HANSARD a Report from the Government Relations Office
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HANSARD A Report from the Government Relations Office FEBRUARY 2005 In this Edition: Canada Corps: Four New Programs Last year’s Speech From the Throne each involving a team of faculty and students • Canada Corps announced the creation of the Can- working in developing countries. The teams will ada Corps as a branch of the be chosen through a peer review process • Minister of Health Canadian International Development Agency managed by AUCC and will each receive up to Visits Bannatyne (CIDA). The Canada Corps is mandated to $50,000. The first teams are expected to be Campus coordinate Canadian “governance” program- out in the field by 2006. ming overseas, including working to help • Provincial Shadow Cabinet Shuffled countries develop democratic institutions “In so many of the world’s trouble spots, such as courts, legislatures and political establishing order is only the first step. • Lieutenant organizations. Canada Corps’ founding Poverty, despair and violence are usually Governor’s Advisory pillars include the mobilization of Canadians rooted in failed institutions of basic govern- Council Meeting at to go abroad, public engagement, coherence MCHP of governance programming and the ance and rule of law. This is where Canada, expansion of Canada’s governance base of with its commitment to pluralism and • Senior Management knowledge. human rights, can make a unique Changes at the contribution. That is why the Government Province Last December CIDA Minister Aileen Carroll is establishing the Canada Corps.” officially launched Canada Corps’ first Federal Speech From the Throne October 5, 2004. mission - the deployment of 500 observers to the Ukrainian election, by far the largest The second initiative is focused on Haiti and electoral observation mission Canada has will provide up to $7.7 million over three years undertaken. Included with the launch, was the to facilitate partnerships between Canadian announcement of four new initiatives that and Haitian organizations and to deploy Canada Corps will undertake. volunteer experts to participate in governance programming. One of these initiatives will oversee two projects involving Canadian universities: The Another initiative will provide the NetCorps Canada Corps Internships (CCI) and the Can- Coalition - a consortium of nine of Canada’s ada Corps University Teams (CCUT). The largest volunteer-sending organizations, with former program will consist of 100 four-month $1 million to support governance projects. This internships, with each of the Association of money will fund six-month internships for 50 Universities and Colleges of Canada’s young Canadians. The interns will work in (AUCC) member universities allocated at developing countries on e-governance and least one of the internships. Universities will information and communications technology- Hansard select third or fourth year undergraduate and related projects. is published by the graduate students to go to a developing coun- Government Relations Office. try where academic links already exist. Upon Lastly, the Trust Fund for Peacebuilding will If you have any com- completion of the internships, students will also receive $1 million during 2004/05 to fund ments or questions receive academic credit for their work abroad. assignments for volunteer specialists in please contact us at: Universities will be expected to organize an governance and peacebuilding transition 106 Administration orientation program for student participants programs. The Trust Fund builds on earlier Building and continue working with returning students agreements between United Nations University of Manitoba to raise public awareness of their results and Volunteers (UNV), the World University Service (204) 474-7881 activities overseas. The first students are of Canada (WUSC), and the Centre canadien Fax: (204) 474-8421 expected to go abroad by the summer of d'étude et de coopération internationale Government_Relations @umanitoba.ca 2005. (CECI). The latter program (CCUT) will see 10 univer- Additional information can be found at: sity team projects focused on governance, http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/CanadaCorps. HANSARD Page 2 Events Calendar Minister of Health Visits Provincial Shadow Cabinet st Bannatyne Campus. Shuffled January 31 1 Session resumes, On January 17, 2005, On January 19th, 2005, Progressive 38thParliament. Bannatyne campus Conservative Leader Stuart Murray shuffled hosted Provincial Health his shadow cabinet. The shadow cabinet is February 11th Minister Tim Sale. The the opposition “government in waiting” with Mr. Michael Brown, event was held to critics assigned to “shadow” government min- Mayor of Grand Forks, formally introduce the isters and departments. Of special interest to North Dakota will newly appointed Minister the university community is the appointment of address the Canadian to Bannatyne Campus, Leanne Rowat, MLA for Minnedosa, as the Club of Winnipeg. in particular to the facul- critic for Advanced Education and Training. ties of Medicine and Dentistry. In his presen- She replaces Kelvin Goertzen who becomes February 17th tation, entitled “Fiscal Realities, Strategic the critic for Justice. The rest of the shadow Dr. E. J. E. Szathmáry, Priorities: Meeting Manitoba’s Health Care cabinet and their responsibilities include: President of the Challenges”, Minister Sale spoke to a wide • Jack Penner - Water Stewardship; University of Manitoba audience of faculty, staff, and students about • Jack Reimer - Culture, Heritage and will address the the province’s health care priorities. Follow- Tourism and Senior’s issues; Winnipeg Chamber of ing the Minister presentation, Dr. Peter Cat- • Myrna Driedger - Education, Citizenship Commerce. tini (Associate Vice President Research) and Youth, and the Status of Women; gave a brief overview of the Bannatyne Cam- • John Loewen - Intergovernmental Affairs February 23rd pus and Dr. Sandham, Dean of Medicine and (urban); Industry Economic Development Mayor Sam Katz will Dr. de Vries, Dean of Dentistry gave presen- and Mines; Trade and Deputy House address the Canadian tations highlighting the education and re- Leader; Club of Winnipeg. search achievements, challenges and goals • Ron Schuler - Lotteries and Gaming, labour in their faculties. and Immigration, the Civil Service February 23rd Commission, and Energy, Science and Federal Budget For a copy of the presentations please visit Technology; presented to http://umanitoba.ca/government_relations/, • Heather Stefanson - Health; Parliament. look for “University of Manitoba Health Forum • Gerald Hawranik – Finance, the with Minister Tim Sale”. March 7th Communities Economic Development Fund Legislative session Act; and Aboriginal and Northern Affairs; resumes March 24. Lieutenant Governor’s • Ralph Eichler - Agriculture; • Mavis Taillieu - Family Services and March 15th Advisory Council Meeting at Housing, Persons with Disabilities and Ms Sheila Fraser, MCHP Multiculturalism; and Auditor General of On January 18th, 2005, the Lieutenant • Cliff Cullen - Healthy Living. Canada will address Governor’s Advisory Council on Disorders the Canadian Club of and Childhood Development and Her Hon- Senior Management Changes Winnipeg. our, Lenore Berscheid, met with the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. The Cen- at the Province th March 17 tre’s Acting Director, Dr. Patricia Martens, Last month, Premier Gary Doer announced Ms. Nancy Hughes provided the guests with a presentation on changes among Manitoba’s senior civil ser- Anthony, President the background of MCHP and its data reposi- vants. Paul Vogt, a University of Manitoba and C.E.O. of the tory. Dr. Marni Brownell, Senior Researcher graduate, a Rhode Scholar and former senior Canadian Chamber of with the Centre, outlined the use of the data advisor to the Premier, replaced Jim Eldridge Commerce will repository to study children’s health and as the Clerk of the Executive Council—the address the Winnipeg some of her research findings. Since their highest ranking civil servant in the province. Chamber of Honours, John Harvard and Lenore Ber- Other changes include: Milton Sussman Commerce. scheid, were appointed, they have publicly becomes the new Deputy Minister (DM) of made a commitment to raise awareness of Family Services and Housing; Arlene Wilgosh March 22nd disorders affecting childhood development. becomes the DM of Health; Debra Woodgate Jim Rondeau, Minister Their two main areas of interest are Fetal becomes the DM for Government Services; of Industry, Economic Alcohol Syndrome Disorder and Autism. Ewald Boschmann becomes the DM of Development & Mines Finance; and Diane Gray, Associate DM of will address the For more information on the Lieutenant Gov- Trade assumes full responsibility for Federal- Manitoba Chamber of ernor please visit http://www.lg.gov.mb.ca/ Provincial Relations and International Trade. Commerce. .