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T he AndoverAndo.rr f.rr> «hrrf anil alwaya. Arat, laat— th . manly. atral«h(forward anbrr, patriotic NrwT F.nalaml Town—PHILLIPSownsman nilOOKS ONE YEAR $2.00—SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS ANDOVER. MASSACHUSETTS, APRIL 20, 1934 VOLUME XLVII NUMBER 28 Wins Speaking Prize Recitalist Coming LOCAL NEWS NOTES G. F. S. Carnival Local ER A Quota to Abbot Academy Plan to play “ Bingo ” at the Girls’ Friend - Here Tomorrow ly Novelty Carnival. for Second Contest One of the most distinguished singers ap : j pearing at Abbot Academy in recenl years is Miss Helen AIcGraw is spending her vaca­ The Girls’ Friendly society of Christ tion in Providence, R. I. church will hold a novelty carnival in the Probably to Be Cut Julius Huehn, who will give a song recital in parish house on Saturday afternoon from two Miss Dorothy Boyce, Senior at Punchard Awarded First Davis Hall of Abbot Academy, on Tuesday ■ Mrs. Andrew Collins has been ill at her to six p.m. A small admission will he charged. night, April 24th at 8.(X) o’clock. Mr. Huehn on Wolcott avenue. Prize in Barnard’s Last Friday Night—Had Won is still in his twenties but is already an artist Children accompanied by grown-ups will be State Administrator Carney Announces that Allot­ of great ability. His major work is in opera, Miss Agnes V. Dugan of Maple avenue admitted free. An entertainment will begin ments Will Be Based on October Belief Bolls Second Prize in 1932 Contest is spending a week in Worcester. at three o’clock. It will include the play, but he appears with increasing frequency in “ The Troublesome Flock” that will be re­ When Local Unemployment Was Low oratorio and on the recital stage, and for- ’ Mi- Dorothy Boyce, a senior at Punchard Mr. and Airs. George Napier of Summer peated by the G. F. S. candidates; readings tunately, his recital programs are made up street spent the holiday in Maynard. high, won first prize of twenty dollars in the November Club of songs worthy of an artist. by I Jorotny 1 )avis and other surprise features, i . # Fhe new ruling announced yesterday hy annual Barnard prize speaking contest held Miss Alary L. Smith of the high school Handkerchiefs from all parts of the country I T 0 - I 1*1 t t i a F l C S t O the state E. R. A. administrator Joseph P. in Punchard hall last Friday night. Miss Mr. Huehn has a high baritone voice of the faculty is vacationing in city. will be on sale. Friends arc invited to have most beautiful lyric quality, but also has t In­ Carney that job quotas hereafter will be ap­ Boyce delivered an essay entitled “ Youth Elects Officers their future told by the Alisscs Aleralba. portioned to towns in proportion to their and the World.” An interesting essay in ability and vocal equipment to sing the most Miss Alabel Alarshall of Andover spent well-known fortune tellers and join in the fun *-**5 1ICIU J **^“*Jt dramatic roles in opera. Standing six feet the holiday with friends in Gorham, Me. welfare lists as of October, 1933, will mean verse on “ Cosmetics, First and Last,” won Mrs. Lester E. Lynde was elected president of playing Bingo. Silhouettes will be made that Andover’s allotment will be far below second prize of twelve dollars for Miss Lois three inches, this artist makes a commanding Rev. Henry Peters of Alta. Alberta, (’ana- by Air. Alason Downing of North Andover. Only the town house will be used for voting of the November club at the annual meeting presence before he sings a note. its present needs, since there were only 65 Ferguson, also a senior. Friday the thirteenth held Monday afternoon at the clubhouse on da, is visiting with relatives in Shawsheen Home-cooked food, candy, grabs, aprons, purposes next Tuesday at the lirst state pre­ men on the welfare list in October whereas proved a lucky day for Allan Trott, ’34, who Locke striei. Other officers elected were: At Christmas time Mr. Huehn sang the village. and arts and crafts will be on sale. primary election. The polls will be open from when the CWA started in November there besides celebrating his eighteenth birthday Baritone solo parts in the Messiah in Came The chairmen of the various committees 12 noon to 6.30 p.m. vice-president, Mrs. Henry S. Hopper; 2d Mr. and Airs. George Burridgc and family were 234. I-nte in October there was a marked on that day. also annexed third prize for his vice-president, Mrs. Herbert B. Merrick; gie Hall with the New York Oratorio Society, are: Candy, Miss Doris Manning; aprons, The names on the Republician ballot fol slackening in the activity of the Lawrence and was the outstanding success of the per­ of Bancroft road left yesterday for a motor Airs. Benjamin Jaques; food, Miss Flizabeth low: state committee, fourth FIsscx district, essay on “ Bird Acquaintances.” recording secretary, Miss Bessie I*. Gold- , ------...... ■“•••b •> -« » «• trip to Coifeyville, Kans. mills which had absorbed many of Andover’s In 1932 Miss Boyce also won second prize smith; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Lyman I *orn]ancc-formance. I he TheNew New \ ork York critics critics hav have written Hilton; handkerchiefs, Miss Ruth Saunders; Lewis R. Hovcy, Haverhill; delegates to unemployed, with the result that the welfare in the Barnard’s, while a member of the F. Cheever; treasurer, Mrs. Anne B. Penni- in glowing terms of“r his u'~ work. ’* Mr. Howe * has •Miss Lillian Silvcrwatch of Alethuen arts and crafts, Aliss Beatrice Farnsworth; state convention, vote for two, Frederick rolls of the town increased rapidly. conducted oratorios and opera at Chautau­ quilt, Alis- Bertha R. Cuthill; grabs, Aliss Butler, Valentine AL Fitzhugh; town com­ soph< more class. She is the daughter of Mr. man; directors, one year, Mrs. Henry C. visited at the home of Airs. Rohina Sullivan When E. R. A. work was halted Wednes­ and Mrs. Frederick M. Boyce of Main street. Sanborn; three years, Mrs. Roscoe E. Dake, qua. N. Y., when Mr. Huehn was one of the of Red Spring road, Sundry. Dorothy Winn; publicity, Aliss Ruth Saun mittee, vote for fifteen, group 1, Frederick soloists, and endorses the singer without ders and Aliss Bertha Hilton. E. Cheever; group 2. Bertha C. ( lark day on orders from Boston, there were 139 Mr. Boyce is an instructor in physics ut Mrs. Ralph E. Hadley. Aliss May Gallagher spent Tuesday visit­ men still employed. At that time eight and Phillips academy. The report of the nominating committee reservation. Indeed, it is through these as­ Andrew Collins, Roy E. Hardy, Isaiah R. sociations that Mr. Huehn’s recital at Abbot ing at the home of Air. and Airs. John R. Kimball, Malcolm B. AIcTernen, Harry a half miles of road had been completed in Selections were sung during the program was given by Mrs. Virgil D. Harrington, the Sullivan of Red Spring road. the outlying sections. Seventeen hundred other members being .Mrs. Nathan C. Ham­ Academy has been made possible. Mr. Huehn Monument Drive Sellars, William B. Afclntyre, Lewis N. by the Girls’ Cilee club under the direction Mears, Leonard D. Sheman, Franees T. feet of water pipe had l>een laid on Lovejoy lin and .Miss Harriett Carter. Next year’s has been one of the artists at the Worcester Aliss Marjorie Smith and Miss Lilian Fox road, and another water entension project of Miss Miriam Sweeney, supervisor of music Music Festival for the past two years, and of the high school faculty are spending the to End April 30 Wade, Alary D. Winslow, Stafford A. Lind at the public schcols. Principal Nathan C. nominating committee was named as follows: had been started on Rattlesnake hill road, Mrs. Frederick W. II. Stott, chairman; Mrs. will appear there again in October at the vacation in Wolfeboro, N. H. say, John Al. Krving, Edmond E. Hammond, Hamblin presided and announced the awards. Diamond Jubilee of that institution and C. Aladeleine Hewes. with still another contemplated for River The judges were: Miss Bessie I*. Gcldsmith Frank H. Hardy, Mrs. Arthur Sweeney. Air. and Airs. Joseph P. Bell have returned April 30 will be the closing date for the road. The town has spent a total of $6400 on The annual reports were given as follows: Admission of one dollar will be taken at drive for SI500 now being conducted by the 'Fhe Democratic ballot names: State Com­ winner of the first prize in the lirst Barnard the door of the 1 fall, and the music lovers who to their home on Morton street after a ten mittee, Charles II. Alorrill, Haverhill; dele­ materials and truck hire since the C. W. A. contot in 1899; Roger W. Higgins, instruc­ Secretary, Miss Bessie I’. Goldsmith; treas­ days’ trip to Atlantic City. d American Legion auxiliary for the erection started. urer, Miss Anne B. Penniman; tea committee, elect to attend may be sure of a beautiful of a monument at the Legion lot in Spring gates to state convention, vote for one, tor of public speaking at Phillips academy; concert. If you wish to replenish your apron supply- David S. Burns, Augustive C. Reilly; town Two miles of gravel road have been laid on and Rev. Newman Matthews, pastor of the Miss Alice L. Bell; Christmas party at the Grove cemetery. The Past Presidents, who ( handler road with three-quarters of a mile town infirmary read by Mrs. P. Bartlett The program: visit the G. F. S. Carnival at Cnrist church are in charge of the drive, met Tuesday committee, vote for ten, Augustive C. Reilley, West church. ProloRue—PnKliacd Leoncavallo parish house tomorrow afternoon. Thomas F. Hendrick, David S. Burns, Henry yet to go. A mile has been rebuilt of Beacon The awards were based two-thirds on Whittemore for Mrs. Ralph F. Hadley; ways evening at the home of Airs. Annie P. Davis street, and this will soon be finished. A mile and means committee, Airs. Charles E. Ab­ Aufenthalt Schubert on Harding street. J. Dolan, Joseph Comber, Edward J. Lt comjH'sition and one-third cn delivery. Der Lindenhaum Schubert Oswald Tower of Phillips street attended febvrc, William A. Homcdy, Vincent of Bellevue road and two of Haggetts pond bott; dramatic department, Mrs. Roscoe E. the annual meeting of the National Basket­ If for some unavoidable reason anyone is The program follows: Der Sturmlsche Martian Schubert not contacted contributions may be mailed j [*‘cjcty ^ au^ ^*a*co*m-Smith, Joseph road have been completed, as is one and a half Dake; art department, Miss Alice Jenkins; ball committee in New York Sunday. on North street and one on River street. The Flapper Flaptied Out literature department, Mrs. Frank T. Carl­ Kuhe Meinc Seole Strauss to the chairman of the following districts B. Doherty. Betty Eleanor Manning ’34 ton; French conversation group, read by Ewlg lirich Wolf Aliss Marjorie Davis was chosen president Ballard vale, Airs. F’reeman Abbott; Shaw­ I he Lovejoy road water extension project Recreations for Leisure Time Miss Bessie P. Goldsmith for Airs. Roy Hear me Ye Winds and Wa\ es—Julius Caesar of the newly formed junior C. E. society at sheen Village, Airs. Harry Gouck and Airs was completed on Tuesday evening. Wednes­ Edith Cecilia Stott '34 Spencer. 11 an,let the Baptist church Sunday evening. Joseph A. Miller; West Andover, Airs John Ask to Discontinue day morning work was started on Rattle­ The Crime of War Love me or not Secchi snake hill road. These two and River road Mrs. Henry S. Hopper presided over the The W. W. G. (iirls of the Baptist church H. Long and Airs. Annie P. Davis; Andover Joseph Alfred Serio ’35 business meeting and retired after serving The Floral Dance Moss Hill, Airs. Robert Franz; Maple avenue sec­ Section of Street were all included in special articles at the The New Deal The Cloths of Heaven met Monday night at the home of Airs. annual town meeting, for which the town two years as president of the club. Dunhill Carleton Smith on North Alain street. tion in center, Airs. Fred G. Cneney; Reading Patricia Bcrnadinc Barrett ’35 After the business meeting, af ernoon tea The Roustabout Rufert Jlunhes road, Airs. Thomas W. Platt; Abbott Village, A hearing was held before the County voted a lump sum of $10,000. Music—Spring Song Rolfe was served, with Airs. Joseph E. Walworth, Gwine to Hebbin Jacques Wolfe Raymond Hickey, appointed police officer Airs. John Henderson and Airs. Joseph Commissioners at Salem Tuesday for the The assessors’ survey work should be Girls’ Club Airs. Oswald 'Power, Airs. P. Bartlett Whitte­ a few weeks ago, was on duty for the first Keith; Summer street section, Airs. John P. discontinuance of Corbett street from Poor cleaned up in another week. I’he high school Youth and The World more, and Airs. Percy Smith pouring. time Alonday doing traffic duty in the square. Alexander or to any member of the auxiliary. street to Sherbournc street, a distance of painting was finished Sunday, and the police Dorothy Mason Boyce ’34 Uncle Elmer to station had already been painted. Other Patrick AIcCafferty, who has been playing about three hundred feet. The hearing was Bird Acquaintances Football Field Not to Be Used held on petition of the selectmen. miscellaneous tasks completed are: cutting Allan Randolph Trott ’34 left half back for the Andoxer F. C\, has been brush, snow removal, and the construction Has 94tli Birthday Sing Here on 29th transferred to the Lusitania Recreation team. Dr. J. J. Daly and Howell F. Shepard were Cosmetics, First and Last The Board of Public Works has issued an present. They stated that William and Sher- of a stone wall at the Shawsheen school. 'The Lois Ferguson ’34 Have your past, present and future told by sewing by the women is still being conducted. on Patriots’ Day On Sunday evening April 29th Uncle El­ order restraining all groups from the use of the lx)urne street had a smooth hard surface Betsy Ross and The American Flag Aliss Aliralha at the G. I’. S. Carnival at football field at the playstead until the sod is with the result that this stretch of the old May Shorten '34 mer of radio fame, with his fifteen gospel Christ church parish house Saturday after­ singers will conduct an evening service at the properly established again. The field has been Corbett street is now not being used. There Dormitory to Be Music Just A-Wearyln’ for You Jacobs-ltond Patriots’ day April 19th, Airs. Hannah noon. badly torn up, and reseeding is necessary. was no opposition. Girls’ Glee Club Abbot Flint enjoyed friends calling on her Free Church. The meeting begins at 7.00 Air. and Airs. Winslow Goodwin have ninety-fourth birthday. o’clock. It is being arranged by the Ways and W oman’* AUiunce Annual Meeting Built at Academy First Prize Essay Spring llowers from her garden trimmed Means Committee. They feel they are for­ returned to their home in Wilmette, III., afger Marriage Intentions the candle-lit cake which she served to her tunate in securing this gospel chorus to come visiting Airs. Annie S. Alley on Chestnut Miss Boyce’s first prize essay on “ Youth street. The annual meeting of the Free Church Work will begin soon on a new dormitory guests. at this time as dates for them are at a pre­ Woman’s Alliance including the election of Roy II. Smith, Jenkins roa

Miss Hayes, a native of Ireland, was a Corn in unicalions resident of Andover for years. She is survived A thletic A ssociation THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN by one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson of NEWS OF OTHER DAYS Published every Frida; at the I’resa building, Andover. Mass., by the Andover Pres' Kcancy, N. V., and several nieces and Concert and Ball Dear Editor: nephews. IRA , F.LMER J. CttOVF.R, Managing Editor »MR/ Tw enty-Five Years Ago Ten Years Ago TOW NSM AN T e le p h o n e 1321 The inclosed clipping from the financial The hearers were Henry McGlynn. John Over 200 attended the first Annual concert page of last Sunday’s Boston Herald is so Smith. George Waldic and Edward Linri- and hall sponsored by the Andover Athletic Entered ut Andover Postoffice ns Second C lass Mntter full of sound common sense I think it quite holm. Philip Hardy of this town is playing with Mrs Curtis L. Wilson, who was injured association in the town hall Wednesday night the Lowell Textile baseball team. * when she was struck by an automobile on the worth while printing in the Townsman. for the purpose of outfitting the new town Subscriber SUI LI VAN baseball team. The concert, starting at eight, Chester Farmer spent the week-end with ; Reading road last January, was removed Andover’s Liquor Sellers if not chronologically. If restaurant- Intrusion of Labor Daniel VV. Sullivan, 82, a resident of featured the Andover Male choir, with J his parents, Mr. anti Mrs. T. J. Farmer of today from the Lawrence General hospital owners cannot refrain from letting such However sympathetic one may be toward Hallardvale for six years, passed away Mon­ Everett Collins conductor and Miss Marion Whittier street to the Anderson sanitarium on Maple avenue Any criticism uHuinst the establish­ fellows come in and make fools of them­ the aspirations of organized ialxir, it is dif­ day evening at the home of his daughter, L. Abbott accompanist. Following the con­ s » * - 5 i selves. lowering at the same time the ficult to avoid the conclusion that the hand­ Mrs. Iledlev Nesbitt. Prior to coming to the cert dancing was enjoyed. have been in New \ ork for a few days. s| rcct ment of u pnrkiifiP store here in Anil ver Vale, he had resided in Merrimack, N IL would he for more worthwhile if it weri standards of their establishments and ling of the labor problem by the NR A has Miss Martha Stclanclre, appearing during \ horse owned by H. M. Randlett took Miss \ nna \V. Kuhn has returned to her been in some respects detrimental to business Besides his daughter he is survived by two the concert program with Miss Dorothy used instead against a few of the res­ tile town, then the selectmen would be sons, Robert of Concord, N. II. and Herbert sick while in Boxford Wednesday and^ it home on Central street after spending several doing a wise thing by revoking the improvement. Even the most enthusiastic Yogcl, again attracted her usual amount of was necessary to send another one to bring I wcl>ks in Bermuda. taurants in town which though only lalwr leaders who are always eager to attain of Manchester, N. II applause. John K Hill was at his best in his selling wines and beers offer a far greater licenses, a thing which would find much The funeral was held Wednesday after­ back the delivery wagon. ; Mrs. Bartlett H. Hayes and daughter further concessions for their clients in matters solo renditions, and Grace Peever’s exhibition A special meeting of the school committee Dorothy, of Phillips street, left Andover last menace to the sobriety of the community i favoi among the townspeople, noon at 2 o’clock from Sullivan Bros, funeral of acrobatic dancing was well liked. Dorothy of wages, hours and working conditions, are was held last Thursday evening and the Friday for a visit to VVelton, Arizona, where than does the establishment of the pack- — 7 not favorable to strikes. parlors in Nashua. \ H. Burial was in Cornwell, soprano, appeared with the choir Townsend. board adopted n policy regarding the publicity Mr. Hayes is staying at present. age store. So far no complaint could 1 Editorial Cinders The serious interruptions to business all in its last two selections and gave a very tine of its doings. It is learned that the following j The erection of bleachers on the playstcad rendition of Victor Herbert’s “ Italian Street possibly he brought against the package over the country because of this factor con motions were passed: 1st. "That our Sup- will be in charge of the following committee: store based on actual happening, and the The fact that the town house will be tinue and it makes it very difficult for busi W ed d in gs Song.” , . . n . The officers of the association are: l resi­ erintendent be the agent of the Board to Myron K. Gutterson. William ('. Crowley' respectable appearance <»f the store the only polling place for Tuesday’s ness men to plan ahead. Since the threatened give out the deliberations of this Beard.” | Frank Markey, Philip Hardy and William election and the hours of voting will only general strike in the automobile plants was COOKSON COOKSON dent, Charles Bowman; Vice-President. J. 2nd, “ That it be the policy of the Board that | McIntyre. would seem to indicate that nothing Everett Collins; Treasurer, James Cole; be from noon to fi.BO indicates that the averted three weeks ago, there have been two Miss Gertrude Cook-un, 44 Morton street, nothing be given out for publication o th er! Miss Nettie Pritchard, a member of I’m,, foreign to Andovci’s character could more or less serious, although minor, strike Lawrence, anil Francis Cookson, 144 Main Secretary, Melvin Grover; Baseball Man­ happen as a result of that particular selectm en feel th at the vote will not he ager, Charles Bowman; Associates, James than actual votes passed by the full board 1 chard’s basketball team, is champion forward very heavy. The town would have been at Detroit, one of which is now in progress street, were united in marriage at a nuptial and not any expression of individual opinion.” in Essex county. In the games that die has store’s being there. The theory behind Workers in oil companies have threatened mass held Saturday morning at St. Anne's Rylcy, Joseph Stack. Frank Nelligan. John D. H. Poor and G. A. Christie dissented from played this season she has scored 2(14 |>oints the repeal of prohibition would seem to saved a little money if an ecpial am ount to walk out. church, Lawrence. Rev. Claude Chambard, Schemer; Business Manager, James R. Mosher; Assistant Business Manager. Ed­ the second motion. The house at 106 Main street owned by carry with it as a necessary corollary the of foresight Inis been in evidence when In many industries wages are now back to S. M., officiated. Myron E. Gutterson was elected president Dr. Hiland F. Holt has been purchased by establishment of such package stores as the hours for the recent registration approximately the 1929 level, although the After a short wedding trip the couple will ward V. Lindholm. of the Andover Natural History society at Miss Catherine W. Coombs, who now resides were decided upon. The board of regis- ^ __ _ ^ make their home in Andover. The concert program follows: eting this week. at 10 Morton street. found here in Andover. No one, not even are very few companies which are earning Winter Song Hullatd the annual the most rabid anti-prohibitionists, trars sat in continuous session from noon | anything like 1929 profits for their stock WINTER MITCHELL Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes Old Melody wanted to see the old saloon come back, . to ten in the evening,“ at...... ninety' •*:*'**‘ ...... *nts an holders. Industrial progress must depend on Chudleigh-Candish tlx some reasonably fair division of income he Miss Ruth Marim Mitchell, daughter of Song of tlu* Jolly Roger Science Department of the University of to their academic subjects and to the life out* hut tlu* great majority of the volets in | hour for four men. In other word: Mr. and Mrs. William G. Mitchell of 79 Andover Male Choir tnliil n isi was SIM, l>ul only six persons tween capital and labor. It may he argued Chicago. side the classroom. For example, the struggles this country did want to give people, the that it would be better to have wages in the Chestnut street, and Harold Winter, son of Accordion Sp< ecialty Miss Delight Hall will be in charge of of many nations today for financial and right to drink if they wished hi. just so showed up to n oisier. North Andover is Mrs. Emma Winter of 54 Washington street Martha Stclanr re. Dorothy Vogel steel industry restored to the 1020 level before Hamby transportation to and from the Convention. political stability come up for discussion in long as they did not interfere with other having its only pre-primmy icnistrulion any dividend is paid on United States Steel Lawrence, were united in marriage at a cere Sweet and U Through the courtesy of Mrs. F. W. H. Stott, the history, language and even in the math­ tonight, from 7 to ft. th e sumo hours mony held at Christ Episcopal church at To All You I adies Calc oil people. And a package store gives them common stock. Whether it is fair or not for Adams a meeting was held at Williams Hall on Tues­ ematics classes; and news of writer-, artists, would easily have been sufficient for 7 o’clock last evenin ' Rev. Charles W. Henry The Hells of St. Mary's day. April 17..at which Mrs. De Normandie musicians, scientists, and others give oppor­ that right; it affords them an opportun­ United States Steel to pay 1020 wages with Andover Male Choir ity to purchase liquor in a elean respect­ Andover. Voters nl six dollars each are preferred stockholders receiving S2 of the officiated. Miss Nellie Irvine of 87 Chestnut s|x>ke about the coming convention. tunity to mention their achievements. street was the bride's only attendant, and the Sonc, able simp for consumption in the eon- pretty cosily. S7 to which they are entitled, is another John K. Hill, tenor “ The ‘dinner current events’ talks have matter. best man was James (iriffin of Willow street, Times Article on Abbot proved valuable in a number of ways, ac­ lines of their home where it they over­ Lawrence. A double ring service was used Acrobatic Da ndng im bibe they will not bother anyone The American Legion auxiliary is It may he better all around if in the future cording to Miss Bertha Bailey, the principal. employees of corporations receive a larger The bride was given in marriage by her Durner The New York Times carried the following The students pay close attention, generally, other than themselves. A store, such as conducting u drive :il present in an elTorl father. Kyrie at Sea to obtain sufficient funds for a monu­ share of income than they have in the past. Song (from "Naughty Marietta") interesting article about Abbot Academy in not only because of an interest in the news this, would not lower the standards of The bride’s gown was of white satin and Italian Street last Sunday’s edition: ment to bo placed nl the Legion lot in When they try to take all there is. it secerns Herbert but because those in certain classes each year any town to us they arc going too far and that corpor­ her veil of tulle with orange blossoms. She “ World news is served up with dinner know that they will be expected to speak Spring Grove cemetery. Only ten cents carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the Andover Male Choir t inier present conditions commenda­ ate managements ought to remember that Assisted by Dorothy Cornwell, sopra every evening now at Abbot Academy, the several times, as part of their training, and tion should be given those stores and per person is asked, and since il is for n after all they are working primarily for valley and roses. The bridesmaid was gowned girls’ academy at Andover, Mass. But the are observant of the methods of others. restaurant owners who arc canying on very worthy purpose, no one should stockholders and that the real owners of a in blue mousseline de soie and she carried method is not the usual one of tuning in on a “ The preparation of these news rcfx>rts is hesitate to give Iris quota or considerably property are entitled to some reasonable Joanne Hill roses with blue larkspur. favorite radio station. The students take turn proving valuable for the practice it affords in a respectable liquor trade Edwin (». Bootli was organist for the oc­ British Vets Hold There are. however, a few restaurants more. It is a drive conducted entirely by return on their invested capital. at giving their own resumes based on their scanning newspapers intelligently, in learning casion. The ushers were: George F. Hanson. selection of the most significant events of the to read quickly and receptively, and in mak­ in town whic h are a disgrace. T heyThey are I local people, and Andover should he Harry Poole, Thomas H. Houghton, all of First Anniversary rc|v selling beers and light wines, but only too glad to help out any move for a day. The young speakers rarely use notes ing the most efficient use of the time allotted Chicago U. President Lawrence; and Albert Mitchell of No. An­ while on their feet. for study.” the propiictors are catering to 'a i typea type of memorial to those wlm died in 1 he service dover. The town hall last night was the scene of of their country. Don’t feel that you nr Recommends Changes “ The custom tits into the policy of making trade which should drive away all Following the ceremony a small reception the first anniversary banquet and dance of The humiliating thing about it is that the doing your purl by merely visiting the was held at the home of the bride’s parents. the British Empire War Veterans’ associ­ the girls citizens of the world, while living on respectable customers. When a ics- Continued from page 1 the tranquil, century-old campus. 'Phis is a youth who thinks he knows more than his taurant in Andover lakes on the at­ cemeteries on Memorial Day; show that After trip to Washington. I). ation. Captain Evans, British Vice Consul parents so often does. England colleges, especially Harvard, of an the couple will make their home at 25 Dur- from Boston, was the guest of honor. Other policy of relating happenings of importance tributes of a Lawrence side-street hang­ sun are remembering them by helping A. B. degree for entrance to the graduate and purchase a monument for their graves. gess street, Methuen. invited guests included Col. V. M. FitzHugh, out. il is time that il be divested of ds professional schools. He said that New honorary president of the local post, Captain Potted Pansies, Violas, and FRESH VEGETABLES an d FRUIT England gave impetus “ to the idea that you license; Andover has no place for such and Mrs. Denis L. Peterkin. Lieutenant J. . N a t the lowest prices an establishment. No one who voted for Much work lias been done the past can tell how good a fellow will be in a pro­ Abbot Academy Notes Shaw, Lieutenant L. Cartwright, commander O m i t n o g a ll im 'low Prices been very well done, but unless some­ spoke of the College Entrance Board Ex­ Commander Joseph T. Remmes of Andover congregate after spending their money aminations, required in most New England Rev. A. Graham Baldwin of Phillips Acad­ Wildwood Road Telephone 403 A . B A S S O - Main S tr e e t on drink. There is a group of young men filingthing is done is done to hind to bindthe gravel, the gravel, all tins all this emy. conducted tin evening service on Sun­ post, 8, American Legion, Commander schools. He said that the idea that prep Harold Cates of Andover post, 2128, V. F. m Andover who try to make believe that work will have been wasted just as the school and high school were only preparatory day. April 15. Mr. Baldwin’s visits are eagerly limeigcncy committee work was wasted anticipated, and his messages well remem W., Mr. and Mrs. John M. Erving, Rev. and they are big by adopting a “ Who cares'?" for college was an erroneous one. He also Mrs. Charles W. Henry, Mrs. Joseph Keith, attitude about bow they act. They think a year ago. 11 seems a shame that the declared that the high school curriculium is bered. fedciul government and the town should Histrionic talents were uncovered on Tues­ president of the Ladies’ auxiliary t;> the Brit­ MOTH COMPOUNDS that they arc acting grown-up, but if so, not adapted to College Entrance Examina­ ish veterans, Mrs. Norman K. MacLeish, spend so much money on gravel roads tions, with the result that high school grad­ day evening, when three corridors gave stunts it's a "grown-up" of which ...... has a in Davis Hall. A. A. Milne characters rubbed Mrs. Cates, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Cort- rigid to be proud. It's tills type of young and then huve the roads once again uates go outside of New England to college wright. Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Eitzhugh, Mr. DICHLORICIDE, releases a vapor fatal to clothes moths become corrugated. Most of the recently The formula for entrance to a college, he elbows with “ Wild Nell’s” Indians, and men which meet nightly at the licensed “Clementine” and her tragedy prepared the Keith, and Paul Savi of Boston. Norman completed roads would he good foi a said, should he personal character and scho­ and other insects. Will not injure or stain furs or fabrics. bung-outs and make, a general nuisance lastic aptitude. It should not depend on audience for the dramatic rendition of the MacLeish was toastmaster. of themselves. long lime if a couple of coats of tar were grades or “ previous condition of servitude.” noble classic, “ Curfew Shall Not Ring To­ The banquet was held early in the evening, Liquor should not lie sold to children applied now. Wouldn’t it mean a saving Tie stated that nowadays schools are pre­ night”, given with much feeling by Patsy and then dancing was enjoyed from 8 to 12 LARVEX—A colorless, odorless solution to spray woolen 12 with music by Cobb’s Quadrille Band of under sixteen, nor should it be sold to of money in the long run, to eliminate paring boys for examinations and not educa Noonan. This year’s corridor stunts have fabrics, also in cake form, mothproofs all washable woolens. children over sixteen. For that’s all this this yearly expense raping and | ting them, “ A teacher can’t try to educate been unusually amusing and ingenious. Boston. group of young men is; children actually rolling'? I prep school boys; it would confuse their On Wednesday*Afternoon the high school The committee: Alexander Beedic, Alex­ CAMPHOR - NAPTHALINE - SENTRY REFILLS minds.” seniors of the Lawrence Y. W. C. A. enter ander Duke. James Nicoll, Charles Fettes, “ What is to become of the many college tained the Abbot Senior class most pleasantly Joseph Keith, Edward Bushness, Alexander students who are graduating yearly?” the at tea. Abbot has long been interested in the Auchterlonie, Lindsay Kinnear, Alex White T H E HARTIGAN PHARMACY Read and Heard speaker asked. They can’t all join the army, work of the Y., and has heard of it from Miss and Norman K. MacLeish. Siftings the navy, or the C. C. C., he said. The re­ Miller when she has visited the school. 'This medy lies in expanding the educational sys­ is that the Abbot girls hav Women Voters’ National Convention The action of Mayor Griffin of l.awrcnce The petty economies of the rich are just as tem of the country to the 18th or 20th year been entertained at Lawrence, and they were Monday in having the City Council remove amazing as the silly extravagances of the of a person’s life, he told the audience. very glad to see the new building. The Seniors The Eleventh National Convention of the from Alderman Lord control of the health i>oor. * * * The New England insistence on small have enjoyed several especially attractive League of Women Voters will be held at the department finances seems to show that classes was not to the speaker’s liking, since teas given in their honor, notably those of Hotel Statler in Boston, April 24-27. On Mayor Griffin feels Lawrence can’t afford a The instant a man brings up the subject he felt that a small class of itself was no Mrs. Thaxter Eaton and the Misses C’hicker- Tuesday evening, a meeting open to the pub­ FO R RENT Ford. j of thrift, his wife demands that he quit better than a large class. The tutorial system, ing. Miss Helen (’bickering will serve tea to lic, Dr. Paul H. Douglas from the University smoking cigars and playing golf. he declared cannot he accepted everywhere her classes at her home on Saturday after­ of Chicago will speak in behalf of Recovery, *• If money talks then Europe has reduced if it means individual instruction for all noon. and Mr. David Lilienthal, member of the We have a few modern, single houses its conversation on the war debts to a very ] Everytime we ask anybody to cash The present-day problem is not to cut down Miss Bailey will attend the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley faint whisper.” Reading Chronicle. check, we wonder if we really look like the larger classes, but to cut out the mis­ Head-mistresses’ Association in New York authority, will speak in behalf of the con­ to rent in SHAWSHEEN VILLAGE to crook. cellaneous smaller classes. on Friday and Saturday, April 20-21. sumer. Governor John G. Winant of New A “ golden” silence lor everyone but us. The House or College plan cannot be Hampshire, and D. Leonard J. White of the desirable people. Some are brick con ­ The good parties are the ones you miss Friends of the school are cordially invited adopted everywhere because of the great to hear the Rev. J. Edgar Park when he U. S. Civil Service Commission will speak at struction, some frame, and th e If anyone had told us during those sub' cost, President Hutchins said. He felt that speak > at the evening service on Sunday a public meeting Wednesday evening. Gov­ zero days last winter that we’d ever again Don’t ruin a big idea by expressing it in the emphasis of the House plan was not the April 22. Dr. Park is the well-known president ernor Winant. whose gubernatorial record rentals are low. have weather like Wednesday’s would I big words, emphasis that the country needs. of Wheaton College, and a most popular in behalf of public relief and strengthening have thought that their brain; were be He then proposed the junior college idea, speaker at Abbot. public finances is being followed with keen numbed. \ stupid person has no patience with the which takeds a student through the end of Julius Huehn, baritone, one of the most interest, will disscus “ Public Relief—The stupidity of others sophomore year. There are 450 junior colleges promising singers on the stage today, will State’s Responsibility.” New Hampshire was ANDOVER-SHAWSHEEN REALTY CO. The Townsman is the only paper in the in the country, hut since 50 ', of the enroll give a recital on Tuesday evening, April 24, among the first states to tackle the relief country which didn’t make a pun about Dr. A homely girl begins to enjoy life about the ment leaves every year, it has been verv problem and Governor Winant’s policies and F. M. & T. E. ANDREW, M anagers time u pretty girl is tired of it. in Davis Hall. Admission will be $1.00 and Wirt, which is something Wirt Ixdng proud difficult to form a good program! friends of the school are urged to attend. program has attracted widespread considera­ of. The object of the new colleges should be to tion. No woman ever had a handbag big enough give a sound general education to the young Dr. White, who has carried on a study of Administration Building, Shawsheen Village— Tel. Andover 119 to hol« 1 all she wanted to put in it. So many government officials arc on the “ The new British Government does not people. The junior colleges should have their air with an equal number of solutions for personnel and administration since 1918, even mention the debt to this country in its course of study in ideas, which should be when he became professor of political science Some are dumb, and others just look dumb what is supposed to ail us that the old radio new budget. You would have thought they analyzed, developed and appplied. is getting confused. at Dartmouth College, is now in the Political could have shed a tear on it." The Boston so that they can make a good trade. Dr. Fuess introduced the speaker. Globe. They probably thought it was all wet, any­ Baked Bean Supper O bituaries way. ANDOVER CHURCHES Funny how murderers can think up more \ baked bean supper will be served Sat RICHARDS urday night in the Square and Compass did The funeral of Mrs. Anna Hartwell (Swift reasons for a delay in their trial than they FREE CHURCH CHRIST CHURCH ATLANTIC OIL can for a delay in murdering a man. hall from live to seven. The public is invited Richards was held Sunday afternoon at tin ickcls are in charge of the following South church, of which she had been a mem­ 9.30, Sunday. Church achool; 10.45, Kindergar- 8.00, Sunday. Hily Communion; 0.30, Church committee: Rowland L. l.uce, chairman; ber since 1863. Mrs. Richards, who was the ten; 10.45, Morning worship; sermon by the pastor, school; 10.45, Morning prayer and s.*rmon; ( M arriages Granville Clark, David L. Coutts, Clifford widow of Dr. James Eorsaith Richards, subject, "The Struggle for Greatness"; 6.30, Christ- Young People’s Fellowship. Marshall, Harry I. Emmons, Charles Foster, passed away last Friday morning at the home an Endeavor. 7.45. Monday. Girls' Friendly society. Anne C. Haydock of Andover and Richard William Hatch, Philip L. Hardy, George M of Dr. Joseph Kittredge, 56 Academy road, 7.30, Tuesday. Hoy Scouts. Troop 2. 4.00, Tuesday. St. Catherine’s Guild; 4.00, Choir FUEL AND RANGE E. S. Gnodall of Beverly by Justice of the K. Holmes and George Utley. North Andover. Rev. Frederick N. Noss 2.30, Thursday. Annual meeting of the Woman's boys; 7.30, Sherrill club. Peace Joy M. Goodrich at Atkinson, N. II . conducted the funeral services and interment Mliance with election of officers. 6.30, Junior choir 9.00 a.m.. Wednesday. Holy Communion; 4.00 April 4. Male Choir Whist Tonight was in the Old South cemetery. rehearsal; 7.30, Senior choir rehearsal. Choir, boys. Winnie Pearl Parker, Andover street, The bearers were: Burton S. Flagg, Fred 7.30 a.m.. Thursday. Holy Communion; 2.30, The product of the Oldest Refiners in Baliardvale, and William Mul- A public bridge and whist party will be eric S. Boutwell, John V. Holt, and Philip SOUTH CHURCH Woman's Guild; 7.15. Choir. t>oys and adults; loney, 29 Cottage street, Lexington, at held this evening in the choir room on the F. Ripley. 9.45, Sunday. Church school; 10.45, Morning 8.00. Men's gathering. America. Delivered by the Oldest Re­ Sacred church, East Lexington, April second tloor of the bank building. The Male The late Mrs. Richards was born in An­ worship, "A Pathway to God—Pantheism"; 8 .00, Friday. Girls’ Friendly society play. Id, by Father John Paul Sullivan. choir is holding this party to help defray the dover on September 18, 1842 and lived here 10.45, Church kindergarten; 6.30, Christian En­ nearly all her life until she went to Dr. Kit - tail Fuel Concern in This Vicinity. Margaret Blamire Gilchrist, 52 Osgood club’s expenses in attending the contest of deavor; 7.30. Evening service, preacher: Rev. the New England Federation of Men’s Glee tredge’s about twelve years ago. Her love for Wallace W. Anderson. street, Lawrence and Alfred Greenfield, Jr., Andover grew with the years. WEST CHURCH (>8 Haverhill street, Andover by Rev. Arthur clubs in Hartford Conn., May 12. Play will 3.00, Tuesday. Andover Association; 6.00, 10.30, Sunday. Public worship with sermon by tlu* On November l, 1882, she married Dr. Supper; 7.30, Evening service, sermon by Dr. T. Fowler in Lawrence, April 14. start at 8. pastor; 12,00, Sunday school in the vestry. Richards, she being his second wife. Dr. Chidley. 7.45, Wednesduy. Meeting for prayer and study. 'l^he following committee is in charge of Richards’ children survive her: a daughter, 2.JO, Thursday. Sewing department. Women's Card of Thunks arrangements: James P. Christie, chairman; Mrs. Albert J Mackintosh of Wellesley; a George B Carmichael, George Knipe, Alex­ son, Dr. James Austin Richards, who as the 4.00. Friday. Junior choir; 73 PHILLIPS ACADEMY CHAPEL We, the undersigned wish to extend our ander Bertram and Alfred Perry. minister of the First Congregational church 7.00, Troop 3, Hoy Scouts. grateful thanks to the many friends and in Ohcrlin, Ohio, is one of the leading 11.00 u.m., Sunday. Rev. Carl H. Elmore. neighbors whose sympathy and kindness Drum Corps in Parade preachers of the country; five grandchildren, BAPTIST CHURCH helped to lighten our recent bereavement. and two great grandchildren. C r o s s C o a l C o. 9.30, Sunday. Sunday School, Mr. Herbert Otis, M rs. T homas II ai .l The Legion drum corps participated in the SHAWSHEEN COMMUNITY general superintendent. Election of officers; 10.45, F rances , Ki th , H elene H ai .i. C. E. parade in Lawrence yesterday morning. GANLEY CHURCH Morning Worship. Sermon by the pastor, "The Mrs. Mary A. Ganley, widow of Michael >.30, Sunday School in Hulmoral hull. J. Ganley, passed away Saturday at the lam Holy Flame.” Children's Talk " Phaethou." A ser­ ily home, 1722 19th street. V \Y'., Washing vice of worsliip* Music by the well trained Girls' ton, 1). C. Choir; 5.15, Junior Christian Endeavor; 6.15, ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH SINCE 1840 CLEERC :OAL She is survived by five children, three Senior Christian Endeavor "Tripping the World. ’ Sunday Masses: 6.30, 8.15, 9.30, 10.30 a.m.— daughters, Mrs. Llewellyn Hughes of Gal Wednesday. All-day meeting of Woman's Mis­ benediction after late mass. ifornia, Mrs. Philip Mooar of Andover, and sionary organization ut the Methuen church; Holy Day Masses: 5.30. 7.00, 8.30 a.m. PREMIUM ANTHRACITE Miss Grace Ganley of Washington. D. 7.45. Sunday School council and retreat at the home Sunday evening: 7.45. Rosary, Sermon, bene­ Cberett jfl. lunbgren BITUMINOUS two sons, Joseph «»f Washington and Walter of the new superintendent, Mr. Herbert Otis. Hal­ diction. of ; one grandson, Warren lardvale. baptisms: Sunday 3.00 p.m. Funeral Director and Embalmer PETROKARBON Mooar of Andover; and one brother, John E. 2.30. Thursday. Woman's Union meets ut the First Friday; Masses: 5.30. 6.45, 7.30 am. O’Neill of Lawrence. home of Mrs. Clare Norton. 117 Elm street; 7.00 Communion 7.00 a.m. 1840 to 1934 COKE Choir Rehearsal. The funeral aiul burial took place in Wash­ hirst Sunday of Month Communion Day for Twenty-four Years of p*r" ington, I). C., Tuesday morning. 7.15. Friday. Hoy ScoutsTroop No. 74. Sacred Heart Sodality. Herman and Joseph Abbott Third Sunday of Month: Children's Communion James Crabtree RA N G E O IL F U E L O IL NORTH PARISH CHURCH sonal service to Andover and HAYES Day. Charles Parker The funeral of Miss Mary Hayes, who 10.30. Sunday- Rev. S. C. lieune will take as I Fourth Sunday of Month: H. V. M. Sodality F. H. M esser Suburban Towns. QUALITY N U t M I 'L SERVICE passed away Thursday afremoon, April 12, subject, " How Old Are You?" Singing by the vest: Communion Day. in an out-of-town hospital, was held Satur­ choir. Church school at 11.45. Evening service, Devotions in honor of St. Thercse every Friday Everett M. Lundgren day afternoon from the Burke funeral parlors. the Y. P. R. U., discontinued for the season. evening. 7.45. Telephones: ' Office 365 Y ard 232 Services were conducted by Rev. Frederick 10.10 a.m. An automobile leave the Andov Confessions: Saturday afternoons and evenings, For tlie present Office and Home, '24 Elm Street, Tel. (103-W or 303-Rl Hookstore for the Unitarian church at North A B. Noss, pastor of the South church. Inter­ ami afternoons and evenings before Holy Days of Fully Equipped for A11 Service M usb . und N .H . l.icen** ment was in Spring Grove cemetery. Hover. A Welcome to all. obligation. in i d a y , a I’m i- *2o. n m TILE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN PAGE THREE He to t he darkened world n flame! Were all her hopes of lovelines- Be to its unconcern a blow! they revelled in it. for they were doing their purchase a water cooler for ('amp Watnpa of membership entitles holder and any mem­ When she goes out again, duty in the world. Their joy was short-lived, tuck at South Hanson, Mass. The committee CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING For out of its pain and tumult you came; The same old treatment must he had bers of the family, other season ticket nolders, FOR RATES CALL 1324 And into its tumult and pain you go. however, for a ncighl»or’s cal made a meal of consists of Miss Jean WUson, Chairman as­ or out of town guests. If she would but regain the male. Fortunately for the cat, I was not sisted by Marion Dix, Harriet Sellars, Bar The bit of beauty that was gone near at the time. I discovered only the evi­ Out of Town 'Picket: For those who reside Second Prize Eaany bara Bartlett, Thisbe Grieco, Eleanor Hatha too far away to conveniently play with local WORK WANTED When she arose next morning, dence of the meal a mangled set of blue way. and Isabel Frazer. ______HELP WANTED But still she had a pleasant time members, and who would be more likely to Miss Ferguson’s essay on “ Cosmetics— feathers. Not Iwing sure it was the male I I he Co-Ed Class of the Shawsheen Villsgc arrange for play on the courts with the Prim Edward Island woman wants wash by \\ AN I ED—Girl, fast llrst class stitcher on first and Last” was the first essay ever to’ Until the next day’s dawning had been watching, I kept the house in sight So whv dash hopes of lovelim ( (immunity Sunday School will s|x>nsor a acquaintances of their neighborhood. No tli, lav. Apply Box A, Townsman Office. nurses uniforms. Apply C urtis N ubs : be given at the Barnard’s in verse. It follows: for some time Only one bird came and went public dance in Balmoral hall, Friday even For which her life she’s pawning? definite rate can be set for this class of mem­ Uniform Co ., South Main Street, An­ Since days of old, when knights were hold, with insects the fetnnle. After several hours mg, April 20th. bership. Each case will be taken up individ­ dover, Mnss. at the underpass. • was woman’s pet aversion, of steady work, she llew back one time with FOR SALE Why doesn’t she appreciate ually by the management. To beautify belie outvie- .a bouquet of insect wings protruding from Special arrangement can lx* made for Create a new diversion. The help of soap and water? her beak. She entered the house, stayed in­ WEST PARISH I OK SALE—Loam, gravel, stone. Also If she would use them everyday Telephone 165 lockers and shower bath privileges, for W ins Speaking Prize The skin, the face, the hands, the hair side an unusually long time, then came to the Season members only Apply to manager. I for stove or fireplace. Telephone I Ier skin, like baby daughter. door of her house, sat hunched there a mo­ 849- IL______Were treated all the same Essex Pomona will meet with Merrimac Scholar’s Ticket: $3.00. Those who Qualify for Second Contest Because Milady’s beauty test Would be as fair and pink and white ment, finally dashed away, never to return. I As if she didn’t try emptied the box of its unpleasant contents Grange, May 3 at 2.30 p.m. East Rocking- i , t>r lhis c,ass ma>' P,a>' at the special rate, FOR ALL Three piece oak dining room Had turned into a game. ham Pomona ( 1 range will be the guest «>f J,JUt cann<>t t'nKaKc the courts after 5 P. M. buffet, china cabinet, large oval table (Continued from page I To plaster it with mud and clay the next day. Evidently the fixxl brought in Should Mrs. “ A ” try coral nails, And leave it there to dry. Essex Pomona Grange in the afternoon and I Regulations Oik single and one double heavy brass Women s clothes, for example, changed from Or, say, shellac her hair, had been insufficient. One youngling had bed. Telephone, Andover 170. long trailing garments to skirts not even We’d find that Mrs. “ B ” and “ C ” Massages only tire her; died, then another. Probably the lone adult furnish the afternoon program. Fifth Degree Shawsheen Village boys and girls aged 12 reaching the knee. It was the same with Face-liftings make her weary could have kept two alive had not the place will he put on in full form at 7.30 o’clock, years or under, wishing "to play tennis with Would readily prepare Supper at 5.30. - • — • FOR RENT everything else— from extreme conservative­ Some very ultra-modern fad, She soon forgets, with softened face been diseased by those that died. out charge, will he re<|uirc

at, and noon by the Alothers club at the home of deceased has been presented to said Court for remains that if things are not changed at For theatres every night. But who would want a butter-barrel two minutes passed before I found out where Mrs. Elizabeth Eerrier, Moraine street. probate, by Ralph Chandler Robinson who least an attempt will be made Massages never bothered them; Floating through the air? he had gone. I was much wiser the second Winners were: Airs. George Smith, Mrs. prays that letters testamentary may be issued Face liftings were blase, She may not know how queer she looks, C. E. Social Held Fred L. Collins, Airs. Peter Stewart, Mrs. Youth has looked u|>on injustice and And still their faces were as clear time—he wouldn’t fool me again. I rowed to him the executor therein named, without wrong Youth has an unfortunate habit of But there are some who care. toward him until he dove, then watched out Annie Davis, Airs. Paul Simeone, and Airs. giving a surety on his official bond. looking squarely at things and seeing to the As woman’s is today! the other side of the lx>at. A long time at Free Church Elizabeth Eerrier. Another party will be held You are hereby cited to appear at a Pro­ It seems that modern women think, I cannot really understand passed—no bird appeared. I looked back to next Wednesday afternoon at the home of crux of the matter—he is disgusted and has Pursuing old tradition, bate Court, to be held at Salem in said Coun­ rather loudly proclaimed the fact. People who What ails this weaker sex. the spot where he had dived, and there he was I he ('. 15. society of the Free church had Airs. Henry Albers, Watson court. ty' of Essex, on the seventh day of May A.D. That faces make the world go ’round When some grand lady happens hy, realize his truths are a little ashamed at what And if Helen’s position —Homing serenely. That night, it seemed to a social Monday night at the Parish House. 1934, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to show he has seen. He has learned of cheating and They always strain their me that the hxms laughed much more than tine program of entertainment was pre- cause, if any you have, why the same should Made men hide in a wooden horse To take a peek at fingernails. usual' graft in business where the culprit has seem­ To struggle for her love— sen ted. Refreshments were served hy the not be granted. ingly profited and the honest man suffered. As if it really mattered These stories are really just a “ drop in the following committee. Betty C’roy, Peggie Iln Jtlcnioriam And said petitioner is hereby directed to And Cleopatra’s beauty made If they were red or pink or green bucket.” Anyone who is interested in birds “ So,” he shouts, “ why he honest?” and Them hold their heads above N’icoll, Mary Marr and Mary Hobble. give public notice thereof, by publishing this hundreds of people shudder when they think Or black or even splattered. and spends ample time with them will find General dancing was enjoyed. Music was In Ever Loving Alemory of citation once in each week, for three succes­ 'Fhe others on the streets of Rome— If natural looks well always his time well used. of what will happen when he goes into bus­ Why shouldn’t they begin furnished by “ Hon Kent's Syncopaters”. Mother Dear sive weeks, in the Andover Townsman a iness. They don’t understand that, instead of Why must they try and smother Mrs. William (‘rowe was the chaperon. newspaper published in Andover, the last To draw men with their faces fair Ml common sense and decorate becoming dishonest, he is doing exactly the And try their love to win? Those present Rita Sylvia, Jessie Dobbie, publication to be one day, at least, before opposite; he is trying to enflame the minds of Their nails with every other BALLARDVALE Anne Jamieson, Isobel Dobbie, Mildred said Court, and by mailing, post-paid, or Our savages seemed wiser; Imaginable shade of paint T elep h o n e 10«7M 9bn (Cbtoaibfi (Eorrep others so that this type of dishonesty will Their faces weren’t absurd. Stewart, Helen Nelson, Richard Smith, delivering a copy of this citation to all known become impossible. Both real and artificial? Thgy wore paint for a reason. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lougce and daugh­ James McClung, Arthur Kirk, Mary Long, 21 April 1840 18 April 1932 persons interested in the estate, seven days It always has been puzzling Selina McClung, Gertrude Currier, B. at least before said Court. I Ie has lived at a time when a type of crim­ Hut they had never heard ters Barbara and Shirley of Westford spent inal has sprung up, as ruthless and unprin­ How it proves beneficial Deyermond. V. Morris, Robert Graham, Witness, H arry R. Dow , Esquire, Judge Of ointment used professionally To clip on nails where others were Sunday visiting with Mr and Mrs. William Late of Andover, Massachusetts cipled as those in the days of semi-barbarism. In beauty’s famous trade. McDcrmitt of Woburn street. Frances Hail, Wallace Rennie, Agnes Long, *>f said Court, this twelfth day of April in the And take them off again. Margaret Towler .Phyllis Peabody, Thomas year one thousand nine hundred and thirty- Youth sees it as his task to rid the world of Their paste and clay was tribally Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peatman of Woburn this evil parasite They don’t look natural Connally, Margaret Stott, George Genest, four. Compulsory, and made And many times result in pain; street spent Sunday in Ipswich. Our modern women realize Rev. and Mrs. George R. Moody of Mar- Peggie Nicoll, George Connolly, Marion William F. Shanahan , Register. Very lately the question of war has come Real ones are hard enough, but Hilton, Betty Croy, Fisa Ilillerstrom, Connie to Youth’s attention. Though he has always Their praise would never fade. Metal ones don’t seem humane! land street entertained Earl Mc ia t io n. Tennis will undoubtedly be exceptionally j result of soured cream Linen Is the But not all Youth considers it as serious. Of making him believe that it popular judging from the patronage and I With the advent of the radio and newspapers Buys tons and tons a year; Is you and not your make-up Evelyn Hurst of Boston and Miss Agnes fabric left after bacteria have "rotted” She feels she needs that quantity Sharpe of Beachmont were recent guests of numerous inquiries at the Spa courts, th a t! off the soft parts of flax plants (Tder he can hear and see the finest in music and That he adores. 'Fry this and be have been resurfaced, affording excellent I Ye Andover Manse art. He is frank in his opinions of both. Un­ And never sheds a tear Assured your home won’t break up. Mrs. Emma Keenes of Woburn street. could never become vinegar without As hundred dollar bills are spent, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oldroyd visited here playing conditions. less he is specially interested in one field or A'ou may still use cosmetics; R ates THURSDAY and FRIDAY bacteria Beans nre dependent on cer For if she placed a ban It will improve your looks, last week. the other, this is what he thinks. He likes On buying powder for herself Mrs. Emma Keenes of Woburn street The customary season ticket will he issued tain bacteria for supplying nitrates In jazz, hut classical music, except for a few But see its definition which will entitle the holder to the privilege | NIGHT DINNERS the soil. And all ferm entation. In She might displease her man. In Noah Webster’s books entertained Harry Bercher of Somerville last favorites, frankly Ixires him. He has never He rates with social intimates Friday. of playing on the courts at a club rate. This i eluding that In bread dough. Is bac­ had to work hard at anything he disliked so You’ll find it isn’t plastering ticket is available to residents of Shawsheen As judges of her beauty— Your face with mud and clay, Miss Kate West is visiting in Melrose this $1.00 terial work, notes a w riter in the Mis he has never taken pains to try and appre­ To hold her job, his love, and keep week. Village and vicinity, or to those employed Sour! Farmer. ciate classical music. Or using paint and lipstick locally. The classes of membership are as Choice of— Her standing, is her duty. A dozen times a day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pearson spent the week Though his standards may lean a bit too For if she once deserts her cause end in Ballardvule. follows:— Man could not live long without bac­ much towards the photographic Youth has “ External applications Regular Season Ticket: S7.00 which BROILED STEAK teria. Every dead animal, every dead No doubt, friends will outcast her. To hands and face and hair. Mrs. Charles Coolidge has returned to her fairly good taste in art and he likes the pic­ home on River street after visiting in Nor­ entitles holder to play with other season j LOBSTER THEUM1DOR plant, all the garbage, sewage, and Deserters of the plain-faced class Intended to improve the - kin— tures by the old Masters. Modern Art?—he Are coming fast and faster. wood. ticket holders, one member of the family, or ; other waste material that have ac­ has only one answer to that—if the artists Should be applied with care." out of town guests. Telephone — A n d o v e r 800.5 T hey know that jobs and husbands That sentence is defining Mr. and Mrs. John Dickson of Medford cumulated since the world began, take pleasure in painting, let them paint but Are few and far between; spent Sunday in the V ale. Eamily Season Ticket: SI2.00. This form* would all he idled up about him If it that’s no reason he should admire their pic­ Cosmetics as an art So they decide that signs of You cannot find a better one, Mr. and Airs. Harold Evans of Dale street were not for the rotting and decay tures. Coming age must not be seen. spent Sunday in Everett. Youth also believes he should not be Ixmnd And deep down in your heart l*>P work nf bnclorlii. Of course, beauticians cannot care— If you cannot agree with me Mr. and Airs. .Michael Palenski of Dale by convention. (He sometimes states airily street entertained Air. and Airs. Joseph If nil hiictorln were removed, noth­ Each case brings a new victim— And don’t believe it’s true, that he doesn’t believe in morals but this is And if appearances improve Palenski of Brooklyn over tlu* week-end. in,' would rol and return to the soil; merely for effect. It’s one thing in which he is I guess there’s no need going on Air. and Airs. Richard Daley of Aledford HARRY F. SCHOFIELD Nobody can convict them To prove my point to you. “tul thus the plant life would eventu­ not sincere). He doesn’t want to be Ixmnd by Of causing Madam to release spent Sunday here. convention. Just because his father and his I might as well throw up the sponge; al.'' die out for lack of soil nourish­ One hundred dollar bills In other words, I’m through! Air. and Mrs. Thomas ()’Donnell of Tewks­ ment If plant life ended, then anl- grandfather did a thing is not sufficient rea­ To see her face made beautiful bury street entertained Air. and Airs. John son why he should do it. True to our Ameri­ onl life which Is dependent on It, And free from former ills. O’Donnell over the week-end. Plumbing and Heating can idea of independence he dislikes too much Third Prize Winner would also be ended. With loads of mud and foreign creams Arthur Kelley of Andover street visited authority and naturally is against a dictator She finds it well worth while in Newburyport recently. There are some harmful bacteria. of any sort. Allan Trott’s essay on “ Bird Acquain­ Contractor And since bobbed hair became correct tances” fo.lows: Airs. Daniel II. Poor of Andover street is Some cause diseases. Each disease Is He loves his family and yet he realizes She cuts hers with a smile, detained at her home by illness. caused by a different kind. If the skin their imperfections. Disliking flattery he is For if “ the girls ” are doing it I am constantly studying birds, whose Elmer Conkey has disposed of his live I» broken, ns In a wound, then hnc- lacking in that consideration for others that It must be quite the style. lives are filled with comedy and tragedy. stock and farming equipment and moved 14 CUBA STREET Telephone: Andover 83 •orl.i ntny enter and cause Infection. some call politeness and others kindness. A pair of bluejays lived in a bush near my from the property on Porter road. This is not a serious fault however. It is house one summer. For some reason, they These harmful hncterla produce a Her ladyship is tired and worn something which used to come through train­ With social obligation were constantly at war with a pair of robins, aidistance called “toxin" because It Is ing, but he will get it through actual contact And thinks her face deserves a bit and hardly a day passed that the ground was SHAWSHEEN VILLAGE Poison to tlie body. In order to over­ with the world. Of harmless recreation. not strewn with feathers of both varieties. Telephone I 01W-W come it, the body produces another T his is Youth. What will become of him A treatment at the “ Polly Anne” Perhaps the jay couple had enjoyed a meal of '•distance called "nntl-tnxln.” The when he faces the world? Will this atmosphere Would do her loads of good. robin’s eggs that is the most likely reason. The Ways and Means committee of the O pOLONIAL THEATRp white corpuscles In the blood nre also of ease and leisure injure him as it did the And take away that tired look: After this war hud raged for several days, I Shawsheen Parent-Teacher association held ANDOVER, MASS. ^ Romans at the fall of that other great civil­ vt>rv nctlve In destroying bacteria (At least, she thinks it would) thought I would sec what progress the jays a successful bridge party in the school hall ization? or can he see that now is the time to had made in the incubation of their two Tuesday evening. Eighteen tables were used 3 SHOWS DAILY — 2:15, 6:15, 8:15 which enter the body. For Polly’s hands soothe tired nerves revive the arts, to work at what cannot be And jxjwder, rouge and waves eggs. I peeped into the bush and saw two in the card play and refreshments were served done by machine? Can he keep the machine Confirm Madame’s opinion newly hatched birdlings. One was squealing by the committee assisted by the room moth TODAY and TOMORROW as merely a powerful slave or will he let it That by doing this she saves. wearily tlu* other was dead. While I was ers of various grades. IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT Clurk Gabla und Claudette C olbcrt become his master? The odds seem to be A thousand, for a face lifting wondering alxmt this, a slight movement Eighteen members of the Parent -Teacher 3:40; 6: against him. Can Youth face the problem Is next to nothing, when lower in the hush attracted my attention It Association went to Lexington last Thursday STR AIGI IT A W A Y Sue Carol DANIEL J. MURPHY and conquer? On this question a civilization She knows that she attracts the eyes was the female bluejay, torn and bedraggled, evening to visit the Adams P. T. A. They a t t o r n e y - a t - l a w rests. I think he can. He has one weapon t hat Of many gentlemen. wedged into a forked branch of the bush, were greeted very cordially by Mrs. Eioru SUNDAY und MONDAY April 22-23 while below on the ground were tell-tale Hall, principal of the Adams School and also ‘LOVE BIRDS" Slim Sum merville Sun. 3:50; 6:35; 0:20 IU7 Essex Street, Lawrence is worth more than any other his ambition! She knows she can’t look better Whether it be to paint a masterpiece, invent And this results of course robin feathers. Carefully I took the living I by Mrs Putney, the president of the associ- Mon. 3:55; 6:35; 0:20 T elephone 4123 a clevice to revolutionize the world, find a In happy social evenings youngling and the adult from the bush •ami I a lion. Mr. Dempsey from the Waltham •MASTER OK MEN" Jaek llolt Sun. 2:25; 5:10; 7:55 to w n c o u n s e l of a n d o v e r cure for a disease, or even lay bricks perfectly Or luncheon with her lx>ss. carried them into the house. The old bird had I Experimental Station gave a very instruc­ Mon. 2:35; 7:40 a broken leg. Both were very nearly dead, tive and interesting talk on what to do with he has an ambition ami that will make him Why shouldn't she feel duly paid, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY April 24- ride high ami far. For an hour’s relaxation. and despite our best < are. they died. Thus did tlu* garden and lawn ut this season and then a couple of robins kill three jays and chase off led the group in games which were greutly •HIPS HIPS HOORAY" Wheeler and Woolney : 0:25 The World is waiting for you, Vouth. On When her care has brought her happiness •FIGHTING CODE"- Buck Jonea Ro y a . DAN IELS your way! As Louis Cnteineyer says in his And carefree recreation? a fourth ending their |x:tty war with great enjoyed. Refreshments were served in the ; 7:50 Electrical Contractor fines “ On the Birth of a Child” : tragedy. basement of the school. FRIDAY und SATURDAY April 27-26 Girt with the fragile armor of Youth. But poor Madame! Alas! Alack! A bluebird family was even harder hit. The The Junior Kings’ Daughters are holding ’FUGITIVE LOVERS" Mud tie Evuila : 0:30 ______Her beautifying is mental. adults spent all their time stuffing food into a bridge* party at the home of Mrs. Walter 78 Chestnut St. Andover Child, you mutt ride into endlet* ‘SON OF KONG” Roltert Montgomery ; 6:10 With thetwordof I r*i.the buckler of Truth, I She’s fooling no one but herself their family of four and into themselves. Wilson. 14 William street, Shawsheen Village I’LL TAKE VANILLA” Comedy 7:50 They ran themselves ragged—but I think this afternoon. The proceeds will be used to And a banner of Lo p the stant. , For only supplemental FRIDAY, APRIL <*<), PAGE FOUR THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN

friend home to Andover, and he deposed after attending prayers. Col. Samuel Johnson I mortal Hospital following an opera ballads such as “ Magic Death " “ Wei seriously: “ If ever I saw a man drunk, then 1st officer in said regiment addressed them, Donald Cole Fire Department wolf," und “ Done in Ebony." Sgt Stevens was drunk!” and recommended the necessity of enlisting Innkeeper John Frye complained of a rival, themselves in the service of the Provinces. A program was provided for Stowe School Has Busy Week Woman’s Union Note William C handler, of West Parish, who was “ Fifty able bodied men, one fourth of the by the Dramatic Club on Wednesday, April said to be selling “ cider and strong drinks at companies, one third of them married, of­ 18. The program was as follows: Andover’s fire department was kept busy The Woman’s Union of the Baptist churc his dwelling, without a licence.” feree! themselves. The Dance Caprice Edward Crier again this week with grass fires. Since the will meet with Mrs. Claire Norton. 117 j.;|, Chandler’s friends and the patrons of this “ They were escort id to an inn, where they Dorothy ClHey first of the month there have been 54 calls. street, next Thursday afternoon, \pri1 h first Andover speakeasy, rallied to the cause, chose 'I nomas Poor, their captain; Menj. CiiARAtrKKs of h ie P resent T ime Wednesday brought the only very serious at 2.30 o’clock. pointing out that they lived on the road Farnum, their 1st Lieut; Sam Johnson, Jr., Mammy Alice Bertram fire whendam age estimated at $4000 re­ between Ipswich and Billerica and that the 2nd Lieut. Nancy March Mildred Foray the sulted from a tire which gutted the home of “ On the same day. in South Parish, after C haracters o ~ B irth s strangers complained because there was no June Swenson Rupert, Frank and William Hailey on River public house on the pike and they “ had to go attending prayers, 45 men met at a tavern Nancy de Marche •’redcrick Butler road, West Andover. Most of the furniture ‘a mile and a elf’ out of their way for refresh and enlisted, chocking: benjamin Ames, Pierre ds Marche was saved, and the department managed to A daughter, Margaret Anne, to Mr. ( apt.; David Chandler, 1st Lieut.; Isaac Robert Page Harold Walker Mrs. Roland Denoncourt, 6 Maple avenui ment.” Iwtbcl Vannc tt keep the blaze from an adjoining barn. Mrs. John and Christopher Lovejoy, Joseph Abbott, 2nd Lieut.” Mintons Page Rupert Bailey was in a hysterical condition at the Lawrence General hospital, March 6. Wilson, Thomas and William Johnson While the Continental Army waited be­ Dame Winkle after the fire, and was still suffering from prayed the Court that William ( handler fore Moston, busincs lioomed in local taverns Inn Keeper nervousness yesterday morning “ be allowed for that worke.” This was and along stage coach routes throughout the Evelyn Smith, cubatltuting lor Ruth Holt Eyeglass Frames Fitted and Gladys Grccnhow Yesterday morning the local department granted. colonies. Soldiers returning to their outfits Mistress Dour Ius joined •••**with the North th Reading,...... Wilmington,f ’ * R ep aired Mistress Morris Virginia Hntchellcr Two years later, when the General Court at Cambridge, had a last dish of grog at Prescriptions Accurately Filled Indian squaw Ballard vale and state forestry departments was in session at Ipswich, a different petition Deacon Mallard’s, before leaving the town Tuggie Bannocks, ar Broken Lenses Replaced Hetty Wallace in battling a blaze on the Wilmington-An was sent. This begged that Chandler's li­ limits. William Cole dover line, between Woburn and River cense be revoked as “ the epidemical evil I >ispatch riders dashed up to inn doors and streets. Over two hundred men were engaged WALTER E. BILLINGS Edward J. Partington Memorial, Spring Grove Cem overspreads and is like to corrupt our town called for food, drink and a change of horses. in lighting the fire, including fifty boys from Optician 36 MAIN STREET The penalty of being conspicuous is that MEMORIALS THAT ENDURE if not speedily prevented.” Officers and beruffitd dignitaries paused the 167th Co., CCC. The lire swept over They charged that: “ Chandler doth ani­ for refreshments. Over tankards of ale and your mistakes are also conspicuous. fifty acres. r forty vaart we h«*« b e n i nauDutl In th« m anufacture of hiah-ftratli- C ra rtra y mate and entice persons to spend their money steaming toddies, they discussed the ability M O K IA l.s, which t m l tty - itftcr years of wear - tire the "UtutundlnU ttneelmen. of The fire record for the week follows: I urn m e a n d beauty In the cemeteries where they s it . We o w n a m i operate the and time, to ye great wrong of themselves of this “ gentleman farmer from Virginia,- H iram « n m in ia u iy ...... , ,.LANT |n Htate. We are strictly MAN- Hyrax Is Nearest Known April 13. still, 12:20 p.m., brush and grass Several Fine HOUSES servants and children are allowed in his Mr. Washington, sir who could, with my fire on Harry Playdon’s land, Lowell its here, out of the finest <|uality SMI Ill'S house at all times, unseasonably at day and advice, put an end to this British nonsense a with large mortgages WESTERLY, RHODE ISLAND GRANITE and II them directly to you at first cost - Kin to Elephant Family street. A MANUPACTl RER'S COST. night 'til they know not the way to their week from next Tue daw sir." ( heerio! Those scientists who make It their April 13, Still, 11.00 a.m., brush and grass off habitations, and gaming is freely allowed in Our EX III HIT Includes hundreds of monuments every type of C< tery Memorial; business to probe Into nature's secrets Canterbury street. FO R SA LE these we offer for this m onth ONLY at a special reduction I Make your selec- the house, whereby the loser must call for the Box 4, 4.50 p.m., grass fire off Shcplcy tlon NOW for MEMORIAL DAY delivery, and get the be eflt of till Ing. drinks.” are continually surprising and start­ at BARGAIN PRICES. Speakers Chosen ling us with the assertions they make street. FREE AUTOMOBILE SERVICE IS FURNISHED - and CONVENIENT TERMS CAN Signed: Christopher and Thomas Frye, April 15, Box 4. 12.55 p.m.. brush, corner HE ARRANGED. Samuel Blanchard, Ephraim Foster, Joseph for Class Day from time to time, but none of their Beacon and Chandler road. OUR EXIIIHIT IS OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY FORINSPECTION Robinson, Joseph Ixivcjoy and Sam Rowel declarations seem much more difficult Again Chandler’s friends reached the Se­ Still, 1.35 p.m., brush off Corbett street. TOURIST AND STEAMSHIP Complete Illustrated CataloU Sent on Ret/uest to believe than that the hyrax. and Still, 3.00 p.m., brush off Haverhill lectmen first, and his license was approved The speakers for tin- ( lass day exercises at closely related species of the same AGENCY before the complaint was read to the Court. Punchard were ch ' -n by the senior class street. JOHN MEAGHER & COMPANY, 22 Central Street, Peabody, Mass. animal, are the nearest known living Still, 4.20 p.m., brush off South Main FRED E. CHEEVER He was even commended by that august Tuesday morning, as follows: near Baker’s Turnout. Telephones PEABODY 565 and H6H body, which included: Dudley Hradstreet, History. Dorothy Boyce; Prophecy, I-ois relatives of the elephant. The hyrax HANK BOX’.. Tel. 773 or ions Thomas Chandler, Henry Hoult, Joseph Ferguson; Will, Char!c> Barrett; Statistics, Is nlso called coney, or dassle In South April 17, Still, 2.35 p.m., grass off Prospect hill road. Mallard and John Abbott. Stanley Norton; Gifts. Thisbe Grieco, Ellison Africa. by that time the red men had gone north and Still, 3.05 p.m., grass and brush off I Funeral Liquor Cost At the SIGN of the HORSESHOE, how Hawkes; and Advice to Undergraduates, In shape and size the hyrax resem­ west having found other sources of mountain ever, innkeeper Chandler was forbidden to Roy Russell. Highland road. Higher than Coffin have any playing of “ Cards, Dice. Tables, The Misses Boyce. I erguson, and Grieco bles a large rabbit except for Its some­ April 18, Still, 10.15 a m., brush fire at Lowell I Mixed drinks and fear of wives, were evi­ Quoits, Loggets, Bowles, Ninepins, Milliards have all won prizes in the Barnard contests. what rat-llke head, and unlike the rab­ junction, Pillsbury estate. (Continued from page 11 denced in the testimony of John Lovcjoy, or any other unlawful games. Nor shall any­ bit It does not hop hut walks or runs, Box 4, 10.30 a.m., grass fire, Picadilly BALMORAL summoned to court in 1650 as a witness Fee for Trespassing using Its legs separately. avenue. unless they had 20 shillings for their fine, they one stay at his inn after dark. Nor shall he Box 4, 12.30 p.m., brush off Dascomb I were forced to sit for three hours, and priv­ against Sgt. John Stevens, charged with sell any wine to any Indians nor suffer any intoxication. Anatomical studies made by zoolog­ road. TENNIS ileged to ponder on the mixture some varmint servant or apprentice to remain in his house, Mrs. Gordon came into the house in a state ists have established the relationship “ Mr. Sgt. Stevens came from Sgt. Heldin’s, Box 75. 1.03 p.m., house fire, River road, slipped into their last drink. drinking and tippling, after 9 o’clock at of great alarm, “ Tammas. Tammas,” she Nathan Bailey estate. and near my mother-in-law’s stile (Mrs. night.” exclaimed, “ there’s a cow in the garden.” existing between this unimpressive un- In 1638, one person in each town was ap­ lnml and the lordly elephant, the bur- Still, 2.10 p.m., automobile fire, Edward | COURTS pointed to sell wine and “ strong water.” Osgood’s) l observed him to reele coming \ndrew Peters and George Herrick were Dinna stand there wastin’ valuable time,” to me. 1 asked him how he did. ‘Pretty well, replied Tammas, “get back and milk it : den of proof lying In a comparison of C. Nichols, between Balmoral and Haver- i Hut in 1654, because the savages “ were bondsmen. hill streets. frequently overcome and thereby guilty of he said, ‘but the liquor doth fume in my Later, Mr. Peters was a victim of Indian before it gets out.” the skeletal structure of their feet. raids and plundering, and ye Selectmen on April 19, Still, 9.00 a.m., brush fire off Cor­ offering ideal conditions swinish drunkeness,” the court ordered that head.’ Paleontologists have done their part bett street. only two persons in the County should se “ A little later, coming out of my mother’s, sidered his plight, and anounced: A.P.C. Vesper* Sunday by declaring that ancestors of the two Still, 11.38 a.m., brush fire, Woburn and I for playing. to them, and “ only when they deem it nec­ he went to ye east, and stood there a little “ Mr. Andrew Peters, being lately burned out by ye Indians and put by his husbandry that existed during the Secondary River streets. No. Reading, Wilmington,! essary.” while, then lay clown, complaining (if his The A.P.C. Vesper Service will In* held at epoch In geological time were them­ Ballardvale and state truck responded. head and stomach. & being a stiller of strong liquors by calling, the South Church, Sunday evening April 22, As Deacon John Frye was considered a selves descended from the same line Box 4, 12.15 p.m. brush off Carlisle “ People came to and fro. I was willing to and having set up a still house in ye towneof at 7.30. The Reverend Wallace Anderson of trustworthy man, he was granted a tavern Andover, we, ye subscribers being Selectmen, of ancestors. These are known to street get him into the house and I took him to lead Manchester, N. H. will be the speaker, and Box 4, 12.30 p.m., call for more help off owner’s license. Three years later, in 1657, doe judge it a benefit to ye towne yt he may scientists as the Moerltherlum and the permission to sell to the Indians was revoked, him, and he was so overcome he was not able the Andover Male Choir under the direction Woburn street. Out until 3 p.m. to stand nor did he draw back unwilling to have liberty to retaile his liquor by ye quart of Mr. J. Everett Collins will render the Megulohyrax. The Moerltherlum, an­ Reservations m a y be as the Court declared that no method could out of his owne house to the householders of Still, 3.05 p.m., brush off by-pass. be devised which would assure moderation go, but was like a child newly learning to musical program. The public is cordially cestor of the elephant, has been de­ Still, 3.20 p.m., brush near Country walk. ye towne and others, who may have need of invited to attend. scribed us u clumsy animal, somewhat m ade in advance. and prevent drunkenness, with attendant it.” Signed: Club. murder and outrage. “ And laying him on the bed, he then cried taplr-like In appearance and size, with Box 4, 8.00 p.m., off Woburn and River Dudley Hradstreet, John Abbot, John Garden Club Notice Persons were “ forbidden to sell, barter, out of drinking mixed liquors and being only the barest suggestion of a pro­ streets. overcome by them; and many such expres­ Aslcbe, Samuel Erie and John ( handler. truck or give to Indians, any rum, strong In 1692. when the taverns of Lieut. Os­ boscis. The Megulohyrax, ancestor of Still, 9:10 p.m., brush off WoLurn street. wine, strong beer, brandy, cider. sions he used, complaining that they tlumed The Lawrence Garden club is holding a (Fourth call). perry or any other liquors going under any in his head and burned in his stomach andnach he i good and William Chandler were doing a plant sale on Thursday, April 26th from 11 the hyrax, which Is believed to belong other name.” was much troubled that his wife should land office business, there were 159 tax­ A. M. to 5 P. M. at the home of Mrs. Ernest to the same epoch In time as the Moe* payers in ye towne of Andover, which at 50c per hour, per court Kvery drunken Indian was to be arrested knowof it." Bruckman, 12 Shtridan street, Lawrence. ritheriurn, was also about the same Phillip* Club Smoke Talk and held until he told where he got his old As Lovejoy lived near the present Wilson’s that time comprised all of North Andover, size. Comparison of the elephant und or by season ticket. South Lawrence and West Andover. A lecture-recital, consisting of a group of Falernian. This law was repealed in 1662, but Corner, he had much difficulty getting his Visited Lowell lx>dge the hyrax with fossil specimens of Innholders prior to the Revolution were: ballads revealing the color and emotion of the 1648, Edmund Faulkner, vintor; 1654, John A large delegation of local Odd Fellows these far distant relations Indicates Virgin Islands, combined with such odd ele Frye, vintor; 1698, Lieut. John Osgood; and Rcbekahs wen to Lowell Wednesday that the elephant has Increased In size ments as sugar crops and marriage customs, 1687-1699, William Chandler. West Parish; evening where Pilgrim encampment of Since the time which they represent coal hunkering and hurricanes, a slave in­ 1700-1713, Andrew Peters, West Parish; Reading staged a nvnrk degree at Centerville at about the same rate at which the surrection and Santa Cruz Rum, obeah in­ t 1714. John Parker, North Parish; 1715- lodge hall. hyrax has lost In stature.—Detroit cantations and the tariff, was offered by Rackets re-strung in Leon M. Pearson at a meeting of the Phillips Store Your Furs | 1723 John Parker, 2nd; 1723, John Frye, Sr., News. Spa by the latest Mas­ in present South Lawrence; 1735, Joseph VVhi«t Next Friday Club last Monday evening. 'Through his Parker, 3rd; 1745, ( apt. James Frye, North father, Governor Pearson, Sir. Pearson had j Parish. A public whist will be held Friday night, been able to muke an acquaintance with the ter Krafter System. in our In those earliest days, no creaking stage April 27, in the k. C. hall by the local K.C. India’s Red Jungle Fowl Island’s people and institutions that was in­ coaches with galloping outriders, clattered The committee: P. J. Barrett, chairman; May Be Daddy of Chicken timate and complete. He is the author of I up to tavern doors to be greeted by obse­ Grand knight Augustine P. Sullivan, Frank quious landlords and a host of servants. A. Nelligan, Henry J. Dolan, Frank S. Mc­ The red Jungle fowl, of India, is be­ 'Travelling was too arduous and perilous. The Donald, William A. Doherty, William A. lieved to be the ancestor of all of our Dry-Cold Storage Vault district from the junction of the Merrimac and Hamedy, Jeremiah J. Looney, Patrick strains of domestic chickens, says a SHAWSHEEN VILLAGE— LAND AUCTION Sullivan, John Nelligan, Patrick McDonald, w riter In the D etroit News. Perhaps Shawshin to Haverhill was known as Moose The lot of land located at the corner of M ain and Lowell Street*, Andover Country, and wasgas wild as the name signi­ M. A. Burke and Cornelius Cussen. one reason for Its domestication is the and Shawsheen Village, i* to he H o ld at PUBLIC AUCTION on the premise* When your fur coat is received for storage, it is fies. Scouts sent out from the garrisons along fact that In Its native range, along the the river were ever on the alert to warn of on TUESDAY, APRIL 24 a t 11 A.M There ure 78,836 square feet having a first relieved of all dust or moth eggs by a special slopes and valleys of the Himalayas, frontage on Main Street of 338 feet and a frontage on Lowell Street of 201 marauding Indians. Patrons at inns were Stowe School Notes It shows a preference for living fairly mechanical blowing process which not only removes chance passers by. en route to Salem. Ips­ feet. wich. Billerica or Boston, on foot or horse­ On Friday, April 13, the Lunchbox Club near to small villages rather than in It i* one of the prominent corner* in Shawsheen Village and on the im­ all harmful foreign matter but also enlivens the deep Jungles. A famous naturalist portant highway connecting Lawrence and Boston. back, going to attend court, to market or and the Food Club were privileged to enjoy TERMS: $300 deposit at tim e of sale in cash, certified check or saving* fur. This air process, gently effective, does not in­ visiting. a visit by Mr. Shute, County Club Agent, and explorer states that it might bet­ ter be named bamlmofowl than Jungle- hank book. A m ortgage will he taken hack on liberal terms to he announced jure the finest or softest furs. General Court deputies and officers of the and Miss Tina Bishop, State Leader from the at the sale. Colonial Government were the most honored Amherst Agricultural College. Miss Bishop fowl because It Is especially fond of The natural oil of the skin and the lustrous sheen guests, but the worst payers. Joseph Armi- gave a very suggestive, interesting talk on this type of vegetation and Is usually J O H N c . KILEY tage, of the Anchor Inn at Lynn, despairing Foods and referred to club work in general. of the furs are retained, thus preserving them in a found in a vicinity where bamboo 10 B osw orth S t. BOSTON HUBbard 1464 of ever collecting his debts from the gentle­ Mrs. Cheney, leader of the Food Club, Miss grows. soft, pliable and beautiful condition. men, petitioned the “ Honored Magistrates” Mary Hanson, and Miss Catherine Bourde- for expenses, and, believe it or not, our own lais, leaders of the Lunch-box club, and Miss The chief difference In appearance Simon Hradstreet had left there a number of Putnam were also present. R uth Webb. between the wild Juuglefowl and Its unpaidmi chits domesticated cousin is a matter of Tel. Law. 7339 Phone Lawrence 5121 . . . Our driver will call. Military companies going out against the Stowe School closed at the regular time carriage. The real wild Juuglefowl Indians brought good business, and there on Wednesday. April 18, and will re-open on cock carries his tail low, walks with was great flutter at the taverns over the Monday, April 30. slightly bent legs and low head, al­ officers who sat around the living room fires On Friday, April 13, slips were sent out to GEO. W. HORNE COMPANY and boasted of their prowess, while the the parents of Stowe School pupils on which ways In an attitude of listening and C h e r r y & W e b b s soldiers bragged just as lustily in the warmth they were asked to indicate whether they watching; In marked contrast to the Pioneer Roofers of Lawrence and V ic in ity of the kitchen blaze. preferred the cumulative or the eight-week erect carriage, high held tall and At the inn of John Parker, while a com­ method of marking on report cards. 'The strutting gait of the domesticated LAWRENCE, MASS. pany was being “ sumptously entertained,” cumulative way gives a complete picture of cock. ROOFING and SHEET METAL WORK one John Varnurn. of I)racut, fell in love with the pupils’ standing from the beginning of The crow of the Junglefowl so close­ pretty Phebe Parker, the owner’s daughter. the school year while the eight-weeks’ ASPHALT SHINGLE APPLICATION These married and were the ancestors of method gives only the figure for the eight ly resembles that of the common barn­ yard fowl that he states he has more Gen. Yarnum of Revolutionary fame. weeks just past. R obert Hinm an 613 COMMON STR EET LAWRENCE, MASS. Many marriage ceremonies were performed than once unconsciously withheld his | at the taverns, when, in addition to native On Friday, April 13, 8F played 8E and lire when a bird lu» had been stalking beer and cider, quantities of rum, sack, SB in a practice baseball game on the play- suddenly uttered the familiar barn­ Verification of Passbooks sherry, white wine, claret, muscatel and stead. 'The score was 8F 5 and 8K and SB 4. yard sound. alligant were drunk. Some of these celebra- Miss Anna K. Chase is in the Baker Me- I tions became so hilarious and boisterous, the The law requires that all Savings Banks Court prohibited dancing in inns at wedding festivities. John J . Breen .Memorial a Splendid Tribule New England COKE shall verify their depositors’ passbooks dur­ Plenty of liquor was consumed at funerals, the cost of liquid refreshment being out of ing the first six months of this year. proportion to the cost of burial For William D & H Cone Cleaned A n thracit Ablxitt’s funeral a bill listed: Drink, 13 sh.; 1 fee to man who went to Mystic for it, 2 sh.; Please bring or send your passbook during j sugar, 2 sh.; coffin, 6 sh.; grave digging, 2 sh. MOTOR-STOKERS In April, 1754, young James kittredge of April and May to 'Tewksbury asked the Court for permission AUTOMATIC COAL BURNING EQUIPMENT to carry on the business of his dead father, who had been an innkeeper for years on the BROADWAY SAVINGS BANK road between Andover and Billerica. Fuel Service Guaranteed— Try Us This Season During the Revolutionary period local ESSEX SAVINGS BANK tavern owners were: Isaac Abbott, at the present Locke house on Elm street; Isaac LAWRENCE SAVINGS BANK Blunt on Salem street east cf the dining hall at Phillips; ( apt. Asa Foster in West Parish; B. L. M cD o n a ld C o a l C c Deacon Ballard on the Boston turnpike, whose sign, in replica, hangs before the His­ torical Society building on .Main street. Near the site of Johnson High school, in North Andover Center, was the tavern of 'Thomas NOW Is the Time to Re-roof Bragg. This was a popular resort and its A Memorial attracting unusual interest j wreath symbolic of “ Victory” : flowing owner amassed a large fortune. His daughter ince its erection in the cemetery early this ribbons tie these wreaths and signify “ Life, A S K U S these 4 1 We carry all kinds of — Susanna Bragg, married Jonathan Stevens, ek is the handsome tribute of Mrs. John ------continuous and * eternal” ...... ; below the wreath (great grandfather) ancestor of Moses Ste J. Breen in memory of her husband, lat on the left wing is engraved Mr. Breen’s IMPORTANT QUESTIONS yens, present mill owner. funeral director of Lawrence. A Screen Mem inscription; the wings in themselves con­ A distinguished visitor, the Marquis de orial, a massive stately structure was the stitute a splendid memorial. 'The Extensions BIRD’S Chastellux, was seemingly unimpressed by type selected as the most fitting for the coming forward from the wings have the about ELECTR()LI X gas refrigerators the cellar of Deacon Foster’s hostelry, for he family plot in the Immaculate Conception same mouldings us appear on the central writes that he stopped “ at a wretched in, Cemetery, Lawrence, where Mr. Breen is mass, and offer a very inspiring location for kept by a man named Foster. We were glad interred in the lot adjoining his father the Gothic panels in which is carved a Latin 1. WHAT IS ITS OPERATING COST? to do no more than feed our horses at this His Memorial is composed of eight piece* Cross, indicative as of the Cross of old, miserable tavern.” and l>eing some twelve feet in length it make* “ Faith” ; in the center of the Cross is the >. IS IT PERMANENTLY SILENT? ROOFING SHINGLES l.ater we find Ben Ames at the Square most inspiring tribule. A platform base insignia “ H IS” then around the Cross is waiting to get all the trade coming over the I offers the necessary support for the second the bead circlet symbolic of the “ Rosary” ; WHAT ABOUT REPAIRS? new bridge across the Merrimack. And in the i base course which is cut solid with the prin- this detail constitutes the only ornament of I8UT>. Beamsley Stevent-and Lebenzer Poor cipal stones, likewise the mouldings around the entire design and is rich in its simplicity. I. WHO WILL SERVICE IT? BIRD’S SHINGLES are durable and guaranteed for long wear 1 ,«»ng forgotten and difficult to trace, yet the top are cut solid on their principal pieces, It is executed in the very finest quality of those old taverns were hot beds of uprising and the effect produced by this arrangement Westerly Granite from the Quarries of the • See the ELECTROLl X H iWRENCF “We supply everything that goes into the hom e” in the days preceding the Revolution A doc i* one of pronounced strength and durability Smith Granite Company, of Westerly Rhode ument dated February 2, 1775, states. The central tablet is very finely moulded and Island and i* a splendid specimen of the in o p e r a I io n in o n r •• Last Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, the is dedicated entirely to the engraving of the Memorial that will endure. It was designed J. E. PITMAN E ST A T E Town Foot Companies of the 4th Regiment family name B R F K N which is cut in a and made by the John Meagher Company, model all-gas liitclien. of Militia in the County of I .inhabitants raised concaved letter; on the left and right Memorial Designers and Builders of Pea- TELEPH O N E 664 of North Parish, Andover, being mustered, wings is a very fine delicately carved laurel , Ixxly, Mass