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Faith-Magazine-Issue ISSUE 17 Sitting quietly doing nothing Spring comes and the grass grows by itself Photo: Stuart Bailey Poem cited: The Little Book of Zen Wisdom Pub. Element The Zenrin 04 EDITORIAL - Lorna Douglas 05 KEYNOTE - Barney Leith Children the most precious gift 06 POEM - Kahlil Gibran 07 FAITH & THE ENVIRONMENT - Martin Palmer Being Faithful to all Life 09 INSIGHT - Gordon Read The Slave Trade THEME - YOUNG VOICES 26 11 Scripture - Bah á’í 12 Aiya Jibali 13 Elaine Young 14 Priya Tailor 15 Sarah Chaudry 16 The Burnley Project - Andrew Holden 18 LIFESTORY - Dr. K. Sultana Saeed All in Good Spirit 24 30 20 FORGIVENESS - Michael Lewin A Journey into Healing 22 CIRCLING THE GLOBE - Zaki Cooper Tolerance, Integration & Kosher Curry 23 WHAT’S ON - Art Exhibition : Angela Schutz 24 OPINION - Umm Hanie’ Rebler The Marginalisation of Women 26 LANGUAGE OF ART - Caroline Jariwala Personal Searching 28 POEM - Alan Horner 42 My Mother was not most pleased 50 29 SCRIPTURE - Sikh 38 The Importance of Believing in HMP Risley - Khalid Hussain 29 BOOK LAUNCH - Lorna Rae The Fire Within 39 SCRIPTURE - Quaker 30 YOUTH INITIATIVE - Leila Abuhilal 40 REFLECTION - Cannon Dr. Alan Billings Completing the Circle The Persistence of Baptism 31 FAITH & LEADERSHIP - Raana Bokhari 41 POEM - Sr. Delores Dodgson ‘Blessed is He Whose Speech is Remembrance of God’ 42 FOCUS - Chris Chivers 33 INTERFAITH ENCOUNTER - Martin Conway Sharing the Light Together in Practice 46 SUBSCRIPTION FORM 35 - Anon POEM 48 MINISTRY - Emilio Paloschi Believe in Yourself New Breeze of the Spirit THEME - CHAPLAINCY 50 FAITH & THE ARTIST - Lucy Aline Everitt 36 Angulimala - Ven Ajahn Khemadhammo Connecting with Nature 3 Know ye what it is to be a child?... It is to have a spirit yet streaming from the waters of baptism; it is to believe in love, to believe in loveliness, to believe in belief. Initiative Interfaith Trust Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) Registered Charity No. 1113345 (letters) cited: The Quotable Spirit: compiled & edited by Peter Lorie & Manuela Dunn Mascetti Trustees : Heather Wells, Lorna Douglas, Jonathan Lockhart Timeless Enterprise (UK) Ltd. 1996 Object : s I sit here reflecting on the articles that have shaped this issue of The promotion of religious harmony by: Faith Initiative I feel especially moved and inspired by the honesty Providing educational resources and information to and integrity that is conveyed through our theme of ‘young voices’. promote a better awareness of the causes and consequences of inter-religious tensions and conflicts; and AWe are privileged to provide a positive and constructive insight into the educating the public in the diverse nature of religious belief. beliefs and values that young people hold within our society, together with some of their hopes, fears and concerns for the future. At the same time I Faith Initiative Magazine can hear an echo of my mother’s lament – one I hear from so many of her Editorial team – age group: “I wouldn’t like to be a young person today”. The implication is Editor : Heather Wells Deputy Editor & Design Consultant : that to be young today is to belong to some alien and hostile culture that Lorna Douglas stands in stark contrast to her romanticised golden age of childhood. At this Editorial Assistant : Joy Hodder point I wonder whether to launch into my usual response that goes Onn Keet Peng • Charanjit Ajit Singh something like: “Yes mum, you may remember them as great times but the Sr. Maureen Goodman • Shiban Akbar reality was child labour, high infant mortality, rickets, diphtheria, Poet in residence: Rebecca Irvine tuberculosis, two horrific world wars, and no official recognition of the Rights of a Child”. Then off I go, arguing in defence of the youth of today Aim : The aim of Faith Initiative Magazine is to open windows and the resolute way they meet the challenges of the world that they have on the beliefs and practices of world religions, in the hope inherited. These exchanges have become something of a ritual, triggered by that this will foster understanding and reduce religiously motivated violence. some pessimistic, fear-mongering story featured in the media that generalises youth culture today as lacking in moral values and human Statement : Whilst the contents of this magazine will decency. always be in accordance with the ‘object’ of Initiative Young people are constantly under attack, it seems that they are judged and Interfaith Trust there will be freedom of expression. convicted by and through the media on a daily basis. As a teacher I feel Invitation: We invite you to contribute articles, poems, bound to defend them and deny the bad behaviour that is so frequently letters, illustrations and responses so that the magazine attributed to them. In my experience the vast majority of young people are reflects the religious communities it seeks to serve. Editorial kind, compassionate, outgoing and confident - forever endeavouring to guidance can be obtained from Heather Wells, PO Box 110, make sense of themselves, others and the world that surrounds them. Not Lancaster LA2 6GN unlike the generations that have gone before them! Those that behave badly Email: [email protected] are in the minority – and a small minority at that - but sadly it is these young Issue 18 Themes: people that are given focus by the media and presented as the norm. We • Symbolism of hair in identity & faith are happy to overturn this perspective by providing a platform for young • Pilgrimage people who can speak for themselves. Front cover: Image: Extract of Radiant Dance Floor, Our keynote writer, Barney Leith, raises awareness of the inhumanity that Caroline Jariwala Text: cited: Oxford Dictionary of children suffer – without a voice - in many parts of the world, and asks us Phrase, Sayings & Quotations 2002 Pub.OUP to remember the emphasis that faith traditions place on the fulfilment of the potential of the child – spiritually, morally, intellectually, emotionally and Design & Print - Print Graphic Ltd T: (01228) 593900 physically. On the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade Gordon Read gives focus to the vital contribution made by William L RA THE S SPIRAL: “This is an ancient Wilberforce, and explores the role of one’s faith in moving PI P symbol that reminds us of forward new concepts within the secular workings of society S IR E the womb and the protective to condemn the slavery that exists today – especially child H A T mothering nature in all of us. L slavery. Chris Chivers writes an open letter to his children L T It takes us from the broad A reflecting on the more recent racial prejudices of apartheid in H R I sweeps of the outer life to an E South Africa, the conflicts that are its legacy, the importance P S S infinitely small centre where P E of remembering, and the need to look positively to the future I R H we cease to exist.” A T - not least for the sake of the children. L L T A H R I E P S Cited: Mandalas: Spiritual Circles for Harmony & Fulfilment Lorna Douglas Laura J.Watts (2002) Pub.Hermes House, London ISBN 184308 973 7 We gratefully acknowledge the grant received from the Faith Communities Capacity Building Fund and the support from private donors, who wish to The spiral logo was designed by Caroline Jariwala remain anonymous. Such funding makes publication and distribution of this for Initiative Interfaith Trust magazine possible. We welcome and appreciate all donations and subscriptions. 4 Barney Leith • keynote C– theh moisltd precrioeus ngift “Every child is potentially the light of the world - and at the same time its darkness; wherefore must the question of education be accounted as of primary importance. From his infancy, the child must be nursed at the breast of God’s love, and nurtured in the embrace of His knowledge, that he may radiate light, grow in spirituality, be filled with wisdom and learning, and take on the characteristics of the heavenly host.” ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá , p. 131. pen a newspaper, look at a website, watch the TV news, mine – they have to be brought out, polished up and put to use for and we’re almost bound to find a story about children the benefit of the child and in service to the whole of humankind. running wild or children being abused, or children International human rights law gives great weight to the rights of Ocommitting suicide because of the despair they face in school or at the child. The preamble to the UN Convention on the Rights of home. the Child recalls one of the founding principles of the UN Recent articles in the media have highlighted the persistence of child Charter, that ‘recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal slavery in the 21st century. It has been estimated and inalienable rights of all members of the that there are approximately nine million children The whole of human family is the foundation of freedom, living in conditions that make them slaves. justice and peace in the world’. It also recalls Anti-Slavery International defines a slave as one humankind that the Universal Declaration of Human who is: suffers when Rights ‘has proclaimed that childhood is • forced to work - through mental or physical children entitled to special care and assistance’. And it threat; anywhere are considers ‘that the child should be fully • owned or controlled by an ‘employer’, usually unable to prepared to live an individual life in society, through mental or physical abuse or and brought up in the spirit of the ideals threatened abuse; flourish. proclaimed in the Charter of the United • dehumanised, treated as a commodity or Nations, and in particular in the spirit of bought and sold as ‘property’; peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity’.
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