בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

After the Chevron Massacre in 1929, Agudas R’ Elya Meir Bloch was asked to collect in the Yisroel of Europe made appeals for funds city of Ponevez. He left Telz late at night... in order to assist the survivors. PIRCHEI I will spend this night Agudas Yisroel of America learning as a Zechus for Vol: 4 Issue: 7 - י"ז כסלו, תשע"ז - my mother’s neshamah, December 17, 2016 פרשה: וישלח - הפטרה: חזון עבדיה... )עובדיה א:א-כא( .a”h מצות עשה: 0 מצות לא תעשה: 1 דף יומי: בבא מציעא פ״ב ברכי נפשי )מנחה( משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם - ותן טל ומטר

*signed with tears TorahThoughts

בַעַל הַטוּרִים he escorted him as he went to check on his brothers. The … וְ הוּא צֺלֵעַ עַל יְרֵ כוֹ … עַל כֵן לֺא יֺאכְ לוּ בְ נֵי יִשְרָאֵ ל אֶ ת גִ יד הַ נָשֶ ה … עַ ד הַ יּ וֹ ם R’ Elya Meir arrived in Ponevez Rebbi, forgive יַעֲקֺב turned to י וֹ סֵ ף ,relates even more details. On the way out (לז:יד) הַ זֶ ה … )בְרֵ אשִ ית לב:לב-לג( ...the following afternoon me for asking, but You ask well, did Rebbi say Kaddish ...and he was limping on his thigh... Therefore the Children of Israel are and begged his father not to trouble himself to walk with him and to Rabbosai, is Oy, vey! but answer me, and the לְ וָ יָ ה of הֲ לָ כָ ה responded by explaining the יַעֲקֺב .for his mother this not to eat the displaced sinew ...to this day… return home there a chiyuv for Telz is over 12 my friend: What do was left with a dislodged hip from his struggle יַעֲקֺב אָבִ ינוּ ?morning was the message that מִ צְ ָו ה hours away. How you think?... consequences of the extra protection. This גִ י ד limped as he felt the pain from his יַעֲקֺב .( שַ ר עֵ שָ ו) מַ אָלְ ְך Minchah here?...today with the reminded his father, “I י וֹ סֵ ף . מִ צְ רָ ִי ם from יַעֲקֺב later sent back to י וֹ סֵ ף is my mother’s could the Rebbi have You .לְ וָ יָ ה of מִ צְ ָו ה we spoke about was the הֲ לָ כָ ה sciatic nerve, the longest and widest single nerve in the human remember that the last , הַ ָנ שֶ ה Yahrtzeit... davened Shacharis was י וֹ סֵ ף] ”!to refrain from eating the taught me what happens if someone is not escorted בְ ֵנ י ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל does not command ד׳ .with a minyan? body choicest meat or the bones in the thigh area. He commands only that hinting: You provided me with that extra Divine protection, and I was [!able to survive the last 22 years because of your accompaniment גִ י ד s pain and not eat the’יַעֲקֺב אָבִ ינוּ we should continually remember suggests that we must also remember ( מִ צְ ָ ו ה ג) חִ נ וּ ְך which sent the message of the pain and does not have any taste The , הַ ָנ שֶ ה is to recall the ultimate גִ י ד הַ ָנ שֶ ה of מִ צְ ָו ה s pain, but mainly the’יַעֲקֺב ?wants us to learn ד׳ at all. What is the eternal message that nd .is to healing that happened later מִ צְ ָו ה suggests that this ( פְ שַ ט in his 2) דַעַת זְקֵנִים The מִשָׁ רָׁ ישֵׁ הַ מִ צְ וָׁ ה accompanying ,לְ וָ יָ ה of מִ צְ ָו ה the importance of the כְ לַ ל יִשְ רָ אֵ ל teach that מִ צְ ָו ה is teaching us with this ד׳ explains that חִ נ וּ ְך because The מַ אָלְ ְך was wounded by the יַעֲקֺב אָבִ ינוּ .someone who is leaving עֵ שָ ו will be due to the descendants of גָ לוּת he was alone; he had not been accompanied by his children when he much of the pain of He . עֵ שָ ו was the representative of מַ אָלְ ְך The .כְ לַ ל יִשְ רָ אֵ ל afflicting :לְ וָ יָ ה of מִ צְ ָו ה explains the מַ הַ רַ ״ ל left to retrieve his belongings. The in the largest nerve in the body. However, when יַעֲקֺב When someone accompanies his friend as he leaves, they both feel a caused pain to ,was completely healed. So too יַעֲקֺב responds by providing the sun rose the next morning ד׳ .sense of togetherness towards each other The sun . בְ ֵנ י ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל was left ultimately there will be complete salvation for יַעֲקֺב .Would my Upon returning to Telz, he taught the departing friend with an extra level of protection... that will rise , מָ שִ י חַ the [healing] sun of , שֶ מֶ ש שֶ ל מָ שִ י חַ was left alone, represents the יַעֲקֺב and , ַו ִיּ ָוּ ֵתר ַי ֲע ֺקב ְל ַבדּוֹ :teaches פָ סוּק mother prefer that I say his talmidim a lifelong message: alone, as the Yisgadal v’yiskadash shmei בִ מְ הֵ רָ ה and heal us from all our afflictions and ultimately redeem us .(לב:כה) and a man wrestled with him ,וַיֵּאָבֵק אִ יש עִ מּוֹ and only then rabbah (May His Great Name …and I am confident ספר החנוך על פרשת השבוע :Adapted from ! אָ מֵ ן — speedily in our days , בְ ָי מֵ י נ וּ when י וֹ סֵ ף to מִ צְ ָו ה taught this יַעֲקֺב :continues דַ עַ ת זְ קֵ נִ י ם be Glorified), or that I that missing kaddish for The live it? the “Kedoshim” in Chevron gave my mother a”h the greatest nachas possible! Remember, our responsibility is to live with kiddush Hashem! of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses , זַ צַ ״ ל Horowitz ר ׳ לֵ וִ י יִ צְ חָ ק ,The Bostoner Rebbe of Berditchev ר ׳ לֵ וִ י יִ צְ חָ ק was named after ר׳ was born in Boston, MA, to ר׳ לֵוִ י יִצְחָ ק הַ לֵוִ י הוֹרוֹבִ יץ זַצַ ״ל י״ח כסלו He learned in .שָרָ ה סאָשאָ and ( רֶ בִ י 1st Bostoner) פִ נְ חָ ס דָ וִ ד 5770 — 5681 .שָרָ ה סאָשאָ Both mothers were also . זַ צַ ״ ל 2009 — 1924 of Belz זַ צַ ״ ל of R' Shraga When R’ Aharon Rokeach תַּ לְ מִ י ד מֻ בְ הָ ק NY) and was a) יְ שִ יבָ ה תּוֹרָ ה וְ דַ עַ ת heard the name he began pacing back and .( סְ מִ י ָכ ה who gave him) זַ צַ ״ ל and R' זַ צַ ״ ל Feivel Mendlowitz In 1944 he became . ר ׳ ַ נ פְ תָּ לִ י Ungar, daughter of רעֶכל In 1942, he married st nd forth asking the young man, “Say the ,He founded name!” This was repeated several times . רֶ בִ י as the 2 Bostoner רֶ בִ י the 1 American-born Chassidishe . בְ רָ ָכ ה the New England Chassidic Center, and ROFEH International to provide and then he gave an unusually strong in 1984, and divided his time The young, future Bostoner Rebbe lived by הַ ר נ וֹ ף in גִ בְ עַ ת פִ נְ חָ ס was born in Telshe, Lithuania. His father, R’ Yosef Leib, medical help. He founded זצ״ל R’ אַהֲ בַ ת in this prophetic name choice. With his מוֹעֶצֶ ת גְ דוֹלֵי הַ תּוֹרָ ה He also served on the . אֶ רֶ ץ ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל of Telshe. After his marriage, he spent twelve years as a between Boston and ראשׁ ישיבה and רב was the by ד׳ thousands of lost souls to מְ קַ רֵ ב he was , ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל to directly impact זוֹכֶ ה he was , חָ כְ מָ ה and אַהֲ בַ ת ִי שְ רָ אֵ ל With his . אֶ רֶ ץ ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל could not continue under the Soviets, R’ Eliyahu ישיבה at Telshe. When the ראשׁ ישיבה Meir and his brother-in-law, R’ Chaim Mordechai Katz , traveled to America to !the lives of thousands of Yidden. focusing only on the beauty in every Jew זצ״ל or America. When he arrived, he ארץ ישראל to either ישיבה raise funds to move the heard of the Nazi invasion and later learned that he had lost his wife and three לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication ישיבה in Cleveland, . As the ישיבה of his four children. In 1941, he restarted the לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י grew, he won the admiration of the locals. He was a staunch supporter of via email, please send an email to [email protected] .מוֹעצת גדוֹלי ישראל of their חבר of America and was an insightful אגדת ישראל This week's Pirchei Weekly is sponsored כ“ח טבת For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval www.leilshishi.com 5655 - 5716 1894 - 1955 in honor of the bar mitzvah of Kalman Sussman .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַל ּפִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required UnderstandingDavening with on Living the Torah The Primary Weapon Focus Middos בִּימֵ י מַתִּתְ יָהוּ ןבֶּ יוֹחָ נָן ּכֹ ןהֵ גָדוֹל חַשְ מוֹנָאִּ י וּבָנָיו… ”!Yosse’le arrived in Volozhin and introduced himself to the Dear Talmid, “Oh! It’s no problem … ַו ִּי ָּו ֵתר יַעֲקֹב לְ בַ דוֹ וַ יֵ אָבֵ ק אִּ ישׁ … עַדע ל ֲ וֹ ת הַ שָּ חַ ר ) בְ א רֵ שִּׁ י ת כ ט : ד ( the , י וֹ חָ נָ ן the son of מַ תִּ תְ ָי ה וּ He told R' Chaim Volozhiner that he did not know much in In the days of . רֹא שׁ י ְ שִּׁ י בָּ ה was left alone, and a man grappled with him until יַעֲקֹב And ...but was resolved to do everything humanly possible In the early 1960s, during she said. “We have them all ready High Priest, the Hasmonean, and his sons , תּ וֹ רָּ ה the break of dawn. the way of knowledge. R' Chaim had little trouble perceiving the a visit to New York to his brother, and prepackaged right here in the It is interesting to note that there are תּ וֹ רָּ ה and the to grow in יַעֲקֹב אָבִּ ינו tells of the struggle between תּ וֹ רָּ ה The that state that חֲ זַ ״ל choose to do battle boy’s sincerity and iron-willed determination, and he assigned a few R' Moshe Horowitz (Bostoner hospital freezer!” almost no sources in שָּ טָּ ן Why did the . שָּ טָּ ן who is the , עֵ שָּ ו of מַ אָלְ ְך learn מְ פֹ רָ שִּ י ם Many .ּכֹהֵ ן גָדוֹל was a מַ תִּ תְ ָי ה וּ .as Yosse’le’s tutors תַּל ְ מִּ י דִּ י ם who preceded him? qualified יִּ צְ חָּ ק and אַ בְ רָּ הָּ ם and not with יַעֲקֹב with explains that there is only one From then on, Yosse’le channeled every ounce of Rebbe of NY), R' Levi Yitzchok Once back home the הי״ד R' who י וֹ חָ נָ ן refer to ּכהֵ ן גָדוֹל that the words ֹ ”had an attack that Rebbe began “brainstorming , זַ צַ ״ ל As long as concentration toward his studies. Before long, he had joined the Horowitz . שָּ טָּ ן way for man to achieve victory in his struggle with the מִּ שְ ָ נ י וֹ ת מַ ֲ ע שֵ ר see) יוֹחָ נָן ּכֹהֵ ן גָדוֹל who studied for was called תַּל ְ מִּ י דִּ י ם diligently, they will successfully win against the ‘18-hour group,’ a contingent of dedicated תּ וֹ רָּ ה study כְ ללַ יִּשְ רָּ אֵ ל Others explain that .(שֵ נִּי, קפֶּרֶּ ה׳:מִּשְ נָה ט״ו foretold 18 hours a day. Yosse’le remained in Volozhin for many years and required immediate attention. He how he could get kosher dinners שָּ טָּ ן His struggle with the . תּ וֹ רָּ ה was the pillar of יַעֲקֹב . צֶיֵ ר הָּ רָּ ע does not mean High Priest, but ּכֹהֵ ן גָדוֹל was rushed to the closest hospital in Boston. With tremendous . תַּ ְ ל י מִּ דִּ י ם s primary efforts against our people rose to become one of R' Chaim’s most outstanding’ שָּ טָּ ן that in later generations, the One day, Yosse’le received a letter from home. His father’s where the required procedure energy he worked through the rather a distinguished priest, referring . תּ וֹ רָּ ה would be directed toward weakening our study of ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ tailor shop had been ravaged by fire. The family was virtually has several חַשְ מוֹנָאִּ י . מַ תִּ תְ ָי ה וּ In Eastern Europe at the turn of the 19th century, there penniless, and Yosse’le was needed at home. He brought the letter to was done. bureaucratic red tape of chief back to lived a boy known by the nickname ‘Yosse’le.’ He was bright, but also R' Chaim, who read it carefully; his feelings for the devastated family The hospital, Caledonian dietitians, hospital boards, different interpretations as well. Some יֶּאֱ תָ וּ י חַ שְ מַ נִּ י ם adventurous and restless. Yosse’le’s father recognized his son’s were obvious. He reached for a quill to write a letter of condolence. Hospital in Brooklyn, NY, was not commercial distributors and learn it is a title of honor like ;the nobles shall come ,(תְהִּ לִּים ס״ח:ל״ב) It became Turning to Yosse’le, R' Chaim said, “It is indeed an extremely difficult . מְל ַ מְ דִּ י ם unusual mental abilities and hired the choicest of a Jewish hospital and it came as a interstate shipping companies s’ מַ תִּ תְ ָי ה וּ others say it was ”. שִּׁיְ י בָּ ה increasingly clear that Yosse’le’s unbridled nature was winning; situation; however, my advice is that you remain here in the teaching him was an impossible chore. Yosse’le soon found himself Over the next few months, more letters arrived, each one total surprise when, the day after and successfully introduced glatt .He roamed the streets with no direction. As he worse than the previous one. When was Yosse’le coming home? R' great-grandfather and was a family name . רֶ בִּ י without a s’ מַ תִּ תְ ָי ה וּ is where חַ שְ מָ ן his parents wept over their son. Chaim’s reaction did not change. He sympathized, offered the procedure, a nurse came by kosher meals. Today kosher meals Some learn that , בַרמִּצְ וָּה approached .lived , שִּ מְ ע וֹ ן הַ צַ דִּ י ק ,One day, Yosse’le heard a mother scolding her child, “I do suggestions, and even sent some money, but his advice was still the and asked him if he would like a are readily available in all Boston grandfather kosher dinner. A kosher meal in a hospitals, because of the . שִּׁיְ י בָּ ה not want you to grow up and become another Yosse’le, roaming the same — remain in streets!” Years passed. One day a delegation from Yosse’le’s town and they were seeking a replacement. non-Jewish hospital? In Boston, Bostoner Rebbe’s surgery at נִּ פְ טָּ ר had been רָּ ב Yosse’le froze. So this is how he was perceived — the arrived. Their symbol of failure! That was the turning point in Yosse’le’s young life. R' Chaim sent for Yosse’le; when the young man entered the room, even in the “Jewish hospitals” Calendonian Hospital in Brooklyn, .rose to his full height in a show of respect. Turning to there was no such thing. The city NY, many years ago רֹאשׁ יְשִּׁ יבָּה He informed his parents that he was ready to turn over a new leaf, the but there was one condition. the delegation, he said, “Do you remember Yosse’le? He is truly an the Bostoner , תַ ְל מִ י ד Your city can take pride in him. He will make of Boston was home to some of My .תַּלְמִּיד חָּכָּם I do not want to remain at home … I know that I have outstanding“ love for This Week in History , אַ ֲ ה ַ ב ת ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל the top hospitals in the country. Rebbe lived ”. רָּ ב above-average ability, and I will use that ability to the fullest. I want an excellent 'R , רֹא שׁ י ְ שִּׁ י בָּ ה to study in Volozhin.” When Yosse’le went to take leave of his were very advanced, and one was Chaim gazed at him lovingly and said, “Take note, my son, how The only hot kosher meals Jewish a fellow Jew. With every שִּׁיְ י בָּ ה The studies in the of R' Chaim Tzvi יאָרצײַט — 1936 / 5697 כִּ סְ ֵ ל ו to try patients got were made by the experience, whether good or 18 שָּ טָּ ן has allowed the ד׳ . שָּׁ מַ יִּ ם study is in תּ וֹ רָּ ה to gain admission. precious your שַׁ ״ ס of סְ דָּ רִּ י ם required to know at least two 'born in Savrantz in 5635/1875 to R , זַ צַ ״ ל Yosse’le’s degree of knowledge did not even come close. His father everything to deprive the world of your study. You persevered, and family or the special women in seemingly bad, he thought about Ehrenreich Schwartz ר׳ אַבְרָהָם יְהוּדָה Yaakov, a descendant of .תַּ לְמִּ יד חָּ כָּ ם as an outstanding קְ הִּ ל ָּ ה tried to dissuade him, but Yosse’le was very determined. He was today you are ready to lead a and Hendel Reizel. He was , ק וֹ ל אַ רְ ֵי ה the , זַ צַ ״ ל would do everything in the community who would cook helping another Jew. Today, he is שָּ טָּ ן going to Volozhin, and would somehow succeed. His mother helped Remember well what has transpired. The and tens of orphaned of his father at age 9. His primary teacher , זְ כ וּ ת hot soup and other foods and still reaping the ”. תּ וֹ רָּ ה from realizing his potential in ב ן ֶ תּ וֹ רָּ ה him pack his few belongings; his father gave him money and his his power to prevent a לֶ חֶ ם ,of Shamlau רָ ב) ר׳ שְ ֺלמֺה זַלְמַ ן ,was his brother blessings. Adapted from: Shabbos Stories (with kind permission from ArtScroll) When R' Chaim Tzvi was of marriageable .( שְ ֺל ֺמ ה bring them to the hospital at all thousands of Jews are still שַ ״ ס age, he was well known for his knowledge of !אַהֲבַת יִשְרָאֵ ל hours of the day and night. enjoying his His maternal .הֲ לָ כָ ה and particularly of , פּוֹ סְ קִּ י ם and ייְהִ זִכְ רוֹ בָרוְּך! Kosher meals? Where“ took him as ,( בֵ ת י נ ַ פְ תָ לִּ י) uncle, R' Naftali Schwartz . חָ תָ ן his daughter Leah’s רֶ בִ י Your , בְ ְי דִ י ד וּ ת do you get them?”” asked the The couple settled in Mahd, where the community of Rebbe. Story adapted from And the Angels Laughed (ArtScroll) Questions the week was anxious to appoint R' Chaim Zvi to fill his late רש"י Chofetz ChaimMoment of the town. Though רָ ב father-in-law’s position as ספר ח״ח הלכות רכילות כלל א׳ סעיף ב׳ s reason for changing the name of his wife from eminently qualified, he was too modest to assume’ עֵ שָׂ ו The 4th-grade classroom buzzed with excitement! R' Fried had just 1. What was* the position. Finally, after many entreaties, he ac- ? ְי ה וּ דִ י ת to אָׂהֳ לִ יבָׂ מָׂ ה .fair for the entire school סֻ כָּ ה announced that the boys would present a and דַ ָי ן s reason for changing the name of his wife from quiesced instead to accept the position of’ עֵ שָׂ ו What was .1 and the community looked elsewhere for ,מוֹרֶ ה צֶדֶ ק הקב״ה All work had to be their own, original ideas, illustrating one or more of 2. Name three categories of people who merit that ? ְי ה וּ דִ י ת to אָׂהֳ לִ יבָׂ מָׂ ה of רַ ָ ב נ וּ ת At age 57 he finally accepted the . רָ ב a .(מוֹחְ לִין לוֹ עַוֹנוֹתָׂ יו) that they had learned. During recess, Ari asked Eli if they forgives them completely for their sins מִ נ שְׁ ָּ י וֹ ת the

of Mahd for over 30 רַ אֲ ַ ב ״ ד Sage Sayings Mahd. He was also הקב״ה should ask Yossi to join their group. Eli said, “No way! … Yossi told me 2. Name three categories of people who merit that

36:3). — ( as to referred אל עֵ מָ שְׂ יִ ת בַ ת מַ שְׂ בָ ד״ה בָ שְׂ מַ ת בַ ת יִ שְׂ מָ עֵ אל

, מַ טֶ ה אֶ פְ רַ יִּ ם on the קְ צֵ ה הַ מַ טֶ ה years. He published .(מוֹחְ לִין ת לַ לוֹ חֲ מָׂ עַוֹנוֹתָׂ יו) many times, ‘Ari always likes to boss people around.’ He will never want forgives them completely for their sins

is is (28:9) elsewhere that (C) reason this for is It married. gets who one

. שַע ַ ירֵ אֶ פְ רַ י ִּ ם on שַ יעַרֵ חַ יִּים and ת מַ שְ ָׂ בָ ְמ

to be in a group together with you!” 36:3). — ( as to referred ת לַ חֲ מָׂ אל עֵ מָ שְׂ יִ ת בַ ת מַ שְׂ בָ ד״ה בָ שְׂ מַ ת בַ ת יִ שְׂ מָ עֵ אל

B) one who ascends to a position of greatness and C) C) and greatness of position a to ascends who one B) a becomes who One A) 2. גֵר

spent 6 years ר׳ מֺשֶ ה יְהוּדָ ה lavishly praised and blessed the Bostoner After his passing, his son זַ צַ ״ ל The Steipler Gaon

is is (28:9) elsewhere that (C) reason this for is It married. gets who one ת מַ שְ ָׂ ב ?How should Eli have handled this delicate situation 36:2). — ( idolatry

,for publication. In 5703 / 1943 תְ ש וּ ב וֹ ת collecting his ה מָ יבָ לִ הֳ אָ ד״ה .Stories adapted from Guard Your Tongue, A Daily Companion, A Lesson a Day and various real-life situations* answer. of type ’ idea good a not s ’ it feeling a have just I ‘ a with respond

B) one who ascends to a position of greatness and C) C) and greatness of position a to ascends who one B) a becomes who One A) 2. גֵר into assuming that his wife had rejected rejected had wife his that assuming into father his mislead to wished 1. ק חָׂ צְיִצ ָ

שְ אֵ ל וֹ ת וּ תְ ש וּ ב וֹ ת קַ ב for his ROFEH organization (a doctor referral and he had the merit of publishing זַ צַ ״ ל Rebbe ו שָׂ עֵ ָ have avoided giving the true reason why Yossi should not be included, and instead instead and included, be not should Yossi why reason true the giving avoided have

36:2). — ( idolatry

in תְ ש וּ ב וֹ ת (קב of י גִּ מַ טְ רִּ ָי ה) comprising 102 , חַ יִּ י ם support program). The Steipler ended his praise saying, “What ה מָ יבָ לִ הֳ אָ ד״ה אָ הֳ לִ יבָ מָ ה regardless of whether the speaker's intentions are good or evil. In this case, Eli should should Eli case, this In evil. or good are intentions speaker's the whether of regardless

into assuming that his wife had rejected rejected had wife his that assuming into father his mislead to wished 1. ק חָׂ צְיִצ ָ

was published and בקַ חַ יִּים Although .הֲ לָ כָ ה practical ו שָׂ עֵ ָ , , is person another against said/done have others what Relating : r e w s n A

greatly appreciated, it could hardly be distributed חוֹלֶ ה is wonderful, but what you do for the חוֹלֶה you do for the ת וּ ל י כ ִ רְׁ and his family is far more!” The Rebbe was puzzled. The Steipler under the tragic circumstances of the day. When the war was over, nothing remained but a single copy, which was tenaciously preserved against all דעֶר דאָקטעֶר ראֶפְשָׂ אִ יז ידִ רִ יכטִ יגעֶשָׂ לִיחַ אוּן “ ,smiled and explained The doctor may be the right messenger, or may not odds by R' Chaim Zvi’s younger son, R' Eliezer, the ,אֶפְשָׂ ר נִישט and continue from there. next Mahder Rav. In 5731 / 1971, he republished it הַ נ ִּ סִּ י ם or בִּ רְ כַ ת הַ מָּ ז וֹ ן during עַוְ ל הַ נ ִּ סִּ י ם  If one forgot to recite .but the kindness is definite!” in an expanded version ,אָבּעֶר דעֶר חֶסֶ ד אִ יז פאַזִיכעֶרט ,and realizes this error before reaching the  If one does not realize the error until after saying the be שְ מ וֹ ֶנ ה עֶ שְ רֵ ה Source: Heard at the Shabbos Table . שְ מ וֹ ֶנ ה ֶ ע שְ רֵ ה or בִּ רְ כַ ת הַ מָּ ז וֹ ן he does not repeat ,ד׳ name of וְ עַ ל he should go back to , בְ רָּ כ ָּ ה in the next ד׳ Halacha name of

.in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 לע״נ ר׳ משה בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל עִ נְ יָ נֵ י דְ יוֹו מָ א : חֲ ֻ נ ָ ּ כ ה UnderstandingDavening with on Living the Torah The Primary Weapon Focus Middos בִּימֵ י מַתִּתְ יָהוּ ןבֶּ יוֹחָ נָן ּכֹ ןהֵ גָדוֹל חַשְ מוֹנָאִּ י וּבָנָיו… ”!Yosse’le arrived in Volozhin and introduced himself to the Dear Talmid, “Oh! It’s no problem … ַו ִּי ָּו ֵתר יַעֲקֹב לְ בַ דוֹ וַ יֵ אָבֵ ק אִּ ישׁ … עַדע ל ֲ וֹ ת הַ שָּ חַ ר ) בְ א רֵ שִּׁ י ת כ ט : ד ( the , י וֹ חָ נָ ן the son of מַ תִּ תְ ָי ה וּ He told R' Chaim Volozhiner that he did not know much in In the days of . רֹא שׁ י ְ שִּׁ י בָּ ה was left alone, and a man grappled with him until יַעֲקֹב And ...but was resolved to do everything humanly possible In the early 1960s, during she said. “We have them all ready High Priest, the Hasmonean, and his sons , תּ וֹ רָּ ה the break of dawn. the way of knowledge. R' Chaim had little trouble perceiving the a visit to New York to his brother, and prepackaged right here in the It is interesting to note that there are תּ וֹ רָּ ה and the to grow in יַעֲקֹב אָבִּ ינו tells of the struggle between תּ וֹ רָּ ה The that state that חֲ זַ ״ל choose to do battle boy’s sincerity and iron-willed determination, and he assigned a few R' Moshe Horowitz (Bostoner hospital freezer!” almost no sources in שָּ טָּ ן Why did the . שָּ טָּ ן who is the , עֵ שָּ ו of מַ אָלְ ְך learn מְ פֹ רָ שִּ י ם Many .ּכֹהֵ ן גָדוֹל was a מַ תִּ תְ ָי ה וּ .as Yosse’le’s tutors תַּל ְ מִּ י דִּ י ם who preceded him? qualified יִּ צְ חָּ ק and אַ בְ רָּ הָּ ם and not with יַעֲקֹב with explains that there is only one From then on, Yosse’le channeled every ounce of Rebbe of NY), R' Levi Yitzchok Once back home the הי״ד R' Elchonon Wasserman who י וֹ חָ נָ ן refer to ּכהֵ ן גָדוֹל that the words ֹ ”had an attack that Rebbe began “brainstorming , זַ צַ ״ ל As long as concentration toward his studies. Before long, he had joined the Horowitz . שָּ טָּ ן way for man to achieve victory in his struggle with the מִּ שְ ָ נ י וֹ ת מַ ֲ ע שֵ ר see) יוֹחָ נָן ּכֹהֵ ן גָדוֹל who studied for was called תַּל ְ מִּ י דִּ י ם diligently, they will successfully win against the ‘18-hour group,’ a contingent of dedicated תּ וֹ רָּ ה study כְ ללַ יִּשְ רָּ אֵ ל Others explain that .(שֵ נִּי, קפֶּרֶּ ה׳:מִּשְ נָה ט״ו foretold 18 hours a day. Yosse’le remained in Volozhin for many years and required immediate attention. He how he could get kosher dinners שָּ טָּ ן His struggle with the . תּ וֹ רָּ ה was the pillar of יַעֲקֹב . צֶיֵ ר הָּ רָּ ע does not mean High Priest, but ּכֹהֵ ן גָדוֹל was rushed to the closest hospital in Boston. With tremendous . תַּ ְ ל י מִּ דִּ י ם s primary efforts against our people rose to become one of R' Chaim’s most outstanding’ שָּ טָּ ן that in later generations, the One day, Yosse’le received a letter from home. His father’s where the required procedure energy he worked through the rather a distinguished priest, referring . תּ וֹ רָּ ה would be directed toward weakening our study of ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ tailor shop had been ravaged by fire. The family was virtually has several חַשְ מוֹנָאִּ י . מַ תִּ תְ ָי ה וּ In Eastern Europe at the turn of the 19th century, there penniless, and Yosse’le was needed at home. He brought the letter to was done. bureaucratic red tape of chief back to lived a boy known by the nickname ‘Yosse’le.’ He was bright, but also R' Chaim, who read it carefully; his feelings for the devastated family The hospital, Caledonian dietitians, hospital boards, different interpretations as well. Some יֶּאֱ תָ וּ י חַ שְ מַ נִּ י ם adventurous and restless. Yosse’le’s father recognized his son’s were obvious. He reached for a quill to write a letter of condolence. Hospital in Brooklyn, NY, was not commercial distributors and learn it is a title of honor like ;the nobles shall come ,(תְהִּ לִּים ס״ח:ל״ב) It became Turning to Yosse’le, R' Chaim said, “It is indeed an extremely difficult . מְל ַ מְ דִּ י ם unusual mental abilities and hired the choicest of a Jewish hospital and it came as a interstate shipping companies s’ מַ תִּ תְ ָי ה וּ others say it was ”. שִּׁיְ י בָּ ה increasingly clear that Yosse’le’s unbridled nature was winning; situation; however, my advice is that you remain here in the teaching him was an impossible chore. Yosse’le soon found himself Over the next few months, more letters arrived, each one total surprise when, the day after and successfully introduced glatt .He roamed the streets with no direction. As he worse than the previous one. When was Yosse’le coming home? R' great-grandfather and was a family name . רֶ בִּ י without a s’ מַ תִּ תְ ָי ה וּ is where חַ שְ מָ ן his parents wept over their son. Chaim’s reaction did not change. He sympathized, offered the procedure, a nurse came by kosher meals. Today kosher meals Some learn that , בַרמִּצְ וָּה approached .lived , שִּ מְ ע וֹ ן הַ צַ דִּ י ק ,One day, Yosse’le heard a mother scolding her child, “I do suggestions, and even sent some money, but his advice was still the and asked him if he would like a are readily available in all Boston grandfather kosher dinner. A kosher meal in a hospitals, because of the . שִּׁיְ י בָּ ה not want you to grow up and become another Yosse’le, roaming the same — remain in streets!” Years passed. One day a delegation from Yosse’le’s town and they were seeking a replacement. non-Jewish hospital? In Boston, Bostoner Rebbe’s surgery at נִּ פְ טָּ ר had been רָּ ב Yosse’le froze. So this is how he was perceived — the arrived. Their symbol of failure! That was the turning point in Yosse’le’s young life. R' Chaim sent for Yosse’le; when the young man entered the room, even in the “Jewish hospitals” Calendonian Hospital in Brooklyn, .rose to his full height in a show of respect. Turning to there was no such thing. The city NY, many years ago רֹאשׁ יְשִּׁ יבָּה He informed his parents that he was ready to turn over a new leaf, the but there was one condition. the delegation, he said, “Do you remember Yosse’le? He is truly an the Bostoner , תַ ְל מִ י ד Your city can take pride in him. He will make of Boston was home to some of My .תַּלְמִּיד חָּכָּם I do not want to remain at home … I know that I have outstanding“ love for This Week in History , אַ ֲ ה ַ ב ת ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל the top hospitals in the country. Rebbe lived ”. רָּ ב above-average ability, and I will use that ability to the fullest. I want an excellent 'R , רֹא שׁ י ְ שִּׁ י בָּ ה to study in Volozhin.” When Yosse’le went to take leave of his were very advanced, and one was Chaim gazed at him lovingly and said, “Take note, my son, how The only hot kosher meals Jewish a fellow Jew. With every שִּׁיְ י בָּ ה The studies in the of R' Chaim Tzvi יאָרצײַט — 1936 / 5697 כִּ סְ ֵ ל ו to try patients got were made by the experience, whether good or 18 שָּ טָּ ן has allowed the ד׳ . שָּׁ מַ יִּ ם study is in תּ וֹ רָּ ה to gain admission. precious your שַׁ ״ ס of סְ דָּ רִּ י ם required to know at least two 'born in Savrantz in 5635/1875 to R , זַ צַ ״ ל Yosse’le’s degree of knowledge did not even come close. His father everything to deprive the world of your study. You persevered, and family or the special women in seemingly bad, he thought about Ehrenreich Schwartz ר׳ אַבְרָהָם יְהוּדָה Yaakov, a descendant of .תַּ לְמִּ יד חָּ כָּ ם as an outstanding קְ הִּ ל ָּ ה tried to dissuade him, but Yosse’le was very determined. He was today you are ready to lead a and Hendel Reizel. He was , ק וֹ ל אַ רְ ֵי ה the , זַ צַ ״ ל would do everything in the community who would cook helping another Jew. Today, he is שָּ טָּ ן going to Volozhin, and would somehow succeed. His mother helped Remember well what has transpired. The and tens of orphaned of his father at age 9. His primary teacher , זְ כ וּ ת hot soup and other foods and still reaping the ”. תּ וֹ רָּ ה from realizing his potential in ב ן ֶ תּ וֹ רָּ ה him pack his few belongings; his father gave him money and his his power to prevent a לֶ חֶ ם ,of Shamlau רָ ב) ר׳ שְ ֺלמֺה זַלְמַ ן ,was his brother blessings. Adapted from: Shabbos Stories (with kind permission from ArtScroll) When R' Chaim Tzvi was of marriageable .( שְ ֺל ֺמ ה bring them to the hospital at all thousands of Jews are still שַ ״ ס age, he was well known for his knowledge of !אַהֲבַת יִשְרָאֵ ל hours of the day and night. enjoying his His maternal .הֲ לָ כָ ה and particularly of , פּוֹ סְ קִּ י ם and ייְהִ זִכְ רוֹ בָרוְּך! Kosher meals? Where“ took him as ,( בֵ ת י נ ַ פְ תָ לִּ י) uncle, R' Naftali Schwartz . חָ תָ ן his daughter Leah’s רֶ בִ י Your , בְ ְי דִ י ד וּ ת do you get them?”” asked the The couple settled in Mahd, where the community of Rebbe. Story adapted from And the Angels Laughed (ArtScroll) Questions the week was anxious to appoint R' Chaim Zvi to fill his late רש"י Chofetz ChaimMoment of the town. Though רָ ב father-in-law’s position as ספר ח״ח הלכות רכילות כלל א׳ סעיף ב׳ s reason for changing the name of his wife from eminently qualified, he was too modest to assume’ עֵ שָׂ ו The 4th-grade classroom buzzed with excitement! R' Fried had just 1. What was* the position. Finally, after many entreaties, he ac- ? ְי ה וּ דִ י ת to אָׂהֳ לִ יבָׂ מָׂ ה .fair for the entire school סֻ כָּ ה announced that the boys would present a and דַ ָי ן s reason for changing the name of his wife from quiesced instead to accept the position of’ עֵ שָׂ ו What was .1 and the community looked elsewhere for ,מוֹרֶ ה צֶדֶ ק הקב״ה All work had to be their own, original ideas, illustrating one or more of 2. Name three categories of people who merit that ? ְי ה וּ דִ י ת to אָׂהֳ לִ יבָׂ מָׂ ה of רַ ָ ב נ וּ ת At age 57 he finally accepted the . רָ ב a .(מוֹחְ לִין לוֹ עַוֹנוֹתָׂ יו) that they had learned. During recess, Ari asked Eli if they forgives them completely for their sins מִ נ שְׁ ָּ י וֹ ת the

of Mahd for over 30 רַ אֲ ַ ב ״ ד Sage Sayings Mahd. He was also הקב״ה should ask Yossi to join their group. Eli said, “No way! … Yossi told me 2. Name three categories of people who merit that

36:3). — ( as to referred אל עֵ מָ שְׂ יִ ת בַ ת מַ שְׂ בָ ד״ה בָ שְׂ מַ ת בַ ת יִ שְׂ מָ עֵ אל

, מַ טֶ ה אֶ פְ רַ יִּ ם on the קְ צֵ ה הַ מַ טֶ ה years. He published .(מוֹחְ לִין ת לַ לוֹ חֲ מָׂ עַוֹנוֹתָׂ יו) many times, ‘Ari always likes to boss people around.’ He will never want forgives them completely for their sins is is (28:9) elsewhere that (C) reason this for is It married. gets who one

. שַע ַ ירֵ אֶ פְ רַ י ִּ ם on שַ יעַרֵ חַ יִּים and ת מַ שְ ָׂ בָ ְמ

to be in a group together with you!” 36:3). — ( as to referred ת לַ חֲ מָׂ אל עֵ מָ שְׂ יִ ת בַ ת מַ שְׂ בָ ד״ה בָ שְׂ מַ ת בַ ת יִ שְׂ מָ עֵ אל

B) one who ascends to a position of greatness and C) C) and greatness of position a to ascends who one B) a becomes who One A) 2. גֵר

spent 6 years ר׳ מֺשֶ ה יְהוּדָ ה lavishly praised and blessed the Bostoner After his passing, his son זַ צַ ״ ל The Steipler Gaon

is is (28:9) elsewhere that (C) reason this for is It married. gets who one ת מַ שְ ָׂ ב ?How should Eli have handled this delicate situation 36:2). — ( idolatry

,for publication. In 5703 / 1943 תְ ש וּ ב וֹ ת collecting his ה מָ יבָ לִ הֳ אָ ד״ה .Stories adapted from Guard Your Tongue, A Daily Companion, A Lesson a Day and various real-life situations* answer. of type ’ idea good a not s ’ it feeling a have just I ‘ a with respond

B) one who ascends to a position of greatness and C) C) and greatness of position a to ascends who one B) a becomes who One A) 2. גֵר into assuming that his wife had rejected rejected had wife his that assuming into father his mislead to wished 1. ק חָׂ צְיִצ ָ

שְ אֵ ל וֹ ת וּ תְ ש וּ ב וֹ ת קַ ב for his ROFEH organization (a doctor referral and he had the merit of publishing זַ צַ ״ ל Rebbe ו שָׂ עֵ ָ have avoided giving the true reason why Yossi should not be included, and instead instead and included, be not should Yossi why reason true the giving avoided have

36:2). — ( idolatry

in תְ ש וּ ב וֹ ת (קב of י גִּ מַ טְ רִּ ָי ה) comprising 102 , חַ יִּ י ם support program). The Steipler ended his praise saying, “What ה מָ יבָ לִ הֳ אָ ד״ה אָ הֳ לִ יבָ מָ ה regardless of whether the speaker's intentions are good or evil. In this case, Eli should should Eli case, this In evil. or good are intentions speaker's the whether of regardless

into assuming that his wife had rejected rejected had wife his that assuming into father his mislead to wished 1. ק חָׂ צְיִצ ָ

was published and בקַ חַ יִּים Although .הֲ לָ כָ ה practical ו שָׂ עֵ ָ , , is person another against said/done have others what Relating : r e w s n A

greatly appreciated, it could hardly be distributed חוֹלֶ ה is wonderful, but what you do for the חוֹלֶה you do for the ת וּ ל י כ ִ רְׁ and his family is far more!” The Rebbe was puzzled. The Steipler under the tragic circumstances of the day. When the war was over, nothing remained but a single copy, which was tenaciously preserved against all דעֶר דאָקטעֶר ראֶפְשָׂ אִ יז ידִ רִ יכטִ יגעֶשָׂ לִיחַ אוּן “ ,smiled and explained The doctor may be the right messenger, or may not odds by R' Chaim Zvi’s younger son, R' Eliezer, the ,אֶפְשָׂ ר נִישט and continue from there. next Mahder Rav. In 5731 / 1971, he republished it הַ נ ִּ סִּ י ם or בִּ רְ כַ ת הַ מָּ ז וֹ ן during עַוְ ל הַ נ ִּ סִּ י ם  If one forgot to recite .but the kindness is definite!” in an expanded version ,אָבּעֶר דעֶר חֶסֶ ד אִ יז פאַזִיכעֶרט ,and realizes this error before reaching the  If one does not realize the error until after saying the be שְ מ וֹ ֶנ ה עֶ שְ רֵ ה Source: Heard at the Shabbos Table . שְ מ וֹ ֶנ ה ֶ ע שְ רֵ ה or בִּ רְ כַ ת הַ מָּ ז וֹ ן he does not repeat ,ד׳ name of וְ עַ ל he should go back to , בְ רָּ כ ָּ ה in the next ד׳ Halacha name of

.in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 לע״נ ר׳ משה בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל עִ נְ יָ נֵ י דְ יוֹו מָ א : חֲ ֻ נ ָ ּ כ ה בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

After the Chevron Massacre in 1929, Agudas R’ Elya Meir Bloch was asked to collect in the Yisroel of Europe made appeals for funds city of Ponevez. He left Telz late at night... in order to assist the survivors. PIRCHEI I will spend this night Agudas Yisroel of America learning as a Zechus for Vol: 4 Issue: 7 - י"ז כסלו, תשע"ז - my mother’s neshamah, December 17, 2016 פרשה: וישלח - הפטרה: חזון עבדיה... )עובדיה א:א-כא( .a”h מצות עשה: 0 מצות לא תעשה: 1 דף יומי: בבא מציעא פ״ב ברכי נפשי )מנחה( משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם - ותן טל ומטר

*signed with tears TorahThoughts

בַעַל הַטוּרִים he escorted him as he went to check on his brothers. The … וְ הוּא צֺלֵעַ עַל יְרֵ כוֹ … עַל כֵן לֺא יֺאכְ לוּ בְ נֵי יִשְרָאֵ ל אֶ ת גִ יד הַ נָשֶ ה … עַ ד הַ יּ וֹ ם R’ Elya Meir arrived in Ponevez Rebbi, forgive יַעֲקֺב turned to י וֹ סֵ ף ,relates even more details. On the way out (לז:יד) הַ זֶ ה … )בְרֵ אשִ ית לב:לב-לג( ...the following afternoon me for asking, but You ask well, did Rebbi say Kaddish ...and he was limping on his thigh... Therefore the Children of Israel are and begged his father not to trouble himself to walk with him and to Rabbosai, is Oy, vey! but answer me, and the לְ וָ יָ ה of הֲ לָ כָ ה responded by explaining the יַעֲקֺב .for his mother this not to eat the displaced sinew ...to this day… return home there a chiyuv for Telz is over 12 my friend: What do was left with a dislodged hip from his struggle יַעֲקֺב אָבִ ינוּ ?morning was the message that מִ צְ ָו ה hours away. How you think?... consequences of the extra protection. This גִ י ד limped as he felt the pain from his יַעֲקֺב .( שַ ר עֵ שָ ו) מַ אָלְ ְך Minchah here?...today with the reminded his father, “I י וֹ סֵ ף . מִ צְ רָ ִי ם from יַעֲקֺב later sent back to י וֹ סֵ ף is my mother’s could the Rebbi have You .לְ וָ יָ ה of מִ צְ ָו ה we spoke about was the הֲ לָ כָ ה sciatic nerve, the longest and widest single nerve in the human remember that the last , הַ ָנ שֶ ה Yahrtzeit... davened Shacharis was י וֹ סֵ ף] ”!to refrain from eating the taught me what happens if someone is not escorted בְ ֵנ י ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל does not command ד׳ .with a minyan? body choicest meat or the bones in the thigh area. He commands only that hinting: You provided me with that extra Divine protection, and I was [!able to survive the last 22 years because of your accompaniment גִ י ד s pain and not eat the’יַעֲקֺב אָבִ ינוּ we should continually remember suggests that we must also remember ( מִ צְ ָ ו ה ג) חִ נ וּ ְך which sent the message of the pain and does not have any taste The , הַ ָנ שֶ ה is to recall the ultimate גִ י ד הַ ָנ שֶ ה of מִ צְ ָו ה s pain, but mainly the’יַעֲקֺב ?wants us to learn ד׳ at all. What is the eternal message that nd .is to healing that happened later מִ צְ ָו ה suggests that this ( פְ שַ ט in his 2) דַעַת זְקֵנִים The מִשָׁ רָׁ ישֵׁ הַ מִ צְ וָׁ ה accompanying ,לְ וָ יָ ה of מִ צְ ָו ה the importance of the כְ לַ ל יִשְ רָ אֵ ל teach that מִ צְ ָו ה is teaching us with this ד׳ explains that חִ נ וּ ְך because The מַ אָלְ ְך was wounded by the יַעֲקֺב אָבִ ינוּ .someone who is leaving עֵ שָ ו will be due to the descendants of גָ לוּת he was alone; he had not been accompanied by his children when he much of the pain of He . עֵ שָ ו was the representative of מַ אָלְ ְך The .כְ לַ ל יִשְ רָ אֵ ל afflicting :לְ וָ יָ ה of מִ צְ ָו ה explains the מַ הַ רַ ״ ל left to retrieve his belongings. The in the largest nerve in the body. However, when יַעֲקֺב When someone accompanies his friend as he leaves, they both feel a caused pain to ,was completely healed. So too יַעֲקֺב responds by providing the sun rose the next morning ד׳ .sense of togetherness towards each other The sun . בְ ֵנ י ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל was left ultimately there will be complete salvation for יַעֲקֺב .Would my Upon returning to Telz, he taught the departing friend with an extra level of protection... that will rise , מָ שִ י חַ the [healing] sun of , שֶ מֶ ש שֶ ל מָ שִ י חַ was left alone, represents the יַעֲקֺב and , ַו ִיּ ָוּ ֵתר ַי ֲע ֺקב ְל ַבדּוֹ :teaches פָ סוּק mother prefer that I say his talmidim a lifelong message: alone, as the Yisgadal v’yiskadash shmei בִ מְ הֵ רָ ה and heal us from all our afflictions and ultimately redeem us .(לב:כה) and a man wrestled with him ,וַיֵּאָבֵק אִ יש עִ מּוֹ and only then rabbah (May His Great Name …and I am confident ספר החנוך על פרשת השבוע :Adapted from ! אָ מֵ ן — speedily in our days , בְ ָי מֵ י נ וּ when י וֹ סֵ ף to מִ צְ ָו ה taught this יַעֲקֺב :continues דַ עַ ת זְ קֵ נִ י ם be Glorified), or that I that missing kaddish for The live it? the “Kedoshim” in Chevron gave my mother a”h the greatest nachas possible! Remember, our responsibility is to live with kiddush Hashem! of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses , זַ צַ ״ ל Horowitz ר ׳ לֵ וִ י יִ צְ חָ ק ,The Bostoner Rebbe of Berditchev ר ׳ לֵ וִ י יִ צְ חָ ק was named after ר׳ was born in Boston, MA, to ר׳ לֵוִ י יִצְחָ ק הַ לֵוִ י הוֹרוֹבִ יץ זַצַ ״ל י״ח כסלו He learned in .שָרָ ה סאָשאָ and ( רֶ בִ י 1st Bostoner) פִ נְ חָ ס דָ וִ ד 5770 — 5681 .שָרָ ה סאָשאָ Both mothers were also . זַ צַ ״ ל 2009 — 1924 of Belz זַ צַ ״ ל of R' Shraga When R’ Aharon Rokeach תַּ לְ מִ י ד מֻ בְ הָ ק NY) and was a) יְ שִ יבָ ה תּוֹרָ ה וְ דַ עַ ת heard the name he began pacing back and .( סְ מִ י ָכ ה who gave him) זַ צַ ״ ל and R' Shlomo Heiman זַ צַ ״ ל Feivel Mendlowitz In 1944 he became . ר ׳ ַ נ פְ תָּ לִ י Ungar, daughter of רעֶכל In 1942, he married st nd forth asking the young man, “Say the ,He founded name!” This was repeated several times . רֶ בִ י as the 2 Bostoner רֶ בִ י the 1 American-born Chassidishe . בְ רָ ָכ ה the New England Chassidic Center, and ROFEH International to provide and then he gave an unusually strong in 1984, and divided his time The young, future Bostoner Rebbe lived by הַ ר נ וֹ ף in גִ בְ עַ ת פִ נְ חָ ס was born in Telshe, Lithuania. His father, R’ Yosef Leib, medical help. He founded זצ״ל R’ Eliyahu Meir Bloch אַהֲ בַ ת in this prophetic name choice. With his מוֹעֶצֶ ת גְ דוֹלֵי הַ תּוֹרָ ה He also served on the . אֶ רֶ ץ ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל of Telshe. After his marriage, he spent twelve years as a between Boston and ראשׁ ישיבה and רב was the by ד׳ thousands of lost souls to מְ קַ רֵ ב he was , ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל to directly impact זוֹכֶ ה he was , חָ כְ מָ ה and אַהֲ בַ ת ִי שְ רָ אֵ ל With his . אֶ רֶ ץ ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל could not continue under the Soviets, R’ Eliyahu ישיבה at Telshe. When the ראשׁ ישיבה Meir and his brother-in-law, R’ Chaim Mordechai Katz , traveled to America to !the lives of thousands of Yidden. focusing only on the beauty in every Jew זצ״ל or America. When he arrived, he ארץ ישראל to either ישיבה raise funds to move the heard of the Nazi invasion and later learned that he had lost his wife and three לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication ישיבה in Cleveland, Ohio. As the ישיבה of his four children. In 1941, he restarted the לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י grew, he won the admiration of the locals. He was a staunch supporter of via email, please send an email to [email protected] .מוֹעצת גדוֹלי ישראל of their חבר of America and was an insightful אגדת ישראל This week's Pirchei Weekly is sponsored כ“ח טבת For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval www.leilshishi.com 5655 - 5716 1894 - 1955 in honor of the bar mitzvah of Kalman Sussman .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַל ּפִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required