Received by. 03/29/261 $.10:61:45 A'fl

OMB No. J124-0002; Expires May 31.2020 U.S. Department of Justice Supplemental Statement Washington, DC 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended

For Six Month Period Ending FebruaryjS, 2019 {Insert dale)


1. (a) Name of Registrant (b) Registration No.

APCO Worldwide LLC ‘ 6582

(c) Business Address(es) of Registrant

1299 Pennsylvania Ave NW Suite300 Washington, D.C. 20004

2. Has there been a change in the information previously furnished in connection with the following? (a) If an individual : tf/A (1) Residence addresses) Yes Q No □ (2) Citizenship Yes □ No □ (3) Occupation Yes □ No □ • (b) If an organization: (1) Name Yes Q No 0 (2) Ownership or control Yes Q No 0 (3) Branch offices Yes 0 No □ (c) Explain fully all changes, if any, indicated in Items (a) and (b) above.

See Attachment 2

IF THE REGISTRANT IS AN INDIVIDUAL, OMIT RESPONSE TO ITEMS 3;, 4, AND 5(a). 3. If you have previously filed Exhibit C*l, state whether any changes therein have occurred during this 6 month reporting period. Yes □ No 0 Ifyes, have you filed an amendment to the Exhibit G?/[^/j Yes □ No □

If no, please attach the required amendment. j\0\

I the Exhibit tor which no printed form is provided, consists of a true copyofthechnrter, articles 01 incorporation, association,-anil by laws at a registrant that is an - organization. (A waiver of the requirement to file an Exhibit C may be obtained for good cause upon written application to the Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20530.) FORM NSD-2 Revised 05/17 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Keceived by NSD/FARA Registration Unit AM

{PAGE 2)

4. (a)'Havc'any persons ceased acting as partners, officers,'directors or similar officials of the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 0 No □ If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position Date Connection Ended Denise Teeling Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer On leave of absence since 11/13/2018

(b) Have any person’s become partners, officers, directors or similar officials during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 0 No Q If yes, furnish the following information: Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed Debra Delman Washington, DC Treasurer and 12/3/2018 Chief Financial Officer

5. (a) Has any person named iiiltem 4(b) rendered services directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal? Yes □ No 0 If yes, identify each such person and describe the service rendered. ' N/A

(b) During this six month reporting period, has the registrant hired as.employees or in any other capacity, any persons who rendered or wilt render services to the registrant directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal(s) in other than a clerical or secretarial, or in a related dr similar capacity? Yes 0 No □ Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed Daniel Smith 1713 New Jersey Avenue NW UnitedStates Employee 3/4/2019 Apt. r Washington, D.C. 20001

(c) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their employment or connection with the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes El No Q Ifyes. famish the following information: Name Position or Connection Date Terminated See Attachment 5C

(d) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with any foreign principal during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 0 No D If yes, furnish the following information: • Name Position or Connection Foreign Principal Date Terminated See Attachment 5D •

6. Have.short form registration statements been filed by all of the persons named in Items 5(a) and 5(b) of the supplemental statement? Yes 0 ■ No □ If no, list names of persons who have not filed the required statement. N/A

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(PAGE 3)


7. Has your connection with any foreign principal ended during this 6 month reporting period? Yes O No 13 Ifyes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date of Termination N/A

8. Have you acquired any new foreign principal(s)2 during this 6 month reporting period? Yes IE) No □ If yes, furnish th following information:

Name and Address of Foreign PrincipaJ(s) Date Acquired See Attachment 8

9'.'ln addition to those named in Items 7 and 8, if any, list foreign principal(s)2 whom you continued to represent during the 6 month reporting period. N/A

J O. (a) Have you filed exhibits for the newly acquired foreign principal(s), if any, listed in Item 8? Exhibit A3 Yes E No □ Exhibit B4 Yes 0 No.Q If no, please attach the required exhibit.

(b) Have there been any changes in the Exhibits A and B previously filed for any foreign principal whom you represented during this six month period? Yes Q No'(3 Ifyes, have you filed an amendment to these exhibits? hl/A Yes □ No □

If no, please attach the required amendment.

2 The term “foreign principal" include!, in addition to those defined in Section 1(b) of the Act, an individual organization any'of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in major part by a foreign government, foreign political party, foreign organization or foreign individual. (See Rule 100(a) (9)). A registrant who represents more than one foreign principal is required to list in the statements he files under the Act only those principals for whom he is not entitled to claim exemption under Section 3 of the Act. (See Rule 208.) 3 The Exhibit A, which is filed on form NSD-3, sets forth the information required to be disclosed concerning each foreign principal. 4 The Exhibit B, which is filed on Form NSD-4, sets forth the information concerning the agreement or understanding between the registrant and the. foreign principal. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM kecoiveci by N.M)/h AKA Registration Unit 0.5 29 2019 10:31:45 AV'f

* ;


11. During this 6 month reporting period, have you engaged in any activities for or rendered any services to any foreign principal named in [terns 7, 8, or 9 ofthis statement? Ves 0 No □

If yes, identify each foreign principal and describe in full detail your activities and services: See Attachment 11

12. During this 6 month reporting period, have you on behalf of any foreign principal engaged in political activity5 *as * defined below? Yes 0 No Q

If yes, identify each such foreign principal and describe in full detail all such political activity, indicating, among other things, the relations, interests and policies sought to be influenced and the means employed to achieve this purpose. If the registrant arranged, sponsored or delivered speeches, lectures or radio and TV broadcasts, give details as to dates, places of delivery, names of speakers and subject matter.' See Attachment 12

13. .In addition to the above described activities, if any. have you engaged in activity on your own behalf which benefits your foreign principaJ(s)? Yes □ No 2D

[fyes, describe fully. N/A

5 "Political activity," as defined in'Section KoVofthe Act. means any activity that che'person engaging in believes will, of that the person intends to, in any way intluenceany agency or official of the Government of the United States’ or any section of the public within the United States with reference to formulating, adopting or changing Ihe domestic or foreign policies of the United States or with reference to political or public interests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM (PAGE 5)

IV - FINANCIAL INFORMATION 14^(a) RECEIPTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you received from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal, any contributions, income or money either as compensation or otherwise? Yes 0 No □

if no, explain why, N/A

If yes, set forth below in the required detail arid separately for each foreign principal airaccount of such monies.6 Date From Whom Purpose Amount See Attachment 14A

' Total

(b) RECEIPTS - FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN During this 6 month reporting period, have you received, as part of a fundraising campaign7, any money on behalf of any foreign principal named'in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes □ No 0 If yes, have youfile'd an Exhibit D8 to your registration? Yes □ No □

If yes, indicate the date the Exhibit D was filed. Date

(c) RECEIPTS-THINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you received any .thing of value9 other than money from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal? Yes □ ’ No IS

If yes,-furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date Received Thing of Value Purpose N/A

6,7 A registrant is requited to file an Exhibit D if he collecls or receives contributions, loans, moneys, or other things of value fora foreign principal; as part of a fundraising campaign. (See Rule 201(e)). S An Exhibit D, for which no printed form is provided, sets forth an account of money collected or received as n result of a fundraising campaign and transmitted for a foreign principal. 9 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Keceived by.NSi; KARA Registration tlmt 03/-2^20i^ 16:31:45 AM"'

(PAGE 6)

15. (a) DISBURSEMENTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you (|) disbursed or expended monies in connection with activity on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes 0 No □ (2) transmitted monies to any such foreign principal? Yes □ No 0

If no, explain in full detail why there were no disbursements made on behalf of any foreign principal. N/A

If yes, set forth below in the required detail arid separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies, including monies transmitted, if any, to each foreign principal.

Date To Whom Purpose Amount See Attachment 15A


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM eceive yN A Registration nit

(PAGE 7} (b). DISBURSEMENTS-THINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you disposed of anything of value10 *other than money in furtherance of or in connection with activities on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes □ - No IE) if yes, furnish the following information:

Date Recipient Foreign Principal Thing of Value Purpose N/A

(c) DISBURSEMENTS-POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS During this 6 month reporting period, have you from your own funds and oh your own behalf either directly or through any other person, made any contributions of money or other things of value1' in connection with an election to any political office, or in connection witlvany primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for political office? Yes □ No 0*

If yes, furnish the following information: Date Amount or Thing of Value Political Organization o'r Candidate Location of Event •■See Attachment 15C

10, 11 Things of value include but aie not limited to gifts, interest free* loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by Nou/l-AKA. Registration Unit 03/2*1/2(114 10:31:45 Aivf


\6. (a) During this 6 month reporting period, did you prepare, disseminate or cause to be disseminated any informational materials?’2 Yes IE) No 0 IfYes.gotoltem 17. (b) Jf you answered No to Item 16(a), ho you disseminate any material in connection with your registration? Yes □ " No □ (\jff\ If Yes, please forward the materiaJs disseminated during the six month period to the Registration Unit for review. 17. Identify each such foreign principal. Goethe-lnstitut e.V.

18. During this'6 month reporting period, has any foreign principal established a^udget or allocated a specified sum of money to' finance your activities in preparing or disseminating informational materials? Yes 0 No 0 If yes, identify each such foreign principal, specify amount, and indicate for what period of time. N/A

19. During this.6 month reporting period, did your activities in preparing, disseminating or causing the dissemination of informational materials include the use of any of the following; □ Radio or TV broadcasts □ Magazine or □ Motion picture films □ Letters or telegrams IE) Advertising campaigns 0 Press releases □ Pamphlets or other publications □ Lectures or speeches 0 Other (specify)______• Electronic Communications □ Email fx) Website URJL(s): httpsV/wunderbartogether.prg______=______:______. 0 Social media websites URL(s): See Attachment 19______- □ Other (specify) .:______

20. During this 6 month reporting period, did you disseminate or cause to be disseminated informational materials among any of the following groups: 0 Public officials 0 0 Libraries 0 Legislators 0 Editors 0 Educational institutions □ Government agencies 0 Civic groups or associations □ Nationality groups

□ Other (specify) ______

21. What language was used in the informational materials: 0 English □ Other (specify)’______'

22. Did you file with the Registration Unit, U.^Department of Justice a"c6py of each item of sTichinformational materials disseminated or caused to be disseminated during this 6 month reporting period? . Yes® No ^

23. Did you label each item of such informational materials with the statement required by Section 4(b) of the Act? Yes 0 No 0 12

12 The term informational materials includes any oral, visual, graphic, written, or pictorial information or mutter of any kind, including that published by means of advertising, books, periodicals, newspapers, lectures, broadcasts, motion pictures, or any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise. Informational materials disseminated by an agent of a foreign principal os part oran activity in itself exempt from registration, or an activity which by itself would not require registration, need nor be filed pursuant io'Sec!io»4(b) of.tbe Act.

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(PAGE 9)

VI - EXECUTION In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746, the undersigned swear(s) or affirm(s) under penalty of perjury that he/she has (they have) read the information set forth in this registration statement and the attached exhibits and that he/she is (they are) familiar with the contents thereof and that such contents are in their entirety true and accurate to the best of his/her (their) knowledge and belief, except that the undersigned make(s) no representation as to truth or accuracy of the information contained in the attached Short Form Registration Statements), if any, insofar as such information is hot within his/her (their) persona! knowledge.

• (Date of signature) (Print or tv be name under each signature or provide electronic signature13)

March 29,2019 /s/ Margery Kraus eSigned

I3 This statement stall be signed by the individual agent, if the registrant is an individual, or by a majority of those partners, officers, directors or persons performing similar functions, if the registrant is an organization,-except that theorganization can, by power of attorney, authorize one or more individuals to execute this statement on its behalf.

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2. Has there been a change in the information previously furnished in connection with the following:

(a) If ah individual: N/A

(1) Residence address Yes [ ’ ] No [ ] (2) Citizenship Yes [ ] No [ ] (3) Occupation Yes [ ] No [ ]

(b) If an organization:

(1) Name Yes [ ] No [X] (2) Ownership or control Yes [ j No [ X ] (3) Branch offices Yes [ X ] No [ ]

(c) Explain fully all changes, if any, indicated in items (a) and (b) above.

Attached is a complete list of the registrant’s branch and.affiliated offices.

Attachment 2 Page l

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APCO Worldwide Office Contact Information


Legal Name: APCO Worldwide LLC (Global Headquarters) 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20004 Phone: 202.778.1000 Fax: 202.446.6002

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide LLC (Chicago) 30 South Wacker Drive Suite 1270 Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: 312.440.8686 Fax: 312.440.7373'

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide LLC (New York City) 360 Park Avenue South 11th Floor New York, NY 10010 Phone: 212.300.1800 Fax: 212.300.1819

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Limited (Ottawa) c/o Gowlihg Lafleur Henderson LLP ' Suite 2600, 160 Elgin Street Ottawa, ON KIP 1C3 Canada Phone:613-233.1781 Fax: 613.788,3424

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide LLC (Raleigh-Durham) 19 W. Hargett Street Suite 700 Raleigh, NC 27601 Phone: 919.867.2900 Fax: 919.573.6170

Received by NSD/RARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit

APCO Worldwide Office Contact Information

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide LLC (Seattle) 520 Pike Street Suite 1001 Seattle, W A 98101-1385 Phorie: 206.224.4340 Fax: 206,224.4344

Legal Name: APCO Foreign Holdings LLC (Washington, DC) 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20004 Phone:202-778.1000 Fax: 202.446.6002

Legal Name: APCO Insight LLC (Washington, DC) 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20004 Phone:202-778.1000 ' Fax: 202.446.6002

Legal Name: Ellipse Strategy Group Inc. (Washington, DC) 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20004 Phone: 202.778.1000 . . Fax: 202.446.6002

Legal Name: Trilligent LLC (Washington, .DC) 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20004 Phone: 202.778.1000 Fax: 202.446.6002

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45AM Received by Nsu/hAKA Registration Unit 03^29^619 10:31:45.AM

APCO Worldwide Office Contact Information


Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Limited (Bangkok) Prima Sathorn Building 2 Naradhiwas Rajanagadndra Road Yannawa, Sathorn Bangkok 10120 Thailand Phone: ++65 6735.3077

Legal Name: APCO (Beijing) Consulting Company Limited (Beijing) Suite 903, Tower C, Office Park No,5 Jinghua South Street Chaoyang District Beijing 100020 China Phone: +86.10.6505.5127 Fax: +86.10.6505.5257

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Limited (Representative Office) (Hanoi) Suite 205, 8 Tran Hung Dao Street Hoan Kiem District Hanoi Vietnam Phone: +84.4.393.34026

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Limited (Hong Kong) Unit 1010, Sun House 181 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan Hong Kong China Phone: +852.2866.2313 : Fax:+852.2866.1917 .

Received by NSD/FARA Registration-Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM : Received byNSD/FARARegistration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:4“ AM

APCO Worldwide Office Contact Infonnation

Legal Name: PT APCO Worldwide (Jakarta) WeWork Revenue Tower, #26-135, SCBD,Jl. Jend. Sudirman.Kav. 52-53, Sehayan, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12190 Indonesia Phone: +62 21 5064 5066

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide GK (Japan) 16F, West Tower, Shin-Aoyama Bldg. 1-1-1 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku 107-0062 Tokyo Japan Phone: +81.3.6457.9702 Fax: +81 3 6457 9703

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia) c/o B&M Consultancy Services Level 21, Suite 21.01 The Gardens Soudi Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Holdings Limited (Mauritius) Ebene Esplanade 24 Cybercity ' Ebene Mauritius Phone:+ .230 401 2300 ■ Fax: +230 401 2301

Legal Name: APCO (Beijing) Consulting Company Limited (Branch Office) (Shanghai) Unit 301-303, Platinum Tower 233 Tai Cang Road Shanghai 200021 China Phone:+86.10.6505.5127

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45'AM

APCO Worldwide Office Contact Information

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Advisory Services Pte. Limited (Singapore) 137 Market Street #16-01 Singapore 048943 Phone: +65.6922.0555 Fax: +65.6922.0556


Legal Name: APCO Worldwide FZ-LLC (Abu Dhabi) Park Rotana Office Complex 5-08, 5th Floor Khalifa Park Abu Dhabi . United Arab Emirates Phone: +971.2.491.7226

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Netherlands B.V. (Amsterdam) Prins Bemhardplein 200 1097 JB Amsterdam The Netherlands Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Netherlands Holding B.V. (Amsterdam) Prins Bemhardplein 200 1097 JB Amsterdam The Netherlands Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Co. SPC (Bahrain) Office 2952 Level 29, United Tower Building-316, Road 4609, Block 346 Manama/Sea Front Kingdom of Bahrain

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM' "Received by Registration Unit" 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM

APCO Worldwide Office Contact Information

Legal Name: APGO Worldwide GmbH (Berlin) JFK Haus, Rahel-Hirscb-StraBe 10 Berlin 10557 Germany Phone: +,2010 Fax: +

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide S.A; (Brussels) 47 Rue Montoyer, 5th Floor 1000 Brussels ■ Belgium Phone: +32.2.645.9811 Fax: +32.2.645.9812

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide FZ-LLC . (Dubai) . 104, Block B; Office Park Building Dubai Internet City PO Box 500746 Dubai, TJAE Phone: +97.140.3613595 Fax: +97.15.8989810

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide GmbH (branch) (Frankfurt) BorsenstraBe 2-4 Frankfurt am Main 60313 Germany Phone: +,81

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide (Proprietary) Limited (Johannesburg) c/o Garth Blackbeard Finpay 198 Meyer Street Wierda Park Centurion 0157 South,Africa Phone: +012.654.9227 Fax: +086.656.6321

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received fey NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31::45 AM

APCO Worldwide Office Contact Information

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Limited (London) ' 90 Long Acre London, WC2E 9RA United Kingdom Phone: +44.207.526.3600 Fax: +44.207.526.3699

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Sari (Branch Office) (Lyon) 93 rue de la Villette 69003 Lyon France Phone: +33.4,20,10,26.19

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide S.r.l. (Branch Office) (Milan) Via San Paolo, 1 20121 Milan Italy

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Inc. (Branch Office) (Moscow) 7th Floor, bid. 1, 40/2 Prechistenka Street Moscow 119034 Russia Phone:+7.495,937.5525

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide (India) Private Limited (Branch) (Mumbai) C-815, 215 Atrium Andheri-Kurla Road Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 059 India Phone: +91.22.4030.9380 Fax: +91.22.4030.9199

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM APCO Worldwide Office Contact Information

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide (India) Private Limited (New Delhi) 9, Central Block, 1st Floor, ALPS Building 56 Janpath, Connaught Place New Delhi 110001 India Phone:+91 11 4605.7766 Fax:+91 11 4152.8415

Legal Name: APGO Worldwide Sari (Paris) 12 bis, rue Kepler 75016 Paris France Phone: +,8666 Fax: +,8668

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Saudi Arabia Limited (Riyadh) Level 18 A1 Faisaliah Tower King Fahd Road, Olaya District PO Box 54995 Riyadh 11524 Saudi Arabia Phone: +966.11.484.7180

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide S.r.l. (Rome) Via Condotri 61 /A 00187 Rome Italy Phorie: +39.06.697.6661 Fax:+39.06.679.239

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Ltd. (Tel Aviv) 16th Floor Hashachar Tower 4 Ariel Sharon Street, Givatayim Tel Aviv 5320045 Israel Phone:+972.3-766.2600 Fax:.+972.3.648.0243

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 ] 0:31 ;45 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/5019 10:31:45 AM'

APCO Worldwide Office Contact Information

Legal Name: APCO Worldwide Sp. Z.o.o. (Warsaw) Ul. Prusa 2 Warsaw 00-493 Poland .

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5. Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with the registrant during this 6 month reporting period?

Yes [X] No [ ]

If yes, furnish the following information:

Name Position or Connection Date Terminated

Kevin Goldman Employee 12/31/2018 Bre'elyUngar Employee 10/4/2018 Kelly Gehringer Employee 2/1/2019


Attachment 5C Page I Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by NSD/FARA -Registration'Un i t 03/29/2019 10:31145 AM‘


5. Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with any foreign principal during this 6 month reporting period?

Yes [X] No [ ]

If yes, furnish the following information:

Name Position or Connection Foreign Principal Date Terminated

Kevin Goldman Employee Goethe-Institut e.V. 12/31/2018 Breely Ungar Employee Goethe-Institut e.V. 10/4/2018 Kelly Gehringer Employee Bahrain Economic Development Board 2/1/2019

Attachment 5D Page l Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM V 1 “ Received by NSD/FARA"Registration Unit 03/29/2019 i'U: :45 AM ■■■'“


5. Have you acquired any new foreign principal(s) during this 6 month reporting period?

Yes [X] No [ ]

If yes, furnish the following information:

Name and Address of Foreign Principal(s) Date Acquired

Goethe-Institut e.V. 8/20/2018 Dachauer Strase 122 80637, Munich Germany

Economic Development Board of the Kingdom of Bahrain 10/17/2018 P.O.Box 11299 Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain

• Attachment 8 Page l Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM . keceived by NSD/l^'AR A RegistrationjUnit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM:


11, During this 6 month reporting period, have you engaged in any activities for or rendered any services to any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, and 9 of this statement?

Yes [ X] No [ ]

If yes, identify each such foreign principal and describe in full detail your activities and services:

Goethe-Ihstitut e.V

The Registrant provided strategic communications services, media relations services, social media services, website services, advertising services, and strategic advice and counsel to the^ foreign principal within the United States to highlight cultural exchanges between the United States and Germany. See also the response to Question 12.

Economic Development Board of the Kingdom of Bahrain

The Registrant provided strategic communications services, media relations services, event support services, social media services, and strategic advice and counsel to the foreign principal in the United States to promote the country as an attractive location for business investment and expansion.. See also the response to Question 12.

ATTACHMENT 11 PAGE 1 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM ReceivecRJ^N3T5/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM


12. During this 6 month reporting period, have you on behalf of any foreign principal engaged in political activity as defined below?

Yes T X ] No [ ]

If yes, identify each such foreign principal and describe in full detail all such political activity, indicating, among other things, the relations, interests and policies sought to be influenced and the means employed to achieve this purpose. If the registrant arranged, sponsored or delivered speeches, lectures or radio and TV broadcasts, give details as to dates, places of delivery, names of speakers and subject matter.

Goethe-Institut e. V

The Registrant contacted by e-mail the media set forth in Exhibit 1 to Attachment 12 in each case to highlight cultural exchanges between the United States and Germany.

The Registrant contacted by phone the media set forth in Exhibit 1 to Attachment 12 in each case to highlight cultural exchanges between the United States and Germany.

In October of 2018, the Registrant assisted the foreign principal iri arranging journalists to attend a media briefing at the Embassy of Germany in Washington, D.C. and with an appearance on a local morning show in Salt Lake City in each case to highlight cultural exchanges between the United States and Germany.

In October of 2018, the Registrant distributed a press release within the United States about celebration of U.S. German relations and a press release within the United States about a German athletic milestone in each case to highlight cultural exchanges between the United States and Germany.

. In October of 2018, the Registrant assisted the foreign principal in arranging for an interview about a German athletic milestone on a local radio station in Arizona to highlight cultural exchanges between the United States and Germany. In December of 2018, the Registrant assisted the foreign principal in arranging an appearance on a morning show in Washington, DC in connection with its work for the foreign principal and, in February of 2019, an appearance on a local morning show in Tampa in connection with its work for the foreign principal in each case to highlight cultural exchanges between the United States.and Germany.

The Registrant created a website,, for the foreign principal’s activities within the United States to highlight cultural exchanges between the United States and Germany.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by N SD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/501 § |10:31:45 AM

The Registrant launched and managed the Twitter page, @wunderbax2gethr, the Instagram page, wunderbartogether, and the Facebook page,, for the foreign principal in each case for the foreign principal’s activities within the United States to highlight cultural exchanges between the United States and Germany.

The Registrant provided social media services to the foreign principal in the United States and distributed advertisements on Twitter and Instagram within the United States to highlight cultural exchanges between the United States and Germany.

Economic Development Board of the Kingdom of Bahrain

The Registrant contacted by e-mail Fortune on October 18,2018; Fast Company on October 18, 2018, October 19,2018, October 24, 2018, October 26,2018, and November 1, 2018; New York Times on October 18,2019, October 19, 2018, and October 24,2018; Huffrngton Post on October 18, 2018, October 19,2018, and October 24, 2018; on October 18, 2018, October 19, 2018, October 22, 2018, and October 24,2018; MSNBC on October 18,2018, October 19,2018, and October 24, 2018; Financial Times on October 18, 2018, October 19, 2018, October 22, 2018, and October 24, 2018; Foreign Policy on October 18, 2018, October 19, 2018, October 22, 2018, and October 24,2018; Al.Jazeera on October 18, 2018, October 19, 2018, and October 22, 2018; The on October 19,2018 and October 23, 2018; Banking Tech on October 18,2018 and October 22,2018; Bloomberg oh October 18, 2018, October 19,2018, October 22, 2018, and October 23, 2018; Business Insider on October 18, 2018, October 19,2018, October 23,2018, and October 25, 2018; Cheddar on October 18, 2018, October 19,2018, and October 23,2018; bn October 18, 2018 and October 25,2018; CNN Business on October 18, 2018, October 19, 2018, and October 25, 2018; Entrepreneur on October 25, 2018; Forbes on October 19,2018 and October 25,2018; The Economist on October 19, 2018 and October 22, 2018; Foreign Affairs on October 19, 2018; The Verge on October 18,2018 and October 22, 2018; Washington Post on October 19,2018 and October 22, 2018; Wall Street Journal on October 18, 2018, October 22, 2018, and October 23, 2018; FintechTV on October 18,2018; Crunchbase oh October 18, 2018 and October 23, 2018; Digital Transactions Magazine on October 18, 2018; Axios on October 19, 2018; Buzzfeed on October 20,2018; CNET on October 19, 2018; Wired on October 19, 2018; TechCrunch on October 20, 2018; Silicon Valley Business Journal on October 22, 2018; International Investment on October 24, 2018; Business Insider on October 25, 2018; ZDNet on February 21, 2019, February 22,2019, February 25, 2019, and February 28,2019; InfoWorld on February 21, 2019, February 22,2019, February 25, 2019, and February 28,2019; BizWomen on February 21, 2019, February 22,2019, February 25,2019, and February 28, 2019; Diversity Woman on . February 21,2019, February 22,2019, February 25,2019, and February 28, 2019; Professional Woman’s Magazine on February 21, 2019, February 22, 2019, February 25, 2019, and February 28, 2019; TechCrunch on February 21,2019 and February 26, 2019; Tech Insider on February 21, 2019 and February 26, 2019; PaymentSource on February 21,2019; NextGov on February 22,2019; ReCode on February 22,2019 and February.26,2019; CNN Tech on February 26, 2019; ZDNet on February 27,2019; CRN on February 27,2019; and Geek Wire on February 27,


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2019; in each case to promote the country, as an attractive location for business investment and expansion.

The Registrant contacted by phone MSNBC on October 18, 2018, October 19, 2018, and October 24,2018; Reuters on October 18, 2018, October 19, 2018, and October 24,2018; A1 Jazeera on October 18,2018, October 19,2018, and October 22, 2018; The Associated Press on October 19, 2018 and October 23,2018; Bloomberg on October 18, 2018, October 19, 2018, October 22, 2018, and October 23,2018; Cheddar on October 18,2018, October 19, 2018, and October 23,2018; CNN Business on OctoberT8, 2018, October 19,2018, and October 25, 2018; ZDNet on February 21, 2019, February 22,2019, February 25, 2019, and February 28, 2019; InfoWorld on February 21, 2019, February 22, 2019,. February 25,2019, and February 28, 2019; BizWonien on February 21,2019, February 22, 2019, February 25, 2019, and February 28, 2019; Diversity Woman on February 21,2019, February .22,2019, February 25, 2019, and February 28,2019; Professional Woman’s Magazine on February 21,2019, February 22, 2019, February 25, 2019, and February 28, 2019; PaymentSource on February 21, 2019 and February 26, 2019; and Geek Wire on February 27, 2019; in each case to promote the country as an attractive location for business investment and expansion.

The Registrant met with Fast Company on October 24, 2018, October 26, 2018, and November 1, 2018 in each case to promote the country as an attractive location for business investment.and expansion.

The Registrant contacted by social media direct message CNN Tech on February 21, 2019 and TechCrunch on February 21, 2019; ‘in.each promote the country as an attractive location for business investment and expansion.

The Registrant assisted in designing and drafting content for Registrant’s social media charnels.

In October of 2018, the Registrant provided media relations services in connection with the foreign principal’s attendance at Money2020 in Las Vegas, NV.

In January of 2019, the Registrant provided event support services in connection with the foreign principal’s attendance at the Tech'wadi Annual Forum in Berkeley, CA.

In February of 2019, the Registrant engaged in outreach to UNION, 1176, Global Blockchain Business Council, CREATe, and U.S. Chamber of Commerce within the United States in each case to promote the country as an attractive location for business investment and expansion.

ATTACHMENT 12 . Page 3

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Exhibit 1 to Attachment 12

pate Method . Media Organization 9/18/2018 Email Chicago Tribune 9/18/2018 Email Atlas Obscura 9/18/2018 Email BuzzFeed 9/18/2018 Email CityLab 9/18/2018 Phone CityLab 9/18/2018 Email Dallas News 9/18/2018 Email Forbes 9/18/2018 Emaif FOX News 9/18/2018 Phone FOX News 9/18/2018 Email 9/18/2018 Phone Houston Chronicle 9/18/2018 Email Huffington Post 9/18/2018 Phone Huffington Post 9/18/2018 Email Lonely Planet 9/18/2018 Email Mashable 9/18/2018 Email Mic 9/18/2018 Phone National Geographic 9/18/2018 Email NBC TODAY 9/18/2018 Email New York Times 9/18/2018 Email New Yorker 9/18/2018 Phone New Yorker 9/18/2018 Email Newsday 9/18/2018 Phone ' Newsday i 9/18/2018 Email NY Post 9/18/2018 Phone NY Post 9/18/2018 Email . Outside 9/18/2018 Phone Outside 9/18/2018 Email PEOPLE Magazine 9/18/2018 Phone PEOPLE Magazine 9/18/2018 Email Reuters 9/18/2018 Email Seattle Times 9/18/2018 Email Sirius XM 9/18/2018 Phone Sirius XM 9/18/2018 Email Slate 9/18/2018 Phone Slate 9/18/2018 Email SUITCASE 9/18/2018 Email 9/18/2018 . Phone the Atlantic 9/18/2018 Email The Chicago Tribune 9/18/2018 Phone ' The Chicago Tribune 9/18/2018 Email 9/18/2018 Email The Dallas Morning News 9/18/2018 Phone The Dallas Morning News

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by NSU/l-'AkA Registration . | y | 0:} | :45 AM

9/18/2018 Email The Guardian 9/18/2018. Phone The Guardian 9/18/2018 Email The Seattle Times 9/18/2018 Phone The Seattle Times 9/18/2018 Email TIME . 9/18/2018 Email TimeOut 9/18/2018 Email Travel + Leisure 9/18/2018 Email TravelPulse 9/18/2018 Email US News & World Report 9/18/2018 Email USA Today 9/18/2018 Phone USA Today 9/18/2018 Email USA Today Ten Best 9/18/2018 Email Vanity Fair 9/18/2018 Email Vox 9/18/2018 Email Wall Street Journal 9/18/2018 Phone Wall Street Journal 9/18/2018 . Email Washington Post 9/18/2018 Phone Washington Post 9/19/2018 Email AFAR Magazine 9/19/2018 Phone BuzzFeed 9/19/2018 Phone CityLab 9/19/2018 Email Culture Trip 9/19/2018 Email Oaily Beast 9/19/2018 Email Forbes 9/19/2018 Email FOX News 9/19/2018 Phone Houston Chronicle 9/19/2018 Email Houston Chronicle 9/19/201S Phone HuffPost 9/19/2018 'Email Lonely Planet 9/19/2018 Email National Geographic 9/19/2018 Email New York Times 9/19/2018 Phone New York Times 9/19/2018 Email New Yorker 9/19/2018 Email Quartz 9/19/2018 Email Road & Kingdoms 9/19/2018 Phone The Chicago Tribune 9/19/2018 . Email The Dallas Morning News 9/19/2018 Phone The Guardian 9/19/2018 Email The Seattle Times 9/19/2018 Email Thrillist 9/19/2018 Phone Thrillist 9/19/2018 Phone. TIME 9/19/2018 Email TIME 9/19/2018 Phone TimeOut 9/19/2018 Email TimeOut 9/19/2018 Phone Travel + Leisure 9/19/2018 Phone TravelPulse

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9/19/2018 Email TravelPulse 9/19/2018 Phone US News & World Report 9/19/2018 Email US News & World Report 9/19/2018 Email USA Today 9/19/2018 Phone USA Today 9/19/2018 Phone Vox 9/19/2018 Email Wall Street Journal 9/19/2018 Phone Wall Street Journal 9/19/2018 Email Washington Post 9/19/2018 Phone Washington Post 9/19/2018 Email. Washingtonnian 9/20/2018 Email AFAR Magazine 9/20/2018 Email. Agence France-Presse 9/20/2018 Email Arts ATL 9/20/2018 Email Associated Press 9/20/2018 Email' Atlanta Insider 9/20/2018 Email Atlanta Journal Constitution 9/20/2018 Phone Atlanta Journal Constitution 9/20/2018 Email Atlas Obscura 9/20/2018 Email Automotive News 9/20/2018 Email Billboard 9/20/2018 Email Bloomberg 9/20/2018 Email Boston Globe 9/20/2018 Phone Boston Globe 9/20/2018 Email BuzzFeed 9/20/2018 Email CBS Boston 9/20/2018 ‘ Email CBS News 9/20/2018 Email Culture Trip 9/20/2018 Email Daily Beast 9/20/2018 Phone Daily Beast 9/20/2018 Email DCist 9/20/2018 Email Forbes 9/20/2018 Email Fox 5 9/20/2018 Phone Fox 5 9/20/2018 Email Fox 59 9/20/2018 Em'ai.l Fox LA 9/20/2018. Email Fox News 9/20/2018 Email GQ 9/20/2018 Email Harvard Crimson 9/20/2018 Email Hollywood Reporter 9/20/2018 Email Houston Chronicle 9/20/2018 Email HuffPost 9/20/2018 Email IndyStar 9/20/2018 Email KABC 9/20/2018 Email KCAL 9/20/2018 Email KCBS 9/20/2018 Email KCRW

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM | Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/l9/l(> I y 10:31:45 AM'

9/20/2018 Email KFI-AM 9/20/2018 Email KIIS - Los Angeles 9/20/2018 Email KTLA 9/20/2018 Email LA Magazine 9/20/2018 Email LA Times 9/20/2018 Email LA Weekly 9/20/2018 Email Mashable 9/20/2018 Phone Metro Weekly 9/20/2018 Email Mic 9/20/2018 Email MSNBC 9/20/2018 Email MyAJC. 9/20/2018 Phone MyAJC 9/20/2018 Email National Geographic 9/20/2018 Email NBC Washington 9/20/2018 Email NBC4 9/20/2018 Email New York Times 9/20/2018 . Phone New York Times 9/20/2018 Phone New Yorker 9/20/2018 Email Paste 9/20/2018 Phone Reuters 9/20/2018 Email Reuters 9/20/2018 Email Road arid Track 9/20/2018 Email Rolling Stone 9/20/2018 Email Sirius XM 9/20/2018 ' Email Slate . 9/20/2018 Phone The Architect's Newspaper 9/20/2018 Phone The Dallas Morning News 9/20/2018 Email The Georgetowner 9/20/2018 Email The Guardian 9/20/2018 Phone The Seattle Times 9/20/2018 Email Thrillist Atlanta 9/20/2018 Email Thrillist Boston 9/20/2018 Email Thrillist DC 9/20/2018 Email Thrillist LA 9/20/2018 Email TimeOut Atlanta 9/20/2018 Email TimeOut DC 9/20/2018 Email US News & World Report 9/20/2018 Email Us Weekly 9/20/2018 Email USA Today 9/20/2018 Phone USA Today 9/20/2018 Email Vanity Fair 9/20/2018 Email Variety 9/20/2018 Email Vox 9/20/2018 Phone Vox 9/20/2018 Email WABE 9/20/2018 Email WallStreet Journal 9/20/2018 Phone Wall Street Journal

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM 9/20/2018 Email Washington Post 9/20/2018 Phone Washingtonnian 9/20/2018 Email WDUN 9/20/2018 Phone WDUN 9/20/2018 Email WFYI 9/20/2018 Email WGCL 9/20/2018 Email WHDH 9/20/2018 Email WIBC 9/20/2018 Email Wirecutter 9/20/2018 Email Wired 9/20/2018 Phone WJ LA-TV 9/20/2018 Phone WRC-TV 9/20/2018 Email WSB 9/20/2018 Email WTHR , 9/20/2018 Phone WTTG Fox TV5 9/20/2018 Email WTTV 9/20/2018 Phone WUSA-TV 9/20/2018 Email WX1A 9/20/2018 Phone ■ WXIA 9/20/2018 Email WYAY 9/20/2018 Phone WYAY 9/20/2018 Email Yahoo! 9/21/2018 Phone Atlanta Journal Constitution 9/21/2018 Phone Automotive News 9/21/2018 Email Automotive News 9/21/2018 Phone Billboard 9/21/2018 Phone Boston Common 9/21/2018 Email Bowling Green Daily News 9/21/2018 Phone Bowling Green Daily News 9/21/2018 Phone CBS Boston 9/21/2018 Email Culture Trip 9/21/2018 Email DC Metro Theater Arts 9/21/2018 Email DCist 9/21/2018 Phone DGist 9/21/2018 Phone Esquire 9/21/2018 Phone Forbes 9/21/2018 Email Forbes . 9/21/2018 Phone Fox 5 9/21/2018 Email Fox 59 9/21/2018 Phone Fox LA 9/21/2018 Phone Harvard Crimson 9/21/2018 Phone Hollywood Reporter 9/21/2018 Email Huffihgton Post 9/21/2018 Email IndyStar 9/21/2018 Phone KABC 9/21/2018 Phone KCAL 9/21/2018 Phone KCBS

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9/21/2018 Phone KCRW 9/21/2018 Phone KFI-AM 9/2i/2018 Phone KIIS ■ Los Angeles 9/21/2018 Phone KTLA '9/21/2018 Email LA Magazine 9/21/2018 Email LA Times 9/21/2018; Phone LA Times 9/21/2018 Email LA Weekly 9/21/2018 Email Mashable ■ 9/21/2018 Email Metro Weekly 9/21/2018 Email - Mic 9/21/2018 Phone MyAJC 9/21/2018 Phone National Geographic 9/21/2018 Phone NBC Washington 9/2.1/2018 Phone NBC4 9/21/2018 Email New York Times 9/21/2018 Phone New York Times 9/21/2018 Phone New Yorker 9/21/2018 Phone NY Post 9/21/2018 Phone Outside 9/21/2018 Email Quartz 9/21/2018 Email Reuters 9/21/2018 Erhajl Road 8i Kingdoms 9/21/2018 Email Road and Track 9/21/2018 Email SUITCASE 9/21/2018 Phone The Architect's Newspaper 9/21/2018 Email The Georgetowner 9/21/2018 Phone The Guardian 9/21/2018' Email The Seattle Times 9/21/2018 Phone the Seattle Times 9/21/2018 Email Thrillist 9/21/2018 Phone thrillist 9/21/2018 Email Thrillist Atlanta .9/21/2018 Phone Thrillist Boston 9/21/2018 Email Thrillist DC 9/21/2018 Phone Thrillist LA 9/21/2018 Phone TIME 9/21/2018 Email TimeOut Atlanta 9/21/2018 Email TimeOut Chicago 9/21/2018 Email TimeOut DC 9/21/2018 Email Town & Country 9/21/2018 Phone US News & World Report 9/21/2018 Email VICE 9/21/2018 Email Vox 9/21/2018 Phone Vox 9/21/2018 Phone WABE 9/21/2018 Phone Wall Street Journal

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM ' Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit ^5375372?T^^TO!Tl::45'AM

9/21/2018 Email •WASH-FM 9/21/2018 Email Washington Gity Paper 9/21/2018 Email Washington Life 9/21/2018 Email Washington Post 9/21/2018 Phone Washington Post 9/21/2018 Email WBZ Boston 9/21/2018 Email WCVB Boston 9/21/2018 Phone WDUIM 9/21/2018 Phone WFYI 9/21/2018 Phone WGCL 9/21/2018 Phone WHDH 9/21/2018 Phone WIBC 9/21/2018 Email • Wired 9/21/2018 Phone WSB 9/21/2018 Phone WTHR 9/21/2018 Email WTCJP 9/21/2018 Email WTTG Fox TV5 . 9/21/2018 ■ Phone WTTV 9/21/2018 Email WXIA 9/21/2018 Email WYAY 9/21/2018 Phone WYAY 9/22/2018 Email Bleacher Report 9/24/2018 Email ABC 15 .9/24/2018 Email AFAR Magazine 9/24/2018 Email Albuquerque Business First 9/24/2018 Email Albuquerque Journal 9/24/2018 Event Submission Arbundlndy.c'om .9/24/2018 Email . Atlanta Journal Constitution 9/24/2018 Email AZ Central 9/24/2018 Email AZ Family 9/24/2018 Email Billboard 9/24/2018 Email Bleacher Report 9/24/2018 Email Boston Common 9/24/2018 Email Boston Globe 9/24/2018 . Email 9/24/2018 Email- CBS Boston 9/24/2018 Email CityLab 9/24/2018 Email Culture Trip 9/24/2018 . Email Daily Beast 9/24/2018 Email DCist 9/24/2018 Email 9/24/2018 Email Detroit Free Press 9/24/2018 Email DJ MAG 9/24/2018 Email Esquire 9/24/2018 Email Fox 10 9/24/2018 Email Fox 13 9/24/2018 Email Fox LA

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45'AM 9/24/2018 Email Fox Vegas 9/24/2018 Phone Houston Chronicle 9/24/2018 Phone Huffington Post 9/24/2018 Email Indianapolis Monthly 9/24/2018 Email KFYI550 9/24/2018 Email KJZZ 9/24/2018 Email KNPR 9/24/2018 Email KTNV 9/24/2018 Email KUNM 9/24/2018 Email KUTV 9/24/2018 Email Las Vegas Review Journal 9/24/2018 Email Las Vegas Sun 9/24/2018 Email Mashable 9/24/2018 Email Mic 9/24/2018 Email MXDWN 9/24/2018 Email National Geographic 9/24/2018 Phone National Geographic 9/24/2018 Email NBC 12 9/24/2018 Email New York Times 9/24/2018 Phone New York Times 9/24/2018 Email New Yorker 9/24/2018 Email News3LV 9/24/2018 Email NY Post 9/24/2018 Phone Outside 9/24/2018 Email Outside 9/24/2018 Email Paste 9/24/2018 Email Quartz 9/24/2018 Email Reuters 9/24/2018 Phone Reuters 9/24/2018 Email Road 8i Kingdoms 9/24/2018 Email San Diego Union-Tirbune 9/24/2018 Phone San Diego Union-Tirbune 9/24/2018 Phone Sirius XM 9/24/2018 Email Slate 9/24/2018 Email SUITCASE 9/24/2018 Email Tampa Bay Times 9/24/2018 Email The Atlantic 9/24/2018 Phone The Atlantic 9/24/2018 Email the Chicago Tribune 9/24/2018 Phone The Chicago Tribune 9/24/2018 Email The Dallas Morning News 9/24/2018 Phone The Dallas Morning News .9/24/2018 Email The Denver Post .9/24/2018 Email The Georgetowner 9/24/2018 Email The Guardian 9/24/2018 Phone The Guardian 9/24/2018 Email The Mercury News

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9/24/2018 Phone The Mercury News 9/24/2018 Email The Miami Herald 9/24/2018 Phone The Miami Herald 9/24/2018 Email The Oregonian 9/24/2018 Phone The Oregonian 9/24/2018 Email The Philadelphia Inquirer 9/24/2018 Phone The Philadelphia Inquirer 9/24/2018 Email The Salt Lake Tribune 9/24/2018 Email The Star-Ledger 9/24/2018 Email Thriilist 9/24/20.18 Email Thriilist Boston 9/24/2018 Email Thriilist DC 9/24/2018 Email TIME 9/24/2018 Email TimeOut 9/24/2018 Phone TirneOut Chicago 9/24/2018 Email Town 8t Country 9/24/2018 Email Travel Weekly 9/24/2018 Email TravelPulse 9/24/2018 . Phone TravelPulse 9/24/2018 Email US News & World Report 9/24/2018 Email USA Today 9/24/2018 Email Vanity Fair 9/24/2018 Email VICE 9/24/2018 Email Vice - Noisey 9/24/2018 Email Vox 9/24/2018 Email Wall Street Journal 9/24/2018 Email Washington Post 9/24/2018 Email WBZ Boston 9/24/2018 Email WWB Boston 9/24/2018 Email Yahoo! 9/25/2018 Phone Albuquerque Business First 9/25/2018 Phone Albuquerque Journal 9/25/2018 Email Alexandria Times 9/25/2018 Email Arts ATL 9/25/2018 Email Atlanta Magazine 9/25/2018 Email Automotive News 9/25/2018 Phone Billboard 9/25/2018 Phone Bleacher Report 9/25/2018 Phone Boston.Common 9/25/2018 Phone Boston Globe 9/25/2018 Phone Deadspin 9/25/201.8 Phone Esquire 9/25/2018 Phone Fox Vegas :9/25/2018 Email Hollywood Reporter 9/25/2018 Phone Hollywood Reporter 9/25/2018 Email KABC 9/25/2018 Email KIIS - Los Angeles

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9/25/2018 Phone KNPR 9/25/2018 Email KTLA 9/25/2018 Phone KTNV 9/25/2018 Phone KUNM . 9/25/2018 Phone Las Vegas Review Journal 9/25/2018 Email NBC 11 Alive 9/25/2018 Phone NBC Washington 9/25/2018 Phone . NBC4 9/25/2018 Phone New York Times 9/25/2018 Phone New Yorker 9/25/2018 Email Rolling Stone 9/25/2018 Phone Rolling Stone 9/25/2018 Email Sirius XM 9/25/2018 Email The Dallas Morning News 9/25/2018 Phone The Star-Ledger 9/25/2018 Phone Thrillist 9/25/2018 Email Thrillist Atlanta 9/25/2018 Phone Thrillist Boston 9/25/2018 Email TimeOut Atlanta 9/25/2018 Email TimeOut DC 9/25/2018 Email TravelPulse 9/25/2018 ' Phone US News & World Report 9/25/2018 Email Us Weekly . 9/25/2018 Phone Us Weekly 9/25/2018 Phone USA Today 9/25/2018 Email Variety 9/25/2018 Phone Variety 9/25/2018 Phone Vox 9/25/2018 Email ' WABE 9/25/2018 Phone Wall Street Journal 9/25/2018 Phone WASH-FM 9/25/2018 Email WASH-FM 9/25/2018 Phone Washington City Paper 9/25/2018 Phone Washington Life 9/25/2018 Email Washington Life 9/25/2018 Phone Washington Post 9/25/2018 Phone Washingtonnian 9/25/2018 Phone WBZ Boston 9/25/2018 Phone WCVB Boston 9/25/2018 Email WDUN 9/25/2018 Phone WDUN 9/25/2018 Phone WFYI 9/25/2018 Phone WHDH 9/25/2018 Phone WIBC 9/25/2018 Email WSB 9/25/2018 Phone WTOP 9/25/2018 Email WXIA

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9/25/2018 Email WYAY 9/26/2018 Email Curbed DC 9/26/2018 Email' Indianapolis Monthly 9/26/2018 Email LA Patch 9/26/2018 Phone LA Patch 9/26/2018 Email LA Weekly 9/26/2018 Phone LA Weekly 9/26/2018 Email NBC4 9/26/2018 Phone NBC4 9/26/2018 Email OC Register 9/26/2018 Phone OC Register 9/26/2018 Email RTV6 (The Indy Channel) 9/26/2018 Email TimeOut DC 9/26/2018 Email 9/26/2018 Email Washington Post 9/26/2018 Email Washingtonian 9/26/2018 Phone WTHR 9/27/2018 Email AFAR Magazine 9/27/2018 Phone Atlanta Magazine 9/27/2018 Phone Boston Common 9/27/2018 Email Boston Globe 9/27/2018 Phone 9/27/2018 Email 9/27/2018 Email Business Insider 9/27/2018 Phone CBS Boston 9/27/2018 Email CBS Boston 9/27/2018 Email CBS LA 9/27/2018 Email CBS46 9/27/2018 Email Culture Trip 9/27/2018 Email Curbed Atlanta 9/27/2018 Email Fox 59 9/27/2018 Phone FOX News 9/27/2018 Email Harvard Crimson 9/27/2018 Phone HuffPdst 9/27/2018 Email • LA Times 9/27/2018 Email LAist 9/27/2018 Email NBC 4 9/27/2018 Email NB.C4 9/27/2018 Email NPR 9/27/2018 Event Submission Resident Advisor 9/27/2018 Email. Road and Track 9/27/2018 Phone Slate 9/27/2018 Email The Denver Post 9/27/2018 Email- The Manual 9/27/2018 Email The Mercury News 9/27/2018 Phone Thrillist Boston 9/27/2018 Email Thrillist LA

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9/27/2018 Phone TIME 9/27/2018 Email . TimeOut LA 9/27/2018 Email USA Today 9/27/2013 Email WAGA 9/27/2018 Email Washington Post 9/27/2018 Email Washingtonian 9/27/2018 Email We Like LA 9/27/2018 Email WFYI 9/27/2018 Phone WHDH 9/27/2018 Email WIBC 9/27/2018 Email Wired 9/27/2018 Email WJIA-TV 9/27/2018 Phone WTTV 9/27/2018 Email wtYv 9/27/2018 Email WUSA-TV 9/27/2018 Phone WYAY 9/28/2018 Phone 5th Element Magazine 9/28/2018 Phone Atlanta Journal Constitution 9/28/2018 Phone Automotive News 9/28/2018 Phone Billboard 9/28/2018 Phone Boston Globe 9/28/2018 Phone 9/28/2018 Phone CBS Boston 9/28/2018 Phone CBS47 9/28/2018 Phone CityLab 9/28/2018 Phone DCist 9/28/2018 Phone Esquire 9/28/2018 Phone Forbes 9/28/2018 Email Fox 5 9/28/2018 Phone Fox S 9/28/2018 Phone Fox 59 9/28/2018 Email Fox LA 9/28/2018 Phone Fox LA 9/28/2018 . Phone Indianapolis Monthly 9/28/2018 Email KIIS - Los Angeles 9/28/2018 Email KTLA 9/28/2018 Phone KTLA 9/28/2018 Phone LA Daily News 9/28/2018 Phone Metro Weekly 9/28/2018 Phone MyAJC 9/28/2018 Phone Slate 9/28/2018 Phone The Architect's Newspaper 9/28/2018 Phone Variety 9/28/2018 Phone WAGA 9/28/2018 Phone Washington Life 9/28/2018 Phone Washington Post 9/28/2018 Email Washington Post

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9/28/2018 . Phone WDUN 9/28/2018 Phone WFY1 9/28/2018 Phone WIBC 9/28/2018 Phone Wired 9/28/2018 Phone WTTV 9/28/2018 Phone WUSA-TV 9/28/2018 Phone. WYAY 9/29/2018 Phone Atlanta Journal Constitution 10/1/2018 Email AFAR Magazine 10/1/2018 Phone AFAR Magazine 10/1/2018 Email Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 10/1/2018 Phone Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 10/1/2018 Email Business Insider 10/1/2018 Email Bustle 10/1/2018 Email BuzzFeed 10/1/2018 Phone BuzzFeed 10/1/2018 Phone CBS News Travel 10/1/2018 Email CNN 10/1/2018 Email Daily Beast 10/1/2018 . Phone Daily Beast 10/1/2018 Email Elite Daily 10/1/2018 Email Houston Chronicle 10/1/2018 Phone Houston Chronicle 10/1/2018 Email HuffPost 10/1/2018 Email LA Times 10/1/2018 Phone LA Times 10/1/2018 Email Mashable 10/1/2018 Phone New York Times 10/1/2018 Phone New Yorker 10/1/2018 Email Newsweek 10/1/2018 Email Refinery29 10/1/2018 Phone The Denver Post 10/1/2018 Phone The Guardian 10/1/2018 Email The Manual 10/1/2018 Phone The Mercury News 10/1/2018 Phone The Miami Herald 10/1/2018 . Email The Oregonian 10/1/2018 Phone The Philadelphia Inquirer 10/1/2018 Phone The Seattle Times 10/1/2018 Phone The Star-Ledger 10/1/2018 Phone TimeOut 10/1/2018 Phone Travel + Leisure 10/1/2018 Phone TravelPulse . 10/1/2018 Phone US News & World Report 10/1/2018 Email USA Today 10/1/2018 Phone Vox 10/1/2018 Phone Wall Street Journal

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10/1/2018 Phone Washington Post 10/1/2018 Email WUSA-TV 10/2/2018 Email 5th Element Magazine 10/2/2018 Email Alexandria Times 10/2/2018 Email Anthem 10/2/2018 Phone Boston Common 10/2/2018 . Phone Boston Globe 10/2/2018 Phone Boston Guide 10/2/2018 Phone 10/2/2018 Email Culture Trip 10/2/2018 Email Curbed DC 10/2/2018 Email DC Metro Theater Arts 10/2/2018 Email DC.Patch 10/2/2018 Email Disarray Magazine 10/2/2018 Email Identify LA 10/2/2018 Email Insomniac 10/2/2018 Email KABC 10/2/2018 Email LA Excites 10/2/2018 Email LA Pulse 10/2/2018 Email Living Out Loud LA' 10/2/2018 Email McLean Patch 10/2/2018 Email NBC 4 10/2/2018 Email NBC Washington 10/2/2018 Phone The Chicago Tribune 10/2/2018 Phone The Dallas Morning News 10/2/2018 Email The Georgetowner i.0/2/2018 Phone The Seattle Times 10/2/2018 Phone Thrillist Boston 10/2/2018 Email Thrillist LA 10/2/2018 Phone TimeOut 10/2/2018 Email TimeOut DC 10/2/2018 Phone Wall Street Journal 10/2/2018 Email WASH-FM 10/2/2018 Phone WASH-FM 10/2/2018 Email Washington City Paper 10/2/2018 Phone Washington City Paper 10/2/2018 Email Washington Life 10/2/2018 Phone Washington Life 10/2/2018 Email Washington Post 10/2/2018 Phone Washington Post 10/2/2018 Email 10/2/2018 Phone 10/2/2018 Email Washingtonian 10/2/2018 Phone Washingtonian 10/2/2018 Phone WB2 Boston 10/2/2018 Email We Like LA 10/2/2018 Email WJ LA-TV

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by NSU/FARA kegistration jUnit T)3/'i9/'2(')l^ 1o:;,1:45'AKT

10/2/2018 Email WRC-Ty 10/2/2018 Phone WRC-TV 10/2/20i8 Email WTTG Fox TVS 10/2/2018 Email WUSA-TV 10/2/2018 Phone WUSA-TV 10/3/2018 Email Arts ATL 10/3/2018 Phone Atlanta INtown 10/3/2018 Email Atlanta INtown 10/3/2018 Email Atlanta Journal Constitution 10/3/2018 Phone Atlanta Journal Constitution 10/3/2018 Email Atlanta Magazine 10/3/2018 Email Automotive News 10/3/2018 Phone Automotive News 10/3/2018 Phone Billboard 10/3/2018 Email Boston Globe 10/3/2018 Phone Boston Globe 10/3/2018 Phone Boston Guide 10/3/2018 Email BuzzFeed 10/3/2018 Email CBS LA 10/3/2018 Email CBS48 10/3/2018 Phone CB549 10/3/2018 Email Curbed Atlanta 10/3/2018 Email Curbed LA 10/3/2018 Phone Emory Wheel 10/3/2018 Phone Esquire 10/3/2018 Email Explore Atlanta 10/3/2018 Email Forbes 10/3/2018 Email Fox 5 10/3/2018 Phone Fox 59 10/3/2018 Phone Identify LA 10/3/2018 Phone Indianapolis Monthly 10/3/2018 Email KCAL 10/3/2018 Phone KCAL 10/3/2018 Email KCRW 10/3/2018 Phone KCRW 10/3/2018 Email KFI-AM 10/3/2018 Phone KFl-AM 10/3/2018 Email KTLA 10/3/2018 Phone KTIA 10/3/2018 Email LA Magazine 10/3/2018 Phone LA Magazine 10/3/2018 Email LA Patch 10/3/2018 Email. LA Times 10/3/2018 Phone LA Times 10/3/2018 Email LA Weekly 10/3/2018 Email LAist 10/3/2018 Email MyAJC

Received by NSD/EARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by jNSD/FARA Registration Unit' 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM

10/3/2018 Phone NBC 11 Alive 10/3/2018 Email NBC 11 Alive 10/3/2018 Email NB.C4 10/3/2018 Email NBC7 10/3/2018 Email New York Times 10/3/2018 Email OCRegister 10/3/2018 Email PlayBook 10/3/2018 Phone Road and Track 10/3/2018 Email The Architect's Newspaper 10/3/2018 Phone The Architect's Newspaper 10/3/2018 Phone The Atlanta Voice 10/3/2018 Email The Atlanta Voice 10/3/2018 Phone The Guardian 10/3/2018 Email Thrillist Atlanta 10/3/2018 Phone Thrillist Boston 10/3/2018 Email Thrillist LA 10/3/2018 Email TimeOutAtlanta 10/3/2018 Email TimeOut LA 10/3/2018 Email Travel Weekly 10/3/2018 Email USA Today 10/3/2018 Phone VoxATL 10/3/2018 Email WABE 10/3/2018 Phone WABE 10/3/2018 Email WAGA 10/3/2018 . Phone WAGA 10/3/2018 Email WCVB Boston 10/3/2018 Phone WCVB Boston 10/3/2018 Email WDUN 10/3/2018 Phone. WDUN . 10/3/2018 Email We Like LA 10/3/2018 Phone WFYI 10/3/2018 Email WGCL 10/3/2018 Phone WGCL 10/3/2018 Phone WIBC 10/3/2018 Email Wired 10/3/2018 Phone Wired 10/3/2018 Email WSB 10/3/2018 Phone WSB 10/3/2018 Phone WTHR 10/3/2018 Phone WTTS FM 10/3/2018 Email WTTS FM 10/3/2018 Phone WTTV 10/3/2018 Email WXIA 10/3/2018 Phone WXIA 10/3/2018 Email WYAY 10/3/2018 Phone WYAY 10/4/2018 Email ABC News

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10/4/2018 Email Business Insider 10/4/2018 Email CN Traveler 10/4/2018 Email CNN Traveler 10/4/2018 Phone Fox LA 10/4/2018 Phone Hemispheres i0/4/2018' Phone Hollywood Reporter 10/4/2018 Phone KABC . 10/4/2018 Phone KCAL 10/4/2018 Phone KIIS • Los Angeles 10/4/2018 Phone LA Pulse 10/4/2018 Phone New York Times 10/4/2018 Phone Rolling Stone 10/4/2018 Phone USA Today 10/4/2018 Phone Variety 10/4/2018 Email Washington Post 10/5/2018 Email Fox LA 10/5/2018 Email Insomniac 10/5/2018 Email KABC 10/5/2018' Email LA Excites 10/5/2018 Email LA Pulse 10/5/2018 Email We Like LA 10/6/2018 Email CBS This Morning 10/16/2018 Email Adventure Sports Network 10/16/2018 Email Atlas Obscura 10/16/2018 Email Bleacher Report 10/16/2018 Email Deadspin 10/16/2018 Email Matador Network 10/16/2018 Email The Guardian 10/16/2018 Email Variety 10/16/2018 Email VICE 10/17/2018 Email Adventure Sports Network 10/17/2018 Email Bleacher Report 10/17/2018 Email Daily Mail 10/17/2018 Email Harper's Bazaar 10/17/2018 Email KDWN 10/17/2018 Email KFYI 550 10/17/2018 Phone KFYI 550 10/17/2018 Email KJZZ 10/17/2018 Email KNPR 10/17/2018 Phone KNPR 10/17/2018 Email KUER 10/17/2018 Phone KUER 10/17/2018 Email KUNM 10/17/2018 Phone kunm 10/17/2018 Email Sports Network 10/18/2018 Email Adventure Sports Network 10/18/2018 Email Daily Mail

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10/18/2018 Email K0AT7 10/18/2018 Email K0B4 10/18/2018 Email KRQE13 - 10/18/2018 Email VICE 10/22/2018 Email ABC 13 10/22/2018 Email ABC15 10/22/2018 Email Adventure Sports Network 10/22/2018 Email Albuquerque Business First 10/22/2018 Email Albuquerque Journal 10/22/2018 Email AZ Central 10/22/2018 Email AZ Family 10/22/2018 Email Bleacher Report 10/22/2018 Email Daily Mail 10/22/2018 Email Deadspin 10/22/2018 Email Deseret. News 10/22/2018 Email Fox Vegas 10/22/2018 Email Harper's Bazaar 10/22/2018 Email KDWN 10/22/2018 Email KFYI 550 10/22/2018 Email KNPR 10/22/2018 Email KOAT7 10/22/2018 Email K0B4 10/22/2018 Email KRQE13 10/22/2018 Email KTNV 10/22/2018 Email KUER 10/22/2018 Email Las Vegas Review Journal 10/22/2018 Email Las Vegas Sun 10/22/2018 Email News 3 LV 10/22/2018 . Email Phoenix New Times 10/22/2018 Email Salt Lake City Weekly 10/22/2018 Email SaJt Lake Magazine 10/22/2018 Email Sports Network 10/22/2018 Email Thriilist Phoenix 10/22/2018 Email Utah 10/22/2018 Email VICE 11/15/2018 Email Chicago Daily Herald 11/15/2018 Email Chicago Tribune 11/15/2018 Email Crain’s Chicago Business 11/15/2018 Email Detroit Free Press 11/15/2018 Email Detroit News 11/15/2018 Email The Oakland Press 11/16/2018 Phone Chicago Daily Herald 11/16/2018 Phone Chicago Tribune 11/16/2018 Phone Crain's Chicago Business 12/6/2018 Email KCPQFox 12/6/2018 Email KING NBC 12/6/2018 Email KIRO CBS

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit" 03/29/2019^10:31:45 AM

12/6/2018 Email KOMO ABC 12/13/2018 Email Business Insider 12/13/2018 Email Conde IMast 12/13/2018 Email FOX News 12/13/2018 Email Freelance 12/13/2018 Email Time 12/13/2018 Email Fre'elanceWriter 12/13/2018 Email Fresh Mommy Blog 12/13/2018 Email Fupping 12/13/2018 Email Glamour 12/i3/2018 Email Good Housekeeping 12/13/2018 Email Goop 12/13/2018 Email GQ 12/13/2018 Email Green Global Travel 12/13/2018 Email HelloGiggfes 12/13/2018 Email House of Hargrove 12/13/2018 Email Houston Chronicle 12/13/2018 Email How Was Your Day 12/13/2018 Email Huff Post 12/13/2018 Email Jacksonville Business Journal 12/13/2018 Email Just a Girl and Her Blog 12/13/2018 Email Lonely Planet 12/13/2018 Email 12/13/2018 Email Mashable 12/13/2018 Email Men's Journal 12/13/2018 Email Metro USA 12/13/2018 Email 12/13/2018 Email Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 12/13/2018 Email Mirlandra's Kitchen 12/13/2018 Email Mommy's Block Party 12/13/2018 Email National Geographic 12/13/2018 Email New York Post 12/13/2018 Email Newsday 12/13/2018 Email NPR 12/13/2018 Email 0, the Oprah Magazine 12/13/2018 Email Oh Joy 12/13/2018 Email OK! 12/13/2018 Email Outside 12/13/2018 Email Parents Magazine 12/13/2018 Email Paste 12/13/2018 Email People 12/13/2018 Email Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 12/13/2018 Email PopSugar 12/13/2018 Email Quartz 12/13/2018 Email Rachael Ray Every Day 12/13/2018 Email Reader's Digest 12/13/2018 Email

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM

12/13/2018 Email Reuters 12/13/2018 Email Roads 8c Kingdoms 12/13/2018 Email Room for Tuesday 12/13/2018 Email San Antonio Express-News 12/13/2018 Email San Diego Union-Tribune 12/13/2018 Email Sarah Scoop 12/13/2018 Email Seasonal Memories 12/13/2018 Email SF Gate 12/13/2018 Email Shawna and LaLa On The Radio 12/13/2018 Email Sirius XM 12/13/2018 Email Slate 12/13/2018 Email South Florida Sun Sentinel 12/13/2018 Email . 12/13/2018 Email SUITCASE 12/13/2018 Email Sunset Magazine 12/13/2018 Email Tampa Bay Times 12/13/2018 Email The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 12/13/2018 Email The Atlantic 12/13/2018 Email The Baltimore Sun 12/13/2018 Email The Chicago Tribune 12/13/2018 Email The Courier-Journal 12/13/2018 Email The Daily Meal 12/13/2018 Email The Dallas Morning News 12/13/2018 Email The Denver Post 12/13/2018 Email TheKitchn 12/13/2018 Email TheiMercury News 12/13/2018 Email The'Miami Herald 12/13/2018 Email 12/13/2018 Email The News 8c Observer 12/13/2018 Email The Oregonian 12/13/2018 Email The Seattle Times 12/13/2018 Email The Star-Ledger 12/13/2018 Email The Wall Street Journal 12/13/2018 Email 12/13/2018 Email Thrillist 12/13/2018 Email TIME 12/13/2018 Email TimeOut 12/13/2018 Email Town & Country 12/13/2018 Email Travel + Leisure 12/13/2018 Email Travel Weekly 12/13/2018 Email 12/13/2018 Email US News 8c World Report 12/13/2018 Email USA Today 12/13/2018 Email USA Today fen Best 12/13/2018 Email Vanity Fair 12/13/2018 Email VICE 12/13/2018 Email Vox

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Receive Registration Unit 03^9/2019 10:31:45 AM

12/13/2018 Email Wirecutter 12/13/2018 Email Woman's Day. 12/14/2018 Email Business Insider 12/14/2018 Email Conde Nast 12/14/2018 Email FOX News 12/14/2018 Email Freelance 12/14/2018 Email Time 12/14/2018 Email Freelance Writer 12/14/2018 Email Fresh Mommy Blog 12/14/2018 Email Pupping 12/14/2018 Email Glamour 12/14/2018 Email Good Housekeeping 12/14/2018 Email Goop 12/14/2018 Email GQ 12/14/2018 Email Green Global Travel 12/14/2018 Email HelloGiggles 12/14/2018' Email House of Hargrove 12/14/2018 Email Houston Chronicle 12/14/2018 Email How Was Your Day 12/14/2018 Email Huffington.Post 12/14/2018 Email Jacksonville Business Journal 12/14/2018 Email Just a Girl and Her Blog 12/14/2018 Email Lonely Planet 12/14/2018 Email Los Angeles Times 12/14/2018 Email Mashable 12/14/2018 Email Men's Journal 12/14/2018 Email Metro USA 12/14/2018 Email Midwest Living 12/14/2018 Email Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 12/14/2018 Email Mirlandra's Kitchen 12/14/2018 Email Mommy’s Block Party 12/14/2018 Email National Geographic 12/14/2018 Email New York Post 12/14/2018 Email Newsday 12/14/2018' Email NPR 12/14/2018 Email 0, The Oprah Magazine 12/14/2018 Email Oh Joy 12/14/2018 Email OK! 12/14/2018 Email Outside 12/14/2018 Email Parents Magazine 12/14/2018 Email Paste . 12/14/2018 Email People 12/14/2018 Email Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 12/14/2018 Email * PopSugar 12/14/2018 Email Quartz 12/14/2018. Email Rachael Ray Every Day 12/14/2018 Email Reader's Digest

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit AM

12/14/2018 Email Real Simple 12/14/2018 Email Reuters 12/14/2018 Email Roads & Kingdoms 12/14/2018 Email Room for Tuesday 12/14/2018 Email San Antonio Express-News 12/14/2018 Email San Diego Union-Tribune 12/14/2018 Email Sarah Scoop 12/14/2018 Email Seasonal Memories 12/14/2018 Email SF Gate 12/14/2018 Email Shawna and LaLa On The Radio 12/14/2018 Email Sirius XM 12/14/2018 Email Slate 12/14/2018 Email South Florida Sun Sentinel • 12/14/2018 Email Southern Living 12/14/2018 Email SUITCASE 12/14/2018 Email Sunset Magazine 12/14/2018 Email Tampa Bay Times 12/14/2018 Email The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 12/14/2018 Email The Atlantic 12/14/2018 Email The Baltimore Sun 12/14/2018 Email The Chicago Tribune 12/14/2018 Email The Courier-Journal 12/14/2018 Email The Daily Meal 12/14/2018 Email The Dallas Morning News 12/14/2018 Email The Denver Post 12/14/2018 Email The.Kitchn 12/14/2018 Email The Mercury News 12/14/2018 Email The Miami Herald 12/14/2018 Email The New York Times 12/14/2018 Email The News & Observer 12/14/2018 Email The Oregonian 12/14/2018 Email The Seattle Times 12/14/2018 Email The Star-Ledger 12/14/2018 Email The Wall Street Journal 12/14/2018 Email The Washington Post 12/14/2018 Email Thrillist 12/14/2018 Email TIME 12/14/2018 Email TimeOut 12/14/2018 Email Tovyn & Country 12/14/2018 Email Travel + Leisure 12/14/2018 Email Travel Weekly 12/14/2018 Email 12/14/2018 Email US News & World Report 12/14/2018 Email USA Today 12/14/2018 Email USA Today Ten Best 12/14/2018 Email Vanity Fair 12/14/2018 Email VICE

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM deceived by NSD/FAkA Registration Unit U3/29/2(il9 10:^1:45 AM

12/14/2018 Email Vox 12/14/2018 Email Wirecutter 12/14/2018 Email Woman’s Day 12/17/2018 Email Business Insider 12/17/2018 Email Glamour// Freelance 12/17/2018 Email Good Housekeeping 12/17/2018 Email GQ 12/17/2018 Email' Houston Chronicle 12/17/2018 Email Los Angeles Times 12/17/2018 Email 12/17/2018 Email Mashabl.e 12/17/2018 Email Men's journal Online 12/17/2018 Email Mic 12/17/2018 Email 0, The Oprah Magazine 12/17/2018 Email Quartz 12/17/2018 Email Real Simple 12/17/2018 Email Reuters 12/17/2018 Email Room for Tuesday 12/17/2018 Email Shape 12/17/2018 Email Slate 12/17/2018 Email Southern Living 12/17/2018 Email Taste For Life Magazine 12/17/2018 Email The Dallas Morning News 12/17/2018 Email The Denver Post • 12/17/2018 Email The Guardian 12/17/2018 Email The Mercury News 12/17/2018 Email The New York Times 12/17/2018 Email The New Yorker 12/17/2018 Email The Oregonian 12/17/2018 Email The Philadelphia Inquirer 12/17/2018 Email The Seattle Times 12/17/2018 Email The Wall Street Journal 12/17/2018 Email The Washington Post 12/17/2018 Email Thrillist 12/17/2018 Email TIME 12/17/2018 Email Travel + Leisure 12/17/2018 Email US News & World Report 12/17/2018 Email USA Today 12/17/2018 Email Vox 12/18/2018 Email ABC News 12/18/2018 Email AFAR Magazine 12/18/2018 Email am New York 12/18/2018 Email am New York - online 12/18/2018 Email Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 12/18/2018 Email Baltimore Business Journal 12/18/2018 Email Homes arid Gardens 12/18/2018 Email Bowling Green Daily News

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM ‘ ; Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31T45 AM

12/18/2018 Email Bustle 12/18/2018 Email BuzzFeed 12/18/2018 Email Chicago Tribune 12/18/2018 Email CityLab 12/18/2018 Email CN Traveler 12/18/2018 Email CNN Travel 12/1.8/2018 Email Columbus Business First 12/18/2018 Email Cosmopolitan 12/18/2018 Email Country Living 12/18/2018 Email Culture Trip 12/18/2018 Email Daily Beast 12/18/2018 Email Detroit Free Press 12/18/2018 Email Eat Sip Trip . 12/18/2018 Email Esquire 12/18/2018 Email Essence 12/18/2018 Email 12/18/2018 Email FamilyFun 12/18/2018 Email First for women (and freelance writer) 12/18/2018 Email Forbes 12/18/2018 Email Fort Worth Star-Telegram 12/18/2018 Email Good Housekeeping 12/18/2018 Email GQ 12/18/2018 Email Houston Chronicle 12/18/2018 Email Huffington Post 12/18/2018 Email Los Angeles Times 12/18/2018 Email Mashable 12/18/2018 Email National Geographic 12/18/2018 Email New York Post 12/18/2018 Email Newsday 12/18/2018 Email NPR 12/18/2018 Email 0, The Oprah Magazine 12/18/2018 Email PEOPLE Magazine 12/18/2018 Email Real Simple 12/18/2018 Email Reuters 12/18/2018 Email Slate 12/18/2018 Email Southern Living 12/18/2018 Email The Dallas Morning News 12/18/2018 Email The Denver Post 12/18/2018 Email The Guardian • 12/18/2018 Email The Mercury News 12/18/2018 Email The New York Times 12/18/2018 Email The New Yorker 12/18/2018 Email .The Oregonian 12/18/2018 Email The Philadelphia inquirer 12/18/2018 Email The Seattle Times 12/18/2018 Email The Wall Street Journal 12/18/2018 Email . The Washington Post

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM

12/18/2018 Email TIME 12/18/2018 Email Travel + Leisure 12/18/2018 Email US News & World Report 12/18/2018' Email USA Today 12/18/2018 Email Vox 12/19/2018 Email Stars and Stripes 12/20/2018 Email WABE NPR 12/20/2018 Email WAGA Fox 12/20/2018 Email WRFG FM 12/20/2018 Email WSB ABC 12/20/2018 Email WWPW FM 1/16/2019 . Email ABCNews 1/16/2019 Email AFAR 1/16/2019 Email AFAR Magazine 1/16/2019 Email am New York 1/16/2019 Email am New York- online 1/16/2019 Email Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 1/16/2019 Email Baltimore Biz Journal 1/16/2019 Email Baltimore Business Journal 1/16/2019 Email Better Homes and Gardens 1/16/2019 Email Bowling Green Daily News 1/16/2019 Email Business Insider 1/16/2019 Email Bustle 1/16/2019 Email BuzzFeed 1/16/2019 Email Chicago Tribune 1/16/2019 Email CityLab 1/16/2019 Email CNN Travel 1/16/2019 Email Columbus Business First 1/16/2019 Email Cosmopolitan 1/16/2019 Email Country Living 1/16/2019 Email Culture Trip 1/16/2019 Email Daily Beast 1/16/2019 Email Detroit Free Press 1/16/2019 Email Eat Sip Trip 1/16/2019 Email Esquire 1/16/2019 Email Essence 1/16/2019 Email Family Circle 1/16/2019 Email ' First for women (and freelance writer) 1/16/2019 Email Forbes 1/16/2019 Email Fort Worth Star-Telegram 1/16/2019 Email FOX News 1/16/2019 Email Freelance 1/16/2019 Email Time 1/16/2019 Email Freelance Writer 1/17/2019 Email Conde Nast 1/17/2019 Email Fresh Mommy Blog 1/17/2019 Email Fupping

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by NSU/FARA Registration Unit ()i/2^/2019 10:31:4s AM

1/17/2019 Email Glamour// Freelance 1/17/2019 Email Good Housekeeping 1/17/2019 Email Goop 1/17/2019 Email GQ 1/17/2019 Email Green Global Travel 1/17/2019 Email HelloGiggles 1/17/2019 Email House of Hargrove 1/17/2019 Email Houston Chronicle 1/17/2019 Email How Was Your Day 1/17/2019 Email Huffington Post 1/17/2019 Email Jacksonville Business Journal 1/17/2019 Email Just a Girl and Her Blog 1/17/2019 Email Lonely Planet 1/17/2019 Email Los Angeles Times 1/17/2019 Email lyianTripping 1/17/2019 Email Mashable 1/17/2019 Email Men's Journal 1/17/2019 Email Men's Journal Online 1/17/2019 Email Metro USA 1/17/2019 Email Mic 1/17/2019 Email Midwest Living 1/17/2019 Email Mirlandra's Kitchen 1/17/2019 Email Mommy's Block Party 1/17/2019 Email Munchies 1/17/2019 Email National Geographic 1/17/2019 Email New York Post 1/17/2019 Email New York Times Magazine 1/17/2019 Email Newsday 1/17/2019 Email NPR 1/17/2019 Email 0, The Oprah Magazine 1/17/2019 Email Oh Joy 1/17/2019 Email OK! 1/17/2019 Email Parents Magazine 1/17/2019 Email People 1/17/2019 Email PEOPLE Magazine 1/17/2019 Email Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 1/17/2019 Email PopSugar 1/17/2019 Email Quartz 1/17/2019 Email Real Simple 1/17/2019 Email Reuters 1/17/2019 Email Roads & Kingdoms 1/17/2019 Email Room for Tuesday 1/17/2019 , Email San Diego Union-Tribune 1/17/2019 Email Sarah Scoop 1/17/2019 Email Saveur 1/17/2019 Email Seasonal Memories 1/17/2019 Email SF Gate

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM

1/17/2019 Email Shape 1/17/2019 Email Shawna and LaLa'On The Radio 1/17/2019 Email Sirius XM 1/17/2019 Email Slate 1/17/2019 Email Southern Living 1/17/2019 Email Stars and Stripes 1/17/2019 Email SUITCASE 1/17/2019 Email Sunset Magazine 1/17/2019 Email Taste For Life Magazine 1/17/2019 Email The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 1/17/2019 Email The Atlantic 1/17/2019 Email The Baltimore Sun (2) 1/17/2019 Email The Chicago Tribune 1/17/2019 Email The Courier-Journal 1/17/2019 Email The Culture-ist 1/17/2019 Email The Daily Meal 1/17/2019 Email The Dallas Morning News 1/17/2019 Email The Denver Post 1/17/2019 Email The Epicurean Traveler 1/17/2019 Email the Guardian 1/17/2019 Email The Kitchn 1/17/2019 Email The Mercury News 1/17/2019 Email The Miami Herald 1/17/2019 Email The New York Times 1/17/2019 Email the New Yorker 1/17/2019 Email The News & Observer 1/17/2019 Email The Oregonian 1/17/2019 Email The Philadelphia Inquirer 1/17/201.9 Email The Seattle Times 1/17/2019 Email The Star-Ledger 1/17/2019 Email The Wall Street Journal 1/17/2019 Email The Washington Post 1/17/2019 Email Thrillist 1/17/2019 Email TIME 1/17/2019 Email TirheOut 1/17/2019 Email Town & Country 1/17/2019 Email Travel + Leisure 1/17/2019 Email Travel Weekly 1/17/2019 Email 1/17/2019 Email US News & World Report 1/17/2019 Email USA Today 1/17/2019 Email USA Today Ten Best 1/17/2019 Email Vanity Fair 1/17/2019 Email VICE 1/17/2019 Email Vox 1/17/2019 Email Well and Away 1/17/2019 Email Woman's Day

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/20! 9 10:31:45 AM Received Registration Unit" 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM.

2/1/2019 Email Wall Street Journal 2/1/2019 Email New York Times 2/1/2019 Email Bloomberg 2/1/2019 Email Forbes 2/1/2019 Email TechCrunch 2/1/2019 Email Thompson Reuters 2/1/2019 Email Wired 2/5/2019 Email Boston Globe 2/5/2019 Email Boston Magazine 2/5/2019 Email Boston Patch 2/5/2019 Email 2/5/2019 Email Freelance 2/5/2019 Email Harvard Crimson 2/5/2019 Email Metro Boston 2/5/2019 Email The Boston Calendar 2/5/2019 Email Thrillist 2/5/2019 Email WBTS-TV (NBC) 2/5/2019 Email WBZ-TV (CBS) 2/5/2019 Email WCVB 5 (ABC) 2/5/2019 Email WFXT-TV (Fox) 2/5/2019 Email WGBH(NPR) 2/5/2019 Email WRKO-AM 680 2/7/2019 Email Boston Globe 2/7/2019 Email Boston Magazine 2/7/2019 Email Boston Patch 2/7/2019 Email 2/7/2019 Email Freelance 2/7/2019 Email Harvard Crimson 2/7/2019 Email Metro Boston 2/7/2019 Email The Boston Calendar 2/7/2019 Email Thrillist 2/7/2019 Email TimeOut Boston 2/7/2019 Email WBTS-TV (NBC) 2/7/2019 Email WBZ-TV (CBS) 2/7/2019 Email WCVB 5 (ABC) 2/7/2019 Email WFXT-TV (Fox) 2/7/2019 Email WGBH(NPR) 2/7/2019 Email WRKO-AM 680 2/12/2019 Email Creative Loafing Tampa 2/12/2019 Email Florida Sentinel Bulletin 2/12/2019 Email La Gaceta 2/12/2019 Email Tampa Bay Metro 2/12/2019 Email Tampa Bay Times 2/12/2019 Email TAMPA Magazine 2/12/2019 Email That’s So Tampa 2/12/2019 Email Time Out Tampa 2/12/2019 Email WFLA-AM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31.:45 AM Receivedby^lsiSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019'10:^

2/12/2019 Email WFLA-TV (NBC) 2/12/2019 Email WFTS-TV (ABC) 2/12/2019 Email WTSP-TV (CBS) 2/12/2019 Email WTSP-TV(CBS) 2/12/2019 Email WTVT-TV (Fox) 2/12/2019 Email WUSF-FM (NPR) 2/14/2019 Email Creative Loafing Tampa 2/14/2019 Email Florida Sentinel Bulletin 2/14/2019 Email La Gaceta. 2/14/2019 Email Tampa Bay Metro 2/14/2019 Email Tampa Bay Times 2/14/2019 Email TAMPA Magazine 2/14/2019 Email That's So Tampa 2/14/2019 Email Time Out Tampa 2/14/2019 Email WFLA-AM 2/14/2019 Email WFLA-TV (NBC) 2/14/2019 Email WFTS-TV (ABC) 2/i4/2019 Email WTSP-TV (CBS) 2/14/2019 Email WTSP-TV( CBS) 2/14/2019 Email WTVT-TV (Fox) 2/14/2019 Email WUSF-FM (NPR) 2/19/2019 Email Chicago Magazine 2/19/2019 Email Chicago Tribune 2/19/2019 Email Chicago Tribune - RedEye 2/19/2019 Email Daily Herald - DuPage County 2/19/2019 Email Elmhurst Independent 2/19/2019 Email PureWow 2/19/2019 Email Thrillist 2/19/2019 Email TimeOut Chicago 2/19/2019 Email TimeOut Chicago 2/19/2019 Email WBBM-TV (CBS) 2/19/2019 Email WBEZ(NPR) 2/19/2019 Email WFLD-TV (Fox) 2/19/2019 Email WGN-TV 2/19/2019 Email WLS-TV (ABC) 2/19/2019 Email WMAQ-TV (NBC) 2/25/2019 Email 2/25/2019 - Email Chicago Tribune 2/25/2019 Email Chicago Tribune - RedEye 2/25/2019 Email Daily Herald - DuPage County 2/25/2019 Email Elmhurst Independent 2/25/2019 Email PureWow 2/25/2019 Email Thrillist 2/25/2019 Email TimeOut Chicago 2/25/2019 Email TimeOut Chicago 2/25/2019 Email UrbahMatter 2/25/2019 Email WBBM-TV (CBS)

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by NSP/FARA R>egistnItiorTOn7n)3/29/2019 10:31:45 AM •

2/25/2019 Email WBEZ(NPR). 2/25/2019 Email WFLD-TV (Fox) 2/25/2019 Email WGN-TV 2/25/2019 Email WIS-TV (ABC) 2/25/2019 Email WMAQ-TV (NBC)

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Receive



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FARA Report Payments Received 8/20/2018 - 2/28/2019


9/17/2018 Goethe-lnstitut For Professional Services Rendered 666,469.64 10/23/2018 Goethe-lnstitut For Professional Services Rendered 98,235.77 11/29/2018 Goethe-lnstitut For Professional Services Rendered 70.000. 00 11/29/2018 Goethe-lnstitut For Professional Services Rendered 120,235.77 Bahrain Economic Development For Professional Services Rendered 11.000.00 1^/lo/ZUIO Board~ j 12/14/2018 Goethe-lnstitut For Professional Services Rendered 160,734.82 Bahrain Economic Development 12/31/2018 For Professional Services Rendered 11,000.00 Board 1/11/2019 Goethe-lnstitut For Professional Services Rendered 51.875.00 1/25/2019 Goethe-lnstitut For Professional Services Rendered 67.500.00 1/29/2019 Goethe-lnstitut For Professional Services Rendered _ 88,235.37 Total Receipts $1,323,286:37

Attachment 14A Page 2 .. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 -10:31:45 AM deceived by jistration Unit" 03729/2019 1,0:31:45 AM



During this 6 month reporting period, have you

(1) disbursed or expended monies in connection with activity on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, and 9 of this statement?

Yes [X] No [ ]

(2) transmitted monies to any such foreign principal?

Yes [ 1 No [X] '

If ho, explain in full detail why there were no disbursements made on behalf of any foreign principal.

■ N/A

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies, including monies transmitted, if any, to each foreign principal.

Date To Whom Purpose Amount


Attachment 15A Page 1 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Deceived by NSD/FARA Registration Unit .03/29/2019 10:^ 1:45 AM

Foreign Agent Report Expenses 08/20/19 - 02/26/19

Local Office Tram. Meals Expenses Travel Other

Geelbe-lnstUut e.V.

Pate ToWhom;

09/01/18 Travel - Ground Transportation 61.78 09/10/18 Travel - Ground Transportation 44.78 09/13/18 FARA Filing 305.00 09/13/18 Event Costs 7.10 09/13/18 Event Costs 17,226.00 09/14/18 Travel * Ground Transportation 50.04 09/14/18 Business Meals 47.85 09/15/18 Subscriptions ft Tools 105.15 09/19/18 Consultant Services 22,000.00 09/22/18 Travel - Ground Transportation 28.74 09/30/18 Travel - Ground Transportation 51.91 09/30/18 Business Meals 66.64 09/30/18 Telecomm umcstionj 24.00 id/oins Travel - Ground Transportation 1,522.88 10/01/18 Travel - Airfare 2,636.28 10/01/18 Travel - Hotel 3,677.00 10/02/18 Phoco/Video Production 6.125.00 10/03/18 Advertising 2.725.00 10/04/18 Buuness Mesls 267.15 10/05/18 Travel • Ground Transportation 10/05/18 Business Meats 27.76 10/05/18 Photo/Video Production 3,785.00 10/07/18 Business Meals 553.27 10/09/18 Travel • Ground Transnonation 90.73 10/11/18 Travel - Ground transportation 97.32 10/11/18 Business Meals 79.04 10/11/18 Photo/Video Production 0538.86 10/14/18 Business Meals 118.94 10/14/18 Travel - Ground Transportation 145.56 10/14/18 Event Costs 218.98 10/15/18 . Consultant Services 13,304.87 10/15/18 Event Costs 187.85 10/15/18 ' Travel - Ground Transportation 49.49 10/15/18 Subscriptions ft Tools, 323.65 10/15/18 Business Mods 241.13 10/15/18 Event Costs 849.82 10/15/18 Event Costs 5.34 10/16/18 Photo/Video Production 6.106.48 10/17/18 Travel - Ground Transportation 503.29 10/17/18 Travel - Hotel 427.68 10/17/18 Travel • Airfare , 460.40 10/18/18 Photo/Video Production 5,238.75 10/19/18 Pho to/Video Production 8,750.00 10/20/18 Travel - Ground Transportation 503.98 10/20/18 Business Meals 7.87 10/29/18 Advertising 831.00 10/31/18 Advcrti sins 11,945.41 n/oi/18 Travel - Ground Transportation 15.3d 11/05/18 Ad verbs ins 17,545.94 11/07/18 Travel - Ground Transconation 59.50 11/07/18 Advertising 48,875.85 11/08/18 Consultant Services 22,000.00 11/09/18 Travel - Ground transnonation 40.10 11/11/18 Travel - Ground Transportation 17.89 11/15/18 Subscriptions & tools 388.80 11/16/18 Business Meals 67.24 11/20/18 Business Meals 30.74 11/20/18 Travel • Ground Transportation 14.22 11/25/J8 Business Meals . 284.60 11/30/18 -Event Costs 39.08 11/30/18 Advertising 5.751.24 12/01/18 Travel - Ground Transportation 9.50 12/04/18 Advertising 4,013.92 12/10/18 Travel - Ground Transportation 50.82 12/11/18 Photo/Video Production 2,600.00 12/12/18 Advertising 1.075.00 12/14/18 Advertising 51,875.00 12/15/18 Event Costs 61.33 12/15/18 Subscriptions ft Tools •96.25 12/15/18 Subscriptions ft Tools 334.86 12/20/18 Subscriptions ft Tools 128.13 12/31/18 Advertising 3.610.25 01/03/19 Advertising 3.833.00 01/04/19 Subscriptions & Tools 85.94 01/14/19 Consultant Services 22,000.00 01/1J/19 Subscriptions ft Tools 107.04 01/16/19 Subscriptions ft Tools 42.99 01/31/19 Advertising 4.545.02 02/01/19 Travel • Ground Transportation 455.00 02/04/19 Advertising 3,471.54 02/12/19 Travel - Ground Transportation 31.83 02/15/19 Event Costs . 26.21 Received by NSD/FARA Registration4^$>'»03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by NSD/FAKA Registration Unit 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM

Foreign Agent Report 'Expenses 08/20/18 - 02/28/19

Local Office Trine. Meals Expenses Tnvel Other Note* 02/lj/19 Subscriptions & Took 196.41 - 8‘ 02/28/19 Advertising 3,912.53 4

Total: Goethe-Inititut e.V. 322,158.71

Bahrain Economic Development Board

EtftlS To Whom:

10/26/18 KARA Filing 305.00 9 11/22/18 Travel • Ground Transportation 83.66 J 11/22/18 Burmese Meals 67.13 2 11/22/18 Travel - Hotel 51.02 1

Total: Bahrein Economic Development Board 506.81

1. Travel costs in connection with services in the U.S. on behalf of the foreign principal. 2. Working meals and related costs inconneetion with services in the U.S. on behalf of the foreign principal. 3- Aggregate telecommunication charges in connection with services on behalf of the foreignprineipal. 4. Advertising costs in connection with services in the U.S. on behalf of die foreign principal. 5. Consulting and vendor costs in connection with services in the U.S. on behalf of the foreign principal. 6. Event related cost's in connection with services in the U.S. on behalf of the foreign principal. 7. Photo and video production costs in connection with services in the U.S. on behalf of the foreign principal. 8. Subscription, research, and tool costs in connection with services in foe U.S. on behalf of foe foreign principal. 9. PARA filing foes.

Received by NSD/FARA RegistratioruXMt,»03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/29/2019T6:3l :45^Am .


15. During this 6 month reporting period, have you from your own funds and on your own behalf either directly or through any other person, made any contributions of money or other things of value in connection with an election to any political office, or in connection with any primary’election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for political office?

Yes [ ] No [X]*

If yes, furnish the following information: N/A .

♦However, as detailed below, certain individuals who filed a.Short Form Registration Statement made political contributions during the 6 month reporting period.

Short Form Registrant Date Amount Recipient Dania Tanur 09/06/2018 $25.00 ActBlue Jordan Valdes 10/04/2018 $50.00 ActBlue Richard VanOmum 10/12/2018 $18.43 It Starts Today

Attachment 15C Received by NSD/FARA RegistrationP ageUnit 1 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unj.t 03/29/2019 I0:3T74.^M


19. During this 6 month reporting period, did your activities in preparing, disseminating or causing the dissemination of informational materials include the use of any of the: following:

Electronic Communications

[X] Social media websites URL(s):

@wunderbar2gethr (Twitter); wunderbartogether (Instagram) (Facebook)

Attachments Received by NSD/FARA Registratior^tfmt 03/29/2019 10:31:45 AM