Lessons from Research for Doctors in Training

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Lessons from Research for Doctors in Training Endorsed by Lessons from research for doctors in training by Dr Nelly Ninis, St Mary’s Hospital, London; Dr Simon Nadel, St Mary’s Hospital, London; Linda Glennie, Meningitis Research Foundation Recognition and early management of meningococcal disease in children and young people Edition 4 This handbook uses individual case histories as a basis for group discussions and learning. The clinical management points are based on “Management of Meningococcal Disease in Children and Young People” (see inside back cover) incorporating the NICE Guideline Meningitis (bacterial) and meningococcal septicaemia in under 16s: recognition, diagnosis and management CG102. Contents SECTION 1 Introduction 2-3 SECTION 2 Clinical case histories: discussion and learning points 4-41 SECTION 3 Background to the Disease 42 n Disease burden 42 n Characteristics of meningococcal disease 43 n Disease pathway 43 n Clinical features of severe disease 43 SECTION 4 Making the Diagnosis 44 A. Taking a history 44 n Symptoms of sepsis 44 n Symptoms of meningitis 45 B. Examining the patient 46 n Initial assessment of any febrile child 46 n Normal values of vital signs 48 n Clinical signs of septic shock 49 n Clinical signs of meningitis 49 n Clinical signs of raised intracranial pressure 50 n The rash 51 C. Investigation 56 n Initial laboratory assessment 56 n Lumbar puncture 57 D. Pitfalls in diagnosis 58 SECTION 5 Pathophysiology and Principles of Management 63 n Clinical pathophysiology of sepsis 64 l Increased vascular permeability l Myocardial dysfunction l Disseminated intravascular coagulation n Specific organ dysfunction in shock 66 n Clinical pathophysiology of meningitis 67 n Management of sepsis and meningitis 67 n Principles of management of sepsis with shock 68 n Principles of management of meningitis with raised 69 intracranial pressure n Public health 70 SECTION 6 Update on development of symptoms 71 n Clinical features of disease 71 n Summary of important points 75 SECTION 7 References 76 Abbreviations 79 Algorithms 81 1 Section 1 Introduction The Lessons from research for doctors in training handbook and associated The symptoms displayed by the children in the study prior to their admission algorithms have continuously been revised to incorporate updates to guidelines and to hospital have also been analysed and published¹0. These data shed light on practice, in particular the NICE Guideline ‘Meningitis (bacterial) and meningococcal the symptoms of meningococcal sepsis, which are presented in this booklet in septicaemia in under 16s: recognition, diagnosis and management’ CG102¹, which the section Development of Symptoms and should make doctors aware of the was last updated in February 2015. importance of early signs of sepsis and help them to make an earlier diagnosis. This fourth edition continues to focus on the early recognition and management The importance of this research lies not only in its relevance to the correct of meningococcal disease in children and young people up to 16 years of age. The management of MD, but also in that the complications of MD, shock and raised algorithms ‘Management of Bacterial Meningitis in Children and Young People’ intracranial pressure, are also seen in other life-threatening conditions, so it is (edition 2A) and ‘Management of Meningococcal Disease in Children and Young extremely important for doctors in training to be aware of the early signs as prompt People’ (edition 8A) agree in every particular with the NICE guidelines, and provide action saves lives. more ‘How to’ detail for busy doctors, including drugs and dosages for intubation, administration of inotropes, and managing raised intracranial pressure. Both of these The aims of this handbook are: algorithms can be found at the end of this handbook in Section 7. n To use clinical examples to teach about the signs of sepsis and meningitis Sepsis will be replacing the term septicaemia in our health professional resources in n To clarify the important differences between meningococcal meningitis order to align with recommendations from national health bodies. and sepsis Meningococcal disease (MD) remains an important cause of mortality in children n To outline the basic management of meningococcal sepsis and meningitis in the UK, and meningitis and septicaemia continue to be perceived by parents in in line with the algorithms England as the most serious vaccine-preventable diseases²,³. Despite a decrease in the number of cases of MD due to vaccination, early detection and management n To describe the clinical pathophysiology of meningococcal disease. are still crucial in reducing case-fatality; improvements in initial management of patients with MD led to a 21% reduction in case-fatality rate from 1992 to 19974. The Clinical Case Histories section of this handbook presents cases of MD from the study, which illustrate how the early signs of MD can be missed, and critical points Additionally, two UK studies found that aggressive treatment of severe cases of MD in managing a case where lack of information (i.e. not measuring or monitoring vital can lead to an improvement in outcome4,5. signs), or not acting appropriately on the information available can adversely affect Research by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) and the the outcome of the case. Each case illustrates a different learning point, and examples meningococcal group at St Mary’s Hospital in London evaluated health care delivery are taken from a range of settings to accurately reflect where children presenting with for almost 500 children with MD. This study was funded by Meningitis Research this disease were looked after. Not all children were managed by paediatricians. Some Foundation (MRF), and has been the basis for the development of this handbook. details have been changed in order to preserve the anonymity of children and doctors The study, titled ‘The role of healthcare delivery in the outcome of MD in children: without obscuring the clinical teaching points these cases bring to light. case-control study of fatal and non-fatal cases’, was published in the British Medical Journal in June 20056. Multivariate analysis revealed three specific management On the first page of each case study, the history is recounted in the left-hand column, failures were independently associated with an increased risk of death. These accompanied by questions in the middle column to guide your learning and reflection. were 1) children being managed by unsupervised junior doctors, 2) children being The third column gives references to relevant sections in the handbook to test your managed by non-paediatric trained staff, and 3) a failure to use enough inotropes in knowledge and understanding. On the reverse of each case history is the outcome septic patients (this is a marker of aggressive management). for the patient and a series of discussion and learning points. We hope that these will guide individual learners and group discussions in a clinical context. The reader is also During this study it was also seen that a few clinical errors repeatedly led to delayed encouraged to consult the many review articles on the subject for a more in-depth or inadequate treatment of cases with MD. Complications of MD such as shock understanding of pathophysiology and management of MD. or raised intracranial pressure were often not recognised when they were present. There was also frequently a failure to appreciate how ill children were. Management Much of the material covered in this handbook has also been developed into the of cases was often not aggressive enough given the severity of the illness and did interactive e-learning tool, Bacterial Meningitis and Meningococcal Septicaemia in not follow the original algorithm ‘Early Management of Meningococcal Disease’ Children, accessible from the RCPCH website www.rcpch.ac.uk/e-learning. which was first published in Archives of Disease in Childhood in 19997, with subsequent editions in that journal in 20038 and 20079. 2 3 Section 2 Clinical case histories Case 1 Case history Questions Look it up Child of 5 years attends Emergency Department with sudden onset fever and painful right hand. ED triage assessment: What do you think of this assessment? See page 48 – ‘The following 1)? Injury soft tissue 2) unwell, pyrexia. clinical signs must be measured Sudden onset pain in right hand. No history of trauma, she is reluctant to have it Is there anything else you would want to and recorded to complete a full touched. She is also generally unwell. Spots erupting on arm and back. Last had Calpol know? assessment’ 2.5 hours ago. See pages 44-45 – Symptoms of Observation taken: temp 39.9 Were there abnormal symptoms or signs? Sepsis 2 hours later - ED doctor’s assessment: Was this a timely assessment? Presenting complaint: right hand swollen and painful, hand painful for 4 hours, no See pages 44-46 – Taking a history of trauma. Was in contact with chickenpox 5 days ago. What do you think of the history taking? History On examination: temp 40.1 (55 minutes after Calpol and Brufen). Small blanching What do you think of this examination? See pages 46-56 – Examining the spots on body. ENT / ABDO clear. No photophobia. Patient Diagnosis: probable early chickenpox. Child sent home with antipyretics. What is your differential diagnosis? See page 60 – Making a provisional diagnosis 4 5 Section 2 Clinical case histories Case 1 Outcome The child died 12 hours later of meningococcal sepsis Discussion Learning points ED triage assessment: n Measure and record vital signs. A full set of vital signs should have been measured and recorded at triage. The child n All febrile children must be fully assessed however well they look. may have had signs of circulatory compromise: tachycardia, tachypnoea, poor capillary refill, inadequate oxygen saturations. No description of the spots was made, which is inadequate. At triage, some symptoms were already abnormal, namely high fever, general unwellness, severe limb pain and new rash.
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