PLANNING COMMITTEE 17th March 04 SCHEDULE ITEM: 19 Site Location : Buildings 6 & 7, Chiswick Park Development,BM 10.50m W4


El Sub Sta


El Depot Sub Sta LC Works 8.7m 76 SB



96 94 TCBs

8.9m  86

Works 84


63 9.7m SL




 MP .75 39

Bollo Lane Junction SP



Chiswick Park

El Sub Sta

Water 75 71 82



BS 74

3 9






57 9.7m Gunnersby Triangle Nature Reserve

El Sub Sta

73 

67 50 45





Works 26 9.8m 43 26  

 El Sub Sta 21 31 

14 14

1 17  9.8m

 11 15

 546 532 to

Works 19 

 Gunnersbury Junction

2 548 560


Works 3

 7 5  1



Warehouse 578 to 586 El Sub Sta BURLINGTON ROAD

El PH Sub 1a 379

Garage 590 Sta i to a 596 9.8m 612 to 618 616 598 to 608 9.8m

Gunnersbury 620 15 to 20 5 to 10 626 TCB Close

1a 389 El Sub Sta LB LB


BM 10.83m 391 10.1m 403 This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. LB Ealing Licence no. 086355 2004 Print Date 8 / 3 / 2004 GUNNERSBURYMEWS Planning Services The Ordnance Survey mapping included within this web-site/document is provided by the L.B. of Ealing EGIS 2002 under licence from OS in order to fulfil its public function to act as a planning authority. Original Image Captured at Scale 1:2500 Persons viewing this mapping should contact Ordnance Survey copyright for advice where they wish THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT TO SCALE to licence OS mapping for their own use. 19



WARD: Southfield


Address: Buildings 6 & 7 Chiswick Park, Chiswick High Road, Chiswick, W4

Proposal: Construction of two buildings on the northern part of Chiswick Park Development comprising one 9 storey building (Building 6) and one 12 storey building (Building 7) for business use and associated plant together with landscaping, servicing and access arrangements; the reconfiguration of the approved car parking layout and together with a bus interchange. (Consultation from the London Borough of Hounslow)

Application Received: 4/08/03 - Revised: 6/02/04 & 23/02/04

Type of Application: Full (Consultation from London Borough of Hounslow)


RAISE NO FORMAL OBJECTION subject to satisfactory resolution of the following issues:

1) Review of the visual impact of the proposal arising from the footprint, height and bulk of the proposed buildings as viewed from the surrounding streets. 2) Final negotiations and Inter Borough agreement on a suitable S106 Phase 2 Public Transport Package including securing long term funding for proximity interchange.


Site Notice, Press Over 350 letters of notification have been sent out to properties in Bollo Lane, Advertisement and Greenhock Road, Weston Road, Rothschild Road, Ivy Crescent, Fairlawn Crescent, Neighbour Notification: Colonial Drive and Gunnersbury Triangle Nature Reserve.

Copies of all responses have been forwarded to London Borough of Hounslow 8 letters have been received raising the following concerns:-

Transport -object to opening a thoroughfare onto Bollo Lane – directly opposite entrance and would disrupt delivery vehicles in and out of yard -increased traffic down Bollo Lane intolerable -increase in parking/traffic in roads in roads which do not have a CPZ -vehicles exiting Chiswick Park should not be allowed to turn right -Querying what happened to the promised transport improvements

Response: The access to/from Bollo Lane is restricted to emergency vehicles, cyclists, buses and pedestrians. Negotiations are taking place on a revised S106 package and c:\program files (x86)\\docconverterpro\temp\nvdc\107f4232-138d-45a1-ad4c-43378d5c6e1d\19 - 6 and 7 chiswick park.doc Page 2 of 10

19 these include improvements to , extension of bus route through the park and provision of pedestrian footbridge to link to Chiswick Park Station.

Visual Character and Design -visually intrusive, out of scale with the surroundings -residential area, the existing low height buildings blend in well, object to visible tower blocks -towers will dominate the skyline affect residential nature and appearance of neighbourhood, currently hidden by railway embankment and works well -weak argument trying to balance the BSI building on Chiswick High Road -heights quoted from an artificial level

Response: The concerns about visual impact of the proposal are reflected in the recommendation.

Effect on Living Conditions -elevation of the buildings will impinge on and overlook the houses in Ivy Crescent and Bollo Lane at first and second floor levels -infringe light, peace – noise pollution -overshadowing

Response: The nearest residential dwellings are some distance from Building No. 7 and separated by the railway. It is considered that they are unlikely to be overlooked to any significant degree due to the distance. A study has been submitted to show that the degree of overshadowing is not significantly greater than the approved scheme. A BRE study has been submitted which shows that first floor rear rooms in two of the nearest residential properties will continue to receive adequate daylight.

Misc -currently a massive supply of offices and a large part of the development is already empty -benefits from S106 have been whittled away, residents will have to pay for their parking – no parking fund, fund for new station has been re-allocated

Response: The principle of the use has been accepted by way of the previous approval. Concerns about transport are reflected in the recommendation.

It is understood that LB Hounslow also notified residents of Ealing of the application and a number of letters were submitted direct to that authority.

Acton Green Residents Object to both buildings Association -with undercroft parking/service plant the 12 storey building would be nearer 14 -affect privacy to rear of properties in Ivy Crescent, Bollo Lane and Weston Road -intrusion of privacy will include light pollution/activity from services at hours which might otherwise be quiet -no evidence to suggest restriction on hours of use -surprised to receive an application which places a taller building next to Ealing. If placed on the original site of eight storey building, impact would be reduced -the submitted views from the developer do not take account of the roads most effected (Ivy Crescent, Bollo lane & Weston Road). It is anticipated the visual impact will be quite significant -affect building this size will have on natural light and winter sun -impact of the buildings shadow, not received any info on this -significant effect on the wind patterns, should be a full evaluation -application should include a full range of measures to alleviate impact before consent

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19 is granted -impact of increased foot passenger traffic has been grossly underestimated -pedestrian access to site needs to be drastically improved -transport assessment in relation to South Acton Station requires a new survey -increase in floorspace will increase no of employees and need for increased servicing –will Chiswick High Road be able to cope with the increased load and will there be pressure to open the Bollo Lane access (other than for emergency and public service vehicles) – requires a legal undertaking -latest application moves development from being an asset to a blight -contrary to policy to grant consent for tall buildings adjacent to residential areas and nature reserves without exceptional circumstances

Response: As before concerns with respect to the visual impact and height are reflected in the recommendations. Comments on overshadowing, privacy, are dealt with above. Environmental Services are satisfied that emissions from light sources will meet the relevant standards. An updated overshadowing report has been received (the developers have forwarded one direct to the association). There have been a number of transport assessments, these all suggest that there is spare capacity.

Environmental Health Criteria for light emissions are met

Transport Services No objection in principle but the following points are made:

No improved transport measures have been proposed to mitigate the impact from the increase in trips to the site as a result of the revised development. -Proposed development will have a significant impact on and will be reliant on public transport system to meet the developments transport demands. -TAR suggests there is sufficient capacity at LUL’s Chiswick Park, Acton Town and South Acton station to cater for this demand -Original strategy proposed funding contribution towards a new interchange station at the northern end for mitigating the impact of the development, which has been dropped. -New comprehensive transport study should be produced to identify the areas where further improvements to the public transport system should be made and funded by the developer

Response: The concerns are reflected in the recommendation.

London Wildlife Trust Forwarded copy of response made to London of Hounslow which contained the (Local Office) following comments:

Gunnersbury Triangle Local Nature Reserve should not be developed upon and be protected for nature conservation. Ecological importance of the reserve is recognised by its designation as a site of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation. Objections (based on policies in LBH’s UDP) -nature conservation should be protected against undesirable development -6 & & significantly exceed height of their surroundings -mar skyline from the reserve - adjacent to the reserve is a green corridor and crucial to movement of wildlife-new buildings detrimental to this movement -Querying the need for so much office floorspace -Concerned that verified photos showing views from Gunnersbury Triangle may not be entirely accurate

Response: The concerns are reflected in the recommendation

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Ref. Date Proposal Decision

14/01/91 Outline permission for a Business Park (1,464,000 LBH-Allowed on appeal. sq.ft external of B1 use), support facilities, Subject to a S106 24/08/95 associated car parks, landscaping, highway works and improvements to public transport facilities at the site of the former Chiswick Bus Works, Chiswick High Road

20/11/97 Renewal of Outline Planning Permission LBH-Granted

4/10/99 Reserved matters for Phase 1 comprising three LBH-Approved buildings (1,2 & 3) including leisure/restaurant element.

24/08/00 Reserved matters for Phase 2 comprising 7 buildings LBH-Approved

8/10/00 Recording studio extension to Building No. 12 LBH-Granted

4/10/02 Revised scheme for reserved matters for Phase 2 LBH-Granted (relates to four of the buildings)

29/01/01 Reserved matters for Phase 3 comprising a single, LBH-Approved eight storey building

30/06/03 Construction of a pedestrian footbridge and footpath LBH-Granted 30/07/03 link between Chiswick Park and Bollo Lane. LBE-Granted



The proposal is for the construction of two buildings (9 & 12 storeys) in place of a single 8 storey building which has already been approved at the northern end of the Chiswick Park Development within the London Borough of Hounslow. This report concludes that there are two areas of concern which should be reported to London Borough of Hounslow relating to visual character and transportation issues. Discussions are ongoing on the terms of the revised legal agreement.

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19 The London Borough of Hounslow advise that the application is due to be reported to their Sustainable Development Committee on 23/03/04. A work in progress report is being prepared for that Committee where the views of the London Borough of Ealing will be reported.


Chiswick Park occupies an area of 13.35 hectares and is located mainly within the London Borough of Hounslow, with its northern access and egress in the London Borough of Ealing.

The principle access point is from Chiswick High Road in the south. A secondary limited access point (emergency vehicles, bus, pedestrian and cycle) is in the north-eastern corner off Bollo Lane within Ealing.

The application site occupies the northern position of the development and comprises an area of 2.07 ha.


The Chiswick Park Development outline planning permission was granted on appeal in 1991 for the development of approx. 1.46 million sq. ft office space to be built in phases subject to a S106 agreement. Currently 6 of the 12 buildings have been constructed in the first two phases of the development. In phase 1, buildings 1,2 & 3 were constructed followed by Phase 2 with buildings 10, 11, & 12. All of these buildings are 4 storeys above ground, plus undercroft.

The next phases of the development will include buildings 4, 5, 8 & 9 at 5 storeys plus undercroft. The last two buildings are the subject of the current application to the LB Hounslow. These comprise buildings 6 & 7, which are proposed to be 9 and 12 storeys high respectively plus undercroft, and replace a proposed 8 storey building at the northern end of the site for which permission has already been granted.

The level of floorspace exceeds the threshold approved with the original outline planning permission and consequently a stand alone application for full planning permission is being made. The proposed new buildings will increase the office floorspace to around 1.874 million sq.ft. which represents an increase of around 410,000 sq.ft when compared to the original consent. The proposed two office buildings will have a total floorspace of around 595,000 sq ft (Building 6 - 235,288 sq.ft. & Building 7 – 359,364 sq.ft). In total Buildings 6 & 7 would represent approx. 28% of the total floorspace. It is intended that each building will be capable of single or multiple tenant use with up to four tenancies per floor.

Each building will include an undercroft, providing car parking with vehicular access to the buildings gained via the perimeter service road to the rear. It is proposed that 72 car parking spaces will be provide in the undercroft of Building 6 and 144 for Building No. 7. Additional spaces will be allocated in the perimeter parking area. There are no additional car parking spaces proposed above the 1629 spaces approved at outline stage in 1997. A bus stop to the east of Building 7 is proposed. Permission has recently been granted for a pedestrian bridge link to Chiswick Park station.

In parallel with this application the developers are seeking further variations to the existing S106 legal agreement to bring forward a revised package of public transport improvements.


The relevant development plan in London Borough of Hounslow Unitary Development Plan.

Adopted UDP

B1 Design of Buildings B4 Views and Landmarks B5 Design and Neighbouring Development OL20 Metropolitan Sites of Nature Conservation

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19 T40 Transport Impact of Development T41 Development which generates traffic

UDP First Deposit 01/02/02 & Second Deposit18/10/03

4.1 Design of Development 4.12 Light Pollution 3.8 Biodiversity and Nature Conservation 9.4 Buses 9.7 Accessible Transport


The applicants assert within their design statement that the increase in density is possible given the excellent public transport connections within the vicinity of the site. The design and massing of the scheme is claimed to evolved into two buildings to achieve permeability through the site and create visual linkages between the buildings and surrounding landscape.

Chiswick Park is identified in London Borough of Hounslow’s UDP as a strategic employment location.

If approved the development will result in a considerable increase in the provision of high quality office space. On completion and occupation of the development the applicants predict that the additional floorspace will create 1,500 jobs, giving a total job creation figure for Phase 3 of 2,750 jobs. The majority of these jobs will be in the management, administration and professional sectors with an anticipated 12% of these jobs being filled by ‘local’ people, with the wider West London area filling an expected 40% of jobs. A commitment has been made by the applicant to work with local regeneration projects to maximise local employment.


In terms of access and linkages to the site, there are a number of underground stations nearby including Acton Town to the north (Piccadilly and District), South Acton and Chiswick Park (District). Gunnersbury Station opposite the main entrance provides District and Silverlink. The bus stop to the east to of Building 7 will facilitate use of London Buses. Pedestrians will be able to use the pedestrian footbridge to Chiswick Park Station. Access onto Bollo Lane will be for pedestrians, cyclists, buses and emergency vehicles. The effects of the additional floorspace on the development as a whole have been assessed by the applicant. This assessment included a full range of modes of transportation including train, tube, bus, walking, cycling and car use.

The original consented scheme and Section 106 agreement established the basic transport strategy for the development. As there is no additional parking provided with the new buildings, the demands generated will mainly fall on the public transport serving the area.

The assessment concludes the following impacts: -

 Gunnersbury, Chiswick Park, Acton Town and South Acton underground stations are likely to show increases in usage, but will still remain within the standards set out by and are expected to be able to accommodate the increase in passengers. The largest increases will be at Chiswick Park and South Acton Station.  The proposed capacity upgrade of Gunnersbury Station will improve the situation.  The development is likely to increase bus capacities during peak hours by 1 – 8 passengers per bus. New bus services are to be routed through the Park and the continual expansion of local buses by TfL will accommodate these increases.  Pedestrian impacts are likely to be negligible  There is likely to be a modest increase in volume of motorcycles, taxis etc but this is likely to have a negligible impact. c:\program files (x86)\\docconverterpro\temp\nvdc\107f4232-138d-45a1-ad4c-43378d5c6e1d\19 - 6 and 7 chiswick park.doc Page 7 of 10


The report concludes that there is unlikely to be any significant transport impacts resulting from the additional floorspace and that there is sufficient capacity in the local public transport network to accommodate intensification, given the package of improvements that will accompany the development. These measures are discussed in more detail below in relation to the S106.

Although these conclusions can be broadly accepted, there is no doubt that the increased scale of the development will have a significant impact on the public transport system, on which it will be fully reliant. It is of concern that the original funding proposed for a new interchange station to the rear of the site has been curtailed. In this context it is of concern that no further public transport contributions have been brought forward to accompany the increased floorspace.

Design and Visual Character

The buildings will be glass clad and of a similar treatment to the other buildings at the Park. The south facing elevations will include a louvred treatment similar to those already approved within the park and to assist in cutting out low angle sun and minimising light emissions.

The Council’s approach towards Urban Design is contained within Chapter 4 of the RUDP. Policy 4.1 refers to Design of Development, with Table 4B relating to specifically to high buildings. It lists criteria upon which applications should be considered and includes, inter alia, emphasising a point of civic/visual significance, relationship to surroundings and other high buildings, setting and landscaping, protection of amenity, local and strategic views. High Buildings would not normally be acceptable on sites in or adjoining MOL and Green Belt.

The current proposals have a large footprint with heights of 36 metres (Building 6 - 9 storeys) and 48 metres (Building 7 – 12 storeys), excluding plant.

The applicants have undertaken a study of middle distance and local views to the development. The proposal has been illustrated in a number of views including the Gunnersbury Triangle Nature Reserve, Weston Road, Fairlawn Avenue and Grove as well as ones from LB Hounslow and from within the site itself.

In relation to Gunnersbury Nature Reserve it is evident that views from the centre of the reserve are unlikely to be significantly affected due to the tree cover which limits views of the buildings. However, during the winter months and at the perimeter of the site there will be an increase in the amount of the building which will be visible.

From the surrounding residential streets the buildings will be visible above the existing residential rooftops and tree canopies and within the general urban framework.

The degree of effect on these views is to an extent a subjective consideration. However, it is of relevance that the increase in scale of the development proposed is at the northern of the site and will affect views from the sensitive neighbouring land uses, in particular from the rear of some of the nearest residential properties and Gunnersbury Triangle. In this context the design case put forward by the applicant in terms of providing a enhanced focal point at the northern end of the development is not considered to justify the increased visual impact from the surrounding area, in particular that within Ealing.

Light Pollution

A light pollution assessment has been undertaken. The nearest residential properties in Ivy Crescent are over 90 metres away and located behind a railway embankment of approx. seven metres in height. The Gunnersbury Triangle is located approx 120 metres away from building No. 7.

In this specific report due to the distances away, the shielding of the railway embankment and the inclusion of various mitigation measures within the design of the development including solar shading louvres and low spillage, shielded perimeter lighting. The Council’s Environmental Services concur with this assessment.

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In terms of overshadowing the developers have now provided an updated report which assesses the extent of the overshadowing from Buildings 6 & 7 and compares this to the approved scheme for a single 8 storey building. This assessment has been analysed for March 21st, June 21st and December 21st.

Considering each of these time periods there is no additional overshadowing caused by Buildings 6 & 7 on 21st March until around 16:00 when a few properties at the top end of Ivy Crescent are in shadow, which by 17:00 hours has spread across towards Bollo Lane and Rothschild Road. The sun is at a low angle in the sky by this time and the Piccadilly railway embankment overshadows the houses along the eastern side of Ivy Crescent.

In June there is no overshadowing of any residential properties until after 18:00 hours. At this time Building 7 begins to overshadow approx. 11 properties in Ivy Crescent. However by 20:00 hours both the current proposals and the consented scheme overshadow some of the properties in Ivy Crescent. Therefore when compared against the consented scheme there are some properties in Ivy Crescent which will experience some additional overshadowing but this will be only the last part of the day.

On December 21st both schemes do not overshadow residential properties until after 13:00 hours in the afternoon. By around 15:00 there is some additional overshadowing of a few properties in Weston Road and Bollo Lane (these are not residential). This overshadowing is towards the end of the daylight hours in the winter and to properties some distance away from the development. The difference between the proposed scheme and consented scheme during the winter months is minor.

It is not considered that this additional overshadowing impact warrants an objection being raised.


The developers have recently provided information in respect daylight in the form of Waldram diagrams analysing the amount of light received by the first floor rooms of two properties (98 Bollo Lane & 55 Ivy Crescent). The results show that the vertical sky component remains above the recommended value of 27% and any reduction is less than 0.8 metres its former value. There is therefore no breach of the relevant BRE standards and adequate daylight will continue to be received.


Discussions have taken place and a number of transport improvements are anticipated to be secured by way of a revised S106 agreement. These are: -

 Improvements to Gunnersbury Station (subject to a planning application to LB Hounslow)  The extension of the E11 bus route through the park  The provision of a pedestrian bridge link to Chiswick Park Station (for which planning permission has already been granted)

It is envisaged that this package would replace the original requirement to provide a station, which is no longer being proceeded with. If a revised S106 is not negotiated the developer would be entitled under the terms of the original agreement to complete around 1.2 million sq.ft of office floorspace without any local transport improvements.


The impacts in relation to each the technical issues were considered in the ES. A number of these have been dealt with in the above report.

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19 The overall conclusion in the Environmental Statement is that the development will have a beneficial impact.

These are: -  Reuse of a previous developed site within an established area  An increase in the number of jobs created compared to the original scheme  An appropriate use of the site in view of its good accessibility to existing public transport  Provision of two buildings of high quality design, providing landmark buildings at the northern end of Chiswick Park


In making your decision, you should be aware of and take into account any implications that may arise from the Human Rights Act 1998. Under the Act, it is unlawful for a public authority such as the London Borough of Ealing to act in a manner, which is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights.

You are referred specifically to Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life), Article 1 of the First Protocol (protection of property). It is not considered that the recommendation for approval of the grant of permission in this case interferes with local residents’ right to respect for their private and family life, home and correspondence, except insofar as it is necessary to protect the rights and freedoms of others (in this case, the rights of the applicant). The Council is also permitted to control the use of property in accordance with the general interest and the recommendation for approval is considered to be a proportionate response to the submitted application based on the considerations set out in this report.

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