FATIMA JUNE 1917 APPARITION In all her appearances at Fatima, Our Blessed Mother repeatedly emphasized the importance of praying the daily, of wearing the Brown of Mount Carmel, and of performing acts of reparation and sacrifice. In this second apparition Our Lady let the children know that " wishes to establish throughout the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart". The Fatima apparitions have been authenticated and church approved. Pope Francis earlier this year granted a plenary opportunity throughout the entire anniversary year, which began November 27, 2016, and will end November 26, 2017. Here at St. Barnabas, each month during the Anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions, the Fatima statue will be displayed in our church for private veneration for the day. On JUNE 13 we will close the day with a Honoring OUR LADY at 7:30 p.m. Those unable to make this Holy Hour will still have the opportunity to gain a Plenary Indulgence. WAYS TO GAIN A THE FATIMA PLENARY INDULGENCE To obtain the plenary indulgence, the faithful must fulfill the ordinary conditions: Go to confession and Communion, be interiorly detached from sin, and pray for the intentions of the Holy Father AND before any statue of Our Lady of Fatima The pious faithful who visit with devotion an image of Our Lady of Fatima solemnly displayed for public veneration in any church, oratory or proper place during the days of the anniversary of the apparitions, the 13th of each month from May to October (2017), and there devoutly participate there in some celebration or prayer in honor of the Virgin Mary, pray the Our Father, recite the Profession of Faith (Creed) and invoke Our Lady of Fatima. Invocation of Our Lady of Fatima can be made with the following prayer O God, who chose the Mother of your Son to be our Mother also, grant us that, persevering in penance and prayer for the salvation of the world, we may further more effectively each day the reign of Christ. Who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen Application for the elderly and infirm People who, because of age, illness or other serious cause, are unable to get around well. These individuals can pray in front of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima and must spiritually unite themselves to the jubilee celebrations on the days of the apparitions, the 13th of each month, between May and October 2017.They also must “offer to merciful God with confidence, through Mary, their and sufferings or the sacrifices they make in their own lives.” COME JOIN US TUESDAY, JUNE 13, FOR A HOLY HOUR at 7:30 p.m. OR STOP BY DURING THE DAY FOR A PRIVATE VISIT AND HONOR OUR LADY. Additionally, the Padre Pio Prayer Group will be making a Pilgrimage to Lourdes and Fatima at the end of August. There are baskets in our church for your Prayer petitions, which will be placed at the Fatima in Portugal.