Table A-1. Special Status Wildlife Species Known to Occur within the La Mesa and El Cajon 7.5’ Quadrangles

Status Common Name (Scientific Name) Federal/State/MSCP Habitat American badger - / CSC / - Most abundant in drier open stages of most shrub, forest, (Taxidea taxus) and herbaceous habitats, with friable soils. Digs burrows. big free-tailed bat - / CSC / - Needs high cliffs or rocky outcrops for roosting sites generally (Nyctinomops macrotis) found in low-lying arid areas. burrowing owl - / CSC / - Open, dry grasslands, deserts, or scrublands characterized by (Athene cunicularia) low-growing vegetation. rufous-crowned sparrow FSC/CSC/MSCP Prefers for open shrubby habitat on rocky, dry slopes. Found (Aimophila ruficeps canescens) to breed in sparsely vegetated scrubland on hillsides and canyons. coast horned lizard (Phrynosoma - / CSC / MSCP Most common in lowlands along sandy washes with scattered blainvillii) low bushes. coast patch-nosed snake - / CSC / - Found in brushy or shrubby vegetation in coastal areas. (Salvadora hexalepis virgultea) Requires small mammal burrows for refuge. coastal cactus wren (Campylorhynchus - / CSC / MSCP Found in . Requires tall opuntia sp. cactus brunneicapillus sandiegensis) for nesting and roosting. coastal California gnatcatcher FT / CSC / - Obligate, permanent resident of coastal sage scrub below (Polioptila californica californica) 2500 ft. Generally found in low, coastal sage scrub in arid washes, on mesas, or slopes. Cooper's hawk - / - / MSCP Nest sites mainly in riparian growths of deciduous trees, as in (Accipiter cooperii) canyon bottoms on river flood-plains. Also can be found in live oaks. Coronado Island skink - / CSC / - Prefers open, rocky areas. Generally found in grassland, (Plestiodon skiltonianus sage woodland, pine-oak or pine forests, close to interparietalis) streams or on dry hillsides. Dulzura pocket mouse - / CSC / - Found in coastal scrub, chaparral, and grassland. (Chaetodipus californicus femoralis) grasshopper sparrow - / CSC / - Found in native dense grasslands on rolling hills, lowland (Ammodramus savannarum) plains, valleys, and on hillsides on lower mountain slopes. Hermes copper butterfly - / - / - Found in southern mixed chaparral and coastal sage scrub at (Lycaena hermes) western edge of Laguna mountains. Host plant is Rhamnus crocea. hoary bat - / - / - Prefers open habitats with access to trees for cover and open (Lasiurus cinereus) areas or habitat edges for feeding. Roosts in dense foliage of medium to large trees. least Bell's vireo FE / SE / - Summer resident of in low riparian areas (Vireo bellii pusillus) in vicinity of water or in dry river bottoms; below 2000 ft. Mexican long-tongued bat - / CSC / - Roosts in relatively well-lit caves, & in & around buildings. San (Choeronycteris mexicana) Diego County is on the periphery of range. northwestern pocket mouse - / CSC / - Found in coastal scrub, chaparral, grasslands, and sagebrush, (Chaetodipus fallax fallax) generally in sandy, herbaceous areas, usually in association with rocks or coarse gravel.

Table A-1. Continued Common Name Status (Scientific Name) Federal/State/MSCP Habitat orangethroat whiptail - / CSC / MSCP Inhabits low-elevation coastal scrub, chaparral, and valley- (Aspidoscelis hyperythra) foothill hardwood habitats. Prefers washes and other sandy areas with patches of brush and rocks. pallid bat - / CSC / - Found in deserts, grasslands, shrublands, woodlands, and (Antrozous pallidus) forests. Most common in open, dry habitats with rocky areas for roosting. pocketed free-tailed bat - / CSC / - Found in arid areas such as pine-juniper woodlands, desert (Nyctinomops femorosaccus) scrub, palm oasis, desert wash, and desert riparian. prairie falcon - / - / - Inhabits dry, open terrain, either level or hilly. Breeding sites (Falco mexicanus) located on cliffs. red-diamond rattlesnake - / CSC / - Occurs in rocky areas and dense chaparral, woodland, (Crotalus ruber) grassland, or desert areas. San Diego fairy shrimp FE / - / - Endemic to vernal pools on San Diego and Orange County (Branchinecta sandiegonensis) mesas. silvery legless lizard - / CSC / - Sandy or loose loamy soils with a high moisture content (Anniella pulchra pulchra) under sparse vegetation. two-striped garter snake - / CSC / - Found in or near permanent fresh water. Often along streams (Thamnophis hammondii) with rocky beds and riparian growth. western mastiff bat - / CSC / - Found in open, and semi-arid to arid habitats, including (Eumops perotis californicus) conifer and deciduous woodlands, coastal scrub, grasslands, and chaparral. western red bat - / CSC / - Roosts primarily in trees, 2 to 40 ft above ground. (Lasiurus blossevillii) western spadefoot - / CSC / - Occurs primarily in grassland habitats. Vernal pools are (Spea hammondii) essential for breeding and egg-laying. western yellow bat - / CSC / - Found in valley foothill riparian, desert riparian, desert wash, (Lasiurus xanthinus) and palm oasis habitats. Roosts in trees, particularly palms. Forages over water and among trees. yellow warbler - / CSC / - Prefers willows, cottonwoods, aspens, sycamores, and alders (Dendroica petechia brewsteri) for nesting and foraging. Yuma myotis - / - / - Optimal habitats are open forests and woodlands with (Myotis yumanensis) sources of water over which to feed. FE = Federally listed as endangered FT – Federally listed as threatened FSC = Federal Species of Concern SE = State listed as endangered CSC = California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) designated “Species of Concern” MSCP = Covered under the Multiple Species Conservation Plan Source: CDFG 2010

Table A-2. Special Status Plant Species Known to Occur within the La Mesa and El Cajon 7.5’ Quadrangles

Status Common Name Federal / State / (Scientific Name) CNPS / MSCP Habitat / Life Form / Blooming Period California adolphia (Adolphia - / - / 2.1 / - Found in sandy/gravelly to clay soils within grassland, coastal californica) sage scrub, or chaparral / perennial deciduous shrub / Dec- May chaparral ragwort - / - / 2.2 / - Found in drying alkaline flats in cismontane woodland and (Senecio aphanactis) coastal scrub / annual herb /Jan-Apr Dean's milk-vetch (Astragalus deanei) - / - / 1B.1 / - Found on open, brushy south-facing slopes in coastal sage or chaparral / perennial herb / Feb-May Del Mar manzanita (Arctostaphylos FE / - / 1B.1 / - Found on sandy coastal mesas and ocean bluffs, generally in glandulosa ssp. crassifolia) chaparral or torrey pine forest / perennial evergreen shrub / Dec-Jun Lakeside ceanothus (Ceanothus - / - / 1B.2 / - Found in closed-cone coniferous forest and chaparral / cyaneus) evergreen shrub / Apr-Jun little mousetail - / - / 3.1 / - Found in alkaline soils in vernal pools / annual herb / Mar-Jun (Myosurus minimus ssp. apus) Long-spined spineflower - / - / 1B.2 / - Found in chaparral, coastal scrub, meadows and seeps, valley (Chorizanthe polygonoides var. and foothill grassland, and vernal pools / annual herb / Apr- longispina) Jul Mission Canyon bluecup (Githopsis - / - / 3.1 / - Found in chaparral habitats and mesic, disturbed areas / diffusa ssp. filicaulis) annual herb / Apr-Jun Nuttall's scrub oak (Quercus dumosa) - / - / 1B.1 / - Found on sandy soils near the coast, generally in closed-cone coniferous forest, chaparral, and coastal scrub / evergreen shrub / Feb-Apr oil neststraw - / - / 1B.1 / - Found on flats and clay soils in oil producing areas / annual (Stylocline citroleum) herb / Mar-Apr Orcutt's brodiaea - / - / 1B.1 / - Found in mesic, clay habitats in vernal pools, valley and (Brodiaea orcuttii) foothill grassland, closed cone coniferous forest, cismontane woodland, chaparral, and meadows / perennial bulbiferous herb / May-Jul Palmer's goldenbush (Ericameria - / - / 1B.1 / - Found on granitic soils, on steep hillsides within coastal scrub palmeri var. palmeri) and chaparral / perennial evergreen shrub / Sep-Nov prostrate vernal pool navarretia - / - / 1B.1 / - Found in alkaline soils in grassland or in vernal pools / annual (Navarretia prostrate) herb / Apr-Jul Ramona horkelia - / - / 1B.3 / - Found in clay soils in mixed chaparral, vernal streams, and (Horkelia truncate) disturbed areas near roads / perennial herb / May-Jun Robinson's pepper-grass (Lepidium - / - / 1B.2 / - Found in dry soils with chaparral and coastal scrub below 950 virginicum var. robinsonii) meters / annual herb / Jan-Jul San Diego ambrosia (Ambrosia FE / - / 1B.1 / - Generally found in sandy loam or clay soils in chaparral, pumila) coastal scrub, and valley and foothill grassland. Can persist in valleys where disturbance has been superficial / perennial rhizomatous herb / Apr-Oct San Diego barrel cactus (Ferocactus - / - / 2.1 / MSCP Often found on exposed, level or south-sloping areas in viridescens) chaparral and coastal scrub / perennial stem; succulent / May-Jun

Table A-2. Continued Status Common Name Federal / State / (Scientific Name) CNPS / MSCP Habitat / Life Form / Blooming Period San Diego button celery FE / SE / 1B.1 / - Found in coastal scrub, valley and foothill grasslands, and ( aristulatum var. parishii) vernal pools / annual-perennial herb / Apr-Jun San Diego goldenstar (Bloomeria - / - / 1B.1 / - Found in chaparral, coastal scrub, and valley and foothill clevelandii) grassland. Can be found on mounds between vernal pools / perennial bulbiferous herb / Apr-May San Diego marsh-elder - / - / 2.2 / - Found in marshes and swamps, playas, and riverwashes / (Iva hayesiana) perennial herb / Apr-Oct San Diego mesa mint (Pogogyne FE / SE / 1B.1 / - Found in vernal pools within grasslands, chaparral, or coastal abramsii) sage scrub communities / annual herb / Mar-Jul San Diego sagewort (Artemisia - / - / 4.2 / - Found in drainages and riparian areas in sandy soil within palmeri) chaparral, coastal scrub, riparian forest, and riparian woodland / deciduous shrub / May-Sep San Diego thorn-mint (Acanthomintha FT / SE / 1B.1 / MSCP Endemic to clay soils within grassland and chaparral ilicifolia) communities / annual herb / Apr-Jun singlewhorl burrobrush (Ambrosia - / - / 2.2 / - Found in sandy soils in chaparral and sonoran desert scrub / monogyra) perennial shrub / Aug-Nov summer holly (Comarostaphylis - / - / 1B.2 / - Often found in mixed chaparral and sometimes in post-burn diversifolia ssp. diversifolia) areas / perennial evergreen shrub / Apr-Jun variegated dudleya - / - / 1B.2 / MSCP Found in rocky or clay soils in chaparral, coastal scrub, (Dudleya variegate) cismontane woodland, and valley and foothill grassland / perennial herb / Apr-Jun wart-stemmed ceanothus (Ceanothus - / - / 2.2 / - Found in chaparral habitats / perennial evergreen shrub / Dec verrucosus) - May willowy monardella (Monardella FE / SE / 1B.1 / - Found in canyons and in rocky and sandy places, sometimes viminea) in washes or floodplains / perennial herb / Jun-Aug woven-spored lichen (Texosporium - / - / - / - Has been found in open sites in chaparral, on rabbit pellets, sancti-jacobi) and in oak woodland / lichen FE = Federally listed as endangered FT = Federally listed as threatened SE = State listed as endangered CNPS = California Native Plant Society List 1B.1 = rare, threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere; seriously threatened in California List 1B.2 = Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere; fairly threatened in California List 1B.3 = Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere; not very threatened in California List 2.1 = Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California, but more common elsewhere; seriously threatened in California List 2.2 = Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California, but more common elsewhere; fairly threatened in California List 3.1 = Plants about which more information is needed (A Review List); seriously threatened in California List 4.2 = Plants are of limited distribution (A Watch List); fairly threatened in California MSCP = Covered under the Multiple Species Conservation Plan Source: CDFG 2010, CNPS 2010