Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS)

FACTSHEETS MAY 2020 Acronyms & Abbreviations

ARSIS Association for the Social Support of Youth

ASB Arbeiter – Samariter – Bund

AVRR Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration

CRS Catholic Relief Services

DRC Danish Refugee Council

EODY National Organization of Public Health

GCR Greek Council for Refugees

IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

IOM International Organization for Migration

MoD Ministry of Defense

MoE Ministry of Education

REC Refugee Education Coordinators

RIS Reception and Identification Service

SMS Site Management Support

TdH Terre des Hommes

UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund

UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Site Management Support in Mainland Open Accommodation Sites

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Total Population Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration

Total Sites: 32 Women 6,544 # of Registered beneficiaries Total Area Covered: 23% 1,322,910 m2 Children 25,700 Total Accommodation 11,699 Units: 42% 5,847 units # of Unregistered Total Capacity: 2,335 31,058 places 28,089

Men # of Visitors 9,846 Maximum Accommodation Units: 5,088 35% 54 Through this action, IOM is aiming at ensuring dignified Official and harmonized reception conditions for migrants - Capacity: Containers: 3,199 including asylum seekers and beneficiaries of 26,652 international protection in through Site Apartments/Rooms: 1,800 Management Support, Protection assistance and Non # of Singles 3,982 # of Households 5,861 # of UMCs in Safe Zones 219 Formal Education services. Together with UNICEF and Other shelter units: 89 other partners such as Danish Refugee Council Greece (DRC Greece), Arbeiter Samariter Bund (ASB), ARSIS, Maximum Emergency Units: 759 Greek Council for Refugees (GCR), and METAdrasi, IOM Emergency Gender & Age Disaggregation Male Female daily supports the Greek Government in the Capacity: management of all long term accommodation sites in Tents: 241 mainland Greece. The project is funded and 4,406 implemented in coordination with the Directorate 60+ 0.6% 0.7% General Migration and Home Affairs of the European Partitioned rooms in Rub-Halls: Commission (DG HOME). 518 rooms in 37 Rubhalls 36-59 8.3% 5.8%

Camp Actor(s) 25-35 14.7% 9.9% RIS: 7 Sites - MoD: 7 Sites - MoD & RIS: 13 Sites Management s r

Prefecture of Central Greece: 1 Site a

e 18-24 11.5% 6.8% Pending: 4 Sites Y


30 LTAS, 1 Site of 9 Hotels, 1 Transit Site i Types of Sites

ge 16-17 2.0% 1.3% n a R

Site Actor(s) ASB, DRC, IOM 12-15 3.6% 2.7% Management Coordination meetings 23 Sites / 71.88% ge A Support Community meetings 18 Sites / 56.25% Community feedback mechanism 31 Sites / 96.88% 6-11 6.8% 5.8%

3-5 4.5% 4.3%

0-2 Shelter Actor(s) RIS, ASB, DRC, IOM 5.5% 5.1% # of accommodation units in need of repairs 31 Units / 0.006% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 1962 / 6.98% 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 1785 / 6.35% % of Total Population Residing in Sites # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 452 / 1.61% # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 284 / 1.01% NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN %

WASH Actor(s) RIS, ASB, DRC, IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 4253 Units / 75.84% Afghanistan 37.48% # of latrines in common spaces 859 22 Sites Separation for men and women Syrian Arab Republic 33.33% # of accommodation units with showers 4253 Units / 75.84% # of showers in common spaces 618 Separation for men and women 22 Sites Iraq 14.00%

Health Actor(s) EODY, MoD, Hellenic Red Cross, Municipality Staff, General Hospital Other (48 Nationalities <1% each) 5.38% Doctor present in Site 29 Sites / 90.63% Average distance to nearest health facility 9.21 Km Average distance to nearest pharmacy 4.70 Km Democratic Republic Congo 3.05% % of population with Social Security Number 44.38%

Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 2.70% Protection Protection Actor(s) RIS, ASB, DRC, IOM, Solidarity Now, ADDMA, C. Greece Prefecture Child Protection Actor(s) ASB, DRC, IOM, GCR, TdH, ARSIS, UNICEF, Solidarity Now, Municipality Safe Zone Actor(s) IOM - ARSIS: 7 Sites, IOM - GCR: 2 Sites, IOM - Zeuxis: 1 Site Somalia 1.76% Protection meetings 30 Sites / 93.75% Psychosocial Support 32 Sites / 100% Children Friendly Space 21 Sites / 65.63% Palestinian Territories 1.23% Female Friendly Space 26 Sites / 81.25% Safe Zone in Site 10 Sites Cameroon 1.07% Legal Assistance 32 Sites / 100% SGBV referral mechanism 30 Sites / 93.75% PWSN referral mechanism 32 Sites / 100% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% UMC referral mechanism 32 Sites / 100% Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20

Education Formal Education Actor(s) MoE: 29 Sites - No Representative: 3 Sites Access to % of beneficiaries above 18 y.o. with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 27.76% NFE Actor(s) ASB, DRC, IOM, UNICEF, ELIX, Solidarity Now, I AM YOU, Lighthouse Relief, labour market % of beneficiaries above 15 y.o with unemployment card (OAED) Municipality Workers 9.62% # of students (4-18 y.o.) enrolled in Public School 4892 out of 8599 children / 56.89% Access to public school(s) 16 Sites / 50% Access to % of Sites with public transportation 25 Sites / 78.13% Non-formal Education services in Site 28 Sites / 93.33% services off- Average distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 8.13 Km NFE courses for minors (% of Sites conducted) Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Average distance to Tax Office 14.28 Km NFE courses for adults (% of Sites conducted) Weekly Greek & English homework and Average distance to ATM 7.09 Km e-learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) MoD, RIS, ASB, DRC, IOM, ELEA Project, Refugee Help, Cash Actor(s) UNHCR Drop in the Ocean, Solidarity of Athens 14 sites under CRS, 18 sites under IFRC Alexandria

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: Danish Refugee Council Total Population The LTAS is 1 km away Occupancy 106.51% from the city of Alexandria, which belongs Women to the Imathia regional unit of Central 135 # of Registered beneficiaries , 55 km west of 21% . There are 634 bus and train services with regular routes to Children Thessaloniki, and the 313 # of Unregistered closest hospital is located 48% in Veria. In Alexandria, there are a health center, 20 Latitude: 40.635371 - Longitude: 22.453998 super markets and 654 pharmacies. Men 206 # of Visitors 31% 0

Maximum Capacity: 614 # of Total Shelter Units: 148 # of Singles 94 # of Households 125 # of UMCs in Safe Zone 28 # of Containers: 64 # of Apartments/Rooms: 84 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.8% 0.5% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 8.7% 5.2% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 36,755 m2 25-35 12.4% 10.9%

Camp Actor(s) - Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) 18-24 9.6% 4.1% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 2.0% 0.6% Site Actor(s) DRC Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 2.9% 3.1% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 8.3% 8.1%

3-5 4.4% 6.6%

0-2 5.7% 6.3% Shelter Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 4 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units with latrines 148 # of latrines in common spaces 28 Separation for men and women YES Syrian Arab Republic 36.52% # of accommodation units with showers 148 # of showers in common spaces 25 Separation for men and women YES Afghanistan 36.21% Health Actor(s) EODY Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 1 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 1 Km % of population with Social Security Number 0.00% Iraq 23.11%

Protection Protection Actor(s) DRC Child Protection Actor(s) GCR - TdH - DRC Safe Zone Actor(s) IOM - GCR Other (7 Nationalities <1% each) 2.77% Protection meetings NO Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space YES Female Friendly Space NO Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 1.39% Safe Zone in Site YES Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 38.12% NFE Actor(s) DRC labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 0.55% # of students enrolled in Public School 220 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 1.4 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 1 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 1.4 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) DRC Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC Andravida

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population Andravida Long-Term 103.53% Accommodation Site is located Occupancy in Myrsini, which belongs to the municipality of Andravida - Women Kyllini. Lehaina is the closest urban city, 6km away from 72 # of Registered beneficiaries Andravida. The nearest hospital 22% is located in Amaliada, which is reachable by bus from 319 Lechaina. Lechaina is also connected with Patra, Pirgos and Athens through the intercity bus. Children # of Unregistered 172 53% 3 Latitude: 37.938347 - Longitude: 21.206854 Men 323 79 25% # of Visitors


Maximum Capacity: 312 # o f T otal S helter U nits: 5 3 # # of Singles 15 # of Households 67 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A of Containers: 0 # of Apartments/Rooms: 53 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.6% 0.6% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 6.2% 7.1% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 50,000 m2 25-35 9.9% 7.4% s r a

Camp Actor(s) - Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) e 18-24 7.7% 7.1% Y


Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site i

ge 16-17 2.8% 1.9% n a

Site Actor(s) IOM R 12-15 4.6% 2.8% Management Coordination meetings NO ge Support Community meetings YES A Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 6.5% 7.7%

3-5 7.4% 5.6%

0-2 7.1% 6.8% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 44 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 53 # of latrines in common spaces 2 Separation for men and women NO # of accommodation units with showers 53 Syrian Arab Republic 96.90% # of showers in common spaces 2 Separation for men and women NO

Health Actor(s) EODY Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 7 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 4 Km % of population with Social Security Number 59.44% Iraq 1.55%

Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM Child Protection Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space NO Democratic Republic Congo 1.55% Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site NO Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 32.45% NFE Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 1.16% # of students enrolled in Public School 96 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 6 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 6 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 6 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - CRS Diavata

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Total Population Diavata Long-Term Occupancy 106.41% Accommodation Site is located in Diavata village in northern Greece, 7km Women away from Thessaloniki 231 # of Registered beneficiaries center. There is a bus 23% station outside of the site with a bus service every Children 776 one hour to Thessaloniki. 415 The site is 2km away from 42% the village of Diavata, # of Unregistered where there are super markets, pharmacies, ATM and a health center. 220 Latitude: 40.701292 - Longitude: 22.863768 996

Men # of Visitors 350 35% -

Maximum Capacity: 936 # of Total Shelter Units: 175 # of Singles 103 # of Households 213 # of UMCs in Safe Zone 28 # of Containers: 156 # of Apartments/Rooms: 0 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.7% 0.6% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 10.7% 7.3% # of Tents: 19 Total Area covered: 50,000 m2 25-35 14.3% 9.4%

Camp Actor(s) Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) 18-24 9.3% 5.8% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 1.6% 1.3% Site Actor(s) ASB Management Coordination meetings NO 12-15 5.3% 3.7% Support Community meetings YES inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 7.1% 6.1%

3-5 1.8% 1.8%

0-2 7.0% 5.9% Shelter Actor(s) ASB # of accommodation units in need of repairs 1 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 132 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 80 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) N/A # of accommodation units with latrines 156 # of latrines in common spaces 31 Separation for men and women YES Afghanistan 51.63% # of accommodation units with showers 156 # of showers in common spaces 25 Separation for men and women YES Iraq 21.12%

Health Actor(s) EODY Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 2 Km Syrian Arab Republic 13.88% Distance to nearest pharmacy 2 Km % of population with Social Security Number 41.87%

Iran (the Islamic Republic of) Protection Protection Actor(s) ASB 9.59% Child Protection Actor(s) ASB Safe Zone Actor(s) IOM - ARSIS Protection meetings YES Pakistan 2.96% Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space YES Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site YES Other (5 Nationalities <1% each) 0.82% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 39.83% NFE Actor(s) ASB labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 14.49% # of students enrolled in Public School 230 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 8 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 7 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 2 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) ASB - Hellenic Army Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC Doliana

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Total Population Doliana Long-Term Occupancy 86.44% Accommodation Site is placed in Kalpaki (Doliana), a village 35km Women away from . 34 # of Registered beneficiaries Transportation to 22% Ioannina is provided via 153 intercity bus services and the bus station is very close to the site. In Doliana there is super # of Unregistered market, pharmacy and a Men Children health center. 92 - Latitude: 39.898411 - Longitude: 20.578852 27 153 18% 60% # of Visitors


Maximum Capacity: 177 # of Total Shelter Units: 28 # of Singles 6 # of Households 28 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 0 # of Apartments/Rooms: 28 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 2.0% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 7.2% 4.6% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 2,000 m2 25-35 8.5% 9.8%

Camp Actor(s) Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) 18-24 2.0% 5.9% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 0.7% 2.0% Site Actor(s) ASB Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 5.2% 2.0% Support Community meetings YES inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 8.5% 13.1%

3-5 5.9% 5.9%

0-2 7.8% 9.2% Shelter Actor(s) ASB # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) ASB # of accommodation units with latrines 0 # of latrines in common spaces 17 Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 0 # of showers in common spaces 12 Separation for men and women YES Syrian Arab Republic 83.01%

Health Actor(s) Ν/Α Doctor present in Site NO Distance to nearest health facility 1 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 1 Km % of population with Social Security Number 32.03%

Protection Protection Actor(s) ASB Child Protection Actor(s) ASB Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Iraq 16.99% Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space YES Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site NO Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 8.20% NFE Actor(s) ASB labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 4.41% # of students enrolled in Public School 47 Access to public school(s)NO (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 1 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 42 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 1 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) ASB Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population Drama Long-Term 91.43% Accommodation Site is placed Occupancy in the industrial zone of Drama, 7km away from the city of Women Drama and 157km from 77 Thessaloniki. Transportation # of Registered beneficiaries from Drama to Drama center 20% and to General Hospital of Drama is provided by bus 4 380 times per day and the bus station is outside of the site. Closest pharmacy and super market are 8 km away from the Children # of Unregistered site. 215 Men 56% 3 Latitude: 41.17154 - Longitude: 24.06855 92 384 24% # of Visitors


Maximum Capacity: 420 # of Total Shelter Units: 70 # of Singles 30 # of Households 68 # of UMCs in Safe Zone 29 # of Containers: 0 # of Apartments/Rooms: 70 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 1.3% 0.8% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 8.1% 8.3% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 41,000 m2 25-35 8.6% 7.0%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Army - Ministry of Migration and Asylum 18-24 6.0% 3.9% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 3.1% 2.1% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 6.5% 4.2% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 7.8% 9.1%

3-5 5.7% 6.5%

0-2 6.8% 4.2% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 10% 5% 5% 10% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 0 # of latrines in common spaces 54 Separation for men and women YES Syrian Arab Republic 55.47% # of accommodation units with showers 0 # of showers in common spaces 32 Separation for men and women YES Iraq 38.02% Health Actor(s) EODY - Municipality Workers Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 8.4 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 6 Km % of population with Social Security Number 42.19% Stateless 5.73%

Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM - EODY Child Protection Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now Safe Zone Actor(s) IOM - ARSIS Egypt 0.52% Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space YES Female Friendly Space YES Other (2 Nationalities <1% each) 0.26% Safe Zone in Site YES Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 30.77% NFE Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now - Municipality of Drama - labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 2.51% # of students enrolled in Public School 132 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in SiteYES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 8.4 Km NFE courses for minorsWeekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 8.4 Km NFE Weeklycourses Greekfor adults & English homework and e-learning tools suggestions Distance to ATM 7.2 Km

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC Elefsina

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population The Long-Term Accommodation 106.11% Site of Elefsina is located on the Occupancy 29th km of the old national road Elefsina-Megara, in West Women Attica, Greece. It is situated about 6km away from Elefsina 40 # of Registered beneficiaries and 20km northwest from 21% Athens. A public bus connects the site with the city of Elefsina 183 and Piraeus. The bus station is located outside the accommodation center. The Thriasio General Hospital of # of Unregistered Elefsina is located 6.5km away Men from the Elefsina site. Children 33 118 7 Latitude: 38.0313 - Longitude: 23.49121 17% 191 62% # of Visitors


Maximum Capacity: 180 # o f To tal Sh elter U nits: 3 0 # # of Singles 0 # of Households 33 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A of Containers: 0 # of Apartments/Rooms: 30 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.5% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 7.3% 7.3% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 4,490 m2 25-35 6.3% 7.3% s r a

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Army - Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) e 18-24 3.7% 5.8% Y


Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site i

ge 16-17 2.1% 1.6% n a

Site Actor(s) IOM R

e 12-15 6.3% 4.2% Management Coordination meetings YES g Support Community meetings NO A Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 12.6% 10.5%

3-5 6.8% 7.3%

0-2 4.2% 6.3% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 11 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 0 # of latrines in common spaces 13 Separation for men and women YES Syrian Arab Republic 59.69% # of accommodation units with showers 0 # of showers in common spaces 15 Separation for men and women YES Iraq 25.13%

Health Actor(s) Hellenic Army Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 7 Km Afghanistan 7.33% Distance to nearest pharmacy 5 Km % of population with Social Security Number 44.50%

Pakistan Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM 4.71% Child Protection Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Palestinian Territories 2.62% Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space NO Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site NO Morocco 0.52% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 49.32% NFE Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 41.98% # of students enrolled in Public School 90 Access to public school(s) YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 5 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 5 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 5 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - CRS Eleonas

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population Eleonas Long-Term Occupancy 87.41% Accommodation Site is located in the center of Athens where Women transportation can be # of Registered beneficiaries achieved through the 429 Subway and buses. It is 26% under RIS management. Children 1,520 Eleonas camp is opened 694 since August 2015 41% providing shelter to over # of Unregistered 1500 beneficiaries. A safe zone under GCR is included on site. 153 Latitude: 37.982881 - Longitude: 23.69876 1,673

Men # of Visitors 550 33% -

Maximum Capacity: 1,850 # of Total Shelter Units: 325 # of Singles 237 # of Households 400 # of UMCs in Safe Zone 28 # of Containers: 325 # of Apartments/Rooms: 0 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.8% 0.5% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 8.6% 6.0% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 32,000 m2 25-35 14.4% 9.9%

Camp Actor(s) Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) 18-24 9.1% 9.3% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 1.6% 1.2% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 2.3% 2.8% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 6.4% 4.9%

3-5 4.3% 4.0%

0-2 7.8% 6.2% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 4 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 320 # of latrines in common spaces 0 Syrian Arab Republic 37.80% Separation for men and women Not applicable # of accommodation units with showers 320 Afghanistan 33.59% # of showers in common spaces 0 Separation for men and women Not applicable Iraq 7.15% Health Actor(s) EODY Doctor present in Site YES Other (19 Nationalities <1% each) 5.29% Distance to nearest health facility 3 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 1 Km % of population with Social Security Number 14.64% Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 5.29%

Protection Protection Actor(s) RIS - EODY - ADDMA Democratic Republic Congo 5.23% Child Protection Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now Safe Zone Actor(s) IOM - GCR Protection meetings YES Somalia 2.64% Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space YES Cameroon 1.56% Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site YES Pakistan 1.44% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 6.03% NFE Actor(s) UNICEF - ELIX labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 4.11% # of students enrolled in Public School 380 Access to public school(s) YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 3 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 3 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 1 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) IOM - RIS - ELEA Project Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - CRS Filipiada

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Total Population Filippiada Long-Term 90.22% Accommodation Site is in a Occupancy small town in regional unit of , Epirus. Filippiada is Women 10km northwest of , 30km northeast of Preveza and 52km 150 # of Registered beneficiaries south of Ioannina. The Greek 23% National Road 5 (Antirrio Agrinio - Arta - Ioannina) passes 664 through the town and the Greek National Road 21 connects it with Preveza. There is an intercity bus route that Children # of Unregistered connects Filippiada with Arta, 358 Preveza and Ioannina where there is access to hospital. In 54% - Latitude: 39.227222 - Longitude: 20.872222 Filippiada there is a health Men 664 center, super markets and 156 pharmacies. 23% # of Visitors


Maximum Capacity: 736 # of Total Shelter Units: 132 # of Singles 35 # of Households 138 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 104 # of Apartments/Rooms: 0 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.2% 0.5% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 28 36-59 8.0% 5.6% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 45,000 m2 25-35 10.8% 10.7%

Camp Actor(s) Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) 18-24 4.5% 5.9% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 1.7% 1.8% Site Actor(s) ASB Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 5.4% 2.3% Support Community meetings YES inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 9.3% 9.0%

3-5 6.5% 5.9%

0-2 6.9% 5.1% Shelter Actor(s) ASB # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 111 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) ASB # of accommodation units with latrines 104 # of latrines in common spaces 20 Afghanistan 42.10% Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 104 # of showers in common spaces 12 Syrian Arab Republic 32.67% Separation for men and women YES

Health Actor(s) EODY Iraq 12.16% Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 3 Km Palestinian Territories 4.10% Distance to nearest pharmacy 3 Km % of population with Social Security Number 48.19% Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 2.89% Protection Protection Actor(s) ASB Child Protection Actor(s) ASB Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Somalia 2.58% Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Democratic Republic Congo Children Friendly Space YES 2.13% Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site NO Other (3 Nationalities <1% each) 1.37% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 35.62% NFE Actor(s) ASB labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 3.85% # of students enrolled in Public School 218 Access to public school(s)NO (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 3 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 15 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 3 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) ASB - RIS Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC Grevena SMS Hotels

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: Internation Organization of Migration Total Population Grevena Long-Term Accomodation Occupancy 102.16% Sites are in 9 locations in the mountainous area of Grevena. The average distance from these 9 locations to the center of Grevena Women is approximatelly 30km. The 191 # of Registered beneficiaries distance to Thessaloniki is roughly 200km. Transportation to Grevena 25% center and hospital is provided by 755 the hotel owners via rented KTEL Children busses and also by IOM designated drivers. For medical cases that 329 cannot be treated in the hospital of 44% Grevena, transportation to the # of Unregistered hospitals of and Ioannina is also arranged. Pharmacies and super markets are all located in 2 Grevena center. 758

Men # of Visitors 238 31% 1

Maximum Capacity: 742 # of Total Shelter Units: 223 # of Singles 113 # of Households 162 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Apartments/Rooms: 223 Geolocation of hotels: Casa Calda: 39.895160 21.286626 Gender & Age Disaggregation La Moara: 39.902012 21.271786 Male Female Leonidas: 40.074607 21.165432 Tymfaia: 40.068897 21.220421 Neraida: 40.033609 21.188760 60+ 0.5% 0.4% Pindos Palace: 40.024086 21.181704 Samarina Resort: 40.104507 21.018128 36-59 9.0% 7.9% Vasilitsa Resort: 40.042361 21.163681 2 Total Area covered: 17,128 m Casa la Mundi: 40.043844 21.162140 25-35 12.8% 10.6%

Camp Actor(s) Pending 18-24 9.1% 6.3% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 1.5% 0.8% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 3.8% 1.7% Support Community meetings YES inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 6.3% 6.1%

3-5 5.5% 4.4%

0-2 5.9% 7.4% Shelter Actor(s) Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) - IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 1 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents N/A % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls N/A # of beneficiaries residing in common areas N/A # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters N/A NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) RIS - IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 223 # of latrines in common spaces 4 Syrian Arab Republic 57.62% Separation for men and women Not applicable # of accommodation units with showers 223 # of showers in common spaces 0 Iraq 19.21% Separation for men and women Not applicable

Health Actor(s) Grevena General Hospital Afghanistan 10.60% Doctor present in Site NO Distance to nearest health facility 32km - 56km Other (13 Nationalities <1% each) 5.70% Distance to nearest pharmacy 8km - 43km % of population with Social Security Number 66.23% Democratic Republic Congo 1.99% Protection Protection Actor(s) ΙΟΜ Child Protection Actor(s) ΙΟΜ Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Congo 1.85% Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Stateless Children Friendly Space YES 1.72% Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site NO Somalia 1.32% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 32.63% NFE Actor(s) IOM labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 6.81% # of students enrolled in Public School 125 Access to public school(s)NO (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation NO Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 19km - 43km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 32km - 52km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 31km - 52km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC Kato Milia

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population Kato Milia Long-Term 94.41% Accommodation Site is placed Occupancy in an agricultural area 13km away from the center of Women and 82km away from the city of Thessaloniki. 73 # of Registered beneficiaries Transportation to Katerini 23% center is provided by bus every 2 hours and the bus station is 321 outside of the site. The General Children Hospital of Katerini is 16km 139 away from the site and transportation is provided only 43% # of Unregistered from the center of Katerini to the Hospital. There is a mini market close to the site. - Latitude: 40.256063 - Longitude: 22.367323 321

Men # of Visitors 109 34% -

Maximum Capacity: 340 # of Total Shelter Units: 85 # of Singles 56 # of Households 66 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 85 # of Apartments/Rooms: 0 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.6% 0.6% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 4.7% 7.2% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 13,050 m2 25-35 10.6% 17.1%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Air Force - Ministry of Migration and 18-24 6.9% 9.0% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 1.2% 1.6% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 2.2% 2.8% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 5.9% 3.7%

3-5 8.1% 5.3%

0-2 6.5% 5.9% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% 20% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 85 # of latrines in common spaces 5 Syrian Arab Republic 55.52% Separation for men and women NO # of accommodation units with showers 85 Afghanistan 13.88% # of showers in common spaces 5 Separation for men and women NO Iraq 13.56% Health Actor(s) EODY Doctor present in Site YES Other (9 Nationalities <1% each) 4.73% Distance to nearest health facility 15 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 15 Km % of population with Social Security Number 49.53% Democratic Republic Congo 3.47%

Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM - UNICEF - Solidarity Now Stateless 2.52% Child Protection Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Palestinian Territories 2.21% Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space YES Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 2.21% Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site NO Nigeria 1.89% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 58.24% NFE Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 22.92% # of students enrolled in Public School 79 Access to public school(s)NO (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 16 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 16 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 15 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC Katsikas

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Total Population Katsikas Long-Term Occupancy 97.40% Accommodaion Site is in the Ioannina regional unit, Epirus, northern Greece. Women The site is 2km away from 237 # of Registered beneficiaries Ioannina and there is 21% regular bus service to Ioannina city and to the Children 1,119 hospital. The bus station is 452 outside of the site. In 40% Ioannina there is the # of Unregistered General Hospital of Ioannina, many supermarkets and 3 Latitude: 39.608421 - Longitude: 20.900713 pharmacies. 1,122 Men # of Visitors 433 39% -

Maximum Capacity: 1,152 # of Total Shelter Units: 236 # of Singles 278 # of Households 204 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 208 # of Apartments/Rooms: 0 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.8% 1.2% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 28 36-59 10.5% 5.4% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 48,000 m2 25-35 16.7% 10.5%

Camp Actor(s) Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) 18-24 10.6% 4.0% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 1.3% 1.2% Site Actor(s) ASB Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 3.5% 2.3% Support Community meetings YES inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 6.6% 5.3%

3-5 5.3% 4.2%

0-2 6.4% 4.2% Shelter Actor(s) ASB # of accommodation units in need of repairs 3 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 101 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) ASB # of accommodation units with latrines 208 # of latrines in common spaces 20 Afghanistan 35.86% Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 208 Syrian Arab Republic 29.19% # of showers in common spaces 12 Separation for men and women YES Iraq 12.63% Health Actor(s) EODY Doctor present in Site YES Democratic Republic Congo 9.79% Distance to nearest health facility 9 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 9 Km % of population with Social Security Number 54.19% Other (15 Nationalities <1% each) 3.66%

Protection Protection Actor(s) ASB Cameroon 2.93% Child Protection Actor(s) ASB Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 2.65% Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space YES Somalia 2.29% Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site NO Guinea 1.01% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 34.18% NFE Actor(s) ASB labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 9.09% # of students enrolled in Public School 272 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 9 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 9 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 9 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) ASB - Refugee Help Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population Kavala Long-Term 74.86% Accommodation Site is a suburb Occupancy seaside site located 2,5km away from the center of Kavala and Women 160km from Thessaloniki. Transportation to Kavala center 203 # of Registered beneficiaries and to the hospital is provided 22% by bus. There are regular routes and the bus stop is placed 910 outside of the site. There are super markets, pharmacies and other services very easily accessible. Children # of Unregistered 500 54% 8 Latitude: 40.945418 - Longitude: 24.427842 Men 926 223 24% # of Visitors


Maximum Capacity: 1,237 # of Total Shelter Units: 173 # of Singles 56 # of Households 179 # of UMCs in Safe Zone 29 # of Containers: 0 # of Apartments/Rooms: 173 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.8% 0.4% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 8.6% 6.9% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 17,064 m2 25-35 10.0% 9.9%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Army - Ministry of Migration and Asylum 18-24 4.6% 4.6% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 2.5% 1.7% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 5.9% 5.7% Support Community meetings YES inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 8.7% 9.3%

3-5 5.3% 5.2%

0-2 4.4% 5.2% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 1 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 162 # of latrines in common spaces 9 Afghanistan 66.74% Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 162 # of showers in common spaces 9 Iraq 14.15% Separation for men and women YES

Health Actor(s) EODY - Municipality Workers Syrian Arab Republic 8.96% Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 8 Km Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 4.00% Distance to nearest pharmacy 2 Km % of population with Social Security Number 56.80% Stateless 2.81% Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM - UNICEF - Solidarity Now Child Protection Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now Safe Zone Actor(s) IOM - ARSIS Palestinian Territories 2.48% Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Other (3 Nationalities <1% each) Children Friendly Space YES 0.76% Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site YES Pakistan 0.11% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 44.84% NFE Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 9.20% # of students enrolled in Public School 80 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 3 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 3 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 0.5 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC Klidi-

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population Klidi Sintiki is inside the 73.80% municipality of Sintiki and the Occupancy prefecture of . The camp is located 6km from the Greek- Women Bulgarian border, 18 km from the village of Sidirikastro and 151 Children # of Registered beneficiaries 47km from the city of Serres. 22% 189 There is no public transportation connection to 28% 679 the closest urban center. The nearest public hospital is located in Serres and the closest public medical center is in # of Unregistered Sidirokastro. - Latitude: 41.325146 - Longitude: 23.351663 679

# of Visitors Men 339 - 50% Maximum Capacity: 920 # of Total Shelter Units: 92 # of Singles 381 # of Households 78 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 0 # of Apartments/Rooms: 0 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.6% 1.0% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 5.4% 3.8% # of Tents: 92 Total Area covered: # of Other use Tents: 2 25-35 18.7% 8.7%

Camp Actor(s) Pending 18-24 25.2% 8.7% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 3.2% 1.6% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings NO 12-15 3.5% 2.5% Support Community meetings YES Years Range Age in Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 3.8% 2.5%

3-5 3.7% 2.8%

0-2 2.2% 1.9% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 1 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 679 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 0 # of latrines in common spaces 0 Afghanistan 29.77% Separation for men and women NO Syrian Arab Republic 21.95% # of accommodation units with showers 0 # of showers in common spaces 0 Somalia 15.49% Separation for men and women NO Congo 8.42% Health Actor(s) Hellenic Red Cross Doctor present in Site YES Pakistan 5.86% Distance to nearest health facility 17.1 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 17 Km Iraq 4.81% % of population with Social Security Number No data available Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 4.21% Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM Palestinian Territories 3.31% Child Protection Actor(s) IOM Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Other (9 Nationalities <1% each) 2.71% Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Sudan 1.20% Children Friendly Space NO Female Friendly Space NO Cameroon 1.20% Safe Zone in Site NO Legal Assistance YES Democratic Republic Congo 1.05% SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) N/A Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders)No data available NFE Actor(s) N/A labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED cardNo data available # of students enrolled in Public School N/A Access to public school(s) NO Access to Public transportation NO Non-formal Education services in Site NO services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 3.9 Km NFE courses for minors N/A site Distance to Tax Office 17 Km NFE courses for adults N/A Distance to ATM 16.6 Km

Distributions Actor(s) IOM - Hellenic Army Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC Korinthos

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population The Transit Occupancy 93.24% Accommodation Site of Corinth is located in the Prefecture of . It is Women situated 1,5 Km away from 182 # of Registered beneficiaries the city center, providing Children 25% easy access to public 246 services. Transportation to 627 Athens is available via the 34% Railway station and intercity bus. # of Unregistered

104 Latitude: 37.932949 - Longitude: 22.934854 731

# of Visitors Men 303 - 41%

Maximum Capacity: 784 # of Total Shelter Units: 196 # of Singles 224 # of Households 139 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 0 # of Apartments/Rooms: 0 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Partitioned Rooms in Male Female Rubhalls: 196 # of Tents: 0 60+ 0.4% 0.7%

36-59 6.7% 6.0% Total Area covered: 33,000 m2 25-35 18.5% 10.8%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Army 18-24 15.9% 7.4% Management Type of Site Transit Site 16-17 1.5% 0.8% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 2.7% 2.5% Support Community meetings YES inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 4.9% 4.1%

3-5 4.1% 3.8%

0-2 5.7% 3.4% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 731 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 0 # of latrines in common spaces 66 Afghanistan 47.56% Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 0 Syrian Arab Republic 23.01% # of showers in common spaces 30 Separation for men and women YES Democratic Republic Congo 7.25%

Health Actor(s) N/A Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 6.97% Doctor present in Site NO Distance to nearest health facility 2.1 Km Cameroon 4.88% Distance to nearest pharmacy 1.1 Km % of population with Social Security Number 9.17% Other (6 Nationalities <1% each) 2.23%

Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM Somalia 2.09% Child Protection Actor(s) IOM Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Iraq 1.67% Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Palestinian Territories 1.67% Children Friendly Space NO Female Friendly Space YES Ghana 1.53% Safe Zone in Site NO Legal Assistance YES Congo 1.12% SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) N/A Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 3.09% NFE Actor(s) N/A labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 0.20% # of students enrolled in Public School Ν/Α Access to public school(s) NO Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site NO services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 1.6 Km NFE courses for minors N/A site Distance to Tax Office 2.6 Km NFE courses for adults N/A Distance to ATM 1.2 Km

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - CRS Koutsochero

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: Danish Refugee Council Total Population Koutsochero is Occupancy 94.40% situated 18 km away from the city of Women , which is the 375 # of Registered beneficiaries nearest urban 24% Children center and where 558 1,479 the closest hospital 35% is located. An intercity bus service # of Unregistered connects the LTAS 105 Latitude: 39.610000 - Longitude: 22.250000 with the city center. 1,584

# of Visitors Men 651 0 41%

Maximum Capacity: 1,678 # of Total Shelter Units: 403 # of Singles 397 # of Households 345 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 403 # of Apartments/Rooms: 0 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.5% 1.1% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 8.0% 5.9% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 123,181 m2 25-35 16.4% 10.6%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Army - Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) 18-24 16.2% 6.1% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 1.3% 0.9% Site Actor(s) DRC Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 2.1% 2.0% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 6.1% 4.9%

3-5 4.0% 3.8%

0-2 5.7% 4.4% Shelter Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 6 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units with latrines 403 # of latrines in common spaces 2 Afghanistan 37.27% Separation for men and women NO # of accommodation units with showers 403 Syrian Arab Republic 34.37% # of showers in common spaces 0 Separation for men and women Not applicable Iraq 12.73%

Health Actor(s) EODY - Municipality of Larisa Democratic Republic Congo 4.52% Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 20 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 2 Km Other (15 Nationalities <1% each) 3.55% % of population with Social Security Number 53.79% Palestinian Territories 1.81% Protection Protection Actor(s) DRC Child Protection Actor(s) TdH Stateless 1.74% Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Somalia 1.49% Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space YES Cameroon 1.42% Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site NO Iran (the Islamic Republic of) Legal Assistance YES 1.10% SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 21.83% NFE Actor(s) DRC labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 2.41% # of students enrolled in Public School 235 Access to public school(s)NO (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 16 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 14 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 7 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) DRC Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC Lagadikia

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: Danish Refugee Council Total Population Lagadikia is situated 41 Occupancy 94.96% km north of Thessaloniki and lies Women 1km away from the 98 center of the village. # of Registered beneficiaries Regular transportation 23% from Lagadikia to Children 370 Thessaloniki, where all 182 hospitals are located, is 42% provided by bus. There # of Unregistered is a mini market and a pharmacy in Lagadikia 63 Latitude: 40.6290831 - Longitude: 23.2453493 village. 433

Men # of Visitors 153 35% 0

Maximum Capacity: 456 # of Total Shelter Units: 104 # of Singles 72 # of Households 97 # of UMCs in Safe Zone 30 # of Containers: 104 # of Apartments/Rooms: 0 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.2% 0.7% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 7.6% 7.4% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 30,002 m2 25-35 17.1% 9.0%

Camp Actor(s) Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) 18-24 10.4% 5.5% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 1.4% 1.2% Site Actor(s) DRC Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 3.9% 2.8% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 7.4% 4.8%

3-5 4.4% 5.5%

0-2 5.5% 5.1% Shelter Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 18 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units with latrines 104 # of latrines in common spaces 13 Iraq 56.21% Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 104 # of showers in common spaces 8 Syrian Arab Republic 35.13% Separation for men and women YES

Health Actor(s) EODY Doctor present in Site YES Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 2.58% Distance to nearest health facility 12.8 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 1 Km % of population with Social Security Number 48.27% Afghanistan 2.34%

Protection Protection Actor(s) DRC Child Protection Actor(s) ARSIS - TdH - DRC Stateless 1.41% Safe Zone Actor(s) IOM - ARSIS Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Palestinian Territories 1.17% Children Friendly Space YES Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site YES Other (3 Nationalities <1% each) 1.17% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 38.65% NFE Actor(s) DRC labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 9.74% # of students enrolled in Public School 94 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 24.7 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 24.5 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 1 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) DRC Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC Lavrio

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: Danish Refugee Council Total Population Lavrio is located at the Occupancy 99.26% southern part of Attica, near cape Sounio, Women approximately 70 km away 54 from Athens. The nearest # of Registered beneficiaries urban center is Lavrio, 20% which is 5.5 km away from the LTAS. Intercity bus Children 258 service connects the LTAS 108 with the city of Lavrio and 41% the city of Athens. The # of Unregistered closest health facility is Lavrio Health Center. For specialized medical 6 Latitude: 37.7031094 - Longitude: 24.0334984 assistance, people visit 267 hospitals in Athens. Men # of Visitors 105 39% 3

Maximum Capacity: 269 # of Total Shelter Units: 86 # of Singles 61 # of Households 59 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 0 # of Apartments/Rooms: 0 # of Cabins: 86 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.4% 0.0% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 9.0% 3.4% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: undefined 25-35 19.5% 9.4%

Camp Actor(s) - Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) 18-24 10.5% 7.5% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 1.5% 0.4% Site Actor(s) DRC Management Coordination meetings NO 12-15 2.2% 0.7% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 4.5% 3.7%

3-5 4.5% 7.5%

0-2 9.0% 6.4% Shelter Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units in need of repairs 2 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units with latrines 22 # of latrines in common spaces 42 Syrian Arab Republic 46.33% Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 22 # of showers in common spaces 32 Afghanistan 27.03% Separation for men and women YES

Health Actor(s) EODY - Municipality of Lavrio - Hellenic Navy Democratic Republic Congo 11.20% Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 2.3 Km Iraq 4.63% Distance to nearest pharmacy 2.4 Km % of population with Social Security Number 56.18% Other (8 Nationalities <1% each) 4.25% Protection Protection Actor(s) DRC Child Protection Actor(s) TdH Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 3.47% Protection meetings NO Psychosocial Support YES Kuwait Children Friendly Space NO 1.93% Female Friendly Space NO Safe Zone in Site NO Cameroon 1.16% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 54.72% NFE Actor(s) DRC labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 15.66% # of students enrolled in Public School 39 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 6 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 6 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 4.6 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) DRC Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - CRS Malakasa

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population The Long-Term Accommodation 118.57% Site of Malakasa is located Occupancy 40km away from the center of Athens. The village of Malakasa Women is 2km away. Athens is 371 accessible through intercity bus # of Registered beneficiaries and train. The closest bus stop 20% to Malakasa is located 500m Children away and the nearest railway 674 1,194 station, Sfendali, is 800m away. The nearest public hospital is 36% located in Athens. # of Unregistered

681 Latitude: 38.23890 - Longitude: 23.78060 1,884

Men # of Visitors 839 44% 9

Maximum Capacity: 1,589 # of Total Shelter Units: 292 # of Singles 570 # of Households 334 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 264 # of Apartments/Rooms: 28 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.7% 0.4% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 9.3% 5.8% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 68,230 m2 25-35 16.1% 9.0%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Army 18-24 18.4% 4.6% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 3.7% 1.1% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 4.1% 2.5% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 8.0% 5.6%

3-5 3.6% 2.9%

0-2 1.9% 2.4% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 1 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 146 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 284 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 293 # of latrines in common spaces 30 Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 293 Afghanistan 95.80% # of showers in common spaces 16 Separation for men and women YES

Health Actor(s) EODY Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 10.6 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 1.8 Km % of population with Social Security Number 37.42% Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 2.71%

Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM Child Protection Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space NO Other (3 Nationalities <1% each) 1.49% Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site NO Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20

Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 27.85% NFE Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 19.95% # of students enrolled in Public School 398 Access to public school(s)NO (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 1.7 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 26.3 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 8.8 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - CRS Nea Kavala

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: Danish Refugee Council Total Population Nea Kavala is located 5 Occupancy 80.58% km away from Polykastro, a small town Women 30 km away from 336 and 67 km away from # of Registered beneficiaries 22% Thessaloniki. There is a Children 1,489 regular bus service to 590 Polykastro and Nea 38% Kavala. In Polykastro there is a health center, # of Unregistered super market and pharmacies. The 59 Latitude: 40.99059 - Longitude: 22.62476 nearest hospital is in 1,548 Kilkis. Men # of Visitors 622 40% 0

Maximum Capacity: 1,921 # of Total Shelter Units: 213 # of Singles 438 # of Households 288 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 213 # of Apartments/Rooms: 0 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.8% 1.4% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 252 36-59 9.5% 5.9% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 170,685 m2 25-35 15.4% 8.9%

Camp Actor(s) Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) 18-24 14.4% 5.6% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 2.1% 1.4% Site Actor(s) DRC Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 3.2% 2.3% Support Community meetings YES inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 7.0% 6.9%

3-5 3.1% 4.0%

0-2 3.7% 4.3% Shelter Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 468 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units with latrines 0 # of latrines in common spaces 163 Afghanistan 50.71% Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 0 Syrian Arab Republic 24.35% # of showers in common spaces 88 Separation for men and women YES Iraq 6.07%

Health Actor(s) Hellenic Army - EODY Other (25 Nationalities <1% each) 5.30% Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 6 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 6 Km Democratic Republic Congo 4.26% % of population with Social Security Number 27.20% Somalia 2.71% Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM - DRC Child Protection Actor(s) TdH - DRC Palestinian Territories 2.26% Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 1.87% Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space YES Pakistan 1.23% Female Friendly Space NO Safe Zone in Site NO Cameroon Legal Assistance YES 1.23% SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 20.35% NFE Actor(s) DRC labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 1.16% # of students enrolled in Public School 193 Access to public school(s)NO (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 5.1 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 27.8 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 5 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) DRC Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC New Malakasa

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population New Malakasa is located 1km 88.54% from the initial Malakasa LTAS Occupancy and 2.8km away from the village of Malakasa. Athens city center is 40km away and it is Women accessible through intercity bus 289 # of Registered beneficiaries and train. The closest bus stop Children to site is located 1km away and 25% 377 the nearest railway station, 1,151 Sfendali, is 1.7 km away. The 33% nearest public hospital is located in Athens. # of Unregistered

- Latitude: 38.2438774 - Longitude: 23.7872696 1,151

# of Visitors Men 485 - 42% Maximum Capacity: 1,300 # of Total Shelter Units: 130 # of Singles 445 # of Households 207 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 0 # of Apartments/Rooms: 0 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.3% 0.9% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 6.6% 4.6% # of Tents: 130 Total Area covered: 25-35 17.6% 9.6%

Camp Actor(s) Pending 18-24 17.6% 10.0% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 3.2% 1.6% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 2.8% 1.3% Support Community meetings NO Years Range Age in Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 4.6% 3.9%

3-5 3.0% 3.4%

0-2 5.2% 3.8% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 1,151 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 0 # of latrines in common spaces 60 Syrian Arab Republic 34.14% Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 0 Afghanistan 23.63% # of showers in common spaces 80 Separation for men and women YES Democratic Republic Congo 9.56%

Health Actor(s) Hellenic Red Cross Other (26 Nationalities <1% each) 8.43% Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 7 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 4 Km Somalia 8.08% % of population with Social Security Number No data available Congo 4.95% Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM Child Protection Actor(s) NO Iraq 3.48% Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Cameroon 3.39% Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space NO Palestinian Territories 3.30% Female Friendly Space NO Safe Zone in Site NO Legal Assistance YES Ghana 1.04% SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) N/A Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders)No data available NFE Actor(s) N/A labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED cardNo data available # of students enrolled in Public School NO Access to public school(s) ΝΟ Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site NO services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 7 Km NFE courses for minors N/A site Distance to Tax Office 7 Km NFE courses for adults N/A Distance to ATM 7 Km

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - CRS Oinofyta

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population Oinofyta Long-Term 95.81% Accommodation Site is located on Occupancy the 57th km of the National Athens - Lamia Highway, Prefecture of Viotia. It is located in the south part Women of the Prefecture, 37km away from Thiva and 58km from Athens, 132 # of Registered beneficiaries connected via the National 22% Highway. It is located next to an industrial area.Transportation to Children 500 Athens is provided via intercity bus 235 and train.The closest train station is Oinoi, 1.4km away from the Site. 40% Chalkida Hospital is 20 km away and it is accessible by train. Thiva # of Unregistered Hospital is 29km away from the Site and it is accessible by intercity bus. 95 Latitude: 38.32354 - Longitude: 23.619078 595

Men # of Visitors 228 38% -

Maximum Capacity: 621 # of Total Shelter Units: 151 # of Singles 88 # of Households 127 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 0 # of Apartments/Rooms: 137 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.3% 0.5% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 14 36-59 7.2% 4.9% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 24,047 m2 25-35 16.5% 9.2%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Air Force 18-24 14.3% 7.6% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 2.9% 0.7% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 2.7% 1.5% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 4.7% 4.5%

3-5 5.2% 4.0%

0-2 6.7% 6.6% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 59 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 9 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 1 # of latrines in common spaces 65 Separation for men and women YES Syrian Arab Republic 77.61% # of accommodation units with showers 1 # of showers in common spaces 45 Separation for men and women YES

Health Actor(s) EODY Doctor present in Site YES Afghanistan 18.52% Distance to nearest health facility 18.5 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 3 Km % of population with Social Security Number 33.11%

Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM Iraq 3.70% Child Protection Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space NO Female Friendly Space YES Pakistan 0.17% Safe Zone in Site NO Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 16.67% NFE Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 6.43% # of students enrolled in Public School 92 Access to public school(s)NO (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation NO Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 3.6 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 31.9 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 5 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - CRS Pirgos SMS Facilities

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population The Accommodation Center of 98.75% Pyrgos-Agia Filothei is located in Occupancy Peloponnese and more specifically in the Region of Ilia. Boys The building is hosting young 15 female pupils and students on # of Registered beneficiaries the 1st and 2nd floor of the Girls 19% building. The 3rd floor has been 26 provided to host Female Single 79 households. It is situated 2,1 km 33% away from the city center, providing easy access to public services. The General hospital is # of Unregistered located 300m away from the site. - Latitude: 37.683111 - Longitude: 21.419083 79

Women # of Visitors 38 48% -

Maximum Capacity: 80 # of Total Shelter Units: 12 # of Singles 0 # of Households 32 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 0 # of Apartments/Rooms: 12 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.0% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 12.7% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 456 m2 25-35 24.1%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Army 18-24 11.4% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 5.1% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings NO 12-15 2.5% 6.3% Support Community meetings YES Years Range Age in Community feedback mechanism NO 6-11 7.6% 10.1%

3-5 7.6% 6.3%

0-2 1.3% 5.1% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 0 # of latrines in common spaces 6 Separation for men and women Not applicable Afghanistan 62.03% # of accommodation units with showers 0 # of showers in common spaces 6 Separation for men and women Not applicable Syrian Arab Republic 25.32% Health Actor(s) Hellenic Army Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 0.3 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 2.4 Km % of population with Social Security Number 13.92% Iraq 7.59%

Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM Child Protection Actor(s) IOM Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Palestinian Territories 2.53% Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space NO Female Friendly Space YES Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 2.53% Safe Zone in Site NO Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 13.16% NFE Actor(s) N/A labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card No data available # of students enrolled in Public School 30 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site NO services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 2.1 Km NFE courses for minors N/A site Distance to Tax Office 2.2 Km NFE courses for adults N/A Distance to ATM 2.6 Km

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - CRS Ritsona

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population Ritsona Long-Term Accommodation Site is located between the Occupancy 96.44% geographical boundaries of the Prefecture of Viotia and the Prefecture of Evia and belongs to the geographical Department of Women Sterea Ellada. It is located 12km 703 # of Registered beneficiaries away from Chalkida , which is the nearest urban destination and 75km 25% away from Athens. The connection 2,659 is via the National Highway. Ritsona LTAC is reachable through the Children intercity bus, while the main bus 1284 station in Athens is centrally located (Ave. Liosion 260). The intercity bus 45% # of Unregistered stop is located at the industrial area of Ritsona, 700m away from the Site. Chalkida Hospital is 18km away 179 Latitude: 38.388193 - Longitude: 23.503318 and is accessible by bus. 2,843

Men # of Visitors 856 30% 5

Maximum Capacity: 2,948 # of Total Shelter Units: 455 # of Singles 350 # of Households 614 # of UMCs in Safe Zone 24 # of Containers: 195 # of Apartments/Rooms: 260 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.4% 0.4% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 7.5% 5.7% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 175,705 m2 25-35 14.6% 10.9%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Air Force - Ministry of Migration and 18-24 7.6% 7.6% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 1.5% 1.6% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 3.8% 2.8% Support Community meetings YES Years Range Age in Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 7.5% 5.4%

3-5 5.2% 5.4%

0-2 6.0% 6.0% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 22 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 453 # of latrines in common spaces 0 Syrian Arab Republic 44.25% Separation for men and women Not applicable # of accommodation units with showers 453 # of showers in common spaces 0 Afghanistan 36.03% Separation for men and women Not applicable

Health Actor(s) EODY Democratic Republic Congo 6.51% Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 18.4 Km Iraq 5.09% Distance to nearest pharmacy 10.5 Km % of population with Social Security Number 20.79% Other (14 nationalities <1% each) 2.85% Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM Child Protection Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now Safe Zone Actor(s) IOM - ARSIS Cameroon 2.21% Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Somalia Children Friendly Space YES 1.99% Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site YES Palestinian Territories 1.07% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 13.22% NFE Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now - I AM YOU - Lighthouse Relief labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 4.83% # of students enrolled in Public School 307 Access to public school(s)NO (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation NO Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 10.7 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 20.4 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 5 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - CRS Schisto

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: Danish Refugee Council Total Population Schisto is located 10 km Occupancy 85.82% west of Piraeus and 18 km away from the Women center of Athens. The 201 # of Registered beneficiaries nearest urban center is 21% Keratsini (3.9 km away from the site). Public Children 919 buses connect the LTAS 408 with Keratsini and 43% Athens, with the bus # of Unregistered stop being outside the LTAS. The nearest 25 Latitude: 37.978211 - Longitude: 23.593508 hospital is the General 944 Hospital of Nikaia. Men # of Visitors 335 36% 0

Maximum Capacity: 1,100 # of Total Shelter Units: 194 # of Singles 176 # of Households 179 # of UMCs in Safe Zone 30 # of Containers: 168 # of Apartments/Rooms: 26 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.5% 0.6% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 10.6% 5.4% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 38,264 m2 25-35 13.0% 9.2%

Camp Actor(s) Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) 18-24 11.3% 6.0% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 2.5% 1.2% Site Actor(s) DRC Management Coordination meetings NO 12-15 3.8% 3.2% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 7.3% 6.3%

3-5 4.8% 3.4%

0-2 5.5% 5.3% Shelter Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 11 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units with latrines 168 # of latrines in common spaces 22 Separation for men and women YES Afghanistan 56.14% # of accommodation units with showers 168 # of showers in common spaces 16 Separation for men and women YES Syrian Arab Republic 30.08%

Health Actor(s) EODY - Hellenic Air Force Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 7.1 Km Iraq 7.42% Distance to nearest pharmacy 5.5 Km % of population with Social Security Number No data available

Iran (the Islamic Republic of) Protection Protection Actor(s) DRC 3.07% Child Protection Actor(s) ARSIS - TdH - DRC Safe Zone Actor(s) IOM - ARSIS Protection meetings NO Palestinian Territories 1.80% Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space NO Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site YES Other (5 Nationalities <1% each) 1.48% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism NO 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) No data available NFE Actor(s) DRC labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card No data available # of students enrolled in Public School 206 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 5 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 10 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 3.4 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) DRC Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - CRS Serres

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population Serres Long-Term 66.94% Accommodation Site is located Occupancy on the south side of Serres, 4km away from Serres center and 100km north to Thessaloniki. Women The Central Bus Station (KTEL) # of Registered beneficiaries and train station are very close 312 to the site, approximately 500m 28% away. Transportation to Children 1,098 General Hospital of Serres is 459 provided by bus and the starting point is in the city of 41% Serres with regular routes. # of Unregistered Super markets and pharmacies are also easily accessible. 18 Latitude: 41.07245 - Longitude: 23.54729 1,124

# of Visitors Men 353 8 31%

Maximum Capacity: 1,679 # of Total Shelter Units: 230 # of Singles 94 # of Households 236 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 94 # of Apartments/Rooms: 136 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.6% 0.6% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 4.9% 6.2% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 84,840 m2 25-35 11.8% 11.2%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Army 18-24 14.1% 9.6% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 2.0% 2.0% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 3.5% 3.9% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 7.7% 7.0%

3-5 4.7% 4.0%

0-2 3.0% 3.0% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 214 # of latrines in common spaces 12 Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 214 # of showers in common spaces 12 Separation for men and women YES Iraq 95.02%

Health Actor(s) EODY Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 3 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 2 Km % of population with Social Security Number 63.88%

Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM Child Protection Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Syrian Arab Republic 4.98% Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space YES Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site NO Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 43.98% NFE Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 2.33% # of students enrolled in Public School 354 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation NO Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 2 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 2 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 2 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC Skaramangas

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: Danish Refugee Council Total Population Skaramangas is located 13 Occupancy 89.83% km west of Athens, belonging administratively to the Municipality of Women Chaidari. The nearest urban 570 # of Registered beneficiaries centers are Chaidari (7 km) and Aspropyrgos (7.5 km), 23% which are reachable by bus. Children 2,204 The bus station is located 991 outside the LTAS. The closest 40% metro station is Agia Marina and provides direct # of Unregistered connection to the center of Athens. The nearest public 297 Latitude: 38.010000 - Longitude: 23.600000 hospital, Attikon General Hospital, lies 6.5 km away 2,501 from the LTAS. Men # of Visitors 940 37% 0

Maximum Capacity: 3,196 # of Total Shelter Units: 464 # of Singles 598 # of Households 507 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 464 # of Apartments/Rooms: 0 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.5% 0.6% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 8.9% 5.1% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 84,432 m2 25-35 17.2% 9.9%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Navy - Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) 18-24 11.1% 7.2% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 1.6% 1.2% Site Actor(s) DRC Management Coordination meetings NO 12-15 3.5% 2.6% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 6.9% 4.4%

3-5 4.0% 3.9%

0-2 5.5% 5.9% Shelter Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units in need of repairs 2 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 72 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units with latrines 464 # of latrines in common spaces 6 Syrian Arab Republic 45.53% Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 464 # of showers in common spaces 3 Afghanistan 30.16% Separation for men and women YES

Health Actor(s) Hellenic Navy - EODY Doctor present in Site YES Iraq 10.05% Distance to nearest health facility 9.8 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 6 Km % of population with Social Security Number 63.13% Congo 5.01%

Protection Protection Actor(s) DRC Child Protection Actor(s) TdH - DRC Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 4.41% Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Other (16 Nationalities <1% each) 3.08% Children Friendly Space YES Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site NO Democratic Republic Congo 1.76% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism NO 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 34.50% NFE Actor(s) DRC - Drop in the Ocean - Municipality of Chaidari labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 23.25% # of students enrolled in Public School 450 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 6.6 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 8.9 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 5 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) DRC - Drop in the Ocean - Solidarity of Athens Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - CRS Thermopyles

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population Thermopyles Long-Term 69.82% Accommodation Site is located Occupancy in the Prefecture of Fthiotida. The Accommodation Center is Women located 1km away from 79 Thermopyles village, 15km # of Registered beneficiaries away from Lamia city and 20% 200km away from Athens. Intercity bus transportation to 390 Lamia is available. Athens is also accessible from Thermopyles village and Lamia through public transportation. The Children # of Unregistered General Hospital of Lamia is located 20km from 218 Thermopyles camp. Men 56% 1 Latitude: 38.794139 - Longitude: 22.526612 94 391 24% # of Visitors


Maximum Capacity: 560 # of Total Shelter Units: 112 # of Singles 20 # of Households 70 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 14 # of Apartments/Rooms: 98 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.3% 0.5% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 12.3% 6.1% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: Undefined (no fencing) 25-35 7.9% 9.7%

Camp Actor(s) Prefecture of Central Greece 18-24 3.6% 3.8% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 2.6% 0.8% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings NO 12-15 4.6% 2.8% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 9.0% 9.0%

3-5 8.4% 6.6%

0-2 7.7% 4.3% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 11 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 59 # of latrines in common spaces 20 Separation for men and women YES Syrian Arab Republic 71.21% # of accommodation units with showers 59 # of showers in common spaces 16 Separation for men and women YES Iraq 22.88%

Health Actor(s) EODY Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 20 Km Stateless 2.06% Distance to nearest pharmacy 15 Km % of population with Social Security Number 37.08%

Kuwait Protection Protection Actor(s) Prefecture of Central Greece - IOM 1.54% Child Protection Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Palestinian Territories 1.29% Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space YES Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site NO Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 1.03% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 35.26% NFE Actor(s) Prefecture of Central Greece labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 9.84% # of students enrolled in Public School 72 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 17 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 17 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 15 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - CRS Thiva

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population Thiva Long-Term Occupancy 76.78% Accommodation Site is located in the Prefecture of Viotia and is 60 km away from the center of Athens # of Registered beneficiaries and 5km from the city of Children Thiva, which is accessible by 246 bus. Thiva is connected with 577 Athens through intercity 34% bus, with routes every hour. Thiva Hospital is 7,5Km away Men from the accommodation 368 # of Unregistered center and it is easily 50% accessible by bus. 157 Latitude: 38.282793 - Longitude: 23.332247 734

Women # of Visitors 120 16% -

Maximum Capacity: 956 # of Total Shelter Units: 128 # of Singles 256 # of Households 115 # of UMCs in Safe Zone 30 # of Containers: 65 # of Apartments/Rooms: 63 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 1.1% 0.4% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 9.1% 3.5% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 38,000 m2 25-35 18.4% 7.4%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Army 18-24 21.5% 5.0% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 1.5% 1.6% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings NO 12-15 4.0% 2.7% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 5.9% 5.2%

3-5 4.1% 2.6%

0-2 2.3% 3.7% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 10 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 65 # of latrines in common spaces 74 Afghanistan 49.66% Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 65 # of showers in common spaces 73 Syrian Arab Republic 26.88% Separation for men and women YES

Health Actor(s) EODY - Hellenic Army Doctor present in Site YES Iraq 14.46% Distance to nearest health facility 7.5 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 3.2 Km % of population with Social Security Number 41.96% Pakistan 3.27%

Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM Child Protection Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 3.00% Safe Zone Actor(s) IOM - ARSIS Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Bangladesh 1.64% Children Friendly Space NO Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site YES Other (4 Nationalities <1% each) 1.09% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 38.32% NFE Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 25.00% # of students enrolled in Public School 148 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation NO Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 4.7 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 4 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 4.5 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - CRS Vagiochori

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population Vagiochori Long-Term Occupancy 95.58% Accommodation Site is located in located near the village of Vagiochori and in Women the eastern part of the # of Registered beneficiaries Thessaloniki area. 200 Lagkadas, the closest urban 26% center is 28km away. 749 Public bus transportation (KTEL) is available just Children outside the Site. 386 # of Unregistered 51% 2 Latitude: 40.712543 - Longitude: 23.378768 757 Men 171 # of Visitors 23% 6

Maximum Capacity: 792 # of Total Shelter Units: 132 # of Singles 6 # of Households 196 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 132 # of Apartments/Rooms: 0 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 1.2% 1.2% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 7.8% 7.3% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 18,500 m2 25-35 9.4% 10.0%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Army 18-24 4.2% 7.9% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 2.4% 1.5% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 5.0% 4.0% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 7.8% 7.0%

3-5 4.1% 5.3%

0-2 6.2% 7.8% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 132 # of latrines in common spaces 5 Separation for men and women Not applicable Afghanistan 82.17% # of accommodation units with showers 132 # of showers in common spaces 6 Separation for men and women Not applicable Syrian Arab Republic 10.57%

Health Actor(s) EODY Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 39 Km Palestinian Territories 2.77% Distance to nearest pharmacy 6 Km % of population with Social Security Number 34.08%

Iraq Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM 1.98% Child Protection Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 1.59% Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space YES Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site NO Other (2 Nationalities <1% each) 0.92% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 22.91% NFE Actor(s) Solidarity Now labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 7.26% # of students enrolled in Public School 92 Access to public school(s)NO (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 28 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 28 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 28 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC Veria

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: Danish Refugee Council Total Population Veria is located in a Occupancy 98.57% military center in the village of Agia Varvara, which is 5 km away from Women the city center of Veria 122 # of Registered beneficiaries and 73 km away from 25% Thessaloniki. An intercity 482 bus service connects the LTAS with the city of Children Veria, where the General 235 Hospital and super # of Unregistered markets are available. The 49% bus stop is outside of the - Latitude: 40.489315 - Longitude: 22.250298 LTAS. In Agia Varvara, 482 there is a mini market and Men a pharmacy. 125 # of Visitors 26% -

Maximum Capacity: 489 # of Total Shelter Units: 118 # of Singles 42 # of Households 110 # of UMCs in Safe Zone 16 # of Containers: 6 # of Apartments/Rooms: 127 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 12 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.4% 1.0% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 5.8% 5.8% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 64,830 m2 25-35 12.4% 10.0%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Army - Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) 18-24 7.3% 8.5% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 1.2% 1.5% Site Actor(s) DRC Management Coordination meetings NO 12-15 1.9% 2.3% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 4.8% 5.2%

3-5 6.4% 7.1%

0-2 8.7% 9.8% Shelter Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units in need of repairs 2 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units with latrines 24 # of latrines in common spaces 58 Syrian Arab Republic 63.10% Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 24 # of showers in common spaces 26 Iraq 26.62% Separation for men and women YES

Health Actor(s) EODY Palestinian Territories 2.94% Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 7 Km STATELESS 2.52% Distance to nearest pharmacy 1 Km % of population with Social Security Number 37.97% CAMEROON 2.10% Protection Protection Actor(s) DRC Child Protection Actor(s) TdH - DRC - Municipality of Veria Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Other (5 Nationalities <1% each) 1.47% Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Guinea Children Friendly Space YES 1.05% Female Friendly Space NO Safe Zone in Site YES Pakistan 0.21% Legal Assistance YES SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 34.01% NFE Actor(s) DRC labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card No data available # of students enrolled in Public School 85 Access to public school(s)NO (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 8 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 8 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 4.2 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) DRC Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: Danish Refugee Council Total Population The site lies 7.7 km way Occupancy 97.99% from the city of Volos, which is the nearest Women urban center. The site is 26 connected with the city 18% # of Registered beneficiaries by a bus service, provided by DRC due to the lack of 146 public transportation Children options near the LTAS. 64 Volos city is also 44% connected with Athens # of Unregistered through the intercity bus (KTEL). The General 0 Latitude: 39.380000 - Longitude: 22.850000 Hospital of Volos is 146 located 10 km from the Men LTAS. 56 # of Visitors 38% 0

Maximum Capacity: 150 # of Total Shelter Units: 32 # of Singles 28 # of Households 26 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 0 # of Apartments/Rooms: 32 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 3 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.0% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 10.3% 4.1% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 9,515 m2 25-35 15.1% 7.5%

Camp Actor(s) Hellenic Army - Ministry of Migration and Asylum (RIS) 18-24 13.0% 6.2% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 2.1% Site Actor(s) DRC Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 2.7% 1.4% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 6.8% 4.1%

3-5 8.2% 2.7%

0-2 9.6% 6.2% Shelter Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units in need of repairs 0 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 0 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) DRC # of accommodation units with latrines 0 # of latrines in common spaces 10 Syrian Arab Republic 42.86% Separation for men and women YES # of accommodation units with showers 0 Iraq 20.71% # of showers in common spaces 10 Separation for men and women YES Democratic Republic Congo 13.57%

Health Actor(s) EODY Somalia 6.43% Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 10 Km Distance to nearest pharmacy 10.6 Km Cameroon 5.71% % of population with Social Security Number 50.68% Other (5 Nationalities <1% each) 3.57% Protection Protection Actor(s) DRC Child Protection Actor(s) TdH - DRC Mali 2.86% Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Protection meetings YES Guinea 1.43% Psychosocial Support YES Children Friendly Space YES Kuwait 1.43% Female Friendly Space YES Safe Zone in Site NO Ghana Legal Assistance YES 1.43% SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 32.93% NFE Actor(s) DRC labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 5.75% # of students enrolled in Public School 26 Access to public school(s)NO (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation NO Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 8.5 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 8 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 8.5 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) DRC Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC

Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS) May-20

Reporting Agency: International Organization for Migration Total Population Volvi Long-Term 105.10% Accommodation Site is a Occupancy previous touristic resort, 5km away from Nea Apollonia and 52km from Thessaloniki. Transportation is provided by Women # of Registered beneficiaries intercity bus with regural routes 311 to Thessaloniki, where hospitals are located, Nea Madytos, 30% Children 916 where the closest health center 414 is and to Nea Apollonia. Mini market, super markets, 39% pharmacies and ATM are # of Unregistered located in Nea Apollonia. 124 Latitude: 40.6579904 - Longitude: 23.403709 1,051

# of Visitors Men 326 11 31%

Maximum Capacity: 1,000 # of Total Shelter Units: 392 # of Singles 142 # of Households 286 # of UMCs in Safe Zone N/A # of Containers: 0 # of Apartments/Rooms: 392 # of Cabins: 0 Gender & Age Disaggregation # of Other: 0 Male Female

Emergency Units: 60+ 0.2% 1.0% # of Partitioned Rooms in Rubhalls: 0 36-59 7.8% 7.1% # of Tents: 0 Total Area covered: 41,000 m2 25-35 14.5% 11.7%

Camp Actor(s) Pending 18-24 8.6% 9.7% Management Type of Site Long Term Accommodation Site 16-17 1.2% 0.9% Site Actor(s) IOM Management Coordination meetings YES 12-15 2.8% 2.0% Support Community meetings NO inYears Range Age Community feedback mechanism YES 6-11 5.6% 4.5%

3-5 4.5% 3.9%

0-2 7.8% 6.3% Shelter Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units in need of repairs 2 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 10% 15% # of beneficiaries residing in tents 0 % of Total Population Residing in Site # of beneficiaries residing in rubhalls 0 # of beneficiaries residing in common areas 25 # of beneficiaries residing in makeshift shelters 0 NATIONALITY BREAKDOWN % WASH Actor(s) IOM # of accommodation units with latrines 392 # of latrines in common spaces 0 Syrian Arab Republic 34.66% Separation for men and women Not applicable # of accommodation units with showers 392 Afghanistan 29.24% # of showers in common spaces 0 Separation for men and women Not applicable Iraq 12.00%

Health Actor(s) EODY Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 5.71% Doctor present in Site YES Distance to nearest health facility 15 Km Other (13 Nationalities <1% each) 4.94% Distance to nearest pharmacy 7 Km % of population with Social Security Number 66.89% Somalia 4.16%

Protection Protection Actor(s) IOM Democratic Republic Congo 3.68% Child Protection Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now Safe Zone Actor(s) Not Applicable Palestinian Territories 1.74% Protection meetings YES Psychosocial Support YES Eritrea 1.45% Children Friendly Space YES Female Friendly Space YES Stateless 1.26% Safe Zone in Site NO Legal Assistance YES Sudan 1.16% SGBV referral mechanism YES 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWSN referral mechanism YES UMC referral mechanism YES Demographic Data updated: 31-05-20 Education Formal Education Actor(s) Ministry of Education Access to % of population with Tax Number (AFM-holders) 48.35% NFE Actor(s) UNICEF - Solidarity Now labour-market % of population above 15 y.o. with OAED card 10.25% # of students enrolled in Public School 118 Access to public school(s)YES (Covid-19 lockdown ended on 22/05) Access to Public transportation YES Non-formal Education services in Site YES, re-designed due to COVID-19 services off- Distance to Citizens' Service Center (KEP) 7 Km NFE courses for minors Weekly Greek & English homework packages site Distance to Tax Office 39 Km NFE courses for adults Weekly Greek & English homework and e- Distance to ATM 7 Km learning tools suggestions

Distributions Actor(s) IOM Cash Actor(s) UNHCR - IFRC