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ROUGHSTALK BLUEGRASS SUPPRESSION IN ALFALFA/GRASS HAYFIELOS - RR Hahn and PJ Stachowski, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY. ABSTRACT A field experiment was established April 30, 2001 near Ithaca, NY to determine the value of using recommended and double seeding rates of timothy (Phleum pratense L., 'Mariposa') or orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L., 'Shawnee') for suppression of roughstalk bluegrass (Poa trivielis L.) in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L., 'Pioneer 5347 LH')/grass hayfields. These forage grasses were seeded at 5 and 10 Ib/A with 121b/A of alfalfa. Other treatments included 12 Ib/A of alfalfa as a nontreated check and as an alfalfa/clethodim treatment for bluegrass control. Clethodim was applied at 0.191b ai/A with 1% crop oil concentrate on April 16, 2002 and on May 9, 2003. Plots were harvested four times in 2002 and in 2003. In addition to measuring forage yield in tons dry matter per acre (T OM/A), botanical separation of samples was done to determine the percent alfalfa, timothy or orchardgrass, bluegrass, and forbs other than alfalfa in each plot. Forage quality analysis and milk yield calculations for each botanical component were done for the first cutting each year and these results used to calculate percent crude protein (CP), milk yieldlT OM, and milk yield in Ib/A. First cutting forage yield from the nontreated check was 2.51 and 1.68 TOM/A with bluegrass contributing 46 and 30% of that yield in 2002 and 2003 respectively. Clethodim controlled 100% of the bluegrass both years but reduced forage yield to 1.39 and 1.11 T OM/A in 2002 and 2003 respectively. Forage yields from the alfalfa/timothy and alfalfa/orchardgrass treatments ranged from 2.36 to 2.97 T OM/A and were similar to the nontreated check in 2002. In 2003, the alfalfa/timothy treatments' average yield of 1.72 T OM/A was not significantly different from the nontreated check but the alfalfa/orchardgrass average yield of 2.09 T OM/A was greater than the check. Each of the alfalfa/grass mixtures effectively suppressed the bluegrass with 8% or less bluegrass in each of the alfalfa/grass treatments in 2002 and 2003. Forage from the nontreated check, which had 40 and 55% alfalfa, had CP values of 16.6 and 17.4% in 2002 and 2003 due to the bluegrass in this treatment while the alfalfa/clethodim treatment, which had 77 and 82% alfalfa, had CP values of 22.1 and 19.3% in 2002 and 2003. The alfalfa/timothy treatments averaged 14.8% CP in 2002 and 16.9% CP in 2003 while the alfalfa/orchardgrass treatments averaged 12.8 and 11.1% CP in 2002 and 2003. Although the milk yieldlT OM was highest for the alfalfa/clethodim treatment in 2002, projected milk yield/A would have been less than with the alfalfa/timothy treatments which were favored by higher yields and moderate CP values (14.8%). The nontreated check and the alfalfa/orchardgrass treatments would have produced milk yields/A between the low of the alfalfa/clethodim treatment and the high of the alfalfa/timothy treatments but not statistically different from either. In 2003, the milk yieldlT OM for the alfalfa/clethodim treatment was among the highest but would have produced less milk than any of the other treatments. Although the alfalfa/orchardgrass treatment with the recommended seeding rate of orchardgrass had one of the lowest CP values (11.4%), this treatment would have produced more milklA than any of the other treatments except the alfalfa/orchardgrass treatment with the double seeding rate. 1 TREE-OF-HEAVEN CONTROL IN NO-TILLAGE CROPS - RG Louie, WH Phillips II, and S Glenn, Univ. of Maryland, College Park. ABSTRACT A 4-year study was initiated in 1995 to evaluate weed control and weed shifts in no tillage glyphosate-resistant corn and soybean rotations. Glyphosate (1 Ib ai/A) was applied at planting, early postemergence (5-inch corn; V-4 soybean), or early postemergence and late postemergence (10-inch corn; V-7 soybean). Plots not treated with glyphosate at planting were treated with 0.5 Ibs/A paraquat and all corn plots were treated with 1.5 Ibs/A atrazine preemergence. All plots were 20 feet by 80 feet. There were no tree-of-heaven plants present in the study area at the initiation of the study. By the end of the study, all plots were infested with tree-of-heaven. Tree-of-heaven control with all glyphosate treatments was 40% or less 8 weeks after treatment (WAT). In a separate study specifically designed to evaluate tree-of-heaven control in no-till corn, tree-of-heaven control increased with increasing postemergence application rates (ranging from 1 Ib/A to 2 Ibs/A) of glyphosate 3 WAT. However, 2 Ibs/A glyphosate or two applications of 1.5Ibs/A glyphosate produced only 50% tree-of-heaven control 3 WAT and 30% 6 WAr. Postemergence applications of glyphosate were not effective in controlling tree-of-heaven and exclusive use of glyphosate in cropping systems may encourage tree-of-heaven infestations. 2 DANDELION CONTROL AS INFLUENCED BY SPRING APPLICATION TIMING - WS Curran, Penn State Univ., University Park, PA; and MM Loux, Ohio State Univ., Columbus. ABSTRACT Three herbicide treatments were applied at different times in the spring at four locations over two years in Pennsylvania and at two locations in Ohio for control of dandelion (Taraxacum officina/e Weber in Wiggers.). The herbicides 2,4-0 LVE, glyphosate, and 2,4-0 plus glyphosate were applied using a CO2 backpack sprayer. Glyphosate and 2,4-0 were applied at 0.75 and 1.0 Ib ae/acre, respectively at 20 GPA up to six different times starting in early April and ending the third week of May. Dandelion rosettes ranged from 3 to 5 inches in diameter in central Pennsylvania up to 12 inches in diameter in Ohio at the early April timing. Fall timing was included at three locations in the 2003 experiment. Visual estimates of percent control were taken several times during the season as well as weed density and/or biomass at some locations. The study was conducted as a randomized complete block with three replications. Control data were analyzed for significance looking at location, treatment and herbicide timing differences. The fall treatments averaged 84% at the mid-May evaluation. Emergence of new seedling dandelion reduced fall control as the season progressed at the Pennsylvania locations. In general, the fall-applied glyphosate and glyphosate plus 2,4-0 treatments provided better control than 2,4-0. Control with the spring timings averaged 76% at the June evaluation, but both herbicide and timing had an impact. In general, the early application timings were less effective than later; by the June evaluation, the May applications provided greater than 80% control, while control in the early April timing was 64%. When averaged over location and timing, 2,4-0 applied in tine spring provided 68% control, glyphosate 75% control, and glyphosate plus 2,4-0, 87% control of dandelion. In 2003, dandelion control from the spring applications averaged 63% at the NW Ohio location, 85% at the western Ohio location, 80% at the central Pennsylvania location, and 78% in southeastern Pennsylvania. In 2003, Ohio had almost 10 inches of rainfall in April and May" while the Pennsylvania locations had 6.6 to 7.3 inches. Frequent showers may have impacted the control of some treatments and may account for some variability between locations and treatment timings. Degree day (DO) accumulation, base temperature of 40 F, from March through July ranged from a low of about 2500 in central Pennsylvania to a high 3100 in western Ohio. Differences in DO across locations, probably does not account for the variability observed. These data show that fall application is an effective time for control of dandelion and that the performance of spring application is variable. In general, dandelion control was better with the May applications compared to the early and mid April timings and the combination of glyphosate plus 2,4-0 tended to be better than either herbicide alone. This study also shows that regardless of herbicide or application timing, an integrated approach that combines several tactics will be necessary for long-term dandelion control. 3 ROTATIONAL CROP RESPONSE TO MESOTRIONE USE IN FIELD CORN - P Bhowmik, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst; D Smith, Syngenta Crop Protection, Bedford, NH; D Sanyal, and E McGlew, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst. ABSTRACT Mesotrione {2-(4-mesyl-2-nitrobenzoyl)-3-hydroxycyclohex-2-enone] is a pigment inhibitor herbicide that controls many common susceptible weed species by inhibiting the 4-HPPD enzyme. It is recommended for use in combinations either with acetochlor, alachlor, s-metolachlor, or atrazine for complete control of annual weeds in field corn. The objective was to document any injury from mesotrione treated plots from one year to rotational crops in the following spring. A field study was conducted at the Massachusetts Agric. Experiment Station in South Deerfield, MA. Plots of 13.5 by 60 feet were established in 2002. Treatments were replicated three times in a randomized block design. Corn was planted in May 6,2002. Mesotrione treatments (3, 6, 12, and 18 fI ovA) were applied PRE and POST in May 7 and June 13, 2002, respectively. A treatment of prosulfuron at 1 ovA was applied POST. A nontreated check was also included in the study. All treatments were applied using a C02-backpack sprayer that delivered 20 GPA at 22 PSI. Corn was harvested for silage in September, 2002. In 2003, plant back study was initiated to the same plots where above-mentioned treatments were applied in 2002.