Historic Preservnion Committee
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CITY OFVENTURA HISTORIC PRESERVNION COMMITTEE Project No.: 4428 Case No.: HRA-3-17-40947; DRC-9-17-42101; MC-9-17-42102 Applicant: Mackenzie Planner: Elizabeth Richardson, Senior Planner r Jeffrey Lambert, AICP, Community Development Director Location: 3350 Telegraph Road (Attachment A) APN's: 077-0-130-515 Recommendation: HPC: Confirm by Minute motion that the building is historically significant and provide recommendations to the DRC. DRC: Approve, subject to conditions. Zoning: Intermediate Commercial (C-1A) Land Use: Commerce Regulatory Review: SBMC Sec. 24.545.020 & SBMC Sec. & 2R.450.220 Environmental Review: CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) (Minor Alterations to Land) & Section 15306 (Information Collection) PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project is a request for Formal Historic Resources Assessment (HRA-3- 17-40947), Formal Design Review (DRC-9-17-42101) and Minor Change (MC-9-17- 42102) for review of a Focused Phase 2 Historical Resources Assessment related to the addition of new windows and doors for the adaptive reuse of an existing commercial building previously determined to be eligible for historic Landmark status. New window openings are proposed on the west and south elevation and new storefront entry is proposed on the south elevation. A new man-door and a new storefront system is proposed on the north elevation. The project site is located at 3350 Telegraph Road in the Intermediate Commercial (C-1A) Zone. The proposed project includes structural upgrades, new window openings, and interior alterations to accommodate the building's proposed new use a health and fitness studio. The original primary entrance on the north elevation will remain in place but will be abandoned. The glazing at the first floor will be replaced with opaque glazing to screen a new locker room within the building. The south entrance will be utilized as the building's new primary entrance, with new steps and an access ramp. The existing loading ramp will be infilled with a new window added in place of the existing opening. DRC/HPC - 1 New egress doors will be added at the east and west ends of the south fa9ade and at the west end of the north fa9ade. Three new windows will be cut into the south fa9ade at the second floor and six new windows will be cut into the west fa9ade (two at the first floor and four at the second) The new windows will be anodized aluminum storefront systems with a bronze finish. Most of the building's exterior character defining features will be retained including its simple two-story massing, rectangular plan, flat roof, parapet with a continuous decorative band, projecting two-story entrance portico at the north entrance, texture cement plaster wall cladding, precast concrete piers, mosaic tile veneer and split face masonry planters. The project includes the review of a Focused Phase 2 Historical Resources Assessment that was prepared for the property to study any impacts to character defining features related to the proposed structural upgrades, new window openings and interior alterations to accommodate the adaptive reuse of the building. The project site is located within the Pacific View Mall land area, and is not located within any recognized historic district (Attachment A). The property is approximately 60 acres· in size and is developed with 1.044 million-square foot commercial shopping center. The shopping center is a mix of 1 and 2 story commercial buildings constructed in 1963, and the Barker Brothers building was constructed in 1964. The architecture of the subject building is best described as Mid-Century Modern style. Access to the site will continue from Telegraph Road. BACKGROUND In 1964, the project site was developed with the Pacific View Mall, a 1,044,000-square foot 2-story commercial buildings on approximately 60 acres. On January 8, 1996, the City Council authorized a Use Permit (CUP-686) FOR the expansion of the existing "Shopping Centers - Large" use and new "Automotive and Accessories: Automotive Repair, Systems" use. In August 2012, the Historic Resources Group, LLC prepared a Phase 1 Historical Phase Assessment (Phase 1) (Attachment B), and the report stated that based on their research it appeared that there was sufficient evidence to suggest the property meets the criteria for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources and as a City of Ventura local Landmark. Due to age and alteration, the property does not appear to be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The Phase 1 report determined that the property was not the work of a master architect, but is eligible for Landmark status due to the distinctive characteristics of Mid-Century Modern commercial architecture in Ventura and a component of the City's historical context. In November 2015, the Historic Resources Group, LLC prepared a Phase 2 Historic Resource Assessment (Phase 2) (Attachment C) to determine the national, state and local historical significance of the demolition of the Barker Brothers building. The Phase PROJ-4428 DRC-H PC/12/06/17 /ER Page 2 of 17 DRC/HPC - 2 2 report determined the building meets eligibility requirements to be listed on the California Register of Historic Places and a City of Ventura local Landmark. The Phase 2 report further determined demolition of the Barker Brothers building would result in a substantial adverse change as defined by CEQA and demolition of a historic resource cannot be mitigated to a less than significant level. In August 2017, a focused Phase 2 was prepared to study the adaptive reuse of the building rather than a complete demolition (Attachment D). On August 25, 2017, staff approved a Minor Design Review (MDRC-7-17-41156) to remove three ficus trees are replace them with new landscaping (Western Redbud 24" box, White Alder 24" box or Pacific Madrone 24" box) during the fa9ade modification to the Barker Brothers Building or by the Pacific View Mall if work does not commence in 18 months. This is the first time the project has been scheduled to receive Formal Review from the Design Review Committee (DRC) and Historic Preservation Committee for the adaptive reuse of the eligible Landmark building. HISTORICAL STANDARDS Pursuant to Ventura Municipal Code Section 2R.450.220 a Historical Resource Assessment shall be prepared for a demolition permit of a building or structure more than 40 years old and then, pursuant to Ventura Municipal Code Section, review by the HPC for a recommendation to the Community Development Director (Director). One purpose of a preliminary assessment is to enable the HPC to screen properties or projects of no obvious historic value. This is in accordance with: General Plan Action 9.19: For any project in a historic district or that would affect any potential historic resource or structure more than 40 years old, require an assessment of eligibility for State and federal register and Landmark status and appropriate mitigation to protect the resource, and General Plan Action 9.20: Seek input from the City's Historic Preservation Commission on any proposed development that may affect any designated or potential Landmark. Municipal Code Section 24.455.120.2 defines a Landmark as any real property such as building, structure, or archaeological excavation, or object that is unique or significant because of its location, design, setting, materials, workmanship or aesthetic feeling, and is associated with: (a) Events that have made a meaningful contribution to the nation, state or community; (b) Lives of persons who made a meaningful contribution to national, state or local history; PROJ-4428 DRC-HPC/12/06/17/ER Page 3 of 17 DRC/HPC - 3 (c) Reflecting or exemplifying a particular period of the national, state or local history; (d) Embodying the distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction; (e) The work of one or more master builders, designers, artists or architects whose talents influenced their historical period, or work that otherwise possesses high artistic value; (f) Representing a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or (g) Yielding, or likely to yield, information important to national, state or local history or prehistory. Another purpose of a historical assessment is to review and evaluate any subject or area of possible historic, cultural, or natural significance to determine whether such subject or area may warrant further action. Consequently, if the HPC concludes that the application contains sufficient information to make a determination that the existing commercial building is not historically significant; no further analysis will be required. If the HPC concludes that the scope of work could negatively impact the commercial property that the HPC considers potentially historically significant, then any future project at the subject property that may cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of that historical resource will be considered to have a significant effect on the environment. DESIGN REVIEW STANDARDS As the property is not a designated Landmark, there are no applicable design review standards required at this time. Secretary of the Interior Standards The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties provide guidance for reviewing proposed projects that may affect historic resources. The intent of the Standards is to assist the long-term preservation of a property's significance through the preservation, rehabilitation, restoration and reconstruction of historic materials, sizes and occupancy and encompass the exterior and interior of the buildings. The standards also encompass related landscape features and the building's site and environment, as well as attached, adjacent, or related new construction. Standard 1: A property will be used as it was historically or be given a new use that requires minimal change to its distinctive materials, features, spaces, and spatial relationships.