Dieter Stöffler(1) and Wolf Uwe Reimold(1)

(1) Museum für Naturkunde (Mineralogie), Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Invalidenstrasse 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany. [email protected]

ABSTRACT Archaean record is lacking but can be inferred indirectly from the ’s cratering record. Terrestrial impact formations () provide the (2) Although the original morphology and the undisputed ground truth for the process and the surficial impact formations of individual craters are products of impacts on planetary rarely preserved, the morphological and structural type surfaces. According to [1], impactites which are of a crater changes distinctly with increasing crater proximal to the parent crater, are subdivided into diameter in the following sequence: (a) simple bowl- shocked rocks, impact and impact melt rocks. shaped, (b) complex with central uplift, (c) complex There are 3 types of impact breccias: monomict with , and (d) complex with multi-rings (?). , and lithic breccia. Distal impactites This is in clear analogy to what can be recognised on comprise (micro) and global air fall beds. Based other planetary surfaces except for multi-ring basins on their geological setting proximal impactites form for which no undisputed examples exist on . either allochthonous layered deposits of the crater fill (3) The crater-forming process on Earth is often and the continuous blanket, or appear as complicated by the complexity of the target strati- (par)autochthonous massive units in the crater graphies and target rock compositions and by the basement or as dikes, veins, and vein networks in the presence of a hydrosphere and . basement or in displaced megablocks. (4) Due to the effects of the invaluable advantage of terrestrial craters is that they are accessible at different erosional levels and therefore 1. INTRODUCTION allow a true three-dimensional analysis unlike craters

on other and . Terrestrial impact structures and their associated (5) Comparative studies of craters of the same size regional or global deposits provide the fundamental class but different target stratigraphy/composition and indispensable data for the interpretation of impact provide an excellent insight into the crater-forming formations on the surfaces of solid planetary bodies, if process if properly accompanied by the most-advanced properly corrected for differences in gravity, target computer code calculation techniques. composition (including presence or lack of water), and density of the atmosphere of the various planets or moons. This review deals with all rock types 3. PRINCIPAL APPROACH FOR THE collectively termed “impactites”, which are formed by ANALYSIS OF IMPACT FORMATIONS hypervelocity impacts on Earth, and extends this classification to planetary bodies without an The analytical approach to study craters and atmosphere. It is based on a yet unpublished proposal impactites should be as comprehensive and multi- [1] by the Subcommission on the Systematics of disciplinary as possible and should include the Metamorphic Rocks (SCMR) of the International following steps: Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). (1) Field mapping and identification/sampling of the different types of impact formations, and assessment of their regional distribution and 2. BASIC FACTS AND CAVEATS ABOUT geological/structural setting. TERRESTRIAL IMPACT CRATERS AND (2) Petrographic and chemical analyses with respect IMPACT FORMATIONS to texture, modal/chemical composition, and shock

metamorphism including radiometric age dating of the Some of the most relevant facts resulting from the appropriate type of (crystallised impact melt study of terrestrial and planetary impact structures in rock or impact glass). the past 50 years can be briefly summarised as follows: (3) Geophysical surveys including seismic, gravity, (1) Most of the record of terrestrial impact craters magnetic and geoelectric analyses to assess the has been lost by erosion and other geological processes (, volcanism); in particular the early

73 (4) Exploration by drilling and drill core analyses to include predominantly unshocked lithic clasts, using methods listed under (2) and (3). Meaningful shocked lithic clasts of relatively low degree of shock verification of the regional geophysical signatures and and no or only rare melt particles. This material a full understanding of the structural and lithological originates from relatively shallow levels of the target characteristics of a crater needs focused drilling at stratigraphy. Both types of displaced materials are several critical sites such as the centre of crater, rim highly polymict except for the type 2 material (ejecta zone, inner ring (peak ring), and if blanket) of small simple craters which may display a present. This means that at least 3 drill sites are layered, inverted stratigraphy. required for complex craters.


Impactites are formed during a complex but short sequence of processes (Fig. 1): Shock compression of the target rocks (compression stage), decompression and material transport (excavation stage), and material deposition upon ballistic or ground-surging transport and upon collapse of the central ejecta plume (Fig. 2). The first two phases constitute the first of two fundamental working hypotheses in impact cratering: the so-called transient cavity, which independently of the size of the crater, has a nearly parabolic shape [2] and collapses to a final crater (modification stage) that becomes more complex (central uplift and ring formation) and less deep with increasing final crater diameter [2]. Although all phases of the cratering process are transitional and partially simultaneous, it is helpful to consider the formation, evolution and collapse of the central vapour plume [2] separately in the context of a second working hypothesis.

Fig. 2: Expansion of a vapour plume at impact craters of different size (from [25]).

The concept of the vapour plume (or ejecta plume) considers products resulting from vaporisation, melting, and comminution of target material located in Fig. 1: propagation, crater growth and the central part of the target below the penetrating formation of a transient cavity following a hyper- impactor [2]. This material is ejected at very high velocity impact (from [1]). velocities and is turbulently mixed within the expanding vapour plume that eventually collapses and The concept of a transient cavity (Fig. 1; [2]) forms fallback deposits (suevitic polymict breccias) includes products formed by highly dynamic transport inside the crater and - as we know it from the Ries and and by a mixing process driving material (type 1) Chicxulub craters – also on top of the continuous ejecta downward into the growing crater floor (breccia lens blanket. It appears that the and microtektite formed by ground surging) and ejecting material (type strewn fields observed at some young impact craters 2) ballistically outside of the cavity forming the are also part of the vapour plume forming process. ballistically emplaced continuous ejecta blanket. In all Depending on the size of the crater the vapour plume craters type 1 material consists of impact melt, shocked may rise well above the Earth’s stratosphere and lithic clasts, and unshocked lithic clasts from relatively consequently may distribute material globally. The deep levels of the target stratigraphy. As far as we deposits from the vapour plume are expected to contain know from the few craters with preserved ejecta condensates of vaporised rocks. blankets, the type 2 material - defined here as material not engulfed in the vapour plume (see below) - appears


5. CLASSIFICATION AND NOMENCLATURE are subdivided into two groups: Impact regolith OF IMPACTITES and shock lithified impact regolith. This group is subclassified into regolith breccias (with in-situ The term "impactite" is defined as a collective term formed matrix melt and individual melt particles) and for all rocks being affected by one or several impact(s) lithic breccias (without matrix melt and melt particles). resulting from collision(s) of planetary bodies. A The term lithic breccia is synonymous to the traditional classification scheme is proposed for products of single term "fragmental breccia", which has been used also and multiple impacts ([1], Table 1, Figs. 3 and 4). It is for lunar rocks and [3, 4]. applicable to both terrestrial and extraterrestrial rocks An important extension of the first-order such as lunar rocks and meteorites of asteroidal, lunar, classification, which is based essentially on texture, and Martian provenance. The basic classification modal composition, and , is criteria are based on texture, degree of shock achieved if the geological or structural setting of metamorphism, and the type(s) of lithological impactites is taken into account (Fig. 4). Structurally, components. three types of formations have been recognised: (a) Parautochthonous massive monomict breccias and shocked rocks of the crater basement, (b) layered Table 1: Classification of impactites formed by single and impact formations such as impact melt rocks and multiple impacts; from [1] impact breccias, and (c) dyke breccias. The latter two ______types occur as proximal impactites both inside the 1. Impactites from single impacts crater and outside as part of the continuous ejecta 1.1. Proximal impactites 1.1.1. Shocked rocks* blanket extending outward for some 2 to 3 crater radii. 1.1.2. Impact melt rocks1 clast-rich 6. GEOLOGIC SETTING AND PROPERTIES clast-poor OF THE MAIN TYPES OF IMPACTITES clast-free 1.1.3. Impact breccias Monomict breccia The geological setting of the various textural types Lithic breccia (without melt of impactites (Table 1) is rather variable ([1], Figs. 3 particles)2 and 4): Suevite (with melt particles)2 Impact melt lithologies [1, 5] occur as (1) 1.2. Distal impactites allochthonous coherent melt sheets, (2) inclusions in 1.2.1. Consolidated polymict impact breccias (suevite), (3) dykes and veins Tektite3 3 in the autochthonous crater basement, in displaced Microtektite shocked rock fragments and in displaced (unshocked) 1.2.2.Unconsolidated Air fall bed4 megablocks, (4) individual melt particles on top of the 2. Impactites from multiple impacts ejecta blanket, glassy or crystallised spheres in global 2.1. Unconsolidated clastic impact debris air fall beds, and (5) glassy tektites. Coherent melt 2.1.1. Impact regolith5 sheets in large craters and the related hydrothermal 2.2. Consolidated clastic impact debris processes may produce extensive ore deposits 2.2.1. Shock-lithified impact regolith5 [6]Shocked rocks and minerals (~5–50 GPa) are found 5 Regolith breccia (breccia with as allochthonous clasts within polymict impact in-situ formed matrix melt and breccias, impact melt rocks and air-fall beds, and as melt particles) (par)autochthonous material of the crater basement [1, Lithic breccia5 (breccia without matrix melt and melt particles) 7]. Monomict breccias (< ca. 5 GPa) formed during shock compression and dilation are characteristic of the *see Tables 2-4 for further subclassification of some common crater basement but are also common constituents of rocks; for other rocks and see [1] 1 may be subclassified into glassy, hypocrystalline, and polymict breccias [1, 7, 8]. Displaced megablocks holocrystalline varieties, 2 generally polymict but can be within the continuous ejecta blanket are usually monomict in a single lithology target, 3 impact melt (generally 4 monomictly brecciated. glassy) with admixed shocked and unshocked clasts, pelitic Dyke breccias can be related to all major phases of with melt spherules, shocked and unshocked clasts, 5 generally polymict but can be monomict in a single lithology the crater formation process and up to 4 generations of target. dykes have been observed [8, 9]. Melt veins or shock veins and vein networks [4, 10, 11, 12] described from Impactites from a single impact are classified into 3 many terrestrial impact sites [11] and from asteroidal, major groups irrespective of their geological setting: lunar and Martian meteorites [4, 10, 13] are clearly shocked rocks (Tables 2-4), impact melt rocks, and formed during the early compression stage, as they impact breccias. The latter fall into three subgroups often occur as clasts within later-formed breccia dykes (monomict breccia, lithic breccia, suevite) according to and sometimes contain high- polymorphs. The the degree of mixing of various target lithologies and category “Dykes, veins and vein networks” (Fig. 4) their content of melt particles. Impact melt rocks that includes also formations that in the past have been have a crystalline to glassy matrix, and lithic breccias collectively labelled “pseudotachylite”. This term and which have a fine-grained particulate should be avoided as it includes a variety of formations matrix, are generally polymict breccias, except for of melt and purely clastic breccia as well as friction- single-lithology targets. generated bona fide pseudotachylite [11]. The injection Impactites from multiple impacts, as known from the Moon [3] and from the parent bodies [4], 75

Table 4: Classification of shocked sandstone; modified after area one needs more focused analyses of the [23 and 24]; ranges of pressure estimates are given in products of ejecta plumes, in particular suevite parentheses; post-shock temperature are relative to an ambient breccias, at craters of different size and different temperature of 0°C target composition. These studies, again, should be

Shock Equilibration Post-shock accompanied by numerical modeling which should stage shock temperature, Shock effects include modeling of the global effects in the case of pressure, oC large such as that at Chicxulub. GPa 3. What is the distribution and state of impactor

0 Undeformed sandstone material in impactites? In a first step the data base 0.2-0.9 ~25 should be substantially enlarged, i.e. we need to 1a Compacted sandstone know the type of impactor for much more craters with remnant porosity than we have so far. This requires a comprehensive ~3.0 (2.2- ~250 research effort using platin group elements (PGE) 4.5) 1b Compacted sandstone analyses of those impactites which were compressed to zero “contaminated” by projectile material during crater porosity formation, namely impact melt rocks and suevites. ~5.5 (3.6- ~350 This requires that also the data base of the known 13) types of meteorites must be improved substantially. 2 Dense (non-porous) sandstone with 2-5% In a second step an attempt should be made to , 3-10% glass and better understand the process of mixing of impactor 80-95% quartz and target material during the crater-forming ~13 ~950 process. Such studies may eventually yield a better 3 Dense (non-porous) sandstone with 15-35% understanding of the variation of the Earth-crossing coesite, traces of impactor flux as a function of time since the , 0-20% glass formation of the Earth-moon system, if the analysis and 45-80% quartz of melt rocks from the lunar highlands ( ~30 >1000 samples and meteorites) is included. 4 Dense (non-porous) sandstone with 10-30% 4. What are the exact absolute ages of the known coesite, 20-75% glass terrestrial impact craters? There is a strong need for and 15-45% quartz more high-precision radiometric dating of impact melts in terrestrial craters, as only a fraction of the 5 Vesicular (pumiceous) rock with 0-5% coesite, currently known terrestrial impact structures have 80-100% glass been dated at reasonable precision (< 5 Ma error). (lechatelierite) and 0- This is also mandatory with regard to question 3. 15% quartz

Regarding future strategies for research modification stage while the transient crater collapses there are certainly conflicting views about the best with development of an extensional regime; large-scale approach to future research. We do not argue against faulting may take place during this phase. any effort to discover and describe new craters. The time for the formation of impactites ranges However, it is not extremely helpful to produce more from seconds to hours [2, 14] and is extremely short “bits and pieces” from unknown or poorly studied compared to any other geological process. Despite of craters. There are good arguments for promoting this, distinct superposition contacts between layered comprehensive and multidisciplinary studies on well impact formations or contacts at discordant impact documented and well accessible craters in the context breccia dykes are quite common; e.g. sharp contacts of of the major issues of cratering mechanics. In this coherent sheets of impact melt to monomictly approach any possible effort should be made to favor brecciated, unshocked or mildly shocked crater comparative studies of craters of different size classes basement, or contacts between the continuous ejecta and of different target compositions. In any case, a deposits (polymict lithic breccias) and the overlaying better interaction of field, laboratory, and modeling suevite are characteristic. studies for any crater in question is highly

recommendable. In view of the general importance of 7. OPEN QUESTIONS AND FUTURE impact cratering for the geological, climatological and PERSPECTIVES biological evolution of planets and moons in the , a strong research focus on large complex In our view some of the most burning terrestrial craters such as Vredefort, Sudbury, and open questions in terrestrial impact crater research are: Chicxulub is highly promising as such studies do have 1. What is the role of target composition and target clear and far-reaching planetary implications. Last not structure for the cratering process? To answer this least, a special interdisciplinary effort for learning question we need more comparative studies of more about the Achaean cratering record on Earth craters of similar size but of different target should be made. In particular, the search for distal composition and target stratigraphy. Such studies ejecta layers (so-called spherule beds; [15]) in the should be performed in close interaction with Archaean and Proterozoic has the potential to extend numerical modeling of the cratering process. the current terrestrial impact record which is strongly 2. How does the formation and collapse of the vapour skewed to impact ages < 500 Ma. (ejecta) plume take place and how does it change as a function of crater size? To make progress in this 76

Fig. 4: Classification of impactites and their geological setting (from [1]).


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