of the group of indicators for the conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems in Ukraine is positive, has a growing trend, indicating an increase in the areas of territories and objects of nature reserve fund and territories of national ecological networks. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. In Ukraine, there are ongoing measures to achieve the objectives of the "Green Economy", in particular, there is a positive dynamics in increasing the territories and objects of nature reserve fund, including in mountainous regions and the ecological network. The results of solving the problem of preservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems are practically closer to the target landmarks. The institutional environment and the system of public administration and administration of the formation of nature reserve fund should develop in the direction of ensuring the fulfillment of the priority goals of the "green economy". An analysis of allocation the financial resources for conservation, restoration and improvement of the territories and objects state of Ukrainian nature reserve fund showed that there are trends in increasing their volumes and prospects of achieving the "green economy" benchmarks in this area. 118 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

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Lviv, 2016. 288. [in Ukrainian]. 26. Rehionalna dopovid pro stan navkolyshnioho pryrodnoho seredovyshcha u Lvivskii oblasti v 2016 rotsi [Regional report on the state of the environment in the Lviv region in 2016]. Departament ekolohii ta pryrodnykh resursiv Lvivskoi oblasnoi derzhavnoi administratsii – Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Lviv Regional State Administration. Lviv, 2017. 297. [in Ukrainian]. 27. Rehionalna dopovid pro stan navkolyshnioho pryrodnoho seredovyshcha u Lvivskii oblasti v 2017 rotsi [Regional report on the state of the environment in the Lviv region in 2017]. Departament ekolohii ta pryrodnykh resursiv Lvivskoi oblasnoi derzhavnoi administratsii – Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Lviv Regional State Administration. Lviv, 2018. 349. [in Ukrainian]. 28. Rehionalna dopovid pro stan navkolyshnioho pryrodnoho seredovyshcha u Chernivetskii oblasti v 2006 rotsi [Regional report on the state of the environment in the Chernivtsi region in 2006]. Upravlinnia ekolohii ta pryrodnykh resursiv Chernivetskoi oblasnoi derzhavnoi administratsii – Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Chernivtsi Regional State Administration. Chernivtsi, 2007. 84. [in Ukrainian]. 29. Rehionalna dopovid pro stan navkolyshnioho pryrodnoho seredovyshcha u Ivano-Frankivskii oblasti v 2007 rotsi [Regional report on the state of the environment in the Ivano-Frankivsk region in 2016]. Upravlinnia ekolohii ta pryrodnykh resursiv Ivano-Frankivskoi oblasnoi derzhavnoi administratsii – Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast State Administration. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2007. 176. [in Ukrainian]. 30. Rehionalna dopovid pro stan navkolyshnioho pryrodnoho seredovyshcha u Chernivetskii oblasti v 2016 rotsi [Regional report on the state of the environment in the Chernivtsi region in 2016] Upravlinnia ekolohii ta pryrodnykh resursiv Chernivetskoi oblasnoi derzhavnoi administratsii – Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Chernivtsi Regional State Administration. Chernivtsi, 2017. 213. [in Ukrainian]. 31. Kupinets L.YE., Zhavnerchyk O.V., Tiutiunnyk H.O. Stan zemel silskohospodarskoho pryznachennia ta systemni zakhody yikh vidtvorennia v Odeskomu rehioni : monohrafia [State of agricultural lands and systematic measures of their reproduction in the Odessa region: a monograph.]; NAN Ukrainy, In-t probl. rynku ta ekon.- ekol. doslidzh. Odesa : IPREED NANU, 2017. 68. [in Ukrainian]. 32. Terytorii ta ob'yekty PZF Ukrainy [Territories and objects of the NRF of Ukraine]. Ministerstvo ekolohii ta pryrodnykh resursiv Ukrainy – Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine. 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http://pzf.menr.gov.ua/пзф-україни/території-та-об’єкти-пзф-україни.html [in Ukrainian]. 33. Tsili Staloho Rozvytku: Ukraina: Natsionalna dopovid 2017 [Sustainable Development Objectives: Ukraine: National Report 2017]. Ministerstvo ekonomichnoho rozvytku i torhivli Ukrainy – Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, 2017. 176. [in Ukrainian].

2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 123 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

УДК 338.41 JEL L110

POPKO O.V Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor National University of Water and Environmental Engineering National Academy Of Sciences Of Ukraine O.Novaka, 75, m. Rivne, Ukraina, 33000 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID 0000-0003-3356-6070


Topicality. Increasing attention to the development of industry and industrial policy is one of the main tendencies in the development of the modern world global economy. Wide recognition of the important role of industry in solving current problems has been reflected in new challenges for rapid development of the domestic industry. It is a generator of scientific and technological progress and innovation and an important factor in the competitiveness of national economies and it serves as a driver for economic growth. Purpose and tasks. The purpose of the article is to identify the situation, problems and prospects of industry development in the Rivne region. Results. It is established the leading role in the economy of is famous for industry and agriculture. It was revealed the leading industries of the Rivne region including production and supply of electricity and gas; Chemical Industry; manufacture of building materials and glassware; Food Industry; manufacture of wood products; engineering. The results of the research on the development of industry in the Rivne region, problems and tasks of its development, SWOT-analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of industry in the Rivne region, opportunities and threats of its development are presented. The primary directions of industry development in the Rivne region have been formed. In particular, modernization of production; introduction of energy-saving technologies; promotion of production of industrial products, competitive in the domestic and foreign markets; an increase in the total volume of foreign direct investment attracted to the regional economy; establishing cooperation with international companies; regulation of the legislative framework on consumer rights protection, advertising, unfair competition, registration of patents and inventions, registration and protection of trademark rights for goods and services. Conclusions. The following problems of the regional industry must be considered and urgently addressed: moral and physical depreciation of fixed assets, high dependence on world market conditions, high energy intensity of production, production of products with low added value, etc. Instead, key drivers need to become its competitive advantages as a strong raw material base, advantageous geographic position, close proximity to the EU markets, a relatively low share of labor costs in the structure of the cost of industrial products, and a significant unrealized potential of domestic demand for industrial products. Keywords: industrial policy, industry of Rivne region, SWOT-analysis, strategic directions of industry development.

ПОПКО О.В. к.е.н., доц. Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування О.Новака, 75, м. Рівне, Україна, 33000 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3356-6070.


Актуальність. Посилення уваги до розвитку промисловості та промислової політики є однією з основних тенденцій розвитку сучасного світового господарства. Широке визнання важливої ролі промисловості у

124 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

вирішенні актуальних проблем сучасності знайшло відображення в нових завданнях із прискореного розвитку вітчизняної індустрії, що є генератором науково-технічного прогресу й інновацій, важливим фактором конкурентоспроможності національних економік, виступає драйвером економічного зростання. Мета та завдання. Метою статті є ідентифікація стану, проблем та перспектив розвитку промислових підприємств Рівненської області. В даному дослідженні пропонується провести комплексний аналіз стану, проблем та перспектив розвитку промисловості Рівненської області. Планується виявлення актуальних проблем та перспективних завдань розвитку Рівненської області, проведення SWOT-аналізу сильних та слабких сторін промисловості Рівненщини, можливостей і загроз її розвитку. Результати. Встановлено: провідне місце в економіці Рівненської області займають промисловість та сільське господарство. Виявлено: до провідних галузей промисловості Рівненської області відноситься: виробництво та постачання електроенергії та газу; хімічна промисловість; виробництво будматеріалів і скловиробів; харчова промисловість; виготовлення виробів з деревини; машинобудування. Приведено результати, здійсненого на основі досліджень стану розвитку промисловості Рівненської області, проблем та завдань її розвитку, SWOT-аналізу сильних та слабких сторін промисловості Рівненщини, можливостей і загроз її розвитку. Сформовано пріоритетні напрямки розвитку промисловості Рівненщини, зокрема: модернізація виробництва; запровадження енергозберігаючих технологій; сприяння випуску промислової продукції, конкурентоспроможної на внутрішньому та зовнішньому ринках; збільшення загального обсягу прямих іноземних інвестицій, залучених в економіку області; налагодження співпраці з міжнародними компаніями; врегулювання законодавчої бази з питань захисту прав споживачів, реклами, недоброякісної конкуренції, реєстрації патентів та винаходів, реєстрації та охорони прав на знаки для товарів та послуг. Висновки. Обов'язковими до розгляду й негайного вирішення повинні стати такі проблеми регіональної промисловості: моральне й фізичне зношення основних фондів, висока залежність від кон'юнктури на світових ринках, висока енергоємність виробництва, виробництво продукції з низькою додатковою вартістю та ін. Натомість, ключовими драйверами повинні стати такі її конкурентні переваги як потужна сировинна база, вигідне географічне положення, знаходження у безпосередній близькості до ринків ЄС, відносно низька питома вага витрат на оплату праці в структурі собівартості промислової продукції, суттєвий нереалізований потенціал внутрішнього попиту на продукцію промисловості. Ключові слова: промислова політика, промисловість Рівненської області, SWOT-аналіз, стратегічні напрямки розвитку промисловості.

Problem statement and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. Increasing attention to the development of industry and industrial policy is one of the main trends in the development of the modern world economy. Widespread recognition of the important role of industry in solving topical problems of the present has been reflected in the new tasks of accelerated development of the domestic industry, which is a generator of scientific and technological progress and innovation, an important factor of competitiveness of national economies, acts as a driver of economic growth. The global financial and economic crisis and the subsequent recession have clearly demonstrated that those countries that have a developed modern industry can successfully overcome the challenges and get stronger out of them [12, 13]. Ukraine also needs to intensify these industry benefits, based on an analysis of the current situation in Ukraine and abroad. Analysis of recent publications on the problem. Aspects of the development of industrial enterprises of Ukraine are considered in the works of O.I. Amoshi, V.P. Vishnevsky, L.O. Zbarazskaya, E.V. Kricavsky, M.V.Malchik, V.P. Pylypchuka, MA Oklander, N.I. Chukraj and others. Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. Scientific achievements of scientists have a great theoretical and applied value. However, further research needs actual problems, perspectives and strategic directions of development of domestic industrial enterprises at the level of certain regions of Ukraine, including Rivne. Formulation of research objectives (problem statement). This study proposes to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the state, problems and prospects of industry development in Rivne region. It is planned to identify the actual problems and perspective tasks of development of Rivne region, conduct SWOT- analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of industry in the Rivne region, opportunities and threats to its development.

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Outline of the main results and their justification. Rivne region has a favorable and geographical location with significant transit potential. The transport corridors cross the territory of the region, including: Crete Transport Corridor No. 3 (Krakivets - Lviv - Rivne - Zhytomyr - Kiev); Crete Transport Corridor No. 5 (Kosini - Chop - Stryi - Lviv - Rivne - - Minsk); Europe - Asia (Krakivets - Lviv - Rivne - Zhytomyr - Kyiv - Poltava - Kharkiv - Debaltsevo - Izvarin); Baltic Sea - Black Sea (Yagodin - - Lutsk - Ternopil - Khmelnytsky - Vinnitsa - Uman - Black Sea ports). Industry and agriculture occupy the leading place in the region's economy. Rivne region has a significant production potential and developed technical base. In the industrial complex of the region there are 368 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises of various forms of ownership, as well as more than 1,5 thousand small industrial enterprises. Industrial enterprises are mainly located in the largest settlements and cities of Rivne, Kuznetsovsk, , Sarny, and urban areas. Rokite at the same time, most enterprises extracting industry and the production of construction materials, glassware are formed directly near mineral deposits. These branches are the most investment attractive and provide a significant share of revenues to budgets of all levels [15, p. 704]. Enterprises of the industrial complex of the region are provided with production of 19,5% of electric power by Ukrainian nuclear power plants, 65% of the national volume of high-quality plywood, 24,7% of nonwovens, 21,6% of particle board, 9,1% of cement, about 9% mineral fertilizers. Three glass factories of the region, radically modernized during the years of Ukraine's independence, are one of the largest and most modern in Ukraine. The only match-making factory in the country is the [6]. The dynamics of volumes of sold products (goods, services) in Rivne region in 2013-2017 is presented in Fig. 1. Thus, the volume of sales in 2017 amounted to UAH 31044,3 million and increased in comparison with the volume of 2013 by 2,3 times, and compared with 2016 - by 17,9%.


30000 31044,3 26329,8 25000 22881,5 20000 15896,1 15000 13275,6



0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Fig.1. Dynamics of volumes of sold products (goods, services) in the Rivne region in 2013-2017, mln.UAH. Source: developed by the author on the basis of [1, 2]

The dynamics of indices of industrial products in Rivne oblast in 2013-2017 (deployed by months) is shown in Fig.2 Economic analysis of growth rates of indices of industrial production for 2013-2017 allowed to reveal the following: in August-December 2017 indices of industrial production exceed the corresponding values for 2013- 126 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

2016. In general, in 2017 index of industrial production compared to the previous 2016 was 109,0% and reached the maximum value in the last five years.

Fig.2. Indices of industrial production in Rivne region in 2013-2017 (in% to the corresponding period of the previous year) Source: developed by the author on the basis of [1, 2]

The leading industries in the Rivne region include: production and supply of electricity and gas; сhemical industry; manufacture of building materials and glassware; food industry; manufacture of wood products; machine building (Fig. 3). Apparently, the lion's share (39,3%) in the structure of volumes of sold products in the Rivne region, according to 2017, is textile production, clothing and leather production. The second place is the production of food products, beverages and tobacco products – with a share of 15,9%, and the third place - with a share of 14,4% - is the production of rubber and plastic products and other non-metallic mineral products. The analysis of volumes of sold industrial products in Rivne oblast for 2013-2017 (Table 1) made it possible to formulate the following conclusions. In the mining industry and the development of quarries in 2017. compared to 2013 production increased by 43,6%, as compared to 2016 - by 28,0%. In general, the processing industry has grown substantially over the last five years. Thus, enterprises producing food and beverages in 2017 against 2013 volume of issue increased 2,16 times, including in the processing and canning of fruits and vegetables - by 58,6%, in the production of flour and cereal industry, starch and starch products - by 8%, dairy products - by 4,3 times, bread, bakery and flour products - by 4 % At the same time, volumes in the production of meat and meat products (2 times), soft drinks (1,5 times) increased. Analysis of sales volumes in kind allowed to reveal: in 2017 compared to 2016 the production of flour increased by 7975 tons, the milk of liquid processed - by 5633 tons, yoghurts, other fermented or soured milk and cream - by 1507 tons, natural canned vegetables - by 758 tons, butter butter - by 242 tons, cheeses of whey and melted - by 213 tons, fresh pig meat - by 207 tons, sweet biscuits and waffles - by 92 tons, sausage products - by 84 tons, non-alcoholic beverages - by 73,1 thousand dollars.

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Fig.3. Structure of volumes of sold industrial products in Rivne region by main types of activities in 2017 Source: developed by the author on the basis of [1,2] Table 1 Data on volumes and structure of sold products by main types of industrial activity in Rivne oblast for 2013-2017. (thousand UAH) Types of industrial activity 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

1 2 3 4 5 6

Mining and quarrying 535571,1 575798,2 460414,0 512050,3 768955,1

Manufacture of food products, 2283686,5 2166996,8 3301104,7 4100384,7 4932536,5 drinks and tobacco products

Textile production, production 180619,7 229874,7 406708,7 547862,3 908066,3 of clothes, leather Manufacture of wood products, 1095367,3 1427838,1 1910269,4 2424437,3 2908113,2 paper production and printing activities

Production of coke and refined …1 …1 …1 …1 …1 products.

128 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

Continuation of Table 1

2 3 4 5 6

Production of chemicals and 1922331,2 2440670,4 3599893,8 2917273,0 1997007,6 chemical products

Production of the main …1 …1 …1 …1 …1 pharmacist. products and pharmaceuticals Manufacture of rubber and 1725839,2 2082643,8 2958163,6 3541858,0 4461902,5 plastic products, other non- metallic mineral products

Metallurgical production, 278110,6 293482,6 431604,0 291669,8 446011,7 production of finished metal products, except machinery and equipment Engineering 486569,3 363264,8 568463,8 639188,5 827093,5 Production and supply of 4469963,9 5731020,7 8257052,4 10223976,9 12190927,0 electricity and gas Water supply; sewage, waste 49443,6 62440,9 203876,6 226378,7 261989,8 management

Total: 13275575,4 15896145,0 22881461,2 26329776,6 31044262,1 Notes: * The data on the section is not made public in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Law on State Statistics on the confidentiality of statistical information

At the same time, the output of unrefined oil was 2820 tons, fresh meat of fresh beef - 1876 tons, sugar confectionery products not containing cocoa - 1228 tons, jam, fruit jelly, mashed potatoes and pastas - 796 tons, sauces and products for making sauces; seasonings and spices of mixed others - by 150 tons. In general, in the processing industry for the last five years the volume of food production has increased significantly. Thus, enterprises producing food products and beverages in 2017 compared to 2013, the volume of production has been increased by 2,16 times, including in the processing and canning of fruits and vegetables - by 58,6%, in the production of flour and cereal industry, starch and starch products - by 8%, dairy products - by 4,3 times, bread, bakery and flour products - by 4 % At the same time, meat and meat products (by 2 times) and non-alcoholic beverages (1,5 times) grew. Analysis of volumes of sales in kind allowed to reveal: in 2017, compared to 2016, the production of flour increased by 7975 tons, milk of processed liquid - by 5633 tons, yoghurts, other fermented or sour milk and cream - by 1507 tons, natural canned vegetables - by 758 tons, cream butter - by 242 tons, cheeses of whey and melted - by 213 tons, fresh pig meat - by 207 tons, sweet biscuits and waffles - by 92 tons, sausage products - by 84 tons, soft drinks - by 73,1 thsd. At the same time, the output of unrefined oil was 2820 tons, fresh meat of fresh beef - 1876 tons, sugar confectionery products not containing cocoa - 1228 tons, jam, fruit jelly, mashed potatoes and pastas - 796 tons, sauces and products for making sauces; seasonings and spices of mixed others - by 150 t. In 2017 there was an increase in the production of bread and baked goods of short-term storage - by 48 tones of chocolate and ready-made food products containing cacao - by 40 t, natural gas mined gas - by 36,7 thsd. In the textile industry, the production of clothing, leather, leather goods and other materials in 2017compared with 2013, the growth of products in 5,02 times (compared with 2016 - 65,7%). In the manufacture of wood products, paper and printing activities in 2017 compared to 2013, output increased 2,65 times (compared with 2016, output in 2017 increased by 19,9%). In the production of chemicals and chemical products, the growth of volumes compared to 2013 amounted to 38,85%. Instead, compared to 2016, in 2017 there was a decline in production by 31,55%. In the enterprises for the production of rubber and plastic products, other non-metallic mineral products output volumes against 2013 increased by 2,6 times (compared to 2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 129 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

2016, output in 2017 increased by 26%). In metallurgical industry, production of finished metal products, except for machinery and equipment, in 2017, compared to 2013, the index of industrial production amounted to 160,4% (compared with 2016 – 152,9%), in machinery other than repair and installation machinery and equipment - 169,9% (compared with 2016 - 129,4%). In the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning compared to 2013. the volume of production has been increased by 2,7 times (compared with 2016 - by 19,2%). The main program documents defining the priorities, tasks and activities of the executive authorities of the region for the development of the economic complex and social sphere are: Strategy for the development of the Rivne region for the period up to 2020 (the order of the head of the regional state administration dated November 28, 2014 No. 612, the decision of the regional council of 18.12. 2014 №1374) [15], Plan for 2015 - 2020 on implementation of the Strategy for the development of Rivne Oblast (Order of the Head of the Regional State Administration dated May 27, 2015, No. 273, decision of the Regional Council dated June 12, 2015, No. 1471). According to the program documents, the priority strategic goals of industry development in Rivne region by 2020 are:  modernization of production;  introduction of energy-saving technologies;  promoting the release of industrial products competitive in the domestic and foreign markets;  an increase in the total volume of foreign direct investment attracted to the regional economy;  establishing cooperation with international companies;  regulation of the legislative framework on consumer rights protection, advertising, poor competition, registration of patents and inventions, registration and protection of trademark rights for goods and services. At the same time, today the industrial enterprises of the region carry out appropriate work on improving the quality of products, developing, implementing and certifying the quality management system [3, 11, 14]. In particular, JSC "Rodina" implemented and constantly improves the integrated system of quality and food safety management to meet the requirements of DSTU ISO 9001: 2009 and DSTU ISO 2000: 2007. The internal audits carried out in accordance with the HACCP plan analyze the biological, physical and chemical risks that may affect the quality and safety of food products. In addition, the company operates a measuring laboratory, which controls the quality of incoming raw materials and finished products. The PJSC "Rokitnivsky Glass Factory" introduced and operates a quality management system ISO 9001: 2008. In November 2016, the company successfully passed the certification in accordance with the requirements of the international standard FSSC 22000: 2015 and received a certificate confirming the operation of the system at the enterprise issued by the certification body TUV Thuringene.V. At Open Company " quarry of non-metallic minerals" Technobud "- cubic granite gravel is certificated not only according to domestic standards, but also according to international standards, in particular, Poland, Belarus. One of the achievements is introduction of the company and voluntary certification of quality management systems and environmental management in accordance with the requirements of international standards. The products undergo quality control at all stages of production, starting with the quality of raw materials, the production process and ending with the delivery of products to the customer. The High Voltage Union - RZVA - the products are manufactured under controlled conditions established by the quality management system operating in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001. In addition, two test samples of the upgraded switch VR6V with a rated voltage of 1600A and 3150A were successfully tested at the international testing center for compliance with IEC62271-100 2012 in Romania - ICMET CRAIOVA (NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH-DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING - ICMET CRAIOVA). In December 2017, foreign investors implemented the project "Reconstruction of the sawmill-wood processing industry for the production of lumber in the amount of 300 thousand cub.m / year" and the company "Ukrainian Sawmills" Ltd., which is the producer of quality pine logs using FSC, was put into operation. ™ certified raw materials for ecologically clean and renewable forests of Ukraine. The volume of investments is 25 million euros. The company created 150 new jobs. In December 2017, at the Morgan Feniche LLC, in order to increase production capacity, a newly built building of the procurement and assembly plant with a total area of 19,000 m2 was put into operation, the estimated cost of construction of which exceeds 94 mln. It is planned to create up to 900 new jobs.

130 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)

At the LLC "ODEK" Ukraine is in the final stage an investment project to expand the production of plywood with the use of free premises of the workshop of fiberboard, the cost of which reaches 7 million euro. Implementation of this project will allow the output of 105 thousand m 3 plywood per year. Work continues on the establishment of production of veneered slabs based on MDF, plywood and chipboard, joinery slabs on the "ESCADA-M" Ltd. (Ostrog). It is planned to put into operation the shop number 1 on the lacquer of veneered products, it is planned to create up to 20 jobs. Taking into account the condition and development prospects of Rivne Oblast, we conducted a marketing

SWOT-analysis, the results of which are presented in Fig. 4.

Strengths Opportunities

1) significant production and investment potential; 1) the growth of world demand for food; 2) developed highway transport infrastructure with 2) implementation of the energy efficiency significant transit potential; improvement policy in production; 3) sufficient provision of labor resources; 3) increase of investment attractiveness of Ukraine; 4) significant mineral deposits in immediate proximity 4) the continuation of integration processes with the to main railways and highways; EU will encourage producers to improve the quality of 5) the presence of significant energy capacities products; 5) activation of economic processes will increase demand for logistics services; 6) decentralization of power


Weak sides Threats

1) the volumes of production of food, textile industry 1) the threat to small and medium-sized producers due to the and machine building do not correspond to the economic consequences of convergence with the EU; potential of the region; 2) unstable political situation, deterioration of interstate 2) significant degree of wear and tear of fixed assets relations with key business partners of Ukraine; and their moral aging; 3) outflow of labor resources; 3) a relatively small proportion of high-tech products 4) reduction of the proportion of able-bodied population; in the production structure; 5) increase in the cost of import energy; 4) low quality of highways of local importance 6) the budget of the region is subsidized, which means its high dependence on the state budget

Fig.4. SWOT analysis of industry in Rivne region Source: developed by the author on the basis of [3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15]

Despite the strengths and capabilities of Rivne oblast industrial enterprises, the volumes of food, textile and mechanical engineering production can be restrained as a result of certain threats, including corrupt power and judicial structures, controlling bodies, the complexity of permit-approval procedures, outflow of labor and increase in the cost of imported energy. Instead, the work on expansion of product markets needs to be intensified, especially in the context of the free trade area with EU countries. The growth of investment attractiveness of the Rivne region and the revitalization of investment attraction processes will also contribute to the growth of industrial production and full potential use. However, the growth of business activity of industrial enterprises of the Rivne region negatively affects the state of the environment. The industrial complex occupies a leading place in terms of the intensity of environmental impact. The main pollutants of atmospheric air in 2017 as in previous years remain the

2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 131 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

enterprises of the chemical industry (PJSC "Rivneazot"), the production of building materials (Volyn-cement branch of PJSC "Dyckerhoff cement Ukraine"), woodworking industry (LLC "Svispan Limited" , LLC "ODEK" Ukraine) and the production of glassware (PrJSC "Consumers-Glass-Zorya"). Communal enterprises that dispose of crude and under-treated waste water (Communal enterprise "-Vodokanal", Kuznetsovsk municipal communal enterprise of , KP "Vodokanal", DKP "Kostopolvodokanal", "Ekoservice" m) are left with water contaminants of the region. Sarny, Communal enterprise "Bereznevodokanal", communal enterprise "Communal" of the city of Radivilov, Orzhiv VVZHKG, "Combine of communal enterprises", village, etc.) [4]. The most polluted industrial emissions are the territory of Rivne, Zdolbuniv, Rivne, Dubensky, Kostopil and Sarnen districts. Mining industry also negatively affects land resources. During mining, the natural landscapes of the area change, soil-vegetation is disturbed. Sometimes the land reclamation on the site of open-mined mineral deposits, restoration of fertility and national economic value of disturbed lands is not fully implemented. The chemical and petrochemical industry includes the industrial enterprises of Rivne region: Rivneazot PJSC for the production of mineral fertilizers, "Color Siemens" LLC for the production of paints and varnishes, LLC "Enterprise with foreign investments" Isotherm-S "- for the production of products from the plastics, LLC "Ukrainian match factory" - for the production of explosives and others, etc. Among the main problems of the industry there is a significant accumulation of phosphogypsum at PJSC "Rivneazot". Today, most of the enterprises of the meat and dairy industry of the Rivne region, having no local processing facilities, dispose of aggressive wastewater on municipal wastewater treatment facilities of settlements. This often leads to crashes in the operation of treatment facilities and the leakage of non-treated wastewater in the water objects of the area. European standards dictate special requirements for the environmental safety of products, both at the stages of its design, development, production, storage, and on the stage of utilization after use, thereby stimulating the development of the market for eco-innovative innovations. Among the main European standards in the field of ecology: ISO 9000 - international quality management systems and ISO 14000 - environmental management. According to the State Enterprise «Rivne Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification» environmental management systems are certified in accordance with DSTU of ISO 14001 series at industrial enterprises: LLC Klesivskyi quarry of non-metallic minerals «Technobud»; "Samgaz" Ltd LLC "Eokorembud LTD". Quality control systems in accordance with DSTU of the ISO 9001 series are certificated at 26 enterprises of the region, in particular: LLC "Radema"; TDV "Rivneholod"; PJSC "Polissya Khlib"; TzOV VKP "CONTROL SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT"; LLC "Ecoline"; LLC "Klesiv quarry of non-metallic minerals" Technobud "; PJSC "Agroresurs"; PJSC "Rivneshlyakhbud"; SAMGAZ Ltd.; PP "Autotechnology"; PJSC Euroshpon-Smig; Scientific-production enterprise "Mistyme"; "Selyshchansky Granite Quarry" Ltd; LLC "Rivneagrospetsmontazh"; LLC "Eokorembud LTD"; Rivne Center for Hydrometeorology; Technotek LLC; LLC "ECH Technologies"; LLC "Rivne Standard"; "Rich Land" LLC; LLC "Terlich"; LLC "Steel-M"; Technipriv LLC; LLC "High Voltage Union - RZVA"; PE "SDK" Daedal "; LLC "BK DOMINANT" [4]. In order to reduce the technogenic load on the environment and minimize its pollution at the enterprises of the oblast, annual plans for environmental protection measures are developed and approved, namely: for the protection of atmospheric air, for the protection and rational use of water resources, for the protection of land and underground water, waste management and hazardous substances, mineral resources and rational subsoil use. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The results of the economic analysis of the state and prospects of industry development in the Rivne region made it possible to formulate the following conclusions. Obligatory for consideration and immediate solution are the following problems of the regional industry: moral and physical depreciation of fixed assets, high dependence on the market conditions on the world markets, high energy intensity of production, production of products with low added value, ensuring food and environmental safety, etc. . Instead, the key drivers should be its competitive advantages as a strong raw material base, advantageous geographical location, close proximity to the EU markets, a relatively low proportion of labor costs in the structure of the cost of industrial products, a significant unrealized potential of domestic demand for industrial products.

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ЛІТЕРАТУРА 1. Головне управління статистики в Рівненській області [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.rv.ukrstat.gov.ua/. 2. Державна служба статистики України. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/ (дата звернення: 14.09.2018). 3. Державна служба України з питань безпечності харчової продукції та захисту прав споживачів [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.consumer.gov.ua/. 4. Доповідь про стан навколишнього природного середовища в Рівненській області [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.ecorivne.gov.ua/report_about_environment/. 5. Експортна стратегія України. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://www.kmu.gov.ua/ua/npas/pro-shvalennya-eksportnoyi-strategiyi-ukrayini-dorozhnoyi-karti- strategichnogo-rozvitku-torgivli-na-20172021-roki (дата звернення: 27.12.2017). 6. Кириченко В.В. Промисловість Рівненської області: проблеми і перспективи розвитку / В.В.Кириченко. // Науковий вісник Миколаївського національного університету ім. В.О.Сухомлинсько1го. – Миколаїв, 2015. – Вип.5. - С.704-707. 7. Крикавський Є. Промисловий маркетинг: Підручник. 2-ге вид./ Крикавський Є., Чухрай Н.// – Львів: Видавництво НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2005. - 472 с. 8. Маркетингово-логістичні процеси в економіці: теорія та практика: Монографія / Мальчик М.В., Попко О.В.,Гонтаренко Н.А., Толчанова З.О., Мартинюк О.В., Коваль С.І., та ін.; за редакцією Мальчик М.В. – Рівне : НУВГП, 2015. – 197 с., 9. Мальчик М.В. Маркетингові дослідження інноваційної діяльності вітчизняних промислових підприємств/ Мальчик М.В., Попко О.В., Толчанова З.О. // Economic efficiency of business in the conditions of unstable economy: Collective monograph -Aspekt Publishing, Taunton, MA, United States of America, 2015. - p.207-212. 10. Маркетинг: Навчальний посібник / За заг. ред. Мальчик М. В. – Рівне : НУВГП, 2014.- 444 с. 11. Нова промислова політика України [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://informat.com.ua/uk/nova-promislova-politika-ukraini/. 12. Оснач О. Ф. Промисловий маркетинг: підручник / О. Ф. Оснач, В. П. Пилипчук, Л. П. Коваленко. – Київ: Центр учбової літератури, 2009. – 365 с. 13. Промисловість і промислова політика України 2013: актуальні тренди, виклики, можливості: наук.– аналітична доповідь / О.І. Амоша, В.П. Вишневський та ін.; за заг. Ред.В.П.Вишневського; НАН України, Ін- т економіки пром-сті. – Донецьк, 2014. – 200 с. 14. Пропозиції до плану першочергових дій з розвитку промисловості України. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://www.uifuture.org/publications/news/22080-plan-po-razvitiu-promyslennosti- ukrainy-doklad-uif-dla-minekonomiki-2017 (дата звернення: 14.10.2018). 15. Стратегія розвитку Рівненської області на період до 2020 року [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://surdp.eu/uploads/files/Rivnenska_RDS_FINAL_UA.pdf. 5.

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УДК 339.7:330.341.1:330 JEL O3

RUBEL O.E. Dr.Sc. (Economics), SR Institute Of Market Problems And Economic&Ecological Research of the National Academy Of Sciences Of Ukraine Frantsuzskiy Boulevard, 29, Odessa, Ukraine Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5104-5602

ZHIKHAREVA A.A. Postgraduate Student Institute Of Market Problems And Economic&Ecological Research of the National Academy Of Sciences Of Ukraine Frantsuzskiy Boulevard, 29, Odessa, Ukraine Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000- 0002-1173-1912


Topicality. The implementation of the Performance-based research funding (PBRF) in EU Member States has been a priority for the development of research and innovation in last time. This financial mechanism refers to the type of competitive organizational and institutional allocation of research funding. Aim and tasks. The aim of the article is to develop the theoretical basis of Performance-Based Research Funding (PBRF) assessment to increase the effectiveness of scientific research. Also the aim of the article to analyze the implementation of this mechanism in in Ukraine. Research results. Given the formation of Academic Freedom in the article, it will be clarified: the structure of the evaluation of the financing of research based on the results, the constellations of scientific activities, the category of research activities, and the hypotheses concerning the effectiveness of the national research evaluation systems (NRES). The taxonomy of the indicators of the efficiency of subsidiary activity in Ukraine, New Zealand, Sweden is considered. The following factors explain efficiency differences between science systems: The level of competition; Share of project funding; Performance based funding systems; National evaluation systems. The following activities are excluded from the definition of research except where they are used primarily for the support, or as part, of research and experimental development activities: preparation for teaching; the provision of advice or opinion, except where it is consistent with the PBRF’s Definition of research; scientific and technical information services; general purpose or routine data collection; standardisation and routine testing (but not including standards development); feasibility studies (except into research and experimental development projects); specialised routine medical care; the commercial, legal and administrative aspects of patenting, copyrighting or licensing activities. Conclusions. Theoretical basis of Performance-Based Research Funding (PBRF) assessment to increase the effectiveness of scientific research in Ukraine is developed. The Performance-based research funding is governed by the following set of principles: comprehensiveness; respect for academic traditions; consistency; continuity; differentiation; credibility; efficiency; transparency; complementarity. The Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in our opinion, can be supplemented by 3 elements: Moderation Panel. Comprehensive peer-review panel and PBRF audit. Keywords: Performance-based research funding, national research evaluation system, innovation, research and innovation system.

РУБЕЛЬ О.Є. д-р екон. наук, с.н.с. ст. наук. співроб. Інститут проблем ринку та економіко- екологічних досліджень НАНУ Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-5104-5602

2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 135 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

ЖИХАРЕВА А.А. аспірант Інститут проблем ринку та економіко- екологічних досліджень НАНУ Французький бульвар, 29, м. Одеса, Україна, 65044 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000- 0002-1173-1912


Актуальність. Впровадження фінансування наукових досліджень на основі результатів досліджень (PBRF) в країнах-членах ЄС є пріоритетом для розвитку досліджень та інновацій. Цей механізм фінансування відноситься до конкурентного організаційного та інституційного розподілу фінансування досліджень. Мета та завдання. Метою статті є розробка теоретичної основи оцінки фінансування досліджень на основі результатів (PBRF) для підвищення ефективності наукових досліджень та аналіз перспективи реалізації цього механізму в Україні. Результати. З огляду на формування Академічної Свободи в статі уточнються: струткра оцінки фінансування досліджень на основі результатів, конмлекси відповідних показників наукової діяльності, категорія дослідницької діяльності, гіпотези щодо ефективності національних систем оцінювання досліджень (NRES). Розглянуто систематику індикаторів ефективності досілдницької діяльності в Україні, Новій Зеландії, Швеції. Наступні фактори визначають ефективність фінансування дослідницької діяльності: рівень конкуренції; доля проектного фінансування; Система фінансування на основі оцінки результатів дослідницької діяльності; національні системи оцінки. Види діяльності що не є дослідницькими не мають враховуватися для оцінки, крім тих випадків, коли вони використовуються головним чином для підтримки або як частина дослідницької та експериментальної діяльності з розробки: підготовка до викладання; надання консультацій; науково-технічні інформаційні послуги; загальний або прикладний збір даних; стандартизація та промислове тестування (не включаючи розробку стандартів); техніко-економічні обґрунтування (за винятком дослідницьких та експериментальних проектів); спеціалізована поточна медична допомога; комерційні, правові та адміністративні аспекти діяльності з патентування, авторського права або ліцензування. Висновки. Розроблено теоретичні основи оцінки фінансування досліджень на основі результатів (PBRF) для підвищення ефективності наукових досліджень в Україні. Фінансування досліджень, що базується на результатах, регулюється наступними принципами: комплекснності; поваги до академічних традицій; послідовності; безперервності; диференціацєю; довірою; ефективністю; прозоростю; додатковістю. Методологію оцінки ефективності наукових установ Національної академії наук України, на нашу думку, можна доповнити: модерацією, експертизою та аудитом. Ключові слова: інструмент «фінансування за оцінкою результатов досліджень», національна система оцінювання досліджень, дослідницька та інноваційна система.

Problem statement and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. The implementation of the Performance-based research funding (PBRF) in EU Member States has been a priority for the development of research and innovation in last time. This financial mechanism refers to the type of competitive organizational and institutional allocation of research funding, based on an ex post evaluation of research results. This approach differs from other approaches to the financing of scientific activities, in which funding is mainly provided on a non-competitive basis or competitive project financing, for which the allocation of funds is carried out in a preliminary (ex ante) assessment mode. Analysis of recent publications on the problem. This topic is deeply studied in the applied developments of specialists from leading foreign scientific centers in Europe, Asia and America. In particular, the foundations of scientometrics were developed by F. Galton, J. Bernal [1], G. Holton, D. Price [2], its various aspects were covered also by Y. Garfield, S. Bradford, A. Pritchard, L. Resing, D. Hawkins. Quantitative analysis is taken from expert reports of the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commissionn. The reports are based on the basis of national case studies and academic academic literature. [3]. Qualitative analysis complemented by quantitative data and analysis of the material. Performance-based financing mechanisms are one of the main ways to include elements of competition to allocate of funding at the institutional level. The report of European Commission (2011) “Supporting growth and jobs – An agenda for the modernisation of Europe’s higher education systems” recommends an increase in financing mechanisms related to efficiency that introduce an element of competition [5].

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Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. Along with the fact that the main rationales for introducing results-based funding is to increase the accountability of universities for the costs of government funding for R&D (Frolich, 2008; Hicks, 2012) [6-7]. Funding based on research results can be used to stimulate research organizations to increase the volume or quality of their work, to prioritize certain research areas, to develop closer interaction with industry and other ways to increase their socio-economic impact. (Geuna & Martin, 2003; Hicks, 2012; Marginson, 1,997; Tapper and Salter, 2003) [7,9-10]. However, the structural layout of the method remains open to interpretation and adaptation for national conditions. Formulation of research objectives. The aim of the article is to develop the theoretical basis of Performance-Based Research Funding (PBRF) assessment to increase the effectiveness of scientific research. Also the aim of the article to analyze the implementation of this mechanism in in Ukraine. Outline of the main results and their justification. Research funding is a term generally covering any funding for scientific research. The term often connotes as funding obtained through a competitive process. Such processes, which are run by government, corporations or foundations, allocate scarce funds. According to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, more than 60% of research and development in scientific and technical fields is carried out by industries, and 20% and 10% respectively by universities and government [11]. Even in cases where the share of funding is insignificant, research organizations may be sensitive to gain / loss of reputation, which depends on their degree of success in research and evaluation based on the results [12]. The following factors explain efficiency differences between science systems: The level of competition - Share of project funding - Performance based funding systems - National evaluation systems. The level of university autonomy - Financial, organizational, staffing and academic autonomy. Competiveness is generally defined in terms of the share of basic academican funds in total research funding. The higher the share of such institutional funding and consequently the lower the share of project funding, the less competition would exist in a research system (Abramo, Cicero, & D’Angelo, 2012) [13]. However, increasingly also institutional funding is based on performance whereas in the past it was mainly. The main reasons why research organizations are motivated by the methods discussed in the article is that their reputation affects their future access to financial resources. The reputational effect can influence the strategic behavior of research RDIs (Hicks 2012) [7]. An analysis of the impact of RPBF systems shows that the incentive system must be carefully considered. In a subsequent paper Aghion, Dewatripont, Hoxby, Mas-Colell, and Sapir (2010) argue that performance of universities may not only be related to autonomy, but also to competition [16]. The one without the other may work negatively on performance. Universities are more productive when they have autonomy and, at the same time, are forced to compete for research resources. Productivity was operationalized in terms of the score in the Shanghai ranking, whereas autonomy indicators came from a survey among universities, with a response rate below 40 %. The study found that factors such as high pay flexibility and independent budget responsibility correlate strongly with rankings. Whether this is a causal relation, was investigated by the same authors using data on American universities at state level. Despite the entirely different institutional arrangements in the US, the same pattern was found as for the European universities – which suggest a causal effect. However, using rankings as performance measure is problematic, as reliability and validity of the underlying concepts are strongly questioned. Taking the mechanisms specified in these theories together leads to the following claims: Countries with a national research evaluation system (NRES) have a more efficient research system than those without a NRES. The higher the share of project funding, the higher the efficiency of the research system. The higher the universities’ autonomy, the higher the efficiency of the research system. The higher the share of project funding, the more stratified the university system. The more stratified the university system, the higher the efficiency of the research system. The more academic freedom, the higher the efficiency of the research system. The higher the share of project funding, the lower academic freedom. The higher the universities’ autonomy, the lower academic freedom. These hypotheses are represented in the model in Fig. 1.

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National evaluation system Competitive project funding Academic Authonomy

Stratification system Academic freedom

Performance National Reserch System

Fig. 1. Theories of Academic Freedom Mechanism.

Source: [19, p. 365-384] The above definition of autonomy shows that institutional autonomy generally means the autonomy of the university from the state, and this leads to an increased power of the universities management. Larger power of top management is often related to the introduction of forms of NPM leading to a decrease of the autonomy of the academic staff, which is also obvious in the EUA report. Several authors have argued that this may lead to less creative and more middle of the road and risk-avoiding research. This research will less often result in top cited papers, and therefore lowers the performance and the efficiency of the institution. Data on academic freedom are hardly available, but we will address this issue also in the empirical part, using the few data we could find. For the purposes of the PBRF, research is original investigation undertaken in order to contribute to knowledge and understanding and, in the case of some disciplines, cultural innovation or aesthetic refinement. It typically involves enquiry of an experimental or critical nature driven by hypotheses or intellectual positions capable of rigorous assessment by experts in a given discipline. It is an independent, creative, cumulative and often long-term activity conducted by people with specialist knowledge about the theories, methods and information concerning their field of enquiry. Its findings must be open to scrutiny and formal evaluation by others in the field, and this may be achieved through publication or public presentation. In some disciplines, the investigation and its results may be embodied in the form of artistic works, designs or performances. Research includes contribution to the intellectual infrastructure of subjects and disciplines (for example, dictionaries and scholarly editions). It also includes the experimental development of design or construction solutions, as well as investigation that leads to new or substantially improved materials, devices, products or processes. The following activities are excluded from the definition of research except where they are used primarily for the support, or as part, of research and experimental development activities: - preparation for teaching; - the provision of advice or opinion, except where it is consistent with the PBRF’s Definition of research; - scientific and technical information services; - general purpose or routine data collection; - standardisation and routine testing (but not including standards development); - feasibility studies (except into research and experimental development projects); - specialised routine medical care; - the commercial, legal and administrative aspects of patenting, copyrighting or licensing activities. Research and development (RD) or research and technological development (RTD), refers to innovative activities undertaken by corporations or governments in developing new services or products, or improving existing services or products [11].

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Syntesis and Develop and Theorise Test

Hepothesize Implement

Fig. 2. Research and development sheme Source: author's development

The PBRF Quality Evaluation is an assessment of research quality in our degree-delivering tertiary education organisations (TEOs) – universities, institutes of technology and polytechnics, wānanga, and private training establishments – for the purpose of determining the allocation of government funding. Research produced within the tertiary education sector enables TEOs to play an important role in the creation, application and dissemination of knowledge – crucial ingredients for a knowledge-based economy and society. The PBRF Quality Evaluation assessment encourages high-quality research at our TEOs. Dynamic research cultures underpin and enhance degree-level learning, particularly at the postgraduate level. The government’s current aims for the PBRF are to: - increase the quality of research; - ensure that research continues to support degree and postgraduate teaching; - ensure that funding is available for postgraduate students and new researchers; - improve the quality of public information about research outputs; - prevent undue concentration of funding that would undermine research support for all degrees or prevent access to the system by new researchers; - underpin the existing research strengths in the tertiary education sector. The PBRF is governed by the following set of principles: Comprehensiveness. (The PBRF should appropriately measure the quality of the full range of original investigative activity that occurs within the sector, regardless of its type, form, or place of output). Respect for academic traditions. (The PBRF should operate in a manner that is consistent with academic freedom and institutional autonomy). Consistency. (Evaluations of quality made through the PBRF should be consistent across the different subject areas and in the calibration of quality ratings against international standards of excellence). Continuity. (Changes to the PBRF process should only be made where they can bring demonstrable improvements that outweigh the cost of implementing). Differentiation. (The PBRF should allow stakeholders and the government to differentiate between providers and their units on the basis of their relative quality). Credibility. (The methodology, format and processes employed in the PBRF must be credible to those being assessed). Efficiency. (Administrative and compliance costs should be kept to the minimum consistent with a robust and credible process). Transparency. (Decisions and decision-making processes must be explained openly, except where there is a need to preserve confidentiality and privacy). Complementarity. (The PBRF should be integrated with new and existing policies, such as charters and profiles, and quality assurance systems for degrees and degree providers). Cultural inclusiveness. The qualitative approach relies on information collected through a network of national experts in R&D contracted by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. The reports provided were supplemented by material from national policy documents and analyses published in the academic literature. The resulting national case studies were reviewed by National Contact Points in the national administrations of each EU Member State (Jonkers and Zacharewicz, 2016) [3]. Budgetary Allocations for R&D, but provides a more fine-grained disaggregation by mode of allocation, managing organisations, and funding flows to performers. While we base ourselves largely on the van Steen (2012) definitions, which are also employed by, we make an adaptation in the label of organisational level funding which is generally referred to as institutional

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funding [17]. The reason for doing so is that "institutions" refer to "rules, norms, habits and ways of doing things" as distinct from organisations. We therefore refer to organisational level instead of institutional funding. In order to analyse the relationship between RPBF systems and university autonomy we consider the strategic actor-hood of universities and make a distinction between "internal autonomy" and "external autonomy" (Whitley, 2007; Cruz-Castro, Jonkers, & Sanz Menendez, 2016) [28-29]. The analysis of organisational actorhood is more compatible with the understanding of universities as organisations rather than institutions. Since the 1980s the importance of project funding has increased in many European Member States. The other traditional way of providing public support to research is through organisational level funding of universities and public research organisations (Fig.3).

Hystorialy Quantative based metrics Education Funding indicators Allocation Verification assessment Ex Post Based Assesment Per Revew Institutiona исследования Panel l Funding Ex Ante Assesment

No assesment based funding

Fig. 3. Performance-based financing mechanisms: institutional approaches Source: author's development

Public research funding is generally allocated in two main ways, through project funding and through organisational level funding. Project funding is defined as "the total of national budgets in a given country, attributed to a group or an individual to perform an R&D activity limited in scope, budget and time, normally on the basis of the submission of a project proposal describing the research activities to be done." (Van Steen, 2012) [17]. Organisational level funding is defined as the total of national budgets in a given country, attributed to a research performing organisation, with no direct selection of R&D project or programmes and for which money the organisation has more or less freedom to define the research activities to be performed. To a large extent this block funding may be earmarked for particular expenditures such as infrastructure or researcher's salaries, especially in research systems where permanent researchers are civil servants (Cruz Castro et al, 2010) [29]. It is this latter type of competitively allocated organisational level funding which we consider as performance based funding. As indicated in the introduction, many EU member states have implemented some form of performance based funding over the past decade and the share of organisational level funding which is allocated competitively on the basis of performance assessments has increased. Analysts and policy makers have used different understandings of Performance Based Funding. It is therefore useful to further define what we mean in this paper by this funding allocation system by building on the definition developed by Diana Hicks (2012) [7]. Doing so will allow us to assess whether Member States have implemented a research performance based funding system for the allocation of organisational research funding. In order to be considered as RPBF, Member States funding allocation systems must have the following characteristics: Since organisational level funding tends to be allocated on the basis of a set of institutions an alternative argument could be made for

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retaining this label. In case this is done, however, the definition should be adapted and it would be a challenge to distinguish it from project funding which is also allocated within an institutional framework. The PBRF is a mixed-performance assessment; it employs both peer-review processes and performance measures. There are three elements: periodic Quality Evaluations – the assessment of the research performance of eligible TEO staff, undertaken by expert peer-review panels; postgraduate research degree completions (RDC) measure – the number of postgraduate research-based degrees completed in participating TEOs, assessed on an annual basis; an external research income (ERI) measure – the amount of income for research purposes received by participating TEOs from external sources, assessed on an annual basis. Naturally, the development of a classification of the use of research indicators requires as a data source some kind of inventory of the various types of use to which indicators have been put. The literature contains no recent comprehensive overview of indicator use. The classification (fig.4) has fore main categories of use are identified: general science policy, funding allocation, management and organization, content decisions, and consumer information.

Content General science Funding Organization management

policy allocation and management and decisions Formula-based General Strategy Publication policy block funding channel information selection

Formula- Policy Non-formula based block Research formulation block funding funding profile management

Policy Additional Contract-based evaluation funding, governance and Journal and financial steering database bonus or (management by management Inducement penalty objectives)

Program and Accountability Library project funding collection management

Quality management and Internal quality funding assessment

Reputation management

Selection of Consumer partners and information members

Fig. 4. Research indicators

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Within these categories different types of activities are identified in which research indicators are often used. Policy formulation use of research indicators as a source of information to support decision making, policy development, and the setting of policy goals. Policy evaluation use of research indicators to evaluate policies or programs. The results of evaluations can in themselves feed back into policy formulation. Inducement use of research indicators to create performance incentives that are not purely or primarily intended to have another function such as solving a budget allocation problem. Block funding gives recipient institutions discretion to spend funding according to their own views. We include block funding with some general constraints on the purpose for which it is used (constrained block funding). Two types of block funding are distinguished. Formula-based block funding use of research indicators as a variable in a funding formula next to other variables such as faculty and number of graduates Non-formula block funding use of research indicators without formulae, but, e.g., in negotiating contracts on which funding is based. Earning of extra funding by institutions or individuals based on their research performance. A financial bonus or additional funding comes on top of basic funding and is not granted to everyone but only to those eligible. Financial bonuses or penalties can also result from contractual agreements which contain indicators as targets. Program and project funding use of research indicators to decide about the funding of research programs or projects on the basis of project proposals. In some systems, indicators play an immediate role in the decision- making, while in other decision-making processes indicators are used to inform peer reviewers or decision makers: Internal funding use of research indicators for funding allocation within institutions. Internal funding can reflect external funding mechanisms such as formulae or contracts in which indicators can play a role. Strategy use of research indicators by institutions in the formulation of their strategy, to decide upon such a strategy and to set aims to pursue. Contract-based governance and steering (management by objectives) Use of research indicators in contracts between ministries and institutions or between institutions and departments to agree upon targets to be met. This concerns cases where no funding is involved. Accountability use of research indicators by researchers, research groups, and research institutions to inform on their research activities to their higher management or to society at large. Human resources management use of research indicators for the selection, hiring, promotion, and dismissal of personnel. Quality assurance or quality improvement cannot only be achieved by funding or inducements, but also by means of quality assessment. Committees assessing quality might use research indicators as information about the research performance. Reputation management use of research indicators to advertise strengths of a research institution or individual researchers Selection of partners and members use of research indicators to inform institutions about the research performance of possible partners or candidates which apply for membership of professional associations. Publication channel selection use of indicators such as the journal impact factor by authors to decide in which medium they will try to publish their work. Research profile management use of research indicators by research institutions to manage their research profile and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses Journal and database management use of research indicators to manage or support journals and bibliographic databases. Library collection management use of research indicators by librarians to inform themselves about publications which should be adopted by their institutions. Research indicators such as rankings are proxies for quality of institutes and serve different groups of consumers as important sources of information. Compare the evaluation system in points. An analogue of the technique we met in New Zealand [27]. The evaluation of an eligible staff member’s research performance is based on information contained within an EP, which has three components:

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The research output component: This comprises up to four NROs, as well as up to 30 other research outputs. The research output component has a 70% weighting. For a research output to be eligible for inclusion, it has to have been produced (for example, published, publicly disseminated, presented, performed, or exhibited) for the first time within the assessment period. For the 2012 Quality Evaluation the period was 1 January 2006 to 31 December 2011. Research outputs are also required to satisfy the PBRF definition of research. The peer rewew component: This comprises the recognition of a staff member’s research by their peers (for example, prizes, awards, invitations to speak at conferences) and has a 15% weighting. The contribution to the research environment component: This comprises a staff member’s contribution to a vital high-quality research environment (for example, the supervision of research students, the receipt of research grants) and has a 15% weighting. The assessment of involves scoring each of its three elements. In determining the appropriate score, the panels draw upon generic descriptors and tie-points (encapsulating the standard expected for a particular score) that apply to every panel, together with panel-specific guidelines. The rating scale has the following characteristics: The scale for each component has eight steps (0-7), with 7 being the highest point on the scale and 0 being the lowest. A score of 0 indicates that no evidence has been provided in the EP for that component. Only whole scores are allocated (the use of fractions is not permitted). The descriptors and tie-points for each of the three components of an EP are used to assist with the scoring.The scoring associated with the Quality Categories is as follows: - “A” (indicative of a total weighted score of 600-700); - “B” (indicative of a total weighted score of 400-599); - “C” or “C(NE)” (indicative of a total weighted score of 200-399); - “R” or “R(NE)” (indicative of a total weighted score of less than 200). Similar approaches (4 gradations) are found in the Ukrainian document: "Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" is developed in accordance with the Concept of Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, approved by the decision of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine dated December 25, 2013 № 187. The methodology is intended for the state certification of research institutes and universities the scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the "Institution"), equated to them, to which the action applies the current Provision on the state attestation of scientific research (scientific and technical) institutions. "Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" is developed in accordance with the Concept of Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, approved by the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine dated December 25, 2013 No. 187. The methodology is intended for the state certification of scientific research institutes and equivalent scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Institution), which are subject to the provisions of the current Regulations on state attestation of scientific research institutions. The method defines: the basic principles and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the Institutions; principles for determining the composition of commissions for evaluating the effectiveness of the Institutions; Separate organizational issues related to the use of this Methodology. The method can also be used during: Planned periodic and extraordinary inspections of scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Institutions at the Presidium level of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; preparation of proposals for optimization of the network of Institutions; determination of annual volumes of basic financing institutions. In assessing the most important publications issued by the Office, the criteria for assessing the quality of scientific results presented in table 1 shall be guided.

Table 1 Criteria for assessing the quality of scientific results in Ukraine The level Definition Description of quality A Very good The results meet the international standards of excellent level. From the point of view of originality, significance and scientific ethics, these scientific results can be compared with very good works at the international level. The work at this level is of great interest to the international academic community.

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Continuation of Table 1 B Good The results meet the international standards of high level. From the point of view of originality, significance and scientific ethics, these scientific results can be compared with good work at the international level. Research satisfies high international standards of excellence. Jobs of this level are published by internationally recognized publishers and magazines C Sufficient The results to a certain extent correspond to the national standards of high leveFrom the point of view of originality, significance and scientific ethics, these scientific results are of sufficient quality in order to satisfy, first of all, the needs of Ukraine. D Weak From the point of view of originality, significance and scientific ethics, these scientific results do not correspond to the requirements of professional editions. Source: author's development

The Ukrainian methodology, in our opinion, can be supplemented by 3 elements: Firstly: Moderation Panel. The role of the Moderation Panel is to: ensure that the assessment framework is applied consistently across the panels, while at the same time avoiding a situation in which the judgements of the panels are reduced to a mechanistic application of the assessment criteria; provide an opportunity to review the standards and processes being applied by the panels establish mechanisms and processes by which material differences or apparent inconsistencies in standards and processes can be addressed by the panels; advise the TEC on any issues regarding consistency of standards across panels. Panels were informed, by their chairs, of the findings of the first Moderation Panel meeting held prior to panel meetings. Panels devoted considerable attention to the calibration of scores for each of the three Evaluation Panel components and discussed how they would consistently apply the tie-points and descriptors in the Guidelines. All panels undertook a systematic review of Evaluation Panel. Particular attention was given to those EPs where the total weighted score was close to a Quality Category boundary. Panels considered all Evaluation Panels where panel pairs were unable to reach agreement on preliminary scores. Panels examined Evaluation Panels that had unusual score combinations for their research outputs, peer esteem, and contribution to the research environment components. During panel meetings, all panel members had the opportunity to be involved in an Evaluation Panel’s assessment (other than where this was prevented by conflict of interest or in exceptional circumstances as noted in the individual panel reports). Prior to the designation of final quality scores the panels undertook a holistic assessment process of all Evaluation Panels. Panel chairs and their secretariats took an active role in ensuring that panels complied with the PBRF assessment framework, panel-specific guidelines, and the Guidelines. Panel meetings were also attended by the moderators and the TEC internal auditor to further ensure compliance with the assessment framework and guidelines. Secondly, the PBRF audit. The primary objectives of the PBRF audit methodology were to: determine whether participating TEOs had adequate systems and controls for submitting to the TEC; determine whether participating TEOs had adequate systems and controls for identifying and verifying PBRF-eligible staff for inclusion in the PBRF census; understand participating TEOs’ preparedness for submitting accurate PBRF census and Evaluation Panels data; provide assurance to the TEC and the PBRF peer-review panels that the material presented in the research outputs component of Evaluation Panels and in the TEOs’ staff-eligibility data was complete and accurate. Independent assurance on the processes for the assessment of Evaluation Panels was provided by the TEC’s internal auditor. Thirdly, Comprehensive peer-review panel - Group of experts who were selected to evaluate the quality of research as set out in an individual evidence portfolio. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. Theoretical basis of Performance-Based Research Funding (PBRF) assessment to increase the effectiveness of scientific research in Ukraine is developed. The Performance-based research funding is governed by the following set of principles: comprehensiveness; respect for academic traditions; consistency; continuity; differentiation; credibility; efficiency; transparency; complementarity. The Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in our opinion, can be supplemented by 3 elements: Moderation Panel. The role of the Moderation Panel is to: ensure that the assessment framework is applied consistently across the panels, while at the same time avoiding a situation in which the judgements of the panels are reduced to a mechanistic

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application of the assessment criteria; The primary objectives of the PBRF audit methodology were to: determine whether participating TEOs had adequate systems and controls for submitting to the TEC; determine whether participating TEOs had adequate systems and controls for identifying and verifying PBRF-eligible staff for inclusion in the PBRF census; understand participating TEOs’ preparedness for submitting accurate PBRF census and Evaluation Panels data; provide assurance to the TEC and the PBRF peer-review panels that the material presented in the research outputs component of Evaluation Panels. Comprehensive peer-review panel - group of experts who were selected to evaluate the quality of research as set out in an individual evidence portfolio. The subsequent research will be aimed at fully adapting the method to the Ukrainian institutional conditions.

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15. Peer Review of the Ukrainian Research and Innovation System. European Commission. Retrieved from: https://rio.jrc.ec.europa.eu/en/policy-support-facility/peer-review-ukrainian-research-and-innovation- system [in English]. 16. Aghion, P., Dewatripont, M., Hoxby, C., Mas-Colell, A.&Sapir, A. (2010). The Governance and Performance of Universities: Evidence from Europe and the US. Economic Policy, (January), 7-59 [in English]. 17. Van Steen, J. (2012). Modes of public funding of research and development: Towards internationally comparable indicators. OECD, Science Technology and Industry. Working Papers, 2012/04 [in English]. 18. Vyznachennia indeksu tsytovanosti vchenoho z vykorystanniam Google Scholar [Determination the citation index of the scientist using Google Scholar]. URL: http://www. spsl.nsc.ru/win/isitr/str_33h.html [in English]. 19. Sandström, U., P.&Van den Besselaar (2018). Funding, evaluation, and the performance of nationalresearch systems. Journal of Informetrics 12. 365-384 [in English]. 20. Hazelkorn, E. (2010). Pros and cons of research assessment, in ISSC. UNESCO World Social Science Report 2010. Paris: UNESCO Press [in English]. 21. Metric-based vs peer-reviewed evaluation of a research output: Lesson learnt from UK’s national research assessment exercise. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5507403/ [in English]. 22. Zhang, H., Patton, D.&Kenney, M. (2013). Building global-class universities: Assessing the impact of the 985 Project. Research Policy. vol. 42, Issue 3, April 2013, 765-775 [in English]. 23. Funding, evaluation, and the performance of nationalresearch systemsUlf Sandströma,∗, Peter Van den BesselaarbaDept Journal of Informetrics 12 (2018) 365–384 [in English]. 24.Bornmann, L., Stefaner, M., de Moya Anegon, F. & Mutz, R. (2014). What is the effect of country- specific characteristics on the research performance ofscientific institutions? Journal of Informetrics, 8(3) [in English]. 25.Chapman, I. & Farina, C. (1983). Peer review and national need. Research Policy, 12, 317-327 [in English]. 26 Performance-Based Research Fund Evaluating Research Excellence – the 2012 Assessment Final Report Retrieved from: http://www.tec.govt.nz/assets/Reports/4508da9deb/PBRF-QE-2012-Final-Report.pdf [in English]. 27.Whitley, R., Glaeser J. & (Eds.) (2007). Changing governance of the public sciences: The consequences of establishing diverse research evaluation systems. The changing governance of the sciences: The advent of research evaluation systems. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 3-27 [in English]. 28. Cruz-Castro, L., Bleda, M., Derrick, GE., Jonkers, K., Martinez, C. & Sanz-Menendez,L. (2011). Issue brief.: Public sector research funding. Retrieved from: https://www.innovationpolicyplatform.org/sites/default/files/Public%20Sector%20Research%20Funding_0_0.p df [in English].

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УДК 504.062+339.138 JEL Р28, J15, Q57

SADCHENKO O.V. Dr.Sc. (Economics), Prof. Head, Department of Marketing & Business Administration Odesa I.I.Mechnikov National University, Ukraine Frantsuzskiy Boulevard, 24/25, Odessa, Ukraine Prof. dr hab. Higher School of Economics and Humanities Ul. V.Sikorsky, 4, Bielsko-Biala, Poland, 43-300 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID 0000-0003-4914-6249

NICHITAILOVA M.S. Junior Researcher Institute Of Market Problems And Economic&Ecological Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Frantsuzskiy Boulevard, 24/25, Odesa, Ukraine Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID 0000-0001-4914-6249


Topicality. Each year, the issue of environmental responsibility of the business is becoming more and more relevant both in Ukraine and abroad, which is connected with globalization, increasing the threat of technogenic and environmental disasters, updating healthy lifestyles, socializing labor relations, etc. In today's economic environment, environmental liability is only a component of social responsibility. However, it should not be forgotten that during the period when the concept of social responsibility emerged, it was the environmental focus that was prioritized. In the holy of this, and ecological marketing of nature, as a kind of human activity aimed at meeting needs through exchange, should be environmentally responsible towards the consumer and producer of human goods. Underestimation of natural resources and environmental damage leads to distortion of indicators of economic development and progress, accompanied by the choice of inefficient socio-economic direction. In general terms, the concept of environmentally responsible business refers to the activity of each individual citizen, business structures that benefits the environment (or reduces the negative impact on the environment). In addition, this activity is not limited to certain laws and mandatory measures. The higher the economic value of natural objects, the greater the likelihood that the economic decisions made in various projects and programs will be ecologically balanced, take into account the priorities of environmental protection and the conservation of natural resources. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to identify the conceptual foundations and methodological principles of environmentally responsible marketing in environmental management. To do this, the concept and essence of the concept of environmental responsibility, the tools for practical implementation of environmental responsibility of business and the methodology for assessing environmental liability should be defined. At the same time, despite the growing widespread adoption of the principles of corporate social responsibility and the recognition of the benefits that they give to both entrepreneurs and society, the limits of social responsibility remain rather blurred. Assessment of the level of implementation of environmental liability in the practice of enterprise management is proposed on the basis of an analysis of the impact of its activities on the environment. Research results. The conceptual bases and methodical principles of conducting ecologically responsible marketing in environmental management are considered. The concept of social responsibility is used in many spheres of activity, but only in the business context, pointing to specific areas of development, it becomes clear wording. This allows researchers and professionals to split CSR into specific types. The economic component is the most controversial and complex. Its sustainability and effectiveness depends on the role that the organization assumes, as well as the methodology for defining and measuring end-points. The ecological aspect of social responsibility exists in the block of economic responsibility of the enterprise, in legal liability, in the block of ethical responsibility, and also the aspect of sustainable development in the philanthropic block was allocated, and all three main components: economic, ecological and social are in close interconnection and interdependence . Social responsibility of entrepreneurship in the field of ecology, that is, environmental responsibility, becomes a vital factor of competition, since it is the level of environmental responsibility of business in the near future will determine the position of a company in the international market and in the eyes of

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consumers of its products. The advantages of implementing ecological activity within the framework of socially responsible work of the enterprise are considered. The tools of practical implementation of ecological responsibility of business are offered. Environmentally responsible marketing should use the following tools to address sustainable development issues: environmental impact assessment when developing strategies and plans for economic development; environmental audit; environmental insurance; certification for compliance with environmental standards; social and environmental reporting. Conclusions. There is no single approach to assessing the level of environmental responsibility of an enterprise, no normative document contains a single methodology for its definition. In our opinion, the overall level of environmental responsibility of an enterprise should be determined taking into account the impact of various economic, environmental and organizational factors through the integrated indicator of the overall level of economic responsibility of the enterprise, based on three partial integral ratios, namely: the integral coefficient of environmental damage; integral coefficient of influence of economic factors; the integral factor of the impact of environmental and economic factors. Keywords: social responsibility, responsible marketing, investments, social and eco-label, environmental responsibility of the enterprise.

САДЧЕНКО O.В. д-р екон. наук, проф. завідувач кафедри маркетингу та бізнес-адміністрування Одеський національний університет імені І.І. Мечникова Французький бульвар, 24/25, г. Одеса, Україна, 65044, hb. проф. Вища школа економіко-гуманітарна вул. В.Сікорського, 4, м. Бельсько-Бяла, Польща, 43-300 Е-mail: [email protected] ORCID 0000-0003-4914-6249

НІЧІТАЙЛОВА М.С. м.н.с. Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАНУ Французький бульвар, 29, г. Одесса, Україна, 65044, Е-mail:[email protected] ORCID 0000-0001-4914-6249


Актуальність. З кожним роком питання екологічної відповідальності бізнесу стає все більш актуальним як в Україні, так і за кордоном, що пов'язано з глобалізацією, зростанням загрози техногенних і екологічних катастроф, актуалізацією здорового способу життя, соціалізацією трудових відносин і т.д. В сучасних економічних умовах екологічна відповідальність є лише компонентом соціальної відповідальності. Однак не слід забувати, що в період становлення концепції соціальної відповідальності саме екологічний напрям було пріоритетним. В святи з цим, і екологічний маркетинг природокористування, як вид людської діяльності, спрямованої на задоволення потреб за допомогою обміну, повинен бути екологічно відповідальним по відношенню до споживача і виробника людських благ. Недооцінка природних ресурсів та екологічного збитку призводить до спотворення показників економічного розвитку і прогресу, що супроводжується вибором неефективного соціально- економічного спрямування. У загальному вигляді під концепцією екологічно відповідального бізнесу розуміється діяльність кожного окремого громадянина, бізнес-структур, яка приносить користь навколишньому середовищу (або зменшує негативний вплив на навколишнє середовище). Крім того, дана діяльність не обмежується тільки певними законом і обов'язковими до виконання заходами. Чим вище економічна цінність природних об'єктів, тим більша ймовірність, що прийняті економічні рішення, втілені в різних проектах і програмах, будуть екологосбалансірованнимі, враховувати пріоритети охорони середовища і економії природних ресурсів. Мета та завдання Метою статті є визначення концептуальних основ та методичних засад екологічно відповідального маркетингу у природокористуванні. Для цього слід визначити поняття і сутність концепції екологічної відповідальності, інструменти практичної реалізації екологічної відповідальності бізнесу та методики оцінки екологічної відповідальності. Разом з тим, незважаючи на все більш широке поширення принципів соціальної відповідальності бізнесу та усвідомлення тих переваг, які вони дають як підприємцям, так і суспільству, межі соціальної відповідальності залишаються вельми розмитими. Оцінка рівня імплементації

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екологічної відповідальності в практику менеджменту підприємства пропонується на основі аналізу впливу його діяльності на довкілля. Результати. Розглянуто концептуальні основи та методичні засад провадження екологічно відповідального маркетингу у природокористуванні. Поняття соціальної відповідальності використовується в багатьох сферах діяльності, але тільки в бізнес-контексті, вказуючи на конкретні напрямки розвитку, воно набуває чітке формулювання. Це дозволяє дослідникам і фахівцям розділити СВБ на певні види. Економічна складова є найбільш суперечливою і складною. Її стійкість і ефективність залежить від ролі, яку бере на себе організація, а також методології визначення та вимірювання кінцевих результатів. Екологічний аспект соціальної відповідальності наявний в блоці економічної відповідальності підприємства, в правової відповідальності, в блоці етичної відповідальності, а також було виділено аспект сталого розвитку в філантропічному блоці, причому всі три основні складові: економічна, екологічна та соціальна знаходяться в тісному взаємозв'язку і взаємозалежності. Соціальна відповідальність підприємництва в сфері екології, тобто екологічна відповідальність, перетворюється в життєво важливий фактор конкурентної боротьби, оскільки саме рівень екологічної відповідальності підприємництва найближчим часом буде визначати позиції того чи іншого підприємства на міжнародному ринку і в очах споживачів його продукції. Розглянуто переваги здійснення екологічної діяльності в рамках соціально відповідальної роботи підприємства. Запропоновано інструменти практичної реалізації екологічної відповідальності бізнесу. Екологічно відповідальний маркетинг повинен використовувати такі інструменти для вирішення проблем сталого розвитку: оцінку впливу на навколишнє середовище при розробці стратегій та планів економічного розвитку; екологічний аудит; екологічне страхування; сертифікацію на відповідність положенням екологічних стандартів; соціально-екологічну звітність. Висновки. Не існує єдиного підходу до оцінки рівня екологічної відповідальності підприємства, жоден нормативний документ не містить єдиної методики його визначення. На нашу думку, загальний рівень екологічної відповідальності підприємства повинен визначатися з урахуванням впливу різноманітних економічних, екологічних та організаційних факторів за допомогою інтегрального показника загального рівня економічної відповідальності підприємства, який базується на трьох часткових інтегральних коефіцієнтах, а саме: інтегральному коефіцієнті екологічної шкоди; інтегральному коефіцієнті впливу економічних факторів; інтегральному коефіцієнті впливу еколого-економічних факторів. Ключові слова: соціальна відповідальність, відповідальний маркетинг, інвестиції, соціально-екологічна звітність, екологічні стандарти, екологічна відповідальність підприємства.

Problem statement and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. The concept of environmentally responsible business organically combines elements of the concept of sustainable development, corporate social responsibility and environmental marketing. Currently, along with the development of the production of goods, the service sector is expanding and improving, including in environmental management. In order to attract state or non-state funds for the development of ecological-cleaned production of the coastal regions of Ukraine and increase the efficiency of using this resource, you should consider the relations of subordination management, which involve such interaction between people, when the right to make decisions belongs only to one side: the realization of these relations can be a partnership between the state and business in the field of recreational and tourist areas. To coordinate these relationships should use environmentally responsible environmental management. Analysis of recent publications on the problem. By the middle of the 20th century, managers of Western corporations came to realize the need for purposeful and systematic regulation of the company's relations with the internal and external environment, which subsequently resulted in the emergence of the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Over the next few decades, in the absence of a single, internationally-set regulation on social policy, managers set their own separate standards governing relations with employees and defined corporate ethics in general. In 2000, the United Nations Global Compact proclaimed ten key business principles in four areas (human rights, labor relations, environmental protection, anti-corruption) in order to promote corporate social responsibility at the national and global levels and to promote non-financial reporting on this activity [1, 2]. The concept of social responsibility is used in many areas of activity, but only in a business context, pointing to specific areas of development, does it acquire a clear wording. This allows researchers and specialists to divide CSR into certain types. There is a diverse classification of social responsibility, in particular, Okhrimenko A.A., Ivanova T.V. allocate moral, religious, disciplinary, political, legal (legal) [3, p. 13], Savchenko I. excludes religious, but adds party, professional, environmental [4, p. 57], Carroll speaks only of four types - economic, legal, ethical, philanthropic [5]. Grischuk V.K. classifies CSR by types of social responsibility as positive (that is, when subjects of social relations voluntarily and consciously use, fulfill, adhere to social norms) and negative (use for the violator of

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social norms of measures of influence provided by these norms) [6, p. 55]. In addition, some researchers "break" corporate social responsibility at several levels. The United Nations proposes a more practice-oriented classification, points companies to specific tasks. But even at the first superficial glance it becomes clear that all the classifications are very similar. Only the wording changes, and some additions appear that are outside the scope of the legislation. According to the UN, CSR (or CSR - “corporate social responsibility”) is divided into two types - internal and external. It is also worth mentioning the classification created on the basis of CSR obligations. Obligations are placed according to their importance – from the necessary ones, “imposed” by the economy and the law, to voluntary ones, which are a personal initiative of the company. The environmental component appears in the definition of corporate social responsibility only in the 1990s [7, p. 167]. So, Hart S. for the first time points to the environmental benefits for enterprises [8, p. 96]. The concept of "environmental responsibility of the enterprise" appears in the works of foreign scientists only since the 2000s. The concepts of “ecological modernization”, “risk reflection”, “new ecological paradigm”, the strategy of ecological marketing, etc. became the theoretical basis for the study of the ecological direction of social responsibility [9, p. 189-192]. Today, there are several approaches to interpreting the concept of “environmental responsibility” in general and “environmental responsibility of an enterprise” in particular, as components of corporate social responsibility. These terms are interpreted differently by representatives of various economic schools. A study of a number of works by Ukrainian scientists [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] showed that the economists of the classical school began to develop the concept of environmental responsibility, among them such famous researchers as A. Smith, T. Malthus, D. Art. Miles who have made a significant contribution to the development of a methodology for the study of problems of interaction between society and ecology. Many of their ideas are relevant in our time. The classical direction in the economy focused on the ability of the market to be a powerful incentive, both of development and innovation [10, 12, 14]. Thus, the market pushes industrial enterprises to realize public interests, including environmental ones. But representatives of the classical trend noted the impossibility of such development in the long term. It is advisable to include two subgroups of indicators in the group of criteria for our own environmental initiative: production ecology management and communication with stakeholders [16, p. 125; 17, p. 168]. Thus, using these criteria, we can conclude about the presence and compliance with the concept of environmental responsibility at a particular enterprise. Kamyshnikov E.V. Considers the main directions of development of the environmental component of social responsibility in Ukraine: 1. Introduction of corporate environmental policy. 2. Ecological audit. 3. Engaging workers in environmental initiatives. 4. "Green supplies". 5. Production of "green goods" [18, p. 207]. As we can see, along with administrative and market tools for regulating environmental management, tools and methods for implementing environmental policy, based on voluntary agreements between environmental management companies, government bodies, and the public to ensure environmental safety in the area of production and consumption of the environment, are of great importance. etc. [19, p. 829]. Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. Selection of previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The main unresolved problem in the field of environmentally responsible business is environmentally responsible marketing, complex, systematic market research as a set of environmental markets (sale and purchase of environmental goods), interconnected by their main goal: ensuring environmental safety and effective economic development of the region, territory and state . It is important to understand how environmentally responsible marketing affects the consumer and what he decides. Therefore, the question of market segmentation taking into account environmental factors is particularly relevant at the moment. Formulation of research objectives (problem statement). The purpose of this article is to consider approaches to assessing the environmental responsibility of an enterprise and the impact of environmental factors on environmentally responsible marketing. The program of such a comprehensive study depends on the characteristics of ecotourism, the conditions of production and sales of the product, the nature of the enterprise and a number of other factors. A comprehensive study of the environmental responsibility of marketing is sure to reveal unmet demand, which will meet the environmentally friendly needs of potential buyers and improve the production and business activities of the enterprise. Outline of the main results and their justification. Implementation of CSR programs (corporate social responsibility) definitely makes a profit. The world has long been considering CSR programs not as costs, but as investments that bring profit and pay off. The benefits of CSR lie in the long term: a positive image of the

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organization is being formed; increased investor interest; improving relations with the public and local authorities; increase motivation and productivity of employees; increase sales and market share; decrease in operating expenses. After conducting research, we offer our own vision of social responsibility of business (CSR) - this is the contribution made by the organization to the development of social, economic and environmental areas on a voluntary basis. We propose the following definition of environmental responsibility for business: “this is the conduct of production and economic activity, in which compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation is ensured, and the local ecosystem is damaged in an amount not exceeding the territory’s assimilating potential”. Also, the main factor is the readiness of industrial enterprises to incur additional costs for the implementation of various programs, projects and activities aimed at reducing the anthropogenic impact on the environment. Under the environmental responsibility of an industrial enterprise, we will mean the conscious and to a greater extent voluntary assumption by an industrial enterprise of environmental obligations, taking into account the expectations of interested parties in order to improve safety and sustainable business development, in which compliance with environmental legislation is only a few of the many tools its practical implementation at the strategic level. Considering the activities of companies in the aspect of social and environmental responsibility of business, it should be noted that all companies that are engaged in solving environmental problems can be divided into two groups: 1. companies, while solving environmental problems, get real economic benefits, for example, by introducing resource-saving technologies and thereby reducing the cost of production; 2. companies that are engaged in solving environmental problems for the sake of creating a positive image, considering that the main goal of their activity is to make a profit. Traditionally, the interests of society and industrial enterprises were determined in opposition to each other. This is especially evident in the area of environmental responsibility, where industrial enterprises are the main source of aggravating environmental problems. To solve these problems, socially and environmentally responsible companies should use various tools in their practice, in particular: 1) environmental impact assessment (including strategic environmental assessment) when developing strategies and plans for economic development; 2) environmental audit, which allows detecting environmental violations at an early stage; 3) environmental insurance, which provides for compensation for environmental damage; 4) certification for compliance with environmental standards (international standards ISO 14000 relating to environmental management, international standard ISO 19011, which refers to the audit of quality management systems and / or environmental management systems; national standards of the series "Resource" and the series "Nature Conservation ", ISO 26000); 5) social reporting containing an environmental component. The main source of funding for measures aimed at protecting the environment and rational use of natural resources is the environmental tax, the payers of which are business entities that have sources of pollution [20, paragraph 240,1 of the TC]. The key (only) change in the administration of the environmental tax in 2018, which may affect the tax receipt: an increase in rates by 11,2% (taking into account the projected consumer price index in 2017 – 111,2%). The distribution of environmental tax revenues in accordance with the current legislation is carried out by the Treasury Service of Ukraine. The implementation of state programs for the preservation and development of the environmental fund depends on the revenues of the environmental tax. The most important factor influencing the effectiveness of the state environmental policy is the effectiveness of determining the real base for collecting the environmental tax, as well as its administration. In our opinion, the model of the mechanism of environmental regulation that is used today in Ukraine has been largely divorced in its concept from both timely ideas in the field of environmental management theory and relevant practical experience gained in countries with market economies. In this regard, it is necessary to develop a new mechanism for environmental protection, which will be based on the provisions of scientific theory and the experience of environmental regulation of developed Western countries, using a mechanism based on the principle of direct regulation and the corresponding tools of

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administrative and legislative regulation in combination with economic instruments. supplement them and perform various functions in the structure of this mechanism. For the conditions of Ukraine, this mechanism should rely on such regulators, which would allow in advance to have a sufficiently clear idea of the amount of relevant expenses of the entire national economy and allow public control to monitor the size and dynamics of expenses and their management. To implement the proposed mechanism, it is necessary to know the amount of financial resources and to predict, to take into account the amount and range of material and technical support for environmental protection. Moreover, even for a long period, the limiter for protecting the environment from pollution will not only be a lack of financial resources, but also a shortage of special types of equipment, equipment, instruments, instruments, materials. With the help of environmental standards, it will be possible to take into account these restrictions and make more realistic economic and social requirements for enterprises. The use of the method of payment for environmental pollution in the form of an environmental tax in these conditions would entail only meaningless, far from effective costs of enterprises. Direct regulation, which provides certainty of the magnitude of the necessary costs and other macroeconomic consequences and the possibility of purposeful management, taking, if necessary, corrective measures, meets these requirements. The mechanism of formation of special funds of state and local budgets in Ukraine at the expense of the environmental tax is a symbiosis of two conceptually opposite mechanisms - indirect (as the main) and direct (as additional) regulation. This mechanism is based on the “pollution charge” method, which has been rejected in all countries of the world. Tools such as “tax on emissions and charges within established limits” (that is, for permissive emissions and discharges allowed by the progressive environmental standard) and “tax on maximum permissible emissions and discharges (ie, emissions and discharges within sanitary norms do not exceed the maximum permissible emissions and discharges), have no analogues in Western practice. In accordance with the above, we consider it expedient to use the concept of direct environmental regulation, which involves environmental management through prescriptive, administrative, legislative tools with mandatory addition of economic tools for various functional purposes, as a basis for stimulating the social responsibility of enterprises in the field of environmental protection in Ukraine. A clear-cut imposition of prohibitions or restrictions on environmental pollution is required, and the restrictions should be regularly reviewed to tighten the requirements. An important tool for the practical implementation of the environmental responsibility of a business is to inform all interested parties in a timely manner about the results obtained, both positive and negative, including through the open publication of social (non-financial) reports. Reporting allows a group of stakeholders to independently analyze and assess the environmental responsibility of industrial enterprises according to such criteria as the concept and essence of environmental responsibility, its place in the value system of an industrial enterprise, the nature and forms of its interaction with all interested parties, the main directions of implementation of environmental programs, and also the dynamics of the main indicators of environmental responsibility, problems and directions for further development. It is worth noting that social reporting does not contain information of a confidential and at the same time strategic nature, which, if made public, carries with it consequences for a competitive advantage. One of the leading international standards is the standard of social (non-financial) reporting in the field of sustainable development of the Global Reporting Initiative Global Reporting Initiative (hereinafter - GRI). An important element in determining the size of the necessary financial resources for environmental activities is the assessment of social and environmental, current and future, and not only short-term and purely economic costs and benefits of economic projects and decisions on the formation and use of special funds of state and local budgets. As a tool to stimulate social responsibility of enterprises in the field of environmental protection, it is proposed to use the model of direct environmental regulation. The key point of direct regulation is the use of progressive (intermediate) environmental standards for permissible emissions, established by law or administrative procedure, in combination with economic incentives for enterprises seeking to meet them, and with economic sanctions for their non-compliance. The role of the state in the framework of the implementation of the policy of managing the social responsibility of enterprises in the field of environmental protection should insist, first of all, on the definition of norms and standards for regulating the activities of industrial enterprises and territorial governments, as well as on ensuring uniformity and appropriate application of these regulators. When considering the issues of environmentally responsible marketing of management, it should be noted

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that this is the tool that is part of the socially responsible business mechanism for solving environmental problems. Social responsibility business is a concept whereby a business, in addition to complying with the laws and producing a quality product / service, voluntarily undertakes additional obligations to society; the obligation to pursue long-term socially useful goals, adopted by her beyond what is required of her in accordance with legislation and economic conditions [21, 22]. Environmentally responsible marketing is a derivative of environmentally responsible business and its principles are: 1. Transparency. An organization should be transparent in its activities. The organization should disclose, in an understandable, balanced and truthful form, the policy of decision-making for which it is responsible to society and the environment. 2. Moral behavior. The behavior of the organization should be based on principles and rules based on integrity, honesty, equality, sound leadership, and integrity. These ethical principles imply concern for the people around us and the environment, as well as a commitment to meet the needs of interested parties. 3. The organization respects and considers the interests of its stakeholders. Stakeholders of an organization are individuals or groups that have an interest in an organization’s activities. 4. The organization respects legal regulations, i.e. complies with all applicable laws and regulations. 5. The organization should respect international norms, in cases where these norms are the best for sustainable development and the well-being of society. 6. Reporting. The organization must be accountable, that is, able to report to others for its impact on society and the environment. 7. The organization must recognize the importance and universality of human rights. Human rights are spelled out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Socially responsible environmental management of the coastal regions of Ukraine, its mechanisms and tools are transformed in accordance with the defining trends in business development of the 21st century. The essence of which is as follows: the first trend is the alternation of the development of the material component with the development of the social component. With regard to business, this is the alternation of the development of the productive forces, which requires the subsequent development of productive equipment and new environmentally friendly technologies. The emergence and widespread introduction of new production equipment, ensuring the rational use of natural resources and minimal pollution of the environment, requires the development of production forces, advanced training of workers, new forms of labor organization of workers and managers using digital information technologies. Business was in the need to adapt to the changed external, mainly social conditions. Classical types of services in the marketing system are filled with new content, since the company's resources (financial, material, human) open up new potential opportunities. By purchasing a service, the consumer thereby purchases a set of certified services, and the company earns a profit at the same time, which makes marketing only an economic category. The second trend is the development of management (and marketing) consistent with the theory of "dynamic equilibrium" by John Forbes Nash, if we consider business development in the 20th century as the interaction of two participants object-subject, where technical development is the object, and human resources are the subject ( productive forces). Leadership of the object stimulates the development of the subject, for the sake of achieving balance. Dynamic equilibrium is ensured by a change of leadership positions, so with the leadership of the subject, the mechanism of “pulling up” the object to an equilibrium state is activated. Using the "swing" of the equilibrium state develops business, society, the world. Participants who fall out of the “dynamic equilibrium” system fall out of development processes, becoming outsiders in business, in politics, in society, in the world, in life. A feature of environmentally responsible marketing is that the market is in constant dynamic change. The demand for such services is influenced not only by, for example, weather (climatic) conditions, but also by the introduction of new prices and competition. In this regard, environmentally responsible marketing is presented as a continuous process, therefore the responsible marketing strategy of any company includes designing a distant and, most importantly, near future. The business, outlining long-term plans, coordinates them with environmental factors, i.e. uses all possible marketing tools to achieve the goal of greening the relationship of this type of activity. The third tendency is the process of development, “dynamic equilibrium” occur under conditions of acceleration of the passage of time. The conveyor production method invented by G. Ford was in demand for industrial production for decades, until the second half of the 20th century, but in the 60s there was a scientific and technological revolution that marked the transition of Western economies in the period of post-industrial society, where every 4-5 years there is a change generations of process equipment. Business development is

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accompanied by a high level of organizational and technical development, which contributes to the emergence of a world standard. Computer information systems, increased competition in the services market, resulting in increased requirements and raising standards, modern technology and technology - all this undoubtedly had a beneficial effect on the marketing of domestic and international business and increased the level of environmental responsibility for environmental marketing. There are quite a few definitions of tourism marketing that fit the definition of recreational tourism marketing environmental management: • methods and techniques aimed at identifying and satisfying the needs of people caused by recreation motives - the cognitive aspect, recreation, entertainment, treatment, etc. - and the organization of tourist associations that can rationally satisfy these needs; • public and private activities of recreational and tourist enterprises, carried out according to international, national and regional plans in order to meet the needs of certain groups of tourists (customers, consumers); • the system of trade and production activities, aimed at meeting the individual needs of each consumer based on the identification and study of consumer demand in order to maximize profits; • market-oriented management, aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise by more efficiently than the competitors, meeting the needs of tourists; marketing can be used both at the level of a separate travel company, and in the activities of travel concerns and holdings, including internationally [23]. In shaping the marketing strategies of the company, the structure of needs that underlie the economic and environmental program is taken into account. For a business, regardless of its types of activities and forms of ownership, it is important to know whether it can generate sufficient income or profit, i.e. know the final financial result of the work. An environmentally responsible marketing approach regards profits as the main factor in stimulating business activity, taking into account the resources aimed at resource-saving and environmental protection measures. It creates an opportunity to expand activities, meet the social, environmental and material needs of the collective and consumers of services, serves as the main source of budget formation. An environmentally responsible marketing approach to the services of a service company involves two types of analysis: internal - due to the growing responsibility of the company to co-owners, employees, banks, other lenders and the natural environment; external - as the need to analyze the financial condition in establishing business contacts, strengthening the position in the market. Financial activity of the company covers the processes of formation, movement and security of property. The financial condition is the result of the economic activity of the enterprise and is characterized by financial stability, solvency and liquidity. In marketing activities it is considered that a firm remains solvent if its total assets are more than long-term and short-term liabilities, and liquid if its current assets are more than short-term liabilities. Financial management of activities and availability of funds are immeasurably more important factors than current profits, and the lack of funds in the bank can lead to a financial crisis. Indicators are considered satisfactory and good in the case of low costs and absence of arrears, i.e. significantly increased coefficients. Consequently, in order to analyze the real state of affairs, first of all, it is necessary to consider questions of profitability and the results of the profit report. At the expense of profit repayable debt of the business. The profitability of this complex and product profitability services are considered from the following positions: the higher the level of profitability, the greater the efficiency of the company. Depending on the objectives of the study, each author treats corporate social responsibility in his own way. Someone limits the social responsibility of a business to the production of high-quality, safe products for consumers; someone focuses on additional social protection of their employees. Other authors reduce it to manifestations of charity, support for education, science, culture and spirituality, carrying out an active environmental policy. Therefore, the social responsibility of a business cannot be determined unambiguously. It is a broad and multidimensional concept. In our opinion, socially responsible environmental management is a balanced combination of managerial, entrepreneurial, social, industrial, commercial, financial activities to meet the needs, demands and interests of consumers (customers) in order to generate profit and efficient operation, enterprise development and environmental natural environment. The system of activities of such enterprises includes: the formation and design of services, the development of their organizational bases (the interrelation of the process of production and sale of services), advertising, the sale of services (commercial work). Generally, you can define an environmentally responsible business as an entrepreneurial activity, which uses only such methods of making a profit that do not harm people, nature, society, and in some cases, take on

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some of the functions of the state in the field of social security, health, culture, development of sports, environmental protection, etc. Socially responsible marketing of the recreational and tourist complex (business) is the responsibility of those who make business decisions for those who are directly or indirectly affected by these decisions. It is a concept that encourages companies to take into account the socio-economic and environmental interests of society, taking responsibility for the impact of the company on consumers, employees, society and the environment in all aspects of its activities. Socially responsible marketing of the recreational and tourist complex (business) is a voluntary activity of companies in the private and public sectors, aimed at adhering to high standards of operating and production activities, social standards and quality of work with personnel, minimizing the harmful effects on the environment, in order to level the existing economic, environmental and social imbalances; the creation of trusting relationships between business, society and the state; Improving business performance and profitability in the long run. In the modern world, socially responsible business activity is a generally accepted rule, followed by a significant number of large, medium and even small companies around the world. Considering the extraordinary social and economic benefits that comprise the social responsibility of business, its development issues are under special attention of government authorities in many countries of the world and leading international organizations. The manifestation of this attention is the development of CSR standards and measures to stimulate business to socially responsible activities. In a broad sense, CSR can be represented as a system of values, activities and processes aimed at spreading the positive influence of a company’s activities in the economic, environmental, social spheres both within the organization and in the environment. The implementation of socially responsible strategies should focus not only on reducing and preventing the negative effects of activities, but also on achieving economic, environmental and social effects, which can be considered as the basis for improving the competitiveness of individual companies and the national economy as a whole. The main characteristics of environmentally responsible marketing is voluntariness; integration into the company's business strategy; consistency; benefits for all stakeholders: employees, consumers, shareholders, society, etc., as well as for the enterprise itself; contribution to sustainable development. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The main factor of responsibility is the willingness of enterprises to bear additional costs for the implementation of various programs, projects and measures aimed at reducing the technogenic impact on the environment. The principle of transparency in environmentally responsible marketing requires the organization to disclose the policies, decisions and activities for which it is responsible, including their current and possible future impact on society and the environment. This information should be easily accessible and understandable, as well as timely, fact-based and presented in a clear and objective manner. It should enable interested parties to assess the extent to which the organization’s activities affect their rights and interests. In our opinion, the overall level of environmental responsibility of an enterprise should be determined taking into account the impact of various economic, environmental and organizational factors through the integrated indicator of the overall level of economic responsibility of the enterprise, which is based on three partial integral coefficients. ЛІТЕРАТУРА 1.Декларация тысячелетия Организации Объединенных Наций. Утверждена резолюцией 55/2 Генеральной Ассамблеи от 8 сентября 2000 года (мова оригіналу) [Електронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/995_621 2.Сайт ООН в Україні / Результати опитування: соціальна відповідальність бізнесу в Україні [Електронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.un.org.ua/files/SURVEY_UKR.pdf 3.Соціальна відповідальність: Навч. посіб./О.О. Охріменко, Т.В. Іванова.- Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут», 2015- 180 с. 4.Соціальна відповідальність в контексті розбудови соціальної держави в Україні. / І.Г. Савченко// Актуальні проблеми державного управління: зб. наук. пр.- Харків: Вид-во Хар РІ НАДУ «Магістр», 2005.- № 2 (24): у 2 ч.- Ч. 1. С. 55 – 63. 5.Carroll A. B. The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management of Organizational Stakeholders // Business Horizons. 1991. Vol. 34 (4), P. 39–48. 6.Грищук В.К. Соціальна відповідальність: навчальний посібник./ В.К. Грищук.-Львів: Львівський

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БОНДАРЕНКО ОЛЕНА ВОЛОДИМИРІВНА «ОСНОВИ ДЕРЖАВНОГО РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ РОЗВИТКУ ТЕХНОЛОГІЧНОГО ПІДПРИЄМНИЦТВА В УКРАЇНІ» (к.е.н.) Науковий керівник – доктор економічних наук, старший науковий співробітник Шлафман Наталія Леонідівна, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, провідний науковий співробітник відділу розвитку підприємництва Робота виконана в Інституті проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень Національної академії наук України Дисертаційна робота присвячена обґрунтуванню теоретико-методичних засад та розробці методичних підходів і практичних рекомендацій щодо формування основ державного регулювання розвитку технологічного підприємництва в Україні. Удосконалено понятійно-категоріальний апарат в частині надання визначень понять «технологічне підприємництво» і «система технологічного підприємництва». Розвинуто методичний підхід до дослідження асиметрії податкової системи України. Удосконалено методичний підхід до вибору пріоритетних ринків інноваційної продукції підприємницьких структур та запропоновано організаційну структуру забезпечення розвитку та ефективного використання інноваційного потенціалу технологічного підприємництва. Розвинуто методичний підхід до дослідження диспропорцій у розвитку підприємницького сектору. Обґрунтовано концепцію формування державної політики розвитку технологічного підприємництва в Україні.

КОРОБКОВА ОЛЕНА МИКОЛАЇВНА «ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНО-ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ОСНОВИ РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ МИТНОЇ БРОКЕРСЬКОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ» (к.е.н.) Науковий керівник – доктор економічних наук, старший науковий співробітник Липинська Олена Андріївна, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, провідний науковий співробітник відділу ринку транспортних послуг Робота виконана в Одеському національному морському університеті Міністерства освіти і науки України Дисертаційна робота присвячена розробленню та обґрунтуванню теоретичних положень та методичних підходів до організаційно-економічних основ регулювання митної брокерської діяльності, як специфічного виду підприємництва. Удосконалено понятійно-категоріальний апарат економічної науки шляхом уточнення таких понять: митний брокер, виробнича інфраструктура у митній сфері. Удосконалено концепцію розвитку митної брокерської діяльності. Удосконалено науково-методичні підходи до виявлення та кількісної оцінки впливу митної брокерської діяльності на розмір надходжень до Державного бюджету України. Удосконалено класифікацію митних послуг та класифікацію митних брокерів. Удосконалено механізм регулювання митної брокерської діяльності

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БОЙКО МАРІЯ ОЛЕКСАНДРІВНА «НАУКОВО-МЕТОДИЧНІ ЗАСАДИ ОЦІНКИ СТАНУ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ СТИВІДОРНОЇ КОМПАНІЇ» (к.е.н.) Науковий керівник – доктор економічних наук, старший науковий співробітник Ільченко Світлана Віталіївна, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень Національної академії наук України, провідний науковий співробітник Робота виконана в Інституті проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України Одержані результати дисертаційного дослідження в сукупності вирішують наукову задачу щодо розвитку науково-методичних засад оцінки стану економічної безпеки портової стивідорної компанії. Об'єктом дослідження є процес формування методів оцінки стану економічної безпеки портової стивідорної компанії. Предметом дослідження є науково-методичні засади оцінки стану економічної безпеки портової стивідорної компанії. Удосконалено визначення категорії «економічна безпека портової стивідорної компанії»; класифікаційні ознаки потенційних загроз та небезпек за характером виникнення, що утворюються у діяльності ПСК в сучасних умовах господарювання; методичний підхід до оцінки рівня економічної безпеки ПСК шляхом визначення послідовних дій у напрямку запобігання чи нейтралізації ризиків; методичні основи оцінки стану економічної безпеки ПСК шляхом обґрунтування доцільності використання індикаторного підходу; методичні основи визначення та вибору комплексу заходів щодо ПСК в розрізі фінансової, управлінської та техніко-технологічної складових. Дістало подальший розвиток: метод процесно-орієнтованого бюджетування в діяльності ПСК, як інструменту управлінської складової економічної безпеки; методичні основи вибору підходу до забезпечення ефективного управління економічною безпекою ПСК; система класифікації існуючих ознак забезпечення захищеності від ризиків діяльності ПСК, пов’язаних зі специфічністю її діяльності. Теоретичні положення, науково-методичні підходи та практичні рекомендації, які отримані за результатами виконаного дослідження, використано в науковій, навчальній і практичній діяльності.

БОНДАРЕНКО СВІТЛАНА АНАТОЛІЇВНА «ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНІ ЗАСАДИ СИСТЕМНОГО ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ СТІЙКОГО ІННОВАЦІЙНОГО РОЗВИТКУ ВИНОРОБНИХ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ» (д.е.н.) Науковий консультант – доктор економічних наук, старший науковий співробітник Мартієнко Антоніна Івановна, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, завідувач відділу економічного регулювання природокористування, Робота виконана в Інституті проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України Дисертацію присвячено вирішенню актуальної проблеми теоретико-методологічного обґрунтування та поглиблення концептуальних положень і розроблення науково-практичних рекомендацій щодо системного забезпечення стійкого інноваційного розвитку виноробних підприємств. Розкрито сутність та виділено передумови стійкого інноваційного розвитку виноробного підприємства, удосконалено відповідний понятійний апарат. Розроблено концептуально-методологічні засади адаптивного управління стійким інноваційним розвитком виноробного підприємства. Запропоновано інструменти і методи інтегрованого маркетингового управління для виноробних підприємств. Розроблено теоретико-методологічний підхід до формування системи раннього попередження в управлінні ризиками. Удосконалено теоретико-методичні положення щодо оцінки збалансованості розвитку підприємства за виділеними бізнес-процесами. Розроблено науково- методичний підхід щодо формування системи мотивації і контролю персоналу виноробних підприємств.

ЖУСЬ ОКСАНА МИКОЛАЇВНА «ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНО-ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ЗАСАДИ ІНТЕГРАЦІЇ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ БУДІВЕЛЬНОЇ СФЕРИ» (к.е.н.) Науковий керівник – кандидат економічних наук, доцент Ракицька Світлана Олегівна, Одеська державна академія будівництва та архітектури, доцент кафедри економіки та підприємництва Робота виконана в Одеській державній академії будівництва та архітектури

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Одержані у дисертаційному дослідженні результати у сукупності вирішують важливе наукове завдання – розвиток теоретичних і методичних положень, а також розробка науково обґрунтованих практичних рекомендацій щодо організаційно-економічних засад інтеграції підприємств будівельної сфери. У роботі здійснено теоретико-методичне узагальнення процесу формування інтегрованих об’єднань підприємств будівельного профілю та запропоновано основні напрями його удосконалення. Встановлено прямий зв'язок кількості інтегрованих об’єднань підприємств з показниками інвестиційно- інноваційної діяльності та запропоновано систему параметрів розрахунку інтегрального показника потенціалу формування об’єднань суб’єктів господарювання. Уточнено поняття «технологічного ланцюжка», яке має визначатися не лише стадіями виробничого процесу, а й включати види виробництв, що забезпечують та забезпечуються спільною сировинною базою з метою формування замкнутого циклу комплексного використання матеріальних ресурсів, впровадження безвідходних технологій. Запропоновано принципи побудови матричної організаційної структури будівельної інтеграції, що дозволить формувати її відповідно потребам зовнішнього ринкового середовища і підвищить рівень адаптивності до нестабільних умов ринку. Обґрунтовано підвищення ефективності діяльності підприємств будівельної спрямованості з врахуванням принципів екологізації і ресурсозбереження шляхом повного використання сировинної бази, включаючи вторинні ресурси в межах функціонування інтегрованої структури. Розроблено методичні рекомендації щодо вибору акторів будівельного об’єднання на базі використання методу портфельного аналізу і побудови «матриці інтеграції».

КОЗИР-ЧЕПУРНА МАРІЯ АНАТОЛІЇВНА «МЕХАНІЗМИ УЗГОДЖЕННЯ ПЛАНІВ РЕСТРУКТУРИЗАЦІЇ ПРОМИСЛОВИХ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ» (к.е.н.) Науковий керівник – доктор економічних наук, професор, академік НАН України Буркинський Борис Володимирович, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, директор Робота виконана в Інституті проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України Дисертацію присвячено розвитку методології і науково-методичного інструментарію стратегічного планування реструктуризації промислових підприємств на основі системного аналізу і оптимального планування. Проведено аналіз структури процесу реструктуризації і основних етапів стратегічного планування розвитку підприємств, обґрунтовано доцільність ієрархічного підходу до стратегічного планування реструктуризації підприємств, визначено зміст, місце і роль проблеми узгодження планів в системах ієрархічного планування реструктуризації. Показано, що теоретичним фундаментом розробки систем ієрархічного планування реструктуризації промислових підприємств можуть бути уявлення про стратегію, стратегічні, тактичні та оперативні плани як про плани з ідентичною структурою і різними рівнями деталізації їх компонент. Основними компонентами таких планів є об'єкт і часовий період планування, цілі, заходи (роботи), порядок і графік їх виконання, виконавці робіт, ресурси, необхідні для виконання робіт, ресурсні та часові рамки, стан підприємства і його зовнішнього середовища. Інструментом забезпечення структурної сумісності планів має бути уніфікація елементів опису кожної компоненти плану і комплекс ієрархічно упорядкованих класифікаторів усіх таких компонент і елементів. У дисертації розроблено комплекс методологічних принципів планування та методичні основи стандартизації опису та побудови систем планування; механізми узгодження планів суміжних ієрархічних рівнів і часових періодів, що забезпечують реалізацію цих принципів, постановки завдань узгодження планів відповідно до зазначених механізмів і алгоритми їх вирішення. Обґрунтовано вибір машинобудівного підприємства як об'єкта апробації; здійснено постановку задач дезагрегування стратегії реструктуризації підприємства і декомпозиції дезагрегованого стратегічного плану в плани нижчого рівня, а також розробки стратегічних планів суміжних часових періодів в режимі ковзного планування. Проведено, з використанням фактичних даних, варіантні розрахунки оптимальних стратегічних планів верхніх ієрархічних рівнів і суміжних часових періодів з урахуванням вимог їх узгодженості. Показано, що зазначеним задачам об'єктивно притаманна можливість нерозв'язності в процесі узгодження планів, і що застосування розробленого методичного інструментарію дозволяє ефективно вирішувати зазначені задачі за умови допустимості коригування параметрів суміжних планів.

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БІБІКОВА НЕЛЯ ОЛЕКСАНДРІВНА «ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДИЧНІ ЗАСАДИ РОЗВИТКУ РЕГІОНАЛЬНИХ ОБСЛУГОВУЮЧИХ КООПЕРАТИВІВ ЗЕРНОВОГО РИНКУ» (к.е.н.) Науковий керівник – доктор економічних наук, старший науковий співробітник Нікішина Оксана Володимирівна, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, старший науковий співробітник відділу ринкових механізмів та структур Робота виконана в Інституті проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень Національної академії наук України Дисертація присвячена обґрунтуванню теоретико-методичних засад і науково-прикладних положень щодо формування та відтворювального розвитку регіональних обслуговуючих кооперативів зернового ринку. Автором визначено природу та функції регіональних обслуговуючих кооперативів в економіці регіону. Сформовано понятійний апарат досліджень регіональної зернової кооперації в умовах ринку. На базі інтеграційного підходу обґрунтовано наукові засади теорії полюсів зростання економіки регіону, концептуальну схему взаємодій зернових обслуговуючих кооперативів із стейкхолдерами регіону. Автором запропоновано систему заходів щодо вдосконалення механізмів регулювання розвитку регіональної зернової кооперації. Розроблено методичне забезпечення щодо оцінки ефективності аграрних виробників та їх об’єднань у регіональному виробничо-логістичному ланцюгу, щодо оцінки передумов створення та розвитку багатофункціонального кооперативу регіону.

ГРИНЕВИЧ ЛЮДМИЛА ВОЛОДИМИРІВНА «ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНІ ЗАСАДИ ПОДОЛАННЯ ДИСБАЛАНСУ ПРОФЕСІЙНОГО РОЗПОДІЛУ ЛЮДСЬКОГО КАПІТАЛУ ПРОДУКТИВНИХ СИЛ РЕГІОНУ» (д.е.н.) Науковий консультант – доктор економічних наук, професор Уманець Тетяна Василівна, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, старший науковий співробітник відділу розвитку підприємництва Робота виконана в Інституті проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України Дисертацію присвячено розвитку теоретичних, методологічних і методичних основ подолання дисбалансу професійного розподілу людського капіталу продуктивних сил регіону. Визначено сутність понять «дисбаланс» і «продуктивні сили», поглиблено зміст дефініції «дисбаланс професійного розподілу людського капіталу продуктивних сил». Проаналізовано наукові підходи та сформовано теоретико-методологічний базис дослідження. Побудовано механізм подолання, який складається з трьох складових: механізм діагностики, прогнозування та регулювання. Сформовано методичний підхід до розпізнавання появи дисбалансу професійного розподілу людського капіталу продуктивних сил регіону. Побудовано матрицю розпізнавання дисбалансу професійного розподілу людського капіталу продуктивних сил регіону, яка дозволяє визначити тип регіонального дисбалансу та відповідно до нього сформувати управлінські заходи на засадах витратного підходу, що спрямовані на його подолання. Розроблено модель подолання дисбалансу професійного розподілу людського капіталу продуктивних сил регіону і запропоновано комплекс управлінських заходів щодо його подолання, який базується на сценарному підході. Запропоновано систему показників оцінювання ефективності подолання дисбалансу.

ЄРМАКОВА ОЛЬГА АНАТОЛІЇВНА «ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНІ ЗАСАДИ ФОРМУВАННЯ РЕГІОНАЛЬНОЇ ІННОВАЦІЙНОЇ ПОЛІТИКИ В УМОВАХ ГЛОКАЛІЗАЦІЇ» (д.е.н.) Науковий консультант – доктор економічних наук, старший науковий співробітник Лайко Олександр Іванович, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, заст. завідувача відділу міжрегіонального економічного розвитку Українського Причорномор’я Робота виконана в Інституті проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень Національної академії наук України У дисертаційній роботі розроблено теоретико-методологічні засади формування регіональної інноваційної політики в Україні в умовах глокалізації економічних процесів, особливістю яких є

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комплементарне поєднання локального та глобального підходів до інноваційного розвитку регіонів та відповідного інституціонального забезпечення. Розроблено і апробовано методичний підхід до визначення сценаріїв формування регіональної інноваційної політики в Україні в умовах глокалізації, в основу якого покладено трьохвимірну класифікаційну систему (інноваційна діяльність, соціальний капітал, міжнародна діяльність). Запропоновано методичний підхід до визначення набору інструментів регіональної інноваційної політики із урахуванням специфіки інноваційного розвитку регіону. Розроблено пропозиції щодо вдосконалення інституціонального забезпечення інноваційного розвитку регіонів України із врахуванням європейського досвіду. Запропоновано методичний підхід до стратегування соціально-економічного розвитку регіонів із урахуванням принципів глокалізації, а також концептуальні засади формування в регіонах мережевих технологічних платформ.

КУКОШ МАКСИМ СЕРГІЙОВИЧ «ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДИЧНІ ПІДХОДИ ДО ОЦІНКИ ІНВЕСТИЦІЙНОГО ПОТЕНЦІАЛУ РЕГІОНУ В УМОВАХ ДЕЦЕНТРАЛІЗАЦІЇ» (к.е.н.) Науковий керівник – доктор економічних наук, професор Осипов Володимир Миколайович, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, старший науковий співробітник відділу міжрегіонального економічного розвитку Українського Причорномор’я Робота виконана в Інституті проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень Національної академії наук України Дисертаційну роботу присвячено актуальним проблемам теоретичних, методичних і практичних аспектів формування інвестиційного потенціалу регіону та оцінки його рівня. У дисертації досліджено теоретичні основи оцінки та формування інвестиційного потенціалу регіону, зокрема визначено його основні складові та запропоновано концептуальну схему інвестиційного потенціалу регіону. Досліджено та систематизовано організаційно-економічні умови та зовнішні й внутрішні чинники, що впливають на умови формування і ефективності використання інвестиційного потенціалу регіону. Здійснено аналіз стану і рівня використання інвестиційного потенціалу України та регіонів. Розроблено методику комплексного оцінювання інвестиційної привабливості регіону з позиції районів на основі кількісного й якісного оцінювання запропонованого набору показників інвестиційного потенціалу та ризиків, з використанням методу багатомірного шкалування, з метою формування його інвестиційного потенціалу в умовах адміністративно-територіальної реформи. Розроблено методичний підхід до комплексного оцінювання інвестиційних переваг регіону, який дозволяє враховувати його особливості і специфіку для побудови стратегії сталого розвитку, необхідною умовою якої є формування орієнтирів  «полюсів зростання» та оптимального механізму реалізації інвестиційної політики згідно обраної стратегії. Обґрунтовано логіко-структурну схему концепції формування інвестиційного потенціалу регіону, яка ґрунтується на взаємозв’язку систем інвестиційної привабливості та інвестиційного потенціалу регіону. Сформульовано стратегічні рекомендації щодо напрямів покращення інвестиційного потенціалу регіону.

МЕТІЛЬ ТЕТЯНА КОСТЯНТИНІВНА «ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНО-ЕКОНОМІЧНИЙ МЕХАНІЗМ ФОРМУВАННЯ РЕГІОНАЛЬНОГО КОМПЛЕКСУ МАРКЕТИНГУ ІННОВАЦІЙ» (к.е.н.) Науковий керівник – доктор економічних наук, професор Захарченко Віталій Іванович, Одеський національний політехнічний університет Міністерства освіти і науки України, професор кафедри менеджменту зовнішньоекономічної та інноваційної діяльності Робота виконана в Інституті проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень Національної академії наук України Дисертацію присвячено розробці теоретичних і методичних засад та інструментарію організаційно-економічного механізму формування регіонального комплексу маркетингу інновацій (далі РКМІ). Дістав подальшого розвитку категорійно-понятійний апарат теорії інноваційного розвитку і регіонального маркетингу на підставі аналізу та системного підходу до економічних об’єктів. Розвинуто поняття «регіон» в контексті маркетингу інновацій. Розглянуто й уточнено класифікаційні підходи до визначення поняття «інновація». Запропоновано концептуальний підхід до організаційно-економічного механізму формування РКМІ на базі системно-праксеологічного підходу та на засадах комплексного інноваційного розвитку регіону, який враховує основні тренди соціально-економічного розвитку регіону та його інноваційного потенціалу.

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Наведено наукове обґрунтування системно-структурного подання концепції формування даного механізму у вигляді взаємозв’язку її структурних елементів. Сформульовано принципові положення, які визначають розробку методичного забезпечення організаційної та економічної складових механізму побудови даного комплексу, визначено їх структуру та зміст. Запропоновано структурну модель регіонального комплексу маркетингу інновацій. В якості ілюстрації використання одного з методів збору інформації для побудови РКМІ наведено результати проведеного моніторингу соціально-економічного розвитку регіонів України та інноваційного потенціалу за штучною та природною складовими РКМІ як соціо-економічної системи. Запропоновано концептуальний підхід до формування комплексної регіональної системи програмування та стратегічного управління маркетинговими процесами. Запропоновано визначення інноваційного кластеру як підсистеми регіональної інноваційної системи та надано його структурну модель, яка може бути основою для визначення потенціалів елементів системи, інноваційності елементів, впливу одного елемента на інший.

НАУМЕНКО ЖАННА ГЕОРГІЇВНА «ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДИЧНІ ЗАСАДИ ЗМЕНШЕННЯ ДИСПРОПОРЦІЙНОСТІ РОЗВИТКУ РЕГІОНІВ» (к.е.н.) Науковий керівник – доктор економічних наук, старший науковий співробітник Лайко Олександр Іванович, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, провідний науковий співробітник відділу міжрегіонального економічного розвитку Українського Причорномор’я Робота виконана в Інституті проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень Національної академії наук України Розглянуто теоретичні, практичні і науково-методичні положення та пропозиції щодо засобів зменшення диспропорційності розвитку регіонів. Досліджено загальні характеристики понять «регіон», «регіональна політика» та «диспропорційність». Обґрунтовано систему класифікацій типів диспропорцій розвитку регіону шляхом виділення рівнів узагальнення за територіальною та ринково- функціональною ознаками, напрямків впливу та чинників диспропорцій. Удосконалено методичний підхід до оцінки диспропорцій розвитку регіонів на основі імплементації принципів сталого розвитку та використання базових індикаторів, які є домінантними, та проведено типізацію видів диспропорційності розвитку регіонів на основі застосування трьохвимірної моделі оцінки рівня розвитку в соціо-еколого- економічному аспекті. Запропоновано концептуальний підхід до формування ефективного інституціонального середовища з регулювання диспропорцій розвитку регіонів на основі дослідження нормативно-правової бази та історичного досвіду до вирішення проблеми диспропорційності розвитку регіонів.

ФЕДУЛОВА СВІТЛАНА ОЛЕКСАНДРІВНА «ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНІ ЗАСАДИ РОЗВИТКУ РЕГІОНАЛЬНИХ СОЦІАЛЬНО-ЕКОНОМІЧНИХ СИСТЕМ В УМОВАХ ОБМЕЖЕНОСТІ ВОДНИХ РЕСУРСІВ» (д.е.н.) Науковий консультант – доктор економічних наук, професор Дубницький Володимир Іванович, Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет Міністерства освіти і науки України, професор кафедри теоретичної та прикладної економіки Робота виконана в Українському державному хіміко-технологічному університеті Міністерства освіти і науки України Дисертацію присвячено вирішенню актуальної наукової проблеми щодо формування теоретичних і науково-методологічних положень розвитку регіональних соціально-економічних систем в умовах обмеженості водних ресурсів та науковому обґрунтуванні науково-методичних підходів до оцінки розвитку регіональних соціально-економічних систем на шляху стимулювання регіонального і національного зростання. Запропоновано визначення дефініцій «водоефективна регіональна соціально- економічна система» та «водна безпека регіональної соціально-економічної системи» у системі управління регіональною економікою. Обґрунтовано теоретико-методологічне підгрунття нової наукової парадигми регулювання регіонального розвитку на основі врахування обмеженості водних 2018 ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ 165 Том 20, Вип. 4 (69)

ресурсів, яка полягає у розгляді їх як виробничого ресурсу, ринкового товару, загального економічного блага та фактору безпеки. Парадигма за мету має забезпечення високого рівня добробуту населення шляхом стимулювання водоефективної діяльності РСЕС на основі розвитку інфраструктурного забезпечення відтворення водних ресурсів. СПЕЦІАЛЬНІСТЬ 08.00.06 – ЕКОНОМІКА ПРИРОДОКОРИСТУВАННЯ ТА ОХОРОНИ НАВКОЛИШНЬОГО СЕРЕДОВИЩА

КОЗЛОВЦЕВА ВАЛЕНТИНА АНАТОЛІЇВНА «ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНО-ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ЗАСАДИ ВПРОВАДЖЕННЯ ЕКОЛОГІЧНО ЧИСТИХ ВИРОБНИЦТВ В АГРОПРОМИСЛОВІЙ СФЕРІ» (к.е.н.) Науковий керівник – доктор економічних наук, старший науковий співробітник Андрєєва Наталя Миколаївна, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, головний науковий співробітник відділу економіко-екологічних проблем приморських регіонів Робота виконана в Одеському державному екологічному університеті Міністерства освіти і науки України У дисертаційній роботі розглянуто теоретичні підходи щодо формування організаційно- економічних засад впровадження екологічно чистих виробництв в агропромисловій сфері, зокрема розкрито теоретико-категоріальні основи екологізації агропромислової сфери та здійснена систематика взаємозв’язку екологічно чистого виробництва та розвитку екологічного підприємництва. Здійснено економіко-екологічну оцінку та аналіз ефективності впровадження екологічно чистих виробництв в агропромислову сферу, а саме: проаналізовано фінансово-економічне забезпечення та тенденції екологізації сільськогосподарських і переробно-харчових виробництв в Україні, виявлено природно-ресурсні, організаційно-економічні та виробничо-технічні передумови впровадження екологічно чистого виробництва в Одеській області, а також сформовано інструментарій економіко- екологічної оцінки результативності екологізації агропромислової сфери на основі форсайт- прогнозування. Удосконалено організаційно-економічне забезпечення впровадження екологічно чистих виробництв в агропромисловій сфері на основі застосування методів та інструментів стимулювання впровадження екологобезпечних технологій у сировинний та переробно-харчовий сегмент АПК та імплементації пріоритетних напрямів корпоративного екологічного менеджменту в діяльність переробно-харчових виробництв.

КРИСАК АЛЛА ІВАНІВНА «РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ ЗЕМЕЛЬНИХ ВІДНОСИН НА ЗАСАДАХ СТАЛОГО РОЗВИТКУ» (д.е.н.) Науковий консультант – доктор економічних наук, професор Герасимчук Зоряна Вікторівна, Вища школа міжнародних стосунків та комунікацій, професор Вищої школи, Польща, Хелм Робота виконана в Луцькому національному технічному університеті Міністерства освіти і науки України У дисертації сформульовано та аргументовано теоретичні положення щодо розгляду змістовних понять регулювання земельних відносин через призму сталого розвитку, досліджено проблеми регулювання земельних відносин, обґрунтовано напрями їх вирішення. Особлива увага приділена розробці концептуальних та методологічних основ регулювання земельних відносин на засадах сталого розвитку. Здійснена детальна оцінка стану земельних ресурсів та земельних відносин, а також визначено рівень ефективності їх регулювання. Сформовано пріоритети інституціоналізації земельних відносин, інформаційного забезпечення регулювання земельних відносин, розроблено стратегію комплексного економіко-екологічного регулювання земельних відносин, а також запропоновано шляхи вдосконалення системи інструментів для її реалізації. Обґрунтовано напрями трансформації економіко-організаційного забезпечення регулювання земельних відносин через вдосконалення відносин власності системи землекористування, урізноманітнення форм капіталізації земельних ресурсів та фінансового забезпечення відтворення та охорони земель.


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Науковий керівник – доктор економічних наук, професор Садченко Олена Василівна, Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, завідувач кафедри маркетингу та бізнес-адміністрування Робота виконана в Одеському національному університеті імені І.І. Мечникова Міністерства освіти і науки України. Дисертація містить теоретико-методичні положення щодо формування наукового інструментарію стимулювання природокористування в умовах екологізації підприємницької діяльності. В роботі розглянуто реінжиніринг як процес стимулювання впровадження еколого-інноваційних технологій в природокористування для просування екологоорієнтованого бізнесу. Автором запропоновано новий економіко-екологічний підхід до раціонального використання природних ресурсів через мотивацію, яка має бути закладена в економіко-екологічний механізм. У роботі автором запропоновано критерії відбору інструментів стимулювання природоохоронної діяльності, які ґрунтуються на примусових, заохочувальних та компенсаційних заходах.

ПОПИК ОЛЕГ ВОЛОДИМИРОВИЧ «ЕКОЛОГООРІЄНТОВАНЕ УПРАВЛІННЯ УРБАНІЗОВАНИМИ ТЕРИТОРІЯМИ» (к.е.н.) Науковий керівник – доктор економічних наук, старший науковий співробітник Хумарова Ніна Іпполитівна, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, головний науковий співробітник відділу економічного регулювання природокористування Робота виконана в Інституті проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України В дисертаційній роботі сформовані основні теоретико-методологічні (концептуальні) положення та прикладні засади екологоорієнтованого управління урбанізованими територіями. Доповнено понятійно-категоріальний апарат концепту екологоорієнтованого управління урбанізованими територіями. Представлено вдосконалений методичний підхід комплексної екосистемної оцінки стану урбанізованих територій на основі інтегрального показника якості урбанізованого простору. Запропоновано методичну основу реалізації екологоорієнтованого управління урбанізованими територіями на основі мотиваційного інструментарію. Обґрунтовано найбільш перспективні напрями реалізації екологоорієнтованих заходів в межах урбанізованих територій, зокрема, щодо шляхів використання опалого листя як джерела альтернативної енергетики, методичних настанов з оцінки ефективності енергозберігаючих технологій (на прикладі геліоенергетичних систем), гуманізації методів поводження з представниками фауністичних спільнот (на прикладі безпритульних тварин) та принципів екологоорієнтованого зонінгу урбанізованих територій.

ТЮТЮННИК ГАННА ОЛЕКСІЇВНА «ЕКОНОМІКО-ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНЕ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ КОНЦЕНТРАЦІЇ ЕКОЛОГІЧНО ЧИСТИХ СІЛЬСЬКОГОСПОДАРСЬКИХ ЗЕМЕЛЬ» (к.е.н.) Науковий керівник – доктор економічних наук, професор Купінець Лариса Євгенівна, Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України, завідувач відділу економіко- екологічних проблем приморських регіонів Робота виконана в Інституті проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України Дисертацію присвячено вирішенню актуального питання щодо поглиблення теоретичних засад відтворення земель сільськогосподарського призначення, розробленню методичного та економіко- організаційного забезпечення формування і концентрації екологічно чистих земельних масивів для отримання вагомих соціо-економіко-екологічних ефектів. Сформовано понятійний базис інституціонального забезпечення та концептуальний підхід щодо формування й концентрації екологічно чистих земельних масивів. Розроблено економічні механізми щодо переводу земель в категорію екологічно чистих. Удосконалено методичні підходи до державної кадастрової та грошової оцінки сільськогосподарських земель, а також визначення екологічної ренти.

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Том 20, Випуск 4(69) Volume 20, Issue 4(69)

Формат. Гарнітура. Умов. друк. арк. Обл.-вид. арк. Тираж прим. Зам. № від

Адреса редакції: Інститут проблем ринку та економіко-екологічних досліджень НАН України Французький бульвар 29, м. Одеса-44, 65044, Україна Тел.: (048) 722-66-11, 743-89-27 E-mail: [email protected] Сайт: http://ei-journal.com

Editorial address: Institute of market problems and economic & ecological research of the National Academy of sciences of Ukraine Frantsuzskiy Boulevard, 29, Odessa, Ukraine Tel. (048) 722-66-11, 743-89-27 E-mail: [email protected] Sait: http://ei-journal.com

Віддруковано: Друкарня Тел.: Сайт:

168 ECONOMIC INNOVATIONS 2018 Vol. 20, Issue 4 (69)