Egg production in furnished cages

Doctoral Dissertation

Eija Valkonen

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The MTT Science series includes scientific presentations and abstracts from conferences arranged by MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Doctoral dissertations by MTT research scientists will also be published in this series. The topics range from agricultural and food research to environmental research in the field of agriculture.

MTT, FI-31600 Jokioinen, Finland. Tel. +358 3 41881, email [email protected] 12

Egg production in furnished cages

Doctoral Dissertation

Eija Valkonen

Academic Dissertation: To be presented, with permission of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry of the University of Helsinki, for public discussion in Auditorium B2, Latokartanonkaari 9, Viikki, on November 12, 2010, at 12 noon. Custos Professor Matti Näsi Department of Agricultural Sciences University of Helsinki, Finland

Supervisors Docent Jarmo Valaja Animal Production Research MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Finland Professor Matti Näsi Department of Agricultural Sciences University of Helsinki, Finland

Reviewers ISBN 978-952-487-287-4 (Print) Professor Birger Svihus ISBN 978-952-487-288-1 (Electronic) Department of Animal and Aquacultural ISSN 1798-1824 (Printed version) Sciences ISSN 1798-1840 (Electronic version) Norwegian University of Life Sciences, www.mtt.fi/mtttiede/pdf/mtttiede12.pdf Norway Copyright MTT Agrifood Research Finland Professor Anna Valros Eija Valkonen Department of Production Animal Distribution and sale Medicine MTT Agrifood Research Finland, University of Helsinki, Finland Media and Information Services, FI-31600 Jokioinen, Opponent phone +358 3 41881, e-mail [email protected] Professor Ragnar Tauson Printing year 2010 Department of Animal Nutrition and Cover photo Tapio Tuomela/Copyright MTT Management Printing house Tampereen Yliopistopaino Swedish University of Agricultural Juvenes Print Oy Sciences, Sweden

2 MTT SCIENCE 12 Egg production in furnished cages

Eija Valkonen MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Animal Production Research, FI-31600 Jokioinen [email protected]


n the European Union, convention- cages are replaced with small-group fur- al cages for laying hens will be faded nished cages. Moreover, the results from out at the beginning of 2012. The ra- nutritional experiments conducted in con- Itionale behind this is a public concern over ventional cages can be applied to small- animal welfare in egg production. As al- group systems. ternatives to conventional cages, the Eu- ropean Union Council Directive 1999/74/ These results support the view that produc- EC allows non-cage systems and enriched tion performance comparable with con- (furnished) cages. Layer performance, be- ventional cages can be achieved in fur- havior, and welfare in differently sized fur- nished cages. All of the advantages of cages nished cages have been investigated quite for bird welfare are sustained in the small- widely during recent decades, but nutri- group furnished cages used here. In ad- tion of hens in this production system has dition, frequent use of perches and nests received less attention. implies a wider behavioral repertoire in furnished cages than in conventional cag- This thesis aims to compare production es. The increase observed in bone ash con- and feed intake of laying hens in furnished tent may improve bird welfare in furnished and conventional cages and to study the cages. effects of different dietary treatments in these production systems, thus contribut- The presence of perches diminished feed ing to the general knowledge of furnished consumption during the prelaying peri- cages as an egg production system. A fur- od and enhanced the feed conversion ra- nished cage model for 8 hens was com- tio during the early laying period in fur- pared with a 3-hen conventional cage. nished cages. However, as the presence or absence of perches in furnished cages had Three consecutive experiments each stud- no significant effect on feed consumption ied one aspect of layer diet: The first -ex after the prelaying period, the lower feed periment investigated the effects of dietary consumption observed in furnished cages protein/energy ratio, the second dietary than in conventional cages could be attrib- energy levels, and the third the effects of uted to other factors, such as the presence extra limestone supplementation. In addi- of wood shavings or a nest box. The wider tion, a fourth experiment evaluated the ef- feed trough space per hen in conventional fects of perches on feed consumption and than in furnished cages may partly explain behavior of hens in furnished cages. the higher feed consumption observed in conventional cages. The dietary treatments in experiments 1–3 generally had similar effects in the two Keywords: cage types. Thus, there was no evidence supporting a change in nutrient require- laying hen, furnished cage, enriched cage, ments for laying hens when conventional egg production, nutrition, behavior

MTT SCIENCE 12 3 Munivien kanojen varustellut häkit

Eija Valkonen MTT, Kotieläintuotannon tutkimus, 31600 Jokioinen, [email protected]


uroopan unionin neuvoston anta- ja kuntoon kolmen kanan perinteisissä ja ma direktiivi (1999/74/EY) määrit- kahdeksan kanan varustelluissa häkeis- tää munantuotantoon käytettävien sä. Tutkittavat tekijät olivat rehun valku- Ekanojen suojelua koskevat vähimmäismää- aispitoisuus, energiasisältö ja kalsiumlisä. räykset. Direktiivi kieltää perinteisten va- Varustelluissa häkeissä seurattiin kanojen rustelemattomien häkkien käytön muni- orsien, pesän ja pehkualueen käyttöä. Nel- vien kanojen pitopaikkana vuoden 2012 jännessä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin orren alusta. Munantuotanto on tämän jälkeen vaikutusta kanojen rehunkulutukseen ja mahdollista joko niin kutsutuissa vaihto- käyttäytymiseen varustelluissa häkeissä. ehtoisissa järjestelmissä, joita ovat lattia- ja kerroslattiakanalat, tai varustelluissa Koska tutkittujen rehujen vaikutukset oli- ns. virikehäkeissä. Muutoksia perustellaan vat samansuuntaiset ja -suuruiset perin- eläinten hyvinvoinnin parantumisella. teisissä ja varustelluissa häkeissä, voidaan todeta, että kanojen nykyiset ruokintasuo- Varustelluissa häkeissä on kanaa kohti situkset pätevät myös varustelluissa hä- enemmän tilaa kuin perinteisissä varus- keissä. Tulosten perusteella varustelluis- telemattomissa häkeissä. Lisäksi varustel- sa häkeissä voidaan saavuttaa perinteisten luissa häkeissä kanojen käytettävissä on häkkien tuotantotaso. Tuotannon kannat- orret, munintapesä ja pehkualue. Varus- tavuuden kannalta tärkeä rehunmuunto- teltuja häkkejä on kehitetty jo vuosikym- suhde eli rehunkulutus tuotettua munaki- menten ajan, mutta kanojen ruokintaa ja loa kohden oli tutkituissa häkkityypeissä ravinnontarvetta tässä tuotantomuodossa sama. Orsien ja munintapesän runsas käyt- on tutkittu vain vähän. Tämän tutkimuk- tö kertoo kanojen pystyvän toteuttamaan sen tarkoituksena oli verrata varusteltuja ja tiettyjä lajinmukaisia käyttäytymismalleja perinteisiä häkkejä munantuotantomene- varustelluissa häkeissä. Varustelluissa hä- telminä, selvittää varustelluissa häkeissä pi- keissä havaittu parempi luuston minerali- dettävien kanojen ravintoaineiden tarvetta soituminen tukee myös oletusta kanojen sekä kanojen orren, munintapesän ja peh- parantuneesta hyvinvoinnista. kualueen käyttöä varustelluissa häkeissä. Avainsanat: Kolmessa koko munintakauden kestävässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kussakin yhden kana, varusteltu häkki, virikehäkki, rehutekijän vaikutusta kanojen tuotantoon munantuotanto, ruokinta, käyttäytyminen

4 MTT SCIENCE 12 Acknowledgements

I thank MTT Agrifood Research Finland am indebted to Kaarina Karppinen for her for supporting this work in many ways, tireless work in the henhouse taking care including the provision of excellent facil- of the animals, the experiments, and me. ities and well-qualified personnel. Special thanks go to my supervisor Dr. Jarmo Val- Coauthors Laila Rossow, Eija Venäläinen, aja for committed support and for offering and Reine Rinne are warmly acknowledged me the opportunity to work in the field of for fruitful collaboration. science. I also thank my other su- pervisor Professor Matti Näsi at the De- I thank the August Johannes and Aino Tiu- partment of Agricultural Sciences, Uni- ra Agricultural Research Foundation for versity of Helsinki, for his encouragement providing a 6-month grant to revise Paper during this process and for comments on IV, prepare Paper III, and write the manu- the thesis summary. script of this summary. The Raisio plc Re- search Foundation is acknowledged for fi- I am grateful to the reviewers appointed by nancial support for study IV. Experiments the Faculty, Professor Birger Svihus, Nor- I–III were supported by Raisio Feed Ltd., wegian University of Life Sciences, and Suomen Rehu OY, and Triotec OY. Ex- Professor Anna Valros, University of Hel- periments II and III were also supported sinki, for their constructive comments and by Munakunta OY and the Finnish Min- valuable suggestions for improving the istry of Agriculture and Forestry. Experi- content of this thesis. ments I–III were performed in collabora- tion with Ovo-Food OY, Finland’s Poultry Carol Ann Pelli, HonBSc, is thanked for Association, and the Work Efficiency Insti- editing the language of this summary. tute. These organizations are thanked for their support and valuable cooperation. My gratitude is also owed to all of my col- leagues, past and present, at MTT Ani- Finally, my heartfelt thanks are due to the mal Production; many of you have partic- people at the homefront: my parents for ipated in this work and made it possible. their support over the years, my sister for I especially thank Tapani Ratilainen for her comradeship, my brothers and their technical assistance and for preparing the families for a sense of togetherness, and my experimental feeds, and Ritva Muotila for partner and his family for their kind and technical assistance and data processing. I consistent encouragement.

MTT SCIENCE 12 5 List of original publications

This thesis is based on the following publications:

I Valkonen, E., Venäläinen, E., Rossow, L., and Valaja, J. 2006. Effects of dietary protein on egg production of laying hens housed in furnished or conventional cages. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A. Animal Science 56:33–41.

II Valkonen, E., Venäläinen, E., Rossow, L., and Valaja, J. 2008. Effects of dietary energy content on the performance of laying hens in furnished and conventional cages. Poultry Science 87:844–852.

III Valkonen, E., Venäläinen, E., Rossow, L., and Valaja, J. 2010. Effects of calcium diet supplements on egg strength in conventional and furnished cages, and effects of 2 different nest floor materials. Manuscript accepted for publication in Poultry Science August 15, 2010.

IV Valkonen, E., Rinne, R., and Valaja, J. 2009. Effects of perch on feed consumption and behaviour of caged laying hens. Agricultural and Food Science 18:257–267.

These publications are referred to in the text by their Roman numerals. The articles are reprinted with the kind permission of their respective copyright holders. In addition, some unpublished material is presented.

First author’s contribution in publications:

Eija Valkonen participated in practical management and data collection, calculated and interpreted the results, and was responsible for preparation of the paper in study I. In studies II–IV, she planned the experiments with coauthors, participated in practical management and data collection, calculated and interpreted the results, and was responsible for preparation of the papers.

6 MTT SCIENCE 12 Abbreviations

AME Apparent metabolizable energy

CC Conventional cage

EMC Edinburgh Modified Cage

FC Furnished cage (also referred to as enriched cage)

FCR Feed conversion ratio (kg feed/kg eggs)

FLHS Fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome

HL diet High limestone-supplemented diet

IGF-I Insulin-like growth factor I

ME Metabolizable energy

NL diet Normal limestone-supplemented diet

TSAA Total sulfur amino acids (methionine and cysteine)

MTT SCIENCE 12 7 Contents

1 Introduction...... 9 1.1 Egg production systems in Europe...... 9 1.2 Future outlook of production systems in Finland...... 9 1.3 Cages – pros and cons...... 10 1.4 Development of furnished cages...... 10 1.5 Studies on furnished cages...... 11 1.6 Feed intake and feed formulation...... 13 1.7 Aims of the thesis...... 13

2 Materials and methods...... 14 2.1 Experimental design...... 14 2.2 Animals, housing, and management...... 15 2.3 Diets...... 16 2.4 Data collection...... 17 2.5 Calculations and statistical analysis...... 18

3 Results and discussion...... 20 3.1 General...... 20 3.2 Interactions between the effects of diet and cage type...... 20 3.3 Diet effects...... 20 3.3.1 Egg production and feed consumption...... 20 3.3.2 Egg components and quality...... 21 3.3.3 Health and integument...... 22 3.4 Effects of cage type...... 26 3.4.1 Egg production and feed consumption...... 26 3.4.2 Egg quality...... 27 3.4.3 Health and integument...... 28 3.5 Behavior in furnished cages...... 32 3.5.1 Use of facilities...... 32 3.5.2 Effects of presence of perches on hen behavior...... 37

4 Concluding remarks and practical application of the results...... 38

5 References...... 39

8 MTT SCIENCE 12 1 Introduction

n the European Union, conventional nished cage, with modified requirements (or battery) cages for laying hens will compared with the enriched cage described be faded out at the beginning of 2012. in the European Union Council Directive IThis change in hens’ housing systems is 1999/74/EC (Commission of the Europe- probably one of the biggest challenges the an Communities 1999), e.g. larger min- egg-producing industry will meet in our imum total area (25 000 cm2) and more time. The rationale behind this change is floor (800 or 900 cm2 for light and medi- a public concern over animal welfare in um hybrids, respectively), nest (90 cm2), egg production. As alternatives to conven- and litter (90 cm2) area per hen. tional cages, the European Union Coun- cil Directive 1999/74/EC (Commission of 1.2 Future outlook of the European Communities 1999) allows production systems in non-cage systems and enriched (furnished) Finland cages. According to this directive, an en- riched cage must contain a nest, a 15-cm In Finland, at the end of 2009, the ma- perch for each hen, and litter for pecking jority of the 3.3 million laying hens were and scratching. Such cages must have a to- still kept in conventional cages. However, tal area of at least 2000 cm2, offering each based on a survey (Lastikka 2008, Suomen hen an area of 750 cm2. Gallup Elintarviketieto Oy 2008), about 40% of the producers are predicted to 1.1 Egg production systems cease production before or at the begin- in Europe ning of 2012. These farms represented 17% of the egg production in 2008. Most In some European countries, a ban of con- of the closing farms have conventional cag- ventional – or all – cages has been already es (84%), and they are smaller than the put into action. Switzerland was the first farms intending to continue in 2012. The European country to implement a total most common reasons for giving up egg ban of cages 25 years ago. In Sweden, a production are poor profitability of pro- ban of conventional cages was enforced in duction (30%) and the cage ban (26%). 1997, before other EU countries. All con- According to the survey, most of the pro- ventional cages have now been phased out ducers with conventional cages who intend in Sweden, and less than 40% of laying to continue egg production plan to invest hens live in furnished cages, while most of in furnished cages (47%). However, one- the hens in Sweden live in non-cage sys- third of these producers (17% of all pro- tems. In Austria, a ban of all cages was put ducers planning to continue in 2012) have into effect from the beginning of 2009. reported conventional cages as their pro- However, those farmers who have earlier duction system in 2012. Finnish author- invested in furnished cages, are allowed to ities are, however, determined to enforce continue egg production in furnished cag- the cage ban from January 2012. In 2012, es until 2020. Over 70% of laying hens in according to the survey, 48% of hens will Austria live in non-cage systems. In the be housed in furnished cages, 19% in mul- Netherlands, the government has decided titier systems, 11% in barns, and 4% of to ban furnished cages, but will allow “Kle- hens will be in organic production. What ingruppenhaltung”, which is also permit- will happen to the 17% still forecasted to ted in Germany instead of furnished cages. be in conventional cages remains to be Kleingruppenhaltung refers to a large fur- seen.

MTT SCIENCE 12 9 1.3 Cages – pros and cons ry 2004). The development of furnished cages has tried to overcome these defects, In developed countries, barn and free- while simultaneously retaining the advan- range systems were commonly replaced tages of cages. with cages between the 1950s and the 1970s (Appleby 2003). There were sever- 1.4 Development of al reasons for this change. The most pre- furnished cages vailing motives were probably economic, but some of the cages’ advantages benefit Domestic fowl is a descendant of jungle both producer and hen. Production in cag- fowl and tends to exhibit behavior similar es proved to be more profitable due to in- to its ancestor (e.g. Duncan 1998). Behav- creased unit size and stocking density, au- iors that have become fixed in evolution tomation, and less labor required, but also have had survival value and have remained because of better health and lower mor- unaltered during domestication and artifi- tality of birds. Better hygiene in cages re- cial selection. In evolution, the actual cau- sults in fewer disease outbreaks, and en- sation of behavior is often separated from doparasites are practically absent in cages the original function of the behavior. For (Fossum et al. 2009, Savory 2004). Can- example, nesting behavior is mainly caused nibalism tends to be less frequent in cag- by hormonal and neural stimuli, while its es, and when it does occur it involves fewer function is to increase the chances of suc- birds than in non-cage systems (e.g. Ap- cessful hatching of eggs (Duncan 1998). pleby 2003, Rodenburg et al. 2008, Fos- Even when the function of behavior is ful- sum et al. 2009). Group size is probably filled artificially, the behavior may still be one factor in this, as mortality due to can- stimulated or caused (Duncan 1998). Of- nibalism is reported to be higher in sys- ten, behavior can be separated into two el- tems with large group sizes (Shimmura et ements: an appetitive phase and a consum- al. 2010). Egg eating is mostly prevented matory phase (Hughes and Duncan 1988). in cages, and there are no “floor eggs” in For instance, foraging and feed searching cages to be collected manually. Effective are appetitive, while eating is consumma- manure removal systems and absence of tory. Motivation to perform appetitive be- litter in cages enhances air quality, result- havior may not be decreased even when ing in lower air dust and ammonia levels the consummatory behavior is satisfied (Rodenburg et al. 2008, Nimmermark et (Hughes and Duncan 1988). Behavioral al. 2009). Overall, cages give the produc- needs or priorities have been assessed by er more control over the hens and the pro- studying the motivational strength of hens duction process (Savory 2004). to engage in various behaviors using con- sumer demand techniques (e.g. Cooper However, many welfare problems exist in and Appleby 2003, Olsson et al. 2002). conventional cages for laying hens. Re- stricted behavior and a barren environment Nest searching (Freire et al. 1997) and are often identified as the most important nest building (Cooper and Appleby 2003) threats to hen welfare (Appleby 2003, Sa- have both been identified as behavioral vory 2004). Lack of exercise exposes hens priorities. Hens are also highly motivat- to disuse osteoporosis, lack of nesting fa- ed to perch, especially at night (Olsson cilities leads to frustrated prelaying behav- and Keeling 2000, Olsson and Keeling ior, and deprivation of other dust-bathing 2002). Hens can use litter for pecking and substrates manifests itself as sham dust- scratching. Allowing these activities may bathing on a wire mesh floor with feed. be important to satisfy the motivation to In cage confinement, hens are incapable forage. Hens with access to litter perform of evading antagonistic cage mates (Savo- less than birds without lit-

10 MTT SCIENCE 12 ter (Nicol et al. 2001). Litter also serves as Norway, and Sweden. To obviate welfare a dustbathing substrate. Hens are motivat- problems, group size in furnished cages is ed to dustbathe and are willing to work to restricted to 16 birds in Sweden and to 10 gain access to litter (Widowski and Dun- birds in Denmark. can 2000, de Jong et al. 2005). Olsson et al. (2002) found no evidence that sham Along with group size, nest and dustbaths dustbathing would reduce the motivation have evolved. To prevent dustbathing in to dustbathe in litter, and Colson et al. the nest, laying in the litter box, and soil- (2007) reported a higher motivation to ing of these facilities, automatic doors were dustbathe in litter in caged hens without introduced (Smith et al. 1993). Later on, access to litter than in birds housed in avi- the restriction of nest use was widely aban- aries with litter. Thus, sham dustbathing doned, while restricted access to litter is may not be an adequate substitute for dust- still considered necessary in cages with a bathing in litter. separate litter box from which eggs will not roll out to the egg cradle. Another practi- To overcome the restrictions of behav- cal problem with this type of dustbaths is ior in cages, furnished cages were devel- that automation of adding the dustbath- oped. Early designs of cages furnished ing substrate is difficult. Other designs of with perches, nest, and litter bath were litter area have been introduced, the lat- so-called Get-Away-Cages (Bareham 1976, est of these being an artificial turf matt Elson 1976, Wegner 1990) for groups of placed on the cage floor (e.g. Weitzenbürg- 15–25 hens, and the smaller Edinburgh er et al. 2005). In this design, eggs laid in Modified Cage (EMC) for groups of 4 or the litter area will roll out, and thus, are 5 hens (e.g. Appleby and Hughes 1995). A not a problem as such. However, eggs laid small-group furnished cage was preferred on the litter area may be at higher risk of by some researchers because it proved to getting dirty. be more stable regarding production and mortality, produced better egg quality, of- 1.5 Studies on furnished fered better inspection possibilities, and cages was easier to depopulate (e.g. Abraham- son et al. 1995). However, to diminish in- Layer performance, behavior, and welfare vestment costs per bird, a bigger group in differently sized furnished cages have size is beneficial, and therefore, groups of been studied quite widely in recent dec- up to 8 hens were studied in a cage de- ades. Production, feed conversion, and sign based on EMC (Abrahamsson and mortality results comparable with conven- Tauson 1997). After successful experi- tional cages are reported in furnished cag- ments, the first commercially applied fur- es (Abrahamsson et al. 1995, Abrahamsson nished cages housed 8 hens. Group sizes and Tauson 1997, Appleby et al. 2002, have subsequently been increased to up to Guesdon and Faure 2004). Often a bigger 60 birds (e.g. Vits et al. 2005). Increasing proportion of cracked eggs or dirty eggs or group size in furnished cages is associated both has been reported in furnished than with poorer plumage (Appleby et al. 2002, in conventional cages (Abrahamsson et al. Hetland et al. 2003b, Weitzenbürger et al. 1995, Appleby et al. 2002, Guesdon and 2006), higher mortality (Weitzenbürger Faure 2004, Guesdon et al. 2006, Tacta- et al. 2005), and higher feed consumption can et al. 2009). In furnished cages, most (Vits et al. 2005). Beak trimming can al- eggs are laid in the nest, and thus, they leviate these problems, and it is used in accumulate in a narrower part of the egg most European countries. However, beak cradle than in conventional cages. This in- trimming itself can be seen as a welfare is- creases the risk of collisions between eggs, sue, and thus, it is prohibited in Finland, and consequently, the incidence of cracks.

MTT SCIENCE 12 11 On the other hand, Guesdon et al. (2006) Only a limited number of reports include reported that eggs laid in the other parts of replicated measurement of feed consump- the cage were at greater risk of being bro- tion in furnished cages in comparison with ken than eggs laid in nests. In addition, conventional cages (Appleby et al. 2002; some authors have attributed the great- Hetland et al. 2003b, 2004; Shimmura er risk of cracked eggs to perches (Apple- et al. 2007b, 2007c, 2009, 2010), and nu- by et al. 2002). Possible explanations for tritional treatments in these reports are greater incidence of dirty eggs are laying in even scarcer (Hetland et al. 2003b, 2004). the dustbathing area (Appleby et al. 2002, Lower feed intake has been noted in hens Tactacan et al. 2009) and nest linings be- housed in cages with perches (Tauson and coming soiled, especially if nests are used Jansson 1988, Braastad 1990, Glatz and widely for purposes other than laying (Vits Barnett 1996). This was hypothesized et al. 2005). to be a result of less locomotor activity observed in birds with access to perches Perches and nest are used extensively in (Braastad 1990) and clogging of birds on furnished cages (Appleby and Hugh- the perch, leading to less heat losses (Tau- es 1995, Abrahamsson et al. 1996, Ab- son and Jansson 1988). Provision of perch- rahamsson and Tauson 1997). The litter es and litter material may diminish feath- bath is, however, used rather infrequent- er damage (Braastad 1990, Abrahamsson ly and sham dustbathing is common even and Tauson 1997), and feather cover af- in furnished cages in the presence of litter fects a bird’s energy requirements and feed (Abrahamsson et al. 1996, Lindberg and intake (Tauson and Svensson 1980, Peguri Nicol 1997, Olsson and Keeling 2002). and Coon 1993). Birds are known to ingest Several reasons for the restricted use of litter, and this may lead to higher satiety, the dustbath have been suggested: litter as coarse particles need to be ground in the in the dustbath may be quickly depleted, gizzard before they move on to the small dustbaths may be empty most of the time intestine (Hetland et al. 2003b). Birds with (Lindberg and Nicol 1997), and competi- access to wood shavings have higher empty tion may occur for the limited dustbathing gizzard weight and weight of gizzard con- area (Abrahamsson et al. 1996, Shimmura tents than birds without access to litter et al. 2007a). Ease of access and earlier ex- (Hetland et al. 2003a, Hetland and Svihus perience may also be of importance for the 2007). A well-functioning gizzard enhanc- use of the litter area (Olsson and Keeling es nutrient digestibility (Hetland and Svi- 2002, Olsson et al. 2002). Conflicting re- hus 2007). These results suggest that hens sults have been published on plumage cov- in furnished cages may consume less feed er in studies comparing furnished and con- than hens in conventional cages. Conflict- ventional cages (Abrahamsson and Tauson ing results have, however, been reported in 1997, Hetland et al. 2004). Pododermati- studies comparing conventional and fur- tis (bumble foot) and keel bone deforma- nished cages (e.g. Hetland et al. 2003b, tions have been related to the presence of 2004). In practice, switching egg produc- a perch (Appleby et al. 1993, Tauson and tion from conventional to furnished cages Abrahamsson 1994, Abrahamsson et al. will result in larger group sizes. Increased 1996). The shape and material of the perch group size and bird density in cages lead have an impact on both pododermatitis to lower egg production and feed use (Ad- and keel bone lesion incidences, and some ams and Craig 1985, Sohail et al. 2001, research has been done to identify the op- 2004). However, in experiments with con- timal perch design (Abrahamsson 1996). stant space allowance and feeder space per hen, Carey et al. (1995) and Abrahamsson Nutrition of hens in furnished cages has and Tauson (1997) reported no effects of received less attention in the literature. increased group size on hen performance.

12 MTT SCIENCE 12 Increased group size may negatively affect responses or efficiencies in different produc- plumage condition (Appleby et al. 2002, tion systems, a change in nutrient require- Hetland et al. 2003b, Weitzenbürger et al. ments is assumed (NRC 1981). 2006). When increased group size is associ- ated with increased total area, bird activity 1.7 Aims of the thesis tends to increase (Carey et al. 1995). Group size may therefore be one of the factors af- fecting the results in studies comparing con- The main aim of this thesis was to study a ventional and furnished cages. small-group furnished cage as an egg pro- duction system. The effects of this system on 1.6 Feed intake and feed laying hens’ nutrition, feeding, and produc- formulation tion, as well as on health and external con- ditions were investigated using the results Feed costs typically comprise a major part from conventional cages as a point of com- of the total costs of commercial egg produc- parison. In addition, the behavior of hens tion. Thus, the efficient use of feeds and feed was evaluated in furnished cages, and three stuffs is essential for the profitability of egg different perch designs and two different production. nest floorings were compared.

To be able to formulate a diet that offers a Differences in feed intake between the two specific daily nutrient intake, a prediction production systems may reflect differences of daily feed intake is needed (Gous 1986). in energy requirements and may warrant dif- Knowledge of factors that affect feed intake ferent dietary specifications. The first three is also critical in diet formulation. Feed in- experiments each examined one important take is affected by multiple factors, such as element of layer hen nutrition: protein, en- the bird’s live weight, egg production, activi- ergy, and calcium, and their effects on hen ty, plumage cover, ambient temperature, and production and health. feed characteristics (McDonald 1978, Tau- son and Svensson 1980, Rose 1997). In studies comparing conventional 3-hen cages and 8-hen furnished cages, the effects Generally, hens adjust their feed intake ac- of group size and space allowance intermin- cording to their energy requirements and di- gle with the effects of the housing system. etary energy (McDonald 1978). If a change The fourth experiment investigated the ef- in production system has an effect on feed fects of perches without the confounding intake, the change in daily nutrient intake effects of group size and space allowance to can be corrected by a change in feed nutri- shed light on the possible energy-saving ca- ent content. However, if similar daily nu- pacity of the perch. trient intakes produce different production

MTT SCIENCE 12 13 2 Materials and methods

2.1 Experimental design 2 factorial design (2 dietary treatments × In the first three experiments (Studies I– 2 housing systems). In addition, the first III), responses to different diets by laying two experiments investigated the effects of hens was investigated in either 3-hen con- three different perch designs on birds’ foot- ventional cages (CC) or in 8-hen furnished pad condition and perching behavior in FC. cages (FC) (Figure 1) during 52-week lay- Two wooden designs (one with a round and ing periods. In each of these experiments, the other with an angular cross-section) and two dietary treatments were randomly al- one plastic perch design (T-shaped cross-sec- located to two housing systems (CC and tion) were used (Figure 2). In the third ex- FC). Both housing systems formed a cage periment (Study III), 16 replicates per diet bank and they located in the same environ- in CC and 20 replicates per diet in FC were mentally controlled windowless room, side applied. The third experiment (Study III) by side. Housing systems could not be ran- had a third factor within FC, as two dif- domized over these two banks, and despite ferent nest floor materials, an artificial turf this, an assumption of independent obser- and a smooth perforated plastic, were com- vations was made. pared (Figure 3). These different nest floor- ings were randomly assigned to 20 replicates The first two experiments (Studies I–II) had each. This yields 10 replicates per diet × floor 16 replicates per treatment and had a 2 × treatments in FC.

Fig. 1. Furnished cage for eight hens.

Fig. 2. The three different perch designs used in Experiments 1 and 2. From left: wooden perch with round cross-section, wooden perch with angular cross-section, and plastic perch with T-shaped cross- section.

14 MTT SCIENCE 12 Fig. 3. The two different nest floor materials used in Experiment 3. Left: Artificial turf. Right: Smooth perforated plastic.

The fourth experiment (Study IV) evalu- light per day at 25 weeks of age. The birds ated the effects of perches in FC. The -ex in Experiment 4 received 10 h of light per periment started at housing at 16 weeks of day during the first week following hous- age and lasted for 29 weeks. The control ing, and, after this, the photoperiod was treatment (P16) hens were housed in cages increased to 14.5 h at 17 weeks of age. The furnished completely in accordance with first 2 lines of the 4 light lines used went Council Directive 1999/74/EC (Commis- on and off about 3 min before the rest of sion of the European Communities 1999). the lines to imitate dawn and dusk. In the other two treatments, perches were removed from the cages before housing the Feeds were distributed to each experimen- pullets. No-perch (NP) cages remained tal unit (replicate) once a week to a hop- without perches throughout the experi- per container. A chain feeder ran once a ment, and perches were installed in P19 day to provide birds their feed. To ensure cages at 19 weeks of age. These three dif- ad libitum access to feed, about twice the ferent treatments were randomly allocated amount of expected daily feed consump- to 22 replicates (6, 6, and 10 replicates per tion was provided, and the feed trough was treatments P16, P19, and NP, respectively). never empty. Leftover feed was collected separately for each replicate and reused for 2.2 Animals, housing, and the same replicate. Water was available ad management libitum from nipple drinker lines.

All of the experiments used the same com- The design of the furnished cages was mercial strain of white single Leg- based on the Edinburgh Modified Cage horn (Lohmann Selected Leghorn, concept (Appleby and Hughes 1995), with LSL Classic). In Experiments 1, 2, and 4, a nest occupying one end of the cage, and a the pullets were 16 weeks, and in the Ex- litter area on top of the nest. The furnished periment 3 the pullets were 17 weeks of cages (TAPE, Triotec Oy, Koski TL, Fin- age at the time of housing. A commer- land) measured 120 cm × 50 cm × 48 cm cial rearing farm reared the birds in con- (width × depth × height) and housed 8 ventional cages. During the first week fol- hens each, providing 600 cm2 of usable lowing housing, birds in Experiments 1–2 area and 750 cm2 of total cage area per hen received 8.5 h and birds in experiment 3 (Figure 1). The length of the feed trough received 9 h of light per day. The photope- per hen was about 12 cm. In each FC, 3 riod was gradually increased to 14.5 h of perches ran through the cage perpendic-

MTT SCIENCE 12 15 ularly to the feed trough so that the hens mix of commercial feed concentrate, bar- were not forced to stand on a perch while ley, oats, and limestone (Studies II and III) feeding. A plastic strip curtain separated or a feed comprising barley, soybean meal, the nest from the main cage area, and arti- wheat, oats, rapeseed oil, minerals, and vi- ficial turf (in Experiments 1–3) or smooth tamin and trace element premixes (Stud- perforated plastic sheet (in Experiments ies I and IV). All prelaying diets were pel- 3 and 4) lined the nest floor. No egg sav- leted. From 21 weeks of age, layer diets er device was in use. Perforated egg baf- were introduced. In Experiment 4, hens re- fles served as a claw shortener device. Lit- ceived the same diet through the 24-week ter box gates opened automatically to let laying period. In Experiments 1–3, lay- hens into the litter area daily. In the first er diets were the experimental diets. The experiment (Study I), litter boxes were kept effects of the two diets were examined in closed until the beginning of the experi- Experiments 1–3 (Studies I–III). Each di- ment at 21 weeks of age, and, after that, etary treatment comprised three feeds fed they were opened daily for 3 h. In experi- over three consecutive feeding phases (Ta- ments 2–4, litter boxes were available 5 h ble 1). Feed protein and energy content de- daily starting from the time of housing. creased, and calcium content increased in Litter material (wood shavings) was topped stages from one phase to the next. All lay- up by hand twice a week. er diets were pelleted.

Each conventional cage housed 3 hens and Experiment 1 studied the effects of dietary measured 48 cm × 41 cm × 57 cm (width protein to energy ratio. Protein is typical- × depth × height), offering about 660 cm2 ly the most expensive component in feed, of cage area and 16 cm of feeder space per thus limiting dietary protein content may hen. For claw shorteners, strips of abrasive be economically desirable. In addition, tape were stuck to egg baffles. concern about ammonia emission from poultry production has brought about ef- 2.3 Diets forts to decrease nitrogen excretion and in- crease the efficiency of protein utilization in poultry (e.g. Roberts et al. 2007, Veens During rearing birds were fed commer- et al. 2009). Nitrogen excretion of the lay- cial rearing diets. After housing at 16– ing hen can be reduced by feeding lower 17 weeks of age, pullets received either a crude protein diets (Summers 1993, Rob-

Table 1. Description of planned dietary treatments and feeding phases in Experiments 1–3. Experiment 1 2 3 Age Energy Protein (g/ Energy Protein (g/ Energy Protein Calcium (weeks) (MJ/kg) kg) (MJ/kg) kg) (MJ/kg) (g/kg) (g/kg) 10.6 173 10.1 148 10.5 156 43.8 21–41 Phase I Phase 131 11.0 163 157 37.3 10.5 171 10.0 147 10.4 156 48.5

41–57 129 11.0 162 155 38.0 Phase II Phase 10.3 171 9.8 144 10.3 155 50.3

57–73 131 10.8 160 155 40.2 Phase III Phase

16 MTT SCIENCE 12 2.4 Data collection erts et al. 2007). In Experiment 1, the low- protein diet had about 24% lower crude protein content than the high-protein diet. Feed and feed ingredient samples were tak- en from each feed batch made. The sam- Experiment 2 studied the effects of dietary ples were pooled to one sample per feed, energy using diets formulated to contain and dried and ground for analysis. Feed equal amounts of other nutrients per kilo- samples were analyzed for crude protein, calorie of ME. Such diets aim at equal dai- crude fat, crude fiber and ash, as well as ly nutrient intake in relation to dietary en- for amino acid and calcium and phospho- ergy. The results of studies of the effects of rus contents. dietary energy on the laying rate are con- flicting. Çiftci et al. (2003), for instance, Feed refusals were weighed at the end of found that decreasing the energy content each 4-week test period, and feed con- of feed from 2751 to 2641 kcal of ME/ sumption was calculated as the difference kg increased the laying rate from 86.44% between the delivered and refused feed. to 88.27%. However, Mathlouthi et al. Eggs were collected daily, separately for (2002) reported increased laying rates at each replicate. The number and weight of an energy content of 2753 kcal of ME/kg the eggs were recorded. In FC, also the po- of feed compared with 2653 kcal of ME/kg sition of the eggs was recorded. Mean pro- of feed. In Experiment 2, the dietary ener- duction, feed consumption, and feed con- gy contents studied were lower, being from version ratio (FCR; kg feed per kg eggs) 2581 to 2629 kcal/kg of feed in the high- were calculated for each test period. Mor- energy diet and from 2342 to 2414 kcal/ tality was recorded daily and cumulative kg of feed in the low-energy diet. mortality was calculated over the entire experiment. The dead birds were sent to Laying hens excrete about 2 g of calci- the Finnish Food Safety Authority for um in an eggshell (Gilbert, 1983). If ab- autopsies in Experiments 1–3. The hens sorption of calcium from the gastrointes- were weighed at the beginning of the ex- tinal tract is insufficient at the time of shell periments and at the end of each feed- formation, resorption from bones supplies ing phase. calcium for shell formation. Dietary calci- um may thus affect egg shell quality and Egg quality was assessed in a sample of bone mineralization. The dietary level of eggs 3 times (at 36, 54, and 68 weeks of calcium affects the feed and energy intake age) during Experiments 1–3. Each time, of hens, as, for example, Härtel (1989) and the egg weight, albumen height, specific Roland and Bryant (1994) demonstrated. gravity, and shell strength were measured. Interactions may exist between the effects Albumen height was converted to Haugh of dietary calcium level and the effects of units. In Experiments 1 and 2, also the production system on feed intake of lay- weights and proportions of albumen, yolk, ing hens. In Experiment 3, experimental and shell in a sample of eggs were meas- diets with two different limestone supple- ured 3 times. mentation levels were compared. Normal limestone supplementation level in the diet Hens’ exterior appearance was scored in was based on the calcium levels current- all experiments. These results are not pre- ly used in commercial layer feeds in Fin- sented in Studies I–III, but are present- land (37–40 g calcium/kg of feed), and it ed in Sections 3.3.3 and 3.4.3. In the first was compared with a diet with an elevat- 3 experiments, scoring was done 3 times ed limestone content (44–50 g calcium/ (at 32, 55, and 71 weeks of age) for half of kg of feed). the hens in each replicate. In Experiment 4, scoring was done twice (at 27 and 43

MTT SCIENCE 12 17 2.5 Calculations and weeks of age). Scorings involved weigh- statistical analysis ing, plumage condition scoring of neck, breast, back, wings, tail, and cloaca, con- dition scoring of foot pad (pododerma- A row of 6 CC or a pair of FC comprised titis), and scoring of keel bone deforma- an experimental unit (replicate). In all ex- tion. A scale from 1 (poorest) to 4 (best) periments, the production variables were was used (Tauson et al. 1984). Plumage subjected to repeated measures of vari- scores of the 6 body parts sum up to a to- ance. The analyses were performed using tal plumage score, ranging from 6 to 24 the GLM procedure of SAS (SAS Institute points, and foot pad score is the mean of Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The GLM proce- the scores of a hen’s feet. dure computes type III sum of squares, which corrects for unequal replication. The Breaking strength of tibia was measured at following model was used in Experiments

the end of the experiments in studies 1–3. 1 and 2: Yijk = µ + ti + δi + pk + (p x t)ik + εijk, In addition, tibia ash was measured in Ex- where Yijk = observation, µ = general mean, periments 2 and 3. These data are not pre- ti = effect of treatment (i = 1,…,8),δ i = er- sented in Studies I–II, but are included in ror term for effect of treatment, pk = effect Sections and of period (k = 1,…,13), and εijk = experi- mental error. Other variables were evalu- The proportion of hens on the perches and ated by analysis of variance using the fol-

in the nests was recorded on 3 consecutive lowing model: Yij = µ + ti + εij, where Yij = days three times a day (at 6 and 11.5 h af- observation, µ = general mean, ti = effect ter lights-on, and at 1 h after lights-out) of treatment (i = 1,…,6), and εij = experi- at various ages during the experiments. In mental error. In Experiments 1 and 2, the Experiments 1–3, these observations were treatment effects were separated into 7 or- made at 8-week intervals starting in the thogonal contrasts involving housing sys- first week of Period 2. In Experiment 4, tem, diet, and the interaction between the observations of hen location were made at effects of housing system and diet, wooden 17, 20, 26, 34, and 42 weeks of age. On perches vs. plastic perches, round wooden the same days, the number of hens in the perches vs. angular wooden perches, and litter boxes was recorded at separate times the interaction between the effects of diet (at 30 min and at 2 h after the opening of and the effects of wooden perches vs. plas- the litter box in Experiments 1–3, and at tic perches, and the interaction between the time of opening of the litter box and the effects of diet and the effects of round at 30 min and at 2 h after the opening of wooden perches vs. angular wooden perch- the litter box in Experiment 4). These data es. When no significant differences be- are not presented in Studies I–III, but are tween the effects of perch designs were included in Section 3.5.1. found, they were omitted from the mod- el and the treatment effects were separat- The behavior of 9 individual hens (3 hens ed into 3 orthogonal contrasts involving per treatment) was recorded in Experi- housing system, diet, and the interaction ment 4 using direct observations and in- between the effects of housing system and stantaneous sampling at 5-min intervals. the effects of diet. In Experiment 3, pro- Three randomly selected hens per treat- duction variables and egg quality variables ment from separate cages were marked were evaluated by repeated measures anal- with animal marking paint at least 1 day ysis of variance using the following mod-

before the observations. The observer sat el: Yijklmn = µ + di + hj + nk(j) + (d × h)ij + (d on a stool in the aisle and recorded the be- × n)ik(j) + δ(ijk)l + pm + (d × p)im + (h × p)jm + havior of the 3 marked hens (1 per treat- (n × p)k(j)m + ε(ijklm)n, where Yijklmn = obser- ment) simultaneously. vation, µ = general mean, di = effect of diet

18 MTT SCIENCE 12 (i = 1, 2), hj = effect of housing (j = 1, 2), mean, di = effect of diet (i = 1, 2), hj = effect nk(j) = effect of nest floor (k = 1, 2, 3) with- of housing (j = 1, 2), nk(j) = effect of nest in housing j, (d × h)ij = interaction effect floor (k = 1, 2, 3) within housing j, (d × h)ij for diet i and housing j, (d × n)ik(j) = inter- = interaction effect for diet i and housing j, action effect for diet i and nest floor k,δ (ijk) (d × n)ik(j) = interaction effect for diet i and l = error term for between-subject effects, nest floor k, and ε(ijk)l = error term for ef- pm = effect of feeding phase (m = 1, 2, 3), fect of diet i, housing j, and nest floor k. In (d × p)im = interaction effect for diet i and Experiment 4, comparisons were made be- feeding phase m, (h × p)jm = interaction ef- tween the control treatment (P16) and the fect for housing j and feeding phase m, (n two other treatments with Dunnett’s t-test.

× p)k(j)m = interaction effect for nest floor Residuals were plotted against fitted values k and feeding phase m, and ε(ijkm)n = error to ascertain normality of the data. Trans- term for effect of diet i, housing j, and nest formations were performed when required floor k in feeding phase m. Only two re- to attain normality of the data. peated factor levels were used in the model for egg quality variables (37 and 68 weeks In addition, comparisons between the ef- of age, representing feeding phases 1 and fects of cage types on plumage scores, and 3, respectively). Bone quality variables and bone breaking strength were analyzed over live weights were subjected to analysis of the first three experiments using a mixed variance using the following model: Yijkl model, where the effect of study was con- = µ + di + hj + nk(j) + (d × h)ij + (d × n)ik(j) + sidered a random effect and the effect of ε(ijk)l, where Yijkl = observation, µ = general cage type a fixed effect (St-Pierre 2001).

MTT SCIENCE 12 19 3 Results and discussion

3.1 General interaction suggests that no differences in nutrient requirements are present be- In all of the experiments and in every tween hens housed in conventional cages treatment the mean cumulative egg pro- and those in small-group furnished cages. duction per hen housed was good as it fulfilled the performance goal set by the 3.3 Diet effects breeder. A heavy red mite (Dermanysys gallinae) infestation was detected during the last part of Experiment 3 (Period 11). 3.3.1 Egg production and feed The hen house was treated twice with sil- consumption ica dust, and subsequently, the amount of mites was reduced. Red mite infesta- Effects of dietary protein tion was also detected during Experiment Hens tend to adjust their feed intake ac- 4, but no treatments other than thorough cording to their energy requirements; how- cleaning were applied. Red mites cause ir- ever, if the protein content of the diet is ritation and anemia, may increase mor- low, birds may increase feed consumption tality, affect egg production, and increase to compensate (Gous et al. 1987). It has the incidence of blood-stained eggs. Mite- also been reported that at the onset of pro- infected hens show more preening, head duction, dietary protein is the main factor scratching, feather pecking, and dustbath- influencing feed intake, and after 23 weeks ing than mite-free hens (Kilpinen et al. of age feed energy becomes the main fac- 2005). However, these mite infestations tor determining feed intake (Halle 2002). likely had no major effects on the produc- This can explain the higher feed consump- tion results here, as no pronounced de- tion in groups receiving a low-protein diet cline in production or increase in mortal- during the first feeding phase in Experi- ity was observed. ment 1 (Study I, Table III).

3.2 Interactions between the The lack of effects of dietary protein on effects of diet and cage laying rate in Experiment 1 suggests that type the requirements of protein and amino ac- ids for laying rate were met by both diets. Only in the second feeding phase of Ex- However, the requirements of protein or periment 2 was there a statistically sig- amino acids for egg weight were not met nificant interaction between the effects of on the low protein diet in Experiment 1, diet and the effects of cage type on any of as in agreement with the findings of Al the production variables. In this case, the Bustany and Elwinger (1986), Marsden et low-energy diet decreased the laying rate al. (1987), and Halle (2002), hens on low- in CC, whilst it had no such effect in FC. protein diet laid smaller eggs than hens on This difference may have been caused by a high protein diet. In Experiment 1, the the heavier live weight of hens housed in low lysine intakes observed in the hens on FC. a low-protein diet may have limited their egg weight, total egg yield, and FCR. No- Generally, the responses to dietary treat- vak et al. (2004) reported increased egg ments in Experiments 1–3 were independ- weight with increased daily lysine intake, ent of the housing system. This lack of but no effects on laying rate.

20 MTT SCIENCE 12 The total sulfur amino acid (TSAA) re- diets were mainly achieved through the quirement for FCR estimated by Schutte inclusion of different amounts of rapeseed et al. (1994) (740 mg/hen daily) is in ac- oil, rich in linoleic acid. Despite this, the cordance with the results of Experiment differences in linoleic acid concentrations 1, where poorer FCR occurred when daily of the diets were not very great because of TSAA intake was lower than 740 mg/hen. the greater amount of oats, also rich in li- However, the daily methionine or TSAA noleic acid, included in low-energy diets. intake did not affect FCR in Experiment In addition, even the low-energy diets in 3. The lower amino acid intake was accom- Experiment 2 met the National Research panied by lower feed consumption, while Council’s (NRC 1994) requirements of li- in Experiment 1 diet had no effect on feed noleic acid. Thus, the linoleic acid concen- consumption, or feed consumption was trations in low-energy diets were probably higher with a low-protein diet. so high that no increase in egg weight oc- curred with increased rapeseed oil and li- Effects of dietary energy noleic acid content in the diet. It is well established that hens generally adjust their feed intake according to their Effects of dietary calcium energy requirements. This was demonstrat- In response to low calcium levels in the ed also in Experiment 2, where the hens diet, hens increase their feed and energy receiving the low-energy diet consumed intake (Härtel 1989, Roland and Bryant more feed than those on the high-energy 1994). However, this response was not ev- diet (Study II, Table 2). ident in Experiment 3. It is likely that the calcium content of both experimental feeds The literature contains conflicting results was sufficiently large, and thus, no signifi- on the effects of dietary energy on laying cant effect on feed consumption emerged. rate (e.g. Mathlouthi et al. 2002, Çiftci et al. 2003). The finding that increased die- In Experiment 3, despite the numerical- tary energy increased laying rate in Exper- ly lower feed intake, the hens on the high- iment 2 (Study II, Table 2) agrees with the limestone diet (HL diet) laid more eggs results of Keshavartz and Nakajima (1995) than their counterparts on the normal- and Mathlouthi et al. (2002), but is in con- limestone diet (NL diet) over the entire trast to those of Vogt (1986) and Çiftci et laying period (Study III, Table 4). In agree- al. (2003). ment with this, Bar et al. (2002) report- ed an increased laying rate with increased There seems to be a consensus on the lack dietary calcium (24 to 49 g/kg feed). In of effect of dietary energy on egg size contrast to the findings in Experiment 3, (Vogt 1986, Summers and Leeson 1993, Roland and Bryant (1994) described no Keshavarz and Nakajima 1995, Grobas et effects of increased dietary calcium on the al. 1999b, Mathlouthi et al. 2002, Çiftci et laying rate. The unintended lower methio- al. 2003), with the results of Experiment 2 nine content of the HL diet in Experiment concurring. When feed energy is increased 3 restricted the daily methionine intake of with a fat supplement, the possible effects the hens on that diet and may partly ex- on egg size may be accounted for by the plain the tendency towards a lower egg fat supplement per se (Vogt 1986, Gro- weight of these hens. bas et al. 1999b) or differences in the body weight of layers (Bish et al. 1985). The ef- 3.3.2 Egg components and quality fects of a fat supplement on egg weight are attributed to the linoleic acid concen- Diet can have effects on both external and tration of the fat supplement. In Exper- internal egg quality (e.g. Al Bustany and iment 2 the different energy contents of Elwinger 1988). Cracked and dirty eggs

MTT SCIENCE 12 21 cause losses of income to an egg produc- evidence of higher daily calcium require- er. Therefore, factors affecting shell quali- ments than the NRC (1994) requirements ty have been studied widely (Härtel 1989, for best shell quality (Bar et al. 2002) and Zhang and Coon 1997, Hammershøj and for highest production and specific gravi- Kjaer 1999, Bar et al. 2002, Keshavarz ty (Castillo et al. 2004). In Experiment 3, 2003, Gezen et al. 2005). the average daily calcium intake met NRC (1994) requirements in all treatments dur- Effects of dietary protein ing each feeding phase (Study III, Table 2), Increased protein content of feed is report- and diet had no significant effects on egg ed to increase egg size, but impair shell quality (Study III, Table 6). and albumen quality (Al Bustany and Elwinger 1987, Hammershøj and Kjaer 3.3.3 Health and integument 1999). Lower Haugh-unit values detected in eggs from hens on the high-protein diet Feather cover in Experiment 1 agree with these findings (Study I, Table IV). In Experiment 1 the Effects of dietary protein detrimental effects of high-protein diets on Protein and amino acid content of feed can shell percentage were observed only in FC, affect on plumage condition. Hens on low- while no detrimental effect on shell per- protein diets exhibit poorer feather cov- centage was found in CC. The differenc- er than hens on diets with adequate pro- es in egg weight did not explain the differ- tein (e.g. Al Bustany and Elwinger 1986, ences observed in shell percentage. 1987, Lund 1991, Ambrosen and Petersen 1997). In addition, methionine-deficient Effects of dietary energy diets result in poorer feather scores (Dän- In their studies, Keshavarz and Nakajima ner and Bessei 2002). Feathers are 89– (1995) and Grobas et al. (2001) found no 97% protein (Fisher et al. 1981), and about effects of supplemental fat or increased di- 85% of this protein is keratin (Leeson and etary energy on albumen and yolk weights. Walsh 2004). The most abundant ami- This is in agreement with the results of no acid in feather keratin is cysteine (Lee- Experiment 2, except for yolk weight as- son and Walsh 2004). In Experiment 1, sessed at 36 weeks of age, which increased at the assessments at 55 and 71 weeks of with higher dietary energy (Study II, Ta- age the hens on the low-protein diet had ble 5). However, Keshavarz and Nakajima poorer plumage scores than the hens on (1995) report decreased shell weight with the high-protein diet (Figure 4). The con- increased energy and constant dietary fat, nection between low dietary protein and and increased shell weight with increased poor plumage condition may be due to fat and constant dietary energy. In Experi- increased feather pecking (van Krimpen ment 2, dietary energy was adjusted main- et al. 2005) or reduced renewal of feath- ly with rapeseed oil and no effects of diet ers or both with decreased dietary protein. were observed on shell quality, except in the assessment at 54 weeks of age, when a Effects of dietary energy high-energy diet exhibited increased spe- Dietary energy had no significant effects cific weight and a tendency towards high- on feather cover in Experiment 2. Al Bus- er shell weight. tany and Elwinger (1988) reported im- proved plumage cover when rapeseed was Effects of dietary calcium included in a whole cereal mixture diet According to the NRC’s Nutrient Re- and attributed this to the higher intake of quirements of Poultry (1994), the daily linoleic acid. In Experiment 2, the dietary calcium requirement of a white egg lay- energy was adjusted mainly with rapeseed er is 3.25 g. However, literature also holds oil, but also with oats. This resulted in a

22 MTT SCIENCE 12 Fig. 4. Effects of dietary protein on plumage score at various ages in Experi- ment 1. Means with 95% confidence intervals. The protein (g/kg feed)/energy (MJ/kg feed) ratio was 17 and 13 in the high-protein and low-protein diet series, respectively.

smaller difference in linoleic acid content ny and Elwinger 1986, 1987). In Experi- between the two diets than would have ment 1, poorer footpad scores were found been the case had only the rapeseed oil in birds on the low-protein diet at the first been used to change the dietary energy. assessment at 32 weeks of age, but not in the later assessments (Figure 5). The ef- Effects of dietary calcium fects of diet on footpad scores may be de- Dietary calcium had no significant effects duced from excreta wetness and viscosity on feather cover in Experiment 3. No re- as sticky droppings, and moisture may pre- ports on the effects of dietary calcium on dispose birds to footpad lesions (Wang et the plumage condition were found al. 1998, Mayne 2005). Footpad lesions Dietary treatments in Experiments 2 and 3 had no effects on footpad lesions in this Effects of dietary protein work, and no reports on the effects of die- Low-protein diets have been associat- tary energy or calcium on footpad lesions ed with poorer footpad health (Al Busta- were found.

Fig. 5. Effects of dietary protein on footpad scores at various ages in Experi- ment 1. Means with 95% confidence intervals. The protein (g/kg feed)/energy (MJ/kg feed) ratio was 17 and 13 in the high-protein and low-protein diet series, respectively.

MTT SCIENCE 12 23 Bone mineralization and with a study on , where a low-en- strength ergy diet exhibited higher bone ash at the age of 36 days (Venäläinen et al. 2006). Effects of dietary protein In Experiment 2, the dietary energy lev- The relationship between dietary protein els were lower than in the low-energy diet and bone soundness is controversial (e.g. in Jalal et al. (2006), and the difference in Darling et al. 2009). On one hand, there energy content between the diets was also is an amino acid requirement to main- greater in Experiment 2 (Study II, Table tain the bone organic matrix and dietary 1). In addition, the hens on the low-ener- protein may affect bone mineralization gy diet in Experiment 2 weighed less than through insulin-like growth factor I (IGF- the hens on the high-energy diet, while I), but on the other hand dietary protein Jalal et al. (2006) reported no differenc- contributes to acid production and low pH es in live weight. Slower growth rate may values increase urinary calcium excretion increase bone mineralization (Williams et in man and other species (Darling et al. al. 2004). 2009). Rennie et al. (1997) reported no ef- fects of a low-protein layer diet (150 vs. 170 Although the linoleic acid content in the g/kg) supplemented with vitamin K on low-energy diet in Experiment 2 was not bone structure and osteoporosis. In agree- much lower than that in the high-ener- ment with Rennie et al. (1997), no effect of gy diet, there was a multifold difference dietary protein on bone-breaking strength in the ratio of linoleic acid to α-linolenic emerged in Experiment 1 (Figure 6). acid. A higher ratio of dietary linoleic acid to α-linolenic acid has been associated with Effects of dietary energy lower bone mineral density in man (Weiss Jalal et al. (2006) reported no effects of di- et al. 2005). High dietary omega-6 fat- etary energy on bone ash when dietary en- ty acids have been reported to negative- ergy was between 3 097 and 2 979 kcal/ ly affect bone metabolism in various spe- kg. In contrast to this, in Experiment 2, cies (Watkins et al. 2001). It is conceivable the hens on the low-energy diet had high- that the ratio of dietary linoleic acid to er bone ash than the hens on the high-en- α-linolenic acid explains the dietary ef- ergy diet (Figure 7). This is in agreement fect on bone ash in Experiment 2. In con-

Fig.6. Effects of dietary protein on tibia breaking strength at 73 weeks of age in Experiment 1. The protein (g/kg feed)/energy (MJ/kg feed) ratio was 17 and 13 in the high-protein and low-protein diet series, respectively.

Fig.7. Effects of metaboliz- able energy (ME) on tibia ash at 73 weeks of age in Eexperiment 2. The ME contents of the diet series were from 2342 to 2414 kcal/kg feed and from 2581 to 2629 kcal/kg feed in the low-energy and high-energy diet series, respectively.

24 MTT SCIENCE 12 trast to this, Baird et al. (2008) reported ing animals, excess calcium or a high cal- no significant effects of dietary omega-6/ cium-to-phosphorus ratio may disturb omega-3 ratio on layer hens’ bone mineral bone mineralization (e.g. Hazewinkel et content or tibia strength. al. 1991, Hurwitz et al. 1995); however, no such evidence appears to exist for lay- Effects of dietary calcium ing hens. The hens on the low-energy diet in Exper- iment 2 had a lower calcium intake than Mortality and autopsy the hens on the high-energy diet, but this findings seemed to have no effect on bone ash or bone-breaking strength. In Experiment 3, In the first three experiments, the dead the higher dietary calcium level resulted in hens were autopsied at the Finnish Food lower bone ash (Study III, Table 5). This Safety Authority. No statistically signifi- was in contrast to the results of Roland et cant effects of dietary treatments on mor- al. (1996), who reported increased bone tality rates emerged in Experiments 1 and quality with non-isocaloric diets contain- 3; however, in Experiment 2, a tendency ing an increased amount of calcium (2.5– towards a higher mortality in groups re- 5.0%). Excess dietary calcium may reduce ceiving the high-energy diet was observed the absorption of phosphorus through for- (Study II, Table 2). The frequency data of mation of insoluble calcium phosphate in the causes of death for different dietary the intestine (Shafey et al. 1990). In grow- treatments in Experiments 1–3 are pre- sented in Table 2.

Table 2. Causes of death during Experiments 1–3 in different dietary treatments. Experiment 1 2 3 Low High Low High Normal protein protein energy energy High Ca Ca Acute heart failure 1 0 1 2 0 2 Cannibalism 0 1 4 6 4 2 Carcinoma 1 0 0 0 0 0 Chronic arthritis 0 0 0 1 0 0 Culled 0 0 1 1 0 0 Fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome 0 1 6 14 2 5 Intestinal obstruction 0 1 0 0 0 0 Leucosis 0 0 1 1 0 0 Marek’s disease 2 0 0 0 0 0 Obstructed crop 0 1 0 0 0 0 Osteomalacia 2 1 0 0 0 0 Prolapsed cloaca 0 0 0 0 0 1 Salpingitis-peritonitis 22 18 5 6 7 3 Sepsis 3 2 3 1 2 0 Trauma 3 0 1 3 5 3 Not diagnosed 6 5 1 2 1 0 Total 40 30 23 37 21 16

MTT SCIENCE 12 25 In Experiment 2, the greatest difference in comparison with CC. In Experiment between the dietary treatments is in the 3, feed consumption differed significantly incidence of fatty liver hemorrhagic syn- between the cage types during the second drome (FLHS). This syndrome is caused feeding phase, being lower in FC. by a positive energy balance, and other di- etary factors, such as high carbohydrate Feed consumption closely follows the en- content or excessively low protein or ami- ergy requirements of the hen. Thus, live no acid content, may contribute to induc- weight, feather cover, activity, and pro- tion of FLHS (Butler 1976). In Experi- duction affect individual feed consump- ment 2, calculated daily energy intakes tion of hens within a flock, in the same en- did not differ between the diets (Study II, vironment (McDonald 1978, Tauson and Table 2), but hens on the high-energy diet Svensson 1980, Peguri and Coon 1993). were heavier than hens on the low-energy Higher live weight in FC at the beginning diet (Study II, Table 3), and thus, predis- of Experiment 2 may explain the higher posed to FLHS. Schumann et al. (2000) feed consumption in FC during the first suggest that dietary linolenic acid may di- feeding phase. The plumage scores in Ex- minish the amount of fat deposited in the periments 1–3 comparing conventional liver of laying hens, but on the other hand and furnished cages do not explain the omega-3 fatty acids may increase the pos- differences in feed consumption very well. sibility of hemorrhage in the avian liver. Only in Experiment 2, at the third assess- ment (at 71 weeks of age), did groups with 3.4 Effects of cage type higher plumage scores have lower feed con- sumption during the corresponding feed- ing phase (see Section, Figure 8 3.4.1 Egg production and feed for plumage scores). The lack of effect on consumption feed consumption may be accounted for by the relatively small differences in plum- No significant differences were present in age scores. When the difference between egg production between the cage types the mean total scores is around one point, in Experiment 2. However, a significant such a difference in feather cover may be difference in egg production between the insufficiently large to significantly affect cage systems was detected in Experiments heat loss and feed consumption in these 1 and 3, in favor of the conventional cag- circumstances. es. This is in agreement with the study of Glatz and Barnett (1996) with cages In all, there seems to be a tendency in FC equipped with perches, but in contrast to towards lower feed intake than in CC, several reports of equal egg production despite the existence of such factors as in conventional and fully furnished cag- larger group size and total cage area per es (e.g. Abrahamsson et al. 1995, Abra- hen (Carey et al. 1995), which could in- hamsson and Tauson 1997, Appleby et al. crease bird activity and feed intake in FC. 2002, Guesdon and Faure 2004). This tendency may arise from the effects of perches, as was seen in Experiment 4, The effects of cage type on feed consump- where the presence of perches diminished tion were inconsistent between the three feed consumption during the prelaying pe- experiments (1–3). In Experiment 1, feed riod and enhanced FCR during the early consumption was constantly lower in FC laying period. Perches in cages have been than in CC (Study I, Table III). However, reported to diminish bird activity (Braas- in Experiment 2, feed consumption in FC tad 1990, Matsui et al. 2004). In addi- was higher during the first feeding phase, tion, energy savings may be explained by but lower during the last feeding phase crowding of birds on the perch, result-

26 MTT SCIENCE 12 Fig.8. Plumage scores of hens in conventional (CC) or furnished (FC) cages at three assessments (32, 55, and 71 weeks of age) in Ex- periments 1–3. Means with 95% confidence intervals. Range of plumage score is from 6 to 24, with higher score indicating better con- dition.

ing in less heat losses (Tauson and Jans- but no means to record feed wastage sep- son 1988). As no significant differences arately from feed consumption was avail- emerged in feed consumption in Exper- able during the experiments. iment 4 after the prelaying period, the decreased feed consumption in FC com- The most important factor affecting the pared with CC could also be attributed profitability of egg production is FCR. The to the presence of wood shavings, due in- cage system had no significant effects on soluble fiber, which has beneficial effects FCR in Experiments 1–3. Because there on nutrient digestion (Hetland and Svi- were no differences in FCR between the hus 2001, Hetland et al. 2003a). Howev- cage types, it may also be argued that the er, Hetland and Svihus (2007) reported lower feed intake in FC than in CC is a that even though apparent metabolizable result of lower egg production, and thus, energy (AME) value of feed was enhanced lower energy requirements of the hens when wood shavings were available, there housed in FC. were no effects of wood shavings on feed consumption. The authors concluded that 3.4.2 Egg quality the enhanced utilization of nutrients was used to cover the grinding and handling Lower specific gravity was found in eggs costs of wood shavings in the gastrointes- from FC than in those from CC in Ex- tinal tract. In the present work, the wider periments 1–3 in at least one of the assess- feed trough space per hen in conventional ments. Shell-breaking strength was lower than in furnished cages may partly explain in FC than in CC in one or two assess- the higher feed consumption observed in ments in Experiments 1 and 2 (Studies I CC, as increased feeder space per hen has and II), but not in Experiment 3 (Study been reported to increase feed consump- III). This implies that specific gravity is a tion (Hill and Hunt, 1980). It is possible more sensitive indicator of shell calcifica- that the absence of any other loose mate- tion or that specific gravity has a smaller rial to peck and use as a dust-bathing sub- variance than breaking strength as it was strate also increased feed wastage in CC, measured in these experiments.

MTT SCIENCE 12 27 During each experiment egg quality re- addition to floor inclination, nest design ports were received weekly from the pack- and location affects the risk of egg crack- ing plant, separately for each treatment. ing (Tauson 2005). In the furnished cage These data were not analyzed statistical- model, the nest covered the entire depth ly, as only one observation per treatment of the cage. As the proportion of cracked was available each week. Sums of egg grad- eggs was also greater in FC with smooth ing results were calculated for each experi- perforated plastic nest flooring than in FC ment. The proportions of class A, cracked, with artificial turf nest flooring, it seems and dirty eggs are presented in Table 3. that artificial turf has properties that pro- All eggs, except those with leaking cracks tect eggs from cracks. One factor may sim- and shell-less eggs, were sent to the pack- ply be that eggs laid in nests are better pro- ing plant. tected. Guesdon et al. (2006) reported that eggs laid outside of the nests were more The proportion of cracked eggs was greater prone to cracks than eggs laid in the nests. in CC than in FC in Experiments 1–3. In In addition, there is less rolling friction Experiment 3, the difference between cage between the egg shell and a rigid smooth types was smaller because there were more plastic floor than between the egg shell cracked eggs from cages with smooth plas- and artificial turf. Greater rolling friction tic nest flooring (6.23%) than from cages in nests with artificial turf will slow down with artificial turf nest flooring (4.51%). the rolling speed of eggs and diminish the The proportion of dirty eggs was smaller in collision forces. CC than in FC in Experiments 1–3. About equal proportions of class A eggs were ob- 3.4.3 Health and integument tained from the two cage types. Feather cover The greater proportion of cracked eggs from CC was contrary to expectations Figure 8 presents the effects of cage type based on earlier studies (e.g. Abraham- on plumage score in Experiments 1–3. Dif- sson et al. 1995, Abrahamsson and Tau- ferences in plumage condition between the son 1997, Wall et al. 2002, and Guesdon cage types were statistically significant at and Faure 2004). Cage design may affect every assessment in Experiment 2, where incidence of cracked eggs. The furnished hens in FC got higher scores than hens in cages used had a relatively gentle floor in- CC. However, in Experiment 1, hens in clination (10%) relative to the 14% slope CC got higher scores at 71 weeks of age. In allowed by Council Directive 1999/74/EC the third experiment, plumage scores did (Commission of the European Communi- not differ significantly between the cage ties 1999). The slope in CC was 12%. In types. The factors affecting feather cover

Table 3. Proportions of various egg grades during 52-week laying period in conventional (CC) or furnished (FC) cages in Experiments 1–3, and cages with artificial turf (AT) and cages with smooth perforated plastic (PP) in Experiment 3. Experiment 1 2 3 3 (FC) CC FC CC FC CC FC AT PP Grade % Class A 93.2 94.9 90.2 93.2 90.5 90.5 91.1 89.8 Cracked 4.31 2.51 6.42 3.71 6.46 5.37 4.51 6.23 Dirty 1.95 2.32 2.44 2.63 2.48 3.65 3.94 3.36

28 MTT SCIENCE 12 and possible reasons behind the conflicting literature. The incidence of bumble foot results on plumage scores include nutri- has been related to the presence of a perch tion, air humidity, the incidence of feather (e.g. Abrahamsson et al. 1996, Appleby et pecking and the amount of abrasion (Tau- al. 1993, Tauson and Abrahamsson 1994), son 1986). Based on the data from these and the results from Experiment 4 support three experiments (1–3) analyzed together, this view (Study IV, Table 3). Similarly, the difference in plumage scores between the results from Experiment 4 support the the cage types studied was not statistical- idea that the occurrence of hyperkerato- ly significant. sis is related to time spent on an inclined wire floor (Abrahamsson et al. 1996, Ab- The three different perch designs used rahamsson and Tauson 1997) and is di- in Experiments 1 and 2 had no effect on minished in the presence of perches. Keel plumage scores. bone deformation has also been related to the presence of a perch (Appleby et al. Footpad and keel bone lesions 1993, Tauson and Abrahamsson 1994, Ab- rahamsson et al. 1996), and the higher in- The incidence of bumble foot (pododerma- cidence of severe deformations in FC than titis) was higher in furnished than in con- in CC in this work is consistent with this ventional cages in Experiments 1–3 (Fig- view (Figure 10). ure 9). This was expected based on the

Fig.9. Footpad scores of hens in conventional (CC) or furnished (FC) cages at three assessments (32, 55, and 71 weeks of age) in Ex- periments 1–3. Means with 95% confidence intervals. Range of footpad scores is from 1 to 4, with higher score indicating better con- dition.

Fig.10. Keel bone scores of hens in conventional (CC) or furnished (FC) cages at three assessments (32, 55, and 71 weeks of age) in Ex- periments 1–3. Means with 95% confidence intervals. Range of keel bone scores is from 1 to 4, with higher score indicating better con- dition.

MTT SCIENCE 12 29 Effects of perch design However, in the current work, the effects The hens in cages equipped with plastic of perch material and shape cannot be sep- perches had a higher incidence of bumble arated, as the three perch designs differed foot than the hens in cages with the two in both shape and material. No significant wooden perch designs (Figures 11 and 12) differences were seen in the incidence of at 55 and 71 weeks of age in Experiments keel bone lesions between the three perch 1 and 2. This finding agrees with the re- designs. sults of Tauson and Abrahamsson (1994).

Fig.11. Footpad scores of hens in furnished cages equipped with wood perches with round cross- section (Round wood), wood perches with angular cross-section (Ang. wood), or plastic perches with T- shaped cross-section (Plas- tic) at three assessments (32, 55, and 71 weeks of age) in Experiment 1. Means with 95% confi- dence intervals. Range of footpad scores is from 1 to 4, with higher score indicat- ing better condition.

Fig.12. Footpad scores of hens in furnished cages equipped with wood perches with round cross- section (Round wood), wood perches with angular cross-section (Ang. wood), or plastic perches with T- shaped cross-section (Plas- tic) at three assessments (32, 55, and 71 weeks of age) in Experiment 2. Means with 95% confi- dence intervals. Range of footpad scores is from 1 to 4, with higher score indicat- ing better condition.

30 MTT SCIENCE 12 Bone mineralization and end of Experiments 1–3 showed no re- strength sponse to the housing system (Figure 14). The tibia breaking strength had a high ran- Tibia ash was assessed at the end of Ex- dom variation, and thus, it was less sen- periments 2 and 3. In both experiments, sitive to changes in housing or diet than the tibia ash content was greater in FC tibia ash content. Hughes and Appleby than in CC (P < 0.05) (Figure 13). This (1989), Duncan et al. (1992), and Jendral finding agrees with Jendral et al. (2008) et al. (2008) reported higher tibia break- and Tactacan et al. (2009), who reported ing strength in cages furnished with perch- higher tibia mineral density in furnished es than in conventional cages. than in conventional cages. Lack of exer- cise in CC may contribute to loss of bone Mortality and autopsy minerals (Leyendecker et al. 2005). The findings type of activity influences skeletal adapta- tion (Bennell et al. 1997). Stepping up on The frequency data of the causes of death a perch may produce a greater mechani- for the two cage types in Experiments 1–3 cal stimulus than walking on a floor, thus are presented in Table 4. In Experiments enhancing bone mineralization. Howev- 1–3, some cannibalism cases occurred in er, tibia breaking strength assessed at the both cage types. The most prevalent cause

Fig.13. Tibia ash content (g/kg DM) of hens in con- ventional (CC) or furnished (FC) cages at the end of Experiments 2 and 3 (at 72 weeks of age). Means with 95% confidence intervals.

Fig.14. Tibia breaking strength (N) of hens in con- ventional (CC) or furnished (FC) cages at the end of Ex- periments 1–3 (at 72 weeks of age). Means with 95% confidence intervals.

MTT SCIENCE 12 31 Table 4. Causes of death in conventional (CC) and furnished (FC) cages during Experiments 1–3. Experiment 1 2 3 CC FC CC FC CC FC Acute heart failure 0 1 2 1 2 0 Cannibalism 0 1 6 2 3 3 Carcinoma 1 0 0 0 0 0 Chronic arthritis 0 0 1 0 0 0 Culled 0 0 1 1 0 0 Fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome 0 1 8 12 3 4 Intestinal obstruction 0 1 0 0 0 0 Leucosis 0 0 1 1 0 0 Marek’s disease 1 1 0 0 0 0 Obstructed crop 0 1 0 0 0 0 Osteomalacia 3 0 0 0 0 0 Prolapsed cloaca 0 0 0 0 1 0 Salpingitis-peritonitis 21 19 8 3 2 8 Sepsis 3 2 1 3 1 1 Trauma 1 2 4 1 0 8 Not diagnosed 6 5 2 1 1 1 Total 36 34 34 25 13 25

of death was, however, salpingitis-peritoni- and perches were extensively used in each tis. Peritonitis is characterized by exudate experiment, as expected from earlier re- on serosal surfaces either locally or widely ports (Appleby and Hughes 1995, Abra- spread throughout the body cavity (Tram- hamsson et al. 1996, Abrahamsson and pel et al. 2007). In salpingitis, exudate is Tauson 1997). The proportion of eggs laid found in the oviduct, mainly within the in nests was constantly high in Experi- magnum (Jordan et al. 2005). These exu- ments 1 and 2, being about 98%. In Ex- dates vary in color from cream to yellow periment 3, this proportion was lower be- and brown (Jordan et al. 2005). Salpingi- cause the nest floor material significantly tis-peritonitis is thought to be caused by (P < 0.001) affected the proportion of nest Escherichia coli (Jordan et al. 2005, Tram- eggs (see Section pel et al. 2007). However, unknown pre- disposing factors may play a part in infec- The proportion of hens perching during tion (Jordan et al. 2005). the daytime varied between 31% and 49% (data not shown), being higher than the 3.5 Behavior in furnished 28% reported by Abrahamsson and Tau- cages son (1997) in their study with LSL hens and a perch length of 12 cm per bird. On 3.5.1 Use of facilities the other hand, during nighttime inspec- tions (Figure 15) the proportion of hens Birds’ use of facilities was not reported perching was lower here than the 91% in Studies I–III. A summary of the data reported by Abrahamsson and Tauson from the corresponding experiments (1–3) (1997). is presented in Figures 15–19. Both nests

32 MTT SCIENCE 12 Fig. 15. Proportion of birds perching during scan observations at 1 h after lights-out in Experiments 1–3. Means with 95% con- fidence intervals.

Nests were also used for roosting (Figure to roost in nests than brown hybrids. Some 16). The proportion of hens in the nest hens may simply prefer the nest, but there during the scan observations at 1 h after may also be social factors affecting the lights-out was considerably higher in all choice of roosting place. The significant experiments in this work than in Abra- differences observed in the proportion of hamsson and Tauson (1997) or Wall and hens in the nest during the scan observa- Tauson (2002). Wall and Tauson (2007) tions at 1 h after lights-out between the noted that white hybrids were more prone sampling times (periods) may be related to

MTT SCIENCE 12 33 hens’ age, as the proportion seems to in- During the first experiment no entry to crease with time in Experiments 1 and 2 the litter area was observed during the re- (Figure 16). Changes in ambient temper- cordings of birds’ location. The birds in ature may also affect the choice of roost- Experiment 1 were allowed into the lit- ing place, as resting side by side conserves ter area from the age of 21 weeks, and heat in cold temperatures, but may be un- this may have affected their later behav- comfortable in warm temperatures. ior. Birds in Experiments 2 and 3 were al- lowed in the litter area at 16 or 17 weeks of

Fig. 16. Proportion of birds in the nest during scan observations at 1 h after lights-out in Experiments 1–3. Means with 95% confidence intervals.

34 MTT SCIENCE 12 age, and more frequent use of the litter box curred before the litter box was opened. was observed in these experiments (Figure Thus, the use of the litter box might have 17). In the first experiment, the litter box- been more frequent had the opening hour es were opened daily at 9.5 h after lights- been earlier. on, while in Experiments 2 and 3 they were opened 1 h earlier (8.5 h after lights- In several studies, hens have used litter on). According to Vestergaard (1982), ini- areas in FC infrequently (e.g. Abraham- tiation of dustbathing peaks at 6–7 h after sson et al. 1996, Lindberg and Nicol 1997, lights-on, and the overall mean duration of Olsson and Keeling 2002), even though it a dustbathing bout is 27 min. The use of is established that hens are motivated to the litter box in the present work may have dustbathe and are willing to work to gain been sparse during the scan observations access to litter (Widowski and Duncan because litter boxes were opened later than 2000, de Jong et al. 2005). Several reasons the proposed peak in hens’ dustbathing be- for the restricted use of the dustbath have havior and because in Experiments 1–3 the been suggested: litter in dustbath may be first observations were made 30 min after quickly depleted, dustbaths may be emp- opening of the litter boxes. In Experiment ty most of the time (Lindberg and Nicol 4, where individual birds were observed, 1997), and competition may occur for the most of the sham dustbathing bouts oc- limited dustbathing area (Abrahamsson

Fig. 17. Proportion of birds in the litter box during scan observations at 30 min after the opening of the litter area in Experiments 2 and 3. Means with 95% confidence intervals.

MTT SCIENCE 12 35 et al. 1996, Shimmura et al. 2007a). Ease rated plastic nest flooring only 90% of eggs of access may also be of importance for were laid in nests (Figure 18). the use of the litter area (Olsson and Keel- ing 2002). Guesdon and Faure (2004) reported a greater proportion of eggs laid in nests in Effects of perch design cages with Astro-turf than in cages with thin plastic mesh lining, and Struelens et Three different perch designs were com- al. (2005) stated that hens preferred arti- pared in Experiments 1 and 2. The two ficial turf and peat to coated wire mesh. wooden perches were compared with a Wall at al. (2002) reported a lower propor- plastic perch, and the two wooden perch- tion of nest eggs when the area of the arti- es with different cross-sections were com- ficial turf nest lining was reduced to 30% pared with each other. No statistically or 50% than when 100% of the nest floor significant effects of perch design on pro- was lined. Reed and Nicol (1992), on the portion of nest eggs emerged. In agreement other hand, reported that a small strip of with the findings of Tauson and Abraham- artificial turf was enough to attract hens sson (1994) and Lambe and Scott (1998), to spend more time in the nest and en- who reported no differences in the use of courage nesting behavior. The perforat- different perch designs, there were no ef- ed plastic nest floor in Experiment 3 was fects of perch design on the proportion of not as attractive as artificial turf based on hens on perches or in nests during the day- the proportion of nest eggs. The reason for time or nighttime inspections. this may be that smooth and stiff plastic is not manipulable at all, while artificial turf, Effects of nest flooring even if it is fixed and cannot be mould- ed, can be pulled, pecked, and scratched. Two different nest floorings were compared However, in Experiment 4, where simi- in Experiment 3. In cages with an artificial lar smooth plastic nest floors were used, turf nest floor, about 98% of eggs were laid the proportion of nest eggs was higher: in nests, but in cages with smooth perfo- 95–98%.

Fig. 18. Proportion of eggs laid in nests during Experiment 3 in cages with either artificial turf (AT) nest flooring or smooth perforated plastic (PP) nest flooring. Means with 95% confidence intervals.

36 MTT SCIENCE 12 In Experiment 3, during the scan obser- of individual birds during the light period, vations in the dark (1 h after lights-out) the birds without access to perches sat less there was a significant interaction be- frequently, but were recumbent more of- tween the effects of period and the effects ten relative to those with access to perch- of nest flooring (P<0.001) on the propor- es. During the recordings of bird location tion of hens in nests (Figure 19). In period at 1 h after lights-out, the birds without 2, the proportion of hens roosting in nests perches tended to more frequently be in was smaller in cages with perforated plas- nests than those with perches. Use of the tic (PP) flooring than in cages with artifi- nest as a roosting place may increase soil- cial turf (AT) nest floors. In scan observa- ing of the nest, thus increasing the inci- tions during periods 4–8, no differences dence of dirty eggs (Abrahamsson et al. between the nest floorings were observed, 1995). However, the small number of repli- while in observations during periods 10 cates of behavior observations on individu- and 12, more hens were roosting in nests al birds (n=3) diminished the power of the in cages with PP floors than in cages with statistical test in the Study IV. Small pow- AT floors. er results in an increased risk of false ac-

ceptance of H0 (meaning that there is an 3.5.2 Effects of presence of perches on actual difference between the treatments, hen behavior but it is not detected with the test). The

risk of false acceptance of H0 was greater Experiment 4 studied the effects of perch- than the risk of false rejection of H0. Based es on performance and behavior of hens. on the results Experiment 4, we could not We hypothesized based on the literature unequivocally conclude that the presence (Braastad 1990, Matsui et al. 2004) that of perches diminishes the activity of hens, the presence of perches would make hens despite some significant differences in rest- less active. According to the observations ing behavior.

Fig. 19. Proportion of birds in the nest during scan observations at 1 h after lights-out in cages with either artificial turf (AT) nest flooring or smooth perforated plastic (PP) nest flooring in Experiment 3. Means with 95% confidence intervals.

MTT SCIENCE 12 37 4 Concluding remarks and practical application of the results

The following conclusions and practical 6. Hens accept a variety of raised struc- applications based on Experiments 1–4 tures as perches and quickly learn to and the results reported in the literature use perches even without prior expe- can be tendered for laying hens in small- rience. The incidence of pododerma- group furnished cages. titis is greater with plastic than with wooden perches. 1. Production performance compara- ble with conventional cages can be 7. All of the advantages of cages for bird achieved in furnished cages. There was welfare are sustained in the small- no evidence supporting a change in group furnished cages. In addition, nutrient requirements for laying hens there are other benefits for bird wel- when conventional cages are replaced fare in these cages. Frequent use of with small-group furnished cages. The perches and nests imply a wider be- results from nutritional experiments havioral repertoire in furnished cages conducted in conventional cages can than in conventional cages, and this be applied to small-group furnished can be perceived as a welfare bene- cage systems. fit. Moreover, the increase in bone- breaking strength may improve bird 2. The daily requirements of protein and welfare. However, the available area is amino acids for egg weight and feed still rather restricted. conversion ratio seem to be higher than the NRC (1994) requirements 8. These results cannot be generalized to for Leghorn-type laying hens. furnished cages housing large groups of hens. Thus, further research is need- 3. Hens respond to low-energy diets by ed with large-group furnished cages. increasing their feed intake. Low-en- Another restriction for generalization ergy diets may restrict laying rate, but is the use of only one hybrid in the do not affect energy efficiency. present work. Hybrids may differ in their responses to diet and environ- 4. Increased dietary limestone did not ment. These differences should be -in restore egg shell breaking strength vestigated. The effects of different -pul in furnished cages. This implies that let rearing environments also warrant the weaker shells observed in fur- continued research, as prior experience nished cages are not caused by a high- may affect behavior later in life. An er amount of calcium being retained important practical problem requiring in bones. elucidation is the proportion of dirty and cracked eggs in FC. Based on the 5. Measures to encourage laying in present work, egg shells are weaker nests may diminish the proportion of in furnished cages than convention- cracked eggs. Measures to encourage al cages, but the reason for this re- roosting on perches during nighttime mains unclear. will decrease the proportion of hens spending the night in nests.

38 MTT SCIENCE 12 5 References

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Egg production in furnished cages

Doctoral Dissertation

Eija Valkonen

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