ommencement C 2021

Wake Forest University Sunday, May 16 Magnificent Wake Forest Class of 2021:

My sincere congratulations on your graduation, shared by all of us faculty and staff at Wake Forest — now our fellow alma mater.

I’ll forever remember hearing your individual names called — in the Joel, unusually — and seeing so many of your faces turned to the fireworks-lit night sky over Truist Field on Sunday night. A commencement celebration that felt all the more joyous, given the last 15 months. And amid all the storms, you persevered: a collective rebuke to the tedious claims about your generation’s lack of resilience.

And now, as I overlook a quiet Quad, we are missing you ’21ers, the life-spirit of campus during your senior year. Whether mask-to-mask or via Zoom, your scholarly creativity, performative grace, innate curiosity, and magical ability to make lemonade out of pandemic lemons: a host of reminders of how fortunate we are that you chose Wake Forest for your undergraduate years. We are a stronger and better community thanks to your time with us.

I wish each of you fulfillment in your next endeavors—and hope you’ll return this fall and many years hereafter, for Homecoming or any time your paths lead you to Winston-Salem.

Congratulations, again, on this profound accomplishment. And, of course: Go Deacs!

Yours in admiration and respect,

Rogan Kersh ('86) Provost PRESIDENT NATHAN O. HATCH CommencementSUNDAY, MAY 16, 2021, Celebration 8:30 P.M, TRUIST FIELDRemarks

Good evening! Today is a very special day for Wake Forest It is too soon for any of us to know exactly what we have University and its Class of 2021. It is worth a 21-gun learned over the last 15 months. That will take time. We salute, a fireworks extravaganza, and most importantly, know we have taken on unexpected challenges, worked now that we are permitted, the warmest embrace of through dark nights of soul isolation, and coped with deep family and friends. For the last 15 months, all of us frustration at the loss of expectations for what a senior have lived in the valley of the shadow with the reality of year in college should look like. COVID-19 conspiring to rob us of much that is best about But I am confident of one thing: the adversity you have a residential college experience. Instead of conversation experienced has and will make you a stronger and wiser and engagement, we faced isolation. Instead of coming person. Like gold being refined in a furnace, the trials together for concerts, lectures, and sporting events, we of this year will work to strengthen your character and stayed huddled in our rooms. Instead of gathering with make you much more capable of the challenges ahead friends in close companionship and endless discussion, as you go forth from this place. C. S. Lewis once noted we were forced to stay to ourselves. And while many of that, “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an us felt insecurity and fear because of the disease, others extraordinary destiny.” came to know the pain of loss as loved ones and friends succumbed to this pestilence among us. I am amazed, when I read the stories of notable people, how often trial and adversity steeled them to become who I am so grateful for where we are tonight, together in they were. person, with COVID receding and the vaccine giving us hope for a return to patterns of normal living — which It was living through the horrors of the trenches in World once we took for granted but now relish like the sweet War I that helped shape the vivid imagination and creative scent that fills the air after a passing storm. COVID may vision of the authors C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. not be fully behind us, but its grip on us has been broken, and tonight, we can celebrate with grateful hearts and Both Oprah Winfrey and Maya Angelou had wretched renewed hope. and abusive experiences when they were young. But they turned those experiences into inspiration that led to them I want to salute you, the Class of 2021, for all that becoming life-giving people. you have done to achieve this milestone — for your diligence amidst adversity, your courage to take on new Benjamin Franklin had to drop out of formal schooling risks, your patience and good will in trying times and after his 10th birthday because his parents couldn’t afford changing conditions, and your commitment to each it. That setback only fired his curiosity. other and to Wake Forest in sustaining this as a viable Franklin Roosevelt became paralyzed at 39, but that learning community. I am so proud of you — for your only stiffened his resolve. Steven Spielberg twice was perseverance and grit, your good cheer amidst difficulty, rejected as a student at USC film school. Jimmy Carter and for your commitment to finish well. You have done a was only admitted to the Naval Academy after three years remarkable job, and tonight, we honor and celebrate you.

2 of trying. And Apple founder Steve Jobs, in a famous have unfolded over several years. I invite you to reflect on commencement address at Stanford, admitted that the all of your years here and take in the whole experience. I best thing that ever happened to him was getting fired imagine it is rich with moments of connection with others from the company he had started because it forced him to and personal growth. rethink many of his assumptions. When I think back on the 16 years that Julie and I have My point is that the severe trials you have experienced been at Wake Forest, I will remember the glistening this year are not just something wasted and lost. You have buildings of Wake Downtown and Farrell Hall and the not been marking time, even if this year was not what you renewed Reynolds Gym. I will remember new academic wanted or expected. I would not want to underestimate programs, the Office of Personal and Career Development, the pain and disappointment you may have experienced; efforts in diversity and a magnificent capital campaign. but neither would I want to underestimate the strength of I will remember the Atrium deal, which takes academic character that has been forged in these last months. In the medicine from something at risk to a long-term position long run, over the course of your life, what you have gone of strength. I will remember new athletic facilities and through will stand you in good stead. As the English poet exulting in some great athletic wins. And I will remember William Cowper once wrote: “The bud may have a bitter the people — all firmly committed and invested in the taste, but sweet will be the flower.” success of the students, mission and future of Wake Forest. I can think of no major accomplishment that has not been There is a saying that “a struggling vine makes the best launched by committed teams uniting together on behalf wine.” The goal of high-end wine grape growers is not to of this community. produce the most grapes, but the best grapes. To do that, the vine needs to struggle a little. A vine that has plentiful The most strenuous test of the Wake Forest community water and fertilizer produces many grapes, but not better has taken place this year. Together, we demonstrated grapes. A vine that encounters some struggle — sparse resilience, a strong work ethic, good will and abundant water and less fertile soil — pours its energy into making grace. Wherever you go and whatever you do, I know fewer, but better grapes. Fewer, high quality grapes make you will carry these values forward and be outstanding for rare, richer wine. representatives of Wake Forest University.

We may not see the fruits of the trials we have faced these Author, advocate and educator Helen Keller said, last few months just yet, but I am certain they will appear. “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only Like a lot of life experience, we may not have chosen this through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be experience or wanted to go through these months, but strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved.” the lessons we will draw from this time are certain to be Today, as you leave Wake Forest, may you see your time abundant. Though it might not be obvious, I hope that in here as one that has been refining. May you eagerly look coming years, when you look back at this time, you will for the lessons that come from the adversity you have see how the trials and experiences fit into place. faced. And may you consider it joy when you experience Class of 2021, you hold a special place in my heart. Not trials of many kinds — knowing that testing produces only do we share the experience of having to respond to perseverance, and perseverance yields character, and the COVID-19 pandemic, we also leave Wake Forest at character gives us hope. the same time. While we have been dramatically shaped Thank you. by the last several months, our Wake Forest experiences


PROCESSIONAL ...... Led by Faculty Marshals

INVOCATION ...... Liz Orr, Associate Chaplain for Catholic Life Naijla Faizi, Associate Chaplain for Muslim Life The Rev. K. Monet Rice-Jalloh, Associate University Chaplain Gail Bretan, Associate Chaplain for Jewish Life

WELCOME ...... Nathan O. Hatch University President

HONORING OF RETIRING FACULTY ...... Rogan T. Kersh Provost

CONFERRING OF DEGREES & READING OF GRADUATE NAMES Presented by ...... Michelle Roehm, Dean, School of Business Michele Gillespie, Dean, Wake Forest College of Arts and Sciences

CLOSING ...... Jackson Cannon (’21) Regan O’Donnell (’21) Lilian Nassif (’21) Savarni Sanka (’21), 2021 Rhodes Scholar Elect

ALMA MATER: “Dear Old Wake Forest” ...... Paschal Dear old Wake Forest, Thine is a noble name; Thine is a glorious fame, Constant and true. We give thee our praise, Adore thine ancient days, Sing thee our humble lays, Mother, so dear.

RECESSIONAL ...... Quintet Ensemble


OPENING PERFORMANCE: “The Greatest Show” ...... Dazzling Deacs

WELCOME ...... Rogan T. Kersh Provost

INVOCATION ...... Rev. Jonathan Lee Walton Dean, School of Divinity

PERFORMANCE: “Still I Rise” ...... Chamber and Gospel Choirs Christopher Gilliam, Director and Joshuah B. Campbell, Guest Director of the Gospel Choir

HONORARY DEGREE PRESENTATION ...... Gerald F. Roach Chairman, Board of Trustees Nathan Orr Hatch, Doctor of Humane Letters

REMARKS ...... Nathan O. Hatch President

INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER ...... President Hatch

REMARKS ...... Condoleezza Rice Former Secretary of State

ROTC COMMISSIONING ...... Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence Rubal Chair, Department of Military Science

REMARKS ...... Miles Middleton (’21) Student Government President

INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER ...... Miles Middleton

REMARKS ...... Pete Buttigieg Secretary of Transportation

INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER ...... David P. Clawson Head Football Coach

REMARKS ...... Kendall Hinton NFL Wide Receiver

PERFORMANCE: “Seasons of Love” ...... Chamber and Gospel Choirs

FINALE ...... Provost Kersh



Wake Forest University honors Bernadine Barnes, Ph.D., for 32 years of dedicated service to the University and its Department of Art, teaching courses on Italian art from the 14th through the 16th century as well as Northern Renaissance art, the history of prints and 17th-century European art; for skillfully incorporating prints from the Art Department collection, which she helped to develop; for thoughtfully focusing her research on Michelangelo, always with an eye toward how other people saw his work and what it meant for later artists.

Wake Forest University honors Holly H. Brower, Ph.D., for 16 years of service to the University and its School of Business, serving her alma mater by dedicating herself to undergraduate and graduate student learning and growth in the area of Organizational Behavior and Leadership for the School of Business; for tirelessly mentoring and making a long-term difference in the lives of her students and colleagues; for writing important publications that focus on processes and moral issues in leadership and decision making; for actively contributing to multiple, high- impact committees across the University including serving as Chair of the Judicial Council; and for her faith-driven compassion for the Winston-Salem community through service to many local nonprofits.

Wake Forest University honors Jule M. Connolly, M.Ed., for 36 years of service to the University and Department of Mathematics and Statistics, serving as a dedicated, well-loved and consummately professional teacher; for often helping new faculty prepare to teach entry-level statistics and calculus by sharing her syllabi and well-prepared worksheets; for being the main force behind the creation and development of the Mathematics and Statistics Center at Wake Forest, demonstrating remarkable vision; for generously supported everyone who set foot through the department’s entrance, students and tutors alike; and for always placing her students and colleagues first.

Wake Forest University honors Luellen Curry, J.D., for 31 years of service to the University and its School of Law; for being admired as the best editor on the law faculty and for her community activism; for leaving Wake Forest Law a better place than when she joined the faculty in 1989; for having a warm smile; for being honored twice by BLSA with their Legacy Award for her unwavering support; for her fervent love of the arts, demonstrated through her work with the National Black Theatre Festival since its inception and through her selection as recipient of The Chronicle's Curator of the Arts Award; and for serving as past president of the North Carolina Association of Women Attorneys.

Wake Forest University honors Michael K. Curtis, J.D., for 30 years of service to the University and its School of Law; for leaving behind a timeless impact on our understanding of the U.S. Constitution; for being a staunch advocate for protecting voting rights and free speech, publishing groundbreaking books, including “Free Speech, ‘The People’s Darling Privilege’” and “No State Shall Abridge: The 14th Amendment and the Bill of Rights”; for enhancing the faculty that he joined following a distinguished career as a North Carolina trial lawyer; and for receiving the Frank Porter Graham Award from the North Carolina American Civil Liberties Union for defending and advancing civil liberties in 1985.

Wake Forest University honors Thomas Frank, Ph.D., for 11 years of service across Wake Forest as a University Professor who is recognized as a leader in the field of American religious history and an expert on the culture and place of American congregations; for authoring the standard textbook, “Polity, Practice, and the Mission of the United Methodist Church”; for inspiring generations of students with his courses on religious utopian communities, liberal arts colleges and contemporary issues of conservation of the natural and built landscape; for his dedicated service to the institution, the Department of History, Liberal Arts Studies, Lifelong Learning and especially the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; and for being a loyal colleague whose dedication to teaching and research exemplifies the teacher-scholar ideal.


Wake Forest University honors Mary L. Friedman, Ph.D., for 34 years of service to the University and its Department of Spanish and Italian as an eminent scholar of Gabriel García Márquez and Jorge Luis Borges, teaching intermediate and advanced classes in the literature of 21st-century Latin America with dedication and passion; for her dedicated service to the institution, particularly in the development of study abroad programs and mentorship of colleagues; and for being a compassionate colleague whose dedication to teaching and research exemplifies the teacher-scholar model.

Wake Forest University honors Carole L. Gibson, Ph.D., for 41 years of dedicated service to the University and its Department of Biology; for applying her research interests in cell and developmental biology not only to excel as a teacher of students preparing for careers in the health professions, but also to be impactful through her teaching of bioethics; for her substantial service to the University through leadership of numerous committees and the Faculty Senate; for having a major impact in many areas, including advancement of faculty quality of life, promotion of integrity in intercollegiate athletics and study abroad; and for her special fondness for Casa Artom, where she served as resident professor in Venice on multiple occasions.

Wake Forest University honors Louis R. Goldstein, M.F.A., D.M.A., for 42 years of service to the University and its Department of Music as a pianist of exceptional sensitivity and profound musical understanding; for being a beloved and award-winning teacher who served the University as a devoted professor and inspiring performer for more than four decades; for delivering recitals, lessons and courses that never failed to open minds and provoke thought; for serving as a persuasive advocate of music of our own time as well that of previous centuries; for his performances ranging from Haydn or Schumann to Cage & Feldman that were played with equal commitment and flair; and for inspiring students, devoted colleagues and grateful listeners.

Wake Forest University honors David Hagy, M.F.A., D.M.A., for 26 years of service to the University and its Department of Music as a musician who made his deep love for music instantly evident, whether he was conducting an orchestra, teaching a class or in casual conversation; for demonstrating an enthusiasm for his discipline that is infectious and inspiring, as countless grateful students in his orchestras and classrooms can attest; for showing the power of music in a variety of ways, whether he was leading the University Orchestra, conducting pit orchestras in musical theatre productions, leading professional orchestras in the region and beyond, teaching classes on campus or instructing students at Casa Artom in Venice; and for his inspiring leadership as conductor, joyful enthusiasm as a teacher and generous mentorship of countless students.

Wake Forest University honors Robert Hebert, M.S., for 28 years of service to the University and its School of Business, including his last eight years as a member of the Z. Smith Reynolds Library faculty; for working constantly and diligently to ensure our business faculty and students had the resources and help they needed to be successful; for his dedication to the Association of Business Library Directors (ABLD), where he served in a variety of roles over the years; and for offering his time as a volunteer photographer at Wake Forest sporting events and capturing some amazing moments for the University.

Wake Forest University honors David J. John, Ph.D., for 39 years of service to the University and its Department of Computer Science as a significant scholarly contributor to the fields of genetic algorithms, bioinformatics and high- performance computing; for his thoughtful early design of the Wake Forest computer science curriculum and his rich teaching, which have touched all graduates of the computer science program; for providing invaluable service as a longtime peer evaluator for other institutions; for playing key roles at the University, including as the founding director of WakerSpace; and for being a dedicated colleague, mentor and friend whose work exemplifies the teacher- scholar model.


Wake Forest University honors Ralph C. Kennedy, Ph.D., for 45 years of service to the University and its Department of Philosophy; for his unwavering commitment to and tireless promotion of the wellbeing of the Philosophy Department as its Department chair for 13 years; for his philosophical insights and scholarly contributions to several fields in philosophy; for his dedication the education of generations of Wake Forest students; for pioneering the use of information technology for the College faculty; for being a warm, supportive and thoughtful colleague with an impeccable sense of humor

Wake Forest University honors Kathleen Kron, Ph.D., for 29 years of service to the University and the Department of Biology, dedicating her career of research and teaching to the study of plant evolution; for being an internationally recognized expert on the Ericaceae, the family of flowering plants that includes heathers, blueberries and rhododendrons; for publishing widely and taking her students to many international botanical conferences; for teaching classes in biogeography and biodiversity and developing a popular liberal arts course for non-majors titled Plants and People that made use of Reynolda Gardens and the works of art at Reynolda House; for providing substantial service to Wake Forest University and the scientific research community as curator of the Wake Forest Herbarium.

Wake Forest University honors Page H. Laughlin, M.F.A., for 34 years of service to the University and its Department of Art as a painter and multi-talented artist; for teaching classes in all levels of painting as well as specialized courses on the contemporary art, thereby inspiring several generations of students; for her dedicated service to and shaping of the Art Department in her seven years as Chair; for her development of the studio area; and for being a loyal colleague whose dedication to teaching and creative expression exemplify the teacher-scholar model.

Wake Forest University honors David B. Levy, Ph.D., for 45 years of service to the University and its Department of Music as an inspiring teacher, admired scholar and energetic administrator; for his authoritative work as a noted scholar of the music of Beethoven and other 19th-century composers; for his devoted and inspiring courses on music of the 19th century and beyond; for his generous service in many campus leadership roles, including Chair of the Department of Music, Program Director of the Vienna Program at Flow House and Associate Dean of the College.

Wake Forest University honors Darlene R. May, Ph.D., for 14 years of service to the University and its Department of Middle East and South Asia Studies Programs; for singlehandedly establishing and regularizing the Arabic curriculum and teaching within the Middle East and South Asia Studies Program; for her compassionate and exceptional teaching and tireless mentoring of students and colleagues alike, which embody the very best of what Wake Forest offers; for her concerted efforts at making those of Muslim faith and other diverse backgrounds feel at home in this institution; for her role in promoting cross-cultural competency; and for being a delightful colleague and among some of the most popular and admired teachers.

Wake Forest University honors James A. Narus, Ph.D., for 33 years of service to the University and its School of Business as an educator on consumer and business-to-business marketing; for his enthusiastic sharing of his expertise with others in the profession, which was demonstrated when he received the first School of Business-awarded Corporate Engagement Leave in Spring 2020; for his role as an international scholar with visiting appointments at global universities; for his authoring of path-breaking and impactful publications; and for his commitment to the Charlotte community, including his service on the Chamber of Commerce Advisory Board and his role as president of the Charlotte North Rotary Club.


Wake Forest University honors Debbie W. Newsome, Ph.D., for 22 years of service to the University and its Department of Counseling; for serving as a leader in the counselor education and clinical mental health counseling fields who inspired, advised and mentored numerous students and colleagues; for skillfully teaching primarily master’s level counseling courses in basic counseling skills, career counseling, appraisal procedures, statistical analysis, practicum and internships; for her dedicated service to the institution, particularly as the inaugural associate dean of students in the graduate school; for her contributions as an institutional review board chairperson and member; and for her inspiring work as an excellent, award-winning educator.

Wake Forest University honors Patricia A. Nixon, Ph.D., for 22 years of service to the University and its Department of the Health and Exercise Science, providing devoted and valued service to the College and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; for serving eight years as the Director of the Health Policy Administration minor and providing extensive committee service in the College and department; for her research passion and internationally recognized scholarship in the area of pediatric exercise physiology; for her devotion to teaching and distinctive ability to challenge students and others; and for her kind and caring personality that unites individuals for a common good.

Wake Forest University honors James L. Norris, Ph.D., for 32 years of service to the University and its Department of Mathematics and Statistics as a frequent contributor of important work in the fields of bioinformatics, statistical ecology and biostatistics; for establishing the foundation for tremendous growth in statistics on campus as the first Ph.D.-level statistician in his department; for his many collaborations with faculty and students across disciplines in research employing statistics, displaying kindness, creativity and passion; for being a caring teacher, mentor and friend to many; and for exemplifying dedication to both the Pro Humanitate and teacher-scholar ideals.

Wake Forest University honors Teresa Radomski, M.M., for 44 years of devoted service to the University and its Department of Music as a remarkable soprano, devoted teacher and prolific scholar; for training generations of young singers, giving innumerable inspiring performances of her own, studying the mechanics of the human voice and editing previously unknown operas by the 19th-century composer, Manuel Garcia; for inspiring legions of grateful students and devoted audience members; and for her contributions to the art of singing and our understanding of the history of Bel Canto opera.

Wake Forest University honors Louis Roniger, Ph.D., for 17 years of service to the University and its Department of Politics & International Affairs as a loyal colleague whose dedication to teaching, research and publishing exemplifies the teacher-scholar ideal; for his role as an internationally recognized scholar who has published two dozen books and nearly 200 articles in multiple languages; and for thereby inspiring generations of scholarship, chiefly, though not exclusively, on questions related to the health of and dangers to contemporary existing and emerging democracies in Latin America.

Wake Forest University honors James H. Ross, M.S., for 20 years of service to the University and its Department of Health and Exercise Science as an effective leader in the Cardiac Rehabilitation/Healthy Exercise and Lifestyle Program; for his knowledge and experience in clinical exercise physiology and chronic disease prevention; for his passion for teaching and challenging students to learn important practical skills; and for his ability to lead by example and foster healthy lifestyle habits in those around him.


Wake Forest University honors Robin W. Simon, Ph.D., for 12 years of dedicated service to the University and its Department of Sociology; for her significant contributions as a faculty member and her leadership in the discipline of Sociology, serving as the Chair of the American Sociological Association’s sections on Emotion and Mental Health and receiving achievement awards in both subfields; and for working tirelessly and generously to mentor students and junior faculty, as well as to strengthen the Sociology Department’s curriculum in the social determinants of health and wellbeing.

Wake Forest University honors Clark Thompson, Ph.D., for 20 years of service to the University and its Department of Philosophy; for his versatility in teaching as manifested in the great variety of courses he offered, from first-year seminars to advanced courses; for steadfastly upholding the highest standards for student work; for his knowledge of Modern Philosophy, especially Locke and Hume, serving as our ready-access reference source; for setting the example for how to read a philosophical text closely; for making us laugh at ourselves and the world around us with his keen sense of humor and irony.

Wake Forest University honors Ronald L. Thompson, Ph.D., for 21 years of service to the University and its School of Business; for dedication in providing outstanding teaching and instructional effectiveness in the area of Management Information Systems (MIS) to undergraduate and graduate students of the School of Business; for his profound mentorship to fellow faculty members in his roles as an Area Coordinator, Chair of the Tenured Faculty and Area Chair; for authoring impactful publications and ultimately serving as a renowned Senior Editor for MIS Quarterly; for serving on countless committees for both the School and University; and for his unwavering friendship to his faculty and staff colleagues.

Wake Forest University honors Ulrike Weithaus, Ph.D., for 30 years of service to the University and its Department of Study of Religions as an interdisciplinary leader who taught classes ranging from Christian mysticism to the Trail of Tears with passion and creativity; for her leadership as the inaugural director of the Department’s distinctive Religion and Public Engagement program; for her service to the institution through the organization of international conferences; for her dedicated service to the community, which has been recognized by numerous awards; and for being a loyal colleague whose dedication to teaching and research exemplifies the teacher-scholar model.


Faculty Marshals Eric Carlson Amanda Griffith Matthew Phillips Christa Colyer Miaohua Jiang Yaohua Shi J.K. Curry Frank Moore Mary Wayne-Thomas* *Head Marshal


The Wake Forest University mace, a handsome staff decorated with scenes and symbols of the University, was first used at the inauguration of President James Ralph Scales in April 1968. It is a traditional symbol of authority and is carried at the head of the academic processions at Commencement and convocations. The mace is shaped from a single sheet of silver covered with gold. It has an ebony handle. Etchings of Wait Chapel, Reynolda Hall, an arch at an entrance to Hearn Plaza and the cupola on Z. Smith Reynolds Library are on the largest, or middle, section. Pictures of the Old Campus are on the top section. On the bottom are panoramas of the medical school, Carswell Hall and the skyline of Winston-Salem. Each section is separated by raised drawings of magnolias. A double-cast seal of the University is at the top of the mace. The mace was given by Tom Davis of Winston-Salem in honor of his father, Egbert Lawrence Davis (LLB 1904).


The presidential chain of office is part of the academic regalia worn by the president at Commencement and convocations. It is a gold-plated necklace of medallions linked by onyx-centered magnolia blossoms. On each medallion is the name of a former Wake Forest president and the years of his tenure. The chain of office was a gift to the University in 1991 from Weston P. Hatfield (’41), a life trustee and former chair of the board of trustees.



Laura Maria Acosta-Sabillon...... Miami, FL Dewey Calhoun Brown...... Vero Beach, FL Abigail Ann Dollus...... Nicholasville, KY Kyle Raj Adams...... Henrico, VA Elaina Hope Bruck...... Westport, CT Shuyang Dong...... Hangzhou, China Jill Marie Ahmad...... Sunshine, LA Gustav Edward Brunn...... Pikesville, MD Charles Ellingwood Doran...... Winston-Salem, NC Mareesa Ahmad...... Harlan, KY Caroline McLean Bryant...... McLean, VA Madeline Sarah Dorfman...... Atlanta, GA Sara Ahmed...... Winston-Salem, NC Zachary Steelman Bryson...... Lenoir, NC Sophia Hawthorne Dorsey...... Winchester, VA Amari Taylor Aiken...... Wynnewood, PA Blake Fox Buchanan...... Durham, NC Elaina Kaye Downey...... Columbus, OH Mayuri S Albal...... Glenelg, MD Audrey Vance Buck...... Winston-Salem, NC Julia Marie Doyle...... Mendham, NJ Grant Douglas Alexander...... Englewood, FL William Clapp Bullock IV...... Winston-Salem, NC Eliza Calhoun Drake...... Columbia, SC Ralph Wesley Alexander...... Waxhaw, NC Mackenzie Nicole Bunner...... Austin, TX William Nash Drawdy...... Easley, SC Allen...... Kannapolis, NC Fiona Hill Burdette...... Winston-Salem, NC Ryan Joseph Dunn...... Milford, CT Mia Isabel Allen...... Fort Myers, FL Jeffery Trevia Alexander Burley...... Jackson, GA Yago Louis Dunoyer de Segonzac...... Palmetto Bay, FL Michael P Allen Jr...... Cumming, GA Emma Rose Burnett-Balbier...... Banner Elk, NC Jake William duPlooy...... Hixson, TN Olivia Brooks Allen...... Morrison, CO Maggie Elizabeth Burns...... Bryson City, NC Cristina Elena Dwyer...... Miami Beach , FL Maria Alejandra Alvarez Gonzalez...... Ladson, SC Mary Catherine Burroughs...... Atlanta, GA Amy Hamilton Dyckman...... Princeton, NJ Rafael Alves de Lima...... Natal, Brazil Imani Simone Butler...... Jonesboro, GA Kimberly Lynn Dyrvik...... New Canaan, CT Andrea Virginia Amaro...... Parkland , FL Carson Andrew Butts...... Raleigh, NC Allie Reed Edwards...... Forsyth, GA Erin Marie Anderson...... Clayton, NC Haleigh Renee Cadd...... Stokesdale, NC Sergio Eidelman...... Aventura, FL Marie Alexandra Anderson...... Des Moines, IA Renting Cai...... Shenzhen, China Amelia Rice Elfers...... Marion, MA Michael Richard Angeloni...... Pennington, NJ Emily Anne Calhoun...... Wellesley Hills, MA Gina Catherine Ellis...... Winter Park, FL Mary Grace Anich...... McKinney, TX Isabella Sofia Capanna...... Brookfield, CT Nathan Erich Epstein...... West Windsor, NJ Lizbeth Chelsea Arencibia...... Coral Gables, FL Caroline Isabella Caraci...... Naples, FL Grace Anne Evangelista...... Ocala, FL Elizabeth Diana Armstrong...... San Francisco, CA Courtney McKay Carlock...... Greensboro, NC Courtney Madison Ewing...... Grimesland, NC Cooper James Attig...... Merion Station, PA Lauren Grace Carlson...... New Canaan, CT Daniella Nicole Facusse Mena...... Cortes, Honduras Rhythm Elizabeth Badal...... Albuquerque, NM Carlos Andres Carrillo...... Charlotte, NC Maria Jose Falcon Gimenez...... Old Greenwich, CT Alexandra Lowe Baker...... Bethesda, MD Blaine Dawson Carter Jr...... Washington, DC Ning Fang...... , China Luke T Baker...... Lewisville, NC Brian Arthur Carter...... Oakton, VA Xuanyu Fang...... Shanghai, China McKenzie Deanne Baker...... Mableton, GA Nicolina Grazia Cassisi...... East Northport, NY Caroline Byrd Fatemi...... Arlington, VA Ryan McKenzie Balfe...... Centerton, AR Jaclyn Michele Childress...... Winston-Salem, NC Davis James Feldman...... Winston-Salem, NC Cassie Dawn Ball...... Crab Orchard, WV Annabel Caren Clark...... Dallas, TX Josefine Mariell Fenne...... Windermere, FL Eugenia Ann Ball...... Charlotte, NC Charlotte Bud Clark...... Greenwich, CT Kelly Anne Ferguson...... Naples, FL Parrish Lachlan Ballard...... Asheville, NC Matthew Classi...... Manhasset, NY Olivia Rose Field...... Coral Gables, FL Brandi Christine Bangle...... South Mills, NC Rawson T. Clough...... Denver, CO Caroline Elizabeth Finney...... San Antonio, TX Maya Marie Banks...... Sterling, VA Anne Carter Cohen...... Winston-Salem, NC William Pless Fleming...... Asheville, NC Dagim Bantikassegn...... Charlotte, NC Noah Boyd Collier...... Glen Allen, VA Samantha Scott Fortner...... Hendersonville, NC Han Bao...... Shanghai, China Ella McCarthy Collings...... Severna Park, MD Sophia Elizabeth Fortner...... Pasadena, CA Tammra Shanese Barfield...... Columbia, SC Addison Kaye Collins...... Friendsville, TN Robert John Francis...... Winston-Salem, NC Victoria Alexis Barger...... Lincolnton, NC Sarah Lynne Comegno...... Moorestown, NJ Kelli Marie Frangoulis...... Snellville, GA Madeline Rose Barnes...... Tega Cay, SC Gina Marie Conti...... Grove City, OH McKenzie Bay Frazier...... Seattle, WA Julia Leigh Barrier...... Kannapolis, NC Carolina Elizabeth Conway...... Todd, NC Joi Christina Freeman...... Wake Forest, NC Alexander Robinson Bauman...... Baltimore, MD Nuala Siobhan Conway-Pearson...... Charlestown, MA William Blackwell Freeman...... Summit, NJ Olivia Simone Bayard...... Charlotte, NC Melissa Eileen Cooney...... Locust Valley, NY Grace Jeanne Fricke...... Raleigh, NC Emily Anne Beauchamp...... Winston-Salem, NC Rachel Miriam Cooper...... Marietta, GA Aaron Paul Froehlich...... Shelby, NC Christopher Michael Behring...... Mooresville, NC Reuné Edwina Cooper...... Nassau, Bahamas Maude Louise Frye...... Woodside, CA Jennifer Benavides...... Greensboro, NC Elliot Amadeus Copeland...... Winston-Salem, NC James Clement Furman II...... Boone, NC Rebecca Katherine Benson...... Roanoke, VA Mary Logan Costanza...... Southern Pines, NC Jason Eric Gaaserud...... Darien, CT Henry Louis Berck...... Chappaqua, NY India D Cousin...... Winston-Salem, NC Paige Newton Gallagher...... Sherborn, MA Macallan M Bibeau...... Gladwyne, PA Madeline Elizabeth Cox...... Basking Ridge, NJ Reilly Elizabeth Gambelli...... Bernardsville, NJ Lydia Fay Bierce...... Tallmadge, OH Caitlin Elizabeth Cregan...... Peachtree Corners, GA Madeline Jayne Gaynor...... Mamaroneck, NY Elizabeth Cooper Biersach...... Chapel Hill, NC Sarah Haden Crewse...... Brentwood, TN Alice Virginia Gelhaus...... New Canaan, CT Ansley Alston Bird...... Atlanta, GA Anna Melissa Crumpler...... Bethlehem, PA Maya Patricia Gemson...... New York, NY Lila Grace Birnberg...... Watchung, NJ Amanda K. Cummins...... Tuxedo Park, NY John William Ghazal...... Arlington, VA Ella Anne Bishop...... Leland, NC Morgan Hugh Curtis...... Wallingford, CT Ariel Grace Gianukakis...... Darien, CT Carter Elizabeth Bitter...... Mount Pleasant, SC Elena Daly...... Kentfield, CA Cole Hans Gibson...... Chevy Chase , MD Amanda Nicole Black...... Sherborn, MA Virginia Rose Daukas...... Westerly, RI Sarah Catherine Victoria Gibson...... Mount Ulla, NC Gavin Michael Black...... Stowe, VT Abigail Leigh Davis...... Miami, FL Sidney Lynn Gibson...... Franklin, NC Riley Elizabeth Blair...... Towson, MD Kirsten Elizabeth Day...... Hickory, NC Walton Gibson...... Powder Springs, GA Jeanne Paule Blaison...... Fort Lauderdale, FL Allyson Mackenzie Deak...... Winston-Salem, NC Parker Benjamin Gillam...... St. Simons Island, GA Benjamin Harold Blanks...... Simpsonville, SC Caroline Elizabeth Deese...... Thomasville, GA Jake Harris Goldberg...... Wayne, NJ Nadia Bokhari...... Green Brook, NJ Cydney Alexcia Delley...... Augusta, GA Regina Elizabeth Goldenberg...... Duxbury, MA Logan McKenzie Bolton...... Fayetteville, GA Riyan Ahmed Deria...... Spartanburg, SC Gabriela Clara Gonzalez...... Coral Gables, FL James Michael Bonanno...... Eastchester, NY Yash Shailesh Deshpande...... New York, NY Joshua Isaac Goodman...... Rye Brook, NY Samuel Reeves Bott...... St. Louis, MO William Jesse-Roger Desvallees...... Rye, NY Caitlin Eunique Graham...... Macon, GA Natalie Adair Boucher...... Villa Hills, KY Darby Maria Deutsch...... Bear, DE Ethan Cole Graham...... Minneapolis, MN Gretchen Leigh Boyles...... Kings Mountain, NC Anthony R DeVincentis...... Walkersville, MD Natalie Brooke Graham...... Concord, NC Natalie Grace Bradford...... Winston-Salem, NC Brett Morgan Dill...... Winston-Salem, NC Loren Grandelli...... New York, NY Krista Nicole Bradley...... Norwood, MA Julia Johanna DiRusso...... Purchase, NY Jordan David Green...... Sudbury, MA Ryley Grace Bright...... Houston, TX Jacqueline Ellis Dishner...... Old Greenwich, CT Maya Elena Greenfeld...... Chappaqua, NY Ella Holding Bristow...... Raleigh, NC Allison Areti Dodd...... Allen, TX Margaret Ann Gregor...... Wyomissing, PA


Addie Gayle Griffin...... Floyd, VA Jacklyn Grace Kernohan...... Apex, NC John Christopher Miller...... Ashburn, VA Hannah Sophia Grisack...... Tampa, FL Frederick Charles Kieser III...... Cincinnati, OH Lydia Pearl Millhon...... Columbus, OH Meredith Grace Groce...... Greensboro, NC David James Kilduff...... Bedford, NY Markus Kristijan Minanov...... Grosse Pointe Farms, MI William Ryan Grosse...... Carlsbad, CA Andrew Everett Killebrew...... Lexington, NC Lauren Elizabeth Mintz...... Hampstead, NC Du Gu...... Beijing, China Ryan Maxton King...... Trent Woods, NC Camille Elise Monceaux...... Alexandria, LA Sarah Jane Gudas...... Concord, NH Kaitlyn Anne Kirby...... Palm Harbor, FL Matthew Chase Monroe...... Mooresville, NC Ellen Daniela Gunn...... San Francisco, CA Samuel David Kirshenbaum...... Sharon, MA Tyrrell Alister Moore...... Brooklyn, NY Connor Gates Gunsalus...... Wayne, PA Rose Talia Klaus...... St. Augustine, FL Erick A Mora...... Miami, FL Rebecca Marie Guy...... Mechanicsville, MD Alexander Gerald Klee...... Phoenix, AZ Yair Marcelo Morales Montes De-Oca....Winston-Salem, NC Ethan Addison Haber...... Roslyn, NY Sydney Caroline Kleinmann...... Dallas, TX Adela Morales-Santana...... Roswell, GA Elizabeth Joan Haggerty...... Boca Raton, FL Alyssa Cara Klier...... Marlton, NJ Margaret Eileen Moran...... Spring Lake, NJ Reece Kinsey Hagler...... Alexandria, VA Megan Elizabeth Klinck...... Raleigh, NC Tegan MacKay Morcott...... Lake Forest, IL Yun Hai...... Beijing, China Olivia Collette Klingler...... Woodstock, GA Matilda Grace Moross...... New York, NY Katherine Elizabeth Hampton...... Newport Beach, CA Won Joo Ko...... Seoul, South Korea Lane Grace Latus Morris...... Miami Shores, FL Sean Patrick Hannity...... Oyster Bay, NY Eva Grace Kozlowski...... Davidson, NC Tyler Powell Morse...... New York, NY Kathleen Shosi Hansen...... Healdsburg, CA Caleb Joseph Kritchevsky...... Winston-Salem, NC Julia Baird Morton...... Henrico, VA Tyriq Damont Hardimon...... Marietta, GA Peter Kuguru...... Atlanta, GA McKinley Jade Mueller...... Glenwood Springs, CO Emily Katherine Harman...... Lexington, NC Margaret Grace Kuhn...... Charlotte, NC Cameron Nicole Munley...... Winston-Salem, NC Bethany Jordan Harrell...... West Columbia, SC Nicholas Ryan Kuzma...... West End, NC Kelsey Quinn Murlless...... Charlotte, NC Kelsey Jill Harrelson...... High Point, NC Hassan Ali Ladiwala...... Princeton Junction, NJ Lauren Aaron Murphy...... Chicago, IL Lydia MaKumba Harris...... Fort Smith, AR Katelyn Grace Lawrence...... Alpharetta, GA Tyler Robert Myers...... Camp Hill, PA Madelyn Lee Harris...... Roswell, GA Michelle Anne Lazaran...... Fort Worth, TX Annirudh Nagaram...... Bridgewater, NJ Samuel Hudson Harrison...... Pacific Palisades, CA Ashton Brooke Ledford...... Wilkesboro, NC Olivia Rose Nandkeolyar...... Mableton, GA Megan Nicole Harty...... , OH Stephen Silva Lee...... Avon-by-the-Sea, NJ Jacques Xin Nanquette...... Paris, France Jamylah Egypt Harvin...... New York, NY Lucia Jane Lefferts...... New Canaan, CT Lilian Nassif...... Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Zariah Monae Hawthorne...... Simpsonville, SC Avery Lockhart Legg...... Alexandria, VA Alison Douglas Nesbit...... Augusta, GA Lorraine Faith Hayes...... Johnson City, TN Adam John Lewis...... Bernardsville, NJ Alexis Ann Nickl...... Palos Verdes Estates, CA Kristen Laura Haynes...... Little Silver, NJ William Daniel Lewis...... Bothell, WA Brooke Nicolosi...... St Thomas, VI Bruce C Haywood III...... Franklin Lakes, NJ MengXuan Li...... Shenzhen, China Cassidy Laine Noble...... Johns Creek, GA Bailey McAllen Heartfield...... Beaumont, TX Hailey Logan Lipman...... New York, NY Rachel Lowell Norotsky...... South Burlington, VT Millard Rhodes Heath...... Tallahassee, FL Sarah Jamie Lipson...... Wynnewood, PA John Roland Norris...... Greensboro, NC Connor Hebbeler...... Franklin Lakes, NJ Rachel Grace Little...... Macclesfield, NC Jenna Julianna Notaro...... Baltimore, MD Emma Rose Hein...... Morristown, NJ Xingxiang Liu...... Shanghai, China Jackson Richard Notes...... Hoboken, NJ Catherine Margaret Heindel...... Newnan, GA Yinqi Liu...... Jining, China Edward Geoghan O’Connor...... Pelham, NY Kira Renee Helm...... Clover, SC Cameron Dominic Lizza...... Uniontown, PA Margaret Ann O’Sullivan •...... Kennett Square, PA Jonathan Thomas Henkel...... Shelby, NC Gwyneth Rogers Lonergan...... Dallas, TX Nana Hitomi Ogburn...... Mount Airy, NC Elizabeth Lee Herbst...... Larchmont, NY Anna Alden Low...... Charlotte, NC Sunday Nzubechukwu Okeke...... Darien, CT Jordan Graf Hessinger...... St. Petersburg, FL Chunyu Lu...... Jersey City, NJ Eric Izevbigie Omorogieva...... Upper Marlboro, MD Alex Tyler Higdon...... Andrews, NC Jaren Ryan Lubrano...... Pinehurst, NC Geremia Orio...... Bellagio, Italy Elizabeth Warren Highet...... New York, NY Michael Thomas Ludowig...... Ashburn, VA James Powell Orscheln...... Needham, MA Frantasia Tatanya Hill...... Stella, NC Elizabeth McCarthy Lupo...... Charlotte, NC Anthony Michael Orsini Jr...... Hawthorn Woods, IL Julia Leigh Hilton...... Pittsburgh, PA Janese Christine Lynch...... Sharon Hill, PA Alissa Kathryn Osberg...... Gainesville, FL Myah Leana Hobgood...... Charlotte, NC Hannah Rose Lyons...... Chicago, IL Caroline Kendrick Osborn...... Winston-Salem, NC Grace Amanda Hofferber...... Rumson, NJ John Patrick Mackuse...... Moorestown, NJ Robert Boone Outland IV...... Rich Square, NC Zachary Michael Hogan...... Harleysville, PA Grace Elizabeth MacNeil...... Santa Barbara, CA Madeleine Smith Ouzts...... Spartanburg, SC Anna Pierce Hogewood...... Irondale, AL William Anderson Madigan...... Winnetka, IL Jonathan James Packer...... Manhattan Beach, CA Madeline Jann Holt...... Bloomington, IL Christopher John Magiera...... Elkins Park, PA Benjamin Robert Palermo...... Middletown, NJ Parker Samuel Hopkins...... Baltimore, MD Elizabeth Drew Maline...... Tenafly, NJ Cecile Marie Paquette...... Gaithersburg, MD Paul Leonard Horgan II...... Washington Crossing, PA Gabriel Lucas Mansour...... Fairfield, CT Lillian Victoria Parker...... Louisville, KY Samantha Erin Horowitz...... Marmora, NJ Jackson Philip Maradik...... Nashville, TN Victoria Ann Parker...... Winston-Salem, NC Mary Frances Howard...... Far Hills, NJ Alex Jorge Marban Jr...... Miami, FL Vinay Patel...... New York, NY Sidra Hsieh Ratliff...... Los Alamos, NM Caitlyn Landey Margol...... Atlanta, GA Naya Amanda Elaine Pearce...... Lawrenceville, GA Lynn Bainbridge Huffard...... Wilton, CT Erin Kathleen Marlow...... Palm Beach Gardens, FL William Jackson Pechet...... Wayne, PA Frederick Christian Hulse...... Browns Summit, NC Chandler Hope Marshall...... Shepherdstown, WV Shayari Tanya Peiris...... Lexington, MA David Grey Hyatt II...... Summerfield, NC Lauren Elizabeth Marshall...... Charlotte, NC Sarah Fay Peljovich...... Atlanta, GA Harrison Clay Idol...... Thomasville, NC Reilly Grace Marshall...... Mount Pleasant, SC Tyler Eladio Perez...... Miami, FL John Davis Jack...... Germantown, TN Yeison Alejandro Martinez-Bermudez...... Gastonia, NC Mary Brooks Perkey...... Atlanta, GA Aanchal Jain...... St. James, NY Kyle Michael Martirano...... Charleston, SC Hannah Margaret Petitti...... Arlington, VA Kellyn Elizabeth Jamison...... Canfield, OH Sidney Marie Matthews...... East Bend, NC Riley Anne Phillips...... Kissimmee, FL Stephen Jonathan Jenkins...... Tampa, FL Jenna J. Mayer...... Hillsborough, NC Schanika Pierre...... Orlando, FL Ran Ji...... Shanghai, China Heather Nicole McCauley...... Chandler, AZ Stephanie Jayne Pilutti...... Columbus, OH Kendall S John...... New Hope, PA Molly Grace Lea McComb...... Austin, TX Katherine Devone Pitchford...... Fayetteville, NC Henry Dean Johnson...... Winston-Salem, NC Caroline Merritt McDonald...... Charlotte, NC Natalie Taylor Pope...... Wilson, NC Kayle Hannah Jordan...... Bear Creek, NC Christina Nicole McGee...... Houston, TX Katina Porras Weissenberg...... Bal Harbour, FL John Charles Joyce Jr...... Winnetka, IL Scott McGraw...... Short Hills, NJ Jack Thomas Portman...... Berkeley Lake, GA Nadine Fawney Kademoglou...... Hoffman Estates, IL Georgia Elizabeth McLean...... Princeton, NJ Anna Blair M. Poulson...... Washington, DC Cecilia Ellen Kammire...... Lexington, NC Elizabeth Carroll McMahon...... McLean, VA Hannah Grace Powell...... Gainesville, VA Connor Evan Kaniewski...... Chicago, IL Keegan Daniel McManus...... Summit, NJ Laura Katherine Pressgrove...... Atlanta, GA Katherine Woodward Kaye...... Middleburg, VA Cole Patrick McNamee...... Alpharetta, GA Anjali Kiran Purohit...... Durham, NC Emma Catherine Kee...... Ponte Vedra, FL Julia Newberry Means...... Greenwich, CT Victoria Grace Pylypec...... Austin, TX Grace Anne Keilen...... Sudbury, MA Ellen Therese Metz...... San Francisco, CA Ivana Raca...... Stari Grad, Serbia Caroline McManus Kenney...... Boston, MA Miles Harvey Middleton...... Amityville, NY Victoria Alexandra Rackley...... Boulder, CO Mackenzie Morgan Kenny...... Mendham, NJ Emilia Carolina Migliaccio...... Cary, NC Joseph M Rafshoon...... Brookhaven, GA Mary Coltrin Kern...... Manakin Sabot, VA Connor William Mileusnic...... Delray Beach, FL Madeleine Elizabeth Rafter...... Sagaponack, NY

• Posthumous


Luiz Alberto Raible...... New York, NY Claudia Suzanne Tezel...... Houston, TX CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2020 Caroline Bailey Reed...... Chevy Chase, MD Channing Noelle Thomas...... Nassau, Bahamas Hamza Mohammad Rehman...... Boonton, NJ John Raymond Tiernan...... Harristown, Australia David Mosher Alpeter...... Darien, CT Kelly Kathleen Reichert...... Wilmette, IL Emily Lindsay Tilson...... Arlington, VA Hulda Hrund Arnarsdottir...... Reykjavik, Iceland Joe Alfred Reinhardt IV...... Jacksonville, FL Sophia Alexandra Tompkins...... Bethesda, MD John Thomas Barringer...... Atlanta, GA Erika Elizabeth Reiter...... Las Vegas, NV Alexandra Chelsea Tourret...... Greensboro, NC Carlos Odell Basham Jr...... Roanoke, VA Erick Rendon...... Winston-Salem, NC Mariana Trabanino...... Hialeah, FL Ryanne Alyse Brown...... Indianapolis, IN Margaret Delafield Rianhard...... St. Louis, MO Harrison Arthur Traenkle...... New York, NY Machop Malual Chol...... Snellville, GA Allison Lewis Rice...... Winston-Salem, NC Emmaline Jane Trentham...... Knoxville, TN John Holden Cooper...... Whittier, NC Lindley Reese Richardson...... Virginia Beach, VA Emily Laurel Tuchler...... Lexington, VA Kathryn Wingfield Cowie...... Chevy Chase, MD Logan Breed Richardson...... Arlington, VA Khaya Rose West Uzoigwe...... New York, NY Emmie Adia Davidson...... Gallatin, TN Emma Rose Rieves...... Huntersville, NC Kaitlyn Lee Van Metre...... Atlanta, GA Sarah Makki DeLoach...... Bluffton, SC Colleen Nicole Riley...... Maryville, TN Alexander Glenn Van Zijl...... Southampton, NY Roxanna Jean Demers...... Sanford, NC Bridget Whalen Ring...... Center, VT Alexios Demetrios Vlahoyiannis...... Reisterstown, MD Michael Dominic DeShields...... Freeland, MD Harper Creek Robins...... Weaverville, NC Abigail Ottesen Vogeley...... Danville, CA Elisha Madeleine Simone Evans...... Faringdon, UK Matthew Ryan Rockstroh...... Phoenix, MD Katherine Nicole Von Bargen...... Alpharetta, GA Peyton Stone Foland...... Ramseur, NC Margarett Louise Roddenbery...... Atlanta, GA Lauren Ellen von Thaden...... Atherton, CA John Christopher Fresco...... Clark, NJ Diego Rodriguez...... Coral Gables, FL Kaley Catherine Vontz...... Jacksonville Beach, FL Samuel Raphael Golden...... Morganville, NJ John William Rolle...... Bethesda, MD Courtney Charisse Wadley...... Powder Springs, GA Keegan Maher Good...... Pinehurst, NC Madison Olivia Roope...... Winston-Salem, NC Christopher Lee Wahrhaftig...... Larchmont, NY Alexis Marie Grippo...... Point Pleasant Boro, NJ Michael Spencer Rossin...... Atlanta, GA Sean Chavis Ramon Walker...... Charlotte, NC Nolan Holt Hamilton...... Cary, NC Matthew Douglas Rovner...... Wilmington, DE Avery Louise Wall...... New York, NY Dongyi Han...... Shenzhen, China Taylor Lynn Rowland...... St. Louis, MO Brittany Manja Wallace...... Mint Hill, NC Graham Herndon Hardig...... Severna Park, MD Cameron William Ryan...... Moon Township, PA Joshua Andrew Walls...... Winston-Salem, NC Hugo Hernandez Villagra...... Simpsonville, SC Ellis Gerard Ryan...... Brookside, NJ Caitlin Alexandra Walmsley.... Manchester, United Kingdom Emma Elizabeth Hibble...... Roswell, GA Savarni Sanka...... Raleigh, NC Abigail Whitney Walters...... Apex, NC Laura Leigh Horton...... Raleigh, NC Sebastian Roberto Santamaria...... Mamaroneck, NY Alexandra Paige Wamsley...... Sidney, NE Isabella Carleta Idol...... Wilmington, NC Caroline Elizabeth Sar...... Raleigh, NC Kevin Wang...... Basking Ridge, NJ Sulaiman Kamara...... Richmond, VA Brennan Hirsch Saul...... Chicago, IL Shu Wang...... Shenzhen, China Courtney Amber Kaplan...... Boulder, CO Corinne Rose Scannell...... Port Jefferson, NY Marygrace Miller Ward...... Winston-Salem, NC Victoria Krug...... Drebkau, FC Lydia Claire Schapiro...... New York, NY Emily Price Weaver...... New York, NY Haruki Maeyama...... Atlanta, GA Katherine Sophia Scheer...... Summit, NJ Natasha Jo Weis...... Riverside, CT Lukas Andrew Masterson...... Naples, FL Rachel Nicole Schmitz...... Largo, FL George Jeffrey Wigington...... Corpus Christi, TX Kyle Joseph McCurley...... Lake Zurich, IL Haley Estelle Schulberg...... Portland, OR Aidan Patrick Wiley...... Bel Air, MD Justin Cameron McMaster...... Stone Mountain, GA Emily Gail Schweitzer...... Bethesda, MD Cassidy Lauren Willard...... Mount Airy, NC Abigail Jean McNamara...... Beavercreek, OH Madison Paige Sesco...... Morganton, NC Casey Alexandra Williams...... Winston-Salem, NC Morgan Anthony McSweeney...... Hudson, MA Robert John Seymour...... St. John, IN Chloe Elizabeth Williams...... Winston-Salem, NC Claire Elizabeth Medlin...... Salisbury, NC Anna Reed Shutley...... Atlanta, GA Christopher David Williams...... Charlotte, NC Christopher Jennings Osgood...... St. Simons Island, GA Katherine Cici Sibilla...... Arlington, VA Clay Richardson Bowers Willis...... Virginia Beach, VA Andrew Josef Pannenberg...... Charlotte, NC Ryan Daniel Silvers...... West Hartford, CT John Timothy Willke...... Mountain Lakes, NJ Charles Robert Parry...... Palm Beach Gardens, FL Evan Xavier Simmons...... Milledgeville, GA Caroline Ruth Wilson...... Greenville, SC Dominic Ryan Peters...... Santa Clara, CA Jacob Andrew Simpson...... Winston-Salem, NC Elizabeth Grace Wilson...... Cookeville, TN Elaina Nicole Powell...... Bennett, NC Jamie Lizabeth Sleppin...... New York, NY Lindsey A Wilson...... Irmo, SC Catherine Lucas Regen...... Reston, VA Alana Jolene Smith...... Thomasville, NC Bailey Rachel Winiarski...... Briarcliff Manor, NY Jennifer Nicole Rokus...... Franklin, TN Cameron Briggs Smith...... Raleigh, NC Adam Michael Winter...... St. Louis, MO Anthony Joseph Scafide...... Gaithersburg, MD Nicholas Phillip Smith...... Cincinnati, OH Antayzha Wiseman...... Lenoir, NC Brandon Patrick Schmetterer...... Canfield, OH Kathryn Elizabeth Snyder...... Dunwoody, GA Reed Elizabeth Wixon...... Hilton Head Island, SC Michael Mariano Soraci...... Bethesda, MD Owen Solomon Snyder...... Burnsville, NC Zachary Raymond Wodenshek...... Ridgewood, NJ Kaitlyn Nora Stilson...... Stokesdale, NC Yuval Joseph Solomon...... Plainview, NY Eric James Wood...... Atlanta, GA Taleni Doran Suhren...... Pineville, NC Cole Harrison Sonner...... Garden City, NY Lily Angelique Woodall...... Newport Beach, CA Sage Branson Surratt...... Mount Holly, NC Ciara Isabel Sotomayor...... Indian Rocks Beach, FL Jonas Chase Woods...... Dallas, TX Anne Irma Maria Van Hoof...... Schijndel, Netherlands Maya Simone Sowells...... Greensboro, NC Olivia Grace Woods...... Bethesda, MD Ja’Cquez Dashion Williams...... Ludowici , GA Katherine Elizabeth Sprague...... Manchester, ME Elizabeth Danielle Woollen...... Tobaccoville, NC Emma Taylor Young...... Bakersfield, CA Rebecca Charlotte Spritzer...... Silver Spring, MD Tiayé Lamon Wooten...... Crofton, MD Kinsley Anne Zehmer...... Lexington, NC Parker William St. Jean...... Duxbury, MA Xiaotong Wu...... Beijing, China Jailen Zaire Stanley...... Greensboro, NC Crista Mae Wyrocki...... Asheboro, NC Olivia Novalyn Starr...... San Francisco, CA Julia Wenjia Xie...... Belle Mead, NJ CONFERRED AUGUST 15, 2020 Jacqueline Arianna Stern...... Colts Neck, NJ Ying Xu...... Simpsonville, SC Juliet Rose Stern...... Chappaqua, NY Natalie Grace Yandell...... Chicago, IL Benjamin Thomas Bagnell...... Narberth, PA Merritt Lynn Stewart...... Ketchum, ID Parker Wesley York...... Raleigh, NC Nicholas Joseph Beglane...... Smithtown, NY William Robinson Stewart...... Pittsburgh, PA Justin Tyler Yost...... Kennesaw, GA Omar Malik Benjamin...... Winston-Salem, NC Marco Hugo Steyn...... Winston-Salem, NC Andong Yu...... Zhejiang, China Joseph George Maxwell Burston...... London, UK Kiah Monique Stith...... Durham, NC Juan Camilo Zayed...... Bogota, Colombia Alexandra Grace Casale...... Glen Cove, NY Ashlyn Kristine Stone...... Winston-Salem, NC Erin Tierney Zeigler...... Atlanta, GA John Patrick Connor...... Key Largo, FL Jeremy Louis Stone...... Pleasantville, NY Heran Zhang...... Beijing, China Mary Hallet Culbreth...... Harrisonburg, VA Mary Eliot Stone...... Spartanburg, SC Liyao Zhang...... Shenzhen, China Pierre-Louis Nathaniel Henri Cumenal...... New York, NY Zoe Nicole Stuckey...... Greensboro, NC Wen Zhang...... Ningbo, China Wyman Starling Faison...... Clinton, NC Caroline Marcia Swimmer...... Charlotte, NC Yuwei Zhang...... Wood Ridge, NJ William Ben Gluck Jr...... St Louis, MO Emma Louise Szuba...... Sewickley, PA Lian Zhu...... Shanghai, China Connor Graeber...... Charlotte, NC Chao Tang...... Zhengzhou, China Bronte Marie Zlomek...... San Marcos, CA Slater Elliott Hale...... Atlanta, GA Dacorian Jayvon Taylor...... Belvidere, TN Leah Eleana Zuberer...... Bradenton, FL Samantha Kelley Halvorsen...... Ridgewood, NJ Ja’Sir Taylor...... Winston-Salem, NC Amy Paige Harriss...... Jacksonville, FL Olivia Pennington Tefft...... Piedmont, CA Jacquelyn Hsiao...... Miami, FL Sarah McDaniel Templeton...... Winston-Salem, NC Qinyi Hu...... Houston, TX

14 GRADUATES WITH THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS (Continued) Alexander Thomas Kachris...... Pittsford, NY Ronan James McGrath...... Houston, TX Hannah Rose Schmidt...... Palm Bay, FL Estelle Lucie Pauline Laurier...... Chaponnay, France Sydney Adair Moye...... Houston, TX Hannah Haling Vaught...... Culpeper, VA Weijia Li...... Shenyang, China Walker McDowell Robinson...... Louisville, KY Meret Melanie Von Graffenried...... Bern, Switzerland Matthew William Martin...... Wexford, PA Zachary William Robinson...... Winston-Salem, NC Bowen Zhou...... Beijing, China


Arif Ahmed...... Winston-Salem, NC David Jonathan Felman...... Greenwood Village, CO Matthew Brooks Lewis...... Nashville, TN Mohamed Yasin Ahmidouch...... Greensboro, NC Kirsten Rose Cosme Fernando...... Huntersville, NC Changyi Li...... Ningbo City, China Sarah Grace Ahr...... Raleigh, NC Savannah Skye Flemming...... Jamestown, NC Cameron Douglas Lischke...... Kernersville, NC Maxwell Benjamin Album...... Naples, NY Anna Rabren Flowers...... Madison, AL Jack Henry Lloyd...... South Bend, IN Robert Whitley Allen Jr...... Richmond, VA Andrew Travis Foreman...... Winter Park, FL Meridith Morgan Lochner...... Fayetteville, NC Hannah Morgan Argobright...... Leonardtown, MD Katherine Corbett Foster...... Charlotte, NC Andrew J Logan...... Alpharetta, GA Madeleine Mary Armstrong...... Westfield, NJ Erin Elizabeth Fowler...... Lilburn, GA Valerie Nicole Lopez...... Winston-Salem, NC Tanner McKinnon Bailey...... Wilkesboro, NC William Worth Gaither...... Hickory, NC Haoxin Luo...... Beijing, China Matthew Franklin Ballard...... Houston, TX Daniel Sidney Gallant...... Louisville, CO Zhuojun Luo...... Guangzhou, China Sophie Bedell Ballou...... York, ME Armin Garai...... Great Falls, VA Milan Zaida Lynn...... Miami, FL David Caldwell Barefoot III...... Raleigh, NC Julio Orlando Garcia...... Miami, FL Rui Lyu...... Winston-Salem, NC Kendra Elizabeth Bayne...... Stewartsville, NJ Robert William Garrett...... Darien, CT Sarah Paxton MacArthur...... Beaufort, NC Chloe Amore Beatty...... Winston-Salem, NC Robert Spencer Giglio...... Moraga, CA Erin Elaine Major...... Stevenson, MD Maxim Anatolievich Belyayev...... Glastonbury, CT Emily Beth Goff...... Denton, TX Peter Joshua Malkin...... Avon, CT Bryan Christopher Bennett...... Ridgewood, NJ Yorjannys Gomez...... High Point, NC Adero Mizan Mandala...... Baltimore, MD Lauren Talbott Berryman...... Louisville, KY Saahith Reddy Gondi...... Overland Park, KS Alexander Palmer Maness...... Burlington, NC Trent Michael Blackburn...... Aldie, VA Sarah Elizabeth Graham...... Ponte Vedra Beach, FL John Bruce Mantyh...... Durham, NC Andie Page Blankenstein...... Toronto, ON Lauren Elizabeth Gray...... Grand Rapids, OH Christine Elizabeth Marlow...... Palm Beach Gardens, FL Maxim Gregory Blekhman...... Houston, TX Claire Rosemary Griffin...... Billings, MT Brayan A Martinez...... Charlotte, NC Olivia McKenna Bond...... Aspen, CO Hannah Kathryn Grimm...... Charlotte, NC Emma Ann Mathews...... Waxhaw, NC Ashley Brianna Borseth...... Saratoga Springs, NY Cecilia Marianne Haggas...... Winston-Salem, NC Raquel Mazariego...... Nanuet, NY Sabrina Elizabeth Bruno...... Flourtown, PA Felicia Elizabeth Halas...... Waxhaw, NC Zachary Thomas McClure...... Hagerstown, MD Alexandra Rose Buckley...... Berkeley Heights, NJ Roland Edward Hamrick III...... Charleston, WV Aidan Dunstan Akiwande Shekou McCormack...San Francisco, CA Samantha Ann Buzalewski...... Reading, PA Noah Philip Handwerk...... Clemmons, NC Addison Bryn McFarland...... Kiawah Island, SC Parker Lee Cabiness...... Archdale, NC Benjamin Myers Harrison...... Pittsburgh, PA Saylor Marley Mealing...... Owings, MD Danielle Sabrina Cantoni...... Ocean Isle Beach, NC Chloe Elizabeth Harty...... Charlotte, NC Larry Raequan Merritt...... Burgaw, NC Olivia Marin Carlino...... Charlotte, NC Frances Augusta Herrin...... , GA Noah Matthew Meyer...... Dayton, OH Jialin Chen...... Winston-Salem, NC Sydni Jenee Hill...... Nashville, TN Haonan Miao...... Beijing, China Lauren Anne Childers...... Houston, TX John Alan Hobson...... Wake Forest, NC Madison Janine Michles...... Pensacola Beach, FL Sarah Elizabeth Collins...... Severna Park, MD Grace Elizabeth Hofmann...... Rapid City, SD John Michael Middleton...... Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Ethan Foster Cooley...... Charlotte, NC Jack Gordon Holekamp...... St. Louis, MO Christina Gushee Molkenthin...... Darien, CT Bailey Alexander Core...... Wexford, PA John Solomon Hollingsworth...... Conyers, GA Margaret Cotten Moran...... Atlanta, GA Isabella Cornea...... Signal Mountain, TN Henry Charles Hollis...... Winston-Salem, NC Callen Hartleigh Morrison...... Orinda, CA Carter Owen Coughlin...... Knoxville, TN Sara Jesue Hong...... North Bethesda, MD Jessica Ann Moser...... Gibsonia, PA Courtney Noel Craven...... Greensboro, NC Tianqi Hong...... Beijing, China Meredith Leigh Mottern...... Orlando, FL Scott Joseph Crowley...... Topsfield, MA Lauren Emily Horth...... Kohler, WI Kasey Ruth Mull...... Hickory, NC Charles Thomas Cush...... New Albany, OH Tien Chi Jason Hou...... Tainan City, Taiwan Tucker Everett Mullens...... Jacksonville, FL Michael John Davern...... Gibsonville, NC Arash Ali Husain...... Alpharetta, GA Allison Regina Murmello...... Allentown, PA Diana Tucker De Sanctis...... Skillman, NJ Chidi Jonathan Iloabachie...... Raleigh, NC Sarah Clark Neely...... Charlotte, NC Jordan Renae Deason...... Plano, TX Zachary Joseph Janocko...... Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Isabelle Nelson...... Lexington, MA Sarah Joy DeHorn...... Granger, IN Warren Hamilton Jernigan III...... Highlands Ranch, CO Justin Carter Neuberger...... Holmdel, NJ William Thomas Delk...... Eatonton, GA Peixi Jiang...... Guangzhou, China Mary K Newland...... Englewood, CO Cristian Anthony DeSimone...... Phoenixville, PA Weicheng Jiang...... Winston-Salem, NC Margaret Y. Nyamadi...... Charlotte, NC Matthew David Desoutter...... Atlanta, GA Wenyu Jin...... Shanghai, China Garrett Joseph Odell...... Arnold, MD Bradford Taylor Dhillon...... Annapolis, MD Alexis Teel John...... Greensboro, NC Jemima Odetokun...... Cumming, GA Kylie Shane DiCarolis...... Sea Ranch Lakes, FL Roddra Jordana Johnson...... Jacksonville, FL Regan Mahoney O’Donnell...... Cohasset, MA Dayton Craig Diemel...... Beaver Dam, WI Thomas Randolph Johnston III...... Gainesville, GA Noah James Ontjes...... Raleigh, NC Nataya Sinvorn Disher...... Clemmons, NC Anna Maie Jones...... Mocksville, NC Espen James Oswald...... Kennesaw, GA Mary Elizabeth Dobbins...... Hillsborough, NC Reid Lane Jordan...... Kingston, NY Zachary Joseph Pagnani...... Washington, NC Dandi Dong...... Beijing, China Goran Franjo Jovanovic...... Ashburn, VA Anuja Sai Palacharla...... Mableton, GA Abby Emma Duquette...... Ormond Beach, FL Nicholas Bond Judd...... Greensboro, NC Nuri Park...... Murrieta, CA Emma Grace Ecklin...... Lancaster, PA Alec Amonette Kadrie...... Signal Mountain, TN Daniel Patino...... Bluffton, SC Ayana H Edwards...... Huntersville, NC Nathan Maxim Katz...... Potomac, MD Anna Frances Perko...... Fayetteville, NC Kenneth Ryan Edwards...... Winston-Salem, NC Zechariah Lee Kearns...... Archdale, NC Luis Jorge Pons Cano...... The Woodlands , TX Christina Alden Ekstrand...... Los Altos, CA Paul Georg Kefer...... Tulln an der Donau, Austria Madeline Rose Porter...... Easton, CT Olivia Susann Etherton...... Lincoln, NE Jordan Jin-yong Kim...... Raleigh, NC Meghan Ann Pressimone...... Emerson, NJ Liza Darling Fahey...... Newtown Square, PA Cameron Scott King...... Hampstead, NC Gabrielle Elena Prichard...... Raleigh, NC Ameen Husbaan Faizi...... High Point, NC Andrew Ryan Knox...... Kirkland, WA Merideth Williams Rasplicka...... Savannah, GA Natoli William Farber...... Naples, FL Eleanor Elizabeth Krantz...... Summerville, SC Alexandra Kathryn Reilly...... Newark, DE Danielle Nichole Farinella...... Wilmington, NC Ishani Chandrashekar Kumbar...... Newburgh, IN Isabelle Alexandra Ricke...... Raleigh, NC John Timothy Farrell...... Chapel Hill, NC Chaeun Jiah Lee...... Dumont, NJ Fernando Jose Rigal...... Hialeah, FL Francis Reed Fedowitz...... Bethesda, MD Matthew Albert Lee...... Annapolis, MD Maria Valentina Roa...... Advance, NC Drew Hampton Feldman...... Farmingdale, NJ Aubrie Kenan Leonard...... Four Oaks, NC Eric Augustine Robison...... Gilroy, CA


Morgan Ceara Roche...... Ambler, PA Otto Diez Twagiramungu...... Greensboro, NC CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2020 Daniel Lee Rogers...... Yanceyville, NC Adwoa Agyeiwaa Tweneboa Koduah...... Aurora, CO Judith Rebeca Rosales...... Morganton, NC Abinav R Udaiyar...... Kernersville, NC Matthew William Bagby...... Leawood, KS Isabelle Claire Roseto...... Denver, CO Maria J Uribe...... Miami, FL Jacquelyn Mary Bedingham...... Woodbury, MN Harmon Andrew Rozycki...... McDonald, PA Charlotte Elizabeth Van Houtven...... Chapel Hill, NC Hannah Claire Betfort...... Daniel Island, SC Nicholas Noah Rucinski...... Cary, NC Lucy Margaret Vaughn...... San Francisco, CA Kaya Nicole Borlase...... Deep Gap, NC Jennifer Lynn Ryan...... Montvale, NJ Meredith Lindley Vaughn...... Greensboro, NC Breonja Shamell Bowser...... Angier, NC Patrick Thomas Ryan...... Norwalk, CT Nicholas Joseph Veale...... Boston, MA Julia Christine Byrnes...... Basking Ridge, NJ Jacob Edward Safee...... Greenville, SC Anthony Dalton MacIsaac Vivona...... Chatham, NJ Logan Shelby Banks Cioffi...... Brooklyn, NY Alex Salvador Salazar...... Memphis, TN Marguerite Abaunza Walk...... New Orleans, LA Xinyi Du...... Shanghai, China Anusha Nikhil Samant...... Reston, VA Rebecca Judith Walker...... Winston-Salem, NC Wyatt Oliver Gibson...... Franklin, TN Nicole Lynn Santella...... Darien, CT Morgan Brimmer Wallace...... Teton Village, WY Zachary Albert Gregory...... Henrico, VA Hannah Grace Scanlon...... Raleigh, NC Ziming Wei...... Shanghai, China Abercrombie Ireland Griggs...... Chagrin Falls, OH Ilse Kirsten Schaeffner...... Marblehead, MA Caroline Elizabeth Welch...... Winston-Salem, NC Matthew William Gronberg...... Boxford, MA Madeleine Michelle Schult...... Lake Oswego, OR Diana Grace Welliver...... Westminster, MD Jessica Bailey Huskey...... Huntersville, NC Payton Patricia Schult...... Lake Oswego, OR Nina Marie Westcott...... Winston-Salem, NC Nicholas Gilman Kay...... Palmetto, FL Graham Michael Schultz...... Centennial, CO Grace Catherine Wester...... Baton Rouge, LA Yueming Long...... Shanghai, China Hannah McKenzie Seagle...... Morganton, NC Shade Abram White...... Beckley, WV Hannah Marie Mendoza...... Jacksonville, FL Sarah Louise Sharp...... Ottawa, IL Elizabeth Maddox Wood...... Nashville, TN Elizabeth Faith Panacciulli...... East Norwich, NY Henry Lyon Shaw...... Park City, UT Ana Jessica Worthington...... Owens Cross Roads, AL Kayla Michelle Smith...... Greensboro, NC Caroline Carlisle Sims...... Mountain Brook, AL Kevin Anthony Woytowich...... Shamong, NJ John Andrew Vanderwolf...... Winter Springs, FL Jenny Nicole Smith...... Walnut Cove, NC Siyi Wu...... Wuhan, China Xiaochen Wang...... Shenzhen, China William Gordon Stone IV...... Austin, TX Siyu Wu...... Shanghai, China Yuhan Wang...... Beijing, China Zhihong Sun...... Dalian, FC Hongyi Xu...... Shanghai, China Shiqi Yu...... Beijing, China Trevor Martin Taub...... Manhattan Beach, CA Kebin Yan...... Beijing, China Gisselle Zamora...... Miami, FL Emma Miriam Taylor...... Durham, NC Evan David Youshock...... Ringoes, NJ Chenchang Zhu...... Shanghai, China Frederick Hereford Thompson...... Englewood, CO Chuanyang Yu...... Shenyang, China Hao Tong...... High Point, NC Luoping Zhang...... Beijing, China Kelvin Dinh Tran...... Palm Coast, FL Yanlin Zhang...... Shanghai, China CONFERRED AUGUST 15, 2020 Jonathan David Trattner...... Longwood, FL Yixin Zhang...... Wuxi, China Mary Grace Triplett...... Brentwood, TN Zhijun Zhang...... Tianjin, China Priscilla Ntowbea Djarbeng...... Windsor Mill, MD Haidyn Fouts Turner...... Winter Springs, FL Tingxuan Zhao...... Shenyang, China Shelby Frances Ellis...... Chattanooga, TN Natalie Olivia Foley...... Wilmington, NC Robert Booth Lowery...... Charleston, SC Rafael Mendoza...... North Charleston, SC Caroline Victoria Spurzem...... Charlottesville, VA


Charlie Ablon...... Newton, MA Yuhan Cai...... Nanjing, China Alyssa Nicole deCavaignac...... Hoboken, NJ Colin Richard Afferton...... Washington, DC Clayton Patrick Cain...... Gainesville, FL Sarah Nicole DeFelice...... Bedminster, NJ Colin Henry Alcus...... Potomac, MD Anna Therese Campbell...... Newton, NJ Ian Francis Deihle...... Sewickley, PA Adam Jon Alderfer...... Winston-Salem, NC Jackson Peter Cannon...... Matthews, NC David Bradshaw Denny...... Charlotte, NC David Christopher Anderson...... Marietta, GA James Dean Caras...... Chicago, IL Anne Kendall Dethero...... Florence, AL Cole Joseph Andreadis...... Darnestown, MD Ethan Sharkey Carey...... Lewes, DE Christian Salvatore DiSimone...... Valley Cottage, NY Christopher Stephen Avallone...... Miami, FL Clara Bray Carlson...... Barrington, IL Julie Anne Dodson...... Raleigh, NC Emily Grace Baker...... Menlo Park, CA Olivia Jayne Granville Carr...... Woody Creek, CO Brandon J Dokliev...... Schiller Park, IL George Theodore Barbe...... Nashville, TN Tyler John Carson...... Mooresville, NC Shudi Dong...... Guangzhou, FR Mary Elizabeth Grace Barnes...... Bradenton, FL Bradon Douglas Carter...... San Marino, CA Kendra Rose Downey...... Manhasset, NY Andrew Michael Bastone...... Pelham, NY Matilde Paola Cascella...... Lutherville Timonium, MD Matthew Paul Dragoumis...... short hills, NJ Isabel Harman Bates...... Melrose, MA Hayden Cougar Cathcart...... Avon, CT Ryan Rainsford Draper...... Tucson, AZ Stylianos John Bazianos...... Henrico, VA Sabrina Paige Cavaseno...... Naples, FL Ian J Driscoll...... Garden City, NY William Hampton Bemiss...... Richmond, VA Edward S Cawley...... Duxbury, MA Gregory Nicholas Dvorocsik...... Dallas, TX Brigid Olivia Berndt...... Orinda, CA Andrew Evans Cecil...... Clemmons, NC Justin Paul Eckstein...... Paducah, KY Juliana Marie Bernt...... Mendham, NJ Robert Edward Charles...... Palm Beach Gardens, FL Paige Carter Edmonds...... Brookfield, CT Pietro Bertone...... Milan, Italy Runmin Chen...... Yancheng, China Madeline Blair Elhilow...... West Palm Bch, FL James Jarvis Betts...... McLean, VA Tianyi Chen...... Shenyang, China Maya Ray Elia...... Dallas, TX Ryan Michael Birkedal...... Lewisville, NC Yiyang Chen...... Hangzhou, China Samuel Ivanhoe Ennis...... Houston, TX Kyle Warren Blackburn...... Aldie, VA Brenna Kelly Chitkara...... Westwood, MA Riley Mary Evans...... Bluffton, SC Joseph Louis Bouchard...... Albany, NY Luke D Ciccarelli...... Chatham, NJ Charles Franklin Ewig...... Basking Ridge, NJ Gabriella Rosston Bowling...... Fort Lauderdale, FL Nicholas Cabot Cohen...... Greenwich, CT John James Fair...... Winston-Salem, NC Madeleine Emma Boyer...... Morristown, NJ Hannah Elise Cook...... Apex, NC Rachel Lane Faulkenberry...... Troutman, NC Donovan Shea Boyle...... Aurora, OH Lillian Cooper...... Richmond, VA Hannah Catherine Faulkner...... Rocky Hill, CT Taylor McKenney Brockman...... Sterling, VA Anabel Starbuck Cordano...... Ridgefield, CT John Robert Finegan...... Charlotte, NC Ashley Marie Brown...... Raleigh, NC Matthew Cortes...... Rego Park, NY Ryan Thomas Fischbach...... San Mateo, CA Ryan Joseph Burger...... Lake Forest, IL Sean Louis Costigan...... Wyckoff, NJ Aidan Thomas Fitzgibbon...... Westwood, MA Abigail Martin Burns...... Fairfield, CT Elizabeth Ann Cove...... Takoma Park, MD Peter James Folgia...... Cranford, NJ Michael Erick Burton Jr...... Fort Myers, FL Ryan Carlson Cox...... Tampa, FL Madelyn Grace Forbes...... Nashville, TN Andrew James Butler...... Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Naomi Renee Cutter...... Weston, MA Kathleen Elizabeth Foster...... Newtown Square, PA Carter Button...... Moorestown, NJ Aidan Fitzgerald Dale...... Hingham, MA Guilherme Canci Franco...... Sao Paulo, Brazil


Sean Brian Freed...... Bethlehem, PA Douglas W. Maier II...... Aurora, CO Paige Elizabeth Sebesta...... Cypress, TX Ronald Ethan Fry...... Belmont, NC Noah Hampton Marley...... Pleasant Garden, NC Sixian Shao...... Ningbo, China Grace Elizabeth Gach...... Charlotte, NC Alexandra Leigh Marshall...... Vero Beach, FL Nathaniel Sheldon Shattock...... Lake Forest, IL Fiona Lilly Gallagher...... Chicago, IL Michael Ryan Mattone...... Fort Lauderdale, FL Danni Shen...... Nanjing, China Heng Gao...... Suzhou, China Rachel Lynn McCrary...... Winston-Salem, NC Amari Peter William Sherrill...... North Salem, NY Bradford Scott Gaskill...... Pawleys Island, SC Cameron Eugene McGeorge...... Atlanta, GA Wa Lam Si...... Macau, S.A.R Lauren Grace Gielincki...... Jacksonville, FL Connor Ross McGovern...... Boerne, TX Nicholas R. Sierotko...... Pequannock, NJ Tate Alexander Gillie...... Mountain Lakes, NJ Franklin Todd McGowan...... Raleigh, NC Mary Beatrice Sills...... Parkland, FL Paige M Gladstein...... Wilton, CT Matthew Joseph McHugh...... Vienna, VA Johanna Vanessa Silva...... Winston-Salem, NC Matthew Eric Goetzmann...... Skaneateles, NY Matthew Chandler McIlwain...... Seattle, WA Sofia Marie Silveira...... Highland Beach, FL Seth Harris Goldfarb...... West Palm Beach, FL Julia Jane McKay...... Spring Lake, NJ Benjamin Macmillan Simon...... New York, NY Tyler Jay Goldman...... Boston, MA Connor Richard McKernan...... Andover, MA Haley Anne Sinicropi...... Frisco, TX Brent Mark Goodrich...... Leonardtown, MD Lucy Wescott McLeod...... Durham, NC Mark Robert Smith...... Winston-Salem, NC Alexa Haylee Gordon...... Winston-Salem, NC Abby Jo McMullen...... Winston-Salem, NC Robert F. Smith III...... Annapolis, MD William Kineo Gorman...... New Canaan, CT Antonio Delano Menendez...... Herndon, VA Joseph Alexander Smukler...... Montclair, NJ Zachary Brandon Gould...... Charlotte, NC Dezhen Meng...... Shanghai, China Eric Thomas Solomon...... Westwood, MA Kevin Robert Grady...... Saddle River, NJ Jacob Chance Messinger...... Kildeer, IL Zirui Song...... Beijing, China Christopher Joseph Greene...... New Canaan, CT Jeffrey DuBusc Miller...... Rye, NY Colton James Sorlie...... Wichita, KS Jeremy Louis Greer...... Suffield, CT Garrett Olsen Moorman...... Atlanta, GA Sonia Stangenes...... Los Altos, CA Michael John Grgurich...... Peoria, AZ Thomas Aandahl Moran...... Monkton, MD Christopher Ross Steinl...... Greensboro, NC Grayanna Sinclair Grigg...... Myrtle Beach, SC George Edwards Morgan Jr...... Sunbury , NC Spencer Gabriel Stendig...... Larchmont, NY Audrey Hammond Groves...... Denver, CO Matthew Charles Moriarity...... Chicago, IL William Harrison Stone...... Greensboro, NC Jeffrey William Guiliano...... Orleans , MA Ryan Alexander Mueller...... North Marshfield, MA Ross Woods Strickland...... Winston-Salem, NC Allison Dianne Hagar...... Chester Springs, PA Robert Henry Mulcahy...... Gladstone, NJ Priyanka Thakuria...... North Andover, MA Andrew Lawrence Hall...... Weston, MA Cameron William Mulvey...... Westwood, MA Zachary Miskom Tom...... Prairieville, LA Elizabeth Thea Hartong...... New Canaan, CT Matthew Cole Murdock...... Summit, NJ John Charles Toothman...... Jupiter, FL Kaitlyn Pearl Harty...... Winston-Salem, NC Benjamin Patton Murphy...... Baltimore, MD Brandon Alexander Torricella...... Miami, FL Abigail Elizabeth Hawkins...... Burlington, NC Michael William Napoleone...... Coraopolis, PA Ashley Marie Townsend...... Charlotte, NC Ben Alexander Hayes...... Darien, CT Khaled M. A. Nassar...... Leesburg, VA Abigail Olivia Trott...... Jackson, WY Hannah Lynn Hayes...... Nashville, TN Melissa Navarro...... Clermont, FL Mary Kimball Troy...... Stamford, CT Grace Marie Hollyer...... Weston, CT Marcus Pinson Neal IV...... Powhatan, VA Nicholas D Uva...... North Reading, MA Arnold J. Hong...... Atlanta, GA Alysia Marie Nielson...... Las Vegas, NV Louis Malone Vingi...... Charleston, SC Mary Ross Hooper...... St Louis, MO Kevin Gerard O’Callahan...... Sterling, MA Michael Ryan Vlahos...... Winston-Salem, NC Emma Grace Howley...... Newtown Square, PA Jack Daniel O’Connell...... Sudbury, MA Steven James Wahrhaftig...... Larchmont, NY Alexander Daniel Ialeggio...... Westport, CT Eliza Omirou...... Egkomi, Cyprus Zoe Elizabeth Matina Walling...... Lancaster, PA Kaylie Hannah Jessup...... Pilot Mountain, NC Brady Ryan O’Saile...... Winston-Salem, NC Jiayi Wang...... Shenzhen, China Jason Jiun Der Ju Wang...... Winston-Salem, NC Alexandria Michelle Osterberg...... Newport Beach, CA Jingnan Wang...... Nanjing, FR Michael Robert Jurgens...... Gaithersburg, MD Krusang Raju Patel...... Farmington, CT Brian Christopher Weaton...... Ridgefield, CT Emma Chamberlain Kagel...... Fairfield, CT Luke Karel Petermann...... Harrison, NY Jane Petersen Weber...... Sewickley, PA Ryan Dennison Kainz...... Orlando, FL Abigail Wells Pike...... Byfield, MA Ryan Grace Weight...... Locust Valley, NY Ian Andrew Karnick...... Chester, NJ Martin John Plocica Jr...... Hilton Head Island, SC Alex H Weinstein...... Palm Beach Gardens, FL Oliver Joseph Katz...... Arlington, VA William Charles Poirier...... North Andover, MA Ethan Phagan Welty...... Walkersville, MD Rachel Antonina Kern...... Howell, NJ Ian Kenneth Pott...... Media, PA Ryan Sullivan West...... Mansfield, MA Emily Claire Kibbe...... Greensboro, NC Kiana Pourteymour...... Cobham, United Kingdom Scott Hayden Westerman...... Wellesley Hills, MA Brian Robert Knightly...... Sudbury, MA Drew Walton Powell...... Nashville, TN Samantha Noelle Wexler...... Naperville, IL Taylor Adele Knupp...... Harrisburg, PA Burke Patrick Preston...... Mount Pleasant, SC Katherine Amelia Willey...... Delaplane, VA Caroline Elizabeth Knutson...... Alexandria, VA Elizabeth Francesca Price...... Coral Gables, FL Robert Merritt Winter...... Atlanta, GA Caroline Nicole Koontz...... Houston, TX Robert Jiangyue Qian...... Boyds, MD Zhongling Xia...... Shanghai, China Olivia Brynn Koorbusch...... Greenwich, CT Lindsey Anne Quinlisk...... Walpole, MA Chenqi Xu...... Suzhou, China Haley Elisa Kortekaas...... Manhattan Beach, CA Rianna Hailey Rabinowitz...... Armonk, NY Joanna Xinyi Yan...... Suwanee, GA Grant Patrick Kowalewski...... Downingtown, PA Alexandra Jaclyn Raslowsky...... Ringoes, NJ Kyler Lynch Zadell...... Cary, NC Caroline W Kuhn...... Greenville, NC Garrison Young Reagan...... Winston-Salem, NC Katherine Elizabeth Zampolin...... Briarcliff Manor, NY Alexander Demetri Lambrinos...... New Canaan, CT Kaveri Erin Reddy...... Rye Brook, NY Ruier Zhang...... Shenzhen, China Jon Anthony Langenfeld Jr...... Mequon, WI Richard Andrew Redvanly...... Charlotte, NC Shenyang Zhang...... Shanghai, China Hunter Thomas Laroe...... Milton, VT Grayson Atkins Reed...... Midway, TN Yujin Zhao...... Jiaxing, China Ryan Mitchell Lattanzio...... Andover, MA Marlee Elizabeth Rich...... Garden City, NY Junyu Zheng...... Guangzhou, China Samantha Dina Laurite...... Atlanta, GA John Richard Rielly...... Pittsburgh, PA Mutong Zhou...... Shenzhen, China Jake Edward Lehrer...... Tampa, FL Martha Price Robinson...... Bethesda, MD Feifan Zhuang...... Beijing, FC Fatima Isabel Leon...... Marietta, GA Mae Madeline Rodgers...... Dallas , TX Olivia Marie Zibaitis...... Melrose, MA Alex Charles Lerner...... Mount Kisco, NY Yassmine Carolyn Rohlf...... White Plains, NY Kaylie Faith Levitz...... Lexington, MA Ann Smarr Romance...... Savannah, GA Ruofan Li...... Shanghai, China Nicholas Barton Rondeau...... Barrington, RI CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2020 Hunter James Libman...... New Canaan, CT Stephen A Rowland...... Westport, CT Mingxuan Lin...... Fuzhou, China Riley Lucas Royer...... Columbus, OH Bar Tzuf Botzer...... Tel Aviv, Israel Brett Osborne Lingerfelt...... Lexington, NC Jack A Rozman...... Wyckoff, NJ Marlena Elizabeth Murray...... Philadelphia, PA Hanru Liu...... Winston-Salem, NC Jolie Teresa Ruta...... Martinsville, NJ Charles Ernst Philip Pinkus...... Woodside, CA Lisa L Liu...... Winston-Salem, NC Mare Elena Salinas...... Orlando, FL Sobhi Sami Samaan...... Indianapolis, IN Shutong Liu...... Hefei, China Matthew Stephen Santola...... Livingston, NJ Andrew Clark Saxton...... La Crosse, WI Zhijin Liu...... Shenzhen, China Rose Marie Savocchi...... East Northport, NY Kevin Michael Sheehan...... Annapolis, MD Benjamin Thomas Lockhart...... Kiawah Island, SC Lily Isabelle Scheer...... Mahwah, NJ Lila Day Loughlin...... Hinsdale, IL Madison Elizabeth Schenone...... Chatham, NJ Xuan Lu...... Beijing, China Coby Samuels Schneider...... Boxford, MA Zhengda Luo...... Fuzhou, China Margaret McKenzie Schrock...... Atlanta, GA Elizabeth Dabney Mabry...... Clarksville, TN Charles Seals...... Winston-Salem, NC

17 DISTINCTIONS CONFERRED SUMMA CUM LAUDE Kyle Raj Adams Kirsten Elizabeth Day Emma Rose Hein Jacob Chance Messinger Graham Michael Schultz Mohamed Yasin Ahmidouch Allyson Mackenzie Deak Frantasia Tatanya Hill Noah Matthew Meyer Emily Gail Schweitzer Grant Douglas Alexander William Thomas Delk Anna Pierce Hogewood Haonan Miao Sixian Shao Mia Isabel Allen Matthew David Desoutter Henry Charles Hollis Emilia Carolina Migliaccio Danni Shen Olivia Brooks Allen Cristian Anthony DeSimone Samantha Erin Horowitz Lydia Pearl Millhon Jamie Lizabeth Sleppin Rafael Alves de Lima Anthony R DeVincentis Tien Chi Jason Hou Christina Gushee Molkenthin Mark Robert Smith Erin Marie Anderson Mary Elizabeth Dobbins Harrison Clay Idol Tegan MacKay Morcott Katherine Elizabeth Sprague Michael Richard Angeloni Shuyang Dong Aanchal Jain Callen Hartleigh Morrison Christopher Ross Steinl Rhythm Elizabeth Badal Madeline Sarah Dorfman Kellyn Elizabeth Jamison McKinley Jade Mueller Jacqueline Arianna Stern Cassie Dawn Ball Julia Marie Doyle Kaylie Hannah Jessup Tucker Everett Mullens Emma Louise Szuba Brandi Christine Bangle Jake William duPlooy Wenyu Jin Cameron Nicole Munley Olivia Pennington Tefft Madeline Rose Barnes Kimberly Dyrvik Thomas Randolph Johnston III Matthew Cole Murdock Sarah McDaniel Templeton Lydia Fay Bierce Allie Reed Edwards Kayle Hannah Jordan Olivia Rose Nandkeolyar Emily Lindsay Tilson Ryan Michael Birkedal Madeline Blair Elhilow Alec Amonette Kadrie Justin Carter Neuberger Emmaline Jane Trentham Carter Elizabeth Bitter Maya Ray Elia Ryan Dennison Kainz Cassidy Laine Noble Mary Grace Triplett Kyle Warren Blackburn Rachel Lane Faulkenberry Cecilia Ellen Kammire Rachel Lowell Norotsky Emily Laurel Tuchler Riley Elizabeth Blair David Jonathan Felman Oliver Joseph Katz Regan Mahoney O’Donnell Adwoa Agyeiwaa Tweneboa Koduah Logan McKenzie Bolton Kirsten Rose Cosme Fernando Paul Georg Kefer Eliza Omirou Abinav R Udaiyar Natalie Grace Bradford Olivia Rose Field Frederick Charles Kieser III Alissa Kathryn Osberg Abigail Ottesen Vogeley Ryley Grace Bright Caroline Elizabeth Finney Alexander Gerald Klee Jonathan James Packer Lauren Ellen von Thaden Taylor McKenney Brockman Ryan Thomas Fischbach Olivia Collette Klingler Shayari Tanya Peiris Avery Louise Wall Sabrina Elizabeth Bruno Anna Rabren Flowers Brian Robert Knightly Riley Anne Phillips Brittany Manja Wallace Audrey Vance Buck Madelyn Grace Forbes Katelyn Grace Lawrence Madeline Rose Porter Marygrace Miller Ward Fiona Hill Burdette Samantha Scott Fortner Michelle Anne Lazaran Meghan Ann Pressimone Brian Christopher Weaton Carter Button Kelli Marie Frangoulis Lucia Jane Lefferts Anjali Kiran Purohit Emily Price Weaver Anna Therese Campbell Sean Brian Freed William Daniel Lewis Rianna Hailey Rabinowitz Natasha Jo Weis Isabella Sofia Capanna Jason Eric Gaaserud Hailey Logan Lipman Victoria Alexandra Rackley Ethan Phagan Welty Courtney McKay Carlock Fiona Lilly Gallagher Sarah Jamie Lipson Marlee Elizabeth Rich Casey Alexandra Williams Matilde Paola Cascella Heng Gao Cameron Douglas Lischke Maria Valentina Roa Chloe Elizabeth Williams Hayden Cougar Cathcart Robert William Garrett Jack Henry Lloyd Martha Price Robinson Reed Elizabeth Wixon Jialin Chen Lauren Grace Gielincki Andrew J Logan Eric Augustine Robison Elizabeth Maddox Wood Runmin Chen Emily Beth Goff Anna Alden Low Morgan Ceara Roche Kevin Anthony Woytowich Anne Carter Cohen Tyler Jay Goldman Haoxin Luo Ann Smarr Romance Siyi Wu Ella McCarthy Collings Alexa Haylee Gordon Zhuojun Luo Taylor Lynn Rowland Xiaotong Wu Carolina Elizabeth Conway Margaret Ann Gregor Rui Lyu Jennifer Lynn Ryan Chenqi Xu Lillian Cooper Claire Rosemary Griffin Christopher John Magiera Savarni Sanka Hongyi Xu Anabel Starbuck Cordano Audrey Hammond Groves Peter Joshua Malkin Brennan Hirsch Saul Kebin Yan Isabella Cornea Ellen Daniela Gunn Caitlyn Landey Margol Rose Marie Savocchi Evan David Youshock Elizabeth Ann Cove Allison Dianne Hagar Erin Kathleen Marlow Hannah Grace Scanlon Katherine Elizabeth Zampolin Anna Melissa Crumpler Yun Hai Reilly Grace Marshall Ilse Kirsten Schaeffner Luoping Zhang Charles Thomas Cush Megan Nicole Harty Addison Bryn McFarland Lily Isabelle Scheer Yixin Zhang Naomi Renee Cutter Kristen Laura Haynes Christina Nicole McGee Coby Samuels Schneider Mutong Zhou Michael John Davern Bailey McAllen Heartfield Lucy Wescott McLeod Haley Estelle Schulberg Lian Zhu Elizabeth Carroll McMahon CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2020 Matthew William Bagby Bar Tzuf Botzer Zachary Albert Gregory Jessica Bailey Huskey John Andrew Vanderwolf Hannah Claire Betfort Julia Christine Byrnes Matthew William Gronberg Courtney Amber Kaplan Xiaochen Wang Kaya Nicole Borlase Sarah Makki DeLoach Hugo Hernandez Villagra Yueming Long Emma Taylor Young Laura Leigh Horton Shiqi Yu CONFERRED AUGUST 15, 2020 Alexandra Grace Casale Hannah Haling Vaught

MAGNA CUM LAUDE Charlie Ablon Lauren Grace Carlson Ayana H Edwards Jeffrey William Guiliano Stephen Silva Lee Colin Richard Afferton Olivia Jayne Granville Carr Olivia Susann Etherton Andrew Lawrence Hall Alex Charles Lerner Jill Marie Ahmad Brian Arthur Carter Charles Franklin Ewig Katherine Elizabeth Hampton Changyi Li Mareesa Ahmad Andrew Evans Cecil Courtney Madison Ewing Kathleen Shosi Hansen Shutong Liu Mayuri S Albal Brenna Kelly Chitkara Liza Darling Fahey Emily Katherine Harman Xingxiang Liu Colin Henry Alcus Luke D Ciccarelli John James Fair Kelsey Jill Harrelson Benjamin Thomas Lockhart Robert Whitley Allen Jr. Annabel Caren Clark Maria Jose Falcon Gimenez Madelyn Lee Harris Gwyneth Rogers Lonergan Maria Alejandra Alvarez Gonzalez Matthew Classi Ning Fang Benjamin Myers Harrison Lila Day Loughlin Marie Alexandra Anderson Rawson T. Clough Xuanyu Fang Samuel Hudson Harrison Zhengda Luo Cole Joseph Andreadis Nicholas Cabot Cohen Natoli William Farber Elizabeth Thea Hartong Hannah Rose Lyons Hannah Morgan Argobright Addison Kaye Collins John Timothy Farrell Kaitlyn Pearl Harty Grace Elizabeth MacNeil Madeleine Mary Armstrong Sarah Elizabeth Collins Caroline Byrd Fatemi Abigail Elizabeth Hawkins Douglas W. Maier II Cooper James Attig Sarah Lynne Comegno Francis Reed Fedowitz Lorraine Faith Hayes Elizabeth Drew Maline Alexandra Lowe Baker Melissa Eileen Cooney John Robert Finegan Bruce C Haywood III Adero Mizan Mandala Eugenia Ann Ball Rachel Miriam Cooper Savannah Skye Flemming Jack Gordon Holekamp Christine Elizabeth Marlow Matthew Franklin Ballard Mary Logan Costanza Kathleen Elizabeth Foster Sara Jesue Hong Chandler Hope Marshall George Theodore Barbe Carter Owen Coughlin Robert John Francis Tianqi Hong Jenna J. Mayer Alexander Robinson Bauman Ryan Carlson Cox Joi Christina Freeman Mary Ross Hooper Heather Nicole McCauley Kendra Elizabeth Bayne Caitlin Elizabeth Cregan William Blackwell Freeman Emma Grace Howley Rachel Lynn McCrary Jennifer Benavides Sarah Haden Crewse Grace Jeanne Fricke Lynn Bainbridge Huffard Julia Jane McKay Juliana Marie Bernt Scott Joseph Crowley Grace Elizabeth Gach David Grey Hyatt II Connor Richard McKernan Lauren Talbott Berryman Amanda K. Cummins Daniel Sidney Gallant Alexander Daniel Ialeggio Keegan Daniel McManus Pietro Bertone Morgan Hugh Curtis Reilly Elizabeth Gambelli Peixi Jiang Abby Jo McMullen Elizabeth Cooper Biersach Abigail Leigh Davis Julio Orlando Garcia Weicheng Jiang Dezhen Meng Lila Grace Birnberg Diana Tucker De Sanctis Alice Virginia Gelhaus Alexis Teel John Madison Janine Michles Ella Anne Bishop Alyssa Nicole deCavaignac Ariel Grace Gianukakis Anna Maie Jones John Michael Middleton Amanda Nicole Black Caroline Elizabeth Deese Cole Hans Gibson Michael Robert Jurgens Miles Harvey Middleton Andie Page Blankenstein Sarah Joy DeHorn Robert Spencer Giglio Zechariah Lee Kearns Jeffrey DuBusc Miller Maxim Gregory Blekhman Riyan Ahmed Deria Matthew Eric Goetzmann Grace Anne Keilen John Christopher Miller Nadia Bokhari Anne Kendall Dethero Jake Harris Goldberg Caroline McManus Kenney Margaret Cotten Moran James Michael Bonanno Kylie Shane DiCarolis Regina Elizabeth Goldenberg Jacklyn Grace Kernohan Margaret Eileen Moran Natalie Adair Boucher Dayton Craig Diemel Saahith Reddy Gondi David James Kilduff Matthew Charles Moriarity Gabriella Rosston Bowling Nataya Sinvorn Disher Joshua Isaac Goodman Cameron Scott King Lane Grace Latus Morris Madeleine Emma Boyer Jacqueline Ellis Dishner Zachary Brandon Gould Alyssa Cara Klier Julia Baird Morton Gretchen Leigh Boyles Brandon J Dokliev Loren Grandelli Megan Elizabeth Klinck Jessica Ann Moser Krista Nicole Bradley Dandi Dong Lauren Elizabeth Gray Taylor Adele Knupp Kasey Ruth Mull Caroline Mclean Bryant Kendra Rose Downey Jeremy Louis Greer Olivia Brynn Koorbusch Cameron William Mulvey Emma Rose Burnett-Balbier Eliza Calhoun Drake Michael John Grgurich Jon Anthony Langenfeld Jr. Kelsey Quinn Murlless Abigail Martin Burns Ryan Joseph Dunn Grayanna Sinclair Grigg Hunter Thomas Laroe Tyler Robert Myers Samantha Ann Buzalewski Gregory Nicholas Dvorocsik Hannah Kathryn Grimm Ryan Mitchell Lattanzio Lilian Nassif Renting Cai Amy Hamilton Dyckman Meredith Grace Groce Samantha Dina Laurite Melissa Navarro Danielle Sabrina Cantoni Emma Grace Ecklin Du Gu Chaeun Jiah Lee Sarah Clark Neely James Dean Caras Justin Paul Eckstein Sarah Jane Gudas Matthew Albert Lee Alexis Ann Nickl

18 DISTINCTIONS CONFERRED (Continued) MAGNA CUM LAUDE Margaret Y. Nyamadi Elizabeth Francesca Price Anusha Nikhil Samant Ashlyn Kristine Stone Ryan Sullivan West Kevin Gerard O’Callahan Gabrielle Elena Prichard Nicole Lynn Santella William Gordon Stone IV Nina Marie Westcott Jack Daniel O’Connell Victoria Grace Pylypec Caroline Elizabeth Sar Caroline Marcia Swimmer Scott Hayden Westerman Nana Hitomi Ogburn Robert Jiangyue Qian Corinne Rose Scannell Priyanka Thakuria Samantha Noelle Wexler Noah James Ontjes Lindsey Anne Quinlisk Katherine Sophia Scheer Sophia Alexandra Tompkins George Jeffrey Wigington Brady Ryan O’Saile Joseph M Rafshoon Margaret McKenzie Schrock Hao Tong Aidan Patrick Wiley Alexandria Michelle Osterberg Garrison Young Reagan Payton Patricia Schult Alexandra Chelsea Tourret Katherine Amelia Willey Espen James Oswald Kaveri Erin Reddy Hannah McKenzie Seagle Kelvin Dinh Tran Caroline Ruth Wilson Anuja Sai Palacharla Richard Andrew Redvanly Sarah Louise Sharp Jonathan David Trattner Elizabeth Grace Wilson Cecile Marie Paquette Alexandra Kathryn Reilly Nathaniel Sheldon Shattock Abigail Olivia Trott Lindsey A Wilson Nuri Park Margaret Delafield Rianhard Amari Peter William Sherrill Maria J Uribe Bailey Rachel Winiarski Daniel Patino Isabelle Alexandra Ricke Anna Reed Shutley Charlotte Elizabeth Van Houtven Zachary Raymond Wodenshek Mary Brooks Perkey John Richard Rielly Johanna Vanessa Silva Alexander Glenn Van Zijl Olivia Grace Woods Luke Karel Petermann Bridget Whalen Ring Sofia Marie Silveira Lucy Margaret Vaughn Elizabeth Danielle Woollen Hannah Margaret Petitti Margarett Louise Roddenbery Caroline Carlisle Sims Meredith Lindley Vaughn Ana Jessica Worthington William Charles Poirier Yassmine Carolyn Rohlf Eric Thomas Solomon Alexios Demetrios Vlahoyiannis Siyu Wu Natalie Taylor Pope Judith Rebeca Rosales Ciara Isabel Sotomayor Katherine Nicole Von Bargen Chuanyang Yu Ian Kenneth Pott Isabelle Claire Roseto Rebecca Charlotte Spritzer Marguerite Abaunza Walk Kyler Lynch Zadell Anna Blair M. Poulson Stephen A Rowland Parker William St. Jean Rebecca Judith Walker Erin Tierney Zeigler Kiana Pourteymour Riley Lucas Royer Sonia Stangenes Jiayi Wang Heran Zhang Hannah Grace Powell Harmon Andrew Rozycki Olivia Novalyn Starr Jingnan Wang Wen Zhang Laura Katherine Pressgrove Jolie Teresa Ruta Juliet Rose Stern Ziming Wei Yuwei Zhang Burke Patrick Preston Patrick Thomas Ryan William Robinson Stewart Alex H Weinstein Yujin Zhao CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2020 Hulda Hrund Arnarsdottir Kathryn Wingfield Cowie Victoria Krug Elizabeth Faith Panacciulli Michael Mariano Soraci Jacquelyn Mary Bedingham Xinyi Du Hannah Marie Mendoza Anthony Joseph Scafide Gisselle Zamora Nicholas Gilman Kay Marlena Elizabeth Murray Kevin Michael Sheehan CONFERRED AUGUST 15, 2020 Amy Paige Harriss Sydney Adair Moye

CUM LAUDE Laura Maria Acosta Sabillon Sarah Nicole DeFelice Sydni Jenee Hill Matthew Chandler McIlwain Henry Lyon Shaw Sarah Grace Ahr Ian Francis Deihle Julia Leigh Hilton Georgia Elizabeth McLean Katherine Cici Sibilla Adam Jon Alderfer Darby Maria Deutsch Myah Leana Hobgood Cole Patrick McNamee Nicholas R. Sierotko Ralph Wesley Alexander Julia Johanna DiRusso Grace Elizabeth Hofmann Julia Newberry Means Mary Beatrice Sills Andrea Virginia Amaro Allison Areti Dodd Grace Marie Hollyer Lauren Elizabeth Mintz Alana Jolene Smith David Christopher Anderson Abigail Ann Dollus Arnold J. Hong Camille Elise Monceaux Cameron Briggs Smith Elizabeth Diana Armstrong Charles Ellingwood Doran Lauren Emily Horth Yair Marcelo Morales Montes De-Oca Jenny Nicole Smith Christopher Stephen Avallone Sophia Hawthorne Dorsey Sidra Hsieh Ratliff Matilda Grace Moross Joseph Alexander Smukler Tanner McKinnon Bailey Matthew Paul Dragoumis Arash Ali Husain Meredith Leigh Mottern Kathryn Elizabeth Snyder Emily Grace Baker Ian J Driscoll Chidi Jonathan Iloabachie Allison Regina Murmello Maya Simone Sowells Luke T Baker Abby Emma Duquette Kendall S John Lauren Aaron Murphy Spencer Gabriel Stendig McKenzie Deanne Baker Cristina Elena Dwyer Reid Lane Jordan Michael William Napoleone Merritt Lynn Stewart Sophie Bedell Ballou Paige Carter Edmonds Nadine Fawney Kademoglou Khaled M. A. Nassar Kiah Monique Stith Tammra Shanese Barfield Kenneth Ryan Edwards Emma Chamberlain Kagel Isabelle Nelson Jeremy Louis Stone Emily Anne Beauchamp Amelia Rice Elfers Emma Catherine Kee Mary K Newland William Harrison Stone Christopher Michael Behring Samuel Ivanhoe Ennis Mackenzie Morgan Kenny Alysia Marie Nielson Ross Woods Strickland William Hampton Bemiss Nathan Erich Epstein Mary Coltrin Kern Garrett Joseph Odell Zoe Nicole Stuckey Bryan Christopher Bennett Grace Anne Evangelista Emily Claire Kibbe Eric Izevbigie Omorogieva Chao Tang Brigid Olivia Berndt Hannah Catherine Faulkner Andrew Everett Killebrew James Powell Orscheln Frederick Hereford Thompson Macallan M Bibeau Drew Hampton Feldman Sydney Caroline Kleinmann Caroline Kendrick Osborn Zachary Miskom Tom Ansley Alston Bird Kelly Anne Ferguson Caroline Elizabeth Knutson Madeleine Smith Ouzts Ashley Marie Townsend Gavin Michael Black Aidan Thomas Fitzgibbon Caroline Nicole Koontz Benjamin Robert Palermo Mariana Trabanino Trent Michael Blackburn Guilherme Canci Franco Haley Elisa Kortekaas Lillian Victoria Parker Nicholas D Uva Olivia McKenna Bond McKenzie Bay Frazier Peter Kuguru Victoria Ann Parker Khaya Rose West Uzoigwe Ashley Brianna Borseth Maude Louise Frye Caroline W Kuhn William Jackson Pechet Kaitlyn Lee Van Metre Samuel Reeves Bott Paige Newton Gallagher Margaret Grace Kuhn Sarah Fay Peljovich Nicholas Joseph Veale Joseph Louis Bouchard Armin Garai Ishani Chandrashekar Kumbar Tyler Eladio Perez Anthony Dalton MacIsaac Vivona Donovan Shea Boyle John William Ghazal Nicholas Ryan Kuzma Anna Frances Perko Michael Ryan Vlahos Blake Fox Buchanan Sarah Catherine Victoria Gibson Alexander Demetri Lambrinos Abigail Wells Pike Kaley Catherine Vontz Alexandra Rose Buckley Sidney Lynn Gibson Avery Lockhart Legg Stephanie Jayne Pilutti Steven James Wahrhaftig Mackenzie Nicole Bunner Sydney Walton Gibson Jake Edward Lehrer Martin John Plocica Jr Morgan Brimmer Wallace Maggie Elizabeth Burns Paige M Gladstein Kaylie Faith Levitz Luis Jorge Pons Cano Zoe Elizabeth Matina Walling Michael Erick Burton Jr. Yorjannys Gomez Adam John Lewis Katina Porras Weissenberg Abigail Whitney Walters Andrew James Butler Gabriela Clara Gonzalez MengXuan Li Jack Thomas Portman Jane Petersen Weber Clayton Patrick Cain Brent Mark Goodrich Ruofan Li Drew Walton Powell Ryan Grace Weight Jackson Peter Cannon William Kineo Gorman Hunter James Libman Alexandra Jaclyn Raslowsky Diana Grace Welliver Caroline Isabella Caraci Kevin Robert Grady Mingxuan Lin Caroline Bailey Reed Grace Catherine Wester Olivia Marin Carlino Sarah Elizabeth Graham Brett Osborne Lingerfelt Joe Alfred Reinhardt IV Shade Abram White Clara Bray Carlson Christopher Joseph Greene Cameron Dominic Lizza Allison Lewis Rice Cassidy Lauren Willard Tyler John Carson Maya Elena Greenfeld Elizabeth McCarthy Lupo Lindley Reese Richardson Robert Merritt Winter Blaine Dawson Carter Jr. Addie Gayle Griffin Milan Zaida Lynn Logan Breed Richardson Antayzha Wiseman Bradon Douglas Carter Ethan Addison Haber John Patrick Mackuse Emma Rose Rieves Eric James Wood Robert Edward Charles Cecilia Marianne Haggas Erin Elaine Major Fernando Jose Rigal Lily Angelique Woodall Tianyi Chen Elizabeth Joan Haggerty Gabriel Lucas Mansour Mae Madeline Rodgers Tiayé Lamon Wooten Yiyang Chen Felicia Elizabeth Halas Jackson Philip Maradik Nicholas Barton Rondeau Crista Mae Wyrocki Jaclyn Michele Childress Roland Edward Hamrick III Alex Jorge Marban Jr. Madison Olivia Roope Zhongling Xia Charlotte Bud Clark Noah Philip Handwerk Noah Hampton Marley Nicholas Noah Rucinski Julia Wenjia Xie Noah Boyd Collier Bethany Jordan Harrell Alexandra Leigh Marshall Cameron William Ryan Joanna Xinyi Yan Hannah Elise Cook Chloe Elizabeth Harty Lauren Elizabeth Marshall Mare Elena Salinas Justin Tyler Yost Ethan Foster Cooley Ben Alexander Hayes Emma Ann Mathews Matthew Stephen Santola Shenyang Zhang Reuné Edwina Cooper Hannah Lynn Hayes Michael Ryan Mattone Lydia Claire Schapiro Yanlin Zhang Sean Louis Costigan Catherine Margaret Heindel Caroline Merritt McDonald Madison Elizabeth Schenone Zhijun Zhang India D Cousin Kira Renee Helm Cameron Eugene McGeorge Rachel Nicole Schmitz Junyu Zheng Madeline Elizabeth Cox Jonathan Thomas Henkel Franklin Todd McGowan Madeleine Michelle Schult Feifan Zhuang Aidan Fitzgerald Dale Frances Augusta Herrin Walter Scott McGraw Charles Seals Olivia Marie Zibaitis Virginia Rose Daukas Elizabeth Warren Highet Matthew Joseph McHugh Paige Elizabeth Sebesta Leah E Zuberer CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2020 John Thomas Barringer Isabella Carleta Idol Dominic Ryan Peters Brandon Patrick Schmetterer Sage Branson Surratt Wyatt Oliver Gibson Abigail Jean McNamara Jennifer Nicole Rokus Kaitlyn Nora Stilson Chenchang Zhu Nolan Holt Hamilton Andrew Josef Pannenberg CONFERRED AUGUST 15, 2020 Shelby Frances Ellis Estelle Lucie Pauline Laurier Caroline Victoria Spurzem

19 GRADUATING WITH HONORS IN ANTHROPOLOGY: IN COMPUTER SCIENCE: IN ENGLISH: IN MATHEMATICAL IN POLITICS AND Ellen Daniela Gunn Xuanyu Fang Cassie Dawn Ball ECONOMICS: INTERNATIONAL Jack Thomas Portman Henry Charles Hollis Madeline Rose Barnes Sabrina Elizabeth Bruno AFFAIRS: Paul Georg Kefer Julia Leigh Barrier Weicheng Jiang Grant Douglas Alexander IN ART HISTORY: Cameron Douglas Lischke Reuné Edwina Cooper Andrew J Logan Olivia Brooks Allen Lynn Bainbridge Huffard Xiaochen Wang Virginia Rose Daukas Harmon Andrew Rozycki Michael Richard Angeloni Siyi Wu Kelly Anne Ferguson James Michael Bonanno IN STUDIO ART: Chenqi Xu Regina Elizabeth Goldenberg IN MATHEMATICS: Caroline McLean Bryant Luoping Zhang Addie Gayle Griffin Anna Rabren Flowers Sarah Makki DeLoach Rhythm Elizabeth Badal Yixin Zhang Michelle Anne Lazaran Ryan Joseph Dunn Michael Ryan Mattone Nolan Holt Hamilton Lilian Nassif Haoxin Luo Jake William duPlooy Christina Gushee Molkenthin IN ECONOMICS: Nana Hitomi Ogburn Olivia Rose Field Riley Anne Phillips Nuri Park Ralph Wesley Alexander Victoria Alexandra Rackley Eric Augustine Robison Sara Jesue Hong Jonas Chase Woods Kebin Yan Samantha Erin Horowitz IN BIOLOGY: Scott Joseph Crowley Sarah Fay Peljovich Crista Mae Wyrocki Siyi Wu Laura Leigh Horton Ashley Brianna Borseth Kathryn Elizabeth Snyder Yixin Zhang Grace Anne Keilen Charles Thomas Cush Rebecca Charlotte Spritzer IN FRENCH STUDIES: Frederick Charles Kieser III Nataya Sinvorn Disher Wen Zhang Jack Henry Lloyd IN APPLIED Katelyn Grace Lawrence Mary Elizabeth Dobbins MATHEMATICS: Elizabeth Carroll McMahon Ning Fang McKinley Jade Mueller HIGH HONORS IN GERMAN: Hannah Grace Scanlon Saahith Reddy Gondi IN ECONOMICS: Tyler Robert Myers Matthew Albert Lee Fiona Hill Burdette Jonathan James Packer Jennifer Lynn Ryan Haonan Miao Riley Anne Phillips IN MATHEMATICAL Savarni Sanka Patrick Thomas Ryan Olivia Rose Nandkeolyar STATISTICS: Haley Estelle Schulberg Sarah Louise Sharp IN HEALTH AND Scott Joseph Crowley Parker William St. Jean IN ENGINEERING: EXERCISE SCIENCE: Matthew David Desoutter Michael Mariano Soraci IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND Maxim Anatolievich Belyayev Olivia McKenna Bond Robert Spencer Giglio Lauren Ellen von Thaden MOLECULAR BIOLOGY: Bryan Christopher Bennett Dandi Dong Grace Elizabeth Hofmann Jialin Chen Dayton Craig Diemel Peixi Jiang Haonan Miao IN PSYCHOLOGY: Tien Chi Jason Hou Ayana H Edwards Rui Lyu Kevin Anthony Woytowich Mia Isabel Allen Chaeun Jiah Lee Liza Darling Fahey Erin Elaine Major Chuanyang Yu Nadia Bokhari Zhuojun Luo Andrew Travis Foreman Margaret Cotten Moran Luoping Zhang Julia Marie Doyle William Gordon Stone IV Claire Rosemary Griffin Alexandra Kathryn Reilly Sidney Lynn Gibson Abinav R Udaiyar Hannah Kathryn Grimm Caroline Carlisle Sims IN MUSIC Alana Jolene Smith Rebecca Judith Walker Noah Philip Handwerk PERFORMANCE: Reed Elizabeth Wixon John Alan Hobson IN HISTORY: Shudi Dong Xiaotong Wu IN CHEMISTRY WITH Jack Gordon Holekamp Ella Anne Bishop Xingxiang Liu Mutong Zhou CONCENTRATION IN Goran Franjo Jovanovic Courtney McKay Carlock Lian Zhu Xuanyu Fang Cameron Scott King Kelli Marie Frangoulis MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY: Adero Mizan Mandala Meghan Ann Pressimone Reilly Elizabeth Gambelli IN PHILOSOPHY: IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Margaret Y. Nyamadi Bruce C Haywood III Regan Mahoney O’Donnell Allyson Mackenzie Deak Alexander Gerald Klee IN CLASSICAL STUDIES: Elizabeth Warren Highet Paige Carter Edmonds Zachary Joseph Pagnani Anna Alden Low William Daniel Lewis Gabrielle Elena Prichard Shayari Tanya Peiris IN SOCIOLOGY: Reilly Grace Marshall Michael Mariano Soraci Nicholas Noah Rucinski Alexander Glenn Van Zijl Imani Simone Butler IN COMMUNICATION: Jacob Edward Safee Isabella Sofia Capanna Alexios Demetrios Vlahoyiannis IN PHYSICS: Brandi Christine Bangle Henry Lyon Shaw Olivia Grace Woods Courtney Madison Ewing Lila Grace Birnberg Hao Tong Noah Matthew Meyer Frantasia Tatanya Hill Riley Elizabeth Blair Charlotte Elizabeth Van Houtven IN INTERDISCIPLINARY Fernando Jose Rigal Myah Leana Hobgood Lucy Margaret Vaughn Melissa Eileen Cooney STUDIES: Michelle Anne Lazaran Meredith Lindley Vaughn Chandler Hope Marshall Abigail Ann Dollus Sarah McDaniel Templeton Laura Leigh Horton Marguerite Abaunza Walk Tegan MacKay Morcott Zhijun Zhang Jonathan David Trattner Emily Laurel Tuchler Kellyn Elizabeth Jamison Hannah Haling Vaught Alyssa Cara Klier Ana Jessica Worthington Elizabeth Drew Maline IN SPANISH: Alex Jorge Marban Jr. IN LATIN: Anthony R DeVincentis Victoria Grace Pylypec Lydia Pearl Millhon Bridget Whalen Ring Anna Therese Campbell Aidan Patrick Wiley Katherine Elizabeth Sprague Eric James Wood IN THEATRE: Emma Taylor Young Eliza Calhoun Drake Cassidy Laine Noble Emma Louise Szuba CADETS COMMISSIONED Ryan M. Balfe Reece K. Hagler John A. Hobson Zachary T. McClure Anthony M. Orsini Morgan H. Curtis Millard R. Heath Harrison C. Idol Miles H. Middleton Caleb A. Saguil Robert J. Francis Alex Higdon Ryan D. Kainz Matthew J. O’Leary Katherine C. Sibilla Peter Kuguru

MILITARY GRADUATES WITH DISTINCTION Morgan H. Curtis Robert J. Francis Harrison C. Idol Ryan D. Kainz