
74°15'0"W 73°30'0"W 72°45'0"W 72°0'0"W 71°15'0"W Cuba To Miami North Atlantic Ocean

PORT-DE-PAIX h SSaaiinntt LLoouuiiss dduu Noorrdd ! (! ? LLuuppeerróónn

Nord- PPuueerrttoo PPllaattaa CAP-HAITIEN IImmbbeerrtt ?(!!h Liimbé (! FORT Gros Morne (!Gros Morne ?!hLIBERTE (! TTeerrrriieerr Roouuggee PPllaaiissaannccee ! ( Grraannddee--rriivviieerree--dduu--nnoorrdd EEssppeerraannzzaa (! Quanamiintthe (!

19°30'0"N 19°30'0"N SSaannttiiaaggoo !h(! GONAIVE?S Nord-Est EEll RRuubbiioo L' Nord JJáánniiccoo Marine Distance and Travel Time Port of Departure Port of Arrival Average Cruising Speed Travel Distance Travel Time Deessssaalliinneess (!

Fort Liberte Cap Haitien 6kn 25nm 4,5 hours Cap Haitien Port de Paix 6kn 43nm 7,5 hours Hiincche Port de Paix Gonaives 6kn 96nm 16,0 hours SAINT-MARC (! JJaarraabbaaccooaa Gonaives St. Marc 6kn 31nm 5,1 hours ?!h(! St.Marc Port au Prince 6kn 54nm 8,5 hours VVeerrrreetttteess Caribbean Sea (! Port au Prince Miragoane 6kn 44nm 7,3 hours Miragoane Jeremie 6kn 61nm 10,2 hours Jeremie 6kn 99nm 16,5 hours CCoonnssttaannzzaa Lac de Dominican Ouest Peligre Miirreebbaallaaiiss LLaassccaahhoobbaass (! (! Republic (! AArrccaahhaaiiee 18°45'0"N FOND !h 18°45'0"N PPaaddrree LLaass CCaassaass MOMBIN !h CABARET !h JÉRÉMIE LAFITEAU !h( ? YYaayyaass ddee VViiaajjaammaa

E ta n g S PORT-AU-PRINCE a S Ouest u !h m a La LEOGANE ! tr g . o e En Grand'Anse h riq ?! (! Péttiionvviilllle ui MIRAGOANE llo !h PETIT GRAND AAzzuuaa ? GOAVE GOAVE (! Miirraaggooâânnee !h(! !h a n n o l u c Sud-Est e g n d i a R L

(! (! PPoorrtt--àà--PPiimeenntt (! h !h ! BBeellllee--AAnnssee ? MARIGOT (!!h !h !h LES COTE CAYES DE FER

18°0'0"N Caribbean Sea 18°0'0"N

74°15'0"W 73°30'0"W 72°45'0"W 72°0'0"W 71°15'0"W

Date Created: 10-JUN-2010 National Capital Primary Road National boundary Map Num: LogCluster-HTI-009-A2 .! Country Office Secondary Road Main Point of Entry/HUB Coord.System/Datum: Geographic/WGS84 GLIDE Num: Intermediate Town S (! Tertiary Road First level admin boundary Sub Office The boundaries and names and the designations Kilometers !( Small Town Sea Supply Route H A I T I Surface Waterbody used on this map do not imply official endorsement ? or acceptance by the United Nations. 0 7.5 15 22.5 30 h Port Road Supply Route L o g i s t i c s C o r r i d o r s a n d W F P P r e s e n c e ! River Field Office Email: [email protected] ? International Sea Supply Route Website: Nominal Scale 1:700,000 at A2 Global Logistics Cluster Support Cell, Rome/Italy Data Sources: GAUL, WFP, GLCSC, ESRI