Climate and Development

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Drivers of climate risk in African agriculture

Denis J. Sonwa, Amadou Dieye, El-Houssine El Mzouri, Amos Majule, Francis T. Mugabe, Nancy Omolo, Hervé Wouapi, Joy Obando & Nick Brooks

To cite this article: Denis J. Sonwa, Amadou Dieye, El-Houssine El Mzouri, Amos Majule, Francis T. Mugabe, Nancy Omolo, Hervé Wouapi, Joy Obando & Nick Brooks (2016): Drivers of climate risk in African agriculture, Climate and Development, DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2016.1167659

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Drivers of climate risk in African agriculture Denis J. Sonwaa*, Amadou Dieyeb, El-Houssine El Mzouric, Amos Majuled, Francis T. Mugabee, Nancy Omolof, Hervé Wouapig, Joy Obandoh and Nick Brooksi

aCIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research), C/o IITA Humid Forest Ecoregional Center, B.P. 2008, Yaounde, ; bCentre de SuiviEcologique, Dakar Sénégal/South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, USA; cInstitut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), PO Box 589, 26000, Settat, Morocco; dInstitute of Resource Assessment, University of Dar es Salaam, Box 35097, Dar es Salaam, ; eSchool of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Private Bag 7724, Chinhoyi, ; fClimate Change Unit, Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), Nairobi, Kenya; gDepartment of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, , P.O. Box 222 Dschang, Cameroon; hDepartment of Geography, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya; iGarama 3C Ltd, Norwich, UK (Received 4 December 2013; accepted 8 January 2016)

Climate-related risks to African agriculture are highly contextual. Climatic conditions are changing in diverse agro-ecological environments throughout Africa, and populations are being affected by, and responding to, these changes. The paper describes how climate change risks in African agriculture are mediated by multiple factors, ranging from the availability of physical resources through policy contexts to the role of culture. Consequently, support to adaptation needs to be complemented with research that can generate contextual information to inform adaptation policies, strategies, and measures. Interventions need to go beyond just technical fixes such as the development of new crop varieties, and must be based on an understanding of how different factors interact in a complex manner to drive risks and results in specific contexts to diverse outcomes. Keywords: Climate change; agriculture; Africa; hazards; impacts; vulnerability; adaptive capacity

1. Introduction post-harvest crop losses in sub-Saharan Africa have been Around 80% of Africa’s approximately one billion people estimated at up to USD 4 billion per year, or 15% of pro- are dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods. Despite duction (World Bank, 2011). increasing commercialization, African agriculture is In addition to low productivity and low levels of invest- largely smallholder based and non-irrigated, and is charac- ment, agricultural production in much of Africa is con- terized by low levels of investment (Beintema & Stads, strained by climatic conditions, which in many parts of 2011). Crop and livestock systems are complemented by the continent are marginal and/or associated with high a range of food production and livelihood activities, includ- inter- and intra-annual variability and uncertainty ing aquaculture, agro-forestry, and the harvesting of non- (Agoumi, 2003; Dixon, Smith, & Guill, 2003). In this context, climate change poses a major challenge for Downloaded by [Kenyatta University] at 05:24 24 June 2016 timber forest products and other wild fauna and flora (Inter- Academy Council, 2004). Smallholder agriculture and African agriculture. Changes in variability will affect the related activities are vital not only to livelihoods and food length and success of growing seasons, and changes in rain- security, but also to wider national economic well-being. fall coupled with increased mean and extreme temperatures Nonetheless, food insecurity remains high in Africa, with will have implications for water resources on which agri- some 23% of the population of the continent undernour- culture depends. Recent studies have linked increased ished in 2006, compared with 13% of the global population drought incidence in East Africa with climate change (FAO, 2011). Fertilizer use and per-hectare crop yields are (e.g. Cook & Vizy, 2013; Lott, Christidis, & Stott, 2013), low in Africa (15,349 Hg/Ha compared with 35,664 Hg/Ha and drought is likely to become more common over fi globally for cereals, and 88,101 Hg/Ha compared with much of the continent over the course of the twenty- rst 137,867 Hg/Ha for roots and tubers (FAO, 2011)), and century (Niang et al., 2014). Other studies have indicated fi increases in productivity are associated principally with that temperature increases alone can have signi cant land extension (Gockowski & Sonwa, 2011). Annual implications for crop yields (Battisti & Naylor, 2009;

*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group 2 D.J. Sonwa et al.

Lobell, Banziger, Magorokosho, & Vivek, 2011), and that level adaptations to changes in climatic conditions are existing cropping systems are likely to experience signifi- already being documented in Africa (Grist, 2014), and cant reductions in yields over the coming decades as a these can provide useful lessons for further adaptation, result of warming combined with other factors (Schlenker building on existing adaptive capacity. Nonetheless, signifi- & Lobell, 2010). Burke, Lobell, and Guarino (2009) esti- cant gaps exist in current research initiatives, including in mate that “the majority of African countries will have geographical representation, and considerable challenges novel climates over at least half of their current crop area remain at the interface between research and the users of by 2050”. In order to feed a population projected to research products (Zoundi & Hitimana, 2011). double or even triple over the course of the twenty-first One way of addressing these gaps and challenges is century (UNFPA, 2011), African agriculture needs to through participatory action research (PAR), which become more productive while also addressing the signifi- enables (i) the generation of outputs that can feed into cant challenges posed by climate change. ongoing research programmes, (ii) the dissemination of Increased investments in capital and labour may offset research results at the local level outside of formal exten- many of the adverse impacts of climate change on African sion services contexts, and (iii) different stakeholders to agriculture, at least up until around 2030 (Bezabih, Chamb- work together and generate output that can inform the wera, & Stage, 2010). In the longer term, a wider array of mainstreaming of adaptation into agricultural and develop- adaptation strategies and measures will be required. Adap- ment policy. Adaptation can then be built on a genuine con- tation actions, therefore, need to address evolving risks to textual understanding of the factors that drive risk in agricultural livelihoods and productivity – here seen as speci fic contexts. For example, what are the societal resulting from the interaction of climate hazards with factors that influence the underlying vulnerabilities of agri- underlying socially constructed vulnerabilities – over a cultural livelihoods and production to climate hazards, and range of timescales, from the immediate near-term to the to what extent can we attribute changes in agricultural medium and longer term. The diversity of farming losses associated with climate variations to changes in vul- systems in Africa means that regionally and locally tai- nerability versus changes in the nature of climate hazards? lored, rather than continent-wide, strategies are required This paper aims to contribute to such an approach by exam- to ensure food production and security for Africa’s ining the drivers of climate-related risk identified in six pro- growing population in the face of climate change (InterA- jects under the climate change and adaptation in Africa cademyCouncil, 2004). Adesina (2010) emphasizes the (CCAA) programme, from Central Africa, East Africa, need to build on domestic policies aligned with local devel- North Africa, Southern Africa, and West Africa. The opment realities. Agricultural development in Africa there- CCAA programme funded 41 research projects in 33 fore needs to address the needs of smallholders, and to African countries, and addressed the need to strengthen build on existing livelihoods (Collier & Dercon, 2009). the knowledge base of African scientists in ways that Accordingly, adaptation needs to be built on an understand- would benefit the most vulnerable (IDRC, 2012). For this ing of current, emerging, and potential future climate- paper, we are focusing on the six projects that were more related risks to livelihoods, as well as an appreciation of relevant to agriculture. the need for near-term development and adaptation actions to be compatible with longer term adaptation

Downloaded by [Kenyatta University] at 05:24 24 June 2016 needs (Brooks, Anderson, Ayers, Burton, & Tellam, 2011). 2. Methodology and risk framework Research into the factors that drive risks to livelihoods The implications of climate change for human populations and agricultural productivity, therefore, has a key role to are often discussed in terms of “vulnerability”, where vul- play in adaptation, through the gathering and dissemination nerability is defined as a function of the rate and magnitude of data and information on (i) evolving climatic and of climatic variations, the exposure and sensitivity of environmental stresses, (ii) agricultural and livelihood out- exposed populations or systems, and their adaptive comes associated with these evolving stresses, (iii) the capacity (IPCC, 2007). However, such definitions can be factors that make people and livelihoods more or less vul- problematic (Brooks, 2003), and recently there has been a nerable to climatic and environmental stresses, and (iv) the shift towards an emphasis on risk as defined in the factors that constrain and enable adaptation to climatic and natural hazards literature that predates that on climate environmental change in various livelihood contexts. Such change vulnerability (IPCC, 2012, 2014; Wisner, Blaikie, data and information can help to inform adaptation actions Cannon, & Davis, 1994). and policies, and need to be generated in cooperation with a Adaptive capacity is the ability to adjust to changes and diverse array of stakeholders who tell us what is happening variations in climatic and environmental conditions in “on the ground” in diverse risk and adaptation contexts. order to moderate potential damages, exploit opportunities, These include smallholders, pastoralists, and users of and cope with the consequences of such changes (IPCC, natural resources at large, whose perceptions of risk will 2007). The capacity to adapt to trends and changes in inform risk assessments and adaptation initiatives. Local- climate over the medium to long term can be distinguished Climate and Development 3

from the ability to cope with climate variations in the special issue sets out the process of generating the synthesis shorter term. The former implies permanent changes in be- papers). PAR which was used within projects is a collabora- haviour and practices, whereas the latter might simply tive research approach involving iterations of action and involve the deployment of existing strategies or temporary reflection (German et al., 2012 ). After project completion, measures to address transient hazards and related risks. the authors of this article reflected on the results obtained Adaptive capacity depends on a suite of often related in the six CCAA projects, using a common framework. factors including (i) knowledge, preparedness, and ability Drawing on the results of these projects, we identify to act; (ii) the role of institutions (formal and informal, factors that map onto the five key elements of risk as including social networks) in facilitating or constraining defined above, in order to present an “anatomy of risk” action/innovation; (iii) access to resources including for African agriculture in the locations considered. The natural resources, technology, and financial resources; identification of impacts helps us to understand the (poten- (iv) mobility (closely related to access to resources); and tial) consequences of climate variability and change for (v) cultural factors, perceptions, and beliefs that affect the agriculture and livelihoods, and the types of risks that willingness to take (or not take) certain actions (Adger, must be addressed. The identification of hazards and Huq, Brown, Conway, & Hulme, 2003; Downing, social and biophysical vulnerabilities enables us to separate Ringius, Hulme, & Waughray, 1997; Grist, 2014; the drivers of these risks into those about which we can do Mubaya, Njuki, Liwenga, Mutsvangwa, & Mugabe, little at the regional and local scales (hazards driven by 2010; Reid & Vogel, 2006). There will be significant over- macro-scale climatic processes), those that can be laps in the factors influencing adaptive capacity and those addressed through livelihood interventions (social vulner- mediating vulnerability; for example, access to certain ability), and those that can be addressed through actions resources such as finance and information network will related to land and natural resource management (biophysi- help people anticipate and recover from transient hazards cal vulnerability). The identification of factors related to in the short term, and also plan for and adapt to longer adaptive capacity in principle enables us to propose inter- term changes in climate. ventions to remove barriers to adaptation and to enhance Here, we use a risk framework in which risks that cli- people’s ability to respond to climate change. It is recog- matic stresses will result in a population or system experi- nized that some of the factors influencing social and bio- encing adverse outcomes or “impacts” (crop failure, physical vulnerability and adaptive capacity will be reductions in household incomes, food insecurity, liveli- closely related, and that the boundaries between these hood collapse, etc.) are viewed as resulting from the inter- elements will be blurred in many instances. action of climate-related hazards (the physical Results from different regions and projects are com- manifestations of climate change and variability such as pared and contrasted where possible, in order to examine extreme climatic events and long-term trends) with the similarities and differences in the drivers and composition underlying vulnerabilities of exposed populations or of climate-related risks in different contexts. However, socio-ecological systems. In this framework, vulnerability different regional and project contexts illuminate different may be decomposed into the societal factors that make elements of risk, and discussion of these elements seeks farmers, pastoralists, and those directly dependent on to draw lessons as project results permit, rather than to natural food resources more susceptible to harm when compare and contrast findings evenly across all the

Downloaded by [Kenyatta University] at 05:24 24 June 2016 exposed to climate hazards, and the environmental factors regions addressed. than make landscapes, ecosystems, and other aspects of the “natural” or managed physical environment susceptible fi to harm as a result of exposure to the same hazards. These 3. Elements of risk: ndings of the CCAA projects two aspects of vulnerability are described in terms of social Here, we identify how the five elements of climate risk vulnerability and biophysical vulnerability, respectively. described above are manifest in the studies from the five When addressing risks associated with longer term regions examined. Manifestations of the elements of changes in climatic conditions, vulnerability will also climate risk are summarized in Table 2 for each region depend on the adaptive capacity of populations and and project. socio-ecological systems (Brooks, 2003). In this frame- work, hazards, impacts, social vulnerability, biophysical Hazards vulnerability, and adaptive capacity may be viewed as the 3.1. five key elements of risk. Situational analyses conducted by CCAA project research- Here, we present a synthesis of findings from across six ers in diverse African agro-ecological environments projects (Table 1) undertaken as part of the CCAA pro- (Benaouda, El Ouali, & Saloui, 2008; El Ouali, Benaouda, gramme, representing the five African regions identified & Saloui, 2009; Lema & Majule, 2009; Majule et al., 2013; above (Figure 1), and addressing a variety of agricultural Mongi, Majule, & Lyimo, 2010) identify a number of and related livelihood contexts (the opening paper to this hazards associated with climate change and variability, 4 Table 1. Summary of the six projects including location, timing/duration, title of project, key stakeholders, and methods used (PAR, risk mapping, scenario planning, vulnerability assessment, etc.). ..Sonwa D.J. # Project title Location Methods Purpose/objectives Key stakeholders 1 Cofcca: Congo Basin and Central Africa (countries Participatory Action Research (PAR) Pilot projects were part of Cofcca Key stakeholders involved in the pilot Climate change Adaptation covered: Cameroon, participatory diagnosis and visioning, project. The main objective of the projects are from Conservation

Democratic Republic of conceptualization of change, and overall Cofcca project was to Agencies, Agricultural states al et Congo, and Central identification of specific strategies for contribute to national processes of department, local NGO, and national

African Republic) climate change adaptation in the adaptation to climate change and Research organization . Field Locations: community through the development of Nkol-evodo & policy-oriented adaptation Yokadouma (Cameroon) strategies that also ensure Kisangani & Mambasa sustainable use of forest resources (DRC) in the Congo Basin Forests. Mbaiki and Bayanga (CAR) 2 Enhancing Adaptive Capacity East Africa (Countries PAR, Participatory diagnosis and Develop the knowledge base to guide Key stakeholders – Pastoralists, of Pastoralists to Climate covered: Kenya) visioning, indigenous knowledge adaptation of pastoralist Government policy makers, NGOs, Change: Induced Field Locations: systems, capacity building, climate communities to climate change, CBOs, Universities, research Vulnerability in Northern Mandera and Turkana in modelling, risk mapping, scenario and provide guidelines on the institutions Kenya Northern Kenya planning, Outcome mapping, Gender integration of climate change analysis adaptation within the pastoral system into national development institutions and policies. 3 Adaptation Mechanisms to North Africa (country • Agro-ecological and socio-economic To contribute to a better integration Key stakeholders: Climate Changes of local covered: Morocco) characterization of ways and forms of adaptation of • Peasants (farmers) communities of two Locations: • GIS local populations to CC in a new • Local NGOs (Associations and contrasted ecosystems of 1. Arid plain area: RC • Communal modelling rural development perspectives in Cooperatives) Morocco: arid plain and of Lamzoudia, • Climatic modelling Morocco. • Rural communes High Atlas Mountain Chichaoua Province • Gender analysis Project objectives: Study cases in • Caudate 2. Sub-humid Moutain • Behaviour analysis towards risk two contrasting environments: to • Provincial rural affairs divisions area:RC of Tabant, Azilal • Multidisciplinary participative reinforce adaptive capacity of • Extension centres Province. • Structured and semi-structured vulnerable populations to CC • Provincial agricultural departments questionnaires through the identification and the • Forestry • Venn diagrams and resources maps development of appropriate • National meteorology Direction • Transects TIPO’s according to local fragile • Climate change service Downloaded by [Kenyatta University] at 05:24 24 June 2016 24 June 05:24 at University] by [Kenyatta Downloaded • Visualization tools ecosystems. • Regional Agronomic research • Decision tool making methodology centres • Multifactor’s approaches • PAR • Participatory diagnosis and visioning, conceptualization of change, and identification of specific strategies for climate change adaptation in the community 4 Building adaptive capacity to Southern Africa (Countries PAR, Participatory diagnosis and Develop education, research, and Key stakeholders – farmers, agricultural cope with increasing covered: and visioning, indigenous knowledge extension competencies to be able extension staff, University students, Zimbabwe) systems, demonstration plots, capacity to create strategies that facilitate vulnerability due to climatic Locations: building, crop simulation modelling, rural communities to increase their University staff, national research change Lupane and Lower risk mapping, scenario planning adaptive capacity to cope with organizations Gweru (Zimbabwe), risks and opportunities associated Monze, Sinazongwe with climate change and (Zambia) variability 5 InfoClim (Platform for West Africa (Country Assess communities’ perception of Help vulnerable populations gain NATIONAL LEVEL STAKEHOLDERS: Helping Vulnerable covered: Senegal) climate change impacts (focus groups) access to science-based National Scientific and Technical Communities Adapt to Locations: Climate information analysis (agro- information in order to strengthen Committee with the role to facilitate Climate Change) Thies Region (Senegal) climatic parameters; start and end their climate change adaptation collection exchange and dissemination in 4 communities: 3 rural dates of the rainy season; statistical strategies of scientific information and practical and 1 urban (see map) downscaling of the forecast) Validation of the data/information; knowledge (including local knowledge Document the process (PAR) promote the integration of among and between communities) Elaborate system to collect, process, information into the local PROVINCIAL LEVEL share, and disseminate information development plans STAKEHOLDERS: Regional Climate (information system, i.e. Observatory) Change Committee with the role to ensure the functionality of the Observatory and the Local Climate Change Committee; advise and direct users to the appropriate technical services; facilitate collection, process, LOCAL LEVEL STAKEHOLDERS: Local Climate Change Committee with the role to Identify difficulties and information needs within the community; Transmit the needs to the Provincial Committee; and get their feed back; Disseminate/share the information within the community. 6 Strengthening Local East and southern Africa – PAR activities through learning The purpose of the project was to Individuals, organizations, and systems Agriculture Innovation (Tanzania and ) and training. strengthen the capacity of within the agricultural innovation Systems to Adapt to – Documentation and sharing of individuals, organizations, and systems Climate Change information. systems within the agricultural – Situation analysis on climate issues innovation systems in less and livelihoods favoured areas (semi-arid in – Training and application of situation Tanzania and Malawi) and more analysis favoured areas of Tanzania and

• Multidisciplinary participative Malawi to adapt to the challenges Development and Climate Downloaded by [Kenyatta University] at 05:24 24 June 2016 24 June 05:24 at University] by [Kenyatta Downloaded • Structured and semi-structured and opportunities arising from CC questionnaires &V. Dissemination and share the information at National and local levels through National Consultation Groups and Districts 5 6 D.J. Sonwa et al.

Figure 1. Map showing countries covered by the six projects. Note: The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on this map do not imply any judgment concerning the legal Downloaded by [Kenyatta University] at 05:24 24 June 2016 status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. The aim of the map is to show the distribution of the projects across the continent.

manifest principally through changes in temperature and increased throughout the continent in the past 30 years, precipitation. with warming being greatest over the interior and semi- Increases in minimum and maximum temperatures are arid margins of the continent (El Ouali et al., 2009). apparent in meteorological observations and accounts Increasingly variable and unpredictable rainfall within from participants in CCAA projects in Malawi, Tanzania, and between years was widely reported, including signifi- Zambia, and Zimbabwe (Kalanda-Joshua, Ngongondo, cant reductions in the duration of rainy seasons, with the Chipeta, & Mpembeka, 2011; Lema & Majule, 2009; onset of rainfall occurring later and rainfall finishing Mongi et al., 2010; Mubaya et al., 2010). El Mzouri, earlier, and rainfall concentrated in a smaller number of Chriyaa, and Saloui (2010) also find increased variability days in many locations (Benaouda et al., 2008; Lema & in temperature at the CCAA sites in Morocco. In the Majule, 2009; Majule et al., 2013). In the Congo Basin Congo Basin, heat waves during the dry season were also respondents highlighted heavy rainfall, drought episodes highlighted (Bele, Mulotwa, Bokoto de Semboli, Sonwa, and instances of only occasional rainfall during the rainy & Tiani, 2010, 2013a, 2013b). Generally, temperature has season, low rainfall throughout the year, heavy rainfall, Table 2. Summary of the five elements of risk for each CCAA project.

Hazards Impacts Social vulnerability Biophysical vulnerability Opportunities for adaptation

Heavy rainfall weak agricultural productivity, remoteness of populations from urban Intercropping is generally considered to Livelihood Diversification and innovation within and beyond agricultural (1) crop failure and losses centres be more resilient than mono-cropping systems Heavy rainfall for a (1,3,4,6) (1) (1) (1,2,3,4,5) short period Decrease in animal Poor transport network Continuous change in the cropping Diversification – from pastoralism to agro-pastoralism, increase in (6) performances and number Limited access to markets system as varieties, species, and permanent settlement from nomadism lifestyle, increase in Remittances Stone rains which (3) (2) farming practices try to adapt from the diaspora, increase in Women-headed households, increase in destroy annual Crop pest infestations Limited access to information (3) ownership of smaller livestock (goats and sheep) crops (1,4) (2) Increase in loss of biodiversity and (2) (6) Etiolating (rapid elongation) of Sense of hopelessness deforestation Crop and farming diversification; Expansion of new cash crops using Irregular rainfall rain-fed rice, peanuts, and (2) (3) excessive water during summer time; Increased intercropping using more (3) corn Increased jobless population and poverty Decline in vegetation cover than two species (woody and herbaceous) ; Activity and income Erratic rainfall (1) (3) (5) diversification (5) withdrawal of wild game during Increased female and child vulnerability Reduced vegetation for grazing (3) Occasional rainfall pockets of severe drought (3) (2) Crop diversification and growing of short-season varieties in years that are during dry season (1) Changes in gender roles Frequency in the occurrence of drought predicted to be below normal and medium season varieties in years that (1) loss of flowers of cocoa, (2) (2) are predicted to be above normal Low rainfall during branches of multipurpose Differentiation of vulnerability by Increase in soil degradation and losses (4) the year trees gender (3,4,5,6) More producers pool together to exploit land (1,3) (1) (1,4) Increase in soil desertification as result of (5) Droughts fewer edible caterpillars, Food insecurity non-adopted agricultural practices and Improved deep tillage practices using deep tillage implements; Used early (2,4,5) mushrooms, and fish (2,4,6) overgrazing maturing crop varieties of annual and tree crops; Improved application of Severe Frequent (1) Introduction of new cops (3) organic fertilizers, particularly compost manures and animal farmyard drought increased animal, livestock, and (6) Increase in the occurrence of flash floods manure; Improved and engaged local agricultural innovation systems; (3) human morbidity Increase in conflicts (2) (6) Early and late season (1,2) (2) Change of crop types and varieties; more livestock rearing such as poultry droughts increased bushfires Increase in conflict around water, grazing Increased water loss and decreased and livestock; crafting as alternative activity (woody and non-woody (3) (1,6) land, and land tenure water use efficiency items) Punctual droughts Migration (3) (3) (5) during rainy season (2) Increase in conflict between crops and Increase in water salinity as deep water is Herd sizes reduction in animal husbandry transformations (1,4) Abandon of agricultural livestock keepers over exploited (3) High temperatures activities in some areas (6) (3) Abandon of some traditional practices (6) (5) Disintegration of local institutions and Sedimentation (5,6) Heat waves during dry Increase in livestock theft organizations (4) More people drop rain-fed agriculture to turn to gardening season (2) (3) Poor infrastructures (5) (1,3) Decrease in the snowbelt Weak extension services (2) Increased access to deep water tables Strong winds (3) Unfavourable government policies (3) (1) Soil degradation and loss hindering the survival of pastoralism Improvement of irrigation systems and water management Excessive wind in (3,6) system (5)

semi-arid areas Soil erosion or formation of hard (2) Increased state investments in water catchment and harvesting; New policies Development and Climate

Downloaded by [Kenyatta University] at 05:24 24 June 2016 24 June 05:24 at University] by [Kenyatta Downloaded (6) pans poor performance of national institutions and investment for water economy and water use efficiency Floods (6) and international aid agencies as (3) (4,6) Decrease in the water table drivers of vulnerability Migration from rural to urban or other areas Occasional heavy (3,5) (1,3) (2,3,4,5,6) flooding storms Disappearance of long-term xx (3) growing crop such as maize and sorghum (6)

1: Project 1 (Cofcca: Congo Basin Forest and Climate Change) [Central Africa]. 2: Project 2 (Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of Pastoralists to Climate Change: Induced Vulnerability in Northern Kenya) [East Africa]. 3: Project 3: Adaptation Mechanisms to Climate Changes of local communities of two contrasted ecosystems of Morocco: arid plain and High Atlas Mountain [North Africa]. 4: Project 4: Building adaptive capacity to cope with increasing vulnerability due to climatic change [Southern Africa]. 5: Project 5: InfoClim (Platform for Helping Vulnerable Communities Adapt to Climate Change) [West Africa]. 6: Project 6. Strengthening Local Agriculture Innovation Systems to Adapt to Climate Change in Tanzania and Malawi [Cross-Regional: East and Southern Africa]. 7 8 D.J. Sonwa et al.

and strong winds as hazards affecting their livelihoods Pangani River in Tanzania, while lower rainfall has resulted (Bele et al., 2010, 2013b). in a decline in groundwater and a drying of wetlands in Trends towards aridity and more frequent drought are Eastern Africa (Majule, 2008). In south-eastern Africa, evident in multiple locations (Benaouda et al., 2008; intensified climate extremes have been associated with Lema & Majule, 2009; Majule et al., 2013; Mongi et al., floods, landslides and soil erosion, and loss of property. 2010). At the CCAA study sites in Morocco, surface In Morocco, reduced meltwater and drought have contrib- water resources have declined significantly over the past uted to a decline in surface and groundwater levels in the 50 years, primarily due to reduced snowfall over the Tensit al Haouz basin, in which groundwater declines of Atlas mountains and a subsequent reduction in spring melt- more than 20 m over the past 15 years have been reported water (Benaouda et al., 2008). In the rural commune of at the CCAA study site of Lamzoudia (El Mzouri et al., Lamzoudia, over 94% of farmers reported that drought is 2010). Desertification has intensified in the Moroccan the principal climate hazard of concern. Over 60% of sur- study areas as water resources have declined, resulting in veyed farmers felt that the 1980s (and 1981 in particular) the loss of productive land. had been extremely dry. Subsequent droughts in the The above factors have impacted agricultural pro- 1990s and 2000s convinced them of a downward trend in duction in the locations assessed by the CCAA projects. rainfall. These observations are consistent with projections At Lamzoudia (Morocco), declining water resources and for Morocco and the Maghreb as a whole, which indicate land degradation have been associated with a reduction in warming above the average for the African continent, and irrigated areas, shorter growing seasons for some crops, the largest percentage rainfall reductions in Africa (Chris- and declines in the yields and cropped area of soft wheat tensen et al., 2007). (El Mzouri et al., 2010). CCAA projects in southern and A CCAA project examining livelihood strategies in south-eastern Africa conclude that erratic rains and increas- northern Kenya found that drought frequency had ing temperatures are associated with declines in soil fertility increased, with droughts now occurring at least once and crop yield, stunting of crops, and the destruction of every five years, rather than once every 10 years as in the mature crops in the field and of stored crops (Lema & past. In all, 82% of respondents in the Turkana region Majule, 2009; Mubaya et al., 2010; Mugabe et al., 2010). noted that drought severity and frequency had increased, Prolonged and frequent droughts as well as higher tempera- with drought becoming an almost regular and permanent tures are associated with the drying of agricultural soils, phenomenon. These findings are consistent with results impeding timely seed germination and crop establishment. reported by Funk et al. (2008), Williams and Funk In the Congo Basin of Central Africa, farmers identified (2010), Cook and Vizy (2013), and Lott et al. (2013) that negative impacts on their livelihood activities including suggest drying and more frequent drought in the region, weak agricultural productivity and crop pest infestations contrary to projections based on model averages described such as cassava tuber rot; etiolating (rapid elongation) of by the IPCC (Christensen et al., 2007). East African climate rain-fed rice, peanuts, and corn; withdrawal of wild game variability, associated with both droughts and extreme pre- during pockets of severe drought; loss of branches of multi- cipitation hazards such as flooding, is linked with El Niño purpose trees; failure of cocoa flowers; fewer edible caterpil- and La Niña (Kyomuhendo & Muhanguzi, 2008), the lars and mushrooms; decreased fish stocks; increased animal future behaviour of which is uncertain (Meehl et al., 2007). morbidity; and increased bushfires (Bele et al., 2010; Bele,

Downloaded by [Kenyatta University] at 05:24 24 June 2016 The prevalence of drought in the Sahel (Brooks, 2004) Tiani, Somorin, & Sonwa, 2013b). Other studies in this is underlined by meteorological data from the CCAA region have associated prolonged rainy seasons with nega- project site of Thies in Senegal, where the average annual tive impacts on crop production leading to shortages in rainfall for the period 1920–1967 was 660 mm, whereas local markets (Yengoh, Tchuinte, Armah, & Odoi, 2010). that for the period 1968–1999 was 440 mm. During the However, farmers have also identified opportunities associ- latter period, annual rainfall fell below 300 mm in 1968, ated with changes in climatic conditions, including opportu- 1972, 1973, 1977, and 1983. In Tanzania, rainy seasons nities for the rapid growth of some plants such as plantain, exhibited two distinct rainfall peaks prior to the 1950s, cocoyam, and cassava during wet anomalies in the dry since when the second peak has decreased in duration and season (Bele, Sonwa, & Tiani, 2013a, 2013b). The occur- been associated with very little rain (Lema & Majule, 2009). rence of droughts provides an opportunity to produce off- season corn in drying watercourses and swamps, and to shift from one to two cycles of annual production. Impacts 3.2. Climate-related impacts on livestock systems were The CCAA projects identified a wide range of impacts identified by various CCAA studies. In south-eastern associated with the climate hazards described above, invol- Africa, CCAA projects highlighted reductions in livestock ving impacts on water resources, soils, crops, and livestock. productivity, increases in livestock diseases such as East Reductions in spring meltwater from Mount Kiliman- Coast Fever, the loss of livestock due to floods, and an jaro have adversely impacted water resources in the increased incidence of vector-borne diseases. These Climate and Development 9

impacts in turn have been associated with increasing working, although this is partly because they are no periods of hunger, as well as an increased dependency on longer able to implement them. natural resources for food security as crops fail. In Morocco, reduced water and pasture have been associated 3.3. Social vulnerability with a decline in the size of grazing animals (El Mzouri While factors such as poverty, low livelihood diversity, and et al., 2010). In semi-arid areas of Tanzania, reductions in geographical isolation mean that vulnerability to climate pasture availability were reported by 60 % of respondents, change and variability is high in many African populations, and increased pests and livestock diseases by 40% of vulnerability varies considerably within and between popu- respondents (Majule et al., 2013). lations (Brooks, 2003; Downing & Patwardhan, 2003). A CCAA study in Turkana and Mandera in northern Climate change is particularly likely to affect resource- Kenya found that reduced pasture availability for livestock poor households who are unable to invest in or take advan- as a result of drought was reported by 60% of respondents. tage of alternative income sources or new agricultural strat- In all, 40% of respondents in semi-arid areas also reported egies, and who are less able to recover following droughts, increases in pests and diseases. As droughts have increased, floods, diseases, or other shocks (USAID, 2010). Policies the return period of famine in Kenya has reduced from 20 can also influence vulnerability; for example, policies pro- years (1964–1984), to 12 years (1984–1996), to two years moting the expansion of agriculture into temporarily pro- (2004–2006), and to yearly (2007/2008/2009) (GOK, ductive but historically marginal lands have been 2010), a trend reflected in oral testimony from a male proposed as a major driver of vulnerability which, when Turkana pastoralist during the project inception workshop, combined with drought hazards, can result in famine who stated: (Brooks, Brown, & Grist, 2009; Heyd & Brooks, 2009). Vulnerability in northern Kenya was found to be influ- In the past … we had droughts once in 10 years. But these days … droughts are frequently occurring every year, our enced by age, gender of the household head, disability, and animals are dying from diseases we don’t know how to factors that constrain mobility and/or access to pasture, cure, there is less pasture and water is scarce … . foster conflicts and insecurity, encourage concentration of populations in the rangelands, constrain market access, In Mandera, and to a lesser extent in Turkana, pastoral- promote unfair trade, and weaken veterinary service deliv- ists are moving from nomadism to semi-permanent settle- ery. Men’s vulnerability was associated with animal losses ment, in which men move in search of water and pasture during droughts or floods, which makes it difficult for them while most of the household is sedentary. to support their families and results in loss of social status, CCAA projects in both East and West Africa found evi- as wealth is defined by the number of animals one owns. In dence that climate change was challenging traditional Turkana, it was noted that female-headed households knowledge based on predictable seasonality. A high pro- lacked labour for herding and accessing better pastures, portion of survey respondents in northern Kenya had which tend to be located in conflict-prone areas. Heigh- come to depend on the use of indigenous knowledge and tened risks and climate impacts were observed to margina- local “diviners” for early warning information on weather lize women from strategic decision-making such as and seasons due to the lack of access to modern meteorolo- investments, spreading risks, and planting decisions, even gical information. When asked if the indigenous sources of where female-headed households are a significant pro- Downloaded by [Kenyatta University] at 05:24 24 June 2016 knowledge on weather and seasons were working well for portion of the population. Put simply, women’s views are them, 43% of the respondents noted that reliability of more likely to be ignored during these periods character- weather and seasonal information from such indigenous ized by intensified climate-related stresses. systems is reduced as climatic conditions change and the Conflict was cited as a reason for moving by 21.9% and occurrence of predictive, natural environmental indicators 4.5% of respondents in Turkana and Mandera, respectively. becomes less frequent. In Thies in Senegal, traditional In both areas it was observed that families that included knowledge and practices resulting from the accumulation educated female members were able to survive better of observations, innovations, and forms of adaptation that during the 1999/2000 drought than those that did not. guided farmers’ technological and economic choices This result reflects the conclusions of other studies at appear to be less successful. Sowing, cultivation techniques, much larger scales (e.g. Brooks, Adger, & Kelly, 2005). and tillage dates based on past experience seem increasingly The proportion of women who could read and write was inappropriate to new climate conditions. These conclusions 7.9% of the 922 respondents in Turkana and 6.1% of the echo those of Galvin, Thornton, Boone, and Sunderland 423 in Mandera. (2004), who states that while East African pastoralists Structural issues characterizing vulnerability in northern have been able to track climate variability very well in the Kenya included access to markets for livestock and crop past, their existing strategies, based on centuries of exposure produce, access to health centres, and access to roads used to intra- and inter-annual climate variability, are no longer by motorized transport. In Mandera, 57% of respondents 10 D.J. Sonwa et al.

walked for over 6 hours to access the nearest livestock or driven to move from subsistence to commercial farming produce market; 53% of respondents identified lack of since the 1980s, with a shift from barley, durum wheat, access to market infrastructure, including livestock auction and some limited irrigated vegetable production to greater yards, as a constraint on the sale of livestock during emphasis on soft wheat, which now comprises some 70% droughts, an important coping strategy. In all, 83.6% of of the cultivated area (El Mzouri et al., 2010). These respondents cited lack of road and communications infra- changes have resulted in greater groundwater abstraction structure as constraining their access to weather and seasonal and a more than two-fold expansion of the cultivated area forecast information. Three percent hardly received any which, along with changes in rainfall and runoff, have con- information on weather or seasons and 1% of the respon- tributed to the depth of the water table increasing from dents received no radio-transmitted weather information. around 20 m in the mid-1990s to over 70 m in recent The Southern Africa (Zimbabwean, Zambian, and Mala- years (El Mzouri et al., 2010). Overexploitation of ground- wian) experience demonstrates that existing agricultural water has also resulted in salinization, with negative extension agencies, though present, are not sufficiently impacts on crop performance and drinking water supplies well equipped or organized to provide farmers with the for humans and livestock. Since 2000, increased exploita- assistance they require. Poor transport networks represent a tion of water and land has led to a decline in vegetation major problem hindering the delivery of information by cover, the disappearance of some species, and adverse extension workers to farmers. In West Africa (Senegal) impacts on pastoral systems. accessing and understanding information on climate In highland areas irrigated crop land is also expanding, change and technical alternatives to address it are one of along with the cultivation of high water consumption crops the challenges facing farmers. Information (meteorological, and practices. Water demand is increasing as supply is agricultural advisory services, national agricultural agencies, declining due to lower precipitation, and water quality is etc.) are produced by different stakeholders, but at the indi- increasingly compromised, particularly during dry years, vidual level, access to these sources of information is very because of the heavy use of fertilizers and a lack of limited. The findings of projects in Central Africa high- systems to manage wastewater effectively (El Mzouri lighted remoteness of populations from urban centres and et al., 2010). Forest and grazing land were the dominant the poor performance of national institutions and inter- land types in the 1950s and 1960s, and these landscapes national aid agencies as drivers of vulnerability, and also have experienced pressure from natural resource exploita- emphasized the differentiation of vulnerability by gender tion and drought as well as the expansion of agriculture, (Bele et al., 2010, 2013a, 2013b;Brown,2011; Brown, with many species disappearing as a result (El Mzouri Nkem, Sonwa, & Bele, 2010;Nkemetal.,2013; Sonwa, et al., 2010). This situation reflects that elsewhere in Somorin, Jum, Bele, & Nkem, 2012). Africa, for example in Tanzania and Kenya, where agricul- tural expansion and demand for timber have reduced forest cover in mountainous areas (Muganyizi, 2008 and Maitima Biophysical vulnerability 3.4. et al., 2009). CCAA project results from Morocco in particular are used Heavy grazing, deforestation, and the expansion of agri- here to illustrate how biophysical vulnerability can be culture have resulted in soil degradation in the study areas in amplified by human activities, including responses to cli- Morocco, where stony alluvial soils dominate. Decreases in

Downloaded by [Kenyatta University] at 05:24 24 June 2016 matic and environmental change. Frequent droughts and organic matter have been observed in these soils and this is the overexploitation of groundwater have been identified thought to be due to the removal of plant cover, including as factors in the abandonment of certain areas and move- below-ground plant matter in dry years. According to the ment to new locations such as Lamzoudia in the lowland local populations, the resulting bare soils have been area of the Tensit al Haouz basin. This has led to the intro- subject to water and wind erosion associated with heavy duction of new, market-oriented, cropping systems based rains and strong winds that have prevailed during the last on alfalfa, legumes, and watermelons, which are high con- 30–40 years. Flooding, severe drought, and increased land sumers of water, land, and labour. This is a result of agricul- salinity resulting from irrigation have amplified the vulner- tural policies adopted since 1980s that encourages shifting ability of these soils (El Mzouri et al., 2010). from subsistence to commercial farming. Indeed, we Results from Central Africa highlight the biophysical observe less rain-fed barley, durum wheat and more high vulnerability of different cropping systems. Intercropping water-consuming crops such as watermelon and vegetable is generally considered to be more resilient than mono-crop- crops and rain-fed soft wheat (El Mzouri et al., 2010). ping, due to better utilization of solar radiation; greater effi- Accelerated low soil fertility has been taking place as a ciency in the use of soil and applied fertilizers; fewer result of high organic matter decomposition and export problems with weeds, pest, and disease control; as well as by over-grazing. Also, non-adapted crop irrigation enabling better use of manual labour (Sanchez, 1976; cited increased soil salinity, making soils more vulnerable (El in Gockowski et al., 2004). Where mono-cropping performs Mzouri et al., 2010). This is part of a longer term, policy- well, this is generally due to high investment in inputs. Climate and Development 11

Avariety of processes have been identified as contributing numbers of women running small shops in Mandera, while to the vulnerability of agricultural soils in parts of eastern and men engage in carpentry and masonry, and in labour that is southern Africa. Vertisols tend to crack and become dry as often casual and involves migration to towns. In Morocco, temperatures increase following flooding, making them diffi- a growth in mountain tourism and handicrafts has occurred cult to cultivate and prone to erosion (Mugabe, Nyamangara, alongside an intensification of livestock husbandry as Mushiri, Nyamudeza, & Kamba, 2002). In high-potential people diversify away from growing crops. Diversification areas of the Kenyan, Tanzanian, and Malawian highlands, is also taking place within livestock systems. For example, local populations report that bare soils have been exposed in East Africa, particularly in Tanzania, pastoralists main- to water and wind erosion associated with an increased preva- tain large cattle herds in rural areas, but increasingly are lence of torrential rains and strong winds over the last 30–40 being encouraged to reduce livestock numbers and to years. A resulting increase in rates of organic matter keep “improved” breeds. In Morocco, there is a shift decomposition leads to reduced soil fertility. Poor manage- away from traditional breeds of sheep towards breeds that ment of crop irrigation results in increased soil salinity, are raised more intensively, such as the D’man. In making soils more vulnerable to floods and droughts (El Central Africa, the diversity of cultural systems and plant Mzouri et al., 2010). In West Africa, decline in vegetation, and animal species represents a pool of resources on soil depletion (exposure to wind and water erosions), as which local communities can draw for livelihood diversifi- well as high vulnerability of vegetable crops used to grow cation and innovation (Gockowski et al., 2004). in cold season (e.g. potato) were also identified as biophysical Empirical or “traditional” knowledge built up over gen- vulnerability. These findings emphasize the non-linear nature erations plays a key role in short-term adjustments and of vulnerability, in which increased biophysical vulnerability adaptations to evolving climatic conditions. Such knowl- of soils resulting from human activity is exacerbated by edge includes an array of indigenous indicators based on processes related to climate variability and change, making environmental and cultural beliefs (Kalanda-Joshua et al., them even more susceptible to degradation and erosion. 2011). Though farmers share indigenous knowledge of climate predictions informally, it was noted in Zimbabwe and Zambia that there were no community-based insti- Adaptive capacity 3.5. tutions/platforms to share and compare farmers’ predictions Most farmers in the CCAA study areas (and throughout of the coming season. Such arrangements exist in Kenya Africa) have knowledge of strategies for coping with where communities in Mandera and Turkana have formed current climate variability and extremes, which enhance various self-help groups and community-based organiz- their capacity to modify their agricultural practices. These ations (CBOs) to help them cope and adapt to climate varia- strategies include planting of drought-tolerant crops that bility and change. suit the local climate, and improved water conservation Traditional knowledge is increasingly complemented technologies and techniques such as irrigation scheduling, by technology, in the form of communications (which the use of dynamic crop calendars, and the construction facilitate the rapid transmission of information about of water reservoirs. Livestock systems benefit from environmental conditions, for example, through the use improved feeding systems, for example, the feeding of of mobile phones by pastoralists to share information sheep on straw, cactus, and Atriplex in the dry areas of about rainfall) and short-term and seasonal weather fore-

Downloaded by [Kenyatta University] at 05:24 24 June 2016 Morocco. Livestock and crop diversification is also casts. However, the poor coverage and sometimes limited evident in this context, along with granaries that protect usefulness of services such as forecasts mean that many harvests for use in the following year. Pastoralists and people depend principally or exclusively on indigenous other users of natural resources will often have a detailed knowledge systems. As discussed above, in some instances knowledge of their environment that enables them to antici- these systems are breaking down as a result of climate pate and respond to changes in environmental conditions change, meaning that lack of access to weather information and the availability of resources such as surface water acts as a constraint on adaptation. and pasture. Pastoralist adaptation strategies include mobi- Agricultural extension services in principle can play a lity, herd splitting, redistribution of surplus livestock within role in disseminating information on climate-related risks society, and diversification of livestock (Omolo, 2010; and supporting adaptation (Ziervogel et al., 2008). Most Ouma, 2011). In northern Kenya, livestock keeping sub-Saharan countries have such extension services and remains the primary livelihood activity (at 78% of respon- systems which take best practices to the farmers. Edu- dents), but is complemented by crop farming along rivers, cation, community development projects, and access to selling firewood, burning and selling charcoal, selling live- subsidized credit can also play a role in helping farmers stock products such as milk, and involvement in small improve their practices. These institutional factors play a businesses. Diversification in northern Kenya also exhibits role in facilitating the delivery of weather information gender differentiation, with women involved in commercial and the adoption of appropriate adaptation strategies in mat and basket weaving (mainly in Turkana) and growing Zimbabwe, Zambia, Kenya, and elsewhere (Sterm & 12 D.J. Sonwa et al.

Easterling, 1999). The Zimbabwean, Zambian, and Mala- Institutions play vital roles in the success and failure of wian experiences demonstrate that existing agricultural adaptation and changes in the adaptive capacity of individ- extension, though present, is not well equipped or orga- ual households (Reid & Vogel, 2006). Institutional norms nized to assist farmers address the challenges they face and practices can create incentives and disincentives. In now, let alone those they are likely to face in the future , it was observed that migrant farmers were unwill- as climate change intensifies. For example, in Zimbabwe ing to invest in more sustainable forms of agriculture. the ratio of extension workers to farmers is 1:600, com- Adger (2003) explains that adaptation is a dynamic social pared with the recommended minimum ratio of 1:400. process, thus the ability of societies to adapt is determined, Poor transport networks and a lack of familiarity of exten- in part, by the ability to act collectively. Research findings sion workers with seasonal climate forecasts (meaning that from Kenya reveal that farmers have formed various self- forecasts are often not passed on to farmers) also represent help groups and CBOs to help them cope with and adapt barriers to adaptation. to climate variability and change. In the Congo Basin, the Adaptive capacity also depends on financial resources, importance of farmers’ associations and local NGOs was for example, to buy expensive short-season hybrid crops highlighted in this context, while farmers in Central suitable for drier conditions. The construction of infiltration Africa attempt to cope with change by diversifying their pits requires large initial labour investments that may not be livelihoods, modifying their consumption patterns, and feasible for more resource-poor farmers. The subsistence exploiting networks across communities. Such “auton- character of much African agriculture means that agricul- omous” initiatives might be assisted and enhanced with ture is often not undertaken as a business, but rather has effective institutional support. Currently, adaptation in to be supported by other enterprises that generate funds this region is constrained by a lack of infrastructure and, for purchasing farm inputs. In Kenya, Morocco, Zim- in some areas, by conflict or post-conflict situations, babwe, and Zambia, most farmers maintain gardens which inhibit communications, learning, and innovation. where they produce vegetables for both subsistence and Of course adaptive capacity and vulnerability are sale, with income used to purchase grain in dry years as a closely related, and the building and deployment of the coping strategy. In principle, such income can also be former, for example through collective action, should used to support adaptation, although the surplus that is serve to reduce the latter. available for sale is often small. Just as mobility represents a key strategy for “coping” with climate variability for pastoralists, so changes in pat- 4. Discussion and conclusions terns of mobility may be necessary if pastoralists are to The findings of the CCAA programme indicate that cli- adapt to climate change. As well as increasing vulnerability matic conditions are changing in diverse agro-ecological by restricting mobility and undermining livelihoods environments throughout Africa, and that African popu- fl through loss of livestock, livestock raids and con icts lations are being affected by, and responding to, these over resources also limit the adaptive capacity of pastoral- changes. In some cases people appear to be adapting to ists by narrowing mobility options. climate change, while in others changes are driven more ’ Cultural factors play a key role in mediating farmers by policy or commercial imperatives. adaptation strategies. In Southern Africa (Zambia and Zim- In all of the six research projects, adaptive capacity Downloaded by [Kenyatta University] at 05:24 24 June 2016 babwe), farmers might not adopt certain proven agricultural involved a change or a diversification of livelihood prac- practices because of beliefs, for example, that adding ferti- tices. The framework that we presented in this article can lizers will reduce the fertility of their soils or vertisols. guide a reflection among stakeholders about how to allow Smallholder farmers on the Chisumbanje vertisols in these changes to reduce biophysical and social vulner- fi semi-arid Zimbabwe will not use fertilizers in their elds ability in the long run. even if these are given freely through agricultural input Agricultural risks and food security outcomes are schemes (Mugabe et al., 2002), despite research results associated with changes in climatic conditions themselves, showing that fertilizers will increase maize yields on the with a host of factors that mediate the vulnerability of phys- vertisols (Nyamudeza, 1998). Farmers are also reluctant ical systems (e.g. geomorphological and hydrological to use fertilizers in case drought results in the input being systems) and social systems (e.g. households, commu- wasted. In Central Africa (Congo Basin), conservation of nities, and local institutions) to climate hazards, and with biodiversity is generally perceived as a barrier to the adop- other factors that facilitate or constrain adaptation. tion of certain adaptation measures and thus as an obstacle Drivers of risk interact in complex ways. For example, to poverty reduction. Conservation can result in the denial in Morocco it appears that the concentration of commercial of access to forest habitat that is suitable for agriculture and agriculture in Lamzoudia was, at least in part, a response or that also provides forest products that play an important adaptation to worsening climatic conditions elsewhere. role in livelihoods (Nasi et al., 2008). However, this has resulted in an intensification of pressure Climate and Development 13

on water and soils, increasing biophysical vulnerability to The findings from this synthesis of CCAA research thus further climatic deterioration. This in turn has the potential emphasize the highly contextual nature of climate- to increase social vulnerability by undermining livelihoods related risks, outcomes, and adaptation in African con- that depend on natural resources, and the reduction in avail- texts. It highlights the role of multiple factors, ranging able productive land may constrain adaptive capacity by from the availability of physical resources through reducing options for agricultural and pastoral diversifica- policy contexts, to the role of culture, in mediating tion. So, vulnerability is observed to increase while adap- climate change risks and opportunities. Consequently, tive capacity is being constrained, as hazards (principally adaptation support needs to be complemented by research droughts) are intensifying. Drivers of all the components that can generate contextual information to inform adap- of risk are thus intensifying, increasing the likelihood of tation policies, strategies, and measures. Interventions adverse outcomes. need to go beyond technical fixes, such as the develop- The Moroccan case study illustrates that while pro- ment of new crops, and must be based on an understand- duction systems may be responding to climate change, ing of how different factors can and do interact in a there are questions about the sustainability of some of complex manner to drive risk and to result in adverse out- these responses. It also illustrates the costs and risks of comes in specific contexts. institutional adaptation, as local institutions responsible PAR approaches have the potential to generate contex- for water management restructure water allocations to tual knowledge, as well as to allow stakeholders to share, manage increasing demand. While changes to allocation discuss, and act on it. PAR-like approaches, using reflection regimes aim to limit the impacts of water scarcity, conflicts frameworks such as the one presented here, can be used in over water resources are increasing, as radical solutions are adaptation planning at the community level, and also to adopted by users, including the digging of new wells, the design policies and programmes that will support sustain- installation of pumps, and the extension of irrigation to able adaptation by the most vulnerable. mountain slope areas. The CCAA project findings reveal livelihood diversifi- cation and the growth of non-agricultural income-generat- Acknowledgements ing activities as responses to climate and other changes in The authors thanks Nathalie Beaulieu for her support during the diverse contexts. reviewing process of this paper. The two anonymous reviewers are thanked for their advices on how to improve the quality of CCAA research results from the Congo Basin illustrate this paper. Special thanks go to all the farmers and stakeholders that, at least in some contexts, climate change generates involved in each of the six projects for their time and interest on opportunities as well as risks. Where climate change is our research. The first author (DJS) is working with CIFOR not associated with absolute declines in potential pro- within the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agro- ductivity in food producing systems, whether changes rep- forestry (CRP-FTA). resent risks or opportunities may depend on how people respond to them. In contrast, in areas such as semi-arid Funding East Africa, it is difficult to see how an intensification of fi drought could be seen as an opportunity, except to stimulate The six projects from which this paper is written were nanced by CCAA (Climate Change Adaptation in Africa) program funded by attempts to transition to more resilient agricultural and International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Downloaded by [Kenyatta University] at 05:24 24 June 2016 social systems. Also, a new option would be to take out Department for International Development (DFID). weather-indexed insurance, which pays policy holders in response to “trigger events” such as frequent droughts and abnormal rainfall to help pastoralists better manage Disclosure statement the risks they incur. This is so as it can take family No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. herders in semi-arid climate change hotspots in East Africa up to a decade to restock after a drought has killed many of their animals, and in worse cases, some are References never able to recover their livestock livelihoods. Adesina, A. (2010). Global food and financial crises: Lessons and CCAA research concludes with a number of precepts imperatives for accelerating food production in Africa. Allocution prononcée à la troisième Conférence de of the climate-related risks that research-for-development lAssociation africaine des agroéconomistes (AAAE), 19–23 communities should bear foremost in mind to make a September 2010. bigger difference. Attend to context is one prominent Adger, W. N. (2003). Social capital, collective action, and adaptation precept as silver bullets would not work. Every option to climate change. 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