1m baa a subordinate or a I quence of the abeem e of iboir men IB the eerviee ef the wke aaek to aetebllafc te Ihehr stoadaMwacutttultoa and a .*ft a peewHar Mm <* Ajpta, Mi Mltn be was misled, but ! believe thai be brigade or a division.whether to wtthegel.e* to the advice of Iboee to whom I superior command, or whether Um President proclaims country. (laughter.) Mow, if Governor Morgan wlU temaktty, wepledge eoreehree uphold our uaoellMtteh yielded oibere, do soma call the to la THE UNTERRIFIED IN COUNCIL "IkaMhrad,' That we www.mi t> Uw llwtoi af tola itoto Hllla against *i«7 taBueoev or threat. It M em Mw going to refer, end who have brought the that al sonic future day ho la going to proi«.« f.*gixlaturfl together morrow, as, my judg¬ toe Uaket nomtcated at Albany, on lk« gronwd thai Its #toe- I to the condition In which we And it terous provided that now be Intends to do his duty ment, there is no provision in the constitution to prevent la we ere Merely deeiroue the 8o«th should return * country thing,or General um I mem. Uon will tend la cheek extravagance and corruption pnkita duties end tte hut because It}®u> our to-night On the Sd of March President Lincoln, about to to lho country. I havo no acquaintance with doing, will guarantee tliat the democratic .ttoere. give aew vigor to the proeeoutloo of toe war, and enjoy proteetkm, be eworn into found in the of Wash¬ even and no communication with ner* r the Legislature will agree to the peanige of a law, aeeure ike thai the Union and toe eonatltutloa fa* eonatltutton It ioee net betake peculiarly to them,.and office, himself city MeTiollati, by sight, ¦ncli people not te Its ington, having reached It in him, director indirect; but 1 tall these republican gentle- as nrevaile in «Kh<>r Ntntee, authorising the solrtiera ImeuM Gathering if the Deaacracy which our fatoera made aacrlfieea still live la all their ongt It in he confiscated hy umlr ecu. gnaranteee disguise.(Laughter). him I'reeident of and oUirore of New York la voto at the election. aal vigor. ere eur It the frulle of our toil, it ooverod with a Scotch cap.(Renewed laugliter).and men that Iff they keep on they will make protection: guerda a the Now, I aay that (Groat utip'atme.) And I will w ive the advantage which There was another aad a deal of op- shelter# the eaerednees of our homae; wrapped with blue cloth cloak-.for the first time in the United Platen. (I»udcheers.) at the Cooper Institute* little panto great enveelourIP*"?®? of this country the President found himself st the W.idn worth is bin open, mnlignnnt, bitter persecutor. T wadaworth haa of being on the ground, when our candi¬ made from violence end wrong, end, above ell end beyond ell,» history date in here I am to have the soldier rear at thla time. Ih the mldet of It Mr. Bwaoar no in sent of government. And it was the active ex¬ never mane u atatemant without authority. My aiifbori. willing eUows power to step in between us end our heeer through nay how much of a how c ueh hla way to the platform had waa loudly cheered. the exercise of freedom of conscience. ertions and great discretion of General Scott aud General ty for that st.uomeiit la that of a republican Just general and Wool that he was ennb-ed even to take the oath. And on State in cemiug directly h" nn hearty cheers spoke was laid him thus Ctti r iof of the great or me; if they have any secrets to keep they candidate there spring 8uper isor. straintit cently, that those who supported James 8. Wodsworth Washington, with you as the chief of hia Cabinet, I beg leavo choose aome ether and I said t<» in tho haired democrat beat him and if his own i»oi io the pated in the discussions which arise In the present politi depositary him, t-, w Brighten the Path of Union were aad thoee who supported Horatio lo repeat In writing what 1 hato before -aid to you orally, presence of several people, who will appear If he contra not think him fit fordu -ervisor, I should like to if patriots eel contest. A sad event, to which it is not necessary for this supplement to iny printed "views" (dated in October New York should make him Goverimr. h or* » for Lieutenant our I aay."how do you propoee to terminate thie ( Masses. Seymour were traitors. The candidate it mere last) on the iiighly disordered condition of (so late) 1 k ow a man who will bet Ave hundred doi- for the Democratic me to allude more particularly, has made agreea¬ happy aud glorious Union. ^a,whMwar? I wanted to nee a republican who sacs where we laughter.) Governor ou the republican platform woe his silence. To trmeet the of the t'mes, it seems are I never met one I to go on Inrs that will beat him In the town of ble to my feelings to seek solitude and practice extraordinary exigencies coming out; yet. agree and more that he will farmar friend Lyman Tremain. (Hisses and criea of to me that I am or H arrogance In limiting ihe Prrsl- with the war; I agree, m at of not to stop whan we Genesis), five hundred dollars Did I own tnoiinatlen such would he my a.guiity all, boat him in of and I am udd "haogb.") To show what the gentleman's sentiments had consultj my dent alleid of selectionlectioi to ouo of the four plans of proce¬ aro whipped; but when we get throngh 1 ivant to the state Naw York; a to hie famous Tweddle course. There have heeo besides manifestations on toe dure subjoined:. States of Iho money for ihut can be found at the office ot luuican of Horace F. Clark, Horatio been year ago, he referred 1. Throw oil the old and assume a now the know what (lieu. "Will you hold the Speeches Hall For bis part he never meant to he unirue shade of designation. the South armies and call ua to pay ¦Shoimnn h Co. ( hems.) Mr Wadsworth h a rich speech. part of our ottiiens of every political opinion Union party. Adopt the conciliatory measures rronoied by by ujhju in with no e m ap at Bnren and to government or to Northern but what did Tre¬ Mr. or the Pe iee tbe taxes to subsist the amount¬ in, nsncntlous scruples hotting Seymour, John Van people; which make it undesirable for me to come Crittenden Convention.(applause).and necessary troops, and had better lend antns one the mouov to main sayf Ho declared that as for himself he waa extremely my life upon 11, wo shall have no new ease of sec. **ion, but, ing to some millions of men)1" (A voica."No.") he averse to measure or then and for into conflict with any one of them. But the country on the contrary, an ear y return of many, if uot of all the That ia what Wnilgworth said. "Will you take up that bet. Mr. Wa- is worth is now, I node slaiul, Richard O'Gorman, every repression, which have hroksn off from the Union. (Laughter.) Governor of id la ever, traitorous as that declaration might bo. (Htseee.) is involved in a contest. It is in imminent peril. Slates, already change tbe lorm of this government, so th t instead of Military Washington. Washington . great Without some benign measure the rumaluing elave- unfortunate town that haa to take such a Governor Ac. Ha waa at the capital of a Western out in the h°wcvei'it equally" ¦ . * " the o!' our aud of the constitu¬ just Ac., Ac., (Mr. Seymour) A rebellion has broken lend, which, holdlngl" being government liberty as the I'resioent h r The of Stalfr Stole when the news of the fall of Sumter came, been was, in humble iu I) tion, it shall bo a military governmentf" "No." "What glvis ivtople this that may have provoked, my Judgment, racy make their own Governor, and I am ure theywould not and he waa called upon to give to the legislature of rebellion the a foreign then!" wa will whip them® and let them go. against "Why, a . last in tremcudoua utterly unjustifiable.(applause).a frhAAM \ i(t). 1 If 1 J I /. be so us to take i'r m the of The democracy turned out «ven!ng State his views. Those views he stated to them, laid beet government the world ever least 16,000 troop's to protect') (Cheers.) "Put," said I, "would Uuoj boeuoer to let unjust city Washington to the uonunutioa for down that the had to be I to attention to the fact tha not bo a a Governor, with whom It Is a dd to lie content. and force at ibe Institute, ratify tbe government iiou iw..wvw here tjall your them _ thorn* Wo.fouTd thev Cooper principle a rebellion against¦h»iub* »p|apprehended Injury,J ^PPlwj??Lh* » WAND stop gd Without tvhlpJiiBg and tbic he had received tbe tint not tbs Monti andt to move the transfer him to tliia State, where he is not wanteql Bute officers. Aa early na seven o'clock the large hall obeyed aupported. For hyury, 1 think, might have Maryland join iigomery confederacy, little netI or neighbors? Von do not propose and The dem of thld approbation of repuklicars. He charged Lyman Tre¬ if those who in the rebellion hadbeen^Pjeveuted.tood by our yet,"with Maryland on our sido fo night, it requires a aontinent away, tbe people will be there; and would (Cheers laughter.) criu.y wax perfectly jammed, ana thero vti quite a crowd Is engaged of men to them State go into the present contest undi r |i«. ufl.u ly favor- main with having, when the call for troops national banner and by those of us who are to garrison 160,000 protect Washington. (Ap¬ they not be a little better noighborH if you let go in h Aator where two platforms for speakers, one cal¬ labored far into the to induce his of their *|lllng artd he; "wa will able clicumstanoes. For the li st time their -dory place, came, night protect them in the full enjoyment rights. (Ap¬ plause.) without whipping?" (Cheers) "No," they are entirely united upou every candidate presented) cium ami a brae* band were The friends to refuse to obey that call. (Hisses.) And yet have seen to lake the sword, 2. Collect the duties on foreign goods outside the pons of whip them and let tbem And ne, Ring a military light provided. platform and a plause.) they fit, however, go.'' before them. (Cheers.) For the flrst lime I ever knew, decorate! Lyman ('remain was a patriot, be (Mr. Feymour) end they having chosen that destiny, must stand or fall which this government has loot the command, or olose such man, and I civilian, he startod Fouth to whip them, I.leusrnant Inside wax copiously with flog* and, banners- and for Fretnaiu.T The demo¬ a by art of Congress and blockade tbem. to let for the whole ticket, Governor, Governor,, traitor. (Hisses groans by it for the present. Having been myself for ng ports whllo I staid hero, after he got through, tor and there is but one demo- Among the inset Were the had deuounced the and hod was was entered What is the s'tate Prison Inside all, iptioue Allowing:. cracy always higher law, time absent from nubile controversies.having beeu toin (And this, unhappily, tha course that them go. (Laughter and applause.) cratlc ticket In tho Acid; and no truo democrat will re- W// always held that the laws were to be respected and situation where Inad nol the ysic.,1 to embark upon.) republican Thoy make no secret of It. It lu the course of events this State pl power plank? It is to fuse to vote tho whole ticket from top to bottom. > OUR COUNTRY, V#W AND FOREVF authorities obeyed, in these I regretted toiitd, when again qualified 8. the seceded Stales armies. No is to emancipate tbe slaves of the South: a that will ap¬ 4*44*+++4 lu struggles, Conquer by Invading This city can give vole ^+++4 was invaded, and be (Mr. Seymour) mada a speech for the discharge of these duties, that wo wore engaged in doubt this might he done In two or ihree years by a young make colonics of the South, and to plant upon them, after pall tho abollti nists of the interior. (Chee s.)' Albany, urging measure* of defence, and Governor Mor¬ this contest, and that l must determine for mysell what and able genera!.a Wolle, a liesaix, or a Hoclie. with driving out the people that went through tho devolution Interior that iitce- retreat from Rich¬ a third lor And It will meet a support In tho yon T NO PROSCRIPTION FOR OPINION'S SAKE. * gan approved bi.-< views. After the It was my to do. Every one must so determine,and IXXyXXI disciplined [men.climating garrisons, with ue and formed a more perfect Union and constitu¬ we ahull this- mond be also introduced a resolution at a in duly and the lo»* of a yet greater number by skirmishes, sieges, In the late expect. Uuleaa I am greatly deeeived, carry meeting however you may at certain periods of your life consult battles and Southern fevers. The destruction of life aud tion, and (ought side by side with our people State But the first to be dose u> ic- the reinforcement of our brave army, now aud then a war on or contest till triumphantly. thing Albany, urging others as to yoer actions, lb-re comes every proi>eny on the other ehie would be frightful, however per¬ the plains Mexico, In every great into the box the votes of the people or tins, illy Tils SRRAT MRU BRfOKE TBS OOCWTRY IS THIS; Ho bod addressed more meetings iu support of the war time when most determine for yourselves what jou fect the moral of lite invaders. this leurful calamity came upon drive tbem from get thau ha would address in of the ticket on which you discipline that I (Applause.) Now, it requires care end attention, SHALL ABUIJTION PUT DOWN THE UNION, support ouulit to do; aud in pursuanco of this determination 1 did The conquest completed at that enormous waste of human the conntry and plant settlers in their placo. To end does not what 1 am so Itanl- his name stood. Aa soou as he waa nominated as a candi¬ » lite to the 1North with at least »2h0,000,000 to that it require doing elect to follow a course which I briefly described in com¬ (and. Nothwest, am unconditionally opposed.(loud cheers).aud JDo not argue with those people on SHAI.LSHAT THE PUT ABOLITION? i date tor the he beeamn a traitor, this I added thereto, and rui honor Fifteen devastated province*! I bollevo tho ot this State to a man are opposed. lshly.talking. _I UNION DOWN Governorship, suddenly munication to the Governor of State, people will he to into and his friend Tremain became a There uot to be brought into harmony with their euuqueror*, but an oa of next Novern- election day. Their object get you iHurt Clat, 1861. i patriot. tbey the liberty to road to you. I endeavored to state tohlm to be held for at an They will havo opportunity tho 4th a which the or vote* saw what made one man a and another a traitor. generations, by heavy garrisons, expense to their In to this measure, dispute, may prevent polling patriot briefly what 1 thought to be the duty qiiadrupb [the net duties or taxes, which It would be possible ber express opinion regard where we are In the majority. To interrupt the It be very severe to call him a iiifit now and what 1 desire te be or.?ve^l0>*?^'fOn the 1st of to extort from followed a protector or au emperor. and it will be heard and heeded at Washington, in my as it T might to myself them, by the pollin i you yill be called everything, and of oours" you tot! ton^ituttgn is. traitor, but, he asked, was it not cruelty September last, before any of the candidates were nomi¬ 4. Buy to the seceded States.wayward, sisters, depar In burablo judgineul. (Applause ) What Is Ualon a man calls a t-a tor AS IT ? a we now meet? will be called "traitors." If you THE UNION WAS, Mr. Tremain to call bim patriotf (laughter.) nated aud while the whole country > was engaged simply peacel plan, in support of which A Voiae."Knock bltn down" STAND FIRM > A had been held in this ball a few evenings since, in the In haste. I remain, very truly, it Is to sustain the so Tar as Justice will meeting who bad in looking on or participating Why, President, Axotiiiui Vok.w."Don't atop to fight; put In your bal¬ presided over by his friend Mr. Curtis Noyes, Geoeral Poi*'® army was almost routed.when, m my Hon. Wm. H. Biviiii, Ac., Ac., Ac. authorize us to sustain him, in every fair governmental lot." vory strong abolition views, and had no reaiect for those humble the contest was waging more disas¬ measure that he may adopt for the purpose of carrying on (Laughter.) I know how the judgment, General Scott on the 8d of March, having put the Presi It Is our There is a difference of opinion. provoking '^UWOlTMUSrA^ m^RVEnrf who did not agree with him. Why, he recollected trously for the or the union ot the States, than at the war or upholding the government. purpose It Is to have a tnao do not like. I lia e time when Mr. had to mob an abolition nation, to to hint the dent in a condition to be sworn in.and being perhaps the to tho Union and tbe say things you Noyce helped any other time.I felt It my duty address man iu tho United States who could have done that. standby constitution.(applause). had it done in court; 1 have had It done whin I announcements made to the meeting and to drive them out of a church, and he (the communications- only to stand by Mr. Lincoln so far as he will let us, and and I have been setit One of the earliest meeting following notified him that if he entered upon an attempt to oon ho will let ua or was Attorney General, speaker) did not at all approve of that act. (Laughter.) Cai.nwsi.L 1,18W. to aland by General MoClellau whether to jell for it done to me. was by Captain Rynders, who read a nste from Mr. Petar Mr. bo a but he submitted that (Lake George), Sept. quer the Receding Stales that, in the first place, he could not. It is our to overthrow having (i-aughtm Noyes might convert; not do that it would a (Great cboerlng.) purpose All I say is, do not stop to talk. If you must knock a Cooper that the audieuco would abstain from converts ought to be a little courteous. and g-.ould it; require young general, this party and the political sharks that fallow and requesting (Laughter like a a Hocbe or a Wolf; that he who had, not republican man down, knock him quick. (Cheers applause.) on lbs seats or carpsl. "Knowing you nil," said applause.) That meeting was addressed by his friend Desalx, in their wake to devour what tboy throw overboard. Hut bad far better not knock him down at all. .pitting Daniel 8. Dickinson. for Dickinson."Boo, b >o, many years before, marched to tbe capital of Mexico with and We propose, If we can, to frus¬ you the "to be who are to be short¬ (Groaus an of twelve thousand nine (Laughter cheors.) (< beers.) Get your vot nut: get It into the box, and my Captain, gentlemon hung boo.'') Mr l ickinsnn. not very long ago, declared army men, lighting pitohed trate that party, because, in what observation I have cor¬ Well, battles on the way, meeting no check and conquering an at all the word for It, you will be met through lut tho Male liy ly, I thought I would make knowu the request." that all the army and navy of the United States could not thou- been able to give to the subject, In looking exertions, which will carry to every friend a to remain tbu Union one hour honorable jtoace, was unable, with three hundred that have ecclesiastical, responding Joy This insinuation against the good manners sf the crowd com)iel State In longnr to the acceded States in governments existed.patriarchal, of the old Union as It was throughout tho b>>n!e. s,oi this tban it was That was also addrcssod by attempt conquer monarchical, aristocratic, simple or to re¬ laughter, and it continued to amuse willing. mc.'ting two to three He was informed that It would re¬ Imperial, despotic, confederacy. (Cheera.) The only pcexlhlu way provoked general his friend Tremain. Not one of these men would stoud years. much foreign travel, in considerable store this Union is to make that expression at th.s Useii cheers for various among made a or two quire three hundred thousand men and to-night, when observation and alter a deal of care gy demanding individuals, hero and repeat tho speeches they year ago. wo have personal now. At any future election it would lie no use Gen. When their friends wanted the mouths or we are only half way through in point of time, ful it is my deliberate judgment tbat election, them Richard O'Gorman, Mayor Wood, McClellan, republican one million five hundred thousand. He was told that it reflection, on earth. We are told they cannot live, ami in my Judg¬ democrats closed the it was because that our the most failure in tbe sbnpe of a gov >¦ Genet and Tloratlo Some¬ by law, nie 1 should thus decline for three reasons.. to tbe contemptible ment the Southern people ought not to live under an u!> Ban. Cochrane, Harry Seymour. mouths wtre closed tbeir declarations. mill- would add two hundred aud fifty millions of dollars eminent Is tho of the republican party of the with them if by past Hashed ^ Bemuse I am almost entirely unscpisluledwlth national aud to v hetfwe are a and government III loo sway. (Applause.) I would not live times the "hip, only Issued from oue^ been with not assistance debt; day, only year non.slave States of North Amorica. and n us now to hip.hurrah," charged having given pecuniary one-half that debt prqbably exceeds twelve hun¬ holding ("Good" they would. (Loud cbevrs.) Tliey call ui» and then it was met with jeers and laughter. to the war. Tbe cli&rge waa falsa and unlounded. If through, applause.) And now, 0, for Fort Lafayette. (I/>ud laugh show that we arc not an abolition State. They say throw feroat, <>n of these to dred millions. The Secretary ofthe Treasury reported it last diet for ten Some hold of of the there was any desire the part gentlemen aud millions.double the ler aud cheers.) I have been upon spare aside your political organizations, throw asido your enterprising newsboys got copies know what he had done in that call May, at four hundred ninety this of Mr. Van Bursa's remarks sh iw us way, they might ?.«rrtr,wr|«w was feared would be to com montha.[At juueture post political contests, combiae oncu and Mr. and sold him. and if he did not then were amount that It Uicn roqulred an at the door made some disturbance, which Ckucatiati, containing Seymour's speech, upon satisfy them, they w« iProKd this fellow citizens, witn their individual that, however you may differ about other tilings, this (hem at two cents in the The "Star Ban at liberty to make known tbe fact. But this was not tho ivhi, h unconstitutional and by meant which plete conquest. Now,' occasioned considerable confusion for a lew moments, but and we lobby. Spangled for o»«lects a£ eyes bo far as conlfl be this great and pestilent faction can be overthrown by you. umy time for discussing bow ruuen money ho bad put into the 1 open, they opened by the obnoxious individual was promptly ejected, the once In with our by the band from their sUtion on the platform, - --.u Show them this. Show it to them on ihr 4tb down bursts of Thei e were out and When tbe democ¬ seceded States. Those who undertook to advise the' Pre¬ .« <" ten aud two months' confinement (Cheers.) brought patriotic applause. token or it. (Laughter cheers.) ho hold diet for months, of November, in time to save what is worth saviig In an in was re¬ came to talk of their own concerns, wore charged sident, and to whom the public must responsible, iu Furl would not hurt tne a bit.- tt won't hold the noil I sails for cncors, and compliance therewith, it racy they was an old Lafayette this country. Protract this contest to residen¬ with on very ground, while the cdl- the be- knew better tbau this veteran patriot. He mme lhau Qve hundred at best, and that would the result this Then there were cries for Owen," and treading dangerous «£"% IIlipiffiy'Sf was a who was about au people tial election, and It Is no matter what Is peated. "Oarry iori of tb« papers who said so, discussed every morning what®ed.nsbmddI have hinted at In the reason pmnms.Itlust above men¦ fogy, lie martinet, talking not l>e missed out of our majority at the next election; loi g he old Irish air raised the in to a into the field won then of three hundred thousand men to a which country will be Irretrievably swamped the H;b.-rni spirits high t io relative ui r:ts of the generals m the field, UnnPd and l miy thushe drapgad army country aud bah ides. the President would have the satisfaction of fore ws reach the 4th of March, 18'i.V I must bo but before it f o tak a are .I the h< bod es out of one 1 .l«h* the i-iieuiy white lighting, or hy oui own troops never had twelve. He was an K. F. of the fast that he had that tort smoked with a better gar achieved under point. The "Widow Machrce" sallowed; avenly (of orde.s: hut .To can looted as we were told. knowing done rsonrr. The result must be those tele cojh!- on Broadway, you will probably flud U Iroure wlhou power flying aud fleet Virgiulnns, (Ap- riaon thou wero ever iuslde that betoro. an MsverlH'ii of same to a close there was an incipient panic, arising from lai^c to serve voluntarily In such a contingency. ere,;!W re- Rut tho result shows that it is four times worse (Applause.) Lincoln. It must be achieved under your iKKkcts pie .ed: -o they had been gazing ou tha .th^wg p'auss.) Wo propose to atop stealing for ninety days.(laughter) which will carry vigor to him in restating nlwt the breaking of pome benchop, and as no one seemed to aXdrsof the wu (South so long, that wheu they already than he ever anticipated. But, fellow citizens, it aud have the raised taxation applied to |>ay the opinlou of the pooped resources are money by I am sure he loeis disposed to resist.the dem "ids what it was all it looked for somn time as if came buck found that the public treasury bad been from Wednesday ne*l. where please address me. J. \. B. Is not incurable. Tho of this country pro¬ to feed and clothe and enable them to h a cr> ss know about, they own that not soldiers, thoin, abolitionists. Stand by htm. Ho r bvol. God knows that ho longed to in Iho digious. My strong conviction Is It Is yet Ihoir families while thoy are in the (Cheers.) lie an sboiinoi.tit. (he consequences of the rush become serious. At (Laughter.) To that note the Governor responded following too we of Kentucky on'Ilhii' is, aud cannot might ¦.Tvc bis country loyally, faithfully and effectually.and late to remedy tbe difficulties into whloh have supportHeld. I want that triad Juat ninety on the language: lie. n but 1 do believe that can (Applause.) lot ihe great Slate of Now York, lest order wss, with some difficulty, restored. now ho prayed hts friends to take ho< d of Srsnar Oct. 3. 1882. plunged, sincerely It only for these ooutractors who have stolen all (Applause.) reason to ti e republican Kvk!.isg, be done to tbe counsels of those who are days, 4th of November (as I have every hope The meeting was then called to order. It was presided their warnings, and not stigmatize them as sympathizers Dv ah Sir- Were If not that 1 am e*pe<*lrif to leave by listening they could lay their bauds on could last for over ninety Siato of will to-morrow) "how what liar with ireason. Democrats did not claim to bo bitter or veterans iii the field.who are proficient* In the art or we carried on the war with tho it Pennsylvania the over the Hon. Horace K. Clark. to days while money, principles are. And let vou and 1 meet here, after by wiser than republicans, but they adhered lu the tradi war.and begin by displacing frem the com¬ airikos uie there be a of bringing it to a New York is re¬ mand those who are mere o(fours and might prospect election, and unite in shouting that 9FKECH OP DORACR P. CLARK. tions of their lathurs, aud had found thai the cardinal political termination before the President's proclamation could deemed. established them themselves anil th. putting iu places of trust soldiers and true i>atriots. Wo to have a (Prolonged cheers.) He spoke of the terrible clrcumetar ces of the hour, principles by brought take efl'ect. (Cheers.) propone vigorous was road:. com all Tho republicans were in love with new .Vow such being the fact, what Is presented to us for our of the war m tnv The following Ictlor from James T l'raly a rebellion without a in the history tiy right. tho election? militia prosecution now.(applause).and produced by parallel fauglo l ideas and principles,and the condition of the conn* suUatlim upon the subject of your generoos and charactm.*. ruppoita) approaching A major, Judgment McClelian ought to be 'authorized to march to LUTTER OF JAMRH T. RitADV. .f the world. Tho men or the North, ho said, showed try told the tale. The rulers and controllers or the republican a"d l"yonr who never was iu the field except onre as an aid-de-camp, Richmond and lake the capital.capfll' (Cheors) Taking the Nxw Yoaa. Oct. 13, Hta a over Tv. moroa*. who does not claim to ho a is presented ns a can¬ ;c. lathis war that they wore bom soldiers because ihuy convention sought not merely victory itotm crats, :VylbLS!'k£r soldier, oaoiny s Capital Is the natural resting place In every war. Hon. F. Omsk. Chairman, but nought a triumph over their own conservative This'Wt' my action in regard to my own course at the didate for Governor: and I propose to canva-s briefly the When Vicuna was taken the A -t.lnii government was I ennnot have the pleasure of nimuklng at the C opei In.tU burn For fifteen months they to a i< w 'o uddrr my lell.wv were brave. (Applause.) nearly associates, and if they succeed they will rluini thai they crisls lu wbluh 1 have referred. Every other gentleman claims of .lames 8. Wadsworth the support of the peo¬ when Paris wa? taken upon two dif tote to night, but in i.aya follow eoursti whleli of the State at this time. In the first was subdued; elll/ena at a meeting In regard to our d li a »t the (he war had besn in progress A hundred thousand new have the verdict in lavor ol their own visionary as I hi ve alioadv stated, must the ple place, why feral occasion* Frame was subdued. It was never pol.l.e I a .n re to people's and he nominatedr It was aboat a e-»mbi react t crista. I wish to ant on in e now that MM tho heroism of our soldiers. schemes and views. Men of all political lines who are seeuiJ to him uatural and proper having thus ex- brought by heard of that carry out the war tu the d"Uil «i as to ami will a d Junta'o nsado graves attesicd was I lur- nation of abolitionists and strikers, you democratic parte aoppnri Seymour opposed to fanaticism must unite to b i g b.ick the coun¬ plained to you what tny pcelltan thon, proceed political tip- every provin.o of the oouniry that you are al the aunt nun a-a. t am lo tsvor ot proa, rutin;; the » .r stood One remained motion¬ < conquer pn Industry paralyzed. army to thoee under uhieh it hud an long pi os- iher to allude to what ecurrcd in regurd to the transuc plause. lie was nominated, in tho first place, to subdue. When Mexico was takeu, ilthough ». tha'. by .riumplia In lie tell we ma) occur* try principle* and the lor his enormous wealth The mine litis run tempting vigorously, At the nine- tine I mo less on tho Potomac, whilo another army had gained imrcd. He charged that the tcudency f the principles of li..ns t.f tlie country political hir-loryofthoc-um Mariposa there were seven million? of hostile Mexicans in every honorable Mud p'liuanoiil pence. aub- try to the 1st of A convention The last democrat that was taken oi pool any ail o pt, hy a a* , l< n or otherwise, 4>> honor a successful retreat to the banks of the Ohio. irpubhcunoigauizjtton led to Insubordinailuii. vtoieooe, subsequent Soptcinlier. dry. (Laugliter.) part of that republic, Mexico was conquered and peace l of tl c In e.i by and tho overthrow of the constitution at to nominate a caudiduto fsr Governor. from the ranks, had been fed n|«>n by those harpist until nut the end or tho the vert or Impair the ...n*ttii'h.n and g'tverime alasl the Confederate still lluated over the tur¬ bitterness strife, assembled Troy was declared. 1 say it is, If war, 8'ates. Youra truly, JAMES T. UK »DY But, (lug and to revolution, lie distinguished between their ten They presented the name or Horatio Seymour. (Applause.) he was in vur courts pleading his privilege of exemption natural resting place in tho war; and aftor that will bo rets of Richmond. Why was this? It was not for him Uencios and th. tr purposes He would not follow their i h.V were called theCxmstituilniAl ,and from arrest for debt. It became necessary to transfer the time, in hninble .judgment, to treat of peace, and BrUtn OF K1CDARD O'UORMA.N. Unhint^iivwtkmIlhu.k. as it tan bo those leeches somewhere, and were nont to button my Ifn tuld worn to say. The democratic parly of this State had put examples, and forgetting patriotism and loyalty, in were ihe r«presiuutlv«.as near, they to determine what ought to oodouo. And 1 am just as Mr. Rn n«so 0'fiOSNa.v wus ttio next s; eager. on others. There was ! th- old i«rty at the country. . ub- upon the Goneseo flats. (laughter and cheers") 1 havo n w what to bo dose as I nomination for Governor Horatio dolge in casting reproach cprcseutod.of whig well | reared to ay ought that some recent speeches of hut had received comments (a .Seymour.(cheers)- not a against his Ecuuently to that time a democratic oonventicvi as^tiiblcd uo unkind fctmugs to General Fremont I recollect be then. I believe a c sivouttou should man namo wis an honor t the Mr. single general should in unfair and dia- n whose very party. who hud hot boon Uppla .del auil at tlbauv Thay concurred in the nomination of Mi. when ho wai candidate for Presfclciit.traversing l>e railed right" and applause.) I be¬ of various kinds.somo of ilp uijiist, was the of the eat government - show ('.Tliat'a Seymour representative g principles these radical republicans." Tbi.« insuboi dinu- Seymour. 1 thought at ihat time that the nom the United iStao-s and endeavoring to lie lieve our Soothi-ru brothreu ought to be invited eourteous. 'hi the one h ind.said he,a news;*' er of tins of ooustitutii nal liberty and constituti nal government. upheld by would hive been more advh not to he and that Mr. Buehanau should. tion was not only seen in a 1 the departments of the go r.stioii of Mr. l>ix ought elected, to Such a c Mivcutiou. (.'Thu'R the doctrine.") I b Hove which Is to repre-ent the t.e.tsof tbs (Cheer- for Horace F. Clark aud Horatio Sovmour.) in verumeut, hut it permeated "Oiiety. A >car ago one of subio. A majority of the mooting a great many g'*>d natured men, who, knowing that when Richmond is taken they will be satisfied of c:ty, supposed opposition to Mr. Seymour there was iu a. minalion one the foieni t in tbe electkxi of Mr. threat¬ the whole of tho Convention.dlltbred with ma my business better than I did myself. ?aid to mo:.'"If you to contend with the resources of ultra abolition party, has thr.,nten»'l ntc for ih.- c«prej. or the of the army of tho In journals Lincoln, abandoned Ivxe been their inability gigantic gcocrals republic. ened that Mr. Lincoln should bo overturned and auother in that opinion, and pres-nted the name to which bad not your principles you might the free and Sta'csof this Union. They have sot. t ion of hut very c'eArly, w itu other words, one was Ihe candidate of the .«v«nUonim- where Fremnt is now." «atd t. loyal my opinions, lUillroctly put ,u lbs 1 lace unless bo kept up « ith the Idea of the have referred Subsequently another (Cinori.) "Well,' fered prodigiously an.l mist suffer more. I will uot be¬ cl some at the f the people of New York, the c there." and that arc w to their share the oilier a holding an offh i.l of "trait rs" sl.o dd br raised against those who sup¬ evil.willing great depart- awSra Careful observation for sis since(laughterhas satis- not believe they tiling relinquish It. ') On hand, geutiemau cry nit*nts cf the government. They had s on t. iigres-a;» cheers.) yearn iu ur cuiinon bei luge oi fame. I wilt not Im-Im-vo that under the government of tin Uni'ud ported lot alio toy luour. Major Ge etal Clay had recent? a war committee to sit in on their tied mc that 1 have nodo*iro to exchange places with him. see model b military position at «t»l so far trom eriti- pointing Judgment d^rtrnne bTtwwn'ih'dn'whlc'h'wn'rtwil lliey will con.cut to tlr^ great, rep it In a lone ly in a| uo.-ting Itiookiyn that, and had lx hod been r-ralnatcd- In nn assembly of men of that political tail h, well their tho u a it was generals" tho presence rw ) light of freedom through-;it world, suaiun-d New York. In animadverting, as I did do, on hat g Horatio Beymoor by rope. (Htssos.) Titer had soon a convocation of at I he had that there had been a |K>liUcal opponents, and I would say tliat no democrat, tho-e olr.umetances pwdiag s self governors Altoona, accepted in its tnfaucy I tbat under w. re to uv I Unto to think of the prlocipl of litrai ty and govern¬ lor tu the a tinlm tration >n to unite ail the cillxena of this .itato up>n him. from Henry Clay down, including Mr. Reeves, Mr. Tal- a we could th man's views.nhborinnt though they ibis .St ile were to be called tbe purpose of dictating disposlti they would come Isto conventloti, that agree ment if tho government of givon or had ulao recent seen I anthsrired t. ray ihat (iov-rnnr Seym-nr madge, Hr. Fremont, Mr. Trcmain or Mr. Dickinson. a.-» a or w uli aware that 1> nded the b- undaries enemies of those The its imragomont altoir*. They y ,e,T"ntindy to live t"geihor under the constitution is, am not for two years to the principles. it id a nut ton; I war would have been mo«l to withdraw. He had suffered himself to be sedimod from the now is. or that 1 u*».d one that that constitutional liberties el the at mealing hers the sppolLtmeni hsf»py (hisses).ever mora distinctly defining what tho constitution of iegitinmte debate, yilahiu democracy claimed tho Alter a while thai committee full into a to the of Governor. democratic ranks, by tho hope of political proferment, consent Ihon know tbat cotistrucd iuui a nffvuco to htm. the North not be dcsl.oied in order cemmiltee. nothing gain by again holding fApplause ) And i( they won't I could be fierie.nai wbl:e men of may the of the word "" He hod fltiod that with credit to blinsc f »n- be conferred on the slaves maze about meaning Thoy position and I am in taror of tiding the crmMitutiigi It is my that stinliar prerogatives may it b »I a territorial ineming. visited tf.iati vsntsae to the *>tato foi one term. He was advancing if not pecuniarily, bankrupt, ((.beers laughter ) m to in th« of the u* the of a very largo Oec'ttoii oi the pa ty of the South. the os- thought They comes to th. go, saying them, language gallant gariled opiuwins (Hisses ) They protested agoin*l explored th camps, advised the government what oaree, and had a Hg» to as,.tre When the United Mates Sevatoranip bo disposed .« ward si«teis dejinri in I say to wbi h he bolougs and my op.niwis 1 be'ieved, ni tabltshment of a military d spotisra upon the ruins of iagtou, nrS&. t If the of this Stats do not it, as I fuel Scott, way" they te<;i»ui «>f to do and i.iok chargo ot the custody of all mew's con¬ to higher honor. A r-turu to of, dotfhcracy carry ha\e no right to go. It Is a wantou and wKfc.-d attempt still hehevu, to bo the opinions "f a very Uue our ropubltc. fhoy pretested ogams' the change if the to Governor a sten r-newit.(^'blause.J.WMthe duthsef an c nvinced tnoy will, Pnniol 8. Dickluson will find 'hat tbo rcaaooaaut men cud the framcrs of the ostali- sciences. ihoy gave histriictior.s Mor¬ take apain on their part, in deflrtnee or tbe constitution and law the party to which I belong Among republic In to the (date defences, and in he sent office in which ho had acquired, by ai sing!. act anltonw the t'snpt rcfuiial by'rousoulug, not to be repre>sod by tneu u;« or curity aud liberty; r.nd 'hey sought to place Horatio would take them na He hid the u rlune -- ami given to one who has served longer iu the rank- to it as mode mind that '.> 1:1 in t head of the .state they very indignant, because it long t (Applause.) great g"Od of their own, I should feel in re aid to very much I by force. And 1 hare up my Seymour at the government under to read's* It would to manage the affairs of I wive (Halts. be enabled to set his Utr.vaio autagonbrm. aud give my that tho enomleg of the should should me. I am told that after Mr. Wad*worlh was mighty . They prayed republic lay the most danger-us and revolutioi ary icatures ofthe day. aud ir he should serve titty yoars m thai offloe. h<- in.sht pur stay yon had better llilnk this thing atl over tieforu you lion to a uio'le of discusamg great public <| est tot it a'l down their arms, w hon conquered In honorable warfare, the would bo called n.t liive the fortune to render a similar a't of j s nominated ha wrote a letter of several pages to a gentle¬ mature there la lusivo and and in the preei .t mo¬ to Among other things which people good et out, and if, upon reflection (though tunes incon. absurd, beforo the proclamation ot freedom the slave should at tbe election Would be to to the and of honor to bimvlf. (A|d> suse man in the western port of this 8tate, in which he sa,d to Peter or ment ol exiI lenient--in this my amt tM>ricntlo.s it ever be. ujion to dccido coming ap ?lce conn:ry no law uuder Heaven authorizing you go), glo fee effectual, if ollcclual could They doubled or to these nructleee. Now then let u, look for a few motncnU at the mMitsol that he wild now «ei>arsto himself from tha democratic Thomas, whoooe- it was, will al iiutdmisaibie. ( radical in b:s as James 8. Wadsworth. lawyer's a'you use I hive expressed apprehension Isuc ., as interfering with tha freedom ot i|We. h. A tew iwime of life They aro.d'ortunstely, in Independent Clr- toraiwr we can get apart at tho lea«t possible oxpensc and ge. alrenglhened and coalirmed lu my tnlud, bo: Of a servile insurrection would re-idor hopeless the resto¬ nation limn, «h. roach 'f t-mptv ) I say I have been told this by one who trunk to see which to bo it wiihont servile insurrection the days since a gentleman who represented this in St. cumatancev ihat h.-yondl (Cheer* I (Laughter and cheer*.) I had rather pack your not yet Is.-ei able anything pro'esees ration of the Union, and Petersburg, and has sisoe attained the highest rsnk in the lion in ofBclal positlou. rhe> sie very 'ijtcv has ola'mod to have seen the totter. will take myself than to havo you stay, If jyou want refutation of Ibein that was not couple I wlih meticce and lunation could have no effect. Relieving that their hla that I should be to be to dlv.-harge the omcAl Daniel 8. Dickinson's denial, for I believe turn the of It has ho. n and thai I ami pro-elm e y be more secure If the army, expressed opinion hanged.and competent on the to go. Honor, self-respect, feedings diaoouitisy Ki, liberties and property would a mndei ata dul,.« that lo the post as Jdrjetlyfhey have ths b> be s man who will tell tbe truth stand under to one oT if did not man. 1 should like, if to l.ave wore the hands of the journals pronouncea It quite «|*>ecb. Why belypg humanity, would dictate any us, ttjoy Ihutlanotao. puaelble. executive power of the State placed In was mm.1 toriune. both«"»u of 'hem to have wiv< wno and cheers); but I will uot m to law but shluo on hum i.t being on the of that man at a mooting g»oy (Alplause.) Wowing were then read aud adopted as the re- night." Laughter.) 1 beve been told that those of ns who property; it era t- Tbo ooutllcl going on between the executive and the Judiciary portanc.the executive ni*"«lon gomletnen, widowed mother calls upon vou to slop al the II st Thus If slavery can be eroduated,! would have "W meeting-. Mr. Lincoln lind tbe writ of habeas who wilt i»rovo tlidit tho iieople of the State or iiewNow" Ywkiote do not support Mr. Wad*worth are not supporters the whose husbou g.-ee oitcd the proper autbontw* at d riot t.y .OlutlonsV suspended corpus, administration. lot us ses if we are not. Tht honorable point; wh#b wife, g aiiuaily, by That as *r desire a vigorous prnserutlon of the which he held he had no to do. h ivrt a nr >uvr sense, aud desire to exhibit to their follow of the Well, out to battle far the Union and the amstliu. mere three and by authority winch is.even ny the ad¬ Resolved'- eon- (Mr. Seymour) right Convention at and nominated Mr. wh, ,,w ooeser-atlva ciil/i-ot ol thlacit) will and continued There was a difference StialW, as well as the strangers who which met Syracuse when the who finds a b.other coin¬ mission of th >se who would seek lo use it.ot somewhat metcnl to conn ibu- (Loud applause.) rttTvsM oTShM Wadsworth did in thoir resolutions one word !!<>¦; alster, ttmu-ckeerl- ky the support already given It, by of on that point. If tbe Supreme Court decided nny lh",n' wb,t they oonsider a tit companion of not say when the bethrothed, who part* from more than doubtful right. Uul w" *l .Hlilt- it 1110 opinion American about Mr. Lincoln.not a word. It was s Con vent tou ing home- cloven o'clock when tl, oieet uons ot metis V'L Al2 depuvnn. (laughter).but (Mr who seemed to have they toil you go long . the hi.t.-« hutiude. held that thero was no power In the w ar H ths thing that should be done st this political elec- wee nobody intelligence eaongh It: but when come to a wb t» i-eoco Admlitlatratlon War Mvstlag at N«w- ' govern¬ you point to u|ilBml0nnthw J."T1""*nof Seymour) act of one'a life on the or who was to get up a resolution requires tuc (onslltntion, and *! *5" u' ment, either in pence or In war, to deprive a loyal, in- mm m well as in any other disposed endorsing can properly be mode, then to make It. An at this time, ark, fl. J, ¦ lmDulred, that was aec.douta) r any, e,.is)ity and rights ^a . the war n vent man of Ills But it was said if I believed.and 1 say so Abraham Lincoln Do you suppose in tbia condition of tbe we are asked to dis¬ o acoompllsh.-1 property. (Cheers.) ai.d coantry, J , OC 13, lgflj and ih.t as e'on as these if minority were then the wiih entire truth and I The same accident happened here on tbe 8th of Oet"ber. whoar- making mm Nswark, H. ° that the disloyal, minority sincerity.If re.erence to tbe band tbe democratic party. Peoplo the tnvestigs could be This doctrlno was carried fur¬ That by vol Uig lor Mr Wa.lcw«rth 1 would contrihuto^ to To be sure, there waa a misty proclama¬ hut who are turning democrats An immense administration war meeting was held herr T" That *^,,fcVncc^ o7f"'«rp'/l' ¦ Jf'i puJ5ished. and about more cerUIni tion which ho had recently issued. Hut the Presldeut political appointments, otik-s In tbe . were told Miit'.e Lcgislatnrea hu a disclosed,!. ^1* ..I?', _ ."/-".l" ther, and tbey In New York tho ^uotorh of our arra«, bring y out of custom houses and the various to to ratify the Rtate and district nominations . an has done a great besides issuing the bight, uneinmplei oorrnptl n ai.d .-ftiava^ that the fre-'dom of speech In tho loyal States was to be a victory In this war and honorable peace.1^sheold many things procla¬ United States, invite as to disband the democratic with vice pjesiuoms TO' minus frsuds he chei ked, the who would ijt r.i!? put down because'there were a number of disloyal tilates vote tor him without a moment's ",ul mation. He has boon Iu office since tho 4th oi March, Why? Has It not a great and glorious Hon A. O. Keasley presided, Afty votve.t In «nd dishonor; ihs. so 1 am oon and In that lime ho his romoved Fremont, organization. to tba Hon. James Wadsworth, oi Sew bankruptcy scot, ^F inn- down South, N>w, sure as truth would because 1 do not bo believe.because entirely 1H61, Has It not added empire con'edoracyf Sper chea were made by iess to the ot honesty «n«l (laughter.) ,, mere advunta has revoked Hunters and has tor reeled history? ptinctples If we did nut the democracy would triumph -luheers).snd , iimt a dlflerent course would be proclamation, Has it not carried ns su.xeesiuliy through three foreign Freilerlck T. of .his city. Hon. id oral n of p ilul affairs, LIIZs Ar pievail, more io Cameron's and < Ho has done was York; Hon Frelinghuyaen, Bounce v longi on the Indus'ry of the. when did pain autliorlty again no man would ..sous to the country, and would tend certainly report. (Liughter b'-ws.) wars? Havo we not had Jackson, who Die first liv these they hagn a of and nick out the 0. Potts, of Trenton, and others. The meeting the an h.t, In the language of our li. T'* hts No man's horn# would ba violated. & Peace, which the legitimate variety patriotic thing*, why only man wbo ever a n.vt! n il debt, and Pierce, who Joseph ponpli ^ " *¦ rights Infringed. r, 1., Ing paid gersey, wo solemnly protect ngaiust su h rrekl*. of man's person would be re¬ cf nil that I ahall support Mr. heymour UP questionable act of his Ike far approval and pass over all that the debt of tbe United wan characterised by enthusiasm. The Mcredueg* evory objnc war, rest. Tbe Democratic Convention did not was tbe second again pud great gsn<-e slid In'ainoilH peculation. , ,, V " Was It tri e that while this war ) Now, gentlemen, I do not step to consider how the (Cheers.) not tbe cause of freedom b >>n promoted by Resolved, Thai we highly approve of and ohecrfu spected. (Applause.) me endorse but tendered him unlimited Stater Has * wLo e,ale em*. went en wcro to have u" light*? When we became involved in this war. It Is sufficient for him, tliay money aifd an Treasury nstablixhed by IV It from Saa Francisco. der»- the triiti fiil aii-uiiienis ag-'insi they never the conlhict and men to on ibis war. Do the It, Independent IVnwn lion by Fre«lit«ni Lin o;n. In hi* imeivlew .'"n their soldiers would conic back with wasted ccr-tltu that wo are In it. 1 have OObdemned carry (Load cheers.) would lake mo hours to reliearso to you the glorious or thr rational pirbct tax -FPICTLA* pf-a-nliil1 In of la or Ibeir of wh liav a friend In .he street, Republican Convention do so? No. Tnsy started rATWtNr the l'hiO*g<> ileiegatlun, the month eeptcmber tlous should tbey allow tbelr per.-dons bouut** thoso^ ng light..,g c.ueer of the democrsllo inheritance.wliie.h OP TI1K STATE rRKASCMR. ETC. aatislh d as «. ore in the language ot the I'les deut Inmseli. to malt into ashes beennse tho credit of the int. lTto?ll^onl.'t about him to see If the)¦ wn gel with an If. They preferred to anucx roodltkws regarded aa one of the chlefeat portions of TION '.thai ihe nieaaure luust b* n«- in .perMilve" and KLt,i..rwo.t With htm.lake him afterwards to thth" to thter does. A I have always fas I'UMMt, Oct. lit 18A3> " ersirily wns not H hut b en asked, what whipped with nun.take support. (A votco."Greeley ') gen to me voice." We had s Van and thst m> van leault from the Jton gtjstalnodf thst bei.-ngs (A lei-tpedieiit, pussihl* good be of democratic riflt rent piacn of re; tesbmenl, brush Iho dust tlemon down there say* thai "Greeley does." Why, he property wo tiare shin uow." slcmer. Constllu* Issuing uf such a proclamation.'* \vould the ooodequcnces triumph? boras then, but piasters (Linghter ) Palled, ship Mennion, Valparaiso; the of the would tell The armies of the coun¬ ,,ff his ciolltes, wlfio the b.o id off his face, ami was waiting for the proclamation, ami after he got that at a time when the traditional of the and 000 In Resolved, Thiit, In the language of revisers He them. r-^-le tho And now. opponents Panama, with slxty>Aie passengers l#W statutes ol this Slat", "Re writ of haliea* corpus I* the now stood the rebel traits I lion sW to linn, "N-w.wh-n you a.c outlrelj , he was waiting for proclamation from McClslfan, and atl J come forward to It.when the Hon, in try confronted pith bow ' after that did no to do what tho Preriden: democi party support aod f r Knglat d. bulwark ol personal llheny to the ottlsnnlhat If L'nder such circumstance! they kid 1 toeot fai ls. They If" owowgh to let ms know It begun. procend sup¬ last whigUig candidate forfar President,Preside d, GeneralGoneral So-Scott declines treasure, for New York, fJS.OOO n Ian It points out to the humbl u Inolvidnal In the the trim U to uke a with your friends posed he would? No doubt the President is the United Slates Assistant trout luid to maintain their a»d I Inn army waa to inalco I"eW way part (Laughter.) v the democratic ticket.v. hen Millard Fillmore Treasurer h raid re., in etlcolual means s* well to r. leas,, himseir. though army, was led to that If ho leruo s oppase The State war for the of the Cin. o and the "sp,...,g to' ...quire very narrowly wlait may expect would proclama¬ net wing President, supports the democratic ticket. of the direct tax levied lu this eon.mill'd hy the king its to punish tho-e who (rectoratlon upholding 2 we havt tion abolitionist would to the field. He the Treasurer, on aesotiol tin n this reuuhl|.-an conslitutiop. With the havoorlfiia.vdth- conf'v-rsy; but every fly the lust Hunt, takes tho iincnuWiiuUuna'ly misuse him, In of tho (Applaue" ) prersl'lng arrival was led to that when he cam-- Into ihor wt»u whig Governor, Wa«hlngt.I be- nnw at a wiliaf when jtbecr irs exceedingly Important su|ipo*e . -r b. ,,an, v.bat was the naturj o tne fi'Nea.» loos, Ctyojpy flc.rgo't. wl.eie would litt. e been the country n*o v hill far tMl Or- form protests against the Rtwie siwetilating the Pre'^'If") bound u. apprcvw he to rn .'.oi ll?r0 luvnior e nor >ily Resolved, f b*t' ,0 ®"! l*wn reoord, we renew oar -Aga.n. fellow of ens, uia.rt in which wis going hark r.n i what wae tl.e irmy (Three r.Srt gaiiizatiov W here would General M" lsllni hwe of the natlotial goveri ment and the public Is lo {f!ih,ru!the Union aud |h* constifititon. and In conclusion he aaln^ cvht-«l li which he Ih «» lifr.Ollan.) KCOellan in a hod gallant ftsitmo, When ,h(, ,.»¦ ,>n«e vows of 10)a>'.* stand as ''**. wi,..n »,L.. trcioeudoca p' waaonteting. young* offn now but far th' tlcmorratft iarty? as ever, ibe strong Arm of the gov. rnuisut this oceasion, npou every wh, sal I ih ,t It wa« a small eiiair that it wnttl ro whom co t hue well redjn bis lettei # the thf» to bd fa\ r. It !. thought the legt-leture bow, siifhb111"* ' req,. nigh, prcb " * would he be to-morrow if disband nroakn'n'.rr hetu een the c^sfltotlonsl of assembled si. ca tbe outbreak or ' Pu you apparently the a* the only rights this i%».. but A low Bi n. that ftouihern mcd were 3d «'f arch, wheu ho said tintit tV(M,e,l\ ono word lo hand oyer, l?bXi51^or^:.,i,ta':Ki*nrt t pf To 11 h niso.f, for he hml Info m-iti, n Ir embarked It. e l» mtu vhv rvvf*fitters that a mimi-er a' reiutblh aM hive g.. et the ,ur"r s" .V.leo idegjial draws. iiieu, largo » tvo re.,lien. tne"ranks o? *if armies shall b te"! and I*', h ugior oonld have I , ptcmpsnt. Miio'vi-rtou h tcb him li cr>se whale-. Droit., u|J lull, * ksoctved im regouio ^*tf a war, and tbat they will prch My b" beatth ment. r--«.,rw of our nation re, len.elw i. fbt«" r "o i soul u on winch lie lie dois m t *io| to iu , e vhc'h. Thv !i*-. between thoee wire in the Jt* ««,a wis vnl ling I do i».) b'-ilsv* M u fl(0r',a tho air. r eOBMItutlueMnctlyhZileieartydniwna*it I* and the Uuhin as it was. and the men ahail toil beW(* ^ h' n