NCAA Division II Football Records
Division II Records Individual Records. .1 5 0 Team Records .. .1 5 5 Annual Champions, All-Time Leaders.. .1 5 7 Team Champions.. .1 7 0 Al l - T ime Team Won-Lost Records. .1 7 3 National Poll Rankings .. .1 7 4 Undefeated, Untied Tea m s. .1 7 5 St r eaks and Rivalries.. .1 7 7 Cl i ff h a n g e r s. .1 7 8 Division II St a d i u m s .. .1 7 9 Division II Statistics Tren d s. .1 8 0 15 0 INDIVIDUAL RECORDS Individual Records Official national statistics for all nonmajor four- Ca r e e r Se a s o n year colleges began in 1946 with a limited post- 11,227—Vernon Buck, Wingate, 1991-94 (1,343 38 5—Joe Gough, Wayne St. (Mich.), 1994 (1,593 ya r d s ) Per-game record—38.6, Mark Perkins, Hobart, 1968 season survey. In 1948, the service was expand- rushing, 9,884 passing) Per-game record—32 3 .9, Grady Benton, West Tex . (309 in 8) ed to include weekly individual and team statis- A&M, 1994-95 (5,831 in 18) Ca r e e r tics rankings in all categories except intercep- 1,072—Bernie Peeters, Luther, 1968-71 (4,435 yards) tions, field goals, punt returns and kickoff returns; MOST SEASONS GAINING 3,000 YARDS Also holds per-game record with 29.8 (1,072 in 36) OR MORE these categories were added to official individ- 2—Pat Brennan, Franklin, 1983 (3,239) & 198 4 MOST CONSECUTIVE RUSHES BY SAME PLAYE R Ga m e ual rankings and records in 1970.
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