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Southwest Sentinel, 1892-1896 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

10-15-1895 Southwest-Sentinel, 10-15-1895 Allan H. MacDonald

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Uclal Directory. Tka raalt mi lbs W.mL CHINCS6 JUGQLER3. ftheet. DO FISHES TALK f - ' if1- -' lniBat " V ante At.. was fonny seeing papa trying was on my bieycln," write r "It r Bnaaa f the retrasare mm4 Startling Feat "I a nan Here la Testimony From a Mas Wk ride my wheel the other bight ITe took to am Knglitih mngnztne, "end was pi Trioa. B CM ron . ..Deleg.its lo Conrreea Iks TUj reifinaa. Tklna They Do. v. T. IhnrnUlU.. , tlnvernof a AHAion thnt it was entrr and thnt It ing a very large finid where a rjuinb.r I rleeretury CMnose jtEpgta and Indian fakir We have henrd of the Inngnnga of "'Ion Miller.... wiPSSll fotiliKliufKHi fsHlng off and gn-tl- of abeep were grazing. As I pnwed a Attorney tt Law. 1 mnn. Smitll... Cblel Ju.llca hare pretty much the same "stock ln monkeys, and of the lungnagt; of hens, ('. (oilier, hurt He had boon watching me sheep ran toward me in an excited state, Will pmfi In alltha mi'Mp r. Tarrltory. N. trade.'.' Here is an account of some and of alio laiignngei of crows, and even y . , Hamilton. abont IR minutes, and he aaked meto looking up like a pet dog and lin nil law a v""'''. cor. O I), Aaanclates tricks performed by a Chineee: at nie of snts, but it will be a new idea to ti Silil"K itrneta. Ilnnti. let him take a try .'TN"" 1, itinaaud N. tl. IjtiiKlilln. at it Whnn the conjurer asked the specta- bleating in a moet pitoons wsy. I was moet people, probably, that fishes hnvo SILVER CITY. KKWMKXK'O rtttitttti k. Farley. . Burrryor nner waltzed up and steadied the so interested in what saw M. 6. Coiieetor "lie tors they wanted to see, some one I that I a language of their own. An English Clmrlea Shannon ...I'. Wheel with one haud. gave a what J. II. Ileminmuway. ::::tí: 8. DHtrlrt Attorney lie little called for a pumpkin. (topped, and infltnntly the sheep gallop- fluhermnn, Mr. Basil Field, hns been O. BKIX, I dwird d. Hull H. Mxmmi oontemprcotia sneor, pnnlied the whool ed to the farther end of the field in the l.U. B A pumpkin," answered the conjur-"lua-t making some investigations thnt lend c W. H. ImnK ...lemr Mnrlial and started off. He did it no coolly that excited way, and then raced back Attorney Lj.w. J . . r irtidiiK r is UiiputaULUk Tuuikius aiO fame Lira to suppose that have some at J. H. Wnlker, Saul Ka... Peuiftter Iiid OnV he actually landed in the wheel and got to me again, bleating and looking up at SILVER CITY. - NEW MEXICO. IjwmI cut of season." way of ooruumnicating a notion of their Pedi'n IMkhiIo. Hnnta r...Keeiver inir his feet on the peda! somehow. tne way a J. I. IUtíii, I jtn CnivM Hiixlt Imuú im.- It wis However, he was only talking, fir just in the same beseeching experiences to other fishes. H. P. Ann.t, roce.. JtT-ivc- r Ijml omen down a little slant, ÍAid away he went it did at first Hod it spoken it could TsXL WRIGHT. Vouiiij. ii.)will. ... Itnlini-- preeently he took a pumpkin seed and Mr. Field oorricd on biu experiment hlrlir hiiitr nr- - lick m gronce, his feet bobbing tip and not have boon plainer in itareqnoet V. tí Coi;rivr . ljntl that fishponds of Mr. Andrew, at Itiwirill...r!'tvir - planted it in the earth. Then, having in the Attorneys. W. W. !"), f'.i-m- i fn"i- down like machinery. It was glorious son, I should go with it to the other end of England. ponds fui-oi- B made hi little 4 or years old, lie Guilford, Those are full NKW MEXICO. H. C. iMcktl. ltecvirar Land CtUca fnn, and pnpa looked like some sort of I silver city down, he thrust a knife into his the field. I could see nothing but a few of trout, which, st the timo when Mr. TKIIIIITORIAU toy being worked by motion ct the throat the The blood poured out into a vessel, snd trees; still I felt compelled to po with Field firot visited them, wero so little P. BABXE3, .1 f. Vlrtorr i .H1WUwO-nrii- l bicycle wheels. the sheep, so unmistakably tíiJ it h t roe llcaMOND J. H. Cril, ít ii.l Fa ,.liitrlrl Attorney with it the mats moistened the spot ocustowied to Hilng troublwl trmtwtrnf l "Down, down he went in perfectly wanted me to go K. L. oun. lAlt.'riir lMitru-- A llonier w riere the seed had been planted. know that it with it he threw a baited book into the water Absolutely Puro.. Attornay Law, W.ÍI.W lilliMiiMii. Albinuerqu.lMrn t Attorney glorióos fwit ion until all at once, quick Bo I went, the sheep galloping on bo-fo- re ., tt y Next he wrrered the corpse with a all the trout in tight a great number A re. fl.wir ln Uñltehr.i.a flnlMtnir. A. t. M:rnee. rttlrer t It iiiHirie iruiruny as lightning, without any warning, the me., till it reached the spot at the cream of tartar baking powder. NEW MEXICO M. W. Mllli Siirltif" Itutrtet Attorney cloth and pleeed wooden bell over the rushed eagerly upon it He caught ILVAd UIV A. A. Jones. I. Ilstriet Attorney wheel jtiitt daahed into a tree and spilt end of the field where I felt sure it Highest of all in leavening st rength Vrl seed. In a few moments a sprout was one, and removing it from the hook, -- eorL'a i. lUkar. Lincoln Ilalrkt Aturi)ry pnpa on the herd gmnnd. Hewasawfel- - wanted Tne to ro. Till I reached the rLatest United State Govern- r . l ino mirarían seen rising from the soil. It grow and throw it back into tho pond. I. fICKKTT, It. S. Clunky Clerk Hiinreine Court ly hart He had to go on crutches all place the animal ran round and round ment iomi liejwrt. grew and bnrst into flower. The flower Then he pnt in a freshly baited hook, Royal I'uwdet Co., tod Y, H. II. Ueivniiiin....8iierintenilent rcnltentlHry tho next day and is limping yet the same particular spot in the same ex- Baklnt Wall Bt. N. Attorney Law, W. H naeliel .... Adiutalit (ieirenil ' fell, the pumpkin obowed itself and in and only two or three trout enmo after it H. i Treantrr-- And what do yon snppose he said to cited way, as if it wanted to say ! 'Make BILVEIt CITY ....NEW MEXICO J. I'alun... creased in sise with extraordinary ra One of thce he caught and threw MnrrtMliioCHrcIn, Amlilor me when he came tottering book. haste. Come as fast as yen can. ' When it Cower of the Uomma Jaws, HupU liiMnu-tloi- i back into the water. Again ho resumed Atniulo (linyet fublte got to take Infernal bicyole pidity. Dr. O. V. Black, a dentist of Jackson- FIELDER, ., M. S. Kart Coal Oil lnsiwctur 'Yon're that soon was ripe I arrived, I found there was a deep bis fishing with a newly baited hook, Tames s As as it the man picked ville, Fla. , has modo some interesting; bock tomorrow. There's something stalk, showed to stream of water, and one of the sheep and this time, although the pond was wrong with paid a cent for it from the it the pub experiment upon the force exerted by Attorney at Law, it I haven't lio and took up collection, after had fallen into it and was struggling to swarming with fish, it was only after a ' it, and Ton pay xue to got the human Jaws iu the ordinary masti- OiDm oraer Sprlug and Anion Streets I won't can't course, be out" timo that he lured another trout to GRANT C0UHT7 take Bend bock.' Papa says ha which, of lifted the cloth lng cation of food, aud also the greatest - NEW MEXICO. it it boy perfectly unharmed. A Did Not his And after a little farther tlLYER CITY. good." and found the Dul Vlaaauek rifht. bait force which the jaws are capable of ex- And City Haninome can't ride if his wheel isn't by a per was entirely impo&nible to catch Sllrtr l'ald a Atlanta Constitution. The second feet, different To hot headed electiotieerers let me time it erting. By means of a spring instru- rp T. CONWAY, Compliment by the Bnreaa of 1m- - former, was even more startling. A commend this story of Bicniarck. On a trout in this pond. ment provided with a registering device However, by experimenting in anoth- nUratloii of TUU Territory. Water Class. peach wa called for by one of the spec one occasion, during some diploroatio he took records of abont 150 of Attorney at Law, poud equally well stocked and not "bites" The eminent chemist. Dr. Grothie, is tators. maneuvers, which were being discussed er different persons. Of these 60 have been SILYEB CITY - KW MEXICO A Uriel Resume of the Work. March," Said magician. throwing back any fifh Mr. Field found quoted as declaring that water glass "It is the by Count Reohbcrg, he (Rechberg) lost preserved as characteristic of the ordi- The Bureau of Immigrution, through icebound. he could catch as long a he has a great future in store in bleaching, The land is still Peaches his temper and passionately exclaimed that trout nary man, woman and child. The small- H. BAELLES, it efBcieiit secretary, Max Proet, of Son- chose. Tho fish did not seem to under- A. and that in his opinion will entirely are not to be obtained now except in to Bismarck. "One of my friends shall est pressure recorded was 80 pounds, isauud haod- - it stand thnt the removal of one of Law, ta Fe, haa juat a hnndsorae displace soda. Snob snbstancea as paradise." wait on yon in the morning. " "Why their 7 years This was Attorney tt Jnte, by strongo means meant by a little girl old. Dlrtrlct Atiorrev. book of 3H pago, showing the reeouro-- which formerly could not be bleached Oh, well, answered the spectators. all this unnecessary delay?" Bismarck number this with the incisors. Using her molars, o". 'yon are a sorcerer and ought to be danger to them, but canio continually Oma n - Jvwn on Billiard ee, climate, geography, geology, history, without injury to the threads, are there replied. "In all probability yon have the s.tmo child exerted a force of 05 able to bring a peach down from m pair of pistols bandy. Let us settle the to the bait MEXICO statistics and future prospects of this fore capable of being quickly treated in 1 pounds. The higlerst record was made ÍLVM. UiY.V...,fl..NKW " you If, Mr. Field reasons, is only when up to 15, 1893. the following manner: The yarn is mattor immediately. Whllo get the it by a physician of 85. The instrument Territory December The The conjurer grumbled, but finally the captured released, goes back HEFLIN,. steeped from 10 to SO minutos in ft so things ready, I shall write a report about flh, used only registnrod 370 pounds, and he nos. 8. work is embellished with fine engrav eon Rented see mingles his follows the to eight pounds to what be could da He the whole transaction, which, im ease I ud with that closed together without npparont ef- T ings of the principal cities, mountains, lution of from six of danger learned, and is learned it Attorney at Law. water gloss to gallon of water, at a began by. weaving a roll of ribbon, am killed, I request you to forward to. is thou There was no method of determin- valleys, mining camps, ranches, instantly, must follow the re- fort fTn.énira In Rtrti.nM bMllfllntr. fruit temperature of from 183 to SI 3 degrees which he cast into the air. It took at Berlin." it that ing how far above 270 pounds he could alt.VEU CITY - - - NEW MEXICO once shape of a ladder, went Bis- leased fish baa some means of making farms auJ the numerous beautiful , few the which Both set about their work. When gone. test was with F. and turned about in It a times, the others understand the perils of the have This made tho scenes and pleasure resorts which abound then rinsed in hot, not boiling wa- up to a tremendous height On it he marck had finished, he handed the sheet molars. Sovcral persons exceeded a force bnt hook. This, whatever is, may be in this salubrious climate and future ter, and finally in cold. next goes to placed a child, and the little follow ran to Count Renhberg, requesting him to it of 100 pounds with the incisors and 200 hsiii.mstirgt0ns, It up rungs Up, called a "language." Fortnightly Re-yie- of the southwest. weak chlorine bath and will become the like a monkey. up he examine the same. Roch berg's passion with the molars. Tho physical condition Went ho vanished in the clouds. way sober H. 80WEIIS, M. D. A flattering is paid to perfectly white. till had in the meantime given to of tho persons experimented upon seem- tribute Grant moments passed, a peach re- Q County's wealth producing reeouroea, Hemp and cotton, instead of being Some then reflection. After having perused the NO HURRY IN NORWAY. ed to have bearing upon tho sky. little result Physician and Surgeon. her incomparable sanitary advantages, boiled in a strong soda solution for aix dropped from the The magician port he said, "What yon say here i Dr. Block is of tho opinion that the con- picked up, cut of- Waat-d- er Drug More, boHutitul scenery, broad rangea, bright, or eight honra as a preliminary, can be it it into slices and quite correct, but is it really worth Paople Taka Their Time There and dition of the peridental membranes ia Offlc over Jckon'i fered to the bystanders. was a real a YenkM TUltora. SUrtrClty, Kew Mexico. rapid rivers and enterprining people. quite sufficiently prepared by from 10 it It while to fight a duel for such a reason ?" the controlling factor, rather than mus- peach. Bis- We are credited with 200,000 head of to 15 minutes in the above hot water "That is exactly my opinion," was These Norwegian aro a wonderfully cular strength. Dr. Black found that in and n umerous flocks of sheep upon T. rilILLir, M. D., cattle glaRS. For 100 pounds of linen yarn Then a horrible thiag happened. The marck's auswor, and the matter ended. patient people, say a correspondent the habitual chewiug of food much Q our ranges; an hnnuai production or bead of tho child dropped out of the Westminster Budget. They never hurry. Why should they $1,000,000 in gold bullion and $800,000 in from 13 to 15 pounds of water glass are more force is exerted than is necessary. Physician and Surgeon. taken, costing about 80 per cent less than sky and was followed by the trunk and Thore is always time enough. We break- silver ore, besides rich mines of lead, legs. eyes Tw. Caaaal Gentlemen. busi- room At Dr. Bl-- BO soda. then tbe With tears in his the fast at 9 o'clock. Monsieur goes to Fidelity and Affection of Horas. OmntnIiey'iiHruir8to'e copper, opalg, turquoise and other rare the usual ten pounds of degrees When Lord Longford como in, es- law'a roattialiCaV. water glass bath yarn is man picked them up and placed them I ness at 10 or so, and returns to his din- In the "Memoirs of General Count Citv. - - We Mexico. and valuable gemstones. After the the caped from cribbaxo and hoard many Htlr In a box. But after much show of grief ner, like all the rest of the Scandina- do on p of Napoleon, We rind the following in regard to rinsed, first in hot, then in cold water, entertaining things. One was of hi ' Segur," usu- and after tho sympathetic spectators had vian world, at S :30. We reach coffee recently published, the following affect- M. I) Silver City: and next given chlorine and acid as mooting a man in the mail coach who C"N. al. All dressing is of coarse first re- taken up a collection for his benefit he and cigarette at about 4, and then mon- ing incident is related : The county seat is Silver City, situat - looked as if ho was gouty, and could - more d by boiling with xnilk of lime or opened the box and said, "Come forth. sieur goes bock to hi office, if be like, I have said thnt during the nocturnal Physician and Surgoon.1 ed at the foot of Finos Alios, in the my child, thank kind gentle- not stir without great difficulty, and We beauiiful Chihuahua valley. All the by heating with water glass under pres- and these for two or three hours. sometime attack of tbe Ultra, on Dea 33, I wa mm i!llWMrl Hlftr and at reftldenre. At the word out loa pod the child, nover without the assistance of a com- see him again supper 8 .30, ulKlit and duy. northern halt of the county and parts sure. men." at at but uuhorsod. My animal had been wound- Calls auiwered panion, who never moved an inch from m of Socorro county and Arizona are di alive and welL Philadelphia Times. usually there is a game of whist, or ed by a bullet in hi chest, from which bll.VEK CITY. . NEW MEXICO. At lost Lord Longford discovered rectly tributary to it, and it outtita doz Hew D C!k XJks Thiar him. geographical society lecture, or a con- the blood was streaming, and a he lies tnoch nowadays of A POINTER FOR THE CARELESS. that this gentleman's gouty overall cert, birthday fete (an oc- G1LBKBT, ens of surrouudinir camns. It at We hear so the or a friend's could no longer carry me I had been ..l',AM8 end of a branch line of tbe Sonta Fe falso and exotic America tho America fotter ; that he was a malefac- casion never overlooked by your true "y i the TJaoaed May forced to leave him, loading his equip- road, and enjoys the advantages accru tyran- Hew Rail war TVkata Ha It. tor in irons, and that his companion some one a of "boodling and bulldozing," of eeuMd Mllgfct Caat. Norwegian), or has received ment on my shoulders. When I had Physicians and Surgeons, ing to every large supply depot. Its nical millionaires and a frenzied prole- al was a Bow street officer, who treated his barrel of oysters, and would not, could banks, hospitals, stores, Some men with valuable unused rail reached our first outpost, about 800 pace OBlos next deor to Broadway court bouse, ; in word, of America of prisoner with the greatest politeness. not, dream of opening them without Hl. tariat a the way on to off, I sat down to rest before the fire, in MLVEK CITY. - - NkAV MEX public schools, hotels and other build Chicago is comfort to hoar tickets their hands sell them "Give mo leave, sir excuse me one champagne and compuny masculine semi-publi- o that it a a somo grief the loss of my mount, ings or a public and charac- scalpers, while others go to the railway on your arm and one on mine, and then at little of the true and natural America company only. It eccms to me that when a plaintive and an unex- ter would do credit to an eastern county company that issued them and obtain wo are ure we leave one onother. " sound neat. Since opening of the America of New England, of Ear can't there are entirely too many purely male pected contact caused me to my gociiities. the the Santa their value in money. Most men, how A worse traveling companion this turn Uita copper mi oes in lbOO it hAs been a yard, Yale, Prinoeton and Columbia than festivities here. In fact, the men say so was poor beast, which ever, do neither, and accept the loes the bear, whom Lord Longford found head. It the H town site, but theenergy of the lost dec the America where tbe sane and whole themselves and that they would really had revived and had dragged itself in . O. E. . Meet when the ticket is worth less than u dol conch opposite to OF ritvClianter No. ade has done more for its advancement some traditions of the English race ex one morning in tho enjoy many of the occasions much more woke of my footsteps. In spite of e.ervutand rd Tneadars In each moiitli at previous years. lar. Indeed, many men do not realize him when day dawned tbe gcutleman the M...1le UmII MHl. O. 8. WAHUBK, W. Al. than all the Situated 1st in as perfect health as on this side if ladies were present But "it is not the distance and the darkness, had is, by and oonoen that railway companies stand ready to fur coat, as he had night sup it Uhs. NM.LY B. Lauv, Hoc. as it surrounded mills of the water, and where honoat living, in the all the custom of tho country" (a rock on succeeded in finding me, recogniz- trators, very center redeem unused tickets even of small be. Maria and e almost in the of tbe high thinking and sound learning floor posed him to EJgeworth's which I am always foundering) to omit V stability Droeper so companies must be ing me by the light of the campfire . Helen Lodfre. No. T, mining region, its and value, that the Letters. or to chango in such mutters. Monsieur 1 Bean In are assured. Large business ish and abound. had come up groaning to lay its head on Meetlnticond and Iourthlrlly iil?lla ly blocks whirling oi hys riche by many thousands of dollar only docs as do the other mon of hi rncti ball of l. . linaiiy l.ine n. . are built or projected, and during the Tho wild and words To Trmla the Xleaplratloa. all my shoulder. My eyes filled with tears A. Alatiuaai, per year by reason of this neglect or ig Mr. Jas. n.u. year 18ÍI3 about twenty-liv- e business terical agitators, spiritual Mid political, Of means of training the respira age, which is elderly, and condition, at this hut proof of attachment, and Fearl Dotsod, Boo. norance. all I Mlu nouses nnu nuuuooajo nwiuoouei wore most not persuade people into thinking tion Dr. Fortescue Fox thinks cycling W hich is solid. was gently stroking it, when, exhausted strange Every railway ticket bears the name a feeling concerning w built within the citv limits. It lasa that Chicago, with its and rev is tbe beat When a person first takes to There is curious from tho blood it had lost, and its efforts 1 of the general passenger agent of the . T ita nioceiy Kucsmpment No. 1, number of civic and social organizations. erish crowd of Bohemians, Italians, cycling, he troublod shortness America over here in one way and an to follow me, in the midst of the men, Jamei U. ..! Of e.U'D 1 Tt.. l.;M. . road issuing the same..' is a simplo is with turn IM Anil .in v.euiies,i,a Aval H,.ADvl7l a..n.raTf 1SI flB, klw.nlMWMV . f V tUllO, Hungarians Germans, It other. Morgnnbladct, chief conserv- ...t. cordially Invlled. Polish Jews, and let- of breath, his heart bents uncomfortably, the who were as surprised aud touched as rnoalh. Vtaitliif patriarchs r, from town, assure the citv not only of a normal city, or matter to inclose the ticket with a ative paper, an organ locally of the Joliu Carauu, C. in the American thnt it to the general passenger and his logs got tired, but after some myself, it fell down, struggled for mo- Bll, Scribe. good and pure supply of water, but, as represents the permanent and conquer' ter directed first importance, keeps a sort of horror Chas. there is a normal pressure in the fire agent asking him to refund the money training these discomforts all disap- ment and expired. ing element in American life. It is an pear. Why people to chamber of Americana. The reason is, o. I nyurnnis oi pounos 10 me men, im paid and explaining the reason why should not liable r. x I in politio suppose, tueso very uarat ana Iy,Iaaae . Tiflany No. 1, munity from ravages of danger ugly enough boil on the body and attacks of asthma also their res-- mat in A Modal Kasllah rabilo. r Hank, X,1,,,l,r'M!y..'".n" the that the ticket is left unused 4n the hands of ddreilw Halt. J. doubtless for from healthful, bnt we . trouoious political times, wncn no. oniy t: ous element is Certain. he water is purchaser. courteous to inclose piration by such a kind of exercise of i Of a plain and unpretentious exterior ln- - Meuiberaof tue oraer curuiaiij no sort of doubt will pass the It is the union but the monarchy itself is attend. vna. wwu, O. pumped to a high reservoir by powerful have that it a stamped envelope which the money course on condition of the heart and . it stands ueor tho center of the villnge, Hood, See. away absorbed into healthier in threatened and tottering, the conserva- A. 6. machinery, it is taken Irotu a tunnel and be the may returned. lung being in perfect health Cycling hard by the church and (he rectory. Tho which croes bed rock full of the Union. Meantime lot tut be tive interest thinks it dangerous to al- drifts the tissues things been done exercise, first of all, increase the dopth sign of the boar s head nailed against M. widtb or valley, anything to look on the nobler and more When all these have low any virtue to appear in a republic, .1 the under learn far company usually acknowledges the of breathing, and that without fatigue, the wall over the door indicate the KA. circumstance, the supply real, if less sensational, side of Aweri tbe and especially in ours, the most flour- I s the respiratory movements are auto- character of the establishment, just as receipt of the holder's communi- a, rñinir .i niou.ii. Ail coinintous invited is more than ample. Building material ticket ishing, therofore the meet porni-oion- R.n&ecb II. 1. can life. London Spectator. matic. At the some time it will accus- and iu its unrcgeiieratodays. Neither parade to attend. Aabom tk;uu rs, is very cheap as the surrounding moun. cation and promises to investigate the example of invention of evil B. Ladt, Hec. tom the rider instinctively to take in at that nor concealment has been attempted. In- Faauv tains furnish lumber and stones of the KMuarr, the Jewaak Blalerla. matter. The investigation consists in bred. Sun Francisco Examiner. best character. the proper identification of the ticktt each respiration the volume of air re- side you have tho ordinary taproom, The now life of John Oairns, tbe cele quired to the blood aud to elim- with wooden scats a small TV Hllver"(;uVTndes,No. i.tnaetsat Maaonle of developing a water pen and a little bookkeeping t sot all right auitite Anímala la LalbMh'i Earthqaako. farniahod and :tty nm. nana. This method brated Scotch divine, contains a fixed proportion ot corbonio Ball. ovr ller in. in..m.j aupply is worthy of a complete and tech in the accounts. Then the purchaser re- inate a An observer of animal life has col- bar, and a lurgcr parlor adjacent Dur Tenlnn on or betore the full moon mc iiioum. sketcn of Neander, the great Jewish ec acid, leaving in tho circulation the pre- ing the major part of tho day little busi- All v sitiua uroiuera idvimju mj nical description. Hpaee however does attended ceives from the company a check for the lected (our Vienna correspondent Buys) M. H. 1 wumst, W. M. clesiastical historian. Cairns cise amount compatible with health. ness is done, and what there is can be not permit this. The water Is stopped University of Berlin amount due, along with a letter request a number of nol l upon the behavior of B. I.AOT, See. sub-drai- ns. his lectures at the Fsaav on rock by The lo- Loudon News. Lai-bac- easily attended to by the managor'a the bed ing acknowledgment ou the part of the animals during the earthquake at h. is in a wide swale or shallow val in 1848 and describes him as a little Wife a tidy woman, who cun keep the of n cation recipient That closes, the transaction Beeataeo Stared A railway guard observed that IT nlehta ley leading down from Altos man with a face that was pale, sallow II at Her. occa- K Vl.HiiK kniKliC tbe linos and theie is no material loss on either shock accounts. With the exception of H..iiih. at thid r eiiowa xian. towards City. No water what- and expressionless, a low forehead, and Lady Frances Wilson, daughter of some minutes before the first was KO W H 1TB. C C. silver . sional passershy, the customer are an invited. under-drainog- side. New York Sun. felt his owl, chained to a tollhouse, e- j. J.i bnraiDAI, K. K H. ever runs on the surface. This e nothing striking in his features but his Lord Aylesbury, was one day informed almost cvnstiuit quantity aud regular ia an important factor in eyebrows. was a recently died in a cried as it for help, and he was with it is the black He dressed In SWA. that a uiuu who had their hubits. A City Dalit la Cherry ! earthquake beiran Some for-- A '.-- .. n, mil A Tuendav nlirrila economía development of the arid west. dirty brown coat, bine plash l'imlioo liMliriim had left her a valuable when the i.t orl(. At the time the French Crystal The same men come day by day aud "S aJth motith. at Msaouto HaJ!. rllw Silver City is notable example. Not and dirty boots. As the distinguish of estate in Hants. Incredulous, she went guards observed hares running, as if M. Carvll, M. m ! drink juat about the same amount cf .i,.i;. invlled. G. W. only has she an ample supply for domes ed man stood and lectured to his stu Palace exposition Nuremberg toymak nr. to town and rocoirnized there the re- - for their lives, Tip a hill before the first itae. . . beer, although no attempt is made to .M. Yeuuf. tic and sanitary purposes of a large city, every sentence by er exhibited a cherry tone within the . wno .. very . shock. Partridges flew a long distance. ot on dents he punotored mains oi a man next irequeni limit them, except of course by the con depeudent chance showers, but spitting, so the floor had to be cavity of which he had built a perfect ly annoyed her by staring at her at the A gentleman who spent the night of through ber pumping system she is re- that Sevastopol, dition of sobriety. They have their piut Churthts. plan of the city of street, d Easter; a carriage saw the as possible danger cleaned when he had flnlahed. And this opera. The same man had alao tiequenth-e- Sunday in lieved as much from railway approaches, brJJgcs, eta pigeons and hawks on a tower flying after dinner and their piut and a half or of tires. was the old man who, "ft knowltxle, 4,000 to the shaker of the house of so again the evening, w hen they como Broadway, near A powerful mioroecop was used in round every time a shock was in JNla Bervirea'atths ehureh, boupitals, spirituality, good souse and indomitable commons aud 1,000 to the chancellor it that smoke the Court Uoiim. every euixiuy di. auo The court house, the the exhibiting this wonderful miniature near. Sparrows and redbreasts also flut- to sit and and tiixcuaa the weather unaa. m flue line buaiuetts spirit of the finest discretion oa moral of the exchequer, neither of whom had crops. 1 jü d. lu. BuaddV h liool at :. blocks that the streets, eity, and it 1 estimated that nut leas overcome and the The liquor ditensud ia Ujtln. som-fortab- tered about and seemed to Itav. A. A. fastor. the churched, the commodious and le subjects, was a inaxveL been awaro of his existence. Temple light, chmu pnluitable than 800,000 people took a peep at the their fear of men. The most excited of but and stuT. -- hotels, of which are four, Bar. iHIIHCH OF TUB (iKl) HKniFHD, there toymaktir's toil. Each of Drnukeuuess seldom occurs, and then Itnllard MolU. give the city a metropolitan air. Tbe A MlaC results of the all wore the horses. They trembled long j Kmrmal: near and Ilav. deposited a Tho Intalllfaut Voter. only iu persons who have in from (umii . CutMut. Ractur. Mervleaa at II a. salubrious climate nmkbs good the local An English, clergyman who was and these 600,000 sightseers before a shock occurred, aud some fell u. auJ o. m. iiiiuií ik'bool at 10 a. in claim as a sanitarium, bituated at congrega frano piece in the hands of th ingen- A correspondent ot The British Weekly ou kunes and sides. The don other places already the wot bo for liquor All aie euidially Invitad. denly called on to preach to a their have becu about (5,000 feet elevation, at about 3. college was unable to ious workman, the total cf the oaah had some odd experiences in a oounty howled the whole night When a shock and accidentally served with tion of students more. National Review. dofrees La seconds noith latitude, pro- peak without note and had only one thus taken in netting him a snug little council election some time ago in a ru- was near, their cries were so strange that -- Mi1") 7 O : by encircling O Kf lre cloek IU. inu tected mountains, all the sermon with him, which wa fortune. St Louis Itepublia ral district of England. "The names of they struck the ear as something not tu. IWiKttUclion,lt t p. m. conditions are perfect for the preserva- written Mr. Hook Colo- At o. MoaiH, Paator. on the duties of the married state. Tbe the candidates wore aud heard before, Loudon News. Awarded tion of health or the restoration of the nel Uolliuid. well,' a man to . physical topic was hardly one that he would have he Kaw Wfcat Tfca afeaaa. 'Ah, mid ItChest Horturi VorU'j IV.-- invalid to sound existence. The me, had expatiutiug on the TVe Vl'roa- - Boy. springs are early and winters niild, while chosen for the oooaeion, but he hoped Sally An after w are married will after I ben l'ttUantoas. . L : i n 1. - i . you keep merits of one of them, 'I dou't know An amusing tublo of a phrenologist' U Hie BMIIIHIOIB atll U.f.I bUIIIU. AUV .b that it would pass master as being ap on lovin me W love you till the cows nothing about 'Ook, and I dou't know Uilotuio is crodlUxl to John Burroughs, ILLIAM t. LOKfc.NZ, itude is the same as that of tbe north propriate by anticipation. 13ut unfurtu Urbe I'll till w ern coast ot the Gulf of Mexico, but the nately he did not .read the sermon over, coiné home, as the feller says, nothing about 'Olhtnd, but my wife's a the author and horticulturist "Here's is tempered by an elevation ot then.' go to the Dutchwoman, and bo I moan to vote for said the professor in examin- beat and so before he knew it he had uttered Sally Yaas, an down a boy," 1 Notary Public. more a mile aLjve sea. The Olluud. ' ' ' than the th's appeal, "And now m word to you grocery an let cue do all the lulikin. ing the head of the youthful BurroYtr;ha, i Cfflie at Poet Omce. air is ozonated, and the influence of the amass great wealth. All his Dllverrivj. New Mexico. Who are mothers," New York Trib OeBtle Ulna, "who will pine forests is felt like taina m in every iJtnui will be of money and money rnuk breath. The invalid who setllna bere une. Ballard's bitew Llaiiueut. Mr. Stayer Mis Perksby, they say B. CATEK, remedy ing. He will be Immensely rich aud a J-A- will find his intoreat in life reviving. Lie This invaluable is cue that light travels at the rate of lUO.SoO A. V All Be Cmld laa. will power in that liue, " trouble was, " ought to be iu everr household. It i leg "The U- Notary Publio, will mix with a brainy, cultured popu Lively," said uuana.jii-- g ed in per second. V .j 4 -i late, and in a short time will find turn "lit. the eur your KlieutuaUmu, Neuralgia Qoodneas grbciousl says Mr. Burroughs, "that bo struck "we'd like to have you draw aoine r'roaied Mia l'erkshy Self diucuaeÍDg buaitieea. He will hud it, fcoralos. Cuts, liruiaea. Hums, you afraid will overtake you the wrong boy. It's a pity he hadn't T in Lilver City National Lank thing comic Foot and Kara. Throut and trior Aren't it got of ground cheap end uiaterir.l plentiful to Sore before you get home? llrooLlyn Ea&le. gouo iu the lieit door and hold Silver City, ... New Msiico build a borne, to Lu.h purpuee the uni "Yes. sir." Chest If you have Luie liaok it will the boy there, for that boy was Jay peome making reference to the cure It ponetrate to the aat of tti COBBl.N, versal lioepitauty ot the lui! "Without it Jk. Uajiut inquiry. Ooold. We Uf.ed to go to School tcjreth AMIS i diaeiuitt. will cure Htitf Joints sod li in, and iu a abort time he will toel new woman." It She I was ia Cleveland for a weok er." Phllndoli.hia Preha. J himee.:f a Useful meuilier ot a growing "Y-ye- contracted muaclos afUr all other rein i r I" sir." ciuMi a single , ..... :.ti::::iC..::.::L3l;::.t and thriving roiumuuity. Silver City dies have fulled. Tho who have berj aud dida't ax attractive "Or the bicycle." tlii".; (Jjiiiin whole tiino. About tO per cent of clerks and skill OT.caaa ilalu 8neet, tHt-n- croip lea for yoars have Uallard's the hue a woodtMiully bright future. tuiuevi away in t ds usJ L.lxin-r- s MAI; SILVE.t CITY NEW MKXKO 11 arti.t tiuow Liuiuient auJ throvio sway their lio (soutñiily p'isoiial) How could ed own le9 than 11,000 'Vori! V.OZT riTvKLCT - lection. la fw minutes be rtumd walk as we.ll tl.i-- cf proirurty, Vll.ilo the other hulf Hie. to- Cirjm u I'uw.'. - crutchbS snd been able to that be? Dou't have mirrors iu ne Ciar i cf Votar? Puhhfl fnr C.rant roiinty, N. M. Cnp- and WiJ a sheet of ou the deck. you. ie) pnited na Onlyfioiu "'.) to Tt 1 ("r A i A I' as arar. It vwll cure Price Cleveland? Detroit (j Pnva. Imvlna tl, tj; Aniu Aluui of any 'lrrlf"iv Dr. i rVr 'n m liau-i- Price' Cresti r.Uj'j Povtdif lo r;binulioil. " k j, of rAl te J, aud timi.iit ana "I've tlrawu tp r ceuli. Sold by W. C, rortorlleld. i- FAM'.4 VU. aiU oo coLuiiiiMjiuu V.'orld fair h the.l A ui. 'iH'.'i At Tiiun regular mooting Tint territories rrniented thre. Cnrm1a to the gr-n- t S.iit I Liver Va!ly w hrro the n I S i ,. , an. rrre-sor- it hind is chr-n- sr,,l '"! , 1 M.n:o had al'le to irrignlion ia ' -- month the mayor and city council AFIIIN0T0N-- Oct ll.- - Tlin 'o nfn alnuwt "mi J. V. i. .!.? r r. I perfect. The fourth J- will hnvo to make an appointment roruiuHMon npiointed tinder tbs t.nin. The Moxicaa dolofate írrigniion com g reos PAY -i AI.L-A.- II. MACDONALD, Birnd to )ive that cngre to awict made no mialaKo. In (selor l ing 1'iioi-ni- to fill the vacancy cansol by the treaty of February 20, n-rro- awd f RormitToH, to Motí.'i) In providing means whereby they as thephic4 to lxM its dptI inoeting. death of Marshal Cnutloy. In survey and relocate the existing could K"t Hie water thai rightly liplong-e- We then wert on up to Tempe on Ihe

l(s r considering the various applica frontier line between the United to tlim h' pnor right, that flowed train, ntne ni mrt fil Phoenix. We (oint-- of Vmikpf Plrcot a furmer 1 ir i m f tions will rome before them States and Mexico r.wi tha Crandaami had been unod were met by the citieena of that y ly oornplM hr Theo. It tli" Ullor. C;ivrr Cl'.y, fJ. 11. ; rrvl)t ( 7i that resumed its fis- hn irn.nn, vty yryt ....I by f iVeli'h'nm'iredi of year city, bands of inuaio to play i to-da- Mii in bóao and invariably i they will naturally be guided by sion in this city The tTS7:X.3S. Adranca. Sf rs f fi.VioófifOirlorad' Weteset-tKl.'- j' the visitors had to get out. What did OTETB X"ojrltor the desire get the best man commission of Col. V7. J, CspiraV Silrviar--- fU.ÍOrV. t9 consists VUfn(T thirt his 'mioj! had we behold? Desnttfu) ' and gay young f,WO.' ' ' UV1RTII1!(( BTKt suitabk for the position, but,other Barlow, Lient D. Oalland and prior .lU.WIghttf'tcrVoV hurVlfed and ladies as bright and cheerful as the un tyiwi ln-- h rm tttwi . ,....., 00 things we fyt fifty' t) ü'.hVaHd v hi 'US? cr- - land ' bPlfj w ever ahcae- oa tnet and preeen-te- aoh ' Ot9 lii-'- oí nt.mtri on lriucreqnnV sincerely A.'T. Mcamott' dHxh$lf the ,'. .i.. ,A!J 'b ?r,4, ki "'," h r Mriitnm 19 ou vgVVtoair Xo.).wae deligate f I lr ...... trust that,they.!sll appoints dem United' States IVo to'i nsClUT, with a handsorowi "bouquet, If - .... , i luir in t. i r. prr Vi and8cnor..loo woWilerti ktfcalwrtt ysíScts. frr Une. ocrat insteod. of Tepuhlican Jucalo nosrfoéVieter hd been we had been thefirowned heads of the old LigUOESrid'cmAííS it.: Blanco, Don Felipe Wallo DepnsiM Rnfinited". f- takn &l ltna tilo Orande by our peo--pl world we could not hsve had bettor treat- . í.r.harge p'' - nre none democrat on Katr4 M ib toMinm.- In Hilvr City, S. M., There bnt and Don Jose Tombonal represent abo-ve- CI ment.. .. r rvoiMt ciñas rnrt,TxfBVi T rebut this Our.pople had nothing but roitr. the" apd wnW republf-er.- n , Cold AnheuMer Beer, nlwnya council, a ing Mexico. , argument we claimed that th eno-w- the praise for the manner of treattneot. we on draught DEX0CRAC1 ISD.SILTEB. applicant sliould bo so far The purpose of the commission springs unit ' the rains' were on Unela received in the Salt River Valley. Here- To tbe demócrata of Iba United Malee; ahead of Lis democratic competi- is to the land bouudary Sam's domain, and rightly belonged to tofore whenever I haj a good time, I f E. nOSENDEHG, wmler-igoe- the peiiple-o- United Tbe had to pay dearley for it, on oc- Wahhikotim, Mar .tW d tors as to make his appointment from, the Bio Grande west to the the State but this v Rio Grande ia one Continued Band reser- casion the good people gave it to us as demócrata, praneat for tout con- the ouly proper one in the public coast When the original bound- Boot ( sideration the following statement: Wa voir and the depth ia nnknown. Tbe cat- free as water. and Shoo IJaker 'if interest a democrat should un ary line was fixed in fif tle our Now we believe that tha eetvblishaiént of gold tho earlv 00 thousand bills have browsed all are riding in floe carnages Repairing neatly and promptly done A ' " of Satiufnction My 3 M tha n'nlx JÚaatarj standard and questionably bo selected. To do ties but few monuments and the shrubbery and aten tbe grass to behind gay prancing horses, Gazing guaranteed prices are tba jimt low enough to Ad- - inti-rnAti- the ground and ia nothing to bold over broad Holds. lead- the hard times. otherwise would be a public markings were left Most of them there cultured RobU Give me a call. the water bacic, and it rushna into the ing through shady Janea. Now we are L U ar money wiU meteos tbr parerrtrwnjr that our city fathers held have since disappeared. The com err trrn ftr-t-r O-- J JUM - JL" JL z I jl. canona and te lost snod. at Mesa City, nine 1 poner of íJijís, witf to tlio burJro in the reservoir miles east of Tempe. . : At-- i wj f rnin stored for tile' painless xtrKrUrv that there was no democrat avail- mission has spent about three Ut t.-- . . . .. of al debts, of the IUo Qratxkieos fewt nriles travel. We are almost lost in the multitudes of decrease tba market vaina able good enough for the place, in of all other forma of property Imrf years field work, and held their At least this ia my way of looking at the people. We were directed up a flight of - and we matter. stairs where flow- tino and increase- ta dpprea-- this are sure they neither last session' at San Diego, Cal., there were fruits and .siseas "T" , I t - --v srioti and finally reduce tha majority of believe nor would say. Does any- about one year ago. The location Our next congress will be held in ers on every side, and one of the most ...... magniflcient i tba people to financial bondage. .Wa one suppose for a moment that if of the line tloea not involve Phapnix, Arizona, in Decernter. One of dinners was awaiting us. uo, any Before we aat down rciveiers insurance believe, mo tbe most exciting subjects came to dinner, there that .party can hopa for en council To-da- y that - tha Were entirely republi- disputed territory, . the O. S.- during auocaaa t tba Utfited f'.tntei so before the congrewi was, fje plnce where were speeches made by the loading citi- IIRS. T7ARESIT. Agent, can that application of á dem- commission work', long aa It advocates' eiogJe gold stand the began" on the we would bold tbe next congress. Wis zens, welcoming us o this city and tbe rd, and that tba advocacy of auoh a ocrat would bo considered for a field notes. consin said If w'ei would hold our next valley. Our president, Mr. Moees, made NEW COHEINATIOirJOLICY; a hsndnome financial policy would ba especially dan- - moment Colonel Barlow is of the opinion congress itr U;lr aVate it would give reply. This, ptnce ta a Í?l: 0 each delegate Mormon city, and a beautiful place, but geroue to a party wbicb, like tba demo- the full report will not be com- a lake to take home with case oí Iops Rirvht ow cratic party, derives ita voting strength Two things the city council can him. But the hottent contest waa be- this letter la getting too long. In con- IJ.LJ in 'accidental death. of plete before spring. r from those who may without reproach do for this city's good. One is to tween Ihoioix,,itviiona, and Lincoln, clusion, I will say that we visited tbe two limbs. -- . . : Another Mexican boundary line . old Azteo canal and saw Nebraska, got by the old ruins. t . . . bm called the common peyiJé and by-la- w Phfen1i It hard pei-manen- , :.:: sit pnss a prohibiting its This S5.CC3 for disaWlity. point to overwhelming defeat of the commission is working on the work. Th'ttet Ktorxl:- - Pfaccnii C3; ancient race must have been an tha . pence officers from drinking while intelligent SI,Sw3 t; h-- .:i'iJq;--;".Vi..í-- . . party in 1804, to tha opposition aroused boundary orginelly fixed by the Lincoln 43. ThjUWunta Fe R. R. Co. and industrious race of peo- for loss of one oyeA . on duty (and thercforo whilo law- ple. They must penobed by the veto oX Uta Util and to gave a free exeursteo to the delegates to have in tho 550.C0 stjvige Bio Grande which is constantly River Valley. weekly indemnlfy;'p to 02 tba atill njore unanimous protest against fully bearing arms), and making the grand old Itryi of SanU Fa. Your Salt wea'7" shifting. . . . DOUBLE THESE tha issue of gold bonds aa proof that tbe their removal from office peremp- correspondent' was one of many that . We nre back in Phoenix, and will hVMim if accident tífeeraon Kailroad, leave at 2:30 p. m. for home. Costs rüo ú tsT democratic party can not ba brought to tory AFFAIRS IN COREA. took in the sights of that plaoe. One I but $50.00 per year; other mm at p rop o a rates. '.V on breaking this law; and the have not told we ih aucport ef tha gold standard pol- of tbe wonders oMNat thriving city ia a one half saw. Oh, yes, other is to require strict compli- Washington, Oct 12 Admiral we'visited the ostrich farm ' icy. reservoir dam," being .bnilt by hydraulic whore there Synopsis of 31st Annual Statement, Jan-1- , 1895. ance with the law forbidding the Carpenter, in command of the Asi- were about fifty of these birds. They Wa believe that tha money question pressure.' They torn tbe water through Total Assets, 17,064,667. 8. Total lUbllltln, 15,181,705.6. Surplus to policy toiders, U8S,961. of by citi- de- apipe are fine and plump living on alfalfa. will ba tha paramount issue in 1890, and carrying arms private atic squadron, cabled the navy againtagritelhill and it digs and - We were loaded down with fruita and will so remain until it is settled by the zens, and to hold the marshal per- partment today that ho had de- undermine- thnlll(&nd all the dirt and rock runa tbrougte-'a-1- flowers, the gifts of the good citizens of intelligence and patriotism of tha Amer- sonally responsible for its rigid spatched the gun boat Petrel, from inch pipe onto - fti the Salt River Valley. bope will ica voters. the dam. Ml- wonderful tbe amount I it enforcement If peace officers Chee Foo to Chemulpo, the sea- not be long before Arizona will add an- BOOTH & a- of MURRAY, Wa believe . that majority of the dirt and gravel that la moved In a can tirne.-TTbej- p . demócrata of tha United Btatea favor not got drunk while carrying port noarest Seoul, the capital of short e uthing left un- - other atar to our national banner. ' . arms, and private - Inno Kv . Ronl. . TO.'. ...1 , Respectfully,-- Thomas J. Clark. bimetallism and realiza that it can be citizens are Corea. The .Yorklown, , has. alr secured only by tnake sur .viaiiijrestin and pleasant. tha restoration of the forced to go unarmed, killing and ready gone to Cliemulpo. . Admir A Sound Liver Makes a Well Man. free and unlimited coinage of gold and They, fUlod'i;ua up wounding will be impossible. al Carpenter's official cable said wj fruit, and then ' Are you Bilious, Constipated or trou- silver at tha present ratio, and wa assert gave us more iji tjftkt to take away. I bled with Jaundice, llendacbe, majority has ex- Sick Bad thai tha and should affairs in Seoul are in a very dis- would to Taste in Mouth, CÜNTMAL, N. M. ercise tba right to control tba policy of It takes a long time to over- like ertgr about Santa Fe Foul Breath, Coated u Tongue, party and retain party name. turbed state, and officers of the and her people,-- will bare to pasa her Dyspepeis, Indigestion, Hot Dry tba the come the effects of a bad policy, Skin, Pain in Beck and between Dry Goods. Groceries, fíats end Ccps, Boots end Shoes Wa believe it ia tba duty of the ma- "king's party" have taken refuge reluctantly byj AJ4 p. m. we bid her tbe jority and within their power to take and the ill effects of the repudi- Shoulders, Chills and Fever, 4a If you in the United States legation good bye; and geauhed Albuquerque at have any of these symptoms, your Liver Wines, charge of tbe party organization and ated McKinley tariff are still with 8 p. Liquors and Cigars, Cutlery, etc make tha democratic party an effective building. is reported, m. When we arrived there, there ia out of order, and your blood is slowly It Admiral - being poisoned, because your Instrument in-i- of ns, as a depleted treasury has waa one of the- moat magnificent fire liver does accomplishment not act Herbine will Fine Fancy rooorles. Choice Imported California Vlnea needed reforma. Carpenter says, that the queen of works processions 'going through the properly. cure any r.,T., been showing for many months disorder of the Liver, Stomach or If you want substantial article, here they are; you want something .It ia notneceeeary thai 'democrats Corea has been assassinated. streets that I as ever been my pleasure Bom If els. baa no equal dainty ia . should aufrendertheir oonf !ctIOHSDi past However the influence of It as a .Liver and fine, tbis the place to buy it , to witness. There were two trains wait Medicine. Price 75 cents. Free trial other questions Vo' .aa. 'ac- I take the sound and farsighted demo- Paws, October 10. of ing bottlee at W. C Porterfield. nr.i tive part in tba aettleinenfof' the qnee-tio- o Minister for us. One to take part of the del cratic tariff reform law is becom which at tbia time surpasses all War Gen. Zurlinden received a egates to the Pctoe Valley, and the other Chris. Schneider ia now prepar- others in importance. We believe that ing apparent by the very practical to-da- to take those thh (Wanted to go to Phoe- and Hie of dispatch from Mojang y con ed to do all kinds of brick work, H. S. &' the raolt tbe parly ahould at nix. went to Phoenix. We saw GILLEW SÓÍ oooe assert thnmaelvee in the democrat- result of a surplus $3,000;000 in firming the news of the capture of I' stone work, plastering, mason ic party and place it on record in favor nothing extraondjqary until we came to work the public revenue for the month Antananarivo, the capital of Mad- of all kinds, jobbing, etc. of the immediate restoration of tha free the Unfion Diab,lo. A bridge , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL coinage of September. trussel Dressed or rough stone and brick and unlimited of gold and silver agascar, by the French force un- spans íu' is aboul 600 feet at tbe present legal ratio of 16 to 1, aa It .across the for sale. Leave orders at Keyes der the command of General canon, nnd you glide & 4ucb coinage existed prior to 1873, with- Thb assertion that the members over a chasm ?22 Uerndou'B corral. .. 40tf. STAPLE. AND out waiting for tbe aid or consent of any tíacUesnq,, ieer, aeep. my to FANCY GROCERIES of the liar association were prac- s The official, dispatch it made neah crawl other nation, such gold and ail ver to be a BETOHT OF THB CONDITION tically unanimous in choice look down from. j the oar window into full legal tender tor all debts, publio and their says that after a brilliant action V-- of T. IJ. Catron president, is auoh a wonderful , split in tbe lime for op Til K Hext Door to Bank. private. for Antananarivo was occupied on ' the We urge all democrats who favor the totally unwarranted. The mere mation. The paimtry is flat on both September 30.- negotia- Silver City National Bank, SILVER CITY, - . - . HEW financial policy above aet forth to associ- suggestion of his name at this Peace sides of tbe goiveand you would not - MEXICO together ate themselvea and impress Be-rib- tions with Hovas were opened - time, while laboring under us tbe know tbe. there, a hundred AT their views upon the party organization. yards awáycasas We urge all newspapers in harmony charges,that if proven would next day and successfully con .qnje($er side, of it The Silver City, In the Territory of New Mexlro, at next place of itnnqtance was FrtcoU. tliecluseul bimlneM. Kent. ÜHlli, lbV&. arith the above financial policv ;V place call for his disbarment, was ill cluded the same evening by terms ItKMOUKCKS. D .t nt tbe head of the; editorial eolumn umed. I he attempt to make the I cannot pasa hei; by without aaying Loana and diwounla TixKtt 4.1 W. C. PORTÉRF1 EL-- and assist on the immediate restoration being agreed upon, subject to rat Overdraft, floured Bnrl iittNfHMired... IDO 3A Bar association act as a shield to something about her wide awake citi V. 8. llonds to secure etrr.uUlion 12,5"') 00 Carries the largest 8tuk ft, of bimetallism. . '. .. ,; ification his professional by the French govern- zens. We wera met at the depot by the i'reniluin on U. H. Hunda A3 Mt Signed: K P Dland, Missouri; W J character was a Ktoekn, Kecuritlcit, et . I0,4i3 4 firyoa, Nebraska; H A Coffeen, Wyom misjudged and untimely venture ment Gen. Me'tzinger, second in lending citizens of. that beautiful place, biinklng-hoiMM- ), lurnltiire and flxtmes !ll,T)0 Ho Other real esUte and MiortKafieH owned 4,SNi 70 Paints. Jñ iüú(l Books, inir; Georjre V Fithian. Illinois; J T on Mr. Catron's part Albuquer- command of the French forces, put into carriages and driven all through Line from Nullmial llanka (not reserve jj Ouckrell, Texas; Ij McLauron, BKenla) Í.R-I- 40 JlndOHo. i John que Democrat the city. They are a gay clans of people . . j fi HlriA SUtionepy, 8oath Carolina; James O McGuire, Cali- was thereupon appointed govern- Due fruin Htate Hanks and bankers. .. 8,MI7 64 and have fine stepping horses aud beau Due (ioiii approved reserve atreuts 8,ia 71 Patent JAedicines, ( fornia; George Ikert, Ohio; Justin II or of Antananarivo. President Checks Items 77 J) Toilet Articles, SILVER SEYYS. tiful residences. 'tivery place and other cash 1,.1 I O J O Wbitinff, Michigan; C Snodgrnas, Ten- looked Notes ot other National Ranks iwt 00 nessee; Ueorgo F Kichardson, Michigan; Faure sent the following cable new. There. are. 'no fiiee on people Fractional paper currency, nickels and AND DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES IN New York, Oct 12. The mar- the cents 40 1 NEW MEX. M A títuiir , Arizona; A W Odgen Louis message to Gen. excep- Duchesne: "In of Prescptt. tiJ dark when we Uwiul Homy kwuvi m O ("peheart. West Virginia; W ket for silver developed an (aa BANK, VIZ: ana) i the name of all France thegovern-ment- " pulled ou t tot Phííehix'. Bpeole . ij.ivw 40 Li Moore, tuneas; II D Mney, Missis- tional degree of strength during !i..-.- oil. . notes Í.U07 00 15 087 40 sippi; W H Kyao, Missouri; B V Grady, congratulates your officers Now we are jn Phoenix. It is too Kedeinptlon fund with U.S. Treasurer, BOTTOM Mis- the week and prices advanced early per cent. 01 circulation.. tei CO PRICES. North Cirohna; Charlea F Morgan, and men. Your admirable troops to ge ubjrt tha time baa arrived, G W Kliell, South Carolina; Ed- sharply under tho influence ,of 64 souri; 11 uayiigbjt is breaking and a few of us are Total. Í1B1.474 T have deserved well of coun- ... . ward Lane, Illinois; I Dftnovan.Ohio; natural conditions which, the up. Looking jirouad, and aoross I'lour, Hay A C Irf'.imer, routb Carolina; Marshall there the Caclitnl stock paid iu Bo.nno 00 and Grain bv Wholesale and" Rotail try. France thanké you for the Hunjlus fund i l'2,6oQ 00 Arnold, Missouri; W II Dennon, Ala. fore, have deserved little atten street from our car.wa read a . sign: "Fpnishoii Undivided profits, less expenses and SILVER. CITY Al Rama; W J Tslbert, South Carolina; tion. ' rose services you rendered her and for 'foopSj'tolet.!, We looked tnxe luild... J.2P9 SO John S Williams, Mississippi; T J Htait, Bars in London National Hank notes otitstandlnf! 11,37) 00 FLOUR. the great example you have over the feuoeand under the trees and Individual deposits sul)fe4 to 70.4V1 61 Cali-fortii- given. check.. Houtb Carotins; A Caminetti, while in our market commercial Demand oertlileatea 18 Coratf I ooiinted fourteeaeota. Each cot bad a of deposit Ji Bullars W V Bowers, North Caroline; You have proved there are no ( ei tilled checks 812 00 am bars advanced and Mexican person Sleeping Ooult.'; ( s , 17g 85 Antonio Joseph, New Mexico; Evan P. It looked cosy ashler checks outstanding .. Yanklt perils or which Notes aud bills R.ouO 00 lis Jim Howell, Atlanta Constitution; J Floyd dollars J. Trading in silver cer- obstacles cannot and refresh ingX'Aa' invitation arrived Only King, of congress, of Louis tificates was active and on tbe be removed by method, courage to take breakfast at the Palace Hotel, a ' . Total $101,474 64 Excluiit Flour, Hay and Grain Start in ihi City. 11 Territory ot New Mexico, si no. ... fine, hand8ome'yhbel. -- stock exchange nearly 300,000 and coolness. You are appointed The city waa County ol Grant. (" JS&. handsomely decorated, tbe music began I, J. w. Carter, Cashier of the above-name- d K. WHITE, Prop'tr. 1-- a grand officer of the Legion bank, ounces changed hands from 67 2 of do solemnly swear that Hie above RiLYFft is rietrig rBiully and to play and the cuVizena to gather and statement Is true to the best of my knowl- 1-- Honor. Forward names without edge belief. imlica-iion- to CO 2 cents. bid us Welcomed" we and uttiatlily'iind the s Later were all W. CARTER, - present delay of those in your command J. Cashier. I r to upward seated in the nice electric street cara Subscribed and sworu to before melius an day B. MATHEWS. li" :" K. L. BLACK. nre tLal it ill 'ooatinue to The stimulus this of October, lswa. J. for rewards and the government and run all throi)g& the beautiful city R. go higlior yet. How much, movement came from Londou, James Cartkr, this of Pboenjx,iq tiajrge.a'.Salt valley. isotary 1'ublic. MATHHWglii be- will propose to parliament that River Correct Attest i 'BLACKn where operators confidently ""' " will mean to the proeperity of My pea cannot ' describe the handsome T. K. Cowwat. I SILVER CITY.'K.jM. BOX' ' lieved supplies of silver were medals be struck for distribution C. F. Chavsox, Directors. only' be'ápprel that buildings) ASeáutifuI Oiu-ici- Grant Coanty can to your troops." the gardens, the! J. W. ciaUl by thoee who lived her accumulating here, while the re- - graceful shade trees, tbe broad fields ! J Sur$,Prompt,Potit of verso was actually the case. Of of alfalfa, tba ,ft .lazy stock grazing during the prosperous times Madrid, October 10. has Curs for ImtMtsne. tete late shipments from smelters have It on 'them, tho miles of fruit orchards, ozruiius I MinkoQS, ktmlnst Advice Oiven on lreatment of Ures. ten or twelve years ago. tbe a. In been noticed recently that there nd broad fields ta. nut culture, the Elsilns, tptrais tl meantime however gold, cop- been light and receipts here have Nervsusr.sis, Sail our is sweet emelting Uowere oú eyery band;all OntrDit, Lots el Mamory, l- quite unusual activity in the will ) a CruciUo Asuay iniule by the Most EoliaUe MethtxL been small. Dy ORIEIITU per aud iron mines are improving, government dockyards dif- maue peneoi irrigation, uo one aide IflOSO. Vigorous Mm. is difficult to how at the Price It 0j. S Boies. our cattle interests are in better It understand of a ditch jou aee land in ita na ti.fjO. ferent ports of Spain. Workmen Office Main Streets , .'Uoining Treinont 'Hoiip condition than for years past, and London dealers have reached the tural state, anton the o.ther where ipB(.t,l!lrfntlnM M,I.J are refitting cruisers and gun- water has been -- applied, ia a perfect SEXUAL á decided improvement has taVen conclusion that thero was any i'h rh ax. Address boats. In addition it became garden of beáaty? The land before place in general business during large stock in New York or how Ballard Snow liniment Ci., known certain government the water ia put sjlíí .doos'nof look aa if 88 is Lucas Ave. they allowed themselves to be that . the last twelve months. officials have been discussing the it wonld auppoctniS) lizzard. Nothing PILLS ST. Louie, Ma Cocgjxotro.'.dti 23rorsxrÜ3.oIl, ianght by 6uch an error. It is re- growa on it. aooa as tlie writer question of arming steamships be- llutjf Tul hriuthen Chineo ported that a considerable amount touches iti a woodrful change takea NATIVE LUMBER i" 'iin Ions, befnj lelAaied for his of the metal has been shipped longing to the Spanish Transat- plaoe, aud the desert begins to bloom. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER In -- - ' nhrewdnebd and cunning. His abroad from San Francisco, but lantic company. It is believed There are thousands and thousands of r ',t.i. these acres n tbe Salt River Valleys of just Hough ano Dressed, latest trick is the way in which he preparations are due to the ' 11 A Pi tbe amount is not known. tbe asme kind of land. All wants ia DIVA RE, HAY A (ID anti-Chine- it GOAILl se belief there is a utilizes the laws. report ac- that possibility é Bullion dealers here water.' Wa were' told by mea living in When thinks he has lived that the United States may recog III AI7Y QUAIITITY John tive demand from manufacturers Phoenix, men of high culture and under Cilvcr City, - long enough in the United States goods, nize Cuban insurgents as standing,, that there were., two plaeea ITorr ZZczzlco. of holiday and this has ab AT THE he has himself arrested for being sorbed the floating stock. where) reservoirs ould 'be built. One illegally here. He is tried, and, on Bait River atibe, box where the river The Speaker, commenting today Tee Irrigation runs through, sparrow; osnyon per- .with Lis usual childlike and bland Conreatlon. with on the firmness of silver says: Oila, Grant County, New Meiioo, pendicular walla Uve, hundred fvet high. iiiOOVEil SiUOIil air, flüud himself unable to pro owners have "American mine . ia DoSpveg hundred wide i. . . Oct 3, 1835. It 4o feet on duce any evidence of his right to acted with extraordinary skill dur- EniroB ScHTinei,:.., . , the bottom ; sct7)s-thi- s canyon Ajn Prop. . - .Lr'lVM'K, ing the preseut year. Their ob- I thought that yftut numerous readers one hundred and nighty feet high would X ELDER, X- be a itoideut of this country, - , ' XSutCS!ir t!;,K) - "'.f- ject seem to have been to supiJy would like to know what was dona at back the water iu the valley above four- wLereuj-o- ho is sentenced to be PaCfBJBTO t .r, the market witn just enough to tba fourth irrigation congress that met teen miles' with' Bd chance for tha AtUrcba Mail order to J. El Jer, to Flowery Kingdom !ejort'd the satifjfy the requirements aud never in Albuquerque, New Meiioo, on tbe water to escape. The other place is N. M. FEcriES at tie uso of the Uuited force a sale which might cause a 16th to tbe l'J of lost month. I will as g'xxi, nd iwoJld have. a tall of Hanover, n tor. . apprehension. They lit There are ripple of here state briefly the many nice things arid fifty feet at one place. SUUj givt'rurnout one hundred f In have been rewarded for their skill re- Dlrr many visy cf btaticj a fare, but that hapiened at that congress. Tbe Such a water power can acarely be JOSE ARNOLD. a car on a by a steady recovery, and if they people of Albuquerque did everything alized, tbe aniouiiti of machinery that Ct travel eooifoiUlly in in so doing the price will Prciuc:, xrcrh'A Salt licit: government continue in their power to make us comfortable, could be operated by it would be tre- 'ticket i'H f t by the Val-le- y Clean- uoiibtlohd advance further. Japan, and th commercial club opened their mendous. In short the Salt River Clothes Altered, Poultry, beat V"'í '.. I "itu oute by too, lias lately been buying more beautiful club hull to us during our has a wuuuoiful future before it. I ed and Hcpaired. Eüttcr.rrtc." ' 1 1: ' - ver. stay. n 'I . i There were seventeen states and say to you that are without homes: go Yankle KUeel, II. ar of l'..ii. itttld a. C. Hanover, out ore ren.Iy to ship M. ToMi'h etvl rn.r n rrnsosAi,. The Killing of L. Cantlry. gottirg end r.Mttcr ol ' I xiii''-'- ' ' as p. xin n In ranri'ii'i n.:i h, mm Ion. T'o cor. Mu. I, ilc, ol briuiiurf. O. Fri-ji- 'lheinofit rrftrcttable ntTuir that hut i X. Far'iuliar v.s intiMrt on employino; between 30 Area, nkon place in Kilvor City for a long mpr.ny Is now from his rnnch on Mogollón Crek. lime tctMl urea of utirwy fk'.7 A. .ik.i acres. isit happnned on Tuns'luy evening lnht, 40 mr-n-. TCTrn.Y. T IVwAllon. cere: ir, Une! gfinin.I face ws - Jimmy Thnnits' when City Marnlinl OnnUny waw by prado ore werebnul- lv-i&- f kiih! Four tons of h'gh tnl mtvi-- l In UicV, tf, Chinese Clief, Im It. to sorn on our st.rwits on Tuo;lay J as. H. Ftf'Mr, r. Mr. Fielder had Iwn 1 from the Texna nun at Central to 1 N, K, of fw. U, T. It IllNl. 14 W. íropríetor of - - watching a game of cards in on of the smolior vi .V. ednoeday, rour the Iranhoe of Ruivey N. t B. back room of the White House and had tons more on Thursday and fivff ton rcrl.tlo Copt. W. II. W. JaniP. 21t.h Inrnntry, PeRlnnln; at nr. No. I K. f Iw. tw a to. . start! to go home. Oo his woy through moreyerterdny.. This minfinl th ad efT. Rho cor No 1. n'v.y ?-- A. l5. was over from Fort Bayard on Friday on J v. trim the bnr room he was by the City have, to" Alt" lo.1. V'hooi t'otilr, EnglísliKiíclíon. a vutil to tbe County sont. aetd joining properties, which recently cl'On'Mtt.. lrvvloc.W dccrlltfif Marshal Tbe hitter Hie IÍ.V k In I II. ni) had Wn drinking acquired by iwm, owners, are eld - bo tb. '. .CMDrd l.iv.'U.a tro, s l--f B. Ill adill-,- "' " f ' C Frit T.oá wa vm frora Ilnnover rather heavily and h a few aninutfa ml lieir.g steadily and Vfi'JJ .developed. to oilier roiiili.-- ' Good i. K. of T. fl., R. Heals at all Honrs m WoJnoi-lny- , N. vor. see'. IÍ. tl s.iia. ?:u,t Cuy M. m. orv and pmd a pleftit Mr. Fielder of "having it in for Thefnrlher drift Jiro tbe Í4 v . iv ; ty K., 4 - Mrid ix'iwi roí ft. Cist. to. vi ,,- i n y p. m. rll tb' mi nt lb is o.ct).. him." Mri Fiolder quietly dni..4d this better the min show nps, ,)t was Jbeuca J Itf a m ft, Leon., v w.t. '. 7cnc::!ndo ITavr.m io :l al- ore-bod- and assured Mr. CnntVy that he had thought that the- ip the lower i . . Avendtpir. t Leu?. Arrives Vic. Culboraon, the manftjier of iff). roitd ty asfse ' Hi . pi ,. Fl 7 ah p m able ways been a of f.rW "lAii'to" - ',' friend his. Cnntly how level of tbe Terfas would be cut off when hexc E. and W - the O. O S. cattle company, spent a day T W. TAYLORv- W. H. am, Acetit. ever ref used to accept Fielder's Word reached,-bu- t .r(1e.l rod tiearti and its and the shale was mrtead ot e or two with us last week. ARE THE sv Top of ira.inuio r'dk-- E. ana w. kept getting angrier and more exnited that the vein ha beoome richer, more 5EST II S loror. No. a. S. K Le.brtr. MAKIMS, cr.VNlT ofruatts y In II. V. í aetarraoua stone I'OJi.l Ins. ham . . . . rroi jn.ííi Lieut, and Mrs. Cnbsnis, with well he longer he talked, till finally he drew clearly defined and larger. This level 7 B. and noted a A. B. Laird , t rrnnnd srked oilecior ClGAnETTE CMOKCr.3' of I li ra I I uli 1 1 his gun and bred. Fielder then drew his is aleo now being drivei northeastwards mound stone JIUb A. h . Jtooiurer provisioned supply train and numerous whlcb cor. No S. F. Xi. -.i. k who cars to pay a little alonirtc. from .. .Liólo gun, beroro fired mor thn the enst 7,' " A Mltv MierifJ SftsisTants, are out for a camping trip on but he at Cnntlny the into tbe Grand Central with tb result Oí ttioT" rle, ATIinn ordinary trad eigarattcs will find th Ip,: . clalmauM, bwul n. Ar'il E. Sampros (A prxxla of afT llntfs tw T. X. O: A s"or the upper Gila. latter had fired a second time at him. bt show ing up the same fice body ot ore liiirt. dl.t. iW . H. I Horvevor fl. W, frórUv v. ( Both then fired several tlmss. Fieldor already de- PET Hulrliel nelt kfr T. tMxwi in that claim that has been CIGARETTES pnk ol Herimaiia tirara S. Jus. .V I (, Mr. and - at Ires (.loo... j., ouoio.iifHicr Mr. John S. Swift and fsm- was untouched, while Cantley was dead veloped in the Teifcs, Seme exceeding- an a. PRICCO A.J. 0:v .t nlMf !H"Hnr CUPERIOR TO ALL OTHER3 Theace 70 21' XV. MODCRAm 'IbomM . . lly arrived from St. Louis yesterday with bullet in I. totef.. ..!.-- f.IW three him. Mutual ly rich and very handsome specimens of Va. E. - Xtads from th Mcheit cost Cold Lea f WAtgut's Ot.o 6TAm. venina. They will stay here for a few friends who were prvwent say that Field r gold have been 'taken out in the T south end center of claim. e grown in Virginia, and are i o cor. S w. I eor. J. W. Fleming. ...';.'...... ays befo.-- going to the coast. er acted with perfect coolness, and that past few day. Arrangement are now Beta eranlte stone 4x)x tnt.Mln W -r. f.7 J. la.- Tren oner they never saw a man try avoid f round nmiked 1 B and raiwd Wm. F i mwijc.,...... t k Mr. Khd Mr. harder to being made to stock the win On a large ABSOLUTELY PURE mound nf stone I ft. hme 1 luí h Mr. Cureton, and Mr. ' which an liftOnk tree A"' a trouble that waa persistently forced on capitalizations .... t aloufrvide, from I . P. Carr? Acting kíaistmi Gooch and Misa Bunker all drove in tr Ins. dim. bl.ucd nd rnarked B. T. Í him. Uhle, Cave keeps 9-- H. heart ft M'M W 17 ft. dlst. BOARD from the Mimbre and spent Tuesday in Steve at the saloon, Mrt. M,M. Drfg3sf Prep. O tDVCATSON The corner's jury 9 Geo. W. Miles has been appointed only goods in Ha more hetiiiir available. town. sat at o'clock next the beet his line. Ihenc N. le 4 K. ( Wnw Btahm, C. Bennett morning and rendered tb following agent for the Val Verde Mining Co. and l tr . Va. 30 V. . L.rowe!l. ia arranging to have the annual assess- 160. Ton of MoonUIn bears K. and W. nftiy plaata for Ilonsa atxi Ga-r- . CUCNCILMEN lija. A. J. Clnrk left on Wednesday' verdict: The be6t public and prirato club Ieseendr ment work done on the company' nu- i rseW-- road bsrs K. K and A. TV. den. Floral piecea for wel train for hi home at Doming after at- We, the undersigned justice of 1 N. H. the - rooms city To eo. fin, w. Lo. en, also jM.!lll merous unpatented Claims. " v io the at tbe II, 1MI lrii. Ow. 1, June. tending a two Bfwuion Ootn- - peace and jury who sat upon jan. cor. Fino Altos lode, sur. rlingm, f aneraT, etc., irw;il-- day of the the inqueat White Houae. . lGtf wYa Tot ernu lmprwHlriitie tm1oI : FIRE DfARTMEKT minaionem' court. held this ninth day of October, 1895,' on Word baa heno received. her that the nent cor. 4 to7 A on ursnne at irow to' 115," k 10 M ID if a 8t Qon Robinson -- Chief Steve Uhle is an host and ris lo hinca beorí 8. V. ft the body of Charle L. Cantley, found in well known Maud & company at Mo acrb1e B- - In J.ivtt..., Ai.funt Chief Louis always makes pleasant for patrons ot dint. chiseled ivima addlllon C. 0. WhUchUl '.foreman K. H. Co Grammas, the affable and hard precinct No. 3 of it toother msrk, eetp. reTlolly d the County of Grant, gollón unexpectedly rkxted down on the Cave saloon. All brand at'rIhrMl. K'.evc fute Fomnan J. W. K. Hose t o working manager of the Eberle mine at tbe finest No beerltiRt available. VV'. F. Lorent Foreman hook and Ladder Co find that the deceased came to his death Friday night, and discharged all it men of liquor kept in stock. 41-tf- . Iheooe 8. to ti t. Fura Bred Chiclrcas" Mogollon.spent several days in town last Va. ! a' R. by reason of a gun shot wound Inflicted from both mill and miao,, with th ex- B0. To north end center of a' Week. Choice ot boot ftrahtwaty Fresh fruit at WhitehiU'B. by James B. Fielder, on the 8th day of ception of ten men whfr'Bre. being kept tine and shoe at sooth end center of survey A. aad And Sffttifirs of Frrs. Litfht Shoemaker's, 3fi-- tt station to connect work trr. Bliw;tc Lnncrshans, brown and Wbtte hug you get your Mr. McEwen, postal October A. D. 1895. at work pumping water eut of the mine too. To cor. Mo. 1, place of beginning'. If intend to put up fruit, Chas. th new For Sale. born. Black Minorca. Ac Jo E. Sheridan, and keeping the properly1 In good con- Area. cant at Robinson's , , clerk who succeeds F. B. Storey, arrived Total area of survey B. 1M1 acres. S.W. Burdick, dition. This mine baa been for year We have about 200 of t7 ere on Friday, accompanied by his wife irxun8 Location. Mr, Butiker Lm II. Cooch's and children. M. W. PoBTF.nriF.ij), past the largest and atondicst producer lioice Babbit Metal for eale at A.-éÓL-KY, UJ Is K . Vimbre ranch (with the exception of C. O. office, This survey located tn the Uarrir, of the precious metals, hv Southwestern this at reasonable ratoR. of N, t 4 and 8 W. 14 of N. E. 14 the orchard) and Is now hard at work U. II. liles who cow serves on juries Ed Dai.rymplk, Mew and 8. K. M ot N. W. 4 ol Bee. 13. T. Mexico. Of late the character of Allan II. Macdonald. 17 8., E. 14 W. on it. in Las Cruoes aa a resident of Dona Ana c w. schmidlr, the ore haa been changing and tbe mill ri nos Altos loenllnn. Givkjo, U. mS. Conlolulug acres. The O. O. S. cattle com pe n and B ru- county, spent several days in town last Isaac ing plant ha been gradually converted The Gov't Reports Magnetic variatloa Ji week. J ustice of the Pence, 1j0 to 1211. JTats ga w & Totter sold a train load of ateera from free milling ta concentrating show Royal Raking Powder Ijinpton Location. last week. The animals were loaded at Precinct No. 3. process. There is an abiulancj of ore, superior to all others. OmuinliiK i 01 acres. Cleaned D. K. Brownell, tbe bustling and And fnrtalni a portlo of the N. W. 4 immediately atter tbe verdict was 4 Deming on Friday for shipment to Da- cheery proprietor of the Southern Hotel, water and fuel on thei.'ptoperty, and so of N. K. and 8. B 14ofN. W. and rendered Mr. Fielder' examination took sbutrdownaisj Books and slates at Porter. 8ee.llM.17. 8., a, 14 W. kota. returned to town on Thursday after a while the unexpected it is place before I. ü i vena, J. P. A soon as field's. 35 tf The Location of these mines are re- Trimmed Some C'fly property waa sold for taiee business trip to Alma and Mogollón. thought improbable that id will be long corded tn the Recorder's oflWw of tbe evidence was in waa plain 1 it that dis n - j- - Orant County, New Mexico In book Sí few bidder continued... n i lu-- i '0f''tri ,.;,..D"ii'r the cussion waa unnecessary, and Mr. School supplies of every de of Mining Locations, I'agcs 238 and gu1 lion. J. N. Upton left for his ranch on Field wn postpoued the . (,. j.... "?t the till er was at ono discharged; thajuatioe Mat E. Derbyshire, ffhhk Dorsry and scription at Porterfield's. 34tf The adjoining rlnhnants are Nathan- All Clothing Cleaned by Dry ' the Mimbre on Thursday, 25th inU after attend K. B. Clark, aocdmpCnled by several mm iel Bell on the North with Tactile No. of the peace 'J. ingto the County' business at last weeks saying: Conferring of the Pallium on Area-Bisho- p IMle, the Arizona Mllilnit Do. on Steam Process. The County Commbsionera met on find from era, and with a foil óorltf of'"provisions, the Kii4 with Arlr.ona Ixxte. Cornelius meeting of the board. "I the evidence here given lliaprlle at Saeta Fe Bennett, on .the bouth name of claim Monday and Tuesday, and then, owing that an officer of the law who should blankets, tools, wagNo1' arid animals unknown. 11 Oct. 1895. have been a conservator of the peace, on Tuesday for1 Oreenlea 17th, Any and all persons e!nlmln adverse- 117 Ex. to the regrettable killing of Marshal W. C. Porterfield, one of our most act etarted tb ly any portion of said "Duos Altos" W. Overland St. Paso,Tí xai instead of fulfilling tbe duties of his of- mining i61Btríóí', expect ''Lanirslon" Lodes. Mine or sur- - Ca alley, adjourned till a later date. ive and prosperous business men, return mountain They For this occasion one cent a mile tick ' and fice end maintaining the peace himself, f (troucul. are to file ets ( mileage) anl. ice required their ed on Friday from a successful business nas made a breucn ot the peace and to be there till the Ne'Tear doing the ttound trio will be on adverse claims with the KelU;r of The city council haa filled tne vacant developement ton - troin Oct. loth to lith inclusive good to the United Rutes Land Onice at I M. M. MOUGAN, trip to the Mogollona. com mn tea a uenaiy assault upon a pri work the numerous, Cruces. In County of Dona Ana '"' return Oct 22ud, for the marshalaliip by the temporary appoint vate ana, wnne so doing, was looking fare round trip Sixty days' period of publi- citizen ne 'gold clanris which they $7.30 There wilt be present many of during the D. regular ap- by 1 - cation hereof, or they will be barred ment of P. Carr, until a Lieut. Nelson left Fort Bayard on killed said citizen in self defense. . I bold there - - Watchmaker I Jeweler, can find nothing the evidence upon tbe church dignitaries from various by virtue of the provisions el tbe pointment can be made at the meeting Thursday to inspect hay Las in - at Cruces. parts of the United States includinir eiaiutes. Alt given to- Repairs snj wnicn lo noia tne accused. Tbe de Candy ETery Day John D. Bbva, Register. attention on Not. 2nd. v En route he spent a few days at El Paso fendant is discharged." Fresh at Rose's. uardioai uiuoona ot isnltiraore. Satlsfactlotv Caartnteecr. II. M.Steckeii, Agent. 1 tot On Sunday morning next, the aeriea of looking up the beauties of that pretty General regret has been expressed tor Al mitehltl'i fruit Starrtf, fllLVEB CfTf by Rev. on burg. Silver Social Club will .give a special diacoursea Edward S. Crosa, poor Cantley, who on the whole had SKJJIAL TRlUMrUS tVO.X. CommUsloner's Sale the "Saint and Ileroee of the Christian dance on Friday, Oct, 2ótu- Ticket ad li. P. Hart, one of the moet genial and made a most excellent offiuer; and deep by that certain firm! decree In Churob," will beconlintiedthe eubject mitting gentleman, andjady, one dollar. Whereas, made by the district court of Die Sishop. beet liked men in Grant county, spent a sympathy ia felt both for Mr. Fielder, at Dy Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powde hlrd ol me territory ol New Baxter Apply to Baxter : B,isrtQp .Secy., Poet Judicial district EctAi) boing 'Joau of Arc, the Deliverer iot the unfortunate part which he was Two triumnhs Mexico, within and for the County of Grant, rTHotcssle sad Dealer ta ftew days here last week visiting hia - 2-- sienal hsve been achiev France." All are cordially invited. Office. .v... :T oí J,- ed by and duly entered of record In said court on the - - Confectíonery friends before finally closing out hi cat- forced to take, and also tor the dead Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. ivtinaayoi reoruary, A. u. mws, iu cause no. Fruits and ' Highest Di- iwi, Iu which cauve John Leach, Hharp, marshal's widow and daughter. The v r ' t irst it received Award and C Cigars, Tcbacco, Notions, etc. J. P. Y;SSerhaa 0aniifd and ia no tle busmen .nd removing to New York Lettar"XÍál ploma at the World'a Columbian Krpoei coree neníame ana t imries nnoeieidt are - toachYTg claaa tlTe funeral took place on Thursday complainants, and the Mountain Key Mining a Spanish and invitee after The following is a Iisi of' the' Uncalled tion of K'JX Next it secured Highest Comnny, a corporation, la defendant. It was Boors, Stationery aad reriotbcsui el alt Kinds, Capt. Wm L. Fitcher; of the 8 h In noon attention of the publio to the neoeosity under the auspices of tbe Knights for letters bow held jn the Silver City Award and Gold Medal at the California ordered and adjudged and decreed that the SILVER CITY, - - WEW MEX. fantry, is at Fort Bayard from Washakie, ot to Midwinter Fair of 1804. At both Fair Mountain Key Mill building ana premises Here of learning thia language. Ratea 13.00 Pythias, which orger as well as of postoffloe, October, 14, 1893: ' ' inafter described, be aold to satisfy tlie resiwct-Iv- Wyoming; having been oalled down here it aurpsseed al) competitor in every re llena uon the same, granted by sard decree per month; 5 leaaons per woek for the Improved Order ot Red Men and ' by the severe illness of his Gen Brannin E tínlciTsüela Felio spect. .Tbe award, in each instance,' was to tlie several complainants above named, to term of 6 month. father. tbe Ancient Order of United Workmen, lor strongest leavening power, perfect wit: the lien of said complainant C. Eharp, for eral Pitcher. Cain A Noll Fanning John the sum of One hundred and two dollars the marshal had belonged. purity and general twenty-fiv- e -- excellence. It was and cents; the Hen of aald John Geo. Abercrombie, Manager of Gonzale "ÓüuMilea x the In Salome Luisa sustained by the unanimous vote of Leach for the aura of Ninety-si- dollars; tlie connection with tbia sad affair it " the N, ranuh in the Mogollona, committed B. law Hannon Robt. ' Joí'fíack udL'ea. lieu of said Oeorge fevhiahle for I ha sum of American Restavirart II. FurgusBon,one of the ablest Ninety one iwcniy-nv- e was positively astounding to read the v dollars and cents auicide a couple of week ago. lie went yers, most successful mining men, and Lopez Tue 2 "fcc'hnTí Felipe The victory at Chicago establishes the the lien of said Charles Hhoefeldt for the sum numerous and lengthy telegram sent of Elithtv one dollars, will) on said sev outside the house, placed &he muzzle of Martinez Jose ' nMÍJrtitpz Augelita supremacy of Dr. Price's as 'The Fore- Interest IN THE popular gentlemen in the Territory, came out which were as false as they could most Baking Powder in the World." eral sums iroin tne ante oi saia decree 10 loadod Wincheetfcr 'to hi mouth, and in op Sunday evening's train on a flying Washington Mra. Ka.'Ul - J the date of sale at six per cent per well be. In some cases the only state- The triumph nt San Francisco confirms annum and costs or suit, including the sum : blew the top of his bead off. It ia report- anent important business. Please say 'Advertised,' when asking and emphasize it. 01 une nunnieu ooiinrs graiiieo to coirrnmin SkcUy Buildinij trip ment ' made in them that was not the ' 3 ' ants' solicitor for their er,éj..i In said canse tial"1;,. : 6..: .. ed family trouble caused "his' rash for above letters. ' - that the and the sum of One hundred dollars coinpeiixa- ' exact reverse of tbe truth waa that of Or. BroadWau; ' deed. C F. Grayson, of the Silver City A. Skelly,' tlon allowed as mauler's ices therein. And - L. Postmaster. Ore special "ett(4 ,1 ;.. . National Bank, on Friday tor Cantley's death. Notico to Shippers. wheress the riiilcrMioied was aooointed It is cow announoed that the expected left St. eommlHsloner in chancery to make such sale by Louia and Chicago. He expect to be Iré Orea By shipping your ores to tbe Statc the decretal order aforetwid. Now, therefore, I, First claaa Meali" fctr ají tonrs.' changes in the time card on the Santa Resolution of Sympathy. Ore Sampling Co., you can obtain the the undcmlirned special eommlnsloniT, do will gone about a couple of weeks. On hia Furnished in ony quantity; write for highest price paid in publio market, hereby give notice tinder and by virtue of said clean. Fe road not take place till Tuesday, a the necree, mat on weniiesnuy, inn nay 01 Everything nice and will accompanied by Mra Wherkas misfortune moet deplora s 29th insU The Harvey eatiDg house at return he be pnoeio lv. ti. iowoomo, Ageni. togethor with a careful and accurate October, A, U. between the koio-- of 9 Grayson. ble and unexpected has called from our P. O. Box 502, bilifer City, N. M. sample, as with our new mill and im o clock a. in. and 3 o'clock p. m. of sain day Rincón expecta to open its dining-roo- proved we lie I ore the court house door In the town of Silver midst Brother Charlea L. Cantley, P. M. machinery are able to give Itv. In the ( oiinlv of I. runt and lerrltotv of on day. Heretofore all change in you liUfc" HIori-HHl- - that Mesara. J. T. Graham, Hugh IL Price W., late marshal ot Silver City, and If want a fan and perrect aatiafaction to all shippers. New Mexico I will sell al public ven THE 10c STORE- the time of running traína have been and Max Schutz, heavy stockholder in cro' to llie ,White lIouBe, Write for our Pocket Reference Book. due to the highest snd best bidder for cash, the Whereas at the time of his decease Ship your ore and address all communi Mouulain Key Aim building, machinery and I sell FOB CASH only, cheaper made on Sundaya, but thia time the exceedingly valuable tnioe, Con Bell & IIarvey,J proprietors. IGtl appurtenance thereunto belonging and the that tbe he waa member in good atanding of cations to the Statc Obb sUmpunsí Co. land on which the same Is situated with a space than anybody ta town change will be made during the week. fidence, left here on Friday morning' itbotti the atone ihlirai'ittg a tract of about Silver City Lodge No. 1, Ancient Order Denver, Colo. silit- New ' aores reuulred for the oonvenlent use and Ury Goods, Glaccware, Tb railroad carpenter gang left here train for Denver, accompanied by their of United Workmen, and Hné" ol: lilauli books at TlnWai-e-j and notions) o ;c . Application For ratent. . necessary sol i oi tor, T. F. Conway, Esq. Porterfield'si .jJ 5t. and in the oiwratlon of snld Mill as Oootis every week. will oü Friday. The .new railroad station Whereas the undersigned committee deeoiiried In said decree. Bald Mill building . New arrive It building ia not quite finished, there hav ha been duly ohoeea by said lodge to , Ko. fto. and preuilnes being siluatcd on Bear t reck pay yoa to set? them. Quite number of the resident of our When Vriur work "'fa' doné ero to about one mile and a half west from the town log been not quite enough material on draft appropriate resolution ot respect U. S. I.ANn Ornen. I of Pinos Altos in the Count v of Orant Al 11 JO IN HT Id I IT JIKOS, flourishing neighboring town of Pino the White UoüMtóf á little fun. Lnj Crores, New Mexico, October I J, IBM. I and Territirry of New Mexico. A deed will he 0 hand to oomplete it; but half a day's for the deceased brother, be it - i,-- - . executed to the piirchiotera of aald property Broadway, City. Altos spent Thursday here. Among ; 16tf NTOTICI IS HEREBY OIVEV that Thou W. - Biivsr work can make it ready for ose. Some Resolved, that it ia with deep aod XN Colih. whoia I'oHtofllre a(1lnHii fa hiiltaa and prenotes by thti sit ial cnmmlviloncr alore- others were Noah Climo and family, City. HUtls ol WaslihiKUMi, by fMiinr hi. onun. saia, tuoeci 10 tne approval 01 tne court. regret , K Yi wonder ha been expressed that the bag sad that this lodge baa lost a true W. C. Porterfield carnea a com ma lut-i- f RAS J. RIIIKT. Frank Daley, John Ogletby, Tom Auorncy in wiiim i'tiuii!i-- anurrs 37 St gage room ahould not have been made and faithful member, who ha been plete of school books Is Silver City, O rant County, New Mexico, hut Miwclal Commissioner, Thomas, Cha. Fox, Mike Haggerty, supply 3il tills dny Oled hi apiillcation lor a patent tor 1 .'- ; R. larger. It too small for the business. kind father, good and trua husband, and . ' trrflr ( Iu lineal' Iwt ol tlie 'J'uioi Alto" lude or Go to the Cave aaloon tor a class of J. HICKS, Willliam ManaHeld, John Head, Pat u an honest citizen. Steve Uhle' new saloon Cave. vela and llov linear luet ol lh "LanKnton" fresh Anheuser beer. 4'Jtf A vocal quartette club ha been or Mullen and Noah Climo. the lode or vein, bcarlnu (iolil and Hllver Willi sur (Snceracor to J. A. Kemails) Resolved, that we deeply sympathize ltf. Iw-- grmiiul luo feet In wliltli, allimttid III fhim ganized here with Mis Lyda Molntoeh Miiiluir DlHtrlct, County ol Orant and Mrs. Guon, who aa Miss Winnie Burt with hia affectionate and noble hearted iltin ol New Mexico and dcltrnatrd by the VVM. STEVENS, a soprano; Mis Maud Knuokey, alto School Books by the cord at Held notes and ofholal pint oo tile In tlil wlice was one of Silver City' bell a few years widow in thia, her hour of dire dint res . 1 17 Ilausor, tenor; and . L. O&kos, lot nuinlier 7.7 A & II. low uiliiu S nxos XTJAJ Ga Portcrfield's. . '.. . 33 tf iUuko 14 w. of Ji.iie and Mcnntan ot ago, took prize for horseback riding and suffering. ' base. Proulluing haa begun, apd before tbe r ii new exico. stiiu ixh nil. w A u uellix ue 1 1 society flora Resolved, that sense ot scribed aa follows, lt: long our people1lhave the 'pleasure at i contest at the fete held it is the this Dr. Plica's Creará Baklno; Powder at Kansas City lately. Mis Burt was one fraternal order to aid and assist bis De.wrlptloa ot Survey No. 37 A. of hearinj some most egrteable musia World' Fair f.Uhut SUdal sa4 Diploaja. feet IVKlmilnp; at cor. No I Lor. Cor. also of most graceful bout widow In every way compatible - '1 may develop the and lady ridors with the the . a. cor. of (4ie "LhiikIou" lolf The club into a doubl Porterfield's, Tiioinaa W.Colib, clAlioant, on solid Select Stock in Grant Count, ao that her auocesa was teaching and object ot said order, and School spppliot - of quartette later on. . .ramie IoIkb Iii la- clilwled the no surprise to her friends here. to that end will with alacrity and cheer rock tn pliue A. and raix-- a ftnoi A.'ios. Ktm KtxlcQ. Sir. and Mrs. Ueo, bell, son mound of nuiiie t II. bute 111 ft. liiul Tatclies.Jcelry their fulness expedite the payment of the ben Clothing made to 4asure at Shoe aloiiKnlile from which the N. K. cor. of U, Towu 17 8., K.ilik'C It W. ol liarry, ana mesar. ixerD fiiariyr ana u. In tbe departure of Mr. and Mra. eflciary allowance due her a widow of - jo-i- r. srcllou maker. mi'.ih tlie New Mexico prlucltul basA and 'r Gilvcmaro ó E. DURLINGAMCS and L. Morgan, returned on Saturday from Storey Silver City lose two of peo said bears N.6-o- K. 2,04 (t. C the deceased. ncrldisn CHCMiCAL shooting and fUhing in. ple who have done much to Newl ine of bfise, ball Cods at Slit. A Juinoer Uee ia Ins. "Iim i nn a 1 rtrPfrT! CAiuiirsu. their triu the make it Resolved, that a copy of. these reso ' ' blazed Mid marked B. 1. A LABoftATony Mogollón. Among things, their bright and pleasant socially during published Porterfie 15tL lmjíl (U-- 5 K. 4 1ft it 1st. AMAr urriwii ar "Watch llepairing aapecialty other tbe lution be in each of the Sil 30 MaVed BsUbllib4 la Colorado. IU. Saaiple by mall Fino A Juuiiwr stump in. diain. alieutkoav and twenty-fiv- e Mr. 1 WOT will rMlra prompt aad careful bng included four deer past two or three year. Storey' ver City paper and in the A. O. U. W, and niaikcii II. T. A. beuisM xirea Engraving amlJewelry Work ; Porterfield has the best assort T SO K. A 4 ft. dlt-Theu- turky. They Lad royal good time industry, ability and kindness have done Record published 14-- ' GOLD AND SILVER BULLION at Denver, Colorado. city. 14 N. K. Dono. came back hardy and to postal M. ment of stationery iii the tf Va. XV to E.,4, McHsd aad Accaycd cr Parchstaw. and to sunburnt, much make tbe local seryioe E. Yoimo, . i ,i conree K COLO, N. M they find to eQ'.oient 3. Arizona finlch. avrnd Acatos. I7ré rnrnt 17 SL. Er.WES, IPullard St. SilverCity, vigorous that it hard settle during his residence here, and A. G. Hood, O. C. Shoemaker eicjuuiv agent for tn. lira, ed Koad, bears fc. and W UfSKl .4 Off . 9 again. . . iL. II . Ml. (niul. d Komi, K. and W down to civilization , his work has been fully aopreciated by J. J. Bell, iuo mutermil.. nau ü - - - Mt-- To cor. to. M. K. Luc eor. the public. Is with teelioK of per Committee. Drop in as you pass and take a Took at It The cboiccBt wiáfa: ünuors and flelsOrsnlte Ins. xa In tt lli wood-eaver- sonal .regret that Mr. and Mrs. Storey's armuid marked rf?A. and rlit-- a the greatest mad Ttie . cigars, the most skilled bartenders nana 11 mauy friends here saw them go. They Klnlng aid Killing-- Inouutl ol sume I ll l 11 ui Kfjm.Urrl at T!iili!nonV al Bloiiu iae,( rom winch cor. No. 4, sur. Tut etiiit and the warmest "welcome lor hnle. Minlnic - 4 tí I have moved to Crestline, Crawford METAL MARKET. ArUoua Amona t'o st a M at the ' - claiiiutiits bears U. U"U1 W. i.a It. dial. The profriK!oual men are making Mr, 20, County, Ohio; from which place A JuulN!r tree In. dlntu. bhixed M jr v m ml Bar silver..... Whitk Hodbe. 1GU H. W7 H V" sort of May moving this week. II. Storey will have run to Pittsburg, and lunrked 1. IwaiS U the Lead . . . 3.1 : - - . W. M.7 ft disl. Esq., has tuoved library i l'ickett, his law over the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne it Chi Copper 12.00 If you want anytliinp: iu urugs, Thence N. 70 23 W. tip to Lis private residence, where v. iraj'fr, SILVER CITY, f4EW MEX. cago railroad. rue Moroiiun country tías lor years Ktationery or suudriea ira. to Por 10, To north end ceuler of ehtim also the will baye his oflice ia the Dra. south of l'Hclllti ho future. terfield's. ; , 31tf rod center te The party of Navajo Indians which been locally celebrated as the richest, kxle. Nalli&nlel Hell cl.ililiKnL uuvir William & Gilbert have moved vt'Ved. Mution lo work to largest and moat permanent camp in Latest ty lea aua-corn- t shape in and coniic l Having leased the Tiuimer IIjum, I have thoroughly cloaned and rcocaiej above Jackson's drug atore. And Dis was killing deer and beeve In th M. locor.No. a, N. W. Ic. eor. also John U, utou's u'-- audaoit hats n, VY. So. Mogollón mountain eotns weeks ago baa New Mexico, and a very practical proof btf i the cor. of the I'actte the aanie, and Invite the patronage of the publio. Itooms hrge aud fuf" trict Attorney liar!!"! haa moved into the bbotiiiiuuar a. , , , PU'W- - knle. of tbi haa recently been given by th r r tiel a Orunlte stone 1(1x10x6 In. 2 S I nlahed. rooms in the Broadway block Y&oated gon back to the reservation. Lieut. . a reood in&ikd a 7 A. and iied Awl-ca- Maud 8. and Little Fannie mines raising K:Lool itfkika.' enor.ces 1 tliemipsrviaiotiof a by Dr. Williams A Qilbert. Jenks and tbe detachment of I. troop, 'sktu&' luouiiU of alone tl. Im I I ft. Mi'h ísoi"!.ir a Irof.v'iormt who wont the wage ot their miner 25 cents pens, tKüicila, pnpt-r- ind in fact alui((ilile, lloul wliU'll a Jlllile'r lie Vi-ct- OXtit'.Z' i A t-- let cavalry, after the Indian S In. Ulain. biured and nuil ked B. i SUNDAY The (silver City Social club mat at O. found they bad !rnjy home. ,fi day. everything ' iu tL hud-'O- l sclnxii 11.11. beats a. tl" U h. 21 tli CJALTY. tone . s.'"-- ii C. Ilinmati' J lace of busiues on Tues sufilcWint fori of cavalry should b 1(X) by euri'lit'a at I arterauM oil: A Jiiulocr tree In. iIihiii. Mtieif an About men are now employed ,t AV. day eveuir-- ldt, arid reorsiimied for th f U ; lonik. ec f k'l A. Iwats Is. be W S. Burdiclc, Prop kept oa or .'.mi tLe nervation to pre the Confldtiuoe mining company at Gra ! H UIhI. season. W. IL owoomb ws pros ' . W. elocted vent these anouuliy ruoiuriiig ru'Ja be- ham.- - liKi.ius I8M' llooma fuinítil ed or uníuruibli Va-i-r K. Won. Laiiure vice preiJent; Later ing made on Soutbwnttra cutlla-rr.B- socretary The Ivanhoe smelter has got in nine ed. 40. t.rn.1,-,- K. and V. .1 op, and treasurer! and J. property. Iudisns wure oS '.' C Thee : MÍ-CO-. rt;1fÍRBE!í, rond l.t iin K. Knd W . Old L, JXHillc: A V t carloads ot ook and blew ia apuin on I'. v4 Bheridan,ergarit-a- aru. It was ie-)- l tbe reservation without pnasus or per- J. Ait,"ii r.,1. h eoitiite K. crnd Wednesday. The company baa, too. no Ileal l'..'l ami liiBiirance Agent To e..r. No. 4. ctr. wím N. W.eor d to get up a public dance for nent Fri mit of any kind. They bare done tbe ol "ltni; .i.!n ' I,.--. on Uuini, Iíoim es- - 1 :,!i 1, day Bveuluif, inet.nnd t i charge 1 suff.cieut good lime to keep them goin Ih.tMe Ui e.l..',.i! l JOim , J.03wT0LBfrrci same pant. 1. cvniule Ua t) tuiiowii Itiing regularly iur yeuis ro,ii Kec lir III I, lit, e, ii a for prudent, and team are on . , the aain scboo Hole of x M V. 4 nu-ht- They kaow tLy acting illegally. Co to roiterliuld's for In'.o r.oo.ii V l'riduy iiint., the aie 1 ' I. il I I Pi rful th road from Pino Alt-j-s hauling f:oi'i p.r e r. No. 4. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE S" bo Oft 31tf - l lrivt tluo dam i s Will U m ana will The ranchmen are entil'nd to protection 5 ... N lo- el h. ll. n, .1 r.i - a mouiol le hell every ore -- 1 nfu, ore and concuiitruted. of lone k II. I I 1 a ft l h a.oi rulr for ttifir property as woii as tlmr lives. o n .' n Ail.. Top Iltik'a'ies, Curls and fii It r - t S! !c. ic ftintfle niul tliUl, t (ItU;; ' 'ií.fcilk- IV Bil l t r of clival' r''. 1 ii:'l :iI And the govcii.iiKMit ahould riiuiutuiii a South mestura Oml A. Iron Co, '1 llenen Iiühi l,á tor. 4 ilny, wei k or uioi.Im. JKinn, iiiulmmi,! turros At, . Ohrwtma ikhen tb uuceit will Tie at .;ri:, .Id's. lJtf. .r tn .hico ou of tli-- t sul'iciout force cf troop to eufort.e iU has put soinu ii'oa to work agaia ou it fn sr; take ti.e li!M a. k tr TiL-to- 11" JO E. m.. . v4 t.t w 1 al v;. las aiid protect iUciUic. i aud Irou ISoUoiu iron cluiiim at F'5,i.ttl..l drink t the CV. Ctf UaI.. TS r.lM of tlie CLIMATE. THE Alt T 01' MARCUS. - Home ynnr- n;ro t1' nutivci nenr Il "N CM ( ')l!t:i" I!, " CI '!' t ll'lltc,! a wonderful A R6l" of OnMnr.r I If" Milfdlf F- - to tlio of dm K'i. ly of J'nMi'i give tf ! '.';. ni f to l'rIMi. I A QUAKER HOOS'.Efl WHO COULD croritnre Umt tlu'y d'Hitod hil lwen An A ti e. v .'i ly Ir. l!i'l Iyr nii'l fir. , TliO 13 sailing hcuvi-ns- hut enKterprr, brrd anl Ihitti nt fea F. II. UUbard, t blowing: PAINT OR MAKE A MATCH. font thron;! tho J. nj''nt the -a level, hn a Very of 1 !irt ( hid drn"i into tiio s- end remained triune lVa thuf One of tin wns l.iirty info'-m- I Ji ifc n tliote for many yars swimming noar of his country which i et a cloud eettnitl firm of conferí ionr ts eliro'ld, CoatA Advertisement hcig'.it, anri ho hn.i s nrocly rly BtrSKtlra Tllh a Tln That the shore. After a htrtg mMUV.h. and much eny ronecp. V'lio dill a heavy fa'lo in viilnnt, V hirlj tion of the governing of such a fm-ni- onfec-tion.-i- y, It HnpprMd On t III IM Inquiry, a m icntlst discovered that this climate they used In viirions for a f section. uuijiiii vüu yj i i v. i vía Ftr tnrHi How 11a Brovght so called celestial monster was a Jfdly- - Tbe rnroly ti'durefono annals irvl a lnrKO sn!o fur 1 lu ir .vdh'tit Iwn Abt to Hip? ileli of a moat remarkable sort. It had the tourist, hikI he given hnrdly a pIihIIr in fix t, thnt they sold tlmm iu j Uarrlac. thoriRht, tentacles over 800 foot long, and an snrely net a serions one, to the London fi-- more Minn thy p ivo for tho ' of set One the unique chnractirs of the normons head, thnt glowed like an in- liifh nltltu'le through which he whole walnnls, llin shel!s being tt-- I in state 4 Warms Mote, the vtran Qua- candescent light The tentacles shone pnRHos. Rilnlti'irilinir ground cinnamon. Tin ker ertlt Richmond. He 1 now 78 with a phosphorescent gleam and light- Tho Adirondncks hsvp sccoiiiplihlied microscopio dotation t;f pfwdernd wal- W. S. ItANUIL yenra if pe very feeble. Fila WOTKlcTfnl temporary healings and it up tlie sea ir a long distance. At and nut shells in ground ciiinmuon is not d ed f A 5.M. bap-pene- flivnrrn fniiM, ntetuory of things that h hie rvires for ewrtnln pulmonary in- - O. Inn. length one cf tlie creature washed difficult to a skilled observer, but an FrMiriiwe Hecnrrul uuniy. yet bmionVhil rewults í loi, ytmth Mid prime Is kern end true, but atbore and was carefully stndted by tbe trotibles, their do exeí iciK-- mle.rnsivipigt niiKht well be1 Te day pess not in extent with those of can-full- the uts of the m the lum- ttuluruÜHt. was supposed that a comet. roninre Out minled if he did not very stndy c! i It - We in all inar cVnuJu. It was he vrbo firt defir-- which had appetred in the heavens and section which lies at sn altitmle vary- both stt not nres. ThnaiiHlytlcal chemista rtllti Snrl ttorr the Cnukí antipathy to art In oil and disappeared afterward, w connected in I2ST ii g from 8,600 to 8,000 feet above the whose pntwxr we quota have mails anal 1.r:.u.1.-.- l V H on soenr-- sea, aa ory any et tr. brush, and ho the prtition which the minds of this inmginntlve people known the litgi ami Hochy yse of cinnamon and gronnd walnut Bi'i""l. rl.O'ii caused tbe legislature to provide that Mountain belt, whose henrt is Colorado, I1! ill-- - AMtl i with the lellyfUh. There are scores of shells in order to provide data for the htstlilrd pnblto schools of Indiana should From a eompiu-ativ- weath tie ,j the phosphoresceut creature in the depths sttitical detection of this form of adulUTation. be'h Jaws teach drawing. Tbe petition waa pre- of the ocean, many of which have never er niireen report little iilea could be London Nows. i Vil sented by Senator Batter, elnoe some formed of this climate, for in these com- been described, of them being so hicn-a- n V ñ nn years previously Qua- parative statements the dry and rnrifled All o( lll hli Two tlie remarkable that accurate accounts of Lbor4 With tha Clear Store Iammr. or iiU SO ou iHilllJaws. l:n(vrlw ker artist bad secured the teaching of them would tax the credulity of simple condition of the air is not fully appre Thoro are people who, when they pet ear. drawing la the pntlio school cf Rich folk. New York Ledger. ciated. The dominant feature of this an idea in their heads, keep it there for- mond by ordinance. hlKQ altitude is light, dry and electrical ever. An old Portland lady has been MtirrTis Mote's talent wss born with Mm. ralilt Mada Wrth Famoas. atmosphere, with its abnndant sminhlne talking against the tobacco habit for him. It la (aid of him thnt when only It is not generally known that Worth and clear weather. This is true of all yeors and never loses an opportunity to t years old Lia mother enmo home owed hi fiist introduction to Fmpress seasons at the 6,000 foot level, or whilo improM upon unfortunates the folly of from nectlng one day and found him Eugenie to Mme. Octave euillet, then, rnin falls in torrent for an bonr nearly tlie habit She is a bit nearsighted, and Til, BRAHM. foot- every day during May, June, July and y scratching a rode picture on the as now, one of the most charming wom she nearly oonmlsed hx.kers on ycnUir-d- AuiitlkniiU biAijtj board of the bedstead with a piece of en in Paris. Fouillu't, then at the begin AnguFt, the snn always shines tbe refit when she stoppcxl in front of the on right honl-ilfi- r.t charcoal. Tbe (juakcrs held that paint- ning of his great career, bad just won of the dny, and ten minutos after the odd little figure at the door o? Fish's ing wae of the devil and aavorod of the henrt of tbe empress by writing for rain has ceased tho anndy roads are dry cigar store and began to argue with it Horse branj boy waa and the air does not retain moist nre. idolatry. The rebuked, with a theatricals d about the harmfnlnoss of smoking. The H ber private "Les Portraits $$$$$ drop on left ilioniii.n remark, "I do believe this misohlcf Marquise," which his royal patron A VjOiA After those months not a of water explosion came when, in her cal, she la in 3J on was born In tbe " took the principal part, but which was falls from the cloudless sky, and snow- reached out and tried to take the mock KariRS Vibile. There waa no relenting aa tbe Ind so cleverly constructed that none of the storms ate few and light cigar away from him that she might water Creek. mercury occasionally drops to SO u grew up and the propensity to draw The Perhaps she Is other characters was allowed the slight- throw it into the street iKl)t Vtliuewalur iMtnnn. and pahit dereluped. lie waa forbidden est liberties with tbe person of the em degrees below aero during winter nights right, bnt she certainly is overrealoua. 00 Ttwt Omc Adilrpg, SilTer Cltj, If. M to indulge bis talent, bat be ooald not press. Boon after this More. Fouillet and rises to degrees in the shade the Portland Express. ! following morning, while iu summer. be repressed. It U evtJtuit that bad be dined at the Tollerles, and Engcnie !0 Sooi Soní no! fa- iuosi Answer. met with encouragement and aid, complimented her upon her and although a blanket is always a nightly inulnf itead of rebuke, fame and fortune won Id necessity, the thorniomoter often regis- The following anecdote is from awked the name of her dressmaker, Hnr, East Bur bare crowned the artlit with their rich "Tour majesty, it is a man an Eng ters 90 degrees during tho day and the "Glances at Oreat and Little Men," by sun is always These : "A MonnUIn est laurel. Aa it waa Marcos had to II huían. Ilia name is W orth, an hettt of the intense. Paladin fourmllas extremes aro mnch less keenly felt than fanny v take to tbe woods for bia colora. The baa only been in Paria a little while A lady of the conrt told me a north of Silver Cltf print ariee be derived front red root, or they would be at sea level, owing to the anecdote of one of the numerous Ameri I replied Mmo. Fenillet i"lvv44vv4"5' I Tuile-rie- s. P. O. Addr(, from red ink. the yellows from yellow 'He knows how to design a woman's drynooa of the air. cana who were presen tod at the rout, and fur bluo bo waa obliged to con ," said the empress critically. It is a region of out of door life, He was a young man, and the cm- - IKRANK 8ILVEAR. tent hi mee If with bluing from bis moth 'Yon must send him here. whore regaining of health is a business. psrnr bod known his futhcr iu America, et's washing tab. So the lilao drexs of the playwright's Thousands of beings, whose existeuae so the latter, wishing to be gracious, "The only stealing I have ever done," wife made the fortune of Worth. Paris would be measured by woeks if they re said: vit-i- - be said to a Journal reporter, "waa In Letter. turned to the dampness of so level, "Et, monsieur, Totre pore, l en- taking bluing from my mother's bluing here are well and active. It is true that ooreT" (Doesf our father yet live?) NEGRITA CATTLE CO. bag. For brushes I used the hair In the A Haa lnnm some cafes of pulmouary troublo aro not "Pas encore, sire." (Not yet, sire.) Coonejr, N. Jt. squirrel's tail, and I used to accompany The meanest man I ever saw, " re benefited at tlie 0,000 foot elevation, The emperor had much ado to refrain Banes Rant sida either tho disease has advanced so laughing put his next ques Mogollón ni o u n my father when banting so aa to got the marked the Reflective Lounger, "lived but from and íjiIih, oa Negrita taila for my painting. At first all my down in New Jersey. far that the invalid conld not live more tion in English. creek. work was done with the pen. When I 'He was caught out in ft thunder-- than a fow weeks in any climate, or be Additional rnit Mother's Batter. trlanuli, rail left secured my first bos of water colors I shower one day and lightning stmck is affected with some heart trouble. Senator Teller's Hl'l. woiked a late at night as I eonld and him right on the pocket It tore a hole Cases of the latter sort migrato to an Senator Teller is one of that numer then spent tbe reet of the night awake in bis trousers and the contents of hie extension of this dry belt which de ous class of men who are peculiarly fond picturing what I would " pocket rolled out on the floor. They scends into New Mexico, along the Pe of "mother's cooking. " It happens that da Ilorse brand IT left hip. As the boy grow to manhood be be- - were a match safe, a knife and four cos and Rio Orando valleys, where tbe the senator's mother lives with him on oama more assertive of bis art aud per' pennies. Now, what do yon suppose that elevation is from 8,000 to 4,000 fees. his Colorado ranch and always superin sided In painting landscape and por fellow said when we picked him up There the action of tho heart is modi tends the butter making. Tho senator's traits in spite cf the grumbling of mem and brought him to himself?" fied, and the patient is more benefited wife is an excellent housekeeper, but I Wo Pay Cah For bers of the meeting. He lived then in 'Oh, something about his miraculous IS than in the higher portions of the Rock sometimes things will go wrong in the Warren connty, Q. , and attended quar preservation probably," replied the ies. New Science Reviow. kitchen, and ou such occasions, it is said, tcrly meeting at WayuosTille. He waa Btool Pigeon. Mrs. Teller passes the yellow dairy prod chosen clerk of the meeting at one time, 'Miraculous preservation, nothing. TURNING THE TABLES. uct to her husband and soys brightly : PP which, led to the protest against bis He asked us if we bad picked mp what "I'm sorry the dinner is not very good Ta- Cnfortnut Lawyer and RW Client, Henry, here least is some work rising to the surface. Be would was in his pocket, and when we went out h Mam. today, but at bare bean disowned had not Thomas and got them for him be fingered them of your mother's butter. " New York The extent to which lawyers can ex Journal. Evans, father of tbe well known oil mil over, counted the pennies and toen lie ercise their imagination whon pleading Vers city, DENVER, COLO. of this need bis influence to says: in behalf of their clients is almost be- Royalty oa ! Bail. prevent it. " 'WelL I'm durned glad these cents yond belief, bat sometimes the tables It may not be generally known that a Marcus Mote lived in Lebanon, O. ain't burned so bat what they'll pans are a very unexpected . telegraphist always travels by "royal years ' turned in for many and personally knew the anyway. " Buffalo Express. On one occasion Mr. B was en trains. " In caso of any mishap a ladder great Tom Corwln, whose portrait he PjL gaged in presenting the case of a wom- is placed against the nearest telegraph ItVr 4r a r ILVEYbVit !Hv painted for tho state of Ohio. It hangs Small Fact Blsniry Idli an who petitioned the conrt to grant poet and a wire tied or connected with statebonse at Columbus, marked A race very small hands and bus-ban- la tbe with Sure to her a judicial separation from her d, an instrument which tho telegraph clerk " In ' "By an vnknown artist speaking feet Is a race that has for generations a worklngman, and urged that as works while sitting on the bank. CcaV EA1 Sf RiDE Marks ; of this painting the artist said : done very little work and taken very she was in extreme poverty she was en By this means word can bo at onoe "My daughter happened to be in Co little exercise. Sonth American lodios Bring Good COPYRIGHTS, Results, titled to alimony according to her hus sent to the nearest railway Btutiou, giv TAW I OBTAT A PATFNTf Fnr Iambus and went to the statehouso. Khe of Spanish blood can give points, as re means. ing instructions assistance must be antwpr fetid mn optnloa, writ a to band's that Srompt aV O..wri0 bi.vbonthnd twarlT fifty rV discovered the Inscription. Carwincame gards tiny extremities, to their Andala With a voice broken in its pathos (he sent at once to such and such a spot zperinc tn the patent bualiieM. roojmantr to me one day when be wae at home sian ancestresses, merely because an al tiom at riot If cxinnamitisii. jk tiaacibmii or lom lawyer dilated on the imperative neces .When a tram with tho sovereign on formation ooncerriiuc Patent fend bow to b from congress and said that the fellows together tropical climate compels the in mou tain them tnt f re. Alio CAialotjtsO pi mobsvo sity of tbe cone, declaring that his client board Is traveling, all tho iu re leal and scionttflo books nt tnrm. down at Washington seemed to think dolence that a semitropical climate fa- was utterly destitute, not having a mat- sponsible positions all along tho line are Patanu takn tttroufib Muim A Co. wcalta nobody in Ohio could do anything. vors. average BnoiU nottoa In tha rtrntlMo A mftrlm n, an4 that When the Frenchman tress to lio upon, and not poaeciMing the forewarned. Once on tho Brighton line tnua ar brought wldclf beforatb puMlawitb-- and that bo bad refused to sit for a por and M. Daudot is, in many respects, a (Hit eotit to tbe Inventor. Thl atilndld paier. means to purchase a crust of bread. a trial was made. The royal train was ItMitifXl wae k If, elnsjantlr HtnttrattKj, baa by far U trait for an artist there for that reason. singularly average Frenchman enlo-glx- es When the evidence had been heard stopped, and the telegraphist sent word larvttat luiatton cf any aottiuttnc won la Uu Won a, 9 J a year. Hum pie MiiliMitit fra. He wanted tbe work done at home. He the small foot, be is simply glori the Judge, who well knew tbe counsel's in the way just described. The result Building KMtion, monthly. Vi.fiOa year. Binttt at for the portrait a number of fying otherwise is the eoniea, V can ta. KTry nuniitt eonttna baaiw times. idleness. Not unlimited powers cf exaggeration, was most satisfactory, and the royal tlrul pintea. In colora, and photourapba of new and I became well acquainted with him. Chinaman proud of the cramped feet of appellant to personage was well pleased at the bonaea. with plana, nahUna; out mera to tthow Ui turned to the and addiaoJ IsviTkt 1!tnt aud aeura eontraota. Adilieaa "He bad a daughter, Eva, who waa his womankind, as at once a certificate her a fow questions. promptitude with which a relief party his groat pride, and, together with her of arintocratio idleness and a safeguard 'Have you then no occupation r ' arrived from a place some miles distant mother, was very ambitious for ber. Sketch. be against dangerous excursions. It has the largest Cir 'Yes. m v lord : I am a nnrae. " waa Pearson's Weekly. There waa a young man then teaching tL?.,.DTtLOU8rply- - M. L0NQSTRETH in Warren county who waa poor in pock Ksry, Qowa of Seota. culation of any Hews , Beat the Law. et, bat bad a strong will, a clean Mary, quoen of Soots, was tall and paper in Grant Coun "T nrn it Mr. ft rjSa nnvit heart and first claw ability. He was slender, but very graceful in all her ac when Contractor, Carpenter modest, however, and his ability was tions. Hor face does not aoem to have ty. Its news cohmns was rigidly enforced a few years ego, not known. He showed Eva Corwin so been especially beautiful, for she hod Because: aiWaVS COntain that the ludeo. refrained from Joining in Uncle EdSSXMorse end other pool sellers and Joiner. .ouch attention that hor father finally rather irregular foaturoa, bat her fas ine laughter oleverly evaded by putting up for sale ltPTTiR ÍTltír- - theshout of with which this it Market - - Silver City, N. M. ferbade her seeing the young man, and cination of manner was irresistibla She lltPif nf ulmlaU, km Lvilea Ronton Travnl. at "auction" cards having printed on Street, the girl was seriously affected by the had a way of cocking her head a little est.of a local and gen-- them the picture of a horse. "How breaking up of the friendship. Bhe was to one side and of looking sideways at i. much am Í offered for this picture of kept closely at borne in ber father's the person with whom she waa talking eral character. wmh Prince Wilkes?" was the query. "Sold RAISER EES? suburban residence, and ber friends no that gave a strong impression ox co Elderly Relative (with means) Al for $100 to Mr. X. Prince W ilkes sold ticed that ber health was beginning to quetry. She had very small hands and fred, this young Miss Peduncle yon for $100, what do I hoar for this pic Barbsr Shop&Bath Rooms be affected. She bad a friend named feet and was fond of showing both, of want to marry what kind of a girl is ture of Patron?" It wns easy enough. Jennie Hardy, since Drake, who had the ten having her shortened in order she? The Best phice in the vlty to get a nice, easy All the change wae that the auctioneer snuve or a kmmi iüiii. confidence of Eva s parents, and one that her feet might be seen. She always I Young Man (with expectations con had to say a fow more words. Hart Corner ol liroadway and Bullard St. day I met Jennie and asked her to bring had ber own hair cut close and wore a tingent on elderly relative's last will ford Times. Eva to my studio on the next day at 1 wig to save the time and trouble of hair- - and testament) Aunt Rachel, she is o'clock sharp. dressing. the best girl alive I She plays the piano Waived Roponlblllty. G. "What for?' she asked. beautifully, ahe can paint on china, Wiggles If anybody inquires for me P. Hontoya, "Never thee mind,' I said, 'but do Catliaclne Varr epeuk. French like a native and within ten minutes, will yon toll thein Hair1 Cuttina and ShaVina as I tell tbee. Now, I want the to Catharine Parr, the sixth wife of tbe "Plays tennis, I suppose? that I'll be right back? promise me that thee will Will thee? much married Henry VIII, owed more "Oh, yes; she's a capital tennis play Waggles No; I'll tell 'em yon said Good work, easy shavo and clean "he said she would. Pretty soon I to ber intellectual than to her personal er." yon would. Somervllle Journal. materials. met the young man and I said that I charms. Khe was not good looking, but "Rides a bicycle!" Broadway, Silver City wanted him to onme to my studio on had a pleasant face and a world of tact "To perfection." the nut day within two or three min So skillfully did she manatre ber trou-- "li'ml Wears bloomersf" utes aftr 1 o'clock sharp. Our Facilities for ' Er eometimes. ' ' , " 'What for?' he asked. (Grimly) "You had better find out JONES' " 'Never thee mind.' I said. 'Now, I ilia UTTU Vliiuittl. uum au wum Tl 11 I . if she oan cook. "Philadelphia Times. thy hand, prom il.fJi1.made out for her arrest, on a charge cf want thee to give me tXGCUtl f"IPf iilng that thee will be there Jrurt as I heTeey, but she got news of tlie matter, Kami or Art. MEAT MARKET cleverly flattered and soothed aid.' and so The casket that NasrulU Khan pre Tlie Finest "He gave me his band. The next day Henry as to effect a complete reoouci na sented to the queen from his father, tho at 1 there waa a knock at my door, and tion, and when the oiJloers came to ameor of Afghanistan, isa marvel of FRESH AKD SALT MEATS there were Jennie and Eva. Jennie lelt serve tho order he drove them oat with art It is 18 inches long by 16 iuohos Eva with me. As I closed the door she cunee and threats. high. It is cut from a block of lnphj luz Always on tiand. said: nil, and is incrusted with large dia -- 11 e n . . 1. .. . 1 . . " 'What does this mean?' A Wlr Walklna; Raa. monds, rubies and emeralds. From the n.. MHVU i the corner of Uarket and Broad four top corners spring dtitn eontuining an allegory. Prometheus was on terms of " 'I want to see thee,' I said. 'Take At intimacy with Ue god J. l'rom them he cbair.' streets, Newark, N. 3., there is a thick 61S brilliants. The value of the whole atole fire, and cave It to men. For this sin "It waa only a minute or two that network of telegraph wires and tele- is 185,000. The queen iu return sunt a he was bound to the locks of Mount Cu-rnsu- was knock, and opened phone cablea. Late one afternoon the gold plate service and other presents of and vultures were set upon bim. there another I They only ate his liver. This grew Sftaia 01ILLGRS dour. The young man was th re, loiterers about the corner witnessed a Prirti equal value. Philadelphia Lodger. - the as fant as it was pecked away. Are hli sur- and I brought him in, saying to Eva, curious incident From the roof of the 3?C feriiic to be imagined Yes, and relied. 'This is lietge R. Bage. Now yon are Firemen's insurance building a cable In 163? drought aud intensely hot Take a modern interpretation of the par across Market street to the weather prevailed in northweHt India. able. There is no cooking without fire. In Photographic my prhvners for cue hour. I waut thee wire extends cooking and eating the niuchirf lies. The and George to be together for awhile. Postal Telegraph ofUce. Over 800,000 persons perished from tiimiLli is overtasked, the bowels become At the end of the hour I will call for A rat was soen on the wire over the famine. Similar detruetlou was clogged, they cannot dispose of the food 1805 11 Daci- and lot you out Nor-tha- t was the insurance touildiug. lie moved slowly wrought by the same causes in and that elven them, ihe impurities 1808, over 8,000,000 persons ptiruning ón on the liver. Then come the vultures. way in which thoee two young people along the wire, and by the time he had The aulicrinirs fiom ail outside, visible to get marriod. George R. Bage reached the middle of the street he had of hunger in the two years. are a mere to the torment STUDIO. planned hurt, justified my faith In bis high character. a crowd below him that would have de Of a diseased liver. bench lighted the heart of Blondin. lie paid Muskegon, the name of a Michigan But, moderns are ahead of the ancients. SILVEIl CITY, N. M. He la now a judge on the federal There la a atquel to the old story, ur. river, rut-tai- ef flab.." in Cincinnati." Indianapolis Journal. no attention to the upturned facos, bat "plenty fierce is the author. Ilia "Golden Med continued slowly but surely on his way ical Discovery" is more than equal to the Shakespeare puints so very closely to Telegraph Hula tbe OiTora Snob. vultures of dyapepaia and ita kiudred dis- until he reached the Postal Dm ud " " ALOON, Datare, and with such marking touches, building. He lightly lped from the not surpassed by any 'office Dean Hole, the distinguished English eases. Hverv atom of the Diacovery ia he gives the rrry look an actor Are dearly loves good joke. an active agent against dlaeaae. It files JJARL0R that roof and disappeared. Philadelphia churchu.4n, a like a farret, wherever it ia sent. It ia aa onrht to weer when he is on his scene. Record. One clay a somewhat snobbibh Oxford sure aa the needle of the compass. Tbeie ;uui ber land. in the southwest. Our prices friend of his, wishing to inipross upon ia no more need of suffering from dyapepaia than there la of canning one's sell. What Isa Onaraatee! V., LxglAud marriage a first-clas- s Mr. W. Boo lens, of soy 6o ImísvMi, In While ia with Ky. aay tli oouun Bullard Street the Cetitnnulal is ibis, you nave a UoukU or i are as low as workh&iff ha thia lo fur mmacll and wife's sister is prohibited, in It it beginning Medical ": " I waa a dyaprptlc 1 had BtilMlng. Cold, tickliug which letter, llacerT 1 rfrd b-- n a in the Throat, nut had a eonifotUblf night ia ata yrata hnve Canada Las made legal with the - it keeis you conutantly couuhiog, or it I or-- 'Mr dear countess, " and then sTrntch takfu thr bulttra of Mrfcr'a t.ii4r Med- your lr. 1 eouwjtit of tbe queen. you are aflUutixl with any Throat will permit, Send in ing out "countess" substituted "Hole. " IIM.fvery. 1 am Dow Ctty yrara old. feel Chat, tlillty ycaia younger." Vuuialiuly. or Lucir lrontjie. VN bonmntr Uoueh. i.o Whereupon the dcau, not to be out . . . - jf v;i:;es. lsquchs a::d cic IT' sod you use Llailard's Horehound Hyrup tiers. done, bgiiu his reply, "My deur World's Tests as dimtíKi, giving u a lair trial, and no I queen," aud thmi drew Lis pen through The Pair beoetit is eieri()iiad, we auttionze our C ' subt,titutwl one-cn- V. iMnj powdet advertised to your money 'aueeu'Vad "DhJl" sWud ai mita la t tmnui to Xr. R. iLswcJ no l Stxut rfund rirli-e- bufUlu. N. V.. ! art in. l rr Mril- of bottle. nsver fails it I m p:ra cr grest ta Icjiv oa return It to st r. It U book trirft líAitrt, Iirolul to sstmfactioo. It promptly tehevetl Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder ÍÍUtlnt It will glvr yt Co'li ;Ktr kuowlfiij( ' f3 er atts Royal Bronchitis, fcold by W. C. l'urtsr&eld. Mot Perfect Made. oi the human ytcm iu iu moid. f& j i ..i iL.,1,
