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The Waterville Mail (Vol. 29, No. 22): November 19, 1875

Maxham & Wing

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Recommended Citation Maxham & Wing, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 29, No. 22): November 19, 1875" (1875). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 638.

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El’ll. M.VXIIAM, f U\'L If. WING G. 8. PALMER, r.Dnons.

Suv§|eoii Dentisti .1. Hacmki.uki! a Son.s, Ilf West Wutcr- OrriCB—over Alden Bro’s Jewclr/ Store/ j opposite People’s Kat. Bank vilh', furnlshcil tliu neat uiul comfortable ^Baii>ih. J. a GANNETT, | VOL. XXIX. WATEKVILLE, ME...... FRIDAY, NOV. It). I87,5v NO. 22. Tiik IXDKfKN'DKKT I’liKss. —Its uiieuvia- -..... - ---...... ^------—^ • ------flic position is thus shown by Arcbbisliop HomoeopatMo Physician & Surgeon; ■ Wlmtcly: — nes3 and listening in uwe-siruck silence When Judge Thorne preferred his le- h;st tiling I ever used lor boots or shoes D IT T Y. khidence He Glut assails error because it is cnor, R :—Mrs. Dunbnr's Center St. titifclbna. to tliB boom of the breakers and the rush quest to old John Grey, he shook his for outdoor wear, ns it mAkCs spongy Ofkioe;—At present nt Residence. and roar of llie storm outside, met liim Srr.uN Daughter of tile voice of (toil! witlioiit respect of persons, must be pn*- head. leather waterproof, and hard hmllier soli. 0 Duty ! if that iianlo thou love piired for a storm from tbe put ty who uero WATmiVILLE, JIE. at the door witli oulsiretclied arms, and ‘ Not but 'I would be the makin' of the ' — [S.,D., Soulheia Cultivator, Who art a tight Ut gaide, a rod faimtug liim with tbcgeutlcbreutti of praise OMNISCIENCE. a look ivhich seemed to comprelicnd tlie boy, Judge Tliorlie, hut you see my ! ’ ’ 7~ ,, To cheek the erring, and ropn-ve; so long ns he lind liceu deuliug witli the siluatioii in a moment. Scarce know­ dartcr-whv ! the little mother’d grieve! * L'«'‘^«'-.-now Thou, wlio art victory and law Miss Rva Foster, When empty* tcerors overawe ; en ort of ttie parly oppq.seil to tliem. They God knows—not I—the devious way ing wliy he did so, the fisherman laid to death if Rescued should be took n'7 Efom vain lemptatioiiH dost set five; say, witli tlic rat to tlie mouse (in a tudi- ^Teacher of Vocal and Instruniental Wherein my faltering feet must tread, tlio cliild in lier nrm.s. A wonderful p Mint nnlk'iiniHl dfiy when dm huiulords ,\nd ealm'st the weary strife of fruit hnnianity ! orous poem on a liouse mucli infested with .Before, within the light of day RW»y ! ruts and mice, into wlilcli a cut laid ticen Uusic. My steps from out this glotoni are led, liglil broke over her eager lace. liui as the Judge still urged, lie said Steen li'iwgiver! yet thou dost wear Bosidcnce on Park ^Street. And hinoc my Lord the path doth ‘ Oh, motlicr ! motlier! You can save at last,‘There’s tidkin’; but if " nee. be seeing they iirc usually pay The Gedhead’s moat benignant gr-.iee;' brought,)— Wit^t matters if 'tis hid from me ? Nor know we anything ho fair S-itl the other, "This cit, if she raurders s C^Pupila received at her home, or attended him 1 ’ she cried. you’d like to hear wh... she’d say hcr.-elf, ^ '7 ‘ '77","' .\h in the Hinilo upon thy f.iee ; rnl, »t their residences. 18 God knows—not I—how sweet acconl Tlie fi'hennati’s wife, as was needful, ril call her it for there .-he. comes ! ’ ii.'k, iitul sure to gather dust and dtlile- Flowers liiugli hetore thee on ttiy bed.--; Mast iioods bu a very great sinner; Shall gn>w at length from out this crash WHS Well versed in all llie lore of re­ mfeiit, ho they never so royal at the oui- Aiul fragrunee ill thy fiHiting trends ; But bi feed nisni no'ee't be conuti'd a vico: AL^N ¥()]binson7 Of earthly discords which have jarred Anita came in, and Judge Thorne Ttion dost preserve tile stars from wrong; I my.sef/like u in,mse to my dinner." ' On soul and sense. I hear the clash— storatives, and before two hours had stood hall abaslied before the quiet dig­ sel ; shall pull up tl.oir carpet- if pur-es And tho most ancient heavens, tlinnigh tticc, are fresll amt strong, Ifa. Wti.i.i.vM M.miikws hits resigned his Yet feel and know that cm Ilis ear passed tlie poor liltio waif tlius snatched nity which comported so ill with the be shallow, seeing the carpets are trod­ • Builder & Contractor. Breaks harmony-rfuil, deep and clear. out ol the leeili oLllio sea slept peaceful den by such uiigeiiial lect as late may 'i>' iuimhtee fonet»ons. awful 1‘ower 1 professorship hi (’hleago Tniv. rsity and is simill, delormed lignre. Having on:c 1 cjdl thee ; 1 myself nommend ly in Aniia’s ai ms. A' royal cliild lie send, and llmt tlio deeper the pile, the MOW devoting his whole atteulioii to writ­ Estimates made at .siiort notice. God knowB—not I—why when I’d fain heard Anita speak, one must respect too Unto tliy guidiineo from this lunir.; Have walked in pasturca green and fair. was, strong-limbed and beauiiful, tlie more surely it hoards its uncanny depos­ Particular attention paid to orders by much to pity her. Unconsciously he O, let, my weakness have a*i end. ing for the anil getting out a ni‘W mail The iNith He pointed me hath lain its lor sensitive lungs, and delicate nerves Give anto me. niiale lowly wise. 'or otherwise, u2 Through rocky deserts, bleak and bare. blue work of veins sliowing witli dropped the manner with which he had liooli. He still resides in ('liieago. and vivid imngintitions; shall give up The spiiit of self suenfico; I blindly trust—since ’tis His will — stiirlling dislinciness through the Viiile, spoken to her father, and in u tew broken, Tile e«mt\dencc of reason give ; DRUMMOND & SOULE, This way lies safety, that way, ill. iriinspiirent skin of his leinpies. His even its frescoed finery, its breadth ol And in the liglit of truth tliy Itondmun let me Tu.tMf.s arc now committed to the work- heartfelt sentences, plead Ids doubtful live! B ord.iirm-t/i. Ho knows, too, why, despite my will, little garments testified to the proud and cause. gilded frame and plate glass, irdangerol house for thirty days, in many localities iu Oounsellors at Law, I'm weak when 1 should bo most strong, bankruptcy require it ; but shall hold the our Slate, wliicli course, it Is.thouglil, will Over J’crcival’s Bookstore. And after rsamcat wrestling, still tender cafe wliicli had been taken of Anita grew deadly pale, and her fin one indisnensiilile luxury of a tiolel to be OUR TABLE. WATEUVILLE. I sco'the right, yet do the wrong. him ; hut iiutliitig found upon him or his ger-lips, resting on a table beside her, tend to lessen tlie mmilicr. Is’t that He’d have me learn at length, a library ! Willi lavish generosity, Irom ’b. n.'nknMsiONb. j. c. soui.e. poor motlier gave any clue to llieir iden­ were white vVitli pressure, hut Lititnoott's for Decoin- Not mine, but His—the saving strength ? apparently boundless resources Jlic pro­ .1. W. Novks, about 17 years old, the. tity. . The sea kept its secret Well, for elie seemed calm and quiet, never once Lot, wliich oUihuk another v«)himo of thin excel- EDMUND F. WEBB, His perfect plan I may not i^asp; no other token of llie liapless wreck prietors ol hotels have lurni-ln d llicir Icfit ihufnxino, o(>cim with a haiulnoinoly ilhiH- only sou of his motlier, and slio a widow, Yet I cun trust Love Infinite, Inking liiy eyes from Judge Thorne’s tratoil uriiele on *• (Ip the Thames,” which i>rc- was alnuml instantly killed while attempt­ And with my feeble fingers clasp ever came to hind. luce, reading him through and through. guests with nuiiiberless comforts tind coii- nentrt with m-iny nccnctt cmleartnl t»> all Wv- Counsellor at Law, The hand which leads me to the light., ‘Well, mother,' said Joliii Gney’s 1 will ans.vcr you lo-inorrow,’ she vcni't-nces. They have made a marvel­ crH of literature hv many pleanant nHMHnation'K.. ing to gel upon ttie ears of tlie K. A N. A. My soul upon his errand goes, ous outlay to fii-ciiiale the eye and to Thin is fi»ll«»\ved l»y “ Sahar.i,” iiuother inter- The end I know not—but God knows. gruff but not unkindly v.oicci one day, said, when he hud done ; then she tnrne 1 Ontin^ article profusely illunlratcd. The (^»m- Hailroad, at Uangoron Saturday. Me was , WATERVIIiLE. • llie little nil must go to tlie Asylum, I awny and went up to her own rooni. griuily tho palate ; but it seems never to rattc« ” iR concluileil in this miinher. very plcan- n line young lunn, a salesniau iu a store, [From the Golden llnlc,] s’pose ? ’ What fierce coiillict she waged there have entered into the heart ol iiniii that untly, to he anil yet the gi»od tliin^R oonio and had lieen s' lil to the ear.- will! a pack- J. K. SOULE, * J don't know,’ was liis wife's hesitat­ ibis Amcriciin people knows how to read. in a little hurriedly. '* The Atonement of Javnn MOTHER ANITA. with her own heart v e can never know, DiiiidiiH ’’ Ih continued with iin^reaHin^; intcre.Ht. age. Teacher of Ndnsic. ing answer, tlio uaiversal motlier tender­ but her unselfish love conqnerc.l at hi.-l. An occasional Bible in a licdrooin, a The other articles we will not enumerate, for gorgeously gilded hook ol adverliscmciits we wisl! to tidl onr re.-ulcrn of the nnbliRhei'H’ A Good Ilr.iFFH, Messrs, [.ililiy & Free­ WATERVILLE, ME. No long-robed abbess, moving witli ness looking tliruugli her eyes; ‘maybe With the autumn the little Rescued on the cenler-liible ol the gilded iind pronuRC.H for tho coming volumo of inis periiHl- stalely step among her nuns and novices we cou^d keep it ourselves, Jolin ? ’ we,nt to Ids new home. ical, which has won for iU-clC tho hiphoKtpvainc man rccoiitlV sliuighlcrcd a Bmliam heifer, Address:—Carpenter’s Music Store, or Percl- gorgeous dniwiiig-iooin, a faint, vague. on ucoouiit of tho int.ereRt and variety of ita i vaPs Bookstoie. 44 —only the daughter of a poor Cape Cod ‘ No ! ’ was tho decided reply. * No! ‘ You shall ctone In us olltii, Anita,’ Liglileen nioiltllB old, wliich weiglied as I'liniur of newspapers in the outer darks mattei’, the beauty of it8 iUustratitmH. and the fisherman was this ‘ RIollier Anita,’ the cliild’ll he well took care of there, Mrs. Thorne had said, hut the quiet an­ unrivaled neatncRrt of it-* typography. follow«( meal .502 lies., liidc' V.'i, tallow 36 ness where lemalu fool never penelrales CROSBY & WILSON, whose little story I am "ping to tell you, and you’ve got no eictia pair o’ hands for swer wu.-*, ‘ No, Mrs. Thorne, it is not Among tho Hpccial fcaturc.H of IHM will he a — total til.'i. Slie was raised by Mr. J. —this is all that indicaleH any conscious­ Rericii of illustrated urtiolen under the title of Iranslatiri" it from the rougli phrase ol baby-lcinlin’, let alone its bein’ liard host—it would he all the harder to leave ness in the hotel proprietor that the trav­ “ The Century, iU KrnitH and it** Wstival,” : W. Dnmimuiiil, 'Viiislow. PHTSpNS the rude but kindly people among whom enough somcliiiies to put bread into the him again, and iny place is here.’ which will prcHcnt a Kummary of tho progniRs inoulbs ol our own-' elers of ttie world ever care to while of civilization in Kiirope and America Mince the In r.olieing onr la w town liall tlic Ken- Olllce^m the residence of Dr. Cosby, cor. I spent my'last siinimi r’s vacation, into a The little mother’s face grew some­ perhsi of the llevolution with a Hurvoy of tho of College and Union St. lew simple words ol my own. 1 do not Anita ruse up 11 om her low seat by what paler and thinner ; hut there win away a Wailing hour by the iiinocciil di­ prcRcnt state of tho arU und scienoeH as exem­ aeliee .lournal says: A. CnOSBV, M. I). F. M. WII.SON, m. v. version of readiii". Wliat tlotli liiiidei^a think you will call it a sad story llie fire, with tlie Iniby gathered Ailose to no other outward change, except tliai plified in tho chief OfmtrihutioiiH to tho CVn- Till' pioitle of our up river town will be lier lliiohbing lieart, and stood before ile.volioii of a few liuiidred dollars to tennial Exiiihition. 'J'hu enarniing Horit's of so well sali.slied witli llicir new accommo Having ibis day taken a partner in iny busi­ it was not such to me, alllioiigh I tiiuad the wealth of euro and which, illustrated papers on tho 'riiiinies River will he ness I think my patrons will see the |)ro])ricty of j , Backward IVuin its closing cliapter lier lailier. Some great change liad she had lavi.-hed lot years upon the one works ol popular science, popular theolo­ continued. A nunilier of handsoniely illustra­ ilations Hint wo I'.vc pl tiiey will forget all settling accounts, in onler that we imiy have a gy, art and lilcraiure, and history 'i la iiliiiul llie, llsliway over Gie ilam. wiiiicn on luarhlo in the liille grave­ come over lier; for one briet luoiuent beloved object, was di-lribulod now, to ted articlos will nlsn he given, dmniptivo of clean slate for il)-* new fiim. tlie soul witliiri seemed to wres Iririi an what rpiarler of the heavens sliall rise life and lulvuntiiru in the (htited HtatoH, India. People forget only wliat lla'y have Mur. 1,1876,-37 A. CROSBY, si. i>. yard : bless and cliccr the niaiiy. Uwhot, heavy, life and mannera, Rocncry, An. on the EuHteru Tin; fotl'-wiiig eomuidrumis propoimdcil \ troni text books, as Irom shells and stones Shore of Maryland. MrM. Ei Jiinn Lintdni’K Iw a eorrespoinleiit of tlie Ilo.stoii Globe: — early, cannot mar the proportions of a ‘ .^Kti*** • Bless me! wliat ails the iiiid liowers, plaining in their young horrid arm-chair, one dusty, tasseled ciir- Htory, ’‘The Atonomentof Leirn DnintaH,” will I would like to submit for .tlic coiisidera- beautiful life. Tho power of the icono­ child!’ hearts that seed of love for God, and all laiii, to the nilclioii room, and bear iulo ho continiicil until! completed ; und the uhuuI Surgeon Dentist. clast stops with outward form—the fair ‘ Father ! ’ she said, pointing over her his inn from the proceeds a set ol Dick­ variety of nhort Rtones, sUetehoA, ]>oL*mrt, go^- tioii of srirails wlietlier it is not plauailile. that He has made, which would spring to suppose Unit till! liglil and lieat of the Office in Savings Bank Building, ideal remains lorevermore a p.irt of tlie ens, and of riiackeray) aild Sftilt, and 8ip, Ac., will be given, n h>ng list of hrilli'int shoulder; ■ father, 1 am not likjB other up In-and-hy in a plcaiilul harvest ol uml ultractive writerH lir.ving been engaged, universe is tieiii" transmitted into m/nrf world's incorruptible treasure. eliildren. I never can do wlial they do, lailli and right living. It was slio wlio Cooper, and George Eliot, and ,Iolm Hal U'herever thin maguzine is known it i.** u Glut tlie. material universe is lla* eihlioUi- Anita’s sweet, foreign name suited or have' what they have.. Sometimes ifax, Gentleman, and an vol­ fuvoi itO. "Waterville, Me. read the liible to the old ; who smoothed I’lihllahod hy J. B. LippinCott A (!o., IMiila- iiieiit of God’s tlioiiglil ; llial tlie dealli of her well. Perhaps its choice hod been I've llionght 1 wasn’t of any use. Give the pillow of the sick ; who wept willl ume of Tyndall, and Huxley, and Agas­ (Iclphia , ut i?4 a ; two eopioM, ^<7 ; three tin* earlli nieuiistiie lifi- and li.glit of iiuman guided by some subtle mother instinct, Hie the baby ! ’ the widow and the orplian; whose sweet siz, and Browning and reiinysoii, and do.. VlU ; and very lihuril terniR are olYore.l t;i Hiiuls; else wliat lieeomea of Gi • Iri-nieii- C. E. GRAY, springing, arbutus-like, out of tlie rou"h clubs. doles energies of tlie Bim and planets f The fisherman tried to draw her down voice put in words the last prayer ol the Matthew Ariiohl and Macaulay ? The soil and amidst the stern snows of cir­ upon Ills knee. There was a world of chair and the curtain and the looking- WESTMiNSTEn IlicviEw, foi' October, Heal Estate Agent, dying. liaH the following coutentH : — Tub .loiiniiil s.iys llial .some of the most cumstance. unspoken lendernesiiin Ihe rough caress. glass would do it. I can hut think that sniistantial bnsiiiess men ot Augusta sny, Koal Estnte for snlo and to Rent. She herself sickened at last, wasting The Marriage of Near Kin ; QuakcriHm ] Iy r.'eeiit tail taigne ; I'hyHicA ami I’liysiology ot ll.trmoi\y ; nres ill Angn.sta. WATERVILLE, ME. which we do not olten look among those • Oh ! 1 could lake care of him—1 how much slio suffered all her lile,' old been removed to make room for a choice Theism; (XjntemjHir.iry Literature. whose very life seems a continual war know—I know I could I ’ she answered, John Grey said tome as we sat together and sensible liltle library, would be the T'he writer of tho first article diHCURses the “ I’jiidor.sin" ’’ is tlie rock upon wliieli LE.SSONS IN with hostile elements. But Nature, in her voice Gilliiig into a low recitative, most popular room in llie most popular ovtdcnco for and agiiiiiRt tho marriage of nc tr I in the clftrcb door one Sabbath after­ relations, and from ull the facts uddncutl comes many a m.ui lias foitnd aliipwrecU, oflcii- Painting & Drawing. touching the face of her child to a mar­ the undertone ol lesistless emotion. ‘No noon after service, looking towyrd the hotel in the city.—[Gail Hamilton in to the conclusion, that there is iiu rational times ill ids old age, when lie lias no atiili'y vellous perfection, bad acted in tender one need mind him but me, and 1 would grave yard, wliose simple stones were Scribner for November. ground for the prohibition of CuURin*^marriageR, to recnperale.' MISS. SARAH A. ALLEN, or of m.'irriagua with dcceaHod wives’ Histors. obedience to the great law of compensa­ never, never be tired ! Oh, father 1 shining in the prophetic glory of sunset. ''•The Religious Eduoatioii of Children ” TVill receive pupils in Painting and Drawing tion traceable through all the works and As 'Mr. Peter Cudlip was dozing in N. K. An. SociBTV.-rl.asl id' all comes lather 1 God gave him to me cut of the ‘ She was so cheery juiid palieiit-like, points with cmphasiH to the import-tnoo of horrcsidence on Main St. ways of God-Lfor Anita was hopelessly roaring seas—to me, lather ! You won’t his sitting room the other ifay, lie was the inilucnccH which operate on the daily life of the report of tlie eoniluiltee on Slioep, never talkiin ol hersoff. It was so to ehildreii in muuUhng their oharucter, und Gt>m- hunchbacked. Her deformity was the lake him away ? ’ suddenly aroused by a fearful ijrash of us follows ; — HE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY tim last Thero was only one llm.g she = ,|,g of the house und a (re- ]}luin8 that parents are dtH(M>8ed to relieve them- T key to all her life. Doomed to a certain Me drew his coarse sleeve across his oiiged (or after she left that she couldn’t selvcH ot the " wearinesfl o/pei’Honally ot>ndtwt* Merinos—Best lloek 10 or more, A. O. Oil solitude and isolation from the work and eyes. lug tho moral and religioiLs education oC their Ricker, ijt; liest Inuiilis 6 or more, A. G. live, and llmt was to see the boy again. 1 „„„ children, by handing them over at the carlicHt IB AT play of her sturdy brothers and sisters, ‘ Wliat do you say, mother ? ’ and moHt critical period of exiRtonce to tho Kicker, !jt2; Buck, ‘2 years old, A. G. dehurred from active, participation in so She hadntseen linnlor years, or ; „ g„„,i Uoy, who would have charge of perHoiiH only half Dducuted.” Ricker, ^3; ‘2 liesl lloek ewes, W. If. Tibbettses His wile was weeping. the 'Thornes had been in England for many of their interests, the child was been much smaller had he been Washed, Fut terniR of this and the other Foi*cigu Re> Pearson, , ti best Buck, 2 years old, W. “ Empire Oil,” ‘ Anita’s a handy little thing, and pow- that lung. As she gut weaker she views und Blackwood's Magazine, republiRhod II. Pullen, ljl2; ‘2 b.-st Bnekf-ambH, \Y. II. “ Family Safety ” do. llioughtiul and sensitive (ar beyond her j erful womaiily (or her ago. 1 guess we und grasping the beINpuli and about a by the Leonard Scott Furnishing Co., 41 Bar­ mourned the more. ‘Oh I I want tube fathom ol wire in Ids hand. Round the clay Bt., Now York, sec advertiRcmuiit on our Pullen, lJ2. “ Brilliant ” do. years. iniglit let tier try, father.’ willin’,’ she used to say ; ‘ hut if it could fourth page. Houtlidowns—{1 st preiiiiuni on best Hock, corn T could be seen tho heads of seven Diamond Flame ” do. Some natures thus shut in hy bodily j 'I'he uiiinitural glow faded from the be God’s will to let me see him once N. R. Boiitclle, 1^2 ; premUim 011 Buck, other boy.s, prepared to return or to run 2 yuitrs, $3 ; 1st on Kwe I/imlv, ^2 ; 2d and “ Wicks’.< Eclectic ” do. iiitirmily have contraeled upon them- cliild’s luce, the little slr,iined figure rc- inure ! ’ ’ Tub WokLu’s Population.—’The selve.-i, like the old torlure-cliamher ol ^ laxed, and .-he sank down in her place, as occa-iun might dietiite. 'Tho small oil Buck Lambs, ^G. oall of tlio above Oil for aiue at prices to suit the 'There was a lieavy storm tbe night buy said ; ‘ Plea.-u, mister, they bad United Sl.iles Bureau of .Stali.-tics, get­ jlst prcmlimi on tiest Flock, W. P. Blake, times tin; Inquisition. 1 sliudder even now to j subbing tiysierically. As her tcaw fell ting its information from reliable sources, she died. 'The wind howled around the three men on base.-, and foui‘ to lie, and $2 ; 1st on Buek Lamlis, \V. P. Bl.iku, $2 ; recollect liow once upon a solitary jour- on its lor»lieail the babi turned uneasi- (iirni'hes llic_/bllowiD" interesting lacts ‘2d on Ewe Lambs, \V. P. Blake, ijl. '• TEETH EXTRACTED old house, and we could skerce hear one the striker he hit a hot one to third, und ifcy, as our stage-coach drove up to tbe , ly ; hut at it.v first low moan Anita was and ligiii'es. Colbwold—Ist preiniuiii on Hock, \V. P. . WITHO'UT I'AIN. another speak fur the noise of the sea. the third oi)e muffed it, and slie's in yuur lonely inn which marked a little country ' quiet in an instant. A marvellous ex- 1 never eiiii Ibrgit how slie looked as she ’The aggregate population of the earlli Blake, 84 ; Ist 011 Buck, ij;i; Isl on Buck Station, I saw, standing in the roadside piession of age and self-reliance came greenhouse. Leiiiin"(rgi)’n get her, ’cause Lambs, W. P. Blake, $2 ; 2d ou Fat Sheep, By tho use of N1 TUOUS lay there u-li=ieniu’, with her white luCe this is the decidin' gume,' and while Mr. is 1,391,OJ’J,000. Asia buing tbe most OXIUE GAS, ul with, averted face, a small figure, no into her face. She held the child closer, \V. P. JJlake, ttl; 2d on Flock Ewes, W. iinil her eyes so big and bright. All to Cudlip was speechless, lie slipped past populuu.s sec ion, niiil containing 798,- a. Pearson, #*2; 2d on Oxford Down taller than an ordinary child of live or und eummenced a luw, cruumiug lullaby. once she spToke: ‘It’s eighteen yeuis- 000,000: wliile Europe hu.s 300,600,000; Dr.G.M.TWIT0HELy3 Office, six years old, but strangely broad shoul- and out,into the back premises. Alter Lambs, II. L. Uarland, $2. 'The (i.-lierman rose und went out, Alricn 203,000 OOO ; America 84,500,- Hekiiv C. James, Com. Fairjteid, Me, deted, I thought, for one so yout.g ; and beckoning to his wile. ago lo-iiiglir, Miy» she, ‘ in just sucli « ' (r„inj,i„g over, througli ami about alt ut storm as this, llmt GoJ scat my .boy, i rj,. Cudlip’s liorticultural products, tho 000 ; and Australia und Pulynesia 5,- as I still looked curiously it turned about 1 Some Corpobatioks iiavi*. Souui,—uot- Deenyod niiJ broken lectli (Illed in a ttioroUgh ' Mother,’ he .-aid’ ‘ I’ve a .notipn it’s and While the words was m her mouili | votu„,«d, and remarking, • She’s in 032.000. manner. ttyArlillctal feetli in all methods. with slow, defiant movement, and aj God’s work fur the child—leastways, I wllhstanding the proverb. Though under I heard a noise of wheels outdoors, and yard, Cullv,’departed grnfo- In Europe the leading nations nre woman’s face gazed up at me, dark, bit­ can’t gainsay her! ’ no legal obligatlou to do so, Tkonic Bank . THREE NEW a siuiiijimg on tliu ^lep.-, und llie kitchen-. ' credited with tlie follutviii" numbers: ter, despairing—the black eyes, under Months were counted into years, and door opened, and /le come, in—man- Russia, 71^100,000 ; the German Em­ h;de.ime Its old hills and has done so within their heavy brows, full of the fierce fire there were none to interferii with Anita's grown and tall and' stout—a likelier Tlie people ol Berwick are having a pire 41.000,000 : France 30,000,000 ; a few weeks, and the same is true of Cob- Sewing Machines which marked tho gradual stiirvaliun of strange adoption. The boy—‘ Rescued ' FOR SALE. lookin’ lad 1 never la d my eyes on, but hearty liiugli at tlie expense of a prom­ Great Britain and Ireland, 8’i,000,000; bosscecontce Bank of Oardlner. u soul! exchafise for a’ good Horse or Cow, or both. was the odd, old lashiuiied name she tho same Ueseued.'aller all 1 inent politician and tum|>oriinoa man ol Italy, nearly 27,030,000 : Spain 16,500, Anita's face expressed n far different The Baptist Clinpcl at Fiiiftield will be Apply to S. D. SAVAGE. gave him — developed into wonderful ‘' How is she ?’ lie whispered ; ‘ wo that town. He went to tlie New Hiimp- 000 : and 'Turkey, iieaily 16,000,000 4, 1678.—tf ______history. Tbe sorrowful mystery ol her beauty. Anita seemed to have no life landed Igsl week, and it’s only yesterday shire State Fair, at Maaeliuster, tills 'The other countries do nut exceed over dedicated on Titesdayiifteriiooii, Nov. 30th. lot sometimes weighed very heavily up hut in him ; at hume and uiiiung the 1 heard Ihrougii Jacob 'Tliumpson that year, and boarded in a private family. 5.000. 000 eueli. In Asia, China, whii'li on her, but could not shake her simple A NicR new lirUlge, seventy feel In length, neighbors she came to he known only as site was sick.’ The lady started one inoriiiiig witli pilcli is hy lar the most populous nation of the trust that God wlio made her remem­ Imilt qf hard phu’i was put in place ucroas ‘ Mother Anita,’ or ‘ I'he Liltle Mother.’ ‘ I held up my finger for him to speaK cr in hand for milk, when our Berwick earth, is credited with 425 000,000; J. F. PERCIVAL & CD’S. bered and loved her still. Tbe rough tho Vaugliaii brook In llallnwell, last Sab- Sp proud oI him she was! From the lower, hut it was no use—she’d heard friend volunteered hi.s services and said Hiiidostan, with 240,000,000 ; Japan .93- fishermen, wlio often looked after her batli, by the M. C. R. R. Co. first she seemed |o have accepted it as a him, und she stalled up in bed, with her 000.000. BUY THE BEST 1 with tender whispers as she passed, felt, he should be pleased to go fur it, if she quiet cerluiniy that he was fii>hioiied of lips apart and her eyes on the door. I would direct him to the bakery, where Tliere are 3,012 languttges spoken, perhaps, that lier brow grew sainiiy un­ u liner maloriiil, and for a higher sort of C'orNTEUKElT iKHtUlANCE.—After all the LBAXH-H: Sc C3-0K,E>S huckuned to him then, und lie come in, the milk was delivered over the counter. and lOOO (lillerent religions. der its crown of suffering, although they lile, than she had known. She was repeuteil wltViiliigs they have ri'ceived fmm ‘ Oil, little motlier I’ he just sobbed, und It seems the bakery is next door to a 'The yearly mortality ot the globe is TEAM REFINED would hardly have put the vague fancy 1 never quite eontei.t without him at her Gie Press, the people eoiitimie to lie the she put her two arms around his nock, j bar room and our friend stepped into the 33.333,333. This is at tlie rate oi 91,- victims of accomplished s’wliulU-i.s who deal in words. side. How much she suH'ored as lie grow. SOAP williuul a word, and he laid her down.. Iiiiier by mistake of enuiso. Placing the 554 per day, 3,730 per liuiir 62 per min­ in counterfeit liibiirinicc. The iK-lusivu in S 'The long, luw reacli cf sandy, j old enough to ba lakuii simietiuies witli At Wholesale or Retutl, gently. Oil, Sir, yon never siiw such a ; piiclier on the counter (bar) tie said, ‘j ute. Each pulsation of tlie heart marks diiceinent to piirehase because it is cheap is cxtoiiding for many miles iilung the her fiiiher and brothers in tho lioat, wn (ace! You know how llie Good Book j believe I liis is where lliey soil milk? the dei'CHsu of some human creature. the bail used to ensnare tlie iiiiwury, and At TIBBETTS’. Cape, i- always peculiarly dangerous lor Jiqitcd by the red glow in l.<’i' I'lieeks, says tlicy saw Hlepliopi’s — well, lier’a ! *0 ,'said llie liar-keeper smiling, and The average human lile is 33 years. these reckless iiperalires tlirive for awliile 5 Marston’s Building, Main St vessels ,di.-iibled by a northwest galo;’’ aud grow rich upon the fruits of their bare- ttU.l'the rcollcssiic.-s of evi ry !i. and was like liiai. ; placing a whiskey bottle and lumhler One rourih ot the population die nt or I but the oldest sailors could remember fticeil and vllluliious frauds. Lut what is muliuii, till -she had him sulcly back ‘ Somehow words didn’t mcaii mucli I hefuro our friend, smiloil agniit. ‘No, before llie age of seven year.s. One- MISS S. L. BLAIS DELL ' no more fhial season than tlio full and counterfeit iiisuraiice, luid how Is it to he again. then, and wo all kept still. He sal by no, ’ said .the Berwick man, I ih uglit half at or hciori! 17 yipirs. detected f * * ♦ Wlien you find an agent * Dealer in I winter when Anita was eight years old. j Millinery & Straw Goods, City people, who began to find the lit­ her and licid Iter hand till near iiiiil- yuu sold milk here, I don't want tliat.’ Among 10,060 persons, one arrives or broker rcuily to sell you a policy of in­ As many ns twenty sails were known to . IS AGENT Foil I tle village pleasant fur a summer’s fi-h- at the age of 100 years, one in 500 at­ surance below the regular rates you may be ' go to pieces in a single dreadful day up­ night; llicii a cliangu came over her. iiul file bar keeper thnugiit liis ensloiiier in" und halhing, were quick to make^ I Her eyes had an odd look, and wu could was joking and siiiil, ' they all call it tains the age of 90, and unu in 100 lives pretty sure that Uo will awindle you with a Foster’8 Forest City on llie bar outside lint.harbor of the little li'iends with llie delurineij girl whose xkiuiitirfelt. Insurance lias its price. It see she wa'sii’i with us any mure. All milk, lake « good drink, it won’t hurl to (ho age of 00. fishing village. Thero ^wus no lack ol eosts money to provide indemnity against DYE-HOUSB], spiritual luce, rndiuiii with luvu fur her at once she raised up. ‘ He’s wakm’ up,’ you J yuu look as iliougli you needed it Married men five loiigcr'th ni single brave hearts and willing hands to give loss by tire. A sound cuuipaiiy which pays VORTIAND. 19 heauiiful young charge, attracted them she said, ■ the preuiuus laiuh 1 ’ and then this inurning.’ But he didn’t drink, he onenr In 1000 persunv, 95 marry, und aid, when aid was possitdo ; but too often losses when they occur cimiiot sell “ cheap like some rare picture. Many offered she begun to sway herself bntk and says, and alter makin" the bar.keeper moro marriages oeuur in June itiiil De*‘ insurance ” without loss, and business men human strength and sympathy stood her gifts ot money, wliieh she declined lurth, and to sing the little sung she used believe ho was an inaucent man ho was cemher in any other month in the do not usually do busliicas in that way. Circulating Library. I powerless zin the shore and saw the piii- with gentle gratitude, a-king for books to rock him to sleep with : told if he meant cow’s milk it was next year. Bat an iniilalion company has nothing to AT surges engulf their victims, leaving instead—always adding, npulogeticiilly, pay losses with ; It don’t intend to pay ; its dour. Professions exercise n great intluence J. p. PERCIVAL & CO’S. no trace behind. * to leach him, you know.’ So it hap­ ‘ ‘ Bleop, little one, like a Umb in tlic fulil, solo mission la to receive, and hence w hen Shut frum tbe tempest, safe froui the ould, on longevity. In 1000 individuals who you are offered insiirancH at your own price Sometimes an incoming wave, like pened that a various library accumulated 'The Fatiibus of Japanese Wom­ Bleep, little one, like a star in tho sky, arrive at the age ut seventy years, forty- you may he reasonably eerluiii, if you buy LARGE LINE OF FINE some huge feline creature, would toss its by degrees in her little chiiinber. '' As Wrapped in a oluud while tbe sturm-wiiid en.—Ol wonaii’s pusiliun iu Japan, Frof. awee{si by I ’ Ihree are public speakers, forty arc ag­ tbe iHillcy, you will got no insurance, for helpless prey, in cruel sport, far up tlie she vead and studied, glimpses of a new Wm.E. GrilUn writes:“Filial obedience riculturists, thirty-three are workmen, the whole broiKl of insurance counterfeiters sandy beach, and so it happened timi world opeiiod helure her, but as the lit* ‘ Her voice grew fainter and fainter, is u marked eharacieristie of tlie Japan­ ihirly-lwo are military employees, twen­ tugullier haven’t uasets enough to build a at one night a spar, with the form of a tie that she learned only hinted at what and sweeter und sweeter, and so she ese maiden. Bo she as pure ns the pur ty-nine engineers, twenty-seven profes­ log cabin.—[Chicago Inter-Ocean. woman lasbed upon it, was dropped at she could never kvow, the sa^ convic­ died.’ y. y. i‘ereivai A Co’s. est Christian virgin she with at the cum* sors, and iweiily-four doctors with twen­ “Odk terms are fivodollara iM'rd.ij-, w ith llie very feet ,bf Anita’s father, sturdy tion forced itself upon her that she could, mund of her father, enter the brothel to­ ty-three lusyurs. Doctors' and minis­ moderate charges for extras," said the in- MRS. S. E. PERCIVAL John Grey. When the piece of sail­ alter all, never be her boy’s teacher. An Old Rkoifb Woutii 'Ten Doi.-* morrow, and prostitute herself lor life. ters are the shurtest lived. . C. C. M shiuullug young man whi> wore the dia­ cloth fastened about her was unwound,4 Agent for The great wrench of her life came LAae to anv Fauueu__Take one part ‘Not a murmur escapes her lips us she mond pin at a watering place holcL to a a child was found'tigbtly clasped in the' when Rescued was twelve years old. (hy weight) resin, one part beeswax. ANTOlNxrrx Btiui.i^ relates that having Bcusiblu looking stnmger; “ wc should bo Bfurrett’s Ily^ Qouse.- filially ubeys. 'To a life she loathes, and boon invited by ChnrlcB Kingsley to sing at arms of tbe poor dead mothei—a little Judge Thorne, with his >vife and UMe and lour parts good fresh or sound lard, to disease, prematuss old ago, and an pleased to enroll you as our gucBt.’’ Tho Kveniley Rectory, she sang the ballait of strangerstminrer said bohe ‘‘guestcucst not..” boy pprbaps of a year old. John Grey, daughter, citme dowu to tbe sea-shore, ^ Mix and melt together over a slow fire, early gryvu, she goes joyfully. Thu sta­ “Tho 'Three Fiiihera.’’ SUuBayB: “He J;aA.OES T feeling hastily fur his little heart, thought their hearts sore tor the recent loss of so as to be sure nut to burn the mixture, ple of 1,U00 novels, pliiys, and pictures had never seen me before, and when I eaine “ V0C.V0 gentlemen," said tho old man, be discerned some iiegering thrill ot tile, their only son. 'The strong resemblmice It makes mi ointment that is superior to to tho part of the «ong wbic|i expresaes the “ I want to say a thing or t wn to you. You Beal Qaihure Ltoet. in Japan is written in the life ol a gill and set off fur his cottage at a swpigiug ut Rescued to her dead cliild quite over- anything that I have seen tried (or the of gentle manners and tender heart, who suipcoAo of the weeping women on the bare parsed an giMifi ou examination aa usu­ Real Vak Laoos.. al, hut you don't l(Uow anythtag. Like Real Thread Laoei. run, leaving his companions to lolluw came Mrs. Thorne, as she cliiiuced to flesh ol eillier horses or cattle, for either hates'her life and would gladly de­ shore, I beard him My ; ‘ Oo on, that’s Beal Valeaolenae. Loiaek. right I ’ But when tho suspeuso was over those young fellowa Just Iwcb from their French Blond Luoea. mure slowly with their sadder and heavi see him, for the first nine, pluying un the Iresh or old sores, and is especially good stroy it, but refrains becuusu*her par- and the IxxlleB were lying on the Minis, graduation at College, you think yoii know TuiUu Vai«BoiwinM Lao«s. j cr burden, beach; and when his strange iiistury to remove old, dry scabs. It solteiis chusc-iuooey has enabled her father to mlwhig hU previous oxulaiiiatious, I looked a great deitl.' It’s a great mistake. If you at I Auiu^ wbo had been sUwding at- the was told her, she begged her husband to tbe scab, and it comes off, leaving the pay his debts mid she is bound iiul to in­ up, and saw him sitting with his face in Ids ever gel to lie of any aceomil, you will he ItKS.iS. E. FeBOlvAL’e. window, straining her ey«s into the dark-, lake him for llicir own skiu soft and tuiigli. 'The mixture is the jure horsell.” hands, trying at his own patlietie story.” Hirprised at your pr-seiil i"in'i.uie

' 'K I - f "■'I / r: (Tljt Wfltertoillc 19, 1873.

IIavkwk a Kihr-UuL?—Following close­ ^ WEST WATEUVIELE. A JIASS TEMPEUANCtE MEETING. I Faiiifibi-u Itkms.—A raovoment Is on STRANttB I—So it was, and funny too. ly upon the burning of the college gymna­ ----- i A mass temperance meeting will be held foot, ns we are Informed, to open, at no dis­ ‘ Have you got any nice Castile soap ?, tUfllfriiillf Jiloil. sium, a report went out to the daily papers The first snow storm of the season oc- n.e Town Hall, n^7 o’clock, next Sab- tant day, a public rending room hi our vil­ curn.'d ou I uestlay, luid llio firHt runiicrH , ,, . , *, « ., a lage. We hope jUiey will make the attempt he inquired burTiediy, as bo'rushed into and ajipaiently with good foundation, that made tlidr uppcarttiico WcdiuHduy mom- cT(.*ning. 3^Ir. Liuiglcy, tlio Proeidcul Ki ll. MAXIl.VM, 1 UAN'I. R. WISd. In real earnest nijd let no obstacle thwart Dorr’s drug store, with bis fore-finger Kunons. two serious atteiupts had been made to burn Ing. * of the Ilangor lleform Club, will atldress their purpose---- Ofllcor Nye seized a keg the business imition of Waterville. On The friends of j\Ir. E. C. Eow, proprh'tor the meeting. Mr. E. is a reformed man of liquor at the express olfice in our village in bis right ear. Two or|{tbrce of us Saturday. He spilled sixty-two gallons and WATEllVILLK.. .NOV. 1», 187 Saturday evening, uliltleaftereight o’clock, of our new hotel, tlie Cascade House, paid Idniself. lie tells an exiierience of a Very stood iberc talking over the Scolt-Sid- him a visit on 1 uesdny evening, and en- . , • , , a 1 . '.i j one quart of li(|Uors the same day.... An a lire was discovered in a pile of shingles joyeil the l.onntiful and delicious turkey aufl ailvocates with encampment of Odd Fellows is to lie insti­ dons entertainment, and we looked at OL'K TOWN il.\LL. Ni:\v and otlier inllamnmble jpaterial in rear of supper which he provided. The house was *’’“'1 ordinary force the cause of tern- tuted at our village Fiiday next. H is to the inquirer with a little curiosity just 'itii' long lookctl for fi Hliviil of Inking the small house on the corner of I^'ront and well filled with our best citizens, who joined perance reform generally. All are invited. be called llobah Encampment... .Among in lime to see llis band drop from bis furmul possissioM of oiii' in w town hall,— In the lienellt to it.s laudloi'd, iilthough the \ collection will be taken to defray the ex­ the recent business changes in Clinton are Common streets. This was immediatelj' the following: Simon IJelgnrdt, tailor and ear to llis side, bis eyes assuming an as. entering into full fniilion of tlie diraniy storm was severe. The complimenla'whhdi extinguished, and the selectmen juit on a rang through the dining rrMini in praise of pense of lighting and warming the hall. dealer in gents’ furnishing goods, lias moved lonished glare, and bis entire military hopes of livo-.scere years -was no trifiing special watchman, with directions to per­ -Mrs. Eow’s supper educed the true feeling into the old Mark UoWell store; Zimri Hunter, an old resident and a well-known form shaking itself into an atlilude of event for a fair evening In a village like ambulate the s(|unre, during the night. At of the company.-^ Tlhi house is neatly ami llcv. Dr. Chaniplin, Ex-Presldcnt of j conveniently furnished, and has tlirouglinut merchant, has retireil from tlie fimi of wonder. ‘ Well!—by thunder ’—that’s 1\ Hterville. To sec the iloiililed (liiuensloim ' about eleven o'clock tills watchman discov­ Colby University, was in town this week, Hunter & Dodge, and Nathaniel Jaquitli a homelike mid attractive appearance. 'I'lie luitny !—I have not beard a word in of the hall-- -(hlesseil he its inenioiy 1)— ered another Ihi! in a shed attached to a host and hostess ileserve the good-will of to attend the College Examinajion. takes ills place; Frank Blaisdcll, grocer. literally lilleil nith a i hoiee ainlienee on the small house on the emit side of Front rtreet, S i u--'««i- has sold out ids s ock of goods to John that ear (or three weeks !—and the mo- Pratt.—^I^Clironicle. very liisl opening of il.s (ioor.s ; to iimi its nearly o))i)os'.te the site of the first fire. ment I said soap it’s all right!’ He JF temporarily the epmforts of a home. .| Erosophiaii Adelphi So- attractions anil eoiiiforta more than ineeiUig Now without iiretending to explain the ori­ A STItANOK KiXD of KEFOUMKRS.-r-The laughed heartily with the rest of us, but the pent-up e.xpeetatlons of tlie iiuiulreils The revival meetings are continued in following olllcers were New England Enborers’ Reform Eeague gin of lliese tires, or undervaluing the cul- said he’d lake the soap for fear of a re- who looked upon them for the lirst time ; tlio Free IJaiitisI and Methodist churches. , elected for the Spring term: held a convention in Boston on Alonday af­ luibilily of those who set them, we fail to The course of doctrinal sermons at tlie Pres. A. E. Woodsiim ; Vice Pres., F. ternoon and evening. A sericiJ of resoln- lap-c. llnler , n question for the and to enjoy for an evening one of the tioiis were adoiiied demmeiatory of all po­ find in them evidence of a deliberate and Universalist eluireli is drawing large aiidi- AI. llallowell; Cor. Sec., D. T. Wyman; doctors, whether fiuur would be likely' to liuest dramatic and liu rary entertainments serious atlemiit by desperate men to burn enees, many being inquirers. Hec. Sec., Everett Flood ; Treasurer, F. litical parties, creeds and fuitlis ; asserting that mark the history of. the huilding,—all V. Cliase; Eibrarian, J. IE Files. tiiat nil legislation in tins country tends not wad itself into a man’s ear in the form I up our village. The time of the first fire A rehearsal for the Old Folks Concert to protect persons and property, but to pro­ YOU eonstituted an event that may lie said to * will he held in the lower room of Alemorial PrudiMitial Com.:—C. A. H«3.sell, .1. A. of a ball, that the word “soDp” would and the iiluce of the second are not favora­ mote interests of speculative robbery., A turn over a new leaf in the inteilectual and Hall on Alonday evening next. Slurtevant, W. E. Alanii. discharge T\ ble to such a supposition. We would by large numlier of speakers addressed tbo con­ ioclal life of our village. Elder Hill addressed an audienee at Me­ vention. Dark hints of revolution and no iheans counsel any relaxatidn of caution­ morial Hall last Sunday evening, on The The people .of Skowliegaii have been It is safe to repeat, that the style, elegance secret military organizations anjong labor­ Miss Annie Louise Cary writes to ary measures, ami would have every man Analogy between Atheism in France in ^ making a foolish run on tlieir savings bank, ing men were tlirown out. One speaker as- and convenience of the hall, in all that is a friend in Cliicago, an amusing account keep his weather eye open ; In.l we cannot t7‘ja, iiiid Millerisin in Amerieu in ItiTb. as will appear by the following from the sertetl men were drilling in Cliicago and suggested hy the wartts of the town and E. people need not be surprised to find tliat ol her lirst night in Moscow. Here are believe, ns yet, tliat we have a desperate Reporter; WANT village, as well ns hy the various eutertaiii- Ai.onzo C. M akstox, of West Waterville, city in ashes some morning. Other cities some extracts t ‘ The terrible night came, professional fire bug among us, bent upon In consequence of the trouble with the uieuts that come to us from abroad, are who Went to Culiforuia lust spring with the Solon Savings Hank, many of tlie deposi- were to be similarly served. Tramps were and I put on the war-paint with fear and the destruction of our village. lauded as only honest men, the Savior Him­ more than satisfactory to our citizens, even fimums young horse Comet, since called toi-s in the Skowhegaii Bank, became trembling, and my eyes were double Startle, writes that Ids horse won the first self having been one. The convention tlieir size with excitement. I sang my without cousideriug the economical plan hy alarmed and eommeneed sometliing of a The tire inquest iqioii the hiiriiing of tlie preiuUilu in the sweepstakes at oan .lose, run upon it, ft few days since. AVe uiuler- failed to bit ui)on any remedy for tlie al­ couplets, wliicli open the second ifct of a few days since, for best stallion of leged disordei-s, afid udjournetl subject to which they have liecii sei'ured. Our tow n College Gymmisitim linsestahliKlied nothing “"y- I sumostand tliatinai mereIhe'rti navehave beeniieen |)aid to deposi- ‘ Troyaiore ’—and such applause! It blood or iigd in California. cull. may indulge marked pride in the iiiter- Vieyond the iiieeiidmry origin of the fire. In t I,' • /-V "J*® ■‘'■illiiu tlie last two weeks, more than was just like the Cii.cinnatimis ut the , V ? 1"" y -.. ; «f'y thousand dollars, the mana^gers requir- prisi', without the compunetioii that always this eomieetion, we eheerfiilly publish the A professor of astronomy near Chicago Festival (bless them.) I hud been told piirse of ¥12.)0, open to all five year old ing• no notice ; and they say they are ready attends e-xlravagauce. It was a good following card presented hy several iiiem- horses wlierevei owned. Tliis purse beex- having been asked the other day by a mem­ to make my first bow at a certain box, to pay all wlio may cull. Several who ber of his class whether, in speaking of thought, the conversion of the old hall into IxTs of the Zeta Society, which is aecom- lieeted to win with ease as Startle liad trot­ withdrew tlieir funds have redeposiled tlieir containing the Princes and Princesses, ted his full mile in 2.20, and a liiilf mile ‘the tut lor nm life of me i couidn-t ten which a new one ; and the men who have nurtured panlell hy names worthy of all eonfi- money, feeling like the Frencliman : want arms or leg.s, replied that he supposed that •, r . i .-i. r. , . in 1.12, wlien tlie tritek was tliree seconds tlieir money if tliey cannot have it^but if ...... ’ .* • . it was, so I stood still as frightened as n it so Judiciously to tlie prisent result de­ deuee. In jnslire to ourselves we may slow. Startle.bids fair to rival Cnmois tlie the limbs iu this ciisc were the lower ex-, i i • . - serve to live long to enjoy it. tliey can linve it they ratlierthe bank would tremitics, ns Job stienks of the moon ns gnose, and tlien, m my misery, 1 bowed say that onr allusion last week was not fastest trotting lioree ever raised in Maine, keep it. The inaiiagers of onr bank, are wliose record is 2.2(1 J. Startle is five years “ walking in darkness.” 1 first to the ‘ plebs.’ Horrors 1 Wlitn I GOOD SUIT The opening eutertainmeut was under founded upon idle rumor hut upon positive among onr most lionest men, and able finan­ c r ' came to iny senses I bowed to the wroii" the nmuagement of St. Omer.Commandery, old and if he, like Goldsmith Alaid, contin­ ciers. Seeing a statement m a paper to the of-., a i. .i i-. "‘un,, information, and that our i iformimt still ues to improvo until he is nineteen years of ...... _ ‘ . box. Alter the De irious Scene I was who, in sell cting the dramatic readings ami feet tliat tlie Alaiiie Central was becoming I peisists in the truth of hissto'y,—that some age, we may e.tpeCt to liearof quite a road­ As clsewliere slated, tlie Baptist Cliapel Ion independent to care for its patrons. Air. applauded and shrieked iit until I recitations of Sirs. Scott-Siddons, paid a one was iiijhe ^hall at a later hour than ster. Air. Alaistim has refused $20,0U0 in in Fairfield village is to be dedicated at 2 T. 11. Wiggin of Levant, takes occasion to thought the Modocs were on my track, gold for Ids colt. . g. deserved compliment to the audience. 'I'lie nine o’clock. P. AI. of Tuesday, Nov. 30. Sermon by refute tlie assertion by the following illus­ and then I bowed to the wrong box result teatitie.l well for their judgment. It tration : “On tlie night of Sept. 20lh, 1875, again ! After tlie of the second We noticed in the Mail oT last week some Tlie following will he the programme of Rev. W. T. Chase of Lewistoii. It is ex­ attracted the veiy' cream of intelligence and reiliarks eoneeriiiiig the burning of Gymna­ as Hie train from' Boston came into Port- act we were called out four limes the Senior Exhihition, ut the College Chap­ pected that there w ill be preaching also in land, thetlie conductor steppedstemied into thetlio carear in __ t , . ’ cultureTrom neighboring towns, and drew sium, Sunday night, Novembei 7lh. Among tliat time I knew where to bow, and I .xii...... a! . ... . - ..® el, next Tuesday evening : — the evening, and that stated Sabbath sr- which I was seated and said, ‘This cargoes a larger home attendance from the same other things, meiilion wins made of the to Batin’ I left the car, forgetting to take smiled my sweetest to ‘ the Royalties.’ “suspicions fuel that the sliuleiits were f.IOHN M. Ktt.'STKU...... llnterciltc. viccs will hereafter be held in the Chapel. After the third act I was recalled three class than ever came forth for any similar Gutin VerHioii from the Greek of Tliucydides. a valuable hiuidle from the rack where I ill the hall of the Zetas, down town, We umlerstaiid that iu connection with had placed it, aud went about niy business times, and after the entire opera we went entertainment. And they were more than C. UOW.ARU ilALLOWELL,...... Jinngor. imlil after twelve o’clock Smiday Itepublicaii Form of Qoveraraent. this enterprise, and for the purpose of de­ in town. Aliasing the bundle I went di­ iiiglil.’’ This is not so—and we wish it out six limes. The second lime we sang I'leased—they were satislied. It was liter­ ATWOOD Cv lIALIj,...... ^'oblehoro', fraying ft portion of the expenses incurred, rectly to the office of Superintendent Tuck­ eorreeted. The Statesman. the publie was even more cniliusinstic, ally a feast. It is enough to sav of the er and informed him of my carelessness in nnd I had to go out alone in answer to At tile napiest of-the Editors, we submit CHARLES C. TlljLEY...... Providence, /f. f. a course of lectures is to be delivmed, and leaving tlie bundle. He received me cour­ gifted render that she charmed her audience, tlie following statement of tlie facts in the Or.itory. that Presfdent Robins and Rev. S. F. Aler- the cries of ‘ Cary, solo.’ They called QUARRY N. HAYNES: ...... Skoichegan. teously and immediately telegraidied to from lirst to last; and tlial their judgment ease. One man went into tlie liall, about English Versiim from the French of Cou,.in. rill of Wuteiville, and Rev. Dr. Estes of Bath, to find the bundle, if possible, and "’e nrft but I do not CI«OTHZ:S^ nine o’clock, for a book,—but lie made no confirmed her claim lo'a place in the very EDW'IN C. IjONG,*...... :...... Machias. Paris, are among the gentlemen who have send it to Brunswick. As I preceded it to ; bko to ofiend my sister and brother ar- stop. No other member of the eocicti/ Realism. Brimswick, I left my address there, and lists, so I went out wiili others at the front rank of dramatic' readers. Sim can CLARENCE E. AIKLENEY,...... Salem, Mass. eoiisented to contribute tlieir services to iL’dH in the halt on the iiigiit in question. Hie biiiulle was expressd to me at Levant, end of the opera. I went out alone six never fail of a hearty greeting in iVater- We wish it dintinetlj/ tmdei'slood that we Unity of the Human Race. .AN.SLEY E. W’OOUSU.W...... Fayette. this end. Two more still remain to be en­ mul this the Maine Central railroad did tin„e.s and such shouting nnd waviii-of ville. do not eon(jre /-i . tervide, C. W. Nowell’s, North Vassiilboro’, Loss ^11800 ; no insurance. flnireli, and Hie body was buried bt- tlic ' local Roman Ciillioiic Clergy- wholesome accountability. On this basis, new tiling. and Bixhy it Buck’s, Skowhegan, at 9 Young BaADiiuftY, whose disappearance rector of Hie latter eliiireli. • ” inimplilet decliiriug tliat or something like it, let us all “go in ’’ for .'Among the recent appointmeuls hy the o’clock, A. AI. This Opera has been per­ caused so much aliirm in Fairlield, retiirned Tliat is a sensible remedy for priestli- iu- eleeiioii' of tlie opponent of Air. Wliile, who has been iiominnled by ir/rE the enjoyment of the blessing we have se­ Governor are the following;—Joseph O. formed upwards of one lumdred nnd fifty to Ids fatlier’s, house Friday evening in a tolerance. i bewildered state of mind. Severe study is tlie conservative parly, wliicli tlie Ro­ cured, as a joint stock enterjuise in which Beaiibier, Wnteiville, to solemnize mar­ nights, by the Redpatli Opera Co., and ev­ each and every laie has an eipial share. Hiouglit to liave viiiscttled liis mind. Harry Ilndgdon, well luiown to those man Catllolie.s oppose, was to ho deplor­ riages ; E. E. Geteliell, J. R. Sawtclle, ami erywhere received tlie ciidorsemeiit of mu­ who have fished for wliita perch on East ed, llie election of a Freemason would The Journal says that Friday last marked AVintlirop pond, died quite suddenly on *3r Not exacti.y.—The Keiiiiehee Jour­ F. A. Waldron, Waterville, Notaries Pub­ sical rritics. the eiglitietli mlnivei-siirv of Hie birthday of be a enlaiiiily still more serious. lic. Aloiulaj', tin; 8tli inst., at East Alonmontli, nal sai's our new hall was re-modelled hy Hon. Daniel Williams of Aii.gustn, and on of liemorrliage of tlie lungs. Ills remains The Home Concket, at Town Hall, in-xt that A veiling Hie event was celebraled by a Alaiiy of the Kansas .setlleis in tlie P. S. HEALD. Mr. Alvnn Hobinson hy coiUraet for five Tliere will be a Union Senicc in tlie Alonday evening, will not be forgotten by were taken to East Wiiitlirop for inter­ gatliering at the house of the Judge. ment. valley ol tlie Aijiiiii.^as, are doing it prof­ thousand dollars ; and that Mr It., though Congregational Chnrcli on Tliaiiksgiving our citizens. Give these Waterville sing­ itable busiiio.d, though some further The New Baftiht Ciiuacn will proba­ Serapis for India, with the Prince of Wales commdrum, “What’s liallowed ground?” to Hie 8ugf.r relii cries. Tlie horns are outlays were added afterwards. Just right, __Sewell E. Pliillips, of Ellsworlli, who bly be dedicated a week from next Wednes­ on board, was delayed because, among the —[Boston News. worlli $30 for heads ol umbrellas, fans, in the^secoiid item, that he has carried out was preimring to elope to ('alifornia with day, tlielirstdnyof December. Astlienieet- $15,000 worth of wine imt abroad, it was pipe.'J, etc., and even bits of hide found Josephine Allen of Clierrylleld, has been ar­ discovered tliere wero no pint bottles of Alajor Slrorey of the Bridgton News, a hanging to the heads nre gobble 1 up by his contract faitlihilly. Alorc than Uiis— ing of tlie AliMsionary Board, and the Board champagne! prominent proliihitiouist, protests against he has done better than the- continet re- rested liy his creditors and is in jail. Tlie of Trustees of Hie University occur about tlio atlempt to increase the pcniilties for vi­ the glue-makers. A clean sweep lias Ain. Ezn.t Qoi.DaMini of Phillips, was been made of the valley for 40 miles eacli qulretl. Everybody knows that the eX'- .j^ard working wife, I o proposetl to Hie same time, there will iirobably lie many olation of the Maine law. drowned on.-Priday last, in crossing the way from tlie railroad. - leave, has been his princqial means of sup­ lironiiiieiit iiieinhcrs of the denomination in (lense of converting nn old building into a TooHiaker piind, while returning finm his The Augusta AIVhteuy.—The Augusta new Olio Is not readily estimated, and gen­ port. aUeiKlance upon the exercises. day’s work. Journal queries whether there be any con­ A Good Answer.—Tlie conductor erally amounts to more than the highest Da. Eioiirnii.i, wlio, as an oculist mid They are busy uiioii the fiiiisliing touch­ Tub Bridgton News says that since the nection between the disappearance of Miss on the liaiii wliicli reached Clinton, Ind-}-. Clapp from tliat city on the 14tli of Octo- prcelictions. Five thoiisimd dollars would mirist, made a good reputation in Alidne, es about the house ; the carpets will be put orgmiiziition of Hie Maine Odd Fellows’ Re­ from the West at 7 o’clock Wednesday lief Association, there have been but seven iier and facts reported in Hie St. Cathai-ines perhaps have given Air. Robinson a fair - Jems ago, is again in the State, and will down as soou ns the fresco painters finish (Canada) Ncioa of the siartling discovery evening, was so kind to nn old lady deaths, tliongli it now lias nearly fifteen wlieii she got off Hie train at-DeWitI, joli, and it is more tliiui probable that tlie visit Waterville again next week. Tliose the walls; mid the upliolsteriiig will prob­ hundred members. at Lane’s Church, Twenty Alilo Road ou THE OLD reliable^’ mid he rendered her so much assistance ably be reatly as soon as the carpeting is tho 4th inst., eoucerning a newly made honorable and Ballsfaetory niaunefTirwh'icU ..needing ills services will find him at the Ttio.MAS P. PuLsiFEn of Boston, while on grave indicating recent burial. It was sub­ in gelling her baggage to tlie depot, [F.stablislisd 1668.1 he has aciiiiitted liimself towards the town, 1 Willliinis House on TliuiiKliiy and Friday, done; so that it is hoped Hint everything Ills way homo from his place of business, sequently discovered tliat a coffin liad been that a passenger asked him il ‘ the old will suggest such iVirtlier remuneration as ' Nov. 26tli aud 20Hi. Bee cireiiliir for fiir- will he ready at the time set. This build­ Saturday night, was assaulted hy two nit- stolen from a Ecighborlug undertaker. A lady was Ids mother ?’ BOOTHBY’S fliiUB and heiiteii so that he died Sunday wUI make'Hie matter about right. Tlio ther porticulai's. ing, it will bo remembered, is now the party opened the grave, when the body of 0, no, was the reply, ‘ but she is Derieral Inaurancp Agency / night. a young woman was discovered in the sto­ question, if proposed, wilj of course be an- Two little urchins i)ho'ing~i^ a gun, property of the church, and .the members somebody’s moilier.’ This is tlie con­ PllHNlX BLOCK, j BuiioLAitiES.—;Tlie liouse of Capt. Jo- len coffin, showing every evidence of hav­ •wered by vote of the town. L(,vi shot George and now Hiere’s but one. will meet next Wednesday evening to de­ ing been hurled iu haste ami by iiiexperi- duct pi a true gentleman, and is in •-WATERVILLE, ME, sepli Park, of Searsiiort, a wealtliy Yetired strange contrast wiili that ol Hie shod cide the great ]iew (piestlon. sliipmiister, was entered hj burgliirH Satur­ eiieed hands. • No names have yet been giv­ WAIr. William Steveus is giving lissons l‘«l>l>eiicd iu St. George, on Alonday, luid en to the public, and uoHiiug has trans­ dy ai'isioeracy wliich lias grown up Representing the following flQt class and relia­ day evening iu tlie ubseuee of Hie family’, ble Companies: *51) plain and orumueutui peuuinnsUip at f'**’lU and 18 years old, belonged to FAcroiiy Notes.—Everytliing being in and money, notes and valuiibles to the pired to give Hie slightest clue to this very within the lust lew years. I Winfield S. Carter. The survivor was so mysterious affair. Liverpool &, Lnndop & Globe, •17,881000' We-st Waterville. His speeimens, iu both ; veiuliufss the water was let in upon tho amount of $3,00U or more stolen. Tliere Gommeixtlal Union of London, 17,714,678 is no clue to tlie rohliers. He Preferred ids Supi-er, after classes, are highly creditable — some overwhelmed with grief and horror that he raceway tills mnriiliig,.. .The wheels are The Railroau is being rapidly pushed to Morih Briiish and Mercantile, 18,700,000 ' ran to the water to drown liimself. Tho house of Horace Perkins, ou an out- compleliou. The main chords of the two ALL.—A Detroiter of liberal education Iwooming Fire Ins. Co., ol Pa., 3,800,000 which may he seen at olllee in tills , ill and will soon be ready to move Hie mu- .of-town road, in Biddefoiil, was hurgliirous- last spans of Hie bridge over the Kennebec lias been greatly annoyed because his Home Insnranoe Co., of N. Y., 6,764,n« place. We think so.gootl a peimiau would Mu. E. C. Imw, late of^Fairfield village, cliiuery, which until now has been driven ly entered Friday night. Air. Perkins’ are completed and Hiu wliole structure will Continental loa. Go., of N. A’., S,r08,t8< I wife was not belter posted on fiistory and Oeman AlHSrioan 4ns. Co., of K. Y., 1,864,410 get a good class here. bus taken tlie public liouse at West Water- 1)3' tlie old wlieel... .Tlmiere are covering elutlihig was tlikyn from his room and tlio he finished in another week, no aeeldeut In­ cilier mailers connected with the growth Phamls Ida. Co..of Hartford, 1.861,801 , pockets rilled of about $00. The burglars tervening. The rails are laid up to tho ville. His^frieiids, wlio know of Ids husi- the roof of the weavc-sliod___Alore looms escaji^jJ^ • or ivoliare ol tho country. The other Hanover Insuranoe OesBpan;, 1,14916,064 ’“ The Gilroy EITiirt.—This is Hie iiaino field where Hie depo: stands in this village, Springfield Fire &'Khulaa Ins. ness capacities, are confident that lie can are being put iu position iu the wing and! • . Tlie coniplemeut of sleepers aud iron is day lie cat ried home a big history, nnd Co., of Maea. I,t66,t46> of a smart lillle paper, published liy tlio ,, ,, , ___ , , ‘ I AYiulb working over a circular saw m lianded it to his spouse with the remark : Atlas Insuranoe Co,, of Hartford, 811,068 keep a hotel. tho lime of eommeneins the manufacture Wadswortli’s furniture manufactory in Gar- piled up neiw hy to be luid down just as jiupils of Hie pulilic Bcliool in Gilroy, Cal. ‘ Tliere Mary, 1 want you to com­ Bangor Ins, Co., of Bangor, Ale. 818,07 61 ot clotli draws nigli. The first work will diner, Friday morning, John S. Towle was soon as the side tracks and depot grounds The nanus of James DoolitHc and James 'iVi newly miiiried (.'ollege student Imd arc graded up. The depot is going up as mence at page one and see if you can’t Extra faoilitlea for placing largo lines of In'- bn u|)ou jirlnt cloth seriously liurt hy a stick of timber lie was surance proifiptly [T^Insuranae on dweilingw H. Doolittle appear in the list of editors llte honor of a pandowdy serenade, lust sawing catcliing on the saw and liting fast os a largo force of men can push it— learn something. against Fire and Llgntnliig a smoUlty. one gang hoarding as fast ns another can and publishers. The paper hem-s this mot­ Friday evening. A 3’oung married latly from Boston, who tlirown with great violence striking liim di­ She agreed to become his pupil, and L. BOOTHBY- rectly over Hie lieurt. His couditiou is very raise it, section hy section. Tho first of when he came home to supper he found Jnnn, 14,1876. to:—“ Our Putilic Schools—the poormau’s Good Skating ou River, aud now, company with two sisters and a brother dangerous, December will no doubt, witness tho snort­ ing ami blowing of tho iron horse on the lier reading away, liair down, slippers hope, the fi'ccmaii’s pride, tlie bulwark of boys, be caadul, fhr w do uot wish for a ^ » couveying her mother to Searsmout ..... I . .. !•.... established reputatatiou of Ifunt'a Carrubosset.—[Uniou Advocate. on, all the fires ont but one and no sign EOSTSCJtlET/ Americau liberty; palsied he tlie liaiid and newspaper item at your expense. foi buiiul, was taken insane ou the cars on ^ liemedy which has been before tho public ol supper. ‘ Why how’s this ?’ he in­ Saturday Morning.- palsied he the tongue arrayed agaiust Tuesday, near Brunswick, and there is no for more than a quarter of a century Is a Tlio Djads between hero nnd Norrldgo- quired J * are you\ sick ?' Tils Anduusououin Hkiiald has been en­ The brick raceway of the Cotton MIlH' them. ” impruveiiuml in her cunditluu. i sufficient yuarantee of Its curative propur- wuuk are so drifted that in many places ‘ 8ick ! No.’ travelling is iiosslblu only through tho fields. upon which the water was turned yester­ larged to eight pages, and is the organ of - -...... i Ik'S. Family pliysieians are eoiistaiitly pre- ‘ Well where’s my supper?, Uakpeb Bbotiieus’ odiuirahlc puhU- —[Somerset Reporter. day, gave way during the night, leaving an the Slate Temperance Reform C’luh. Nkw Builuinos.—Air. H. R. Butterfield “crlhlng It for Bright’s disease, dropsy, kid- ’ 1 don’t know anything about your catluuB—the Alagaziue, Weekly, and Bazar irregular bole of 16 or 20 feet across, near' Buiuk Pomkuoy has made a startling r. I, Dr. Eabt.wan, Supcriutwdent of tho In­ supper, ’ she replied, us she settled pack —eaeha'motlel in its way, are advertised in sane Asylum ut Worcester, in the aumiul tho lower end. Tho reaction at the upper ending, having failed for $140,000; no Bridge and the furniture manufactory of maladies of* the-• urliio-geullal organs ' and- fworcesior, m the aumtal in tier chair,* but 1 can tell you ail about our columns. Thej' are doing gixxl work &tlo....Mr. A. B. Wood- uvrvous system, with the [ N<) dccep- end broke the gateways and threw the: assets. W. II. Dow the first discovery ol F'loridu,as straiglit in educating aud eluvatlug tlie iieople. „ ...... „ . Uaoiilest resiilta . tlou should ever be used In convoying a pa­ heavy iron wheels out of place. The acci-' man Is buildiugling a blacksmith shop on Cool ^ ".suns. hospital. Let all arrauKcmentsurrouguments as a string I’ Sau. Several young lads. hVlonglug at street, direeUy opinsiite this mill, I A ukofessuk of astrenomy near Chicago I ho properly (niulo, aud with sufUciont os- That history hHsii’t.been opened since dent Is ascribed to the failure of the sup­ Ours Is quitu a burse community and a North End, havu lately made their way Into I having boon asked the other day by a mem- slstanco-to control excitement should any that evening. ports at the sides of the arch. This Ur- little horse law may ho interesting. It the freight deiKit in this village, on tliu Bah- If you wish for a goixl sleigh-^Iegant her of his class whether, in speaking of j adse. Lot the person bo plainly, but kind- In a recent letter on the subject of fu­ volves a large loss, of course, and some de­ comes from Chief Justice Appleton. buth and at night, aud sUiluu Iherefcom and substantial — look into the shop of “ the limha ” of. tho moon, he referred to, ly, told they are to go to the hospital. No arms or legs, replied that ho supposed that' conthiued resistance will ordinarily he neral reform, Julia Bright writes : ‘ If lay, but the work of iccoustructlou will be Jlesvript—When a defendant, kuowirg- quantities of eam|^. A hud beginning of' Thi mas Bmar(| ou Front Street. Ho makes ly, designedly and falsely asserted a horse the limbs In this case were the lower ex- made; hut If It becomes ueceasaty, better your triends or any sensible people wish 1 life. his work upon huuur. tremltles, ns Job speaks of the moon as use/oi'oc than/raud.” This will astonish to he sound, wbleh hv well knew was un­ I to rutoim tlie lunerul exliibitioiis nnd fu­ SAd Aooidknt.—W. A Halues, a yuuhg I “ walking hi dorkuess.j’ j some people who think that it is right to sound with Mie Intent to deceive ami de­ The Galen Soule Will Case, Iq Somerset neral expenses, let them observe and married man of this village, .22 years old, fraud, and thereby induce the party ag­ AIainb WEEUtYANBEAiiNAitv.—The Win­ I deceive the Insane, If It seems necessary 1b4, County, has hi^u decided In favor of the Dr. Quimuy, pf the Gospel Baimrr, left order to manage them. In many oases the copy the practice of ibe section to which eldest son of Mr. B. Haines, while acting grieved, to euhuuge horses, who, relying ter term of this llourishlug iusHtutluu will 1 belong—that of the society ol Friends' (30 such repri^utatioiis, was deceived aou second will. . I ^ slide in the roar of the furnace In bis pKtient thus loses cuuUdeuee in tho one who as brokeman on a special freight train, was eumiueueo Alonday, Nov. 29, Bee udver-1 Augusta, open about an luo'4. has deceived him, aud with that comes also Nothing (>011 pe more simple, and noth­ deframkd, an indictment fur cheating by struck by Belgrade brldgb, yesterday after­ false iireteoses will be sustained agaiust the tiseiuuut In another column. I ■tir Appletou Hook <& Ladder Co., of Jko house gut full of ooal gas, and Mrs. : the luasof r.outrol.—[Boston News. ing enii bo better. They would be wise IMirty making such false pretenses. Si'ain’s Rei’ly to tiio United Slates Issat-' WaterviUts, prujiuse to give a ball at Town Qulnby and onovof the children towards'1 ‘'—...... also tliat follow ibem in rejeoiiiig the noon, aud BO badly injured that he died Ut • ractorv. and' tho war cloud will blow i Hall on Friday eveuliig next. the wliSows w!ra opened. Dn'offinby te- ^ Exhibition at the Chapel of Col- fashion of wearing mourning, which is few bouts after being brought home. WelMve a little sleighing, but w heels are Isfactory, always •osily, and as worn by many Funeral services at the UnlUrbui CUuioU In the msjurl(3'. over. ( . ------cords this experience as a warning to oth- Heiiom. Rolls of HoNoii next week. era. half past Beven. women, hideous.’ Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock.

ifi'.aliV \

19. t87S.

■Wateirville Mail. friend. ‘ No, I replied' ‘ we have a lit­ . CATAFllIl Ncu) ^huertieements. tle more 4ime, for it is only 4 o’clock.’ An'Independent Family Newspaper, devoted to ' You are mistaken,’ he returned. ‘ &Iy ^ the Support of the Union. Killing Jdione (People Nofnter 12tli, 187S. DEVOTS watch is right, for I set it by the Old Published on' Friday by South clock day before yeslurdayi. ’ THAN ANT OTHER DISEAsE. MAXHAM & WING, The difference in longitude was of no ac­ -Brilliant- Consumption Editors and Proprietors. count with a than who calculated from Catarrh Winter of 18751 OIT., I At rhenix Block...... Main Street, Waterville. ‘ the center.of the world.’ R. 0. p. a s. .SAFE. KOCNOMICAU REST. FOU8Al*E liY Era. Maxham. Dam’i. R. Wino. Constitutional Diacaacs Cured by ALLOUOCKlta. 8AKK. KCONOMICAU HR8T. ISTOTIOES. Remcdica that Build Up T B R M 8 the Couatitution. EiOOK. L.OOK. LOOK. BE YS CLOTHED! Oenuine Trtnipnrsnt PUylng Cardi^ «icb card TWO DOLLAIIB A TEAK, IN ADVANOB. hRSa pfeturv when h«!d to (ha light; full pick. 62 8INOLR COriKS FIVE CENTS. Used outward or inward it never doas harm, Assuro as you’re laitliful-“It .works like a charm 'A ICfgli ttook of rardisln n^^at case, 01.26; five nobby wunplai,26 eU. IjyNo paper discontinued until nil arrearage onstitutional The Ilo'rae dwner's Ouida and Oompleto lloraa Doa. ' are paid, except nt the option of the publish tor. ftOcentf, Handbook of ButiooM, a compleU ERNE’S MAGIO OIL. ATARRH Reiody. guide 10 condcuting all kinds of meroan^ile and com • Use REN^^S MAGIC OIL for Headache, C tnArcliItr«nsnctlona,26cts. The Amatuer Painter, THE PROPER AND SURE REMEDY. TarnDbing andfilMing, Illustrated CaU- DEPARTURE OF MAILS. Use RENNE’S MAGIC OIL for Toothache, N&W GOODS loguA, 100 articles for a il classed, for stamp. Addreae Use RENNE»S MAGIC OIL for Sprains, • 6000 YARDS Star Boot Co , Worcester, Ma*i. South & West closes at 10.20 A. Bt., 8.00 i>. Bi Use RENNETS MAGIC.OIL fur Nenralgin, f;\T\RRn. S. G. MARSTON^ “ ^ open nt 8 A. Bi., 6 r. M. Use RKNNE’sS MAGIC OIL for Catarrh, Use RENTE'S MAGIC OIL for Colic nndCroulps DEAF AND SICK 25 YEARS Just received end selling Korth & Enst closes at 6.16 •* dt tii« m\B. aafitsSiA®, {?* open nt 7% A. M., 11 Use RENNE’S MAGIC OIL for Golem Morbus, CURED OF DEAFNESS Formerly of A fAinoui Winter KmoTt for thorn ileriiou* of ewap Use RENNK*S MAGIC OIL for Kidney Com­ lug the lererltjr ofa Northern cllmaU OfHce hours from 7W v. m. to 8 r. m. THAYER A MARSTOR, C. R.. MoFADDEN.P.MoF^ M. plaint 1 COITSTITtTTIOITA.Ij THE ROYAL VIOTOBIA HOTEL Watorville, Nov. 4, 1676. Sold by all re.spectablo dealers In Medicine. Ol’KNS NOV. lilt. CATARRH REUEDY. LOWEST CASH PRICES. M. RENNE SONS, Proprietors, is now prepared to ofler NEW YOUK. NASSAU AND SAVANNAH Bkunswick, Me., Nov. 3,1873. 3PACT. FUN. PANOV AND PHYSIO. PiUafleld, Mass. MAIL STKAMSIIIP LINK, Di^Sold in Waterville, by I. Hi Low & Co. Littlefield & Co., BEST PRIST Oarrying pnafengere and (he Dritiih and Uniled Your OonstUutionnl Catarrh Jlemedy 1» doing Htafes matli. Departure ae follow*: Economical Nk>V Food.—*26 cents will buy J. H. Plaisted; In Fairlleld ay K. H. Evans. Hxtrxtordtnary TJatig/alns, package of Sea Moss Ferine, rondo from pure wonders. I took the trouble to see Mr Charles T. Leave New York Oct. 14, Nov. 4, Deo. 4 ; Morse of this place,^and ^ive you the facts in his “ Savannah, . . Nov., 16, l)ec. 18, .Ian 2; ^riffh Moss, which will make 50 kinds of dishes. and thereafrea tervlng*9avannab every ten day*, In such ns cakes, pies, puddings, etc., or 16 ounrta case ds I got theih from himt the time of the horse disease his brother was quite sick with it, oloie ronneotIon with AloHnirhipe from New York. of custards, jellies, .creams, Chnrlotte Russe, Latest PaitaiDs ef Bools. KOBINSON'S Steamers first dale. For Mhedulrs giving nil partic­ I .tlsno mongo, etc. Sold J}y all Druggists and arid took the Remedy, which cured him; Charles ulars, ndiree* Groceries. Iy46 tlien commenced taking it fur denfness, tie hav­ Men’s, Youths’ and Roys’ MDKHY, FRRKia fr C0.,fii South Btred, N. T. J. F,. PERCIVAL & CO’8. ing been no doaf since trie ago of 14 (now being One !Prioe Clothing Store! N.B •.*‘teamcrB iDvarlably go to (hJ Wharf Ln Naeaaa The other day a Vicksburg father, finding It 41) that his family did not converse with him ex­ R‘E M N ANTS. Atayathoroe. Agent* annlcd. Oulfltand 'necessary to reprove liis son, gently said: ^‘don't cept upon matters of importance; ho felt some CLOTHING. stuff victuals into your mouth that way, roy son Queen Mnry—Tennyson, cloth, $1.60. benefit from the first bottle, snd now. alter hav­ term* free. TRUR ft. CO., Augueta, Maine ‘George Washington dtdn*t ent nfrer that fashion. What Young People should Know, ing tiiken three, lienrs better than he ever re­ members hearing before in his life. He was so *.yik A a nnnth energodc men.^nd women The ony occepted the reproof without comment, cloth, 1.60. $• )1 ‘\F everywhere. lIuNine** honorable. KX> and after pondering for awhile, ho remarked to feeble that he could do but little work, and when Men’s, Youths’ and Boy’s 0 KL810U M F G 00. U>1 Michigan ave . Chicago. I himself. “And I don't believe George Washing­ Victor La Tourette—cloth, 1.75. he went to tlio village had to rido home in tlio Over-Coats, ton licked his boy for finding a bottle of whiskey bottom of the buggy, and nlsOralscd mucli mat- in the shed when he was iiunthig after n horse- The Christian in the World, rer from Ids lungs; bu t is now quite sinatt nnd Furnishing Goods. Simn Drug Doisons ! I shoo, either V*—Vicksburg Herald. by D. N. Fauuce, cloth, 1.50. fcils confident of regaining his liealth. SUITBl MBDIOINfi KKNUKUKD luSKTHCSS! JAMES H. TEBllETTS. Self-Muudkrous Nkolect.—To suffer cold .A Rambling Story, by Mary Cowden HATS! VoLtA’a Elkctuo Bklts and Bands to accumulate on cold, or a cough to become , Clark—clolb, 1.50. PRICE SI PER BO I TLE. - Sold by all Drug­ CAPSl SlJk tEN’I’S PGIt are Indorned by the mo*t emlnnnt phy»>iclaDK in (he chronic, when a few doses of Halk's Honky <.f. Freedom and Fellowship in Religion, gists. For saleir, Waterville by GEO, W. DOIUL GLOVES! MEN’S YOUTHS’ and BOYS’ world for the cure of rheuniatiem , neuralgia, liver I lIoHEiioUNU AND Tau taken at the outset, inva­ Druggist. VAUD. complaint, dyapep^la, kidniy dlaease, achel, palna, riably effect a cure in a few hours. For sale by ^ cloth, 2.00. 1 nervoue dDorder*. fit*, femate romplaintB, rervou* LITTLEFIELD & CO., Man?liester, N H. HjiQ8 and G-fi:(P8. and general dubillty, nuii and Mae* In great variety nnd in all the IXy A now stock just received. niAOic Guipr, *lK)wUig l,iow 4‘lrhur >es muy fneoinaie An exchange says tlmt while many people do Thankssgiving anti gain the iotc and affi-rtiori of any pi raon they ! not Ilka freshets, the bridges J are quite carried Kti Faltfiold Centre, Nov. 14th, Amos Priest bhooie liisfanily. 400 puja'S- Dv nintl 60 .da* I away with them. and Mina Love, both of Somerset Mills. TURKEY NOTICE. Hum ft Co., 139 s'*. 7th St. IMillaJelphU. In Clinton, N^ov. 3d, James F. Fitzgerald and Xjatest afid ^est Stylee Mary Lv Wardwell, both of Benton. Prepare your Turkeys for the oven and send BKMKMIlKIt Tins. Now 18 tllC tiuiC ol them to MA’l THEW’S BAKERY,and have them the yenr for Pneumonia. Lunc Fever, Roasted as they ought to be for Thanksgiving. C'ouglis, Colds, and fatal results of predis- “L’EMPERATRICE." icatl^s. 22 G. H. MATTHEWS. BARGAINS IN The‘‘EmproM'''* IMU wUI prove an tofallible eura j)oi!ition to Consumption and other Throat (or meet of the alliueQtaof tho humau syatem, aw4 Is and Lung Disease. Bobohee’s Gekman Sy- In this town, 18th instk, Mrs. Buby Davis, ILSON'S PACKING CO’S au untA llitig speriRc for*‘ Female Irrnpularltter." nui’ has been used in this neighborhood for aged 77 yeara. Firices Gnaranteed Eur Robes, Curfiiige Wrap.', Horse Bend forl)oa (#1.69) and further iintructltn (o In Winslow, Nov. 12, of cancer, Mr. Warren Corned Beef, n. IPALimUT. Sole Agent and Importer,248 a** the past two or three years without a single AtW MATTHEW’S BAKERY, nt 21) els. per lb. TbiiUeth SUe«t. New York. Tozier. formerly of Waterville, aged 63 years. AS ZOWAS THHZGjWHSr. Blankels, and Surcingles. failure to cure. If you have not used this In Fairfield vill.'tgc, Nov. 16th, Diana, wife or 6 pounds for $1.00 G. H, MATTllEWS. medicine yourself, go to your druggist J. of Bipley Bose, aged 40 years. ‘ A llcpository of Kashioii, Pleasure, ayff II. Plaisted and ask hini of its wonderful In 8kdwhegan, Nov. 9th, Charles F. Park- gLElG IIS-FOR SALE. Without any Bontering. Instnielion. BUccess'among liis customers. Two doses 'man, aged 28. will relieve the worst case. If you have uo In Norridgewock, 5th inst., Miss Clara R.> O^-OASH OUSTOUSRS will find it for dauj^htcr of Jonas and Hannah Parker, aged 23 A few Go(xl Style Sleighs for tiieir interest to examine tliiu stuck before pur- Ilai'pev’s Dazar. faith in any medicine, just buy a Sample years, 1 month nnd 15 days. sale at Low Prices. cliasing elsewhere. Bottle of Boschee’s German Syrup for 10 In Beadfield, 28th ult„ Mrs. Margaret, wife •S'All Warranted. B^REMEMBER THE PLACE.^ //>/, rSTAA TED. cents and try it. Regular size Bottle 76 cts. of the lube Elisha Kent of Kent's Hill, in the 3^Remember the place, THOMAS SMART, 0;^Opposite the Kkpress Office. Dpu’t ueglcct a cough to save 76 cents, lii 82d year of her age. AVfiL’d of (lit In Minneapolis, Minn., 15th nit., George F. Nov. 18, 1875. Front St., Waterville. WAl'KUVILLE, ME. How to establish irermancnt liealth when iiiollAXAn IS edited Vitli d cnnibiimtjon (d Dunlap of Belgrade, aged 29 years. Robinson'k One Price Clothing Store- thi; eonstitutiou is undermined by dropsy, In Buuth Norridgewock, Nov. 12th, Judith, Dr. J. C. GANNETT, tact nnd (Hlviit (lint WQ aolfiotn find inniiyjotn- wife of Levi Moliibire, aged 71 years. nal; and tlie jnnninl is (he orf^iin outhe kidney, bladder and glandular maladies, great worlil of liDslii'ni.—I j)onton rravollor. I .Bright’s disease, retention and incontinence Homoeopathic Physioian & Snigeon I lio ilAXAK conimeuds It-nelf lo every inombor of urine, diabetes, gravel, ulHietioiis of tlio of tlio hou.schold—to iho cliiMrcn bv'droll nnd uriuo genital organs, female irregularities, WATERVILLE LODGE, NO. 83. RhHiDKNCE:—Mrs. Dunbar's Center Si. pretty piciures, to the young iHclios by its fneli- Office:—At. Savings Bunk Block, Muia St. idii platOH in ondlcas variety, to the providont pain in the hack nml loins, partake occa­ PECIAL meeting, Monday evening sionally of Jlunl'a Remedy and all thp matron by ils patterns for tho chlhlren’s cluthas As Nuv. 21. 1875, at 7 o'clock. WATERVILLE, ME. to ibe patciTninilius by its tastcfol designs for avenues of liealth will be restorijd to ac­ A. L. McFADDEN, Sec. oinbroiduriHl Hlippcra and luxnrioui dressing- tion. Q^REAT BARGAIls'S S. R. TIBBETTS F. A. R03BINS. gown*. Bui tlio rondiiig matter of tho RAXAit TOWN^jIIALL! Would respectfully inform the citizens of Water- is uniformly of great excellence. The paper has Still continues the uc(](iired a wide popuhirltv for tlio fireside eu* The Rights of A NhwSI’AI’ER.— Monday Eyening...... Moy. 88. ville and Vicinity, tlmt he has opened a joyrtiont it afiords.—[N; V. Kvoning I’oil. The following remarks of tlie New Manufdeturing and Eepearing O ° -si a In itn way (hero Is nothing like it.- Fresh and g n 3 < g trustworthy as n fashion guido, its siorius und GRAND of JIAENESSES^ S 2 Cl.-* hri ° York Adverliser’s Gazelle are so true, New ROCERY TORE, ossHva, its poetry and squibs, aro all invigorating at his old stand Paper Hangings, G s 2.0 fci to the minil.* (Chicago Kvviiiiig and tlie subject is so litllo appreciated liy Home Concert. HANSCOM BLOCK, a lai*ge [lorllon of tlie public, ilial we To be given by ALSO....UPHOLSTERING and TRIMMING, SIARSION’B BUILEING, TERMS: at reasonable prices. 22 quote tliem ns worthy llio consideration Mil. CHAS. M. FOLLANSBEE, at Opposite Lpfurd’s Block, Main St., bd - Poslttgr, t'.et to nil SV)»c> ibtti in (he U. llAiii'KU’H llAXAif, one year___f4 00 Assisted by of all wtio are mrlined to ihisa|iproliend where lie offers for sale a 00 includes prepuyitreiiC of U. S. postage by / riOALi. COAL clioioe stock of the real functions of a newspaper : MRS. DORR, J. F. PERCIVAL & C0?R llio publishcri^. • Miss BATES. Our f^tock of C*ntl is now MISSES FOSTER, Subscriptions to Ilxni'ft .’k Ma6axjnk, Wxsk ‘riie manager of a newspaper is en­ CDming forward and in order to make QUICK First Class Goods, LV, and HAZAft, lo one (or one year, MISS EMERY, Contralto. SALKS wq shall titled to ids judgment as to wliat enter­ MR. J. F. MURRAY, (Faiifletd,) ALL NKW AND FIIK8H, ftlO: or two of lliirpor'rt t'eriodicids, to utio nd- For tha next 60 DAYS we shnll sell our line diTss f«)r oHj year, ^*7, postirgo froo. prises lire really eliiirilnble and judicious. Tenor. SELL FOB CASH of Piiper.HRhging8 at reduced rates, our FRED V. CHASE, Tenor. AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PROFit. ~ object is to work our stock down An extra Oopy of uilbci tliu Magazine, Week* He is tuliticd to regard llie columns ol all of which have been houglit nt riease^iye us orders and they shall have im* to make room for It, nr Bnzur whi bo hupplied gratis for every Tending mailer under his control as val- MR. A F. ABBOT F, Baritone. mediate attention. (3lub of Five Subscribers of ib) each. In one re­ mittance;- or Six Copies fbr ^20’, without extra lunble for the information of tlie public, MISS TOBEY, Pianist. Also a stock of nice dry BOTTOM PRICES. land, so far as he can make lliem sorsa- copy, postage free. Tickets. 25 cts, Besemd Seats 35 cts. Hard and Soft Wood, OUR LARGE LINE OOniNG IN Buck Numbers can bo sv'pplictTut any time. •cred from intrusion, even under pretense THE SPRING. l^*Tlie sale of Reserved Seats will commence both cord wood and'store Icn^tli. AND WILL BE SOLI) Ttf5~Annual Volumes of Harper’s Bazar, (ti ■of pure benevolence. He lias large ex­ on Saturday. Nov. 20,at 9 o'clock,at Dorr's Drug neut cloth binding, will be sent by express,Tree Store,where a plan ot the Hall may be found. penses, nnd lias a right to look upon bis E. 0. T.OWE & SON. As LOIf as they can be bought Mr. and Mrs, Dk. Wklcii may bo found at of expense, lor S7 each. A complete set, com­ advertising columns ns sources of reve­ WE SBALL SELU anywhere on the JCennebec tlio Columbian House, Bath, for n few days on prising Light Volumes, sent on receipt of eatb .Office and Yard corner of Pleasant nnd after Nov. lOtli. * fft the rate uf So.25 per vol., frejjjht at expense nue not to be abated at the suggestion nnd MainStreet. Tti'ycr. of purchaier. that it is done in ibb name of charily nnd St. Omer OommandeFy, Knights “ UuqueBtlonubly Ihe best sitstained work I'ruminent attention will bo given in Harper'a good will to mankind. And tlie man­ Templar. BROWNS...... ® .08&.10 CHOICE TEA, COFFEE, Bazar to fiuuh illustrations ot^ tho Centennial ALSO AGENTS FOR WHITE BLANKS.... @ .10.18&.1.5 of the kind In the World." International Kxposition as may bopecullurty ager of a newspaper Iras a riglii to ri- PORTLAND STONE SATINS...... @ .20 .28 & .20 SUGAR, MOLASSES,, appropriate to its column*. gard himself as engaged in a legTliraale GILTS...... ® .35 .40 & .46 Harper’s Magazirse. Newspiiners are nut lo copv this advertisuiueDt private business. He is not necessarily WARE 00. BEEF, PORK, LARD. without the exfiress order uf Harper & Brotlieri. IDL US7RA TED, Address 1IAH£I*:U & BIIOTHKBS, New York a public cliaracler, and is as oiearly en­ CDUBSE OF ENrERTAINHENTS Samples may be seen nl our place of FISH, MACKEREL. &c. titled to his privacy, and the exclusive bustess. Noticti of Iho Prtii. with a variety of choice A CompleW* J*lrtorlid History of the at The Gver-inorcnRiiig circulation of this excel* conduct of hisTiwn business, ns tlio keep­ tYatorville, May 18,1876. TimcB,”—'•Tlii! chyapcBt, er of a grocery or drug store.. If lie is' ALSO A LARGE LINE OF lent monthly prove* its conllnued adaptation to find niobt flucf'essfiir Family NEW TOWN HALL, 47 00 8 popular doi’ires and needs. Indeed, when we prosperous it is reasonable to expect a (^ , think into how many liomea it poiietrutea every Paper in the Union.” ■him to bo cbaritable ; but be must claim month, we tniist consider it a« one oT tlie educii- HERMOMETERS, Gtoth Windotu Shzdes Fruit and Vegetables in tor* as well us entertulnera of the pUhllc mind. lTarpei'*s "WOekly. the privalege of discriminating in his —[Boston Globe. ILL VSTRATED. ■charities as other persons do, and of do­ Second Entertainment. All kinds and prices their season. The character which this Magazine pnssessef ing ilia share of tlie work of good will lo fur variety, enterprise* artistic weulfh^and iite* Hulicti of (he Prete. for sale by AT REDUCED PRICES. niry oulttire tlmt Inis kept pace with,• i. if ItliHS men in his way. He will probably pre Tuesday, - - November 30f/i.. GEO. yriDO'KTt, Druggist. - ALSO- not led the tlmos^ should cause its conductors to Ha'iu'RK'h Weeki.i^ Is the ablest and most fer to pay his subscriptions in aid of regard It with juvtiflable complavency* The powerfully lllustiated p*riud>cal publi»he«l in Magazine lias done ga6d and not etit all the tills country. Its editorials' are scholarly and clinrilable enlerpri^e3 in cash, and to de­ Boohbindinga TOBACCO, CIGABS, days of its life.-(Brooklyn Kagle. cuuvUicliig, and carry much woi,,'ht. 1(m11Ius- mand for tlie advertising that is done FALL ------1876. some'of the most popular uf modern novels tratiuns uf current events are fDll and fresh, aud he Eubscriber is prepared to bind Macazlnos, AND ALL TUB AUTICLK8 are iirepareJ by oiir designofs. With u oir- .for lliese enterprises tlie regular rates, Flotow’s Charming Opera Pamphlets, Ac. in n noat nnd durable man- have first appeared iia serials In this / Magazine. T GreatBargains! USUALLY KKPT IN A In %11 reKpects, it is an excellent pc^R{^dieaI, and cuhitiou of 160.0001 (he Weekly is read by ut end, if be understands editing liis newspa­ of ner. Place of business for the present at house least half u million persons, and its infiuence on Centre St. Please call at side door. Orders fully deserves its great luccess.—11’lmtidulphu FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORE. Ledger. ns an organ of opinion is sinioly tremendous. per, he will resist tlie tendency to ruin may be lefc at the Mail Office, where samples of Tho Weekly tnainlaim u positive position, and work may be seen. D-AMaGallert •his local depai'lment with stupid nolic ■ TfiRNfS; expresses decided viewit on political ond social ALBERT M. DUNBAR. OULD cull tlie attention of the public to problems.—(I..oulaville CotinOr-Juunml. that belong among adveftiseroeiils. It “ MABTHA.” Fruit Jarss pottage frtt to all Subteribtre in the (J. S('i et may be well to say tiint we mean those W their well assorted Stocks, at Its articles are inoihds of high-toned discus­ By itason's Improved — Best In the World. Hakpbu’b Magazusk, one year, 00 sion, aud its pictorial Itinstmtioiii are ofien cor •obserViBiions especially for a number ol PR. 0. FITZGERALD. roboralive nrgumenlH of no small force.—(N. Y. Both their PINTS, S4 00 includes prepayment of U. 8. potfiage'by Woriliy people in ibis oily who have Tlie Wonderful KxHiniin r und Chrgiiicle. The Bedpath English Opera Oo Dry Goods and QUARTS, the publishers. Its papers upon existent questions nnd Its la- misunderstood, as we lliink, the relations Clairvoyant, Physician & Surgeon, and GALLONS Sobsoriptions to Harper's Magazine^ Weekly, imitable cartoons help to mould the sentiments Will bo in Shoo Stores •ofa newspaper to society,’ Coiiniating of the following artiate ; Cornbill Biscuit, and Bazar, to oiTe address for one year'« ^lO*; or of the country.—[I'Utsburg Conioierclal. West Waterville on the 22d inst., Which tliey bought at Lower Prices Ihnn ever, two of Harper's Berlodloals, to one address for ilarjirCf'Z Weekly TtnndsItnnds nnt the head of illus­ To The Boys.—‘Don’t bo laughed Miaa CLARA B. NICHOLS, Soprann. and ihe BENEFIT of which they iiitand to give Cream BiBCuit, one year, ft7, postage fVee. trated journals ill the United States, in circula­ Miss ABBY B. CLARK, Orntralto. Skowhegnn on the 23d, out of your money or your prayers.’ A to their Custumers. Lemon Jumbles, An Extra Copy uf either the Magazine, Week­ tion, editorial abl)lty, nnd picturlal illustration. Mn. CHAS. H. CLARK, Tenor, Athens 24tli, ly, or Bazar will be supplied gratlgratis for every —(Ladies’ Repository, Cincinnati. Mn. EDWARD H. PAYBON, Basso. 07^ Special attenllnn ia called to oar etook of Lemon Snaps, ■ilisiinguished English admiral, who rose Hartinnd 25tli, BLACK DRESS OODDS, whioh wd alwaya Club of five subscribers at $4 each. In one re* Mb. j. a. HOWABB, Piano. Ginger Snaps, mitiaiicc; or Six Copies for $20, without extra TERMS: to high station as the effect of his ' Pittsfield 26th. mada a epecieity, nnd which we are now selling hierilorious exertions, used lo be fond of clieaper than ev'er. We are also opening n aplen' Harvard Biscuit, copy; po-Rtagi free. Pottage fue to ait Subset ibrtt in the U. SitOef. Don’t fail to sen liim, his cures are truly won- did line of Flannels, Water-proofs, Linens, Ac. Bacx Nuauieus can be supplied at any time. felating that on first leaving a liumble ITie Uodpalh Knglisli Opera Company cave derfiil. Examhintioii tree of charge. Oyster Crackers, liAm'EK^B Weekly, one year,... .$4. lodging to join Ids ship as a inidsliipinuii, last evening in Cheleea before largest audieiioe epiendid line of CLOAKINGS and Trim­ Wine Biscuit, ' A Complete Set of Harper's Megazine, now $4.0b inoludea prejiaymout of V. H. poaUgv ever assembled within the walls of the Academy mings—alstf Dress Trimmings, tlie latest styles. Brigliton Cakes, ootnprlsing 61 Volumes, in neat cloth binding, by Uie publishers. his landlady presented him willi a'Bible of Music. The artists were In excellent voice Rewards will be aent by express, freight at expense of Bubsoriptions to7Air/)e' Magadne. Wetktg. aud the performance was tharougbly etdiwabla Fast Color Prints, at 6 cts. Graham Wafers, and a guinea, saying, ‘ God bless yop, 800 Felt Skirls, from 50 cts. up. purchaser, fur $3 25 per volums* Single yol* and liaxar, tu oueoddr^s fur one year, $10.00; and prpsper you,.niy lad ; and as long It ie the musical hit of the season.[Button Globe THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS reward will Soda Biscuit, umes, by mall, postpaid, $8. Cloth oases, fur or, two of llari^r's I'ojriodiuala, to one i^dresa 1 be paid fur the deteetien and conviotion of Q^BEMEUBZB t it is for your advantage binding, 58 cents, by inatl, post paid. fur one year, $\00; |M»tage free. as you live never suffer yourself lo be If anything couldjiompensale for a walk home the inoendlary who set fire to the Gymnasium Pilot Bread, A Complete• ‘ Analytloal‘ Tyl...... Index to the* first fifty after tlie tbunder-etorm of last night tlirougli the to call at...... D. A M. GALLERT’S,. An Extra Copy of either the Week' laughed out of your money or your building on tue College gmunde on Ihe night of Portland and Boston Crackers. volumes of Harper’s Magazine has just bean lu, or liaxar will be supplied gratis for every mud und driitle, as several hundred of our Lin­ Nov. 7lfi. before purclinSIng pubtubed, rendering available for reference ihe prayers.’ The young sailor carelully coln ladies and eecorta did, it wna the splendid Wash Boards, Waeli Tubs, Butter Jan, Club of Five Bubeenbere ut $4.00 each, in oue C. H. REDING TON. ‘ i»-ANYTHING^ vast aqd^varled wealth of information which remittance; or, 8ix Copiesjfor $20.00, without entertainraeut given at tlie O^ra House by the Fur Selectmen of Waterville. Bean Pots, Flower Pots, Palls, followed Ibis advice ^ through life, and Bedpath Englleb Opera Troupe. All Join In pro- In the line of Dry Goods or BGUTS A SHOES. Stoiia -lugs, Slop Handles, Otothea Lines, ooiiStitutes this beriodical a perfect Illustrated extra copy t postage free. 2^ liad reason lo rejoice that he did so, Bed Oordt, ipoumi, Stove Bruthea, literary oyclopeala. 8vo., Olutb, $8; Half Calf, Hack numbora oan be supplied at any timp, > nauiicing It the most plsaturable performance 26. 8ent postage prepaid. Tho annual Volumes of fliV'per'e irrei'V* ^ Vihile thousands have unavailingly re­ that lias been given in the city.—iSftUfl Journal, SPECIAL NOTICE. Scrub Brushes, Hand Lamps, Lamp FARMERS, Chimneys, House I'raps, A series of papers under the title of " The neat cloth bimiing, will bo seut by ezprWML.'’. gretted ihat they have pursued a diff'eront Lincoln, Nth., Sept. 12, 1874. First Century of the Republic,contributed by free of oxpuiuio, for $7.00 each. A oompW^ A arxciai, meeting of Ihe Board of Truateea AND others who hnv.i SAUSAGE KEAT course. , afColb'y University will he held in Champlin FOR SKLE CHEAP hOH CASH. the moet eminent American pnbliolsts, is now Hot, oumpriHing Nineteen Volumes, sent on rt- Hall, Ronin No. 8, un tlie 80th dav of November, to chop, oan liave it dona at being published in Harper's 61agailne. This se­ oeipt of oaah at the rate of $5i25 per y01.» freight ABIIISSION SOots. BeMrved 8«ftto 75. instant, ntrru...... ’cluck in the morning,' to consider 0. H. Mattbewa’s Bakery, ries or over twenty pai^rs gives a comprehen* ut exjiense uf purchaser. Captain Cordraapr in a letter to the He Invites all to come in snd examine his live review of Brogress during the century now rruminent attention will be given in lAn- the expeillency— the old fashion way—that la, not tom to nlecai New York Evening Post, gives this 1st.—Ur coinpletiiig the renovation of South goods and learn bla prices, feeling confident t^at closing, in everr department of oar national life per’z IFeeAriy to the illustraHon m the t’enteiV- $500 Roward* but out with It chopper. Give him a call, sue both will prove sgtUfaotory* nial Internationa) Exuusttlon. anecdote as characteristic ol Boslonians : College. save your wives a deal of bard work.' Newspapers are not lo eopy tills adverti*eti>ent N addition to the reward of 9800 affered by ad —Of rebuilding Ihe G.vmnaslum. ftOSMT rOB withoutriihout tlielie express order of Harper h Brothers. Newspauers are not tu uupy tbia adveriiac- I met one of them some weeks pince at iiicul willuuifc tbo ttftpnwa unler nf llur|i'. Ibe hour hen tindeoDtheiiigiieofNov.7tb. HENRY E. ROBINS, Pras. ^|ZlT’a BAND HADE BpO|8. CANVASS, at fcr a good Cow. G. H. MATTHEWS. J S. E. r/.KClVAL’S. 31 If ie already quarter paat 4 ' aaid my | aii HEmiY E. ROBINS, I’lw. Watarrille, Nov. 18,1876. ai • OcL 37, 1876, 18 AYO’S. ! ffjje WatetUille iWail.... 19, 1873.

WATERVILLE MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS MI SCELL^N Y. House Furnishing B. hTeddy, To Builders. C3K30r>S 1 Maxble Works At the old stand o SOLICITOR OF PATENTS. W. A. F. Stevens BUILDING UPON THE SAND. q, H. REDINOTON, & Son. CHANGE OF TIHE. For Inventions, Trade Marks, or Tib well to woo, ’tin well to wml, ^TTEI^TIOlSr I Havlnjt wifchnaed of Emeraon 4 Dow, their MONtJHENTS Commencing Cot. 25,1875. 4 Designs, For AO the world ban done ; stock of Furiillurc, to which 1 hnvo ndded my own, I »m now prepared to fill all orders for TABLETS ro»»eBa«r Trams leave Watervillo for Port- ]Jo. 76 State StWet, opposite Kilby Hinoc rayrtlea grow, and roAca blew, I’ftud and Boston, vla^^ugusta,AugUf at 10;46 A. M.^ Street Bostdn ^ And morning brought thtf Aun> SMITH &MEADER 2hining stufT, R K M O'V Ji. I. and 6.fi0 P. M.-*-via Lewiston at 6.26 P. M. Ilona I For charity is colds I SASH, CAA:bTS and COFFINS Freifftil Trains are duo from Skowhegan at All neoesftUy of ajourney to Washington toproau r« I a Patent are here saved. * But placei inot all your heloH and trusl, on the river, trimmed In the beat manner, and at O. F. BIATO 7 26 A.M.—from Bangor nnd East at 11.10 A.M. lu'what the deep mine bringa ; LO_WKR PRlCtCb than In the State. and 0.82 P. M.«^from Boston and Portland, via TESTlAlONIAtS. >Ve cannot live on yellow dust Augusta, Mi) P. M,»and via Lewiston at 1.06 Has removed to the new store in (he I regard Hr. Kddy as one of (he most oapablf I Unnuxc4>with purer things. BIINBSr SPECIAL ATTENTION an'd2.40P M. and aaocepstiiipraotltloners with whom 1 have bad I The beat stock oT offlelal ioteioourse. And he who piles up wealth alone, SAVINGS BANK BUILDING, OPPOSITE PAVSON TUCKER, Sup’t. OcL 21, 1876s 01IARLE8 MASON, Commifsirm^r of PatecU * Will often nave to stand WINDOW & DOpR FRAMES Given to Fanoy and holiday THE POST OFFICE, *' 1 have DO bvfUatloD in afauring investors that I Beside his coffer chest and own tbeyoannof employ a man more competrittandl ’Tia “ built upon the aand.’* ^ (Ei5D®!!l)3 Whore he will keep a fUll stock of PORTLAND AND WORCESTER iriiatvirorthy, and more capabJo of putting (belt I MOULDINGS, BltACKETS, Kvcpjn Waterviilc, constating of applleadoDs Id a form to secure for them an early I Tia good td A}>eak in kindly guine, F aming by BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS LINE. and lavorabieconaideration* at the Paten'Office.' And soothe whate'er wc can; GUTTERS, STAIR Machinery VASES, BUREAU AND TOILET SETS, ' EDMUND UURKK For speech nhoold bind the human mind, For Ladies’, Gentlemen's and Late CommlsBionei of Paienis.i* RAILS, , FAl’ER WKIOHTS, SMOKER’S Children’s Wear. And love link man to man. 1 SETS, TOYS, &o., ** Mr. R. IT. RDbV bad made for me over THIliTy I BALLUSTERS, and POSTS. c Sutidinffs of alt kinds, at 9plioatioD»for Pattbfe. bavin been anecesafu! id I But stay not at the gentle words, tHttch less cost than All at very low price?. I shall endenver to keep tlie largest and best almost every oaae. SUbb Unmiatakable proof o I Let deeds with anguish dwell; Sfc., ^c., Oy Please call nnd examine. selected assortment of Ladles’, Misses nnd Chll* ALL KAIL, KOVU'E. great talent and ablR^ on Me part, leada me td I i'he one who pitioR atarviug birds, by hand. dren's Bools, Shoes tind Kubbers to be found in reooommend all inventors toapply'o him to prd 1 Hhould scatter crumbs as well. C. H. Redington, Wateiville. On and after Monday, Oct. 11,18Yr>, cure their patents, aa they may be sttlft Of havioM which will bo sold at 28 No. 1 & 2 Ticonic Row, Watervillo. themostfaithful attention bestowed on thblt vabsl f J’he mercy that is warm and true, ALSO AI.L KIMDa or And shall manufacture to measure AN EXPRESS TRAIN, WITH PARLOR CAR and at very reasonable. Must lend a liclping hand. | ATTACHED, Bo8ton,Jan.l.l876.—Iy28 JOHN TAGGART.'*' For those who talK, )et fail to do, BOTTOM PRICES. GENTLEMEN’S CALF BOOl Will leave Porllnnd at 4.00 P. M. daily, (Sun­ Arc “ build upon the sand.” KILN-DRIED OUTSIDE nnd ffATIRYIlLE SAVIHGS BAM BOTH PEGGED AND SEWED. days excepted.) connecting nt Grand Trunk Thfe INSIDE FINISH, Junction with trains of Grand Trunk Railway ^People’s WATEUVILLE, MAINE. Thesee goods will all be sold as low ns they from Lewiston and Montreal, and at Westbrook CHOICK PHRIODIOALS can be nafforded,_____ , ...... and customers-. may rely upon Junction with trains from the East via Maine _____Bum]p« Such as Orgntilzed, May 4,1869. courteous treatment nnd good bargains Central Rnilrond, for Nashua, Worcoster, Spiiiig- FOIt INTA. 0. F. MAYO. field, Hartford, New Haven, Albany, ana New This is one most Simfck, Powkbful, mnj Office in Savings Bank Building York, arriving in New York at 6.23 A, M. ami ensiost workini; Force I’ump over brought to the I The Leonard Scott Pnbliehiog Co , UK KKl'l-B ON 11ANI> A SUPrUY OF Mouldings, Brackets, Hood Brackets, Wntcrville, Jan. 1874. in Albany at 6.45 A. M, Drops, Gutters and Crown Main StreeU notice of tho public, ftdnpled to Houses, Stable.,' I 41 llAKriAY St., Nkw Yoiik,| PASSENGERS FROM THE EAST Green Houses, &o. ' ' Mouldings. ' OFFICE HOURS from 0 A. M , to 12>^ r. m., E BEST THING OUT ! Continue IlieirniiWon';i(/ Keprinta of Iho Southern Finjp Floor and from 2 to 6 f. m., nnd Sntun uy call and see those patent CklANGB Gars at Westbrook Junction, It is a Good Protection in case Boards, evenings from 6)^ to 7^. nnd will find the New York train there to take Four Leading Quar'erhj Reviews : Rako Mouldings, them Into Portland for dinner, if they wit*!!, or of Fire. Glove Fitting Overalls to spend nil hour for pleasure or business. with hose attnehed, water can be thrown I EDINJU Uail UEVIEW, H7i?V/, DEPOSITORS EXEMPT from 26 to 60 feet. lAlNlXiN. liUAUTEULY KEVIEW, • J'JiiJier Malcliid or Square Soints, WARRANTED TO FIT. From all Town and County 7'axe$, MARSTON’S. This is the ONLY ALL RAIL LINE T. E. RANSTED & GO., Agents. Conservative, Tih Bank povs DIVIDENDS of SIX PER from the East to NewTork, WITHOIIT I WESTMINSTER REVIEW, Liberal, Al.I, FI'ITFH VO It USE. CENT. COMPOUND SKMI-aNNUAL HRITISII (iEARTERI.Y REVIEW, INlEUESf, fiee from nil MRS. E. E. PERCIVAL, TRANSFER.____ MRS. E. F BRADBURY, Square, Segment and taxes. Fuangclical. DEALER IN For Tickets or further information inquire IS AGENT FOR TIIR BALE OF 4 ontnininK M.Titerly Criticiaina nnd Suinmnrica Circular Top Dividends pnynb’e on Second Tuesday in May of E. II. JORDAN^ Eastern Express Office, Wa­ and November. Mem. Demorest's Reliable Pattern of nil thill ii freah iiini vnlunblc in nfUilinery & I*ancy Croods. terville. For Lndie*^’ and Childrens* dresses, and has now I Lilornturo, Science, niul Art; end Divhlends tf not drawn commence nt once to J. H. LUNT, Supt. on hand all the standard and useful styles, to* I waiH®®® bear interest aind without presenting book. Portland, Oct. 9th, 1876. 47 gether with new nnd elegant designs for Spring! Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, HE WTLi. ALSO FURNISH Hiid Summer wear. All the patterns are accu-1 With or without Pulleys, TRUSTEES: ratei3»*cut, graded in size and notchetl to show I The most powerful monthly in the KtiglUh Lnn*> how they go together, nnd put up in iliiistratcd I gusge, futnoui fur SruniKt, Fsbayb, and and Moses Lyfoed, I. H. LoW, D. R. WiNO, Somerset Rail Road ! ^KKT^:lIES. N. 0. H. I’UI-SIEKR, B,, Fostee. envelopes, witli full directions for making, I amount of material required, trimmings, &o| Of the Jii^tiest T^tterary Afep/t, Circular Mouldings of all Kindt. R. Fosteb, Presl. E. R. DbuMMonu, 7rea$. Call for a catalogue. WutervUle, June 3,1874. 8m62 C POLISH. Also agent for the “DOMESTIC” Paper I Fashions,-^v(^ convenient in any family—n I r I- it M S-(lXCLai)lNG FOSTAtiE)— TO ORDER Proprietor, {6E0. B. ROBIMSON, [ Bangor, I'ATADLK STKICTLY 15 ADVANCK Mo. TIMK TABLK. supply of which for Spring aud Summer has just I T. E. RANSTED & ., been received. For aky one Review, •4 w vr. INSIDE FINISH. 00 ON AND AFTER MONDAY, FEB. 11th, for Catniocue. For any two Reviews, 7 If yon want somethin? to clean your Having purchased the stock nnd store of G. L. windows like magic. Trains will run ns follows: VviVatcrville, April 1, 1674. For any three Reviews, 10 Square, Robinson & Co., For nii four Reviews, 12 Segment, and To make your cutlery look like new silver, and Leave Madison,...... 9.85 A. M. For Blackwood’s Magnzit.e, 4 Two DOORS North of the Bobt Officf, brigiiten tbe hou«'ehold fienerally, Ncri^lgewock,...... 10.10 " Cottage .Redsteads. For Blackwood nnd one Review, BALUSTERS, Circular Top WATERVILLE, just try Arrive at West Waterville...... *10.45 " For Blackwood end two Reviews, 10 Door Frames, Leave West Wnter*Mlle,..rrrr.‘’.T.'l.14.36 P. M, For Blackwood and three Reviews, 13 will continue the bui-{nest., nil description cleansed or dyed nnd Buccessors to W. H. Buck & Co., which is at once near Hill & Devine* Blacksmith shop, is prepar- John Brooks and Forest City. heretofore. Gent's garments repaired nt short I Sit the M* C. Crossing, agreeable, ed to do will, until further notice, run alternately as fol’ notice Goods received and returned promptly I Band and Scroll Saioing and Joh lipaltliy, and ef­ lows: by Express. ----- Main St., Waterviu.k, Carriage Work and Repairing. Leave Fiiasklin Whabf, Portland, daily nt Mrs. 2\irning,^ -on Large and Small fectual for pre- o^clock, r, M., nnd India Whahp, Boston, daily E. F. BRADBURY, Dealers in WE ALSO FURNISH — Ho pays particular attention to the manufact­ Millinery and Farcy Good?, Agent, for Work^ promptly .serving the ure of at 5 p. Mv, (Sundays excepted.) executed. hair. Faded or ' Waterville. Groceries, Provisions, Floor, WHEELS. Cabin Fare, $100; Deck Fare, 76ctB. C. H. ARNOLD, agent for West Watervillo. CIRCLE MOULDINGS, gray hair is soon Passengers by this line are reminded that they M M. OWEN, agent fur Fairfield nnd viclnit.. Meal, All work promptly and failhfully done at reas­ secure u comfo* table night’s rest nnd avoid the Iy82 Job Sawing, Surfacing, Miitcbing, or restored to its onable prices. AND ALL KINDS OF OF ALL DF.SCRU’TION, expense nnd inconvenience of arriving in Boston AND Matching and Beading, Grooving original color, THOMAS SMART. la e .tt nsghr. of Plank nnd Piling, up to with the gloss and freshness of youth. Waterville, April 9, 1876. 42 Tiimugli rickets to New York via the various COUNTRY PRODUCE Sound Lines, fur f>ulo at very low rates. Attention Faruiers! Segments of any Badius promptly ten indies (hick. Tliiii iiait k ttiick^ucd, falling hair Freight taken tin ii^ual. >Yhere ranv bo found at times a full supplv of Lots For Sale. Wo have a few of Ihe celebrated CHOICE FAMILY OROCERIES. ' ihmished to order. Large Timber planed, nnd Studding checked, .and baldness often, tliough ho'^um Rtoi livkttB accepted on the steamers not always, cured by its use. Noth- and the difference in faro returned. sized. A FEW choice HOUSE-LOTS, convenient to J. B. COYLE, JR., Gen, Agt. Portland. Tropic Wood Cook Stoves. Iluiier, Cbeeae, Eggs, &c.,' . ing can re.stove the hair where the f\. Mill and Factorv, for sale by 49tf F. A. MOOR, at E. F. NVebb’s office Which we almll Wntrani Ih every respect, nnd I Teas, Coffees, Sugar.?, Spices, &c. follicles arc destroyed, or tho glands maine"^ steamship 00. oflor nt lo.s prices Ihdn Cnn bO found elsewhcrel s»elccted with reference to purity, and atrophied and dec.-iyeA But such aa on the river. whicli a'c will sell nt tho LATHS, SHINGLES, CLAPBOARDS remain can be saved for usefulness fOE SALE. TRl.WEKKLr I.tHE TO T. E. R&NSIED, , ^'Our Work is made by tbc d«y, and SCANTLI^iGS NEW YORK. Denier? In Hanlwure, Iron, Slee), &e.l Loirest Market Jlatesy under our special supervision, nnd war­ by this application. ’ Instead of fA,Y and New York Wudnksday, will be tho sentiments patriotic and honora6io.’'*-l’urke withdrawn from the route. ------J •' ------—.— ------Godwin, Editor N YY Evening I’osl. ^ Powdered Sugar, Thorough and JFaith/uf Manner, The volume is Cinifieritiy readable."~N. Cut Loaf Sugar, I IVew SamesB Sjkop. BT Tribune. GEORGE WASHBURN, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. “ Is ciiiillcd to nraiso for its high character as Geiuliue, Crushed Wheat, GEO. HfilBNEY, M, C. MILLTKEN, an authority.'*-’Coicogo Tribune. ' Desiccated Cocoanut, Teacher of Piano, Organ 'aikI , Harmony, Ad- At the OLD STILSON STAND on OvrlOB OF COUI>TROI.I.RR OF THE CURRBROT J I'he author has ii rare art of putting things "— REMOVED!' Has removed his Harness Shop to dre89 PercivaPa Book*stor^, Waterville Mo. TEMPLE STREET. Washiiig'on, Ootober 28d, 1876. | /inn’s Herald. Pearl Barley, I? prepared to do nil kinds of I HEREA3 by satisfactory evidence present-l ** ** All of this is high praise and the book de* Split Peas Pray't New Building on Silver, near KbnNBBBo Ooontt.—In Probate Court,at Augusts '' ed to the undersigned, it hat been made to I ontbotourtb Monday of Sefft. 1876. serves it.”—CongragationHlist. Maeuaroui, . Vermicelli, Main Street. appear that “ '1 He MsHOiiANTa’ NatiohapI " riio author’s success deserves oominenda PAINTING and GRAINING, Dried Peaches, J BATKSs exMutor of liat will and teatoroebt (either Honse or Carriage.) Also Bark of Waterviu.k,” In tho Town of Watewl t ion.**—Independent. S. D. SAVAGE, Where he Is prepared to make NEW A of flallRlUT OONVOYll late of West Water - ville, intbe County of Kennebeo, and State of I '* The pictures are deserving ofraucli praise * pried-Prunes, Centennial Coffee, HARNESSES or to repair vilie In mid County, deoeaaed, having preaeoted hU Maine, has complied with all the provisions ofl — Watchman and Reflector. * OLD ONES. flrat aeoonntof adminUtratlon of the eitate of said PAPER HANGING, GLAZING.&0 Sea Moss Farine,- removed to his deceased lor aHowance: the Revised Statutes of tho United States, re-| It Is likeiv to prove a great favorite with can* All work will be promptly executed at satis- vassers.’’—Christian luteiligencer. Pressed Corned Beef New Harnesses exchanged for old, and Old O rdere«,Tbat notice thereof bp given three weeks quired lo be complied with before an assooiationl siiccesalvely prior to ^be lourtb Monday of Nov. Taotory prioes. snail be autborixed to commence the business ofl This T ork Is very popular and very low in London Lsyer Raisins, Nett) Carriage Paint Shop Harnesses bought and sold. otx in trie Matl, a newspaper printed In Waterville, 86______Waterville, Feb. IT. 1878. Barikfog; | price, and agents are succeeding admirably O^Give me a call. (batall oiraont Interested may attend at a Court of Now THBBKFOBB, I, JoHH JaY KsOX, COIDp- I with it. Send for terms and circulars. Nice Japan and Oolong Teas, ON TEMPLE 8T. GEO. H. BARNEY. Probate then to be bolden at AQguara, and show troller of tbs Ourrenoy, do herebv certify tbsti Watervillo, May 20,18T4. . 40 cause, If any, why the same should not be allowed sfc II. 0. HOUGHTON A CO. from 40 cis. per lb. upward. ------LX- Flowei^ Breathers. ” The Meroharts' Natiorai, Bark of Wat.| 1 Somerset St., Boston, Mass. Graham Flour, OPPOSITE THE OLD STILSON8HOP II. K. BAKKR, Judge. FLEMISH LACE TIES, MUSLIN EHVii.LB,”ln tbe Town of Waterville, in thsi Attest :0ua’b Ubwins, Begliter. 20 LACE TIES, Counjy of Kennebeo, and State of Maing, Is an.I - Extra Scotch Oatmeal, where hs will be pleated to see anyone wishing MILL^ERY I . ITALIAN VALENCIENNES LACE TIES, Small Melodeons lo Let, KiiiBBBBOsOoulfrr.—In Probate Court at Attgnsta, tborixed to commenoa Ibe business of BanklPgjl Pepper Reliah, anything done In the line of on the fourth Monday of Oetober, 1676. at as provided In section fifiy-one hundred a^l Pure Spices. BONNETS and ROUND HATS. A> PHILUPS and NATUANIftL tflADKR. sixty-nine of the Revised SUIutes of tbe United I 26 PJSJi CENT. DEDUCTION, , Mrs. S. E. Pbroival’s, States. House, Sion or Garriaoe Of Prenob and Swiss Qhip G• Gnardisns of Ohsrlss H. Phillips and Kdward ALSO, THE CBLtaiUTED, B Meadsr, of Watsrvllie, lu said Coantv, minors, Ih testihory whereof, witness my Mndl I biT, hnrctbfora Ikt mjr bMt 4 ooUy* mela> In ,11 colors. PAINTING. hat Inc paUUooed tor Uesuse to sell, ai public auoUou CHOICE STO^ FOE 8AIR. • and seal of office, this 28d daV of Oolo* I dM>ii. at Vi.00|p«r quarter,otb,r, a Illlla older, at Nortbfleld Fooket Oi^^ery. Sa?RA.W GbOOISe .or pnvat# salt, tbe following real estate of said [L.S.] ber, 1876. ' SS.bO. par quarter, all in good order ; I will now^ in the most dosirablo stvies for Ladies, Misses waroa the proceeds to be plaeedon Intere t, vlt; all r HAVE twelve JERSEY nnd ALDERNEY let the former at t3 per quarter, and the latter' KAL80MININO, PAPER-HANGING, GRAIN­ and Children. ‘ At Intereet of said wards In the Jedlah Horrll) JOHN JAY KNOX, U* CASH paid for OOOD KVTIER atore situated on the wist side of Main Street, ■nd X CQW8, old and young, some full blood aud 8wl9______Comptroller of Currency. •S.Tt per qiarter. ING, GLAZING, &c., &o. others three quatlers, wbtoh I will sell nt .ow anffsaas. Mrs. Peroitat.’s. bounded North by land of Q. A. PhlUlps and ala . S. E. weft by land of Joanna Oilman, south by land of prioes. I have also eight foil blool S' U'lH KufSiBSO OoDiiTV.—In Probate ADgninl / hate received a large slotk of ciMraled Oooda dallverod anywhor. In the village firea A'nna K. Oilmen end J. Q. DlalrdelL aud east by DOWN BUCKS, whicbl will be glad to sell at on Che fourth Monday of Oot. 1876. I of charge. NOTICE. BHEUllATISM MsIq 8treet; also ons undivided third part of a faii'.rates. BIIISR ll.yaRTONexeeutor of Che Ust will endl Buttriok’s [Patterns, piissisge _ nay, bounded as follow, i easttrly by land of This stock originated ftom oboloo animals, se- A tsstaueot of * OKOBBY BARTON let* I ALl. TUB LATSn Bm.U, ANTED 1 ObarivP...... K 'UoVaddtn!.*"i wtv“? by ^Md o*f J?'"' K'?'** on"™ for“my wn° ^Mi"7nd° ii of BsDtoh In said aounty, deoeesed, bevlof pt*| rnold & MEADER have taken an oflioe Can be cured by the use of OllUtSD tD tooted hlssecon dsooount of admlnlstreCloQ of ihel Fall Catalogue glvaa away to all applloanta.— over Leslit’s Dry Gooda atore. In Boutella abld mlDoi s s north byund of mid Mssder fc Phmij. t eitot of sold deoeas«d for allowiDoe: I Agency for all ut BirrrmcK’a Va8iiiom I’ubiI' 100 Good Coat and Vest Makers ABlock, wliere they would be pleated to have Lallamands Bpeoifio Also what Intsrss; said mlnori* hsvo lo and to ih« animals havini ; been bought„ from.. U, wbiuh are Oxbiatb. that notloe tbereoT be given Chret weiAf I CATioxa. tbelr former Menas and oustomere call and set­ mlostn...... ’eeonvsysd...... , to thm by Ohsilos______V. Bsmll___ highly prloed by the purobawTa. It Is sold for neoesslvely prlir tOfCbe fourth Monday ofNof*| at as can be proven by the testimony of many Per­ by...... blsd^d dst^ May 9,1^4; also* right of way Id the reason that I wish to leduoe oare and labor. oext,io the Ueihe Dowspeper ptiotedl^ Wetervllltb| tle tbeir aocoutati, without delay. sons to whom I am at liberty to refer. AIh>, you can take your choice In flye difiTerent ARNOLD & MEADER. tbsro«rofth«oldDiIt4)0 fiiors: . ' JOHK D. i.AKffif ( that all pereous Interest^ may attend at a eoorl kinde or8KttIN9 MAOHINKd at your own jr. TBAVTA SXO’S. • For tale at ray dwelling house on Silver Street, OapBiSD, that Dotlssthsniof be glvan three ve-ks , Vassalboro', Aug. 16, 1876.—9 " probate|vawwm»« ChenSiWVH toEW bp EIW4UOHbolden el nU|UHUk,Augusta^ KlIUend WV-sboN| Waterville, Oct. 14,1876. 17 opposite the Univareallit Church. sooossslvely prior, to tbe fourth itfondM of Nov, un.t,lf«ay, wby tb.ssm.sboald iMlb«*llo**d price, if your are only reaaqnable, at ntwBpeparprlDtedlB wr to' rent. nSpRSE FOR SALE— R. W. PRAY* neat, lu tbe Hall, e newspeparprlatedln waterftlie. ape fkinges, at U. K. RAKKK, jBd,*. OAXFSITXB'8 HVSIO STOKE. Wbtervt% A|rfrU 30, IBT6. 46 that all parsons iDtereftad may attend at aOonrt of ^•iti oiua.HawiNa.^dfistsr lo . Probate then lo be baiden et Angosta. and show I MBS. 8. E* P£B01VAL*S. Oct., 187C. WATERVILLE. _ ONE SORREL HORSE, five years old, sound cause, If any. wby Ibf prayer of said petltlou Hbovld T Ti’SSEUGE^BOOf^tt' a Good Houao at $200 per year. nnd kind and a good driver. Ijr will exniinnge not be granted* lot of LA DIES- FRENCH KID BOOTS MEM’S HAME HA'JE'BOOSS. U.K.BARBR,Judge KID DOOTS. GEO. G. for a good Cvw., O.’ II. MATTHEWS. Ul nt MAVO’B.- Et MAsO’S. U^O'S oppositEjthf Poi^OaoE, at MAYO’S. PERCIVAL. I Oct. ST, 18T8, “ID Obabiu $xviNi,Rtglster. TM