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Today's Index Wea her: Editorials p. 2 SHOWERS Features .... p. 2 Sports . . . . p. 3 High today 56-62 Society . . . . p. 4 ASpadatt Low . . . 33-43 SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE VOL. 45 SAN JOSE, , THURSDAY MARCH 13, 1958 NO. 89 PE Fund Drive Climbs, STANDING TALL Benz, Landlords Total Is Over $5000 To Review Policies The Spartan Foundation, Inc. athletic fund drive had grossed more than $5000 yesterday, only 24 hours after Hayward executive Another plateau in the proposed standards for college approved Alec L. Branden's $3500 check kicked it off. The more than $1500 housing will be reached Monday morning when Dr. Stanley C. Bent, has come from many contributors, and shows considerable interest dean of students, meets with a group of -selected- householders to in the Spartan Foundation's drive to support SJS athletics, according discuss the tentative SJS housing policy. to Arthur Johnson, publicity chairman of the Men's Physical Educa- "We are meeting with 12 householders who represent different tion Department. Johnson also outlined a plan* types of student housing,- said Dr. Benz, "to review the suggested policies modified by the college's housing staff after the first meet- whereby SJS students and their tions from students and parents parents and friends could help to- should be accompanied by the eing with the householders " ward putting the drive over its contributor's blank on page 3 The first meeting betwnee the $20.000 goal in the next two weeks. of today's Spartan Daily. tie em- college and houseins mers was held "If the 11.000 students would each SAC Receives phastied that these are merely ' Feb. 24 when 130 householders contribute only one dollar, and for the Foundation's records and ; met with Dr. Benz in Centennial only half their parents a dollar. no publicity will he given them. Hall and suggested a "few minor" we could put this drive over the WCAC rules also 'anti' that the Commendation 'changes' in the college's housing top easily," he said. money collected %%ill not be giv- recommendations. OPTIMISTIC en directly to athletes, hut will Johnson was optimistic about be turned over to the college, Since this first meeting, the col- the SJS student body's support of which will be the final authority For Sherwood lege's housing staff has met and the Foundation's drive. "They ov- on disbursing athletic benefits. Army ROTC cadet battalion commander Rich- It. Rodriguez, Asst. s-I Lawrence A. Perry, 5-2 Student Affairs Committee was modified the policy. erwhelmingly voted to improve our ard L. Herb stands at attention with members Ernest I). 7,ottola, 5-3 011ie R. Guinn. Ops, Sgt. Contributions should be address- commended by Al Walburg, ASH athletics," said Johnson, "now we of his staff. Cadets are, left to right, Adj. Don- Rudolph A. Cordova, and 5-4 Don Phillips. DEAN, COUNSELOR ATTEND ed to the Director of Athletics, ald L. McShane, Sgt. Maj. Hugh J. Scott, Execti- need their help again. I think we'll photo by Jim Baldwin. vice president, at yesterday's Stu- Dr. Elizabeth Greenleaf. clean San Jose State College, San Jose. tise Lee Deiiimpa, Commander Herb, 5-1 John W. get it." dent Council meeting. for bringing of activities. and Mrs. lzetta Pritchard. housing counselor. also lie was referring to the special Don Sherwood to SJS last week. student body opinion poll of Nov. will attend Monday's conference Although SAC lost $100 on the 26, in which the student body, by State Officials Confer The housing conference be- a large majority, voiced its dis- show. Walbure. presiding at the world wire college how...owners and tween approval of the athletic program Compiled from United Press council meeting in the absence of officials is in keeping a Ith Dr. as it was then being run under SINGAPOREIndonesian President Sukarno charged yesterday O n Don Ryan, president, said that the Benz's polity to "o.,rk nith the the Council of State College Pres- that the rebels of Central Sumatra are being "manipulated" by for- Architecture Plans turnout was very good for the householders" in developing the idents' athletic code. eign powers. Two representatives from the State Dep&Ttment of Education set of atandaribi for college -lip - first attempt at bringing a well The Presidents' Code Wag The Indonesian Antara News Agency, in a broadcast monitored and one from the Division of Architecture returned to Sacramento proved housing. abandoneh by 14,15 Deo. 10 and in Tokyo, quoted Sukarno as saying he had obtained proof of such last night following two days preliminary discussions on SJS' pro. known performer to SJS. The the West Coast Athletic' Confer- "manipulation" on his recent travels abroad. posed $7 million engineering building. council backed Walburg in stating After the meeting, the recom- mended policy will go before the ence rules on athletic scholar- Sukarno did not identify the "foreign powers," although he said The state officials, Wesley Burford and Dr. Al Brown, of the that it felt SAC' should go ahead Minos were adopted Dee. 12. the government had evidence that the rebels bought weapons in Japan. Department of Education, and Sarkis Shirinian, of the Division of President's Council for further with plans for sponsoring other Because the new rules allowed Architecture, spent the two days conferring with representatives from sbi s study and approval. more grantsin-aid to athletes, tui- Emilio Nuneza Portu- the offices g name entertainers at San HAVANA, CubaCuban Prime Minister of Executive Dean C., PREVENTIVE MEASURE tion, and a training table, the Phy- crisis ap- Grant Jose State. ondo and his entire cabinet resigned yesterday in a sudden . Burton and Engineering T This proposed housing policy sical Education Department imme- parently precipitated by an approaching showdown with the rebel Department headsNorman 0. Gun- The SJS song girls were called will prevent such incidents as the diately found itself looking for force of Fidel Castro. derson. utor, Pupil Naso vs, Perrin-Blass court suit, additional funds to carry out its Architectural before a recent meeting of Rally splans. including th B said Dr. Benz. new athletic policies. The Spartan FLORENCE, S.C.An atomic bomb, missing only the fuse that room sizes, relationships of rooms DO Executive Committee, Mickey Si- Foundation, Inc. was formed Jan. would have made it a disaster-dealing nuclear horror, plummeted and building specifications, were enefit monet. chairman, reported to coun- Vincent Perrin and Sherman 16 by a group of interested- busi- from an American bomber into a farmyard late Tuesday, setting off discussed. cil. She said they were asked to Blass are two SJS students who nessmen from the San Jose area, were cleared Tuesday, by a Mu- a chain reaction of investigation and international concern. No drastic changes in SJS' oil- appear because the committee was and soon laid plans to raise the In Teaching nicipal Court decision. of charges The bomb's trigger, a devastating thing in its own right, exploded ginal building request were report- "very much dismayed" at the "ap- necessary money. by their landlady, Mrs. SRI ah Nut - when the bomb plowed into the earth in railroadman Walter Gregg's ed by Burton. By RAY HELSER athy" which the song girls dis- CURRENT DRIVE so, who sued them for $517 plus back yard. The blast bored a hole 35 feet deep in the ground. The building, to be located at played last year. She said it was The Depart ment's estimated There are a few students at SJS court costs for alleged breach of Gregg and five members of his family were injured. The Air 7th and San Fernando streets, is recommended to them that they $30,000 spring semester budget is who have found that being a tutor oral agreement and property da- Force sped a decontamination team into town but eased the fears included in the State Budget now ;mike sure they have the time if being taken care of partly by a of the populace later by announcing there was no radioactivity and up for approval in Sacramento. If is paying off educationally as well they plan to run again next year. mage. $5000 emergency grant from the that the bomb actually was harmless from a nuclear standpoint. adopted by the legislature, it will as financially. Tutors are those in- She also said that the song girls Student Council, with another $5- . he the largest such structure ever who acquired a gave the committee some helpful 000 possibly on March 15, and the dividuals have Music Department CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. --They tried in vain again yesterday attempted in California for state $20,000 the Foundation is working knowledge in some 'particular field. suggestions. to launch a Navy Vanguard rocket with a baby moon on its nose. colleges. to collect in its current drive. According to Dr Howard My- After working long hours to get the slender 72-foot missile into Dean Burton said he knows of Judy Perkins was appointed Se- To Host Festival Johnson said that all eontribu- ers, head the sky, the weary Vanguard crew had to "scrub" the no opposition to the building of the Math Department, nior Female Justice and Pi Limb- effort. SJS Music l'esso tinent a ill host * addition to "Tutoring is a sound investment. da. an education honorary society. In the $7 mil- approximately 1000 students and WASHINGTONAmericans can just about bet on getting a big lion construction costs, $3 million Not only do the students benefit and the SJS Geological Society teachers of music Saturday. when Group To Present tax cut this year, unless there is a fast and marked in equipment also will from it, but also the tutor finds were recognized by the council. pickup in business be added. the Californina Music Educators' conditions. it an extremely valuable exper- It was decided that Homecoming Dean Burton estimated it will Music ience for teachers." Committee be asked to submit the Association presents the TV Skits at Dinner "The odds now are 20 to 1 in favor of a tax cut," according to one be at least a year before construe. prospective names of three students to he con- Festival for instrumental and vo- A televised production of six well-informed congressional source who is keeping close watch on lion can begin. The building will The Math Department receives sidered for chairman of the com- cal soloists, instrumental ensem- skits will highlight the Sigma Del- the sagging economy and on the emerging tax policies of both political be ready for the 1961-62 school majority of tutoring calls dur- mittee. Student Council will make ble and baton twirlers. ta Chi Deadline Dinner March 27, parties. year. ing the last two months prisceed- the final choice. Bob Craft, chapter president of ing a school graduation. The de- Donald llomuth and Clement SDX, professional journalistic fra- partment merely acts as a go- Hutchinson, assistant professors of ternity. announced today. between and has nothing to do BACK HOME musks are directing, the program, The production rehearsals will Second Closed Circuit TV Station Debuts with the regulation of fees, etc. which will begin at R:15 a.m. and begin Thursday at 430 p.m. In Most calls requesting a tutor come I end approximately at 5:45 p.m. of high school J104. This is the first time that front the parents Performers throughout the day the use of TV has been planned Today for Entertainment and Experience students. Take, for example, a high will he rated in five categories. student who plans to enter since the dinners began five years By JOHN CURRY 58." its official title. Its programs various guests. "American Band- school Those students who receive out- college or academy. ago. Another closed-circuit campus will range from Gail Melton's stand" at 4, piped directly from a particular standing ratings will give com- might become fearful Station KIRK a mythical tele- TV station begins filling the air- sweetly cooed hints on cooking and the AB(' network and featuring His parents mand performances in the Concert of passing the en- vision station, will handle the cam- waves today, but with a far dif- feminine charm to Dan Box with a teen program, Rock 'n'Roll at of his chances Hall of the Music Building. theiefiiie ask eras and other equipment. A 21 - ferent purpose from the teacher the latest news. 4:30 with MC Bob George playing trance exams, and inch monitor will relay the skits to the aid of a tutor. Directors and teachers of music observation TV that has been NOT OPEN records for visiting high school the audience. TO PUBLIC Rill Rinultterg, a math major, In the 12 Bay Area counties have drawing all the local raves lately. Although students. "Woody Woodpecker" Dr. William Gould. professor of today's 412 -hour tele- tutors three vItudents. "I find entered about 700 students in the It's KOED, channel 92, with trans- cast won't be cartclon time at 5, from the ABC journalism, is producing the skits. open for public view- It highly beneficial," tie says, competition. The total number of mitters high atop the control room ing, network. "Spotlight on Sports" at Gordon Greb, assistant professor another telecast date has been "because you ha%e to orientate participants in the testis al will of tbe TV studio, SD 117. tentatively set 5:30 with Terry Simerly doing the of journalism, is directing the pro- for March 27, The yourself 's it the immediate pro- reach about 1000. Brainchild of the local organiza- first honors and "Nightcap News" at gram. broadcast date must neces- blem ol the students." This festival will be one of five tion of interested persons. the Ra- sarily be 5:45, with Dan Box until signor( The skits satirize, in a humorous a pilot series, explained Tutoring is not limited to the to be held by the association this dio-TV Guild, KOED is strictly for Frank time at 6. way, the college faculty and ad- McCann, technical adviser mathematics field. Ted Johnson, a year. Spectators wUl be admitted entertainment and experience, and of the project ministration by reviewing some of and head of the "CLOTHES CLOSET" ST17DIOSi French major. also has three slit - free of charge. that's exactly what has been plan- Radio-TV section the highlights of the college year. of the Speech McCann said that audiences for dents He states, "General weak- ned, according to Marcy Kessler. and Drama Tickets are now on sale for the Department. This is future broadcasts will he able to nesses usually can he determinedl Publicity chairman for "Project because of production dinner, which will feature Louis difficulties see the show live in the studio or in about an hour" Johnson agrees, and inevitable Los Angeles County. ::;:;$w::::::!;o::::, P. Bergna, district attorney of foul-ups which on the screen in the radio studio. with Dr Myers that training re- Leasing would detract from viewing pleas- Jail. author ( ar%I Chessman en- Santa Clara County, as the main Band To Feature ------ceived as a tutor is extremely iii, for ure, McCann said. ters his trip hack to the speaker. saluable, especially in the teach- San Quentin Prison death Cell New Compositions Everyone working on KOED Senior Class Sets ing field he hr.. ii,,-'wird for nearl% a fiC. The SJS Symphonic Band will Is is colunteer, many nit h I 3(11..-11,10if, I1V In prior Shapiro Scores present a program tonight that f`N perienre. either before or Senior Ball Date will include several works not pre- behind the cameras. Alpha Delta The Senior Class has scheduled You can be the viously heard in this area. Signia, Psychology Project Win With Slogan men's proffarolonal adver- MaY 2..1 as the date of this year's Tomorrow To Be best dressed man According to Robert Hare, as- tising fraternity, is n riling the Senior Ball. in the Employment The slogan contest promoting sistant professor of music and commercials, which sslil use The Village in San Francisco To Be Held at SJS !Award Deadline Office because the San Jose State campus blood Symphonic Band director, the our- many national and local product socsrmoset and the Roos has faith will be the location for the dance.1 drive was won by Max Shapiro, Pose of introducing new: material name,. Rut Jerry Gibbons, ADS State of I ailtornia hose an- 1. Applications for Tao Delta Phi's in you! Get which senior journalism major. is to increase the good literature preaident , espla Med. "Nobody's will be presented from 9 nounced plans to collaborate on $25 Grade Point Average award that lob ! Shapiro won $10 for the slogan, for bands, He ssid that the SJS going to object to %Mlle free ad- p.m. to 1 a.m., according to Crys- I a fostr.srar reseal-eh project to are available in the Strident Af- Suit up now, "A great need, your finest deed Symphonic' Band plays only the vertising, men on a closed cir- ! fairs ler, senior class publicity chair- be conducted at 545. The study Office and Social Activities false six months donate blood." finest literature and that the po- cuit." "Personalit hanges Office. man. Bids will he $3 a couple. is entitled to pay! Second place of $5 was awarded tentiality of hands as an artistic KOISD's program schedule, with a College Education" and Deadline for applications is Fri- Dick Reinhart's 12-piece orches- to Ted L. Petters, sophomore, for medium is just beginning to be re- which will remain the same will he directed bs Dr. Walter day. , tra and a vocalist his slogan, "Don't shortchange alized. throughout the semester, begins at will provide T. Plant, assistant professor of The award is presented to the if someone's life hank your blood." The concert will begin at 8:15 2:30 pm. with "Washingtcm music for dancing, along with a 'mythology. who Initiated It. The full-time male student whose of the The slogans will he used to pro- In the Concert Hall Musie Square Matinee," a movie. "Worn- four-piece combo which will play federal go%ernment will pay I grade-point average Improved the Koirl E3.44r) mote the blood drive which will Building. The performance is open an's World." with Gail Melton .downstairs et The ’illage, Miss $113.964 of tbe projecr cost. most last semester as compered to get under way Tuesday. to the public. playing the charming hostess te Crysler said. 4 his presious overall average. B-AIPART r0s11 V 1fareb 11. 1!)5R VW:".;-:-C-r. ". 0 Jungle Picture Editorial Spicy South Viet Nam the Plays to Packed Houses in Saigon SAIGON,. IUP) --One of the I color, wearing only panties. The Profs I first movies with nude includes several scenes Paying the Poor hern" movie also ceat Soul h Viet Nam in I 11 allowed in of nude African women In tribal A Spartan Daily scribe made a few all -too -true erage state college associate professor, with a years is playing to a full house , By RANDIE E. POE cracks last month about the sporific qualifies of doctorate, picks up $7356 a yearafter 10 years nightly at a downtown Saigon dances. many SJS professors' lectures. service. (The range is about $4000410,000.) Engi- '1 theater. We think that sorne of these profs might be neers with bachelor's degrees make 20 per cent] I "The Kid" is drawing big WANTED bores because they're tired. locally sen- Working at an extra more, ileneral businessmen earn 25 per cent more Ted Williams and Bob Hope have eaten at Knott's place. They crowds. But so is the night job is rather fatiguing. sational La Sausegeonne"' Spartan Spenders and salesmen make 35 per cent more! In the U.S. call it "unbeatable "Llane Some profs must be holding down A few other citizens must feel that way, too, because last Moth- iLiane The Savage), a sort of NO The an average professor makes two and one-half Li, extra jobs. We can't see how some of timesler's Day 14,032 dinners were sold there. Almost 2000 pies were eaten strip tease Tarzan picture. N; h+ as the Experience -them possibly can make ends meet with as much the lowestpaid worker. In S"ef on this day and more than 61,000 biscuits were consumed. In "Liaise" the young Euro- "I Shift the doles they get from the state. Union he makes 16 times as much. Knott's Berry Farmlocated near Buena Park in Southern Cali- pean actress Marion Michael Necessary profs' plight are outlined in The facts of the Tenth The profs now are hoping that Gov. fornia, is healthy example of what industrious people can accomplish.. plays the part of as white girl a plaintive little dittoed sheet called The Profes- Knight's request for a three per cent It is refreshing krsaa that today, uchile faceless thousands cud- who was hist in the African sor's Pay- and published with private funds by sev- More , hike in professors' salaries will be in. di(' "P tu the graeinment seeking handouts, a strong-willed family Jungles when a child and rear- eral campus professional groups. Wanted creased to 10 per cent by the current can become sum...still without the hand of charity. ed by tribesnien. average The modest tract points out that the Legislature. Sweat. Dab of Imagination She appears in about half the CV 2-1535 119 S. FIRST U.S. college professor's salary, in actual purchasing A lot of politicians have filled the ether in the Sweat and a dab of imagination have made Knotts' Berry Farm movie, which was shot in full power, is less than 70 per cent of what it was in past few months with alarming statements that the an institution. If you've eaten there you know what I mean. purchasing 1940. The average factory worker's U.S. must keep ahead of the Soviets in education. Walter and Cordelia Knott aren't intellectual wizards, but they power, by contrast, is 150 per cent of its 1940 Their. action on the pay boost bill will show how I have a striking air of independence which keeps telling them hard value. willing they are to transform their noble word, work pays off. Closer to home, the survey shows that the av- I into deeds. I Mrs. Knott has compiled a diary-type book on the history of the Fa hn It makes interesting reading: -WED IMI 1920"We planted berries after renting a farm. We built anho's I the stand that sits to serve so well in getting us off to a good never Ibtdere4timate . I start and sold the berries sic' had grown to people passing along Manzanifa Room the road. For se's en years we recited the farm and sold our fruit Bar-B-Q'd By CATHY FERGUSON from the little roadside market. 1927 ---In 1927 we were able to buy 10 acres of this farm. Spore Ribs that time again. This was the year we started on some of our present buildings and moved So or. -may as nen sit back and is our fine-feathered friends Chicken from the Little berry stand. I began turn into grade-vuftures. Tired of parroting hack correct answers like making fresh berry pies to sell along with the light lunches of hot biscuits Steaks Iii,' rest of the class, they are out to improve their grades. Not by and homemade berry jam. Our first little tea room had only five tables. Cozy Atmosphere , turning in better work, but by the whiningUm-doing-my-hest method. Hours. 6 10 PM. Here's where I throw in the travel - the crying towel. I admire 'Call It Our Chicken Year' Open S,inday 2.8 P.M. anyone who strives hard in class by honest means, but buttering up 1934"We call 1934 our chicken year because it was then that we 19 N. Market CY 3-1695 r ,h.aild have stopped in the medieval days of high milord. first started our chicken dinners. The first day we served eight din- ners. New, rooms had to be added each year and seating space jumped IN 1111.11 oil-AR from 20 to 40, then to 70. By 1940 we had room for 300. IFor 7' first two weeks of every semester they sit like normal 1946"We no longer had any Sensational Dale Offer , people. I notes, writing notes or whatever. but as soon as the doubts about Chost Town.' our first mid,-rm looms they push the panic butbin. And off they go in Farm had now grown ft 10 A high gear. They,. are continually button-holing the prof after class. acres to 200 aeres. RENT !throwing up irrelevant questions during class and constantly beseig- KI2 TYPEWRITER Today --"It is hard to believe SPECIAL SluDtIsT ' mg the prof during his office hours with insurmountable problems. there are 60 fiel'f'S just for free RATE 3M0NTHS 15 They quit speaking in a normal tone, but whine every other The citified sentenee. And they are not :dune fawning over the proof in the parking. Our combined restaurant KENNEDY BUSINESS MACHINE', flat with. its trim, neat look, 56 E SAN FERNANDO CS 2 ! same whining. simpy manner. Not only it,, they like the course, seating capacity is now 1750. We hook and eye tie and never moro flexi It is the best eourse they have Ps er had. The prof smiles and pats now have more than 1000 em- ble ribbed crepe sole gives you a light, 2 INTRODUCTORY them figuratively on the heads. ployees." bouncy step from town to courts. Maybe the grade-vultures are right - for it seems to pay off in The better you see .. Comes in the long run. They ciln usually wangle Next time some tear-dropper smoke grey v.hite or red calf. Guaranteed a someuhat higher grade by The better you see . . a few well-chosen crocodile tears. tells me that a man can't make it Banish those "squint lines" 10.95 today without graernmental help SIT -St K INDItiESTION around the eyes by getting think laugh Then spit. the glasses you need for But the whole thing gives me a mild' attack of indigestion. It is DANCE - clear vision. Get your ,bad enough to have to sit in *Class and absorb every blessed parcel :- check up then choose your information to prcae to the instructor we are learning somethin Coffee Date? stylish models. but to have a grade become an all encompassing god is too much. DIERKS DONUTS Dr. Jack H. Chennel COURSES To work fur a grade is one thing, but to crawl for a grade Is another. Where are people's sense of values when & KAUFMANN they SOMMER will do 6 A.M. to I I P.M. Optometrist anything to get a gradein my opinion they acre as bad as the S. Second 2801 STEVENS CREEK ROAD 370 AUtERAIS STREET 254 CV 5-2747 cheater, for this grade %suture is cheating himself. Member SPAR-TEN VALLEY FAIR AT SAN JOSE I admire the prof Nk hO: seeing - i through this phoniness, stops it before it has a chance to get off the ground. He is the. man who WORK OF ART / judges the their mer- by its in class, and not by syrup they privately gush forth. Only thing ART CLEANERS is that not enough instructors clip 398 E. SANTA the wings of these grade vultures. , CLARA I wonder if these same people , SWEATERS & ill be hocking for a promotion CASHMERE COATS 15% ill the outside world after gra- our DISCOUNT duation in the same way they with your 40 SPECIALTY pursue a grade. If they- do. I 1 HOUR ?ERVICE ASB CARD hal think it is a shame, for in the bin long run they only obscure their talents behind user -active SaVe e-rmate 90 Guaranteed COlarle Don't throw To keep our s.J.' s Cele offers IS... titn:., c,nce- Spa2tan your d4coslIts IS teEitTONE . be- money ginners of Il ages, dvanced stsidents. prsent .rd former Entered as second class matter April

steeteets. 24, 1934, at San Jose, Calif., undoc the away when Dele's successful fescnnq tech- act of March 3, 1879, Member Califor. eigyecorneiniag pr!.,41. WOOP end party lessons--9 ,.,.Stt.1 to nia Newspaper Publishers' Association. make you baster docer Ir ie,s Published daily by the Associated Stu- you rent a Pew. And see sees 116 MOSEY dents of San Jos* State College, accept it roe. Saturday and Sunday, during the college year with on. ISSUII during each final typewriter! olasseeteea.e.figneseeel examination period. Telephone: CYpross 4404- Editorial FREE! 4 FEY 710. Adtortising. Er. 211. EDITOR JIM DRENNAN extra lessor, ' BUS. MGRS. WILLIAM GUIMONT. 'WOK WI JOANNA HII5BY S - ,,Ikesg:g.g1LPAIICeell10/1141.0.:*. DAY EDITOR HUGH McGRAW DAY EDITOR W. C. DANNENBRINK . NEWS EDITOR Bill GODFREY SPORTS EDITOR JOHN SALAMIDA IF Tfa e 3D-rupos EDITORS - - DAILY COMMENT _ . 148 W. San Carlos CATHY FERGUSON, RANDIE E POE Anthony Taravalla ArAlifilf44. CY4 7780 vne Arts Editor The coupon below Photo EdItor Gen. Tyler STUDIOS ACROSS IJERIC John R. Aclems will enable you *Aisitri411brisse ?Ulm Still Erchang Editor El beet en Sae freer,to Mason I MIL 17te St ova Stiscort 2 1181 Librr;an IAlinda Copy Desk Chief Rafters Greuner to Choose your favorite brand ekr Behind John Cobb's all-time record of 403 mph PYRPHILE OWN ANY TYPEWRITER A GENERAL PETROLEUM TEAM

1360 LINCOLN AVE Behind events like Cobb's speed run Practically every type of college BUY ON TIME . . . (whose record still stands after 10 training is represented at General Indianapolis Petroleum where men FREE OF INTEREST years), the Gold Cup, with promise 500, and practically every major can make the first team. 10 TIMES THE FREE SERVICE engine competition you can name, For information about General TIME stands a team of Mobil experts from Petroleum see your college placement General Petroleum and its affiliates in director. PAY FOR IT ONLY ONCE sueliter seeti Socony Mobil. The EVERY 3 MONTHS (.5 Si here' OR That's why in its far flung opera- TOME IN TODAY TO OBTAIN TtiF DETAILS ON THE tions, General Petroleum uses college Ole Mobil ONLY OFFER OF ITS KIND IN CAL iFORNIA The -oftc..t eel' trained men. For oil huntinggeolo- Ale gists; producing and refining lamb., 5% Cecil aml chemists and engineers of all kinds. ialoo GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION MODERN OFFICE MACHINES CO. Marketing And selling use business FERNANDO (Nest door Store) tieadquarfors. Los Angeles m11.1111.41 124 E. SAN to Carel. look majors, architectural engineers, CYpriss 3-5283 far wsistrn affiliate of Socony Mobil, 111.1..csilinc color-. .accountants...and more because pioneer in per01Wri acnell /M. -,------.. ,-7

IrAil March 13, 1w:it SPAR? or DAILT-4 Ptietto Sox Chattels Coach Turns Spartans, Bulldogs i Scribes Snare Victory . By JOHN SALAMIDA SPORTS EDITOR Cliff Barrett whipped in 22 Club 567, 38-24; Organics trimmed Down Offer Paints to spark the Journalism Bak- F San Jose State this season may produce its first national judo the Recreation Dept 4346: champions since 1963. learn to a 59-27 win over Newman er Hall won by forfeit over the club last night in independent in- Phi Omega The Spartans have two outstanding prospects in Ben Campbell From Eagles Split Double-Header Tarters. and Alpha play. 30- and Mel Augustine, both third degree tramural thumped Indostyial Relations, black belts, and both winners sjS bamloill It J111 M. In in the recent Northern Calif. PAAU Championships at Palo Alto. SJS di- dayIns tachetiocni7set gRa;ned pogo( syeesatnerie: 26. Bob Bronzan, current first game of he season its 111 piiicii.ehi't hiiititrerilidtil:linimil,St’aiire7kwituht By capturing top honors in the PAAU event, the pair qualified and former rector of intramurals innings yesterdaj by a 4-3 score. the bags to represent Northern Calif. in their Jona'n.-d. The sParlaas from behind to nip the Touts, 43- respective weight divisions at head football coach, told the Spar- time in their the nationals but dropped the second tilt 2-1 to %tasted little half 42. Jerry Meckler of the Touts April 12 and 13 in Chicago. The two SJS Judoists are yesterday that he has tan Daily the Fresno State Bulldogs at of the same frame. Dudley HAVE not newcomers to the nation-wide meet, both having reached the quar- regular copped scoring honors with 12 "WE turned down an offer as Spartan Field. la:liked, went right past second ter-finals last year. coach with the Philadel- markers. HEAD SKIS assistant Al McIntyre is scheduled to and on to third base as Haley phia Eagles or the National Pro- In other games, Club 44 licked Named Grand Champion . . . pitch today's 3:15 tilt against Cal sacrificed, and later scored on / IN RENTAL Campbell, the fessional Football League. fur second successive year. was declared Grand 4 h n It tumil ''s one-base at Municipal Stadnim. Pain some place! Sniffles! The Ram a pea let Sissy and Champion of Northern Calif. He won the title by defeating all user second. other Lawrence T. (Buck) S ha w. In the opener, 111111 Leach struck bounder for yoarsoff wrAy ads oe S. weight division winners in the 7 Health Office is the place to go Eagle mentor, offered Bronzan out the and allowed but its hits Larry Peterson absorbed the A graduate nurse or a physician MCOn taniia 4600 Ws. PAAU meet. The powerful Spar- ey.,y the job mid-way in February. during his ten inning stint to 2-1 loss in the seven inning game. is on hand for consultation and slope, tan judoist was also selected Out- ev.,yrhort Shaw, the former San Francisco rack up the first pitching sic- hit at almost anj time by the , emergency service. These services standing JItdoist of the Meet by A w its. world 49er coach, reportedly has high of the young season the at tendi coaches. tor) tor Spartans could have turned the , are open to you from 8 a.m. Mon- regard for Bronzan. Coach Ed Solscials's nine. Dave tide. day through Friday. In copping the heavyweight Modrell and John Troel shared crown. Although he did not accept the NOW! Campbell turned back 12 duties for the Bulldog% nett] the other job of regular assistant coach, contenders to ring up the latter being the losing chucker. But Ending Saturday tIt le for the Bronzan may take a position with second year in suc- Spartans did it part-time assis- The the hard cession. Veteran Augustine the Eagles as OUR MID-WINTER tant coach. Duties of this job in- way, rolling snake-eyes in the 55 hipped several entries to nab SKIS Y3 off eighth frame when rightfielder SALE top honors in the 1140-1b. class. clude talent and game scouting - Imported George Dudley doubled down the The triumph was and pre-season and exhibition Car Coats . . . . 40% Off Augustine's se- left field line and scored on Harry BOOTS PANTS PARKAS cond straight in the Northern game coaching. Parkas . . . . 16-50% OH Haley's one base shot to Ow skim Sweaters - After Ski Boots Ski Pants 20%, Off California test. If Bronzan accepts the latter of- sector. Haley went to third when Skis Up to I/3 Off In team standings, coach George- - fer, his duties will not effect his an errant peg missed nipping hits), Uchida's SJS squad tallied 12 status as full professor and 'mural at second. Jim Schmiedt's sacri- qood,o Cope-McPhetres director at SJS. The part-time as- fice to left scored Haley, tying Reed cpotinf points to deadlock the Palo Alto SPORT SHOP sitant job would last from July the fray. Judo Club for first. Other team 4285 ALUM ROCK AVENUE - CL 8-5305 46 W. Sac Antonia CT 5-2939 -/ 1 to Sept. 1. Leach was in t r hi.' in the scores were San Francisco Judo Club 9, Takamotos 4, San Jose BEN CAMPBELL Buddhists 1, and Pacific Judo .. Standout Judoist Academy 1. The Spartans were defending champions of the tourney. Eleven other SJS judoists also competed in the meet. They were Bill Montero, Stan Svensen, Larry Smith, Al Stones, Walt Dable, Ken Honda, Larry Stuefloten, Chuck Babcock, Howard Watanabe, Keith Ferris and Garth Bucarria. Kirov 13.4,00 does it again! Unbeaten in Dual Action . . . The locals boast an unbeaten 3-0 mark in dual meet action, and also sport three victories in tournaments. Among the tourney vic- tories are wins in the Jr. PAAU, the Novice, PAAU, and Sr. PAAU. The Spartans will defend their state championship March 22 In a tournament to be held in Spartan Gym. Many top entries are expected. Two action packed tournaments will be held in Spartan Gym this Saturday. The first Calif. State College Gymnastics Champion- ships get under way at 1:30 p.m., while the Sr. Pacific Assn, Tourney begins at 10 a.m. (SPORTS SHORTS)-Tuck Halsey, SJS star last sea- son, pitched a seven hitter and smashed a three run homer to give Welding Service the San Jose Winter League semi-pro baseball title. San Jose State boxers are currently working out in Spartan Gym for two big tournaments-the Pacific Coast Intercollegiate meet at Reno and the NCAA tourney at Sacramento. Egeland Leads WCAC FLANNELS! In Shooting Accuracy Gil Egeland, San Jose State 43.18 per cent accuaracy. senior basketballer, emerged the Leroy Wright of COP and Ster- most accurate floor shooter in the ling Forbes of Pepperdine dead- West Coast Athletic Conference, locked for the individual scoring according to statistics released championship with 191 points in recently. 12 games for averages of 15.92 Egela nil tanked 59 of 129 credits per outing. Big field goal attempts for 45.74 Mike Farmer of USF establish- per cent. INF% Gene Brown ed a league record with 29 con- finished a close second with secutive free throws, but his 30 charity tosses during the league Greek Basketball campaign were not sufficient to qualify for the percentage coro- Continues Today net. Santa Clara's Frank Sobrero meshed 38 of 47 attempts for 80.85 per cent and the laurels. Selection Greek basketball enters its third game of a 12 game schedule today SCORING LEADERS as the four league leaders, DU, FG FT TI AVE Leroy Wright, COP 73 45 191 15.92 Delta Sigs, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sterling Forbes, Pep. 67 57 191 15.92 and PiKA all meet lower division Dick Sitirty, 5MC 74 37 185 15.42 clubs. Gene Brown, USF 69 39 177 14.75 Torn Donahue, 4 p.m. ATO 10-21 vs. DU 12-01; Loy 76 23 175 14.58 Fronk Sobraro, SC 66 38 170 14.17 cit KA (0-2) vs. Delta Sigs (2-0). Eddie Diaz. 5.15 54 58 166 13.83 13 5 p.m. Sig Eps (1-1) vs. Theta Den. Klurrnan, COP 49 26 124 13 78 Chi 11-D ; Lambda Chi Alpha Ken Flagg, COP 47 67 161 11.42 Gil Egland, SJS 59 30 148 12.33 (2-0) vs. Sigma Nu (1-1). Fred LaCour. USF 53 40 146 12.17 6 p.m. Phi Sigs 10-2) vs. Theta LeRoy Doss, SMC 54 34 142 11.83 Xi (0-2); PiKA 12-0) vs. SAE Mack Taylor, Pep. 47 44 138 11.50 (1-1). Mike Fernier, USF 54 29 137 11.42 Bob Sims, Pep. 57 22 128 10.67 No independent intramural Art Day, USF 48 29 125 10.42 games are scheduled for either Welt Hoye, by, SO 22 122 10.17 Jim Taylor, SC . 51 17 119 'PO today or tomorrow. ROOS Bob Larson. SJS 41 37 119 9.92 FINAL STANDINGS These University Flannels are probably Contributor to W L PF PA Pct. The Spartan Foundation, Inc. USF 12 0 803 5911 1 000 the greatest slacks buy in California St. Mary's 8 4 726 691 .667 Name Sonia Clara 6 6 661 680 .500 today! They're slacks for the young man Address COP 5 7 721 772 .417 Peppordine 5 7 770 1144 .417 ...slim, unpleated, buckle-back flannels Amount Enclosed SJS 5 7 737 7111 .417 Loyola . I II 401 711 .013 in all .the most popular colors. They're cut from a fine press-holding worsted flannel- tailored to assure you a com- CORDS fortable and correct fit. White Charcoal Blue Black Green Turquoise Regular 6.95 15" NOW $395 See your campus representatire FULL MOORE BILL YOI NG Kole/ Sew, SHERRY ROBINSON DOUG MILLER HOFFMAN'S FOR MEN FirA at 5Ll H IClara 46 S. MARKET CY 3-0077 4-1PARTAN DAILY Thursday. March 13. 195$ Anniversaries; Fraternities Plan Parties Sororities Celebrate -S)parian Society National Officers Visit Local Houses New Pledges Elect Officers Kinseth, ALPHA PHI &ea Wynns, activities; Joan Hat- binson. editor; and Karol ALPHA TAU OMEGA will hold its pledge dance tom.. Mrs. Emil Appleman, district sal, social and civic service; Jean asst. treasurer. Thenty-one men ha i been in- row night from 9 p.m. to 1 a ei STUDENTS VIEW 'BLOSSOMTIME' governor of Alpha Phi, will be Zoernsch, vocations; Kathy Loo- KAPPA ALPHA THETA Mated into Alpha Tau Omega. at Rancho Los Alamedas. Theme present at the initiation of 36 new ney, chapter correspondent; Sue Mrs. John MacDonald. district The new initiates Sr, Don Dun- for the dance is "Guys and Dolls." members Saturday. Hartzell, personnel; Joan Oeser, president of Kappa Alpha Theta. ton, John Ericson. Tom George. Next Wednesday Dl's and. A dessert for the alumnae was alumnae representative and Sue recently visited the local chapter. Combs% Don Flood. Ron liege- ta Gammas will don roller skates held Mar. 6 celebrating the 10th Werth, rush chairman. Marilyn Outzs, president,' and rider, Bill Kreger. Larry Lack, Jim for an exchange at the San Jose anniversary of the founding of DELTA GAMMA Barbara Mahle, social chairman, Montgomery, Tom ['stock. Bob , Roller Rink. Alpha .Phi on the SJS campus. to attend the Pfaff, Mike Purcell, Ron Samet, Saturday at 1:30 p.m. the sis- have been elected PHI SIGMA Theta National Con- Jim Scoppettone, Phil Smith. KAPPA ALPHA CHI OMEGA ters of Delta Gamma will gather Kappa Alpha Orr has been elected Pennsyl- Tracy Smock, Luke Stamos, Fred Garry t Alpha Chi Omega recently in- at San Jose Country Club to cele- vention this summer in president of the spring semester Steele, Don Triolo. Len Whit- itiated 24 new members into Gam- brate their 113th anniversary on vania. pledge class. Other officers are formulated for lock, and Alemz Lengycl. ma Eta chapter. They are Nancy the SJS campus. Plans are being Dondanville, vice president; dance to John Bouton, Dororthy Brogden, Linda Friday afternoon the DGs held the annual Kappa -Theta SIGMA PHI Pete Christianson, secretary and DELTA Buxton, Donna Dean, Sarah a dinner exchange with the mem- be held in April. Delta Sigma Wilson, treasurer. Brothers of Phi Bob Decker. Joy Empey, Carol Foster, bers of Sigma Chi fraternity at entertained Chi Omega sorority KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA PI KAPPA ALPHA Carol Heide Annette Irby, Paula Stanford. yesterday at a barbecue-volley- New initiates are Cynthia An- pave Carlson was voted Kessemeir, Suzanne Michaud, Bar- hall exchange at the Delta Sig out- DELTA ZETA sely, Susan Balkan, Ziska Baum, standing pledge for the fall sem- bara Murray, Karla Neal, Virginia house. New initiates of Delta Zeta are 1.y;iin Berry, Barbara Berthoff, ester. Nicolaus. Valerie Olson, Fredette Nancy Bliss, Lynn Boerlin, Kath- Barbara Brown, Kathy Egbert, Berger Benson was elected New initiates are Griz Bauer. Pardini, Charlotte Plank, Dorothy leen Conrcy, Barbara Cordon, Kathy Foster, Janice Garrison, night. pledge president Monday Jack Agresti. Jim Brazda. Earl Rankin. Judy Stoddard, Martha Marilyn Crane, Cie,- Diacomis, Janet Gillespie, Virginia Gold- is vice president, Chuck Bruderer Hallet. Fred Hanelt, Jim Flake, Terzakis, Corinne Tino, Ida May Cathryn Freeman, Gretchen Gar- smith, Gretchen Grube, Lois and Larry Bolton is secretary- Dave Carlson, Mike Warner, Jim Wall, Sue Wasson and Linda Zar- rick, Donna Headrick, Julia Hoag- Haight. Sandy Hill, Connie Kolb. t reasurer. Sullivan, Chuck Larson, Tom ko. land. Virginia Hull, Coralie King, Linda Laughlin, Muriel Leonard, Lowden, Nick Peters and Joy Empey received the out- DELTA UPSILON Randy Pat Knowles, JoAnn Lombardi, Terry MeGettigan, Laurel Mastrp- standing scholarship award and Tonight the brothers of Delta Brown, Margie Nickson, Arlene Rosa, fini, Jeanne Morre, Sheila O'Brien, Donna Dean the outstanding par- Fran Wahl- Reed, Kathy Ruprecht, Patty Upsilon will hold an exchange with SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON Carol Servance and Sally ticipation in activities award. Margaret Wilkinson, Ann Alpha Chi Omega. New pledge officers were elected gren. Sorauf, Davis is the new presi- Purpus Sandy Ward, The fall semester class Monday night. They are Lee ALPHA OMICRON PI Sharon and dent. Vera Bergtholdt is first vice Howard. president; Don Earl, vice Alpha Omicron Pis traveled to PHI MU president, and Margie Nickson is president; Armand Rice, secre- Berkeley to attend a convention of "Pepper" Salter has second vice president. Claudia tary: Dan Tapson, treasurer and collegiate members and alumnae been installed as the new presi- Delta Zeta was recently honored Show Slate John Leich, sergeant -at -arms. from UCLA, IJSC, Cal and SJS. dent of Phi Mu. Rachel Whitman with a visit by Mrs. G. Brown, San Jose and Cal were hostess is first vice president, and Jeanne SIGMA NU chapters. national scholarship chairman. DRIVE-IN Norton is second vice president. EL RANCHO New pledge officers for this Joan McDowell of the SJS chap- GAMMA PHI BETA Twelve fall pledges have been semester are Mike Peak, presi- ter was chosen outstanding pledge, "Farewell To Arms" At a banquet at the Interna- initated into the chapter. They dent and social chairman. and Bo The local chapter was also award- Rock Hudson Jenn,fe- Jones tional Kitchen in Niles Mar. 2, are Maralyn Browne, Pat Browne, I Conley, secretary-treasurer. ed the 1957 Scholarship Trophy. 23 new initiates were honored. Janet Cumming s, Mary Ann Plans were set Monday night New AOPi initiates are Jubie "Tbe Deteslayer" Jean Battersby was honored for D'Amico, Sharon Godfrey, Bar- , for a dance to be held this Satur- Three of the twelve candidates for Blossom Time Queen and two Arnerich, Barbara Baergen, Carole members of Theta Xi fraternity View some of the many blossoms having the highest scholastic aver- bara liardwig, Daisa Irwin. Lau- day at the Fun Farm on Alma- Brost, Mary Lou Cundall, Joan to be seen on the blossom tours which began March 9. Standing, age in the pledge class, and Joyce rene Lawrence, Beverly Ledwith, den road. Ideas for the annual from left to right, are Sandy Young, Dick Christiana, Dorothy Ferguson, Barbara Halvorsen, STUDIO Rawson was named Lady of the Mary Ann Mouterot. Kathie Sigma Nu-Kappa Kappa Gamma Brogden and Susan Smith. !Sanford Forkner is kneeling in front. Jean Parmenter, Joan Pettit, Moon, an honor bestowed on the O'Brien and Patti Saynor. "Cowboy" Easter Egg Hunt for underprivi- The girl chosen queen will receive a $100 scholarship and a trophy. Nancy Richards and Nancy Schlos- The sorority which sponsors her will be given a perpetual trophy. outstanding pledge. Phi Mus celebrated their 106th Jack Lemmas leged children also were discussed. ser. Following initiation big sis- fra Kaslifi Each contestant must write a 500 to 700 word essay on any 6 the Gamma Phis held a anniversary of founders day Mar. phase of the santa Clara by Bob Smith. ters entertained the new members Mar. SIGMA PHI EPSILON scavenger hunt with the brothers 1. "Wonders of Chicago" Plans are now underway at brunch at the Ste. Claire Hotel. for of Phi Sigma Kappa. the annual Queen of Hearts For- Cill OMEGA SIGMA KAPPA Mary Eliskovich mal which will be held in May at Chi Omega celebrated its 10th KAPPA DELTA Franca Moceo, Allison will be models SPARTAN DRIVE-1N Hotel Mark Hopkins in San Fran- anniversary on the San Jose cam- Thirteen neophytes were re- and Gavae Sigma Kappa alumnae cisco. pus February 72 with a dessert cently initiated into Kappa Delta. in the *Don't Go Near the Water* Satur- show this cparta9uide luncheon-fashion actives are Peggy Davis, Glenn Ford Sig Eps will hold a get together luncheon at Mary Ann Gardens. New Hawaiian Gardens, tomorrow with the brothers of Newly appointed officers are Evelyn Gilley, Lisa Gray, Kay day at the **Tarnished Angels" Theta Xi. Gaede, social chairman: An- Hillner, Karol Kinseth, Diane The Sigma Kappas held a crazy Alpha Eta Sigma, meeting at BEANERY BULLETIN Nora R. Hudson D Malone Marquis, Kathy McGarry. Pat hat exchange with Sigma Alpha TIM% CHI First Federal Savings and Loan Home Economies Cafeteria McKay, SJS's first foot- Nand, Sue Perry, Joan Price. Vera Epsilon Mar. 4. The exchange be- Four new pledges are Gene Assn., tonight, 7:30. Thad Entrees: came to the college Schmetgen, Pat Tanner and Mari- gan with a barbecue dinner at the Beadnell. Dennis Cooney. Dave Boarding House Presidents, ball coach, MAYFAIR Beef stew and noodles 30 when he piloted the Spar- lyn Williams. SAE house which was followed by Cox. Carl Maloney and Steve meeting. today, 3:30 p.m.. TB153. cents in 1898 Lima beans and sausage 30 cents win, no loss Recently elected RD officers are dancing at the Sigma Kappa Wednesday - Thursday Walsh. Lutheran Students Assn., "pro- tan gridders to a five Plate lunch 55 cents season. Sue Perry, secretary; Bunny Ro- house. Adult Program Last night Theta (This heki an gressive dinner." today, 6 p.m.. exchange dinner with Alpha Rid. to start at Student Christian Cen- MICHELE MORGAN Following the dinner they watched ter, 92 S. 5th St. 50 cents. ski movies, Methodist Commuting Students, S. "The Proud and discussion on "Commuting Stu- _ The Beautiful" THETA XI dent's Place on Campus," bring The brothers of Theta Xi are own lunch, today, 12:30 p.m., 24 6 59 H 44 currently wearing beards on cam- N. 5th St pus in preparation for their Settin the Sta e for "Papa, Mama, The Phi Upsilon PI, meeting to plan Bohunk party to be held tomor- Maid and l" for future night events. tomorrow, row night. The dress for the party 10:30 a.m., S26. 8 SO is Bohemian, and a prize worth Psi ('hi, initiation of new mem- $10 will be given for the hest cos- bers. election of officers, faculty tume and beard. Fri. - Sat.- Sun. panel. "Ethics in Psychology," to- morrow, 7:30 p.m.. 595 Brooks ..krrv Le -is Sig Sweethearts Ave. iMap of directions on bill "Sad Sack" letin hoard outside Psychology De- partment office.) 8 Lascsste--H To Be Featured Spring Styles School Styles Sun Styles Douai.% Senior Class meetings for re- "Gunfight at O.K. Sherwood Guests mainder of semester will be held, Corral" The five finalists in thi annual Monday at 3:30 pin., TB17. "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" con- Skin Diving Club, discussion of test, sponsored by the San Jose proposed trip to Monterey. to- _i/A1Q/agirOC:11\ State chapter of Sigma CM fra- night, 7. CH160. IJNION C-107 ternity. will be featured guests on Social Affairs Committee, meet- ing, today, 3:30 p.m., TB107. Sherwood Show Saturday GIRLS' the Don INDEPENDENT night. Society Of Production Engineers, "and God Earl White, chapter president. meeting, Frank Williams, "Crea- woman" Created announced that the five girls will tive Enginnering.' tonight, 7, appear on the popular television show at 8 p.m. on Channel 7. They FASHION SHOW ...but is. davit invented will be interviewed by "the world's New Officers Elected Brigitte Besrdo1 greatest disc jockey" himself. At Twin Lea Terrace The contestants are: Phyllis Rose Ann Corey was elected Burton. Alpha Phi; Marcia Day. president of Twin Lea Terrace at March 16 Newman Hall 2:00 P. M. onym it- Alpha Phi: Sue McIntyre, Kappa the first meeting of the spring CW 7-304r, 0 Alpha Theta; Brooke Shebley, semester. Kappa Kappa Gamma; and Claire Other newly elected oficers are "Doctor At Large" South, Chi Omega. Jane DiVecchio, vice president; D.rk Roga,cletstur,e1 Panto Wilma Henderson, treasurer and FREE ADMISSION The quarter system was started Eleanor Edmiston, secretary, "It Happened in the Park" at San Jose State in the fall term of 1928 and discontinued in 1955. Entertainment by THE WAYFARERS CLASSIFIEDS Rena Lao Mary Ann Hall Jere Phipers

To Place Classifieds CeU F-MOILA[11(0 ITV CY 4-6414, Ext. 272 Sty/es Contributed by FOR RENT College Boys Rm. or Room & MACY'S NANCYE'S DRESS SHOP Board. 28 S. 13th St. Complete Stocks OF VALLEY FAIR 455 E. WILLIAM STREET Lovely room. 2 girls. Priv. Ent. & bath. Kit. priv., $25 mo. CY 2-5077. Imported Room and Board. 2 bike. from SWISS JEWELRY SHOP TOWNE FLOWER SHOP Italian Tile Good food. 12 meals a school. 1203 SOUTH FIRST STREET cii* week. $50 mo. CY 5-4995. Eves. 1617 E. SANTA CLARA STREET Patterns FOR SALE Tools Typewriter, Royal (standard). Ex- cel'. condition. CY 3-6081 after 6 e p.m. Supplies ac lie PACKARD 4.rir sedan, neu- tral. Radio & heater. gd. rood CY 3-9940 between 6-7. Ask for Shirley. 168 S. 11th.

SAN JOSE PAINT WANTED WALLPAPER CO. SI tLE student to share apt. Shee 117 SOUTH SECOND CY 2-1447 B-B-Que. Pool. $37.50. 476 S Open Mon., Thum, Fr;, Nsight, .th t , No. 10.