Extracts from Easter 1916 In 2005 the Parchment published the following article by Stephen P Maher which tells the fascinating story of his grandfather, Daniel C Maher, a solicitor who had a very famous client back in 1916 – one . On Ash Wednesday just before the , Maher made Padraig Pearse’s last will and testament as the story here reveals

n the Wednesday before Easter in 1916 office was searched, it would be found and he would be Patrick Pearse called to see my grandfather arrested. Daniel C Maher at his office in Westland Events took over and history knows well what Row. The Pearse family and the Maher happened that week in the GPO. family had been both friends and In or about Sunday afternoon, Liam Pearse who lived Oneighbours for many years and indeed Liam (William) in what is now Pearse Square in Dublin heard the gunfire Pearse was a classmate of my grandfather at the Christian and decided to walk down what is now Pearse Street Brothers in Westland Row. towards Sackville Street (now O’Connell Street) to see Patrick Pearse was a couple of years older but was a what was happening along with many others, and got friend. He wanted to make his will and he also handed my caught in the crossfire. grandfather a package and asked him to give the package The only safe place to go was in a side window of to his mother if anything happened. Dublin was full of the GPO where he spent the next four or five nights rumours at that time about a possible insurrection and my bandaging wounded Irish volunteers. When the grandfather did specifically ask him what was happening surrender took place, it is well known that Patrick Pearse but Patrick told him that it was best that he didn’t know. surrendered to the British Army outside Conway’s pub They spoke at length, he made his will and my opposite the Rotunda Hospital in Parnell Street. All of grandfather’s only request to him was that Liam should the wounded and able-bodied men in the GPO, or what not be involved, as he knew Liam had never been involved remained of it, were lined up and asked their names. in the Republican movement as such at that time. Of course Liam Pearse gave his name as Liam On Easter Sunday from my grandfather’s house on the Pearse and was immediately presumed to be the Clontarf Road, quite near the stone railway bridge which brother of Patrick Pearse, the leader. He was marched passes over the Fairview Park towards Howth, gunfire off to Kilmainham Jail where the signatories of the could be heard and within a matter of minutes that day, a Proclamation and other leaders were incarcerated and British Army machine gun post was put on the bridge and court-martialled despite the fact that he had no hand, act no-one was allowed pass into the city. or part in the planning of the 1916 Rising. Daniel C Maher was extremely worried as he knew To the best of my knowledge Patrick Pearse was shot there was a package in the office and did not know what on or about the 3rd of May 1916 and Liam was executed the contents were – and he was concerned that if the on the following day.

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Stephen P Maher is a partner at O’Mara Geraghty McCourt. In 2008, that firm merged with the practice of Daniel C Maher Solicitors which was founded by Daniel C Maher in 1905 and was an active practice in Dublin city for over 100 years History

Extracts from Easter 1916

Approximately a week later Mrs Pearse called to see my grandfather and he handed her the package. Having received it and spoken to him after he had expressed his deepest sympathy for his old friends, she left the office and to this date no-one in our firm knows exactly what was in the package. Many enquiries were made over the last 90 years from universities and historians and it was always Dublin was full presumed by my late grandfather and my father, that of rumours at they were poems and writing that he had composed. The only document that did come into our possession that time about was the letter Patrick Pearse wrote to his mother on the a possible morning of his execution. The original letter is in the Pearse Museum at St insurrection Enda’s in , Dublin and the only known copy to my knowledge, was made by my great aunt, who was a personal friend to the late Senator Margaret Pearse, sister of Patrick and William. The letter would appear to give the impression that Souvenir book from St Enda’s Patrick Pearse was not aware that his brother had been signed by Eamon de Valera court-martialled and was indeed going to be executed and John Maher shortly after himself. My late father John acted as a trustee of the Pearse estate for many years along with Eamonn de Barra and in or about 1969, handed over St Enda’s to the State according to the terms of the will of the late Senator Margaret Pearse. The property was received by the President, Eamon de Valera at that time.

the Parchment 27 This is the death I should have asked for if God had given me the choice of all deaths – to die a soldier’s death for Ireland and for freedom

Copy of Patrick Pearse’s Last Letter Father Aloysius is taking charge of another copy of it. I have just received Holy Communion. I am happy Kilmainham Prison except for the great grief of parting from you. This is Dublin the death I should have asked for if God had given me the choice of all deaths – to die a soldier’s death for 3rd May 1916 Ireland and for freedom. We have done right. People will say hard things of My dearest mother us now, but later on they will praise us. Do not grieve I have been hoping up to now that it would be possible for all this, but think of it as a sacrifice which God to see you again, but it does not seem possible. asked of me and of you. Goodbye dear, dear mother. Through you I say Goodbye again, dear, dear mother. May God bless goodbye to Wow-wow, Willie, Miss Byrne, Miceal, you for your great love for me and for your great faith, cousins Maggie and everyone at St Enda’s. I hope and and may he remember all that you have so bravely believe that Willie and the St Enda’s boys will be safe. suffered. I hope soon to see papa, and in a little while I have written two papers about financial affairs we shall be together again – Wow-wow, Willie, Mary, and one about my books, which I want you to get. Brigid and mother, goodbye. With them are a few poems which I want added to I have not words to tell of my love for you and how the poems of mine in M.S. on the large bookcase. You my heart yearns to you all. I will call to you in my asked me to write a little poem which would seem to heart at the last moment. be said by you about me. I have written it and one copy is at Arbour Hill Barracks with the other papers, and Your son Pat

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