Tassos Kotsakis1, Laura Abbazzi2, Chiara Angelone1, Patrizia Argenti3, Giancarlo Barisone1, Flaviano Fanfani2, Federica Marcolini4 & Federico Masini5 1 Università di Roma Tre 2 Università di Firenze 3 Università di Perugia 4 Università di Pisa 5 Università di Palermo

Plio-Pleistocene biogeography of Italian mainland micromammals

Kotsakis, T., Abbazzi, L., Angelone, C., Argenti, P., Barisone, G., Fanfani, F., Marcolini, F. & Masini, F., 2003 - Plio-Pleistocene biogeography of Italian mainland micromammals - in: Reumer, J.W.F. & Wessels, W. (eds.) - DISTRIBUTION AND MIGRATION OF TERTIARY IN EURASIA. A VOLUME IN HONOUR OF HANS DE BRUIJN - DEINSEA 10: 313-342 [ISSN 0923-9308] Published 1 December 2003

The analysis of the distribution of small mammals in the Italian mainland during the Plio- Pleistocene and their immigration in the Peninsula indicates the presence of many species of orien- tal European origin, a few iberoccitanic elements and some emdemic species. The Italian penin- sula belongs to a western Mediterranean bioprovince. The north-eastern region of is a transi- tional biogeographical zone between this province and the central European and Balcanic areas.

Correspondence: Tassos Kotsakis, Chiara Angelone & Giancarlo Barisone: Università di Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Largo San Leonardo Murialdo 1, Roma 00146, Italy, e- mail [email protected]; [email protected]; Laura Abbazzi & Flaviano Fanfani, Università di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Via La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze, Italy, e-mail lab- [email protected]; [email protected]; Patrizia Argenti, Università di Perugia, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Piazza Università, 06100 Perugia, Italy e-mail [email protected]; Federica Marcolini, Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Via Santa Maria 53, 56126 Pisa, Italy e-mail [email protected]; Federico Masini, Università di Palermo, Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia, Corso Tukory 131, 90134 Palermo, Italy e-mail [email protected]

Keywords: Italy, Plio-Pleistocene, micromammals, paleobiogeography

INTRODUCTION only large-sized ‘micromammals’ such as Many Italian fossil mammals of Plio- Marmota, Castor, Hystrix and lagomorphs, Pleistocene age are known and several locali- easier to discover during excavations, have ties of the Italian peninsula are famous been carefully studied. After the World War among vertebrate paleontologists. However, 2, the works of A. Pasa and G. Bartolomei till the Second World War the number of fos- illustrated for the first time the rich micro- sil remains of small mammals was very low. mammalian Quaternary faunas of north-eas- A few paleontologists (C.I. Forsyth Major, A. tern Italy. During the last decades of the 20th De Gregorio, C. Bosco, R. Fabiani & D.M.A. century an increasing number of researchers Bate) illustrated remains of and followed the first pioneers. insectivores (especially from the islands) but Italian micromammalian assemblages are


mainly found in Pleistocene deposits. ning faunal lists of small mammals and the Nevertheless, Neogene remains are very bibliographical references are reported in important for paleobiogeographical recon- chronological order in the Appendix. A syste- struction of Italian bioprovinces. During Late matic revision or a study of biochronological Miocene, mammalian evidences point out the succession of several groups of Italian fossil presence of three different sub-provinces: the micromammals is a topic of some general Apulia-Abruzzi, the Sardinia- (both papers followed in this publication: Chaline with strong endemic character) and the (1977), Bartolomei (1980), Masini & Torre Calabrian-Sicilian subprovince (with evident (1987), Kotsakis (1988), Bon et al. (1991), African affinities; Torre et al. 2000). Only Brunet-Lecomte et al. (1994), Zanalda since the latest Miocene Italy has firm con- (1994a), Masini et al. (1996, 1998), Maul et tacts with the rest of Europe, as testified by al. (1998), Argenti (1999), Argenti & the presence of several immigrated taxa Kotsakis (1999), Fanfani (2000), Marcolini (most of them from eastern Europe, and a (2002). In the biochronological charts the few elements from western Europe; Kotsakis position of some localities is aproximate and et al. 1997). their chronological attribution is not certain. Italian Pliocene micromammalian fossil assemblages are very few and very unbalan- RUSCINIAN ced from a geochronological point of view. Only a single tooth (M/1), collected in Remains of Ruscinian age are almost un- an ?early Middle Pliocene (Lina Barbera known from the Italian mainland (this also pers. comm.), brackish-marine deposit near applies to macromammals), whilst fossils of Ariano Irpino (Campania, southern Italy) has Villányian age (Fig. 1) are relatively few, but been found. This molar has been attributed to sufficient for a paleobiogeographical analysis. a murid, Centralomys sp. (T. Kotsakis & P. The number of Biharian fossiliferous sites Argenti unpublished data). The genus is bearing small mammals is quite low too and known from the late Turolian site of only Toringian assemblages are abundant, Brisighella (Emilia-Romagna, northern Italy) even if not well distributed in the Peninsula with the type species Centralomys benericet- (Fig. 2). tii (DE GIULI) (De Giuli 1989). The age of the In the present paper we examine micro- brackish-marine sediments of Ariano Irpino mammalian assemblages of the Italian main- ought to correspond to the uppermost part of land, excluding endemic assemblages from MN 15 unit. The more advanced faunas from Sicily, Sardinia, smaller islands and paleois- the Gargano Archipelago (Apulia, southern lands of the Gargano Archipelago because of Italy) fossil islands (where many micromam- their peculiar problems. Among fossil assem- malian endemic lineages evolved) have been blages we chose to examine just the recently assigned to the latest phases of Miocene described or re-examined ones and chose to and/or to the earliest phases of Pliocene ignore isolated remains (if not important for (Abbazzi et al. 1998). A discussion of the paleobiogeography). Fossiliferous sites are affinities of these endemic faunas is not a correlated with MN unites (Mein 1990) for topic of the present work. the Villányian, with zones of Fejfar & A migration from the European mainland to Heinrich (1990) and also with the Faunal Sardinia near the Zanclean-Piacenzian boun- Units (F.U.) succession system proposed by dary, corresponding to the uppermost part of Azzaroli (1977) and emended by Gliozzi et MN 15 unit (Angelone & Kotsakis 2000, al. (1997), a system accepted by all the 2001), is suggested in recent works. Such a Italian paleontologists working on continental migration very probably followed an Italian- Plio-Pleistocene fossil , both vertebra- Corsican route but no fossil evidence of the tes and invertebrates. The locality list, contai- ancestors of Sardinian Prolagus and Rhaga-

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Figure 1 Biochronology of Villányian sites of Italy with micromammals. In bold character recently studied localities with relevant micromammalian remains.The chronological position of some localities is approximate. podemus (known in southern France) has Mimomys hajnackensis see Mörs et al. 1998) been found in Italy till now. + Mimomys stehlini zone by Fejfar & Heinrich (1990) and Fejfar et al. (1998), has EARLY VILLÁNYIAN (Fig. 3) been collected in a sequence of mudstones, Cascina Arondelli in the Triversa Valley clays and fine-grained sandstones. The two (Piedmont, north-western Italy) is a famous rodent species collected in the fluvio-lacustri- Italian site of Early Villányian age. An ne sediments of Fornace RDB (Piedmont, assemblage of insectivores, lagomorphs and north-western Italy) belong to taxa also pre- rodents has been described from this site. sent at Arondelli. Azzaroli (1977) formalised This fauna, assigned to MN 16a by Mein the Triversa F.U. as a unique fossil assembla- (1990) or to the Mimomys hassiacus (= ge of small mammals (collected in Cascina


Figure 2 Biochronology of Biharian and selected Toringian sites of Italy with micromammals. In bold character recently studied locali- ties with relevant micromammalian remains.The chronological position of some localities is approximate.

Arondelli) and large mammals (collected in moment there is no paleontological support to Fornace RDB). After Lindsay et al. (1997) the opinion of Lindsay et al. (1997). the age of macromammals from Fornace Micrommamals of these assemblages belong RDB is older than that of the micromammals to species of large European distribution. from Arondelli. For this reason they assigned Similar taxa of insectivores and also rodents the large mammals of Fornace RDB (the clas- are present at Arcille (small sequence of clays sical Villafranchian fauna) to MN 15. For the and lignite) and San Giusto (marine-brackish


KOTSAKIS et al.: Plio-Pleistocene micromammals of Italy

Figure 3 Distribution of micromammals in Italy during Early Figure 4 Distribution of micromammals in Italy during Late Villányian. Arondelli - a) Apodemus alsomyoides; b) Mimomys Villányian. Rivoli Veronese - a) Dinaromys allegranzii; b) cf. stehlini; c) Mimomys hassiacus. S. Giusto - d) Mimomys stehlini. Ellobius sp.; c) Mimomys pitymyoides. Montagnola Senese - Arcille - e) Prolagus sp. d) Mimomys pitymyoides; e) Apodemus mystacinus.Torre di Picchio - f) Prolagus sp.; g) Mimomys medasensis. sediments) (type-locality of Mimomys LATE VILLÁNYIAN (Fig. 4) (Cseria) stehlini), both in Tuscany (central Three successive F.U.’s have been assigned to Italy). The age of the two localities is the the Late Villányian (Azzaroli 1977, Gliozzi et same as Arondelli. The limited evidences al. 1997): Saint Vallier F.U., Costa San support the existence of a common fauna in Giacomo F.U. and Olivola F.U. Small mam- the western part of the Peninsula. mals belonging to Saint Vallier F.U. have not A large , probably belonging to Mimomys been found in Italy yet. A rich micromamma- polonicus was collected many years ago in lian fauna has been collected in a karst fis- the clays of Bocchignano (Latium, central sure near Rivoli Veronese (Veneto, north-eas- Italy). The same species of arvicolid has been tern Italy). This assemblage is Late discovered in Upper Valdarno (Tuscany, cen- Villányian in age, and must be assigned to tral Italy) (Abbazzi, unpublished data). No MN 17, to the Mimomys pliocaenicus zone of other discoveries of small mammals corre- Fejfar & Heinrich (1990), or to Costa San sponding to the Montopoli F.U. have been Giacomo F.U. following Gliozzi et al. (1997). made. Unfortunately the extremely scanty Many insectivores or rodents have a large remains of micrommamals belonging to MN European distribution (many of them have 16b or the Mimomys polonicus zone of Fejfar been described for the first time from Polish & Heinrich (1990) make impossible any pale- or Hungarian sites) but two elements are of obiogeographical consideration. particular interest: Dinaromys allegranzii and cf. Ellobius sp. (on the systematic position of


the last species see contrasting opinions in sible but for the moment the most ancient Sala et al. 1994 and Tesakov 1998). The first records of the species are located in Iberian arvicolid is the older species of the genus, and Italian peninsulas and southern France living today in the Dalmatian area. Its past (latest Villányian). The reduction of its distri- distribution ranged from eastern Europe bution area is very probably due to the strong (Ukraine) to northern Italy through the Middle Pleistocene climatic changes (Argenti Balkan peninsula (Sala 1996a). The second et al. 2000). An Iberian element (sensu arvicolid genus is now present from Ukraine Michaux 1982), Mimomys medasensis, is and eastern Turkey to Pakistan and Mongolia. present at Torre di Picchio. This arvicolid is Its presence in Europe must be assigned after known from late Villányian sites of the Tesakov (1998) to the latest part of the Late Iberian peninsula (Agustí 1990). The presen- Pliocene. At the beginning of Middle ce of Prolagus sp. in two of these sites Pleistocene it reached the Maghreb (Jaeger (Montagnola Senese and Torre di Picchio) is 1988). The presence of two oriental elements also interesting. The genus has a large at Rivoli demonstrates affinities of north- European distribution during the Miocene, eastern Italy with eastern Europe and Balkans but during the Pliocene its distribution is during the Late Villányian. Some isolated more restricted; at the end of the Pliocene it remains of the same age (Costa San Giacomo is reduced to western Europe with relict pop- F.U.) are known from a few sites of central ulations farther east. A molossid bat of the Italy but they belong to taxa with very large genus Tadarida very close to the living spe- distribution. cies Tadarida teniotis is present at The last F.U. of the Villányian is Olivola Montagnola Senese. This typical F.U.; some assemblages with large mammals Mediterranean species of African origin is have been assigned to it, but small mammals known in the northern board of the are very rare. Among the sites ascribed to the Mediterranean till the late Turolian (Legendre same F.U. (all from Tuscany and Umbria, 1985). central Italy) should be mentioned Castel- franco di Sopra (lacustrine clays and sands; EARLY BIHARIAN (Figs. 5, 6) Upper Valdarno), type locality of Mimomys There is a good number of Early Biharian pliocaenicus. micromammalian fossiliferous sites, but very Fossil assemblages coming from three cen- few of them yield species-rich assemblages. tral Italian localities, the karstic fissure of Usually only one or two species of small Montagnola Senese (Tuscany), the fluvial mammals are present. Four F.U.’s correspond deposit of Casa Sgherri (Tuscany) and the to the Early Biharian: Tasso F.U., Farneta fluvio-lacustrine clays and sands of Torre di F.U., Pirro F.U. and Colle Curti F.U. Picchio (Umbria) have been assigned to the The oldest Biharian assemblage, belonging Late Villányian, to a more recent phase than to Mimomys pusillus + Mimomys savini zone Costa San Giacomo F.U. In the first site the of Fejfar & Heinrich (1990), comes from soricid Crocidura appears in Italy for the first Monte La Mesa (Veneto, north-eastern Italy). time. This African genus reaches Europe A very rich assemblage of small mammals through the Levant-Anatolian-Balkan area has been collected in this karstic site (Fanfani 2000). The murid Apodemus mysta- (Marchetti et al. 2000). The greatest part of cinus, a species of Mediterranean distribu- the species has a large European distribution tion, now living in part of the Balkan penin- but some of them are more common in centr- sula, Anatolia and Levant is also present at al-eastern Europe. In this site Microtus Montagnola Senese. The origin of this taxon (Allophaiomys) makes its first occurrence in has been claimed from both Iberian and Italy. This arvicolid first appeared in locali- Balkan peninsulas. An oriental origin is pos- ties of central-eastern Europe of slightly older


KOTSAKIS et al.: Plio-Pleistocene micromammals of Italy

Figure 5 Distribution of micromammals in Italy during Early Figure 6 Distribution of micromammals in Italy during Early Biharian (early phases). Monte La Mesa - a) Microtus Biharian (late phases). Soave Cava Sud - a) Crocidura zorzii; (Allophaiomys) pliocaenicus; b) Dinaromys dalmatinus; b) Microtus (Allophaiomys) ruffoi. Monte Peglia - c) Mimomys c) Apodemus atavus. Upper Valdarno - d) Prolagus gr. P. blanci. Pirro Nord - d) Asoriculus aff. A. theni; e) Microtus michauxi - P. calpensis. Pietrafitta - e) Castor fiber (not in scale); (Allophaiomys) gr. M. (A.) ruffoi. f) Microtus (Allophaiomys) chalinei. age (Microtus (Allophaiomys) deucalion in than biogeographical differences. In fact the Villány 5, Janossy 1986). The genus fossils found in localities of central Italy have Dinaromys is present with the species been collected in fluvio-lacustrine deposits Dinaromys dalmatinus known from the whilst the assemblage of Monte La Mesa Dalmatian area and north-eastern Italy. The comes from a karstic fissure. Among lago- murid Apodemus atavus is known from a few morphs the genus Prolagus is present for the sites of central Europe and from Anatolia last time in Italian mainland (cf. Rook & (Argenti 1999). All these elements indicate Masini 1990). The assemblage collected in marked affinities between this area, the the succession of clays and lignite of Balkans and central-oriental Europe. Pietrafitta (Umbria, central Italy) belongs to Many faunas collected in central Italy the Farneta F.U. Among the small mammals (Tuscany, Umbria and Latium) are assigned of this locality (Gentili et al. 1996) the ibero- to Early Biharian (Tasso F.U.) but they con- occitanian arvicolid Microtus (Allophaiomys) tain a few small mammals and all but one, chalinei is present. This species is also pre- rather big elements (Castor, Hystrix and sent in many sites of the same age of the lagomorphs). No elements in common with Iberian peninsula (Agustí 1992). In the same Monte La Mesa are present in these sites. assemblage Microtus (Allophaiomys) gr. M. This fact is probably due to ecological rather (A.) ruffoi is present for the first time.


In the local fauna of Pirro Nord (typical ted in this site but they are chronologically fauna for the Pirro F.U.) and in the neighbou- very close (Van der Meulen 1973). The most ring local fauna of Cava dell’Erba, both col- advanced species of Microtus (Allophaiomys) lected in fissure fillings of Gargano promon- are known from western Europe (Chaline tory (Apulia, southern Italy), a good number 1972; Agustí 1992; Laplana et al. 2000), but of small mammals has been collected. They also from Russia (Markova 1990). Mimomys belong to species with large distribution. The blanci is known from western European sites soricid Asoriculus aff. A. theni is very similar of older age (Agustí 1992; but the records of to the typical form described on material dis- the species from north-western Europe have covered in Croatia but it is also present in been rejected by Tesakov 1998) whilst the some sites of western Europe (Fanfani 2000). genus Ungaromys is an element of central A bat of the family Rhinolophidae, Rhino- and eastern Europe (Rabeder 1981). Another lophus birzebuggensis, known only from the element of western affinities is Apodemus cf. older deposits of Ghar Dalam cave at Malta A. maastrichtiensis (cf. Argenti 1999). is also present. The small fauna collected in a In the ‘Helicella’ bearing clays of breccia near Palena (Abruzzi, central Italy) Fontignano (Ponte Galeria, Rome) two spe- (Kotsakis, unpublished data) is very similar cies of rodents have been collected. to that of Pirro Nord. A third assemblage of Surprisingly they belong to eastern species the same age, also collected in a site of kar- (Prolagurus pannonicus, and Predicrostonyx stic origin, is that of Cava Sud (Veneto, sp.) of cold ‘steppic’ environment not known north-eastern Italy). Microtus (Allophaiomys) from the sites of north-eastern Italy where the ruffoi is a common element of the three loca- elements of oriental distribution are relatively lities; the other arvicolids present in Cava common. Probably they testify a very short Sud are absent from the southern localities. cold interval. The locality could be assigned This fact reflects ecological rather than bio- to the upper part of the Early Biharian or to geographical differences. On the contrary the the lower part of the Late Biharian (Kotsakis presence of a big species of the genus et al. 1992; Barisone & Kotsakis 2001). Crocidura, C. zorzii at Cava Sud and its Predicrostonyx is an arvicolid of north-eas- absence from Pirro Nord, where two other tern Asia and Alaska known also in eastern species of the genus are present, is of greatest Europe (Nadachowski 1992). A similar form, importance. C. zorzii is present for a long Predicrostonyx antiquitatis is known from time-span in north-eastern Italy but it is only Les Valerots (France) (Chaline 1972). occasionally found in other Italian regions (Fanfani 2000). LATE BIHARIAN (Fig. 7) In the small fossil assemblage collected in The faunas assigned to the Late Biharian, the clayey beds of a lacustrine deposit at corresponding to the Mimomys savini - Colle Curti (Marche, central Italy) (Abbazzi Neodon gregaloides zone of Fejfar & et al. 1998) the first Italian occurence of the Heinrich (1990) or to the Slivia F.U., are very rhizodont arvicolid Pliomys lenki is reported. few. In Slivia (Venezia Giulia, north-eastern This assemblage is also characterized by the Italy), in a fossiliferous breccia, both the presence of a member of the subgenus characteristic species of the zone are present, Microtus (Allophaiomys) close to the begin- as the Balkan element Dinaromys sp. Gliozzi ning of the lineage leading to Microtus et al. (1997) assigned the Monte Tenda (Pallasiinus) ratticepoides - M. (P.) oecono- (Veneto, north-eastern Italy) assemblage, col- mus. The second site assigned to the Colle lected in a karstic deposit, to the same time Curti F.U. is the very well known karstic interval. The first member of the subgenus deposit of Monte Peglia (Umbria, central Microtus (Microtus) appears in this site. Italy). Two different faunas have been collec- Other assemblages collected in fissure-fil-

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Figure 7 Distribution of micromammals in Italy during Late Figure 8 Distribution of micromammals in Italy during Early Biharian. Slivia - a) Dinaromys sp. Fontignano - b) Prolagurus Toringian (early phases).Visogliano - a) Ochotona sp.; pannonicus. Sant’Arcangelo - c) Macroneomys brachygnathus. b) Microtus (Stenocranius) gregalis; c) Dinaromys bogdanovi. Valdemino - d) Oryctolagus burgi (1/2 scale dimension); e) Microtus (Iberomys) brecciensis. Isernia - f) Arvicola cantianus; g) Microtus arvalinus; h) Microtus (Iberomys) brecciensis. Poggitazzi - f) Arvicola cantianus.Venosa-Notarchirico - i) Chionomys nivalis. lings in the Soave region, Cengelle and appearance of an Iberoccitan rodent in Italy Viatelle (Veneto, north-eastern Italy) and illu- since the beginning of the Pliocene. The sub- strated by Pasa (1947) and Bartolomei (1980) genus made its first appearance in the Iberian very probably belong to the same age, but Peninsula a short time before (Cuenca Bescos these faunas are not homogeneous and inclu- et al. 1999). In this site the soricid Macro- de elements of different age. neomys and Talpa cf. T. romana, a talpid very The fauna collected in the clays and sands similar to the living endemic Italian species, of Sant’Arcangelo (Lucania, southern Italy) appear for the first time (Fanfani 2000). must be assigned to the same period but to a slightly later stage. Perhaps this fauna corre- EARLY TORINGIAN (Figs. 8, 9) sponds to Ponte Galeria F.U., a new F.U. Early Toringian faunas have been assigned to introduced by Petronio & Sardella (1999) Arvicola cantianus zone by Heinrich & Fejfar between Slivia F.U. and Isernia F.U. In the (1990) and to Isernia F.U. and Fontana Sant’Arcangelo assemblage a primitive mem- Ranuccio F.U. by Gliozzi et al. (1997). To the ber of the genus Terricola, Terricola cf. T. first F.U. have been assigned the assemblages arvalidens is present. Another very remarka- collected in a paleosol in the type locality of ble element is Microtus (Iberomys) cf. M. (I.) Isernia (Molise, southern Italy) and in a cave brecciensis, of Iberian origin. This is the third in Borgio Verezzi (Valdemino, Liguria, north-


rid Citellus sp., the cricetid Cricetus cricetus and the arvicolids Microtus (Stenocranius) gregalis and Chionomys nivalis make their first occurence in Italy. A Balkan element, Dinaromys bogdanovi, and the Italian ende- mic talpid Talpa romana, now living in central and southern Italy only, are also present. The ‘cold’ and ‘cool’ elements clearly arrived in the area from the east/north-east. All these species, except for Chionomys nivalis, lack from the assemblage of the same age collec- ted in a fluvio-lacustrine basin at Venosa – Notarchirico (Lucania, southern Italy). Many assemblages assigned to Fontana Ranuccio F.U. come from the same area: Boscochiesanuova (Veneto), San Giovanni di Duino (Venezia Giulia), Spessa II (Veneto) and San Vito di Leguzzano 2 (Veneto) are all karstic deposits located in north-eastern Italy. The big soricid Macroneomys sp. and the Balkan arvicolid Dinaromys are characteristic elements of these faunas. At least for this Figure 9 Distribution of micromammals in Italy during Early period the presence of Dinaromys is testified Toringian (late phases). Campo dei Fiori - a) Dinaromys bog- in western Lombardy (north-western Italy) in danovi. Boscochiesanuova - b) Dinaromys bogdanovi; the caves of Campo dei Fiori and Fontana c) Macroneomys sp. Spessa II - d) Apodemus cf. A. microps. Marella (lower levels). At Spessa II, the pre- Cava Campani and Case Picconetto - e) Terricola gr. T. savii. Fontana Ranuccio - f) Castor fiber (not in scale).Villa Castelli - sence of Apodemus cf. A. microps is worth to g) Terricola tarentina. be mentioned. This is a living form whose distribution is limited to central Europe; fos- sil remains have been reported from Germany western Italy). At Isernia Arvicola cantianus and (very probably) Hungary in coeval sites first appears in Italy. After recent radiometri- (Koenigswald 1972; Argenti 1999). cal data the age of this site is younger than In two different sites of central Italy, Cava the one previously estimated (Coltorti et al. Campani (paleosol - Tuscany) and Case 1982, 2000). In both localities the Ibero-occi- Picconetto (paleosol - Abruzzi), radiometri- tanian element Microtus (Iberomys) breccien- cally related with Fontana Ranuccio F.U., a sis is present. The other elements have a large primitive form of the lineage of the endemic European distribution except for the leporid Italian arvicolid Terricola savii makes its first Oryctolagus burgi, only known from Borgio appearance (Marcolini 2002). This Verezzi (Nocchi & Sala 1997a, 1997b). ‘Mediterranean’ species is also present at San The assemblages from Riparo A of Viso- Giovanni di Duino. In Cava Campani another gliano (Venezia Giulia, north-eastern Italy) remarkable arvicolid is present: a big belong to a more recent phase of Early Terricola very similar to the living T. Toringian, between Isernia F.U. and Fontana thomasi, an endemic species of western Ranuccio F.U. The micromammals have been Balkan area. For the moment it is impossible collected from strata of slightly different age. to decide if the remains from Tuscany belong In this site many ‘cold’ and ‘cool’ elements to an ancestral form of this species or to an- such as the ochotonid Ochotona sp., the sciu- other lineage. In this latter case the similarity

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would be due to convergence phenomena. Torrente Conca, Marche, central Italy, Conti Monte del Cros (Piedmont), another north- et al. 1982) have been assigned to this age. western Italian assemblage, is of more diffi- To Vitinia F.U. belong the assemblages from cult chronological attribution. The contempo- the karstic deposits of Grotta Maggiore di raneous presence of Pliomys episcopalis and San Bernardino (Veneto, north-eastern Italy) Pliomys lenki is characteristic of some Early and Grotta di San Leonardo (Venezia Giulia, Toringian assemblages but a Late Biharian north-eastern Italy). In both faunas Dinaro- age can not be excluded. The paleobiogeo- mys bogdanovi and Marmota marmota are graphical interest of this site is due to the present. It is the first occurrence of the alpine presence of a species of Hystrix that is smal- marmot, a sciurid of eastern origin, in Italy. ler than the Villányian and Early Biharian An arvicolid of boreal distribution, Microtus Hystrix refossa (or Hystrix etrusca after other oeconomus is reported from Grotta di San authors, see Azzaroli 1998). These remains Leonardo. Very probably of the same age are very probably belong to the small eastern the assemblages collected in Torrente Conca (and central) European species Hystrix vino- (Marche, central Italy), in Grotta del Vento gradovi. (Marche, central Italy) where the boreal ves- The faunas belonging to Torre in Pietra F.U pertilionid bat Myotis dasycneme is present, such as those of the karstic sites of Loara and those of Torre in Pietra upper levels (Veneto, north-eastern Italy) and Sant’ (Latium, central Italy) and Grotta Paglicci Agostino (Veneto, north-eastern Italy) (outer levels 4-3) (Apulia, southern Italy). In (Gliozzi et al. 1997) must be assigned to a the latter, the Iberoccitanian element M. (I.) later phase of the Early Toringian. Dinaromys brecciensis and Hystrix sp. are present. bogdanovi is present at Loara; in both assem- Another locality where remains of Marmota blages the presence of Clethrionomys cf. C. marmota associated with a not very advanced rufocanus is signaled, even if a revision of Arvicola have been found is Montignoso the material assigned to the Sundevall’s vole (Tuscany, central Italy). In this assemblage an is necessary. Beyond north-eastern Italy only Hystrix dimensionally comparable with remains of species with very large distribu- Hystrix vinogradovi has been found (Rustioni tion have been found (Torre in Pietra lower et al. 1999). Unfortunately, we cannot state levels, Latium, central Italy). with certainty that all the faunal elements An endemic arvicolid of the genus have the same age, due to the fact that the Terricola, Terricola tarentina, has been col- fauna comes from old collections. lected in a locality of southern Italy (Cava di Assemblages dating back to last interglacial Villa Castelli, Apulia) but the associated have been collected in the karstic deposits of fauna is unknown. The age of this species Montorio (Veneto, north-eastern Italy), San (corresponding to the late Early Toringian) Sidero 3 (Apulia, southern Italy) and Grotta has been inferred by Brunet-Lecomte & Grande di Scario (Campania, southern Italy) Chaline (1991, 1992) on the ground of the among others. The survival of Crocidura zor- supposed first appearance datum of Terricola zii in north-eastern and southern Italy is savii in Italy (Brunet-Lecomte 1988). remarkable. The rest of the faunal elements shows a distribution similar to the present- day one, except for the presence in southern LATE TORINGIAN (Figs. 10, 11, 12) Italy of some northern-Italian elements even Late Toringian corresponds to the Arvicola if in very low percentages (Microtus cf. M. terrestris zone of Fejfar & Heinrich (1990). agrestis at San Sidero 3 and Terricola subter- In the present paper the faunas where raneus at Scario). Arvicola that is transitional between A. can- Many faunas date back to the last glacial. tianus and A. terrestris is collected (e.g. For each Isotopic Stage (4, 3 and 2) it is pos-


Figure 10 Distribution of micromammals in Italy during Late Figure 11 Distribution of micromammals in Italy during Late Toringian (early phases). Grotta S. Bernardino - a) Marmota Toringian (last Interglacial). Montorio - a) Crocidura zorzii; marmota (not in scale); b) Cricetus cricetus. Several localities of b) Terricola multiplex; c) Microtus cf. M. arvalis. Scario - Veneto - c) Dinaromys bogdanovi. Grotta Paglicci, outer levels - d) Crocidura zorzii; e) Terricola savii. d) Microtus (Iberomys) brecciensis.Torre in Pietra (upper levels) - e) Microtus arvalis.

sible to make detailed observations about the Grotta Cala (Campania, southern Italy), composition of the assemblages, but our tar- Grotta di Castelcivita (Campania, southern get is to provide a general framework. Thus, Italy), Grotta della Serratura (Campania, associations will not be ordered and divided southern Italy), Praia a Mare (Calabria, sout- on the basis of their age within the last gla- hern Italy) and Grotta Paglicci inner levels cial. The assemblages collected in the follo- (Apulia, southern Italy). wing sites have been considered: Grotta del A general characteristic of these faunas is Broion (Veneto, north-eastern Italy), Grotta A the appearance in north-eastern Italy of ‘cold’ di Veja (Veneto, north-eastern Italy), Riparo or ‘cool’ elements from northern or north- Mezzena (Veneto, north-eastern Italy), Riparo eastern Europe not present in present-day della Ghiacciaia (Veneto, north-eastern Italy), Italian faunas, such as Sicista betulina, Riparo Tagliente lower levels (Veneto, north- Microtus (Stenocranius) gregalis, Microtus eastern Italy), Riparo Tagliente upper levels oeconomus, Ochotona pusilla. Some of them (Veneto, north-eastern Italy), Moncucco reach central Italy in its Adriatic side (S. Torinese (Piedmont, north-western Italy), betulina and M. oeconomus). In the central Grotta della Ferrovia (Marche, central Italy), and southern portion of the Peninsula species Grotta Breuil (Latium, central Italy), Grotta now living in the northern part of Italy are di Sant’Agostino (Latium, central Italy), very common: Marmota marmota,

324 KOTSAKIS et al.: Plio-Pleistocene micromammals of Italy

Repetitive variations and fluctuations of the areal distibution boundaries of the various species left some relict populations, such as the glirid Dryomys nitedula in Calabria, quite far from the present-day main distribution of the species (no further than north-eastern Italy). Fossil remains found in Latium (Kotsakis 1991) confirm its past wider distri- bution and the fact that the Calabrian popula- tion is the result of a past widening of its dis- tribution area, and not of an anthropic deed. More complex is the case of Hystrix. Its presence is signaled in a few Late Pleistocene sites both in northern and southern Italy (Anelli 1967; Broglio & Cremaschi 1992) but there is no evidence to classify them as fos- sils or subfossils. Till very recent times the Balkan species Dinaromys bogdanovi was present in north-eastern Italy. In north-wes- tern Italy a western European element Arvicola sapidus MILLER (Arma delle Manie, Liguria), makes its appearance, together with Figure 12 Distribution of micromammals in Italy during Late Terricola multiplex (cf. Abassi & Desclaux Toringian (last Glacial). Riparo Tagliente - a) Ochotona cf. O. 1996; Abassi & Brunet-Lecomte 1997; Abassi pusilla. Several localities of Veneto - b) Marmota marmota; et al. 1998). c) Dinaromys bogdanovi; d) Microtus (Pallasiinus) oeconomus. Grotta della Ferrovia - d) Microtus (Pallasiinus) oeconomus. HOLOCENE Grotta Sant’Agostino - e) Cricetus cricetus; f) Marmota mar- mota. Castecivita - g) Terricola gr. T. multiplex - T. subterraneus. Beyond Hystrix, introduced by man in Several localities of southern Italy - h) Microtus arvalis-agrestis. Roman times but perhaps already present in the Peninsula (see above), during the Holocene the following species appear in Chionomys nivalis (relict populations of this Italy: Suncus etruscus, Apodemus agrarius, species still live in some upland zones of cen- Micromys minutus, Mus domesticus, Rattus tral Apennines), Microtus agrestis, Microtus rattus and Rattus norvegicus (Amori 1993). arvalis, Terricola gr. T. multiplex – T. subter- Cricetulus migratorius not present in Italy at raneus, and Cricetus cricetus (now absent the present day, is signaled by Bartolomei from the Italian faunas). In the southern part (1982) in early Holocene sediments of Grotta of the Peninsula a greater percentage of degli Zingari (Venezia Giulia, north-eastern ‘cold’ elements on the Adriatic side is evident Italy). Many species of bats now living in in comparison to the Tyrrhenian side Italy are not present in the fossil record of (Capasso Barbato & Gliozzi 2001). On the Plio-Pleistocene mammals of the Peninsula contrary, ‘Mediterranean’ elements (Talpa because studies about fossil bats are very romana, Terricola savii) are present in relati- few. vely small percentages during the coldest cli- Some living terrestrial mammalian species matic oscillations in southern Italian fossilife- of Italian mainland are absent from the fossil rous sites and totally absent from northern record: Neomys anomalus, Terricola liechten- ones; during warmer oscillations they domi- steini, Apodemus alpicola and the endemic nate the faunal associations in southern Italy. Italian species Sorex samniticus, Sorex aurun-



chi, Terricola brachycercus, Lepus corsica- (Pirro F.U. and Colle Curti F.U.) the differen- nus (Nappi 2001). Some of these species ces between north-eastern Italy and the other have been erected or accepted as valid taxa in parts of the Peninsula are not very marked recent times: thus, future revisions of fossil (only the soricids of the genus Crocidura are material collected in Italy could evidence different in the two areas) but our knowledge their presence in the fossil record. of the assemblages of north-eastern Italy is limited. Advanced members of the subgenus CONCLUSIONS Microtus (Allophaiomys) are characteristic Our observations about the distribution of elements of this time-span. A possible small mammals in the Italian peninsula Iberoccitan element (Mimomys blanci) is pre- during Plio-Pleistocene may be summarised sent in central Italy. An element of central- as follows: eastern European distribution (Ungaromys) also reaches central Italy. (a) During the Ruscinian only a single tooth belonging to Centralomys sp. has been col- (f) In the Late Biharian (Slivia F.U. and lected in Italy. Ponte Galeria F.U.), north-eastern Italy is well characterised by elements as Dinaromys (b) During the Early Villányian (Triversa and Neodon gregaloides and by the first F.U.) the few micromammal faunas of the member of the subgenus Microtus (Microtus), Italian peninsula are composed by elements whilst in a slightly earlier moment oriental with large European distribution. immigrants like Prolagurus and Predicro- stonyx reach central Italy. In southern Italy (c) In the Late Villányian (Costa San some characteristic ‘Mediterranean’ elements Giacomo F.U. and Olivola F.U.) north-eastern (Talpa cf. T. romana and Terricola arvalidens) Italy is populated by species with a large and another Iberoccitan species (Microtus European distribution and also by some typi- (Iberomys) cf. M. (I.) brecciensis) are present. cally eastern elements never collected more westward (Dinaromys, cf. Ellobius sp.). In (g) During the early phases of the Early central Italy an Iberian element (Mimomys Toringian (Isernia F.U.) the assemblages of medasensis) is present; for the first time in north-western and central Italy are characteri- Italy Crocidura, a genus of African origin sed by the presence of M. (I.) brecciensis and (arrived from the east through Near East - by the appearance of Arvicola cantianus Balkans) and Apodemus mystacinus a typical- whilst in a slightly later moment, in north- ly Mediterranean murid also occur. The ocho- eastern Italy we observe the arrival of many tonid Prolagus persists. new elements of north-eastern origin (Citellus, Cricetus cricetus, Microtus (d) In the earliest phases of the Early (Stenocranius) gregalis, Chionomys nivalis, Biharian (Tasso F.U. and Farneta F.U.) a lot Ochotona) and the persistence of the genus of new elements with large European distri- Dinaromys. C. nivalis is the only species of bution arrive in Italy from the north-east. The the newcomers that penetrates during this assemblages of north-eastern Italy are charac- period in southern Italy. terised by the presence of central-eastern European or Balkan elements like Dinaromys (h) In the later part of the Early Toringian and Apodemus atavus whilst in central Italy (Fontana Ranuccio F.U.), north-eastern Italy another Iberoccitan element (Microtus is characterised by the persistence of the (Allophaiomys) chalinei) is present. genus Dinaromys. During this timespan this arvicolid expands its range westward to (e) In the later phases of the Early Biharian north-western Italy. A central European spe-


KOTSAKIS et al.: Plio-Pleistocene micromammals of Italy

cies, Apodemus cf. A. microps is present in an abundant (Marmota marmota, Cricetus, assemblage of north-eastern Italy. In central Microtus (Microtus), Chionomys nivalis), Italy we observe the first appearance of a whilst the ‘Mediterranean’ elements are possible ancestral form of Terricola savii and, always present even if in low percentages. In a little later, its migration towards the north- north-western Italy some western elements as east. In north-western Italy an oriental ele- Arvicola sapidus are observed during this ment, Hystrix vinogradovi, is present, but the period. age of this fossil is not very precise. (m) In the assemblages of Holocene age (i) The latest phase of the Early Toringian ‘cold’ species disappear, whilst new elements (Torre in Pietra F.U.) is characterised by the (Suncus, Micromys, Mus, Rattus) arrive as presence of Dinaromys in north-eastern Italy result of human activity. and the arrival of Clethrionomys cf. C. rufo- canus from the north-east (but the systematic Quite a large number of micromammals have attribution of this last arvicolid is not cer- a limited range of geographical distribution; tain). this makes them very useful for biogeograp- hical analyses, both present-day and past (j) At the beginning of the Late Toringian ones. On the other hand, even though the big (Vitinia F.U.) the assemblages are characteri- mobility of macromammals allows large- zed by the presence of an Arvicola with scale biochronological correlations, it does S.D.Q. between A. cantianus and A. not allow a paleobiogeographical characteri- terrestris. In north-eastern Italy Dinaromys is zation at the bioprovince or sub-bioprovince always present, whilst Marmota marmota and level of areas with a limited geographical Microtus oeconomus make their first appe- extension (unless we talk about islands) such arance in this area. In southern Italy we as the Italian Peninsula. The only comparison observe the last occurrences of Allocricetus we can make between large and small mam- bursae and Microtus (I.) brecciensis and the mals concerns, then, the possible synchronici- presence of the genus Hystrix. ty of dispersal events. The study of fossil amphibians and reptiles (k) During the last interglacial the distribu- (in which classes we find very useful taxa for tion of micromammals is very similar to the biogeographical reconstructions) does not present-day situation, but Crocidura zorzii is allow observations or comparisons so far. present both in the north-east and in the south Studies in progress, though (cf. Delfino 2002) while in southern Italy some species now will certainly bring very useful data. The only limited to the northern part of the Peninsula other group of continental animals with a are present, even if with very scanty remains considerable fossil documentation is that of (Microtus agrestis, Terricola subterraneus). non-marine molluscs. They show a particular biogeographical distribution, especially aqua- (l) The assemblages assigned to the last tic ones, for which the extension of endorheic Glacial are very abundant. Many ‘cold’ ele- basins and the possibilities of communication ments penetrate in north-eastern Italy between the different hydric systems have a (Sicista, M. (S.) gregalis, M. oeconomus, major importance. The non-marine mollusc Ochotona pusilla) and some of them (Sicista, faunas (especially the fresh-water ones) col- M. oeconomus) reach the Adriatic side of lected in Fornace RDB and other localities of central Italy. Dinaromys is always present in Piedmont are characterized by a good number north-eastern Italy. On the Tyrrhenian side of of endemic species and indicate strong affini- the Peninsula and in central and southern ties with the Rhône (France) and Rhine Italy many elements now absent are very (Germany) valleys coeval assemblages. The



presence of assemblages dominated by ende- ‘cool’ species modify their distribution area mic primitive fluvio-lacustrine prosobranchs with long-timespan fluctuations due to clima- characterize the faunas of Tuscany, Umbria tic (and consequently environmental) chan- and Northern Latium during the ges; for this reason they appear more than Villafranchian (corresponding to Villányian once in north-eastern Italy, while other spe- and Early Biharian) (Esu et al. 1993; cies living in the same area at the present Ciangherotti et al. 1998). No micromammal day, during those time spans expand their species, even those closely related to conti- geographical range toward the south. On the nental waters environments, show a similar contrary ‘Mediterranean’ elements during geographical distribution. warmer periods expand their distribution area The analytical study of macromammalian towards the north, even if in a less marked faunas evidenced several turnovers, some of way. which are very evident (Triversa – Kowalski (1992) distinguished the presence Montopoli, Costa San Giacomo – Olivola, of a Western Mediterranean area (northern Olivola – Tasso, Colle Curti – Slivia and Last border of the western Mediterranean), which Pleniglacial - Holocene) (Sardella et al. is characterized by a limited number of 1998). Other studies concerning Dispersal rodent taxa during the whole Pleistocene. In Events displayed at least three big events: the the Italian Peninsula those taxa are certainly ‘Elephas – Equus’ event, the ‘Wolf’ event present, even in a limited number if compa- and the ‘End-Villafranchian’ event (Azzaroli red with the Iberian Peninsula (Agustí & et. al. 1988; Torre et al., 1992) in addition to Moyá 1992). The Plio-Pleistocene micro- the migration of single species (Torre et al., assemblages of Italian mainland are 1992; Sala et al. 1992). The lack of data con- indeed paleobiogeographically characterized cerning micromammals does not allow com- by the presence, during certain moments, of parisons between small and large mammals some typical elements of the Mediterranean with regard to the first event. For the second area, such as some species of the genus one data are scanty too. Some changes in the Terricola, Talpa romana and some composition of micromammal assemblages Iberoccitan species (Mimomys medasensis, may be observed in north-eastern Italy com- Microtus (Allophaiomys) chalinei, Microtus paring the faunas of Rivoli Veronese and (Iberomys) brecciensis, and, perhaps, Monte La Mesa. A major change within fau- Mimomys blanci). nas seems to take place in coincidence with The renewal of Italian micromammal the passage between Colle Curti F.U. and faunas in the great part of its elements, takes Slivia F.U. It corresponds, then, to the ‘End- place through the north-eastern area, which Villafranchian’ event sensu lato, whose exis- first constituted the northern border of the tence has been doubted by Agustí & Moyá- Padanian Gulf and later on, during the maxi- Solá (1998). Anyway, an even more marked mum extension of glaciers, comprised also event seems to take place within micromam- the area nowadays occupied by the northern mals, at least in north-eastern Italy, in Adriatic Sea. Central - Eastern Europe spe- Visogliano, comprised between Slivia F.U. cies expand on the whole peninsular territory, and Isernia F.U. while other taxa, linked to colder climates, In general, there does not seem to be a reach north-eastern Italy during the climatic coincidence between large mammal and small deterioration maximums. Some of them reach mammal dispersal events. Moreover, the central Italy, while others stop in the north- appearance of many small mammals in Italy eastern area that seems to constitute a transi- seems to be the result of single species tional area between the Mediterranean and migration (cf. Koenigswald 1992) and not central Europe. In north-eastern Italy the whole faunas dispersal events. Some ‘cold’ or presence of a Balkan element such as


KOTSAKIS et al.: Plio-Pleistocene micromammals of Italy

Dinaromys is almost constant. Even a few central Italy) - Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 41: 133- rare African elements (Crocidura) or 142 Anatolian-Balkan elements (Apodemus Agustí, J., 1990 - The Plio-Pleistocene arvicolid succes- mystacinus, if its origin is really in the same sion in southern and eastern Spain - in: Fejfar, O. & area where it is nowadays widespread) reach Heinrich, W.-D.(eds.) - International Symposium on Italian Peninsula from the north-east. Evolution, Phylogeny and Biostratigraphy of Arvicolids (Rodentia, Mammalia): 21-32 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Agustí, J., 1992 - The Allophaiomys complex in Southern We thank our colleague Benedetto Sala of the Europe - Geobios 25: 133-144 University of Ferrara for the useful discus- Agustí, J. & Moyá-Solá, S., 1992 - Mammalian dispersal sions. The research is supported by grants of events in the Spanish Pleistocene - Courier the Italian Ministry for Scientific and Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 153: 69-77 Technological Research (M.U.R.S.T.). Agustí, J. & Moyá-Solá, S., 1998 – The Early Pleisto- cene mammal turnover in Spain: evidence against an REFERENCES ‘End-Villafranchian’ event - Mededelingen Neder- Abbassi, M. & Brunet-Lecomte, P., 1997 - Terricola lands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen Fatio, 1867 (Arvicolidae, Rodentia) de cinq séquen- TNO 60: 513-519 ces du sud-est de la France et de Ligurie - Le Alessio, M., Allegri, L., Ambrosetti, P., Bartolomei, G., Quaternaire 8: 3-12 Bella, F., Belluomini, G., Calderoni, G., Carraro, F., Abbassi, M. & Desclaux, E., 1996 - Arvicola Lacépède, Charrier, G., Cortesi, C., Esu, D., Forno, M.G., 1799 (Rodentia, Mammalia) de quatre séquences du Improta, S., Manfra, L. & Petrone, V., 1982 - Il giaci- sud-est de la France et de Ligurie datant de la fin du mento fossilifero pleistocenico superiore di Pléistocène moyen et du debut du Pléistocène supéri Moncucco Torinese - Geografia Fisica e Dinamica eur - Le Quaternaire 7: 29-37 Quaternaria 5: 219-239 Abbassi, M., Desclaux, E., Marquet, J.-C. & Chaline, J., Ambrosetti, P., Bartolomei, G., De Giuli, C., Ficcarelli, 1998 - Répartition et évolution des Arvicola G. & Torre, D., 1979 - La breccia ossifera di Slivia Lacépède, 1799 (Rodentia, Mammalia) au cours du (Aurisina - Sistiana) nel carso di Trieste - Bollettino Pléistocène moyen et supérieur en France et en della Società Paleontologica Italiana 18: 207-220 Ligurie - Le Quaternaire 9: 105-116 Amori, G., 1993 – Italian insectivores and rodents: Abbazzi, L., Albianelli, A., Ambrosetti, P., Argenti, P., extinctions and current status – Supplemento alle Basilici, G., Bertini, A., Gentili, S., Masini, F., Ricerche di Biologia della Selvaggina 21: 115-134 Napoleone, G. & Pontini, M.R., 1997 - Paleonto- Anelli, F., 1967 – Testimonianze di oscillazioni della logical and sedimentological record in Pliocene distal linea di riva durante il Quaternario in due grotte della alluvial fan deposits at Cava Toppetti (Todi, Central Puglia: nella Grotta di Sant’Angelo di Statte e nella Italy) - Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Grotta Zinzulusa – Le Grotte d’Italia 1 (6): 7-14 Italiana 36: 5-22 Angelone, C. & Kotsakis, T., 2000 – Rodents and lago Abbazzi, L., Benvenuti, M., Boschian, G., Dominici, S., morphs from the Pliocene of Mandriola (Sinis Masini, F., Mezzabotta, C., Piccini, L., Rook, L., Peninsula, western Sardinia) and their bearing on the Valleri, G. & Torre, D., 1996 - Revision of the palaeogeography of Sardinia - Abstracts of the XI Neogene and Pleistocene of the Gargano region Congress of RCMNS, Fes: 82 (Apulia, Italy). The marine and continental succes- Angelone, C. & Kotsakis, T., 2001 - Rhagapodemus sions and the mammal faunal assemblages in an area azzarolii n. sp. (Muridae, Rodentia) from the Pliocene between Apricena and Poggio Imperiale (Foggia) - of Mandriola (western Sardinia - Italy) - Bollettino Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana 51: 383- della Società Paleontologica Italiana 40: 127-132 402 Argenti, P.,1999 - La biocronologia dei roditori del Plio- Abbazzi, L., Masini, F., Ficcarelli, G. & Torre, D., 1998 - Pleistocene dell’Umbria e l’evoluzione del genere Arvicolid finds (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the early Apodemus (Muridae, Rodentia) in Italia. - PhD Galerian of Colle Curti (Umbro-Marchean Apennines, Thesis, Università di Perugia, 240 pp.



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KOTSAKIS et al.: Plio-Pleistocene micromammals of Italy

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KOTSAKIS et al.: Plio-Pleistocene micromammals of Italy

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KOTSAKIS et al.: Plio-Pleistocene micromammals of Italy

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KOTSAKIS et al.: Plio-Pleistocene micromammals of Italy

APPENDIX List of Italian mainland Plio-Pleistocene localities, with taxa and references updated to May 2001.

EARLY VILLÁNYIAN LOCALITIES (Abbazzi et al. 1997; Argenti 1999) Apodemus dominans ?BARGA (TUSCANY, CENTRAL ITALY) (Kotsakis RIVOLI VERONESE (VENETO, NORTH-EASTERN 1986) ITALY) (Sala et al. 1994; Sala 1996a; Fanfani & Masini, Hystrix sp. 1997) RDB QUARRY (PIEDMONT, NORTH-WESTERN Erinaceus sp., Sorex bor, Sorex (Drepanosorex) praeara- ITALY) (Argenti 1999) neus, Petenyia hungarica, Beremendia fissidens, Castor sp., Apodemus alsomyoides Asoriculus gibberodon, Talpa gr. T. minor - T. caeca, CASCINA ARONDELLI (PIEDMONT, NORTH-WES- Talpa sp., Sciurus sp., Sciuroptera indet., Ungaromys sp., TERN ITALY) (Berzi 1967; Berzi et al. 1967; Michaux cf. Ellobius sp., Villányia cf. V. exilis, Dinaromys alle- 1970; Masini & Torre 1987; Fejfar 2001) granzii, Mimomys cf. M. pliocaenicus, Mimomys tornen- Blarinoides mariae, Deinsdorfia cf. D. hibbardi, cf. sis, Mimomys pitymyoides ( = Pitymimomys pitymyoides Asoriculus gibberodon, Sorex n.sp.?, Petenyia hungarica, after Tesakov 1998), Apodemus dominans, Muscardinus Beremendia fissidens, Talpa cf. T. minor vel T. fossilis, pliocaenicus, Glis minor, Eliomys sp. Chiroptera indet., Sciuridae sp. I (Sciuroptera), Sciuridae VALLE CATENACCIO (LATIUM, CENTRAL ITALY) sp. II, Castor sp., Germanomys sp., Mimomys (Cseria) (Masini et al. 1996) stehlini, Mimomys hassiacus, Apodemus alsomyoides, Castor sp. Muscardinus cf. M. pliocaenicus, Glirulus pusillus, COSTA S. GIACOMO (LATIUM, CENTRAL ITALY) ?Hystrix sp. Prolagus savagei, Hypolagus cf. H. bra- (Masini et al. 1996) chygnathus Hystrix cf. H. refossa ARCILLE (TUSCANY, CENTRAL ITALY) (Hürzeler OLIVOLA (TUSCANY, CENTRAL ITALY) (Bosco, & Engesser 1976; Masini & Torre 1987; Engesser 1989; 1898; Azzaroli 1998) Fanfani 2000) Hystrix cf. H. refossa Blarinoides sp., Mimomys hassiacus, Muridae gen. et sp. CASTELFRANCO DI SOPRA (TUSCANY, indet. I, Muridae gen. et sp. indet. II, Prolagus sp. CENTRAL ITALY) (Major 1902) S. GIUSTO (TUSCANY, CENTRAL ITALY) (Kormos Mimomys pliocaenicus 1931; Masini & Torre 1987) UPPER VALDARNO, SEVERAL SITES OF Mimomys (Cseria) stehlini OLIVOLA F.U. (TUSCANY, CENTRAL ITALY) SPOLETO (UMBRIA, CENTRAL ITALY) (Clerici (Bosco 1898; Rook & Masini, 1990; Torre et al. 1996; 1894; Barisone et al. in press) Azzaroli 1998; Fanfani, 2000) Castor sp. ?Erinaceus praeglacialis, Hystrix refossa, Prolagus sp., Oryctolagus lacosti (the fossils classifed as Lepus etrus- cus and Lepus valdarnensis, cf. Forteleoni 1971, have LATE VILLÁNYIAN LOCALITIES been classified as Oryctolagus lacosti by Lopez 1977) PANTALLA (UMBRIA, CENTRAL ITALY) (Gentili et UPPER VALDARNO (TUSCANY, CENTRAL ITALY) al. 1997) (Abbazzi unpublished data) Apodemus dominans Mimomys polonicus MONTAGNOLA SENESE (TUSCANY, CENTRAL BOCCHIGNANO (LATIUM, CENTRAL ITALY) ITALY) (Fondi 1972; Maul et al. 1998; Fanfani 2000) (Tuccimei 1893; Kotsakis 1988) Crocidura kornfeldi, Sorex bor, Talpa minor, Myotis Mimomys cf. M. polonicus blythi, Myotis gr. M. schaubi - M. rapax, Myotis sp., VINCI (TUSCANY, CENTRAL ITALY) (Marcolini ?Tadarida sp., Mimomys pitymyoides, Mimomys sp. 2002) (large size), Apodemus mystacinus, Muscardinus sp., Germanomys sp. Prolagus sp., Oryctolagus lacosti TOPPETTI QUARRY (UMBRIA, CENTRAL ITALY)



CASA SGHERRI (TUSCANY, CENTRAL ITALY) Sorex cf. S.minutus, Castor fiber, Borsodia sp., Mimomys (Marcolini et al. 2000; Marcolini 2002) pusillus, Microtus (Allophaiomys) chalinei, Microtus Castor sp., Mimomys pitymyoides, Mimomys pusillus, (Allophaiomys) cf. M. (A.) ruffoi, Oryctolagus lacosti Mimomys ostramosensis, Apodemus dominans, Glis sp., SCOPPITO (ABRUZZI, CENTRAL ITALY) (Masini et Hystrix refossa, Oryctolagus cf. O. lacosti al. 1996) TORRE DI PICCHIO (UMBRIA, CENTRAL ITALY) Mimomys savini (Girotti et al. 2003) LEFFE (LOMBARDY, NORTH-WESTERN ITALY) Mimomys medasensis, Prolagus sp., Oryctolagus cf. O. (Stehlin 1930; Masini et al. 1996) lacosti Castor fiber, Mimomys cf. M. savini PIRRO NORD (APULIA, SOUTHERN ITALY) (De Giuli & Torre 1984; De Giuli et al. 1987; Masini & EARLY BIHARIAN LOCALITIES Santini 1991; Masini et al. 1996; Fanfani 2000) Erinaceus praeglacialis, Crocidura kornfeldi, Crocidura MONTE LA MESA (VENETO, NORTH-EASTERN sp., Sorex bor, Petenyia hungarica, Asoriculus aff. A. ITALY) (Argenti 1999; Marchetti et al. 2000) thenii, Talpa gr. T. minor – T. caeca, Rhinolophus ferru- Erinaceus sp., Crocidura sp., Beremendia fissidens, mequinum, Rhinolophus birzebuggensis, Rhinolophus Petenyia hungarica, Asoriculus gibberodon, Sorex bor, euryale, Myotis cf. M. blythi, Myotis sp., Miniopterus Sorex minutus, Sorex praealpinus, Sorex (Drepanosorex) schreibersi, Miniopterus n. sp., Microtus (Allophaiomys) praearaneus, Soricidae indet. I, Soricidae indet. II, Talpa cf. M. (A.) ruffoi, Apodemus flavicollis, Muscardinus cf. minor, Sciurus warthae, Sciuridae indet., Allocricetus M. avellanarius, Eliomys sp., Hystrix cf. H. refossa, bursae, Allocricetus ehiki, Pliomys episcopalis, Oryctolagus lacosti, Hypolagus brachygnathus Dinaromys dalmatinus, Mimomys tornensis, Mimomys PALENA (ABRUZZI, CENTRAL ITALY) (Kotsakis et pusillus, Mimomys cf. M. ostramosensis, Clethrionomys al. 1992 and unpublished data) sp., Microtus (Allophaiomys) gr. M. (A.) pliocaenicus, Microtus (Allophaiomys) cf. M. (A.) ruffoi, Apodemus Apodemus atavus, Glis sackdillingensis, Muscardinus cf. flavicollis, Glis sackdillingensis M. dacicus, Hypolagus beremendensis SOAVE CAVA SUD (VENETO, NORTH-EASTERN UPPER VALDARNO, SEVERAL SITES OF TASSO ITALY) (Pasa 1947; Bartolomei 1980; Masini & Santini F. U. (TUSCANY, CENTRAL ITALY) (Bosco 1898, 1991; Fanfani 2000) 1899; Torre 1985; Rook & Masini 1990; Rook & Crocidura zorzii, Asoriculus castellarinii, Neomys aff. N. Kotsakis 1994; Torre et al. 1996; Azzaroli 1998) newtoni, Sorex (Drepanosorex) praearaneus, Sorex bor, Castor fiber, Mimomys savini, Hystrix refossa, Prolagus Beremendia fissidens, Petenyia hungarica, Talpa gr. T. gr. P. michauxi – P. calpensis, Oryctolagus lacosti minor – T. caeca, Pliomys episcopalis, Mimomys cf. M. TIBERINO BASIN, SOME LOCALITIES OF TASSO savini, ?Mimomys reidi, Microtus (Allophaiomys) ruffoi, F. U. (UMBRIA, CENTRAL ITALY) (Sardella et al. Apodemus gr. A. sylvaticus – A. flavicollis 1995) COLLARMELE (ABRUZZI, CENTRAL ITALY) (Esu Castor fiber et al. 1991) CASTEL SAN PIETRO (LATIUM, CENTRAL ITALY) Microtus (Allophaiomys) sp. (Tuccimei 1891; Barisone et al. in press) COLLE CURTI (MARCHE, CENTRAL ITALY) Castor fiber (Ficcarelli et al. 1990; Torre et al. 1996; Abbazzi et al. SAVIGNANO SUL PANARO (EMILIA, NORTHERN 1998; Masini et al. 1998) ITALY) (Cremaschi & Sala 1982) Pliomys lenki, Microtus (Allophaiomys) sp. Mimomys sp. MONTE PEGLIA (UMBRIA, CENTRAL ITALY) (Van STEGGIO BASIN (VENETO, NORTH-EASTERN der Meulen 1973; Masini et al., 1998; Argenti 1999) ITALY) (Paronuzzi 1994) Sorex runtonensis, Beremendia fissidens, Asoriculus cf. Pliomys episcopalis, Mimomys sp., Glis minor A. castellarini, Neomys cf. N. newtoni, Talpa cf. T. fossi- PIETRAFITTA (UMBRIA, CENTRAL ITALY) (Gentili lis, Ungaromys nanus ( = Ungaromys meuleni after et al. 1996; Argenti 1999; Barisone et al. in press; Rabeder 1981), Pliomys episcopalis, Mimomys savini, Argenti & Kotsakis in press) Mimomys blanci, Microtus (Allophaiomys) nutiensis,


KOTSAKIS et al.: Plio-Pleistocene micromammals of Italy

Microtus (Allophaiomys) burgondiae, Apodemus cf. A. PONTE GALERIA , UPPER LEVELS (LATIUM, sylvaticus, Apodemus cf. A. maastrichtiensis, Apodemus CENTRAL ITALY) (Unpublished data) sp., Glirulus sp. Allocricetus bursae, Terricola sp. FONTIGNANO (ROME, LATIUM, CENTRAL ITALY) TRE FOSSI (APULIA, SOUTHERN ITALY) (Fanfani (Kotsakis et al. 1992; Barisone & Kotsakis, 2001) 2000 and unpublished data) Prolagurus pannonicus, Predicrostonyx sp. Erinaceus praeglacialis, Crocidura kornfeldi, Allocricetus bursae VISOGLIANO, SHELTER A (VENEZIA GIULIA, LATE BIHARIAN LOCALITIES NORTH-EASTERN ITALY) (Bartolomei et al. 1976b; Bartolomei & Tozzi, 1978; Catani et al. 1991; Fanfani SLIVIA (VENEZIA GIULIA, NORTH-EASTERN 1998, 2000) ITALY) (Ambrosetti et al. 1979; Bon et al. 1991; Gliozzi Erinaceus europaeus, Crocidura kornfeldi, Sorex gr. S. et al. 1997) subaraneus – S. runtonensis, Macroneomys sp., Talpa Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, Miniopterus schreibersi, romana, Talpa fossilis, Talpa gr. T. minor – T. caeca, Chiroptera indet., Castor fiber, Allocricetus bursae, Citellus sp., Allocricetus bursae, Cricetus cricetus, Mimomys savini, Dinaromys sp., Neodon gregaloides, Pliomys episcopalis, Dinaromys bogdanovi, Microtus gr. Lepus sp. M. arvalis – M. agrestis, Microtus (Stenocranius) grega- MONTE TENDA (VENETO, NORTH-EASTERN lis, Chionomys nivalis, Arvicola cantianus, Apodemus ITALY) (Bon et al. 1991; Masini et al. 1996) sp., Ochotona sp. Pliomys episcopalis, Mimomys savini, Microtus VENOSA – NOTARCHIRICO (LUCANIA, (Microtus) sp., Terricola sp. SOUTHERN ITALY) (Sala 1989, 1999) SANT’ARCANGELO (LUCANIA, SOUTHERN Sorex cf. S. runtonensis, Talpa sp., Pliomys episcopalis, ITALY) (Fanfani 2000; Masini et al. 2000) Microtus aff. M. arvalis, Terricola sp., Chionomys niva- Crocidura kornfeldi, Sorex gr. S. subaraneus – S. runto- lis, Arvicola cantianus, Apodemus sp. nensis, Macroneomys brachygnathus, Talpa cf. T. roma- POGGITAZZI (TUSCANY, CENTRAL ITALY) (Torre na, Allocricetus sp., Pliomys sp., Mimomys cf. Mimomys 1985) savini, Microtus (Iberomys) cf. M. (I.) brecciensis, Arvicola cantianus Terricola arvalidens, Apodemus sp., Leporidae indet. MONTE DEL CROS (PIEDMONT, NORTH- WESTERN ITALY) (Giacobini et al. 1980) Sorex runtonensis, Talpa minor, Pliomys episcopalis, EARLY TORINGIAN LOCALITIES Pliomys lenki, Glis sp., Hystrix sp. (= ? Hystrix vinogra- dovi) ISERNIA (MOLISE, SOUTHERN ITALY) (Coltorti et FONTANA RANUCCIO (LATIUM, CENTRAL al. 1982; Sala 1983, 1996b; Coltorti et al. 2000) ITALY) (Masini et al. 1996) Crocidura sp., Sorex cf. S. runtonensis, Talpa gr. T. Lepus sp., Castor fiber minor – T. caeca, Pliomys episcopalis, Pliomys lenki, CAMPANI QUARRY (TUSCANY CENTRAL ITALY) Clethrionomys glareolus, Microtus arvalinus, Microtus (Marcolini et al. 2000; Marcolini 2002) (Iberomys) brecciensis, Terricola gr. T. multiplex – T. Crocidura sp., Clethrionomys sp., Terricola gr. T. savii, subterraneus, Arvicola cantianus, Lepus sp. Terricola aff. T. thomasi, Arvicola cf. A. cantianus, BORGIO VEREZZI (VALDEMINO, LIGURIA, Apodemus cf. A. sylvaticus, Muscardinus avellanarius NORTH-WESTERN ITALY) (Nocchi & Sala 1997a, CASE PICCONETTO (ABRUZZI, CENTRAL ITALY) 1997b; Fanfani 2000) (Marcolini et al. 2000) Erinaceus europaeus, Crocidura leucodon, Crocidura Crocidura sp., Terricola gr. T. savii, Apodemus gr. A. syl- sp., Sorex gr. S. subaraneus – S. runtonensis, Sorex vaticus – A. flavicollis minutus, Talpa europaea, Talpa gr. T. minor – T. caeca, BOSCOCHIESANUOVA (VENETO, NORTH- Allocricetus bursae, Pliomys episcopalis, Clethrionomys EASTERN ITALY) (Bartolomei & Pasa 1969; Bon et al. sp., Microtus (Iberomys) brecciensis, Terricola sp., 1991; Fanfani 2000) Apodemus sp., Lepus sp., Oryctolagus burgi Crocidura zorzii, Sorex gr. S. subaraneus – S. runtonen-



sis, Macroneomys sp., Talpa gr. T. minor– T. caeca, Dinaromys bogdanovi, Clethrionomys cf. C. rufocanus, Talpa europaea Cricetus cricetus, Pliomys episcopalis, Microtus gr. M. arvalis – M. agrestis, Terricola Pliomys lenki, Dinaromys bogdanovi, Microtus gr. M. multiplex, Arvicola sp., Apodemus sp. arvalis, Terricola sp., Apodemus sp., Glis glis SANT’AGOSTINO (VENETO, NORTH-EASTERN SAN GIOVANNI DI DUINO (VENEZIA GIULIA, ITALY) (Bartolomei 1966a, 1969; Bon et al. 1991) NORTH-EASTERN ITALY) (Bartolomei 1976; Bon et Sorex gr. S. praearaneus– S. runtonensis, Sorex araneus, al. 1991; Fanfani 2000) Sorex alpinus, Talpa europaea, Clethrionomys cf. C. ruf- Crocidura sp., Sorex gr. S. subaraneus – S. runtonensis, ocanus, Microtus gr. M. arvalis – M. agrestis, Arvicola Macroneomys sp., Talpa caeca, Pliomys episcopalis, sp., Apodemus sp. Dinaromys cf. D. dalmatinus, Dinaromys bogdanovi, Clethrionomys sp., Microtus agrestis, Microtus gr. M. arvalis, Terricola gr. T. savii, Chionomys nivalis, LATE TORINGIAN LOCALITIES Arvicola sp., Apodemus sylvaticus, Glis glis SPESSA II (VENETO, NORTH-EASTERN ITALY) TORRENTE CONCA (MARCHE, CENTRAL ITALY) (Bartolomei 1964, 1969; Bon et al. 1991; Argenti & (Conti et al. 1982) Kotsakis 1999) Castor fiber, Clethrionomys sp., Microtus gr. M. arvalis Erinaceus europaeus, Crocidura sp., Sorex gr. S. subara- – M. agrestis, Arvicola sp. neus – S. runtonensis, Talpa gr. T. minor – T. caeca, GROTTA MAGGIORE DI SAN BERNARDINO Talpa europaea, Allocricetus bursae, Pliomys (VENETO, NORTH-EASTERN ITALY) (Bartolomei episcopalis, Clethrionomys gr. C. glareolus, Microtus 1960, 1969; Bon et al. 1991) agrestis, Terricola sp., Arvicola cf. A. cantianus, Talpa europaea, Marmota marmota, Cricetus cricetus, Apodemus sylvaticus, Apodemus cf. A. microps, Glis glis, Dinaromys bogdanovi, Clethrionomys sp., Microtus agre- Lepus sp. stis, Arvicola sp., Glis glis, Dryomys nitedula, Lepus sp. SAN VITO DI LEGUZZANO 2 (VENETO, NORTH- GROTTA DI SAN LEONARDO (VENEZIA GIULIA, EASTERN ITALY) (Bartolomei 1966a, 1969; Bon et al. NORTH-EASTERN ITALY) (Bartolomei 1982; Bon et 1991; Fanfani 2000) al. 1991) Neomys sp., Macroneomys sp., Talpa cf. T. europaea, Crocidura sp., Marmota marmota, Cricetus cricetus, Allocricetus bursae, Pliomys episcopalis, Dinaromys Pliomys lenki, Dinaromys bogdanovi, Microtus arvalis, bogdanovi, Clethrionomys gr. C. glareolus, Microtus sp., Microtus oeconomus, Chionomys nivalis, Apodemus syl- Terricola sp., Apodemus sp. vaticus, Glis glis FONTANA MARELLA, LOWER LEVELS (LOM- GROTTA DEL VENTO (MARCHE, CENTRAL BARDY, NORTH-WESTERN ITALY) (Tintori et al. ITALY) (Esu et al. 1990) 1995) Sorex araneus, Sorex minutus, Rhinolophus ferrumequi- Pliomys episcopalis, Dinaromys bogdanovi num, Myotis dasycneme, Pliomys lenki, Micr otus arvalis, CAMPO DEI FIORI (LOMBARDY, NORTH-WEST- Chionomys nivalis, Apodemus cf. A. sylvaticus ERN ITALY) (Zanalda, 1994b) TORRE IN PIETRA, UPPER LEVELS (LATIUM, Chiroptera indet., Dinaromys bogdanovi, Clethrionomys CENTRAL ITALY) (Caloi & Palombo 1978) sp., Chionomys nivalis, Glis glis Erinaceus europaeus, Clethrionomys glareolus, Microtus BRISTIE I (VENEZIA GIULIA, NORTH-EASTERN gr. M. arvalis – M. agrestis, Arvicola terrestris, ITALY) (Lugli & Sala, 2000) Apodemus gr. A. sylvaticus – A. flavicollis) Glis glis, Dinaromys gr. D. bogdanov, Lepus europaeus Oryctolagus cuniculus TORRE IN PIETRA, LOWER LEVELS (LATIUM, GROTTA DEL PRINCIPE, LOWER LEVELS CENTRAL ITALY) (Caloi & Palombo 1978) (LIGURIA, NORTH-WESTERN ITALY) (Barral & Castor fiber, Glis glis, Lepus sp., Oryctolagus cuniculus Simone 1971) LOARA (VENETO, NORTH-EASTERN ITALY) Microtus arvalis, Arvicola terrestris, Apodemus sylvati- (Bartolomei 1966a, 1969; Bon et al. 1991) cus, Glis glis, Eliomys quercinus, Oryctolagus cuniculus Sorex gr. S. praearaneus – S. runtonensis, Sorex cf. S. GROTTAPAGLICCI, OUTER LEVELS (APULIA araneus, Sorex minutus, Neomys sp., Talpa europaea, SOUTHERN ITALY) (Bartolomei 1980; Galiberti 1984)


KOTSAKIS et al.: Plio-Pleistocene micromammals of Italy

Allocricetus bursae, Microtus brecciensis, Microtus blythi, Eptesicus nilssoni, Nyctalus noctula, Miniopterus arvalis, Terricola savii, Arvicola sp., Apodemus sp., schreibersi, Marmota marmota, Sicista betulina, Cricetus Eliomys sp., Hystrix sp., Oryctolagus sp. cricetus, Clethrionomys glareolus, Pliomys lenki, MONTORIO (VENETO, NORTH-EASTERN ITALY) Dinaromys gr. D. bogdanovi, Microtus gr. M. arvalis, (Pasa 1951; Bartolomei 1980; Bon et al. 1991) Microtus agrestis, Microtus (Stenocranius ) gregalis, Erinaceus europaeus, Crocidura zorzii, Crocidura cf. C. Microtus oeconomus, Chionomys nivalis, Terricola multi- suaveolens, Sorex alpinus, Talpa europaea, plex, Terricola sp., Arvicola terrestris, Apodemus sylvati- Clethrionomys glareolus, Microtus agrestis, Microtus cf. cus, Lepus cf. L. europaeus, Lepus sp. M. arvalis, Terricola multiplex, Chionomys nivalis, MEZZENA SHELTER (VENETO, NORTH-EASTERN Arvicola sp., Apodemus sylvaticus, Glis glis, Lepus euro- ITALY) (Bartolomei et al. 1980; Sala 1990; Bon et al. paeus 1991) PIANICO SELLERE (LOMBARDY, NORTH- Sorex araneus, Neomys sp., Talpa europaea, Talpa sp., WESTERN ITALY) (Lona & Venzo 1957) Rhinolophus cf. R. euryale, Myotis cf. M. dasycneme, Dryomys nitedula Myotis myotis, Myotis blythi, Marmota marmota, Sicista SAN SIDERO 3 (APULIA, SOUTHERN ITALY) (De betulina, Cricetus cricetus, Clethrionomys glareolus, Giuli 1983) Clethrionomys sp., Microtus agrestis, Microtus arvalis, Microtus cf. M. agrestis, Terricola savii, Apodemus syl- Microtus (Stenocranius) gregalis, Chionomys nivalis, vaticus, Eliomys quercinus, Oryctolagus cuniculus Terricola multiplex, Arvicola terrestris, Glis glis, GROTTA DI SCARIO, LEVEL A (CAMPANIA, Muscardinus avellanarius, Eliomys cf. E. quercinus, SOUTHERN ITALY) (Ronchitelli et al. 1998; Fanfani Lepus europaeus 2000) GHIACCIAIA SHELTER (VENETO, NORTH- Crocidura zorzii, Crocidura sp., Sorex runtonensis, Talpa EASTERN ITALY) (Bartolomei et al. 1984; Ferraris et europaea, Terricola savii, Terricola subterraneus, al. 1990; Sala 1990; Bon et al. 1991) Arvicola aff. A. terrestris, Apodemus sylvaticus, Glis Sorex araneus, Sorex sp., Talpa europaea, Marmota mar- glis, Eliomys quercinus, Lepus europaeus mota, Dinaromys gr. D. bogdanovi, Microtus gr. M. arva- GROTTA DI SANT’AGOSTINO (LATIUM, lis - M. agrestis, Microtus sp., Chionomys nivalis, CENTRAL ITALY) (Tozzi, 1970) Terricola sp., Arvicola terrestris, Apodemus gr. A. sylva- Erinaceus europaeus, Talpa romana, Rhinolophus ferru- ticus - A. flavicollis, Glis glis, Eliomys quercinus mequinum, Myotis blythi, Marmota marmota, Cricetus TAGLIENTE SHELTER, LOWER LEVELS (VENE- cricetus, Microtus arvalis, Arvicola terrestris, Apodemus TO, NORTH-EASTERN ITALY) (Bartolomei et al. sylvaticus, Glis glis, Eliomys cf. E. quercinus, Lepus 1982; Sala 1990; Bon et al. 1991) europaeus, Oryctolagus cuniculus Crocidura sp., Sorex araneus, Sicista sp., Cricetus crice- GROTTA DEL BROION (VENETO, NORTH-EAS- tus, Clethrionomys sp., Dinaromys gr. D. bogdanovi, TERN ITALY) (Pasa 1953; Sala 1980, 1990; Zanalda Microtus agrestis, Micr otus arvalis, Microtus 1994a) (Stenocranius) gregalis, Micr otus oeconomus, Sorex araneus, Marmota marmota, Sicista sp., Cricetus Chionomys nivalis, Arvicola sp., Apodemus sylvaticus, cricetus, Clethrionomys glareolus, Dinaromys gr. D. bog- Glis glis, Eliomys quercinus, Dryomys nitedula, danovi, Microtus agrestis, Microtus arvalis, Chionomys Ochotona cf. O. pusilla nivalis, Terricola sp., Arvicola terrestris, Apodemus syl- GROTTA DELLA FERROVIA (MARCHE, vaticus, Glis glis, Muscardinus avellanarius, Dryomys CENTRAL ITALY) (Bartolomei 1966b) nitedula, Lepus europaeus Sorex araneus, Sorex minutus, Crocidura leucodon, GROTTA A DI VEJA (VENETO, NORTH-EASTERN Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, Rhinolophus spp., Myotis ITALY) (Pasa 1950; Bartolomei & Broglio 1975; Sala sp., Nyctalus noctula, Sicista betulina, Clethrionomys 1990; Bon et al. 1991) sp., Microtus gr. M. arvalis - M. agrestis, Microtus gr. M. Erinaceus europaeus, Sorex araneus, Neomys fodiens, oeconomus, Chionomys nivalis, Terricola sp. Talpa europaea, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, GROTT A CALA (CAMPANIA, SOUTHERN ITALY) Rhinolophus hipposideros, Rhinolophus mehelyi, Myotis (Bartolomei et al. 1976a, 1977) bechsteini, Myotis dasycneme, Myotis myotis, Myotis Sorex araneus, Sorex minutus, Talpa caeca, Talpa roma-



na, Clethrionomys glareolus, Microtus arvalis, Microtus Microtus arvalis, Microtus agrestis, Terricola savii, agrestis, Terricola savii, Arvicola sp., Apodemus sp., Arvicola terrestris, Apodemus sylvaticus, Glis glis, Glis glis, Eliomys quercinus, Muscardinus avellanarius Eliomys quercinus, Muscardinus avellanarius GROTTA DI CASTELCIVITA (CAMPANIA, GROTTA PAGLICCI, INNER LEVELS (APULIA, SOUTHERN ITALY) (Cioni et al. 1979; Masini & SOUTHERN ITALY) (Bartolomei 1975; Bartolomei et Abbazzi 1997; Fanfani 2000) al. 1977) Erinaceus europaeus, Talpa gr. T. minor – T. caeca, Sorex araneus, Sorex minutus, Talpa romana, Talpa romana, Sorex araneus, Sorex minutus, Myotis cf. Clethrionomys glareolus, Microtus gr. M. arvalis, M. myotis, Myotis sp., Miniopterus schreibersi, Microtus agrestis, Chionomys nivalis, Terricola savii, Vespertilionidae indet., Clethrionomys glareolus, Arvicola sp., Apodemus sylvaticus, Glis glis, Eliomys Microtus arvalis, Microtus agrestis, Chionomys nivalis, quercinus, Muscardinus avellanarius, Lepus sp. Terricola savii, Terricola gr. T. multiplex – T. subterra- TAGLIENTE SHELTER, UPPER LEVELS (VENE- neus, Arvicola terrestris, Apodemus sylvaticus, Glis glis, TO, NORTH-EASTERN ITALY) (Capuzzi & Sala 1980; Eliomys quercinus, Muscardinus avellanarius, Lepus Sala 1990; Bon et al. 1991) europaeus Erinaceus europaeus, Sorex araneus, Sorex minutus, MONCUCCO TORINESE (PIEDMONT, NORTH- Crocidura sp., Talpa europaea, Marmota marmota, WESTERN ITALY) (Alessio et al. 1982) Castor fiber, Sicista sp., Dinar omys bogdanovi, Microtus Sorex araneus, Talpa europaea, Clethrionomys cf. C. gr. M. arvalis – M. agrestis, Chionomys nivalis, Arvicola glareolus, Microtus arvalis, Microtus agrestis, Terricola terrestris, Terricola savii, Apodemus gr. A. sylvaticus – cf. T. savii, Arvicola cf. A. terrestris, Apodemus sylvati- A. flavicollis, Glis glis, Eliomys quercinus, Dryomys nite- cus, Glis glis dula, Lepus europaeus, Lepus cf. L. timidus, Oryctolagus GROTTA BREUIL (LATIUM, CENTRAL ITALY) cuniculus (Kotsakis, 1991) GROTTA DELLA SERRATURA (CAMPANIA, Crocidura suaveolens, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, SOUTHERN ITALY) (Bertolini et al. 1996) Miniopterus schreibersi, Myotis myotis, Nyctalus Erinaceus europaeus, Crocidura suaveolens, Sorex sp., noctula, Tadarida teniotis, Terricola cf. T. savii, Arvicola Talpa romana, Talpa caeca, Clethrionomys glareolus, terrestris, Apodemus sylvaticus, Glis glis, Eliomys quer- Microtus arvalis, Microtus agrestis, Terricola savii, cinus, Dryomys nitedula Chionomys nivalis, Arvicola terrestris, Apodemus gr. A. PRAIA A MARE (CALABRIA, SOUTHERN ITALY) sylvaticus - A. flavicollis, Glis glis, Eliomys quercinus, (Capasso Barbato & Gliozzi 2001) Muscardinus avellanarius Sorex araneus, Sorex minutus, Clethrionomys glareolus,