This Is Mississippi State
MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY ississippi State is a compre- culture of integrity and personal POINTS OF PRIDE AT MSU hensive land-grant institution responsibility in academic studies. ✔ and the largest university in Through the Global Leadership Mississippi State ranks among the top 100 M institutions across the country in the number MMississippi, with a statewide enrollment Program, students may experience sig- of bachelor’s degrees awarded to African- of more than 17,000 students. nificantly expanded study-abroad Americans. Established in 1878 as the opportunities Agricultural and Mechanical College of ✔ Mississippi State’s undergraduate pro- Mississippi, the university has tradition- RESEARCH gram in landscape architecture in 2005 was al strengths in engineering and scientif- listed among the nation’s top 15 programs Mississippi State faculty researchers ic agriculture but has evolved into a by a national publication that promotes attracted $186.5 million in external comprehensive institution with a quality design education. funding for 2006-07, up from about diverse array of programs in teaching, $155 million during the previous year. ✔ Ten Mississippi State University students research, and service. This funding supported 1,691 spon- have been named Barry M. Goldwater sored projects in 2007. Scholars since 1999. The national scholar- ACADEMICS AND STUDENT LIFEIFE Based on the latest rankings avail- ship recognizes academic excellence in the Mississippi State students consis- able from the National Science sciences, mathematics and engineering. tently earn honors such as the presti- Foundation, MSU ranks seventh in the ✔ In the September 2005 issue of Washing- nation in agricultural sciences research gious Harry S. Truman Scholarship, ton Monthly’s college rankings, MSU was awarded for those who will enter public expenditures and 44th in engineering.
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