C* T U b n n V o l 6a. Houlton, , Wednesday, May 28, 1913. N o. 22

ffprrT'T' Comparative The New Highway Law Digestibility How Towns May Lose State Aid ITT *y M Through Negligence of Their of Food Municipal Officers.

Made with different Baking Powders (.John Clark Scales)

The public, hut more particularly towns and if they .are not maintained From a Seths cf Elaborate Chemical Tests: municipal officers should familiarize , to t he sat isfaeiion of the state high- An equal quantity of bread ( biscuit) w as made theinselves with the new highway way department, the commission has law, for hy neglecting to do so they the authority to place them in a sat­ Q rbonol with each of three different kinds of baking p o w d e r - may deprive their towns of money isfactory condition and charge the cream of tartar, p hosphate, and alum— and submitted that would otherwise come to them expense to t he town. For House Cleaning separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each from the stale. Motley for state aid toads ran he Put a dash of Carbonol into i moving dirt it is also killing far the same length of time. The new law provides for two expended mi state* roads if the town every pail of water you use , germs. Keep your house so classes of roads—state reads and so elects and undoubtedly this will in house cleaning. You will , free from germs that nobody The relative percentage of the food digested is find that cleaning becomes 1 can catch disease in it. state aid roads. Tim state roads or l,e done in many instances as the much easier than before. shown as follows: through lines are to he built wholly amount received from the bonds will You will find that old stains' not besatisfied with the hy the state or such portion ol them lie insufficient to construct all the atidsmearswhieh you thought °, "f'ji'hioned soap arm water , Bread made with as can he constructed hy the two state roads t hat will he selected, could not be removed, drs- , flyanlinosa but get the same million bond issue ; the state aid or appear like magic. You * kind uf c l'anl!nfss tnat thc Royal Cream of Tartar Powder; Sd’ATE a I I) KOAHS will find that doors and i surgcon demands, local roads are to he i nproved at the .Municipal officers w i t h t h e a ppm v - woodwork, marble, metal i Carbonol will j joint expense of the town ami state. remove 100 Per Cent Digested ' d. the stun ! i igdi way corn m is m >n and tile look clearer .after stains of oil and grease; One of the tirsl acts of t he new they have been washed it will wash windows and limy designate any m all of the n w a y s throughout the state, the certain annuoim as indicated hi soap and water. A free sample of Car­ exact location and mileage ot this bonol will be sent on the i ow ii> ot various valuation.-' Carbonol is a disinfec­ 1 681/* Per Cent. Digested"! system will not be known ot course tant, and while it D re- request. I'oe.-i\ i pillow n amount until tin y are selected hy the com­ Barrctt 297 Franklin St- Bread made with mission. One tact, however, L ap­ M inufact tiring Boston, Mass. i- ■ v ap Company alum powders______parent, that a propel sy st > a 11 f a u 11 o i he constructed hy 1 he two miliion I iell | 67% Per Cent. Digested ) bond issue. The [iron elk OI ! 1) C bonds can he used only tor - tme road At All Dealers” These tests, which are absolutely reliable and const met ion, and u lien con is commended in a emmp unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance seven miles ol continuous r arc improved hy the state. Towns to everyone: Food raised with Royal, a cream of ,|()’ mi th" question of the appropri­ be hui 11. No jcut of t b< n mum i:ni overlook this tact. Such ation ol lummy necessary to entitle tartar Baking Powder, is shown, to be entirely diges­ Cl ‘i veil f ft 111 I tile sale o| t Si o'! I ms. however, of old Stan- loads (h<- town t-> state aid for state aid tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found I'll II he e X pended III lie t h as h; \ . been built in pn^ mils years highways lor that year, ffanysuch to largely retard the digestion of the food made from tied part of town-, ..I owi nr- ;.i j..- maintained by the start1 town limn appropriates money for live hundred inhabitants, vvhi ;a- i !:.-y an- a pari of t he new work eontemplab-d in such report, them. ■M H •| roads 111 roil:.'! i t I.i-m s.-m n m V- i. ; si a.je u stum aiti naids and for tin- purpose of securing state Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it he built and ma i nt a ; m-> * - 1 '■* To vvns May Lost; Stal? Aid aid a-, pi-ovIdf-d in this aet, the mu­ Is the source of very many bodily ailments. 3 to million i ;t3 Hi 9.7.7 t 11 e 11S 11say lose 11o ir state aid nicipal offic-Ts shall forth with notify - , : til V ill ;; 1 ! ; negligem-i of their mu- the commission of tin* amount ap­ propriated. Z'<>r-D.< failint) eow- ' h" < \ | 1 ;■ ■ 1 1 w n ! r i \ ■>;i! 11) 1 i -e !'s . ,.\ r; dical change to />(>/ u'ith ffn' jirnrisio/is h< re of shall l < ' 1 ■1 ■ ■ ■ ! ■i: 11 1 p a in.; m { from 1 ,,[d law has lei-n made in not hf tnlitled f#Dm moat Important measures pre- 1 :i { i .■ r it ;( 1 lows the highway department, to and left. Many of them did ;mt seek tail a!>-ait tie 11 i" 1 ' ; ’ i ‘ a h -O' nil! ■ a ads nt lln-ir March meeting Ssntsd at the past session despite : t ' - E J i 1 1 A' ! 1t i i \ l • i 'impelled 1 make surveys in the fall and work his advice until they had already tie n - present-' ' ...s ’ ! W • ! 1 I! o notify the the fact that it was somewhat ig­ ’1 1 a n -■ 11 i: 1!m t ; out plans during the winter so that squandered their money upon bogus tad' ah -u 111 ! 1 1 , f i ii i > , 1 1: \\ay depart m-■lit of the ae- nored in the press of other matters bonds or unsafe securities. , V i,t w l 1 n t ^ construction may begin early in the iih-nf dea T II ' - adop d. f iol: M1 1 i! -- urn i inn- i i tin- spring. commanding more of general public 1 ■■ ! T ! >» >1 ! ■ t spring. <)m- great drawback here- So widespread was the complaint tnrm-y, irivv :' a t 1" r- - h i - ,Ml herd cl anged. din- Interest, ae it alms to protect the U 1 ■ - >\ 1 "■ !mi Y i i V, 1 1 * -! cfitli' ■ ( toforc has been that state road con­ that resulted from the discovery ized, a m i -a i ami e o important that 1 quote pocket book of every person in the : t ' ■ i'-1 ruction in many instances did not that hundreds of people had been (•at IS ill' o ! i l e I ■ - a i -n t ri init" ; t he i . a.ot 1mguage in Section 2<■' of State of Maine Irrespective of ins 1 1 ■ ; i ■ w ;■■ :i -"h pi- t ' commence until tall. swindled that tin- first “ him- sky’' linn, appoim mc r bird Mi- m w law •talus in the financial world. 1 I : . !t Y„ ;t ■ 11 r a c ' ' 1 1; I Another law enacted last winter law was presented to the Legislature ngmit hu (in- -"I vi • f>a! u r if - r h loro tile 111irfy-first day “ Senate Document No. 541” is not 1 : a in a Mi I provides that towns that allow turf of Kansas two years ago. ft w.-nt n [mil t i ic deaIn in v ' ; cl 1 city a i d 1 n •min r in the y cur nineteen the famous Kansas law, for that has through, but not without opposition. ‘ - ' -l \' ! j nt V r 1; 1 to be left in tin- road shall lose their courts (t f t h ( T 4 1 a i mi < y j h uti111M( I liitdccu, ami 1 hereafter an- been regarded as too drastic, hut it : i i , ' \ !.in- j 'Mate aid. Another law prohibits It was a severe law, a very severe; jirisi m:; it: any a cl ■ '••••* i1' i { mh mii hu | un a 11 \ 1(ft x-.cell the lift e e n t h (1 a y < > f le founded on that famous measure. one. It was so hard that it ev en cm- I hi I d t Tw i ’ W t ' J V, i 1 1 M- i \ 1 ahhutors from cultivating land with­ with tii e sale nf - lime: 1 s I July a1 i 1 111 ' lifteellt 1) day ol AugUHt. I t ia designed to completely iegulate powered the commissioner to inquire! ,; « , l : i a n urn111 , r< L *1 V not i in tin- highway limits thereby tilling tin- app licatimi i' ' • 11 y in e a e 1 v "a \ munieij'a offjeers shall the sale of stocks and bonds and oth­ J I \* 1 'W ' i ! - tin* ditches. Municipal officers are into the private affairs of bond brok- ! that fact i- t.» ti i a ‘ h pi 'P‘wt Mlia a mo u m ,prepai < and till- wit h tin■ emu m ission er securities. It protects the small t >' ers and stock sellers. It was regard­ eoinmissiou- r h m ' 1 ’ , 1 t a 1*" i us of f'\ » n- ! Sllggo 1 1 US tor t ii e improvement compelled to bring suit against all buyer and the large investor from (y - fi \ lit 1 , ^■ V parties violating this law. ed as a little too stringent and has in tie - Slat-- pap i 1' ■' 1-1 h>*i II.'. L. ■ r ( dump Pe next, eaten lar year of: dap-trap o r fraudulent schemes. \a i: i1 a f Vv ' i ;; c t 1 have reviewed such sections of fallen by the wayside somewhat. good e i reu la Mon J a \'a i ua 1 < f mi i Inn d< 1 N the new law as po."tain almost ex­ Arizona has passed a law identical where the deale ill; to, ia < i u g s \ town i r (■i >mpanieil by p ans so far as 1 H. Blchardson, was reported favor­ i,, wi - ■ i hoik t t ' clusively to tin* rights, duties, and to that of Kansas. The Oregon Leg­ I i t he rommi Ml"! u - h) r s a aid iv V tts pritct ii•ahh*. setting ioj t!i the locu- ably by the committee on legal af­ i h " h t. ft ! Y t 1 , , i privileges of towns and the munici­ islature also passed one, hut it was with tie- application - a -'' -'! \ m mi it <1 (uni ot t dphway an 1 the mil un- fairs, Mv nday, March 17, and passed pal officers thereof, as tin* duties and defeated by the referendum in com­ any complain;, provision d< liai - i n i m Vk e s t 11 - I ti hr ti i ' of the imju oYement df■sired. Idle both branches with indifferent de­ 1 • A ; .vim u powers of tin* state highway com­ mon with a bunch of other measures, t he act wln-i eI)y t he heal ill an V i m \Cir pr> \ comm ssloti shall examim- and re i bate. > -u.■ ! ‘ mw M, 1! » mission which will assume office for the voters had too many of them j giyen a heari ng. \Y In-n unho h a i 1 t V\ e 1!>• pop t! is on \v i t !i its r -CO) 111 lie IK la- When this measure becomes a law ! 1 ;1- t>i ’A i ! ft V •July Hth are not so important at the upon which to vote. j has beet! registered. h> v i a i'in g i x- ( lies hs tiotis O >\a !i municip; »1 officers on It will not be possible for strangers At tiie last session of the Legisla­ r • ■: ul. : a 111 o i 111 11 present tinm. ! ti cert ificate. hut on t Pm or r- e ! IOIIU 11d or 1-ef, r< tin twentieth day of [M b- to eome into the State of Maine and ture in Massachusetts, three "blue i ih liar - nisi t, c. I in hold type is to he print act i \ • I V »■ t iim-s ! run gY foih.w ing. Such report c hall •how glittering prospectuses of get- sky” were put in. hut they were , j t hat the romm msnat"r w r i meeting ai article call- pretty difficult to ply his trade. The! ago, t he No w York Legislature ' f 1 j 1,, and grass are compressed to make It, istd ml upon applicat m -11 a m gu lar dr i • h fifty d. ila f' ■ com d mg up a !li Voters to 1 Ot e ‘yes’ or aet will regulate the business of passed Us “ blue sky" law and it will mi w st.-u dealer Tor whom tin y work, Tim fa A low 1 ! iaxing a dealing In all securities. go into effect there. v;i inn 1 • i f! l , ( ) fee for them is to hi -Ml m i 111Ol i ( liars I,V Only two years ago the famous Senator Richardson has worked Great power is iveli tic- hank I hnudni Kansas “ blue sky” law was passed. hard and long upon his measure. It commissioner to diforce the provis­ would n-rcivt The need of a sim ilar law in all the has been written and re-written un­ ions of the act. IL- may nl any tinn- fh"lisami nim states has been made apparent, and til it is now thoroughly satisfactory requiin- a (h-ah-i to tile with him a 111 m (y ■ " i g dlm- SB of them have adopted measures of in every part of its workings. It is list:, verified hy oath, of tin- securi­ emits a in im some kind. The original bill had its a good clean law, one that is not too ties which to- lias offered i"r sal-- or -tiiin of a uatc nuul inception in the mind of J. N. Dolly, severe and one tl at will work for the advertised within the preceding si x aid road Inc b< n const r net - bank commissioner of the state of protection of the people of the State. months. The commissioner may re­ 'tali' IISMIllli coiit r ol of tin Kansas, several years ago. Friends The title of the Maine measure is inner of the improved part Wrote to him about certain “secur­ quire 11 e tiling of assets or earnings, “ An act to regulate the business of only, t!m towns contributing a cer­ bought. He gave or any other tacts pertaining to the Puffing Tobacco in Tins is Like ities” they bad dealing in securities.” tain amount per mile for tin- same advice. Friends of friends wrote, “ {Section 1— Under this act, the business, including copies of circu­ ,($*10 a mile for state roads and half and be did the same thing. Soon he term ‘dealer’ shall mean any indi­ lars that may have been sent out. “ Locking the Stable Door” i the cost of state aid toads not to ex- was deluged with letters and he al­ vidual, partnership, association or In case the dealer does not furnish I ceed $;in per mile). Mori-over, all ways replied. He made it publicly corporation engaging in the selling satisfactory information or violates — “after the horse id gone.” Because when tobacco is ; designated state and state aid roads known that he would cheerfully give or offering for sale of securities, ex­ the act or shows dishonesty, deceit­ chopped into small pieces, much of the flavor evaporates Mire to he maintained and cared for cept to, or through the medium of, ful or fraudulent, conduct, the deal­ ! by t he towns until such time as thev before the tobacco goes into the tin. or as agent or salesman of a regis­ er’s registration may 1m- suspended, tered dealer. But sales made by, or or even revoked. The decision of There is only one way to keep all the natural fra­ in behalf of, a vendor in the ordinary the commissioner in a ease of this grance and original flavor in tobacco until it reaches your course of bona fide personal invest­ kind is t,<> be conclusive unless re­ pipe— and that is the hard-pressed Sickle plug. A n d the ment, shall not constitute such ven­ versed by the court. Tim registra­ JOHNSON’S FLOWER AND is a better protector than any tin. dor, or the agent of such vendor, if tion of a salesman or agent may he natural leaf wrapper ANODYNE not otherwise engaged either perma­ treated as that of a dealer. Appeals tinfoil or w axed paper. nently or temporarily in selling se­ may he taken hy any person ag­ VEGETABLE SEEDS You always get a fragrant, s lo w -burning, c o o l smoke from curities, a dealer in securities. Nor grieved by any decision of the com­ Sickle, because you slice it off the plug as you use it. You get shall the offer of or sale of its own missioner to the Supreme .Judicial LINIMENT more tobacco, because there’s no package to pay for. There’s no securities by an association or cor­ Court by pet it ion. Peas, Beans, Corn, tobacco wasted and the la s t pipeful is as fresh and sweet as the Used 102 years for in­ poration a dealer in securities.” The following section shows the Onions, Etc. first. Smoke Sickle today-- all good dealers sell it. ternal and external ills. What “ securities” arc is defined penalties that, may he inflicted and with equal clearness and complete­ are sufficiently severe to make tin- (Sweet Peas (Spencer Type) ness in the latter part of the same act effective : 3 Ounces S li c e ' i as It alleviates coughs, Nasturtium, M arigold, etc. colds, sore throat, colic, section : “ Sect. 12—Any dealer or any per- i y c : u s e “ The term ‘securities’ shall include Best Lawn Brass Seed cuts, bums and bruises. son violating any provision of this all stocks, bonds, debentures or cer­ act, or knowingly filing with tin- tificates of participation, and all oth­ commissioner or furnishing to him I Everything for t !m mir.hmer 25c and 50c er terms of securities, except that it any false or misleading statements | ‘-he everywhere shall not be held to include commer­ of information, shall he punishable j cial paper or ot her evidence of debt upon conviction thereof hy a tine of LS. not running more than nine months, not more than three thousand 11 <> 1 - 1 or notes legal for purchase by sav­ CHADWICK, JOHNSON lars, or hy imprisonment, for not ings banks under the statutes of any more than two years, or by both Parsons’ FLORIST ( CO. J New England state, or notes secured puis such fine and imprisonment. Tin- by mortgage of real estate in this foregoing penalties shall be in addi­ CONSERVATORIES: For State, or to the shares of loan and tion to, and not, a substitute for, any JO SStroc't Cosstipatten building associations organized un­ civil or criminal liability now or P If 0 X J-: i a -j . -i der the laws of the State of Maine.” hereafter existing.” 201

\ The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, May 28, 1913.


Ludlow ! Linneus Tent No. hi K. O. T. M. SANDALS ! will have a special meeting Satur- I day evening. May HI, to which the Mr. Fred Warman is very ill at i ladies of Linneus Hive No. 2 arc in­ m present with acute indigestion. vited to attend. ABOUT TO TRAVEL? Mr. Mazer Watson got kicked by The community was saddened Fri­ a horse Monday and is quite lame. day evening, May 2H, to hear of the Von will travel money easy” with our Travelers’ Mr. Amos Ingraham was calling death of Charles H. McKeen, who Cheque-. E-dug these, you need not carry large on friends in New Limerick, Sun­ for a number of years lias been a COFFE. sums of monev or j he bothered in exchanging, etc. much respected citizen of this town. \Y day. Oui I ravelers Cheques are excepted at full face A party of Woodstock people Deceased was about 56 years of age, value the world over. Completely safe •pent Sunday at the home of John and leaves to mourn his loss a wife, No Ld—N, decidedly one daughtei, Mrs. Henry Howard, convenient. Ask for details. W iley . one son, Preston McKeen, both res­ Good Old i ab.-.ionecd COi l '2C Sttpe. of Schools £ . A . Sm all has idents of this town, one sister, three P.-puLr 1 or iti purtffeaaed drums for each o f the brothers, other near relatives and a EXCEPTION'.:. < • AfP/Y EASTERN TRUST & BANKING COMPANY soheola. largo circle of friends who sympa­ BANG OR. ML You have rnianej a coffee treat Oil) TOWN. MACH IAS J Mr. Percy Warman has returned thize with the wife and family in if you have not tried I and K 'o home from Presque Isle; cm account their sad bereavement. Funeral of the illness of his father. Coffee, for its the best co(tee Notice of First Mf.ktino ok Creditors services were held, Monday, from Notice of First M eeting of Creditors you can serve in your home for In the District Court of the Fluted States for Mr. Chick Watson arrived home Union church, Kev. Mr. Sabean offi­ w hi the District Court of the United States for such a small price. the J district of Maine. In Bankruptcy. Monday from Waterville, where he ciating. Interment was made in In the matter of j the District of Maine. Id Bankruptcy. Sold by dealers gen-ra!'./ i.i air and In the matter of > has been living for a few years. Linneus cemetery. All sizes, and prices range from John B. King 1 In Bankruptcy. dust-proof ti:u. Bankrupt. ! K. John Gallagher l In Bankruptcy, A party of young people met at Bankrupt. j To the creditors of said John B. King To the creditors of K. John Gallagher of the home of Mr. James Green on of Prcsijue Isle in the county of Aroostook, Lecture COFFEE 5 0 c----S I . 25 Houlton in the County of Aroostook, Wednesday and spent a very pleas­ and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. HI ‘tl IS and distnet aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day Notice is hereby given that on the ant evening. The public as well as the members of May A. I)., 191H, the said .John B. in; COFFEE MCGARY SHOE STORE 24th day of May, A. I). 1913. the said Mr. Merriman, Principal of the of Houlton Grange are to he con­ King was duly adjudicated bankrupt ; K. John Gallagher was duly adjudicated and that the First meeting of his creditors will Presque Isle Normal School, visited gratulated upon having an oppor­ bankrupt; and that the first meeting of Thurston & Kingsbury, Bangor, tot lie held at the office of Edwin L. Vail in his creditors wiil be held at the office the schools in town Tuesday, and tunity to hear Prof. Stuart, and Dr. Houlton, ow the 14th day of dune A. I). 1913, of Edwin L. Vail in Houlton, on the 14th at in o’clock in the forenoon, at which time delivered a very interesting address Melhus of Washington, I). C., from Linger i_ong in Service. day of Jane A. I). 1913, at 10 o'clock the said creditors may attend, prove their in the forenoon, at which time the on Educational lines in the evening. the U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, who Vital statistics ascribe short lives claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bank- 'said creditors may attend, prove their claims, will give an illustrated lecture on to printers, on the average, but, the npt, and tiam-act such other business as appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur .Sanford are Notice of Foreclosure ma v proj»erIy come liefore said meeting. the experiments that are to be car­ report of the public printer states transact such other business as may properly receiving congratulations on the that there are employed at present in EDWIN L. VAIL, come before said meeting. ried on in Houlton this year, at t he Whereas, Patrick Freeman and Kdithe Referee in Bankruptcy. birth of a daughter, Wednesday. Freeman, of Fugle Lake, Aroostook Co. the government office at Washington kittM at Houlton, May, 2d, mi3. EDWIN L. VAIL. Grange Hall on Thursday Evening Referee in Bankruptcy M r. Sanford is in a very critical con­ Me., by their n:ort,,uge deed, dated the Wh 2f)0 persons over sixty-five years of at 7.30. Dated at Houlton, May,23, 1913. dition and they have small hopes of day of dune, 1910, recorded in the Northern age. The saying that among the gov­ Dr. Melhus is a chemist of high her recovery. Aroostook Kegistrs of Deed-, in Yol. On, ernment employes, "few die and none rank and will spend the greajer part FOLEY KIDNEY PHIS ling- cards on; raved and printed Page conveyed lo Frank Mai tin, of resign," seems the only explanation." Tr m i;s oflic of the summer in Houlton where he , State- and Co., aforesaid, the East Hodgdon. has a house and a corps of assistants following (leseritxsi real estate and premises with whom the work will he carried situate in said Kagle Lake, to wit : Ail that on. part of Lot N that Miss Flossie Crane spent the past Tho attention of every reader is river, and boon i on N. week in Ludlow at the home of her called to an article in thi^ issue giv­ 3»i, iY .17 : on the ;mt i, brother, Wm. Crane. ing particulars <>t their work. Eagle Lake Losi The public is invited — No charge by Fidi river , and Rfcv. F. Clarke Hartley, Houlton, for admission —No c dictions—a Big line of .-uni Lot N preached here at the Union church treat FR EE—Be sure and attend. of way . o| the I 5a last Sunday afternoon. road, w hwh emv-e- Mrs. Wm. Atherton was in Rich­ Al.-o die -on: h In mond, N. B. last Wednesday after­ Notice Lot No. ■ \. i noon to attend the funeral of a friend Houlton, Maine, Ma;. Mrs. Weldon Gildred will enter­ To tic1 Selectmen of the Town of !h> tain the Ladies' Aid of the Fnion J, the undersigned, lien-by re.-u church Wednesday afternoon. May mission to remove a small shed roof 28 occupied as a da\ stable only, from sent location on North side of the A valuable yearling colt owned by Savings Bank building ami io move Aaron Nevers broke its leg one day twelve feet westerly to the u est iim last week, by getting caught in a Bank lot, and adjoining said Bant; 1 wire fence. also to attach to the northerL -oj, Mr. Wm. Berry, who has boon con­ she 1 an addition eiJr !• •■! in w ;,| used as a day stall or ean ;;r_v -.!> - i, fined to his bed all winter with a be covered with - ere ;'roof broken limb, is not able to sir up y d material. and does not gain as rapidly as his L. i • LI!' W ! m any friends would like. < *n the foreguim.2 mn f L. if 1 e Mrs. Margaret Finnegan has sent ordered that a lie;a: urn' <• n the vine* u by Parcel Post to Alaska, four differ­ had at the aid petition and Him o r.| to send seed potatoes by Parcel Post notice be publi.died three tine from the Houlton Post office. prior to said bearing in tlm \ >•. that all interested may appeal A large number of young people Dated at HoiiUon t!e:> gave Mr. Jasper Crane a surprise 1913. pArty Thursday evening. May 21. N .VI DANIEL k ) M H e was completely surprised hut A. A . .W \ w as pleased to have his friends re­ A C v, in mem ber him. Mr. Crane returned

from Boston, recently, where h e Am spent the winter. id Hodgdon

A large crowd attended the M. E. baptism at the Mill Stream, Sunday noon. There will be a Union Baptism of j candidates desiring to unite with the t’M J# Baptist and Flee Baptist churches, Wm at the Day Brook on Sunday, June 1 A at 11 o’clock. There will also he a Baptism at Cary in the afternoon. Mem orial Sunday was observed at V c L Sthaffhcr & Mirx the F. B. Church. The sermon to <*■ the (>. A. It. members was delivered by F. B. Sahean. The church was TV! FT! 7SJ Y prettily decorated with flags, and special music was furnished for the r occasion. The play to he given on Friday Don’t Miss This Opportunity. evening by local talent in the Town ...... WHIIP.JWII HIl'.lWWIWBPWBaBBMSBMSWS— — — — M M H a ll is sure to draw a good house. In addition to a pleasant evening, ■ V' n the proceeds are to go towards the Take advantage of this opportunity to get a new rooms for the young men. which in ' £ yrs. up in town to attend the funeral of C. H . M oKeen. THE FASHION Mr. and Mrs. Orrie McKeen of Oryetal, were in town this week, Nickerson Block Houlton, Maine. ‘My Clothier” here by the death of Mr. Mcj Keen's uncle, C. H. MoKeen. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, May 28. 1913.

Pleasant Occasion and wa- foWS. Memorial Day la&iSi A igii&iigiiSi ►T«iBh w .4*.4 Address d w Ivoim* INTEREST 1 i o wa la I ,.M c [Ii'oy at Post Office. OF LOCAL The hosgita lit \ • • ' toe 111' ;i;!o|'S o! low, M r. Weston -|'It ml Mi,,: .M iai.-ier ('iu 1 > the Methodist !• 1 >i.-eopai i : tire!', as lit \ . W. h’. [ lavds M. in >na; Hay. l-’iiday May ,‘iti, well as many of iers was • \ t e 11 d < d 111 a m» I) m ■ 11 ‘ 11:;. tli twing1 schedule will hr ,Jas. if. Phair of Presque was in io Rev. am Mrs. W. L. da vis on isst-s i larrison. Moores Miss June Tarr of Kockport. Mass, R-n .ling o! >-"l V i at tile |io.st-oMirr. Bette)’ Moulton Tuesday on business. Wed uesday < Ve n i 11 g of 1 si \\a " K . Pearl Briggs leaves for home Wednesday evening * p,a rt'■: : •• M is. Sawyer Hudgins, earri'-r' wil make a morning eol- The Vendredi (.’Inf) will give their wilt'll a l'eeept ion was ll e I (I aftai* visiting friends in town for two d . ■ ! -e w i n. Mr. Hunter left it i:. ami on lull d'divory. Ku- annual dam**' in Watson Hall on 1 11 t lie receiving lil) Dr. <;. lo ad i tiir 1 I oil. 1 i'll G . 11 el'Sc v weeks. ra 1 mi rriers will lnake no deliveries. J une fi, lb la. P. Clitl'ord. Mr. and M 1 i! Ml <;. Pla.o. si ,! n Mrs. F. H. Ponrs./n The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. 1 im r'-gKi rv. stamp and g> ■neral i ( diadwit Mi­ M 1 H. k"!lo\\ mm M lit ■ 111 : W'er Thos. P. Dobbins extend sympathy Guy C. Porter of Aroostook Peal iv.-ry windows will 1 >. ■ ,,p, •n as 1 to them in the loss of thoir infant Estate Atreuov lias secured desk mw- : > mi A. M. to '.'.nil A . M. daughter. room in the oMice of (too. T. 11<> 1 \ oke 7.do Ik M . to -'.mi P. M. FCTFY A postal from San Francisco. ( al , where he may h" 1 Oil I! 1. IF-i-wiF i! 1 y . l i i BwJ 1 JEdl JL .Judge ;i tld Mrs. I''. A. I'nWi'f- .'ll'- I k M. i I 1' M I k I eompanied 1 >\ Mis- lluvrs returned B. of B. T. Monday t:«>11; an unto trip to W;s -di- R C. I. C om m encem en t a on the name board o Mrs. Cora M. Putnam and Mrs. .J. inghon, D. ( and o;'11• r pkie--. 0. Dill left here Monday for Lewis­ 'Hie tiller y e;i r old e i i i 1 d of Mr. pic:no is equivalent ton to attend the annual meeting of amt Mrs. Samuel Brower of Cary, Bacca !a i:n a ' e S< 11no11. the O. E. S. whit was so hcdly burned on W "d- ’ir'• t Bj.in ist vmircii. State Master ( ’. S. Stetson w;is nesday morning, died Saturday. ! J a i 1 .a>t ( 'Im p e l S.Di present at an all day session of Houl- Mrs. Carolin ■ K. Williams, mother !a. tn. ton Grange on Saturday, which was j of l)j . C. F. Williams, died at the bitioii, verv Interesting. I home of her daughter. Mrs. Alie ■ ( k D r . a n d Mrs. E .C. Bates left Tues-! Hale, in Xorri.lgewock.\‘5-4 inches hy < d-4 non*, w i t h refreshments at tl, ! inches in circumference. Shamn ck tea rooms. j < ’ J; D F i; Mi. Percy L. Rideout has commenced Mrs. W. A. Piiriiitmi left Saturday j for Boston, where she is to attend! work on the foundation for his new N '. Id B. 1 . V ..uiii u e "i at A -- hoiise on School street, next to the ! the graduation ol h r daughter, Mis,- -■ Mldv > W a: "i1 Si.. it 9.:;h ;i. Margaret, who has been taking a one that he Is now occupying. 11:. .Hid p -d t. An dill’" ' e 1 i t (•■[,.- course in kindergarten work. j i \ v i Leonard A. Pierce Esq. will go to t1 1 . i♦ ■ ■AJ.lv 1 r 1 ' Island Falls'on Friday and Hon. Ira Moulton ( ’amp M. W. of A. will! ” ...' id. p; 1 n d e • > >, 1: a d) observe June 1st as Memorial Sun­ k " . G. Kersey to Dan forth, where they W ivy in. wl;< F,y I-., 11 f t f," A. 1 . r 11 - - < :: * ■ f , will deliver Memorial Day orations. day with the usual appropriate cere­ 11 ify hfinv i '* 4 ; t ’■ ' . R ., s\' * ■A'i 1! j .in 111" 111 in monies. All members are requested Ban■>. ( ira ( The Houlton Park Assn, will hold "'I' -e|'\ 1 a' 1. S1 d d i 12, the afternoon of Saturday, May hi, . Donald Putnam , son of I)r. and tl.'i u .c til" A ioostoo’i 1 Icgistry of at which Miss Wright of \nrlh Car­ \Y. i .tssun d, while the price Mr*. H. L. Putnam, will be one of t. Ad ;k. I >H‘d>. Voi. Jo.'i, 1 age JJ'1, conveyed to olina, Jind Miss Ryder fj-om Japan, Annual Meeting Opening Game the speakers at the Freshman Prize I ,;st<-rsis no Agricuitutai more than < ’heniical is often Works, a cor- will be speakers. D is expected that ]K/ration < 1 u 1 \ »‘Xi.-ting hy law and having an speaking at Colby during commence­ if ID the City League Proflressivc conference c.-tabii-linlpaid for|iiac" instruments "1 business in Newark, of in ment. the meeting will he an unusually in­ teresting one ami that there will he ...... th<‘interior >:ab‘ of N'-w quality. .1 er -i y, lh" following des­ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Kinsman in A roosto ok cribed trai t <>i jiarc"! of land, with the build­ ji large attendance. annual and daughter Frances of Augusta, ing- thereon,D i i; erer, situatol t d inesign said s town of of Mars niofial 1 ia The Feast of Corpus Christi was ] I ili, hounded a- follows, to wit : Beginning are guests of Mrs. Kinsman’s p»r- 11 .j u;a.!.- !*;, tin- Pn- grands, uprights and celebrated on Sunday afternoon !a-t \ ‘mi at the noi'th-we.-t coiner of lot numbered ents, Hon. and Mrs. D. A. H. Pow­ am <’ '"in': i; i t 1 fur a Fr,,- at St. Mary’s Cat Indie church, with ra 11:: f d er? on M ain street, sixty-eightplayers ,iF) at ; theme various smith, prices 7- 1-2 degrees a procession of I he .Blessed Sacra­ and ad i " it" 1 j *■ I, I ia eiist, ak iig the north line- of said lot nuniber- Gilbert N. Grant has moved his T ; 1 " but the quality is always ment and a large number of chiidnm fd t" m -daw .June t hi rd eo ,-ixt;.-fight t.- and lot munbered lifty-skx Tailoring establishment from the 1 111- through the church and around tin DA Y I S ' d‘hf'-rence Will thetwo liuiidivd same. and til'ty-two :gVH.i rods hi Putnam building in Market Square : ! e H i 1 1 grounds, after which le v. Father " 1- <>f the Fro- lii" line of the road that runs north and south to the Broadway side of the Thiba- : / a! i' through| E slid S T ml E numberedY success tifty-dx has <'*>*>'. ; Bouvv of Van Huron College, deliv­ m ill A jam-took deau block down stairs. • - ’A at" r-.jidy II ;< 1 o " -"Utlie; ]\ aion: said road line fifty - ered an appropriate senmni. 1‘hi- been supreme for over ^ A muoh needed rain fell oh Thurs­ N e u Picture ifnisst- ia nee 11. the) *r< igres- i .ght tod- ton . "d ir stake : tlienee north, was followed by Vespers and Bene­ 7 : jl .. sixty-sixd"gi'S's m-t, years.two liundivl and eighty- day «®d Friday of last week, which !.) a.- - i - 1 11 f i g 111 i n g diction. tA" ->J [■>'1- to a -take standing on the west looked good to the farmers, especial­ id 1h" pri ici pies of Mrs. Francis Clidde I w t ■ w ! line of sod lot numberedv'()fl) HY sixtx-eight (dx) , ly the hustlers who have a large Tart ’ l'1;e Iki'tn. rani 111 all Presque Isle Tuesday tm ■ mi ng t a k ■ , fh"t,c" mu : !i. :7I-J d glees (mst, along said of their seed in the ground. x t " ’; i"d a beany in- , l.u" >-* .gkt ■ - mis to the place of I>e- ing with her a volume i f tin fir.- HOULTON MUSIC STORE 1 : d . g.nnri-: and > <>i.taining within such, bounds .An order of the Postmaster Gener* paper published in Maim- north of an tea 1 i )'f thi" Frogressive ^ one bin died - P-m a< res more or l«-ss, accord­ a|ramending the parcel post regula­ Bangor. It was a copy of the Aroos­ A. K. A ST LI-:. Prop. ! ' o ; i j f f-e. l!'ving Ik Vernon ing to tl." .-nrY"\ of 1 h-nry U’ilson, being the tions of the United States makes took Pioneer vol. 1, No. R puldished John < , . I! 1." pt'"-ent Jit tin1 ■same ’m "" "i paivei .i:li;,ng- tlem-on, that was conveyed to payment for goods Bent by parcel is the daughter of the late \V. s. that is ; the-aid P"i’ey Ke<> h\ William K. Rees by i1 ■1 d1avitions for as post. Gilman, being the publisher and strongt i dull of warrant \ dated Dei.’ember (>, raid, a u ipa la t in 191 L wit h a editor. This volume was presented Tin v. v and iccoidi-d in the Aioo.-toRKS Sunday evening at seven o’clock. take plaet a: Mat ina'e -ucc.'Ss in the i By it- Attornev, (li oimi-: A. Bokham. The music will be of the popular or­ According to the registration to ne-day and I \v \ der and the service cannot help but date at the autonmhiie department t i 11 < We be pleasing to all. Everybody wel­ of tiie secretary of state’s other, at Ball A- Augusta, the state of Maim-, this The come. M year, will benefit greatly hy Urn m- ia n Houlton friends of Miss Eoline M creased registration, and eventually j mem cam, ! s > - e O v. 1 .: - ' , ami nor J 1 , r 1 R; v f : Morson were pleased to read of her ' ' ,1'' 'lii * 9 the roads will receive the benefit. 1 t " 1! d i ! " , , a 0 1 a,. 1 * a ) : !,il ' success as a pianist at the Riverton ". ■ i -J tad, R 1 " - 0 11 a - t ■■ v. ':. ■ a a1! ! - 1 D - ) 1 | SALMON ON A FLY The registi at ions, this year, number | \ 11 eaw: ’ Casino at the annual meeting of the ’’ 1 Mam • - * | v. ’ a t ' ■ 1111 i : 1 _• ] . ■; ( 1 • r - lJ'Ohmore than at the same dale, J p:\rt a " J . .1. M UtToH Id 1 Shattuok club in Portland recently. v ■ i, a ■ 1 d- 1 ' lot : md . Ikl ; 1 \ « last year. Although each imudiiiie Don. ( . 11 . Saw \ m . Mur: a ■■ Bade;. d • 0 : t ; ; A ’Fh.; Miss Monson is the daughter of Mr. ( 1 1 If I \ ( A js 1 1 1 < >iv in the state is compelled to renew | ".r . \ >■ W ■d. P S. ! nn . i , ; . . o i k : 1 '. • : 1, a 1. . ; i :,, d 1 * < i r,, a (■wiling than iretting a and Mrs. A. Beecher Monson, who Mi -; tlie license (‘very year, tie j "I'S. 1 ' -Of )■ i 11 formerly lived in Houlton. OXC : : a 10 a i.jiud- at) ii,.im. 1 . ! ' V. ’ , 1*,, 1 ■... N stliuur. weighing 5 lhs. pin a llv. rhaths c! 1 or 1 - Is. Wi ! i, - a i * ■ i ■ 1 i i over last year’s registrations arc all '1 he ' at, a - 1" :m. . 'ha* ! tm;-" 1 - -nil 1 i.* l'# The remains of Mrs. Thos. Welch , practically new machines. h e s! e •er 1.a a i A t In" t :.. I a h iea 1 < p 11 0 a jiriiJlU 1:, t 11, A ro,.-1 Ml 1 K ok I i Vi II ] got at who died last week in Bangor, were minst 1el Silow. Bp,-.a: - I •. "-t t a ...■" " Man." b-adm- a a- a, tiii- brought to Houlton Monday for in­ d a k; ma rk- f ..r If f "i for tw ■ v: will assist and tic * . d : 0 : a..;. terment, funeral services being held Grangers iiiitny lie W lilts W 11 i e :; CIl !: ! 1 1 ’) ; o’ a Ill" pi'll" 1 c . 11 \ 1 ! D . at St. Mary's Catholic church, at 1 hut he Jip))l'ecijl )-d. I .a 1 ■ \ ■ 11 .k >• a '" i, ,w 11> a ia tap)'in a; TITUS’ EAGLE LAKE CAMPS Will hear in mind that th o'clock. Mrs. Welch was formerly -tore Tick et - .,0 Cl■III-. Ail -. at- i , _ ! -Mi 11" :'i ngs ot M icli iga ns to take account of stock. g22 A D D R ESS : E A G L E I. A K E , ME. Mr*. L. O. Ludwig left Friday co:.t in io- 11'"" and loaders are quot- ing Die, ILul " ni Bi \e i . an ad va nC" morning lor Portland where she is Mrs. Doris Fox of L’nc since Monday. Receipts of to attend the marriage of Miss Mari- Harry H. Bailey M i cli iga ns a i <• normal as there luis on Wheeler and Richard Raymond The death of M r<. I imi- ox \v !11 e!i been a I eady trade in this I in,, all Kastman, which takes plaae on June season, n Hi" yards, sales were on occiirred Sunday af her !: < a11" mi a hasi- ' Mr. Eastman attended school in The death of Harry H. Bailey of tL' oUand 2.77). Michigan Plejisjint SI., "ast it deep feeling of loin let's a • paying bn and iDe Houlton occurred at the Victoria Houlton and has many friends here, sadness ovi r the community. On th. docks. Maine Mis-lh, h;igs Hospital, , N. B., Sun­ who will extend congratulations. She had been in extremely poor ram.-1 $2.25 and 2.011. Trading was day, May 25, the remains arriving in fa i rlv active State, IBs-lh. bjigs. health for the last two year-., and Refrigerators Houlton, Monday morning. ranged $2 and 2.27). Receipts over! her death was not wholly unexpect­ Pier 17 w» Mr. Bailey had been ill for some i'" moderate, and tradin ed. act i vc. time with an incurable disease. He It makes a whole lot of diflerance to you as to which Mr. Fox with her late husband, The out ! >ok for f he balance of t he was the son-in-law of the late C. L. old Clop is hi ight. Tin* heavy cut in Wm. Fox, settled in Bucksport about Refrigerator you buy, so when you tire looking the Ice Cream Packard. t he Soutln rn early crop will make forty years ago. coming from Ger­ the season last much longer than T uneral services were held Tues­ dillerent makes over he sure that vou see the many, and continued to live there usual, so that all goods will he Diken day from the First Bfiptisfc Church, Soda and until Mr. Fox's death which oc­ readily for t he next four weeks. Con­ Cl Rev. H. G. Kennedy officiating. ditions in the West are fully as II curred 12 years ago. She then went strong as in the loast. Mississippi GURNEY College Ices to Caribou to live with her son. How­ Valley cit ies an- now buying heavily Arrested For Breaktug ard. in both Wisconsin and Michigan. It is strictly high class— made from hard wood with About two years ago Mrs. Fox Interior markets, which are usmilly Visit m and test our “1913” not buying at this time an* urgent in and Entering came to Houlton to make a home for rounded corners— has a removable Ice chest and their demand, many points offering Soda. her three sons, and during her resi­ :> 1 >ove Xew York. Boston find Phila­ the best cold air circulation of any refrigerator Michael Therriault xvas held for delphia prices. Th)* supply of new dence here has made many friends on the market. It is not the best one for the AH th(f newest flavors served as the grand jury at a p r e 1 i m i u a r y by her kindly and genial personali­ Southern will be light, until' Norfolk hearing before Trial Justice Lewin comes, in. Pile ('Inirlesto: 1 crop is ice man, hut that does’nt matter you lik e them. ty. She was a woman fond of home estimated around tin per > i-ut normal in Hodgdon. on Friday. life, devoted to her sons, who in turn with an average yield ,,f ;md 5i> Try our Chocolate or Vanilla Therriault is charged with robbing devoted much time to their aged bbis. to the acre. Th,. crop l'mi/i • We are showing several sizes both in galvanized Ice Cream, and then tell your the express office at Fort Fairfield. mother, ministering to her every tin1 two ('arolinas will thus have a a id porcelain linings. Charles Cronk, who is held on the clear field until the Fa-tern Shore ffieuds about it. want during her last illness. and Nor I oik come in. same charge, was arrested yester­ She is survived hy four sons, three Receipts for tin* 1 i r.-f i, :i l f of the day a\ Fort Fairfied and turned of whom are residents of this town. week Were 29.up; bids., against 21.SM T H E GURNEY State’s evidence 'against Therriault, T. M., of Presque Isle, and one lot’ the -aiiie period las! Year. Re­ and is now out on hail. Both reside ceipts for (he season Oef.' I-Mav 17. The Cochran daughter, Mrs. Joseph .Meyer,- <•!' xv.'i'e I.S22,7o;i phis,, against 1. ltd.Too in Fort Fairfield. Boston. for t he same period last year. Last Drug Store The robbery was committed on The body wjis taken to Fast Bos­ w ed's receipts of new.-lock readied 28.779 bids., an increase of 7.0011 over •DUNN♦ FURNITURE CO. May 9th, nearly $150 being taken ton for burial on Monday evening's the previous week. This week's re­ •Prescriptions a Specialty. from the office while the agents and train, her children accompanying ceipts will probably not exceed 20 nun 75 Main Street. clerks were at dinner. the remains. bids. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, May 28, 1918.

iWSTABMSHEI) APRIL 18, 18f0 Celieves This Will INDIGESTION FIVE YEARS NOTICE 'Cure Lung Troubles” THE AROOSTOOK TIMES From the Board of Health ALL THE HOME NEWS. The Board of Health is making a ('nnsumjit ion is a flutter mu' <1 iso.-iHi' - light against Dirt and Flies, with the tli.it is mu' of its chief (hinders. Those assistance and cooperation of the who have it are rarely willing to ac­ Tiblished every Wednesday Morning by the Legal Newspaper Decisiors Relieved by Vinol. knowledge the fact. If tills trouble is VVoman's Club. Leaflets dealing Times Publishing Co. 1. —Any person who t nk e.s a pa per regularly present, it is no time for trifling. If a Strength and even life itself de­ with the subject of Flies and Dirt so-ea’led "cold" lias loan persisted; if a from t he Post < (Mice--whet her d i reefed t o hi s pends upon the nourishment and will he distributed personally, and eouyli is present that keeps you anxious, C H A S , H. FO G G, P res. & jvigr. addresser another, or whether he has sub­ or any of the synintoms are present, the co-operation of the public is ur­ scribed or not, is responsible for the pay proper assimilation of food, and unlesa such as fever or nitflit sweats, weakness digestion Is good, the whole body suf­ gently requested to help us rid our- mid loss of appetite, and perhaps some .Subscriptions $ 1.50 per year in advanei 2. — If any person orders Ills paper dis­ selves of this [test. NOTICE IS raising of muons -do tin* sensible thins': ■ single copies live cents. continued. lie must pay all arrearges. or the fers. —take Ih kuian's Alterative- as Mr. ren­ H E R E BY O IVE N that all Garbage, publisher may continue to.send it until pay­ Mrs. L. D. Cook, Vineland, N. J., ters wort Ii did I Subscriptions in arrears #”.00 per year Refuse and Dressing Piles must be Bowling Creen, '"y., K. N’o. 1. ment is made and collect the whole amount says: “I was sick five years with In­ removed immediately. “Centlemou: I wish to say for your No Muhaeription cancelled until all arrear­ whether it is taken from the office or not. Per ordei of the Alterat ve that I believe it to he a medi­ ages are settled digestion. My stomach seemed to cine of unequnled value for all Bronchial 8.—The Courts have decided that refusing have a heavy load in it, and at other BOARD OF HEALTH. and I.unj; Trouble. The Spring of 1!K)S, Advertiiing.ates based upon circulation and to take newspapersand periodicals from the times it seemed to be tied in knots. I had a severe rough for six months. [ very reasonab’e. post office, or removing and leaving them tried all the medicine that my doctors Nobody knows how I suffered. recommended to me. but r.o results came Communications upon topics of general inter­ uncalled for, is prima facie evidenceof fraud. Notice for the better. I had night sweats, and est are solicited If you want to stop your paper, write to “ I tried a great many doctors and ACCIDENTS would cough and spit until I got so Filtered at the post offioe at Ifoultou for eir the publisher yourself, and don’t leave It to a great many kinds of medicine, but Tiie public is hereby informed weak I could hardly do anything. But, culation at second-class postal rates. the post-master. nothing did any good until I took Hi at. animals for food purposes may will happen to the most skillful at last. James 1 leering, of (Jlasgow Junc­ tion, insisted that I fry your medicine. Vinol. It has helped me wonderfully. be brought to the Slaughter House In one week’s time there was quite an For Advertising Rates apply to the President and Manager. to be dressed on Tuesdays, Thurs­ drivers. Breakdowns will occur Improvement in my condition, and after I am improving fast, feel better and I had taken several bottles, I felt as well am getting my flesh back again. Vinol days and Fridays, on which days even with the utmost care. Re­ the meat inspector "dll be on hand, as ever in my life. has done me a world of good.” pairs must be made sooner or later, “I desire the world to know that I Memorial Day The Country Weekly per orders of the firmly believe that your Kekman’s Alter­ Wo know the great power of Vinol, BOARD OF HEALTH. and if not properly made simply ative will cure any ease of lung trouble if taken before the last stage. I will gladly our delicious cod liver and Iron multiply expenses write personally to any party wanting in­ Beautiful ever are flit' tender mem­ A glance over thesubseription lists tonic without oil, in curing chronic formation In regard to your wonderful ories that come with Memorial Day, of the small country weekly always medicine.” (Sworn Afhdavit) stomach trouble and building up A. <’. RFTTFRSWOKTH. when a greatful nation renders hom­ reveals much that is interesting to all weakened, run-down persons, and Kekmnn’s Alterative Is effective in Bron­ At Huggard Bros. chitis, Asthma, Ilay Fever; Throat and age to its defenders who have passed the thoughtful person. There is that Is why we guarantee to return Lung Troubles, and in upbuilding the on and to those whom we still may handy a paper of this type in Maim* your money If it does not help you. repairs are made in a manner that system. Does not contain poisons, opiates PNEUMONIA E honor in their life. that does not send copies to not only or habit-forming drugs. Ask for booklet H. J. Ilatheway Co. Houlton,Me. left me with a frightful cough and prevents a repetition of the break, telling of recoveries, and write to Fekmnn Hail, old heroes! In your pres­ Laboratory, l’idladelphla, l’n., for more evi­ practically every state in the Union very weak. I had spells when I could in a way that means “ wear and dence. For sale by all leading druggists ence the voice of party and of fac­ tint to many foreign countries. The hardly breathe or speak for 10 to 20 tear” without collapse at a price tion is hushed to silence. Republi­ reason for this is not hard to lind. minutes. My do for could not help H. J. Hatheway Co. Houlton, Me nia out of their capitols, politely but me, but I was completely cured by cans and Democrats and Socialists No matter to what far corner of the that does not raise indignation. firmly, and without a dollar of mon­ and Progressives stand with heads world a person may migrate lie cher­ DR. K I N G ’S Haul the wreck to Huggard Bros, ey. And it must he admitted that uncovered before you, with hearts ishes a tender spot in ids heart for and have it made good as new not every state that follows this advice Something of a Curiosity. throbbing: with gratitude toward the t he little weekly sheet he has known will be, itself, better off for declining New Discovery simply “ fixed.” Rutbie accompanied her mamma to men to whom we owe tin- fact that since he was old enough to read. His Mrs. J. E. Cox, Jo.let, 111.# to contribute to the prosperity and prayer sendee, and during the service there is a nation to govern. life may have drifted far from the j 50c AND $100 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. wealth of California-. the hymn, “Cross and Crown,” the “ Backward, turn backward, <) lives of those who were once hj.s first line of which reads, “The conse­ Time in thy flight.“ friends or acquaintances, hut the crated cross I’ll bear,” etc., was sung Huggard Bros. Co. Backward to (lie May morn lays weekly pap t is always like a breath with much fervor by the congrega­ years ago when we beheld the man­ HOULTON, ME. tion. when Ruthie considerably upset of Ids lost youth. In chronicling the her mother’s gravity by whispering hood of the land marching to wounds doings ot those who remained at excitedly: “Mamma, what, does a and dentil that the na:ion miebt home and did not go out into t lie Mutt Keep at It. cross-eyed bear look like?” 1 i V e. world it erinys to his memory manv It la with many enterprises as “ Marching along, marehing along. > on t h fu 1 delights, perhaps a few sor­ with striking Are; we do not meet Port lo(l and lor cm ntry 1 hey wont row-, hut it is nevert lieless a w l- with success except by reiterated ef­ mare;tiny along.’' wit b. 1 he farewell 1 ■ < n 11 r mossaye fi mn home. A rnvnt - forts, and often at the instant when tears of wives, and ntot lews, and -i-- I v y r 1111,■ 11 j si ra_ ra ph t • 11s inmv iv;t- we despaired of success.— Mine. De FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS a UY a PORTER, Man"yer, Ilo u lto n FOR RHEUMATISM KIDNEYS AND BLADDER Main ten on. tors. a ml s we tii ' a rt I n' i i s t' ■ 11 i 11 a/as i s"II" why i!m LTTtt dailies ;ll’e ll< w i 111 baptism t I.rav.. fai" - IP : a.hlv 1 " \\ ) oily d i - place tin i•o: m t r L. IL TCTTLE, Agent, Caribou, with " he 11■ atr! o tii. ha .-me, d Mu . ' | k 1 \ i I! i h f nil' (■: iote Ilf t!-■w-p; K PARKER JACOI'KS, Agl. Presque Isle Ag a in we 1" • i. i.-id t!'min 1' ■ i i \ : 1 T read'. S'-. 1 i :T,. It T ; bra vi■ I'aptaiM'-. Tidaii i! ' fhi". 'A eel' f 1 I !1 i 1 • ! 1' W.paper 1 i ' t a ; d i CHARLES STOP)DARI), Agl. Washburn ["TI W i : « ’ Cm!'. ' ; , i 11" m j i i ■ T «'; 1 i 1 : t e ■ ■ i id \ e 11 r bi ri h . 11 ! ■ d d 1 W ILL COOK, Agt. Maph/ton ;; . J'\ Tl.' -.ei.i.ei, \F ! fall.' SmTimi'i W !i; "-i a Mi! v " iit ■; - t I i a r: ■ ■ i a v i >a : IV w • 11 \ < ia a t E. P. TITCOMB, Apt. Littleton S. 1 . I<< )BI XSON . Apt. ( xoldem idge CREAM TARTAR t 1 * Ilk 11 ;;i All kinds of farm and village property bought and sold.

' nl t-"; n''ii,1' :i! apm: iU'i m.-v ; 'ur contra.':. You

Look! Something New. 1 ) i\\ OUR MOTTO : A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL Two thousand articles given away, r.o buy our Three Crow Brand Warranted Pure Cream Tartar, u • bn Send for our Premium Catalogue. .Something for all the family. Your Leading Grocer is now having a 'eel California special sale. In every Package are three extra special Coupons and one on the outside. Beautiful Present- In Like Spirit. exchanged for them. THE THREE CROW BRAND CREAM TARTAR IS Calling Cards Engraved and Printed WARRANTED PURE. QUALITY BEST. PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY. & Invitations Times Office SAVE THE COUPONS ATLANTIC SPICE COMPANY an 1 Rockland Maine. ' U d : l t1 BRISTOL ■ i i 0 - ; i .: i , 1 ! O rry these Cheques when y ou « , ; i! ; 1

I'd ! ( A Crackerjack Smoke A quality you do net r U ’ W- ."i i - |,, (. I ; ordinarily obtain in 'i;.'. I - • I,. ■ ;>>• want' a cigar at iis price .

■ 1 I ■ ' ; U i ( i ' 1 \ • : I < • ! i ■ ■ I Made 0f specially selected ‘ '' - i i11; 1 -■! ' b 11. ,1 ’: rho ce tobacco, by highest class workmen, I • i i a : . a \ • ' I ; ! i ; , ■ , , under perfect sanitary conditions. There is U i •- . - | I - i really little wonder that • 11 ,t ra 11 1: 1... s ! ' - i a i > ■ ‘ \ ; ...... it Runs Even—Satisfaction in Every Puff. - ’ 1 I ■■ a - wa- d.w A Dime, or Three for a Quarter, AMERICAN BANKCRS at your Dealer’s. ASSOCIATION I ' ' | : i i111 ■ - I I veptildlca - I call-. TRAVCLCRS CHGQUCS Canadian Northwest Up : I d- l | -1 i i t 1 1 “ ( i 111 11 ! ip | o Hi". t i,. i a lit or ina -pint m I i k •• I a - h i.. n . are accepted at face value throughout the W orld in payment of tickets, A '•'•on 1111 in \ V • • r. ii! -11 -11; 11 (■ 1 i ’ -. t aline ina i - iu i \ i i y capital in i 1; ■ hotel service and other travel expenses. Self-identifying. Safer than till' ! I .' I V . Ill'll! of I M , 1 • 1 m | ;i »i ' - r o and ( ' 11 u . 11 i y a - k m i f In!' i' i u a p p i1' > [ u i a - money; twice as convenient. The best form of travelers’ funds. W e thl'oiiyb t ! 1. Noil |:\\ fstofn > fi r- j 11. 'll-- lor I he display I o he made at trill be pleased to explain the system and supply these cheques. largei t luiii t-v. /■ i"'!oi'o, Soiii.u him;, the San Ira n e i -e o *■ \ po> i ( ion lo cel­ 1 i k «• TO'I ; | (|; I > I : ; I \ 1 if 11 pa i 11 L ebrate i !: - ope nine .. f the I ’a ua uia FIR8T NATIONAL BANK thrnul;!) 1 iio I 11 ion -.h 'ot a 1 St. Ban!. < a mi i. Tlii- e\ [-o-.it ion is purely a this Spring. Tl u r i- 11 i f f t ittu-s as he 11 e ti t to the s t a t e o f ( 'a I i t or uia. and HOULTOM, MAINK. many u- I *»r t h■ • - a me ph nod in p.ipj. i' ■- pm pose is to t in ii a stream of gold It is a ma! if r h t r. g;Lift. I'f t'hafi.-. ill!' th" till- of the U i eat I’acihe that a la rim iicnvnt acf ot t i,fsr 1'fO- -t a t * . Since t ;d i o; a da is so inde­ | >lf g< ' t ! I i'ol 1 g 1 1 to ( ;n ' !a . t i i O I | o ; ; pendent end cart- so little about liiiiny nl' thi'iii sin|i in t ! 1 N "ft ti w s t - w 11 a I other mat' s i, i n k , the Repub­ DIVIDEND NOTICE turn Staifs. N»• vci thfh soiiif a 11- lican idea is 11, at the other st a t es thorit irs ala claiming (hat the a g- should how t he fill Is-a lies of ( 'a 11 for- rienltural : alts will i'f ci ■ 1 v 1 t h is A Semi-annual Dividend at yeai' a m 11! i 11 iif-a i 1 11 a 1 iita ul s I’.his the rate of would bf a lary year's record for Parents, Read this Letter! Well-Filled Pantries tin- mtirf iiiiiiu .rat mn into i ||t. Make Happy Families Cnitfd St a. t f >. The fiitcrpiisf ot I have a letter from a prominent Maine clergyman in regard to a sickness of one of A good supply of teal old-fashioned home-baked bread the Canadian I ’aid Ii c Bail ia ia (1 is In , children from wh ich I quote as follows: and cake and pies means the best of good living and 4 P e r C e n t 4 largely t lie caiu of this movement. “ Our two-year-old baby was very sick a row of smiling faces three times a day. That company I as till Vert ise d ex­ at two different times and we came near Use William Tell Flour and make home bak­ losing her. We had the be-t doctors, per annum has been tensively III Kiifope. This i m 111 i-;-a- ing easy—no such thiug as failure. hut they 'id not know' what the trouble declared by the :: tioii will at 1 e a -1 partly I'elieve the wa -. in the fust sieknessshehad high fever Goes farthest, too, more loaves to the shortage of labor of which railroad for several days, and the doctor said it acted sack, helping you keep down the cost of living. Milled only from Ohio men have been complaining. When 11 ke scarlet fever, but as there were no other Red Winter Wheat by our own the Balkan war broke out there was eases lie did not think it could be. After­ Payable on and after wards she broke out in a rash all over her ^ ^ . special process, it is richest in a great rush of nati\es hack to their 7 nutritive value. ^ ^ —; Houlton Alay t,19L3. , v j g body. T’he last sieknt ss was similar and homes. < die railroad man has slated the doctor was puzzled. She was very Your grocer will have it— 4 * i that To pel cent of i he ( ireeks in the nervous and we feared we would lose her. when you order your Dividends not with­ next supply, specify Savings Northwes* returned home, hut this is Your Dr.True’s Kiixir wa; recommended, drawn will be added anil after two days' use she passed se eial muloubt, in; exagge rat ion. It seems worms from two to three inches in I nigth, Bank ... to the principal. :: :: that work will he found for as many and is now well and strong and s'.cc.-s at people as choose to come. The pros­ n ights without f ret i i ng, to ssi ng and start: ng itt a fright as she did formerly. pect of big crops is as good as it over Deposits made the first seven days of any month, I will be glad to turn: h thee; c’.er y- has heeii at this time of the year and J man’s name and address to anyone u.n> and remaining in the Bank until the next semi­ tin extraordinary amount of improve-1 cares to write to me. annual dividend is payable, will he allowed inter­ iihmiI on the farm is projected. in' N B —True’s ITxir i- the 1 .-.t k w a- est at the dividend rate, from the first day of the remedy for all stomach and bowel troubles. W i addition, the lumber interest is ae-j u month when deposited. Purely vegetable, pleasant to take and tivo. Lumber companies in North-! entirely harmless. Expels stomach worms ern Michigan announce that their' and pin worms. All dealers, 35c; 50c; $1.00. operations will hereafter be canned Yours for better health, on the year round. Heretofore lum­ 1 Houltoioulton Savings Bank,°-Ludw1^’T reasurer. bering has been considered a winter 13 Drummond St., Auburn, Me. industry. A. H. FOGG COMPANY, Distributors. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, May 28, 1913.

He darted In again In Ills quick, ca*"; N o t i C G like way and received a blow that of Foreclosure dazed him. This time he held to his M hvivas, Beloni Nadeau of Township «jj> feet. Xumner Fifteen, Range Six, in the County Doctors Use This for Eczema “Bah, this is like striking a baby!” °r Aroostook and State of Maine, by his Dr. Evan.1?, Ex-Commiasioner of Health, Dr. Holmes, the well known slCn spe­ exclaimed Dixon. “What are you fight­ mortgage deed dated March UJntl, lDl.'C and says- ‘'There is almost, no relation be­ cialist writes; ‘ I am convinced that the The Honor ing about. Gravois? Is It a crime up recorded in the Northern Registry of Deeds tween skin diseases and the blood.” The D.D.D. prescription is as much a specim; By JAMES *kin must be cured through the skin. for eczema as quinine for malaria. I here to kiss a pretty girl?” for Aroostook County in Vol. 72, page 578, The germs must be washed out, and so have been prescribing the D.D.D. remedy “I am going to kill you!” said Jean, conveyed to me, the undersigned, the folloxv- salves have long- ago hi en found worth­ for V'-ars.” It will take away the itch less. The most advanced physicians of the instant you apply it. OLIVER CURWOOD, as coolly as before. i ing described real estate, to wit • A ceitain this country are now agreed on this, and There was something terribly calm parcel of land situated in the west half of are prescribing a wash of wmtergreen, In ract, we are so sure of tv’’rt D.D.D. will do for you that wo will be glu 1 Author of "The Danger Trail” and decisive in his voice. He was not Township Number Fifteen, Range Six, W. thymol and other ingredients for eczema of the and all other skin diseases. This com­ to let you have a ?l bottle on our guar­ excited, ne was not afraid, nis fin­ K. L. S. in said Aroostook County, described pound is known as D.D.D. Prescription antee that it. will cost you nothing un­ gers did not go near the long knife in as follows : —Lot numbered six ((>) lieginning tor Eczema. less you lind that it does the work. Copyright, 19 n his belt Slowly the laugh faded from at a cedar post standing in the east line of H A T IIK W A Y DRUG CO. Houlton, Me. by the Bobbs-Merrill Co. Dixon’s face, and tense lines gathered the County Road, marked ti Sc 8 1908 0 ; around his mouth as Jean circled about being north-west corner lot number eight (8); Big Snows him. thence north eighty-one (81) degrees west "Come, we don’t want trouble like forty (40) chains eight (8) links to a cedar this,” he urged. "I’m sorry—if Melisse post marked lot <» St 8, 1908 0 ; them* north didn’t like it.” nine (9) degrees west ten (In) chains forty- "I am going to kill you!” repeated hair (41) links to a cedar ]>ost marked lot Jean. numl>er four and lot number 0, 1908 0 ; ror her. The new agent was as jolly thence south eighty-one (81) degrees west SYNOPSIS as he was fat, and took an immense It was the science of the forest man forty-two (42) chains forty-four (44> links to a In the far northwest the wife of John liking to Mellsse. Young Dixon was pitted against that of another world. cedar post standing in the east line of County Cummins dies, leaving baby Melissa. good looking and brimming with life, For sport Jean had played with Young Jon Thoreau eomes from the Bar* and spent a great deal of his time In wounded lynx. His was the quickness Road, marked lot number 4 & 0, 1908 0 ; COB Lands With his violin. Mukee. the of sight, of instinct—without the oth­ thence southerly ten (10) chains fifty-six (50 Ores, had oaoo spied on an Englishman her company. For hours at a time she popping through the Cummins window. listened to hl3 stories of the wonder­ er’s science—the quickness of the great links following the east line of said Count loon that had often played this same Road to a cedar post marked lot No. 0 A 8. VolMO find Main the Englishman. Jan ful world across the sea. makee his horns with Cummins, and the One day, a week after Jan had gone, game with hi3 rifle fire, of the sledge 1908 i) ; the place of beginning, containing two reoolvo to bring up the baby in civ- he told her about the women in the dog whose ripping fangs carried death forty-three (4.!) and 152 loo ths acres, accord­ Htsed manner. The mention of a mission­ world which had come to be a fairy so quickly that eyes could not follow. ing to survey of E. 1J. Tozier ; ary angora Jan. land to Mellsse. A third and a fourth, time he came And whereas., the conditions of said mort­ Jeon do Gravola, hunter, is coming to "They are all beautiful over there?” within striking distance and escaped. gage are broken, now therefore, by reason of Lao B i ll with his Indian bride. A mls- He half drew his knife, and at the the breach of the said conditions thereof, [ I aooary la coming also to the big caribou she asked wonderingly, when he had claim a foreclosure of said mortgage and give | CoaoL Vhr aomo unnamed wrong of the finished. movement Dixon sprang back until his paat Jan reaolves to kill the missionary. "Many of them are beautiful, but shoulders touched the brush. Smiling­ this notice for that purpose. | Dated at Houlton, Maine, this seventh day Xa a fight in the woods the missionary none so beautiful as you, Mellsse,” be ly Gravols unsheathed the blade and of May, 191.P s am nearly kills Jan. The latter is replied, leaning near to her, his eyes tossed It behind him in the trail. IIis id by Jean and his bride, Iowaka. and shining. “Do you know that you are eyes were like a serpent’s In their R A NSFOl’I) \V. Ml AW, | French-Canadian pursues the mission­ S beautiful?” steadiness, and the muscles of h’s body ary. ’>) hi-' attorney s, were drawn as tight as steel springs, Joan kills ths missionary. He and Tho- His words frightened her so much How The Case Was Settled Siiau , lit iii.Miai A- S11 a w. Pssu become fast friends. Jan has some that she bowed her head to hide the ready to loose themselves when t In­ mysterious papers, which he hides in his signs of it in her face. Jan had often ch a nee came. Otolla. llellsea Is growing, and Jan de­ spoken those same words—a thousand There were tricks in his fighting as Here is a note from a lawyer telling how litigation was averted : termines to study at Churchill so he can times be had told her that she was well as in the other's, and a dawning tsaoh her. “ A case, in which I represented one of the parties as attorney, was la Mellsee’s ninth year smallpox invades beautiful—but there had never been of it began to grow upon Dixon. lie Notice of Foreclosure this fluttering of her heart before. dropped his arms to his side, inviting {lending in the Federal Court in Boston. The plaintiff was in New ths northwest country, and Jan goes in liereas, I hiK/Mt H. Hovey then of Cummins' place to warn the trappers. He There were few things which Iowaka Jean within reach. Suddenly the little Mnyrna in (he County of AiooMnok and Jersey, the defendant in Western Massachusetts, There was a pos- insets Crolseet, a trapper, shut out of his and she did not hold in secret between Frenchman straightened. His glitter­ own house by his wife. Slate ut Maim-, b\ his mortgage deed May them, and a day or two later Melisse ing eyes shot from the Englishman's sibility ot a settlement out of court, and with this in view the Jsn and Mellsse (the girl Is now fifteen 7tli 19! 'and n voided in Vol. go.; I’age oi of told her friend what Dixon had said. face to the brush behind him, -and a plaintiff called me up on the long-distance telephone and very beautiful) go to gather mountain tiie A nMistook Registry of 1 leeds, did give, . I got into For the first time Iowaka abused the piercing veil burst from Ills lips. In­ flowers to celebrate her birthday. She giant, bargain, sell and emivey unto me, tlx- communication with the defendant, and the case was adjusted out teases him to kiss her In his old time, confidence placed In her and told Jean. voluntarily Dixon started, half turning undersigned Kleaiim s. liuz/vii of Jb.ukoii brotherly way. “The devil!” gritted Jean, his face his face, and before he had come to his oi tin- court to the satisfaction of all parties concerned. To have in said ( Minty and State, the followin. There Is reason In the papers, which are blackening. guard Gravois flung himself under his Shown to Qravoia by Jan, for Jan’s renun- lUib.d I v;|l Iv-tal' .situated in tic tu’. tried the case would of have cost, including attorneys' fees, probab­ He said no more until night, when arms, striking with (he full force of Olatlon of Mellsse. but she does not know ill til*' < ' flinty i >f y i'ohMimi] and . le a thousand dollars. 'The telephone charges were less than ten l|. She asks him to let her accompany the children were asleep. Then lie his body against; bis antagonist’s knees. Mam Main*-, t i a it. : '!The Ka.-.t Halt Ittm to the cabin of Ledoq. a trapper drew Iowaka close beside him on a Together they went, down m the i dollars, and modesty' forbids me to state the amount of the attor- Da-d hum! i *1 mo on 1 7 i n Lao Bain Is visited by Timothy Dixon, bench near the stove and asked care­ trail. There was only one seiem e now m ■ v ' s eoniDetisation.' ’ y rim. mtaiiiin. eight\ th# new company agent from Churchill, lessly: i —that of the forest man The liihe, and tils son. The latter Is attracted by a on Wm 11 an “My angel, if one makes an oath to ; brown fingers that could havi ern-died Mellsse. Gravols watches the two. AY *! VI1 ' i an the blessed Virgin and breaks it what the life of a lynx, fastened themselves Young Dixon kisses Mellsse, and Gra­ nita; o p v ro.'i biotic is a Long I b.stance Station vels, who sees it. fights with him and happens?” around the Englishu'.s tiiro.t. and nearly kills him. They are reconciled lie evaded the startled look in his there came one gaspin ;\ quieki thro* When the Englishman apologizes. Jan wife’s big black eyes. tied cry as they tightened in Herr nort tells Gravols he has found two of his brothers, unworthy men. I “It means that one will be foreve: breaking grin. damned unless he confesses to a priest “I will kill aid Jean AROOSTOOK TELEPHONE AND soon after, doesn’t it? And If there is DixouM u r “There will be plenty of it very | no priest nearer than 400 miles it is »; Hi- eyes buleod fr-mi ! 1 p ■; r •IS. goon," replied Jan. caught by the dangerous thing to do. is it not?” ills month xvns ;ig:i; ip, h It ,1 p'l u d not frankness of the other’s manner. "Our Mu' TELEGRAPH COMPANY A tierce snarling and barking of dogs fex . Ills he e V m • . herb runners win be going out among the brought Gravois to the door. They sill 'll Ml U\ til*' V, : ■ .. t in trappers within a fortnight.” could hear Croisset’s raucous voice and gri p. He \\ < j 1 i i'. • I his they take me?” “And will the loud cracking of his big whip. he*id f.*r n fts.’l i;;; r. , . • pi Te “You may go with me If you can run. " I ’ll be back soon,” said T^n. closing ip i * *. e 11 e H i: ■ 11 i ■ : hie I leave the day after tomorrow.” the door nfter him, but instead of np IlTrifled v1 *i’ e i■: 'li . ■! ti p li tie ^ & # 4 & # # sfc & & # & >k- ^ & # >k- & ^ # # # “Thanks,“ said Dixon, moving to­ preaching Croisset n id the fighting PMring' e!' her .hr, eh 1 ■■ door. ward the dogs he went in the direction of rqm- If* IS (!e j ”■ i A Oil Meltase did not lift her head as he mins’ cabin. He gritted ills teeth ns 11; 1'e killed him, ,1. :. Faintly she said: went out. ,iWill ieoked i J: P ■ *T*ve kept your dinner for you, Jan. young Dixon’s laugh sounded loudly The Place to Buy He is mu . 1.,I ' Why didn’t you come sooner?” 1n the cabin. “Two inoh!" he xvont on ... , i ltd gill 11 a. le imr si lie ' «. “I had dinner with Gravols,” he re­ communing with, himself. "Cummins p i r. nil plied. “Jean .mid that yoi would —Jan Thoreau —hotli fools!” home h> low:i!,e : hill & i i tuudly be prepared for five, Mellsse. so During the week that followed Jean’s agonized I accepted his invitatlou.” little black eyes were never far dis­ M turn in 11'a He took down from the wall a fur tant from Cummins' cabin. Without £ vaka," iv i eledge coat, in »whicb Mellsse had being observed be wat Imd Melisse and & nut. Kili him, 1 1 Sr From a stock composed of the mended a rent a day or two before, Dixon, and not even to Iowaka did he M* Hu went lumk to & and, throwing it over his arm, turned give hint of his growing suspicions. ( r ,, ■ (;■ • choicest cuts of all kinds, the best to leave. Dixon was a man whom most other snmv oxer Hu- man' re We a aril N e r o i; S & “My God, nut it, \x “Janr* men liked. There were a fascinating ML■ ■ d.nu*, 'A e a t(, aeivou-' mm a 'pi exclaimed, ns there uainu a f!i< the market affords. & H e faced her slowly, knowing that frankness in his voice and manner, w r: Id fee! Kill!',; ;oU - , emu g"f !(■ , * strength in his broad shoulders and a Ifl spite of himself there was a strange­ full .u ,.U- a"pi ah.. -i\ s ha' • x gi pp:i ap general air of comradeship about him ness In his manner which she would pel 1 ! r f r t; \ \\rudd do rh... me.!.- & which won all but Jean. -dP not understand. thing (hr he lid.....’•ike ire" trie Hitters. & “Why are you going away the day The trap line runners began letiving Nut in! g h> \ t (,r for St 1 itsi HI. h . or & after tomorrow-two weeks before the the post ut the end of the second week, kid lie ' - 1Lmm A5e is - a v t h-w oh 1 m-ir ethers? You didn’t tell me.” and after this Melisse and the young GROCERIES #■ b X CM ' 1 this w ■ *Tm going a hundred miles into the Englishman were more together than ierhi i home reined \, #■ Mr- i> RC r,r\ 111 •oath." he answered. ever. Dixon showed no inclination to It, • f Vesta! < ’enter. of every description. “Over the Nelson House trail?” accompany the sledges, and when they N. V s h \ - . 1 I r*•gat'd IrheM'ic Bit t.qs “Yea” were gone he and Melisse began taking as ore■ of tin1 JM.if■ e-r of gifts i can “Ohr Hei dps curled slightly as she walks in the forest when tin.* sun was n c ve r mrget XX flat o has done for me leaked at him. Then she laughed, and high and warm. .mill a bright spot leaped into either cheek. It was on one of these days that Jean VEGETABLES “I understand, brother,” she said soft­ had gone along the edge of the caribou & ly. "Pardon me for questioning you swamp that lay between the Barrens In a great variety. & •0. I had forgotten that the MacVeigh and the higher forest. He heard the # girl Uvea on the Nelson trail. Iowaka sound of voices ahead of him. and a ■aye that she is as sweet as a wild flow­ moment later he recognized them as W r? > Good —-Didn't «3rt Measles. er. I wish you would have her come those of Melisse and Dixon. 11 is face ^ Try our Smoked Beef sliced thin. % The s U hi ieet. of meqs les cam e ur> in np and visit us some time. Jan.” clouded, and his eyes snapped fire. n fainiI;v that had a small hoy in it Jan’s face went red, then white, but He peered forth from the bushes, his ''Have you ha d the measles y et. first effect of her loyal heart beating a wrathful tattoo Mellsse saw only the Charles Robert asked Hie visitor. briskly gathering when he saw that Dixon dared put his random shot and was “No.” Hie youngster replied "I did hand on Melisse’s arm. They were np the dishes. think I was going to ha.ye them last coming very slowly, the Englishman 1 CHAS. W. STARKEY * “I tnrn off into the Cree lake country week, bur ! was real good for three bending low over the girl's bowed head, before I reach MacVeigh’s.” be was on or tour days, and i guess I won't have * UNION SQUARE. talking to her with strange earnest­ the point of saying, but the words hung them now at all ” upon his Ups, and he remained silent ness. Suddenly he stopped, and be­ A few minutes later he was talking fore Jean could comprehend what had with Jean de Gravols. The little happened he had bent down and kissed Wonderful Skm Salve. Frenchman's face was ominously dark, her. i ! Buek!en\s Arnica Salve is known aad be puffed furiously upon his pipe With a low cry Melisse tore herself ver) win re as the best remedy made for when Jan told him why he was leaving free. For an instant she faced Dixon, at once for the south. who stood laughing into her blazing dl disea-cs of the skip, and also for YOUR W A N T A D S “Running away!” he repeated for the eyes. Then she turned and ran swiftly ■urns. bruises and boils. Reduces in­ tenth time In French, his thin lips curl down the trail. flammation ami is so,.thing and healing Insert in the Ing In a sneer. “1 am sorry that I gave A second cry fell from her startled "I will not kill him, Melisse.” !. I' Soxsvnan. publisher of News, of yon ray oath, Jan Thoreau, else I would TIMES lips when she found herself face to 'orm line, \ . ('., writes that one box life into the eyes. ”A go myself and tell Mellsse what I read face with Jean de Gravois. The little little more and wiped his serious skin ailment after he would have been with the mis- !a the papers. Pish! Why can’t you Frenchman was smiling. Ills eyes fher remedies faihd. Only -de. Re­ T h e R esult S p e a k s F o r Itself. sioner!” forget?” glittered like black diamonds. commended by Druggists advgt “X may^-some day,” said Jan. "That "Jean, Jean!” she sobbed, running He drngged the Englishman to the !i Why I am going Into the south two to him. side of the trail and set his back to u tree. When he saw that fallen loe- wfcika early, and I shall be gone until "He has insulted you.” he said soft­ innn’s breath was coming more strong­ after the big roast. If 1 remain here ly, smiling into her white face. "Run ly lie followed slowly after Melisse. aaOther week I shaU tell Mellsse, and along to the post, my pretty Melisse.” Unobserved, lie went into the store then”— He watched her, half turned from and washed the blood from his face, He shrugged his shoulders despair­ the astonished Englishman, until she chuckling with huge satisfaction xvheu ingly. disappeared in a twist of the trail a ho looked at himself in the little glass “And then what,” hundred yards away. Then he faced KINEO “I should go away forever.’’ Dixon. which hung oxer the washbasin. “Ah, my sweet Iowaka, but xvould Jean snapped his fingers with a low “It is the first time that our Melisse you guess now that Joan de Gravois laugh. has ever suffered insult.” he said, had received two clouts on the side “Then remain another week, Jan speaking as coolly as if to a child. of the bead that almost sent him into Thereto, and If it turns out as you "If Jan Thoreau were here, he would the blessed hereafter? I xvould not asy I swear 1 will abandon my two kill you. He is gone, and I will kill have had you see it for all tlie gold in lowakas and little Jean to the wolves!” you in his place!” ”1 am going the day after tomor­ this world.” RANGES *E HEATERS He advanced, his white teeth still A little later lie went to the cabin. row.” gleaming In a smile, and not until he morning Iowaka complained Iowaka and the children xvere at The nest launched himself like a cat at Dixon’s to Ifelisse that Gravola was as surly Croisset’s, and he sat down to smoke throat was the Englishman convinced With all latest Improvements as a boar. ______a pipe. Scarce had he begun sending that he meant attack. In a flash Dix­ up blue clouds of smoke when the door on stepped a little to one side and sent CHAPTER X. opened and Melisse came in. out a crashing blow that caught Jean "Hello, my dear,” he cried gayly, Including glass oven doors A Kite end the Consequences. on the side of the head and sent him laughing at her with a wave of his BXJSSB saw little of Jan dur­ flat upon his back in the trail. pipe. ing the day. At noon, Dixon Half stunned, Gravols came to his In an instant she had flung the shawl Are used everywhere that he bad made told her feet He did not hear the shrill cry from her head and xvas upon her op hie' mind not to accom- SOLD BY of terror from the twist in the trail. knees at his feet, her white face turn­ Mpaajr Thoreau on the trip south. The He did not look back to see Melisse ed up to him pleadingly, her breath following morning, before she was up, standing there. But Dixon both saw falling upon him in panting, sobbing Jaa had gone. 8he was deeply hurt and heard, and be laughed tauntingly excitement. Mfltlgr before had be left on one of over Jean’s head as the little French­ «& |oag tripe without spending his came him (To Bo Continued.) HAMILTON & WEBBER CO. man toward again, more with her. Outside of her cautiously than before. I t Jan. the days and even* It was the first time that Jean had Calling cards engraved and print­ A l l toUdwed were pleasant once •▼er come Into contact with science. ed at the T im e s office. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, May 28, 1913. ■mwgrmraw'TOwmisamargawrffwu issutrsna— w

and (hereby mltii'is t he annual crop. Classified Ads. Hnl it is lint my object to ominmrafo ^oannoaBOOwnBO^ a in I < b scri b; ■ hm-e various diseases, »! OF LOCAL INTEREST Cook Wanted—At A r oostook 'l'bis bas Imtii iloim in various bulle­ Hospital. Apply to Matron. tin- of the 1 >*-pa rt limn t of Agrieul- 111 m ■ at Wa-hington. 1). ('. and tlm A Competent Table Girl Wanted g CHARLOTTE’S § Maitm INperiiiwnt Station. () 11 < * at Exchange Cife, Court St. tlm' bas root>n11y born i n t rod ncod Capable Girl For General house­ im fits mention because of its prova- work, ap p ly to Mrs. A. G. Walker. 1 • ' I I ' 111*1 Lie llera 1 di-t riluifion. 'I’llis Friday and Saturday U. S. Department d is. as.e 1 - known ass ilv.T scurf. It Wanted—Cook and Second Girl at t aok- cllielly t lie potato t u h .• r Good wages. Inquire at T imms Office. can -inv it to tak c "ii a glistenin' or May 30th and 31st 17tf bra.y i- 11 White ,"dm- and Intel to A Bargain In a Second hand -ll! i Veland d ry up. It cannot 1»c o delivery wagon, also 1 top carriage. 0 . i\ of Agriculture Ceil h f <■d that die vain e of the j jo’ a111 TWO DAYS SALE Berry, Littleton. Tel. 3J0-:’■ l 422 i'm- human cun- iimpt ion ha- 1>re■ 11 mat el ially dec reMSed and it is <111:■o. Wanted—Capable Girl For Gen­ Continues and Enlarges its Potato In­ in; ' I'o — — i I 11 e | (; ;iit -in■Ii dis-a-.-d o- On Suits, Coats ana W ool Dresses eral housework. Bert of wages. Mrs. II. tan ale injure. 1 for -ecd | M | I po S. T. Frisbie, Court St. vestigations in Aroostook County. W : i■1 1n r such i> the case or mu V. ill W ill be marked at cost and less. i" -tinlied this y *ar under li• ■ Id :.lo!m Wat-i IM M A TC K b vs. MATCH E S la K I» O M 1 1.‘<1 diirimr tin■ 1 a -1yen i a- * mumi i'- o son & ( ’o., who lutvr again kindly ROTATORS---While the superiority o ) iu i 1 1( anada - 11mild also b,. ,•,!11.el Cook Wanted In a Small F*|nlly, offered to furnish tin* necessary land C. M WAKEM . of immat lire over mat nr- -eed has that already has a second girl. Apply to o 1 I) e a t ( ell t ion o f lie Oato it becomes possible for the OMiee oi long been a conceded faci by the pi- Mrs. II. T. Frisbie. el'-, of this ci i u 111 y hera o! i' s i \ • Horticulture of the Id S. Depart­ tato growers of O iva t Rritaio.it has i iii i i v i o ( 'a 11a d a a iid t! 'St curt i \ e- O— O ^ Girl Wanted—For General House ment of Agriculture t<> continue the received little if any careful eonsid- P e ■ of the d i - has boon work in a family of two. Apply to Mrs. work which it undertook at Houlton erttioii by the American growers. k i! 1 I t O exist ju­ ■ h u' sum J. Q. Adams, 15 Highland Ave.______last season. William Stuart will In order to secure some definite i 11 - i in i n d i i a s h i .•o)|], re ;>) e va lent again be in charge of the work. formation, upon this point a sufficient To Let—Furnished Rooms, One in inland. Sc it la ml at I Ireland, As a result: of last season’s experi­ quantify of Irish Cobbler seed i- to minute walk from the Post Office. For Ti: t i-e.ase is ! nown as ■oi ky sea h ence the Office of ( ’otton and Truck ho planted to furnish enough imma­ gentlemen only. 0. G. Lunt, Mechanic St. ca if i ' ■ s and cank- COAL FOR SALE Diseases and Sugar 1-Mant Investiga­ ture and mature seed to give thi- Will ma rk e< 11 \- For Sale—A Lot of Second hand tions, of which Mr. W. A. Orton is quest ion a most 11 nigh !<• We are now prepared to take orders for •lit ■a - now furniture in good condition. Apply to chief, has become actively interested t rucking regions of t h* ■ S * iUtil. * ! J>r. \ah in i 11 ( a i a d a i delivery of coal. John Vassar, Green St. in studying1 the diseases of the pota­ ] g i i - The «• r o p will he ham.■eged f 1y ' :!ipw'tant i ha' all 417 to that occur in this region. This point' trowel'- immature seed when i i i- * >_;; j , , ; * iMl'. pm'aie in waichi Phone 277 or call at store. work will be under the direct charge ig lor this di Wanted—Cedar Posts 5—8—10 grown, every other i:’* * w being ;11- i■: i - ■ and I'e p .|! dig i of D. J. E. Melhus, and will he con­ ft. lengths landed anywhere along line of low* el to develop (o I'll11 i na111 r i t \ . 11: a ' . \ . ry p.i! > h. ducted on the Madigan estate off id' B . & A. large or small quantities. P. J. VA Rl ETA L TP'S 1’ A <• o11-i* l<• r - a I:. ' i to cheek jo-' — i j Garcelon. 4-°P Spring street. able n uni her of na nee I va i'ielieN Will ' lie HIM-' * 1 1 ! j e I | 'alii 1913 Investigations by the Of­ Wanted—Experienced Machin­ he grown this sea-on , Im*'h for tIm 11 i 1 h< 1 ll ] I * ' i a t e-. fice of Horticulture ists ; also young able bodied men to learn purpose of observing tii.'i " heliavi nr < to operate machine tools. No man weighing While in a measure a considerable in this locality and of mi] U'l ' V e 111 * 'lit under 140 lbs. will be considered. Windsor portion of the work will be a repeti­ of the variet ins Hlgi Mril sell Machine “Company, Windsor, Vermont, tion of that, of last season in t hat the t ion. 11 is belie that much o f i U . S , A . tf more promising of the 1912 seedling so-called rumiin at oi variet ie- collection, some 3000 in number, will due to caieb -,- - sebctioM. Plano Bargains -U prightsin be given another and more extended good condition as low as $75.00. Squares trial with the idea of discarding all as km as $29.00. Organs in good repair as but the most promising at harvest ing low as $19.00. Send for bargain list. Lord Investigations oi the Ofitce ot time. A Co., Inc. Masonic Bid., Portland Me. Truck Diseases by Dr. J. E. 422 SELECTION WORK—Many hill Melhus, U. S. Department selections were made last season and For Exchange—F a r m oi 160 it is planned to plant these on the of Agriculture. tens in Smyrna, will exchange for house tuber unit basis in order that tin 1 It i.- ]dann*ml to ->nd; tin i 11 g t !M and stable in town, here is a good proposi­ relative merits of each may be tin tion, what have you to sell or exchange. summer and fall -* rec­ took ('<*., Maim- r • k 11 ' W 11 ognize the fact that many strains of Lost—Somewhere on Streets of of these and the ,■>>,e t ha 1 \V i 1 1 Ve HobMno, Monday, M ay 19th a la d y’s grey potatoes may, and generally do. oc­ I the major portion *t on: etlm r i - ‘ he sweater. Will finder please leave same at cur within a variety, and that when j late hiig! i1 or Iri-:: hligi ■ .f I " 1 Times Office. 122 these strains are isolated from the j tato. It attack- h. ill! t C \ ; iml variety they produce a much more i the new potato* •- , c a u - Ug' t; m 'of - uniform progeny than the hetero­ Notice ’ me!' to di* down i;i a I ■ w 11; \ s . im - geneous parent. A strain may he Petition to construct and maintain poles, j del' certain fav.»ral 1 * w *a Im* oilldl lines, fixtures and applianees in Wallagrass found within a variety wdiieh is more ! tions, and the tan *| to b ca \ Ml . i. 1 - Plantation. productive or more uniform in size | iy bef ,|, and ait *-r di MU. .VI- TO the County Commissioners of Aroos- or shape or that possesses greater re­ i t hongh th i- *i i-< a-* mi- ! i'• ! i ■ n. ■ w u tookCoanty. sistance of vine or tuber, nr both, to | for a long time, it- mea: - ef r ■' i c *•ll I - The Fort Kent Electric Company, a cor- diseases of one form or another. j ing from year fu ye a f ■ - Mitf d■ tin !t- - pontkm duly organized and existing under Work now under way by the De­ j 1 y km*w n. 1 h *'* i rly 1 ' as li1 1 e || the laws, o f the State of Maine, and dqly partment and already reported upon eupowered, and authorized to generate, sell | shown by Inborn! ory v.p*Mi m* IMS by some of the State Experiment The answer to this nationally published query and tnuasmit electricity for lighting and heat- | carried out at W t •-111 ni .• ■on. D. ( ' . Stations would indicate that this is tag porpoees within the town of Fort Kent, t i at infected -• * *" ’1a * ie.- e .* y a most promising field of work. has been found by men who are wearing and the plantations of Wallagrass, St. John, j transmit the di-en- e hr* MU o m g'* !mr- fit. Frauds and Aliagash and Eagle lake, STARCH VARmES—S om e 2 1 at ion to another. hereby potMuoa your Honorable Body to high starch content Herman varie­ Th is sea-mi it : - plam l*d m1 - ! idy giant Ha permit, subject to such rules and ties are to be grown this season for O this question u; .i* li< 1 i'MI mis Stein-BIoch Smart Clothes 2 ngdattaa as to location and construction as the purpose of determining whether • i .tit: O and Darn wh<■ .;*■ r tin h;id i s nay ha designated therein, to construct and tiie same relative amount of starch fixtures and appliances, the cause of t he an lei ill MOl.U 11 maintain poles, lines, will be developed in this section as ill'e ,' e for tba transmission of electricity, in along, of t his *1 l-ea-e, it such i {, t in Germany. III.] . i > Ours is the ONE STORE in this city that can show ovar under and across each and every high­ he the r a - * s* > 111 e i*, m " t r* at PLACE EFFECT STE DIES—-The - these clothes way and town way within the plantation of incut will he song: : , U . t i ■11 '.mi “ place effect studies'’ will hi- con­ ml Wallagrass in said county of Aroostook, now nieasui * -. kid out, existing and open to public travel. tinued along the same lines as that 1 !- said that (“orn ri stviu tith export tdilorini: were married Another que-inn ef 1■o i S| i Im :i hie Dated at Fort Kent Me., M ay 2lst, 1913. of last season. Aroostook grown t a ' S 11 * j n hoc}] nX \" put's itLrn they have never separated. FORT KENT ELECTRIC CO., seed wiil he used as the source of importance in emi 1 e O ( j .ill w ■ hi 111- X

2 O By A. 0. Robbins, Pres. seed supply for tin* continuation of / h- \ ci. b ing varn - o O Throughout the store you will find that your interests the work in Western Now York. t ies hi a v i ii g high m Mi I a 'es| star re. o ’ Order o f N otice Wisconsin, Minnesota. West Vir­ ( dir present A men ■an r aruMjes are have commanded us- the products of acknowledged lead­ State of Maine ginia and Virginia. Somo half doz­ very susceptible aml r ■' i m r C< n - Aroostook, as. Court o f County Commis­ ers have been brought together- that we may serve you best en leading varieties are studiod in staid protection dn ' 1 1 i g !h • lasf ; a 11 sioners, May term, held May 6,1913. • >f the growing -* ; i - .in ! . \ nt Upon the foregoing petition it is ordered this connection. i! I them from being . estr* y ■d >*v that a public hearing be had thereon at the PLANT BREEDING —In *0 far Every Man and Boy wants Furnishings. Municipal Court Room in Fort Kent m said as time and opportunity proems late blight dis*ui-* . I' know n f .■ a! county, on the 18th day of June 1913, at two crosses will be made hctwon tin* many of the ( i. i hkiii iM Ja ’ <' k. a m* We have the largest line in Houlton to select from. o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and leading American and German vari­ highly resistant : t>Ul ot wluit .!'*■- -i - o o plaoe, the public, including owners and re­ eties. particularly those of high tinc*■ consists and w hell: r it .'ti 11 be sidents of property upon the highways and transmit teM tt t correct in style- put the wearer "at ease’*—"at his best”— mit should not be granted. t he present time !** t h in !1 * ah. ru­ And it is farther ordered that notice of the eration seedlings are n’o \v being and make satisfied customers. We want you to see them. tory and under fi. Id time and place of said hearing be given by grown in the vicinity of Washington. omn i t ions publishing for two weeks successively in the I). C. The more promising of these Any light mi this <|U"- t 1Ul sin* ili: Aroostook Times, a newspaper printed and seedlings will he added to the Maim* materially assist th ■ ] m *t;It * Ineed i ng: “The Store That Makes Good” pubttahedat Houlton within the county of trials next season. work being done He | C**f. Stiltirt. Aroostook, an attested copy of this petition Any increase in tie- natural resist­ o and the order thereon. The last publication ance ef etir potatoes nnan- mans' o to be at least fourteen days before the date of Parcels Post dollars 'o the farmers ef Aroostook PURINGTON Houlton. | said Co., where this disease occurs everv P. Theriault, ) County Commissioners year. 8. C. Greenlaw | of Assistant Postmaster Little of the OOHHiOOaaHiOaJ S. P. Archibald 1 Aroostook County Houlton postoftice has received an Late blight is by n«> means the on­ (L. 8.) order from the department at Wash­ ly tiisease that attacks the potato Attest: MICHAEL M. CLARK, Clerk. A true copy, ington in regard to the packing of Atteat: MICHAEL M. CLARK, Clerk. parcels for dispatch by parcel post, anil he v. is lies to make known the same to the patrons of the Houlton Notice of Foreclosure office who iim' this service. The order was issued at Washing­ Wlpreos Wilbur F. Steen of flersey in ton last week, and states t hat investi­ Aroostook County, Maine, by his mortgage gation of complaints of damage to deed dated September nineteenth A. D. the parcels in the mail show in most 1006, recorded in Aroostook Registry of Deeds Vol. 183 P a g e 294, conveyed to the cases that the damage is due to fail­ Houlton Savings Bank, a corporation duly ure sufficiently and securely to wrap ineorporated unejer the laws of the State of the packages for safe transmission. lfaino, the following described real estate, Stove castings, plow points, pieces of Vi* machinery, etc., should be wrapped To celebrate the anniversary of my business, also my removal Lot numbered four (4) in said Hersey ac­ to prevent damage to mail and centing to the plan and survey of said town, equipment by their sharp points and ------to more commodious quarters Qnwtfintng one hundred and sixty (160> acres rough edges. Clothing, dry goods, ■amor less ; excepting and reserving, how­ shoes, etc., should he so put up as to ever, the mill privilege,' with about an acre of reach destination in unbroken pack­ land, more or less, and certain rights and privileges of flowage which were formerly ages, as wheti the wrappers are. to Jacob W. Rhodes by Hataviile broken, the contents arc liable to he Commencing May 28,1 shall give FREE with every 3rd order Ash by his deed dated October 3rd, 1805, re­ soiled and damaged. corded in Arooetook Registry of Deeds Vol. Packages containing fragile arti­ for a Royal Tailored Suit AN EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS. 29 Page 447 ; and whereas the said Houlton cles must he very securely packed, Savings Bank by assignment dated, March and marked “ Fragile.” But parcels eighteenth A. D. 1912, assigned said mort­ which do not contain fragile articles EVERY SAMPLE IS MARKED WITH PLAIN FIGURES. gage to the undersigned, Percy M. Steen: must not he marked ••Fragile” al­ Now the conditions of said mortgage having though the wrappers or boxes in t$Hqken and still remaining broken 1 the Don’t take my “say so Investigate for yourself. as aforesaid, hereby claim a fore- which they are contained may be rot said mortgage and give this notice fragile. Such improperly marked for^be purpose of foreclosing said mortgage packages will not he accepted for fortveseb o f the conditions H ereof. mailing. Dated at Fatten, Maine, this twentieth day Perishable articles will net bo ac­ *Tbe Broadway Tailor of May A. D. 1913. cepted for mailing when addressed G. N. GRANT PERCY M. STEEN, to offices beyond the limits of the B y his attorney B e r t r a m L . S m i t h . first zone. The Aroostook Times. Wednesday, May 28, 1913.

W. C. T. U. EN(JKAVFI) AND Don’t Bother Years of Suffering Advtg. £« PRINTED AT THE OF LOCAL INTEREST At the meeting of the W. C. T. U. Catarrh and Blood D is e a s e — « j ~ TIMES OFFICE on Tuesday, May 120. the attendance Doctors Failed to Cure. To send your plates aw ay Miss Mabel F. Dawkin3, 1214 Lafay­ Calling cards engraved with plate was larger than at any other meet­ Don’t forget Osgood’s King Sale. NISH EI) ON \ P- to have your cards en­ ette St., Fort Wayne, Ind., writes: ing during the year, n B a r i s - - — at the T imes office. “For three years 1 was troubled with, It beats them all. PLICATION. graved take it to tne Several matters pertaining to the catarrh and blood disease. I tried sev­ L. S. Black left Monday for Boston Secure your seats for the Minstrel eral doctors and a dozen different rem ­ membership contest, for which the Show, there are some good ones left. edies, but none of them did me i ay on Telephone business. union is now working, were discussed Times Office good. A friend told me of Hood’s Str- Not an unmixed Blessing. Try ttie Fruit at McNally’s Court Special Prices on all goods at Os­ and explained. At tins meeting the and Let them be bothered saparllla. I took two bottles of this A wonu.n claims that by prayer and medicine and was as well and strong street restaurant. good's “ Little Store with the Big delegates to the County Convention ( fa s tin g she has gained the gift of as ever. 1 feel like a different person Stock.” at Island Falls were chosen. and recommend Hood’s to any one suf­ r. H. Davis is adding a large piaz­ j tongues and now can converse In any fering from catarrh.” za to the front of his residence on All kinds of signs printed or paint A ten minutes talk on Mothers’ I language. The cynics will probably Get it today in usual liquid form or Pleasant street. ed at the T imes office. Meetings by Mrs. C. P. Barnes was retort that, taking the self-asserted They Enjoy it. chocolated tablets called S arsatans. Buy your Carbon Papers at the Downey and Wheeler’s circus will greatly enjoyed by all. I miracle for granted, one tongue has j proved to be far too voluble a ve- T im eh office. show in Houlton on June 25, after­ noon and evening. I hide for the majority of her sex, and IOOC Starkey’s slicing machine is work­ Value of Lettuce. 1 that the access of all languages Is n o t The latest pattern calling cards ing overtime with smoked beef. Try Lettuce has a soothing effect on th» bo much a personal merit as a g e n - it. printed or engraved at the T imes of­ nerves and Is excellent for sufferers I e ra l misfortune.—Baltimore Amor- fice. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harvey made from lnsomniav lean ; an auto trip to the northern part of Wm. B. McDonough, of St. John, the state last week. was the week end guest of his -broth­ Buy your typewriter ribbons at er, Joseph McDonough. * the T imes office. Von «.mi’t fool the farmers, that is Are Winners -* * Mrs. Bert Doyle has accepted a why they eat at McNally’s Court St. restaurant. * The Peer of all Machines position in the Musical Dept, of Coo. £ \V. Richards «fe Co. Mrs. Fred Hall, who lias been the * guest of friends at Pleasant Pond, We specialize on the Boneless. The place to go when hungry is * has returned home. McNally’s Court street restaurant. •# * Call and look our line over at MissColpitts of Woodstock, N. B., The greatest vai iety of the best * The Edison Disc quality of meats, are to be found at 4^ was the guest of Mrs. Frank Dunn -* 5 Water Street on Saturday. Starkey’s mark'd 46* Take your difficult Repairs to Os­ Samuel ( i ray of Buoksport was in 4*- town, last week, visiting his daugh­ PHONOGRAPH good. His is the only shop equipped ters. to no them. * Basford, t h e piano timer, will Memorial sale of millinery at Mrs, * 1). B. (iillen’s. May l’S, id) arid JO. leave the county soon for the sum­ You have no bothersome needles to handle. mer. Leave your orders at any of County Attorney Parley ( ’. Brown * You have no broken Records. DOBBINS CROSSIN, PROP’S. the music stores. of Presque Isle was in town, Mon- * A da v on business. 4^ Kob’t. Williams arrived home You have no scratchy sounds when playing. * & OOE Tuesday from Colby College for a I T ill'!’i1 w ill be ;i hi rt In.l ay■ pai ■ty at * You have a Record which plays from 5 to (J minutes, few days visit with his father Dr. C. th e Eli <• B ;11>t i s 1 e lm rch (>11 tin ’ i'\e n- 4^ * 'flic diamond point which takes the place of the E. Williams. ing of .! mt.' .at h . 4** Mr. Morse, representing the Am. M r. a n d M r- . 10I’a i. k 1Fast el’ o f needle will wear for years. & ...... Is 1 I'l’k W 1 ' P in !eW I 1 Sat in a 1;i y Steel and W re ( ’<>,, w;i s in liotiltmi They mmgv in price from *■ last week, preparin'.: for demonstra­ c a llin g mi I'clelhl * S o 46* tions of this hi prod o et ;is a spray I'm’ -■ w ill lie i>n ly t w ii M a s a t * r oo **) killing weeds. St. M a t y ' - <’ t iir ul , S un . la y n e \ 1 , s $60.00 to $450.00. \ 46- 3 1-3 fcd Mr. and Mr II I’m n anil M . * 4^ W u H to Eort Eairti- Id e l'- 1' ’ I ’:i : r Dei el I Mile ) i ! i S K fO hj the fmim a 1 of M i> riiiiiii a 1 n M 1 1 ! 11. , . I:1 j, ' . 1III i| e \l inn . 4fr tor of M r. a ml Mi W M 4* M whoso doath or U2 O 4£ IIISrIN foil The Houlton Music Store 46- A. E. ASTLE, Prop. 4* 4^ ( 'a $ ,0, Main Street, Houlton, Maine * 7r -/!: v'k v's ip -iw ip if: ip ip ip ip ifcipii;ikiisikifci(si(iifcHsHiik


\\ O - I r per gallon in 5 gallon cans • I

Have you ever wanted a collar ha-Uv and .ound $1.00 per gallon in 1 gallon cans those just returned to you badly worn and broken'.' I Mf RoUto Houses Rarns, Shells. Roofs, mo any Did you ever start to dress in a burry, put on your collar, start to tie your four-in-lmnd and have your tie ■oirfarM whom a low prior p.iiot is rcfjuirc«l. Made in m vdi -haho.-. (all on us. write ns. or to cplione stick? What did you do? ( live the collar a yank, have Libel for Di voire it come unbuttoned or buckle up and crack at the joints? 177 for color raid ami further information. 'I o tin* lion .1 11! !!"'!!>!• I! I f after the struggle you succeeded with the tic did you ciai l 'mil t. in vt t" fm' In Id a! I lummn, i Flllf Farms For Two whistle merrily or did you — — < 'minty id A t1motoiif. and >tan-i tub.a, If" HOULTON, MAINE The Houlton Steam Laundry Fi m<|i*! iftmi m dii’ flavin, v New ■ ,i ‘ u.I. ■ III' qi l i pi lie ( ail ;i K>‘ii inw, m.ne i jghi if aid w irk sin* wa-, i.i w l al! \ mar: led ’<> IVum iimm !;> mi i!e-. \ eat S cn ,p> near Qa is laundering Collars without cracking ami with an Mayors that rviT mik-*' slid tmir -hr !u-, M'llIN d m iulvfiutagiM ; on telephuni and easy tie space. dui'trd hi-I st* 11 t'.waids -aid I ,h. !.r II. V ini*' ■' .'I'liinn “11»*iard w't (Hit P H O N E 23-2 Mins bn all detail-- and traveling iustrue- cause, and that said desm!am !ia- rmiln t ii ms !i a ali is and a gnud lunaoe farm with to tlm [ni'scnt t inn-, hmm: mm > than thin- diH'k and Imikfui .aily - !gun m 1 ’enuhseut y oat’s, (luring \s hirh t imr hr na - >‘i mt; itmtriI 'II.MC page S. nut ’’New M tUllllliltll T.'e Page Fa mi I’ata login- Nc. : lieantil'ully Dentistry ! untiling to hnr siippm!. dlii'tiat.'-i and idled with ■* wimdertul as­ And your Libelant fmthM a: thill ln’i sort men! of leiiuey -makuig la,ms ttirnughniit said huskiud was a habitual u>nr f intoxirat- Maine -end today foi your lice copy, d I make a specialty of silver and ing liipims and hud gross am ('(min mod will save you lotsol nine and money. F. A. >trmit. idinn \geiiey. I 7 ' I \\ adi- tiahitsol intoxication from the u of .slid in iiigtoii St., 1 ’ostoii, Ma-> cement fillings at 50 cents. When a person is in a toxirat.ing liquors ; and ynir I.ilndunt further avers that her said hustiand ^as guilty of Ali work guaranteed. cruel and abusive treatment toward her. Ins Unwelcome Visitor. quandary as to knowing said wife and bason many oeeasions, struck, A pair of large . agh*.s whiclt are hruisisl and ill-treut«*d her, hi: said wife from J Resting on an inaccessible rock on the all of which she has suffered greatly both in Dasnrherg rmuintain canton of BERT DOYLE, D. D. S. what to buy for a lxidy and mind ; and your Libelant further Schwytz, Havaria, have during the avers that her said husband, iming of suite past two weeks ‘'captured” four > n i(v nvtT Fox Bros, ( ’lothiiur Store, o(J Main St. cient ability and being able io labor and pro­ lambs, four kids, and one fox, which vide for her. did grossly, wantonly and they have taken up to their nest be­ L cruelly refuse and neglect to provide fur her fore the eyes of the peasants. iJ his said wife. That your Libelant lias made diligent in Wedding Present quiry, hut that the residence of said Lilielee is unknown to your Libelant, and cannot D* ascertained by reasonable diligence. That I f they will come to our store we can tin re is no collusion l>et\\eon them to obtain a divorce ; hut that your Libdant laeJieves help them out. that said bonds of matrimony ought to he dis­ solved, wherefore she play s that a divorce may be decreed. And your Libelant further prays that rea­ sonable alimony, ora specific sum in lieu of When you want an article that is of alimony, be decreed to hm, and that slm may A 1 quality, you can get it at this store. have the custody of their minor childieii, named .lames I). Mayers, live years old, Ralph K. Mayers, four years old. MAKV A. M A VKIts. By the first of June we will have Signed and sworn to before me ibis twenty - ; tourthdayof February l'.d:'>. I a large display of fine Silverware C Y Ill's F. SMALL, j and Cut Glass that will be un­ Notary Public- (I,S.) surpassed. Anxet'Mik, ss. Supreme Judical Court. April Term, lbi:; In this action it is ordered by the court that In the meantime we can satisfy most notice be given said Lilielee, by publishing the j libel and this order of court three successive i Be Sure to Use Derby Mixed Paints This Year any want for a money consideration. weeks in the Aroe..took Times a newspaper j printed and published at Houlton in said j The reputation of these Paints has been established by that Bring your REPAIRS to us. as Count}-of Aroostook, the last publication to j Quality which makes painting profitable, as well as pleasing to be at least thirty days before the next term of the eye. we know how to do them. this court in said County of Aroostook to lie held in Caribou, in said County, on the third | Tuesday of September, 1P13 ; that he may j Long experience makes it possible for D E R B Y M IX ED PA IN T S then and there appear and defend if lie sees to last longer, apply easier and to cover more to the gallon. tit. | It is the greatest wood preserver known. A. M. SPEAK, J. S. J. C. j PEARSON, The Jeweler A true copy of libel and order of court! Made in For Intlde and thereon. 50 Colon. Sold by JOHN WATSON & CO., Houlton, Me. Oubide Work f O Q Q BLOCK, HOULTON, MB. L Attest: WALTER B. CLARK, JAS. H. PRINCE PAINT C O M PA N Y. Borfon. M**. Deputy Clerk. 322 The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, May 28, 1913.

hick somewhat in Statement of the Condition of the zeal, though not RAILROAD TIME TABLES. in loyalty. Tlmv fail to fulfil their HOULTON SAVINGS BANK Perhaps vows of sacrifice BENJAMIN’S PORTION FIVE-FOLD. As the Scriptures HOULTON, MAINE Genesis 43— May 25. s a y. "Through '‘He that loveth Ms brother abideth n. LriiWKf, Treasurer you have determin­ HEN the wheat supply again lifetime subject T HI'STEFS Don A."H. I’owkks Trains Arrive and Depart From Bangor began to run low, Jacob to bondage" — F. I.. C Mr". V BLAND ed to try Red Rose Si MON FItlKliM a s Union Station. urged his sons to go for bondage to the ('HAS. F. IU NN L. < >, Lrmvio ■ J AS. II. K I DDKK Tea sometime; but have ilesh, to the cus­ ()has. H. Fomj m more. But they positively amks A kciii hai d TIME AT WHICH TRAINS ARE EX­ J . toms of society— OlMiANIZBI) Fkhkcaky 13, 187"2 not remembered it when refused to do so, unless Benjamin went Joseph and Benjamin fearful of the PECTED TO ARRIVE AND Classes of Chris- ,a . , slong. Finally Jacob consented, send­ tian8 ' u sacrificing experi LIABILITIES DEPART ordering because from ing with them a present and double ences which Deposits money, and praying God's blessing $1,193,615 66 IN EFFECT MAY. H. 1913. force of habit you have they covenanted should be theirs.—He­ Reserve fund upon them. brews 2:15. 55,000 00 Trains scheduled to leave Houlton: Consequently they cannot be accept­ Undivided profits 36,097 25 thought of the old Again they were expected by Joseph, •S.07 a. m. —for Caribou, Ft. ed of God as copies of His dear Son, Fairfield and who gave instructions that they dine intermediate stations brand. Next time, Just $1,284,712 91 In his presence. They were in fear, ind as worthy of sharing in His glory. Nevertheless, God is very compassion­ 9.50 a. m.—for Millinocket, Bangor and however. Joseph’s steward put tbea*. principal intermediate stations—Port­ remember ate, and tests them as to their loyalty at ease, assuring them that God wa|S RESOURCES land and Boston Via Medford. Dining to Him. Those who prove faithful will Car Millinocket to Bangor. dealing with them. Then he brought Public Funds Owned be given everlasting life, though fail­ 11.15 a. m.—for Ashland Fort Kent and in­ Simeon out to them. Finally he gave ing to attain joint-heirship in the King- Fsti. & Mar­ Charged termediate stations, also for Washburn, Par Valin them water to refresh themselves, and dom. ket, Value on Books Total \an Buren, Grand Isle, Madawaska, County of Aroostook, 1 D2s, imr>. R. R. Aid |2,(MO 12,020 82.000 r renehyille Nt. Francis and intet medi­ made ready for the repast. Benjamin’s Five Portions. IVnobseot, .'! 1-2.-, 1924—8, Ct. Horn e 5,(XX) 4,800 5.000 ate stations via Squa Pan. Joseph came In, robed as an Egyp City of old Town, 4s, p.tjs, Refunding While Joseph gave abundantly to his f.noo ■1,020 4.000 "Wnti rville, »s. lti'.ll, Refunding 12.35 p. m. for Fort Fairfield, Caribou, and tian prince. They . brethren, to Benjamin he gave five por­ M.IXX! : 1,045 3.000 intermediate stations. Town of Fort Fairfield, :s l-2s, ] -- Hi, Hoir. bowed themselves ^ tions. Since Joseph clearly typifies fr.OOO 5.000 Houlton, l{ l-2s, 1914—32, Water 1.35 p. m. for Millinocket, Greenville Ban­ to the earth, and Messiah, the lesson Is that Messiah 29.000 2t.‘.tko 20,000 Houlton. Is, l'.li 11, Refunding C.IXCi gor and intermediate stations, Portland offered their pres­ will bestow favors upon Natural Israel. ID XX) :i,UXt and Boston. Island Falls, onii'r |i»i llX.i 100 ent Tenderly be His brethren e.ccordlng to the flesh. Mars Hill, J l-2s. ItD), Municipal 1 .< 8 * 1 1,015 1.000 5.55 p. in.—for Bangor and intermediate inquired for their The Great Company, typified by Ben­ stations, Portland and Boston. Sleeping Masardls, 3 3-4S, Itc’l, Brid^.* ;;. < ton 2.81x5 3.000 Masardls, t Dls, l'.ttlu, Rrldvre Car Caribou to Boston. . Novvi bottoms Clock. father, and in re­ jamin, however, will come out of great 5, •kiu ■Wx) 5,'‘>50 4ypong curious clock novelties Is spect to Benja­ tribulation to a higher plane than the New Limerick, order 1,000 I ,)XXi 1.000 7.14 p. m.~ for Fort Fairfield, Caribou, Van . ashburn, II |-2". 1921, Rrid^e thurslutoow boudoir clock. With it min. So deep was •emainder of the world. Begotten of the JO.IK » I 'c.'CO in,(100 Buren and intermediate stations. StacyvJ! h‘ Dlantat n>n, order l.:m ! ,(X x 1 J, * x h ■ thsi* is no need of getting up to his emotion that Holy Spirit, like the Church, they also T rains Dlk Boulton. Dover A Foxcroft Water Dist. 3 l-2s. iDgv— ; 2,00" 1 ,SXi 1 stride s light or turn on the bulb. All he was obliged to will be spirit beings. 1.80S Dort la in1 Wa ter District. Is, 1928 O 1,000 2o.:»xt 20,(00 that Is necessary Is to touch a button retire for a time IVe-mie Die Village Corporation, 7^. 8.00 a* m.—from Boston, Portland, Bangor and the time Is flashed on the wall, to shed tears of and intermediate stations via. Medford. O'. IP 2.000 Sleeping Car Boston to Caribou. joy. Then he re- “ Benjamin’s Portion V:i i; I'.n re 11 Wa 1. • 1 'ist riel, 1-, 1: after the same fashion that signs are Best Medicine for Colds. , 10.') flashed on the sidewalk. When the turned, and the five-fold.” 9.45 a. m.—from Van Buren, Caribou, Tt e ;i! ni11 illi > i Mi owner of the clock retires he turns a meal proceeded. From his table, he When a druggist recommends a rem­ Fort Fairfield and intermediate stations. Bight dial to the celling and when he sent portions to his brethren, having edy for colds, throat and lung troubles, 12.30 p. m.—from Boston, Portland, Bangor, d A t on. re; Greenville and intermediate stations. presses a bulb the electric light re­ already directed that they be seated you can feel sure that he knows what Dining Car Bangor to Millinocket. flects from the dial through the lens according to age and birthright. This he is talking about. C. Lower, Drug­ j -11 K \ I-, li . Imp. l. io p. m.—from Caribou, Fort Fairfield and appears, giving the correct time astonished them, and much more were gist of Marion, Ohio, writes of Dr. P;1111 >ea h, K 5, Refill: ion i >rei/i and intermediate stations. In shadow on the celling. they astonished to perceive that Benja­ King’s Discovery: “1 know Dr. King's 17. Wat. fv;; Mio i. M leii i'.n' 2.45 p. m.—from Fort Kent, Ashland and min’s portion was five-fold. New Discovery is the best throat and intermediate stations, also St. Francis, The Spiritual Lesson Taught. lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife Frenchvillc, Madawaska Grand Isle, Foley Kidney Pill* repay your con­ >f Mi \Y ashburn. and intermediate stations, Bible Students, realizing that Joseph of a severe bronchial cold after all other via Sijua Pan. fidence in their hesling and curative was a type of The Messiah, think that remedies failed.” It will do the same ■ p. m.—from Van Buren, Caribou. Fort qualities. Any kidney or bladder dis­ Benjamin. Joseph’s younger brother by Railroad Bonds Owned for you if you are sutfeiing with a cold fail fold and intermediate stations. ease not beyond the reach of medicine the same mother, was also a type. As or any bronchial, throat or lung cough Rhiij-nw A A ro ,1. n■ok. 1 ar T u-t will yield to their use. Mrs. Cordelia Abraham’s wives typified different cov­ Keep a bottle on hand all the time for Da1 e:i w A A n>0-! 1el;, W(, M Tt . 7.09 p m.—from Boston, Portland, Bangor, Raut-'or ,v A h 010■ok. I-, IDi 1,125 1.750 Millinocket and principal intermediate Copeland, Ardeola, Mo., says, “ 1 had enants, so Rachel, mother of Joseph -A shitions. everyone in the famil\ to use ]t is B<.'t..n a- Maim , 1b IP. d I-2-, kidney and bladder trouble for over a and Benjamin, seems to typify the spe­ 1 0x7 home doctor. Price 50c end $1 OR M ;ii ie i < nt ral. I-, ltd 1 ' not. 1. '.*75 GKO. M. H O U G H TO N , Pass’r Traffic year and) 5 bottles of Foley Kidney cial Covenant of Sacrifice, which has i ■, ! -a , .. Guaranteed b\ all Druggists advtg! i1 r 1i ' la ;1 d 1 la 11 i i .a , pt , !o;■; | Ml'm Manager. P*!U cured me.” It is the same story operated during this Gospel Age—and id la ! 1 1 A t 'a Jo )•'liX!ll>e1 li, from every one who uses them. All which brings forth two distinctly sep­ 10 -eklmid, Tie ni 1:1 • ton a ('a i; on'- e ’ w, "e.r.'i say, ‘they cuved me.” H o u 11 o n arate classes of saints. 3 0 , 0 0 0 V OIC (1 s The higher class is represented in Jo THE INTERNATIONAL RY. Orange Store. advtg T; !;e iuOnael 0: ! Uniting Uampbellton at the head of 1 a >■■tie A W.e e .!, - s: , | : If you have a number of keys to the followers. This class will reach the , navigation on Ray Uhaleur with the St. Throne of empire, becoming Ruler of Thirty then tnd vo: 1re> \\ ha ‘ ■table, shed, henhouse and such build­ | John River \ alley at St. Leonards and ings that look and feel about alike, the Universe, next to the Almighty. 1 grand chorus ' ! h ht ^ the rr>n who is typified by Pharaoh, and who j bM of Ami,rict„ pat wooden tags on them with one md womc.•n \s ho i connecting the Intercolonial and Cana- aotoh for the stable, two notches for took Jesus from the prison-house of jdian Pacific Railway systems. I »t.1 d !i s i\:dr.ry lbs henhouse, etc. You can tell at a death and highly exalted Him. are publicly praising j glance, then, or by feeling them if it It has escaped the attention of Bible Pills for relief from b< u kactno K Jdnc\ j Winter Time Table, Summary Is dark, which key is the right one. Students, until recently, that two class­ and bladder ills, Lhc\ N H ':> • * GOING \\ ES I—Express train leaves es of saintly Christians are being de­ 9 ’ t if' 1,0me veloped during the Gospel Age—a su friends. They tell if i Campbellton daily (except Sunday) at f tii « perior class, typified by Joseph, and an pers. Houlton peo ;de a in 1 1 .30 a. m. for St. Leonards end inter- A slight cold in s child or a |grcwn inferior class, represented by Benja­ chorus. Here’s a [Be. Inm rfl V ' mediate stations, due at St. Leonards ptlton holds possibilities of a grave min. The name Benonl—"son of my nsi? n, S 01,tti Sr " at 12.3,0 p rn, agtvve. Croup may come on suddenly, pain”—was given Benjamin by his Mrs. Winthrop Rub, I kmj w * ! a’ hvoaehltis or pneumonia may develop, mother, who died in giving him birth. Houlton, Me . says Doan’s Kidney Pills ; tre cl,n t.. «■-i1n> AJOIXU EAST— Express train leaves sovsre catarrhal troubles and consump­ The antitypical lesson here would be St. Leonards dailj (except Suuday) at tion srs possible results. Foley’* that this special Covenant, typified by kidney medicine m d i .i}\\ a \ -. have a Honey and Tar / Compound nips a cold Rachel, gives birth to the elect Church. good nerd for them 5 01. rnn' e on- o PO p. m. after arrival of C. P. R. ex­ at tka outset, cures croup quickly, The Messiah class, of which Jesus Is tinue to publish tie- (< rmilira1 i g " were And in addition to above and to the designated Tribulation Saints, the dec­ weak. The bast n e \ tion oaiUSf•d a ordinary freight trains there is a regu­ laration being made that they shall tired feeing ami tie >m0-* n (- *.1 of "come up out of great tribulation" to lar ACCOMMODATION TRAIN car­ Making Opportunity. weakness through his mb'S d'he? e rying passengers and freight running When the young physician’s motors the blessing which they shall Inherit troubles show e< tnat the kidricy« w ru ( . >1 por as o u B olds ( )\\ j f , I car reached the scene of th* accident Two Tribulation Classes, disordered ami finally 11 Uin’s Ki duey eacli way on alternate days as follows, there was nothing to do; all the vie- The elect Church, of which Jesus is Pills were used. They dc<1 ik'oni1 X' 1 K W Jit* viz Going West — Leaves Campbellton tttfM had been so slightly hurt that the Head, will indeed pass throng!) soon restoring him to :.r,,od D-air h ” at 8.00 a. m. for St. Leonards and in­ they were able to walk home. The great tribulation So It is written. lard doctor was keenly disappoint “Through much tribulation shall ye en­ For sa I»’ by all o e|> Prie1 ■ 1 I' !' < termediate stations Monday, Wed nes- li 1< ,,.. }) W at hut his chauffeur spoke up cheer- ter the Kingdom " The Lord Himself cents. Post.or-Mil lulllain. day and hrulay. due at St. Leonards at New York, sol, • ■ 1Its r< mind, doctor. I’ll run “Never passed through great tribulation- United States, 4,20 p. m. ddim some business on the way shame, suffering and death. We know Kemeinbw tie , , ;1 it i, . I U,,< . - that the same is true of Ills footstep <1 W Going East—Leaving St. Leonards and take no ot loo . followers, the Apostles a id others. advtg at 8.30 a m. for Campbellton, etc. Nevertheless, these are not described Tuesday, '! \ lr^dav and Saturda), due This Interests Every Woman in the Bilile as the Tribulation Saints A family doctor said recently that For by virtue of their greater faith, ; at Uampbeiilon at 4.30 p. m. Auburn, they are able to rejoice in tribulations, A man living tit New York women come to him thinking that they Rni li St< n k ( Ut nod I Governed by Atlantic Standard Time have female trouble, but when he knowing that these art* working out had a severe attack of kidney ami treats them for their kidneys and blad­ for them a far more exceeding and bladder trouble. Being a working A Mi Mi * See local time tables and for full in­ der, they soon recover. This is worth eternal weight of glory, man. not wanting to lose time, he cur­ i 1 -),, formation regarding connections etc. knowing, and also that Foley Kidney The Tribulation Saints are those who ed himself complexly by using Foley J apply to R. H. Humphrey, freight and Kidney Pills. A y ear later he says: Pills aro the best and safest medicine passenger agent, 55 Canterbury street, times. They are tonic in , “It is a pleasure to report that the at such Constipation Cured. 1 St. John. action, quick In results. They will 1 cure was permanent.” His name is Dr. King’s New Life Pills will relieve National Bank Stock Owned help you. Houlton Grange Store, J. A. Farmer. Houlton ( i range Store, | E. H. ANDERSON, Manager advtg constipation promptly and get your advtg !W1<;>'fnid National Rank. Riddcford bowels in healthy condition again. John Farmer--' National Rank, Moulton ! A. A. ANDREW, Traffic Mgr. Supsic, of scanbury, Pa., says : “They F i; -1 X a ( lonnl Rank, Moulton THOMAS MALCOLM, Gen. Mgr. F11 -1 National Rank. Rort in ml are the pills Anyone having Typewriter ribbon best I ever used, and I ad­ Lucky to Reach the Tree. Fit-l National Rank, Wi-uas-' t Uampbellton, N. B. Coupon Books can get ribbons for vise everyone to use them for constipa­ Owing to a sudden flooding of the Fort Fail'll* FI National Rank, Fori i-air! ■ tion, indigestion and liver complaint.” valley of Klein-Diet will, Switzerland, N11! ionai S la h- and leather Rank, A 11 burn then* at the Times Publishing Co. W ill help you. Recommended by three peasants engaged in hay-making New cast I • ■ National Rank. I 'an in ri-0 >11 a any time. Druggists advgt were forced to take refuge in a tree, Norway National Rank, Norway '.*4. where they remained forty-eight Rr, Die National Rank. I'rr-quo D9 4,11' 2.1*0 hours. Pontoons were launched as Total national Rank -took owm <1 17.700 m poon as the men were missed, but the Pt»of. Cards. OR. FRED 0. ORCUTT rush of water was so great that It was Impossible for a time to reach Other Bank Stock Owned Dentist them. Moulton 'I'm -1 < '< 'in pa nv 1 ,,7*1 1.000 00 AROUND THE WORLD W. J. Thibadeau L. L. B. Oltice Phone 27;4 Reildenee Phone 83 4 “ EMPRESS OF ASIA” Office Hoorn Loans on Corporation Bonds Insurance and Collections From Liverpool, June I41h Week Days 9 a. m. to 5 p. at Sundsyi by The great calamity in Omaha was Aroostook Telephone and Telegraph Company Real Estate Bought and Sold Appointment quickly over-shadowed by the terribly Houlton Sewcritko Company :xxi :oi SIX) $639.— SINCOCK BLOCK HOULTON. disastrous floods in Ohio Great suffer­ AN kinds of R. R. Tickets bought and ing and sickness from colds and expos­ Loans to Municipalities Including Atlantic Accommodation. sold ure resulted. L. Poole, 2217 Cali­ Town of Masardis lUl ,58 rxxi r>8 Ofllco Fonmely Occupied by Judge H. J. Chandler fornia S t, Omaha, writes: “ My Ml. ( 'liasc 70o 71x1 Liverpool to Madeira, thence Cape Town, OkaaCaroll Corner Main and Mechanic daughter had a very severe cough and New Llmcrtck 2(X! 2(XI Durban, Colombo. Singapore, Hong Kong, I h . l’erlmm rxx. rxx) Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR cold but Foley’s Honey and Tar Com­ Wiishliurn f.,;VX! 0.51x1 Vancouver, and back to orig nal Starting HOULTON, MAINE pound knocked it out in no time.” Re­ ('on nor i dan tat ion l.iXXI 1,000 point. Port hi*" Lake Plantation 1.2ixi 1,‘AKI 10,700 Office 12 Hey wood Street fuse substitutes. Houlton Grange Full particulars on application. Store. advgt Loan 011 Bangor and Aroostook Railroad IkiihD 7.(XXI 7,iMX) Dr. J. F. Palmer T e l. 56-2 . HOUSTON, ME. Loan on Houlton Woolen Mill stock 5.ixx| 5,000 \v. R. HOW ARD, D. V. A., V. P. R., 8.5CX) Loan on Farmers, National Rank, Hoi lt( >n, stock 8,500 St. John, Is. B. DENTIST Imagination’s Limitations. Loan on Houlton Trust ( 'ompany stock I.5tX> 1,500 Loan to Houlton Lodxre No, 8:;,5 IDA- I*. < >. of K. ],IXX) “If an actor imagines that he Is a l.(XX) Loan on name C5 95 05 95 OFFICE OVER FRENCH’S Dr. G. H. Tracy fat man he will appear fat to the Loan on life Insurance tKibc.v 2(*> A X1 spectators,” a leading tragedian tells Loanson Houlton Savings Rank books 2,78<< 05 2,789 05 RRIII STORE d e n t i s t HEAL IT WITH us. It may be so, but we have seen Loans on mortgages of real estate 'X'.8.«I29 89 *Ki8,;r'9 89 (>.'55,58-1 Office Hours : 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. an actor who Imagines he was a good M e . Real estate, investment H.IXHl 25 Others by appointment. Rice Block, Houlton, actor and did not appear so to the Furniture and fl vt ures 25< 1 25! > ;{,2'i() Bucklen’s spectators. Telephone 164-2 Office Hours : 9 A. M. to 5 P M. THE ONLY GENUINE

Evenings by appointment Premium account di,77<; 7»; i:-;,77