Chairman: Eddie Lintott Clerk: Jane Crawford email: [email protected] website: ______

MINUTES: Meeting of with Iping Parish Council No.3/Year 2/15-19 Held on: Wednesday 20 July 2016 beginning at 7.35 pm At: Stedham Memorial Hall

Present: Eddie Lintott 12/12 Debra Chalton 10/12 Caroline Frost 12/12 Elizabeth Griffiths 1/1 (part) Olia Mitskevich 9/12 Colin Moseley 12/12 Rowland Page 5/12 Lucy Petrie 11/12 John Wheelhouse 7/7

In attendance: Gordon McAra, County Councillor and Sue Payne, SIPC representative on LNR Management Committee, Police & Neighbourhood Watch

The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations are in force, giving a right to members of the public to record (film, photograph and audio-record) and report on proceedings at meeting of the Council and its Committees.

1. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: The Chairman for reimbursement cheque 9.1.


3. MINUTES OF MEETINGS: No. 1 Year 2/15-19 of 18 May 2016 and No.2 Year 2/15-19 of 8 June 2016 were agreed and signed.

4. WSCC and DISTRICT COUNCILLORS and POLICE/NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH 4.1 County Councillor: Gordon McAra (GM)reported. Sawmills site: GM gave the Clerk the WSCC Highways pre-application response to the pre- application SDNP/16/02952/PRE for the renewal of permission for B1 purposes on the western half of the site. The Clerk had been contacted by the applicant to say that the application was exactly the same as it was in 2007, 2010 and 2013. Grass cutting: GM had received a complaint from a parishioner about the danger of the long grass at Stedham Crossroads making it difficult to see traffic coming from Petersfield. The wet weather over the last few months had caused delays. The Chairman said it was dangerous at the crossroads and he actually could not remember the county looking so untidy before. Watershed grants: The grants would be continued over the next year and therefore projects could be split between two years. SIPC had applied for two projects in Stedham Lane. Household waste tip at : The tip would be open on Saturdays and Sundays and be closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. The opening hours would be 10am – 7pm in summer and 10am to 5pm in winter. Recycling: The European Union (EU) target was for 50% recycling and there would be fines for missing it. The target might change once the left the EU.

Stedham with Iping Parish Council Meeting No3/2/15-19 20 July 2016 1

Precept support: The Government grant which was given to CDC and passed on to the parishes would reduce over the next years and vanish completely in 2019. 4.2 District Councillor: No report. 4.2 Police and Neighbourhood Watch: No report.

5. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: No matter was raised.

6. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT General grants: CDC had funds for general grants. The Chairman had a meeting with David Hyland of CDC who sounded optimistic that we might get a grant for the Recreation Ground. The Clerk was preparing the application form which needed to be submitted in early September. An application for a A810 Tesco grant had also been submitted. The result of this application would be known in August. Saving the law courts: Andrew Tyrie MP had written about the closures of the courts in Chichester and attaching a letter he had written to the Lord Chancellor with information about the statistics of the courts’ utilisation (78%). He suggested that SIPC should make representations to the Courts and Tribunal A811 Service. It was agreed to send the letter that the Chairman had previously drafted. Parking in School Lane: Parking at the Thai fete caused a lot of problems as people attending it parked in Common View and down School Lane. There were no bollards in School Lane. It was agreed that in future more people were needed to organise the parking and more bollards should be put out. The Clerk was asked to write to M about it. A812 3 7. MINERALS MINSTED: SIPC had responded to the Joint (SDNPA/WSCC) Minerals Local Plan consultation on 16 June 2016.

8. PARISH ACTION PLAN 8.1. Cycleway to Midhurst – crossing near Half Moon: No report 8.2. Iping signs: The site notices had been put up by WSCC Highways and the licences were due to be 813 issued after 15 July. The Clerk would remind WSCC. A 14 8.3. Stedham and Iping telephone boxes: The Clerk had met with Les Miles to discuss the renovation of the phone boxes. Two shelves were required and both boxes needed to be painted. There was a cardinal red one coat paint which would be cheaper at about £200 each than having to use two coats. Elizabeth proposed, seconded by Lucy Petrie, that the work be ordered. All were in favour. Resolved: Painting and work on the post boxes to be ordered. A814 Les Miles had also suggested that the earth round the Stedham telephone boxed should be replaced with concrete. 8.4. 20 mph in School Lane: The Chairman and Clerk had met with Joel Sykes of WSCC Highways. He was not particularly keen to put in a 20mph limit although the data was within the guidelines. Although it would mean new signs at the junction of School Lane and The Street, a 20mph limit would give villagers the opportunity to control speeding. It was agreed to pursue the limit and the Clerk would apply for a Traffic Regulation Order. A815 Parking outside old club development: Joel Sykes would look into the situation of land ownership and the work that had been done outside the Club. It was thought that the flower beds were on

land maintainable by WSCC Highways. There had also been a verbal agreement between SIPC and the builder that there would be parking for about 4 or 5 cars and the land by the telephone and letter box should be made suitable for parking. The kerb stones by the telephoe box were A816 unsatisfactory. The Clerk would get in touch with the builder to discuss the matter after WSCC had responded. 8.5. Parking by Recreation Ground (RG) It was agreed to accept the cheapest tender of the three which was C Morgan & Son at £14,992.00 +VAT. The Clerk would contact Glen Morgan to let him know and also to say that SIPC would either have to be successful in being granted funds or take out a loan, all of which would take a few 817 months. A

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8.7 Broadband: Things had moved forward and it was proposed that the Stedham cabinet would be placed on the village side of The Street gateway. An electric cable would be run down The Street to a pole inside the Chairman’s garden boundary. The Minsted box would be beside the A272. It was thought that the work might be completed by the end of the year. 8.8 Defibrillators: Information was still being sought. In the meantime, a first aid training evening would be held in the village hall for the at risk volunteers. A meeting should also be held and Colin Moseley, who will chair the meeting, will liaise with the Clerk over suitable dates. 8.9 New litter bins: The Clerk had contacted CDC to check that they approved the site of the new bin near the School. Afternote: the site had been approved. Colin Mosely would liaise with Rowland Page about fixing the bins. If there was difficulty, Les Miles 818 should be asked to do it. A


Receipts JG Donation in lieu of RG verge renovation £800 NatWest Interest (May .86 + June .76) £1.62

Payments E Lintott Wine for APM A03 £36.33 Southern Water Allotments water C10 £6.78 J Crawford Kerrytype printing Chairman’s report A02 £66.00 J Crawford Clerk’s remuneration A01 £758.52 PWLB Hall loan B02 £773.04 R Page Allotment fencing posts C10 £72.96 R Page Allotment mower C10 £244.00 NatWest Bank charges A07 3.25

Due for payment Bin shop 2 x litter bins C12 £317.05 J Crawford Clerk’s remuneration A01 £773.64 E Lintott Reimbursement for gift A03 £21.00 Total £1,111.69

Balances Current account £814.35 Business Reserve A/c £18,558.36 Total £19,372.71

Clerk’s rate of pay: A pay rise has been agreed by NALC/SLCC and the Government. As from 1 April 2016 spinal column 23 went up from £10.836 per hour to £10.944, a rise of 0.108 pence. Included in the Clerk’s this month was the new pay of £711.36 + £54.72 holiday pay + back pay adjustment of £7.56. Resolution: To make payments and transfer £500 from Reserve to Current account. Proposed by Lucy Petrie, seconded by Caroline Frost, with all in favour. Annual Return: There had been queries from External auditor. Lucy Petrie kindly agreed to deal with the queries about variations in expenditure and income. A819 7 9.2 Internet banking for SIPC: Enquiries ongoing. A807


Stedham with Iping Parish Council Meeting No3/2/15-19 20 July 2016 3

10.1 Play areas 10.1.1 Inspection of equipment and signing the books: The equipment had been inspected and the books had been signed. 10.2 Risk assessment actions: The bus shelter was no longer viable (the fallen branch finally bringing about its end). Colin Moseley was arranging for it to be removed. An estimate was awaited. A820 Other actions included overhanging branches at Common View play area and renewing the A821 allotment fence posts were in hand. A822 The Chairman would clean the finger post at the junction in Stedham Lane and Mike Gale should be asked if he would mind cleaning the posts near Hammerwood. A823 10.3 Highways and footpaths 10.3.1 Common View to the Street via Sandy Lane path: CDC had sent a copy of the deeds confirming that the land had not been transferred to Hyde Martlet. As CDC itself did not claim ownership, it was agreed that there was no point in pursuing the matter further. 10.3.3 Church parking opposite Tye Hill. The Chairman had drafted a notice to be put on cars pointing out that the land was for Church parking only, but it was agreed that it would be more suitable for the Church to deal with the matter. The Chairman would deal with the matter. A824 10.3.3 State of parish paths: The bridge on the path from the polo grounds to the A272 had been renovated with non-slip planks and new railings. The overgrown state of the path from Iping to

Stedham had been reported. 10.2 Flooding: Stedham Lane works: The Clerk had applied for the Watershed grants for the drainage works near Meadowhills and at Bridgefoot. Afternote: WSCC had awarded grants for the work. Ditch beside road to Rotherhill Nurseries: DB had said he would have the ditch dug out, but this still had not been done. The Clerk was asked to remind him. A825 10.3 Commons and open spaces: The Inspector at the Public Inquiry had found in favour of the fencing of Iping Common. It was noted that the Inspector had dealt with three similar cases for fencing common land, including previous applications by SWT, and found in favour of them all.

11 PLANNING COMMITTEE: No 2 of 8 June, No.3 of 22 June and No 4/2(15-19) held prior to this meeting would be circulated.

12 MEMORIAL HALL: Caroline Frost reported that the Hall now had a sound system with microphones and a projector. She reminded SIPC about the fund-raising supper evening on 17 September.

13 ACTIONS LIST: See below.

14 CORRESPONDENCE/EMAILS: The Winter Maintenance Plan had been updated and would be sent to WSCC.

15. DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS: Wednesday 14 September 2016 7.30 pm at Stedham Memorial Hall


Chairman...... Date......

ACTIONS FROM MEETING 20 JULY A810 Clerk RG parking project Apply for CDC grant A811 Clerk Chichester Courts Write to Tribunal Service 

Stedham with Iping Parish Council Meeting No3/2/15-19 20 July 2016 4

A812 Clerk Thai fete parking Write to M  A813 Clerk Iping signs Contact WSCC re licences  A814 Clerk Telephone boxes Order work  A815 Clerk 20 mph School Lane Apply for TRO  A816 Clerk Parking by letter box Contact builder A817 Clerk RG project Appoint contractor  A818 Clerk/CM/RP Litter bins Inform CDC () and Install A819 LP Annual Return Respond to External Auditor  A820 CM Stedham bus shelter Estimate for removal A821 CM/RP CV play area Deal with overhanging branches A822 RP Allotment fence New posts A823 Ch/Clerk Cleaning finger posts Contact MG A824 Ch Church notice Contact Church wardens A825 Clerk Rotherhill ditch Contact David Burton 

ACTIONS FROM MEETING 18 MAY 2016 A797 Clerk First aid course Ask Red Cross/St John’s Ambulance A798 Clerk Iping signs Contact WSCC  A800 Clerk Phone boxes Contact Les Miles to discuss work  A801 Clerk 20 mph School Lane Contact WSCC Highways  A807 LP Internet banking Make enquiries A808 Clerk Sandy Lane Further enquiries re ownership 

ACTIONS FROM MEETING 16 MARCH 2016 A785 Clerk RG parking Obtain grants towards work ongoing

ACTIONS FROM MEETING 20 JANUARY 2016 A774 DC Defibrillator Look into practicalities

ACTIONS FROM MEETING 18 NOVEMBER 2015 A771 DC/OM Speed stickers Campaign on website A772 DB Nursery ditch Arrange for it to be dug out

ACTONS FROM MEETING 20 MAY 2015 A743 Clerk Iping sign Waiting for WSCC licences ongoing

Stedham with Iping Parish Council Meeting No3/2/15-19 20 July 2016 5