
FIPPENNYFIPPENNY NEWSNEWS The Parish Magazine of St. Andrew’s Church Okeford Fitzpain e


THE OKEFORD BENEFICE serving the parishes of:- St. Nicholas, : St Paul, : St. Nicholas, Manston: St Andrew, : Church of the Holy Rood , . In the Deanery of Salisbury Diocese .

The Ministry Team Rector - The Revd Fr Darren A’Court - 01258 861847 (Off duty Friday) Licensed Lay Minister - Mrs Sue Le Riche - 01258 861830 (Off duty Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday)

The Rector is always happy to visit people in the Benefice, whatever the reason. Please let him know on 01258 861847 if you would like a vis- it. All enquiries relating to Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals should be directed to the Rector. The Sacrament of Penance (Confession) is available by appointment with the Rector.

St Andrew’s Okeford Fitzpaine.

Churchwarden Keith Bradley 01258 861735

Churchwarden Mrs Zoë Goddard 01258 861046

Church Mrs Carol Landricombe Treasurer

P.C.C. Mrs Zoë Goddard 01258 861046 Secretary

Closing time & date for copy is 5.00pm on the 20th of the month .

2 Recently on facebook a ministerial friend of mine shared a post she had received, this is what it said.

A burglar broke into a house one night, he shone his torch quickly around the room looking for valuables, when a very strange voice said 'Jesus knows your here.' Well as you can imagine the robber nearly jumped out of his skin, he quickly turned off his torch and froze. When he heard nothing else for awhile, he shook his head and continued with his robbery.

But, just as he was pulling the cables out of the music centre, clear as a bell he heard the voice again say, 'Jesus is watching you.' Freaked out, he frantically shone his torch around the room, and eventually his beam of light came to rest on a Parrot in the corner.

'Did you say that?.' the nervous robber hissed at the parrot. 'Yes' the parrot confessed, then in his squawky voice said. 'I'm trying to warn you that Jesus is watching you.’ The burglar immediately relaxed, 'Warn me huh. Who in the world are you anyway. ‘I'm Moses.’ said the parrot. The burglar laughed nervously and said, 'What kind of person calls their parrot Moses’”. The parrot replied ‘The same kind of person who calls their Rottweiler Jesus’.

In this humorous tale there is a serious message Jesus is watching us, He is watching to see how we are living our lives. He is watching us to see how we treat others. He is watching us to see if we remember to thank God for all our blessings.

But, Jesus is not only watching us. He is watching over us, He is ready in an instant to help us up when we fall, to envelop us in His love when we are sad, hurt and feel alone and unwanted and He is on call 24/7 to wipe away our sins when we pray to Him from our hearts for forgiveness.

The Rotweiler was protecting his family, Jesus will protect us because we are His family. and like any loving parent He will mould us into good

3 people. The kind of people that would not take from others, that which is not ours to take.

Sue le Riche

St Andrew's Church

Mothering Sunday Service

15th March at 10.30am

Everyone welcome to join us and stay for Coffee, Biscuits and a Chat after the Service

Parish Council News

Planning Application to be discussed at the meeting on 3 March 2015 2/2015/0126/HOUSE – Spring Cottage, Back Lane, Okeford Fitz- paine - 2 Storey extension of converted chapel’s south elevation, single storey extension of converted chapel’s north elevation and carport and landscaping works at south of the site.

Open Evening for Prospective Candidates 3 March 2015 There will be a meeting for prospective candidates for the forthcoming District and Parish Elections (7 May 2015) being held at Sturminster Town Council on Tuesday 3 March between 7 and 8 pm. If you are interested in becoming a local Councillor please feel free to at- tend the event where any questions can be answered.

Child Okeford Flower Arranging Club (COFAC) Workshops and demonstrations every third Tuesday of the month at 2.15 pm. All welcome. For information phone Sue Brown on 01258 863775

4 Okeford Fitzpaine Village Hall

On behalf of the management committee I would like to thank Tim Burt for the work he does on the parish website, which has recently been upgraded and improved. There are several pages dedicated to the Village Hall and I am in the process of gathering more pictures and information for him. Have a look www.okeford-fitzpaine.org

Fund Raising for 2015:-

Table Top Sale – Saturday March 7th Spring Market – Sunday April 12th – the committee will be running a cake stall so any donations will be very welcome. TOPS Rally – Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th May Fippenny Fayre – Sunday June 21st Race Night – Saturday September 12th Jumble Sale – Saturday September 26th Christmas Market – Sunday November 15th More details of all the above will be in subsequent magazines and on the notice boards. I'm taking bookings now for the Spring Market, prices remain the same at £7 and £4 for 6 foot and 3 foot tables respectively, your oppor- tunity to make some extra cash for yourself or your club/organisation.

Also in April on Friday 10th (please note change of date) the AGM of the management committee will take place, this will usually be followed by an ordinary committee meeting. The AGM is open to every- one so come along and see how things work. We are all volunteers so any extra help is always very welcome. Agenda: (1) Apologies, (2) Minutes of April 14th 2014 (3) Matters Arising (4) Chairman's Report (5) Treasurer's Report (6) Election of Committee (7) A.O.B.

Diane Burt, Treasurer/Secretary & bookings. Tel: 01258 863474 or email [email protected]

Thank you for your continued support, you're what keeps us going.

5 Parish Plan Feedback Meeting 13th February 2015

6 7 The Olde Bell Stores & Post Office Okeford Fitzpaine 01258 860414 General grocerieslocal produce. Bakery serving breadcakeswarm savouriestake-away tea & coffee Off Licence  Traditional sweetshop  Opening Hours Shop & Post Office:- Tuesday, & Thursdays 9am - 5.00pm Closed 1pm - 2pm.

Noah had problems too

When Noah sailed the waters blue, he had his troubles same as you. For forty days he drove the Ark before he found a place to park.

8 Okeford Fitzpaine Neighbourhood Plan Group As you will all know the first questionnaire has been completed and out of the 789 sent out, responses were received from 136 parishioners. Thank you for taking the time to fill them in.

The feedback evening held on February 13th proved very successful with lots of people attending during the evening. Many thanks to the Community Group for organising the refreshments, to Jane Tapping for putting up a display of photographs showing how the parish has changed over the years and to the Village Hall Committee for the use of its display boards.

There were displays of all the general comments made along with graphs showing the results of the specific questions. Members of the NPG were on hand to answer questions and receive any further com- ments. Also on show were some initial ideas on possible housing with the possible inclusion of light industry but at this stage there are no firm plans on the table.

There have been discussions between North District Council (the planning authority) and the potential developers of two brown field sites in the parish. The agents for the developers have attended Parish Council meetings to put forward suggestions and ideas about how to give the parish what it needs and the best way of doing that.

The group now has to analyse all the data received and liaise with Dorset County Council, District Council and possibly other agencies regarding highway and access issues, the general infrastructure of the area and anything else which needs further discussion.

Thank you once again for taking part. As the plan progresses there will be further questionnaires and feedback events so that you can be involved in the whole process and have your say in how the parish devel- ops.

If you are interested in joining the group you would be very welcome, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council email: [email protected] NPG

9 Painting & Decorat- ing Interior & Exterior

James Witcher

Free Estimates

Phone 01258 860970

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Self-Catering Holiday Cottage 7 Nethermead In Okeford Fitzpaine Dorset Okeford Fitzpaine DT11 0TP Converted 2 bedroom Coach House Sleeps 4. 01258 863744 Graded 4 star VISIT BRITAIN 07792 613383 Linen◦Heating◦WiFi◦TV provided Small Private Garden Details: Proprietor Sue Godden No job too small Email: [email protected] Tel: 01258 860763

10 Jam & Chutney Stall I am looking in advance by appealing now for anyone who has a surplus of fruit or vegetables - fresh or frozen - if so please send them my way at 75 The Cross, Okeford Fitzpaine. So far the stall has raised £16,400 for the Village Hall.

Many thanks to everyone who has supplied me with ingredients and jars or has helped behind the stall, also transported the stall to different venues. Without all this help the Hall would not have benefited by that amount of money.

P.S. On March 10th I will have been in the village for 50 years. Thank you everyone who has helped make my time here so happy. Anthea


Have you got lots of things you'd like to sell but don't want to go to the trouble of car boot sales? Well here's an idea, use the Village Hall it's not very far to go, it's warm, dry and there are refreshments available

FOR JUST £6 you will be allocated a 6 foot table to sell whatever you wish (as long as its legal)! As we are inside, space is limited so ... ADVANCE BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL – PLEASE DON'T JUST TURN UP ON THE DAY YOU MAY FIND THERE IS NO ROOM FOR YOU Once booked in (contact details are below) the Hall will be open for set- ting up from 9:00am and open to the buyers from 11:00am

All table money is for Hall funds together with profits from the tombola, refreshments and our own stalls Don’t leave it too long, get in touch now - secure your space Diane Burt, Treasurer/Secretary & bookings. Tel: 01258 863474 (please note new number) or email [email protected]

11 Okeford Fitzpaine CE VA Primary School


Following a recent inspection by Ofsted at Okeford Fitzpaine School they are delighted to have achieved GOOD across all areas.

Highlights in the report include the comments that:

“100% of teaching is good or better.”

“Teaching Assistants provide highly effective support to small groups and individual children across the school.”

“All adults place a high priority on creating a positive family atmosphere. As a result, pupils feel safe, happy and cared for as individuals.”

“Pupils enjoy coming to school, look after each other, behave very well and are rightly proud of their school.”

“The behaviour of pupils is good and is a strength of the school. Staff and parents are very positive about the management of behaviour in the school.”

“Typically, very good relationships exist between teachers and pupils, en- abling high-quality discussions to occur.”

“All groups of pupils are making good progress.”

Headteacher, Alan Frame commented that, “We are delighted with the outcome of the inspection particularly given the new Ofsted framework which is so much more demanding than previous ones. Since arriving at Okeford Fitzpaine I have been particularly impressed at the hard work the staff have put in and the support I have received from the Governing Body. Of course the children were also great ambassadors for the school through the inspection and a credit to the school. To reinforce a point from the report, the staff really care for the children as individuals and fully deserve this great result.”

12 Ofsted made particular reference to the Early Years provision at the school and comments included that: “Provision across the Early Years is good and children make good pro- gress, particularly in their mathematics, language and personal skills. Nearly all pupils leave Reception confident and well equipped to start Year 1.” “The Early Years Foundation Stage is well led. Staff know the children very well individually, track how they improve their skills through play, and modify activities according to children’s needs and abilities.”

“Well directed support encourages both children’s independence and their ability to work with others.”

“Children’s positive attitudes are promoted well because the learning en- vironments are engaging. Exciting activities, such as an outdoor number walk, are well matched to the children’s needs and interests.”

“Children’s behaviour is excellent.”

An ecstatic Chairman of Governors, Ian Berry, said “It has been challenging 12 months for the School and everybody asso- ciated with it. This Ofsted rating has been an incredible achievement. We have small classes and are lucky to have a very good ratio of pupils to teachers, supported by teaching assistants and an enthusiastic group of helpers.

A really telling comment from the Report sums up everything we like to see in our pupils –

“Pupils enjoy coming to the school, look after each other, behave very well and are rightly proud of their school”.

It has been a very exciting period in the School’s history with the cele- bration of 200 years of education in the village last October leading up to this great OFSTED result.” Following the result, the school looks forward to a bright future. There are plans to re-vamp the outside area for the Early Years to make it a fan- tastic environment for the children use and have secured a grant to make this work possible. The school is also developing after-school care after requests for parents. Mr Frame has started some work with iPads and coding to meet the new requirements of the National Curriculum, his par-

13 ticular area of expertise. He is also very determined to get the broken school bell working again so watch this space! Do have a look at our Class Blogs on our website to see what else the children have been up to at Okeford Fitzpaine.

SturQuest are pleased to announce that they have been accepted as a Community Organisation who are helping to Create ‘A Nation of Lifesav- ers’ as part of the British Heart Foundation scheme. Call Push Rescue (CPR) is a scheme to get everyone able to deal with the life threatening condition of someone who has collapsed and stopped breathing. The training can be done in small groups of up to 10 people, in your own home or at you club or workplace, in fact you find the location and we will put a session on. While there is no time limit, the training is done at your speed, howev- er in just one hour we can give you this vital information. Courses are starting in March and be the first to register and choose the date, time and location. Contact SturQuest Office on 01258 471456 Jacqui Wragg Community ResourceWorker SturQuest Community Office Old Market Hill DT10 1FH

Seasick It was discovered on a cruise that a clergyman was a bad sailor. Another passenger, a judge, found him leaning over the rail of a ship as it swayed to the heavy roll of the sea. “Can I do anything for you?” asked the judge, with sympathy. “Yes,” pleaded the clergyman. “Overrule the motion.”

14 Spring Market - Village Hall Sunday 12th April 11.00 am - 4.00 pm

Lots of Stalls including: Jams & chutneys • cakes & biscuits • small antiques • jewellery • bath products • cards • plants • bric-a-brac s/h books • charities • TOMBOLA Refreshments all day

For information call 01258 807697 or email

[email protected] Stalls Available:- Large £7 Small £4

Steve Bealing Painter and Decorator

Rep- Interior & Exterior Friendly Professional Service utable, Local Plumber, Serving Competitive rates with no Blandford & Surrounding areas

VAT ALL ASPECTS OF PLUMBING All jobs considered & HEATING SMALL JOBS ALWAYS WELCOME - NO CALL OUT FEE Tel: 01258 861803 Mob: 07815 957296 TEL: 01258 45 92 43 email: Or Visit [email protected] www.plumbersinblandford.co.uk


Word was out that BT Openreach had enabled the fibre optic connec- tion to Okeford Fitzpaine on 18th Feb and BT’s website connection checker revealed that, yes indeed, superfast broadband is now possible at an estimated speed for a specific connection. The actual wording was “Yes! You can get superfast BT Infinity Fibre broadband” For my phone number and address “You could get 45-64Mb Estimated download speed range”.

So does this mean that we are now automatically speeded up? NO! Does this mean that as BT Openreach installed the cable that we must use BT? Also NO! Can I check today, the actual speed I could get on the speed checker? Again NO!

To make use of this facility a new, Fibre contract has to be arranged, just like when getting the old standard broadband. There is a wide choice and range of prices from many companies. Some deals are for broadband only, some add weekend and evening phone calls, some offer anytime phone calls, others add TV, mobiles etc. Prices start at lower speed ceil- ings, up to 16/17 Mb, increasing to up to 38,76,100,150Mb, with bells and whistles.

Your actual available speed depends on your distance from the nearest, green junction box, where the fibre optic cable ends and copper wire to your house begins. For me that is opposite the village shop. Speed de- creases with distance along copper wire from that box.

Useful links are: www.productsandservices.bt.com/products/speed-checker, to check availability and get a speed estimate. The speed checker further down the page will only check the current ADSL connection. www.money.co.uk/broadband/broadband-and-anytime-calls.htm, to see a very wide choice of providers (ISPs). Note the More button at the foot of the list for further pages. Click to the ISP website for up to date information and contact details.

Finally, if you have a good deal for your home phone, you do not have to stay with the same company for fibre broadband. It might be cheaper to mix, however it might be cheaper to match, phone and broadband from the same provider, which may or may not be your current one.


How to get it Choose an ISP and elect to get a fibre enabled connec- tion. The ISP will probably arrange for a BT engineer to visit (though some don’t) and install a replacement front cover for your main phone socket, plus supply a fibre modem and fibre compatible router, though combined modem/routers are starting to be provided. The router will be a basic model but sufficient for most users. The engineer should check your available speed, after which you can choose a contract, according to your requirement and pocket.

Bottom Line If your current Broadband satisfies your needs, there is no need to change anything. There is bags of information on line to tell you what a fibre connection can offer. Peter Bowles

Climate Change Week is held this month. (2-8 March) Moses and climate change When Moses went up the mountain one day to meet with God, the Lord said he had both good news and bad news for him. Moses asked, "What's the good news?"

God replies, "Moses, I shall visit plagues upon the Egyptians. I shall cause their rivers to run red with blood. I shall cause frogs to infest their houses, and lice to infest their bodies. I shall cause flies to swarm upon them. Their cattle shall die; boils will infect both man and beast. I shall cause hail to destroy their crops; and locusts shall devour anything green that is left in their land. Darkness will cover their land for three days and nights. I shall then lead you through the wilderness as a pillar of cloud by day, and pillar of fire by night. I shall split the waters of the sea. I shall feed you with Manna that forms upon the ground until the children of Is- rael reach the Land flowing with milk and honey."

Moses replied, "That's GREAT, Lord! What could possibly be the bad news?"

"You, Moses, shall write the Environmental Impact Statement."

17 18 The Nail Workshop Goddard Landscapes Ltd.

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Springhead in association with St. Andrew's Church, Recital by The Monteverdi Apprentices 6.30pm 12 March at the church. Eight exceptional young people will perform a repertoire of choral music. The Apprentice Programme enables promising young performers to ex- perience , with intensive training ,choral performances at the highest lev- el. Info at www.monteverdi.co.uk/education/apprenticeship. Tickets available £12.00 in advance, £15.00 on the door. To book call, write or email The Springhead Trust, Fontmell Magna, Shaftesbury, Dor- set SP7 0NU. Tel: 01747 811853. Email: [email protected].

Film at Village Hall DT11 0EL “PRIDE” (R) Saturday 7th March, 2015 7.30 pm Light Refreshments Raffle Welcome to bring a bottle Bookings for £5 seats Annette Newman 01258 817269/ Barbara Smith 01258 817555

70 years since the end of the war in Europe VE DAY 8th May 1945. In the May issue I would like to include some of your memories of VE Day. Now is the time for those of us who were there make a notes before it’s too late. Where were you? In the services, on a ship, cooking bully beef near the Rhine, servicing air craft on an East Anglian airfield, work- ing in a hospital, harrowing a field, in school or even sitting in your pram?. I’d love to hear from you so please write those memories down and let me have them. If you would like me to visit to take notes that’s OK. If you were not there perhaps you remember tales that your grand- parents told you. It would be wonderful to collect as many as possible together to keep for future generations. Just contact me at 860095 or [email protected]

We are intending to arrange a Village History Day and VE Commemo- ration in the Village Hall over the weekend in May from 8th - 10th inclu- sive. Discussions are underway also to consider a special service at St Andrew’s. More details later.

20 The Entertainment Page. What’s on in the district this month Date Time Venue Show Contact |No Price 1 Mar C. Ok Sch 7.30 ‘The Whispering Road’ 01258 861391 £8 Serious Kitchen Theatre 1 Mar Exch 4.30 £9 ‘Wind in the Willow - The 01258 475137 Musical. Impact Theatre 6 Mar D’westen 7.30 The Ingenious Gentleman Don 01258 453170 £8 14+ Quixote of La Mancha Little Soldier Theatre 7 Mar Exchange “Crafts at the Exchange” 01258 475137 9 - 1 Artists & Crafters 10 Mar Exch 7.30 An Evening of Mediumship 01258 475137 £18 Tony Stockwell 13 Mar B’ford C Exh ‘The Imitation Game’ Film 01258 454500 7.30 £5.50 14 Mar Exch 7.30 ‘A Brief History of Music’ 01258 475137 £10 Blast from the Past 15 Mar Exch 7.00 ‘The Imitation Game’ Film 01258 475137 £4.50 21 Mar Exch 8.00 Comedy Night 01258 475137 £12 18+ 24 Mar Marnh’l VH ‘Mr Turner’ film 01258 820381 7.30 £5 29 Mar Exch 7.30 ‘The Thrill of Love’ 01258 475137 £12 Impact Theatre Editors Note I understand that someone has complained that they did not know of an event that took place in Shillingstone. I’m very sorry about that but un- less some one sends me details I am unable to include them in the Fippen- ny News. I am always very pleased to include items from outside the par- ish and if I am notified of anything I deem suitable I will certainly include it.

21 Flans and Tarts for Spring With the weather hopefully getting a little warmer and Easter just over the horizon it is nice to think of enjoying something a little less solid. Also something that can be eaten hot or cold when you stagger in from garden or allotment.

Bacon & Egg Tart I found this recipe way back in the early 1960’s and it is a firm family favourite. To brag a little, I’ have won several 1st priz- es with it at various shows over the years. 8oz short crust pastry: 4 oz streaky bacon (I use smoked for added fla- vour) trimmed & chopped: 3 eggs, beaten: ¼ pt milk: salt & pepper: 2 oz grated mature cheddar: 2 tomatoes, thinly sliced. Line a deep 10” pie plate or flan tin with rolled out pastry. Fry bacon lightly in a little oil until just cooked. Beat eggs & milk together add ba- con and season to taste. Pour into lined tin. Sprinkle with grated cheese and arrange tomato slices round edge. Bake in pre-heated oven at 375°F/ Mark 4 gas/190°C for about 40 mins. Eat hot or cold, Will re-heat in about 10 mins. Freezes very well.

Cheese & Onion Flan 6oz short crust cheese pastry: ¾lb onions, peeled: ½ oz flour: ½ oz butter or marg: ½ pt onion liquor & milk, mixed: 2oz mature cheddar grated: seasoning to taste. Line a 8” sandwich or flan tin with pastry, prick over the base, cover with foil to prevent pastry rising. Bake towards top of oven at 425°F/220° C/Mark 7 gas, for 20-25 mins. Cool. Cook onions, whole, in salted water boiling water until tender. 30-40 mins. Drain, reserving ⅛ pt of onion liquor. Chop. Put into pastry case. Melt fat in pan, stir in flour and cook slowly for 2 mins. Gradually add milk and liquor stirring until sauce comes to boil and thickens. Simmer for 2 mins. Add 1 oz cheese and season to taste. Pour over onions. Sprinkle over rest of cheese,brown under grill. Garnish with parsley & tomato slices.

Sultana Cheese Cake This can be a pudding with fresh fruit or a cake. 4 oz short crust pastry: ½-¾ lb cream or cottage cheese: 2 eggs: 2 oz butter: 2 oz castor sugar: 1 oz cornflour: 2 oz sultanas. Line 7” flan tin or sandwich tin with pastry, reserve pastry scraps. Bake blind for 10 mins in oven 425°F/Mark 7 gas/200°C. Meanwhile sieve or beat cheese until smooth. Separate egg yolks from whites. Beat whites stiffly. Cream butter and sugar, add cheese, egg yolks, cornflour, sultanas and lastly egg whites. Put into pastry case. Roll out scraps of

22 pastry and cut into thin strips, decorate top of cake with lattice of pastry. Bake in centre of very moderate oven for 45-60 mins, 350°F/180°C/Mark 4.

Rhubard Biscuit Flan Get the kids eating Rhubarb, it’s good for the according to Eccles in the Goon Show! 8oz digestive biscuits: 3 oz butter: 1lb rhubarb: 3 oz castor sugar: ¼pt water: 1 raspberry jelly. Butter a 9” fluted oven-proof flan case. Crush biscuits (in a plastic bag with a rolling pin) Melt butter in a pan and stir in crumbs. Combine thoroughly and press in to flan case. Leave to set. Wash & prepare rhubard, chop, simmer in the water with sugar. Melt jelly in fruit mix. When nearly set spoon into case and leave in fridge to set.

Temperatures. Easy reference Guide. Fan ovens look at your book


Cool 250°F 130°C Mark½ 275°F 140°C Mark 1 300°F 150°C Mark 2 Medium 325°F 170°C Mark 3 350°F 180°C Mark 4 375°F 190°C Mark 5 400°F 200°C Mark 6 Hot 425°F 220°C Mark 7 450°F 230°C Mark 8 475°F 240°C Mark 9 500°F 250°C Mark 10

23 Dorset Wildlife Trust North Dorset Group The Mapping Seas Project

Until recently, the features and contours of the moon were better known to science than those of our own seabed. Dorset Integrated Seabed Study (DORIS) is beginning to reveal the shape and character of the sea- bed, and the extent and distribution of seabed habitats. DWT has collabo- rated with agencies including the National Oceanographic Centre, South- ampton, to gain a better understanding of the sensitivity of seabed com- munities to increasing human activities in the seas around our shores. Organisations such as the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, benefit from the DORIS project as it helps to update their navigational charts, whilst the Channel Coastal Observatory gain valuable information to help with coastal defence.

DWT’s Marine Survey and Data Officer, Dr Charlotte Bolton, will also explain the role DORIS played in securing Marine Conservation Zones in illustrated talk on Wednesday 18th March at Fontmell Magna Village Hall (SP7 0JU). at 7.30pm, £2 Children free.


Spring Holiday Family activities continue to be FREE thanks to generous sponsorship from Battens Solicitors. The Easter activities focus on burial customs from ancient times and what objects were chosen to go into the grave. There will also be an op- portunity to find out more about the Museum’s famous horned Ooser. The Museum welcomes families with trail activities for children. Tel: 01305 262735 or visit www.dorsetcountymuseum.org.

Dates of Family Activities at the Dorset County Museum as follows: 1st April: Brilliant Burials and Skeletons - 10.30am and 12.30pm 8th April: Make a Dorset Ooser Mask - 10.30am and 12.30pm

What does it mean when all the socks in your laundry match, with none left over? You’re now losing them in pairs!

24 News from SturQuest – The Community Partnership for the Sturminster Newton Area

On Thursday 5th March we will be launching our new Citizens Ad- vice Bureau weekly service. Appointments can be made to see Lou Aus- tin, a former volunteer at the CAB , and receive direct connec- tion to their services on Thursday mornings between 10am and 1pm in the SturQuest office. This is a result of recognised additional local need to the already established North Dorset Citizens Advice Bureau outreach ser- vice at the Medical Centre on Friday mornings.

To celebrate the launch of this new service, a Coffee Morning will al- so be held in the SturQuest office on Thursday 5th March. All monies raised will be donated to the CAB. Do call in and support this worthwhile fundraising event and take the opportunity to learn more about the Stur- Quest organisation and volunteering opportunities.

For more information or to make an appointment to see Lou, contact the SturQuest Community Office, on 01258 471456 or email [email protected].

As Spring approaches and the desire to go outside arises, visit the Stur- Quest community office for inspiration. We have a large stock of leaflets and invite you to call in and view our display racks for information on lo- cal tourist sites and attractions. Visit the office Monday to Friday (9.30 to 12.30) for a fabulous welcome from one of our volunteers who will help and guide you through the collection.

Jacqui Wragg Community Resource Worker

Mother’s reward A man was decorating his new den and decided it was a good place to display all the awards he and his two sons had won at various athletic competitions. When he had filled two whole walls, he remarked to his wife that it was a shame she had no awards to contribute.

The following day, she produced, neatly framed, the birth certificates of their two sons, and added them to the display.


Next Meeting: Monday 2nd March 2015 7.30pm at the Village Hall

“Views From the Saddle” An illustrated talk by Eric Watson Find out what a cyclist sees as Eric shares his views of our wonderful countryside.

At the meeting, it will be time to choose your seed potato for this year’s Potato Growing Competition. Cost per entry will be £1.50 to in- clude potato, growing bag and starter compost. I will also have news of the new Fuchsia growing competition for the Summer Show.

If you are thinking of joining the club, you will be most welcome. The annual subscription is £7.00, or, you can pay £1.50 as a visitor for the evening that you attend.

Programme for 2015 2nd March Views from the Saddle 13th April Life on the Verge 11th May Flights of Fancy (RSPB) 1st June Stourhead Gardens - past, present & Future 18th July Summer Show 7th September Putting your Garden to Bed for Winter 5th October Lavender Farm 2nd November Harvest Supper 7th December Dig for Victory. Fred Philpott (Chairman)

Don’t interrupt! Sir Winston Churchill rehearsed his speeches at every opportunity. A true story about him relates how one morning, when Sir Winston was in his tub, his valet heard his voice above the splashing. Opening the door, he asked; “Were you speaking to me, sir?”

“Not at all,” Churchill replied, annoyed at the interruption. “I was addressing the House of Commons.”



All manner of restora- tion work undertaken. From clocks, music boxes, barometers, small items of furniture to scientific instruments. Everything from mechanical to case work. All work guaranteed for 12 months Robert Jones, Sturminster Newton

Telephone: 01258 817 111 Mobile: 07760 385 161 Email: [email protected]

For Hire Mini digger– various types and THE GREEN BUILDER sizes of buckets SUSTAINABLE BUILDING SOLUTIONS 2 ton flatbed trailer 2 ton tipper trailer *Green construction & consultation Farm Manure-bagged or trailer *Lime plastering, rendering and load Pointing Self drive hire & towed *Cob specialist Contact: Mike Bartlett *Stonework Mill Farm Bungalow *Yurts made to order Shillingstone Lane *Bespoke carpentry Okeford Fitzpaine *Restoration and conservation Phone 01258 861647 Mobile 07890 829645 Tel: 07859 075179 [email protected] Email: [email protected]


To join contact Tony Edmunds 01258 473823

27 On the perils of parking near church The Rectory St. James the Least My dear Nephew Darren I cannot be wholly sympathetic because your church car park is now inadequate, only having space for 100 cars. Your solution of advising members of the congregation to park in the adjoining supermarket car park may not have been wise. The maximum time people can stop there is 90 minutes, and as your sermons alone often reach that length, returning to find their cars clamped may not make you universally popular – alt- hough it may give your congregation the opportunity of practising Chris- tian forgiveness. Since the medieval architect who built St. James the Least was not overly concerned with car parking, the only space we have is along the road by the church. Inevitably, it gets blocked, which causes us all im- mense satisfaction when those not attending church but intending to have a morning shopping, find themselves unable to get out of the village until Mattins is over. I did once encourage people to walk to church across the fields, but when the present Earl of Stowe started to get his staff to lay waterproof sheeting along the paths so he could avoid getting mud on his shoes, I de- cided the idea was best dropped. For most, the inconvenience of parking only makes attending church more of a pleasurable challenge; we so enjoy having something to com- plain about. Major Hastings, however, who has complained endlessly about parking problems, made a point last Christmas by leaving his car in the middle of the vicarage lawn. I was so pleased he happened to park just where I had had a garden pond filled in only the previous week. He re- turned to find that the car had sunk up the windscreen and needed a crane to remove it. And it would have made a charming garden feature; I could even picture it with garden gnomes on its roof. For weddings, a farmer allows us to use the field adjoining the church. While he rarely attends church on Sundays, he is always there the week before – I suspect praying for heavy rain, so he can make a fortune charg- ing to tow out with his tractor those who have got stuck. Perhaps the greatest act of witness your church could perform would be to get every- one attending church to park on the ring road, bringing the entire town to a halt until your three hour Sunday morning Service is over. Your loving uncle, Eustace


Annual Concert in aid of Save the Children Thursday 9th April, 7.30pm School Tickets £15

‘The Gentlemen of St John’s’ The Choral Scholars of St John’s College Cambridge Further details in April issue If interested please contact Fee Allen 01258 861126

Just like mum… That desert was delicious. Did you buy it yourself? Mothers and teenagers A woman was confiding in her neighbour just how hard it was for her to get her teenagers out of bed in the morning. The neighbour replied that she never had any trouble at all with her son. “I just open the door and throw the cat on the bed,” she explained. The woman was puzzled, and asked how that might help. “Easy. My son sleeps with the dog.” Flight time A couple going on holiday for Easter were amazed when the airplane pilot came on and advised the passengers that he had lost his way. He explained that the radar was not working, the radio beam could not be picked up, and the compass had broken. “But,” he added soothingly, “you will be glad to know that we are making very good time.”

Okeford United Football Club :- Monthly Draw results.

February 2015 :- £30—[No.121] Cindy Trowbridge £10—[No.143] Rob Pierce £5— [No.61] Peter Trowbridge

Many thanks to all our supporters. Anyone interested in joining our monthly draw (cost £1 per month) - please contact Allan Frampton (860083) or any Football Club member.

29 The Pilgrim Parishes www.pilgrimparishes.co.uk You, your family and friends are invited to join our twelfth annual Pil- grimage. Join fellow pilgrims to walk together, worship and learn togeth- er, talk together and to share something of our common life. The Pilgrimage for 2015 runs from 21st-28th June

Please feel free to join in whatever parts of these days you wish. You are welcome to share in worship and meals, whether you have walked, cycled of travelled by car. Rural footpaths include stiles and field walk- ing, so good footwear is recommended. Please be aware that, following a recommendation from the 2014 planning committee, we regret that No Dogs will be allowed on any of the walks this year.

Sunday 21st June At the main services across the pilgrim parishes, all hoping to take participate in any part of the Pilgrimage will be commis- sioned and sent out with a key for them to colour and bring along to the event(s). Keys available from 17th May. Monday 22nd June Walk to Nazareth Lodge for short service, then to Exchange. Packed Lunch at St Mary’s Church Hall. 2 pm walk along river to for act of worship and tea. Tuesday 23rd June 10 am Meet St Mary’s , walk to for ploughman’s lunch (Donations Requested) act of worship at St Peters Church. 2 pm walk to Stourton Caundle for tea. Thursday 25th June 10am meet Church car park, walk to . Packed Lunch Mappowder V Hall, act of Worship St Pe- ter and St Paul Church. 2pm walk back to Hazelbury Bryan. Friday 26th June 3pm meet Shillingstone Church Centre walk to Ham- moon, via Child Okeford Church to see the ‘Pilgrim key’ Tea, act of wor- ship at Hammoon followed by walk back to Shillingstone for Skittles 7pm at The Old Ox Inn. Sunday 28th June 10 am Pilgrim Eucharist and Renewal of the Covenant at St Mary’s Church, Sturminster Newton, followed by bring-and-share lunch at St Mary’s Church Hall. This service replaces all main morning services in Pilgrim Parishes Full details and booking forms will be in your church in May.

If it's true that we are here to help others, what are the others doing here?


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Mark 16:1

Isaiah 25:6Isaiah

John 12:20

Mark 8:31 2:13John

Rom 4:13 Rom

Exo 20:1






Readers/Sidesman GoddardMrs Z 17:1Gen Mr K Bradley Mr Clay R Mr Jay C 1 1:18 Cor Mrs TappingJ Exo 2:1 BradshawMrs L 2:33 Luke Mrs P Bradley Mrs P 31:31 Bradley Jerem Mr K Bradley Mr K Davies 50:4 Isaiah DaviesMrs L 12:12 John Mrs S Clay Mrs F Allen Mr K Bradley 10:34 Acts

PaulVen Taylor Rector Rector le RicheSue le RicheSue le RicheSue JRev Schofield

Service Benefice Eucharist Okeford Fitzpaine Parish Eucharist Morning Worship Evening Worship Morning Worship Parish Eucharist

Time 10.30 am 10.30 am 10.30 am 6.30pm 10.30 am 10.30 am

Services Services Date 2 Lent 1 Mar 3 Lent 8th Mothering Sunday 15 Mar 5 Lent 22 Mar Palm Sunday 29 Mar Easter 5 April Closing time & date for copy is by 5pm on the 20th of the month

31 Who’s Who

Okeford Fitzpaine Mr. Alan Frame Head 860530 School Mr Ian Berry Chairman - Governors 860656 Parish Council Mr Mike Burt Chairman 863474

Mrs Sandra Deary Clerk 459863 okefordfitzpaine@dorsetparishes. gov.uk

Tree Officer Post Vacant Footpaths Jeremy Gartside [email protected] 860157 Homewatch Mike Wood co-ordinator 860146

Transport Mrs Anthea Calcott 861071

Pre - school Niki Carey Manager 860023

Village Hall Mrs Diane Burt Secretary & Bookings 863474 [email protected] Okeford United Mr Stephen Corben Chairman 861327 Football Club Mr Allan Frampton 860083 Fippenny Garden Fred Philpott Chairman 863419 Club Mrs. Marilyn Berry Secretary 860656

Short Mat Mrs Barbara Fry 861524 Bowling Club Allotment Group Robert Loving Chairman 860966

Fippenny News Mrs Barbara Fry Distribution 861524

Mrs Jane Tapping Editor 860095 E-mail [email protected] Shop Olde Bell Stores P O 860414 The Royal Oak 861561 Surgery Child Okeford 860687 The Hill C.O. Kate Partridge & [email protected] Richard Muffett