City Services & Development Directorate Business Support Floor 12, Civic Centre 4 Much Park Street Coventry CV1 2PY Please contact Maureen Hammond Direct line 024760821201
[email protected] Our reference 20115880 30 August 2013 Dear Freedom of Information Act 2000 Thank y ou for requesting i nformation about p arks and nei ghbourhood pl ay ar eas which the Council received on 15 August 2013. Your request has been considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You have requested the following information: Location information on: a) Major Parks/Country Parks b) Neighbourhood Play areas which are located and maintained within the council. Ideally if this location information could include either postal codes, Easting/Northing or Lattitude/Longitude and any information regarding toilet and car parking facilities at the parks. The Council advises that the above information is available in the attached document. Please note that most of the information that you request is owned by the Coventry City Council and s ubject to copyright pr otection. Under t he R e-Use o f Public Sector Information 2005 Regulations you are free to use this information for your own use or for the purposes of news reporting. However, any other type of re-use under the Regulations, for example; publication of the information or circulation to the public, will require permission of the copyright owner and may be s ubject t o terms an d c onditions. For do cuments w here t he copyright does not bel ong to Coventry City Council you will need to apply separately to the copyright holder.