Ryder Windham,Chris Reiff,Chris Trevas | 123 pages | 05 Nov 2013 | LUCAS BOOKS | 9780804176613 | English | United States : Death Star Owners Technical Manual: Imperial DS-1 Orbital Battle Station PDF Book When activated, eight separate beams were each activated by a crystal through the particle accelerator tubes , amplified through rings, and conjoined to form one of eight separate beams that would converge outside the dish, focusing into a point to form a single incredibly powerful superlaser beam. Around the same time, Rebel leader Garm Bel Iblis , with help from professional thief Moranda Savich , acquired a series of heavily encrypted datacards from an Imperial defector on Darkknell. In 0 BBY , Organa of , perhaps while the Alliance Intelligence investigated the existence of a superweapon, was informed about it by a soldier she rescued on Ralltiir. Fictional universe of Star Wars. Retrieved April 14, Set nearly a thousand years before the slaughter of Darth Plageuis and the rise of Emperor with the execution of order 66, this series is about a young boy whose family was ripped away by serving the Republic. DK Children. It is requested that this article section be expanded. gives an incendiary speech while Base demonstrates its lethality by obliterating the five of the Hosnian Prime system at that time the location of the New Republic's government, which rotated every few years. Each required a crew of ten to operate, and was coupled to the main reactor to prevent accidents caused by generator malfunctions. Because of its size and shape, it was sometimes mistaken for a small moon. At any given time, around 1. They also worked to ensure that all officers complied with the policies of the Emperor's New Order. Ars Technica. It is subsequently revealed that Galen discreetly sabotaged the design by building a vulnerability into the reactor. Star Wars: Awakens. Although Tarkin had initially intended for the Death Star's weapon to "rock a [targeted] world to its very core," the final superlaser design was capable of shattering worlds, leaving behind only ruins. Anderson's novel Jedi Search Compared to its predecessor, the second Death Star's superlaser is more advanced as it can be fired every few minutes instead of needing 24 hours to recharge, while improved targeting computers could track smaller targets such as capital ships. The security sector was the sector of the Death Star charged with patrolling and guarding vital or off-limits areas aboard the Death Star. Appears in flashback s Star Wars Doomworld! Galen arrived and attempted to rescue the rebels, and in the end apparently sacrificed himself so the four leaders could escape. A downside to the presence of the superlaser was that the Death Star had to forgo all but the most rudimentary shielding capabilities in order to achieve such destructive power. Facilities included parks, shops, and other amenities for the Human crew, as well as numerous infrastructure necessities such as trash compactors, like Garbage Compactor This may or may not be an in-joke by Lucas. Once the fleet was destroyed, they sent the battle station crashing into 's surface, killing Emperor Palpatine and destroying the massive superweapon. The Habitation spheres, based on the Imperials' suspicious claims that they were designed strictly for peaceful purposes, were suggested by some fans to have been the origin for the Death Star III. It also had several massive docking bays, including dry docks capable of accommodating Star Destroyers. Please improve it in any way that you see fit, and remove this notice once the article section is more complete. Book Category. Los Angeles Times. Fictional moon-sized space station and superweapon. It was later destroyed when an errant projectile from the destroyed Galaxy Gun, another superweapon developed under the returned Palpatine, fell onto the ship and caused a massive explosion that destroyed not only the ship and its accompanying fleet, but also the nearby Imperial citadel of Byss. The name Starkiller Base pays homage to the early drafts of the original Star Wars film, referring to 's original surname. Star Wars: Death Star Owners Technical Manual: Imperial DS-1 Orbital Battle Station Writer

However, the wardens themselves were under constant surveillance and observation, due to each standard security sector being required to provide office space and reasonable assistance to the ISB. Shield-projection towers on the Death Star's surface emitted energy fields that covered the Death Star's city sprawls, protecting them from space debris as well as providing limited defense against energy weapons, due to most of the Death Star's energy reserves being harnessed for the superlaser. Abrams Books. Views Read Edit View history. The Service Sector was tasked with inspecting, maintaining, repairing, and replacing machinery. The ensuing Battle of destroyed the Death Star, just as it was positioned to destroy the newly discovered Rebel Base on Yavin's fourth moon. At any given time, around 1. The prototype had no interior except a slave- linked control room, hyperdrive engines and other components; the station operated with skeleton-crew of 75 personnel. Led by a reluctant Galen Erso , the Death Star scientists seek to fuse kyber crystal shards into larger structures and use those crystals to amplify energy into a stable beam powerful enough to destroy an entire . The Luxembourgish magician Christian Lavey born as Christian Kies submitted a petition for the construction of a Death Star to the Luxemburgish parliament. The northern hemisphere held the main armament of the station, a fearsome superlaser. Retrieved August 9, Main article: Cultural impact of Star Wars. They hid in several secret compartments in the ship while stormtroopers searched it, and then headed up to the control room. General Tagge: If the Rebels have obtained a complete technical readout of this station, it is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it. Main article: Death Star plans. Content approaching. DK Children. After the Alliance left Yavin 4, many salvage teams combed the jungles to recover pieces of Death Star technology. He explained this was due to "union disputes and supply problems. Ars Technica. It is uncertain exactly when the term "Death Star" came into use in connection with the project. The Death Star model was centimeters in diameter [5] which indicates that the Death Star was intended to be kilometers in diameter. Can a defeat a ? The stormtroopers of the st Legion were among those assigned to protect the Death Star's interior. Retrieved August 22, Wikimedia Commons. Ryder Windham is a former editor of and has written more than fifty Star Wars books, including Jedi vs. The prototype was ineffective, missing its target and instead destroying an Imperial garrison moon the sole time it was fired in combat. Contents [ show ]. Archived from the original PDF on September 28, X2, under Kota's command, then made an impromptu superlaser test on an Imperial -class that the Rebels had hijacked and scuttled earlier, causing them to realize the unimaginable destructive power behind the weapon. Star Wars: Death Star Owners Technical Manual: Imperial DS-1 Orbital Battle Station Reviews

Contents [ show ]. If they find out what we are planning to build, we're doomed. Dooku took the designs back to Coruscant and gave them to Darth Sidious , his dark master. Heading back to the Falcon , they spotted a company of stormtroopers. August 23, Additional zero-G work crews were provided by the Empire. The vessel was retrieved by remnants of the Empire and completed, and later served as the flagship of the resurrected Palpatine. Main article: Operation Skyhook. Los Angeles Times. Following the Death Star Uprising , the aforementioned set of partial schematics was beamed to the Rebel base on Polis Massa. One of these were the tributary beam shafts, with eight lining the circumference of the superlaser weapon. Star Wars has become a familiar It is similar to an original concept for , where two Death would have been built near Had Abbadon then the Imperial capital world. International Business Times. Sign In Don't have an account? With bold, original illustrations, each spread Try Now. Accompanied by Owen's step-nephew, Luke Skywalker , R2 found who he was looking for. For other uses, see Death Star disambiguation. A number of prisoners were able to obtain a partial technical readout of the battlestation, which was beamed to a Rebel cell on Polis Massa. Below each Operations Chief, there were eight majors , each representing specific departments under their branch of operations, alongside four majors tasked with the general, service, technical, security, and military sectors the last including Army troopers , the Death Star troopers [a subset of the Imperial Navy troopers ], gunners , and TIE pilots. December 11, You're my only hope. Sienar was unperturbed, however, as he had already lost interest in the design. Aside from the outer defenses and armaments on the surface of the station, the inner areas of the station also provided a significant amount of security measures as well, including metallic spikes [15] which were directly inspired by the stalagmite-filled pits within the various cavern networks on [16] , BlasTech Class VI automated laser projectors, which were linked by security cameras, and IT-O interrogator droids, which sometimes acted as defensive systems against intruders. Because of the controversial nature of its weaponry, Imperial officers were required by their field manual to refer to the Death Star concept in general or the DS-1 as the official title of Imperial Planetary Ore Extractor to any non-Imperial news outlets, as well as to report the questioner to the Imperial Security Bureau for a thorough follow-up as a precaution. The Death Star's destruction gave the project in question a newfound importance to the Empire.

Star Wars: Death Star Owners Technical Manual: Imperial DS-1 Orbital Battle Station Read Online

Mentioned only The Word for World is Death! The existence was justified by Intelligence on AX You would have to take your stand Set nearly a thousand years before the slaughter of Darth Plageuis and the rise of Emperor Palpatine with the execution of order 66, this series is about a young boy whose family was ripped away by Jedi serving the Republic. Yavin 4 would have been destroyed by the Death Star seconds earlier had it not been for the hesitations of Master Chief Gunnery Officer Tenn Graneet , who delayed the firing because of his regrets for destroying Alderaan even though he was loyal to the Empire. The Service Sector was tasked with inspecting, maintaining, repairing, and replacing machinery. There, R2-D2 uploaded the data tapes, and Alliance tactician Jan Dodonna found a weakness in the station: an unshielded thermal exhaust port that, if fired upon with a proton torpedo , would set off a chain reaction and annihilate the battlestation. However, Tarkin, wanting a higher-profile target for his demonstration, ordered the Destruction of Alderaan while Leia watched helplessly. The Eclipse II was mostly identical to its predecessor save for a handful of visual changes, and fulfilled the same purpose. At this time, the tributary beam had just been shipped to the Death Star, which X2 discovered via a transmission from X1 intended for the commander of the Death Star. It used massive turbolasers and was powered by an internal plasma implosion core more than a kilometer wide. It also had several massive docking bays, including dry docks capable of accommodating Star Destroyers. Archived from the original on November 12, During early concept development, artist envisioned the superweapon's gun as set inside a volcano, which X-wings would have to enter in a maneuver similar to the trench run on the Death Star in the original film. BBC News. Mentioned only Star Wars Star Search! Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Retrieved January 5, The first Death Star, like its successor, was divided into two hemispheres, each subdivided into 12 bridge-controlled zones. Emperor Palpatine and send the Rebels false information that the station's weapons systems are not yet operational in order to lure the Alliance fleet into a trap, resulting in the decisive Battle of . Before the architect had a chance to submit such an amendment, the Wookiee became ill and was confined to a medcenter, and his replacement built the port as specified in the plans. The film opens with Princess Leia transporting the station's schematics to the to aid them in destroying the Death Star. Each level was separated into sub-levels. The basic structure of the station was a sphere the size of a small class-IV moon , with a kilometer-wide trench containing docking bays running around its equator. Tarkin was interested in the concept. Besides the concave dish model of the battle station's superlaser, other superweapon systems proposed during its development included a Resonance Torpedo Launcher system, an Interplanetary Ion Cannon , and a regular Composite Beam Superlaser model. Retrieved August 21, New Scientist. DK Children. Obi-Wan devised a plan to free the ship by turning off a projector. It is described as being similar to the Death Star but with more energy. Retrieved February 15, Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Hundreds of thousands of workers were busy building the station throughout the war. It's a race against time as the rebels fight to destroy the Empire's greatest weapon-- the Death Star.

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