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Zeitschrift/Journal: Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien

Jahr/Year: 1975

Band/Volume: 79

Autor(en)/Author(s): Schedl Karl Eduard

Artikel/Article: New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 317. Contribution to the Morphology and Taxonomy of the Scolytoidea. 337-399 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

Ann. Naturhistor. Mus. Wien 79 337-399 Wien, Dezember 1975

New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IY. 317. Contribution to the Morphology and Taxonomy of the Scolytoidea


Manuskript eingelangt am 16. Jänner 1975

Zusammenfassung Vorliegende Arbeit ist eine Fortsetzung und gleichzeitig ein vorläufiger Abschluß der obengenannten Artikelserie, von welchen der letzte Beitrag in den Annalen des Natur- historischen Museums 78, 1974: 457 — 472 erschienen ist. Es handelt sich um die Be- schreibung einer neuen Gattung, Xylocryptus, 50 neuen Arten und 3 bisher unbekannten Geschlechtern von Scolytiden, sowie 34 neuer Platypodiden, zum größten Teil aus einer breit angelegten Versuchsserie mit Leimtafeln in der Umgebung von Bulolo stammend. Mit diesem Zuwachs erhöht sich nun die Zahl der festgestellten Scolytiden aus Neu Guinea und den umliegenden Inseln auf 46 Gattungen mit 374 Arten und 9 Gattungen mit 218 Arten an Platypodiden, von welchen nur ein sehr geringer Teil auch aus den westlich an- grenzenden Sundainseln bekannt ist. Die weitaus größte Zahl der Arten sind demnach endemisch für Neu Guinea, wohl ein Zeichen dafür, daß das in Frage stehende Gebiet als ein randständiges Evolutionszentrum zu betrachten ist. Die Veröffentlichung dieser Arbeit in den Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums wurde mit Herrn Wirkl. Hofrat Dr. Rudolf SCHÖNMANN besprochen und scheint umsomehr berechtigt, als die dabei festgestellten Holotypen in der Sammlung SCHEDL = Natur- historisches Museum eingeordnet sind.

Abstracts This paper, the preliminary last of a series, deals with the description of a new genus, Xylocryptus, 50 new species and three new sexes {<$) of Scolytidae, 34 new species and four new sexes ( $) of Platypodidae gained from large scale sticky trap experiments carried out near Bulolo, Morobe District, from 1972 to 1974, organized by the Department of Forests, supervised by Dr. Barry GRAY and assisted by F. R. WYLIE and P. SHANAHAN. Including this material in New Guinea and the surrounding islands so far have been found 374 species of Scolytidae belonging to 46 genera and nine genera of Platypodidae with 218 species. The fauna consists of rather few species also found on the western Sunda Islands while by far the majority is endemic to New Guinea and the islands east- ward to New Caledonia thus indicating that this region represents a distinct evolutionary centre still in progress not expected a few years ago. This situation may still become more

*) Anschrift des Verfassers: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl E. SCHEDL, Entomolog. Institut, Pfarrgasse 19, A-9900, Lienz, Osttirol. — Austria.

Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Bd. 79, 1975 22 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 338 K. E. SCHEDL

significant when the nearly untouched Montan Forests, the Swampy Woodlands and the Lowland Forests of New Guinea are included into the inventory investigations so far mainly concentrated to Wau and Bulolo in the Morobe District. The ties to Australia are restricted to very few species.

Table of Contents Scolytidae Pachycotes araucariae n. sp 340 Cladoctonus contractus n. sp 340 Cosmoderes papuanus n. sp 341 Cosmoderes elegans n. sp 342 Cryphalophilu8 concentralis n. sp 342 Erioschidias anticus n. sp 343 Margadillius concentralis n. sp 344 Cryphalomorphus absonus n. sp 344 Gryphalomorphus alternans n. sp 345 Cryphalomorphus approximatifs n. sp 346 Cryphalomorphus creber n. sp 346 Cryphalomorphus fugax n. sp 347 Cryphalomorphus fulgens n. sp 348 Cryphalomorphus fulgidus n. sp 348 Cryphalomorphus hylesinopsis n. sp 349 Cryphalomorphus mus n. sp 349 Cryphalomorphus splendens n. sp 350 Cryphalomorphus varius n. sp 350 gigas SCHEDL, masc. nov 351 triangularis n. sp 351 Xylocryptus n. g 352 Xylocryptus papuanus n. sp 352 Cyrtogenius alternantes n. sp 353 Ozodendron sedlaceki n. sp 353 Poecüips chimbui n. sp 354 Poecilips squamifer n. sp 355 Eidophelus unicus n. sp 355 Eidophelus hornus n. sp 356 Cnestus rotundatus n. sp 357 Arixyleborus abruptus n. sp 358 Arixyleborus cariniceps n. sp 358 Arixyleborus granulicauda n. sp 359 Arixyleborus trux n. sp 359 Arixyleborus varicus n. sp 360 Xyleborus acutus n. sp 361 Xyleborus ankius n. sp 361 Xyleborus anoplus n. sp 362 Xyleborus circumspinosus SCHEDL, masc. nov 363 Xyleborus cuspidus n. sp 363 Xyleborus doctus n. sp 364 Xyleborus filiformis n. sp • 364 Xyleborus fulgens n. sp 365 Xyleborus granulosus n. sp 366 Xyleborus gratiosus n. sp 366 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 339

Xyleborus immitatrix n. sp 367 Xyleborus ipidia SCHEDL, masc. nov 368 Xyleborus mucronatoides n. sp 368 Xyleborus opvlentus n. sp 369 Xyleborus pileatulus n. sp 369 Xyleborus spinicornis n. sp 370 Xyleborus triangularis n. sp 370 Xyleborus tumidus n. sp 371 Xyleborus vernaculus n. sp 372 Webbia circumcisus n. sp 373

Platypodidae Crossotarsus dolus n. sp 373 Crossotarsus fordpes n. sp 374 Crossotarsus minusculus ssp. grandis n. ssp 374 Crossotarsus priscus n. sp 375 Crossotarsus spectrum n. sp 376 Crossotarsus tofalis n. sp 376 Crossotarsus tumidus n. sp 377 Crossotarsus vicinus n. sp 378 Platypus abnormis n. sp 378 Platypus annularis n. sp '. 379 Platypus anoplus n. sp 380 Platypus apertulus n. sp 380 Platypus apicatulus n. sp 381 Platypus caledoniae SCHEDL, fern, nov 382 Platypus circulariceps n. sp 382 Platypus concavifrons n. sp 383 Platypus crassicornis n. sp 384 Platypus deperditus n. sp 384 Platypus dolus n. sp 385 Platypus duplosignatus n. sp 386 Platypus fracticinctus n. sp 386 Platypus goilalae n. sp 387 Platypus heteromorphus n. sp 388 Platypus morosus n. sp 388 Platypus multifoveolatus n. sp 389 Platypus opimus n. sp 390 Platypus othiodes SCHEDL, fern, nov 391 Platypus perditus n. sp 391 Platypus ponamae n. sp 392 Platypus porcellinus n. sp 392 Platypus praealtus n. sp 393 Platypus scalptor n. sp 394 Platypus singularis n. sp 394 Platypus solicitatulus n. sp 395 Platypus striatodeclivis n. sp 396 Platypus subpronus SCHEDL,, fern, nov 396 Platypus sulcinodis n. sp 397 Platypus truncatigranosus SCHEDL, fem. nov 398 Platypus uter SCHEDL, fem. nov 398 Diapus bilunatus n. sp 399

22* ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 340 K. E. SCHEDL

Scolytidae P achy cotes araucariae n. sp. Male. — Piceous, 2.7—3.0 mm long, 2.3 times as long as wide. From Pachycotes australis SCHEDL it might be distinguished by the smaller size, the more elongate shape, and the extreme short pubescence on the elytral declivity. Front convex and minutely punctulate below, with a shallow transverse depression showing a dense rather coarse punctuation above, without remark- able pubescence. Pronotum wider than long (31: 28), trapezoid in outline, widest at the base, postero-lateral angles rectangular and closely attached to the elytra, sides slightly narrowed in nearly straight lines in the basal half, thence with a distinct subapical constriction, apex very broadly rounded; disc slightly ascending from apex to base, with a very shallow depression connecting the subapical constrictions on the sides, surface minutely punctulate, therefore silky shining, also very densely covered with large moderately deep punctures, pubescence inconspicuous. Scutellum submerged. Elytra but little wider and 1.5 times as long as the pronotum, base finely crenulate, sides parallel on the basal three fifths, apex very broadly rounded, declivity short, strongly convex; disc striate-punctate, the striae rather deeply impressed, the striai punctures indistinct, interstices wide, convex, minutely punctulate, therefore nearly opaque, each one with a median row of remotely placed punctures near the base, replaced by small granules behind, all bearing (as far as not abraded) short semierect hairs, the granules but little larger on the declivity, moreover with an extremely short and densely placed ground vestiture. What is believed to be the female has the front more uniformely convex. Holotype (male) in Collection SCHEDL, allotype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Bulolo, Morobe District, 18. VIII. 1970, under bark of lower stem tree Araucaria cunninghamii, F. GRAY. — Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, March 1974, ex Araucaria cunninghamii, P. SHANAHAN.

Cladoctonus contractus n. sp. Ferrugineous, 1.8 mm long, 2.4 times as long as wide. Compared with Cladoctonus elongatus SCHEDL the new species is smaller, a little stouter, the elytral disc with its striate-punctate sculpture more clearly defined and con- tinued on the declivity. Front convex, shining, very densely moderate finely punctured, nearly glabrous. Pronotum about as wide as long, postero-lateral angles rectangular, slightly rounded, sides straight and somewhat convergent on basal half, ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 341

apex rather narrowly rounded, with a very distinct subapical constriction; disc uniformely convex from apex to the base, a summit rather difficult to recognize, shining, covered with medium sized punctures being crowded on anterior third, more remotely placed around the supposed summit, a few scattered erect hairs anteriorly and on the sides. Scutellum submerged. Elytra little wider (37 : 34) and 1.7 times as long as the pronotum, base crenate, sides parallel on basal half, apex broadly rounded, declivity comprising the distal half of the elytra and rather strongly convex; disc somewhat shining, striate-punctate, the striae wide and deep, the striai punctures large, partly rectangular and closely placed, interstices narrow, each one with a fairly regular row of more remotely placed smaller punctures, towards the base these punctures replaced by blunt granules, on the declivity by larger pointed tubercles and short erect hairs. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in Collection of the Depart- ment of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Bulolo, Morobe District, 12. XI. 1967, attracted to house light, B. GRAY (Holotype). — Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 21. VII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN (Paratype).

Cosmoderes papuanus n. sp. Testaceous (immature), 1.5 mm long, 2.8 times as long as wide. General appearance as in Stephanoderes birmanus EICHH., but smaller, more slender and with the antennae corresponding the description of Cosmoderes EICHHOFF. Years ago I have seen the Type of Cosmoderes monilicollis from the Museum Hamburg. Unfortunately both antennae were missing, therefore identification can only be based on the original description by EICHHOFF. Front convex, subopaque, minutely punctulate, also somewhat coarsely punctured, eyes large, stout oval, without distinct emargination on inner side. Antennal club large, subcircular, narrowly emarginate at the insertion of the funicle consisting of one rather longe cylindrical joint and the large pedicellus, exterior face of the flat club with scattered long hairs. Pronotum little longer than wide (28 : 26), postero-lateral angles rectan- gular and slightly rounded, sides subparallel on basal fourth, thence gradually incurved, apex moderate broadly rounded, apical margin with six asperities, decreasing in size laterally, the two median ones large and fused at the base, blunt at the tip; summit rather high, situated in the center, anterior area steeply convex, with numerous large remotely placed blunt asperities, basal area very densely covered with medium sized punctures bearing minute inclined hairs. Scutellum triangular, finely punctured. Elytra little wider (28 : 26) and 1.7 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on little more than the basal half, apex moderate broadly rounded, declivity restricted to the distal two fifths of the elytra, obliquely convex; ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 342 K. E. SCHEDL disc shining, with not quite regular rows of rather small partly indistinct punctures, interstices wide, each one with a row of fine punctures bearing slender semierect hairs, towards and on the declivity these hairs replaced by spatulate scales and the groundsculpture becoming minutely punctulate. Holotype in the American Museum of Natural Historj'. Type-Locality. Peria Creek, Kwagira River, 50 m, Aug. 14.—Sept. 6. 1953, Geoffroy M. TATE, Fourth Archbold Expedition.

Cosmoderes elegans n. sp. Castaneous, 1.44—1.66 mm long, 2.6 times as long as wide. Easily dis- tinguished from Cosmoderes papuanus SCHEDL by the finely asperate anterior part of the pronotum, the numerous small and closely placed asperities on the apical margin of it and the regularly striate-punctate elytra. Front convex, but little shining, finely granulate-punctate, with a small tubercle in the middle shortly above the epistomal margin. Pronotum about as long as wide, appearing more slender on account of the oval outline, postero-lateral angles little more than rectangular, sides slightly divergent on basal fifth, thence gradually incurved, apex moderate broadly rounded, apical margin with numerous small triangular asperities ; summit little behind centre, anterior area obliquely convex, densely covered by small asperities but not arranged in concentric semicircles, basal area nearly opaque, very densely granulate-punctate, the interspaces minutely punctulate, entire surface with short erect hairs. Scutellum moderate in size, subopaque, finely punctulate. Elytra as wide and 1.7 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, slightly incurved behind, apex rather broadly rounded, declivity commencing in the middle, rather obliquely convex; disc striate-punctate, the striae very shallow, the striai punctures rather coarse, the interstices narrow, minutely punctulate and each one with a median row of punctures bearing short semierect setae; on the declivity the striae more impressed, the setae of the interstices somewhat spatulate at their tips. Holotype and paratype in Collection SCHEDL, 3 paratypes in the Collec- tion of the Department of Forests Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 30. VI. 1972, 18. VIII. 1972, 13. X. 1972 and 5. I. 1973, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Cryphalophilus concentralis n. sp. Ferrugineous, 2.3—2.4 mm long, 2.4 times as long as wide. Easily distin- guished from other species by its size and the asperities of the anterior part of the pronotum being arranged in concentric semicircles. Front convex, subopaque, minutely punctulate, finely punctured, and with very short setae towards the anterior margin. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 343

Pronotum wider than long, postero-lateral angles rectangular, some- what rounded, sides parallel on basal two fifths, apex very broadly rounded; summit rather high and situated in the centre, anterior area obliquely convex, with three to four concentric semicircular rows of medium sized asperities fused at their base, basal area shining, densely covered with rather coarse punctures, pubescence inconspicuous. Scutellum extremely small and knob- like. Elytra as wide and 1.8 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal two thirds, apex very broadly rounded, declivity restricted to the distal two fifths of the elytra, rather strongly convex; disc fairly shining, striate-punctate, the striae very shallow near the base, gradually increasing in depth behind, the striai punctures small towards the base, increasing in size behind, interstices rather narrow, distinctly convex behind, bearing short semierect setae on the cylindrical part of the elytra, the setae more conspicuous and somewhat spatulate on the declivital convexity. Holotype and 2 paratypes in Collection SCHEDL, 3 paratypes in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 21. VII., 25. VIII., 22. IX., 6. X. 1972, 9. II. 1973, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHAN AH AN.

Erioschidias anticus n. sp. Dark reddish brown, 1.6 mm long, 2.6 times as long, as wide. Closely allied to Erioschidias setistriatus LEA from West Australia, but the antennal funicle with the joints two and three harmonious, strongly transverse and disc-like, antennal club subcircular, the pronotum on its anterior margin with numerous, rather large, subequal and triangular asperities. Front broadly convex, slightly shining, minutely punctulate, sparsely punctured, the punctures a little larger and more crowded towards the antero- lateral angles. Pronotum subopaque, roughly sculptured, little longer than wide, base finely margined, postero-lateral angles rectangular, not distinctly rounded, sides parallel on basal half, apex broadly semicircularly rounded, a subapical constriction hardly noticable; anterior margin with numerous, subequal and closely placed asperities; summit fairly high, situated in the centre, anterior area rather strongly convex, very densely covered with small asperities, basal area coarsely granulate-punctate, with numerous fine but short erect setae. Scutellum very small, knoblike. Elytra very slightly wider and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, apex moderate broadly rounded, declivity restricted to the distal half of the elytra and obliquely convex; disc striate-punctate, the striae narrow and shallow, the striai punctures moderate in size, closely placed, confluent in parts, interstices wide, flat, minutely punctulate and with ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 344 K. E. SCHEDL

a regular median row of rather small punctures bearing semierect short slender scales, under high magnification minute inclined hairs originating from the striai punctures may be seen; on the declivity the striae become somewhat deeper; thé scales on the interstices more spatulate. Holotype and 3 paratypes in Collection SCHEDL, 3 paratypes in Collec- tion of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 29. XII. 1972, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Margadillius concentralis n. sp. Dark reddish brown, 1.1 — 1.2 mm long, 2.4 times as long as wide. A new species easily recognized by the asperities of the anterior part of the pronotum arranged in concentric semicircles and fused at their base. Front convex, minutely punctulate, also with some scattered fine punctures. Pronotum about as wide as long, postero-lateral angles rectangular, sides subparallel on the basal half, semicircularly rounded at the apex, without distinct subapical constriction; summit situated in the centre, anterior area convex, minutely punctured and with three to four rows of asperities fused at their base and therefore arranged in concentric semicircles, basal area somewhat transversely impressed and very densely granulate-punctate, pubescence very short, scattered, inconspicous. Scutellum very small and knoblike. • Elytra as wide and 1.26 times as long as the pronotum, humeral angles rectangular, the sides parallel on the basal half, apex broadly rounded, decli- vity restricted to the distal half, uniformely and somewhat obliquely convex ; disc striate punctate, the striae narrow and rather shallow near the base, the striai punctures closely placed and somewhat increasing in size towards the declivity, interspaces narrow finely punctured, each one with a row of short semierect setae becoming somewhat spatulate towards and on the declivity, on the latter the striae more strongly impressed, the punctures of the inter- stices partly replaced by minute granules. Holotype and one paratype in Collection SCHEDL, 2 paratypes in the 'Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Papua, Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 22. IX. 1972 (holotype and paratype), 8. IX. 1972 (paratype), all ex sticky traps, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN. The antennal club differs in some way from the usual type in having only one row of setae arranged in a row closely following the distal outline.

Cryphalomorphus absonus n. sp. Ferrugineous, 1.4 mm long, 2.5 times as long as wide. The most elongate species so far observed in Cryphalomorphus SCHAUF. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 345

Front broadly convex, trapezoid in outline shining, densely covered by medium sized punctures. Pronotum about as long as wide, postero-lateral angles rectangular, sides slightly narrowed on basal half, apex broadly rounded, the subapical constriction indicated, apical margin with six subequal and very closely placed asperities; summit in the centre, anterior area rather steeply convex, densely asperate, basal area very densely rather coarsely punctured, some extremily short setae on anterior area. Scutellum small, knoblike. Elytra as wide and 1.8 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal three fifths, apex broadly rounded, declivity short and steeply convex; disc indistinctly striate-punctate, the striae very shallow to indistinct except the first ones, the striai punctures coarse and closely placed, interstices rather narrow, each one with a median row of punctures being smaller than those of the striae; declivity more coarsely punctured, the interstitial punctures bearing short erect slightly spatulate setae. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 21. VII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Cryphalomorphus alternans n. sp. Piceous, 1.68 mm long, 2.2 times as long as wide. A rather peculiar species within the Cryphalini in general, the genus Cryphalomorphus in particular, with the third interstices of the elytral declivity with a median row of conical tubercles. Front plano-convex, brightly shining, covered with deep medium sized punctures. Pronotum about as wide as long, widest near the base, postero-lateral angles rectangular and little rounded, sides parallel on basal fourth, thence rather strongly incurved, apex moderate broadly rounded, apical margin armed with two triangular asperities in the middle, a subapical constriction hardly noticable; summit a little behind centre, anterior area very obliquely convex, extreme densely asperate-granulate, basal area granulate-punctate, pubescence very sparse and short. Scutellum moderate in size, shining. Elytra as wide and 1.3 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, apex broadly rounded, declivity comencing after basal third of the elytra, very obliquely convex, the entire elytra but little shining, rather coarse- ly striate-punctate, the striae well impressed, slightly more so behind, the striai punctures fairly coarse and closely placed, interstices narrow, elevated, each one with a very regular row of rather coarse tubercles, or granules, be- coming more prominent on the declivity, especially on the third interstices, moreover on the latter and the granules of the fifth interstices with long semierect bristles. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 346 K. E. SCHEDI,

Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 13. X. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Cryphalomorphus approximatif n. sp. Dark brown, 2.3 mm long, 2.1 times as long as wide. A new species to be placed near Cryphalomorphus lectus n. sp. and easily distinguished from the latter by being a little more slender and having the apical margin of the elytra uniformely and broadly rounded. Front broadly convex, shining, finely and densely punctured, without visible pubescence. Pronotum somewhat shining, little wider than long, posterolateral angles slightly more than rectangular, somewhat rounded, sides very feebly divergent on basal fifth, broadly arcuate up to the anterior third, apex broadly and uniformely rounded, a subapical constriction hardly noticable; summit rather high and situated in the centre, anterior area convex, extreme densely and very finely asperate-granulate, the same sculpture but finer on basal area, without noticable pubescence. Scutellum large, triangular, finely punc- tured. Elytra as wide and 1.3 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, apex broadly and uniformely rounded, declivity extending over the distal half of the elytra and rather strongly convex; disc silky shining, extreme densely covered with small punctures giving rise to very short in- clined pubescence, without distinct arrangement in main rows and punctures of the interstices ; on the declivity each interstice indicated by a median row of short semierect fuscous hairs, the main rows by slightly impressed lines, also the entire punctuation a little coarser. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 29. IX. 1972 (holotype), 1. IX. 1972 (paratype), ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Cryphalomorphus creber n. sp. Piceous, 1,56 mm long, 2.5 times as long as wide. A new species remarkable by long, slender and closely placed asperities on the anterior margin of the pronotum. Front convex, subopaque, minutely punctulate and with a few punctures just above the anterior margin. Pronotum wider than long (30: 25), postero-lateral angles little more than ninety degrees, sides somewhat divergent on the basal fifth, thence gently arcuate up to the distal two fifths, apex very narrowly rounded and armed with four slender closely placed asperities when viewed from above, subapical constriction well developed; summit little behind the centre, anterior ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 347 area obliquely convex, very finely granulate-punctate, basal area transversely depressed, rather coarsely punctate, the entire pronotum covered with very short hairs being semierect in front inclined behind. Scutellum minute, knoblike. Elytra but little wider and twice as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on the basal half, broadly arcuate at the apex, declivity commencing short after the basal half, gradually convex; disc regularly striate-punctate, the striae but little impressed, the striai punctures rather coarse and closely placed also giving rise to minute inclined setae, interstices narrow, each one with a median row of finer punctures bearing short, pale semierect hairs becoming spatulate towards and on the declivity. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 27. X. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Cryphalomorphus fugax n. sp. Piceous, with pale yellow vestiture, 1,1 mm long, not quite 2.4 times as long as wide. Among the very small species of the Notogaea remarkable by the anterior margin of the pronotum showing four well developed pointed asperities. Front convex, brightly shining, densely and moderate finely punctured, a few short hairs along epistomal margin. Pronotum about as long as wide, postero-lateral angles rectangular and slightly rounded, sides subparallel on basal third, thence somewhat in- curved, more strongly so on anterior third, apex rather narrowly rounded, apical margin armed with four subequal triangular asperities, the subapical constriction merely indicated; summit moderately high, situated in the centre, anterior area obliquely convex, densely moderate finely asperate, basal area but little shining, very densely granulate-punctate, with short scale-like inclined hairs all over. Scutellum very small, difficult to recognize. , Elytra but slightly wider and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal two fifths, gradually incurved behind, apex broadly rounded, declivity commencing after basal third of the elytra and obliquely convex; disc subshining, striate-punctate, the striae but very little impressed near the base, more distinctly so behind, the striai punctures small and giving rise to minute inclined hairs, interstices minutely punctulate and each with very small punctures bearing semierect short stout closely placed scales thus produc- ing very regularly arranged rows, on the declivity the striae more impressed, the scales more prominent. Holotype and 1 paratype in Collection SCHEDL, 2 paratypes in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 4. VIII., 3. XL, 8. XII. and 29. XII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN (1973). ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 348 K. E. SCHEDI,

Cryphalomorphus fulgens n. sp. Ferrugineous, shining, 1.0 mm long, 2.6 times as long as wide. Allied to Cryphalomorphus squamosus n. sp., but distinctly smaller, the elytral declivity less steeply convex and the elytral disc with the punctuation more confused. Front convex, minutely punctulate, also with some fine punctures, the pubescence restricted to a fringe of pale setae along the epistomal margin. Pronotum as long as wide, postero-lateral angles rectangular, slightly rounded, sides parallel on basal half, apex semicircularly rounded; summit in the centre, anterior area rather steeply convex, finely asperate, basal area somewhat transversely depressed, brightly shining and finely punctured, pubescence inconspicuous. Scutellum difficult to recognize. Elytra as wide and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, apex broadly rounded, declivity commencing in the middle, fairly convex ; disc shining, very finely punctured, the punctures of the interstices bearing short semierect setae, on the declivity the setae spatulate. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 3. XI. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Cryphalomorphus fulgidus n. sp. Piceous, 1.2—1.3 mm long, 2.4 times as long as wide. Compared with Cryphalomorphus cicatricosus SCHEDL this new species is much smaller, a little stouter, and the setae of the elytral interstices stout and spatulate. Front convex, but little shining, minutely punctulate, finely and densely punctured, pubescence inconspicuous. Pronotum slightly longer than wide (28: 27), postero-lateral angles rectangular and broadly rounded, sides parallel on basal third, apex broadly rounded, apical margin armed with numerous fine and closely placed asperities ; summit in the centre, anterior area rather strongly convex, covered with rather coarse asperities, basal area somewhat transversely depressed, densely and moderate coarsely punctured, pubescence consisting of few short and erect setae. Scutellum small, knoblike. Elytra as wide and 1.3 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, apex broadly rounded, declivity commencing in the middle, strongly convex ; disc with rows of punctures of moderate size, bearing minute inclined setae, the interstices more finely punctured and with regularly placed short slightly spatulate semierect hairs; declivity somewhat striate punctate, the setae of the interstices a little more spatulate. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 8. IX. 1972, 9. II. 1974, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 349

Cryphalomorphus hylesinopsis n. sp. Dark reddish brown, subopaque, 1.8—1.9 mm long, twice as long as wide. A new species resembling more strongly to a Hylesinid than to a Cryphalid, pronetum finely asperate, elytra coarsely striate-punctate. Front opaque, convex, minutely punctulate, finely granulate towards anterior margin. Pronotum trapezoid in outline, wider than long (40: 33), postero- lateral angles rectangular and not rounded, sides gradually incurved from the base to the apex, the latter moderate broadly rounded, a subapical constriction hardly noticable; disc ascending, convex from apex to the base, a summit not distinctly developed; coarsely and very densely punctate, very finely asperate on anterior half, somewhat granulate behind, densely covered with short stout semierect scales all over. Scutellum very small, triangular and distinctly punctured. Elytra wider (45 : 40) and 1.7 times as long as the pronotum, humeral angles hardly rounded, sides parallel on basal half, thence gradually incurved, apex moderate broadly rounded, declivity commencing after the basal two fifths of the entire elytra, obliquely convex ; disc striate-punctate, the striae well impressed, the striai punctures moderate in size and rather closely placed, the interstices wide, flat, densely and irregularly punctured near base, besides this type of punctuation with a median row of very small granules towards and on the declivity, each interstice also with a very regular row of fairly stout semierect yellowish scales, under high magnification it becomes evident that the striai punctures are bearing minute inclined pale hairs. Holotype and one paratype in Collection SCHEDL, two paratypes in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Localities: New Guinea, Wau, McAdam Park, 18.—21. IV. 1965, Dr. J. BALOGHI & Dr. J. J. SZENT-IVANY (holotype). — Papua, Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 22. IX., 29. IX. 1972, 29. XII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN (paratypes).

Cryphalomorphus mus n. sp. Ferrugineous, 1.9—2.0 mm long, twice as long as wide. Of a similar sculpture as in Cryphalomorphus aspericollis EICHH., but much larger, stouter, and the elytral declivity more abruptly and more steeply convex. Front convex, but little shining, extreme densely and very finely punc- tured and with minute inclined pubescence. Pronotum as wide as long, postero-lateral angles a little more than rectangular and closely attached to the elytra, sides slightly divergent on basal fifth, thence gradually incurved, apex rather narrowly rounded, apical margin very finely carinate-crenulate, the subapical constriction noticable; summit high and situated in the centre, anterior area steeply convex, very densely covered with fine very low asperities partly connected at their base, ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 350 K. E. SCHEDL basal area extreme densely and fairly fine punctured, pubescence abundant,, short and inclined all over. Scutellum large, shining, punctured and pubescent» Elytra slightly wider and 1.3 times as long as the pronotum, sides sub- parallel on basal two fifths, apex very broadly rounded, declivity commencing after basal third of the elytra, rather abruptly and very steeply convex ; disc very densely covered with small punctures bearing short inclined hairs, the punctures of the main series very difficult to recognize, the interstices wide, each with a rather regular median row of semierect setae becoming more prominent towards and on the declivity, on which the main series are indicated by distinctly impressed lines, the interspaces becoming somewhat convex. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Universitetes Zoologiske Museum Kopenhagen. Type-Localities: New Guinea, Wau, 24. IV. 1965, Dr. J. J. SZENT- IVANY. — New Ireland, Lemkamin, 21. April 1962, Noone Dan. Esp.

Cryphalomorphus splendens n. sp. Piceous, brightly shining, 1.48 mm long, 2.5 times as long as wide. A very slender species, remarkable also by the brightness of the surface and the densely asperate anterior margin of the pronotum. Front convex, densely granulate-punctate, above the centre with slight indication of a median longitudinal carina. Pronotum as wide as long, postero-lateral angles rectangular but little rounded, sides parallel on basal third, gradually incurved in front, apex rather broadly rounded, apical margin with numerous small and closely placed asperities, a subapical constriction indicated; summit in the centre, anterior area convex, densely and rather finely asperate, basal area with dense moderately fine punctuation, a few short erect hairs on anterior asperate part. Scutellum small, punctured. Elytra slightly wider and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal three fifths, apex broadly rounded, declivity commencing after the basal half of the elytra, obliquely convex ; disc rather shining, densely covered with deep medium sized punctures, the two sets, those of the main series and such from the interspaces rather difficult to distinguish, the first row in a impressed line, on the declivity the interstriai punctures replaced by small blunt granules but without remarkable pubescence. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Bulolo, Compt. 5, Taun logging area, Morobe District, 28. X. 1972, ex sticky trap, B. GRAY.

Cryphalomorphus varius n. sp. Piceous, 1.5—1.6 mm long, 2.2 times as long as wide. Compared with Cryphalomorphus hylesinopsis SCHEDL this new species is somewhat smaller, more cylindrical, the elytral declivity shorter and more steeply convex. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 351

Front broadly convex, minutely punctulate, rather coarsely punctured on a semicircular area joining the anterior margin. Pronotum wider than long (36 : 30), postero-lateral angles rectangular, sides parallel on the basal third, apex broadly rounded, without distinct subapical constriction ; summit rather high, situated a little behind the centre, anterior area obliquely convex, densely moderate finely asperate, basal area densely covered with fairly coarse punctures, a few short setae on the anterior area and on the sides. Scutellum small, rather difficult to recognize. Elytra as wide and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on the basal half of the elytra, apex broadly rounded, declivity occupying the distal half, rather strongly convex; disc striate-punctate, the striae rather slightly impressed, the striai punctures moderate in size and closely placed, the interstices with a median row of similar punctures, so that it is rather difficult to separate the two series, the punctures of the. interstices bearing semierect somewhat spatulate setae; the declivity with a similar sculpture as on the disc, probably a little coarser and the setae of the interstices more spatulate. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 8. VII. 1972, 9. II. 1973, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Cryphalus gigas SCHEDL, masc. nov. The holotype of Cryphalus gigas SCHEDL was a female recognizable by the broadly rounded apex of the pronotum. In the male the pronotum shows its largest width after the basal third, thence the sides obliquely incurved, be- coming triangular in outline, with the apex very narrow and armed with four asperities, the two median once larger than the others. Allotype in Collection SCHEDL, one male paratype in Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Mörobe District, 4. VIII. and 6. X. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Hypocryphalus triangularis n. sp. Dark brown, subopaque, 1.8 mm long, 2.2 times as long as wide. A rather slender species with a triangular pronotum so far not observed in Hypo- cryphalus HOPK. Front broadly convex, silky shining, minutely punctulate, shallowly and moderate finely punctured. Pronotum wider than long (20 : 14), triangular in outline, widest at the base, sides incurved from the postero-lateral angles to the apex which is narrowly rounded and armed with six small, subequal slender asperities; summit near the base, anterior area ascending convex throughout, covered ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 352 K. E. SCHEDL with small asperities, the very short basal area densely punctured, with numerous short erect setae among the asperities. Elytra as wide and twice as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, apex very broadly rounded, declivity commencing in the middle and obliquely convex; disc covered with very densely placed fine punctures bearing semierect slender setae, the main striae indicated by dark lines, the density of the setae corresponding to threefold rows for each interstice, on the declivity with the main rows of punctures a little more distinct, the pubescence somewhat longer. Holotypein Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 30. VI. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Xylocryptus n. g. Body cylindrical, general appearance somewhat similar to that of Tham- nurgus EICHEL, pronotum rather elongate, with the sides parallel on basal half, apex broadly rounded, anterior convexity very short and weakly devel- oped, the very long basal area punctured. Scutellum small, knoblike. Elytra slender, sides parallel, apex rounded, declivity convex. Antennal scape club-shaped, funicle consisting of four joints, club small, subcircular, compressed, with a short septum extending from the outer edge to the centre similar as in Breviophthorus SCHEDL of the Pityophthorini. Anterior coxae contiguous, anterior tibiae compressed, strongly widened distally, with four large teeth on distal part of lower edge and a small slender spine in continuation of the upper margin. The tarsi with three cylindrical joints of equal length, each one about as long as wide. The new genus should be placed in the tribe Crypturgini. Genotype : Xylocryptus papuanus n. sp.

Xylocryptus papuanus n. sp. Piceous, very shining all over, 1.0—1.3 mm long, 3.2 times as long as wide. Front convex, shining, rather densely and coarsely punctured on anterior half, minutely chagreened above, a fringe of downwards directed pale hairs along the epistomal margin. Pronotum longer than wide (24 : 20), postero-lateral angles rectangular, slightly rounded, sides parallel on basal half, apex very broadly rounded, without distinct subapical constriction; summit far beyond the centre, anterior area extremely short and but little convex, very densely granulate-punctate, the very long basal area brightly shining and with numerous rather coarse clearly defined punctures, a few minute hairs near anterior border. Scutellum small, knoblike and shining. Elytra as wide and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on little more than the basal half, thence rather strongly incurved, apex moderate ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 353 broadly rounded, declivity commencing little behind basal half, evenly convex ; disc with regular rows of rather coarse punctures, interstices very narrow, sparsely and minutely punctured, punctuation of the declivity less regular, somewhat more dense and intermixed with some minute granules. Holotype and one paratype in Collection SCHEDL, two paratypes in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 15. XII. 1972, ex stricky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Cyrtogenius alternantes s. np. Ferrugineous, 2.8 mm long, 2.8 times as long as wide. A rather peculiar new species looking more like a member of the Xylebori alternante-granulati group than like any other representative of the genus within New Guinea and the surrounding islands. Front shining, broadly convex, flattened in the middle, finely punctured and with a few setae on the sides. Pronotum longer than wide (28 : 25), postero-lateral angles rectangular and rounded, sides parallel on the basal two fifths, apex rather broadly rounded, the subapical constriction indicated; convex on anterior two fifths, extreme densely covered with very small asperities, basal area shining, densely moderate finely punctured, the change of sculpture very gradually, with sparse erect pubescence on anterior area and on the sides. Scutellum small, knoblike and shining. Elytra as wide and 1.5 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on little more than the basal half, apex broadly rounded, declivity commencing somewhat behind the middle, rather steeply convex; disc brightly shining, regularly striate-punctate, the striae rather narrow and slightly impressed towards the base, less so behind, the striai punctures of moderate size and closely placed, each interstice with a less regular row of somewhat finer and more remotely arranged punctures, a few erect hairs on the extreme sides; declivity with the suture slightly raised, interstices one, three and five each with three to four well developed pointed tubercles, first and second striae well impressed. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 15. XII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Ozodendron sedlaceki n. sp. Female. — Ferrugineous, 3.7 mm long, 2.6 times as long as wide. Allied to Ozodendron dimorphus SCHEDL, but much larger, more slender, elytral disc more coarsely striate-punctate, and the striae on the declivity very strongly impressed. Front plano-convex, fairly shining, minutely punctulate, with a brush of long erect hairs.

Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Bd. 79, 1975 23 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 354 K. E. SCHEDL

Pronotum as long as wide, widest near the base, postero-lateral angles rectangular and distinctly rounded, sides parallel on basal third, apex broadly rounded, subapical constriction indicated ; summit little behind centre, uni- formely convex' from apex to base, extreme densely covered with very small asperities changing gradually into a more granulate-punctate sculpture near the base, with rather sparsely placed long hairs. Scutellum small, knoblike, shining. Elytra as wide and 1.5 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal three fifths, apex very broadly rounded, declivity short, steeply convex, restricted to the distal third of the elytra; disc shining, coarsely striate-punc- tate, the striae rather slightly impressed, the striai punctures large, very regularly and closely placed, interstices moderately wide, each with a median row of finer punctures bearing rather long semierect hairs on the sides ; on the declivity the striae much more strongly impressed, the striai punctures smaller, partly confused, the interstices convex, densely and irregularly covered with small punctures and some remotely placed pointed granules, a little less distinct on the second interspace. Holotype in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum in Honolulu. Type-Locality: New Guinea NW, Wisselmeren, Enarotadi, 1850— 1900 m, 19. VII. 1962, J. SEDLACEK.

Poecilips chimhui n. sp. Piceous, 2.3 mm long, 2.3 times as long as wide. More closely allied to Poecilips myristicae ROEPKE, but the pronotum much smaller, the elytra distinctly wider than the pronotum and the sculpture coarser. Front transversely depressed below, convex in the upper half, moderate finely punctured, the punctures very densely placed below, more scattered above, some of them bearing very fine erect hairs, a low subimpunctate longitu- dinal callosity indicated above. Pronotum trapezpid in outline, about as wide as long, postero-lateral angles little more than rectangular and distinctly rounded, sides very slightly divergent on basal third, thence obliquely narrowed, apex moderate broadly rounded, the subapical constriction merely indicated; ascending convex, very densely and moderate, finely granulate-punctate all over, also with long erect fine hairs. Scutellum large; like a coat of armes in outline, minutely punctured. Elytra somewhat wider (25 : 22) and 1.8 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, apex broadly little angulately rounded, declivity commencing short behind the middle, rather obliquely convex; disc striate- punctate, the striae but slightly, impressed, the striai punctures moderately large, not very closely placed, interstices rather wide, each with a median row of finer punctures, bearing (as far as not abraded) long erect hairs, on the declivity the punctuation less regular, finer and more crowded. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 355

Holotype and 2 paratypes in Collection SCHEDL, 2 paratypes in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Localities: New Guinea, Sattelberg, Huon Golf, 1899, Biro. — Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 20. X., 27. X. 1972, 27. VI. 1973, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN. I also have seen a specimen from New Guinea, Mt. Dayman, Maneau Range, N. Slope, 700 m, July 13. —20., 1953, Geoffroy M. TATE, 4th Archbold Expedition.

Poecilips squamifer n. sp. Dark reddish brown, 1.8 mm long, 2.1 times as long as wide. A new species remarkable by two facts, the obliquely truncate elytral declivity and the scale-like vestiture on the declivital face. Front convex, silky shining, minutely punctulate, densely covered with rather small punctures bearing, as far as not abraded, rather long erect and fine hairs. Pronotum as long as wide, trapezoid in outline, postero-lateral angles rectangular and rounded, sides parallel on basal third, thence obliquely narrowed, apex moderate broadly rounded, the subapical constriction difficult to recognize; disc rather weakly convex from apex to base, more distinctly so from side to side, densely covered with median sized punctures bearing short erect hairs, the punctuation more crowded, finer and slightly granulate near apical margin. Scutellum very small and kiioblike. Elytra distinctly wider (21 : 18) and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal two thirds, apex broadly somewhat angulately rounded, declivity restricted to the distal two fifths of the elytra and obliquely truncate ; disc shining, striate-punctate, striae rather narrow, striai punctures small and closely placed, interstices wide, each one with a median row of more remotely placed and rather large punctures, on the sides these punctures partly with short erect hairs ; upper and side margin of the circular slightly concave declivital face angulate but not carinate, on the face itself the striae very narrow, the striai punctures indistinct, the wide interstices covered with very stout inclined pale yellow scales arranged in twofold rows. Holotype in the American Museum Natural History, Type-Locality: New Guinea, Mt. Pabinama, Normandy Isl., 820 m, Juli 7, 1956, L. J. BRASS, Fifth Archbold Expedition.

Eidophelus unicus n. sp. Female. — Ferrugineous, shining, 2.3—2.4 mm long, 2.7 times as long as wide. The largest species so far described in the genus Eidophelus EICHH. and easily recognized. Front slightly concave, densely rather finely punctured and with a brush of short hairs.

23* ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 356 K. E. SCHEDL

Pronotum little longer than wide (22 : 21), postero-lateral angles rect- angular and little rounded, sides parallel on basal two fifths, thence gradually incurved, apex moderate broadly rounded; summit in the centre, anterior area obliquely convex, very densely covered with small asperities, basal area more shining, with densely placed moderately large punctures, along the sides and on the anterior area with some rather long erect setae. Scutellum sub- merged. Elytra as wide and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal three fifths, apex broadly rounded, declivity restricted to the distal third, rather strongly convex; disc shining, regularly striate-punctate, the striae moderately impressed, the striai punctures of moderate size and closely placed, the interstices rather wide, minutely chagreened and with a median row of more remotely placed very fine punctures ; on the declivity the striae less distinct, some of the punctures on interstices one and three replaced by very small granules bearing long erect hairs. The male is a little stouter, the front slightly convex, minutely punctu- late, rather densely covered with moderate large punctures; the pointed tubercles on the interstices one and three of the elytral declivity larger than in the female. Holotype, allotype and one paratype in Collection SCHEDL, three para- types in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 3. XI. 1972, 9. II. 1973, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Eidophelus hornus n. sp. Female. — Testaceous, 1.8—2.0 mm long, 2.7 times as long as wide. A new species to be placed between Eidophelus subgranosus SCHEDL and E. unicus n. sp., a little more slender than the former, much smaller than the latter, the punctuation of the elytral disc a little less regular than in the related species. Front flattened to subconcave, with a short brush of densely placed setae. Pronotum longer than wide (21 : 19), postero-lateral angles rectangular, sides parallel on the basal two fifths, thence gradually incurved, apex moderate broadly rounded ; summit in the centre, anterior area obliquely convex, densely covered by small asperities, basal area a little more shining, rather densely and moderate coarsely punctured, a subimpunctate median line sometimes indicated, with rather dense erect pubescence as far as not abraded, more distinctly so along the sides and on the anterior area. Scutellum distinct, small, wider than long, brightly shining. Elytra as wide and 1.4 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on the basal three fifths, apex broadly rounded, declivity restricted to the distal third, rather steeply convex; disc shining, striate-punctate, the striae rather ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Plàtypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 357 slightly impressed except the firsts ones, the striai punctures moderate in size and very closely placed, the interstices moderately wide, each one with a median series of more irregularly and remotely placed punctures being a little smaller than those of the striae ; on the declivity the punctuation largely reduced, the interstices one and three with pointed and setose granules. The male a little stouter, the front subconvex, densely and rather coarsely punctured and the tubercles of the elytral declivity slightly larger. Holotype, allotype and 5 paratypes in Collection SCHEDL, 7 paratypes in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 18. VIII. 1972, 9. II. 1973, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Cnestus rotundatus n. sp. Female. — Piceous, pronotum and elytra glabrous, 2.7 mm long, about twice as long as wide. Allied to Cnestus pseudosuturalis SCHEDL, but uniformely black, much stouter in shape and the elytral declivity more strongly convex. Front convex, silky shining, minutely punctulate, densely punctured and with short nearly inclined hairs on anterior third, with some very fine punctures above. Pronotum wider than long (37 : 32), postero-lateral angles a little more than rectangular and broadly rounded, base and sides finely margined, the latter subparallel on the basal half of the entire length of the pronotum, apex very broadly rounded when viewed from above and with a series of rather coarse and closely placed asperities, when inspected under an angle of fourty- five degrees the apical margin is distinctly angulate and armed with a pair of very closely placed asperities in the centre ; summit rather high and situated in the centre, anterior area steeply convex, densely covered with large rather wide and low asperities gradually decreasing in size towards the summit, basal area shining, minutely chagreened, and with some fine closely placed punctures towards the median line. Scutellum brightly shining, rather large and transverse. Elytra a little narrower and 1.15 times as long as the pronotum, brightly shining, sides subparallel on basal third, thence gradually incurved, apex very broadly rounded and finely carinate, declivity very steeply convex and commencing after the basal third of the elytra, near the base with medium sized punctures arranged in rows more clearly defined near the suture, a few punctures also on the wide interstices, on the declivity the punctuation more difficult to recognize except of the first striae which are distinctly impressed and punctured. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Block 10, N. G. I. logging area, Gabensis, Morobe District, 10. VIII. 1972, in branch of Dracontomelon sp., F. R. WYLIE. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 358 K. E. SCHEDL

Arixyleborus abruptus n. sp. Female. — Piceous, 1.7—1.8 mm long, 2.8 times as long as wide. Easily distinguished from all other species of the genus by the abrupt, subtruncate elytral declivity. Front convex, subshining, rather coarsely and densely punctured, with- out remarkable pubescence. Pronotum distinctly longer than wide (39 : 33), posterolateral angles rectangular, but very feebly rounded, sides parallel on basal half, apex mo- derate broadly rounded, a subapical constriction difficult to recognize ; summit in the centre, anterior area obliquely convex, rather finely and densely asperate, with some short semierect hairs, basal area feebly shining, minutely chagreened and with some shallow remotely placed punctures. Scutellum small, triangular, distinctly punctured. Elytra as wide and 1.4 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal three fourths of the entire length, apex broadly rounded slightly angulate near the suture, disc restricted to the basal two fifths, declivity subtruncate; disc brightly shining, rather finely and irregularly punctured, declivity sul- cate-carinate, the sulci narrow, densely and finely punctured, the interstices carinate and finely granulate, the granules more conspicuous along the side margins. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 29. XII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Arixyleborus cariniceps n. sp. Female. — Piceous, 2.5 mm long, 2.1 times as long as wide. A new species to be placed between Arixyleborus canaliculatus EGG. and A. grandis SCHEDL. Distinguished from the latter by the size, proportions, the much coarser asperities, on the anterior margin of the pronotum, the shorter and more shining elytral disc, and the carinate interstices of the declivity being much wider at the beginning very gradually becoming narrower behind. Front convex, silky shining, minutely punctulate, finely punctured, without prominent pubescence. Pronotum but slightly longer than Avide, postero-lateral angles rectan- gular, sides parallel on basal two fifths, apex broadly rounded, also with a more narrowly rounded extension in the middle bearing six subequal asperities ; summit situated distinctly before the centre, anterior area steeply somewhat obliquely convex, with densely placed large but low asperities, basal area brightly shining, rather densely covered with medium sized clearly defined punctures, the entire pronotum nearly glabrous. Scutellum of moderate size, knoblike, surrounded by a distinct depression. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 359

Elytra as wide and hardly longer than the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, apex broadly somewhat angulately rounded, declivity commencing after the basal fourth of the elytra, obliquely convex ; disc very short, restricted to the basal fourth of the elytra, brightly shining, irregularly rather finely punctured; declivity carinate-sulcate as in the allied species, the sulci narrow at first wider and opaque behind, the carinae wide and flat at the beginning, narrower and uniseriately granulate behind, and with few minute setae towards the apex. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Localities: Wewak, Timbers Sawmill, E. Sepik Dist., 22. VI. 1968, boring into log F. Dracondomerum, B. GRAY (holotype). — Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 29. IX. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN (paratype).

Arixyleborus granulicauda n. sp. Female. — Ferrugineous, elytra darker, 1.7 mm long, 2.8 times as long as wide. A new species to be placed in the neighbourhood of Arixyleborus abruptus n. sp., but easily distinguished from it by the distinctly more slender shape, and the elytral declivity being less abruptly truncate behind. Front convex, very little shining, minutely punctulate, finely punctured and with a few extremely short hairs. Pronotum little longer than wide, postero-lateral angles rectangular, sides parallel on basal half, apex broadly rounded, a subapical constriction slightly indicated; summit in the centre, anterior area obliquely convex, covered with numerous rather small asperities and few short erect hairs, basal area shining, finely punctured. Scutellum moderate in size and finely punctulate. Elytra as wide and 1.5 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on the basal four fifths, apex broadly rounded, declivity commencing short after the basal half, gradually convex at first, truncate below; disc shining, with rows of rather small punctures, interstices irregularly and more finely punc- tured ; towards the declivity the punctures of the main rows situated in gra- dually impressed sulci, the interstices carinate and each with a very regular row of fine conical granules, and extremely short erect setae. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 15. and 22. XII. 1972, ex sticky traps, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Arixyleborus trux n. sp. Female. —• Dark reddish brown, 1.2 mm long, ca. 2.5 times as long as wide. General appearance as in Arixyleborus canaliculatus EGG. but the elytral declivity carinate-granulate on the alternate interstices only. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 360 K. E. SCHEDL

Front convex, shining, with some very fine punctures. Pronotum little longer than wide, postero-lateral angles rectangular, summit somewhat before the centre, anterior area finely asperate, basal area brightly shining, with some very fine punctures. Scutellum very small, knoblike. Elytra as wide and about 1.5 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal two thirds, apex short, angulately rounded ; disc shining, restricted to the basal third of the elytra, and irregularly rather densely punctured; declivity commencing after basal third, at first gradually, in the distal half more strongly convex, striate-punctate, the striae becoming more impressed, the interstices subcarinate and with some minute granules, the carinae of the second and fourth interstices not reaching the more convex part of the declivity, the declivital face with alternating interstices becoming higher, the granules coarser and each showing a regular row of semierect setae. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 5. VIII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN. The single specimen has the pronotum somewhat crushed, the proportion therefore inaccurate.

Arixyleborus various n. sp. Female. — Piceous, 4.0 mm long, 2.4 times as long as wide. The largest species of the genus so far known, well marked by the shape of the elytra, the sculpture and pubescence of the declivity. Front broadly convex, but little shining, minutely punctulate, densely, somewhat obscurely punctured near anterior margin, some fine, erect, short hairs on the sides and near the apex. Pronotum slightly wider than long (41 : 38), base transverse, postero- lateral angles a little less than rectangular and slightly rounded, sides a little divergent on basal third, apex very broadly rounded, without subapical constriction; summit in the centre, anterior area rather strongly convex, extreme densely covered with minute granules towards the apical margin, very finely punctulate behind and towards the base, therefore the entire surface nearly opaque, with dense pubescence, rather long, inclined and direc- ted to the centre on basal area, shorter towards apex. Scutellum fairly large, shining, knoblike and impunctate. Elytra as wide and 1.5 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal third, thence rather slightly and obliquely narrowed, apex nearly trans- verse up to the supposed third interstices, postero-lateral angles rather well marked although broadly rounded, declivity commencing after basal third of the elytra, gradually and obliquely convex; disc fairly shining, covered with irregularly and densely placed fine punctures bearing moderately long semierect hairs (as far as not abraded); declivity strongly carinate-sulcate, the sulci deep and wide and confusely and finely punctured, the carinae high, ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 361 with blunt edging, finely and not very regularly tuberculate, with numerous semierect fuscous hairs, the pointed tubercles missing on the median parts of the third interstices. Holotype and a badly damaged paratype in Collection SCHEDL, two paratypes in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 6. June 1973 (type and paratype), 29. XII. 1972 (damaged paratype), all ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN. Same locality March 1974, ex log Castanopsis accuminatissima, P. SHAN AH AN.

Xyleborus acutus n. sp. Female. — Piceous, 1.9 mm long, 2.6 times as long as wide. Allied to Xyleborus vestigator SCHEDL, but much smaller, stouter, brightly shining, and the elytral declivity more abruptly acuminate. Front convex, shining, finely and extreme densely punctured. Pronotum about as long as wide, postero-lateral angles rectangular and somewhat rounded, sides parallel on basal third, thence distinctly in- curved, apex very broadly rounded, transverse in the middle when viewed from above, slightly incurved when seen in front ; summit little before centre, anterior area obliquely convex, densely asperate, a long series of asperities also along the anterior margin, basal area brightly shining, with very fine remotely placed punctures, a few short setae on the sides and on the anterior area. Scutellum submerged. Elytra as wide and 1.3 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, rather abruptly cuneiform behind, declivity restricted to the distal third of the elytra, obliquely convex; disc shining, with very fine and not very closely placed punctures, without clear separation of main and inter- strial series ; declivity less shining, the punctures replaced by minute granules, apex very pointed, and with short semierect hairs. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 27. X. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN (nr.99).

Xyleborus ankius n. sp. Female. — Piceous, 2.2 mm long, 3.2 times as long as wide. A new species which has to be placed near Xyleborus exiguus WALK, from which it might be distinguished by the larger size, the less cuneiform elytra and the slender spines on the apical margin of the declivity. Front broadly convex, minutely punctulate, silky shining, sparsely and finely punctured. Pronotum longer than wide (42 : 35), widest in the middle, postero- lateral angles rectangular, somewhat rounded, sides straight and very slightly ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 362 K. E. SCHEDL divergent on basal half, apex broadly rounded, without noticable subapical constriction; summit in the centre, anterior area obliquely convex, very densely and rather finely asperate, basal area with dense and fine punctuation, with a short and erect pubescence on anterior half and on the sides. Scutellum very small, knoblike. Elytra as wide and 1.4 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, thence slightly narrowed, apex transverse and rather wide, the postero-lateral angles well marked, apical margin with a slender pointed spine in continuation of the supposed third interstices, a similar spine at the postero- lateral angle, some smaller ones on the side margin; disc subshining, finely lineate-punctate, the first row in a impressed line, the interstices well marked, each one with a median row of small punctures bearing rather long semierect setae, this type of sculpture continued on the declivity but the setae little longer. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 22. IX. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Xyleborus anoplus n. sp. Female. — Head and pronotum testaceous, elytra fuscous, 2.3—2.4 mm long, 2.3 times as long as wide. A new species more closely allied to Xyleborus punctulus EGG., but more slender, summit of the pronotum situated in the centre and the elytra more cylindrical. Front broadly convex, silky shining, minutely punctulate, with a few scattered fine punctures. Pronotum as wide as long, widest in the middle, postero-lateral angles a little more then rectangular, sides slightly arcuate, apex broadly rounded, summit in the centre, anterior area obliquely convex and very densely covered with very small asperities, basal area shining, with very delicate punctuation, the punctures bearing, as far as not abraded, very short erect hairs. Scutellum triangular, shining, impunctate. Elytra as wide and 1.2 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, apex very broadly rounded, declivity restricted to distal half, uniformely convex ; disc shining, with fairly dense fine punctuation, an arrange- mant in rows difficult to recognize, the punctures giving origin to short hairs, on those of the supposed interstices the setae distinctly longer and semierect ; the pubescence more conspicuous on the declivity. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: New Guinea, Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 16. V. and 20. X. 1972, ex sticky traps, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHAN AH AN. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 363

Xyleborus drcumspinosus SCHEDL, masc. nov. Male. — Fuscous, 2.0 mm long, 2.5 times as long as wide. General appe- arance very much like as in the female, but the pronotum and the elytra distinctly stouter, the former 1.1 times as long as wide, uniformely convex, without distinct summit, surface shining, finely punctured and with short erect pubescence all over, no noticable asperities on the anterior half; the elytra with all essential features of the female. Allotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Inakanda logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 10. VIII. 1972, in freshly fallen log, ALPONS.

Xyleborus cuspidus n. sp. Female. — Black, brightly shining, 4.0 mm long, 2.7 times as long as wide. A new species of the Xylebori subadjuncti. From Xyleborus indigens SCHEDL it may be distinguished by the much smaller size, the more elongate pronotum, and the armature of the declivital sulcus consisting of a large stout triangular tooth on each side being directed to the suture. Front convex, minutely punctulate, sparsely covered with small punc- tures giving rise short erect setae. Pronotum longer than wide (19: 18), base transverse, postero-lateral angles rectangular, very slightly rounded, sides straight and parallel on basal two thirds, apex broadly rounded, with a subapical constriction somewhat indicated; summit little before centre, anterior area steeply convex, very densely covered by small asperities gradually dimishing iri size towards the centre, basal area minutely punctulate, finely and rather sparsely punctured, some short erect hairs on anterior area. Scutellum very small, triangular, shining and impunctate. Elytra as wide and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal three fourths, apex rather abruptly and very broadly rounded; the declivital impression narrow near base of the elytra, restricted to the first interstices only, increasing in width after basal fifth of the elytra and gradually joining the lateral margins of the declivital cavity extending to the full width of the elytra; disc and sides outside the longitudinal sulcus striate-punctate, the striae well impressed, the striai punctures moderate in size and closely placed, interstices finely chagreened and with some fine punctures arranged in median rows ; the punctuation of the elytral cavity less regular, rather con- fused in the lower part of the declivital face, sides margins of the latter well marked, but not carinate, armed with some setose granules; in the middle of the declivital cavity with a large stout triangular tooth on each side with their tips somewhat bent to the suture, a second smaller similar tooth with its base ridgelike continued to the suture a short distance before the large pair of teeth mentioned above. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 364 K. E. SCHEDL

Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 22. IX. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Xyleborus doctus n. sp, Female. — Testaceous, 2.0 mm long, 2.4 times as long as wide. General structure similar as in Xyleborus artedilatatulus SCHEDL, but somewhat smaller, stouter, and the elytral declivity more strongly striate-punctate, the inter- stices narrow, convex, each with a regular row of blunt granules bearing short semierect setae. Front broadly convex, minutely punctulate, therefore silky shining, finely punctured, pubescence inconspicuous. Pronotum little wider than long (21 : 20), postero-lateral angles rec- tangular, but slightly rounded, sides parallel on basal third, apex very broadly rounded; summit very high and situated short behind the centre, anterior area densely coverd by rather small asperities, basal area fairly shining, densely moderate finely punctured, pubescence inconspicuous. Scutellum submerged. Elytra as wide and 1.5 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal two thirds, apex very broadly rounded, declivity short, commencing somewhat behind basal half and very steeply convex; disc shining, striate- punctate, striae very shallow near base, more distinctly impressed behind, striai punctures rather small and densely placed, interstices wide, flat, finely and irregularly placed ; on the declivity all striae rather wide, strongly impres- sed, minutely punctulate, interstices narrow, bearing a row of large blunt granules connected with very short semierect setae. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 9. II. 1973, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Xyleborus filiformis n. sp. Female. — Fuscous, 2.1 mm long, 3.5 times as long as wide. A new species of the Xylebori submarginati easily recognized by its very elongate body. Front broadly convex, silky shining, minutely punctulate, with some rather coarse punctures on anterior half. Pronotum distinctly longer than wide (39: 29), postero-lateral angles rectangular, sides parallel on little more than basal half, apex broadly rounded, a subapical constriction merely indicated, summit a little before centre, anterior area convex, very densely covered with minute asperities, the long basal area rather shining, minutely chagreened, also with some very fine punctures, with some rather long hairs on anterior third of the pronotum. Scutellum small, triangular, shining, punctured. Elytra hardly wider and 1.5 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, thence slightly and gradually narrowed, apex moderate broadly ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 365 somewhat angulately rounded and with a shallow triangular emargination at the suture, declivity restricted to the distal third of the elytra and very obliquely convex ; disc shining, with rows of rather fine punctures, interstices moderately wide, with some scatered punctures towards the base; on the declivity the odd interstices with few setose granules and the punctuation less regular. Holotype and 4 paratypes in Collection SCHEDL, fife paratypes in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 23. VI., 18. VIII., 20. X., 3. XI., 22. XII. and 29. XII. 1972, ex sticky traps, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Xyleborus fulgens n. sp. Female. — Dark reddish brown, brightly shining, 3.0 mm long, 2.3 times as long as wide. Allied to Xyleborus resectus EGG., but little larger, declivital face with the striae more impressed, the striai punctures coarser, the interstices subshining, not opaque, with very numerous small punctures bearing rather long inclined hairs. Front broadly convex, but little shining, minutely punctulate all over, some small punctures on anterior third. Pronotum slightly longer than wide (35 : 32), base transverse, postero- lateral angles rectangular and little rounded, sides parallel on basal two fifths, thence gradually incurved, apex broadly rounded, bearing in the centre four very low broad and blunt asperities thus simulating a weakly developed subapical constriction; summit in the centre, anterior area obliquely convex, densely covered with small asperities and with few extremely short setae, basal area more shining, minutely chagreened, with scattered minute punctures. Scutellum fairly large, triangular, and finely punctured. Elytra little wider and 1.14 times as long as the pronotum, widest at the commencemant of the declivity, sides straight, slightly divergent up to the steeply truncate declivity, apex broadly rounded, declivital face circular in outline, margins finely carinate all around; elytral disc shining, with fairly regular rows of medium sized remotely placed punctures, the interstices wide, punctuation sparse and very fine ; declivital face coarsely striate-punc- tate, the striate well impressed, the striai punctures rather large, interstices wide, somewhat convex, very densely covered with very small punctures bearing rather long inclined hairs, suture gradually raised towards the apex and showing a series of fine granules on each side. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 1. XII. 1972 (holotype) and 22. XII. 1972 (paratype), ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 366 K. E. SCHEDI/

Xyleborus granulosus n. sp. Ferrugineous, 3,2 mm long, 2.3 times as long as wide. A very peculiar species with a rectangular pronotum, a shape so far observed in males only, but as these two specimens have been taken on sticky traps, they must have been on the wings, and after our large experience males within the genus Xyleborus can not fly at all. Front as far as can be seen flat, very coarsely punctured, with some long hairs and a well developed longitudinal carina extending from the anterior margin to the centre. Pronotum quadrate, a little wider than long (35: 32), postero-lateral angles rectangular and faintly rounded, sides parallel on the basal half, thence very little narrowed, apex very wide and transverse, antero-lateral angles well defined; summit in the centre, very high, anterior area steeply convex, very densely and very finely asperate, basal area minutely punctulate and finely punctured, pubescence rather prominent, distinctly longer on anterior area, shorter behind. Scutellum triangular, moderate in size and shining. Elytra as wide and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides straight and parallel on basal three fifths, apex broadly somewhat angulately rounded, declivity commencing after basal half of the elytra, obliquely convex; disc shining, very finely punctured and with some transverse wrinkles but without specification, declivity abruptly opaque, densely covered with small blunt granules bearing rather long setae more prominent in the lower half. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 30. VI. 1972, 9. II. 1973, ex sticky traps, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Xyleborus gratiosus n. sp. Female. — Fuscous, elytra nearly piceous, 2.6 mm long, 3.0 times as long as wide. Rather closely allied to Xyleborus artestriatus EICHH., but more elongate, summit of the pronotum distinctly before the centre, elytra more slender, disc granulate-punctate on an area extending from the suture to the fifth interstices, declivity more oblique, apex less broadly rounded, pointed tubercles smaller, especially those along the sides and the apical margin. Front broadly convex, silky shining, minutely punctulate, also with some scattered fine punctures, some longer hairs on the sides and along the anterior margin. Pronotum longer than wide (46: 40), postero-lateral angles rectangular and somewhat rounded, sides parallel on basal half, apex broadly rounded, without noticable subapical constriction; summit distinctly before the centre, anterior area convex, rather densely covered with small asperities, between them with fairly long erect setae, basal area brightly shining, finely and rather ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 367 densely punctured, a rather long pubescence near the postero-lateral angles. Scutellum small, knoblike, punctured. Elytra as wide and 1.3 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal hah0, apex moderate broadly somewhat angulately rounded, declivity restricted to the distal half of the elytra, obliquely convex; disc shining, den- sely and rather coarsely granulate-punctate from the suture to the fifth interstices, the granules partly replaced by coarse punctures near the base; on the declivity the interstices (as far as they can be recognized) each with a few small pointed granules, these also present on the apical margin, the entire declivity with short semierect pubescence. What is believed to be the male is smaller, 1.8 mm long, 2.4 times as long as wide, front convex, silky shining, densely punctured, the pronotum with the sides parallel on more than the basal half, apex more abruptly incurved and very broadly rounded, disc uniformeîy convex, without noticable summit, minutely chagreened and finely punctured, without asperities on anterior half, pubescence long and erect as in the female. Elytra with the apical margin more broadly rounded, the declivity somewhat shorter, the elytral disc shin- ing and irregularly punctured, on the declivity the second interstice slightly impressed, the first, third and those on the sides with some minute pointed granules and sparse long erect hairs. Holotype and allotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Minj Golf Course, Wtrn. Hlds. Dist., 7. VIII. 1967, in cambium of Hoop Pine, B. GRAY.

Xyleborus immitatrix n. sp. ' Female. — Piceous, 1.8 mm long, 2.8 times as long as wide. Rather closely allied to Xyleborus pullus SCHEDL from the Philippines, but a little larger, more slender and the elytral declivity more obliquely convex. Front convex above, flattened below, very densely and rather finely punctured, apparently with a polished point in the centre. Pronotum longer than wide (35 : 32), postero-lateral angles rectangular and somewhat rounded, sides parallel on basal two fifths, apex broadly rounded, a subapical constriction slightly indicated; summit a little before the centre, anterior area very densely and finely asperate, basal area minutely punctulate, a few short and erect setae on anterior area. Scutellum small, difficult to recognize. Elytra as wide and 1.5 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal two thirds, apex very broadly rounded, apical margin with numerous small and pointed tubercles beginning on the supposed third interstices and extending to the sides, declivity short, commencing somewhat behind ante- rior half of the elytra; disc shining, with rows of fairly small punctures, interstices with similar more remotely placed punctuation, declivity with the sculpture a little coarser, the interstitial punctures more numerous and bea- ring moderately long erect setae. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 368 K. E. SCHEDI.

Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 9. II. 1973, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Xyleborus ipidia SCHEDL, masc. nov. A very small single specimen measuring 1.6 mm formely regarded as a female proved to be the male. It is less elongate, three times as long as wide, but shows the same general appearance than the other sex, the elytral decli- vity being very little steeper and the apical margin more transverse in the middle when viewed from above. Allotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: New Ireland Dist., 2 K. N. Rowong, 30. V. 1969, ex freshly fallen log „Autee" Papatra D. N., B. GRAY.

Xyleborus mucronatoides n. sp. Female. — Fuscous, 2.6 mm long, twice as long as wide. Allied to Xyle- borus papatrae SCHEDL, but much larger, stouter, the elytral apex less angu- lately rounded and the elytral disc shorter. Front convex, subopaque, minutely punctulate, sparsely and finely punctured and with some short erect hairs on anterior half. Pronotum distinctly wider than long (30 : 27), postero-lateral angles a little more than rectangular, somewhat rounded, sides subparallel on basal two fifths, apex broadly rounded, armed with six asperities increasing in size towards the middle; summit very high and situated in the centre, anterior area steeply convex, covered with asperities being distinctly larger in front than near summit, also with few short erect hairs, basal area silky shining, minutely chagreened, finely not very densely punctured. Scutellum moderate in size, triangular, finely punctured. Elytra but little wider and 1.37 times as long as the pronotum, sides subparallel on basal two thirds, apex rather abruptly somewhat angulately rounded, apical margin finely carinate, declivity commencing after basal third of the elytra, very obliquely convex ; disc short, somewhat shining, with regular rows of small not very densely placed punctures, interstices very wide, with some extremely fine punctures more distinct near the base; at the be- ginning of the oblique declivity with a large triangular tooth on the third interstices, declivital face somewhat transversely depressed in the lower half, brightly shining, striate-punctate, the striae distinctly impressed, the striai punctures somewhat larger than on the disc, the interstices wide, each with a more irregular row of extremely fine punctures. Holotype in Collection Bernice P. Bishop Museum Honolulu. Type-Locality: New Guinea SW., Vogelkop, Fak Fak, S. Coast of Bomberai, 9. VI. 1959, T. C. MAA. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 369

Xyleborus opulentus n. sp. Female. — Piceous, 2.5 mm long, not quite three times as long as wide A new species of the Xylebori emarginati remarkable by its blunt triangular postero-lateral processes of the elytra. Front broadly convex, rather coarsely punctured, the punctures bearing fairly long setae. Pronotum little longer than wide (23.0 : 20.5), postero-lateral angles rectangular and distinctly rounded, sides parallel on the basal half, apex broad- ly rounded, a subapical constriction merely indicated; summit in the centre, anterior area obliquely convex, very densely covered with small asperities and with long erect hairs, basal area brightly shining, moderate finely punctured. Scutellum moderate in size, triangular, shining. Elytra very little wider and 1.7 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, thence gradually narrowed, with large, blunt, and triangular postero-lateral processes, space between them semicircularly emarginate, declivity commencing in the middle of the elytra and very obli- quely convex; disc shining, finely rather densely punctured and with some transverse wrinkles, arrangement not clearly defined, interstices similarly punctured as the main rows; declivity with a wide longitudinal impression, lateral convexities moderately high, with a pointed slender tooth on the sup- posed third and fifth interstices, the postero-lateral processes with several small pointed granules bearing long setae, declivital cavity shining, very finely punctured and the suture feebly raised. Holotype in the American Museum of Natural History, New York. Type-Locality: Mt. Dayman, Maneau Range, 700 m, N. Slope No. 6, July 13—20, 1953, Geoffroy M. TATE, 4th Archbold Expedition to New Guinea.

Xyleborus pileatulus n. sp. Female. — Piceous, shining, 2.1 mm long, three times as long as wide. Another relative of Xyleborus vestigator SCHEDL, but smaller, the anterior margin of the pronotum without larger asperities, the elytra with the apex more triangularly rounded, not slender cuneiform, and the surface of the elytra more roughly sculptured. Front convex, shining, minutely punctulate, somewhat coarsely punc- tured on the lower half. Pronotum longer than wide (44 : 36), postero-lateral angles rectangular, slightly rounded, rather closely attached to the elytra, sides parallel on the basal two fifths, thence gradually incurved, apex moderate broadly rounded, a subapical constriction indicated; summit distinctly before centre, anterior area obliquely convex, very densely covered with extremely small asperities, basal area shining, with numerous rather fine punctures, fine and short erect hairs on the sides and on the-anterior area. Scutellum minute, knoblike.

Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Bd. 79, 1975 24 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 370 K. E. SCHEDL

Elytra as wide and 1.4 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, rather strongly incurved behind, apex triangularly rounded, de- clivity co mencing short behind the anterior half, obliquely convex; disc shining, striate-punctate, the first striae distinctly impressed, the others scarcely so, striai punctures small and closely placed, interstices rather wide, transversely wrinkled in parts, also with a median row of small more remotely placed punctures, bearing long and fine pale hairs towards and on the declivity, the sculpture of the latter rather coarse. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 30. VI. and 29. IX. 1972, ex sticky traps, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Xyleborus spinicomis n. sp. Female. — Fuscous, 2.2 mm long, 3.1 times as long as wide. Another remarkable new species of the Xylebori emarginati with a very deep declivital cavity, very long and very slender teeth, those on the lateral convexity on the fifth interstices and at the postero-lateral processes being bent to the suture at the tip. Front convex, silky shining, minutely punctulate, with some larger setose punctures. Pronotum longer than wide (41 : 34), postero-lateral angles rectangular, sides parallel on basal half, apex broadly rounded, subapical constrictions difficult to recognize ; summit distinctly before centre, anterior area short and densely covered with small asperities and with sparse erect pubescence, basal area shining, finely rather densely punctured. Scutellum triangular, shining, impunctate. Elytra but little wider and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on little more than the basal half, incurved on the distal third of the elytra, apex with a wide semicircular emargination, external border with several very pointed setose granules, inner edge with a long slender tooth distinctly bent to the continuation of the suture thus surrounding a space more than semicircular, declivity short, restricted to the distal half of the elytra, broadly concave, on the upper side margin on the third interstices with a long slender tooth bent downward at the tip, another slender long tooth on the lateral convexities on the fifth interstices bent to the suture, declivital cavity shining, densely punctured and the suture somewhat raised. Holotype in the American Museum of Natural History, New York. Type-Locality: Biniguni, Gwariu River, 150 m, No 3, July 27-Aug. 14, 1953, Geoffroy M. TATE, 4th Archbold Expedition to New Guinea.

Xyleborus triangularis n. sp. Female. — Piceous, 3.7 mm long, 2.3 times as long as wide. A very nice new species rather difficult to place. Provisionally it might be compared with ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 371

Xyleborus klapperichi SCHEDL from which it can be distinguished by the smaller size, the triangular pronotal apex, the absence of teeth on the declivital sulcus etc. Front convex, silky shining, minutely punctulate, with medium sized, crowded and setose punctures on a semicircular area joining the epistomal margin. Pronotum distinctly longer than wide (43 : 39), base transverse, postero- lateral angles rectangular and little rounded, sides subparallel on basal two fifths, incurved in front, apex drawn out into a triangular extension formed by two large median asperities accompagnied by two smaller ones on the sides ; summit rather high and well marked, situated a little behind centre, anterior area obliquely convex, beak shaped, densely covered with low small and transverse asperities, basal area but little shining, densely moderate finely punctured, entire surface with rather long pale and erect setae. Scutellum moderate in size, subquadrate in outline, brightly shining, and impunctate. Elytra as wide and 1.16 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, apex very broadly rounded, declivity extending over the distal three fifths of the elytra, obliquely truncate, declivital face little more than semicircular in outline, slightly concave; disc striate-punctate, the striae narrow and rather shallow, the striai punctures moderate in size and some- what densely placed, interstices wide, each with a rather regular row of similar but a little more remotely placed punctures bearing, as far as not abraded, long semierect very fine pale hairs ; on the declivity the striae wider and deeper but the striai punctures somewhat obscured, the interstices more shining, the punctures finer but with the pubescence distinctly more prominent, the apical margin finely carinate. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 29. IX. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Xyleborus tumidus n. sp. Female. — Testaceous, 2.5—2.6 mm lang, 3.0 times as long as wide. This new species may be placed near Xyleborus conditus SCHEDL, from which it might be distinguished by the smaller size, the much finer sculpture of the elytral disc and the less steep declivity. Front convex and subopaque and coarsely punctured as far as visible, according to one somewhat damaged paratype the upper half of the front is minutely punctulate and with additional punctures less numerous and much finer. Pronotum longer than wide (23 : 21), postero-lateral angles rectangular^ but little rounded, sides parallel on basal half, apex semicircularly rounded, and with the subapical constriction very feebly developed; summit distinctly

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before centre, anterior area obliquely convex, finely and densely asperate, basal area brightly shining, with some extremely fine punctures. Scutellum triangular and impunctate. Elytra as wide and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal two thirds, apex broadly rounded, apical margin finely carinate, decli- vity commencing a little behind anterior half, evenly and obliquely convex; disc shining, with regular rows of medium sized not very closely placed punc- tures, interstices wide, with rather finer and irregularly placed punctuation; on the declivity more distinctly striate-punctate, the striai punctures little larger, those of the interstices more numerous, coarser, partly replaced by very delicate granules more distinctly so on the suture and the third interstices. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 6. June 1973 (holotype), 24. XI. 1972 (paratype), ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Xyleborus vernaculus n. sp. Female. — Fuscous, towards the apex of the elytra darker, 2.5 mm long, 2.6 times as long as wide. More closely allied to Xyleborus falcarius SCHEDL and X. spinachius SCHEDL, but the triangular teeth on the alternate interstices 1, 3, 5 and 7 on the upper margin of the elytral declivity gradually becoming smaller towards the sides. Front convex, silky shining, as far can be seen with some fine punctures. Pronotum little longer than wide (25 : 23), postero-lateral angles rect- angular, somewhat rounded, sides parallel on basal two fifths, apex broadly rounded, without distinct subapical constriction; summit in the centre, anterior area obliquely convex, very densely covered with small asperities, between them some very short erect hairs, basal area shining, finely punctured, with some longer erect hairs arising from punctures near base. Scutellum rather small, triangular and shining. Elytra but little wider and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal three fourths, apex abruptly and very broadly rounded, declivity short, restricted to the distal third, obliquely truncate ; disc shining, with fine and moderately dense punctuation and with some fine transverse wrinkles, the arrangement in main series and punctures of the interstices difficult to recognize ; margin of the truncate declivity dentate all around, the teeth of the alternate interstices 1, 3, 5 and 7 triangular and slightly gradually increasing in size from the sides towards the suture, in the lower half the teeth much smaller, equal in size, slender trapezoid and very closely placed, declivital face slightly convex, shining, striate-punctate, thé striae distinctly impressed, the striai punctures much larger than those of the elytral disc, the interstices wide, minutely punctulate, with few scattered punctures bearing rather long erect hairs. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 373

Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Nuwok, Manus Isl. Distl, 21. IV. 1969, in freshly fallen log „Kasa" Ponam D. N., G. GRAY.

Webbia circumcisus n. sp. Female. — Dark reddish brown, declivital face more fuscous, 1.9 mm long, 3.2 times as long as wide. A new species of the Webbia talauticus EGG. group, more closely allied to Webbia sarawakensis SCHEDL. Compared with the latter circumcisus is smaller, more elongate, the pronotum with the antero- lateral angles much more prominent and armed with few small asperities, the declivital face opaque, densely punctured, the lower margin finely carinate. Front convex, shining, sparsely moderate finely punctured. Pronotum longer than wide (37 : 30), postero-lateral angles rectangular, but very little rounded, sides parallel on basal four fifths, thence somewhat incurved, antero-lateral angles very distinctly armed with few small asperities, apex perfectly transverse ; summit situated very far beyond the centre, the short, anterior area convex, densely asperate-punctate, the long basal area shining, covered with rather small remotely placed punctures, pubescence restricted to the anterior fifth consisting of rather short semierect hairs. Scutellum submerged. Elytra cylindrical, as wide and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on the basal four fifths, apex abruptly and broadly rounded, declivity very short, steeply truncate; disc shining, with not quite regular rows of punctures of moderate size and not very densely placed, as far as can be seen the interstices with some smaller punctures; declivital face fuscous, opaque, minutely punctulate, rather densely covered with punctures of moderate size, apical margin finely carinate up to the seventh interstices, towards and on the upper margin with small granules. Holotype in the American Museum of Natural History, New York. Type-Locality: Mt. Riu, Sudest Isl., 250—350 m, Sept. 1, 1956, L. J. BRASS, Fifth Archbold Expedition.

Platypodidae Crossotarsus dolus n. sp. Male. — Dark reddish brown, 3.3 mm long, 3.9 times as long as wide. Allied to Crossotarsus saltator SCHEDL, but the pronotum more elongate, the elytral declivity much shorter, more steeply convex, the interstices not carinate, the postero-lateral processes shorter and triangular. Front flat, subopaque above, more shining below, minutely punctulate, with very fine inconspicuous punctures bearing very short semierect hairs towards the vertex. Pronotum distinctly longer than wide (24 : 20), femoral emarginations well developed, angulate behind, disc shining, minutely punctulate behind, ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 374 K. E. SCHEDL with extremely fine punctures arranged less densely on apical half, median sulcus very fine, difficult to recognize. Elytra but little wider and not quite twice as long as the pronotum, base carinate, sides parallel on basal two thirds, slightly incurved behind, declivity restricted to the distal third, convex above, with a short perpendi- cular shining lunate face behind ; disc shining, with somewhat impressed striae near the base, without distinct punctuation behind, on the short convex part of the declivity striate, the striai punctures indistinct, the interstices finely rugose and each one with a regular row of short semierect hairs, the postero- lateral process appearing much longer and more pointed when viewed from behind. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 20. X. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Crossotarsus fordpes n. sp. Male. — Piceous, very shining, 3.6 mm long, three times as long as wide. This new species might belong in the neigbourhood of Crossotarsus cheesmani SCHEDL from which it is easily distinguished by the much smaller size, the stouter shape and the bifurcated postero-lateral appendages. Front flat, silky shining, minutely punctulate. with coarse punctures bearing long rather inclined hairs on the upper two third, a few finer punctures below. Pronotum distinctly wider than long, femoral emarginations well de- veloped, angulate on the anterior extremity, disc shining, densely and finely punctured, a series of setose punctures along the anterior margin, median sulcus short, somewhat indistinct. Elytra twice as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, somewhat incurved and finely dentate behind, with long and wide postero- lateral processes bidentate at the tip, thus producing a semicircular emargi- nation at the apex; disc brightly shining, with rows of fine punctures, the first row situated in a finely impressed line, interstices very wide, with some very fine irregularly placed punctures; declivity restricted to the distal two fifths of the elytra, opaque, obliquely convex, the main rows indicated by rather wide impressed lines, the interstices narrowly convex and each with a very regular row of setose punctures ; the postero-lateral appandages pointed at the tip, on the inner edge followed by a smaller pointed tooth. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 9. II. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Crossotarsus minusculus ssp. grandis n. ssp. Crossotarsus minusculus described from New Guinea by F. CHAPUIS is reported to show a lenght of 2 mm and the bulk of the specimens known to ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 375 me from various parts of this island measures 2.0—2.2 mm. Males and females recently received from several places are distinctly larger, 3.0—3.2 mm long, without showing other significant differences. It seems to be justified to sepa- rate these consistently large specimens, at least for the time being, as a new subspecies. Holotype, allotype, two <$ paratypes in Collection SCHEDL, 2 Ç and 1 $ paratypes in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Localities: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 29. XII. 1972, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN. — New Ireland, Lem. Kamin, 16. IV. 1962, without collector. — Papua, Dawa Dawa Milne Bay, XII. 1956, L. J. BRASS.

Crossotarsus priscus n. sp. Male. — Dark reddish brown, brightly shining, 6.6—6.7 mm long, 3.3 times as long as wide. Somewhat allied to Crossotarsus minax WALK., but distinctly larger, elytral disc with the striae sulcate towards the declivity, the surmounting teeth of the upper margin of the latter more pointed, one and two of equal length, the third and fifth somewhat longer, the fourth and sixth reduced, apical margin of the declivity with triangular teeth widely separated. Front opaque, shallowly impressed from eye to eye, with extremely fine not closely placed punctures, an impressed longitudinal strigae on anterior third, a narrow band joining the epistomal margin a little shining, minutely punctulate and with a punctuation of moderate coarsness, a transverse row of long setae towards the vertex. Pronotum little longer than wide, femoral emarginations very shallow, angulate at their posterior extremity, disc shining, with fairly fine punctuation, median sulcus short, more or less surrounded by an oval patch of more closely placed punctures, a series of rather long setae along the anterior margin. Elytra slightly wider (25 : 24) and 1.8 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on the basal two thirds, apex moderate broadly rounded, with a cone-shaped tooth in continuation of the fifth interstices, declivity very short, restricted to the distal fourth of the elytra, obliquely convex and opaque ; disc brightly shining, with regular rows of very fine punctures being closely placed in parts, interstices wide, each one with a few very fine scattered punc- tures; the striae becoming distinctly sulcate short before the declivity, inter- stices 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 surpassing the upper margin as cylindrical teeth blunt on their tips, 1 and 2 equal in length, 3,5 and 7 somewhat longer, the 4th and 6th largely reduced, oblique declivital face with the striae fading away, the interstices with gradually reduced pointed tubercles. Holotype and one paratype in Collection SCHEDL, two paratypes in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 13. X. and 22. XII. 1972, 5. I. 1973, ex sticky traps, F. R. WYLIE & P. S H AN AH AN. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 376 K. E. SCHEDL

Crossotarsus spectrum n. sp. Male. — Piceous, 3.2—3.4 mm long, 2.9 times as long as wide. From the species related to Crossotarsus externe-dentatus FAHIM. C. spectrum n. sp. may be distinguished by the wide somewhat arcuate elytral apex and the bifurcate postero-lateral angles. Front subshining, very slightly convex above, flat below, minutely punctulate, also covered with sparsely placed rather fine punctures bearing very striking semierect long hairs. Pronotum somewhat wider than long (27 : 25), femoral emarginations obscured when viewed from above, disc fairly shining, very densely and finely punctured, a series of larger and setose punctures along the anterior margin, a few more punctures with short erect setae in a transverse line in front of the fine and short median sulcus. Elytra as wide and 1.8 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal three fourths, thence very slightly narrowed, apex wide, transverse, slightly arcuate, postero-lateral angles bifurcate, consisting of two stout triangular extensions the inner ones being somewhat larger; declivity short, restricted to the distal fourth of the elytra, slightly convex above, perpendicular below, the convex part opaque, minutely punctulate, striate-sulcate, the striai punctures obscured, the interstices somewhat convex, each with a series of semierect closely placed hairs ; disc shining, minutely chagreened, without noticable rows of punctures, except the first one which is indicated by a fine impressed line. Female similar in size and proportions as in the male, the front with the punctuation and pubescence somewhat denser, elytral disc with some fine punctures arranged in rows ; the elytral declivity with the postero-lateral angles bluntly rounded, the apex transverse, without sulci and raised inter- stices on the declivital convexity, but the latter very densely and finely punctured and the interstices indicated by rows of very short erect hairs. Holotype, allotype in Collection SCHEDL, one $ paratype in the Collec- tion of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 12.1. and 9. II. 1973, ex sticky traps, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Crossotarsus toralis n. sp. Male. — Dark reddish brown, 3.6 mm long, 3.7 times as long as wide. To some extent allied to Crossotarsus longicornis SCHEDL, but the elytral declivity shining, shorter, less convex above, the apical margin much wider, transverse, the postero lateral processes short, the two spines much smaller. Front flat, convex towards the vertex, silky shining, minutely punctu- late and coarsely not very densely punctured, the punctures bearing short semierect hairs in the upper half. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 377

Pronotum as long as wide, femoral emarginations obscure when viewed from above, disc shining, minutely chagreened and with scattered very fine punctures, median sulcus fine and impressed. Elytra little wider and twice as long as the pronotum, base finely carinate, sides parallel on little more than the basal half, thence slightly narrowed, apex transverse, postero-lateral processes consisting of two triangular teeth the outer being distinctly smaller, elytra not quite horizontal behind, declivity perpendicular, lunate ; disc silky shining, minutely punctulate, without visible striae or punctures arranged in rows, on the apical fourth very slightly convex, somewhat striate-punctate, the striai punctures indistinct, the interstices finely rugose and with some extremely short and fine hairs, lunate perpendicular face brightly shining. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 20. X. and 22. XII. 1972, ex sticky traps, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Crossotarsus tumidus n. sp. Male. — Dark reddish brown, 3.3 mm long, 3.1 times as long as wide. A new species of the Crossotarsi subdepressi remarkable by the extremely short hardly convex elytral declivity and the absence of distinct postero-lateral processes. Front flat, with a shallow small impression below the centre, angulately separated from trhe vertex, silky shining, minutely punctulate, with some shallow longitudinal punctures, these in the upper part bearing short semierect hairs. Pronotum as long as wide, femoral emarginations shallow when viewed from above, disc shining, with extremely fine punctuation, median sulcus very fine and moderately long. Elytra little wider and 1.9 times as long as the pronotum, base carinate, sides parallel on the basal two thirds, very slightly narrowed behind, sides on this part finely serrate, apex very broadly rounded, sub trans verse, declivity indicated by an extremely short and slightly oblique convexity followed by a narrow perpendicular lunate face; disc shining, striate-punctate, the striae rather shallow, the striai punctures moderate in size, well defined and not very closely placed, interstices wide, with some scattered minute punctures; on the very short declivital convexity the striae strongly impressed, the inter- stices subcarinate, finely granulate and each with a row of short setae. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 1. and 29. XII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 378 K. E. SCHEDI,

Crossotarsus vicinus n. sp. Male. — Castaneous, 3.0 mm long, 3.2 times as long as wide. Probably a local form of Crossotarsus longicornis SCHEDL. In general somewhat smaller, more elongate, elytral declivity comparatively shorter, less opaque, the postero-lateral processes with the outer tooth smaller, and little longer than the inner one. Front flat, silky shining, minutely punctulate, very coarsely punctured, the punctures setose towards the vertex. Pronotum very little longer than wide, femoral emarginations very shallow when viewed from above, disc shining, with very fine punctures of varying density, median sulcus fine and short. Elytra little wider and twice as long as the pronotum, base finely carinate, sides parallel on the basal two thirds, obliquely narrowed and very finely serrate behind, postero-lateral processes short, consisting of two subequal small and triangular teeth, apical margin between these processes broadly arcuate, declivity short, restricted to the distal third of the elytra, and obli- quely convex; disc shining, with rather regular rows of fine, not very closely placed partly submerged punctures, the first row in a finely impressed line, interstices wide, flat, each with a few very small punctures; on the oblique part of the declivity striate-punctate, the striae well defined and minutely punctulate, the interstices carinate, finely rugose and each with a row of short semierect setae, the lower perpendicular lunate face of the declivity shining and very narrow. The female is of the same length and proportions, of the same sculpture on the front and pronotum, but the elytra more distinctly chagreened, the elytral apex transverse, the postero-lateral processes angulate, the oblique part of the declivity with the same vestiture but the interstices not elevated and the granules replaced by small punctures. Holotype and allotype in Collection SCHEDL, one female paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Karamui, Chimbu D., 12. VI. 1968, boring into freshly fallen log „Derebe", Diabet Ame Sawodisay, B. GRAY.

Platypus abnormis n. sp. Female. — Dark brown, 6.8 mm long, 3.6 times as long as wide. A new species with a rather peculiar front probably belonging to the Platypi sulcati. Front silky shining, consisting of two impressions, the lower one trans- verse, fairly deep, the upper one smaller, more shallow, the two separated from each other by a transverse ridge, in the centre with blunt tubercle ori- ginating from a fine longitudinal strigae, entire surface minutely punctulate, angulate towards the vertex, a few punctures bearing long hairs arranged in a transverse row on the latter, a group of numerous setae on the sides. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 379

Pronotum as long as wide, brightly shining, femoral emarginations very shallow when viewed from above, disc with numerous very fine punctures, some setose ones across the anterior margin, median sulcus long, surrounded by a large subcircular patch of fine closely placed punctures. Elytra but slightly wider and twice as long as the pronotum, base distinctly carinate, sides parallel on basal half, apex rather broadly rounded, declivity restricted to the distal third of the elytra, obliquely convex; disc brightly shining, with rows of very fine partly indistinct punctures in ill defined shallow striae, the interstices wide, very slightly convex, minutely punctulate on basal half, polished behind, third interstices triangularly widened and finely granulate-punctate at the base; on the declivity the striae and striai punctures obscured, the interstices with numerous medium sized granules bearing fuscuous semierect hairs. Holotype and 2 paratypes in Collection SCHEDL, 2 paratypes in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 17. XI. 1972 (holotype), 5. I., 12. I., 16. VI., 1. XII. 1972, ex sticky traps, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus annular is n. sp. Male. — Testaceous, 2.2 mm long, four times as long as wide. This new species might be placed near Platypus perangustus SCHEDL from which it can be separated by the very short triangular lateral processes of the elytral declivity. Front nearly circular in outline, slightly concave from eye to eye, extreme densely and finely punctured, vertex long, with a transverse series of setose punctures. Pronotum much longer than wide (18: 11), widest behind the rather deep femoral emarginations, these angulate on both ends, disc subshining, minutely punctulate, median sulcus very fine and long. Elytra little wider and 1.6 times as long as the pronotum, sides sub- parallel on basal four fifths, postero-lateral angles with a very small triangular extension, apical margin between them transverse, the elytral declivity merely indicated; disc subshining, minutely chagreened, without distinct punctuation, base of supposed third interstice slightly elevated, the incurved side margin before the apex of the elytra finely dentate. Female similar in size and proportions, the front with its depression minutely punctulate, the median sulcus of the pronotum surrounded with an epongate patch of extremely fine punctures, the elytral apex transverse, the sostero-lateral angles distinct but not dentate, and the declivital convexity lomewhat higher. Holotype and allotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo. Morobe District, 8. XII. 1972 and 9. II. 1973, ex sticky traps, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 380 K. E. SCHEDI,

Platypus anoplus n. sp. Male. — Dark brown, 4.8 mm long, 3.3 times as long as wide. A new species of the Platypi sulcati, more closely allied to Platypus praeteritus SCHEDL, but the elytra distinctly sulcate-carinate, and the interstices 3 to 7 gradually declivious behind. The following five new species subpraeteritus, morosus, perditus, porcellinus and crassicornis also belong to the Platypi sulcati have to be placed in the subsection with the patch of closely placed punctures situated on the anterior half of the pronotum. Front subshining, slightly concave, densely covered by very small punctures, some larger but shallow punctures towards the vertex and on the anterior third, a few erect setae on the upper half, some long hairs on the vertex originating from larger punctures. Pronotum as long as wide, femoral emargination very shallow, disc shining, coarsely and rather remotely punctured, the punctures bearing moderately long semierect setae, median sulcus long, a subcircular patch of closely placed punctures on anterior half. Elytra wider (36 : 33) and twice as long as the pronotum, base finely carinate, sides parallel on basal half, thence gradually incurved, apex moderate broadly rounded, declivity restricted to the distal half of the elytra and obli- quely convex; disc sulcate-carinate, the sulci more shallow towards the base, minutely punctulate throughout, the carinae shining and rather high, with a few fine punctures, becoming lower towards and fading away on the declivity, the second interstice with a slender curved tooth at the beginning of the con- vexity, the third interstices with a more triangular tooth short before the apical margin, all interstices uniseriately punctured on the declivity, the punctures giving rise to semierect moderately long setae. Female of the same size and similar proportion as in the male, but the front strongly concave, the margin rimlike elevated all around, the cavity subopaque, minutely punctulate, with a few larger and setose punctures in the upper third, the long hairs on the vertex more numerous ; pronotum rather similar to that of the male, eJytral disc with the sulci somewhat finer, the inter- stices wider and less high, base of interstices three to five finely and densely granulate, declivity shorter and without teeth on the interstices two and three. Holotype, allotype and one male paratype in Collection SCHEDL, a pair of paratypes in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 29. XII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus apertulus n. sp. Male. — Dark reddish brown, 3.5 mm long, 3.2 times as long as wide. A new species of the Platypi sulcato-truncati, but the carinate interstices of the elytral disc not so abruptly ceasing at the truncate declivity as this is the case in the other species of this section. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 381

Front flat, nearly opaque, minutely punctulate, with numerous crowded medium sized punctures bearing short semierect setae towards the vertex, in the centre a short fine impressed strigae, in the middle of the vertex with a hemispherical elevation as this has been reported in Platypus anomalus n. sp. and P. caryophyllatus SCHBDL. Pronotum as long as wide, femoral emarginations rather deep, the posterior extremities drawn out into pointed spines, disc brightly shining, with scattered fine punctures, becoming larger towards the anterior margin and near the base, median sulcus short but distinct. Elytra little wider and twice as long as the pronotum, base finely cari- nate, sides straight on basal three fourths of the elytra, apex abruptly and very broadly rounded, declivity very short, restricted to distal fourth, steeply truncate; disc shining on basal third also on the alternate interstices behind, with rows of fine remotely placed punctures near the base, the first rows in impressed lines throughout, the others becoming broadly sulcate after the basal third, the sulci subopaque, minutely punctulate, the interstices finely carinate towards the declivity, each one with a short brush of fuscous hairs at. the beginning of the declivital truncate face, the latter opaque, densely covered by small blunt granules and with short yellow slender semierect scales. Holotypein Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 17. XI. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus apicatulus n. sp. Male. — Piceous, 3.3 mm long, 3.7 times as long as wide. Closely allied to Platypus cordiger ssp. gabensis SCHEDL from which it may be distinguished by the cordiform elevation around the anterior extremety of the median pronotal sulcus, the apical part of the side margin being finely serrate, the opaque minutely punctulate elytral declivity on which the interstices are indicated by scanty rows of semierect setae. Front rectangular, slightly depressed from eye to eye, minutely punctu- late, indistinctly and finely punctured, a row of setose punctures across the vertex. Antennal scape very large, triangular, and with short pubescence along the external margin. Pronotum somewhat longer than wide, femoral emarginations very shallow, difficult to detect when viewed from above, surface subshining, minutely punctulate, more sparsely so on anterior half, median sulcus modera- tely long, surrounded at its anterior extremety by a cordiform elevated figure. Elytra little wider and twice as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on foasal half, rather strongly incurved behind, the side margin finely and not very closely serrate, apex rather broadly rounded, declivity commencing short behind basal half, and obliquely convex ; disc shining, with regular rows ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 382 K. E. SCHEDL of very fine punctures, the interstices wide, with some extremely fine punc- tuation of varying density; declivity opaque, more roughly sculptured, the interstices indicated by rows of fine setose punctures. What is believed to be the female has the front more deeply impressed, more strongly punctured on its anterior part and with a fine longitudinal carina in the centre, the pronotum with a large oval patch of fine closely placed punctures surrounding the median sulcus, the elytra with the third interstice triangularly widened and finely granulate at the base, the sides without pointed teeth, apex broadly rounded, subtransverse in the middle, declivity shorter as in the male, uniformely and rather steeply convex, rugosely sculptured and with irregularly placed punctures bearing very short setae. Holotype and allotype in Collection SCHEDL, one female paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 13. I., 15. and 29. IX. 1972, ex sticky traps, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus caledoniae SCHEDL, fern. nov. In my collection there is a female of the type series (of the male) 4.3 mm long, 4.1 times as long as wide. Front flat, silky shining, minutely punctulate, rather densely covered by small punctures being more elongate above, with a small pointed tubercles on each side half way down thus producing a shallow longitudinal depression in the middle. Pronotum as in the male, but the fine median sulcus surrounded by a subcircular patch of closely placed fine punctures. Elytra cylindrical, sides parallel on basal two thirds, slightly narrowed behind, apex wide, transverse, postero-lateral angles distinct, declivity very short, obliquely convex above, perpendicular below, the two parts separated from each other by oblique somewhat elevated ridges; disc shining, striate- punctate, striae moderately deep, striai punctures indistinct to absent, inter- stices moderate in width, convex, impunctate, base of the third triangularly widened for a long distance, very densely and finely granulate-punctate; convex part of the declivity without distinct striae, some setose small granules of the interstices, perpendicular face impressed on each side of the suture, less shining, very densely and very finely punctured and with rather long fuscous hairs. Allotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Ouenarou, N. Caledoniae, 22. IV. 1968, sur Kaori, Ree. Bruck, Col. CTFT Nr. 4.

Platypus drculariceps n. sp. Male. — Testaceous, elytral declivity somewhat darker, 2.2 mm long, 4.2 times as long as wide. Closely allied to Platypus calignosus SCHEDL, but smaller, the elytral disc faintly punctured, and the alternate interstices 1, 3, 5 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 383 terminating into very delicate slender and pointed spines at the beginning of the declivity. Front flat, opaque minutely punctulate, with a long longitudinaly strigae in the centre, convex towards the vertex, the latter with a transverse row of punctures bearing rather long erect setae. Pronotum much longer than wide (15: 12), femoral emarginations moderately deep and angulate behind, disc shining, with very fine punctuation of varying density, median sulcus long and fine. Elytra little wider (13 : 12) and twice as long as the pronotum, sides straight and slightly divergent, postero-lateral angles rectangular, apical margin transverse when seen from above, when inspected from behind the postero-lateral angles followed by two slender teeth, the margin between the lower ones broadly arcuate, elytral declivity nearly perpendicular, opaque, and with a pointed tubercle half way down on the supposed third interstices ; elytral disc shining, with rows of very delicate punctures changing into deeply impressed striae towards the declivity, the interstices wide, minutely chagreen- ed, two and four gradually reduced, not reaching the declivity, one, three and five becoming carinate behind, ceasing as fine pointed spines, laterad a càrinate margin extending to the postero-lateral angles. Abdomen with the penultimo sternit bearing a blunt protuberance on each side. Female of similar size and proportions as in the male, the front flat, the elytra slender, sides parallel on the basal four fifths, thence incurved, apex transverse near the suture, declivity very short and uniformely convex. Holotype and Allotype in Collection SCHEDL, two male paratypes in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, March 1974, ex log of Castanopsis accuminatissima, P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus concavifrons n. sp. Female. — Fuscous, elytra largely testaceous, 2.0 mm long, 3.8 times as long as wide. Provisionally this new species must be placed in the Platypi incertae sedis at least as long as the male is not known. Front deeply concave from eye to eye, cavity shining, with some very fine punctures, rim-like elevated towards the vertex, the latter with numerous small punctures arranged in a transverse band and bearing short semierect hairs. Pronotum longer than wide (30: 24), femoral emargination rather shallow, angulate behind, disc shining, minutely chagreened, median sulcus long and fine, surrounded by a large patch of closely placed small punctures. Elytra slightly wider and 1.7 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on the basal two thirds, apex very broadly rounded, postero-lateral angles well marked, disc shining, minutely chagreened, without distinct punctuation, base of the third interstices widened and with some rather coarse transverse ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 384 K. E. SCHEDL rugae; declivity short, restricted to the distal fourth of the elytra, slightly convex above, perpendicular below, convex part opaque, with numerous very short hairs originating from small punctures, perpendicular face densely and finely granulate-punctate and separated from the upper convex part by oblique ridges. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Karamui, Chimbu District, 13. VI. 1968, boring into fallen log D. D. N. „Were dare", B. GRAY.

Platypus crassicornis n. sp. Male. — Dark brown, 5.8 mm long, three times as long as wide. A new species of the Platypi sulcati, with the patch of closely placed punctures on the anterior part of the pronotum, easily recognized by the long and slender tooth in the continuation of the third interstice on the lower part of the elytral declivity. Front broadly but shallowly concave, silky shining, minutely punctulate, finely and densely punctured, with a few erect setae, these more numerous on the sides. Pronotum as long as wide, brightly shining, femoral emarginations shallow, disc brightly shining, partly minutely chagreened, with some scat- tered very fine punctures, median sulcus long, extending to the centre, an- terior patch of closely placed punctures moderately large, little wider than long, a series of larger punctures bearing long and erect hairs along the anterior margin. Elytra little wider and more than twice as long as the pronotum, base finely carinate, sides parallel on basal half of the elytra, gradually incurved behind, apex rather narrowly rounded, declivity commencing little behind basal half, obliquely convex; disc silky shining, sulcate-carinate, the sulci rather narrow, indistinctly punctured, interstices convex, minutely chagreened, base of 2, 3, 4 finely granulate ; on thé beginning of the declivital convexity the second interstice drawn out into a slender horizontal tooth, the others more narrowly convex and gradually fading out, declivital face minutely punctulate, in continuation of the third interstices with a rather long and slender hori- zontal tooth, at the lower half of the convexity. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Mt. Kaindi, M. District, 2250 m a. s. 1., 6. VIII. 1972, in log of Ar-disia sp., F. R. WYLIE.

Platypus deperditus n. sp. Male. — Castaneous, 6.7 mm long, 3.6 times as long as wide. A new species of the Platypi sulcati but without closer relatives within this section. Front flat above, somewhat transversely depressed below, subshining, minutely punctulate, a small longitudinal strigae in the centre of the lower ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 385 half, vertex with a transverse row of setose punctures. Antennal scape small, very stout. Pronotum longer than wide (25:22), shining, femoral emargination difficult to recognize when viewed from above, surface shining, with very delicate extremely fine punctuation, median sulcus short and fine, surrounded by a small cordiform patch of closely placed punctures. Elytra but little wider and 1.8 times as long as wide, sides parallel on the basal three fourths, thence incurved, apex broadly rounded (difficult to judge as the wings are spread), declivity short and convex; disc brightly shining, striate-punctate, the striae very narrow and shallow except the first one being more distinctly impressed, the striai punctures very small, indistinct in parts, the striae becoming sulcate, the interstices carinate a short distance before the declivity, interstices 1, 3, 5 and 7 distinctly longer than 2, 4 and 6, all terminating into pointed spines, declivital face opaque, minutely punctu- late, along the supposed interstices with very small granules, a large blunt tooth near the apical margin on the continuation of the fifth interstice. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 18. VIII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus dolus n. sp. Male. — Piceous, 4.8 mm long, 3.5 times as long as wide. A new species more closely allied to Platypus singalangensis SCHEDL but more slender, the elytral declivity more gradually convex and the tooth near the apical margin on the third interstice much smaller, inconspicuous. Front rectangular, convex towards the vertex, shallowly impressed on a wide area below, minutely punctulate all over, the upper part with some medium sized punctures bearing long semierect hairs, in the centre of the lower part with an impressed strigae accompagnid on each sides by a small lunate callosity. Elytra little wider and 1.7 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, thence gradually incurved, apex rather narrowly rounded, declivity restricted to the distal half of the elytra and very gradually convex ; disc subopaque, striate-punctate, the striae uniform throughout, moderate strongly impressed, striai punctures indistinct, interstices wide, somewhat convex, minutely punctulate, granulate-punctate near the base; the decli- vity more coarsely sculptured, the striae fading away, the interstices slightly convex, each with a median row of small granules bearing long semierect hairs. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 5.1. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Bd. 79, 1975 25 ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 386 K. E. SCHEDI.

Platypus dwplosignatus n. sp. Male. — Castaneous, brightly shining, 3.4 mm long, four times as long as wide. A new species of the Platypi cupulati easily recognized by the peculiar structure of the elytral declivity. Front flat, with rather coarse remotely placed punctures giving rise to very short semierect setae, convex towards the vertex showing punctures and pubescence as on the front. Pronotum longer than wide (25.0 : 19.5), widest at the posterior extre- mity of the deep femoral emargination, disc polished, covered with very small rather remotely placed punctures, median sulcus fine and very long. Elytra as wide and twice as long as the pronotum, sides parallel and straight throughout, declivity perpendicular when seen from above, with a rectangular plate extending from interstice three to seven of the elytral disc and projecting a good distance beyond the perpendicular declivital face, the outer angle pointed, the inner rather blunt, the space between these projec- tions rectangular in outline little wider than long, laterad attached to the ninth interstice indicated by a small pointed tooth, the declivital face shining, broadly concave, in the lower half consisting of two downwards directed ringlike lobes ceasing abruptly thus producing rectangular angles on the outer and inner side, a sub circular emargination forming the inner border; elytral disc silky shining, minutely chagreened, striate punctate, the striae narrow and only slightly impressed, the striai punctures small, rather indistinct. Holotypein Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 13. X. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus fracticinctus n. sp. Male. — Reddish brown, declivity darker, 3.2 mm long, 3.8 times as long as wide. A new species allied to Platypus fracticostis SCHEDL, but easily distinguished from the latter by the apex of the elytra showing a semicircular emargination at the suture followed on the sides by rectangular extensions and large pointed postero-lateral angles. Front flat, opaque, testaceous, minutely punctulate, in the lower half with a fine longitudinal median strigae, with scattered fine punctures bearing short erect hairs towards the vertex. Pronotum distinctly longer than wide (22 : 19), femoral emarginations hardly noticable when viewed from above although well developed, disc shining, sparsely and finely punctured, the punctures little more crowed anteriorly, median sulcus fine and long, surrounded anteriorly by a rather small oval patch of very closely placed punctures. Elytra little wider and well twice as long as the pronotum, widest at the commencement of the declivity, base strongly carinate, sides straight on basal two thirds each one terminating into a very small pointed tooth, apex ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 387 with a deep semicircular emargination in the middle, sides formed by rec- tangular plates somewhat directed towards the suture, at their base each one connected with a rather large triangular tooth being a little shorter than the inner plates mentioned above; declivity restricted to the distal third of the elytra, deeply concave, brightly shining, with the suture slightly elevated; disc minutely chagreened, therefore silky shining, with indistinct rows of fine punctures towards the base, the alternate interstices somewhat convex towards the declivity, more strongly so the third ones, the second and third interstices terminating into horizontal pointed spines on the upper margin of the declivity, that of the third ones longer than the one from the second, the declivital cavity with very high lateral margins commencing on the supposed fifth interstices and continued as a sharp edges down to the outer teeth of the elytral apex. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 22. XII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus goilalae n. sp. Male. — Fuscous, 2.6—2.8 mm long, 3.2 times as long as wide. A very nice new species of the Platypi oxyuri easily recognized by the commonly rounded tip of the elytral apex. Front convex, silky shining, minutely punctulate, finely and sparsely punctured, some punctures on anterior half with minute erect hairs. Pronotum longer than wide (26 : 21), postero-lateral angles rectangular, sides parallel on basal three fifths, apex broadly rounded and armed with six pointed teeth, the median pair large, the others gradually decreasing in size ; summit distinctly before the centre, anterior area convex, densely covered with rather small asperities and with sparse very short pubescence, basal area subshining, very densely covered with moderately fine punctures. Scutellum extremely small, knoblike. Elytra as wide and 1.5 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, cuneiform behind, at the apex the two wing covers conjointly rounded, declivity commencing short after basal half and very obliquely convex; disc somewhat shining, very densely covered with small punctures but without distinct arrangement of main rows and punctures of the inter- stices, here and there with a short erect hair, on the declivital convexity the punctuation a little coarser, the pubescence more distinct, very dense at the tip. Holotype and three paratypes in Collection SCHEDL, five paratypes in the Collection of the Forest Research Station in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 29. XII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

25* ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 388 K. E. SCHEDI,

Platypus heteromorphus n. sp. Male. — Dark reddish brown, 5.0 mm long, 3.9 times as long as wide. A new species of the Platypi semidepressi easily recognized by the concave elytral declivity and the apical margin showing two semicircular emarginations on each side. Front flat, shining, very densely punctured, the punctures coarser towards the vertex, finer in front, indistinctly angulate towards the vertex, the latter more shallowly punctured and with a transverse row of few long setae. Pronotum longer than wide (17 : 15), brightly shining, femoral emar- ginations shallow when viewed from above, rather deep when inspected from the sides, disc with sparse very fine punctures, median sulcus moderate in length, surrounded by a patch of larger very densely placed punctures. Elytra slightly wider and twice as long as the pronotum, base finely carinate, sides subparallel on the basal three fifths of the elytra, thence slightly incurved, apical margin with a common shallow emargination at the suture, another smaller one on the side thus producing blunt but very distinct postero- lateral extensions when seen from above, declivity restricted to the distal third, transversely concave ; disc shining, with rows of small partly elongate punctures, interstices very wide and flat, with few minute punctures, base of the third slightly widened and transversely rugose ; towards the declivity the interstices very densely and rather finely rugosely punctured, also with some short semierect setae; the upper margin of the declivital cavity angulate, finely carinate, side margin with a small triangular tooth in continuation of the fifth interstices, the postero-lateral extensions armed with a short upward curved hook-like tooth when seen from the side, declivital cavity shining and minutely punctulate. Holotypein Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Papua, Wabag, Westrn. Hlds. District, 8. VIII. 1967, in log of Casuarina oligoderes, B. GRAY.

Platypus morosus n. sp. Male. — Reddish brown, 6.7 mm long, 3.2 times as long as wide. A very distinct new species of the Platypi sulcati, remarkable by the concave elytral declivity in the male, the gradually declivious first interstices, the slender teeth on the interstices 2, 3, 4 at the upper margin of the cavity decreasing in size, and the long and slender tooth on the sides in continuation of the seventh interstices. Front subshining, flat above, slightly concave below, minutely punctu- late, with rather large but shallow punctures in the upper half, a small shining tubercle in the centre, somewhat angulate towards the vertex, the latter with a transverse row of long fuscous hairs. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 389

Pronotum shining, as long as wide, femoral emargination indistinct, with irregularly and rather remotely placed punctures of moderate size, median sulcus very long, extending anteriorly to the centre, patch of closely placed punctures fairly small, subcircular and near the anterior margin of the pronotum. Elytra slightly wider and 2.3 times as long as the pronotum, base finely carinate, sides parallel, apex broadly rounded, declivity commencing after basal half, strongly concave in the distal two fifths of the elytra ; disc sulcate- carinate, sulci rather narrow and with numerous irregularly placed very small punctures, interstices convex, finely and sparsely punctured, the third densely granulate near base ; towards the declivity the sulci deeper, the inter- stices higher, the first one gradually convex, the second, third and fourth projecting over the cavity as triangular teeth decreasing in length towards the sides, the fifth joining the seventh on the sides into a long triangular tooth being longer than the apical margin of the elytra, the latter with a small triangular tooth in continuation of the third interstices and one or two small pointed tubercle on the sides; elytral cavity polished, lateral projection with numerous reddish hairs. Female of similar size but a little more slender than the male, front wide, slightly concave from side to side, subshining, minutely punctulate, with moderately large setose punctures all over, a blunt elevation in the centre. Pronotum with the anterior patch of closely placed punctures larger, wider than long, some small punctures on both sides of the median sulcus with short semierect hairs. Elytra with the sulci more shallow, the interstices less convex, one to three finely granulate near base, declivity with the sulci more impressed, the interstices more convex above, each with a median series of rather coarse punctures bearing moderately long yellow setae, the third ones with a large conical tubercles in the lower half. Holotype and allotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type -Locality : Kum, 11 miles from Mt. Hagen, W. H. D., 8. VI. 1968, boring into freshly fallen Chimbu D. N. „Yumba", B. GRAY and SINE.

Platypus multifoveolatus n. sp. Female. — Fuscous, 3.9 mm long, 3.8 times as long as wide. According to the general shape and the pores on the pronotum this new species has to be placed in the Platypi pseudospinulosi. Front flat, shining, and densely rather roughly punctured on anterior third, opaque, minutely punctulate more finely and less densely punctured above, with short semierect setae towards the vertex. Pronotum longer than wide (30:24), femoral emargination very shallow, disc brightly shining, with very fine remotely placed punctures, median sulcus of moderate length, on the left with nine on the right with seven rather large pores. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 390 K. E. SCHEDL

Elytra little wider and 1.7 times as long as the pronotum, base distinctly carinate, sides parallel on basal three fifths, thence slightly incurved, apex wide and transverse, postero-lateral angles somewhat indicated, declivity short, convex above, perpendicular below; disc brightly shining, with rows of fine remotely placed punctures, the first in a narrow impressed line, inter- stices nearly flat, with fine partly indistinct punctures, base of the third but feebly widened and transversely rugose; on the upper convex part of the declivity irregularly rugose and with some extremely short erect setae, the perpendicular face slightly impressed, densely and finely punctured, with short fuscous pubescence, the two parts of the declivity separated from each other by a distinct angle. Holotypein Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: New Guinea, Madang District, Nr 1, Ramp, Gogol, 21.1. 1970, in freshly fallen log Microcos sp., B. GRAY.

Platypus opimus n. sp. Male. — Ferrugineous, 3.0 mm long, 4.2 times as long as wide. Another species of the Platypi quadrifissi, more closely allied to Platypus circulariceps n. sp. from which it may be distinguished by its size, the sculpture of the elytral disc, and the armature of the elytral declivity. Front flat, opaque, minutely punctulate, and with a longitudinal im- pressed strigae in the centre of the lower half, convex to the vertex. Pronotum longer than wide (21 : 16), widest at the angulate posterior extremity of the well developed femoral emarginations, disc shining, very densely covered with rather fine punctuation, median sulcus very long, nearly extending to the centre. Elytra as wide and twice as long as the pronotum, sides straight through- out, apex transverse when seen from above, declivity restricted to the distal fourth of the elytra, steeply convex; disc silky shining, minutely chagreened, striate-punctate, the striae very narrow and slightly impressed, striai punctures indistinct, interstices wide and flat, subimpunctate, towards the declivity the striae subsulcate, the interstices somewhat carinate, the even ones gra- dually reduced, one, three and five longer terminating into small pointed spines; the declivity when viewed from behind with the ninth interstices terminating into small pointed teeth, apical margin broadly arcuate, with a long, slender and pointed spine in continuation of the seventh interstices, on the declivital face with a small conical tooth half way down on the supposed third interstices, all the interstices marked by rows of small tubercles ; abdomen with the penultimate sternite bearing a small median pointed tubercle, the last one with a large blunt protuberance on each side. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, March 1974, ex log of Castanopsis accuminutissima, P. SHANAHAN. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 391

Platypus othiodes SCHEDL, fern. nov. Female. — Piceous, 4.2 mm long, 3.3 times as long as wide. Compared with the male, the female is remarkable by the sculpture of the front and the pronotum, also by the clearly striate-punctate elytral disc. Front subshining, flat, finely punctulate, convex towards the vertex, the latter with a few setose punctures. Pronotum silky shining, femoral emarginations short and shallow, surface minutely punctulate, without larger punctures, median sulcus short and inconspicuous. Elytra apparently little wider and twice as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on more than on the basal half of the elytra, apex rather narrowly rounded, declivity short, apparently restricted to the distal third, obliquely convex ; disc subshining, finely striate-punctate, striae narrow, striai punctures small, confluent in parts, interstices wide, flat, each with very few very fine punctures, base of the third triangular widened and transversely rugose ; on the declivity the striae indistinct, the interstices finely rugose and with some minute semierect hairs. Allotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Inakanda logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 10. VIII. 1972, in feshly fallen log, ALPONS. The allotype has but one wing cover, therefore proportions to a certain part is difficult to describe.

Platypus perditus n. sp. Female. — Dark reddish brown, shining, 4.4 mm long, 3.5 times as long as wide. Similar to the female to Platypus vetulus SCHEDL from Sumatra, but more slender, the pronotum very sparsely and finely punctured on the basal half, the elytra more finely and irregularly granulate near the base, and the apical margin more narrowly rounded. Front rectangular, shining, concave above, less so on anterior third, angulate towards the vertex, anterior margin and along the sides up to the vertex with fine punctures bearing rather long incurved hairs, a series of setose punctures also across the vertex. Pronotum about as long as wide, femoral emargination shallow angulate behind, disc shining, minutely chagreened, with some extremely fine punctures, median sulcus very long, extending anteriorly a little beyond centre, anterior patch of closely placed punctures about as wide as long. Elytra a little wider and twice as long as the pronotum, base finely carinate, sides parallel on more than the basal half, incurved on the distal third, apex somewhat narrowly rounded, declivity commencing a little behind the basal half, obliquely convex ; disc fairly shining, strongly striate-punctate, striae narrow, striai punctures indistinct, interstices moderate in width, the third ones a little wider, convex, indistinctly finely punctured, the third ones ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 392 K. E. SCHEDL

granulate near base ; on the declivity the interstices more distinctly punctured, the punctures bearing short semierect setae, at the beginning of the lower half of the convexity with a slightly elevated transverse ridge. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 7. Aug. 1973, ex sticky trap, R. F. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus ponamae n. sp. Female. — Reddish brown, elytra darker, shining, 4.0 mm long, 3.9 times as long as wide. Provisionally this new species is being placed into the Platypi semidepressi ; it is well marked by a patch of rather large punctures surround- ing the median sulcus of the pronotum, the broadly rounded apical margin of the elytral declivity combined with a shallow and not very wide emargination between short triangular postero-lateral angles. Front shining, flat, with a shallow longitudinal depression extending from the vertex to the epistomal margin, densely and rather finely punctured, the punctures bearing short nearly inclined hairs, vertex with a transverse row of rather small punctures giving rise to long erect setae. Pronotum polished, shining, little longer than wide, femoral emargi- nations well developed, disc with extremely fine punctuation, median sulcus moderate in length, surrounded by a patch of very densely placed but compara- tively large punctures. Elytra but slightly wider and twice as long as the pronotum, base finely carinate, sides parallel on the basal half of the elytra, thence gradually rather strongly incurved, apex with a shallow not very wide emargination limited on the sides by a small triangular tooth, declivity short, restricted to the distal third, evenly convex; disc shining, with partly obscured rows of extremely fine punctures, interstices wide, largely impunctate, base of the third widened and with transvrese rugae ; declivity convex above, with a shallow transverse impression below, on the upper part the interstices densely somewhat rugosely punctured and with numerous short semierect hairs, the lower part less shining, minutely punctulate, with well developed suturai angles. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 9. VI. 1972, F. R. WYLIE.

Platypus porcellinus n. sp. Male. — Dark brown, 5.0 mm long, 3.3 times as long as wide. A new species of the Platypi sulcati with the interstices two and three terminating into small teeth at the beginning of the elytral declivity, that of the third being decidedly longer, and with large teeth on the interstices three and nine on the lower part of the declivity. Front subshining, broadly concave, cavity minutely punctulate, coarsely ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 393 but shallowly punctured, the punctures bearing rather short erect setae in the upper half, vertex separated from the front by an acute angle. Pronotum little longer than wide, femoral emarginations shallow, disc shining, with scattered fine punctures, larger and setose punctures along the anterior margin, a group of coarse ones in the middle, median sulcus very long, anteriorly extending beyond the centre, patch of closely placed punctures small, about as wide as long, on anterior third of pronotum. Elytra a little wider and about twice as long as the pronotum, base finely carinate, sides parallel on little more than basal half, apex rather broadly rounded, declivity restricted to the two distal fifths of the entire length of the elytra, obliquely convex; disc sulcate-carinate, rather shining, sulci minutely punctulate, interstices convex, each with a few fine punctures, the third little widened near the base and the punctures more densely placed ; declivity with the interstices 1, 4 to 7 convex, the second abruptly ceasing, the third extended to a large triangular inwards curved tooth on the lower part of the declivity, the ninth interstice forming a triangular tooth projecting over the apical margin of the elytra on the sides but being not as long as that of the third interstice, oblique declivital face subopaque, finely and very densely punctured. Holotypein Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 17. XI. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus praealtus n. sp. Male. — Ferrugineous, 3.4 mm long, not quite fourtimes as long as wide. Somewhat allied to Platypus fulmeki SCHEDL, but more slender, the pronotum with a very small patch of punctures surrounding the median sulcus, and the triangular lobes on the apex of the elytra less prominent. Front flat above with a very shallow but wide impression below, sub- shining, minutely punctulate, indistinctly punctured, convex towards the vertex, the latter with a transverse row of setose punctures. Pronotum longer than wide (24: 22), femoral emarginations short, but rather deep, angulate at both extremities, disc brightly shining, with some minute and remotely placed punctures, along the moderately long median sulcus with an elongate group of little larger and deeper punctures. Elytra as wide and twice as long as the pronotum, base finely carinate, sides parallel on the basal two thirds, thence slightly narrowed, apex produced into two large, triangular lobes, at the suture a minute u-shaped emargination, declivity restricted to the distal third of the elytra and obliquely convex; disc shining, with rather regular rows of very fine remotely placed punctures, interstices wide and flat, each with a few minute punctures; declivity rather coarsely sculptured, the interstices indicated by a median row of punctures bearing semierect setae, apical margin, when viewed from behind, broadly arcuate between the triangular lobes. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 394 K. E. SCHEDL

Female of similar size and proportions, the front with a short longitudinal carina« in the centre, median sulcus of the pronotum without accompanying larger punctures, the elytra more cylindrical, apex broadly rounded, declivity convex above, perpendicular below, on the very short upper part rather coarse- ly striate-punctate, the interstices with numerous small punctures with short semierect hairs, on the lower part opaque, minutely punctulate; apex when seen from behind trapezoid in outline. Holotype and allotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 30. VIII. and 22. IX. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus scalptor n. sp. Female. — Piceous the entire silky shining, 3.2 mm long, appar- ently 3.3 times as long as wide. Proportions somewhat uncertain on account of the widely spread wing covers. Allied to Platypus arduus SCHEDDL, but much smaller, the antennal scape small, the front convex, the elytra but shallowly striate-punctate. Front flat, minutely punctulate, moderate coarsely punctured, the punctures bearing short erect setae. Pronotum slightly longer than wide, femoral emarginations rather shallow, disc minutely punctulate, median sulcus of moderate length, extreme finely punctured. Elytra apparently slightly wider and twice as long as the pronotum, base finely carinate, sides parallel in the basal half, incurved behind, apex apparently more narrowly rounded, declivity a little shorter than the distal half of the elytra, evenly convex; disc striate-punctate, the striae distinct, narrowly impressed, striai punctures very small, partly indistinct, interstices wide, but very slightly convex, with some fine punctures difficult to recognize, on the declivity very finely granulate-punctate, each one with a series of very short semierect hairs. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL, one paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 29. XII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus singularis n. sp. Male. — Ferrugineous, elytra largely testaceous, 2.3 mm long, 4.1 times as long as wide. This new species may be placed near Platypus validus SCHEDL from which it can be distinguished by the smaller size, the shorter and steeper elytral declivity, and the more transverse apical margin of the elytra. Front flat, opaque, with a rather long and fine median sulcus in the centre, convex towards the vertex, on the latter with quite a few irregularly placed setose punctures. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 395

Pronotum longer than wide (35 : 28), the femoral emargination short deep, angulate on both ends, disc brightly shining, indistinctly punctured, the median sulcus moderate in length, surrounded by a small cordiform patch of densely placed distinct punctures. Elytra as wide and 1.8 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on the basal four fifths, apex broadly rounded, postero-lateral angles marked by small pointed teeth, followed by a larger pointed spine, declivity short, approximately restricted to the distal fourth of the elytra (which are spread in the type), very steeply convex; disc polished, with rows of extremely small punctures being partly difficult to recognize, the first row situated in impressed fine line; at the beginning of the declivity finely striate-punctate, declivital face finely and densely granulate and with a rather dense brush of erect setae. Abdomen with the penultimo sternite on each side with a blunt protuberance. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. ' Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 9. II. 1973, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus solidtatulus n. sp. Male. — Piceous, subshining, 2.7 mm long, 3.2 times as long as wide. Somewhat similar to Platypus gerstaeckeri CHAP., but much smaller, less shining, elytral disc with faint striae near its apex only, the trapezoid extension of the declivity much longer, and the lateral teeth shorter. Front concave from eye to eye, silky shining, minutely punctulate, also with a few rather indistinct punctures, towards the vertex with few short erect hairs. Pronotum little longer than wide, femoral emarginations deep, angulate behind, disc minutely punctulate, the texture more shining behind, with sparse very fine punctures all over, a series setose ones along the anterior margin, median sulcus moderately long and very fine. Elytra slightly wider and twice as long as the pronotum, base finely cannate, sides parallel on the basal two thirds, thence with a small pointed tooth marking the postero-lateral angles, apex formed by a long trapezoid extension, transverse near the suture, the lateral angles armed with fine pointed teeth, declivity restricted to the distal third of the elytra, obliquely convex ; disc minutely chagreened, with rows of extremely fine loosely placed punc- tures somewhat more distinct and situated in faint striae towards the decli- vity, the latter nearly opaque, with a fine pointed tubercle on the second and third interstices short after the commencement of the declivital face, a series of short semierect hairs on the supposed alternate interstices and along the side margins. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 5. I. 1973, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 396 K. E. SCHEDL

Platypus striatodeclivis n. sp. Male. — Testaceous, head and elytral declivity dark brown, 3.5 mm long, 3.2 times as long as wide. Among the Platypi antennati easily recognized by the rather strongly striate-punctate elytral declivity. Front quadrate, flat, opaque, minutely punctulate, with a short longi- tudinal impressed strigae on anterior half, a series of setose transverse punc- tures at the beginning of the vertex. Pronotum as long as wide, femoral emarginations moderately deep, angulate behind, disc shining, with some extremely fine punctuation, median sulcus short and fine. Elytra but little wider and 1.9 times as long as the pronotum, the sides parallel on basal three fifths, thence obliquely incurved, apex rather narrowty rounded, declivity commencing somewhat behind the basal half, very obli- quely convex; disc brightly shining, striate-punctate, the striae narrow and very slightly impressed, the striai punctures indistinct, interstices wide, with scattered very fine punctures; on the declivity the striae more distinctly impressed, the interstices roughly sculptured, also with a regular median row of fine granules bearing moderately long semierect setae. Female little larger and more elongate as the male, the front flat, sub- shining, minutely punctulate, above the anterior third with a circular rather deep impression, the antennal scape very large, triangular and with a series of longer hairs on its external margin. Pronotum more slender, the femoral emarginations less deep, the median sulcus surrounded by a stout cordiform patch of densely placed punctures. Elytra of the same type as in Platypus apicatus. Holotype and allotype in Collection SCHEDL, one female paratype in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 29. IX. and 23. XII. 1972, 19. I. 1973, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus subpronus SCHEDL, fern. nov. Female. — Of the same color, size and proportion as in the male. Front wide and flat, divided by a longitudinal shallow groove above, fading away on anterior third, surface finely and very densely punctured, on the sides separated from the eyes by a deep groove extending down to the incertion of the antennae and showing a fringe of longer hairs at its outer margin. Pronotum with a rather small elongate patch of fine densely placed punctures surrounding the median sulcus. Elytra more cylindrical, less narrowed behind, apex subtransverse, slightly arcuate, postero-lateral angles indicated but rounded, declivity short, ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 397 steeply convex, the striae more distinct than on the disc, the interstices finely rugose and with short erect setae. Allotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Papua, Watut Valley, 1200 m, Morobe District, 1. III. 1968, ex fallen log Aglaia sp., BEREINA & S. AUNO. The characters of the front are quite different from the greater part of the Platypi semidepressi but somewhat similar to that of Platypus imitatrix SCHEDL.

Platypus suldnodis n. sp. Male. — Fuscous, pronotum testaceous, 3.3 mm long, 3.4 times as long as wide. A new species of the Platypi opacicarinati more closely allied to Platypus semisulcatus SCHEDL, but smaller, the truncate face of the elytral declivity with the conical teeth half way down on the third interstices more prominent, projecting over the apical margin when viewed from above and the latter uniformely arcuate. Front flat, subopaque, minutely punctulate, finely punctured, with some very short erect setae; convex towards the vertex, with a few larger punctures bearing medium long hairs on a transverse line, in the centre with a hemispherical elevation as in the female of Platypus anomalus n. sp. Pronotum slightly longer than wide (25:23), femoral emarginations rather deep, posterior extremities drawn out into a long pointed spine, disc shining, minutely punctulate on a long oval area in the middle before the rather short and fine median sulcus, finely and sparsely punctured on the sides, some larger punctures near the base. Elytra but little wider and twice as long as the pronotum, cylindrical, sides nearly straight and parallel on the basal three fourths of the elytra, apex abruptly broadly rounded, declivity restricted to the distal fourth, obliquely truncate; disc silky shining minutely punctulate on the distal half, more shining towards the base, with indistinct rows of fine punctures, the third interstices polished and very wide on the basal half, strongly narrowed behind, the other interstices rather obscure except near the declivity, each of them being indicated by a row of small shining granules; declivital face opaque, flat, densely covered by small tubercles. Holotype in Collection SCHEDL. Type-Locality: Mt. Kaindi, 2250 m, a. d. 1., Morobe District, 6. VIII. 1972, in log of Dysoxylum sp., F. R. WYLIE. A second specimen from Papua, Watut Valley, Pangande L. A., Morobe District, 7. VIII. 1972, in log Castanopsis accuminatissima, P. SHANAHAN & H. I VAGAI, is distinctly smaller, 3.0 mm long, the pronotum is brightly shining all over, the punctuation little coarse and less closely placed. ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 398 K. E. SCHEDL

Platypus truncatigranosus SCHEDL, fern. nov. Female. — Piceous, brightly shining, 4.4—4.5 mm long, 4.3 times as long as wide. A female with special characters on the vertex of the head. Front flat, subopaque, minutely punctulate, moderate coarsely but shallowly punctured, the punctures giving rise to short semierect setae, on the vertex with a peculiar, shining, hemispherical bulb in the centre giving rise to a fringle of short inclined setae on its anterior margin. Pronotum as wide as long, femoral emarginations shallow and angulate behind when seen from above, disc fairly shining, with very delicate minute punctuation, median sulcus moderately long, surrounded by a stout cordiform patch of fine closely placed punctures. Elytra as wide and 1.8 times as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on the basal two thirds, somewhat incurved behind, apex transverse when viewed from above, postero-lateral angles fairly distinct; disc sulcate-striate, the sulci moderately deep, without distinct punctuation, interstices convex, polished and subimpunctate, base of interstices one to five triangularly elevated and finely granulate; declivity short, obliquely convex above, perpendicular below, the upper part granulate-punctate, with some short semierect setae, the latter erect and more numerous on the perpendicular part. Allotype and one parallelotype in Collection SCHEDL, two parallelo- types in the Collection of the Department of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 1., 8. and 23. XII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN.

Platypus uter SCHEDL, fern. nov. Female. — Reddish brown, 6.8 mm long, 3.4 times as long as wide. Brightly shining, front with a sharp and short median carina on anterior half. Front flat, subopaque, on little more than upper half, minutely punctu- late, with numerous medium sized punctures bearing semierect short setae towards the vertex, anterior part brightly shining, irregularly covered by larger punctures, a few punctures bearing long erect hairs on the vertex. Pronotum polished, distinctly longer than wide, femoral emarginations rather weakly developed when viewed from above, with scattered fine punctu- res, median sulcus rather long, surrounded by a large patch of closely placed punctures. Elytra but little wider and twice as long as the pronotum, base finely carinate, sides parallel on basal half, thence very slightly narrowed, apex subtransverse, postero-lateral angles well developed, declivity restricted to the distal third of the elytra, obliquely convex above, perpendicular below; disc strongly striate-punctate, striae moderately impressed, striai punctures rather fine and not very closely placed, partly submerged, interstices convex, each with few scattered very fine punctures, base of the third strongly and triangularly widened and transversely rugose, the fifth similar but smaller in ©Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV. 399 outline ; on the declivity the interstices densely rugose, each one with a median row of short semierect setae, perpendicular face cordiform, transversely impressed, subopaque, minutely punctulate, with numerous short erect hairs and separated from the upper obliquely convex part of the declivity by an obliquely transverse ridge being interruped near the suture. Allotype in Collection SCHEDL, paratype in the Collection of the Depart- ment of Forests in Bulolo. Type-Locality: Upper Manki logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 15. XII. 1972, ex sticky trap, F. R. WYLIE & P. SHANAHAN. — Inakanda logging area, Bulolo, Morobe District, 10. VIII. 1972, in freshly fallen log, ALPONS.

Diapus bilunatus n. sp. Female. — Testaceous, head, anterior part of the pronotum, base and apex of the elytra nearly piceous, 4.3 mm long (including mandibular appen- dages), 4.8 times as long as wide. The female of a new species with extremely long mandibular appendages as shown in my monograph on the Family Platypodidae fig. 4 on p. 12, fig. 9 on p. 18. Front very slightly convex, brightly shining, with somewhat remotely placed small punctures bearing very short erect hairs towards the vertex. Antennal scape slender, mandibular appendages very long, very slender and pointed at the tip forming an elongate rectangle when viewed from -above, very elongate oval when seen from the sides. Pronotum distinctly longer than wide (23 : 20), widest behind the very deep femoral emarginations, disc shining, with few very fine punctures on anterior half and on the sides, median sulcus very long and fine, on the basal extremety with bilunate sensatory pittings as this is shown in my monograph of the Platypodidae. Elytra slightly wider and twice as long as the pronotum, sides parallel on basal half, thence feebly narrowed, apex very broadly rounded, thus showing rather distinct postero-lateral angles, declivity very short, restricted to the distal fourth of the elytra; disc silky shining, minutely chagreened, punctuation very fine, partly indistinct, an arrangement in rows indicated, the upper convex part of the declivity with some larger punctures some of them bearing extremely short hairs, lower part perpendicular and very small. Holotypein Collection of Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Type-Locality: New Guinea NE, Mt. Missim, 2400—2800 m, 22.— 30. VI. 1968, J. L. GRESSITT, R. C. A. RICE, J. SEDLACEK.