Causes of Dynamic Positioning System Failures and Their Effect on Dp Vessel Station Keeping

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Causes of Dynamic Positioning System Failures and Their Effect on Dp Vessel Station Keeping CAUSES OF DYNAMIC POSITIONING SYSTEM FAILURES AND THEIR EFFECT ON DP VESSEL STATION KEEPING Master thesis Supervisor: Harli Moosaar Student: Ilja Pil A163519 Student e-mail: [email protected] Study programme: Technical exploitation of ships and navigation Tallinn 2018 AUTORIDEKLARATSIOON Olen koostanud töö iseseisvalt. Töö koostamisel kasutatud kõikidele teiste autorite töödele, olulistele seisukohtadele ja andmetele on viidatud. /Ees- ja perenimi/ …………………………… (allkiri, kuupäev) Üliõpilase kood: ……………………. Üliõpilase e-posti aadress: ……………. Juhendaja /tiitel, ees- ja perenimi/: Töö vastab lõputööle esitatud nõuetele …………………………………………… (allkiri, kuupäev) Kaitsmiskomisjoni esimees: Lubatud kaitsmisele ………………………………… (ametikoht, nimi, allkiri, kuupäev) 2 PREFACE This master thesis has been written during the winter and spring 2017/2018 as a graduation project in Estonian Maritime Academy. The aim of this thesis was to highlight the most common causes of DP system failures and their effect on DP vessel position keeping. This thesis is first of this kind in Estonia and will hopefully act as a starting point for further researches in a field of vessel Dynamic Positioning. Conducting the research and writing this thesis has given me the opportunity to gain theoretical knowledge and collect experience without experiencing the incidents themselves. I will be happy if this thesis and the information it contains will reach the reader and raise the awareness of possible incidents as well as their effects on station keeping. While working on this thesis, I experienced a tremendous feeling of dedication, which sometimes affected my overall performance as a colleague, husband, father, and friend. I promise that I will make it up. I am also grateful to my colleagues and my supervisor for their valuable advises, suggestions, and explanations. I also would like to thank IMCA for providing me with incident data required for this thesis. 3 ANNOTATION A widely used way to identify the effects of dynamically positioning system failures on a vessel station keeping is to conduct ‘Failure Modes & Effects Analyses’ (FMEA) trials. Despite the fact that such trials are carried out periodically, loss of position incidents still occur. Loss of position incident reports, collected and published by International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA), contain useful information about the causes of incidents and details on the sequence of events which lead to the incident. Initial sorting of the reports revealed that over 72% of loss of position incidents in a period 2007-2015 were caused by failures within the propulsion, position reference, computer, or power systems. By conducting inductive content analysis of the related incident reports, the main causes of such failures were identified and an associative relationship between the main causes and the type of incidents was established. As a result, the conceptual models of loss of position incidents were built. Conceptual models provide an overview of main causes and their effects on station keeping in accordance with the frequencies of their occurrence. Key words: Dynamic positioning, loss of position, incident analysis, incident frequencies, conceptual model, trends, dynamic positioning system failure. 4 Table of contents PREFACE ......................................................................................................................... 3 ANNOTATION ................................................................................................................ 4 Table of contents .............................................................................................................. 5 List of figures ................................................................................................................... 8 List of tables ................................................................................................................... 10 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 11 1 Dynamic positioning system ....................................................................................... 14 1.1 Introduction and history ........................................................................................ 14 1.2 DP system classification ....................................................................................... 16 1.3 DP system principles ............................................................................................ 17 1.3.1 Redundancy, reliability, capability ................................................................ 17 1.3.2 DP system structure ....................................................................................... 19 1.3.3 Theory and mathematical model ................................................................... 20 1.3.4 Operational modes ......................................................................................... 22 1.4 Main components of DP system ........................................................................... 22 1.4.1 Computers and control console ..................................................................... 22 1.4.2 Position reference system .............................................................................. 23 1.4.3 Environment reference system ...................................................................... 25 1.4.4 Propulsion system .......................................................................................... 26 1.4.5 Power system ................................................................................................. 27 2 Methodology ................................................................................................................ 29 2.1 Literature overview ............................................................................................... 29 2.2 Selecting data ........................................................................................................ 29 2.3 IMCA categories................................................................................................... 31 2.4 Research methods ................................................................................................. 31 2.5 Credibility and limitations .................................................................................... 34 3 Results ......................................................................................................................... 35 3.1 Propulsion failures ................................................................................................ 35 3.1.1 Initial sorting ................................................................................................. 35 3.1.2 Failure groups and causes .............................................................................. 36 3.1.3 Incident types and frequencies ...................................................................... 40 3.1.4 Potential LOP Incidents ................................................................................. 41 5 3.1.5 Drift off .......................................................................................................... 44 3.1.6 Drive off ........................................................................................................ 47 3.1.7 Trends ............................................................................................................ 49 3.2 Position Reference system failures ....................................................................... 49 3.2.1 Initial sorting ................................................................................................. 49 3.2.2 Failure groups and causes .............................................................................. 51 3.2.3 Incident types and frequencies ...................................................................... 55 3.2.4 Potential LOP incidents ................................................................................. 56 3.2.5 Drift off .......................................................................................................... 58 3.2.6 Drive off ........................................................................................................ 61 3.2.7 Trends ............................................................................................................ 63 3.3 DP system computer failures ................................................................................ 64 3.3.1 Initial sorting ................................................................................................. 64 3.3.2 Failure groups and causes .............................................................................. 66 3.3.3 Incident types and frequencies ...................................................................... 69 3.3.4 Potential incidents ......................................................................................... 70 3.3.5 Drift off .......................................................................................................... 71 3.3.6 Drive off ........................................................................................................ 73 3.3.7 Trends ............................................................................................................ 75 3.4 Power system failures ........................................................................................... 75 3.4.1 Initial sorting
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