Star Harbor Newsletter

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Star Harbor Newsletter Star Harbor Newsletter April 2021 MEET THE CANDIDATES City Council election is coming up researched and drafted the City’s I am a God fearing man who be- and we have six candidates for input to the plan that addressed lieves in praying about every deci- three Council seats. Each of the risks associated with floods, wild- sion that I make. I am not a politi- candidates were asked to provide fires, tornados, diseases, droughts, cian but use “Common Sense” to information about themselves and winter storms (Ice) and thunder- help make most of my life deci- why they are running for City storms (Wind/Hail/Lightning). sions. If elected for City Council I Council. These comments come This year he decided to seek will use these same principles in from the candidates that respond- reelection to the City Council to determining the choices that we as ed. Thank you to the candidates continue serving Star Harbor. a Council will be asked to make. who took the time to reply to our request and for introducing them- Richard stays busy designing and Star Harbor is my home and has crating wood creations. He also selves so we can know a bit more been for two years. This is a beau- serves on the Board of the 211 about them before the election. tiful community that is a wonderful Gallery located in Athens, Texas. place to live. I want to help Star (This is not the order in which the Harbor to remain that way. Some candidates will appear on the bal- of the things that I feel need to be lot.) John L. Adair addressed or continued to be ad- I was born in Athens, Texas on dressed are our roads and of course Richard Haley July 29th, 1963. I graduated from the sewer situation. I have learned Richard and Carolyn moved to Star Cayuga High School in 1981. I throughout my years in Education Harbor from North Carolina seven graduated college from Missouri that wanting to fix something from years ago following his second re- Valley College in 1989. I returned the outside looks a whole lot easier tirement. Having served 26 years to Texas after graduation and be- than it really is. So, if elected as a in the United States Army and an- gan my High School Baseball City Council member I will be sure other 17 with an environmental Coaching career. I have Coached to discover what can and cannot be firm, he has a history of volunteer- in Elkhart (twice), Lufkin Hudson, done to fix the roads, sewer or any ing with various community hands Athens, and Malakoff (twice). Dur- other decisions that we as a Coun- -on activities. In North Carolina ing that 32-year career I served as cil would need to make. Richard served as President and an Athletic Director 6 years. Treasurer of a home-owners asso- Shelly, my wife, our son Bryson, I believe that my career will help ciation. Not quite the same as a who will Graduate this May, me in the role of a City Council municipality, but with many of the moved to Star Harbor August member. For 32 years I have had same day-to-day issues including 2019. We have built a home here to make decisions for my pro- but not limited to state, federal and in Star Harbor and love being resi- grams, communicate with school HOA regulation compliance, pub- dents of this community. After 5 personnel, other coaches, and par- lic affairs, and community activi- years of coaching College baseball ties. and 32 years of being the Head Inside this issue: Coach of High School baseball I After moving to Star Harbor in will be retiring from Education this Building & Zoning 3 March 2014, Richard agreed to May. serve on the Zoning and Building Minute with the Mayor 4 Committee and accepted the daunt- I have served the Texas High ing task of researching and drafting School Baseball Coaches Associa- Building Fund 5 an updated ordinance used by the tion (largest High School Baseball city today. In July 2020 he agreed organization in the country) in var- Golf 6 ious leadership roles for the past to serve on the City Council filling Ladies Golf 7 a vacated seat. Two months into 13 years. I am currently serving as his tenure, Richard accepted the President of this organization. From City Hall 7 / 8 task of representing Star Harbor on Throughout my career I have the Henderson County Hazard Mit- served as the district baseball chair, City Council Minutes 8 / 9 igation Planning Committee. He organizing, and presenting plans to the District Executive Chair. School Bond 10 / 11 Meet the Candidates continued ents. All the while having to follow they are available to help with oth- My husband Niel & I help run and guidelines outside of your control. er improvements to the city. operate Jaeckel Tool & Manufac- I do not pretend to have all the an- turing, Inc. in Athens. It is an Aer- Roy believes that public service is swers but will do all I can to help ospace tooling and manufacturing keep this Community as beautiful important, and he wants to contin- company. My in-laws started the ue to serve all the residents of Star and wonderful as it is. company from the very bottom and Harbor as a public servant and have successfully been in business Thank you, John L. Adair member of the City Council. for over 30 years. You can Google us or come by anytime. I am the Roy Scruggs Amanda Jaeckel Office Manager and Quality Con- Roy Scruggs has lived in Star Har- I am Amanda Jaeckel and I am rel- trol Manager. I have my Degree in bor for 7 years. He is a Lieutenant atively new to the community. We Account and Business Manage- of the Trinidad Volunteer Fire De- purchased our house in 2018 and ment along with my Accounting partment. For over 30 years he has made the final move in 2019. I am degree. I am also a certified family been a paid or volunteer fireman. a proud mother of 3 wildly enter- law/child advocacy paralegal (on Roy also worked for 8 years for the taining boys, and they attend all the side). Department of Homeland Security. three schools in Malakoff. I also I believe in not judging a book by He is now retired but still involved have two older stepsons that live in it's cover as we ALL have a story in public service. That is one of California. I do believe in running right? I do believe in being fair, the reasons he has chosen to run a structured household that incor- compromising and hearing each for City Council. porates playing sports, discipline side of one's thoughts or opinions Roy would like to see more trans- when deemed necessary, daily rather than completely dismissing parency in the council and in the chores and teaching our kids how or belittling. That will never solve city. He would like for all resi- important respect, responsibility anything. We can never learn if we dent’s full time and part time to be and honor is. However, I also un- are always right. able to have their opinions heard derstand that kids will be kids and and to have more input into the they WILL make mistakes and I sincerely believe that this com- city. His years in the fire depart- hopefully learn from those mis- munity should be ran as a business ment have taught him to always takes. We need to remember that as this is what is in the best interest have a backup plan. He thinks the we have all been there at some of US ALL. We are probably one city should hope for the best but be point in our lives. I want our kids of the "younger families" in this prepared for the worst. to enjoy being kids within reason community so I have what some might call a "fresh set of eyes" Roy would like to see improve- and be able lean on us parents and adults for proper guidance and per se with the old fashioned up- ments to the road and a result to bringing and understanding the the sewer system. He wants to fa- love. I believe that church and showing our children that it's okay importance of family values and cilitate the use of grants that are respect. available for road repairs. These to pray and love Jesus is a power- grants should be used whenever ful and productive gift that we I believe that if we put our person- should cherish always. al emotions aside, we can all agree Meet our new advertiser CEDAR CREEK LODGE Assisted Living & Memory Care Assisted Living excellence nestled in a relaxed and rustic set- ting. Located in Gun Barrel City and opening May, Cedar Creek Lodge is now accepting residents. Our approach to senior care is focused on the individual wants and needs of each and every resident we serve. Cedar Creek Lodge emphasizes compassionate support, cutting-edge pro- graming and an experienced Health & Wellness team to ensure our resident maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our residents enjoy a relaxed environment with opportunities for engaging, exploring and staying connected. This nurtures a lifestyle that welcomes, rejuvenates and feels like home. You can schedule your private tour today. Page 2 Meet the Candidates continued to disagree sometimes and accept city council representative to the growing with the times while keep- that times are a changing.
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