Full List of DIRC Publications
DIRC Dependability of Computer-Based Systems List of Publications and Reports January 15, 2007 This document lists known citations to publications and Technical Reports for the first five years of DIRC. It was generated by simply listing everything in the full BibTeX file so there are some multiple entries where the same text appeared in two places (e.g. Newcastle produce Technical Reports on submission to a journal). Furthermore, although reasonable efforts were made, we suspect that the list is incomplete (currently there are 546 entries on this list). 1 Publications Arranged by Site 1.1 NEWCASTLE [dLGR04, BR04a, BKR05a, BKR04, SBM04, BR04b, DJP+02a, BGB04, BG03a, DdC03, BB03b, BA04, GA04, Jon03f, JHR04, JR05, Jon03b, Jon03c, HJJ03a, JR04, CJJ04, AB03, ABGR02, AGL01, Bes01, BC01, BA03, BG02, BG03b, BL01, CB02, DJP+02b, GLA01, GLA02, LG02, HJJ03b, Jon00a, Jon00b, Jon01, Jon03d, Jon03a, CJ00, JRW02, JPRW03, Jon03e, LJ02, SO02, GIJ+03, Ran00, BR03a, BR03b, dLGR02a, dLGR02b, dLGR03b, dLGR03a, dLGR03c, Gac01, Gac02, GA02, BKR05b] 1.2 LANCASTER [S+03, ADH+04, CHR+03a, PR01, CHR01, DJP+02a, RHR04, CFR04b, CHRT02, CHRT01, CFDR02, DRSS03, CFDR03, CHR+03b, CDFR03, CFR04a, WKR04b, WKRR04a, WKRR04b, WKR04a, CFGR04, Loc04, ML03, SDCR05, DCR+04, DSBJ03, KCC+02a, BD04a, BDS04, DCRS04, DRSC04, BD04b, MMR04, DCR03, DE03, DTE01a, DTW01, DTE01c, DTE01b, ABGR02, CCD+02, CCH+01a, CDFR02, CFPR01, CDH+02, CHPR01d, CHPR01a, CHPR01b, CHPR01c, CHHR03, CRH+02, CHP+02b, Dew01, DCH+03a, DE01, DCH+02, DCRS02, DCH+03b, DE00, DTE02, DJP+02b, ETDG00, HPRR01, HPRS02, HPRS00,
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