Third Ordered in Rescue of Miners

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Third Ordered in Rescue of Miners / 1 ' / WteDNESDAY, AUGUST 21,1861 Avtng* DailjrlNct Pm h Run The Weather FAOl TWENTY-EIGHT FMr the Week BiUled Ferecset of D. S. Weather ! j l! a n r b 9Sft9r A ngw t IT, 1968 Fisir and mild tooiglit. K>ow eedS. Friday asnay, wann and ksuiiM 13,562 wHk » ehanoe «t ahewee*. B gk About Town red «k* Aadtt FREE MAIN STREET AND REAR OF STORE PARKMG .... PHONE 443-4123 oC CkvssMon w nw«m j. Shielda, 153 Birch S t, Manehetter^A City of VUkigo Charm (4it«r«d H o c k y Hill Veterana’ Hoa- piUl jMtarday and will be there Jp for aeveral w«eka. You Can Open Thursday TOL. Lxxxn, ita 275 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN,. THURSDAY. AUGUST 22,1963 KEaaOBed Adearilatng an PRICE SEVEN CENTS j:!!I John R. HaAell, aon of Mr. and Mra. Robert J. Hariiell of 18 Jordt Charge It Af Nights fill 9 St, la on the dean’a Hat at the Unl- HOUSE HALE v e ^ ty o f New Hampahlre at Dur­ S tate N ew s ham. illliriiliilil **rMna Telling Teena" wlH be |lil th# flbn ahown at the final auni- •l!ii Roundup Third Ordered mertlme film rally alx>nsored by Greater Hartford Touth for Chriat Saturday at the Plainville Camp never before has House & Hale Orounda on Camp Rd., off U.S. Rt. 1 Groton Derailment 6, at the Bristol town line. The i i taHy will b e ^ with a aongtime offered so many values Blocks Main Line at 7:30 p.m. There will be a Bible <}ula. I for boys heading bock to class. OiROTON (A P)—^Fourteen cans m of a New Haven Railroad freight In Rescue of Miners The WWrlaway Square Dance Engaged dub will hold its last outdoor bnain were derailed early today, The engagement of Miss Judtth Now, when you want them most. Big assortments o f boys’ blocking rail traffic between New event of the summer Friday night clothing for school and fall, all newly arrived from fom ow at 8 at ^>erry’B Glen. There will be Ann Minney to A.3.C Alan James York and Boeton. Ljmn, both of Manchester, has makers. Boys will cheer the manly styles! Mothers will b« iiiii A apokeeman said work crews <^>en club square dancing in the been announced by her parent.s, delighted with the low prices. So, make House A Hale head­ pavUion from 8 to 10:30 followed were ait the scene, and that the Mr. and Mrs. Oliver J. Minney, 45 quarters for all your Bock-to-School needs. railroad expected to have a track White Dust by a cookout and swimming. All St. Paul Dr. Mr. Lynn is the son area aquare dance club members open by noon. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lynn, 47 e Hiere were no hijuries reported are Invited. Green Rd. m m as the freight cars left the track Mias Minney. a 15*62 graduate of Just eeot of the Thames River Tells Story llembers of the Manchester Manche.ster High School, is em­ Community Players will meet at drawbridge. The freight was bound ployed as a keypunch operator by from New Bedford, Moss., to New the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Pratt and Whitney, division of Hi!: Main S t. tonight at 7:15 to pay Haven at the time. O f Failure United Aircraft Oorp., Bast Hart­ One Washington-to-Boeton train their respects to the late Robert ford. Coleman, whose daughter, Miss was afrected, and perhaps a half Mr. Lynn, a 1962 giiaduale dozen others were expected to be HAZLETON, Pa. (AP) — Barbara Coleman ia vice president of Manchesler High School, is sta­ of the organization. delayed. Drilling of a new escape hole tioned at Keesler Air Force Base, B w service was set up between Miss., where he is taking a course New London and‘ Mystic to carry for the three trapped coal min­ in radio-radar maintenance. passengers around the obotruction ers failed today—apparently A fall wedding is planned. area. by only a few feet and at a Hospital Notes Ihe railroad’e busy morning time when success seemed mo­ to Mr. and Mrs. William Wnght. oonunuter service into New York was not affected. ments awav. VMttac boon an 2 to 3 p.m. 14 W^arren St.: a son to Mr. and A third try at drilUng a Cl­ for all areiM, except maternity; Cause of the mishap was under Mrs. Robert Taylor, Coventry; a Asnerican military men in South Viet Nam—there are some 14,000 there aa adviaera to the nation’s investigation, the railroad spoWea- inch hole was ordered. nitera they are 2 to ‘ 4 p.m. and daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James Thursday, Friday, Saturday armed forces—are flgbting this type of war against Communist Inflltraitlon from the nmth. The Ken­ man s£d. But if David Fellin. 58, one of •tgg to 8 pjn. and private rooms; Munsell, Coventry. the trapped men, had his way the when they m t* 10 man. to 8 p.m. | B nedy administration feels vtotory will oome In the guerrtlla war but It is worried that bad government By 8:30 a.m.—atxMit seven hours BIRTHS TODAY: A son to Mr. i' In saigicw—highlighted today i y Buddhist government conflict—may reverse the tide. (AP Photo­ after the derailment—four of the way the rescue workers would Vlaltofs are requested not to and Mrs. Ronald Camara. 410 gamble everything on an attempt amohe In patieata’ rooms. No more fax). cars had been righted by the rail­ Woodland St.; a daughter to Mr. road crews. Hie other cars still to enlarge the present six-inch than two visitors at one time per and Mrs. Richard Guerra, Hebron lifeline hole so he and Henry pntieat. blocked east emd westbound Rd., Bolton: a daughter to Mr. and tracks. Hie crews worked In a fog Throne, 28, eould come out that Mrs. David Adamy, 65 Benton St.: way. PntieBta Today; 213 that covered most of the area. a son to Mr. and Mrs. George Neither the State Police, whose "Why not ream the food hole?" ADMITTED YESTERDAY; Green, 100 Delmont St. fellin asked over the mioroi9i6ne DonML Rini, Wethersfield; William Discontent with Diem Groton Troop are right neaiby, DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: nor the Groton Borough Police re­ connection through ttmt hoi* to Etruno, 170 Bies^ St.; Mrs. Susan James Brezlnski, 26 Clinton St., the surface. Steger, 34 Ashworth St.; Susan ceived any calls for assistance. Mrs. Marlon Winter, 46 Haw­ “ Do you think that’s the right Smith, 236 Autumn St.; Keith thorne St.; Mrs. Helen Johnson. thing to do?” countered Gordon Marahall, 867 Poster St, Wapping; 136 Green Manor Rd.; James Ran­ Colea Reaigna Smith, deputy secretary of min­ Mrs. Bomice Mordavsky, 03 som, 104% Homestead St.; Donna HAIRTFQRD (AP) — Atty. Gen. ing. “ We’ll think about it but I North St.; Mrs. Charlotte Lawson, Hitting Peak for U.S. McLaughlin, East Hampton, Ray­ Albert L. Coles today tendered his believe tt would be easier to move 56 Coleman Rd.; Mrs. Rita Duah, mond Zaugg, 25 Allison Dr.. South resignation to Governor Dempsey the rig and be faster to drill an­ Nowington; Mrs. Gloria ComareUa, effective Aug. 29, when he will other 12-inch hole. It seems safer, Windsor: Mrs. Norma LaGace, He said then that the United Staffort Springs; Carroll Gard­ Thoropsonvllle; Mrs. Elsie Feldon, KDrrOR’8 NOTH — For nine^regime lacking wide support^ become a Superior Court Judge. too, since there would be no los.s ner Jr.. 96 W. Main St., Rockville; fears the United States has been among the people. States would not withdraw its sup­ 202 South St., Rockville; Mrs. San- V In his \e tta r o f resignation to of communications and food sup­ Mrs. OerUrude Reduker, Rocky ibe major prop for the South Viet­ U.S. strategists say they see no port from Diem’s government in the Governor, Coles said he was plies.’ ’ tlna Carino, 2545 Ellington Rd.. alternative at present to the lead­ its war against the Communist m i ; Joseph Betz, 186 Dogwood Wapping; Ralph Persson. 102 namese government, shoring it up ’’deeply grateful for the career “ A H right,” said Fellin. Lane, Wapping; Charles Vincek, ership of President Ngo Dinh guerrillM. Starkweather St.; Michael Hartl. with men and arms against a Red whlrti you have made possible." The first attempt at an escape 148 LqfdaU S t; Suzanne Platt, 945 tide that threatens the Southeast Diem. A priority task of the newly “ For us to withdraw from that hole failed Tuesday night, after Taylor St., Talcottville; Mrs. Edith arriving U.S. ambasssMlor to Sai- effort would mean a collapse not In accepting the resignation the Tolland Tpke.; Mrs. Helen Ander- Asian psninsula. Along the way Governor said Coles was "one of about 22 hours of drilling, when aoR, 17J Garden Dr.; Mrs. Louise I Reynolds, 86 Niles Dr.; Mrs. Wll- thare has been increasing dlsen- , Henry Cabot Lodge, will be only of ^uth Viet Nam but South­ helmina Reuther, 81 Brookfield the finest attorney generals he Throne and Fellin reported the Bowen, 56 Lenox St.; Mrs. Sarah 1 ebantment with the Diem govern­ canvass what other choices east Asia. So we are going to stay ceiling over them was cracking Robbuwn, RPD 2, Manchester; St,; Barbara Stultz, Coventry; ment—now reaching a new peak rmay be open without weakeningthere,’’ Kennedy said. even had. Mrs. Pauline Smith, 249 Mam St.; “He was a dedicated, competent and that theyfeared another Mra.
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