Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Non-profit organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Durant, Okla. Permit No. 117 2003 Campus news, campus views from Southeastern Oklahoma Volume Campus calendar - Do you have an item for Upward Bound makes positive changes The Southeastern's Campus Calendar? Include By BRYTNI MORRIS Math/Science Upward Bound program dates and contact phone Contributing writer as well. numbers. Fax them at least "To me, Upward Bound is a ministry." a week in advance to 745- Upward Bound, a program that encour said Dresser. "It gives me the opportuni 7475, or e-mail us at ages high school students to pursue col ty to make a difference in the lives of 180 southeastern @ lege degrees, is experiencing a summer kids." of firsts at Southeastern Oklahoma State Dresser agreed to take over the third Shakespearean test University. program with some minor restructuring, The annual Oklahoma This is Southeastern's first summer to including the promotion of Susy Shakespearean Festival, "A fold Upward Bound, Upward Bound Haworth from academic coordinator of Season of Music, Mischief Math/Science and Texoma Upward and Mayhem," opens today Upward Bound and Texoma Upward Bound under the leadership of one direc with the 6:30 p.m. dinner Bound to assistant director of all three tor, Larry Dresser. It's also the first sum theatre production, •Mi programs, and Tony Lehrling from aca mer that male and female students are "Always, Patsy Cline," at demic adviser to the Math/Science aca being housed in the same dorm, mmm the Visual and Performing demic coordinator.
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