E1164 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 22, 2011 Norma joined Related Companies in De- life—revitalizing the community’s enduring Air Medal (2 awards), Navy Commendation cember 2002 as a Property Manager of Gate- spirit. Medal (4 awards), Navy Achievement Medal way Center in East , . Nor- I would like to extend special recognition to (2 awards), and Sea Service Deployment Rib- ma’s successful operations of Gateway Center the Latvian Council of Jewish Communities bon (8 awards). and her excellent relationship with the tenants and the Commission for the It is fitting that the President of the United and the local community is a valuable con- Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad for States has presented Captain James R. tribution to Related’s development efforts in organizing the extremely successful memorial Knapp with the Legion of Merit for his out- the New York area. project at Riga, Latvia’s oldest Jewish ceme- standing leadership. I ask that excerpts from Norma currently resides in Queens, New tery. Under the leadership and guidance of the Citation be printed in the RECORD: York along with her husband of twenty years, Chairman Warren Miller and Commissioner For exceptionally meritorious conduct in Kenneth and three children Brian & Brandon Lee Seeman, the memorial at the Old Jewish the performance of outstanding service as ages seventeen and Nia age twenty. Cemetery reminds the world of the tragedy of Commanding Officer, Naval Air Station Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Mrs. the Jews killed during World War II and asks Lemoore, California from September 2008 to Bang for her extraordinary accomplishments us to strive for a better future. I am proud to June 2011. Captain Knapp’s tenure as Com- and her spirit which reflect the best our nation celebrate the Latvian Jewish community’s his- manding Officer of the world’s largest Naval Air Station was exemplified by visionary has to offer. toric anniversary. I ask all my colleagues to leadership, mission accomplishment, and an f join me in recognizing their past perseverance unrelenting drive to improve the lives of and achievements, and in extending our sin- Sailors and their families. Despite fiscal re- RECOGNIZING THE 450TH ANNIVER- cere best wishes for their future success and straints and ever-changing requirements, his SARY OF THE LATVIAN JEWISH prosperity. proactive engagement across the spectrum of COMMUNITY strategic imperatives at Naval Air Station, f Lemoore resulted in sustained five-star sup- HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN IN HONOR OF CAPTAIN JAMES R. port to Commander Strike Fighter Wing Pa- cific, which has significantly contributed to OF NEW YORK KNAPP COMMANDING OFFICER, NAVAL AIR STATION, LEMOORE the lethality of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. His IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tremendous foresight and business acumen Wednesday, June 22, 2011 prevented airfield encroachment and his di- HON. JIM COSTA rect involvement in water usage issues in the Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today OF CALIFORNIA western San Joaquin Valley instilled new in celebration and recognition of the 450th An- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hope for local farmers and the regional econ- niversary of the Latvian Jewish community. omy. His personal involvement in the local Since the late 1500s, the Jewish people of Wednesday, June 22, 2011 community was highlighted by the establish- Latvia have demonstrated incredible persever- Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ment of a perennial Community Relations ance and courage through inconceivable trials pay tribute to Captain James R. Knapp upon Program which contributed over 11,000 man- hours towards numerous noteworthy and persecutions. As we reflect on this mile- his retirement from the United States Navy. projects, further strengthening the relation- stone anniversary, let us remember their his- Captain Knapp is the Commanding Officer ship between the air station and the local tory and celebrate their future. at Naval Air Station, Lemoore (NAS Lemoore). community. Additionally, his overwhelming The first Jewish settlements in Latvia ap- He has served the United States Navy with concern for his sailors was demonstrated by peared in the late 16th century. Through distinguished service during the 27 years of personally performing over 320 Career Devel- steady immigration, expansion, and steadfast his naval career. His devotion to the Navy and opment Boards, directly contributing to the resilience, the community grew and spread the Nation is inspiring. professional, financial and personal growth across the country. As the Jewish population My initial experience with Captain Knapp of each Sailor in his command. Captain expanded, they contributed immeasurably to began in 2008, when his service commenced Knapp’s superior performance of duties high- lights the culmination of 27 years of honor- the economic, industrial, and cultural develop- as Commanding Officer for Naval Air Station able and dedicated service. By his dynamic ment of Latvia. These accomplishments came Lemoore, which is located in my 20th Con- direction, keen judgment and loyal devotion despite frequently being forced to cope with gressional District in Kings County, California. to duty, Captain Knapp reflected great credit anti-Semitic laws and cultural prejudice. By the From our initial meeting, a great working rela- upon himself and upheld the highest tradi- late 1930s, approximately 93,000 Latvian tionship was formed. Whether we needed clar- tions of the United States Naval Service. Jews were living and prospering in the coun- ification on a question or a follow up on issues Captain Knapp is a man of outstanding try. regarding the base, the Captain was always character and we will remain grateful for his In the summer of 1941, Nazi troops occu- professional, knowledgeable, courteous and unwavering dedication and exceptional insight pied Latvia. Within days of the occupation, the helpful. during his career at NAS Lemoore and to our Nazis issued special decrees restricting Jew- Captain Knapp attended Texas A&M Univer- country. On behalf of the United States Con- ish rights and establishing ghettos. Jews from sity and was a member of the Fighting Texas gress, I wish to express my sincere gratitude surrounding countries were forcibly trans- Aggie Corps of Cadets. He graduated in 1984 for his hard work, selfless service, and dedica- ported to Latvian camps. Tens of thousands with a Bachelor of Arts in History. Captain tion to the United States Navy. I want to per- were murdered. Knapp was commissioned as an Ensign for sonally wish Captain Knapp much continued By the conclusion of World War II, tragically, the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps success and my best wishes to his wife, only 14,000 Latvian Jews remained. In the (NROTC) program and completed advance Nancy and his children; daughter, Lauren, years after, Jews from surrounding regions re- flight training in 1986, receiving his orders to sons, Will and Ryan, as they embark on their located in Latvia—rebuilding their community the ‘‘Rough Raiders’’ of VFA–125 for F/A–18 new endeavors. to more than 36,000 people. In the aftermath FRS training. His naval career was commen- f of the greatest evil ever perpetrated against a surate with his education, earning his Master’s people, the Latvian Jews marched on—restor- degree in National Security and Strategic A TRIBUTE TO PASTOR GRAYLING ing their culture and society, fighting against Studies at the Naval War College in Newport, FERRAND the oppression of Soviet rule. Latvia became Rhode Island. He has over 3,500 flight hours one of the centers of Zionist dissidence and in the F/A–18A–E series and 1,258 arrested HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS Jewish national movements in the Soviet landings on 11 different flight decks, six of OF NEW YORK Union. Jewish activists struggled for the right which remain in active service. Furthermore, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to immigrate to Israel and to openly honor the Captain Knapp participated in the USS Nimitz memory of Holocaust victims. Thousands emi- (CVN–68) Operation ‘‘Iraqi Freedom’’ 2003 de- Wednesday, June 22, 2011 grated to Israel, the United States and West- ployment. Prior to his serving as Commanding Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ern Europe. Officer at NAS Lemoore, Captain Knapp recognize Pastor Grayling Ferrand. Today, the Latvian Jewish community of served as Chief of Staff of Strategy, Plans and Pastor Ferrand serves on Friends of Recov- 13,000 is experiencing a rebirth. On this, their Assessment Directorate of the Multi-National ery, a statewide grass root advocacy board 450th anniversary, the Jews of Latvia can look Force-Iraq in Baghdad, Iraq. because of his passion and firsthand knowl- back on their history with a solemn pride. Hav- In his illustrious career, Captain Knapp re- edge of those impacted or affected by the dis- ing suffered through terrible hardship, the Lat- ceived many awards which include the Bronze ease of addiction. He is committed towards re- vian Jewry is rebuilding its religious and social Star, Meritorious Service Medal (3 awards), ducing the adverse effects of alcoholism and

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