What's in Your Bin?
What goes in your bin? A guide to curbside recycling 有關這些資料的完整翻譯,請瀏覽 Pou w jwenn enfòmasyon sa yo tradui nan lang pa w la, al gade Para una traducción de este material, visite ﻟﻠﺤﺼﻮل ﻋﲆ ﺗﺮﺟﻤﺔ ﻟﺘﻠﻚ اﻟﻤﻄﺒﻮﻋﺎت ﻳﺮﺟﻰ زﻳﺎرة Để tìm đọc nội dung bản thông dịch của những tài liệunày, ghé thăm Para uma tradução desses materiais, visite CityofMalden.org/RecycleIQ THESE ITEMS BELOW CAN GO IN YOUR BLUE BIN FOOD-FREE METAL CONTAINERS Rinse out cans, aluminum foil, foil trays and foil pie plates. WHY: These items will be processed back into aluminum sheeting to re- manufacture new cans and items such as candy wrappers, appliances, gutters, window frames and rebar. RINSED OUT GLASS CONTAINERS Bottles and jars (with the caps on). WHY : Glass gets ground down to a uniform size and mixed with recycled asphalt and concrete to create base materials for access roads, liners for pipe trenches, etc. Recycled glass is also used to make other glass bottles. RINSED OUT PLASTIC CONTAINERS Milk, water, beverage, laundry & shampoo bottles, jars, tubs and jugs with the tops on. WHY : These items will be melted down to make many different items such as polyester fleece, carpeting and other plastic containers. ALL PAPER AND CARDBOARD Cardboard (must be crushed flat), magazines, file folders, paper bags, newspapers, phonebooks, catalogs, dry food boxes, cardboard egg crates, envelopes and junk mail. WHY : Recycled paper and cardboard gets converted into new paper, newsprint and cardboard. ITEMS BELOW CAN NOT GO IN YOUR BLUE BIN RECYCLED MATERIALS SET OUT IN BAGS OR BOXES WHY NOT: The equipment cannot sort through bagged or boxed items.
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