Zombie arms Zombie walk R - L


Zombie walk R - L R - L R - L R 1/2 circle 1 - 2

1-2-3 Itʼs close to mid - night, and somethinʼ evilʼs lurkinʼ in the dark.

3 - 4; R head tick L 1/2 circle 1 - 2 3 - 4; L head tick Zombie walk R - L

1-2-3 Under the moon - light, you see a sight that almost stops your You try to scream, heart.

Zombie walk R - L R 1/2 circle 1 - 2 3 - 4; R head tick L 1/2 circle 1 - 2

but terror takes the sound before you it. 1-2-3 You start to freeze, make

3 - 4; L head tick Zombie walk R - L Freeze

as horror looks you right between Youʼre paralyzed. ʻCause this is the eyes,

Monster R-L-R-head snap Walk 1 - X2 - 3 - 4 together Monster L-R-L-head snap Walk 1 - X2 - 3 - 4 together thriller, thriller night, and no oneʼs gonna save you from the beast about to strike. You know itʼs

Monster R-L-R-head snap Walk 1 - X2 - 3 - 4 together Monster L-R-L-head snap Walk 1 - X2 - 3 - 4 together thriller, thriller night. Youʼre fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller to -

Back zombie walk R - L R - L R - L R - L night.

R - L zombie arms Zombie walk R - L R - L R 1/2 circle 1 - 2

1-2-3 You hear the door slam, and realize there's nowhere left to run.

3 - 4; R head tick L 1/2 circle 1 - 2 3 - 4; L head tick Zombie walk R - L

1-2-3 You feel the cold hand, and wonder if you'll ever see the sun. You close your eyes, Zombie walk R - L R 1/2 circle 1 - 2 3 - 4; R head tick L 1/2 circle 1 - 2

and hope that this is just imagina - tion. 1-2-3 But all the while,

3 - 4; L head tick Zombie walk R - L Freeze

you hear the creature creepin' up You're out of time. ʻCause this is behind,

Monster R-L-R-head snap Walk 1 - X2 - 3 - 4 together Monster L-R-L-head snap Walk 1 - X2 - 3 - 4 together thriller, thriller night, there ainʼt no second chance against thing with forty eyes. You know the itʼs

Monster R-L-R-head snap Walk 1 - X2 - 3 - 4 together Monster L-R-L-head snap Walk 1 - X2 - 3 - 4 together thriller, thriller night. Youʼre fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller to -

Zombie walk R - L R - L R 1/2 circle 1 - 2 3 - 4; R head tick night. Night creatures call and the dead start to walk in their masquerade.

L 1/2 circle 1 - 2 3 - 4; L head tick Zombie walk R - L R - L

Thereʼs no escapinʼ the jaws of the alien this time.

R 1/2 circle 1-2-3 head L 1/2 circle 1 - 2 3 - 4; L head tick Monster R-L-R-head snap

This is the end of your life. ʻCause this is thriller,

Walk 1 - X2 - 3 - 4 together Monster L-R-L-head snap Walk 1 - X2 - 3 - 4 together Monster R-L-R-head snap thriller night, and no oneʼs gonna save you from the beast about to strike. You know thriller, itʼs

Walk 1 - X2 - 3 - 4 together Monster L-R-L-head snap Up L, down L pan L to R thriller night. Youʼre fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller to - night,

Up R, down L pan R to L uwehe, wave R/L, body roll, pose! killer, thriller to - night!