STORY NAME: The State Abduction of Afgan Mukhtarli

COPYRIGHT HOLDER: Rustavi2 / OPEN Media Hub COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Ownership of content belongs to Rustavi2 , / OPEN Media Hub USAGE TERMS: Share & Adapt - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) EDITOR’S NOTES: N/A SOURCE: Rustavi 2, Open Media Hub – “This production was supported by OPEN Media Hub with funds provided by the European Union” LANGUAGE: Georgian DURATION: 35.20 JOURNALIST: Sophiko Zurabiani EMAIL: [email protected]

SLUGLINE: Afgan Mukhtrali’s story of State Abduction HEADLINE: Afgan Mukhtarli’s was abducted. We look at how the exiled investigative journalist from Azerbaijan went from the center of to end up in a Baku prison. Mukhtarli claims that he was abducted from the center of Tbilisi by the representatives of Georgian criminal police and was illegally delivered to Azerbaijan, where he was detained and forced to 6 years in prison with the allegations crossing border illegally, smuggling and related charges. Mukhtarli says that, his abduction was a joint operation of both the Georgian and Azerbaijani side agreed on the highest state official’s level. DATELINE: Tbilisi, - 27/07/2018

SCRIPT: 00:06 - 00:16 - interview -Leyla Musatafayeva –Afgan Mukhtarli’s wife, Investigative Journalist “ When I decided to leave Georgia, I thought that day o God, it will be hard for me!”

00:24 - 00:30 - interview -Afgan Mukhtarli - Investigative Journalist "It was a personal agreement between Aliyev and Kvirikashvili." 00:41-00.56 - interview - Leyla Musatafayeva –Afgan Mukhtarli’s wife, Investigative Journalist “I could live there. It was not problem for me, but I think I was a problem for government. They did not want me to live in Georgia. In this way, indirect or direct way they forced me to live Georgia. “ 01:24 -01:48 – VO


Incoming call from Baku’s prison no 16, on the telephone line is Afgan Mukhtarli. Hearing his father's voice 4-year-old Nurai is very excited. We are lucky to get the chance to ask Afgan a few questions. 01.50-02.50 -telephone conversation: - Journalist: - You have been sentenced for 6 years and are in the prison. What are you expecting? - Afgan Mukhtarli – investigative Journalist „ I have no expectations at the moment. I’m sitting in prison and waiting out my sentence. I’m not expecting anything good from the government of Azerbaijan.’’ - Journalist: Do you still think that you were abducted by a joint operation of two countries? Was it planned on an official level? - Afgan Mukhtarli: "Yes, it was a joint operation of both the Georgian and Azerbaijani sides. They were in agreement about me. The Georgian side was carrying out the orders of the Azerbaijani side, more specifically the order was carried out by Georgian criminal police. Criminal Police of Georgia, Border Forces and Lagodekhi Border checkpoint were all involved in this crime. " - Journalist: And at the political level? - Afgani: "Your Prime Minister gave the consent to commit this offense."

02.50-03.08 - VO This is the story of Afgan Mukhtarli. How the exiled journalist from Azerbaijan went from the centre of Tbilisi to end up in a Baku prison.

03.16-03.22 - interview - Rahim Shaliev – Azeri Journalist, Civil Activist "On May 29th at 9pm, we agreed with Afgan Mukhtarli to meet at 5 o'clock at this location 03.29-03.39 –VO Tbilisi May 29, 2017 - Afgan Mukhtarli’s trace was lost at 7:00 pm after having tea with a friends in a café on Baratashvili street in Tbilisi. 03.40 -03. 44 –VO Rahim Shaliev is one of the last of those who saw Afgan Mukhtarli before he disappeared. 03.45 - 04.19- interview - Rahim Shaliev – Azeri Journalist, Civil Activist “I met Afgan Mukhtarl and Dashkin Agalarli here, because later the organization, ‘’Thinking Citizen’’, (In Goergian -,,Moazrovne Moqalaqe,, ) located very near, had an event and after our meeting we were planning to go to it.But later Mukhtarli told me ; Dashkin and I want to carry on talking, if you would like to you can stay or go to that event. During that evening after about an hour I went to that event and then I went at home. My mobile phone was turned off. In the morning I learnt from the internet that Afgan Mukhtarl was abducted.”

04.23-04.29 – VO


Leyla Musatafayeva, also, the investigative journalist remembers that on 29th May in the evening, she spoke to her husband about 7pm. 04.31-04.49 - interview - Leyla Musatafayeva –Afgan Mukhtarli’s wife “He called me back from Dushkin’s mobile saying that if I needed something for house? I told that yes the bread and sunflower for kid and he told me that he will be at home in 15 minutes” 04.50-04.54 – VO Afgan didn’t come back home not in 15 min and not during the night. 04.55- 05.07 – interview -Zina Shakhverdova - Afgan’s house owner ‘’His wife Leila came with us, and told - Tamila, Afgan didn’t come home and It’s already 4 or 5 in the morning. Tamila said - do not cry, Leila, let’s see what happened.’’ 05.09-05.16 –VO In the morning Leyla went to the police and claimed that her husband is missing.

05.19-05.35 - Interview - Archil Chopikashvili – lawyer of Afgan Mukhtarl, “Constitution Article 42” "The feeling was that there was not enough attention given to claims about the missing exiled journalist and that there is a high probability that he might not even be alive.The first statements we made in the police station, in the statement it’s written such texts that we require to find out whether this person is alive or not.”

05.44- 06.15 –VO nly on the second day of the disappearance of Mukhtarli, the Azerbaijanian side declared that on the 29th of May, at 22:40 Afgan Mukhtarl was arrested by the officers of the State Border Service of Azerbaijan in the Balakan District after he illegally crossed the border, that he had 10,000 euros of contraband with him and that he resisted the border officers. Afgan Mukhtarli is telling the different story.

06.17-06.30- VO On the evening of May 29th, Afgan Mukhtarli came out of this café and went towards his house by the # 4 minibus.For Leila it is still hard even now to talk about what happened after this.

06.33-07.47- Interview - Leyla Musatafayeva –Afgan Mukhtarli’s wife , investigative journalist “He told me that he was taken in the Niagvari Street , a few minutes after he got off the bus. Close to the stop in the funicular, so later when he started come to our house in Niagvari street, it is just about on walk just hundred meters away from our house, as a car stopped and they pushed him into the car, forced him into the car. They were 4 people in the car. They were in the uniform of the criminal police and later the car move to Ukleba’s street and stop there. There is a small grocery shop there and they started beating him there. Also beating on the face, eyes, also they heat with elbows in


his heart and hand cafted him there. He told me that later the car moved back from Ukleba to Niagvari street and moved along Chitadze street and later from the freedom square , later they took the airport way. “

07.48-08.09 - Stendup: Mukhtarli tells that he heard Georgian conversations in the car, they were telling someone on the phone the exact route the car was taking. The bag was putted on his head as the car almost left Tbilisi, then the car continued driving on eastward.

08.09-08.54 –Interview - Leyla Musatafayeva –Afgan Mukhtarli’s wife , investigative journalist :“It is very hard to talk... The bag was put on his head at outskirts of Tbilisi. That’s how he noticed, how he could see the streets . After while he told them that he cannot breath and ask them to take this bag. He noticed that they are in a way to Sagarejo. After they took off the bag out of his head they covered it some kind of underwear. Later he told me that approximately in Sagarejo the car moved to quit place, there was not any people noise. he told me that, when they took him out of the car, he asked them to kill him not with knife “ 08.55-09.07- Interview –Mukhtarli ,,I asked them not to kill me with a knife, to shoot me with a bullet instead and asked them to tell my wife to never go back to Azerbaijan, go somewhere else, but one of them told me - ,, Nothing bad will happen to you,, “

09.12-09.32 – VO Mukhtarli told TV Company Rustavi 2 the exact scheme of his abduction and who may be responsible for ordering it. This interview was give after he was allowed to leave prison for 48 hours in order to attend the funeral of his sister, his sister’s child and his brother’s child, who died in an unfortunate accident due to gas poisoning. 09.34-09.39.-VO Due to this interview the government of Azerbaijan forced him to return to prison earlier.

09.20-09.48-Mukhtarli: “Ilham Aliev could not tolerate for me to be free for even one day, one day.”

09.49 – 09.58 - Interview -Nemat Karimli - Afgan Mukhtarli’s lawyer in Azerbaijan “I started protecting Afgan Mukhtarli on May 31st. On this day he was giving testimony at the State Border Service Investigation Division. “ 10.00 – 10.10 –VO According to the testimony of Mukhtarli , the scheme of his abduction was carried out like this: after some distance from Sagarejo, he was moved to another car, where he started hearing Azerbaijanian music and conversations.


10.12-10.55- Interview -Nemat Kariml- Afgan Mukhtarli’s lawyer in Azerbaijan “ In the testimony he was stating, that in the final car , people who were sitting next to him started speaking in the Azerbaijanian language. One of them said, Mr. General, we brought the Mullah and you can come to the funeral wake. About 15 minutes later they stopped the car and they took Afgan to a room. When he opened his eyes, due to the design of the room he realized he was in the military unit of the border service. His hands were tied and pretended to search him and seized 10 000 euros. In fact, during all of the journey from Tbilisi to the military unit his hands were tied behind his back.’’

10.57-11.14 –VO The questions remained unanswered about the bases of the official allegations. This is 31st May, Afgan Mukhtarli is in Baku’s court. He is wearing a white shirt. The same shirt that he was wearing in Tbilisi before his disappearance 2 days ago. 11.15-11.31- Interview - Leyla Musatafayeva –Afgan Mukhtarli’s wife , investigative journalist „White shirt, yes, white shirt and they say he has crossed the border in a white shirt with a money. He has crossed the rever and there is no water, no mad on his shoes, on his shirt. Shirt still was white. “

11.34-11.38 – VO His passport was still in his home which Leila found the same day.

11.39-12.30 - Interview – Nemat Karimli - Afgan Mukhtarli’s lawyer in Azerbaijan ‘’One of the most interesting facts was that, using the official information they were attempting to prove that the State Border operation division services senior officials Jeikhun Gulamov and Azer shirinov on that day were watching the Balakan border’s district 6th Teritory, which is located about 400 km from their workplace. It’s ridiculous that the generals, who were working in Baku, suddenly appeared on that spot and watched. Or how they know that such a thing would happen? When the two people entered the courtroom to give testimony, Afgan immediately recognized them and said that they were involved in bringing him to Azerbaijan and we interceded to remove them from witness list and to begin investigating them in regard to human abduction. But this motion was not granted.

12.33-12.53 –VO The abduction story that was told by Mukhtarli, was proven by the interview given by Azerbaijan’s MP Elman Nasirov to Radio liberty on the 9th of June 2017. In this interview the MP said directly, that Mukhtarli was brought to Azerbaijan trough the cooperation of the Special Forces of Azerbaijan and Georgia.

12.54-13.15 - Interview -Giorgi Gogia - South Caucasus Regional Director of Human Rights Watch "This was later rejected by the Georgian law enforcement agencies, but Azerbaijan’s


MP spoke about it publicly, which is the basis for having doubts that indeed there could have been some kind of cooperation between Georgian and Azerbaijanian law enforcement agencies." 13.20-13.41 –VO At the same time, the court proceedings of Mukhtarli in the Azerbaijani court continued. The defendants accused him of crossing the Azerbaijan border with the money and guilty of resisting the border guards. Mukhtarli was saying that it was absurd, he was himself asking incisive questions to the prosecutions witnesses, who were only border guards, and called the case against him “a Comedy”.

13.42-.13.45 - Journalist - How do you evaluate the process? - Afgan: "This is not a process, this is a comedy"

13.44 – 14.00 - Interview - Hadija Ismailova - journalist: "This is an absurd case - a man has been abducted from Tbilisi and taken to Azerbaijan, now he has been judged for what he did not do. Yes, this is a comedy from the very beginning – it would be funny if it was not so sad. " 14.03-14.27 – VO A day before the trial at the Court of Appeals, which reaffirmed his six years of imprisonment left Mukhtarli without one of the lawyers. Azerbaijan Bar association suspended the license to practice law to his lawyer Nemat Karimli for one year. The stated reason was in relation to Mukhtarli’s case, they argued that Mukhtarli’s lawyer had tried to politicize a criminal case in an interview with media.

14.30- 14.49 - Interview -Nemat Karimli-Afgan Mukhtarli’s lawyer in Azerbaijan "The court works in Azerbaijan like this, and this is not the first case. In all political cases, court proceedings are a continuation of the Prosecution Service, similar to the process of investigation. The only difference is that it concludes with a judgment. So, I had no particular expectations.”

14.50-14.58 – VO Human rights organizations declared that the suspension of the license for the lawyer was an extra evidence of the Mukhtarli’s rights violation. 14.59 -15.40 - Interview -Rusudan Mchedlishvili - The Human Rights House , Activist for rights: "The court did not actually give equal opportunities to the parties. When the prosecution requested to question several witnesses it was unconditionally satisfied by the Court. On the other hand, when Afgan and his lawyers were demanding an acquisition of important documents from the court, to expertise the money (for fingerprints )and also there was an intercession about the attachment of evidence to certain documents relevant to the case file. The Court did not satisfy any of these intercessions and thus violated the rights of Afgan Mukhtarli accorded to him in Article 6 of the European Convention. “


15.42 - 16.07 –VO Afgan Mukhtarli's advocates filed the case to the European Court of Human Rights. It was given a priority to the case. A year after the journalist's disappearance, the European Court requests answers. They directed 8 questions to the Georgian government and 6 questions to Azerbaijan. In order to find out the rights guaranteed by the Convention on Journalists and whether they have been violated. 16.09- 16.20 – VO At the same time, investigation still is ongoing in Georgia. In order to answer the question, how did Mukhtarli appear in Azerbaijan from the centre of Tbilisi? On 20 July 2017, the Minister of Internal affairs introduced the interim results of the investigation to media. 16.24 – 16.37 - Interview - Giorgi Mghebrishvili – Former Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia "The footage from 46 video cameras have been recovered and examined. 127 witnesses were questioned, who explained that on May 29th of this year, they did not see any evidence of abduction by car or physical assault against anyone” 16.39 – 16.52 - Interview - Archil Chopikashvili – Lawyer of Afgan Mukhtarli "I was surprised that the investigation was collecting testimonies of witnesses who had no information about the crime. In fact, the investigation was carried out not for the purpose to actually investigate but just to prevent the investigation. 16.53 - 17.04 –VO The public interest was high and questions were raised as the surveillance cameras were not working along the whole way from Mtasminda to airport direction which was the route Mukhtarli told he passed after his abduction on May 29th 2017. 17.07-17.45 - Interview - Archil Chopikashvili – lawyer of Afgan Mukhtarli "There were no questions asked of this witness who was responsible on information about the surveillance cameras, when the surveillance cameras stopped working and what were the reasons for these cameras not working at that time that the crime was perpetrated. - At the initial stage there was a specific note regarding the video footage of the surveillance cameras at the border checkpoint, it stated that the video recording facilities were damaged. Later, when certain people were sure about the fact that it could not make any kind of difference in the investigation they have shown these recordings saying that just look , -we are working and carrying out some investigative actions. "

17.48-17.55 –VO As a result of journalistic investigation, the suspicion was raised that the recordings that were taken from the surveillance cameras on the buildings around Baratashvili's cafe were damaged or copied. 17.57 – 18.30 - Interview -Archil Chopikashvili - lawyer of Afgan Mukhtarli "In the video records of the Gerogian State Electrosystem’s surveillance camera it was directly visible how one of the men is watching Afgan Mukhtarli , who took minibus #4 and it was not only that they didn’t identify that man, but later it was discovered that the Prosecutor's Office could not even open the video recording and arranged an


expert analysis of why this video recording was damaged and whether video recording was damaged at last or not. There has been no conclusion to the expert analysis to this date. " 18.33-18. 43 – VO The fact is that surveillance on Afgan Makhtarlis was frequent, confirmed by his friend Rahim Shaliev. He says last time this happened was 2 days before Afgan's abduction.

18.44 – 19.08 - Interview - Rahim Shaliev- Azerbaijanian journalist, civil activist "They were sitting on our right-hand side, I’m telling you about the latest incident. one of them had a regional Azerbaijanian accent, while the other spoke with the accent of Baku. When I and Dashkin observed that they were watching Afgan, we joked, that today or tomorrow he would be abducted, but we did not think this would become a reality” 19.11 – 19.22-VO The incident, which Shaliev is referring to, took place at Baratashvili Street in the same café where Mukhtarli was on the day of the abduction. Its written here that this café has the camera of video surveillance. 19.22- 19.37 - Interview - Mamuka Sakhokia – owner of the café - Journalist - was the surveillance camera turned on that day? - No, there is no surveillance camera here anywhere, absolutely it is not set up in any place around, they were looking for it at that time and I do not know…. - But, that it's written here that the video recording is going on? - It was written, even when I leased it, but It was never there. 19.40-19.44-VO Leila says that after her husband's abduction, she was constantly being watched obviously. 19.45 – 20.02 - Interview - Leyla Musatafayeva –Afgan Mukhtarli’s wife , investigative journalist “ They could approach us, we were walking just on meters of each other’s. I think they wanted me to feel it. If they really wanted just to watch me, they could do it from distance, but they were approaching to my child.” 20.07 – 20.20 – Standup: Since never felt safe, Leila left Georgia with her daughter for one of the European cities. We did not say the name of this city by her request and because of her safety. 20.23.-20.43-VO Leila has received the Prime Minister's offer of Georgian citizenship before departure from Georgia. A year earlier Leila was denied to prolong the residence permit in Georgia, due to safety reasons, after her husband's abduction she considered the offer of citizenship to be an attempt to bribe her. 20.46- 21.05 - Giorgi Kvirikashvili - Prime Minister of Georgia “The fact is that it is (Mukhtarli’s case) difficult issue and a very big failure. I believe that the reaction of our government, to dismiss a head of the Counterintelligence Service and a head of the Border Police was absolutely adequate.”


21.06 – 21.26 –VO Thus, the Prime Minister of Georgia has estimated the case of Afgan Mukhtarli after we managed to ask a question to Mukhtarli at the the Belaknani District court and he personally accused Giorgi Kvirikashvili to give a consent of his abduction. 21.30- 21.35 - Giorgi Margvelashvili - President of Georgia “How does it happen that a man is disappeared from point A and appeared in point be? “ 21.36 – 22.09-VO This question was raised by the President of Georgia on the second day after the disappearance of the Mukhtarli. A year passed, however, neither the president and nor the international community have received an answer to this question. Mukhtarli’s case, caused great protest both on internal and international levels. Human Rights Watch, the US State Department, European Parliament, which has even adopted a resolution on the issue. They all were encouraging the Government of Georgia to carry out an objective investigation of the cases. One year passed without results. 22.10 – 22.44 - Interview - Rebecca Harms - Member of the European Parliament: “First of all I am disappointed about ongoing investigation in Georgia. I think meanwhile we should have some results and I was also disappointed after my last visit in Georgia, where collages promised support and create a transparent inquiry in the Georgian parliament on this case. So when I returned to Brussels …..It failed. It would have been much better for Georgia I think if investigation would also take place in a transparent manner in Georgian parliament. So not good thing for Georgia, very complicated case for Georgia. “ 22.47- 22.57 – VO A year later they are still waiting for the results of investigation in the parliament of Georgia. The ruling party refused to create investigative commission on the Mukhtarli’s case in the parliament. 22.57 – 23.10 - Interview - Eka Beselia - Chairman of the Legal issue Committee of the Parliament of Georgia “Lots of information should be analyzed collectively and the final conclusion should be made according to this, and not due to individual statements. " - Journalist - What do you think about Mukhtarli’s case -Eka Beselia: “What I think is not important; the main thing is what the investigation will conclude.” 23.12 – 23.24 - Interview - Irakli Sesiashvili - Chairman of the Defense and Security Committee of the Parliament of Georgia "This topic has been politicized. My only source of this information is of course the investigating authorities and that I trust. -Journalist - Leila, what do you think about Afgan's case? 23.34 – 23.51 - Interview - Leyla Musatafayeva –Afgan Mukhtarli’s wife , investigative journalist “His abduction – this case was politically motivated case and I think that top state officials of Georgia were involved in this case. Assumption is that at least prime- minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili - he gave consent , without his consent it was impossible


even to just take a stone in the street from Georgia. I think it was given an order in a high political level , without Ivanishvili’s permission , without Giorgi Kvirikashvili’s consent it was impossible to take someone in the street , kidnap and deliver illegally to Azerbaijani authorities .” 23.52 – 24.40 –Standup - Afgan Mukhtarli’s case is investigated under Article 143, part 1 of the Criminal Code of Georgia, which implies unlawful imprisonment. The prosecutor's office is refusing an interview after one year. We came to handle written questions that maybe we should be able to get answers for the questions - At which stage is the investigation, what is the reasonable time in which investigation should conclude and whether the Afgan Mukhtarli’s video interview was used as testimony by the prosecutor's office? - The journalist –here are the questions about the Mukhtarli’s case. We were asked to give them personally to the office. The Prosecutor's Office replied us in 10 days by official letter arguing that information on the criminal case is not public. 24.41 – 25.04 - Interview -Sopho Kiladze - Chairman of the Committee on the Protection of Human Rights "Mr. Mukhtarli, unfortunately, made statements that were a bit suspicious for me, but in the end, perhaps, the investigation will say what actually happened. However, as you know we have a problem. As you know, the Azerbaijan side does not allow us to question Afgan and it is creating serious difficulties to move to the next stage of the investigation.” 25.06 – JOURNALIST The Georgian government says that it is difficult to investigate the case of Afgan because they do not have the opportunity to question him.

25.13 – 26.03- Interview - Leyla Musatafayeva –Afgan Mukhtarli’s wife , investigative journalist “I do not believe in it, because Afgan gave interview to Rustavi2, when he was released for his siblings funeral service, he talked about everything, they could use this as an evidence and it means that they don’t want to use this interview like evidence ….ok they don’t allow you to investigate this case, but what about my complains to the chief prosecutor’s office about the people who followed me. This people in Tbilisi in Georgia, are they also in prison in Azerbaijan? Do they need a permission an Azerbaijani government as well to investigate my complains about surveillance? I also told them one of the guy who watched us was the one who watched Afgan before he was kidnaped. It is just an excuse”

26.04 – 26.18 -VO Afgan Mukhtarli is an author of a series of investigative articles dealing with supposed schemes of corruption in defense systems and in the Azerbaijan’s army, it was about illegal tenders and winning companies connected to Aliyev's family. 26.20 -27.18- Interview - Giorgi Gogia: "Human Rights Watch published a report on freedom of the media in Azerbaijan in 2010, where the cases of Afgan Mukhtarli and Leila Mustaphaeva are included, in that time they were not married."


"Human Rights Watch" have been observing these two journalist’s activities for years.

Giorgi Gogia: "I remember that Afgan Mukhtarli was working for the opposition newspaper at the time and observed one of the protests as a journalist and then he was severely beaten by the police. Leila Mustaphaeva also remembered that he also worked on the oppositionist newspapers and he was doing an interview about the prices in the market, when an official person had pulled his hair and shook him in the market. He was also victim of the government's restriction of freedom of the media. 27.21 – 27.27 – VO Mukhtarli has been living in Georgia since 2015, after he was forced to escape the threat of arrest from Azerbaijan, he also was writing from Tbilisi about Aliyev’s family income. 27.42 – 27.59 Stendup: The trace of the money of Aliyev's and his close circle was found at Tbilisi’s and Batumi’s hotels. Mukhtarly started his research from Old Tbilisi area, in order to investigate whether the hotel next to Aliyev's park was an Aliyev’s family’s property. 27.58 - 28.27 –VO Hotel “Tiflis Palace" belongs to the company Gloria. Mukhtarli found out that in addition to Tbilisi, "Gloria LTD” owns the fashionable hotel in Batumi. At the same time, in Batumi they were owning a non-dwelling area close to constitutional court, at Gamsakhurdia str 8-10 . Mukhtarli was trying to find out more detail on this property at the moment of his abduction. 28.28 - 28.32- Interview - Afgan Mukhtarli – investigative Journalist : “I could not finish this investigation. They kidnaped me.” 28.33-29.11-VO According to the National Agency of Public Registry, 50% 76% of the hotel "Gloria LTD" is owned by Zarifa Gamazaeva, while the rest is owned by his children who are Jamilla and Malakhat Askerov. The scheme, which was examined by the Afgani Mukhtarli and show the connection to Aliev’s family looks like this : The company Gloria is owned by Zarifa Gamzaewa, a spouse of AZALI-S president Jakhangir Askerov, she is also the founder and shareholder of Silkway Holding with Arzu Aileva, daughter of Azerbaijanian president.

29.13 – 29.28 – VO Mehman Aliyev, the director of the Information Agency Turan, who has tested on himself the adverse effects of criticizing the Azerbaijani authorities and was sitting in the pretrial detention, believes that Afgan Mukhtarli was punished for professional activities. 29. 31 – 20.33 - Interview -Mehman Aliev - Director of "Turan" Agency: "Afgan as a journalist was arrested in connection with an investigation of corruption in Azerbaijan's businesses. I think he touched upon the interests of both Georgian and Azerbaijan sides, because the projects that he was investigating and covering were joint projects of Georgian and Azerbaijanian officials. Both sides were interested to neutralize him that is what actually happened. Therefore, I think abducting Afgan was a demonstration of force. The Georgian side indicated that no one could be protected


in the territory of Georgia and it was a signal for everyone from Azerbaijan who got political asylum in Georgia and was busy with public-political activities that Georgia is not a safe country for you.” 30.34 -30.54 –VO Prior to the abduction of the Mukhtarli, in the publication of the online edition "Haqqin Az" published an article that reported that there is a revolutionary front against Azerbaijani government in Georgia. Among the named activists were Afgan Mukhtarli, the director of the clinic "Lancet" Farman Jeyranov and the political party "People’s Front’s Leader, Gozel Bayramli, 30.59 – 31.30 - Interview - Khayal Azizov – Azeri journalist "After this article, other pro-government newspapers published the same information, this article was used as a source. After that, Farman Jeiranov was arrested for the first time in May and then Gozel Bayramli. The Azerbaijan's government could not do such a big job alone. It is a joint operation between Georgia and Azerbaijan. After this, many journalists and political activists from Azerbaijan left Georgia. They think that Georgia is no longer a safe country for them. 31.35 – 31.57 – VO One year later the results of the abduction of Afgan Mukhtarli are as follows. Azeri journalist serving a six-year prison sentence. Journalist Leila Mustapheva was forced to leave Georgia with her small doughter. Investigating authorities in Georgia have not determine yet how the journalist was found in the Azerbaijan prison from the center of Tbilisi. 32.00 – 32.10-VO The head of the State Security Service did not rule out that the case of Afgan Mukhtarli would be shelved. 32.11 journalist – long time has passed to have the answers for question on Afgan’s case. 32.13 -32.34 - Interview -Vakhtang Gomelauri - Head of State Security Service "I undersataned, but there are investigations that lasts for five or six years, there are investigations that do not end at all. There are cases that started in President Gamsakhurdia's time and can never end. There are cases that are started during Mr Shevardnadze’s time’s or during President Saakashvili which can never end and maybe even some of the topics started in our time and can never end, it is a normal practice” 32.35 – 32.38 –VO On the international stage, the Mukhtarli’s case remains a black spot for Georgia. 32.39 – 33.06- Interview - Rebecca Harms - Member of the European Parliament “So Georgia is among the 3 of association countries to the EU is seen as for good reasons, Georgians by majority want integration, So in EU I am among those who want to support the Georgian European way and I think the cases like Mukhtarly case should not happen in Georgia and if they happen they need really to investigated in a transparent and in a convincing manner and I am still missing this.” 33 .07 -33.17 –VO In the meantime, Nurai became one year older, he heard about the real story of his father on the TV


33. 18 – 33.50 - Interview - Leyla Musatafayeva –Afgan Mukhtarli’s wife , investigative journalist: “I tried to keep her away from everything . She heard this news on TV and rushed to TV , was shown Afgan’s photo, it was an old photo from one protest that about 6 policemen were grabbing him . She understood everything. When I returned home she just alarming – Mom did you know that police kidnaped my father and they have beaten and put bag on his head? It was a difficult question to me to answer, just unintentionally I told he that they were joking.” 33.53 -34.17 – VO Her mother convinced her that this was not true and but jut was a joke. Nevertheless, she needed the help of an art therapist. Now the emotions that he has accumulated, she expresses in his drawings and he collects these paintings only for one person, she knows that one day will definitely knock on her door. 34.16 – 34.20- Interview - Nurai : For my dad7! This is Nurai baby …..

34.23 - Interview - Afghan Mukhtarli “I investigated Aliyev's family business in Georgia. I think that Ivanishvili is now his business partner. Ivanishvili is a "gray cardinal" in your government, and I think that Kvirikashvili would not have done this without Ivanishvili's consent. I think that initially they intended to transfer me to Azerbaijan legally, but the Georgian side had no legal basis for this, and later they decided to kidnap me. Perhaps Aliyev promised that nothing serious would happen, Kvirikashvili did not expect such resistance, and that my kidnapping would become such a big story.

SHOTLIST: 00. Shots of street , Leyla in the taxi 00.21 Afgan Mukktarli at the Baku Court 00.30 Ilham Aliyev and Giorgi Kvirikashvili handshake 00.35 Prison # 16 in Baku , where Mukhtarli is detained 0.41 Leyla Musatafaeva – Afgan mukhtarli’s wife - coming out from taxi going to park , meeting with the journalist 01.07 . The prison in Baku 1.15. Afgan Mukhtarli’s 4 years daughter Nurai in the park with her mother, Leyla answering Afgan’s call from Baku prison. 2.49 . Georgian flag and Office of the Government of Georgia 2.55 . Mukhtarli in the Baku court 3.05 . Tbilisi, Freedom Square 3.10 . Baku Prison 3.11. Rahim Shaliev at the café , were Afgan Mukhtarli went before hos abduction on May 29 2017 4.24 Leyla in the park 4.49 the home in Tbilisi where Afgan Mukhtarli lived with his family


5.11 – Archive Leyla entering police department with the lawyer 5.15 Archil Chopikashvili – lawyer of Afgan Mukhtarli 5.37 – Muktrali’s shots 5.50 Georgian-Azerbaijani border 6.12 Afgan at the Balakan district court 6.15 Tbilisi , BarataShvili street , a café where Afgan was at the day of abduction. 6.27 Leyla in the park with the journalist 6.40 – 7.47 – reconstruction of Abduction 8.16-8.21 reconstruction 8.29. -8.45 reconstruction 9.07 reconstruction of abduction - changing the car 9.12 t Afgan Mukhtarli drawing the scheme of his abduction + his shots on funerals, speaking and hugging with relatives and friends. 9.54. Nemat Kerimli – Mukhtali’s lawyer in Azerbaijan 9.59 – reconstruction of Abduction – Changing the second car. 11.01 -Afgan Mukhtarli greets supporters as he is taken to the court in Baku, Azerbaijan 11.33 – Leyla showing Afgan’s passport 12.14 – drawings from the trial 12.34 – radio liberty website – graphic 13.17 – Mukhtrali in Balakani district court 13.31 – drawings of trial 13.39 -13.44 – shots of Mukhtali 13 45 – Hadija Ismailova 14.07 – Nemat kerimli’s shots and his licence for advocate 14.37 – drawing from trial 14.50 – shots of Rusudan Mchedlishvili – “human rights house” 15 .18 drawing from trial. 15.51 – Mukhrrli lawyer – Archil Chofikashvili with documents 16.01 Mukhtarli’s trial drawing in computer – archive 16.19 former Minister of Internal Affairs – Giorgi mgebrishvili 16.53 – 18 45 Tbilisi – Freedom square + leyal at the border of Azerbaijan and Rahim Shaliev showing the place. 19.08 –A café at the Baratashvili street , Tbilisi + owner of the café 19.45 – home video made by Leyla – she argues that these people were watching her after his hsubend’s abduction 20.09 – people in the street , a city in the Europe 20.31 Leyla is taking daughter Nurai from Kindergarden 20.41 – photo oh Mukhtarli


21.00 Georgian prime-minister’s office and shots of members of Government. 21.14 – Mukhtarli at tha court in Balakani district. 21.17 –The President of Georgia – Giorgi Kvirikashvili 21.41 – “bag protest” to support Mukhtarli 21.55 – graphics for the statements of Human Rights Watch, State department, EU Parliament. 22.49 – Parliament of Georgia from outside, MP-s seating inside 23 .54 Georgian prosecutor’s office 24.59 – Prison in Baku 26.05 – grafics for Mukhtarli’s publications 26.37 – Afgan and Leyla – photo 27.20 Comouter shots of Afgan Mukhtarli as the protest action in front of Azerbaijani Embassy in Georgia. 27.42 - Heidal Aliev’s Park in Georgia + hotel “Tiplis Palace” 28.07 a hotel in Batumi + building at the GAmsaxurdia str 8-10 28.23 Mukhtarli walking in the street of Tbilisi – archive 28.35 – graphics of “Gloria” ‘s shareholders and kinks to Aliyev’s Family members. 29.14 Mehman Aliev 30.33 grafics for the publication of the Haqqin-az + Khayal Azizov walking at the streets. 31.33 Tbiisi shot of old part of the capital of Georgia 31.27 Baku , prison # 16 31.42 – Leyla and Nurai at the Tram 31.58 Baku , prison # 16 31.59 head of State Security Service of Georgia at the Parliament Biulding 32.34 – Rebecca Harms - member of EU parliament at her office 33.08 Leyla and Nurai at the tram 33.51 Leyla and Nurai at their home , Nurai shoing her drwaings to us. + sThe shot of Computer and aftgan Mukhtarli speaking .


SCRIPT: 00:06 - 00:16 !"#$%&!' - ($!() *'+#),)$&)- ),-)" *'./)%(!+ (Original language) *$'0($, 1'%")(!+#! „%23) *$ +)4)%/&$(2+ 5)#2&$6) -)5)&78&!#$, !* 50$$69! &,!4%265!, 0*$%/2, :)(!)" %/'(! !4"$6) $+ ;$*/&!+“ 00:24 - 00:30 !"#$%&!'-),-)" *'./)%(! - 1'%")(!+#! : „$+ !82 )(!$&+) 5) <&!%!<)9&!(+ 92%!+ =!%)5! 9$/)".*$6)“. 00:41-00.56 - !"#$%&!'- ($!() *'+#),)$&) - „*$ 9$*$:(2 !4 3.2&%$6), $+ )% !82 ;$*/&!+ =%26($*), *)-%)* *$ &!8)&! =%26($*) +)4)%/&$(2+ */)&%26!+/&!+. )+$, )%)=!%5)=!%! /' =!%5)=!%! ->!/ *)/ *)!:'($+, 5)*$#2&$6!") +)4)%/&$(2“

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CAMERA OPERATOR: Davit Maisuradze, Davit Gelenidze, Ravan Seyfulla, Melko Rostiashvili Producer Nodar Meladze VIDEO EDITOR: Davit Gelenidze

MUSIC RIGHTS: Abduction / Music Broadcast License (1 Million) (If applicable)