Social Design, Field Studies & Sustainable Development
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SOCIAL DESIGN, FIELD STUDIES & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT How Design Research Methods have been Applied to Fieldwork Study and Enable Sustainable Community Development in Three Case Studies A Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree Master of Fine Arts in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Robin Reed - DesJardins Graduate Program in Industrial, Interior and Visual Communication Design The Ohio State University 2012 Master’s Examination Committee: Paul J. Nini, Advisor Peter Kwok Chan, PhD Elizabeth Sanders, PhD Copyright by Robin Reed - DesJardins © 2012 All rights reserved ABSTRACT The goal of this study is to explore the meaning of Social Design through design research, investigate appropriate methods for fieldwork study within this context, and seek ways in which design can bring about sustainable community development. In the process of conducting the research, some key elements leading to sustainability were identified that helped to create a “Design Model for Sustainable Community Develop- ment.” Through in-depth research of three Social Design case studies and interviews conducted with design experts, key methods were identified, providing insights for designers who might consider working in this emerging sector, while adding to the discourse of Social Design. This thesis also makes a distinction between “Design for Social Good” and Design for “Social Impact.” It affirms a paradigm shift in design practice towards a more human- centered approach, from designing for people to designing with people. Participatory Design, Exploratory Research and Ethnography are suggested as important methods that provide ways to work in Social Design that can foster ideas to bring about change that can impact societies. There is a new realm of opportunity for designers to work in this emerging social sector. By using their unique skill sets, they can begin to raise the value of design, so often misunderstood by people outside the sector and can be the “change leaders” people want and need today. ii DEDICATION This document is dedicated to my family and two daughters: Ashley Christine and Kelly Maureen Oldacre who are my inspiration. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A special note of appreciation and gratitude goes to Paul Nini, my thesis committee chair and Brian Stone, who encouraged me to take this step into academia and Peter Chan, Elizabeth Sanders and Susan Melsop at The Ohio State University, who guided and supported me through this academic process and along the way became my friends. I will always be grateful to Dr. Rafique Keshavjee and Dr. Stefano Bianca, leading scholars in the field of development, who believed in the value of design and my cre- ative spirit to “do good.” If not for their encouragement, I would never have had the wonderful career opportunities and experiences that changed my life forever. To my fellow MFA graduate class in Design Research & Development, thank you for sharing and collaborating along this design journey. Let’s keep on exploring. iv Vita 1981 BFA, Communication Design Rochester Institute of Technology, USA 1982 – 1984 Graphic Designer, Gregory Fossella Associates, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 1985 – 1987 Art Director, Gerp Publicité Lausanne, Switzerland 1987 – 1990 Art Director, World Economic Forum Geneva, Switzerland 1995 – 2006 Art Director, The Aga Khan Trust for Culture Geneva, Switzerland 2007 – Present Founder, Design4Development Wilmington Deleware, USA 2010 – 2012 MFA Candidate, Design Research and Development, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, USA 2010 – 2011 Graduate Associate in Design Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA 2011 – 2012 Graduate Teaching Associate, Department of Design, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA Fields of Study Major Field: Communication Design, Design Research & Development v Table of Contents Abstract ......................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... iv Vita ............................................................................................................................... v List of Tables ................................................................................................................ ix List of Figures .............................................................................................................. x Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................. 1 1.1 Problem Statement ............................................................................................ 5 1.1.1 Research Question .................................................................................... 6 1.2 Goals .................................................................................................................. 6 1.2.1 Hypothesis ................................................................................................ 8 1.3 Scope of the Study ............................................................................................. 8 1.3.1 Case Study 1, Project H ............................................................................. 9 1.3.2 Case Study 2 Design Center/AKHP ........................................................... 10 1.3.3 Case Study 3 Design Matters ..................................................................... 11 1.3.4 Expert Interviews ....................................................................................... 13 1.3.5 Secondary Research ................................................................................... 13 Chapter 2: Defining Context, Approach and Methods ............................................. 15 2.1 Business Innovation .......................................................................................... 15 2.2 The Design Development Process and Approaches ......................................... 16 vi 2.2.1 Design Thinking ......................................................................................... 18 2.2.2 Participatory Design ................................................................................... 19 2.2.3 Exploratory Research ................................................................................. 21 2.2.4 Generative Design Research ...................................................................... 23 2.3 Social Design ..................................................................................................... 25 2.4 Methods for Fieldwork Study ........................................................................... 26 2.4.1 Field Notes ................................................................................................. 28 2.4.2 Visual Ethnography .................................................................................... 29 2.5 Sustainable Community Development ............................................................ 31 2.6 Connecting these Definitions to Social Design ............................................... 36 Chapter 3: Case Study Development ......................................................................... 37 3.1 A Case Study Approach ................................................................................... 37 3.2 Three Case Studies in Social Design ................................................................ 38 3.2.1 Case Study 1 – Project H Design ............................................................. 39 3.2.2 Case Study 2 – Design Center/AKHP ....................................................... 46 3.2.3 Case Study 3 – Design Matters - Transit Arts/OSU .................................. 70 3.3 Conclusions from the Three Case Studies ....................................................... 88 Chapter 4: Expert Interviews Defining Social Design ................................................. 90 4.1 Amanda Buck ................................................................................................... 92 4.2 Bernard Canniffe ............................................................................................... 98 4.3 Thomas Ockerse ................................................................................................103 vii 4.4 Robert Sedlak ....................................................................................................106 4.5 Summarizing Their Words ................................................................................110 Chapter 5: Conclusions ................................................................................................112 5.1 Research Summary ...........................................................................................112 5.2 Conclusions ......................................................................................................112 5.2.1 Methods and Tools....................................................................................113 5.2.2 Designer as Facilitator ..............................................................................114 5.2.3 Engaging Participants ...............................................................................115 5.2.4 A Design Model for Sustainable Community Development ....................116 5.2.5 Applying the Design Model for Sustainable Community Development ..119 5.3 Lessons Learned ................................................................................................120